Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 62: Erfurt Latrine Disaster

Episode Date: April 1, 2021

you asked for it ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi Justin. Oh Someone commented on the YouTube I demand Liam be replaced his counter-revolutionary trash is not needed. So I commented LMAO and he said or they said hey Liam HR Y spelled wrong Liam if you read this tell Ross now Let's replace you that your cover counter-revolutionary trash is not needed. I'm not going anywhere. No, no, sorry That's my friend. Fuck you Yeah It's pretty cool that we all you know like each other. Yeah It's it's unfortunate that we have managed to develop a friendship in the year of our lord
Starting point is 00:00:44 2021 We should all be constantly trying to cancel each other like the warehouse scene and reservoir dogs All right Here we are we're podcasting Sorry, I think everything's running. I'm not recording locally because I don't think it's worth it. Me either. Yeah, so Welcome to well, there's your problem To podcast about engineering disasters as slides I'm Justin Rosnick. I'm the person who's talking right now. My pronouns are he and him
Starting point is 00:01:22 I am Alice called or Kelly. I'm the person who is talking right now. My pronouns are she and her Yay, Liam, especially to that one guy who thinks of counter-revolutionary trash. Yeah, Liam. Fuck you buddy. Hey, Liam My pronouns are he and him. All right today. We're gonna do our most requested episode. Yeah, you you hogs have wanted this You've wanted this for a long time Which is the Erfurt Latrine disaster. I see you have the Asbelts here. Yes, we had the Asbelts closest I could get There was a very small amount of information available and it was all in Latin Do you don't speak Latin? No
Starting point is 00:02:03 So anyway, 1184 AD King Henry the 6th Was king of Germany, I believe Germany being a very vague political entity Who later became Holy Roman Emperor, right? He was mediating a feud between some nobles in the Holy Roman Empire
Starting point is 00:02:29 Basically all the Holy Roman Empire dead you've all played paradox games. Yeah. Yeah, and so he called a diet, right? Not a diet. Importantly not a diet. No, certainly not. Yeah, I was always very confused by this diet of worms Yes, I was always very confused. I did the the Joe Cassavian thing where I only read and don't listen And so, you know a bunch of nobles showed up to the negotiations They met in an upper room in the Peterskirchen in Erfurt that's this building here highlighting it in green, right? Mm-hmm. And so well, it turned out they hadn't done maintenance on the floor in the room They met in and the floor that it was not the floor was not used to having that many people meeting in it, right?
Starting point is 00:03:20 so the floor collapsed and the nobles fell into the latrine pit two floors below, right? I will point out that just having your toilets empty into a basement that would slowly fill with shit and Then you emptied it when shit started leaking Was like something that was current until the 19th century Samuel Pepes the The British diarist records His neighbors house of office, which is to say his shit filled basement was leaking
Starting point is 00:03:58 One day and he stepped out into the street and he said into a and he was doing the Georgian thing of capitalizing every word into a great heap of turds Which do trouble me and that's the whole entry under statement of the century It do trouble me to step into a great heap of turds capital G capital H capital T It's it's unfortunate, but this was a fact of life before we invented sanitation, right? Mm-hmm. So the nobles fell into the latrine pit 60 of them died Jesus the sixth survived because he was sitting in a stone alcove
Starting point is 00:04:43 Later went on to become a holy Roman emperor From that alcove No, he like he was left. I'm never leaving my lucky alcove He was just left perfectly on the edge of like an Gigantic drop into a pit full of shit and dead nobles. Yeah, it's cool. I mean so That was the episode
Starting point is 00:05:10 Our next episode on the common arrows bridge disaster Yep, finally gonna do it. Sorry. We didn't have news or a safety third this time Well, I mean, it wasn't much content. No This is the problem with us doing historical disasters is People did not tend to write a lot about why the shit fall down They were too busy dying by being suffocated by poop Yeah, and also like Said these beams were rotten
Starting point is 00:05:42 Stone masons and stuff like they didn't talk to anybody about how they did stuff because they were busy developing sort of weird Guild cults about it that would later be taken over by sort of tradesmen rather than craftsmen and then it's through a sort of long period you get Freemasonry and things of that nature All right, this is supposed to be a joke episode. We're not doing serious analysis about it. I can't help myself Okay, do we have commercials before we go bye everybody giving the commercial for a minute long This is not good counterinsurgency doctrine

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