Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 19: Lake Peigneur

Episode Date: March 8, 2020

Today we talk about fish. Here is the Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Here are the slides (still uploading at publishing time): https://youtu.be/dgKU0zu6KB8 Mostly sourced from the MSHA repo...rt: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31822029061140&view=1up&seq=13        

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God forbid I just forget how to do everything every single time we people people miss the activate windows thing So I think it's fine. I'm Confused as to where it went because I still have an activated windows Fuck this guy he's not paying for boys pack it in You outlasted it like one day you're finally gonna click through the WinRAR trial version thing And it's gonna be like yeah, we give up It's just free now All right, what welcome to well, there's your problem
Starting point is 00:00:37 in a podcast about engineering disasters Which has slides with it. I'm Justin Rosniak. I'm the person who's talking right now And my pronouns are he and him I'm Alice Kortwell Kelly my pronouns are she and her and we have replaced the activate windows thing With a discord is sharing your screen Yeah, I just realized I'm not recording my screen that's not a big deal Sorry, we start over we start I don't need this we don't need to start over we just need This thing to record the right screen. Maybe if I do this and
Starting point is 00:01:21 There we go Now everything is right with the world, okay, you so you need to hide that yeah, okay Finally Old man Anderson on Twitter And I actually just wanted to take a second to address some of the the criticism that's a that's come to our podcast This should be good because we don't apparently well we don't well we talk about death flippantly Apparently, mm-hmm. Yeah, we do do that. I'd also point out that we've gotten somber more times than one the ms Estonia disaster and certainly Grenfell Tower where you and I talked about this feeling that nothing's ever gonna change and the kind of
Starting point is 00:02:06 Grim reality that we as societies can accept this kind of death And then it was just born out for the next year or so. So that was cool Topical it's it's an engineering disasters podcast man Like it's a it's the whole thing is that we make jokes There are serious scholarly discussions if you want them We are certainly not the only medium through which you can learn about these things If you don't like it, I Guess go to hell simply because that's a piece of criticism made not in good faith
Starting point is 00:02:39 Because when people have talked about there was someone who talked about the Hillsborough disaster and was and asked if we could Next time we'd showed something graphic like the the picture of the people kind of pressed against the wall If if we could you know throw out a content warning or something and that's absolutely something we can do but like to Tell us our podcast's format in and of itself is bad and like not not what you want I have no advice for you other than just don't fucking listen to it. Yeah Watch the US Chemical Safety Board videos because very seldom on those are they like look at this dumb asshole Unbeknownst to the worker a crew was attempting to put out the Anfo fire with cum If only they had advanced radio communication
Starting point is 00:03:28 There's a guy there's a guy who is apparently has 40 years experience in engineering And called all of us the c-word and then once he was done doing telling us how immature How immature we were and he was done calling us the c-word He he was just like now that I've done doing that. I have a suggestion and I want to say to you personally, dude You could cut that if you have to but We're gonna explore anything in this it's that nothing that anyone who has been an engineer for the past 40 years has built works Yes, so You probably did everything we're gonna talk about yeah, yeah, I assume that guy personally was responsible for Chernobyl
Starting point is 00:04:17 So thanks for nothing asshole So what you're seeing on the screen right now is a heavily pixelated image Yeah, a delightful little visual that we've left our audience Just looks like shit. Yeah, it looks like a big pile of shit This I mean the the disaster we're about to talk about is I would definitely put it up there with One of the more comical disasters Yeah, we're not doing a very bleak one dot three dogs died of this I think so Guys you you're not being serious enough
Starting point is 00:04:54 Welcome back to jokeless podcast. I am your only host now This brackish lake in Louisiana Did nothing wrong and we should be grateful to our corporate overlords for mineral extraction and resource extraction Thank you masters. Thank you Liam. You're popping off tonight. That's amazing Good fucking We need more disasters Somebody asked when I was doing research on Twitter, which is how I do all my research for these they saw I was doing Do you not just
Starting point is 00:05:50 I appreciate the vibes I get from Twitter and Yes, because I'm a moron and so I was trying to appreciate the Louisiana vibes and I was someone was like Oh, you're doing a Louisiana one. Are you doing Katrina? And I was like, oh, no, no, no, we are not doing anything that serious This is a very silly one. Yes. That said, this will be the last fun episode ever We're gonna do a 12-part miniseries We're all having a rough time with this primary I'm still not fucking over Janelle Manay endorsing Liz Warren that one hurt me. Oh my god drop out drop out
Starting point is 00:06:41 You know, actually we're talking about this and on my home screen is The story of a decades-long lead poisoning lawsuit in New Orleans. So we will also not be doing that But yeah, we'll revisit that. Yeah, Louisiana is a very very engineering Disastery place for reasons we'll get into they do a lot of waterworks. Have you ever been to New Orleans, Alice? No, but I'm married to go from there. And so like I get some of it by osmosis Okay, that's right because your husband is Cajun. Is that right? Creole. Yeah But yeah, he was he was like explained to me that like yeah
Starting point is 00:07:19 There's just like a hotel in central New Orleans It just has like a couple of dead guys just hanging out under a tarp because it collapsed and they just Didn't move them around a thing They just kind of went up there to put a tarp over them I gotta say if you can get up there to put a tarp over them, you can probably retrieve the bodies That would cost too much money. We have to worry about the shareholders Unless they're like load-bearing bodies now. Yeah, and the thing is it's like green boots on Everest, right? That guy is a navigational landmark by that point for climbing the hard rock cafe. I hate the fucking hard rock
Starting point is 00:07:52 All right, so this bring back the ESPN zone So this thing on the screen here You can't tell what it is really this is it's shit like this is a lake And these things are barges. This is Lake. Oh God Yeah, it's I think it's painier like and check this out shake hands with pain you Oh I'll add I'll add the riff
Starting point is 00:08:33 Please also include you saying in the most defeated voice I've heard for a few weeks. I'll include the ref All right, so Lake painier Which which is is a lake in Louisiana, okay So for for for in order to explain what's happening here. We need some context So first we're gonna talk about salt mining, right? Extremely cool like striations and patterns on those walls big fan of that. Oh, yeah Yeah, salt binding creates like cool stuff, right? But like salt
Starting point is 00:09:13 That's that's where the podcasters because that's where I work all day down in the salt Yeah, down in the salt mines and then the salt comes up to the racism factory where I work Yeah, and then we're very good at putting out Power say at three mile island or a coal fire power plant because coal's the future, baby Yeah, yeah, I love to I love to like power my podcast from the Centrelia fire Just hook a turbine up to it. It'll be fine. So Salt mining historically has been very nasty work, right?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Because when you're working in the salt mine, you're in contact with a lot of salt, right? Yeah, you know salt dust kind of completely desiccates your body You get a lot of high sodium you get high sodium intake from you know, just ambient salt dust in the air You thought you thought it was bad Yeah This is one of the reasons why in antiquity salt was very expensive because you ran through workers so quickly Yeah, they use slaves a lot like the Romans used to mine it in Spain. I think in Iberia Along with like ten and stuff and we there's a nice little through line here from regular Iberia to a new Iberia
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yes, so yeah nowadays salt mining is very Mechanized so you know, it doesn't kill you as quickly small miracles because of this of course and because salt naturally forms and what we call salt domes Which are just big, you know dome-shaped formations underground you can mine out very large caverns like the one we're looking at hmm and then also Salt mining usually happens pretty deep underground So it's usually shaft mining. There's not, you know, like open pit salt mines as a general rule Yeah, you either collect it like from the ocean like a
Starting point is 00:11:06 Sea salt pit or you just like dig out a big shaft, right? Yeah, well, it's all sea salt Like when they say sea salt as a distinct thing, it's like, you know the salt and domes or whatever used to be under the sea Yes, for a for tectonic movement Our unappreciated cost that thing we didn't know existed until like 1990 which is absolutely fucking insane Wild it's wild like it's one of those things that you just like I never really got my head around the idea that if you're a Generation older than me, you just didn't learn that shit in school because it just wasn't discovered or theorized yet I didn't know that we didn't know that the I thought tectonic movement. I I didn't know any of this no Until like 1990 we just kind of thought that the earth was just like vibing it was just like chilling
Starting point is 00:12:00 And like maybe it like stressed in some ways, but the idea that there was just rocks just floating around on a big lake of magma We no clue bizarre Okay, I'm just button in here in post-production to say that Play tectonics were actually generally accepted by the mid to late 60s Right back to the podcast. Yeah. Anyway, because because of the salt mining, you know, you have very large caverns usually and You know, since people got a lot of free time, you know, these caverns are sometimes decorated like this one in Poland In in Wieliczka. It's basically a cathedral of salt. The poles aren't good for anything Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:42 Well, why do the poles build giant cathedrals out of just like stuff that they find around like there's one made of bones And I'm just like, okay, cool, but what's the most Polish thing you can think of big big cathedral for made of made of bones Besides pogroms, I guess screen-door submarines The library with one he's Polish. He's Polish. It's fine. I'm allowed to say this Ancestry I'm just I'm just like I feel like here. We need some like Minecraft footage or something Oh, yeah, that'd be smart So another thing about salt mining, which is interesting is and will be relevant is that in salt mining
Starting point is 00:13:27 water infiltration is a bigger problem than it is in other kinds of mining because What happens when salt gets wet that it does the thing where it doesn't be there anymore Dissolves. Yeah, it's always is the word. I mean it becomes part of the water Yeah, if you're wondering how my night's going I forgot the word dissolve That's okay It could be worse for more background. We also need to talk about oil drilling. Yeah, all right two two great Extractive industries. Yes, two tastes that taste great together Yes, oil and salt all there to be fair the way you used to
Starting point is 00:14:08 test the quality of crude was to and I'm not joking here. Stick your finger in and taste it. Hence Texas sweet crude The sweeter it is the gooder it is It's like it's one of those things that seems like it should be a myth like when the cops like taste the cocaine To find out that it is cocaine I finally figured out why that is by the way, and it's that if you like rub cocaine on your gums it numbs them Yes, they topical surgery buddy Mm-hmm didn't did not know this that was also like something
Starting point is 00:14:41 Something you get that geotechnical engineers used to do the test soil quality. It's like well one thing you can do is sort of like I mean like hunters to literally just like taste poop too. I it's kind of worrying the extent to which a lot of our like Sensory stuff is just like a guy going one. I just eat that. Yeah, just put that in my mouth See how it tastes. Yep. It's poop All right, so oil drilling, you know, we got a you know, simple concept you drill a hole in the ground You get the oil out, you know Sometimes the pressure from the weight of soil or rock above the oil is just forces it out of the well on its own You know, that's what that's what a gusher is, right?
Starting point is 00:15:27 But we also have in addition to you know Production platform you can have something like this which is like exploratory drilling, right? You know, you put down some wells to see if the oil comes up Yeah, just like punching some holes in the earth to see what happens exactly like the Soviets did this with the super deep bore hole But like is super haunted by the way, I'm certain but they weren't like drilling for anything But like here you're just kind of like Fuck around see if you get some dinosaur juice out of it Yeah, let's see if we can let's see if we can get something out of this out of the ground here
Starting point is 00:16:03 and you know, sometimes you do it in an area where You know, there's oil sometimes you do it in an area where no one knows that there's oil That's called wildcat drilling. I like that approach. I really Just like random number of bases Yeah, let's see if there's oil here X marks the spot Just doing Dan Brown stuff to like see if like oil field locations are encoded in Da Vinci So, uh, you know, if you're doing this kind of drilling though, you should be aware of underground structures
Starting point is 00:16:43 Which are around you you you can fucking anything down there That could be like a congressional bunker or something. Yeah, that's why you need to call 8-1-1 before you dig Hmm before I can't do it after what if I've already started Grover calling 8-1-1 in the pit of like sewage water Hmm Let's talk about the lake. Hmm beautiful browns there. Yes, beautiful brown You see there's like a little stream that in flows up here and then it outflows through this canal, right? Okay, so
Starting point is 00:17:23 Lake Lake panger It's about you used was it was about 10 feet deep, right? It was fresh water. It was connected to the Gulf by what is it the is it the to cam? It's the Delcombe the Delcombe canal, but I went welcome canal I went through and I looked and I was like, is it Del camber? Is it like del calm? Is it del cam brie spin spin the wheel of pronunciation? Fucking Louisiana, man I just swear to God and this is this is located on something called Jefferson Island, right?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Hmm and on this island in addition to this lake There was a salt mine right the Jefferson Island salt mine which was owned by the diamond crystal salt company Oh, hey, I love that salt. Mm-hmm diamond crystal salt very big big like crystals Yeah, it's very good. Seriously, it's too swell by yeah, it's now it's now part of Cargill apparently Hmm gross the salt mines head frame was located nearby the lake. They ship the salt out by barge, right? Yeah, yeah, that's about right. So the mine had multiple levels the deepest level was about 1500 feet below the surface and They were putting in really big. They were they were mining out really big rooms, you know 160 feet wide 75 foot tall, right?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Just just a Polish guy going through there being like I could fit so many fucking cathedrals in this thing. Yes These Americans don't know what they do. I don't know why I Feel like if anybody would start just building Catholic cathedrals and things it would be Cajuns. Yes So there was on top of the mine. There's about a hundred or two hundred feet of rock between the salt dome and Subsurface of the soil under the lake And then you know other details here there was there were you know lake houses on the shore And the live oak gardens, which are botanical gardens, right?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Hmm. Cool. I'm sure they'd never had like any kind of a like sinister history like big house big fancy gardens Louisiana, yeah, I'm sure it's fine. It's probably fine So and of course the the other thing they do here in addition to salt mining is of course This is where everyone stores their boats for gone out and getting that shrimp love to shrimp Yeah Is this one of the places where they do the thing with the like reed into the mud holes and get catfish with your hands or I Don't know how well boy. I mean, I I will say that Iberia Parish is home to the world championship
Starting point is 00:20:08 Gumbo cookoffs. So oh hell. Yeah Probably great. Yeah, I probably got some alligator in it, but oh, yeah, that's fun Get that gumbo Gumbo alright, we're back to this image because it's representative of the sort of thing We're gonna talk about but it is not the exact thing because every single image of this disaster It's just absurdly green Compressed and like I I I don't want to I don't want the viewers to to you know Be subjected to that because it's the there's the it's so bad
Starting point is 00:20:44 We have better documentation of disasters that happened like 200 years ago than this thing but I mean It's like Hillsborough again like Color came to like the world in different places in different times high resolution Still has not reached to katiana. So yes I Every single piece of footage has been recorded over like it has been copied from three VHS tapes over Just that is fine. It's fine as the podcast would slice technically. Yeah around November 20th 1980
Starting point is 00:21:24 Texaco had set up a drilling platform To perform exploratory drilling on the lake, right? You know the lake with the salt mine underneath Just to fuck around and find out. Yeah They had they had permits for it and everything because that's the kind of thing you can do when when you're Texaco Or when you're any oil company really is you can just kind of decide you're good I'm just gonna stick a hole anywhere you want. Yeah, he's kind of be like yeah. Yeah, probably. Yeah, it's probably work Build a giant rickety platform Just in the middle of a lake
Starting point is 00:21:58 So they so this was the sort of thing they were putting up and you know the idea was we're gonna There we're gonna drill and see if we can catch I think they thought there were two reservoirs of oil down there. They could get right for a second I thought you're gonna talk about shrimp again. Oh, it's a bit hopeful honestly. It's like oh, it's a pipeline full of shrimp Yeah, yeah, you could probably get like shrimp you could probably fish for shrimp off the platform Oh, you know sufficient. Yeah, why not? Yeah, you could do two two forms of economic activity at once All right, so they contract the Wilson drilling corporation dig this well I'm gonna go down 8,000 feet, right? Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:22:38 And so you're looking at a big drilling rig on a wooden platform Again much like this at 5 a.m. On the 20th, right? The Texaco drill rig got stuck, right? The the bit wouldn't move They couldn't get anything they couldn't Bring up the drill bit. They couldn't do anything is get stuck. Why is the paper jam light on? Yeah It got stuck 1200 feet underground, you know, and they couldn't they they they had no You know, they couldn't even like circulate the drilling mud Which is sort of how you get the you get all the the shit that you're drilling out of the hole
Starting point is 00:23:18 You just kind of like send to go with a pen knife down there. It's like Jimmy it around a little bit. Yeah, exactly All right, you're going down 1200 feet You just send the knife down on like a really long string and you just kind of let's rattle it around All right, so they couldn't they couldn't do anything they got stuck and around 5 45 a.m Relief crew arrives at the rig, you know, because the shift change and they they noticed that this this Drilling rig is doing some weird stuff Shades of Three Mile Island again So, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:23:54 Like you get you get the shift change in and then the new guys who haven't been staring at the same thing for like several hours Just like wait a second. You guys know about this, right? Yeah Fire It's your problem Quitting time quitting time That's Quebec bridge all over again They were getting some weird readings on their the the hook load indicator Which I guess indicates the hook loads. Yeah, the hook load how heavy the whole the whole drilling apparatus is
Starting point is 00:24:29 You know, it just it just says like drilling apparatus plus one soul mine. Yeah So and and it was showing that, you know, they're starting to show weights Which are, you know, bigger than the entire weight of the platform, right? Hmm one like yeah And at this point the the the drill rig started listing, you know about three feet down in one quarter So, I you know, you don't want that. Do you know? So at this point the foreman ordered an evacuation the crew untied two barges They were using the source and equipment and they brought everything to shore, right? Meanwhile some superintendents from Texaco arrived at 7 25 a.m. And
Starting point is 00:25:11 What they see is the entire rig and the platform it was on overturn and completely sink and disappear in a 10-foot deep lake Oh That's the mm-hmm Not a great feeling. I I feel like looking at that. You're just like, okay, is this Cthulhu shit I've we've just like we've dug into we've dug too greedily and too deep. We're into fucking really. Yeah now Yeah, we don't fucked up. We woke up. Yeah. Yeah, you just like you expect to see fucking tentacles coming out and shit We appears to have like wildcat drilled the kraken that's gone poorly
Starting point is 00:25:55 Hmm. We we didn't even realize there was a lake monster and yet here we are Too small to have a monster That's the kind of attitude that gets you fucked in the first place You thought we were just about mothman not true. We're a pro lake monster podcast all the time. They're real. They're real Lake Chan Lock Ness, you name it. We're there for them. Oh Lake Champlain Champi is real in my heart, man. Yeah, and real in real life. God damn it. Yeah, this is true I don't know how you'd have a lake monster in a 10-foot deep lake. Maybe it's just really long. Yeah, it's like a flounder It's like a really flat
Starting point is 00:26:38 Just like a big pancake with like the both eyes on one side What's the smallest size a lake can be to have a monster? Oh, that's a good question. Do you have a pond monster? I'm sure you can have a pond monster. I'm certain you can. Yeah, I would imagine you could but can you have like a puddle Yeah, just like I mean fuck that is what a shrimp is right or a catfish All the shit that lives in lakes is already kind of monstrous. I fucking hate them. I fucking hate fish I just like the idea that you're like you're on this oil rig that's like listing over and you're just thinking man I really don't want to see a fucking catfish That's just a perfect way for this day to act
Starting point is 00:27:26 With a little like fucking like Moustache things they have the whiskers. Yeah I Fucking hate fish We've discovered something about Liam here. We've we found a tactical weakness, I guess Yeah, that's it's pretty sure. Yeah, that's how you know. I'm a bad jew is because I don't like locks You feel to catfish that a thing could that be a thing I would I would prefer not to All right boss will be while this was happening and and everyone was getting off the platform and
Starting point is 00:28:06 Hoping they didn't see any fish on a lake Because that's a rational thing to be afraid of Here's the thing is I also don't respect fish I respect and fear an alligator because it's Changed for whatever like a hundred million years That I get like that. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I've been a like, you know Fucking alligators because it's Yeah, you'll find a fucking eight-pack right here is a catfish and even so just Dump fish eyes. I'm just a god. No motherfucker. I don't want anything this I cannot express how much I love the sentiment
Starting point is 00:28:52 I do not respect fish I Just going to the aquarium so you can insult them My friend Megan's birthday we were in Baltimore as mentioned and they're all doing like the touch tech I'm just like Fucking hate fish Do you know octopuses can remember individual people and dislike them I don't need octopus because I respect the intellect of octopi
Starting point is 00:29:42 Octopuses whatever it is Octopodes yeah Octopodes not I don't I don't like I don't like eating creatures that are probably smarter than I am. I do not respect fish I do not believe they are a prime example Of any of God's creation All right in the salt mine again, this is not the exact salt mine This is a representative picture because there are no pictures of the mine even ones that were incredibly grainy and bad
Starting point is 00:30:30 So it's just a tribute to a salt mine. Yes, it's so mining in the abstract Actually, you should you should imagine this you should do a little like diagram of like the drill going down Yeah, very good. So at 7 a.m. 48 workers and three visitors from LSU Tigers entered the Jefferson Island mine, right? It takes them about an hour to descend down to the 1500 foot level Which was the main working area of the mine right again. Thank you now now now now we're uncovering my thing which is like I have been in like the workings of a coal mine before and Like I'm okay when I'm down there or I was the one time I wasn't like thinking
Starting point is 00:31:15 Oh, hey, there's like a several kilometers of rock above me But like the way up and the way down where it just takes forever and you're on an elevator that is not moving slowly It's fucking going and you're just like how long is this like ten minutes like oh, no, it's like an hour and a half And you're just like, oh, okay No Yeah, just just time to time to play like my 60th consecutive game of tic-tac toe on my own knuckles It's like like slowly rend myself apart with anxiety. Yeah, it's cool. I feel that I felt that in my bones So plus you might see a fish down there with this shit
Starting point is 00:31:58 Oh So, uh, Junius Gadison right who was an electrician that is the hell of a name Yeah, yeah, it's an extremely acadian name. Love that. Yes he was uh, he was working at the 1300 foot level of the mine right and He spotted just suddenly a two foot deep stream of water Approaching his workstation Right. Oh, he's like, hmm. That doesn't look right Yeah, just like, um as it passes my workstation, it becomes like a two foot one inch wave of water and some of it's kind of yellow. Yes
Starting point is 00:32:50 So he he immediately sounds the evacuation order Or alarm, right? Which is just to flash the lights on and off it in the mine three times Oh, you know Yeah, just that's fucking terrifying the idea of like you're just in this cavernous empty space with the fucking acoustics and shit And like maybe you hear like a fucking wall of water in the distance and then the fucking lights go out Yeah, and then like start flashing. Fuck that shit. No, absolutely not Like great. Now there's a lake monster in here. Yeah, probably a bunch of fish too Why do you do this? Why do you fucking do this?
Starting point is 00:33:32 I don't fucking come into your room and talk about it birdie going shit Somebody's gonna have to update the tv tropes page I do not respect fish. I don't fucking like a man. I just don't just don't fucking like him. No, I don't respect fish I don't know who refuses to eat shellfish just because they're bottom dwellers Look, that's all eat shellfish. Like it's I just like whatever. I don't love looking at lobster But I'll eat a lobster. I just I just don't want any part of looking at a fucking catfish I want any part of looking at a fucking flounder. I fucking say I just I fucking hate the way fish look I don't even mind snakes. I just fucking hate fish, man. Those bastards should just stay where they are
Starting point is 00:34:17 I'm fucking sick of fish. I just I don't fucking like them How do you feel about the uh the the catholic thing of being like if you have to eat fish on fridays? You just like declare Beaver to be a fish. Yeah, that's how I would fucking do it I I think they like called some birds fish too because they ate fish. I could do fish sticks I could do fish. I gotta fucking look at a fish in a stick form What if the stick form has like a one of those googly eyes stuck to it? No
Starting point is 00:34:49 I do not like fish. I do not like to put them in my body because I do not Respect them as a species of animal. Are you doing are you doing pennsylvania secret service voice? Or are you doing bernie voice? I can't tell. I don't know. I bet bernie likes locks. This is true. Yeah Which is why you should vote for Joe Biden Listen jack the fish is then then America is one of mom joe biden's husband How the heck are you gonna pay for that you voted for a 2.3 trillion dollar fucking warjoe You never told me how you're gonna fucking pay for it. You did shit. All right, so um
Starting point is 00:35:30 All right, so they they they started evacuating the mine right Someone on the lower level actually had to get in a truck And drive out to the furthest parts of the mine to pick people up We've been working outside the range of the lighting. Oh, I'm getting anxious again. Yeah First of all, like outside the range of the lighting means they don't have any warning until like a guy in a truck shows up And it's just like hey, if you don't get in the truck, you know, like fucking extremely die. Yes, uh It is cool. Also not going to be thinking about the prospect of like leaving anybody behind by accident Uh, also not going to be thinking about like, I don't know. You miss somebody or something
Starting point is 00:36:09 And like on top of all of that shit the guy driving's like I'm never gonna get this truck back. Oh, yeah It just sucks. So like what if you maybe really liked that truck? What if it's like Liam's van? No, speaking of never getting shit back. Hmm. Some guy is buying it allegedly. Oh boy. Yes The podcast worked we did it Just buy a must collect from bottom of flooded salt vine So the workers were ankle deep in water by the time the cage elevator made it down to the 1300 foot level Nope. No Shit swimming around and shit. No
Starting point is 00:36:51 Just doing the simpsons thing with like millhouses floodpants You're like several miles underground. Yeah with like one elevator that like could go wrong at any time That's cool. That's cool to me After like the first trip down there Evacuation from the 1300 foot level was abandoned. So everyone had to walk up the big ramp to get to the one that the 1000 foot level No, yeah, no No, no, no Just 300 feet of ramp
Starting point is 00:37:24 Uh in the dark presumably. Yeah with like no no elevator. There's like a Floating truck going past you. Yeah Your co-workers are presumably drunk out of their minds because of course It's louisiana like tibidose got a hit flask of something Hit it's it's ever clear, but he made it himself. Yes, he did That takes it but it'll such a rattle such a rattle A couple you have a taste A few people actually
Starting point is 00:37:59 Came down from the surface to try and find the source of the water And then they realized this is stupid and dangerous and they went back Um, they tried to do the Chernobyl thing of like turning off the bubbler tank in a fucking flooding salt mine Yeah, no No, don't don't don't like that one Yeah, uh, yeah, just just just thinking about the kind of mind that produces the thought Yeah, I'll I'll go down there into the the giant Salt mine, which is flooding and the walls are dissolving and and I'll go and like I'll just put my finger in the hole or whatever
Starting point is 00:38:37 Everything is slowly turning into a Leonardo da Vinci painting, but not in a good way Excuse me. No the other guy. Fuck. Impressionist guy Oh, no Edvard Munch. No like the scream. I'm thinking of the scream. Ah, the scream works. Yeah, I could go with that I was uh, what's his face? Vincent van Gogh. That's who I'm thinking of Oh, okay, of course All right, I might I you know that that art history class did not stick not like the architecture history class did You know the dutch pronounced it von hoch Wow
Starting point is 00:39:11 Fuck off They're the ones who they're the ones who had the racism festival every year, right? Oh Yeah No, yeah, it was belgians. Yeah, but they had the like yeah, I fucking hate the dutch Well, the dutch do the blackface thing, but as far as I know, it's only the belgians who do the like dress up like orthodox jews thing Ah Yeah, thanks guys way to prevent the holocaust you dipshits Yeah, it's real bad real real bad. Um
Starting point is 00:39:43 Also, they had guys just like dressing up like nazis and like that was cool people were like having beers with them and stuff Uh, oh, you remember how this went for you the last time because it wasn't so good Garbage country, uh sink the whole thing into the zydecy. Yes. Oh, but amsterdam is meh meh meh meh shut the fuck up I don't even fuck about Amsterdam. Also. Also while while we continue to mix up the netherlands and belgium Worst colonial power pound for pound. Yes, uh, like no shit britain We do we did a lot of fucked up shit, but like belgium for a tiny country The most Broccoli evil shit in the congo. Absolutely like diabolical
Starting point is 00:40:28 It should go with king leopold's ghost if you haven't Fuck belgium. Fuck belgians. Fuck the netherlands for being next to belgium. Uh, yeah anyway, so yeah, god Move swiftly along everyone was safely evacuated from the mine by nine o'clock safety procedures sometimes work Sometimes don't get too comfortable Still still too uncomfortable for me I'm I'm thinking about like fucking lost cosmonauts and shit and I'm like, are you sure Are you really sure because if I like if somebody's gonna fucking go diving down there or the camcorder And they just find like a parallel society has developed that's evolved gills because they left one guy behind
Starting point is 00:41:11 And he like mated with the giant flounder or whatever, you know, you know who I'm blaming and it's it's fucking taxicard No, I also blame the guy who mated with the fish for respecting fish enough to make with them It's like that it's like that one sea shanty about the guy who like his girlfriend's a mermaid and he dumps her for the other Kind of mermaid because like she doesn't have a pussy because like the lower half is all fish So he switches for like a girl with like the human lower half and a fish head It's it's on I think the dreadnought second album if you're curious. Yes, I know the one you're talking about That's that's the ultimate example of respecting fish We don't do that here. Yeah
Starting point is 00:42:01 I do not respect fish I don't say this is so hard. Yeah, this looks so much like a puddle with some cigarette butts in I know, right? Welcome to Louisiana, son because it's just such a bad picture, but it's the only one that's like online. Yeah, so All right, so the lake's water levels started dropping Pretty rapidly and a quarter mile wide whirlpool whirlpool formed at the location of the drilling platform, right? So there were a few boats on the lake. They all managed to get to shore before the shit really hits the fan, right? Just getting the ultimate rowing machine work out. Yeah, exactly fucking pulling with this bullshit behind you But there were
Starting point is 00:42:47 About a dozen salt barges and a tugboat and they got caught in the whirlpool and just completely disappeared No one was on them, but you know, they they disappeared big Big suck back again to the atmospheric railway. Just imagine the noise that that makes like the kind of like So Do you think they all just like clumped together and then they get sucked down as one or like? Do you think they go individually and you just like shoot and then a few minutes later you like shoot good question We don't know the answers to these things, but we can speculate and I speculate that the the funniest possible thing Is that they all kind of slowly bump into each other for an hour?
Starting point is 00:43:30 And then they all go down at once in one like kind of catamari like situation At at this point the delkem the delkem canal starts flowing backwards into the lake. Oh, cool. Yes Great, you have you have angered god with your hubris. Yes Another canal is flowing backwards. Yeah, it's not supposed to do that It's supposed to go the other way just imagining the like stoic philosopher thing if you can't jump in the same river twice You try that once and then the river starts going backwards because an oil rig pumped into a salt mine And just kind of just comes back to watch you know, just like oh, oh, shit. Okay, then Uh, emsha was on scene at 10 55 right and they started to take charge of the situation
Starting point is 00:44:17 Uh, because they're not they're not pussies like osha And uh, so they they evacuate the area around the lake And then they decide we're actually going to evacuate all of jefferson island anywhere where the salt dome might be Probably for the best. Yeah, just be like, yeah. Yeah, all of this is actually just built on on salt Uh, you have to go to the next nearest part of louisiana, which is uh, I guess like a guy menacing a gumbo cookoff with an alligator gig Um, all right now stuff starts to get weird, right? Oh now. Yeah, right now. Yeah Now after after the giant flounder dudes after all these years So around 1 p.m. You know, we got to remember
Starting point is 00:45:05 Water had been flowing in the mine for about five hours now. Now before there was water in the mine There was something else in the mine. Uh fish The fucked up like uh, uh, trotterlight things from the descent. No, no, I think this this is something that's everywhere. Oh, um, Uh The uh, yes, what? Oh boy The big big far. Yes. So because because of this, you know, the the air Needed somewhere to go to make way for all this water
Starting point is 00:45:37 so Around 1 p.m. There was just a 400 foot geyser of mud and water and mine equipment That rumps through the head frame of the salt mine That guy sees his truck again. It just is coming back up. Yeah Yeah, all kind of worked out dusting hands Yeah, better. Hope it was uh, uh, Toyota Hilux. You might be able to drive it still. Yeah, it'll be fine. I know about that Yeah so
Starting point is 00:46:08 And then around this time there was another there was another well which had been driven into this lake before it was a gas well And it decided to catch fire so yeah Slapstick timing The matter is consistent. Yeah, so the surface of this 11 foot deep lake Uh had dropped about 164 feet and it was on fire It's just it smells like burning salt
Starting point is 00:46:39 Is like covered in like, I don't know, uh, political opponents of Huey Long who have been dumped in there in the 30s So Just a delightful little sort of fucking Heronimous Bosch there. There's your painter is this is a heronimous Bosch ass seat and you're describing So the Delcombe Canal Uh became the largest Waterfall in the state of Louisiana at this point
Starting point is 00:47:13 Just Yeah, get out get some like once in a lifetime whitewater rafting experiences Yeah, you want like how how the whitewater rafting ends, you know, that that world pool means business All white like listen, you want to go whitewater rafting? What we can do is someone can stand in the shower and I'll just throw rocks at you Yeah You know what we should do for a patreon episode sometime is like the history of people going off niagra falls and barrels Oh, that'd be fun. That's wild shit. Yeah, just like stupid daredevil shit. They'll get you killed. Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yeah, 100% uh and and like especially when they like over engineer it and you get the like ballistic Uh sort of like space capsule thing and then the guy like throws it off the canal and Like because you haven't secured anything inside just a propane tank hits you in the head and kills you instantly. Good. That's cool. That's funny to me I mean Don't do stupid stuff like go over the falls in a barrel. Just don't do it. Yeah Never never go over the falls in a barrel. Uh, never interact with a catfish Never never fall madly in love with a lake monster of any kind Yes
Starting point is 00:48:31 so In addition to this the bulk of the nearby botanical gardens also fall in the lake. Oh, yeah Sucks. You just you just want to see some like ferns or something and just like wow They really were paying by the pixel there. I know this. This is the this is the canal Going into the lake. Ah, you see there's there's a thing where there's not a canal anymore. Yes All right, so it took three days for the lake to refill Three days of rafting though. That's that's pretty good. Yeah Once the pressure equalized and the lake filled up nine of the 11
Starting point is 00:49:06 sunken barges just popped up from the bottom of the lake like corks That rules I love that. Oh, you guys are back. Yeah. Yeah The lake was still on fire though It kind of sucks that they evacuated the whole island but like that's extremely responsible But I just want someone to be like just going to work and just like oh, yeah It's still on fire and like hey with a giant the giant mud and like mining equipment guys That seems to be calming down and then just a bunch of tugboats just get thrown up by it Uh at this point emish is going in they're trying to ascertain the uh the state of the the the mine right
Starting point is 00:49:51 Uh because there had been this mysterious roaring sound Coming from the main shaft of the salt mine Even after the geyser had finished right uh lake monster 100 probably. Yeah, they sucked the lake monster into the mine by mistake I'd be pissed off too. Shit. So they determined Through measurements that that of two shafts of the mine There were different levels of liquid slurry in each one, right? You know sort of Combination of mud and dirt and salt right mud. So that electrician guy's pee. Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yeah, so in the air shaft The slurry level was six feet above sea level and in the main shaft it was 216 feet below sea level Right, that's hmm. This this is a problem because it indicated that maybe there was a blockage Somewhere in the mine which had prevented pressure from equalizing everywhere And so they thought you know at any point that blockage might Go what might might collapse right and allow pressure to equalize which would do two things One of which was the geyser would start up again The other one of which is the lake might drain a second time
Starting point is 00:51:16 Yeah Sure. Yeah, okay one. Yeah So, you know because it could be that like part of the mine was flooded and the other part was not And and you know then there'd be a lot more room for you know water to I just I just love the idea that they like this if this happened they would have like accidentally constructed some kind of cage and fried Perpetual motion machine where like it just it just drains and refills the lake forever Yes, this Louisiana is powered entirely by like a dam built over the canal. That's that's smart
Starting point is 00:51:52 That's very eco friendly as well Eventually what they wind up doing is they lower a camera on a remote controlled truck down the main shaft neat And they get some samples of the slurry, right? When you say remote controlled truck, do you just mean like a a toya ose takoma with like? I don't know like like a crash test dummy. Yes
Starting point is 00:52:16 awesome I was having an rc car and I thought that was gonna be pretty cool, too No, it's just it's the same truck again. It just goes round. It's like the key the one key player in this store There's your perpetual motion machine And they managed to get samples of the slurry and they determined no it's not actually a pressure difference Um There's no blockage. It's just that some of the slurry was less dense than the other slurry Yeah, because of the p in one of them. Yes, they they're they're like, okay, there's not too much danger
Starting point is 00:52:51 We can let people go out on the lake and then texaco goes and they're like, well We can't do anything about the fire, but we can put a pollution barrier around it to stop it from spreading That's almost that's good. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks guys They cordoned off the fire it did it went out much later though Yeah, it was almost almost literally they did the toad it out of the environment bit. Yes Toad outside the environment. We declare this area to not be the environment So They do seismic monitoring to determine if the salt dome was going to collapse
Starting point is 00:53:36 Did not finally november 30th local residents were allowed to return to their homes around the lake Unless you fucking were going to the botanical gardens, I guess Yeah, they they lost a chunk of property there. I would imagine it is probably this here You know, it's probably the former extent So there's a lot a lot fewer live oaks. I guess yeah so Now this 11 foot lake
Starting point is 00:54:02 became went from, you know an 11 foot lake to Louisiana's deepest lake It's like 200 feet deep now. Oh good for them Yeah, it it was a salt water lake now as opposed to a fresh water lake Ah because because of the salt because of all the seawater that rushed in Oh, okay. So it doesn't have anything to do with the uh, The like this all of the salt mine that it dissolved. It's just the the delcam canal just sucking
Starting point is 00:54:32 The gulf into this. Yes Yes, so, you know, theoretically it will become a fresh water lake again one day from from this little guy here But you know that it's going to take a while. This is brackish now So cool, you know completely changed the local ecosystem No one ever conclusively determines whether the oil well was the cause of the incident Because the destruction of the evidence was so complete, right? That's that if you're going to do a crime that is that is the way to do it There you go is just be like you have left it mathematically impossible to determine your responsibility
Starting point is 00:55:09 Go big or go home. No face. No case. It's yeah. So somehow the mine remains in partial operation until 1986 Because people have to get their crystal salt. Yeah That people have to get people need their kosher salt and so you just send the the people back down there and just like Yeah, just don't go in that one because that's full of like this is full of lake. Yeah Um, and now Part of it is used to start natural gas. Oh good. Yeah, I'm sure I'm sure nothing Will never ever have to revisit this particular episode. Yeah, and there's no way Once the lake catches on fire once it can't happen again
Starting point is 00:55:47 I have heard that you hear people say it more and more. Yes. Yeah. Was there was this cleveland? The the river caught fire a couple of times lots of rivers have caught fire in america But cleveland is most famous for it. But yeah, the kaiahoga has a habit of doing it. Yeah. Yeah Oh God Well, at least at least it's in the hands of The iberia parish authorities Who like definitely don't include like an insanely corrupt local sheriff or anything. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:56:21 It's just yeah, it's it's great. It's rural rural louisiana shit. It's probably fine So some guy has probably been doing the kildos the thing of like pumping sewage into it Uh, this is I don't there's probably like a bunch of like cinder blocks and shit down there Uh, it's just oh god and then texaco And the drilling company paid 32 million dollars to the salt mine company and 12.8 million dollars to the botanical gardens In an out-of-court settlement. They were like, yeah, we're not even gonna try and fight this one But buys a lot of oaks, I guess but anyway the moral of the story call 811 before you dig
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah, or or fucking just go to avery island the cooler island that's nearer this where they make tabasco Oh, hell, yeah, that's a great. Yeah But you know, thanks to 811, you know, nothing like this has happened since except when it did happen again in 2012 When a salt cavern being used to store crude oil Collapsed about 50 miles east of this underneath the bayou corn Um, and that sinkhole is just still getting bigger to this day. Um, awesome doing the china syndrome shit Just is gonna get all of louisiana eventually This this happens to like I was reading about this happened to a lake in russia
Starting point is 00:57:55 Where it was just like, oh, hey, like the village kind of woke up and the lake was gone Um, who stole the lake? Yeah And then they they wisely got out of town. I don't know if there's dash cam video of this There probably should be uh, and and then it just kind of ate their church Um, they're just a sinkhole just kind of like sucked An entire like church down into the thing. So that's that's cool. Hell Satan, baby Yeah, this is just like definitely not connected to the again the cola super deep borehole
Starting point is 00:58:27 100 haunted evil shit fucked up We we got to like pour some like uh burning gasoline or something down there just like fuck around flush shit out Yeah, that's that's that's probably a good idea would be to fill the cola super deep borehole with like holy water or something, you know Yeah, just like like a cement mixer full of of holy water You're just like I'm just like backing it up and you just like hook the thing into the thing Just in case I wonder if you have to alter the water cement ratio if um, if the the water is blessed by a priest Ah, that's a good question That's well, I guess if it's like structural holy water like it's load bearing
Starting point is 00:59:12 Load bearing holy, we need to when we do the theology episode we'll have to discuss this It's the the effect of using holy water in in concrete Yeah, not not a common construction material, but I think an underrated one Yeah, I mean, you know, that's gonna keep that's gonna keep a lot a lot of shit out. You don't want you know vampires Um now mostly vampires, I guess. I don't know what else is Really strongly about demons. I guess like demons go ghosts devils, uh, like things of that nature Uh, I guess like changelings if you're worried about like changelings catfish
Starting point is 00:59:55 Catfish men Men with a head A man Thanks everybody y'all are fucking great Oh I invite you to eat a series of dicks Okay, so what's what's the lesson from this aside from louisiana is a silly place call 811 before you dig Um, and also what if you're outside of uh, the us
Starting point is 01:00:30 Do you you just like I guess if you're in russia just aim a dash cam at it Like park park your ladder neither at the direction You're gonna dig and like get get it running because I want to see the footage. Yeah, I don't I don't know There's probably a local equivalent to a 11 in other places. Uh, yeah, like eight one two one zero five four Like I can't think what it would be in britain, but yeah in britain. It would be like 27 digits long Yes, uh, it would cut it costs you five pounds of minute to call Uh, and they can't tell you anything that's that's probably what it is. Yes, just just don't dig don't dig it stupid Yeah, don't don't stupid ground is dumb. This is don't do anything you're down there
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yeah, never never do any digging under any circumstances. Uh, the shovel is like it's a bourgeois implement Uh, and there's there's probably like monsters down there probably like they are dude Yeah Yes, satan and like all his minions are probably like walking around torturing people like 20 feet down Yeah, we've just like kept missing them by accident But like you don't know that you're gonna be the one who's just gonna like tunnel into howl like a dwarf fortress Yeah, I don't do that shit like, you know, maybe the uh, the The the secret kingdom of the mall people or something like that and then you're gonna yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:01:51 Or or you find like an abandoned pneumatic railway or something or I mean that that's the good outcome Or you might find a fish I mean what are fossils but just digging up like a fish they just got in there Yeah I'm just I'm just loving the idea of archaeologists refusing to assemble dinosaur skeletons because they don't respect them This is like fuck this guy I Okay, so call 811 before you try to assemble a dinosaur. Yes, um
Starting point is 01:02:54 Fish Fish fish Whales are um thin ice Yeah, fish shameful. Yeah, fish are shameful. That's absolutely true Apart apart from lake monsters lake monsters are cool, but they're not fish Uh, they're typically like maybe like ichthyosaurs Or things things things along those lines And as such, you know, we respect them
Starting point is 01:03:20 Uh, they're good friends, but like, uh, fish no, man No, are you sharks are cool those sharks aren't fish. Yeah sharks are not fish Wait sharks are sharks are a shark fish. Yeah, fuck. Okay. All right. I gotta not respect sharks too. So no shark week. No shark week Yes, um Next episode will be on the Tacoma narrows bridge disaster Hmm Like more more water involved. Uh, unfortunately, liam
Starting point is 01:03:50 Fuck no Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second The Tacoma narrows has me thinking right this thing killed three dogs could kill three dogs Where where where were the dogs in this was there like a salt mine dog? I have no idea I assume they were just dogs that were by the lake That's just you just buy the light you're just going for like a walk by the lake and your dog just gets sucked into it Yes while it's fully standing on the shore like it just just wait like air pressure or something I assume it probably murdered a few like fish and alligators and shit like that too
Starting point is 01:04:27 Are we saying are we saying here that the whirlpool is like morally neutral like it's a complex anti-hero? Yes Uh the the probably in that case the most beneficial thing that the oil industry has done is just like killing a bunch of fish No harm no foul All right, anyone have any commercials before we go Uh, listen to trash future. We are I I'm pretty certain we're an anti-fish podcast, but I will thank you for your solidarity Yes, we will sound that out and we'll get confirmation for you before Uh, we we put this out so that you know that you you are safe to listen to it, right? And there's no like pro pro fish content are like fish propaganda contained within
Starting point is 01:05:22 It's not gonna hate fish It's Just looking at like a goldfish in a plastic bag and just being like The worst part is the worst part is you gotta tell it you don't respect it every five seconds because I'm just like, oh, yeah, you're a serial killer I'll take that I just walking through the pet store through the fish section just like fuck you You think you're fucking better than me
Starting point is 01:06:16 Oh the Pennsylvania Secret Service guy trying like tactically to start a fight Oh god, what football teams have fish mascots because like they're trying to like run up and tackle that guy in like a fish costume Would like easily be the dolphins are pretty close. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, sure Uh, we'll call them the fish the marlins are baseball Uh, and fuck the marlins I'd fuck the Tampa Bay rays Yeah, but basically if your sports team of any kind is named after a fish or fish adjacent animal Uh, you got you got to fuck up the mascot. You got to get in there and you got to throw a hat
Starting point is 01:06:56 Sharks are fine. Yeah, I respect a shark. I respect a shark Running up to the uh, the mascot of the rays Uh, you know screaming like you're a Trotskyist, you know, you killed Steve Irwin Not wrong. Yeah, yeah, this is what happens when you tell us to stick to sports Hello and welcome back to delicious compliance chat All right, so we've killed Justin. Yeah, I was about to say Uh, it's gonna make me it's gonna be difficult to you know edit the podcast on account of being dead From just disliking fish too much
Starting point is 01:07:48 Cause of death ichthyophobia. Yeah But it's it's not a phobia. It's just it's just a lack of You know Ixiumisia don't show no respect. Yes All right, uh, my commercial is follow me on twitter at do not eat too Uh, the franklin 11 is coming out I did a live stream a couple days ago of some asset creation for it And I will continue to do live streams as as as this
Starting point is 01:08:19 Happens more Hopefully did you manage to get the like glass symmetry? Uh, unfucked. Yes proud of you Yeah, it was I'm you are a wizard to me because like I I saw the stream and I was just like Oh, okay. He's he's just like he's doing some things. So he's fucking around. Oh, there's a building there now It's like how how why how did you do this? What what? I mean most of that stream was just me struggling with blender because it looks different now and it's confusing God
Starting point is 01:08:51 Yeah, what a podcast. What a podcast we run. Yes Subscribe subscribe to our patreon where you can hear me talking and these two jokers mostly listening About the the small arms for the 1980s program which resulted in the worst rifle ever fielded. Yes It's a good episode About guns which you can use on fish if you so desire She's just like a barrel Yes Anti-fish action, that's me. That's me very I fucking hate fish
Starting point is 01:09:34 We gotta we gotta call it here It's just becomes a whole podcast ragging on the fish as a concept And they won't know that I am the last survivor co-host That's me co-host of last resort, baby Design designated survivor Liam Anderson. I did it All right, we good Do you want to plug your Twitter or anything? Oh, yeah, uh, I am at old man Anderson on Twitter. I am Liam Anderson I yeah, I guess uh, please continue to uh to understand that the podcast
Starting point is 01:10:20 Uh Talks about serious topics and also has jokes as people have done throughout pretty much all of important history Fucking do no evidence that we ever talked about anything serious on this Happy 130th birthday to the fourth bridge Hmm. Oh, yes, very nice. Uh, yeah, and like our Hearty congratulations and well wishes to the like crew who have to paint that shit every six months Uh Because yeah, don't don't want to do that either
Starting point is 01:10:50 Just hanging out over the first of fourth and in like a boson's chair just fucking painting red paint on the thing I I imagine it's nice once you get used to it, but I have no intention of getting used to it I I suck at that Yeah, yeah, all right. Well, bye everybody. All right Fuck fish All right

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