Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 114: World Trade Center 7

Episode Date: September 26, 2022

it's an episode on building 7, the one which was expertly destroyed in a secret controlled demolition after a 7 hour uncontrolled fire which somehow didn't affect the explosives and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...AAAA Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod/ Our Merch: https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp Slides: https://youtu.be/gjQ6x4vJ_IQ Send us stuff! our address: Well There's Your Podcasting Company PO Box 40178 Philadelphia, PA 19106 DO NOT SEND US LETTER BOMBS thanks in advance in the commercial: Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Mean I'm in I'm done eating my chips. I don't believe you congratulations. I'm believe you photoshop that Just just just meet yourself if you need to I'm yeah I I host them if I choke on one of these it's your fault. Oh, yeah I had a handful of like a fistful of rice crackers. Yeah, sweet chili flavor. So oh I had a Spicy nacho Doritos. Oh nice. I had I had I had a burrito earlier from where? From look up as I meant to order something, but I left it too late because of work So, you know now I'm just having I'm having a meal a day, which is good. It's good. It's weight loss. Um, anyway
Starting point is 00:00:41 I think it depends on if you're doing that for weight loss or for depression. Yeah Today a little bit of both. Um, yeah, there you go Dearly beloved we are gathered here today once again to commemorate 9 11 the 9th of the 11th This is us doing it. We're recording it on September 12th. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, exactly Less of a delayed response to 9 11 than the US intelligence community had so this is true. This is true Hello and welcome to well, there's your problem. It's a podcast about engineering disasters with slides. I'm Justin Rosnick I'm the person who's talking right now my pronouns are he and him Go I ask a lot Kelly my pronouns are she and her
Starting point is 00:01:27 Liam gay Liam. Yeah, Liam. Hi. I'm Liam Anderson and my pronouns are he and him And new editor Devon hi dev. Yeah We apologize in advance. Yes, we finally decided to hire a no so who wasn't Justin so yo yo I have 42069 unread emails in my inbox 42069 nice all of those are like Incredibly vital that you answer them they're like last jury summons is you're like that a grand jury has been opened against you
Starting point is 00:02:04 Being stopped by the IRS for many crimes. Yes. They've appointed a special master Yeah, you you have an email that's just like if you the second you open this like a bunch of guys are gonna abseil through and like kick in your windows Yeah, I like this sort of sort of mission impossible email when you open it your computer blows up Honestly, that's not what it's gonna blow my computer up. Yeah I'm sort of Bitcoin mining You're fine. No, I might be going to the moon, baby. I'm mining some apes right now Best time to do it buyers market, you know, yeah, this is true. This is true If you need an ape you can get an ape right now. Yeah real cheap
Starting point is 00:02:50 Delivered directly to you and then it'll eat your face That's what that's what chimpanzees do. All right. So what do you see here is a red arrow? Pointing at a building. I love that you have marked the red arrow with a second smaller red And then there's quite a lot of smoke around in that building This building is World Trade Center 7 and someone on the bottom floor was trying to charge their Samsung Galaxy Note 7 I don't think that had been invented yet Real serious real serious pre-production there. Yeah, I Thought this episode
Starting point is 00:03:36 Products in alpha let's test products in alpha never test products in alpha in downtown Manhattan No, yeah, I thought this episode was gonna be like difficult to research and really nuanced and stuff like this But the issue here is that it really isn't you know The problem is if you let a fire burn uncontained in an office building for seven hours, it falls down You can you can you can turn off the episode right now. That's the only take away from this Have at it because I sometimes I get drunk and read those and they're pretty funny Alright, but before we talk more about what I just said. Yeah, we have to do the goddamn news We just had a nasty burp
Starting point is 00:04:23 Very nice. Yeah, she's dead. She's dead Queens dad. She's that I stopped the fucking news shit No, it's funny if you leave it Yeah, there's like a whole minute and a half of this but it takes two button clicks and the second one didn't register Anyway, one of the perpetrators of 9-eleven is dead Queen Queen dead. So what yeah The jokes on us because now we have to deal with fucking King Charles the third Yeah, sausage fingers Yeah, I Really, I really hope this is the end of the monarchy because I cannot cope psychologically of having a king
Starting point is 00:05:02 I cannot cope with the idea that this fucking Sausage fingered plant whispering cunt thinks he's fucking better than me because he's not he does In many ways, he is appreciably worse However, he gets the fucking fancy gold hat and what do I get nothing fuck all though? Well, patreon subscriptions. He doesn't get those but I mean still time cut of them hacks, but like this is true I'm confused as to why he has sausage fingers. I usually associate that with being Some kind of especially rotund child More than I was even fat, but I don't have appreciably fat fingers
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah, you know, you know the sausage fingers be being like happens. It happens to the best of us, right? And most notably me You've got at least two other people on this podcast having similar issues Being fat hits different when you're that kind of rich I feel like if you're eating a lot of quite literally rich food if you're eating like foie gras every time you get gal Yeah, you're gonna get gal. Yeah, and also he's a fucking seventy something year old man He probably has hella arthritis So yeah, probably a combination of those two things accounts for the sausage fingers everything else going on
Starting point is 00:06:28 No, I don't know but you may also have noticed that there's been a wave of Processors against the monarchy getting arrested for breach of the peace, which is Well, you know That's what happens when you went when you try to exercise free speech, which they don't have Communist Coming to realize now and you had to be unusually farsighted to detect is that one of Elizabeth the second's main roles was sort of concealing that This was actually how monarchy always worked in this country and will do until it is terminated
Starting point is 00:07:09 King Charles the third or whatever, you know, he's Prince Charles until I decide otherwise reasonable advocated for coffee edimus patients fun Wow, I hate it. Can I can I say that I'm gonna punch King Charles the third in the face or is that not I can't say that you can say it Exactly we're a United States corporation and therefore Can you it can you do me a favor whoever edits this and splice in the picture That would be Devon if you're if you're if you're hearing this Can you splice in that picture of of Cornwall is surrendering to Washington?
Starting point is 00:07:45 That's that's gonna have to be Justin because Justin edits the video, but yeah, so no Devon Devon edits the video Okay, perfect Well in that case yeah editing the audio and video separately would be very difficult Giving me an editor was a bad idea. Yeah. Yeah, every every recording is now gonna go from three hours out to like six We're gonna be working in shifts. Yeah ancestors of Queen Elizabeth here here at the podcasting factory Which is now a three-shift operation Yeah, so I hate the monarchy I hate the monarchy much more now that we have a king I really resent it
Starting point is 00:08:25 I think it's beneath my dignity to conceive of you know, like a dude is bit just some fucking Mm-hmm is the Poundbury guy. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah Is it cuz like the thing is right the Queen the late Queen she was like she successfully Cultivated through the act of politics the appearance of being apolitical, right, right? No no interviews ever And you know if she needed something done like you know being exempted from Laws prohibiting racial discrimination in the workplace a thing which the royal household was and remains She would just lobby for that ship privately the Guardian would break the story ten years later and everyone go Oh a bunch of woke lefties no one give a shit the king. However, the current king
Starting point is 00:09:14 Much more interventionist does not really seem to understand or like the concept of a constitutional monarchy and has been known to write a lot of Emails and a lot of letters being like hey, I don't like this policy. Can you change it? So this is gonna be an interesting Yes, I said his wife that he wanted to be her tampon. Yes, he did. Yes, he did I I know We're not we're not let's trust no we can we can kick I How you I I want to say I will say broke that story. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Senior king correspondent for the main mainstream Twitter accounts being like is she I
Starting point is 00:09:55 I knew it was bad, right? If you're not familiar with this. This is the theory I would say now proven that Liz trust is wearing a BDSM Submissive day collar as a necklace all the time I knew that that was getting bad when I started getting not one but multiple DMs from Serious British journalists of my acquaintance being like, oh, yeah, this is just doing the rounds at work at the newsroom now, it's like I Want to reiterate I Am in robust mental and physical health and if I am found dead or indeed not found dead after this
Starting point is 00:10:31 It is not an accident Yes, I'm gonna go one step further and say what happened to the late great Louis Mountbatten. Yes. Yeah, I she must do it again. I Just want to say if you blow low or If you are a listener to this podcast and have a sexual encounter with Liz trust. Mm-hmm. Let us know Thirds People on a gmail.com make it happen I
Starting point is 00:11:07 Shake hands with danger. No wrong part of the podcast In other news. Oh, fuck That didn't switch the slide that's worse. Oh, yeah Keewee farms. Can I intervene here and say if I have to hear one more goddamn thing about couples being racist which she isn't So clearly not This is an off Calm down. She's not racist. Yeah, so I don't know or maybe she is but it publicly at the very least from what I know about her Not racist. Shut the fuck up. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:11:48 If you are if you are a listener, maybe too young to know about this Keewee farms was the worst cesspit on the internet just full of really nasty mean spirited people Something awful veterans, so we know It was it was like primarily a doxing website and you have here as one third of the podcast Sometime exhibit in the tranny side shows thread If you ran in certain circles, you were doxed on that site at least lightly. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, it it happened to everyone you you were doxed lightly and probably wrongly however
Starting point is 00:12:27 They finally doxed the wrong person they doxed Keffels who is a twitch streamer Got her swatted which is a horrifying experience I probably would not wish on my worst enemy particularly if my worst enemy was a trans woman Yes, and as a result she just sort of Took them off the internet it can be done with the right sort of set of allies in the right resolve So obviously now we have to cancel her because a trans woman did something material as like a form of activism Which is not allowed. Yeah, you can't do that. Can't do that Um, it's really good to have this site gone. It is. That's all I can say
Starting point is 00:13:04 I I will be honest I've been seeing like some of this has got posted on on twitter Like I saw a lot of a lot of people who are using kiwi farms being like They can't take it away from me. This is my only like form of social interaction if kiwi farms is taken down I'm gonna kill myself to which I can only answer You know Make it happen Oh my god, Jesus fucking christ
Starting point is 00:13:35 Well, I don't know if we can leave that one in I would say I would say if if you if you do cut it, I would I would leave I don't know if we can leave that one in Yeah, I I if you leave the whole goddamn thing, buddy No But yeah, so You know, it feels like back back in the old internet, you know, you didn't even you didn't even mention the word kiwi farms It was like it was like it was like Voldemort in like the harry potter books
Starting point is 00:14:06 Which is ironic because jk Rowling espouses the same ideology as these people Yeah, it was like Like eight shan for instance, right? Like annoying to confront kiwi farms potentially dangerous to Potentially life-threatening. Yeah But so they're dead now so suck that shit Yeah, and the reason that they're dead is that enough pressure was able to be piled on to their their their hosting service and their anti dds service cloudflare who are
Starting point is 00:14:41 Reprehensible pieces of shit who host like multiple nazi websites Um But finally got lent on to the extent that they were willing to drop kiwi farms and after that it was over Build your own host if you hate it so much you can figure it out. That's a bad say. It's just a reverse proxy. It's fine Well, yeah, it's gone now. Thank god. It's good news It's genuinely genuinely like one of the biggest material improvements to the internet in the last few years I was about to say, yeah, we we've uh The the vibes of the vibes have been better since this occurred. That's true. That's literally true
Starting point is 00:15:21 Yeah, there's less of a sort of a dark cloud over stuff. That's the giant the giant, uh, uh Ghostbusters 2 slime pool under the internet is starting to dry up Yeah, yeah, the internet's municipal ooze. Yeah Um in other news Unfortunately, the it's coming. It's coming. It's coming the death of the death of our queen prompted the cancellation or delay of our trade union congress and a bunch of train strikes because as a nation We are the most cucked mother fuckers on the face of the earth. However Not all is lost if you like train strikes and why wouldn't I was because the um
Starting point is 00:16:05 It looks like we're gonna have the first railroad strike since 1992 first mass railroad strike Uh this friday the 16th is when that would start Um the the big railroads here in america have come to agreements with 10 of the 12 unions Uh for new contracts. The problem is the remaining two unions. They haven't had a deal with are the people who actually run the trains Uh Yeah, you kind of need those guys. I feel yeah. Yeah, that's that's uh, that's an issue right there Hold down. I got to turn my uh my steam off because there's a little note in the corner. I don't want that Yeah, it says don't we're playing hearts of iron four again? Exactly. Are you playing hearts of iron four?
Starting point is 00:16:46 No, but I've been obsessing over should I play hearts of iron four? Yes So so the the issue here has been for a while um, you know really What it's just full screen steam Yes Yeah, yeah, I was turning up a game of hearts of iron right now. We can just do that I love you so much. Oh my god. I can't even edit that out now since devin does editing This is why I was reluctant to cede editorial control. Anyway, docks yourself. Yeah, well, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:24 If anyone wants to hook up to uh, annoy raz on steam, uh, dm me Yeah, Venmo be 500 us dollars And together we think I'm steam friends. We can either of you. What the fuck down the curly headed menace All right, you can edit this shit out or leave it and I don't care which my steam is the same as my twitter username So, okay, do with that information what you will. Oh, I gotta buy my steam deck. Hang on. Oh my god No, I can do that later. I can do that later. I think the big issue with the strike so far has largely been um Working conditions for uh railroad workers, especially love to use the bathroom or go to the doctor Yeah, those guys need to like sleep and also like be awake during the day once in a while
Starting point is 00:18:05 So they can go to like doctors and stuff, right? Yeah, you you you are Essentially on call 24 7 and the railroads are trying to make it worse than that. Um You know trying to have an extra day 24 8 Yes, exactly. And and it's it there's there At least burlington northern santa fe is trying to go to this weird points based attendance system Which is I don't understand it fully We're gonna have to make Warren Buffett tell conditions conditions in the industry
Starting point is 00:18:35 Conditions conditions in the industry have been bad in getting worse for decades and um, you know, so this strike was Scheduled a long time ago. There was a presidential emergency board which mediated a new contract, which uh After the 16th either someone they can accept it or they can go on strike The uh the the presidential emergency boards contract was basically well We'll pay you more for the same terrible working conditions And railroad workers are not having it because You know that it's it's it's great to get paid a lot, but you also have to live a life
Starting point is 00:19:15 You have to go to the fucking doctor. Yeah People get hurt people need to see doctors people's kids are born people kids have t-ball games You got to go to the t-ball game 14 beers in maybe fuck up one of the other coaches You got to be in jail for that for a day or so you got to get out of jail You got you got court hearings after that. Yes And you can't do that if they might call you up at one in the morning at any time Well, obviously they can only call you up at one in the morning at one in the morning, but They might call you up at one in the morning at any time is a perfect like yogi barrel line
Starting point is 00:19:54 And say you have to go you have to go drive this train 400 miles And you have to say yes, thank you, sir May I have another You can't even say i'm i'm on a grand jury investigating leon, you know, yeah, did you see that uh that um Was it norfolk southerners preemptively rejecting uh freight contracts Yeah, they're they're already rejecting containers from sminland ports. Um m-track is shutting down some long distance service as of tomorrow Um, it looks like everyone thinks this is going to go through the strike is going to happen um
Starting point is 00:20:32 So this is yeah, let's go uh get some rice and beans um Probably a good time to get some it's right about now No, we're not telling you to panic by only to anxiety by you should anxiety by yes I mean, it might be it might might not matter if you know, the coal doesn't show up to the power plants, but Yeah, buy buy something you can eat out of the can like the road Exactly um
Starting point is 00:21:01 So yeah, that's going to be that's going to be a uh Can fruit. I don't know. Yeah can fruit uh can chili Yeah All right, so that this is going to be interesting. Um, I'm going to be on at least two podcasts talk about this this week Although they may be out before this episode. So yeah, it also might be hard to record them with no electricity This is true. This is well. That's why we're recording them now as opposed to after the strike happens It's uh, this machine kills and work stoppage by the way, uh, look them up. All right. Yeah, this machine kills. I'm very familiar. That's very good. Yes Uh
Starting point is 00:21:41 That was the goddamn news Okay So we talked about this on our first 9 11 episode, but I figure we go over it again. Just briefly Sure, um lower manhattan, you know, there's always been lots of offices there except, you know back before it was colonized Obviously, um, and then even after that there was like a fort there and then after a while We stopped writing forts and start building offices because uh, uh, hard men create How to extract capital Yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:22:17 so the the uh The first big building on the site was hudson terminal, right? That was built over the hudson and manhattan railroad station. You know that currently the path station, right? These were the largest office buildings of the world, but by the 1960s. They were pretty shabby. They were pretty drab They were unfashionable. They're demolished for the brand new world trade center Which was funded by the government giving huge amounts of money to private developers Um Right, and world trade center towers, uh, blah, blah, blah one acre floor plate, blah, blah, blah minoru yamasaki, blah, blah, blah
Starting point is 00:22:55 Really ironically inspired architecture to surprisingly few stairwells spray on insulation go listen to previous 9 11 drywall um New york walking here things of this nature Mm-hmm In addition to the twin towers, there were several other buildings, right? So you had um Three world trade center. That's the marriott down here. It looks like shit. All right I like a marriott. Yeah, I mean i don't think i've ever seen one that looks good
Starting point is 00:23:26 I have a marriott credit card Yeah, don't don't dox make i've never traveled enough to like develop a loyalty to a hotel chain I so my dad Was an it wasn't attorney for many years bankruptcy social security and disability and he always went to the uh social security attorney's conference, which I assume was just a wild party every night And he would take me and my mom with him And so I have a particular affinity to the jw marriott in dc Uh where the conference always was and therefore have it stuck in my head that marriott good
Starting point is 00:24:04 And hilton is for nerds. I've yeah, he doesn't believe since I was like six I don't have like a favorite. I do have an antagonism hilton suck. I say that the hilton in london was terrible Uh, you know, it's weird though as a malmaison because malmaison have tried to like invent themselves as the hotel that fucks And so like oh, yes. Yes. Yes all the like ass on the walls and shit like that is like Ah, this is the sex space which is a weird Vibe if you like it's fine if you're gonna fucking the hotel But if you're probably not gonna fucking the hotel like if you're there for work or something
Starting point is 00:24:37 It's weird to stay at a malmaison. It's quite good. It's very it's very opposite of uh, the marriott, which is of course the mormon hotel Yeah, the asexual hotel. Yeah Volatile hotel Ronda is actually just chilling there waiting for you to come home so you can tell you about the good news of Jesus Christ The main issue with the marriott i've found is the breakfast situation is always weird always bad So i'm trying to like try to create this typology of hotel chains based on like sexuality Where it's like the the horniest has got to be like a malmaison underneath that maybe like a soft hotel Um soft hotels are pretty horny pretty horny. Yeah, it's uh, the standard hotel in new york
Starting point is 00:25:15 But I think that's a one-off they were they they were running ad campaigns right after the high line was built that hey Come to our hotel go have sex in the windows I will say I have I have stayed with you in some pretty weird hotels What's the worst hotel you think we've ever stayed at? I was easily that motel in platzberg. Oh that place was a fucking shit. I was really bad. I think that was a hilton No, that was like a haunted garden on that same trip the hotel in montreal was also very bad The old city one that was a marriott. No, no, no the other one Which other one? Oh, no, that was a different trip. Excuse me. Yeah. Yeah, you're the the crap
Starting point is 00:26:04 There's a different time we were in montreal with your dad Travelled so much together. It's cute. You know, we had a good time in richmond Yeah, either of us died. That's true. That was also a marriott. That was a marriott. Yeah, we stay at marriott's We have a good time, but we don't stay at marriott's the wheels fall off my mom's Subaru You need the sort of the guiding hand of the asexual hotel so that you know, keep things normal. Yes. Yes with its crisply pressed shirt. Yeah, and it's that's quite enough of that sir Sort of bromine and all the breakfast food kind of thing. Yes. Yeah, please stop spitting in my omelets. Thank you So so world trade center three
Starting point is 00:26:43 Was a marriott hotel World trade center four and five That was sort of a small office building with a trading floor on it, right? This they both look about the same Six was also the same. Probably an obvious question. Were these all built at the same time? Yes. Okay. I figured Yeah, yeah, it's like a camp. Okay I thought they happened but I just wanted clarity It's it's fucked up that you like despite years and years of movies trying to make us believe that stockbrokers work at the business factory or whatever You can't make them take an elevator more than like five stories. They won't do it
Starting point is 00:27:16 Genuinely like every stock exchange in the world. They're like, no, I don't want to get in the elevator It's just like the floor is on the floor. Yeah. Yeah Scared of heights or something. I don't know exactly. Um So then we get to seven world trade center Right and it's kind of a weird one So this was designed by emory roth and sons, which is a company Architecture firm that designed every single high rise in new york city. It's a weird looking building apart from anything else It's weird. It's on a trapezoid a lot. Right. Um, there's there's some
Starting point is 00:27:51 There's just between this like shape and the color. I look at it and I'm just like brick Yeah, it's not actually brick though. It's a red granite Oh, I like that. Yeah So it's 47 stories tall. This is built after the rest of the complex in 1987 It's very funny that like red granite used to be like, uh, this is the thing that we used to contain the pharaoh's soul And now it's like this is the thing that we used to contain the email jobs The thing of similar prestige So, um
Starting point is 00:28:24 They had some issues with finding tenants for this building right when it was built, right? The anchor tenant was supposed to be drexel bernum lambert Right who you may remember him and how? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Who you may remember from the stock Savings and loan collapse right at the junk bonds thing. Yes. Um, very very unethical. I can obviously agree. Yeah, uh, vaguely Can trace corporate history back to my alma mater Drexel university and anthony joseph drexel
Starting point is 00:28:57 Um, what what are the most sort of nefarious? Uh investment banks, I would say we're very Inspired wall street, uh, if you've ever seen that movie So read is good. That's that. Yeah. Yeah, because they were really into like, um, Junk bonds, right? Like that was a milkins thing there was like, yep. Yeah Not an asset to my people. I will say that So they did this whole bunch of insider trading. So the building owner larry silverstein had to find someone else to occupy the building because because, uh
Starting point is 00:29:31 Drexel bernum and lambert were not in a position to move at that point, right? So he persuades this other firm salomon smith barney to move in Right, and then they have the way all of these places are named Yeah, they require a whole bunch of renovations. They already completed and partially occupied building including knocking out a whole floor On the ground floor on the second floor to add some double height trading floors, right? Because as you mentioned They don't like taking elevators. They don't know. No, no won't do it. No, no, no. I want to take elevators. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:08 That's so strange, but like it genuinely I've now that I've said it I can't unsee it every trading floor. I can think of it's just yeah. No. Yeah No elevators. No stairs. Very accessible um So much like one and two world trade center. They outbuilt the actual demand for office space So the rest of the building was filled with government Tenants of last resort. Yes, like genuinely one authority. Please love me There's there's so much of this this shit that like um in conspiracy theories about 9 11
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's like how come the cia and the fbi and the atf and the you know Postal inspectors and the fucking department of agriculture cops all had offices in the world trade center It's like we're on the one hand because it was kind of like a little bit of a bribe to be like Hey, do you want a 75th floor office in the world trade center and partly because no one else could fucking move into them? Yeah, the other thing is just give it to the government, you know Also, it's a big building Lots of people were there um
Starting point is 00:31:11 So but the whole 25th floor of this building was the department of defense and irs and apparently the cia was there as well Strange neighbors. They must have been Just different nerds bumping into each other, you know Beautiful romance blossoms when a guy and a girl who only ever looked at the carpet and that their own shoes walk into each other had first Uh, what exactly was the fucking department of defense doing in new york as well? Let's take a bribe Yeah, okay. Defend it defending new york. I see There's a bunch of space the has its own navy. I like how that turned out. Yeah. Yeah There's also a bunch of space for the uh securities and exchange commission
Starting point is 00:31:55 Uh, they also had immigration and naturalization services in there because they didn't have homeland security back then um Homeland security is established in 2002 Uh, we've been uh eating shit ever since at least at the airport. Uh, yeah Your friendly reminder that tsa has never stopped the terrorist attack and that uh, it has however You know that has stopped a bunch of live shows with me in them ever since they introduced the tranny detector at the airport Which I wish they hadn't What i'm not going to call it the fucking back scatter machine. That's what it is. No, that's that's fine
Starting point is 00:32:29 That is what it is. Yeah um so all right Now I have to talk about the consolidated Edison substation Right boy nice So this was built along with and it served the world world trade center complex, right? Um, and it was designed you can see the footprint on the lot here
Starting point is 00:32:50 It was designed with the notion that you could build a 20 story building on top of it, right? But world trade center seven was going to be 47 stories tall Huh, so what do you do? Well, you build a lot of weird trusses and columns Oh, I know a lot about some weird trusses lately. I bet you do All of these all of these columns each has a little weird necklace on it Yeah, so if you sort of look at this i'm loosely outlining the actual Uh outline of the transformer, right? But basically this is all designed at like the top of the building You know the the main bulk of the building sits on all these these transfer
Starting point is 00:33:34 cantilevers here and that shifts The whole load path of the building over like 10 feet. Is this below the street level? No, this is at like the fifth floor Wow, okay. Yeah, and then you have several other trusses. It was a it's a weird building, right? um This is all Yeah, it's between floors five and seven surrounded by mechanical equipment, but Otherwise, it's it's it's a relatively conventional building other than it has a weird shape, right? Sure. Um, it's not like it's not like something crazy
Starting point is 00:34:09 No, um, you know, and it's perfectly fine. So anyway, 9 11 happens Oh 20 guys get together with a dream Uh, and you know, they plan and they execute that dream and uh You guys know the rest, right? Yeah, you're familiar with 9 11. Yeah, there's gonna be a point in which we have to explain 9 11 because some of our audience is gonna be too young or Oh my god security theaters how terrorists went
Starting point is 00:34:44 I It's Justin So this is a commercial for the podcast that you're already listening to People are annoyed by these so let me get to the point. We have this thing called patreon, right? The deal is you give us two bucks a month and we give you an extra episode once a month Uh, sometimes it's a little inconsistent, but you know, it's two bucks. You get what you pay for Um, it also gets you our full back catalog of bonus episodes So you can learn about exciting topics like guns pickup trucks or pickup trucks with guns on them
Starting point is 00:35:21 The money we raise through patreon goes to making sure that the only ad you hear on this podcast is this one Anyway, that's something to consider if you have two bucks to spare each month Join at patreon.com forward slash wtyp pod Do it if you want or don't it's your decision and we respect that Back to the show Oh
Starting point is 00:35:54 Yeah, 9 11's all enough to drink. Yeah so All right, well the the the towers collapse. Yeah, right see as a result episode see episode hasim Yes, uh building seven is hit by a shitload of debris Which is of course on fire. Oh, yeah, debris like there's a debris field that like scatters There's like arms and legs and bits of aviation fuel and filing cabinets And she's landing on the roof and windows of every building and like lower Manhattan Red hot metal stuff like that, you know and spread sort of all over the building all over I think about 10 floors of the building
Starting point is 00:36:32 Which means of course It's on fire now, right? Does that kill anyone outright in building seven? Do we know that? I believe building seven was completely evacuated. Oh, um, yeah Yeah, unlike the actual towers where there are like guys like going in to catch up on work Just like no, I gotta do my emails. Sorry. Yeah, I gotta do my emails Yep, that famous photo of like everybody going down the stairs and the firefighters going up except There's also one guy in shirt sleeves on the end being like Yeah, I gotta I gotta get my emails
Starting point is 00:37:10 I don't even know that would have been like before emails. He had to go like answer a call on his phone But he got a note on from his pager. Yeah Probably only like the cia had emails at that point like this is true. Yeah, damn you arpanet And So, you know, they're they're there's there's fire fire was decommissioned in 89 shut up There's efforts to fight this fire But the building's completely evacuated the main danger here is the property not human lives At some point in the midst of this fire fighting like a fifth of the fdny just gets killed
Starting point is 00:37:47 Which is also true. Yeah has been known to interfere with fire fighting operations I would say absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, that that is that is a big setback right there So, you know saving this building was not Priority number one, right? Um, this is kind of like well, it's on fire But uh, you know We have bigger issues Yeah, it's not gonna set anything else on fire if it collapses. It's not gonna crush much else, right?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Well, it probably would if it had collapsed Hypothetically, it would have been a problem. They don't want that to happen But you can evacuate the area as opposed to um, as opposed to Sending guys in to fight this fire to save property, you know And there were other issues that led to this decision the main one being The complete failure of the fire suppression system in the building, right? Which there was no reason for like we talked about like one and two world trade centers shit failing It's like, yeah, of course it did go hit by a fucking plane here
Starting point is 00:38:55 Then not so much right like that's so much. I mean you would think If if the fire suppression system in this building had been working, it would not have fallen down It would have been a footnote, right? Yeah, it would have been the fairly skyscraper We talked about whether the sprinklers just stopped it dead It would not have even gotten that far. Yeah Because uh, because one meridian did have several full floors burn out Um, this one you didn't have that same situation There was just no water pressure available
Starting point is 00:39:27 For the wet standpipe system, right? This this whole building relied on the city water supply to run the sprinklers Right and then you needed a big pump a big electrical pump To pump the water up to the top and provide additional pressure for the sprinkler system, right? Um, and they you know They had a diesel backup generator for this purpose But the big issue is that the city water supply was severed by the collapse of one and two world trade center Oh, yeah. Well, I mean that that's gonna be a problem and that like yeah the building collapses on top of it There's not a sort of a failure mode you can plan around, right? No
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah, that's that's not a failure mode that like you would really consider when designing You know a fire suppression system is oh, we have no water Period I have a question a further question in relation to the evacuation here Wasn't the fucking mayor of new york city's command center in seven world trade center? Yes But why Rudolph Giuliani, why do this, you know? Because
Starting point is 00:40:36 We got to make sure larry silverstein makes money I have here in my hand a A reference to a detailed 1998 nypd analysis which opposed the city's plans to locate the emergency command center at the world trade center But juliani overrode the objections personally because he was the mayor of america It sounds like you're saying rudy juliani doesn't support our police Yeah If he doesn't believe the the blue lives matter, uh, oh my god What have we got juliani? How could you do this so so they could how could rudy juliani do 9 11?
Starting point is 00:41:12 So as soon as they evacuated they obviously couldn't use the command center and the command center was also destroyed in the events that follow So yes, I would imagine that this perhaps hindered responding to 9 11 a little bit Maybe yes, well, I mean at that point, you know The bulk of the damage had been done. Yeah, that's true 9 11 is one of those things where you know an ounce of prevention. You really want to like Yeah, if they had if they hadn't, you know, just Not done anything about the terrorist attack. They may or may not have known about Like flight 93. Yeah, they didn't know about 9 11
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah, they could have what they did. They chose not to find out. However, not for like full knowledge I'm open to the idea That they just didn't do anything What I was going to say is that the passengers of flight 93, which I guess would do is a future episode We're going to run out in 9 11 episodes. Otherwise we have to do like the coup in chile. Um, this is true But like that's another that's another episode right there. Yeah But so the the passengers of flight 93 they really spared us from some Dog shit architecture going up in dc
Starting point is 00:42:29 Um, this is this is already a bunch of dog. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but like Whether it had been like the pen. Well, it was ready. Fuck me Ignore that Whether it was like the capital or the white house like what imagine what a bush administration would have tried to replace Either of those things with Yeah, real real bad I think the capital dom is a little bit overbearing. I'm gonna be honest Are you sort of the the uh, tom clancy uh death of honor viewpoint here?
Starting point is 00:43:01 Yeah, no, I'm I'm I'm willing to do massive terrorism to get a more proportional dome on that thing Ask us about the first three times like that. Yeah Um, uh, yeah, uh fbi that is also a joke So there's no water to fight these many small fires that break out in building seven, right? And so you have all these small fires from the debris And they're in offices, right which are full of flammables Yeah, because I was using emails at the email job yet. So it's a paper job. It's a paper job. Yeah way better than emails Yes, that's it. You got you got papers. You got desks. You got carpets. You got some computers and so on and so forth
Starting point is 00:43:47 So try to set fire to an email very difficult Very difficult to set fire to an email Um a mixtape on the other hand That's right. Yeah, so These these small fires from debris were completely uncontrolled Um, some firefighters did go in through the earlier part of the day to try and you know control these fires But it really there was no point because they didn't have water either to speak of
Starting point is 00:44:13 But what the hell do they even do it? Well, yeah fire losing their lives for capital. We've already established that. Yeah. Well, I I'm pretty sure no one was killed in building seven at all Let's talk about this. I I'm just going to go on a point a little divergence here that there used to be an explicit division In a lot of places between the firefighters whose job is to protect lives and the firefighters whose job is to protect capital Um used to have and in fact in 9 11 you still did have Uh salvage core as opposed to fire departments with like separate trucks separate livery separate employees all of this Whose job is go into a burning building rescue all of the crap take all of the like the goods out of it Um, whether it's like warehouses with full of like whiskey or whatever that's burning you go and like fish all of that
Starting point is 00:44:58 Shit out. I think like a couple of like new york fire salvage guys got killed in 9 11 as well. Um, that sounds about right. Yeah Um, I think I forget what it's called. It's like those some arcane Uh, it might have been like fire brigade or something I'm gonna find this out All right, I'm reminded of uh, my friend bruce showed me some videos of uh fire patrol jab These these these old japanese, uh Uh, what's the japanese theater kabuki kabuki? Yeah. Yeah, it was about uh, it was about Uh firefighters in kiyoto in the medieval era
Starting point is 00:45:37 And and they they they blew stuff up. It was good. Um, I like went back when it was tearing buildings down Back when it was tearing buildings down. Yeah, and they were like they were like all celebrities. I was like, this is pretty cool Yeah, the new the new york fire patrol stopped existing in 2006 had about a hundred employees And they lost one guy on 9 11. So, uh That's a that's that's that's better than the regular firefighters Yeah, because they weren't very many of them and you know, they I think they correctly evaluated the situation as yeah We're not getting all the I'm not going in there. Yeah I'm going in there
Starting point is 00:46:18 Uh Yeah, this was a completely uncontrolled fire. This is like the main thing you can say about world trade center seven is that the fire was Completely uncontrolled. Right. Um, and this is Sort of a a unique thing in high-rise fire history to this point Yeah, you're not really supposed to just leave it to just leave it right, but you usually don't have fish to fry on 9 11 You usually don't have a situation where uh High-rise building has no fire protection and no attempted fire fighting, right?
Starting point is 00:46:53 But everybody thought at the time that that was going to be like You know another dozen planes along in a minute after that second one. Um, so, you know, what are you gonna do? And uh So these fires get bad enough, right? That um, you know, they start structurally compromising the building the big one here is column 79 Right. Um, so this is a big column It holds up the floor plates on the east side of the building which had some exceptionally long spans Right, uh, the way out there on its own way way out there on its own, right? So it went
Starting point is 00:47:33 This one buckled first somewhere around the 13th floor, right? And there was a girder spanning between columns 79 and 44 That would go like this That went with it, right? Um, and at this point there's this sort of progressive collapse that occurs mostly on the interior of the building to start out with and weirdly mostly below the 13th floor is where it is Said to have started. Um, so this this is gonna be some more fuel for your conspiracy theorists, right? Because we've never let a building burn itself Down like this before so no one knows what it looks like and so you just go yes
Starting point is 00:48:14 Control demolition control demolition control demolition, right? Yeah um So you you start having your your Your progressive collapse starts um all the girders attached to the columns, you know, they're adding You know, they're collapsing with column 79 They're pulling on the other columns which are also, you know structurally weakened One goes after another boom boom boom boom boom the interior of the building collapses pretty quickly You can see on the video actually the one video that existed this which I
Starting point is 00:48:45 Didn't put in here because I can't figure out how to embed a video anymore You can see the the mechanical penthouse Right above column 79 goes well before the rest of the building does right? I I know I know mechanical penthouse here just means like Uh top floor where they put all of the machines and shit, but yeah, it's also insanely cool phrase You know, it's a great phrase. Oh, yeah. If anyone was to name a band mechanical penthouse Yeah, it's a dirty magazine for robots. Yeah So, um, yeah, this is Sort of I guess the long and short of it this this is followed quickly by global collapse of the whole building, right?
Starting point is 00:49:33 And it it looks it looks very neat and tidy On the video that we have of the incident, but it's It's not right building fall down Mr. Building fall down and curiously building fall down on like what appears to be to the casual observer the opposite side to Where all the debris landed on it? Yes, uh, yeah Most of the most of the photographs of the building are not of the side with the with with the horrible gashes in the scarring
Starting point is 00:50:00 But this is again, this is not a the actual physical trauma Inflicted on the building by debris is not a huge contributor to collapse here. It's mostly the fire on this one a wild Unlike the main world trade center towers where a lot of the the jet fuel can't melt steel beams guys Do neglect the fact that a plane hit the building I Yeah, here it is just a bunch of burning, you know carpets and stuff can in fact I don't know still takes it takes seven hours. I mean It's pretty good considering
Starting point is 00:50:43 Yeah, I I would I would say this building performed admirably under the circumstance Yeah, I mean they got everyone else of it. So This is true. I mean this is where the small beam. This is where I would say that the the the big thing here is that after the fact So much analysis goes into this so much wasted time trying to say It was not a controlled demolition Because it it clearly is not I mean
Starting point is 00:51:20 You know They let a fire burn uncontrolled for seven hours. What do you want? But it's I think it's the same thing as you know, a lot of other stuff about 9 11 It was stuff that no one had ever done or seen before and so this is true This is no frame of reference, you know, it allows people to concoct conspiracy theories That's sort of the thing that's true about 11 is that, you know, it would be hard We've hardened our security systems in such a way that it 9 11 works real well, but it would probably only work once And I think that that it's sort of this
Starting point is 00:51:59 Unthinkable almost not not that a terrorist attack is unthinkable But the the sort of the spectacle and scale at which it was done I think it's hard for people to sort of like and you see that in the sort of numbness people feel I think around I've compared to another modern tragedy, uh the covid response Sure, we're like, yeah, 3000 Americans died in one day or 29 77 or whatever but you know 3000 people died last week in the united states of covid and we're not treating that we're not marking that specifically Because I think at some point you just because they they they simply become
Starting point is 00:52:33 Facts and figures basically. Yeah, and it becomes like an they're not people It's unacceptable for it to be but now it's the same thing to me like, uh, you know JFK can't just have been killed by like one guy Right. That's that's too much of a fucking accident in history. Right, right, right If just anybody can have that effect if just anybody can do it then, you know, it's terrifying to think about So it's got to be some, you know, we saw that in sort of the the soft paranoia of people who are convinced You know, they were gonna poison the Rappahannock next. I remember watching fair in height 9 11 and that scene Very much. Do you remember soft targets?
Starting point is 00:53:08 Yeah, yeah, Al-Qaeda is going to attack your mall or whatever and it's like right Al-Qaeda is going to poison the Rappahannock river Oh my god And as it turns out the the actual sort of soft targeting, you know The the guys who were going to shoot up your your suburban mall Were the kids that you had just given birth to at that point like right? Yes Al-Qaeda is gonna you know blow up the I don't know the railroad museum and minasses or some shit. Yeah Um So there there's a bunch of conspiracies that show up about building 7 very quickly because again to the untrained eye
Starting point is 00:53:47 That sure do you look like a controlled demolition? I had a fucking CIA in that, you know Everything they do is shady and no steel building Had ever collapsed from fire before this point No, no no large left to no no large high-rise steel building Excuse me plenty of smaller steel buildings that collapse from fire um There's also a conspiracy around like Larry Silverstein said on the radio to some firefighters. Yeah, we got to pull it
Starting point is 00:54:17 We have to pull it or something like that. I don't know And that was referring to pulling firefighters out of the building Right because he is a big time developer. He has strange mannerisms. That's true That's 9 11 really was the 9 11 of new york property developers. Um, it's true Like it also It also inspired donald trump to say I think one of the most him things he's ever said Which was to fucking dunk on Larry Silverstein and to go on tv The day off and be like, yeah, he had the the tallest building in my head. No, I do now. I do now. It's my item
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yeah, 40 wall street. Yeah I Just already weird guys property guys and then they become much weirder under stress. Yeah Yes, they they they when when when the going gets tough the tough get weird I have a card in my in my house that karin bought that says well the going gets tough the uh tough cry of the car Always sometimes always sometimes So, I I mean this is this is kind of uh, you know, there's a huge amount of analysis that got in this There's lots of finite element analysis that was done
Starting point is 00:55:37 had to like Reconstruct the collapse of the whole building with two thousand and one computers to be like Uh to create this whole report of what happened and still motherfuckers were not believing it. Yeah, it's like it's it's all for nothing It's like I don't even know why we did this you you you sort of see what the problem was to begin with Uncontrolled fire seven hours case closed Um, and this is you know, you you got to like really compare this to like what is uh, what is a controlled demolition look like versus a progressive collapse as we had um
Starting point is 00:56:18 Believe this is uh, this right here is an unfinished building being demolished in abu dhabi This is the problem with the problem with the progressive collapse right is that in order to replicate 9 11 We would have to do another 9 11 Just to see what it looked like this is true. This is true And as yet the federal government refuses to fund a full-scale reenaction of 9 11 Building an entire sort of lower Manhattan in the desert or something But the um, you know generally when you wouldn't you do a controlled demolition There's lots and lots of precisely time sequence charges, which are not set off in the middle of an inferno
Starting point is 00:56:55 um Yeah, you gotta do the really cool thing with the like thing of that cord and a bunch of explosive charges And they just go off sequentially I I don't want to dunk on anyone who's listening to this podcast right now But I will say most likely I have worked on more controlled demolitions than you have Which is which is one Statistically like On a big enough scale right statistically you have worked on more controlled demolitions than anyone on earth
Starting point is 00:57:26 This is true Um, you know, and it's like it it's a whole involved process. It takes months to set up It's not something you could just you know Months of that has gotten the permits and I don't think Muhammad asked it was too worried about that Yeah, but Muhammad art. I probably wasn't doing a controlled demolition. I think he was gonna fly a plane into the building Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:55 Um It's just like When it gets close he just pops the door throws a bunch of charges I have an architecture degree Those were his diag words So You know, it's a long involved process. It's not something you could easily do covertly Um, you know, I don't I don't want to get too far into the weeds on that one
Starting point is 00:58:31 No, because that's a future 9 11 episode. Yeah, that that's an episode I want to do is what would it actually take to fake 9 11? Yeah, we could do some like 9 11 fucking covert controlled demolition crew t-shirts. Yes. So Uh, and of course the whole building, you know, it comes down roughly in its own footprint because It's very hard to knock a tall building like this over sideways It's not lewittons. Yeah, it's very heavy. It's made out of many small parts They tend to fall down not sideways because grabby goes down not sideways
Starting point is 00:59:06 Um, but you know, there's and since then we've had some examples of buildings which caught fire and collapsed um There's the there's that one in tehran to happen like 2000 and uh, I forget when Um, this is edificio wilton paez de alamita This is this is in saupolo. This is an old police headquarters. It's taken over by squatters, right? Because uh, it was basically abandoned um, someone plugged too much stuff into a power strip and it caught fire and
Starting point is 00:59:46 See this is why i'm always worried about using power strips. You know, yes. Well, since the building was uh Occupied by squatters, of course the fire suppression system was not active. Of course I mean from britain has fused power strips. I'm still worried about that and uh About 90 minutes of burning later. The whole thing came down um And that was with active fire fighting because it was an occupied building occupied by squatters But it's an occupied building. You got to fight the fire, you know
Starting point is 01:00:19 Is that we I looked this up on google maps and it simply says permanently closed So, you know, I I I don't know how much there really is to say about building seven because you can get really in The weeds about the precise method of collapse and how and when Various things happen, but when it comes right down to it uncontained fire In a high-rise building Results in high-rise building collapsing I don't know what else you can say Well, I mean all we can say is that rudy juliani doesn't respect the troops
Starting point is 01:00:54 true Absolutely does not respect the troops um There is a sort of futility in trying to refute like Conspiracies like the controlled demolition hypothesis. There's not not really much you can do I understand why why you have to though and like, you know, If you go back to JFK again like the war on commission There's stuff like that exists in order to people aren't wrong when they call it a cover-up
Starting point is 01:01:20 It exists to sort of tie up those loose ends and provide a historical record that people don't want to question Uh because there's questionable stuff in there even if it doesn't go anywhere Um, there's questionable stuff in the 9 11 commission report. Yeah, sure It just doesn't like because inevitably, you know life being what it is There's gonna be a thread you can pull on that will be like incriminating or embarrassing for something else unrelated But it doesn't discredit the main sort of like the main narrative Um, and I I do think that you need to do Something you can't just let it like lie there and be like, yeah, just building fall down
Starting point is 01:01:54 Um, you got to fund the fucking 2001 computer reconstruction even though no one who is that interested Will believe it and everyone who will be convinced by it was already convinced I just I've never gotten the idea behind The the controlled demolition hypothesis like is this uh, is this something that makes you happy? Like thinking that the government is completely omnipotent. I mean, I don't I don't like it It was it was it was different in those days I remember that like before iraq sort of concretely proved this to everyone There was an air of malicious competence about the about the bush government, which is an insane thing to think now
Starting point is 01:02:37 But it did. Yeah, I respect. Yeah, I remember that Uh, every everyone thought that fucking, you know, it was going to be like con delisa rice, you know Sort of malevolent philosopher kings up there But I I remember too a little older, but I you know gaining sanctions at 13 I then you remember katrina happening and you're just like, oh these fuckers couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag Yeah, it's true. We have to do katrina at some point, but we're trying to be sensitive about it Yeah, we'll have to be sensitive about this one. I supposed to Uh building seven, which is of course, uh, a real estate developer
Starting point is 01:03:10 Uh situation so we have no respect feelings hurt. Yeah Katrina just needs the right guests, but uh, we'll find them. Uh, yes um Well What did we learn? What did we learn? I know that one was a little short, but Yeah, a little short coming in over an hour, you know, like It's true I think we learned to
Starting point is 01:03:37 firefight Yes, uh The good kind of firefighters have some fire suppression systems in your 300 million dollar building. Yeah. Um, yeah And don't have them be cut off by a terrorist attack. You probably couldn't predict Yeah, maybe maybe like a little bit of redundancy on that score, but yeah, who can say I don't know what you do when the entire city water system is severed I I don't think that's something you can reasonably plan for I would say we've learned nothing from the collapse of building seven
Starting point is 01:04:11 I think I think there's no lesson to be learned here whatsoever. We've wasted our time and yours Yes, and that's our promise Yeah, I got the promise put away the big foam building seven finger It wasn't the special Nah, damn We've learned nothing we lose Um, well, maybe we can salvage this we have the segment on this podcast called safety third The
Starting point is 01:04:46 Well, there's your problem fire patrol salvage core writing in to try and you know salvage in this episode Dear alice liam And ross nope No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's uh, it's no eston there. It's it's a c and a z Yeah, um, wishness. Yes, exactly. It's a weird time As as a chairlift operator with several hundred hours under my belt you were immediately forgiven for fucking out for us his name I have several stories to tell you such as the time
Starting point is 01:05:20 A ski instructor was fired because they let a child fall out of a carrier Also known as the chair or the time a mother was gifted a season pass because her child fell out of a chair Carrier carrier, excuse me or even the time a child fell out of a carrier because they saw something shiny in a nearby tree Hey, free free shiny thing, you know Pictured here a child in a normal position on a carrier A right to you today instead about how we hotboxed a public bus with disease and single-handedly doubled the state of utah's active cases Oh, man. Remember when cove it was it was in that stage where you could trace individual outbreaks and it was like the fucking division
Starting point is 01:06:06 terrifying incredible I genuinely I remember the bit where it was like, uh, well, you know, it there are cases in the uk But there are very few in scotland and then going like well, there are there are some in scotland, but they're confined to like community Uh transmission and then they were like, yes, we fucked it. It's just it's just around. Good luck Oh, yeah, it's like I was hanging out with Liam on my back porch And uh, you know, we went over to the bar and it was closed for cove it and I was like, yeah, this country's gonna be completely fucked in like one week
Starting point is 01:06:41 You fully called it and like the only the only place you can still get that experience of like health surveillance is to go to go to china You know, yeah, they're still surveilling individual outbreaks. Uh, because they bet on that instead of vaccination largely I don't know. It seems like they have a lot less covetous the thing. Yeah, but on the other hand people really don't like it I I like dying last I will say that, uh, I don't know. I I don't know what the fucking answer is I'm not an immunologist Get mad at us about something else. No, it is weird to think that we all survive thus far Us getting the the the the bad ending of a pandemic like where it just becomes an endemic Endemic yep, that's crazy. You watch we got we got a couple years before everyone's brains start imploding
Starting point is 01:07:30 Um, you know wind up like Woodrow Wilson joke about What else can you do? Um Not wrong. So not joke about it and try not to think about it. I got an anxiety disorder over here It'd be a lot easier to not think about it when your brain implodes So the problems were threefold one. It was late 2020 and early 2021 Utah wasn't taking covid seriously Neither was the company To though we were technically allowed two weeks sick leave a season
Starting point is 01:08:07 We needed to produce a doctor's note after the third consecutive day Leading the people getting progressively sicker in hopes of it blowing over before getting the note on the third day Oh covet maxing getting my covet out of the way early. Yeah, exactly Three the company town that's that's stricken Uh, there's a strike through on that company town employee housing instead Didn't have any connection to a medical center Aside through the company bus. Oh, no Which departed twice in the morning at 5 a.m. And 7 a.m. And arrived back once in the evening at 5 p.m
Starting point is 01:08:45 This is a stand in for the company bus So the company had squeezed most of its employees into their RV park. They can't find enough customers for in the winter time There we were bunking six to a room with a single bathroom and kitchenette between us They then bussed us 10 miles into town each morning on the two on two company buses that each seat about 60 passengers Right dumping us at the transit center when we would need to catch one city bus Which could maybe take 40 passengers Before social distancing, of course, of course to the to the resort or to the medical center Now I don't have a degree in civil engineering, but I believe 120 is a larger number than 40
Starting point is 01:09:34 I've heard this and I don't think a key step in a private company's logistics should be a load-varying municipal bus Here's a stand in for the city bus down here Now this city bus being a microcosm of public transport in the usa only comes once an hour and as such everyone needs to be On one bus or be late and nobody was going to walk through another five miles in the dark Through waist-deep snow up a mountain, right? Right, so we all we all crammed into the bus standing close enough to be at least six Standing close enough to at least six other people that it could be considered sexual harassment Do you say a subway vibe bad to see it on a bus? I think I'm just about to say I've been on buses like that
Starting point is 01:10:22 So that's the tube to me that's taking the tube in London is like you You're gonna be you know touched in some places that you don't want to be either maliciously or accidentally. Yeah You're weird really a weird episode But if we do an ADA episode at some point it would be interesting to talk about how the ADA Actually really fucked up bus systems Not that the buses shouldn't be accessible, but um They had to make some design compromises So
Starting point is 01:11:00 Everyone was trying to get to work or as was more often case To the medical center and you better bet if you weren't feeling sick by the time you got on that bus You would be by the time you got off at this point You would have let let the it's like when you were at a gig and there's like the fucking mist in the air Like people sweat, but it's all covered. It's all covered At this point you let the diseased air settle in your lungs for half hours So get off the bus then Then stew in your bloodstream for the day before you make it back up to the cabin ready to cough up more pathogens in the air
Starting point is 01:11:36 Where your roommates would then be sure to spread it on any days you had off Needless to say I got sick and needed to get to the medical center But thank god the flood the famous usa healthcare system was there to help me It was there I found out they had run out of rat tests and did not have the equipment for pcr And were at least not getting anymore for at least a month because they had an unusual number of cases in the area That's suspicious. I wonder why I I kind of understand From from you guys amongst others that there was a phase in the us's handling of this where it looked again Like the division where everybody was like, oh, yeah, there's a truck full of dead bodies out back kind of thing
Starting point is 01:12:19 Yes Several trustful. Yeah, usually several trucks full of dead bodies. Yes. It is not good there for a bit Since there was an unusual number of cases the area You he couldn't get tested so I would not be eligible for covid leave from the company Oh my god, but I did get a two hundred and fifteen dollar piece of paper telling me I did not need to work for three parentheses three days Two hundred and fifteen dollars Yeah for the for the um
Starting point is 01:12:49 Yep. Yeah. Yeah, that's how much it cost to go see it. How do you guys? How do you guys you all have guns? How do you not find these people? There's an address on the bill. I imagine you got to know where it's coming from how Two hundred and I I take back my thing about britain being the most cucked country in the world Yeah, I america's not very good in that respect I would say Yeah, yeah here here. It's just like, okay, we can't do it and also fuck you for asking Right, but like it's not we can't do it. Fuck you for asking. Give me two hundred and fifteen dollars at least
Starting point is 01:13:36 Yeah, well good news this piece of paper was not covered by the works insurance Because I had apparently gotten sick on the city bus Jesus so that was not work related. What fucking kind of Infection control disease tracing are they trying to do to make that happen? I'm gonna be honest a city bus like this has a very robust HVAC system. That's probably not where you get sick Especially if it's uh somewhere that you know experiences winners. Hmm that that that That heater has to be very robust because the bus, you know stops and opens the doors constantly Yeah
Starting point is 01:14:19 So Anyway, I'm just thankful. I wasn't hospitalized like some of my colleagues With a fever of 38 degrees celsius um, which uh is um Hot Yeah, hold on hold on 38 c that's
Starting point is 01:14:38 70 106 um Yeah, I'm doing a double it and add 30 method um And phlegm leaking from oran for orifices. I didn't even know I had I had to deliver the note by hand to hr Where an equally ill looking manager looked at my paper over and told me To uh put a bed sheet over my bunk to stop the other people in my cabin from getting sick Jesus my fucking christ, I had it here
Starting point is 01:15:06 Yeah, my recovery went well aside from my boss ringing at 6 30 and 7 30 each morning Asking if I would be well enough to fill in for someone else that called in sick that day But I I probably shouldn't be surprised given the Mormon influence I can't really blame them for putting a weird faith in the efficiency of bed sheets to cover up and trying to get People in their homes to take their advice So Mormons were supposed to be good at this kind of apocalypse shit Don't don't don't they all have to have the like like the baker buckets the fucking survival rations and shit Like yeah, they were completely unprepared for a pandemic drop the ball on this shit
Starting point is 01:15:44 Like they're one of the surviving societies and fall out new vegas and they dropped the ball on this shit I you know, well, I mean they are still around. I guess so It is amazing how much all of us dropped the ball on this and how fucking as insane as this sound How lucky we are that it wasn't something worse Yes, I I still haven't come to grips with it. So if anyone wants to reassure me about the brain exploding thing in the comments Please do that imminently. They're gonna bring back like polio and like smallpox in like the next couple years They're gonna like
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna wind up in uh, we're gonna have uh The black plague We're gonna have people protesting against the concept of public water systems Um, you know, and they're gonna they're gonna bring back cholera. It's gonna be incredible. I'm excited I don't like to live in a historical moment. I want to go and live in the woods Think about all the interesting diseases you can get now I want to go and live in the woods and shoot bottles and cans off a fence me too. I would like to be kick-hawk 45 I don't know. I like living in the city. I got a municipal water supply, which I generally can trust
Starting point is 01:17:03 Thanks for reading this far from a professional roper Cool. Oh p.s. At least back home in australia. You'd probably call a cable car enthusiast atowee Uh, that's not although that term may be more specific to those working in ski fields Like the american term lifty none of these things are real Well that was safety third You We're gloves to shake hands with danger And a mask our next episode is on the boston molasses disaster doesn't even have any commercials before we go
Starting point is 01:17:45 Uh kill james bond trash future lion slept by donkeys 10 000 losses franklin grad We have a bonus episode coming out or it might be already out by the time you listen to this It'll be already it'll be already out by the time you listen to this. Yeah Good subscribe to the patreon. It costs two dollars a month. Um, which is you know, it's it's it's sort of 100 and change of a letter saying that you're off work for the next three days. Yes
Starting point is 01:18:23 All right, bye everybody. All right off beaters in

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