Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 22: Tenerife Airport Disaster

Episode Date: April 9, 2020

"Why build an airport in the clouds?" "BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THE PLANES LIVE ALICE" our patreon where the bonus episodes are: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod the slides (up soon after this is publis...hed): https://youtu.be/vxv04lgJYVs

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well, I've got a recording, so enjoy the five minutes of audio you're going to have to have. So you record thing also did not remember the Spanish for recording. No, so it's rose record almost. So Spanish listeners already alienated off to an excellent start. My cousin is offering to mail people we'd so they could base time with it for 20. That's that's my Facebook update for today. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Delightful. Very nice. All right. Excelante. Bueno Excelante my favorite comic character. Yes. Is my yes the screen is record everything's going. Okay, let's start talking about stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So what what welcome to well there's your problem of podcasts about engineering disasters where we alienate our Spanish speaking viewers. Sorry, I guess. Espanol. Bueno. Okay, so I'm Justin Rosniak. I'm the person who's talking right now with the engineering degree who talks about the engineering stuff on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:25 My pronouns are he him. Alice called for Kelly. She and her and I am halfway to becoming whichever one is lawyer and not avocado. Lee Anderson, a holder of a mathematics degree and an economics degree from Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey. My pronouns are he him and I'm the guy that by and large flames you when you're a dumb transphobe either on somehow on our Patreon. Yeah, that was weird.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I was just like you fucking like what you just showed up and they were like it showed they had been a patriot patron since like December. I was just like really now now you're just fucking getting it. Fuck. Take your take your $24 a year and show up your ass. This is what I get for not putting any effort into the into the voice training is people are just like, huh? Who's that guy?
Starting point is 00:02:27 And then after a while they realize and they're like, I'll be transphobic now. Yes. Delayed reaction there. Just absolutely dumb as dog shit. All right. So what we're looking at on the screen here in front of us are some airplane parts. Hmm. I see that.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Which have have have have been the rest of them burned a little bit. Yeah. A little bit broiled. That'll buff out there. Well, very until recently before this photo, this had been a full airplane. Oh, yes. That's not so good. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:02:58 We're we're we're testing the waters here. We're trying to do another airplane episode and see if we get yelled at more. Oh, we're going to get yelled at. Yeah. I don't have the 780 saddle. Give a fuck. Plain people. They're going to like that's the highest balance of like how little we know technically
Starting point is 00:03:17 how important it is to them that we know it. Yes. Like ship people ship people we know a little bit, but also they don't care very much how much we know. Whereas train people don't care at all how much we know. We know a lot planes. We know nothing, but everyone cares a great deal about how much we know. I think it's because there's so many more ship people actually work on ships.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Yeah, that's true. You know, because they require a big crew and they're kind of like ships. That's funny. You know, because they don't feel threatened like the plane people who will never fly a plane. Yeah, it's nice to put like feeling included, I guess. The ship people are super nice deal with like the weirdo Facebook groups they have. They're like, oh, do you know nothing about like Delaware River shipping?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Allow me to blow your mind. All right, dude. That sounds good. Oh, that's a good Facebook group. Yeah. Yeah. They're a good genre of people. We like ship people.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Today we're going to talk about the Tenerife Airport disaster. Hmm. Picked a pronunciation this time. Yeah. No one actually knows how to pronounce this on this. We were like flipping a coin. I went with the Ed Sheeran pronunciation. We were flipping a coin between between Tenerife and Tenerife.
Starting point is 00:04:37 He's not that bad. We don't know. We don't have an accent or anything. So your guess is as good as ours. But first I want to try something here. We're going to try a new segment at the beginning of the episode where we talk about engineering disasters of the past week or so. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I should get like a breaking news like Stinger thing. Siren. Yeah. We need one of those obnoxious emergency podcasts. Yeah. Next time next next episode remind me if I haven't gotten us a siren sound effect. I'd play move closer to your world. But we get a copyright strike.
Starting point is 00:05:17 All right. So this fucking guy in engineering disaster news. A man tried to crash his train into the hospital ship that just docked in Los Angeles. This guy is not on the bracket. Yeah. He clearly listened to the Federal Express episode because he tried to do a train 9 11. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Like the weird thing is I think this happened like while we were recording that episode. Yes. Yeah. We got off the thing and then like I guess we hit like emitted psychic telepathic vibes to this guy. Because instantly it was at well there's your problem. Did you see this? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah. The reason for this segment is so you can stop asking us with did you see this thing that happened? Yeah. That's true. So one thing I want to notice here is number one he only brought one freight car with him and it's an immobile car. So it's pretty light.
Starting point is 00:06:17 He didn't have enough momentum to go very far as a result. He wasn't serious enough. Are you Monday morning quarterbacking this guy's active like extremely silly domestic terrorism? Yes. One thing I will note is I forget what MOL stands for. They got this funny logo on the side of the container here. It's hard to see here.
Starting point is 00:06:38 It's this is actually an alligator carrying a shipping container. It's funny. The sweet O.S.K. lines. Yeah. Exactly. Sweet. Yeah. So now the main problem with this is if we look at a map of the area right here
Starting point is 00:06:54 at the Los Angeles cruise terminal is where the hospital ship is currently docked, right? Yeah. The spur he launched his train off of is over here. So you can make that easily. It's like two blocks. He managed to get as far as here. My favorite detail of this was that the feds when they when they announced the indictment they said that they pulled the like the CCTV from inside the cab where he was like standing
Starting point is 00:07:28 with a lit road flare that he had just like fired off when he just went notch eight on a fucking ship. They had to they had to pull up some ancient archaic charges. Yeah. To nail them with because it's like no railing of a train. It's in the U.S. code. Someone did that. That's that's a question for the listeners.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah. So somebody somebody with access to Westlaw or Lexus go on there and find me the last time that someone was indicted with intentionally derailing a train in other engineering disaster news. This is the Venezuelan patrol boat. Neiguta. Right. I don't know if I pronounced that.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Probably not. Yeah. No. It's also a description of how this how this boat's last cruise went. Neiguta. Neiguta. Yes. The 262 feet long and it's a 76 millimeter main gun as well as a pair of 20 millimeter
Starting point is 00:08:31 cannons and 250 caliber machine guns. Right. I guess last weekend they Venezuela decided they were gonna or at least the guy running this boat. Hmm. Decided to do a stunt. Not not yet named for obvious reasons. They were going to capture a boat that was illegally in Venezuelan waters.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Hmm. The main problem being it wasn't actually in Venezuelan waters. A classic of the genre. Just fucking around with like international waters boundary lines. Some of my favorite international incidents start this way. This is this this turned out to be an unwise decision. So this is the ship they decided to fuck with is this rather small innocuous cruise ship. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Hmm. The RCGS Resolute. Right. Intriguing. And it was just outside Venezuelan waters. Hmm. Right. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So they they tried to you know get them to you know surrender like go dock at a Venezuelan port so he can impound you like no one's quite sure what happened yet. Just cop stuff. After they after the guy running the captain the ship was like no we're in international waters fuck you. That is what he said verbatim actually. Yeah. The the Venezuelan ship decided we're going to we're going to ram them and try and divert
Starting point is 00:09:59 them off their course into Venezuelan waters so then we can impound them. Points for efforts I guess. Oh yeah. Just dragging a guy across the threshold of your house to invoke the castle doctrine on him is some fantastic international relations. Kidnapping a guy so that you can do self defense to him is like a fantastic move. The the tankies are not going to like this one. No.
Starting point is 00:10:30 This came in the same week that the the federal government found a way to like issue a 15 million dollar bounty on Nicholas Maduro for drug trafficking. So like that's bizarre. The dumb shit is on both sides of this one. Yeah. This is true. Alice enlightened centrist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Both sides equally bad one of them is like a grotesque neoliberal empire and the other one did. The United States. Yes. Yeah. You're welcome to not speak in German. Did Venezuela fight in World War II? Like I know Brazil sent troops.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I don't know if Venezuela did. It was probably like a quasi fascist dictatorship back then. Oh they were. They were neutral. But it secretly supported the allies and then like eventually declared war on the axis in like I think February of March of 1945. Well that rules. Just like adding insult to injury.
Starting point is 00:11:32 We helped. We helped. Just trying to kill Steve. Venezuela number one. So the Venezuelan patrol boat right there like OK you know this is just a pathetic little cruise ship. I'm sure we can you know divert it quite easily right. What they you know because it's a small small little boat but what they didn't know it turns
Starting point is 00:11:56 out the RCGS Resolute is an A1 class ice breaking cruise ship designed for the most difficult ice conditions in Antarctica and places like that. Oh. So the Venezuelan ship did enough damage to itself that it sank and the Resolute was completely undamaged. Oh man. That's you. You don't like to see it.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Speak for yourself. That's fucking hilarious. Just like trying to punch a guy and like it takes off your entire like you don't even like break a hand or something. It just takes off your arm. Your arm is gone. Yeah. And then the guy can take your severed arm and ask you why you're hitting yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't don't fuck around with the like the cruise ships. All ice breakers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 It's a really aggressive looking like Soviet ice breakers. This is just like you take this to go look at penguins with binoculars and it just fucks up a patrol boat. It's a sleeper. It's like a Q ship. Yeah. So yeah. It sank.
Starting point is 00:13:08 All 44 sailors were rescued though. So they will have to buy the ice breaker because I'd be pretty fucking pissed off. No. They left. I've seen technically a hit and run. Technically I was hit and then ran. You got to stop and like lower the insurance details down. Apparently they they hung around to see if their assistance was needed in rescuing the
Starting point is 00:13:36 sailors. And apparently it wasn't. And then they left. See a lot of nerds. Just trying to fish a bunch of these guys out of the water and they're like fuck off. We'll wait for it. You did this to yourself. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:54 They got to they got to live with what's the what's the word here. And that's shame. I guess it is shame. Yeah. I guess. Just general. Verwenza. Schadenfreude.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I feel pretty silly if I tried to ram giant ice breaker. Yeah. And then my ship sank. I just feel like a real douche. Yeah. The universe had to balance out like the captain of the Theodore Roosevelt getting fired for like trying to do a good thing with the captain of the Niagara getting fired for doing a very bad thing.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Because that guy has to be extremely fired. Like what whatever the most demoted you can get in the Venezuelan Navy. Yeah. I mean maybe he's got a good union. I don't know. Super private. Yeah. He's like he's repainting the legs of oil rigs now.
Starting point is 00:14:43 All right. So that's the news. The goddamn news. Yeah. We'll report the goddamn news. The next time we do this will a think of a name for this segment. Yes. Sound off in the comments and have a siren.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Edge news. Easy. Yes. All right. So now we'll have some background on today's actual subject. So so these are the Canary Islands. Right. Not named after the birds named after dogs over here is like Morocco and western Sahara
Starting point is 00:15:20 if I recall correctly. Yeah. Yes. They're currently administered by Spain. Right. Like a lot of places administered by Spain. They have a history of militant separatist movements. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I don't know. Well like it's funny because the Canary Islands are kind of like this preview to Spanish colonialism because like in the 1490s they were one of the things that Spain conquered. They had an indigenous people the guache who then all got smallpox and like all got massacred and things of that nature by a bunch of Spanish dudes in the weird pointy helmets. That's basically their hobby. Yeah. This was like then like an early access version of what happened in South America.
Starting point is 00:16:06 You can kind of like work some of the bugs out. You can see it in like a small scale before it like then graduates to Columbus. Why they need to bring an Italian in to do their job. He was a general contractor. I guess so. He's your ocean guy. My going rate is 300 gold doubloons to do colonialism. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:36 All right. So in the 1960s and 70s this separatist movement was in the form of the movement for the auto determination and independence of Archipelago Canario. Brevity not one of their strengths. Six. Well they're not Spaniards. Excuse me. They speak Spanish so they say it really quickly.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Apparently Canary Island Spanish is like really like even faster than regular Spanish. They just leave off. Thank you. Lesses. It's great. Yeah. That means you can use more words. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:25 The Canary Islands independence movement in English. Right. You know and this is you know the 1960s and 70s so what they're they're fighting against Franco. Anti-fascists. Everyone hates Franco because he's a dork. Yeah. And also a fascist.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yes. These guys as like as Etta as the Basques or are they just kind of more like minor league anti-fascists. I'm not sure to be honest. Why not. The Basques did like kill the Prime Minister Franco's Prime Minister by like blowing him up with a bomb that threw his car over a building. So.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Oh yeah. Basque space. That was funny. Yeah. Yeah. So this this separatist movement had our independence movement had a armed wing. There's the Guantja armed forces and a political wing which is a Canarian workers party. So they're explicitly tied to like the name of the indigenous people who the Spanish conquered.
Starting point is 00:18:28 That's cool. Yes. And you know they also did they did a couple bombings and they did it you know IRA style where you phoned people up beforehand to say hey there's going to be a bomb just so you know. Why would I do something about that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It's because it's because you're all fascists anyway it's going to blow up in a few minutes get people out. The funny thing is the like whenever the IRA did this in Britain that they would always say that they had like a code word like the I guess the security services would give the IRA like a password. So when they called up they know it was a real bomb and that always struck me as just like the funniest idea having to like authenticate your bomb just being on the phone to the police. Like yeah I kind of forgot the yeah can you give me the security question please.
Starting point is 00:19:17 What's your mother's name. They just explosions going on. I mean that's like some of the worst death counts in the troubles were when the British fucked up on getting one of those warnings like that they would get the warning either not take it seriously or like not get it in time. So it's something to be said for it maybe as a tactic. So anyway that's some of the background but in addition we need to learn about the Boeing 747.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Woo. Yes. What is the Boeing 747. The Gooderest plane ever built. Yes. It's the cool lines. It's got a bar. It's the biggest and fastest plane.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Literally what the notes say too. It is it is what we thought the future was going to be like right. That's actually a weird one because it's it was designed to I'll get to there in a second but it was designed for you know sort of planned obsolescence because they thought the SST was coming right. So Pan American Airlines wanted a plane that was more bigger than the 707 right so they could reduce seat costs so more people could fly in planes right. The Boeing came up with the 747 with the second deck and it's very large and it was very fast
Starting point is 00:20:50 and you know when they when they debuted this aircraft it was like you know the idea was it's going to be it's big enough that we can have like a bar and a lounge and all these nice things. That's so cool. I love that they fucking did it. Yeah. Yeah then they ripped those out so they could put more seats in you know. Air travel has to be more miserable constantly all the time.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah they came back in like a few carriers. Like I think when Virgin flew 747s they still had like a bar in first class up in the little hump bit but like I know BA did too. Maybe Air France. Yeah I just want to sit at the bar in the airplane for like 22 hours to get to Tokyo you know that'd be ideal. That's such a like 60s thing though it's great. I had 45 martinis on this flight.
Starting point is 00:21:41 So first flight was February 9th 1969 nice the yes nice the reason why it was double Decker actually was not really for added capacity right. The idea was you know in 1969 Boeing was still actively developing the 2707 at this point early starting it and that was their supersonic aircraft right. And that was supposed to be the future so the idea was all of these all of these 747s you know we're supposed to be able to easily be modified so that the nose could you know swing off right so it's like up like that and they could be converted to cargo planes really easily.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Huh that's awesome. This is kind of like it's meant to be like a big workhorse. Yes like a kind of an air bus no not like that no no it's more of an air truck but with passengers. Yes. Playing American trucks in your later yeah it's got like a big Mac decal on the front inexplicably. Yeah all right so it's you get you get the Kenworth like W901 that's like really angular
Starting point is 00:22:55 in retro. It's got mudguards and all of the landing gear. Yeah it's got like the picture of like the sexy lady on the mudguards yeah. The shit won us the war got the just painted box car too on the side just to remind people. So initially these had 366 seats in three classes there were some later versions where they extended the hump backwards right and it had a 400 seats or more right and you know in addition to being the biggest aircraft it was the fastest aircraft it went 400 knots that's about Mach 0.85.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah ground speed those things yeah yeah if you had a good tail when the ground speed was easily over you know Mach 1. In a like inadvertently supersonic. Yes. Let's blow it baby. We talked previously about trains that do this that just like fucking like slam into air as like a fuck you to aerodynamics this is aerodynamic but I feel like spiritually this works in very similar ways of just like you just have the big thing and it just big
Starting point is 00:24:12 thing go fast with much engine. Yes. So this was the biggest and fastest this airplane until the A380 which is now the biggest and fastest this airplane and nowhere near as exciting like it's it's just not exciting also the way the A380 has the cockpit on the bottom just makes it look like you know it just says it's huge forehead it looks like but that looks more like the cargo thing than than the 747 does to me because it reminds me of the like the super guppy the one with it like giant head all that's telling me is you can't convert that into a freight aircraft
Starting point is 00:24:53 anytime in the future that's true you can't have that you can't have the cab swing up because then or the the cockpit swing up because then like you'll spill your coffee yeah everything yeah just sliding backwards because it's at a 90 degree angle yeah I mean I I feel like transport like cargo planes never really achieved the prominence that we thought they were going to in the 70s like that they were on some transport fever to shit where you could just fly coal around and stuff I was going to say a transport tycoon but yeah we never we never got to the point where I just shoveled coal in the back of the aircraft we lost opportunity yeah I love to like fly a plane load of oil to a refinery
Starting point is 00:25:36 and then fill up on refined oil and fly that to the plastics factory that's efficiency baby yeah have you ever seen how they transport small aircraft to distant locations uh is it take the wings off and then uh no you take the seats out and you put fuel tanks in the fuselage that's awesome yeah and then and then you have extended range uh so that's how they get like tiny airplanes the hawaii for island hopping huh so let's talk about the day of the incident right it's march 27th 1977 right it's 747 has been in service for a while now and you know there's newly affordable flights made possible by the 747 so everyone wants to go somewhere exotic for vacation like say the canary islands right hmm foreshadowing that and this is this is the age
Starting point is 00:26:33 of the package holiday all of these places like tenerife or magaluf or the costa del so are all throwing up hotels they're like constant building sites everyone's making money uh and there's very little oversight on how that money is getting made which is very cool that's always a good uh yes yeah we've talked about boom towns before yeah the 70s it's great hmm so one of those flights was KLM flight 4805 from Amsterdam ship all to grand canaria mm-hmm and that nice KLM livery with the like sort of toothpaste stripe i know what i like is they got the you know the bare um aluminum on the bottom that's always very nice yeah that's nice yeah like that air american airlines went to just painting the aircraft gray a while back and like that is the stupidest thing i've seen in my
Starting point is 00:27:25 life it looks it looks tactical though right like that's cool that's what i want my civilian aircraft is tactical yeah there's a little bit of romance to this even just like having it bi-lingually in KLM and then royal dutch airlines even just because you don't want to explain because dutch is a silly language you don't want to have to spell out kerniglieke luftemarine to be used to be used to oh god just know i just noticed through the back of this aircraft it says the flying dutchman i didn't know that they also they named their aircraft because pan am was very famous for naming their aircraft yeah spirits of gary indiana or whatever uh they were all clipper something oh yeah right but pan am flight 1736 was lax los angeles international airport
Starting point is 00:28:20 to grand canaria uh via john f kennedy airport in new york city right yeah which is a fucking stupid flight to exist why why would you make that change to fly from los angeles to the canary islands when you could change in europe and get a short haul flight yeah that doesn't make a lick of sense to me uh it seems very strange i mean i you know if i'm gonna go vacation on the canary islands i would expect there to be i would not expect a direct flight from the united states i guess this is for just complete weirdos yeah complete complete fucking freaks who just likes to nature yeah who just want to like they're they all look like ralph stedman drawings in there and they just like i just want to fly across the atlantic in the most inefficient way possible
Starting point is 00:29:10 i want to fly across most of the atlantic but not all of it yeah so on this day this flight was um you know the aircraft assigned was the clipper victor which was the first production 747 right it it and this had been involved actually in an earlier incident it was the first hijacking of a 747 where some guy was like take this plane to cuba and they did rules a bygone a lost golden age of hijacking yeah hijacking was like a minor inconvenience back in the day you know it's like what shit i'll go to cuba even the super like militant hijackings were mostly like you fly it to libya you take all of the passengers off and then you like blow up the plane to own america somehow uh it was a lot more innocent
Starting point is 00:30:05 you know we'll just build another one yeah this this particular incident this is august 2nd 1970 um just a passenger said i want to go to cuba i have a bomb on the plane flew to havana fidel Castro came out to meet the plane he hung out with the pilot for a while oh that rules yeah then they then they dropped they dropped the hijacker off and then they flew away all right thanks and everyone on the plane got questioned by the fbi when they got back to miami of course yeah i was saying to raz i like the idea of uh of you landing in havana uh obviously during the us cuba embargo i then said you all right listen you have five minutes duty free you can you can have whatever you can carry like that old nicolodian grand prize where you
Starting point is 00:30:57 got five minutes at a time and you can have anything you can fit the shopping right that's what i want fidel stands by the gate you have five minutes to make it from here to duty free and back and you can have as much havana club and cigars as you can possibly i'm thinking of the reverse of that where you like if you're the guy who hijacks the 747 to go to cuba you can just bring embargo to us good you can be the you can be king because you have just as many like miniature bottles of like johnny walker thousands of kitcats it coat cans it's just you name it you just the smuggling king of cuba so you just show up at the end of the duty free run with a shopping cart entirely full of havana club and yes you know it's like okay how much how much is this
Starting point is 00:31:44 2,800 cuban pesos or five american dollars captain we're a little overweight for just do the thing that english people do where you like you get the ferry to france with a like a rental van you fill it up with beer and you drive it back and you just be like yeah it's for personal use yes and then everyone got back to united states and realized havana club is not that good i was the first time i had havana distilled havana club and i was just like well this is a whole day's a huge fucking disappointment yeah it's the morally correct rum but it's not the tastier rum yes so oh fun fun fact the bakardi family which uh whose distilleries were nationalized
Starting point is 00:32:46 and now make havana club and they just carried on and they built more elsewhere were actually a big early backer of fidel they tried they funded him to try to like turn him to like the cia's point of view to overthrow batista and he just kind of took their money and then nationalized their distilleries anyway which rolls oh that's funny as hell everything i hear about fidel like the more i hear about fidel the more i like him oh yeah for sure like just like if you google upre blanca who was like a he he did really like ice cream and so as a consequence of that cuban agriculture was vastly diverted into milk production and to the point that there was like there was a hero of labor cow called upre blanca there's a big statue of her at the cuban national
Starting point is 00:33:38 institute of agriculture because she produced a lot of milk which made delicious ice cream which made fidel very happy because he was a treat boy and that room's so hard it's what i it's what i would do if i was dictator oh same that's whatever i play tropical i'm just like oh yeah yeah yeah we're gonna i don't care if the economy and agriculture works important i don't give a fuck so so both of these flights were going into the uh aeropuerto de gran canaria right grand gran canaria yes the airport the airport and gran canary air ports yeah you got the big fucking airport now at the time this this runway did not exist i don't know if it was that runway maybe the other runway didn't exist it only had one which one looks shitty because that's the
Starting point is 00:34:26 older one i assume yeah it still had a lot of space for airplanes though right so but on this particular day uh the canary islands independence movement decided to bomb the airport right fair enough reasonable so they bombed the airport it injured eight people they phoned in to say there was a second bomb so they had to close the airport for the day right then divert some flights away right just sabotage the yeah sabotage the island's biggest industry of tourism to own the fascists fair enough absolutely absolutely as you do all right so while they're searching for the second bomb they got to close the airport and as a result all the flights that were going in to gran canary are diverted to tenor reef right here right yeah because those are the two islands
Starting point is 00:35:17 in the canary islands that have any people on them right yeah and the panhand flight you know they're like we have a shitload of fuel can we just go in a holding pattern until you reopen the airport you're like no go to tenor reef okay it's just like not fuck you no no no just eat a dick later all right so tenor reef uh the the airport was called los los rodeos at the point they really like uh really like a straight field down there oh yeah but it almost looks french yeah you they really don't like having to turn a plow around there's the thing you just yes you get in your fucking field of like sorghum or whatever and you like drive forward for 50 miles and then yeah great you're done uh this is los rodeos airport uh now uh tenor reef north right it's right across
Starting point is 00:36:19 the street from uh super marcado laucha um imagine this guy staring at the the whole thing the rest of the episode i do like there's no independence movement graffiti like recently that's cool uh with with uh inverted uh triforce to yeah absolutely what is it what is it what is an ucha anyway i looked it up apparently there's no not really an equivalent in english but it's something like cash box or piggy bank huh okay so that's that's like a piggy bank it must be the discount supermarket super marcado okay still still a lot of a lot of explaining to do about that sign now this airport was a lot smaller during the grand canary airport and it was about to see a whole bunch of traffic it wasn't designed for including
Starting point is 00:37:18 some very large aircraft airplanes so airplanes would land on the runway you know here and then because so many of them had to land and a lot of them were really big they didn't have room on the tarmac for all of them so they got stacked up on the taxiway huh great you have a you have a a clog in your airport it just backs up and as a result uh you couldn't use the full taxiway to get planes on the runway to position them for takeoff rather instead you had to go to the end and you had to do a thing called back taxiing where you go all the way down the runway then you turn around and then and then you go right oh man okay this seems like it will not end in disaster yeah no how are you supposed to turn around in like a massive plane
Starting point is 00:38:06 do you just get the like the the tug thing to like move very slowly yeah jay turn just like yeah all of the passengers you have to move to the right side of the aircraft when I say go and we'll just slam the reverse there's just that scene from me all right so at at one end of the runway right um you know you have I'm gonna draw a plane yeah so here here is this is that's a b or something so this this is this is k l m k l m 40 l 5 royal dot yeah named the plane was named the rye or whatever rye isn't dutch yeah i don't know i don't i i've made my thoughts on the dutch perfectly clear i'm supposed to for that one guy who got mad at me in the comments about it
Starting point is 00:39:14 i don't understand why you're making fun of the dutch because i hate your stupid fucking country that's why the entire flight crew the entire flight crew are distracted because they're all putting on blackface at the same time yep oh you got us confused with the belges man no one gives a shit you're both low cut yeah i don't give a fuck you're both low countries i'll give a shit about yeah so k l m 40 805 was the first in line when the airport grand canary reopened right but uh the captain decided well we're gonna save some time here we may be here for a while we're gonna fuel up right sure there's a there's a there's a churro place near the airport that's convenient is there yeah the restaurante churrasqueria oh
Starting point is 00:39:59 a little bit of advertisement for them yeah absolutely they got the fueling truck next to them sealing up the aircraft right yeah and then pan am seven the pan am flight is behind them right and there's probably a whole fucking bunch of other planes because it's like it's like bumper to bumper traffic i put a little american flag on top so you know it's american it just looks like a right just looks like a big soviet or chinese flag roscae it's also good yeah exactly when you only have the red color selected yeah it kind of limits your options i guess it could be moroccan it's under a flag of convenience
Starting point is 00:40:49 while while the k l m flight is refueling and they're also searching for like a family that didn't reboard the aircraft when they were supposed to hmm on some final destination shit yeah the pan am plane which was ready to go couldn't get around because there just wasn't enough room because 747s are big right yes yeah and they're just sitting watching that's what the people tuned in for yeah are hitting analysis just a plain traffic jam with these these americans just sitting back they're getting madder and madder and madder at this fancy dutch fucker just sitting there just sucking up aviation fuel choked away the world cup for no goddamn reason to the i mean i think the thing is right like one one thing that people don't get unless you uh a freak like me and you
Starting point is 00:41:41 listen to air traffic control for fun uh which are you sometimes yeah yeah no that's yeah i know i know but it's true it's that it's that i play bad to the gatherer the thing that i think a lot of normal people don't get is that like when you're on a plane and it's delayed and you're getting mad and you're getting frustrated it's not just you the pilots are pissed off as well because it's usually some bullshit like this they're usually having to look at a smug dutch guy be like oh i do i think the aviation fuel is too thick yeah they're all just like they've jumped a country over on stereotypes and they're all oozing from the simpsons don't punch me i'm full of candy so yeah so after they they finally finished refueling that they
Starting point is 00:42:33 delayed the pan am flight by like 30 minutes as well as everyone else behind them you know yeah of course a bunch of people leaning on the horns why do we even have horns in this because it was designed as a truck cb mccall is just blasting at it nowhere yeah black out of parting once the once the KLM flight finishes refueling they find the people atc says all right go down the runway right go to the end of the runway and then turn around hold for takeoff right yeah because you can't take off you can't take off i guess eastwards on this right you can't just go i i guess i i'm not entirely sure that wind that is must that must be what it is yeah yeah you don't want you don't want to like try to take off hit a headwind and just get knocked into the fucking churro place or
Starting point is 00:43:32 whatever that'd be bad so here here's here's super mercado laucha for a reference um just yeah orient yourself around that i'm just like very into all of these all of these names there's a restaurante el nervioso like a anxiety restaurant which for me is every restaurant i'm panic eating i'm panic eating right now why just don't wait or hate me like no you just need to go this is such a series of like spanish language stereotypes that the road around the airport is called camino el matadero just like yeah matador road cool two ways to go about life you're there a matador or a doormat sure yeah so anyway so atc now that klm's going down the runway over here atc says uh panam 1736 should follow and leave the runway at taxiway three
Starting point is 00:44:38 this this taxiway here did not exist at the time yeah um so they follow they start going down the runway this is one this is two here's three they get to three and they keep going right uh that's not so good so there's there's some theories as to you know why they didn't they didn't turn off there one was that they read their mapping correctly right because they they'd never flown here before right this is a new airport to them that's fair with with like a badly overworked air traffic control presumably so yeah yeah which has never had to deal with anything of this magnitude yeah uh number two is they didn't think they could make the turn it does look sharp they wanted to do a zigzag right and get on the taxiway uh so they decided we're gonna try and go for taxiway four this is
Starting point is 00:45:34 gonna be a lot easier right it wasn't uh well number number c number c is that uh bad visibility they just missed the taxiway right and that's because lust rodeo's airport is at a very high altitude it's about 2 000 feet above sea level if you're european that's 633 meters um so there's a bunch of clouds everywhere yeah there's a bunch of clouds rolling through right awesome fantastic place to build a fucking airport is in the clouds yeah yeah that's where the planes are alice yeah you feel very like uh very airborne when you're just in the lounge or whatever yeah the the nice clouds roll by you're not thinking ah fuck i'm about to die that's a horrifying cloud that you've drawn that that's i it's a big friendly cloud
Starting point is 00:46:33 does not look friendly to me sweet gracious god he's gone down he looks like a catfish no no it doesn't no the face with the like the thing it looks like no no so this big this big friendly cloud is going down the runway in the same direction as the clipper vector and klm flight at about 14 knots right while this is happening right so they're just in a cloud bank both of them yeah yeah exactly so this is where there's a couple miscommunications this was not to control tower at the time there was an older control tower there this is a newer control tower but you know the control tower is what i decided to make the visual of here so in on klm flight 4805 was uh captain jacob veldhoizen
Starting point is 00:47:31 van zantern i should i should point out this guy was famous like klm he was like i think one of klm's right yeah he they had magazine ads about like come fly klm with this guy who we have photographed looking extremely like reassuring and trustworthy uh because yeah he's dutch how trustworthy they get but he was he was an instructor pilot for the 747 uh i think he had been like a test pilot before that first so there was there's a little bit of the like the seniority thing going on there there's some there's some crew resource management here uh if this had happened in like an any kind of an asian airline we would be like the fucking new york times i'm still mad about the mh370 thing or whatever would be talking would be talking about like can asians fly so good
Starting point is 00:48:21 would be talking about hierarchical cultures or like deference or things of that nature but he's yeah he's this very well-established very senior very famous uh uh money maker for klm for the for reference i'm fine with orientalizing the dutch you made it all the way to the fucking world cup in 2010 and you've lost to the spaniards of all fucking people this is this is your beef is it's not the like yeah i had money on that not the like stupid orange pants no i mean the listen i i just that's something he just do you remember the headbutting yes we kicked him right in the heart for some reason yeah as one does and it was just like what are you doing it's the world the headbutting yeah
Starting point is 00:49:19 the headbutting was zidane uh that was yeah there we go i just i just i cannot stand the fucking dutch man just let it all out this is like group therapy yeah thank you thank you can't we forget that one guy you're like oh why is this all dutch which is like fuck you never never never gonna respect fucking yeeps von boom de kiste or whatever in our fucking mentions the other thing too about the dutch is they'll sit here and prattle on about how like they're one of the good ones actually and it's like are you aware of what you people did to indonesia yeah because it's not fucking good dude yeah this is fucking not good yeah no so you put that the tv tropes article for some reason like not respecting the autonomy of
Starting point is 00:50:17 betavia is a trope so so captain complicated name with safety and magazine articles yes yes once he once he gets to the end of the runway and turns around he um immediately decides to start advancing the throttles right not check baby we're gonna hit the us and his first officer class murz yeah tells him uh wait we don't we don't have clearance okay and so he pulls back he pulls back so oh yeah sure so not not suspicious stuff for the like big advertisement guy to be like oh yeah sorry i just accidentally fucking just redlined that whoops my bad just fucking full speed ahead imagine imagine you're on the plane and you just hear the engine spool all the way up and then just back down again and you're just like that's
Starting point is 00:51:20 probably fine boss is bored yeah fine this this is the kind of shit that's in my head every time i take a plane even though i know that like the probability is that i'm never gonna be in a plane crash because it's me and i'm like a solipsist and i'm like well i am the protagonist of reality so interesting things can happen to me i'm still like uh the all of these small details that everyone else isn't noticing these portend absolute devastation and catastrophe and just in the back of my mind at all times i have the csb unbeknownst to the workers voice so is it solicited here is it just me that's a joke all right here we go
Starting point is 00:52:08 so merz radio that the control tower to say that they're ready for takeoff and the tower replied with instructions for what they should do after they take off but they never explicitly told them they were clear for takeoff that but they also use the word takeoff in their reply okay um non-standardized radio yeah buddy the bunch of overworked air traffic controllers just be like yeah once you take off you you're gonna want to do this and we'll get back to you yeah i can do this with my hands oh i can make a hat or a boat or so uh merz read back you know the instructions said we are now at takeoff uh captain veld hoizen van zanden says he's gross uh vegan which is dutch for we're going cool uh right that's that's not the issue
Starting point is 00:53:08 i would say that at takeoff is pretty clear that that is like waiting for takeoff maybe that's just me i don't know maybe that maybe his tone was different but that seems to be one of the things you should maybe get clarification oh yeah instead of just be like uh yes you boosted your booth into engines and bug it bug it we out well there there's there's a mitigate there's something that happened here after veldhaus and van zanden said vegan and then and then advance the throttle again who just really has a like a lead foot huh yeah yeah well you know he's he's been sitting there refueling for 30 minutes he's like i want to get the f**k out of here his face is all cake dog s**t yeah starting to form cracks the lesson i'm getting from this is that people people
Starting point is 00:53:59 really don't pilots really don't like being on the taxiway at this airport like so but the tenor reef tower said all right okay stand by for takeoff i will call you right at that same time he's not gonna call the same time the pan am uh flight uh simultaneously transmitted we're still taxiing down the runway uh the clipper 1736 right clipper was pan am's call sign yeah and they had this radio bug uh the radio interference meant that klm didn't hear either of them yeah it's it's not even interference it's this strange sort of uh like a radio phenomenon which i think can still happen even which is why they're very careful around it where if you transmit like two things at the same time on one of these nets they just kind of like cancel each other out and you don't hear anything
Starting point is 00:54:56 oh that's terrifying right it's it is okay yeah it's great yeah you'd love to think about that where like if you make a mistake that like is so urgent i do love thinking about what i'm like that is true i i love to think about the idea that if somebody up there has made a mistake that is so urgent that two people are yelling at them at once they just can't hear either of them you gotta get a third person in yeah that's true um so you know so KLM the KLM flight doesn't hear them and also clipper uh clipper 1736 it's inside of a cloud at this point right cool yes now on that cliffhanger i'm gonna go use the restroom go for it we get Liam and i can share more theories about the dutch and like uh dutch politics uh uh geerts vilder whatever the fuck his name was oh
Starting point is 00:55:51 yeah like of all the european donald trump more cartoonishly evil something yeah like of all the european fascists i feel like geert vilders is like one of the like least aesthetic ones like Nigel Farage right uh homegrown fascist looks like a weird kind of you must be a frog yeah went to the same school as me by the way delage collins represent um yeah no he's he looks like a bullfrog and is like generally repulsive but geert vilders has the kind of like the that like fascist meanness of face but also the fake tan like he feels like a swinger nazi it's very disconcerting yes no that's absolutely that's a hundred percent true you know you know he looks like he looks like the nazi who would be like in a in a 60s nazi themed porno like yes nazi
Starting point is 00:56:47 exploitation yeah yeah yeah absolutely he's he's like mmm geert boy toy of ss this is like yeah great cool you just tell me this is what i wanted to put this is what i want to not sit back yeah tell me tell me about the muslims please mr geerts also just f**k off being called geert getting the f**king zydezi which somebody's somebody's going to yell at me that the zydezi doesn't f**king exist shut up i just uh-huh no the zydezi was um they uh they they drained it i believe and one of those like massive civil engineering works to create a bunch of like polders um so yeah no it's i i will say that i will say this much for the dutch and that's large infrastructure projects involving like dams or like uh breakwars and stuff they are
Starting point is 00:57:44 quite good at those but uh doesn't wow yeah you know indonesia says it's regards i suppose yeah right uh does not really make up for the yeah we could have probably used one of those and one of the most f**king tsunami prone regions in the world but what do i know uh what did the dutch do win uh colonize what they called the dutch east indies and betavia before that largely in pursuit of spice which they never use in their atrocious cooking i see i see and and and then leave uh indonesia with one of the world's lowest lying capitals in uh like a zone of extreme seawater rise and tsunamis or not like building any f**king polders or breakwars or s**t for them imagine you you colonize like you know the um you know these places with like fantastic you know
Starting point is 00:58:36 southeast asian cooking and then you know just repress all that culture in the world and then you're like well we have strupewaffles yeah it's like congratulations you you can throw away your like your delicious migoreng because we've brought you mayonnaise like yeah thanks all right so i'm back um anyway oh god so let's explain what is going on so the panam plane is right about here right yeah under runway trying to get off but uh taxiway four we still have mr happy cloud right sweet yeah yes covering the runway the klm flight is down here right yeah so um now on the panam flight is captain victor grubbs so it's it's not just the dutch that are like living down to stereotypes at this point
Starting point is 00:59:40 first officer robert bragg yeah good america name flight engineer george warns all of this isn't like the 70s all of these guys are like uh air national guard lieutenant kernels uh they're like they wear the joe biden aviators all the time no matter how dark it is they have never stopped smoking no no no stewardess's ass remains ungrabbed on that flight they have three martinis in the cockpit each one for me one for me so they're they're going down a runway unbeknownst to them their uh transmission was blocked uh by the by interference um but they're they're getting anxious right uh according to the cockpit voice recorder victor grubbs the captain you know he says let's get the hell out of here it just puts down the child locks yeah just roll up the windows it's a
Starting point is 01:00:47 bad neighbor first first officer's like yeah he's he's anxious isn't he in reference to the dutch pilot right um and the panam flight engineer is like yeah after he held us up for half an hour that expletive removed now he's in a rush son of a bitch just a servant son of a bitch well i mean points were made right like they're not wrong yeah once again america not wrong a bunch of things happened very quickly here right so the klm flight engineer expressed some doubts that the panam flight was clear but captain complicated name uh reassured them that no they're captain towns van zandt uh yes yeah fucking like yeah the inscrutable dutch culture strikes again as the like the patriarchal figure in the cockpit is unable to be countermandered
Starting point is 01:01:43 uh yes i think the flight engineer is like that he he's he's he's clear right the american and the captain's just like yeah fine don't worry about what's the dutch equivalent of confucius funcusious yes so at this point our friend the cloud decides to change course and goes off the runway right hmm so visibility is suddenly much better and the klm flight has started going and so according to the the cockpit voice recorder the captain victor grubbs you know sees sees the uh klm flight coming he's like blue blood yeah there he is look at him god damn that son of a bitch is coming the first officer's like get off get off get off so we have the timestamps and i think the scariest thing is like the difference between those is that's those are
Starting point is 01:02:46 four seconds apart and like that that time in that time it's gone like who knows how many hundred meters so uh veldhojzen von zahn uh pulls up on the stick in his plane he does a massive tail strike trying to clear the pan am plane right don't fuck victor grubbs opens the throttle and tries to put the plane in the grass right mm-hmm so two good decisions yeah yes so they almost make it oh dear yeah they don't grade on a curve for this stuff do they yeah this uh still from a pbs documentary and i'm hoping if it's jpeg compressed enough they won't get mad at me for using it our tax dollars paid for it thanks to viewers like you uh hey it's just an in post production again i just wanted to add a correction here it's actually a smithsonian channel documentary
Starting point is 01:03:49 that this still is from and i noticed that while there's you know pretty high production values here they decided to alter god damn that son of a bitch is coming to that idiot is coming right because you know this this highly produced graphic depiction of the deadliest civil aviation accident history had to be uh family friendly um anyway back to the podcast for not copyright striking us pbs something bitches i'll buy one of your tote bags oh god imagine what i mean at least if you're in the like any of the seats backwards in the pan am you're not gonna know a thing about that you're getting a jet engine to the side of the fucking head like so KLM 4805 almost clears a clipper vector but doesn't and shares off the top of the plane right yeah and not a fun way like
Starting point is 01:04:46 that hawaiian plane where the like the roof goes off sucks out one stewardess and then everybody else just remains terrified until it makes a safe landing it you see it just goes fucking just goes straight through the thing it's a convertible yeah yeah it's a cabriolet now the KLM flight was actually briefly airborne uh and then immediately stalled and crashed into the runway put that in the fucking epitaph why don't you briefly airborne briefly airborne very very short period of time yeah technically a flight but it stalled owing to the fact that it lost most of its wing and engines um that'll that'll do it and crashed crashed in the runway and of course they just refueled it so it burns to the ground um it just explodes and burns they can't extinguish it for several hours
Starting point is 01:05:39 no one on the plane survives um yeah there's one one survivor of the flight who was a woman who did not reboard the plane at tenor reef because that's where she was going uh cool yeah again that is some final destination ship but like imagine you just you get off that plane and you're just in the airport and you're just like in the churro place or you're in the super marcado and you're just like you just hear the the explosion and you're just like hmm not feeling not feeling great about that okay super good glad glad i got off that plane yeah yeah so all right 248 passengers and crew died and crashed in inferno including of course everyone on the flight deck right now the the only ones who deserve death i don't know the rest of them are dutch you don't have to be dutch to get
Starting point is 01:06:34 a dutch plane yes it's not it's not an endorsement they make you don blackface test the citizenship test i'm not actually advocating for the death of the dutch ah that makes one of us i'm joking i'm joking just like security on the skybridge checking to make sure you have like a racially offensive costume on before they seat you ah europe this is it the episode that finally gets us all cats so pan am flight 1736 uh you know they get whacked pretty hard by the KLM plane shears off the top of the airplane uh the rest of it catches fire right so a lot of people were killed immediately by this right yeah the ones who get like hit by an engine
Starting point is 01:07:33 or whatever yes or you know you have like a giant fireball of dutch airplane fuel yeah incinerate you yeah i gotta say of the ways to die in an airplane crash this is one of the better ones like it's not like you get the terror that like i think about every time i fly up like the way down or anything you're on the ground you probably don't know anything about it and you don't get to be like terrified or anything because it's not prolonged you just you don't you don't even get 15 seconds yeah yeah unless you're looking out the window oh yeah don't do that window shade down thank you just see the plane coming and you just put the shade down and it's like well that's somebody else's problem in about 15 seconds so so a lot of people um when when so but people
Starting point is 01:08:25 in the front after the airplane uh survived right yeah the ones in the bar yeah exactly if you went to the bar you know like immediately we did that yeah well you're taxiing yeah exactly all right time to uh time to go grab some martinis right so everyone everyone survived like uh they walked out of a hole in the fuselage onto the one wing that wasn't on fire hmm probably with martinis in hand i'm just feeling great about that until the precise moment that you realize that the wing that you're standing on is also full of fuel yes you know they'll go walk out on the wing including including the flight flight crew to fight the fight to change name to fight clue so and um you know one of the problems was uh the engines were still running
Starting point is 01:09:19 for several minutes after the incident um the first officer was like i better turn off the engines you know because we've been involved in a wreck but the top of the cockpit had been sheared off oh wiley coyote shit that's where the switches were yeah you've reached out to flick the switch and there's just air yeah awesome yeah i feel great about that so you know the survivors went out in the wing they waited to be rescued but on to the fact there were several other clouds around the airport the uh fucking clouds airport emergency services all were tending to the remains of klm flight 4805 they didn't even know there was another plane involved jesus how can you fly in that that's insane you fucking shouldn't be i just love the idea that
Starting point is 01:10:12 like you're on the wing thinking man i really hope that the engine shut off and you just have to think well on the plus side we are burning fuel remarkably quickly so it shouldn't be too long oh yeah the engine shut off in a few minutes and you know a few minutes of you standing on a wing with a deafening jet engine right underneath you i'm sure that was great for everyone's hearing they're just a relaxing kind exploding around you yeah you're a cruel mistress tonight is so once the engine shut down they just uh sort of hopped down from the wing and walked away okay sure so three i'm sure that the first officer apologizing profusely for not turning off the engines yeah sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry except they can't hear you yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry
Starting point is 01:11:07 yeah like this is this is i feel like uh just the time when you need to have the like three martinis in you is to be on a like kind of heating up wing in the aftermath of a plane crash this is a guy with a travel pillow and everybody else is like fuck why didn't i bring one of those so on this plane 335 people died 61 people survived including the captain first officer and flight engineer who did the best like not uh there's a pretty good pilot ship and ship whatever here's here's the wing of the clipper vector that everyone was standing on no thank you people walking away um yeah that's not stuff you want to be breathing in any of it either oh yeah it's all made of like plastic and jet fuel uh huh all right so after this of course there's an
Starting point is 01:12:09 investigation right mm-hmm of course an investigation was from oh boy oh god the oh god commission the investigation the accident is the incident is the aviation civil uh which is the cia iac oh okay right off the tug yeah sure yeah well it's probably fine in spanish you just have to say it real quick that's true let's say uh yes say no it doesn't that's not any better that's worse anyway this is a spanish ntsb uh they lead the investigation and but all the parties involved because it's a multinational thing they decide to try and blame each other right mm i'm glad we don't do this with like aviation investigations ever again since so that's true we as a species are about like a thousand on those the the cia iac puts the blame firmly on captain veld hoizen
Starting point is 01:13:16 von zanton for taking off without clearance right fair enough like a lot a lot of times when you talk about inquiries we're like man they really threw this guy onto the bus especially like hmm they just picked the like highest ranking dead guy who can't answer back but in this case no they really kind of yeah it's a pretty clear cut you know they also say okay there's some exacerbating factors like fog overcrowding uh you know and um using non-standard language that radio blip thing yes and no one's familiar with the airport involved except air traffic control mm now the dutch tried to counter this by saying you know the spanish from from the audio they said it sounds like the spanish aircraft controllers were watching soccer in the tower no that's just
Starting point is 01:14:05 how spanish people talk to each other and uh that's what they say when the plane takes off successfully so they'll lead with that with the with the like racist caricature shit yeah of course the dutch jail yeah why would i expect anything else with the dutch so yeah see i can do a tail and then um they also say pan am 1736 should have taken taxiway three eventually they give up and KLM awarded damages totaling 110 million dollars to the victims families the victim was being what like 600 people uh yeah it was uh death toll is 583 people that's not a lot of money 110 million divided by 550 something it's like a uh $189,000 if i recall correctly cool yeah this is 1970s money though this after like uh fucking you're opening gambit with the investigation is
Starting point is 01:15:12 yes the air traffic controller was asleep beneath a giant sombrero uh as as was as was his racial characteristic yes it's the britchard ham and uh thing that got in a lot of trouble with the mexican government yeah yeah yeah it's just ale i'm saying it like why did they have a donkey in the air traffic control tower that shouldn't have been allowed i believe the word i believe the word you're looking for is burrow this is us the masters of cultural sensitivity uh we're getting cancelled after this one oh yeah this is yeah this we don't get a chance honestly damn oh well all right all right yeah time to pivot to alt-right content i don't want to join hatred yeah i was about to say anyone gotta anyone got a pickup truck
Starting point is 01:16:04 that we can record rants from uh post it in the comments um actually if you do have a pickup truck for about $1,500 unrelated unrelated to neo nazi shit uh i'm trying to buy a truck yeah if you want to sell or best yet donate the like the subject of a future patreon episode get what we all talk about what a giant piece of shit it is and how lean we throw it into the ground go to alaska baby yeah so suede highway gonna be fun or even die or whatever one of the major effects of this accident though was you know a renewed focus on standardization of language recording air traffic control and aircraft movements right so now you know which is why they made atc much more boring to listen to because now everybody talks in english yes
Starting point is 01:17:00 and you're not using you know you can't like use the word take off unless you're explicitly directing an aircraft to either take off or stop taking off you cannot do the the extended bit from airplane where you're like vector victor roger roger over over yes that's now illegal you can't do that anymore how do you have fun police you know you got to say departure otherwise you can't say take off unless you're actually taking off you know it's generally more explicit instruction and readbacks to ensure crews have internalized instruction you know and this is it only took the deadliest civil aviation incident in history you know to cause these changes to happen better than ever baby usa yes it also did
Starting point is 01:17:48 like it did finally spur a little bit of like what would eventually become called crew resource management in that uh airline stopped trying to make pilots as big celebrities as they had before this like this this is kind of the reason why you won't now see like a big full page ad of like a named pilot uh which is probably for the best like those guys uh i don't think that egos needed any help at the best of times uh but it's especially awkward when you put them on uh like a full page ad and then they eat the plane into another plane because they're like impatient oh now instead we have like low-cost airlines trying to play pay uh commercial airline pilots poverty wages right there i could go to hell yeah that's also not so good yeah well what if we took the the people
Starting point is 01:18:42 who like least need to be like sleep deprived and overworked and made them more like long-haul truckers all right listen you're gonna take this plane um we're doing we're gonna go from Los Angeles to Tokyo uh and then Tokyo to i don't know uh Ulan Batar and then Ulan Batar to like London yeah London and then you're gonna take it to from London back to LAX and you're gonna do this in one shift yeah they just like slip your fist full of reds they give you and we're gonna pay you 17 bucks an hour you get time and a half after eight hours though no health care man fucking instead instead of like uh uh balpa or whatever the american pilots unions are they should fucking get with the teamsters you know yes every time you get
Starting point is 01:19:45 on a plane there should be like a big like decal on the side with like the pilot's name and shit and oh yeah the teamsters local and and a big sticker with like the the the dog yeah yeah yeah i would feel i would feel so much less uh like uh like my life was being threatened getting on a plane if it was like more like that just just yeah the next time the nfl players association has a strike they surround lincoln financial field with 747s a bunch of 747s going back and forth the guys with just shotguns saying they're going to scap hunting no i mean this is this is the logical end point this we we tie it all up with a neat bow again because if the 747 was like a truck for the skies then why not make really embrace that
Starting point is 01:20:42 you know why can't i have alcoa rims on my 747 and have a bunch of lights on the side oh the fucking light bars they have with the interstate now whereas we said yeah i didn't want to fucking say that's bad i'll give a fuck put a big painting of a stagecoach on the side oh wait wb mason the wb mason's holding a shotgun for some reason he's bounded down trucks are so cool probably fairly easily make it from um where was smoking the bandit it was it was like it landed a tex arcana tex arcana yeah you could do that fairly easily in a 747 in the time a lot of shit that takes away the
Starting point is 01:21:29 challenge man all right so uh what we i guess the the lesson is um don't make pilot celebrities but also pay pilots more money yeah um yeah don't overwork um your air traffic control stuff don't build an airport halfway up a mountain um if you can help it um yeah please especially yeah uh be mindful of fog don't be an impatient douche don't be dutch yes yeah don't be dutch be a defensive driver when you are on the taxiway in your 747 yes uh pass on only on the left yes yeah yeah um anyway that was the episode next episode is of course on the Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster that's right we didn't place bridge guys in our taxonomy of like boat guys and like playing guys and train guys uh i feel like bridge guys aren't actually looking at our
Starting point is 01:22:36 podcast because they're gainfully employed we're not now well that's a good point yeah now no one's building bridges yes yeah well only building the essential construction sites like luxury hotels and walls building walls not bridges that's right some kind of uh some kind of Hideo Kojima style metaphor at work though this was the very strange thing that i always thought is you know build bridges not walls i mean like a wall and a bridge do two different things for two different situations i can't like i can't drive over the top of a wall that's a dam you've just built a dam that is a dam but i'm thinking like if i need like to build a building right it's made of bridges i have to build i can't build it out of bridges i can't do that i gotta
Starting point is 01:23:26 build out of walls i love to live in like my truss i live i live in um i live in a jungle gym it told me to build bridges not walls i took this philosophy home so um before we go does anyone have commercials listen to trash future we are streaming now at trash future podcast on twitch.tv look at you yeah doing like regular streams uh wednesday at nine uh london time we are doing uh like quip lash or some other dumb bullshit party thing and then sunday's same time nine london time we are gonna do some grand strategy we did hearts of iron uh we tried to form an australian empire and it went very poorly oops yeah you tried to
Starting point is 01:24:28 my risk strategy yeah yeah we we kind of we helped we kind of killed several million soviet soldiers trying to invade bali it's a long story oh that's a sham um my audio recording uh that i mentioned a couple weeks ago got derailed but i am hoping to have that out soon uh please continue to vote in the 2020 train bracket uh i just not that it matters because it'll be days since that pulls over but i just put up uh lehigh valley baltimore and ohio matchup so yeah please continue to vote on that we just just just do a uk train operating companies one as like a sequel uh we're doing we're gonna do uh transit authorities whoever wins we lose that's the funny everyone thinks i'm doing train madness no liam's doing train madness you can tell where the cap is less is
Starting point is 01:25:26 just shouting yeah i mean i'm up here saying don't mercy i swear to god if the new york new haven't had heartburn it's moved on i'm gonna be i'm gonna be very unhappy and i guess uh the next bonus episode are we doing american the american university yeah i think it's american university yeah not not not the american university has a concept not the american university the university american university is also bad but we're doing the concept oh you can't see that my mom went there your mom i'm sure is lovely the podcast the podcast the last time someone said something bad about your mom i got banned from twitter that's true i would hate for you to get like the show account banned from twitter for yelling at me
Starting point is 01:26:18 oh god i too have a commercial all right yes yes for for those of you who are fans of my other series franklin i i just want to say i've finished all of the buildings i need for the next episode franklin 11 it took me ages because i was terrified of doing Corinthian columns they're just really complicated right now all this all this stuff is here i got the first bank of the united states i got the second bank of the united states i got the merchants exchange building the next episode we're gonna talk about the banking system and currency in the early american colonies absolutely no hamilton references oh we're gonna talk a lot about hamilton he's a piece of shit um just just use the tumblr fanart of alexander hamilton no no no but like the one
Starting point is 01:27:11 with that no yeah that was the first tweet i looked at today too oh you're welcome you're welcome yeah trans man thomas jefferson baby oh my god that is what i know about thomas jefferson to be yes and i don't even understand how that worked did he like did he like transition into a woman and then transition back thus making him a trans trans in the fanart he's also black which i i it's there's a lot of questions i mean some of his children were oh founding fathers were all creeps except thomas pain what about uh franklin he was a creep but like an affable creep like a friendly pervert franklin was like the good kind of creep also uh
Starting point is 01:28:02 at a grave digger hmm like belushi an animal house yeah yeah that's yes i did spot on you know he just has a sweatshirt that just says electoral college like that did a good job alice thank you yes so that's the status update on franklin 11 i now only have all of the episode to do as well as repairing the franklin save because it moving to a new computer broke it but there was also new fucking deals fucking sunset harbour is the reason why you should be mad about uh franklin not being on time it's it's actually like uh i mean i do like to added trolley buses those are nice yeah that's cool some eastern european stuff i can never get the fishing industry to work i haven't tried the fishing industry i tried the trolley buses
Starting point is 01:28:55 because i like watching the the the trolley poles go with the wires i wish i could do that with like trams too so i could have like nice trolleys but a lot of the mods updated surprisingly quickly for re reasons yeah i just gotta hmm i i i just gotta fucking do something about how they're all uh like it's broken themes by district for me so like now if i try to like do a city i get like a mix of shanty towns soviet tenements uh british detached council housing and uh like brooklyn brownstones so that's great i love that i like it i like it that sounds good yeah i i call it american eclectic yes and he just makes every style of building together and like a big blender you know using blunder yes yes the 3d modeling program that if you learn it you can never learn
Starting point is 01:29:54 anything else can anyone truly be said to have learned blender no no you just do a little better each time you ever seen the infographic that shows all the blender shortcuts no god i'll post it in the discord afterwards because it's a disaster show horrifying thank you yes all right maybe maybe i'll flash it up on the screen when i edit this anyway you have to flash up the thomas jefferson then too i don't want to do that i don't want to do that i'm not gonna do it i'm not i like i like our viewers some of them at least i like them too much to subject them to that foolishness yeah goodbye cherished viewers yes goodbye to the viewers goodbye to the viewers we like everyone else go fuck yourself um yeah all right i think that was a podcast
Starting point is 01:30:54 i believe so all right i'm gonna stop recording

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