Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 53: New London, Texas School Explosion

Episode Date: January 29, 2021

of all the horrible things which have happened in the american school system, this is one of them slides: https://youtu.be/c75SYmKBTS0 patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod merch: https://www.soli...daritysuperstore.com/wtypp

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, so about some exploded children to talk about. Well, this is an interesting one Yeah, because this is not usually the sort of disaster which occurs at schools Yeah, this is the thing that we're going back to once Joe bans all cool firearms is we're going back to this kind of school disaster yes so Welcome to well, there's your problem. It's a podcast with slides about engineering disasters If you're confused where the slides are they're on youtube If you're listening to this in a podcast app and you've been very confused at about the slides part
Starting point is 00:00:40 Like the link is in the description to see the slides Okay Anyway, I'm Justin Rosnick. I'm the person who is talking right now I'm Alice called to a Kelly. I am the person who is talking now my pronouns are she and her you forgot the pronouns I forgot the pronouns Oh, is it my turn? Yeah, go. Oh, hey, my name is Liam Anderson and my pronouns that rose my pronouns. Yeah, are he and him Oh And and and what do you see on the screen in front of you?
Starting point is 00:01:21 school building Well, kind of half of one half of a school building. Yeah, actually a very small portion of a school building I see a lot of people standing around there. They're not attending classes or Looking at the football game that there seems to be some wreckage Some of them were attending classes very recently prior to this photo So like a lot of bad stuff happens at school, right? We all know this. Yeah, it resembles a prison Yes, exactly the kid jail. Yes. Oh, we we
Starting point is 00:01:57 Shaving my entire head very closely to make this point. Yes Uh, it's like it is Everything is like the prison. He's made Foucault like Austrian there. Yeah That's not Yes, wait, do I just call Zizek Austrian there? He's he's like Slovakia and not Slovenian one of those he transcends nationality Yeah, because he's Yugoslav being of poor Zizek. Yeah, that's a good point. He is the Yugoslav. That is basically The most internationalist anyone has been that's true
Starting point is 00:02:41 So like, you know at school bad stuff happens like maybe the teacher assigns you too much homework Maybe you you fail an exam. Maybe you get shot by a bully Maybe you get shot. Yeah, maybe you get shot. Maybe you get shot Stop beating around the shooting bush Well, we've been doing very well this year and I know what you need to do about school shootings actually Closed all the schools. No, you actually don't need to say beating around the shooting bush because beating around the bush is a shooting Metaphor already. Wow, thanks Alice. I don't know that. Yeah, you like physically beat a bush with with sticks to drive birds out of it so people can shoot them
Starting point is 00:03:18 Biden's got to get the kids back in school so they can get shot by each other again, you know America This is an interesting comparison would be to figure out how many kids got killed by covid Versus how many kids would have been killed by school shooters have a leaderboard Yeah Yeah, just a bunch of like Viruses just getting really mad and trying to like outdo covid and how many kids it's killed It's the national debt clock, but for but for kids
Starting point is 00:03:52 And the national debt clock's so lame This school has gone 45 days without a mass shooting event That's a month and a half. Wow Hmm Really making progress. So, you know another bad thing that could happen at school in addition to being shot as maybe the school catches fire or something but usually Usually one thing that schools don't do Is randomly explode out of nowhere?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah, you want to design against that Yes, there's not a lot of stuff in schools that can explode Like maybe there's a chemistry That's probably about it Quiet kid in the back of the classroom Grease fire grease fire. Yeah, you could have a grease fire. That's not an explosion though. Okay. I'm sorry I was trying to think outside the box asshole Uh, maybe you just have a bunch of propane tanks lying around for one reason or another. This is texas. We're talking about
Starting point is 00:04:52 It's a good point. Yeah, gotta have the school facilitated tailgating Um So today's story Is the story of a school that did explode out of nowhere Oh boy. I'm gonna talk the uh, talk about the new london texas high school explosion of 1937 Now we're back in texas our favorite place. Yeah, why do we only go to texas when stuff explodes? Because that's what happens a lot Everything's bigger in texas
Starting point is 00:05:25 And the body count. Yes. What is the body counts on this one? Let's just front load that one for once At least 295 Oh, you know, it's bad when you're getting at least in there Yes, well, you're trying to find bits and shit like yeah People looking like the end of an unreal tournament match that's gonna make it hard for the corner But first We have to do the goddamn news. I really hope I have this drop queued up, right? E. No, I don't
Starting point is 00:05:58 Close Fuck shit. Hold on. Let me get the news So There a whole bunch of redditors Decided it was time to buy all the game stops stock And um now game stop is valued at an absurdly high 200 amount 25 or something They've stopped public trading on it like five times now
Starting point is 00:06:36 Stop interfering with the market. That's right. The free of the markets the free of the people. Let's go This is tyranny And now like a whole bunch of hedge funds are gonna go bust because they all head short positions And they can't make the margin calls It might bankrupt the mats, which is so fucking funny because the CEO of the mats Tried to bail out the original hedge fund melvin capitals that got that lost their uh, that lost their shirt in this one 8 billion dollars. Yeah, he he put in 2.8 billion dollars and it was wiped out in half an hour. So oh, oh, no Oh
Starting point is 00:07:14 Wait, which met Like the mats the new york mats. Oh the metropolitan museum of art. Uh, no, no, no the one that has missed a mat the one that like All the cops like steven cullin is who you're talking about the owner of the mats. Yeah Can you imagine the two of them have to merge Meet the met meet I said steep right up too. So I'm on fantastic form. We're all doing well today. Yeah Tom pain who I know is gonna listen to this podcast that one specifically was for you. I'm glad they signed gt again And now they're gonna go bankrupt because of gamestop of all things. Yeah gamers have risen up
Starting point is 00:08:10 To be anti-semitic steven cullin is jewish. I see you. I see you You will hear about this at the next cabal We're gonna kidnap so many kids My favorite thing is the the wall street bet subreddit that spawned this is absolutely losing their goddamn shit Absolutely losing their goddamn shit that what they performed on gamestop is called a short squeeze, right where These hedge funds were shorting If you don't know what short is where you sort of bet that the stock will lose value It was shorting gamestop and they just sort of called their bluff and kept buying and buying and buying
Starting point is 00:08:48 And they will continue to buy for as long as people let them to let them do that the the motto on wall street bets at the moment is I'm gonna I'm gonna bleep the slur. I fucking hope this bleeper works that we can Longer than they can stay solvent Is it I know what's yep, yep, I know the slur is unfortunately I fit on WSB I do appreciate The fact the the sort of pearl clutching of you know, you might think this is funny
Starting point is 00:09:22 But what happens to a stock you really like and I'm just like there is no company that this could happen to where I wouldn't Think this is fucking hilarious. Yeah, what if they do this to the good hedge funds like we will like I have to say We're in a weird position economically We're like because people are trapped inside during the pandemic We're basically rooting for the pandemic at least on some like not literally actively rooting for the pandemic But it's good for us as a podcast that y'all motherfuckers have nowhere to go. Yeah My dad uh before he retired was a bankruptcy attorney So like he every time like the stock market crashed. He was like, oh boy new clients
Starting point is 00:10:00 Like can't wait. Did you have to give him the fucking happy merchant voice? Yeah, well, he has an extremely dizzily voice I love my dad very much, but he sounds sometimes like a jewish caricature Uh, like my other favorite thing about this is that like it's such a Calculated fuck you to the stock market that they're buying Uh, the stocks that are like demonstrably of the least value of Can you stop blackberry?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Blockbuster was another one which blockbuster is still trading. I didn't fucking know that but it is I didn't think blockbuster was trading. That was bizarre At time of recording 774 percent before the closed trades And amc movie theaters I understand amc actually managed to raise a lot of capital in december so that valuation is yeah a little Little more justified, but still extremely dumb. I do like the idea that like Wall Street bets just flailing from industry to industry is gonna prop up companies just as long as they can
Starting point is 00:11:07 I just like these people pearl clutching and being like it's not funny We happen to you know, there are there are real people and to them I say good job You too will get a $1,400 stimulus And you know if you pull yourself up by the bootstraps you too can get $15 an hour in 2025 Like this is the thing right? This is what you this is what you wanted. This is what you wanted. No not not I think we should also say not a lot of sympathy for wall street bets themselves either like full support in their quest to like Do a fucking financial suicide bombing, but like Not great people over there very few people are getting into this and just being like, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:11:47 I used to be poor and now I'm rich off of this a few might but for the most part it's people like It's going to be people who put in upwards of $500,000 in the first place who are making real money off of this And it's like the thesis that I I I'm coming to and I'm gonna you'll hear me explain this on the next trash future Is that it's very much like storming the us capital in that in both cases You just have a kind of a handful of people who know what they're doing Riding a mob of idiots in to do something totally unexpected It was much easier than anybody thought it would be because you thought somebody was supposed to be securing this and it turns out nobody is
Starting point is 00:12:29 But on the other hand it seems like it's going to be a lot harder to put the wall street bets guys in jail I wouldn't be so sure This is going to be the biggest Like change in stock market regulation since the fucking 30s and it's all going to be to make sure this never happens again Wait until game stop gets back down to 35 and short then Give me my $2,000 Not 600 plus 1,400 not 1,200 $2,000 okay
Starting point is 00:13:02 Yes, like and they're all just pissing and moaning and just like why are they doing this? It's just like because people are bored because you ruined everything so fuck you Because fucking up the markets is funny My favorite stimulus tweet was this inauguration looking kind of fancy for a guy who owes me $2,000 Yeah, just fucking fuck it repo shit from the white house just back a truck up there and stop pulling copper wire out of the Wolves Oh, that'd be funny Just uh, we just show up with a big uh big raider truck. Yeah, I'm here to get like $2,000 worth of computers
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah, so Yeah, I'll take this uh painting of the signing of the declaration of independence The met garbage sale or garage sale the met scotter is the money you can be They had to sell mr. Met It's you guys ever seen thoroughly modern milli it's kind of like that Anyway, yeah, if you got rich off of GameStop well done, please send me $50,000 because I need it. Uh Oh, this is the transgender Agenda we're always hearing so much about mutual age right if you can't call yourself a trans airline unless you've sent me $50,000
Starting point is 00:14:27 I've sent you like $10. Oh, thank you. Yeah Yeah, you know $9,990 Can you send me an id that says trans ally so I could whip it out? I will absolutely print you or anyone else a trans ally id Actually, I will charge you for that one like the pennsylvania secret service ones that still pay what you want But like the trans ally one. No, fuck you pay me Solidarity forever
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yes in other news money news The potent Harriet Tubman on the uh, $14 bill God that's fucking Depressing I mean, yeah I don't know. It's not really my place to have any feelings about it one way or the other But something about it does kind of rub me the wrong way to just be like, yeah, I know
Starting point is 00:15:34 Hey, you used to be a commodity now. You're on the commodity progress Well, I mean it's it's really weird because like they seem to be really prioritizing this I mean it was something that was about to happen at the end of the obama term And now they're like, okay, we're back in office. Let's let's get this thing going. It'll be a big I guess some kind of publicity wins Yeah This was this this was America's moment for like racial healing or whatever and nobody was asking for this
Starting point is 00:16:03 Nobody remembered that this happened. I can't think of a single person Who like their priority when bite and got in was yeah, we're gonna pressure him to do the Harriet Tubman $20 bill thing, you know, actually, I think I should also say black lives matter on the $20 bill Yeah, okay, that's gonna that's gonna result in racial harmony right there Um Painting it on the streets evidently wasn't enough. But if we just do it enough Yeah, what we've got to do we've got to do is we've got to do only gestural politics But we've got to do them so hard they work every street in America is now named black lives massive plaza
Starting point is 00:16:41 And we're gonna keep doing this until we black like it. Oh, it's like being in Atlanta where everything is peach tree Yeah, uh, I do kind of like confused male men driving in circles As mad as I get about you know platitudes and Gesturing and all that that would be fucking hilarious Just like every interstate is now black lives matter interstate watching races just Mussolini themselves off bridges like The the the one thing is this is a big win for Andrew Jackson
Starting point is 00:17:19 um, actually because of course He hated the concept of currency Uh, putting on a $20 bill is is is like just absurd. I assume you could have probably hooked up a turbine to his body spinning in his grave in the power of the city the size of albany It's gonna be weird like when this enters pop culture though Like you can't talk about having like a stack of tubman's easily now But at some point that's gonna change and that's gonna be fucking wild I don't know. I feel like they call me. I they call me tubby because I'm loaded with 20s actually kind of works
Starting point is 00:18:01 Trying to bribe somebody have you met my friend Harriet Tubman? Like this feels unethical. I don't even want to do this I'm going home Um, but anyway that is the nose The goddamn news the news There are some google maps I know right Let's talk about the town of new london texas home of a building that looks like a big serif e
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yes, Jesus christ. Do the e really that's when you don't do the e drop Oh, fuck I had it to hand to it. I completely oh god I Like that's a good 10% of this town is a high school football field. It's a lot bigger than 10% I mean, what is more texas than that? I saw friday night lights So new london texas is this sort of one horse town About halfway between dallas and shreeport louisiana. Oh, right. Fuck is it? Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:11 They uh, they originally called the town london But they got a post office and the postmaster said there's already a london in texas. So they were like, all right It's new london now Thanks for nothing kimble county Um and One of the things about this town I mean, this is just this is just a regular small rural town nothing especially special about it except of course it's in texas which meant
Starting point is 00:19:40 In 1930 they discovered oil Earl wall Earl so They discovered oil in in rusk county, which is where new london is in 1930 and that boosted, you know, the town's tax revenues Also the congestion look at that traffic It was about to say, yeah, I don't know if that's like a junkyard or what?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Look, I'm pretty good for a junkyard though. I don't know This is true. I think everything just looked better back then. Maybe you know You know people had to make stuff look better because everything was in black and white. So you could So In addition to boosting tax revenues, a lot of these oil wells were drilled on county owned land, right? Smart the county had direct revenue through leases Petro states, uh, Saudi Arabia the United Arab Emirates and rusk county texas Yes, this is a petro county
Starting point is 00:20:39 um So as a result of this the county had a whole bunch of money to play around with and rather than building I don't know a big island in the shape of a palm or something like that Uh, they decided they were going to spend it on good schools. Uh, boring Give a fucking giant skyscraper I want a ski jump God if only somebody was doing a podcast about those gulf state mega projects, we like so much Dick heads beat us to the punch
Starting point is 00:21:12 That's only that's only partially about gulf state mega projects So Everyone's gonna get their own take in on it eventually so We may all just have the same guest on on on every podcast. Um Who is sheamus melecopsily? I am guy in cognito I am three three sheamus is in a trench Back-to-back sheamus guests Yes, just acquiring infinite shea my
Starting point is 00:21:44 yeah So Anyway, and this is this is during the depths of the depression that they decided we're gonna splurge on schools, right? Because they just have that much money So they decided to build New uh, london high school, right? london high school before expulsion Now we're helpfully captioned
Starting point is 00:22:07 Also, is it just called london high school to the someone was really sore about that new london thing Yeah, you kinville county. We're gonna make our high school and you can come down here just shooting at the rival texas town Well, yeah, i mean it's texas they probably do that Yeah They build this it's actually another uh town just south of new london called old london. Oh, you fucking kidding me Yeah, it's a weird name for a building london high school before explosion. Yes So Okay, so this is london high school. It's a big e-shaped building, right?
Starting point is 00:22:50 You know, you get to sort of vaguely richardson roman s detailing, you know A lot of pixels unfortunately They um, you know constructed this out of steel and concrete, you know, it's not a brick structure or wooden structure It's all steel and concrete In 1932 and it cost a whopping one million dollars That's upwards of like two million dollars now. That's many x boxes. Yeah I think that's like 18 million dollars now Technically upwards of two million dollars
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yes They built this school on a slope, right? You can sort of see this is sloping down here Right, so there's an extra story back here. So there's this big crawl space along the front of the building, right? um Years later that would be where they would put like media studies classrooms and stuff Oh, yeah so They had uh, you know, this is a 21 acre campus. They had a football field with lights
Starting point is 00:23:52 Right. There was also an elementary school on the campus. There was, you know, the high school building There was a gymnasium and a separate building Uh Their football team was called can you guess? Hi news No, the wildcats wildcats go wildcats. I guess wildcating, which is an oil thing, right? Yeah, it's an oil thing. I just got that. Yeah Yeah So at this the school's campus was larger than the town it was in in fact, it still is Because it wasn't this the first football field to have electric lights in the state of texas elise high school
Starting point is 00:24:29 I do not know who believes so Jesus That all money also i like that in a previous slide ross you have the notes oil were discovered Oh, yeah oil were discovered I do I do like the how they it's called texas sweet crude because they used to taste it And I just I think we need to get back to that Well, just tasting oil get get back to real america. Just sticking your tongue
Starting point is 00:24:58 Just straight down a well Do not do not do this Oil is very bad for you. You're not the boss of me taste fucking great. We're in court. We're incorporated together asshole We're a co-op That's filling 85 calories and then we can have an obnoxious tv advert talking about how we're uh, we're the most delicious light oil So while they were constructing the school the school board decided to sub out the heating system specified by the architect Which was a central boiler
Starting point is 00:25:37 which uh would send steam to radiators throughout the building with a different system which was 72 gas heaters throughout the building in different rooms, right? Why would you do this? I actually don't know it might have been slightly cheaper you get better zone control that way Probably so like I guess if you have like a county with six kids in it And you're only using one corner of the school
Starting point is 00:26:06 You're not paying the heat or whatever, but like locked wall street bets Oh, no fascists Bizarre They haven't done anything wrong. Please mr. Putin. I'm calling on you to free my people who live under the jack boot of tyranny Ah, shit, that was another thing we could have talking about is uh, nevonie and how he's a fascist Oh, yeah, well, I mean in russian politics. Nobody isn't a fascist except maybe like circle adults off and like he's so irrelevant Nobody's even tried to kill him. So
Starting point is 00:26:44 It's it's it's it's incredible You look at like that country and you look at all the potential people who could be running it and you're like Yeah, Putin is the least bad option by like a huge margin. I'm not even sure that's true anymore is the worst part I'm genuinely like oh god. I don't know Was cool seeing all the cops getting pelted with snowballs though. Yeah, that ruled. Yeah, that was pretty good so As a result of installing the 72 heater system This crawl space was entirely full of just a maze of gas pipes, right? Oh good
Starting point is 00:27:21 But they didn't really do Any other alterations of the design like say adding some ventilation into that crawl space I don't hate to do that. It's fine. Just have an oil refinery under the school Just make sure it doesn't make you're fine. We're teaching your kids how to become prosperous All right kids, this is uh gas pipe working class We're gonna teach you about gas pipes All right, here's a lot of great good at that champs You enter a room with a with a four foot high ceiling that the interior looks like the
Starting point is 00:27:57 Windows pipes screensaver Augmented reality welding training course So anyway, the gas was originally brought in from a commercial gas line operated by the united gas company, right? Until january of 1937 When the school board found a sneaky way to reduce their heating costs. Oh dear. We make our own gas Well So we need to talk a little bit about uh oil extraction here, um Something called residual gas, right? When you drill for oil, it's not just oil that comes out of the well
Starting point is 00:28:42 You know, there's there's stuff trapped in the pockets down there. There's a lot of times there's water, right? Sometimes you get like sand and silk mixed in the oil, which is annoying Uh all kinds all kinds of you know, I wouldn't I I would say nasty stuff can be in there But there's nothing in there this nastier than the oil itself Additionally nasty stuff. Yes bonus bonus nastiness bonus nast. Yeah, subscribe to our only fans So one of the very common byproducts is natural gas, right? So natural gas mostly methane, you know your ch4 plus some other hydrocarbons you can get propane You can get some other stuff in there and and other nasty stuff. Sometimes you get sulfur sometimes you get
Starting point is 00:29:31 Uh, it's weird like acids in there, right? Um and in order to use natural gas commercially You have to like purify it and make it meet certain specifications. So it's almost all methane um And natural gas, uh, you know, it's it's a useful fuel. It burns much cleaner than other hydrocarbons like oil and coal Produces less co2 for heating value, right? Uh, one of one of the interesting side effects about the recent like boom and Natural gas power production is that it's actually caused a net reduction in co2 emissions from the power generation sector But you know, that's that's obviously like that's not that you're still burning natural gas
Starting point is 00:30:17 Also, there's lots of leaks and systems which in since natural gas is a very very It's something like 10 times more potent than co2 as a uh greenhouse gas, you know, it's sort of uh Mixed back. So what so what you're telling me is that every city building game has lied to me when It has a natural gas power plant as the compromise option for when you can't decide between going with coal and uh nuclear or renewable energy Uh, yes, okay But there are some there are more problems with natural gas one of which is it's very difficult to store Right because you got to store it like in sort of as a compressed gas Um, it tends to heat up in pipelines, which uh means you got to keep them cool, right?
Starting point is 00:31:07 Um, so if you're taking the stuff out of the ground You need to do something with it immediately, right start piping it off to customers. Uh, you know Get it processed all this stuff, right? Um, and another issue of course is that this gas is colorless and odorless. We'll get to that in a second So in the 1930s There wasn't a huge market for natural gas, right? I mean, you know, it was there for residential heating and cooking right, um But it wasn't like being used for power generation or anything
Starting point is 00:31:41 This is before we discovered you could make electricity using fossil fuels and instead we used You know these these these old fashioned things like dams Uh I don't think even coal I don't think coal power plants really took off until like the 1960s and after the discovery What? Lots of coal in the uh powder river basis. Yeah Are you think of coal power generations being something that somebody started in like the 19th century? And it's like no like that usually the the really big power plants were all hydroelectric
Starting point is 00:32:17 Home was like a relatively recent thing. Yeah So we've just had like 50 years of doing this shit as like an interstitial when we could have more or less jumped from Dams to dams and man splits the atom Um, yes, and instead we just decided to like veer off into killing everything Wonderful photo. I just uh finally rediscovered recently of uh Pennsylvania railroad delivering the shipping port nuclear reactor on uh behind with a steam train Well, look they're both
Starting point is 00:32:53 Steam engines right when you get down to this is true. Yes. That's true Well, no, they're both they're both heating elements of a boiler. Oh, I guess shut up shut up Yeah, because the uh the nuclear reactor would be powering a turbine not an engine Fine, I guess if you want to be specific about it It's fine. It's fine It uses steam to perform useful work, but it's not a steam engine Because we can't have any fun. Yeah, yes I think they should flare off more natural gas if we're just gonna fuck everything up anyway because like
Starting point is 00:33:31 Into that just I like I like maximum chaos all the time Plus it looks kind of mess all like just the it is pretty metal Just real sort of Gatsby ash heat vibes to just drive past a giant fucking flare stack Oh, yeah Well in the 30s There was not a huge market for natural gas again. We weren't using it for power generation And we didn't have a really robust Natural gas pipeline network right to carry away the gas somewhere where you could use it
Starting point is 00:34:05 So a lot of times in you know little oil extraction operations, they just flare it all off right cool and This was the case in rucks county There were several pipelines which carried the natural gas to a central flare stack from the oil wells, right? So this This town new london had actually two separate gas systems One for residential and commercial use and one for flaring. Yeah one that just goes to nothing Yes, cool. Also, you see this occasion. I mentioned this on this pod before but um A couple of scottish oil refineries the shell ones up here have just been flaring off natural gas
Starting point is 00:34:43 So I can't sell it. Uh, so sometimes capitalism just leads you to the same thing. It's cool That is about to say, you know, how much uh, how much gas would you use if it were free? Uh Which is you know, it turns out is less than infinite, which is what economists would predict, but Yeah, I actually just run I run my heater full blast in the summer because gas is free My apartment is 930 degrees kelvin. I run my own private flare stack just because I like it Oh, because it's cool. Yeah I have to look up with 930 years kelvin. Oh good. It's 1214 degrees fahrenheit. So that's so so a texas summer Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:35:32 I wonder uh, what was I gonna say? Um, not a boy, you know, they make they make a natural gas powered air conditioners Lots of stuff lots of stuff can be powered by natural gas if you decide you really want to do this Easily my favorite genre of machine is something that is powered by something that technically works But shouldn't like a hand cranked flashlight for instance or like it's it's the same to me as Expressing stuff in units that are technically like correct, but make no sense. Like what's the sun in calories? Liam and I looked at a couple of apartments when we were searching for the Uh, a while back where um, and at least one of them had a natural gas washer and dryer. Oh, yes, I did. Um, wow Yeah, that's such a fucking soviet vibe too. You know, that's a soviet vibe apartment
Starting point is 00:36:29 Clothes into clean omats and uh, yeah, the finest natural gasses from baku. We'll just fucking steam them clean I've been hit right, you know, it's dry cleaning gas only. Yeah They just they just soak your clothes and gasoline Why is it all just petroleum products all the way down? I feel like I'm trapped I feel like I've fallen asleep in like chemistry class and I've like I've fallen asleep I'm subliminally trapped in like watching a film that's like, could you imagine a world without petroleum? No, this is the issue with petroleum products is that they're really good. Oh boy This this is the problem about with getting off of oil is on account of oil is very good and can do many useful things
Starting point is 00:37:17 Great For Well, what is gasoline but diet, uh crude oil Yeah, and it helps you maintain my uh, my finger figure. Yeah. Yeah, that's me trim figure baby spelt All right, so when you do A commercial natural gas system is going to be more organic chemistry I I didn't go I didn't go very far into it. Thank you
Starting point is 00:37:46 Um What what what any things is you know, why why would you have two separate systems? Why not just have one system since all that natural gas is going to waste more valve uses for heating the house Yeah, we don't like to do valves Well, one of the problems is residential gas has like quality controls, right? You need certain purity as I mentioned earlier Another one is that residential gas has to have an odorant in there called Tert butyl thiol butyl
Starting point is 00:38:17 I don't know how to pronounce that. That's fine. You made yourself heavy. Yeah So, you know, one of the problems is natural gas, of course again colorless odorless So you can't tell if it's building up in your house like, you know, if you left the stove on right? So now with the odorant you can tell if natural gas is building up in your kitchen because your kitchen smells like rotten eggs At which point you can then turn the stove off and then open a window so that your kitchen doesn't blow up Yeah, which is ideal Yeah, exactly. Um, you know, I usually I prefer not to have my kitchen blow up because I like to make food there If my kitchen blew up, I would have to get takeout all the time. You're just gonna do it with a 1681 vodka anyway, so
Starting point is 00:39:07 Uh, well, that was that was that was a while long time ago. How did you do that with the microwave? So I was making a vodka sauce, right? Okay, and this is uh, this was relatively early on when I was cooking, you know, sort of learning to cook, right? And you know, one of the things I I was like, you know, I I made I made the chicken in there, right? Cook that out of the pan Um, then I was gonna start the sauce and one of the things is I thought, you know, maybe I should I should try deglazing All this all this nice fond on the bottom of the pan here. Oh, boy. And so I tried doing that by adding the vodka in Which of course made a fire vodka vodka vodka sauce sauce
Starting point is 00:39:48 So there's you know, probably a good three four feet of fire there. Um, and I was like, oh shit, I've killed the soul um But this is wtyp from beyond the grave actually Yeah, well it burned itself out fairly quickly and all it really did was melt the microwave I could fall off the microwave a little bit, but yeah So, um, you know what the sauce turned out pretty good. It was good sauce and it did deglaze the pan So mission accomplished works as I would do it outside the next time because it also set the fire alarm off Not a bug feature working as intended
Starting point is 00:40:24 Although the fire alarm went off after the fire had died down, which is very strange Dude, I'm living in my house now We cook and just every single fucking time it sets the fire alarm off And I just want to go full frat house and disconnect all the fire alarms No, I can see the fire that's not a big deal That's about to say and I can see the fire is over here The fire alarm can shut off because I know where the fire is. I have been alerted to the fire I don't need noise. Oh, you just meant temporarily while you cook. I see
Starting point is 00:40:58 Okay, no, this fire is under control Here's a fun natural gas fact. Okay If your local power plant runs on coal or natural gas Using natural gas to heat your house or cook is actually more environmentally friendly than an electric stove or heating system Because electricity has energy losses in transit and natural gas does not Huh Yeah, and also, you know gas stoves are better and anyway at some point I'm gonna have to fight matt brunig You know next time next time he suggests that he's coming for our gas
Starting point is 00:41:38 You don't like an induction hob at all No, I want some goddamn fire I want fire that I use to heat the pan where I cook the things But anyway, so this this residual gas pipeline that ran through the town was full of Unprocessed and impure gas of wildly varying quality, right? And it had no odorants So using it for residential or commercial stoves and heaters would not be a smart thing to do
Starting point is 00:42:14 But oh boy thing was it was free Don't make an unwise thing to do a free thing to do Yes So lots of churches homes and businesses made illegal taps into the residual gas pipeline It's natural gas. He's highly illegal highly illegal And they just started using the nasty shitty gas instead of the good gas. Sure. Hell yeah Now I mean if you're making your own
Starting point is 00:42:44 Illegal gas tap you got to know what you're doing is insanely dangerous, right? You live in Texas. How dangerous could it be? I guess so, but like you can't be like nobody knew gas exploded. It was the fucking thirties Well, yeah, well, everyone knows that this is you know, not not smart, you know, this is not uh, but you know, you just say, hey, uh If you have a buddy who like works on, you know, everyone works in the oil fields. They know how to do hot taps So This you know this very good Well-funded school with lots of money decides Yeah, sure. Why not and they make an illegal tap into the residual gas line in january of 1937
Starting point is 00:43:29 What but they have What else are they going to spend that money on more textbooks about like race theory or something? I probably uh Uh, oh, we need we spent all of this surplus on eugenics heads. So like I we we you know, I wanted to bring in a visiting lecturer on for now, which yeah So Suddenly, you know, they have to worry a lot more about adjusting heaters and stuff like that But the scheme guts out goes off without a hitch they cancel their gas contract
Starting point is 00:44:07 And they start using the residual gas from the parade oil company, right? and parade oil company, you know, this is sort of a An open secret in the community, right that, you know parade oil company just sends this gas to the flare stag And you're not supposed to tap into it. They won't let you it's how it's legal to tap into it They don't want you to tap into it, but they're also not going to check and they don't really care, right? Yeah, because to them commercially it's like, oh, somebody's stealing the piss out of my toilet. I was like, okay fine Joey boots That's actually
Starting point is 00:44:42 A good thing. I don't have to deal with this Yes yeah so In in the ensuing months a couple kids started complaining about headaches, but you know, this is 1937, so yeah No one cares. Yeah Are you the headache? I'd walk it off
Starting point is 00:45:01 Here's some tobacco. Yeah Well, what you need to do if you if you feel like you have a headache is go and play some more insanely aggressive high school football Um, here's here's a wide variety of drugs, which are completely legal at the local Just like slam your head into another kid's head. Maybe we'll give you like a leather helmet or something But probably not. Yeah Maybe yeah, it takes some uh, it takes a morphine with cocaine and like, I don't know. Maybe there's like There's some marijuana in there for a good measure um
Starting point is 00:45:30 It's cough syrup It just happens to have morphine in it. Yes Have a coca-cola with cocaine in it. Hell yeah There were two points of entry to the crawl space, right? There's one exterior door which is kept closed and locked and there was one door inside the school In the shop classroom, right? Oh, no the industrial arts classroom And they stored lumber in the crawl space, right? Oh good. Is that safe? Kindling, baby
Starting point is 00:46:02 Probably fine. So It's thursday march 18th 1937. Oh, no It's the afternoon Everyone's excited for the final bell at 3 30 p.m. Right first through fourth grades have been let out early There was a pta meeting in the gym um 500 students and 40 teachers were in the high school building At 3 17 p.m
Starting point is 00:46:29 What do you say of time when you say a date it's bad when you say a time And it's as specific as 3 17 Yeah, someone's face is gonna get melted off At 3 17 p.m. Let me our butler the shop class instructor turned on an electric sander Okay I assume everything went well and there's no significance and you're just gonna hit us with at 3 18 Everything was well. Oh, no, this is what it looked like at 3 18 Um, oh boy. Oh, oh dear. Yeah, everything everything it did the school done blow it up
Starting point is 00:47:11 Um, all the gas which had been accumulating in the crawl space for months it months it ignited and it exploded, right? Witnesses claimed the whole building seemed to leap up into the air before falling back to earth and collapsing Um, a two ton concrete black was thrown 200 feet from the school and it crushed a 1937 Chevy Um, oh no, incredibly this massive explosion created no fire, right? So the whole thing was over almost immediately How was there no fire when there's like a gas pipeline going through that? Oh, I would assume there was like a very tiny fire right at the exit of the pipe Just a single like sort of lit cigarette flame and you're just like that's fine
Starting point is 00:47:59 Yeah, don't have to worry about that. It was a steel and concrete building. There wasn't much to burn Apart from the children, there's a whole bunch of human flesh children. Yeah children very flammable as one of the design flaws with them The pta meeting, you know, obviously came to an end right at that moment The pta rushes out of the gym. Yeah, meeting adjourned They come out and they see the scene of utter devastation and calamity, right? Because the school building just wasn't there anymore You know parents started having to dig through the rubble to find their kids with their bare hands Um, a bunch of emergency services arrived on the scene since the explosion had been heard for four miles around uh ref necks were dismissed from oil fields to help uh, you know try and
Starting point is 00:48:44 Uh, assist in the recovery, right? And you know, this is this was a very very bad disaster like Lots and lots of people were just instantly killed and it was a particularly dismembery type That's an adjective Yes, that's not the word I really want to hear but yeah, all right. We do a disaster podcast Lots of these kids, you know, heads arms legs got blown off, right? And there's body parts everywhere Even the bodies that remained intact were often disfigured beyond recognition Most most uh, most of them were identified through like personal items
Starting point is 00:49:21 um, oh boy Only an illegal natural gas tap can reduce an entire high school to a soup like homogenous in under a minute. Yes Well under a minute actually Couple seconds Um, they had to they had to start bringing in emergency personnel Um from as far away as like Dallas, right? And another thing they had to bring in were a lot of um Uh, Shit, what's the word for someone who works in a more in a bad lot?
Starting point is 00:49:55 Corona and bomber. Yeah mortician. Yeah Because yeah, it just killed so many people just instantly something like 295 Students and teachers were killed in the explosion by the official count But a lot of the kids attending the school were children of um, you know, sort of transient oil field workers mostly from Mexico, right? So uh, uh, They they may have not been counted in the uh final count, you know So also on the scene was Walter Cronkite. Oh, you're gonna do the voice one One of his first reporting assignments
Starting point is 00:50:34 Um Shit, I don't know if I can do a Walter Cronkite voice. Liam you do a wolf's Cronkite. I'll do a wolf's Cronkite Does anybody know what's the Cronkite? I don't think I've heard as I just know who the guy is All right, if you can do a wolf's a Cronkite impression at home do this in your head while Justin reads the quote Yeah, so Walter Cronkite said much later after you like recut reported on stuff like world war two and nuremberg and Kennedy's head exploding and all that stuff You said I did nothing in my studies during my life to prepare me for a story of the magnitude of that new london tragedy
Starting point is 00:51:10 Nor has any story since that awful day equaled it Well, I mean it makes sense just by like sheer sort of death toll right like nobody fucking blew up kennedy's head 200 times sequentially the viciousness of children dying is always probably a little Yeah, a little harder to swallow, you know, you just show up and there's like just a mound of Children's body parts. That's usually not a good feeling. No, that's not a good day at work Yeah, yeah, just like yeah, try not to get too traumatized. Uh, by the way, here's the dead kid zone
Starting point is 00:51:48 So, I mean, I don't know maybe maybe the uh some of the uh That's good. Should I make a jeffrey eppstein troke here? I don't know. Yes go on I I was I was like, I don't know. This this this this is something I'm sure a lot of the elites are now familiar with Haven't been to little st. James, but you know Yeah, back in the old days you had to like harvest your child body parts on mass like this Manual like yeah Good lord. Yeah, I can see a lot a lot of folks in there to start harvesting adrena chrome real quick Yeah, and that's why jeffrey eppstein was like elevated was this provided the us is like
Starting point is 00:52:25 strategic adrena chrome supply and it ran out sometime in like the nineties Congress probably mandated to be sold off like a national helium supply. They didn't know what they were doing Um, yeah, here's another another picture that's surviving section of the school Well, you say surviving like surviving in quotes. Yeah, I'm looking at those angles and I don't like any of them Other going to school on that shell would be a fun nice long vertical crack here. That's not good. The fact that there's no building from this point Yeah, that's not good This doesn't look good. Um, so yeah um
Starting point is 00:53:11 But anyway, yeah, so folks, uh, you know had to you know, it killed a lot of kids Everyone was extremely traumatized in the town people tried to attended not to talk about it for a long time afterwards Yeah, I mean And I mean small town, texas, right? You don't you pick up a football So, um Only about 130 people in the school were uninjured at the end of this, right? Jesus christ, these are the were 500 to start with, right? Yeah But like that's like the entire pta meeting and like
Starting point is 00:53:48 Uh, I don't I don't know how many kids were in each class, but I know that year senior graduating class is like only 30 kids um So The cause of the disaster is found to be incredibly that the illegal tap into the gas line was faulty and leaked Who could have predicted this really? Yes us for the last hour Yeah So A bunch of people brought lawsuits against the school and the parade get a oil company
Starting point is 00:54:25 And the courts found that neither could be held liable Uh, uh Like the gas company, I guess right they didn't like that's just lax enforcement Yeah, I'm a little bit confused as to why the school was not liable for this He just broke in and installed this gas tap And we just happened to stop paying the gas bill at the same time total coincidence. Yeah, it's not a policy around a thing Um Now on the other hand the superintendent of the school district was basically forced to resign or be lynched
Starting point is 00:55:08 Um, so you know catching the bridge of my nose like do you know how hard you've got to make me work? To find a justified lynching in texas in 1930 fucking seven It's pretty hard And then and then of course, uh Uh, Adolf Hitler sent his regards in a telegram Yeah, I know right Well, uh, I read I read a uh a report I I read a uh a quote from one of the witnesses then it's like well, no one knew Adolf Hitler was a bad guy back then
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yes, yeah, the United States wasn't sure which side of the war we were going to come in on at that point So there were some restrictions afterwards regulations imposed As a result of this disaster in texas like there were much stricter requirements for who could call themselves an engineer, right? And Now residual gas from oil fields Also had to be odorized Yeah, so this well, we haven't had a school explode since then to my knowledge. So I guess it worked I mean, there was that one guy who tries like wasn't there a guy who dynamized at a school? Um,
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah Just as like an act of Domestic terrorism stroke mass murder. Yeah And I think the the Columbine kids tried to blow up the school with like pipe bombs, but not so Yeah, they brought like two bombs into the cafeteria. The bath school massacre is what you're thinking of Alice. Thank you That was 10 years before this Okay Okay, so yeah, that was uh, I don't know you can regulate away mass murders
Starting point is 00:57:07 No, well, we're gonna try over the next four years probably but not very hard. Oh, yes so um, anyway, and then They built a new school. Um Here it is still there And they built this cenotaph for the victims Um, and yeah, so this school is still there still A very wealthy school district because the oil wells are still there too
Starting point is 00:57:34 uh I think I think they found in the rubble, uh A chalkboard Which had written on it. Um oil and gas are texas's greatest gifts from gifts from god Fuck yeah I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards So, um anyway
Starting point is 00:57:59 Moral of the story is Just just just pay for your gas Yeah, pay for your gas and uh, we really shouldn't have done the thing where we just like leapfrogged from mass hydroelectric power and stuff into coal gas oil Just one bad idea didn't want to happen. That's right
Starting point is 00:58:23 So Go back to splitting the atom. It's cool plus you can say anything about it in like a 1950s science voice This is true. Oh, just they do cheap tomato Man splits the atom The power power of atomics What's your job? I do atomics. That's right And I'm the atomic scientist Yeah, I I guess maybe like something like this or worse would have happened if we'd gone to the fallout timeline where everybody
Starting point is 00:58:58 Just has a small nuclear reactor powering Everything. No, that would tight Yeah, we'll be tight. I don't think that would cause an explosion though Um, I guess I gotta scram my belt sander because yeah, you would just you would just melt a hole in the floor of the basement A radioactive hole you'd have your own little elephant. There'd be a baby elephant's foot. Oh Plus you could do the china syndrome Which is how you'd have to do school exchanges. Just put a kid in the in the hole You do the texas syndrome. That's right. What's the antipathy of uh of texas?
Starting point is 00:59:33 What's what's on the other side of the probably ocean but like you spill our rc cola on the control panel I don't know. Is that is that is that a texas thing or is that that's more of a Yeah, what's a texas thing? What's a texas solar thing? Do they call it solar? Do they call it pop? What a burger? Oh The antipathy of texas is Is probably gonna be somewhere like the the cocos islands. So I always wanted to go to a buckies I've never been to texas. That's definitely something I need to do. We'll go to texas when we go to texas
Starting point is 01:00:08 How are you feeling about a water burger? I love one burger. I've never been a water burger. I've never been to texas. I never I'd never been to h e b um what yeah I too never been to texas. So we got to do a live show there. We got to go to uh, we got to go to dallas drive around an Open top car All right texas fans. Um Figure out where we can do a live show when covet is over. We're allowed to do that again. Yes
Starting point is 01:00:34 Yeah, we'll all just stand in the sixth floor window of the texas book depository and just yell down To wind up in uh, I don't know Just some just some absurdly tiny town in the middle of nowhere Yeah, I love to go to fucking new Serbia I like I like all the texas towns have like lots of brick streets. Hmm. That's so it's gonna get stolen I mean the other thing about us going to texas is that I would die And not like of any of the like people or wildlife But because like when it gets above about 20 degrees celsius, I just sort of die
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah, you're a pathetic little baby. Yeah, exactly. That's why that's why I live here and what's left of the arctic circle. Um, so Yeah, no, there's so that's gonna be good. I'm just gonna like I'm just gonna be rolling around in like an air conditioned Like zorb or something. It's about to say all of texas is air conditioned. There's like no, it's basically saudi arabia Saudi arabia except they get mad at you for wearing a burqa. Uh, yeah, that's true. It's like uh It it it's it's the little things that set these places apart. Otherwise, they're basically all the same Well anyway We have a segment on this podcast called
Starting point is 01:01:57 safety third safety third They would have a safety third about biking. Oh, cool. I thought this was gonna be more like organic chemistry for a second So this person wrote Hello, I thought I'd submit a safety third It's not specifically about the workplace It's fine, but it is definitely a time when my personal responsibility Did not save me from an accident. That's what we like to hear or well not but During lockdown last year. I decided to finally purchase a bicycle
Starting point is 01:02:38 In order to be able to stay mobile and keep some resemblance of sanity Huge mistake. I keep trying to like I keep wanting to do this and then I look outside and see like a An articulated truck just merge across two lanes of traffic across a bike lane and then I'm just like, yeah, better not Bike infrastructure in the british isles is just absurdly bad. I've seen pictures of it. I'm like, what? How do you somehow do this worse than us in the united states? Like, well, this is the thing we love death and misery Apparently right across the channel. You can go look at what they do and just do that Don't do that I mean, yeah on the one hand if I wanted to learn to ride a bike
Starting point is 01:03:20 The thing for me to do is to fucking move to amsterdam grow my hair down to like ass length Just start cycling everywhere on a skirt and like I've got one of those step through bike frames too And it's all very aesthetic and everything and crucially. I don't get hit by a truck But I don't live there. I live in glas go where I will get hit by a truck Yeah I know this code will carry I ride in my bicycle everywhere
Starting point is 01:03:50 stand on hunk Not used specifically, but oh look at our cycling infrastructure. Please don't look at the africans. We're keeping in gauges It's not the racist thing And people people every time I say this people are like, no, no, no, you don't understand how racist europe is and it's like, no I think I do you don't understand how racist britain is Do you you're like whatever the 14th best country in europe? What is it to be racist about? Oh, Jesus? Yeah, it's it's terrible here Imagining like the racism. I hate your dumb pedophile island. It is the worst place on earth. I hate it Yeah, no, I'm gonna try and get can I get like asylum in philadelphia for like
Starting point is 01:04:38 Good luck, buddy I'm applying to my local philadelphia consulate Yeah, it's just uh Just a man there asleep in a pile of hoagies Oh, you want to say yeah, I want to say let me just let me just get the application ready vomiting up lager just like All right, what was your favorite football You said birds. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, you're in
Starting point is 01:05:08 2700 block of morris I'm gonna be living with nine other people I hope you know about the philies Go birds vomiting again. I love to move in with mike, mike, mike, mike and mike And mike, we don't talk about them. They don't care that you're trans but you better start understanding the eagle's o-line situation It's fine. I'll just steal all of the jokes you told me about it. So I'll just be like yeah I'm pretty sure I was on the eagle's o-line for a couple of weeks And the mike's just fucking love it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:45 First first uh trans football player I know it's a big big milestone. Congrats Alice So anyway, I live in the beautiful manchester suburb of salford Salford Okay, fine. Fuck it salford known for media city Street and organized crime That is true One of the few places in the uk where they have shootings like you guys do organized crime a little bit like there's a cup like
Starting point is 01:06:23 There's london Nottingham used to be a little bit and then like the sort of rougher bits of manchester do occasionally have like actual shootings with guns and stuff Yeah, it's cool life into place up a bit It's the uh piranha brothers. Yeah Actually glass go ahead a couple not like pretty close to where I live which tells you about how much money I'm making off of the podcast that I'll just be like. Oh, yeah I just fucking got shot at the traffic lights down the street from me That happens in my neighborhood all the time
Starting point is 01:06:55 Well, we are shooting down the street this morning If you if you if you don't get involved in that stuff nothing happens to you No, it's just it feels it feels more salient in a country where like not everybody has guns and they're kind of harder to get Because like if you want to shoot someone in this country, you've really got to want to shoot them You know, you can't just like do it because you feel like it Supposed to marry or it's like, you know, I feel like shooting someone I don't know. I mean I'm not I'm not picky about who I just think I'll shoot someone. It's not what a mass shooting is
Starting point is 01:07:34 No, that's like I want to shoot a lot of people. I guess one person randomly, you know Well, I guess then you're like the the the washington dc sniper or something Oh, I remember that Because I I was in elementary school for that and recess was canceled for four months And they had to like I I remember they tried to do some like precautions for like oh We can't we can't have the kids walking outside to get to the cars because someone will shoot them But we can't actually do anything about that So it's like I
Starting point is 01:08:10 I must have been awful like trying to I guess, uh, what's the word just trying to get out of a mini van and into the high school like it's fucking oma ha beach It was I let's get dropped off in dog sector and have to move from wire obstacles to wire obstacles teachers have pillboxes Just trying to storm into arts class with your paintbrush like painting other kids red to signify they're down It's just like three machine gun nests around the field Um, yeah, we got we got an aircraft support. We got uh
Starting point is 01:08:58 Check hedgehogs where the soccer goals used to be we got artillery. We can get artillery on scene Artillery is so fucking cool. Yes I was cycling down the road one day Of lockdown one remember that Traffic levels had picked up somewhat, but I had been mostly fine However, my luck would change as I navigated the roundabout so
Starting point is 01:09:29 Many num tots and other folks seem to love the roundabout Despite its inherently car oriented nature Personally, I think they're ugly space hogging circles of death, which is the correct opinion That forced pedestrians to orbit around them making journey times longer But I also wish to contend the other proposed benefit, which is safety Yeah, nobody knows how to fucking drive around a roundabout like everybody just panics and occasionally kills the cyclist Yeah, exactly. It's like, oh, oh, shit. I have to go around a circle. I can't do this I'm gonna I'm gonna veer into the nearest pedestrian
Starting point is 01:10:11 I always like the kelly square theory of traffic management Which is just kelly square is an intersection in woosta mass woosta mass Oh, yeah, it's it is as close to anarchism as you will get in the united states Six streets intersect with each other and there's no signage of any kind In milford mass too Where like just three like not even three. It's like five roads all run into each other And you're just like, all right fucking pray to jesus. Let's do this The um, there's only one example I can think of in europe that's like that and weirdly it's
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yes, it's the fucking arctic Well, I actually just converted kelly squaring to sort of dog bone roundabout that Well, they've been talking about fucking pedestrianizing the chanceles. So maybe this is the end of the end of the road for like Terrible traffic anarchy Paris mayor is like Yeah, and head all goes like is is is like really aggressive about taking cars off streets. It's great. Yeah Yeah, the gilles jones don't like her Yeah
Starting point is 01:11:35 So no freeway for you You say gilles jones gilles jones. Yeah. Yeah, it's a john Joan it's fine. It's just Yellow vests yellow vests Yeah, yellow old yellow vests old yellow That's what they call me hive is baz The idea is roundabouts get road uses to slow down and if any collisions do occur They occur at lower speeds and more agreeable angles, right? No weird angles. Okay
Starting point is 01:12:11 However, even a low speed collision can prove dangerous dangerous for vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians. Sure So as illustrated See here man on bicycle person on bicycle Um, I was riding along and intended to take the second exit, right? I pulled onto the roundabout fine making sure to yield the traffic from my right However, as I was passing the first exit, I noticed something odd The car that was next to me appeared to be moving forwards Surely he had seen me, right? It was broad daylight. My bike was covered in retro reflectors
Starting point is 01:12:53 And uh, the next thought I had was oh, no Yeah, it's always one thing you're you're riding around on the street You know, you start looking at a car doing something like you start getting suspicious and you're like Is this guy gonna murder me? I'm gonna die. Am I about to be murdered? And nine times out of ten the answer is no. Thank god. Um So His bonnet hit hit my left leg bonnet is a hood if you're in america Um, and for a short period of time both me and my bike were riding on top of it
Starting point is 01:13:28 No, once he realized there was a person on top of his car. He slammed on the brakes Sending me and the bike flying across the roundabout Fortunately when I landed I did not hit my head nor any other important part of my body I spent a good 15 to 20 seconds lying on the road checking for any pain in my spine So I'd be a safe to move our correspondent has a different idea of important as I do to me. They're kind of all important But to help a fellow passersby I got up and dragged my bike to the side of the road Fortunately the driver did stop and was apologetic Somehow he did not see me while I was right in front of him in broad daylight
Starting point is 01:14:17 I called the police to ask what to do Do Don't call the cops Yeah, they told they told me to exchange insurance and contact details Oh We're back to the the thesis that milo and I develop on the youtube zone that british cops and american cops are both terrible And they'll both brutalize you but british ones hate doing work more So they'll just kind of where they can get out of it. They'll just be like, uh, yeah, I just hate exchange there, isn't it
Starting point is 01:14:50 Once once I had limped with my bike back home I decided to get in contact with my doctors to see if I should get checked out They told me to get in touch with nhs 111. That's like the um non urgent advice line uh You just get advice on anything The last time the last time I called mhs 111 was One of my teeth fucking exploded Uh, and so I called them, um, like you've been biting into any natural gas lines
Starting point is 01:15:30 Barely I called them like barely able to talk and they were like, uh, no just they made an appointment for me at the dental hospital So that was cool. Good for them. But uh, yeah, no in general if you call them for anything other than your teeth having exploded Uh, they're kind of like take two pain killers and like Call your gp and yeah walk it off. Yeah Rub some dirt in it pussy The rub some dirt in it, uh like hotline. Yeah Do we just uh, we we have a hotline for you just to receive abuse So I was told I would either need to take an ambulance or get family or friends to give me a lift to
Starting point is 01:16:14 A and e accident and emergency emergency She told me expressly not to take a taxi or uber After being I don't know that's for being told it would be a five hour wait for the ambulance I took an uber to the hospital Cancelled yeah cancelled again damn Unfortunately, I only had bruising on the leg and some light whiplash Some light whiplash
Starting point is 01:16:43 Yes This would clear itself up within a couple of weeks I managed to get the bike repaired within my insurance policy as the damage was not too severe Just some bent pedals in a messed up derailer I also learned an important lesson that day The highway code is wrong and you should ride on the pavement to avoid being turned into viscera on a death circle That's right. That's absolutely right. Yeah Oh, fuck cycling in the road, man
Starting point is 01:17:14 I We could do a whole episode on that. We might do a whole episode on that at some point get kate back on Yeah, I know right so But you know, obviously first we're going to do an episode on That's a common narrows bridges a common narrows bridge disaster Man, imagine if you had been cycling across that I don't know you and the dog just
Starting point is 01:17:38 Aten it together Just all the way down. Yeah, maybe you could have saved the dog. Oh Well, man, we walked out onto the bridge to save the dog. The dog refused to get out of the car The hug was like, no, it's scary out there. I'm gonna stay in the car. Oh, oh shit So, yeah, the dog was uh Well, I'm sad about that dog Oh, we got through this We went yeah, this because I put this episode together in like
Starting point is 01:18:09 An hour and a half. Yeah, you're going to do a half-assed job more often. We'll get through these faster Yeah, but let me let me do a worse job. So the episode's better. That's right. Yeah Yeah, Laura. Yeah, I should I should be I should be extremely hung over for eight out of 12 hours I'm awake more often. I know I shouldn't do that because it sucks. I get really bad hangovers. Yeah Well, I'm confirmed I'm just waiting until I hit the wrong side of 30 and then that's just gonna be Unable to drink Well, aren't you like 20 set? How old are you?
Starting point is 01:18:46 Uh, 27. Yeah, you turned 28 in two months. Yeah, exactly. Congratulations. Second birthday and lockdown Soon you will know my pain of being 28 years old and just uh, yeah, no Talking which I'd like to wish my girlfriend's mom. Uh, a very happy 50th birthday tomorrow Oh, congratulations. Happy birthday. Yes. Happy birthday I'm thinking about just rating this year off Just like yeah, counting it towards my age You know, because it's like no this this was this sucks They should they should fucking just give you a mulligan on the whole year like for everything
Starting point is 01:19:24 aging health tax Fuck it. Just you name it. Just 20 2020 did not exist. Didn't happen. I demand a refund. Yeah Cancel 2020 if we can do anything with cancel culture, we must cancel last year Yes I mean, it'd be like it'd be just like impeaching trump after he's out of office. Yeah, that's right. It sends a message That's not so that's so that the next year's know not to pull that shit with us They legally declare 2020 to have not happened and then trump retakes office. Oh god
Starting point is 01:20:03 Yeah, we finally found out what the storm is gonna be Yeah Storm is um, I'm not redoing it I'm not doing it again So do we have any commercials before we go? Uh, listen to trash future Listen to a forthcoming podcast that I will be starting Hopefully um in february
Starting point is 01:20:28 There's going to be a whole new podcast if you want more alice content because I don't make enough money off of these Oh boy, what is it? Any what is it? It's gonna it's gonna be me, uh, my friend devon on earth and uh, Olly from philosophy tube are gonna be talking about james bond movies. Oh, that sounds fun. Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah, I like that Hey, you gotta come on to have us on. Yeah, absolutely Anyway, watch this space Yes, watch watch the space Hold the space Keep watching the sky is et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Look out for the the james bond signal in the sky
Starting point is 01:21:07 Um All right. Well, I think that was the podcast Good podcast good podcast Okay Um by everybody. Yeah, bye everyone Wow, we did it. We did a podcast we did what I miss is that it used to say end of slideshow click to exit Oh, yeah, doesn't do that anymore. No, just fucking stops, right? Yeah, I know, right?

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