Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 59: Eschede Derailment

Episode Date: March 12, 2021

liam gets really mad at both germans and podcasters in this one Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod​​ Our Merch: https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp we are working on internation...al shipping Send us stuff! our address: Well There's Your Podcasting Company PO Box 40178 Philadelphia, PA 19106 DO NOT SEND US ANTHRAX thanks in advance

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alf Dane fucking audacity and we're going be gates be gates Going right Going are we going we're going the Peloton bike plus is 24 95 Oh my god, $2,500 Wait when you said 24 95 I was like that's pretty reasonable for exercise bike and you're like no 2,495 Okay, so what is the thing with the Peloton right it's just an exercise bike, but like it has but also apps and Resistance training. There's a little man who tells you what to do. Yeah, there's a magical glass box
Starting point is 00:00:43 Okay, it's it's got a it's got a pixie in there who's gonna dom you into being thin fine But like you can go to a gym and a gym membership is like Okay, they're not cheap Like it wait a second is this app a subscription thing or do you just paid it? Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm for a second. I was like do you just 24 95 and just be done with it. No, of course you don't Okay, what I did today is on my bike ride. I recorded it using Strava Which is an app I have that thing that like half the US military docks themselves with
Starting point is 00:01:21 I For no reason seems like a really good way to give strangers knowledge of where you live and what you really routine is It's uniquely bad for the troops too because every single one of them was like in a place where they weren't supposed to be in a country They weren't supposed to be and their daily PT was I'm gonna jog the perimeter And I'm gonna like outline and the nice little heat map the precise perimeter line of wherever it is that I am Strava people tell on themselves with Strava constantly. There was some DC cop who was off-duty and he was biking I think he was a cop. He might have been an ex cop and he like harassed some kids putting up black lives matter signs and And you know, they couldn't figure out who he was until someone checked Strava and is like, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:02:12 This guy was there at that time And he stopped his ride there for a moment and it's like, okay Well, maybe you shouldn't be broadcasting your whereabouts everywhere, but of course, you know, here I'm just gonna try and avoid doing illegal things while I'm riding my bike Or distasteful ones Illegal immoral distaste for adding to the population subtracting to the population you But anyway Welcome to well, there's your problem. It's a podcast about engineering disasters. It has slides
Starting point is 00:02:49 If you're on a Podcasting app, you can't see the slides. You're gonna have to go to YouTube to see them. Okay. I'm Justin Rosnack I'm the person who's talking right now my pronouns are he and him I am Alice Caldwell Kelly. I'm the person who is talking now my pronouns she and her. Yeah, Liam. Yeah, Liam Thanks, Alice appreciate you. Thanks, Russ. Oh, I am Liam Anderson I am the guy who is an asshole to you both in our YouTube comment section and to the one person who talked about their Misophonia and then I was sort of my food just go ahead just in time
Starting point is 00:03:30 I'm a dickhead and I do want to say I'm sorry to you, but you're the only person. I'm sorry to everyone else can blow me I've been drinking. I got a 7-eleven slurpy because it's nice out, right? And then I grand it full of I Can't believe I'm drinking this but normal like the Costco vodka and blue Blue raspberry Moonshine Oh, I know that moonshine brand. It's the it's the one that comes the mason jars. Yes, it is. Yes, it is I like the apple part. No, no, no, it's like I forget the name of it, but like it's a distinct thing
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, yeah, I mean they they they try you say that Ross, but I've seen some in like The old-timey like jokes that are removers. Yeah. All right. Yeah, those those ones are still house I think it's called. So yeah, that's what I'm drinking. I've got Alice. I thought of you. I have a Mountain Dew Kickstart energizing orange Yeah, so after this I'm going to go on Call of Duty and say the K word You're gonna get the Miami heat in trouble and you're gonna have to be like, uh, I didn't know what that word meant I also don't know what I learned Yeah, like there's none that are good or even acceptable
Starting point is 00:04:52 But there are some that you don't know that you haven't heard of unless you're fully into the thing, right? Yes Absolutely, you say you say that slur because you're a fucking anti-Semite and you learned it presumably from your anti-Semite friends Or from the Wikipedia list of racial slurs. Yeah, like you use that you use that word innocently if you are a 97 year old man, maybe maybe You get your ass beat grandpa So what do you see on the screen in front of you is a train But yeah, you say a the train is all bunched up and broken And windows fine though. It's not yeah, we're gonna go as looks relatively where it should be
Starting point is 00:05:39 I mean, it's a little off today. It's not supposed to be like that It's because they got all those guys on the track. They had to move it around Yeah, they were gonna we're gonna learn about the S-shade train disaster. I literally changed my my Zencast a name to a pronunciation guide for you. Really? Yeah, s shader a shader a shader Mm-hmm. Oh s shader. I see Okay Do they do?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yes, I mean the issue is I always have the Zencast are behind the PowerPoint You know, I wouldn't be able to see it easily You have two monitors, I do have yeah, but I have to have put the notes on the other monitor Oh, one of us has two monitors One of us how is drinking fucking Mountain Dew and moonshine and one of us is like doing Misophonia directly into the microphone because it's the only chance they have to eat today. I actually am also eating I've been we're we are intermitten. Why we are a gamer ass podcast tonight. I'm so sorry It is literally I'm recording podcast back-to-back, and I'm starving
Starting point is 00:06:42 Anyway today we're going to learn about the s shader Derailment in 1998 but first we have to talk about the goddamn news Yeah, I got the right drop this time All right, so I wanted I wanted the the chapeau de fash pipeline is apparently real according to the daily beast Yep, 100% Yes, everybody who has ever done a podcast is on the alt right including us Hey, I I was sort of thinking this over and I was like I've been on some of those podcasts and mentioned in that article I guess I'm fascist
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah That's right. Frankly, and so I was insulted not to be an I mean you are on this show with a noted anti-semi I mean like we just have to run back the bit about the Jewish space laser Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, Liam you talk about the Jewish cabal all the time Which is an anti-semitic conspiracy theory No, we gotta have a blanket policy on this no no no I will I will make fun of the Jewish elites until I'm blue in the face Listen, I'm alive and Sheldon Adelson isn't so who on that one? I
Starting point is 00:08:05 Don't know he took his time if the if the if the standard here seems to be the standard here seems to be guilt by Association so I I propose some kind of standardized method of cancellation based on the Nick Mullin number How far removed are you from Nick Mullin? Well, I've done a podcast with a guy from chapeau who has done a podcast with Nick Mullin So that makes my Nick Mullin number one. No, you're not because Nick Mullin is zero Yeah, let's tell who have been on a podcast with Nick Mullin or one I see who have been on it. So you'd be two. I think I'm two as well. Liam is three three I don't know anyone who is above three
Starting point is 00:08:53 Zorick maybe he's not been on any podcast so he doesn't have Shit right now. He's also a child We love you go sky. We love you too, but you're like 12 mm-hmm. No offense. It's it's true. Yes Wait, can you guys hear me today mute myself? No, okay? Oh, thank God. Okay. I'm a crunching this Malaysian pancake What would you get a Malaysian pancake? My girlfriend God God bless you Corinne just brought me a little a little personal pan pizza some cheesy bread and Her left over pizza
Starting point is 00:09:34 So I'm on Carbo rage mmm True love took a detour when I was walking to the grocery store Right after this article dropped To go see if I could catch a Gwen Snyder short-circuiting that asked the Daily Beast Yeah, you went to the grocery store that Gwen Snyder goes to and it was like they live just as pointing at you All right, so anyway, I'm the chapeau to fashion pipeline of course is real it's being constructed in a neighborhood near you Indigenous peoples are protesting it
Starting point is 00:10:14 Reminds me of one of my favorite posts that I've done of like an entire thread of dumb But heart in the right place leftist guy who thinks that the school-to-prison pipeline is an actual pipeline I Will say this and I don't you can edit this out if you want red scares a garbage podcast for garbage 100% like once once you're interviewing with fucking Quillett and stuff you pick Yeah, I I am perfectly fine If any of you Listen to us and and you want to go in the comments and tell us how great red scares save it I don't want to fucking hear it. Those people are as Nazi adjacent as you're gonna get without actually telling without actually tipping over the line
Starting point is 00:10:53 They're they're not good people No, they're they're fucking disgusting. I don't care for red scare like I have beef with basically every other podcast various reasons like podcast is bad apart from I am from our yeah, and Kill James Bond and kill James Bond and unnamed Liam Anderson podcast Yes, and I will say to Sean from the Antifada. I have received your peace accords and I am willing to negotiate Everybody else
Starting point is 00:11:26 11 a.m. Clark Park It's like John Wick the fucking word goes out every Podcaster gets open season on Liam from 11 a.m. I could yeah How tall is Matt Christmas? I could probably kick Matt Christmas I don't know. He might have a waist advantage on you. That's fine. I'm nimble All right, I know other news Apparently Pennsylvania waterways are full of microplastics. Oh, yeah, just completely follow them You're eating a credit card a week. You're eating about one credit card worth of microplastics a week. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:09 Ross told me this yesterday. We were hanging out and I said, oh not that bad and I bet that I was like, oh, that's like Credit cards all the time Cut the cut up the old ones to dispose them, but I've just been eating them. Yeah, that's my incisors job Yeah, I eat stickers all the time, dude. I Don't know man. I just like I do love this idea that like Just like Alligator County just like I'm like talking about kicking them while they're down. Yeah Like hey all your coal towns close and by the way, you've been eating credit cards Hmm. I'm like not even a whole credit card that you can that you can poop out but instead
Starting point is 00:12:52 Listen a minute chip particles Do you want to tell Alice a joke you were making yesterday? We were talking about going to the strip club and holding your stomach up to the to the stripper ross. Do you want to make that joke? No, you're remembering this joke wrong Ross tell the joke No, I was thinking like like as people joke about you know Using the credit swiping the credit card through the strippers ass all the time I was thinking what if you were like a really fat guy and like you sort of like
Starting point is 00:13:21 Swipe the credit card through through like your your fat cleavage, you know I was at Ross also thought that it would be fun to under the impression that it was like the Microplastics would add up and you just have a credit card Plug with a credit card scanner. What if you were doing fucking contactless payments with your asshole? Yeah, sure Yeah, you know, can you I I love the idea of getting sponsored by like stripe or someone And you get like a nice little branded minimalist butt plug Yeah Like a carbon fiber
Starting point is 00:13:56 So high speed high speed low drag. Yeah, that's for a weight reduction Don't worry. Yeah So don't break our best here folks. Apparently a lot of this is from like polyester fibers Really? Yeah, exactly. Do we know how bad like not the thing is right? I don't want to go full chem trails about this Do we know how bad? Microplastics are for people yet or is that just one of the things where science like much like prions Where science is just like, oh no ask us in 20 years and see if we all start dropping dead of it Uh, I think it's the second one. Yeah, I assume it's going to be a problem
Starting point is 00:14:31 But it's not one now. So who gives a shit roll the dice scaredy-cats. All I can say is So many other things that could take us out first. Do not This is the problem is polyester. Obviously the bible said do not mix fabrics And the bible is right Yeah, the bible also says you shouldn't be fucking Whatever adding to this book and then what did you do? What did you filthy papers do ross? Tell me what you did? Look, uh, what no come at me, bitch Jesus came down fucked it up so bad
Starting point is 00:15:02 But the god had to come and fucking write a whole other book as a correction. Come on now I don't listen listen the way I feel about Islam much respect to you is the way I feel about every other religion That's not Judaism is I don't know who's the guy, but it's not your fucking guy That's how I feel about Christianity. I'm just like I don't know. I just know it's not jesus, man I know it's not jesus anybody but jesus All right That was so having offended all of our podcast friends and now Hey, I'm I'm making amends with the anti father shahan
Starting point is 00:15:45 I don't want to call me anti father. Yeah, actually only anti father shahab now Matt christman. Yeah, you're fucking on notice He lives in brooklyn. He's be you know, he's barely worthy of my consideration You're like new york has made him soft. Yeah, it does it makes us. Oh you pay $2,200 for a loft apartment and $9 for a bagel sandwich christman. Fuck you All right, all right. I'm your anti father shahab. I love you firmly established. We will never get the chapeau bump Um, that is the goddamn news I could kick felix's ass No, felix is like buff
Starting point is 00:16:29 Uh I don't know about that. I could kick virtual texas is that I could kick virtual's ass. No, no, that's nothing to brag about I could kick virtual texas as I was like 5 5 7 anyway like virtual texas is a fucking ectomorph like ross how tall are you? I'm like six foot Are you though? Are you six foot ross? It may also be five foot 11. It's been a long time since I measured myself. Do you want me to measure you? I
Starting point is 00:16:55 I'd like to see you do that over a podcast right, but like He'd also be the least likely to fight me because he's the most chill one on that podcast Like he's just he's too relaxed to want to fight me. I think that's it. I absolutely do want to fight the red scare girls Oh boy, like really be like fucking van Helsing, but for cocaine Dracula. I just oh my god I don't respect and I don't uphold red scare thought All right, so We also have to talk about things other than which podcasters we would like to fight Um, well, it's it's most of them
Starting point is 00:17:36 So we have to have we have to uh before we start we need to ask ask the question What is high speed rail rail go from room? Obviously, it's rail with a high speed train go fast. Yes What is the international definition of 155 or am I getting that confused with the german gentleman's agreement? 155 is one of them. I don't think there's a huge Standard like the the international standard now is like, you know, the good stuff goes 186 miles an hour or better 300 kilometers an hour exactly 155 is still still considered that Is there is there a lower boundary for is it
Starting point is 00:18:17 Isn't it 125 is like the lower boundary or am I making that up? Yeah, 125 is like higher speed rail. I guess yeah, that's that's like what we would consider a fast train in britain In the united states, uh anything is called high speed rail Yeah, that's true They could put up they could put a light rail line that stops every block and someone's going to advertise it as high speed rail Ross, what does the keystone do 110 under 10? Yeah, okay. Thank you. So you have some slow ass trains The keystone is fat. It's like sneaky fast Uh because it doesn't stop all that often and it goes through
Starting point is 00:18:54 Lancaster and look goes through farm country And there's not that many stops once you're past the the suburbs of like the sort of inner suburbs of philly And it just hulls ass all the way to Lancaster and then it gets very slow Oh, yeah, and then there's it also like some of the schedules are very good from like new york city to philadelphia on the keystone So sometimes you're going faster than a nacella just by virtue of not stopping so often All right, so you know what the sort of the characteristics of high speed rail is it's fast trains that aren't very direct routes And counter intuitively they are usually pretty cheap to operate, right? This is because you know your main cost of operating the train is labor, right?
Starting point is 00:19:38 So the faster you run the train the cheaper it is to operate over a given distance Right because if i'm running a if i'm running a train, you know That takes three hours to go from point a to point b You know i'm using three hours of labor for one trip if it takes one hour I can you know use that same labor labor to do three trips as opposed to just one Right. Hmm. So you had some early experiments with high speed rail. Here's a 1903 they had this monstrosity here in prussia Right, this is like it. Oh, yeah, it's you see this three phase panograph system up here. That's pretty tight It's pretty wild. Oh, that's beautiful lettering on the side tail. They hit a hundred you
Starting point is 00:20:22 They hit 130 miles an hour in this God damn. Yeah. What year was this? 1903 Jesus Okay, hang on that that that that three phase thing, right? Like the reason you don't have those now is because you just do that in a in a transformer like off of the rails, right? Yeah, it's um, this is a much more complicated system than you need Um, especially since you have like dc motors and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:20:50 Um, or or or ac motors with a transformer or any number of other things, right? three phase It was never really extensively used except in parts of italy You know, it's crazy Wow in 1903 Uh, that was actually also the first year Uh, that cars overtook trains for the land speed record Ha, damn and it was all downhill from that. Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:17 Oh, I just thought that was interesting so, you know that High speed this was never really fully developed past that. I mean sort of when we start thinking about high speed trains Uh, we started doing wind tunnel testing around 1931. This is the brill bullet Which ran on the philadelphia and western railroad now the norstown high speed line These cars regularly why does it have a toupee? Oh, you know what that is That that that is uh, uh a roof covered in what's called car cement
Starting point is 00:21:50 Right, which is basically just sort of an asphalt roof coating which was specially designed for trains That's why a lot of old heavy-weight cars are also that sort of they have that sort of roof which is sort of a dull gray Huh Like that it has a hairline. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah It's got a pompadour which I appreciate these guys hit 90 miles an hour pretty regularly on um The line from philadelphia to norstown Um, which was pretty funny because that's a very short line But I think the the schedules were something like 17 minutes. Maybe less than that
Starting point is 00:22:25 There's more time than that now. Yes Um, this is the first car to be really extensively tested in a wind tunnel for aerodynamics Um, it's funny because it doesn't have any. Yeah. Well, you know, you got to start somewhere. They used these cars until 1990 huh, yeah 1935 sort of an experiment really really a sustained high-speed service. Yeah, this is the milwaukie roads a class Right. This is a steam locomotive that was designed for sustained speeds above 110 miles an hour to meet this sort of Very fast six and a half hour schedule between chicago and st paul Uh, they were rumored to be able to go faster than you know, the mallard, which of course famously hit 126
Starting point is 00:23:10 But this was never fake news. Yeah But they had to in order to meet their schedule, they had to you know go 110 for You know 50 60 miles continuously, right? You're lamont rather than your formula one But the first like real dedicated high-speed train, you know, the real thing was the shinkansen zero series 1960 rhymes with wisconsin. Yes We read your comments you ass also Yeah, the the wisconsin zero series made a made a butter
Starting point is 00:23:49 and cheese cheese Go pack go. Yeah, it makes a sort of squeaking noise like a cheese curd, right? you know, this is Dedicated right of way was built for it, you know, it would do 130 pretty sustainably You know all the way from tokyo to Osaka, right? And after this, you know, people start to panic to keep keep up with the japanese So we're going to take over the world You had a big advantage, right? And like it's very easy to build a permanent way
Starting point is 00:24:19 Uh, that's distinct for a high-speed train line When first of all you have a bunch of reconstruction money And second of all, uh, all of your previous existing rail network has been like bombed off the face of your country by the us air force Yes, and a lot of a lot of people, uh, a lot of people when the shinkansen was being developed people thought um, this is uh This is a dumb idea. Why don't we just improve the existing train lines? Well, it turned out to be a pretty good idea in the end It was it was actually a pre-war design Wasn't that like japan was like once we win the war and establish the great three stage of co-prosperity sphere We can do this did not win the war shelved it for a while
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah, but you know, they still got it built so who won that one? So thank you ross Yeah, after after you know use high-speed trains proved successful in japan a lot of countries start to panic to keep up, right? So for instance linden baines linden baines johnson made the pennsylvania railroad built the metro liners in 1969 Start a theoretical top speed of 150 miles an hour They couldn't actually go that fast because they would blow the windows out of commuter trains on the next track, right? um
Starting point is 00:25:34 But the the best metro liner schedules were still faster than modern a cella express schedules um You know what you're saying is reject modernity Embrace tradition. Well, I mean one of the problems with the metro liners is that those schedules were only maintained when the trains weren't broken down Oh, yeah They were not especially reliable. You know being an extremely unreliable extremely loud aerodynamic clean brick Are we are we sure that this wasn't like a
Starting point is 00:26:08 Soviet design that got displaced in space and time for the wrong side of the cold war? Uh, no, it can't be because this is stainless steel The saw this didn't know how to use that Yeah, the freedom material. Yeah, exactly the freedom is shining. Yes You know Bitch to render you need that uh, you need that expertise from the bud company to make this work You know as far as I know there was no bud ski over in russia The bud company
Starting point is 00:26:39 Russian cheese steaks uh Yeah, you got the you got the nice soviet uh soft pretzels or for some reason the salt sprinkles are made of aluminum You know and for a lot of reasons we discussed extensively in the apt episode, you know The brits go with the diesel train the inner city 125 Right, which could go 125 miles an hour SNCF comes out with the tgv in 1981 Well, yes, it hit a very fetching orange. Oh, yeah, it's very orange. The orange is very good
Starting point is 00:27:18 um Like some bursty this hit on 170 miles an hour on the paris to leon high speed line in the same year Jesus christ It looks like a fucking it looks like a gto, which I appreciate with those headlamps Germany Pontiac gto. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, think about the grill. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay But germany took a long time to get their high speed trains out All right, this is the inner city express Right the ica. Yeah. Yes. Eca. Eca. Yes
Starting point is 00:27:55 We gotta abolish these. Oh, yeah Well, this comes out these these enter service in 1991 and they were good for 155 miles an hour, which was Even then not especially good, but not bad Faster than the brits, which is that really what you want to be satisfied with? Um, also the reason why it's an eca Yeah, the reason why it's an eca is because it's intercity express because germans thought that like naming it in english made it sound more dynamic and business Yes That's that's what you did in 1991 in germany is business because communism was illegal now
Starting point is 00:28:36 Running through the staz via by three p suit. Yes, sir Yeah So Now here here is uh the ice one This is a big dumb power brick at both ends, right? Um, wait a second regular coaches in between, right? Here's here's a eca pulling into the german city of bridgeport connecticut operated by german railroad company m track um
Starting point is 00:29:03 I love to I love to watch um The fucking oh fuck. What's the name of the alternate history the man in the high castle? Yes This is what it got there eventually. This is what it would look like if we hadn't saved your asses in world war two For which you are welcome Thank you Um, no there was they did a american tour in 1993 Because m track was looking to buy new high speed trains for the northeast corridor
Starting point is 00:29:33 And so they sort of ran them up and down the northeast corridor and then after they had done that what they wound up doing was they sort of Uh pulled them around the country with a paradiesel locomotives to show them off in every small town And say look at the nice things that the people in the northeast are going to get and you won't Good good how much I've paid to live here. Yeah I will say I was watching speaking of the british. I was I was watching a uh I I did end up watching the uh megan markall and print harry interview. Oh boy. Yeah. Yeah, um And at some point I just thought maybe we shouldn't have saved him during world war two
Starting point is 00:30:17 Maybe what we should have done is take the ira approach and save everybody but execute the royal family Well, the problem is that like if the fucking nazis had won the war the royal family would be better off than ever because Yeah, they just they just put uh edward the eighth back on the throne He would have loved that shit 100% So we'll be speaking german if it weren't for us They're already speaking german man. Oh When it comes to high speed rail, there's two basic ways to run the systems, right?
Starting point is 00:30:52 Yeah, fully dedicated high speed systems on on on its own right of way with all new track all new stations so on and so forth That's how it runs. Yeah, like the wisconsin. Yeah, exactly. He runs it like that in japan china Saudi arabia a couple other new build systems like that What did these countries have in common in terms of being able to mobilize large-scale engineering projects like that? Hmm And almost everywhere else they run in mixed systems, right? The high speed train may share tracks at station throats or run on some conventional main lines at enhanced speeds or standard speeds, right?
Starting point is 00:31:31 um and the uh eca Very definitely fits into the latter category, right? Germany's the the limiting facts are here is like traffic and signaling, right? Because that was the big problem with the the intercity 125 in britain was like once you get above that speed You have to have in-cab signaling which we couldn't do because we didn't have the technology for it because you can't read signs Going that fast. Oh the germans figured that part out The main problem at that point is you're you're operating in mixed traffic some of which is much running much more slowly
Starting point is 00:32:07 Than the high-speed run into the back of a a train full of lignite or whatever Yeah, you don't want to you don't want to smash into the back of the s-bond, right? so Germany's door door closed noise is still going as you've killed 30 people. Yeah Germany's first high-speed rail corridor ran from wortsburg to hanover Neither of which are yeah Not particularly big cities, but you know that that is an important On the road from munich to hamburg
Starting point is 00:32:40 That's a significant amount of the distance, right? So, you know at each end the trains just ran on normal train lines to their destinations um And so that that high-speed line was initially good for speeds up to 155 miles an hour Right. So again, not the fastest high-speed line out there, but you know, it does the job, right? Still pretty cool to have the step change like you're going from from munich to hamburg And you like go from normal running to them like opening the taps and you just get pushed back in your seat. Yeah I've been on one of these We're switzerland though. So it was not going fast. No, it's like good pants. Yeah, don't they still run these these ic ones in switzerland?
Starting point is 00:33:23 Like down to the bottom. Yeah, that interlocking Yeah, I'll be right back. I have to pay um I might refill my beer then Alice take the wheel Oh, shit. Oh shit. Um, hi everybody. How's it going? It's it's me. Alice. Uh, I'm I'm just left Doing this because um, justin Won't edit
Starting point is 00:33:50 The podcast that he produces. So I just I just wanted to say um, thank you to everyone who's uh Subscribed or who's listening or who is mean to us in the comments because You know, this is it's still objectively insane to me that I get to make money from the internet and from what is essentially like hosting and hanging out with my friends. Um, so Yeah, I I I don't know why You would pay me to do this, but thank you for paying me to do this I'm bad. It is a good time. How's it going? Uh, I'm doing okay I just listed my favorite slurs. Oh very nice
Starting point is 00:34:31 Excellent. Uh, also, uh, both of both of yours too. Okay. Good. I'm glad I'm glad you got that in there Oh, hello Hi, Liam. I was just listing your favorite slurs. Oh, thank you No, no worries All right, so anyway now that we got that out of the way. Oh boy um All right, so You look at like the the this is sort of a map of the current german high speed rail network
Starting point is 00:35:04 You got stuff in this this line here, which is in yellow Is the original wartsburg the handover line? Right. There's some lines which have been upgraded. You can see in blue Right, everything that's in red is good for 300 kilometers an hour or 186 miles an hour Right, and those are the newest lines Um, yeah for the like td3 that like tilts and stuff, right the td3 is actually for lower speed lines Huh, yeah, that's why they tilt. Maybe I should learn about trains for something other than train simulator So when I opened the system the only line that was there was the wartsburg the handover line and uh, manhain to schtuttgart line
Starting point is 00:35:46 right Everything else was just conventional lines um now Hey, once they opened the system they started working out some of the bugs in the train, right? One of the big bugs was in the restaurant car, right? Oh, how's the food? I have no idea Board restaurant board restaurant board restaurant. Didn't didn't dojaban try to briefly have a mcdonald's restaurant car Have we talked about that on here before? I don't know but that uh, um, so I ate mcdonald's last night
Starting point is 00:36:18 And I thought to myself, you know would make this experience Much much tastier would be to be flung to a train at 125 miles an hour that I would enjoy Hmm I'm reading the menu here um, you can like wines, um gnocchi, mediterranean vegetables, crab mushroom soup uh, potato carrot pumpkin puree Uh, this all sounds disgustingly good for you. This I don't know. I like the ealtrack food is
Starting point is 00:36:51 The sandwiches are just not very good. They're not very good. No And I know you can get a curry versed on this Oh, I'd like a curry versed for four euros 90, please. That's not bad. We were charging 13 bucks for some Not especially good ham and cheese sandwiches So I've I've had to have the m track sandwiches like especially the jimmy dean breakfast sausage sandwich is not very good No, I'm just old enough to remember the british rail sandwich before it became The somehow worse but remembered more fondly privatized train operating company sandwich A few times I'd taken a ronok train home from visiting my aunt and uncle and um
Starting point is 00:37:33 they the the train leaves at like Just before six in the morning. So you can't really get any breakfast beforehand So you got to get the breakfast in the cafe car and you got to get that jimmy dean breakfast sausage sandwich And it's like I'm not looking forward to this Always sticks to the sausage fatty. Yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa three euros 50 for a large filter coffee Oh my god, that's still cheaper than we're paying. God damn it You know, I took high speed train in italy and a man just walked through the car handing out free per seco He wasn't like employed by the railroad or anything. Yeah, that's that's that's that's just uh, that's just mike
Starting point is 00:38:13 Yeah, the boosage edge is going to italy to learn from this. Thank god Amtrak will soon have a That would make a lot of people a lot happier A fun fact amtrak is dogfish heads number one account And for the purposes for legal purposes when you're in a cafe car you are in the district of columbia Yes For the purpose of liquor sales all amtrak, uh, alcohol sales are in the district of columbia wherever you are in the in the country Yeah, you're a sovereign train. Yes
Starting point is 00:38:55 Flying up a little dc flag. It's got the the taxation without representation So The knowledge of the united states never ceases to amaze me the inner city express Has, uh, you know this restaurant car right and it was here where they found some problems relating to the design of the wheels, right? So they used pretty standard railroad wheels when they started out, right? You know, and this is usually you have one wheel is a cast steel piece The other wheel is a cast steel piece and then the axle is one big cast steel piece, right? You know your two wheels one axle very simple
Starting point is 00:39:35 right You know solid messo. Yes, and these are good for low speed running when you get to high speed running strange things start to happen One of which is something called hunting oscillation Where the wheels start to slide Sort of side to side along the rail, right And high speed trains is corrected with yaw dampers, which are sort of like pistons in between each car, right? But the ice had more problems than that um
Starting point is 00:40:04 There were tiny manufacturing defects in these cast steel wheels They were slightly out of round or they had some metal wear maybe the brakes applied In the wrong way and that caused vibrations in the cars, right Which were most noticeable in the restaurant car, right? It's smooth. It's quiet and an altogether delightful experience. Yes So you had issues where the tableware would just vibrate itself off the table, you know People people sort of complained about this and you know, and this being germany
Starting point is 00:40:38 And not britain. They decided we need to fix this, right? Yeah unacceptable. Yeah, unik This is unacceptable And to be clear if if you missed the um the apt episode the way that british rail solved this identical problem Was telling the journalists who fell to a you're probably drunk Yeah, like they were to be fair. Yeah, that's a good point. I mean, you know when I You know when I'm on m-track, you know, and I'm in the cafe car, you know, sometimes you're drunk Well, yeah, but you just go over like a piece of bad track and you know, everything lies off the table anyway and no one cares Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know why people are so picky, you know about this
Starting point is 00:41:25 Just hold on just hold on to your tableware Germans and in particular west germans of the 1990s To drive my Mercedes Who's the fucking business factories tyron? I'm going to fucking extract all of the value from east germany for being communist and then later they will vote for the afd And I will be confused as to why Hans I must have a car to bring me to the haptbahnhof Oh
Starting point is 00:41:56 That's the one that one still has the swastika flags We are the peaceful people that haunts Peaceful and industrious Don't give me a huge in drive at haunts If such things was the economic miracle made yes, so they found a solution never marshal play on them Oh no, my toast Hawaii has fallen from the table They found a solution in the form
Starting point is 00:42:26 Of something which had been employed on trams for a long time right trams run over the butt plug No, yes Anything's a butt plug if you're adventurous enough. Oh boy So trams run over a very rough track because everyone insists on driving their car on the track and that fucks up the track, right? So they invented something called the resilient wheel Right, which allows for a smoother ride. So rather than having one solid cast piece of steel You have an inner cast piece of steel Then there is a ring with a rubber in it, right?
Starting point is 00:43:00 And that is surrounded by a steel tire, right? Um and steel tires are a very old railway practice that dates back to steam locomotives, right? Because you know the big the big wheels on the steam locomotive that's difficult to cast You don't want to have to put a whole new wheel on there every time it wears out You want to be able to take the outer steel tire off and then fit another tire on there, right? How can we stop using steel tires then? Because we got the wheels small enough that they're easy to cast in one piece And I guess got better at casting too and we didn't have the wheels weren't smoked anymore. So most of the complexity was gone
Starting point is 00:43:41 Hmm So do it you're putting spinners on my on my train bogey So do it you bond the german rail operator said well if this works for trams, it'll probably work for high speed trains, right? So then they put it on the ic e right without doing much testing at all, right? There weren't really any facilities in germany which could perform the necessary tests Right and what are you going to do have a foreigner do it? Yeah, exactly, right? This won't be precise in german enough. So he may as well just not do the tests at all You know work out the bugs in the field, right?
Starting point is 00:44:20 Um, just like invading russia. Yeah, exactly Off knows that gun's not supposed to jump, but you know just push it along And in the meantime they raise the speeds on the ic e From 155 to 170 miles an hour, right? What yep places to go people to see the restaurant car vibrations went away problem solved All right good episode every good episode we'll see you next time the next week To come in narrows yes, uh on the safety third um, no
Starting point is 00:44:59 Well well This is asheta Right. Oh, he's got a map. Yes On june 3rd 1998. Oh, no I see the 884 the vilhelm konrad ronjin Right jesus Guy who invented the x world discovered x-rays. Yes. It was traveling from munich to hamburg With stops in augsburg. No, i'm bug. What's bug folder castle cotton jen?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Oh Yeah much like the third god's tank army we do not stop in folder So it made it all the way up the high speed line and onto the conventional rail tracks after handover And as it approached the town of asheta Something happened Oh boy, wow So yorg didman German
Starting point is 00:45:58 Yeah, i meant my girlfriend saw you from across the barns really dig your vibe Once you come home with us and have you must disappoint excuse some of your life Do you like to party? How dare a german man in germany have a german name? Yeah Liam never really got over not being appointed to the allied control commission in 1946 And has been nursing that grudge all his life Show deference or what was the city we bombed that we shouldn't have?
Starting point is 00:46:35 Oh Well dressed and probably show deference or we're bombing dressed it again No more cathedral. No more cathedral Well, like dressed it's actually a good example of my why are they voting for the afd joke because the federal government is like Yeah, we're gonna subsidize the shit out of dresden in order to rebuild super security Yeah, this isn't everyone's can go to for the tourism and so on and so forth If you're not going to do anything about any of these platen boughs, so So
Starting point is 00:47:07 Wait, why are you a racist now? This makes me want to give you less money not more money and bomb the nuremberg ring Just call the nuremberg ring the nuremberg ring. Yes, he did Whatever I drive a german car. I'm basically a capo now, so So York didman was a passenger in the first car What unit of the ss was he in? I No, this was like 1998 it would have been his dad who was in the ss. Yes He was a national hero. He was put as the good vibe mark
Starting point is 00:47:47 All right York didman was sitting in first car Not really doing anything When a large metal rod shot through his armrest Yeah And the coach started swaying from side to side And york said to himself that is nicked good He does not say to himself that he he pulls
Starting point is 00:48:14 Duss emergency cord lever for brem dunks effect. This is the fun thing There was an emergency lever in the compartment that he didn't know was there Right. Well, aren't those supposed to be uh marked very visible? Yeah. Yeah Instead york found a conductor and told him what had happened. Oh, okay conductor said I can't pull the emergency brake immediately Company procedure demands that I investigate the problem before I stop the train. Do not do this This is this is the um looks at notes second most evil corporate policy. Deutsche Bahn has ever implemented I Must follow the procedure
Starting point is 00:49:13 All right, so the train was traveling about 125 125 miles an hour it was about 10 58 in the morning Yorg showed the conductor what had happened Just as the train crossed a set of switches just south of a shader Right and all I'm guessing york didn't make it No, he made it He was the first car You wanted to be in cars one and two And the front half of three
Starting point is 00:49:41 We'll get to that Um, oh boy. This is when all hell broke loose all right So the metal rod turned out was the steel tire We have a tasteful podcast here The the metal rod it turned out was the steel tire from one of the resilient wheels, right? Oh, aren't those supposed to be round rather than like a fucking spear? As a centrifugal force will do that to you. I do want to say as a jewish man
Starting point is 00:50:12 Uh, whose ancestors were murdered about murdered aboard cattle cars It's nice to see how the germans like it So I'm just saying, you know, I'm just saying I don't yeah this the the The tire shot up part of the tire Was sticking through the coach other part of the tire was like down below the height of the rail So this this tire caught the switch, right? Sort of lifted the first coach up slightly, right?
Starting point is 00:50:44 And it changed an air. Yeah. Yeah, it caught a little bit of air It changed the setting of the switch to the diverging path, right? Wow And starting from the rear bogey of the third car the train took the diverging path Um, so it took the path less traveled. Yes Oh, man. That is what made all the difference Yes ice train 844 was now multi-track drifting Oh boy So this is not a great situation to be in
Starting point is 00:51:19 right Right, you should conduct safety videos. Just just this voice So this is not an ideal situation. It's not an ideal situation. It was probably recoverable though, except You know, the train could have just stopped at this point except immediately after the switch was a bridge Oh boy. Yeah with a concrete pillar in between the two tracks Ah, ah, see everybody's always bitching at british railways. Why do you have so many at-grade crossings?
Starting point is 00:51:51 Well, well, what if you have not at-grade crossings and they're always like in the worst possible place? Makes you think so Trains gone this way Car number three is multi-track drifting it Smashes right into the concrete pillars underneath the bridge, right? do
Starting point is 00:52:14 This destroyed the pier The car number three itself actually held up pretty good um Oh, good. Yeah, and the bridge started to fall down Not good Now the velocity of the train was great enough that car four and half of car five made it out from under the bridge And those derailed and slammed into an embankment right where two deutsche bond workers were uh doing some track work It sucks to be those guys. I mean, I guess it sucks to be anyone involved here
Starting point is 00:52:46 But like sucks a lot to be minding your own business doing some track work Worried that the worst thing that's going to happen to you is you get fucking sprayed with the toilet tube And then you just get murdered instantly. Yes Um So who do you who who's foreman? Do you have to get on the line? Yeah, we needed what what they needed was a person in charge of works and a look out but who had Microsecond reflexes. Yes So the front the front power car in cars one through three stayed on the track except the rear bulky of car number three
Starting point is 00:53:25 Which is sort of just fishtailing, right? I stayed on the track and coasted to a stop about a kilometer down the line, right? Rest of the train did not fare so well Oh boy. Yeah So you can see here's here's car four up here Sort of rolled over here's car five the half rear half got smashed by the bridge um Car six was the restaurant car
Starting point is 00:53:51 The bridge fell right on top of it. It was crushed to a height of six inches Oh Not good and then remaining cars of the train just piled up and jackknifed into each other, right? How many cars total Um, you know, I'm not sure. I think it was about maybe 12 maybe 14 So Now there's there's some failure modes. You can't really design for right? This is one of those Yeah being crushed to a height of six inches
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yeah, I mean you usually if you expect in a derailment, you know, it might be pretty bad But you don't expect a bridge to fall on the tree You don't expect, you know the train to run into a concrete wall essentially, right? Um, so, you know that the train cars got ripped open You know, they started spilled out their contents. So they got crushed by the bridge. Everything got really fucked up, right? um Witnesses and so the the direction of travel here is like towards the top of the picture, right? Yes, the train was going this way mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:54:56 and there's like so You have the car that's been crushed into a cube under the bridge and then everything else is just flattened against the back of that piled up on top. Yeah Uh-huh. You went from 125 miles an hour to zero miles an hour pretty quickly Only the e say a 884 reduces a german to a soup like homogenous under 30 seconds Good the germans are not gonna like this one. Fuck them Just watching the holocaust very much
Starting point is 00:55:27 Looking looking looking forward to the exit surveys. I'll tell you that much. Oh my god. I'm not gonna reverse So witnesses in the in the town described hearing something that quote sounded like a plane crash unquote It looks like a plane crash like very similar like just Field of debris. Yes um You know and some folks came over to see what was the commotion and like oh, you're just been a massive train wreck um, that's not good
Starting point is 00:55:58 There's a local authorities declared a uh state of emergency by 1102. This is just four minutes After the tile tire failed And um, I mean points for efficiency there Yeah, it's about to say well if there's one thing the germans that usually are known for its efficiency They're not always actually efficient, but they are known for it Very successful national branding exercise. Yeah So, you know, and they they wound up they brought in a shitload of emergency services
Starting point is 00:56:31 There's actually a group of emergency physicians were attending a conference in Hanover And they managed to get basically all of them to come in and you know, do do like Imagine the guy who doesn't imagine being like no, I like being in the hotel with my little with my little coffee sachets. Thanks Had a couple am I gonna do work on my vacation? I had a couple too many breakfast beers Uh, dr. Anderson maybe maybe it's a little little better if you stay home for that one Yeah, not not right. I'd be a fine death inspector I would be I would not taunt the families of the dead and say, ah, see how you like it Now my question is right this this massive emergency mobilization did that
Starting point is 00:57:17 Help like at all or is it more because like I feel like I was just done sort of deal Yeah, I feel like being in the back of one of those like later cars to come in is kind of like Being like does it make a difference? Which end of a banana you put into a blender first kind of vibe? Yeah, I mean that was the thing the rear half of this train was not very good for survivability, right? There were 287 passengers on the train Uh, 99 were killed 88 more were severely injured Jesus christ, you know in addition to the two track workers who got you know, just just had a Yeah missed by a 125 mile an hour flying railroad car smashing into them
Starting point is 00:58:03 101 people were dead at the end of this Um, and but it could have been worse the train going the opposite direction had only gone under the bridge two minutes earlier Wow small mercies I guess I mean You know, that's this that's always the story with these Yeah, imagine imagine being imagine the last thing that you see or like process is Uh, a high speed train carriage coming towards you sideways at 125 miles an hour Like I guess you don't have time to process that or at least I hope you don't but if you do Hard not to interpret hard not to take that personally. I feel it's about the same
Starting point is 00:58:45 You get up to the pearly gates or whatever and you're just like yo, what the so what the fuck fuck first of all Yeah, first of all fuck dojaban second. What the fuck did I do? Oh, well you see okay We can't we can list some some of dojaban's extensive crimes So um All right, one of the problems was rescue efforts were kind of hampered by the fact that while the train cars obviously Not strong enough to withstand being mulched by a bridge hurt and just forgetting squash Yes, they are a little bit too strong for the rescuers to use the jaws of life on them
Starting point is 00:59:28 They had a hard time getting in the cars to rescue people and the windows weren't breakaway So they couldn't really get in through the windows either. I mean they eventually fork lift that but You gotta team of forklifts That's what I would do if you look at the one that's on its side right here You can see the windows that are like intact, which is insane. That's uh sermon engineering right there Yeah Why don't they make the whole train out of the windows Why don't they make the passengers out of the windows? I mean they did and it still wasn't enough
Starting point is 01:00:05 So You know what it sort of you gotta you gotta sort of like what happened here What was the how did this accident occur and at first the media speculated the train had hit a car, right? um, which was Clearly there's a car found in the wreckage Which apparently it was vw golf owned by the track workers Gcri or regular. I think it was a regular one. Yeah Um, you know in front of the train was undamaged, right? So, you know, probably did not hit a car
Starting point is 01:00:38 um, eventually They found out that the resilient wheels that were fitted to the ice trains were defective And doigibon had known about it. Oh, that's terrific Yeah, they were alerted to the problems of the uh, the wheels after the tram operator and handover Found some problems with them about a year earlier. So you say doigibon covered something up Yeah, you're telling me that doigibon If in doigibon the doigibon railways companies would be would turn a blind eye to people losing their lives I don't know if I believe that I've always known doigibon to be on the up and up very morally competent and good company
Starting point is 01:01:25 So, you know, you I you would figure they would at least try and avoid losing a whole train or rolling stack, you know Yeah, that's the most expensive since I've ever heard Doigibon had been doing inadequate inspections on these resilient wheels, right? They just sort of had the crew go over the wheels with the flashlight, right? They had some more sophisticated inspection machinery that they could use on it But it kept giving false positives for cracks So see this is the thing that doesn't like this is how successful the branding has been that I can't in my head picture Lackadaisical Germans just being like yeah shine a flashlight on it, mate. It's fine
Starting point is 01:02:07 Like in my head when I try to think of that that guy has a british accent Yes So it's it's um british hans I don't like it. There's the for predetermined window breaking point. Yeah, he's actually named jerry Um So the wheel in question that failed had been flagged as defective by automated checks the week prior And doigibon ignored these checks um
Starting point is 01:02:45 Some of the staff and the passengers had complained that the car was vibrating unnaturally in the months before the crash These complaints were also ignored Well, because they're like well, we fixed the vibration. What are you complaining about exactly, right? Everything is fine. Nothing to see here This exhibit is closed And um, yeah, doigibon ended up paying about 30 000 marks to each of the families of those who were killed That's about 19 000 dollars And settled separately with the injured. There's something like 30 30 million dollars
Starting point is 01:03:22 cost of xbox uh 499 dollars So how much per person 19 000 19 000 divided by 499 divided by 499 You got 38 xbox. That's boxed. That's a lot of xboxing
Starting point is 01:03:48 um It's sort of like something like uh 30 million dollars total was given to that the victims including the injured Two doigibon officials and one engineer were charged with manslaughter in 2002 And that ended up in a plea bargain and they were each fined 10 000 euros Cool. Yeah um And what they wound up doing is they replaced the wheels with old-fashioned cast steel wheels And they continue to provide service to this day
Starting point is 01:04:20 So what you're telling me is the lesson learned Lesson learned, but also my cutlery will fall off and my toast to why you'll be very happy about it I think that's a better. That's a better situation than dying lacking into a bridge. Yeah 125 miles an hour. Yeah, simply never have Any crossings at grade or otherwise correct the railway is sacrosanct Have nothing cross it go around The only way That's right. I think there was an issue recently where an icy e-train
Starting point is 01:04:54 Smashed into like a flock of sheep and folder Imagine imagine your beautiful white eca arrives in basil helped barnhoff looking like an italian freccio rosse I've seen pictures of some american trains after they smashed into a deer or like a cow or something It's like, yeah, this is uh, just just a sort of pink mist on the front of the locomotive I've posted about this before and it's a much more harmless take But like one of the things I genuinely enjoy is seeing a Like a jacked up like a dirty eca Because there's something there's some
Starting point is 01:05:37 aura of smugness that attaches to having a white high speed train that is like obviously So fucking sober It's so comfort and then you like look at these pictures of them and someone has written like clean meat in german with their finger On the side of it because it's covered in grime and cold dust and shit And you're just like, yeah, no, fuck you you deserve that You drive it too close to poland where they burn all their shitty coal so they can say they're green. Yeah Well Anyway, that is the story. Um, I guess the moral is
Starting point is 01:06:13 Uh, do do do fucking inspections on the wheels. Metal fatigue is very complicated Yes, and you can't fuck around with it, especially in uh, like critical applications Pull the emergency brake early and often. Yeah All the time ignore all posted fines pull it constantly Anytime you get the chance and um as much as we say that train good and high speed train good You have to like maintain the high speed train. Yes And which requires constant investment. I used to row out of a place called tomson's boathouse in in in Uh, it's just near jargetown in washington dc. That was the summer boathouse
Starting point is 01:06:54 And um, there was an emergency exit from the metro tunnel that ran under the potomac In the back and you know, every time I was taking the metro up there I was like, you know, I could save a five minute walk of it. I just pulled the emergency brake right now This I read I read an obituary I don't remember of who but it was one of those like truly authentic british weirdos who like had done some intelligent stuff during the war But like he moved to suburbia And one of the things that he was noted for in later life Was that when the train went past his house
Starting point is 01:07:27 He would open the window and throw his briefcase into his own back garden So he didn't have to carry it out of the station. I like that and that's That's the kind of efficiency. I like that. That's when you the war That willingness to improvise and also like fucking like Lean out of the window of a speeding train with your briefcase in hand trying to be like, okay, okay And like compensate for the wind and stuff What happens if he misses Has to talk to his neighbors. Hey, I threw my briefcase in my backyard. Don't ask questions. Don't ask questions. That'll get you killed. Yes
Starting point is 01:08:08 All right, so we have a we have a section on this podcast called safety third Okay This isn't the most dramatic safety third submission ever But it is directly related to your episode about the station nightclub fire We love thematic consistency. I figure you might find it interesting For many years I worked in the nightclub slash live events venue industry and the safety culture is absolutely appalling The reasons for this are twofold. I think first osha has absolutely no interest in regulating the industry and second
Starting point is 01:08:51 The people often responsible for creating and enforcing workplace safety are the same sort of idiot 26 year old stage hands That set off the indoor pyrotechnics that started the station fire I was one such idiot 26 year old and this is my story I At the time I was head of the lighting department of a large theater and concert venue Prior to the station fire the venue had handled all pyrotechnics in house and for some reason My department was in charge of all things explosive in those days That's lighting. Isn't that technically I was hired uses light does produce light. This is true
Starting point is 01:09:31 Unless it's one of those things that only produces smoke in which case it produces dark I was hired over 10 years after the fire When such things were now no longer legal We were still allowed to do pyro in the venue But no one working for the company could possess the necessary licensure required to buy To purchase store or set off explosives Now in a back of my shop was a very scary looking red lockbox clearly labeled explosives In block capitals. Oh dear, but I had confirmed long ago that it was empty and I assumed that I know
Starting point is 01:10:10 How it's marked it's fucking stenciled on there and white paint, right? And I assumed long ago all the pyrotechnics had been disposed of But it turns out I assumed wrong on a slow day in between performances I was doing an inventory of an entirely different cabinet in my shop intended for the storage of flammable liquids To my horror found that someone had stashed multiple ice cube tray like packages of small pyrotechnic cubes Intended to produce 16 inch flames in the back of this cabinet and forgotten about them Needless to say the expiration date on all these packages had long ago passed And it was entirely likely that they'd been improperly stored in the back of the wrong cabinet ever since the station fire
Starting point is 01:10:59 Again, I've forbidden ice cubes Again, I'd stress this was nearly 10 years after the original incident and somehow this stuff was still air Just waiting to unexpectedly go off as expired pyro tends to do I asked my boss the venues production manager what I should do and he didn't seem to understand the severity of the situation Oh, he was British. Yeah I don't know He shrugged and vaguely suggested I should look at the msds for disposal information Fortunately, I still add that's the material safety data sheet by the way
Starting point is 01:11:39 Uh, you're supposed to have it for everything everywhere If you use chemicals, you better fucking have an msd. You should have an msds for the msds folder Unfortunately, I found I still have this particular sheet on fire on file, but its only instruction on disposal was disposed by burning Uh, cool. Yeah, it was always fun Like old American flags. Yeah Now this is where being an idiot 26 year old suddenly in charge of safety comes in I do not remember if I came up with this idea or not But at some point a plan was hatched to take a spare 55 gallon steel drum
Starting point is 01:12:23 Out to the dirt lot we use for overflow parking dump all the pyrotechnics in it and light the whole thing on fire I'm Johnny Knoxville. Welcome to jackass. Yes My co-host Muhammad bin Salman I just know Muhammad bin Salman has already blown a lot of stuff up. It's really more of a like I go for a Muhammad Arta joke that I guess that also works. Yeah Um No, I'm just listening. I'm sorry. You're breathing like you're asleep. No, I'm sorry. No, I was just listening I'm I'm sorry. Yeah, I didn't think I was that boring. You're not god damn it
Starting point is 01:13:06 I was I was worried because you hadn't said anything offensive about Germans in the last five minutes I'm always cooking one up. But uh, no, I just I think I think I probably peaked when I said see how they like it I Do as someone known to improperly store his own exploit. No it never mind moving on. Oh god Regardless of whether this was my idea or not, I signed off on this plan And it's exactly what myself and several of the other people I was in charge of ended up doing I no longer remember how many individual cubes we loaded into this drum
Starting point is 01:13:40 But I absolutely remember someone tossing a lit match in there I'm watching a far bigger flame than we anticipated shoot at the trap of the drum Accompanied by a thick black cloud I kind of want to know what what the hell are these cubes? What were they also? What were they anticipating? I would anticipate a pretty big fire, right? Because there's Several ice cube trays worth of explosives. They were like what the hell all these cubes Well, it's you have to like circle around them seven times It's just just just tiny miniature cabas
Starting point is 01:14:19 Just walking around You know, I I imagine the hodge would be a lot more exciting if it every so often the hodge just started shooting off fireworks It's erupting like gouts of flame. Yeah, like fissuvius and every so often a pilgrim just gets dinged in the eye If the current trends are anything to go on they will eventually Laser light show Yeah to to the to to the great mosque. Yeah So As we watched it burn we realized that no one had brought a fire extinguisher with us
Starting point is 01:14:54 So someone went back back inside the fetch one while the rest of us stood around a fire cracking jokes about dying from smoke inhalation After after what seemed like an eternity long after whatever the manufacturer's Specifications were for how long the stuff was supposed to burn the fire burned itself out and we went back inside having learned nothing from this experience Somehow we managed to not start a wildfire injure anyone or get in any sort of trouble for this stunt Hell yeah, congratulations. Yes, I was about to say. What the hell are those cubes? I want to know if you know what the hell the cubes are, please I don't know anything about cubes What what is a fire emitting cube?
Starting point is 01:15:38 Just told you it's the kaba No, that's made of stone shut up I don't think the kaba can catch fire The tapestry covering it could catch fire But I don't think the kaba itself could catch fire You know my favorite fact about that covering is that like aside from the fact that never used to just be black It used to be like red and green and white and whatever they felt like
Starting point is 01:16:03 They also when they replaced it they never used to take the old one off So there was a period of while like under the osmonds where it was in genuine danger of collapse because it looked like an overstuffed Marshmallow because every time they would just throw a new one over it and it just got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger Yeah, it's just like, uh, you know, you got a real landlord special there with the 17 codes of pain. Yeah Yeah Well, maybe the ottoman shouldn't have a stewardship of the Maybe the great mosque. I don't know. I mean, I don't know the Saudis have done any better What you all got to figure out put the christians in charge of that thing so no one
Starting point is 01:16:47 No one can complain about it specifically right put the like a un in charge of it have some swiss guys do it Yeah, this is like this. It's like a reverse of the church of the holy sevelkirk, right? You know that that seems to be the only way you could do this properly Yeah, but then you just end up with like different families of christians arguing about like an individual ladder or something Put the pope in charge Oh, that's all that's never gone badly. Yeah I see your plan here, Justin Papest
Starting point is 01:17:22 Crusade by stealth Pope wallet inspector the first Finally manages to fucking conquer mech With this one weird trick. Listen. Listen. Listen. Muhammad buddy I know how to fix this problem. You just have to put me Make me the steward of the mosque Right all your problems reverse leasing deal. Yeah You can consolidate your payments. It's a one easy payment. Yeah, Saudi Arabia puts a reverse mortgage on the kaba
Starting point is 01:18:02 Don't give them ideas. That's not a good idea. Yeah Well, I'm sure the Saudis have already thought of it. Oh, yeah Yeah, it winds up winds up in the hands of like wall street. You know, they put like a billboard on it Ah, yes, that's my people Good god All right, what's the next episode gonna be? I'm glad you asked Alice the next episode will be on the Tacoma narrow's bridge disaster Fantastic. Yes. Okay. Um, if you want a pennsylvania secret service card I have been fucked in the brain pan due to like problems. That sounds erotic
Starting point is 01:18:46 Yeah, continue to hassle me in the dms until I get back to you. I will still do it This has been my only announcement. Oh and also listen to kill james bond. Yes, listen to kill james bond Um, listen to trash future Yeah Listen to liam's podcast. Thank you. There's subscribe to subscribe to justin's youtube channel Yes, subscribe to our patreon patreon.com slash wtyp pod Yeah, this episode is gonna be with a hell of a way to die. Yes about the m2 bradley Armored fighting vehicle. I should drop on monday
Starting point is 01:19:21 Um, we will you know that sorry that one's late um, we also have A po box you can send us stuff with Don't send us anthrax. I don't remember what it is off hand. So that was zero one seven eight Philadelphia, pennsylvania one nine one zero six. Yes. Good lord. Just off the dome with that Incredible, baby. All right. That's also in the description. I don't know. I don't ever remember which direction I got to turn my keys to unlock my door, but our po box address. No fucking problem And you're like a marine for a second there has gone down. Sorry everybody
Starting point is 01:19:57 My ass rides a navy equipment. It is three o'clock in the morning men. You are going to ship packages to wtyp pod Go go go go You gotta run through the gas chamber training Try to write four zero one seven eight with only one eye working Um, and I think anything else that's it. I don't think so. That's that's a podcast I'm excited to see what I have to go through and cut out from the from the goddamn news Bye everybody everything. Yeah, just everything. Yeah. All right. Bye everyone

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