Werewolf Ambulance: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast - Episode 514- Blood and Black Lace (1964)
Episode Date: March 17, 2025In this week's episode, we're back on our Italian bullshit with the godfather of giallo, Mario Bava, and his 1964 genre-defining film "Blood and Black Lace," a movie that contains very little of eithe...r! Special topics for your consideration include: a too-close-for-comfort ex-boyfriend, the foolish concept of a red mannequin, a cast of characters so large that we cannot possibly care if they are all murdered, and a killer who is just a real prick.  Are you a fan of giallo movies? Perhaps you'd like to hear us discuss one from just a few weeks ago that neither of us could begin to remember! It's Episode 509- "The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh." The regular lineup of links! You can support us at patreon.com/werewolfambulance and listen to a ton of action movie episodes. This month, our top tier listeners will be voting between Jason Statham and Denzel Washington so probably the only loser will be me? leave us a message at 412-407-7025 hang out with some cool listeners at https://discord.gg/DutFjx3cBD buy merch at www.teepublic.com/user/werewolfambulance the best place to reach us is at werewolfambulance@gmail.com we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance sorta on Twitter @werebulance sorta on Instagram @werewolfambulance www.werewolfambulance.com if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at facebook.com/werewolfambulance because we are probably not gonna see that, ever  If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow.  Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Outro song is A. Wallis- "EMT" Seriously, we have the best listeners, hands down.
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The world is in shambles. Oh, what's going on? Tell me everything.
Oh, no, no, no.
Just, you know.
My first note that I took is, first two seconds
are giving me everything I want from a giallo.
Yeah, the opening credits are fantastic.
However, I began to get nervous
that it was a lot of people for me to keep track of.
Some of them look exactly the same.
All of them look exactly the same.
And I kept thinking, wow, all these people rule,
but especially that red lady.
Are mannequins red in Italy?
Because I feel like that's not gonna do a great service
to your clothing that you're trying to sell on the mannequin.
But what if there's also sexy jazz
and a lot of mood lighting?
I love this lighting and I love all of the eye makeup looks.
Oh my gosh, so much good cat eye.
So much winged liner.
Yeah, don't work on it, wing liner.
Winged, winged. Winged liner.
Winged liner.
Like the feet of Aries. It's like the feet of Ares.
Like the feet of Ares.
Or the monkeys in The Wizard of Oz.
What else has wings?
Let's name things.
Spotted lantern flies.
Flutterbys as they call butterflies in the Family Circus cartoon.
Oh god.
Every game ends when you reference the Family Circus cartoon. Oh God, every game ends when you reference
the Family Circus, you know this.
Not me.
Did you watch this on Shudder?
I did.
Did you get the Italian name for this movie?
I did, but I didn't write it down.
Six Dawn per la Assassino.
Six, say it to me one more time.
Six don, D-O-N-N-E.
Are you sure it's not don?
El apostrophe assassino.
What's don?
I don't know.
It means women folk.
Six women folk.
For the assassin. For the folk. For the assassin.
For the assassin of the assassin.
Doesn't matter.
I mean, probably a more accurate title
than Blood and Black Lace.
Yeah, I mean, okay.
This is the granddaddy of them all, right?
The godfather of Giallo made this Giallo movie
that invented Giallo.
Set the templates for everything.
It's not good.
I have enjoyed myself some Giallo
over the last five years, let's say.
How long have I been on anti-depressants?
That's how long I've enjoyed them.
I think so.
This is not one of them.
Okay, okay.
It's not nonsense enough to be nonsense.
But it's not, it's real enough to be a movie.
And the twist isn't enough to be like, oh, oh, hello.
I genuinely didn't know that there was a twist.
I was like, oh, it was those two.
Of course it is.
And I feel indifferent to it, yeah.
It's not like suddenly you find out that a husband and a new lover have been
working together to murder you this entire time. Were they new lovers? No, in a, in what
was the one we just did, um, where it ends up with the two guys driving down the road
and the woman standing on the side of the road by the director of torso. What the fuck
was the name of that movie? Oh my God. It's already gone. It wasn't it. It was an Italian movie.
It was an Italian movie. Yeah.
I just watched that Alan.
We did a whole chittery chattery episode.
How we said we would do this till one of us dies.
I think we might need to think about like what happens when we're,
we both just lose all memory.
The strange vice of Mrs. Ward. I picked that.
Oh yeah, and that was Mrs. Ward standing there on the side.
Oh, right.
See, that was nonsense.
Yo, a hundred percent.
This was just.
But this is fucking gorgeous
from the opening frame to closing
Beautiful sets.
Very brutal.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful women.
Beautiful women.
Dope fountains.
You're going to love a dope fountain.
Windy, windy fountain.
Everyone's getting wet around that fountain.
That fountain is sprays where it feels like.
I also have just written here, fucking spooky Italians.
I don't know what it means.
Was it the Christian hot couture sign that triggered you?
It might've been.
Did you say hot couture?
Hot couture?
How do you say it?
I think hope.
I don't think you say the T.
I don't speak no French.
Nah, me either.
I like that they're way less cowardly than we are these days when it comes to wars.
Proud of that guy who married his teacher.
I love the picture of them when she's, I don't know, 40 and he's, I don't know, 11.
It's like, that's weird, right?
It's so weird.
Not for France. Uh, So we meet this guy.
This ends up being
This is Frank.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Frank's got a little toot problem.
Toot problem? Oh, toot problem.
Frank loves the toot so much that he might go into
I have never seen
people who are taking cocaine,
who are more miserable than these people.
Genuinely, they all hate each other.
They all hate their jobs.
They hate their lives.
But then again, it does seem like there's a shortage
because this conversation between him
and I think this is Nicole,
is like the old days of not being able to find weed.
Where she's like, I got some and he's like,
where'd you get it?
And she's like, don't worry about it, I got it.
I had some, but Isabella took all mine.
But they're not saying what some is.
Right, but it's clearly drugs.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He looks like an Italian man that I dated the summer
I was 18, like a grownup version of him.
No, not a fan.
Not a fan.
Sorry, Frank.
Real mama's boy.
You can decide whether to leave that in or not.
Not on my bingo card.
You're surprising me and I'm surprising you today.
This is what we're doing to each other.
And apparently not surprising him.
No, not a surprise.
Oh man.
There's a 13 year old boy listening to this out there somewhere.
Hey buddy.
Hey pal.
Maybe bleep that.
Oh man, the children of Major Rethink, what you're doing.
Yeah, I am a mom. I'm somebody's mom.
You are. And a great one.
Oh, thanks.
So there's a lurker in the woods and we know that because there's trumpet steps as they're
looking around.
Yes. And this is like a beautiful, oh no, is this Isabella that's in the woods?
Or do we see her in a minute?
Yeah, yeah. When she gets there and then wanders off into the woods? Or do we see her in a minute? Yeah, yeah.
When she gets there and then wanders off into the woods for some unknown reason.
And it's such a beautiful shot.
The lighting, the woods, and this red jacket.
It's beautiful.
The red in this movie is bananas.
It really is.
Must have been Technicolor because it was giving me strong Suspiria vibes.
This movie really crawled so Suspiria could walk, huh?
Yeah. Or so Suspiria could walk, huh? Sure. Yeah.
Or Suspiria could tumble down the steps
and fall on top of you and confuse you.
So that Suspiria could not notice that it was falling
into a thing of like barbed wire and be like, ow!
Luckily this has no barbs.
What a genius movie.
Okay. I think I need to watch it a fourth time.
See if I've changed my mind.
I don't think so.
Maybe that was my problem with the remake is they had no bar plus barbed wire.
I mean, it's fucking my problem with the remake was when fucking what's her name?
Tilda Swinton was when Tilda Swinton had like a dick growing out of her neck.
Do you remember that she was flapping everywhere? Like, I don't need this.
And she played two characters in the movie.
Yeah, that was cheap. Like we got you more lines.
Anyway, Isabella has a scarf and drugs.
And then she has a death. A death. Yes.
Cause she gets straggled with a man
with a nylon over his face. He's a big man. Yeah. Like a very large man. Not just tall,
but broad. Yeah. So when they pull out all the suspects, I was like, hold on.
Yeah, that Peter Laurie motherfucker, he ain't involved in this. Do anything. Let him go.
Everybody knows it. I mean, he's got strong pervert vibes, but that's for sure.
Everybody in this movie has strong, strong pervert vibes.
Sure. Yeah, sure. I love that everybody, when it hits the ground,
there's a shot of it being dragged back off.
Yeah. There's a lot of this movie where it's just like,
I don't think your inclination would be to drag your friend up the stairs.
I just can't imagine finding safe, you you know pie's dead body and being like well come
on we're going upstairs dragging our lifeless corpse up there. Listen I gotta get this out of
my trunk before someone notices it. I just don't think I would. I'm gonna put it behind these two
privacy blinds that I have in my basement. So Isabella gets dropped off somewhere. Yes. Jesus. Oh, yeah.
So Isabella gets dropped off somewhere. Yes.
It's, oh, go ahead.
She will be found again later, I think in a closet.
This is at the salon.
Which is, I guess, a fashion house.
Lot of questions.
I mean, do they live there?
They don't, because we do find out where they all live later
when they all go to their homes.
And the one woman is adamant about not running a boarding house.
She's like, I'm not running a boarding house.
But then why are they there around the clock?
And sometimes it seems like they're doing fashion shows,
but nobody's there, as far as I can tell.
And they're done very like leisurely. And if I've seen enough
episodes of America's Next Top Model, that's not how it works.
No, no. This is the most stressful part of Project OneWay. Oh, the runway. So good. Yeah.
So although it's about the same crowd size on Project OneWay as they had here, why is
that hard for me to say? Project Runway? Just say it over crowd size on Project Runway as they had here. Why is that hard for me to say?
Project Runway?
Yeah, Project Runway.
Just say it over and over, Project Runway.
I think you need to not say the C or the T, Project Runway.
Oh, it's like, ho-ca-chore.
Oh no.
So there's a conversation inside
about Isabelle being laid again.
And they're like, if she's laid again, she's getting fired. Right.
Except I haven't know what this says. She's not going to get fired.
Cause she's dead. She is fucking dead. What's worse, dead or fired in this economy.
But so she's found in a wardrobe, I think by Nicole.
Uh, I thought it was the redheaded lady, but I could be wrong. What's her name?
Does she have a name? I don't know. Cause they introduced characters and like 45 minutes
later someone will name them. So I just have notes of like redhead, blonde, other blonde.
Yes. And yes, Peggy and Nicole are as far as I can tell the same person with a different
wig on. Yeah. Yeah. It's like the Hansen brothers.
I could tell them apart.
There's the tall one, the young one, and then the weird one, the old one. There's gotta be an old one, you know, the tall one, the weird one,
handsome one, not far off.
Although I feel like they're all interchangeable except for the tall one.
Yeah. Um, can I say something here about fashion in general?
Is here this, this, this very confusing safe space, that very confusing fashion house.
I think that we as a society need to agree to bring back pointy bras.
Such a good look.
The fashion designer, I don't know if I ever caught her name. The one who ends up being one of the killers.
The redhead, yeah.
Yeah, the redhead.
Hers are not only pointing up, or out, but also up.
Up, she's got ski slope tits,
and I think it's a great look.
I say be the change you wanna see in the world, Katie.
I don't know how to make a bra.
That seems really hard.
I'm sure there's like vintage websites
you could go to to buy a bullet
bra. Yeah. Okay. You talk. I'll look. Give me one of the reals gonna be so weird for me to figure out.
Sure. I'm already like throwing up roadblocks to why I can't bring back pointy tits.
Do you have to have naturally pointed tits or do you just squeeze the old round ones
in there?
I think you can, I mean, when they take the, no, I think they just get mush.
Well, that doesn't sound nice.
I think they're uncomfortable for extended wear, you know, but a lot of bras are.
Oh, you know what?
See, there's like corset websites.
So those will be modern sizing.
Yeah, there you go. Okay. Well, I'm not getting my credit card. What if I did? What if this
is my new thing? Just exactly like you do, but then like just
just like jeans and a replacements t-shirt and then the pointiest tits you've ever seen.
Okay, I need to stop looking at this. Is she smuggling snow cones?
What's happening right now?
Anyway, we got to do it.
Ladies, let's look.
We have not figured out how to overthrow the patriarchy,
but we can figure out how to bring back cool bras.
Yeah, ladies, veides, whoever you need.
Let's get some cool bras back in here.
And for the fellas and fella inclined, the gentle dems. you needed to exactly. Let's get some cool bras back in here. And, uh, for,
for the fellows and fella inclined the, the gentle thems,
cod pieces. Let's do it.
That's a fight you're going to have to fight on your own. Um, so they find Isabella. Yeah, it is nighttime. Yeah. The models are,
are there. Sure. Working.
When they finally get that bitch into an ambulance, it is noon.
So is she not dead?
I don't know, because they don't take her out under,
like her face isn't covered.
I was like, is this just Italy?
What are these Europeans doing?
If you're an Italian from the 60s, get in touch.
Unless this is how you used to carry dead people around.
Is this what dead people got carried?
But also just fucking Europe, take your time with it.
So were they just working into the wee hours of morning
on fashion?
I guess, but all the models are still there.
I mean, I guess they wouldn't leave after a dead body
was found or would they?
I don't know.
There are varying levels of nonplussed by her death.
I love the inspector when we meet him. I can't remember his name.
Inspector Sylvester. How could you fucking forget that? How dare you? I thought he was
the killer because he's the only broad chested man in the movie. He may have been in the
killer's costume. I bet he, he is just like, speaking of nonplussed, he couldn't be any
less plus than he is.
He's so nonplussed. He's not even going to blink. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It's wild. Um,
and he's just asking them questions. And at one point I thought she said,
I am running a boarding school.
What is your business lady?
So what is that one guy's name? More not Marlo. Um, it's like, uh, I don't care.
Mac, not max. Fuck the guy with the mustache shows up him and his partner.
Yeah. Okay. So when we get back into the fashion house,
there are all these people I've never seen before
and I was fucking panicked.
So yes, there's the wall-eyed mustache-y old guy, right?
And the cops like,
what did he say?
He says something really dumb to him.
Like, why are you here? Answer me.
It's like, just like, does not give a guy because they're trying there. It's dubbed.
So they're trying to like squeeze words into make it look like their mouths are
moving in the right way. And it was just so, so bizarre. Tell me what you're,
tell me why you're here. Allow me. Allow me.
That's not how this works. No, you don't get to just pretend.
And so this guy tells the, uh, they're like, who was her lover?
And somebody's like, everyone knows it was Frank Scallo.
The antique dealer.
This is Frank from the beginning.
He's so, I think Frank sucks
because his antique shop looks like shit.
I just felt like if he was really in need of cocaine,
he could probably just like hawk that suit of armor somewhere.
Like why do you have these models running around doing your bidding?
And at this era of humanity, if you're in need of cocaine, just turn to your left.
It's probably right there.
I really just feel like you could sell, I feel like you could trade a suit of armor
for so much cocaine.
Don't you think?
For sure.
Yes, they go hand in hand.
Cocaine suits of armor are basically the X-Box of 20, 25.
People are often trading X-Boxes for cocaine. I assume.
I would think. How else would you buy it? I know there's,
there's an app called signal and then there's X-Boxes.
Those are the only ways I know to buy cocaine.
Maybe I should start using signal.
I mean, since you are straight edge, but for drugs. Yeah.
So the cuff, they go to the antique dealer and they immediately find drugs,
which he wasn't supposed to have because he was all out of cocaine.
Yeah. Why was he like having a fit? Did he literally lose his cocaine?
What a terrible man.
You found my cocaine. Thank you? What a terrible man. Oh, you found my cocaine, thank you.
What a terrible fucking man.
Well, we find out it was Isabella's coke
that she had left at the house, I guess.
Oh, okay, okay.
You wouldn't look around your house for cocaine
in your usual cocaine spots?
It's like when you run out of weed
and you just start running your fingers through the rug.
I mean, before weed was legal, times were dark sometimes.
You're going back through your LPs with the gatefolds.
See what's in there.
Back when weed had sticks and stems in it.
Those were the days.
Kids today don't know how good you have it with weed, truly.
Kids these days.
You have to carry all these cassettes for your Walkman
and your weed had all this trash in it.
Weed was literally like at least 60% trash.
I don't think I saw weed that wasn't green
until sometime in my 20s.
Like purple weed and all that like shit
that's out there now.
And we're no tinctures.
There's no balms for your sore knees.
Sweet, man.
So after the Coke bust,
we go right to a fashion runway show.
Right, someone's gotta wear Isabella's dress.
No, it's cursed.
It's cursed dress, I can't wear it.
And this woman says, I'll wear the dress.
And her friend goes, she doesn't believe in anything.
Love that for her.
And then we've got, what's that guy's, it's his name, Larry, the guy who's constantly
taking pills for his epilepsy. But I,
Yeah. At some point they're like, he always have to electric. That's why he's taking
his pills nonstop.
Must've said that really late in the film.
Oh my God. Yeah.
Okay. Cause for a lot of it, I was just like, something's very wrong with Larry.
This was the big epileptic reveal
that we've all heard about from Blood and Black Lace
that happens later on in the film.
It's funny how many more Giallo movies
would put an epileptic twist in their plots.
Oh, like, oh no, that was full-bodied Tourette's
from Crank 2.
Oh my God.
Please don't make me think of Crank 2 ever again.
I think this is it.
I have to let it go.
Cheftelios, you cannot be here anymore.
Leave my mind.
Leave my mind.
But the guy's like, he's constantly touching his neck
and then taking pills.
Like that's his character.
Oh, he's so gross.
He's into Peggy, who has the biggest fucking head
I've ever seen, I'm so sorry.
Her head is so big.
Her body looks weird.
Yet I couldn't tell her apart from Nicole
half the time they were on screen together.
The difference was Nicole's hair was combed down,
so her head looked smaller.
Did she have a big head or just big hair?
I don't know, both.
They find when they're looking for a brooch Yeah. And she had a big head or just big hair. I don't know. Both. Both. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
They find when they're looking for a brooch that Isabella had worn with the dress, which belonged to her personally,
which is not generally how fashion shows work, but whatever.
I'm doing a fashion show. Bring something from home.
Something old, something new.
In the box, they find a diary.
Everyone's very scandalized. Everyone is scandalized. Because you know what's in a diary. They do, and everyone's very scandalized.
Everyone is scandalized.
Because you know what's in a diary, everyone's secrets.
Everyone's secrets.
Why would you write everyone else's secrets down?
I don't know, why are you bringing it around with you?
Yeah, how risky.
I have a note here that just says,
"'Afterwards, I feel limp, empty.'"
It's like, was that Isabella?
Who said that?
Who says that, Alan?
I don't, I don't know.
Why would anyone say that?
So Nicole is like, look, I'm gonna take this thing
and she's like smirking and giggling the whole time.
I'm gonna take this diary to the cops.
I'm gonna do it tomorrow.
Yeah, do it tomorrow. They're investigating her murder now. I gotta go home and jerk off take this diary to the cops. I'm going to do it tomorrow.
Yeah, do it tomorrow.
They're investigating her murder now.
I got to go home and jerk off to this diary
for a little while.
I assumed that the cops were just going to immediately
hand it off to a civilian anyway,
since this is a JOLO film.
Someone whose passport they've stolen.
Yeah, and they're like, you can leave the country
when you solve this crime for us.
But she puts it in her purse and then goes and walks
on the fashion show for four people.
But also just like it happened to be her turn at that moment.
It's like so casual.
So cash.
I don't understand how this is working.
It's a business cash, non-formal.
Just come in, come as you are.
We never know who's gonna wear what.
Yeah, stand up, sit down, you're fine.
There's also all these people walking around
that I think are servers,
like they might be serving hors d'oeuvres
and drinks or something,
but they are all dressed like nurses.
Understand that.
The theme of the fashion show was
skinny black dress nurses, I don't know.
I don't know.
But her purse remains like front and center in the frame
for a long time as people keep walking by.
Yeah, it's interesting.
Yeah, and we're like, oh no, they're gonna touch it?
They're gonna touch, no, they're not touching it.
Until a rack of clothes goes by and then the purse is missing.
I liked it.
It was really good.
But she calls Frank and she's like, Frank, check it out.
I got this diary.
Yeah, and he's like, but I don't want a diary,
I want cocaine.
Does the diary have cocaine?
But you are terribly ill, Frank.
He's in coke withdrawal.
So she skips out on work to go hang out with him.
She borrows Peggy's car.
Every time someone is talking on the phone
in this fashion house,
it's on this like red corded rotary phone,
which I desperately want.
Yeah. Yeah.
This is an aesthetically pleasing era for you.
Jesus, yeah.
1964 to like 1974.
I love everything in that.
So like once I was born, you're out.
You ruined everything.
Everything. 1976, everything got America themed, you know?
Sure. You can kiss. Yeah.
So I'll take to 75 then. Okay. Through your first, through your first year.
Sure. It was my best year. Arguably.
Made your biggest steps.
Oh man.
So yeah, she's gonna take Peggy's car.
She goes to Frank's.
Frank has no lights.
Frank does not have electric light here in 1964.
All he has is lights from a disco tech sign
outside of the house.
And oh yeah, really high facing purple lighting
all over the place.
Yeah, I mean, he's got that.
Of course, it's an antique store.
An antique store.
She's calling for Frank, Frank, Frank,
Frank's definitely not there, babes.
But there is a gloved hand there
that's going to shut off the lights, but then doesn't.
But the lights were already off, so it doesn't matter.
Shh, don't tell the gloved hand.
Frank's furniture starts falling down everywhere But the lights were already off, so it doesn't matter. Shh, don't tell the gloved hand.
Frank's furniture starts falling down everywhere, and the faceless man has arrived.
It's so funny.
Why is he just knocking stuff down?
He's a prick, Alan.
When he pushes the suit of armor onto her, I was like, thank you.
You mean after he strangles her to death.
He doesn't strangle her.
He pushes the suit of armor onto her
and then pulls out his claw.
That's right.
I love the claw.
And then takes her, drags her body around the corner
because you got to drag a body after you kill a body.
You can't just leave a body where you found a body.
You have to move a body to another body place.
And then goes back and picks up the
suit of armor, walks back around the corner and throws it on top of her.
Cause he's a tick. He's just such a dig. I mean, I just,
it just occurred to me that I actually don't know why these people were killing
anyone. So when we get there, will you tell me? Yeah, I'm excited to tell you.
Great. Thank you. It's the worst.
Yeah. He hits her in the face with this like armored paw
with a bunch of claws on it.
This movie is so mean to women.
I feel like the Italian women of the 60s and 70s
were no greater mistreatment.
Listen, if you're watching the assassination
of six women folk, you know what's going to happen.
Six women folk, you know what's going to happen. Six women folk for the assassin.
Oh man, I just love throwing the suit of armor on him.
Like, that's hilarious.
I bet Folti watched that and he was like,
this guy's a fucking genius.
He's like, I have leveled up.
If only he would invest in a maggot phone.
What if you put maggots into an oscillating fan?
Have you thought about anybody puking up their own guts?
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Okay, we gotta go.
We gotta go.
We can't go down the full G path.
What if there's a zombie's hand
that's a different race than the rest of his body?
You never know with them.
You never know.
So there's a witness this time.
There's a guy at the gas station.
Also, I speak only a tiny amount of Italian, but the fact that, um,
gasoline is gasolio fucking made my week.
I don't know if that's right, but that's what it said.
What if they got Italian wrong?
I don't know if that's right, but that's what it said. What if they got Italian wrong?
I mean, maybe it was a brand or something, but.
So while this is-
No, it's just diesel.
It's diesel fuel, gasoline.
What's regular gasoline then?
I have a joke, but it's offensive, so I won't say it.
Gasoline, oh, you're going to say it.
It's offensive against Italians.
Nobody cares.
Oh, all right.
All right.
All right.
Not guessolomeo.
It's not offensive.
It's just dumb.
So the killer drives away in Peggy's car after he throws the suit of armor on the car.
Right. And we had heard Peggy tell Nicole that the alarm is in the glove box.
So that when you start, I don't, is there really an alarm that went off every time you
started your car?
That's a terrible fucking thing to do to your neighbors.
Once I accidentally set off my car alarm in the Trader Joe's parking lot and I just kept
walking like it wasn't my car.
I was so fucking flustered.
I just walked into the store.
All the way home.
Rob, you got to go to Trader Joe's to get my car.
Someone's got to turn that alarm off.
You'll know it.
It's the loud one.
It's the Corolla that won't stop screaming.
Why did the Corolla have a car alarm?
It had a panic button, you know.
Oh, okay.
I see.
It wasn't for stealing purposes.
It was just for panicking.
And the Corolla was panicking.
It panicked and then I panicked and then I was like, I gotta get pizza dough.
Were you also screaming?
I was screaming in the off from its beep.
So it would beep and I would go, ah, beep.
You know.
Yeah, I get it. I was ready to dance when you were doing it. Well, I would go, ah, beep. You know. Yeah, I get it, I get it.
I was ready to dance when you were doing it.
Well, I wanted you to be the beeping, I think.
Oh, I see.
But it's too late, because that's really obnoxious.
Anyway, alarms are a bad idea.
But the killer immediately knows
that the alarm is in the glove box.
Yes, we see him get in, start the car
and just whip it open and take care of it.
Yeah. Yeah. So he's a friend of Peggy's or he's at least, start the car and just whip it open and take care of it. Yeah.
So he's a friend of Peggy's or he's at least been in the car with her.
He's got some knowledge.
Meanwhile, Peggy is this guy slurming his way into her apartment.
That's that guy's name.
Marco's so gross.
We finally get Marco's name 45 minutes into the movie.
He's like, but I love you.
You need to understand I've fallen in love with you.
He's not Torggo from the Man of the Sands of Asia.
He's a thin Torggo.
He's a thin and slightly more agile Torggo.
Fucking fantastic film.
Not the worst movie ever made.
Fuck anybody who says that it is.
Fuck anyone who says that. They. Fuck anyone who says that.
They have not seen.
The item.
Oh man.
So, yeah, Marco's like,
hey, I don't want you to be sad and lonely.
And Peggy's like, actually, I want to go the fuck to bed
so if you could fuck off.
But I love you.
You know that I love you.
And then Clarice is inside and she's hunched over in a rain slicker,
a building of fire and the music is just like,
I was like, do they know this lady's in the room?
She does all this stuff and is about to leave. I was like,
fucking say thank you to Clarice.
You don't say thank you to the help, Katie.
Not when you're rich like Peggy.
This movie pretends that house help just doesn't exist.
Like later when the woman is freaking out about having to go home by herself
and I was like, do you have live in help?
When she shows up and there's a butler and a little suit,
I was like, I bet he'll protect you.
So funny. there's a butler in a little suit. I was like, I bet he'll protect you. I have written here. Her head is just so much bigger than his. It is huge.
It might be that Marco also has a tiny head and he's not sick. He's ill.
They're having cigarettes because cigarettes were good for you back then.
Yeah. Cause he goes, he doesn't have any more cigarettes.
And then he goes into her purse and she's like, get the fuck out of my purse.
Dickhead. Don't go into someone else's purse.
Yeah. Yeah.
Did you say stand your ground? That's sacred ground. Oh, sacred ground.
I like the idea that I get to murder someone if they try to go through the
castle doctor and includes your purse.
And also your friend just looking for a pack of smokes.
But what what's in the purse that he can't have the diary,
but also he says something about like the police can't find me here.
And I thought, but why not? Why can't the police find him in her home?
Cause everyone is a partial pervert in this movie. I'm not going to rest for
being a pervert. Okay. So there's like pervert. I don't know.
Like I can't figure out why he was freaking out.
Like would it be untoward to have a man in the house?
It's Italy in 1964.
I think you can fuck.
I mean, this lady's had an abortion.
We just, we find out, you know?
So that's what we find out in the diary.
That Peggy was pregnant and needed a thousand.
And then Isabella has written something like,
so I had to ask him for 2000.
I thought, what the fuck is this?
For two abortions.
Dun, dun, dun.
She had an abortion too?
I don't know.
That's what I was thinking when she said that.
I wondered if the explanation of why she was killed
explained that, but I don't remember why she was killed
and I need you to tell me about it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I don't know, maybe.
When we get there.
Okay, when we get there.
We'll get there.
Peggy rips out this page, throws it in the fire,
and then just throws the whole diary in.
It is actually evidence, Peggy, and she
was actually your friend.
Fucking Peggy.
Not a thought in that giant fucking melon.
Nope, not at all.
So she knows that Inspector Sylvester called,
said he's coming right over.
So when the doorbell rings,
she doesn't think twice about it and opens the door.
But it's not. No.
It's a faceless man.
Yeah, it's a smaller version of the faceless man.
Is it? I think so.
Oh, every time I saw the faceless man, I thought he was a giant, but I could absolutely be
It might be my brain just being lazy.
Well, I might just be confusing things too, because the female version of the faceless
man does show up at some point.
But it's the killer and the killer drags her.
No, it must have been the dude because he was throwing her around pretty intensely.
Oh yeah.
Peggy gets manhandled.
Yeah, yeah, I can't hear.
And the killer writes a note asking for the diary.
Yeah, I guess because she would recognize his voice.
But also I've met all these men,
and there are either six of them or two, I can't tell.
And he has a very distinctive notepad
that he carries around with him.
Okay. If you say so. She says, I burned it, I burned it. And then it fades to black.
And I thought, there are a bunch of commercial breaks in this movie,
but only in the middle section. And he, uh,
he proceeds to just slap the living shit out of it.
He really slaps her. Yeah. This movie, not afraid to slap somebody.
Not afraid to slap somebody.
Not afraid to slap a woman.
But the killer takes Peggy out of the house
because the cops are there now.
Here's the wee woo wee woo of the cops showing up.
Why are the cops there?
Sylvester has some questions for Peggy.
Got it, right.
Because she and Isabella were roommates.
Right, right. And Nicole too, I think. ask some questions for Peggy. Got it. Right. Cause she and Isabella were roommates. Right.
Right. Uh, and Nicole too, I think. I think Nicole was the third. Yes. Or maybe not. No,
the dark haired lady. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lady with great hair. Who gets killed for some reason.
Wow. She was a woman. Okay. You're right. At the, we set up the six women had to die. She's pretty surly too.
She's great.
We learned that the guy whose eyes are so far apart owed Isabella a ton of money.
Oh, is that Richard? Is he the marquee? Yes. What's a marquee?
A marquee de Sade is the only marquee I'm familiar with. And that's just a pervert.
And that's just a pervert.
What is a Marquis?
Are you a Marquis right then?
I think it's some sort of French nobility.
If I had to guess.
I mean, it sounds like it.
But maybe I'm wrong.
I don't know.
Are you looking at Marquis?
No, I'm looking at the Wikipedia plot summary
to see what his name is.
His name is Richard Morrell.
Okay, why does everybody's name start with an M?
Cause that also turns out to be confusing.
Yeah, so Frank goes to him,
although that's Frank Scallo, the rare S.
Frank goes to him and it's like,
hey, listen, I found Nicole at my house.
You're gonna be my alibi.
And I'm gonna be yours because.
Why did them, I'm sorry.
Why did the Marquis need an alibi? Where was he really?
Because he was also being blackmailed by Isabella.
She was blackmailing people.
Yeah, that's why they murdered her.
And that's why all these murders had to happen because she she was wait, is this just clue? The movie?
Sort of.
Except for less believing in it.
Yeah. Way less falling down too. Sure. Sure. Way more dragging.
And way less great boobs in a French maid costume.
Telling me.
So, yeah, they're they're making this plot that they're going to be each other's alibi. OK, and then we cut back to Peggy tied up and blindfolded in a basement.
The killer's coming down some steps to slap the shit out of her.
Slap the shit out of her and make her put her hand on the hot thing, you know the hot thing?
What's that hot thing?
I think it's a stove.
Oh, okay.
And then he puts her head on it, her big old head.
Big old dome.
Because she rips his mask off and says,
not you, but we don't see who it is.
Right, even if I had seen it, I wouldn't have known.
You're one of four people.
scene and I wouldn't have known.
And then we cut to the inspector interviewing Frank.
We do a commercial break again.
This cop is talking to him like he's either going to punch him or fuck him. And I wanted to see both.
And the inspector's like, I'm onto your habits.
Yes. He says it's written all over your face. What does that mean?
How do you get Coke face?
Booger sugar? I don't know.
I'm just like Neil Young in the last Waltz.
Got Photoshopped, right?
So they're going to take Frank down to the station.
And then the cops meet with the guy at the gas station. He's like,
I wrote down the first three numbers on the license plate.
Does this come back at all? Yeah. Cause the cops,
the car is there for some reason down there.
Wait, I see it.
We see that they have all the men at the police station,
just all the men who have anything to do with the fashion house, I guess. Yeah. They're all just lined up and I didn't, there
were at least two of them that I did not recognize. Like the very small man. That's the Peter
Laurie looking motherfucker. Oh, and he's, he's in the opening credits and then I don't
think you see him again until the lineups maybe. Okay. Okay. And I think he's just supposed
to be there to be squirrely. Okay. He is very I think he's just supposed to be there to be
squirrely. Okay. He is very squirrely. He is. He is. They start pointing fingers and one
of them is like, but he hates women. You all fucking hate women. You pricks. Yeah. This
is Italy in 1964. Literally women are the, the bottom of your shoe. Yeah. Fantastic.
Meanwhile, the women are just sitting around at the fashion house being like, I guess I live here now.
Is this when, yes, and then the fashion house ladies like,
nah, y'all should go home.
Oh, and the police station is when we find out
that he's epileptic because they carry him out.
Like he's going to prison.
For epilepsy. No prison for epilepsy.
No, for epilepsy.
The cops were like, we're going to keep you two here.
Which do you five as well?
How many wait genuinely, truly how many men are in this lineup?
I think there's like seven of them.
The cops keep all of them.
Okay. If you say so.
Does that include the guy they dragged out
epileptic seizing?
Yeah, okay.
And Max calls to tell them that he told
the fashion house lady that he's being held.
And that, so the fashion house lady, the redhead
is like, okay, you can go now.
You guys can go home now.
Three of them live together.
Three of the models that we've never seen before
live together and they're like, see ya.
And then that leaves the fiance of the wall-eyed man,
which I thought, God, he's punching up.
Sure, for sure.
All the men in this movie are punching up.
And Tilda, who is Tilda.
That's right. She's the one with the short cropped hair. Yes. She's the third roommate
of Nicole or Peggy and Isabella. Yeah. She just wants to go home. She thinks it's going to be fun. Yeah. Yeah. Probably will
be probably be a good time. And fiance whose name I never learned. No, doesn't want to
go home. She lives out in the country all alone with 40 staff. She's got a Butler in
a little suit, but the phone rig is ringing when she gets in the house. Yeah.
Um, and does she, I can't remember if she answered the phone cause my next note is,
Oh my God, she's pulling Peggy out of her trunk.
Let me see.
Wait, I have her wrecking into a tree first.
Oh yeah.
Oh, I am so alone except for my servants. That's what she's pulling out of the, uh, the, the fashion house. She like backs into
a tree. Yeah. She backs in hard. Uh, no, I think she just gets there and pulls Peggy
out of the trunk. Yeah. Yeah. The old Peggy in the trunk bit. And then puts Peggy in the
house downstairs. Again, I don't think my inclination would be to drag my friend's dead body up
the stairs. I don't know.
So you're right.
She puts Peggy behind a privacy screen and then goes and answers the phone, I guess.
And then goes to change.
She's like now just down to a slip.
It's a super cute little nightgown.
And someone strums the harp that's near Peggy's body.
Cause you know, your basement harp.
You know, the one you put by the privacy screens
where you keep your bodies.
And then this harp strummer drags Peggy's body.
Who propped up Peggy?
That was rude.
But it's the faceless man.
It falls on her.
It sure does.
And then we're back to the cops
and the one cop says, it's a bad man or a sex maniac.
Before that, we see the fiance get killed,
but she's just got her arms akimbo,
even though nothing is holding them down.
She just decides to starfish.
Is this, does she, is Peggy put on top of her
after that happens?
I mean, oh yes, just leaves them stacked up.
They're like sort of hunched over on a bench.
With like eyes wide open.
Yes, oh, it's so good.
Oh, but yeah, I just love the fucking a mad man or a sex maniac.
You've got two options.
At that point sex maniac became the word of the, the phrase of the movie.
Oh, they cannot stop thinking about sex maniacs.
Sex maniac was a big thing in Mrs. Ward as well. Yeah, sex maniacs.
You got to look out for them.
I mean, yeah.
So we see that when all the guys are getting their personal effects back because they've
been let go because the lady marquee has been murdered.
We see that, uh,
Max Morland has the notepad that the killer used to ask Peggy a question.
When you say we see that, you mean you saw that.
Technically you did see it. You just did not remember it.
It's like dreaming.
And then Tilda goes to see Max Morland,
who apparently is the boss of these ladies.
I didn't realize that he was a business partner to the redheaded lady.
I thought she was the only boss.
I felt like I had never seen him before at the lineup, right?
Which maybe he was just standing around in the background.
I think he was just standing around.
Well, why?
Like, I almost felt like the
when it fades to black the few times was like, oh, were those exposition scenes have been lost out of this movie?
It was just like an introduction to each character.
Yeah. And she's like, actually, can I have a few days off?
I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I've got to go by.
Yeah. But he's like, oh, is that why she gets killed?
Cause she wanted to go to Paris.
I think so.
She just wanted to go see the Eiffel tower.
But no Parisians.
All right.
No Parisians.
That's a very weird reason.
I mean, cause she like, did they think she knew something?
I don't know.
Who can say?
If she didn't know something,
why would she ask him for permission to leave?
Well, you know, you don't want to break down
the law of order.
I guess.
Donk donk.
Donk donk donk donk donk.
So he has a secret door in his house.
A bookshelf door, yeah.
It's a bookcase stairwell, which I really like.
Yeah, very jealous.
Yeah, yeah, oh God, yeah.
And the stairwell leads to the stairs that we saw earlier.
What stairs that we saw earlier?
When Peggy was locked up in the basement when she was tied up before her face got burned.
So the stairs that you saw earlier.
I'm sorry.
I had a tough time at this point.
I just got way too high.
So he's down in the basement mucking about.
We see the stove that Peggy's face was burned on.
Cool. basement mucking about. We see the stove that Peggy's face was burnt off. Yeah. It's cool. And, uh, the red head who I refer to just as hot couture.
Did you spell it H O T?
I should have. She was very beautiful.
Lady. Beautiful. A bet. Fucking pokey as tits.
I'll watch my eye.
Pokey tits.
And, uh, so they're working together doing the murders. They confess the whole thing
and they start making out in a way that his lips are not moving and she's just like,
yes, it's unbelievable to think that these two hooked up. First of all, why would they
it's making him punching up? He is like digging back up out of the ground. This is where they've killed Tilda, right? Where the bathtub is like already
treacherously full.
I think that's coming up. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um,
so we get,
we get a scene where they make out and then, uh, the lady who's,
we now find out her name is Chris. She's Christina. Okay. Um,
she's super drunk while they're making out.
Yeah. Or like she's just talking to him and like kissing him every time she needs to punctuate
a sentence. Yes. And he again is just thin lipped giving her nothing back. Cause he's
gross. It's so weird. He's old and gross. And then he proceeds to slap the shit out
of her. She likes it. I don't know what to say about this.
That happened in The Strange Vice of Mrs. Ward too.
Oh, Jesus.
This is what men think women like.
Just slapping until you're turned on, I guess.
Oh, right.
OK, so yes, they kill.
She kills Tilda.
Yeah, she goes and she takes off the mask there.
And we see that she is also one of the murderers.
And then cuts her wrist, which like, generally speaking,
you want to get that done while the blood still works. That's the one.
That's the one.
But the scene of Tilda laying in the tub with her eyes open and that cloud of
red comes up to her. It looks so fucking good.
This movie looks incredible. Sounds awful.
And then someone's knocking and banging and ringing the doorbell at Tilda's house.
And this drives Christina out onto the ledge to get out of the house.
And we see that it's Max Morlan who's setting her up to fall off the side of the building.
He has loosened the drain spout that she's going to go around.
He knew that she was going to go out there?
Yeah. Okay. I had full to go out there? Yeah.
I had full unchecked out at this point and I had just written, is she on a water tower?
Did she just fall off a water tower?
I don't know.
There's a long lingering shout of the fountain after this.
And I couldn't figure out if she had fallen into the fountain.
I stared at it.
It's a different house.
It's a different house.
Well, one second.
I got to wet my whistle. There are
dress forms all over the place. Yeah. Um, they're wiggling. They look great. And they
also have pointy tits. Yeah. So I just feel like that's just the thing that I'm doing
right now. If you had a time machine, you go back to pointy tits time. But just in fashion, not in like not being able to open a checking account.
I mean...
Or own a business.
You know, like 10 years before you were born when women couldn't do that.
You mean the year I was born where women were able to get credit cards?
Keep in mind, everyone, that 50 years ago women could not get credit cards.
In America.
So now-
I'm gonna prime my city bank double.
I might, Alan, this might be the year I go over the edge.
Take me with you.
Let's thumb on Louise this shit.
Just you and me going into the hollow.
And your CRB.
Please, HRB.
It's HRB.
I can't afford a CRB.
As soon as I said it.
As soon as I said it.
So Morlan breaks into the house to get what I thought was a cash box.
But it's a box filled with jewels.
They look so shitty. I love this pink light though. Theels! Jewelry. They look so shitty.
I love this pink light though.
The like dappled pink light.
It is so good.
I love the way he's playing with the light
on the dress forms.
Like they give that visual that they're wiggling.
They look wiggly, yeah.
Yeah, it's really cool.
And then he turns around for some reason,
and when he turns back the jewels are stolen.
Yes, and in this scene I realize that he's the kind of man that allows you to see our evolution from
the ape because he's like somewhere in the middle, you know,
fucking missing stink.
So his hidden door opens and that's not his butthole.
No, that's a, that's not hidden. Everybody knows where that is.
And it's Chris walking out of the hidden door.
She fell off a water tower and lived.
And she's like, Hey man, I know that you loosened that train spell to the
fault. The side of that building. You did this. I fucking hate you.
And he's like, no, you love me and I love you. And she's like, yeah,
you don't have to listen to this goddamn monkey man. Make your own choices.
Then they go in for a hug and she does make her own choices. She says pop, pop,
pop. This is why wealthy women should never marry. Just stay spinsters forever.
That's my advice. Okay. All right. All right.
And then she calls inspector Sylvester and then lays out a dies on top of that.
Why did she die from the water tower fall? Okay. Okay.
Katie, would you like to hear my last note? Oh, I'd love to. Brilliant.
All right. Well, it sounds like you're moving into the ratings phase.
What you got for me? Uh, I love this stupid fucking movie.
How many times have you seen this stupid fucking movie?
It was probably like the third or fourth time I've seen this stupid fucking movie.
Um, I think it is like gorgeous.
I think it has that like Jimi Hendrix effect
of being like the first one to do it.
But yeah, I'm gonna give this a solid seven.
This movie's grand.
Like you could do much worse and we have done much worse.
We have done much worse,
but I feel like Jello gets a lot better from here, I guess.
I feel like this movie still had the governor on it.
And then at some point everyone was like, well, what if we just took that off and made
See what happens.
I don't know.
I think it's unhinged, but not as unhinged as I want it to be.
You know?
It's beautiful sets and lighting.
It's utterly senseless, but not senseless enough
to be like truly fun.
So I'm gonna give it a six.
Okay, okay.
Was it the gross misogyny that you had an issue with?
Oh no, I was fine with that.
I mean, I was expecting that.
How many times have we seen Dario Argento's
female family members put their face
through a plate glass window?
He's killed all of his daughters.
All of his daughters and his wife, how many times?
How many times?
Until she left him.
Until she left him.
I just think it was too far and yet not far enough.
All right.
All right.
We're going to do this again next week.
Yeah. What movie of the internet's choosing
should we do next week?
Not even the internet,
but one specific user of the internet,
one specific Reddit user who said that for the,
I think they said third year in a row,
or second year in a row.
I don't, I'm not sure.
Third year in a row.
Third year in a row.
I've never heard of this movie before in my God damn life. I'm so sorry. Other two
years were just to themselves. Yeah. So just to my face next time, uh, we're doing leprechaun
returns leprechaun return. Would you like to read that Reddit users name or just show?
We just leave it to itself. Um, no, let's get this person some hype. We will go out
there and I really enjoy gross, gross username.
Is it gross?
Oh, I mean, I'm confused.
Well, listeners chime in if you think this is gross.
Underscore yogurt closet underscore 92 18.
Is that a, is that a vagina?
I Googled it in an incognito window
to see if it was a slang term.
Do you think incognito windows
just offer up the pervert version of things?
Like if you thought regularly.
I've never looked at real things on it.
Oh no, sometimes I'll look at like things
I don't want it to think I like.
Go to people's Facebook pages.
Ha ha ha ha.
Why did you say that?
Fuck, I should play darts.
Cause I think I just got a bullseye.
I found out my dad had a do-over family.
You're leaving it in.
So come back for Leprechaun return.
Cause it's that season.
It is that season.
The episode you're listening to today
has come out on St. Patrick's Day.
Yeah, yeah.
Yes, for my people, the Italians.
St. Patrick was Italian.
Was he now?
Come with it now.
But I will say it to my dying breath.
Is this the first time you've ever said it?
Yeah. I just think it's a funny thing to say. dying breath. The first time you ever said it.
It's a funny thing to say.
I like the idea of a new thing that you're going to say to your dying breath.
Well, yeah, I'm going to say a lot of things to my dying breath. Sure.
I'm going to listen. I'm not going to stop talking now.
Frosted flakes are just raising brand without the fucking raisins., they are though, aren't they? And the frosting.
Why would you want raisin bran without raisins?
I don't know.
God, I love raisin bran.
Yeah, I can get into some raisin bran.
I'm not a cereal person in general.
Oh, is that so?
Because it doesn't fill me up.
So then I'll eat a ton of it and then I'm like, well, this was stupid.
Well, I got to ask you what your favorite cereal though.
Multi grain Cheerios.
Oh, shit.
I also really like corn checks.
Tell me you're an adult without telling me you're an adult. Those are from when I was a kid.
I don't even think, no, multigrain Cheerios are an adult.
But I like solely corn checks as a child.
Corn checks are fucking delicious.
They are good.
They make a snack mix out of it.
Which isn't great, but I love the little toasts.
Sure, sure.
So come back for more cereal talk during Leprechaun returns.
And thank you so much for suggesting it,
potential vagina user.
User or haver.
Potential vagina user.
You say vagina.
Yeah, let's do this again next week.
We're really good at it.
We're like really professional.
I said vagina. Yeah. I'm gonna really professional.
Yeah. I'm going to yeet myself into the sun.
Kid's still saying that.
My brows are on fleek.
Oh, I heard an Olivia Rodrigo song.
Oh, what'd you think?
I don't care for it.
I told you that Missy really likes her because she swears a lot.
I don't think it's good.
I got trouble for saying Charlie XCX wasn't for me having never heard Charlie.
No, Charlie XCX isn't for me either. We should not ever hear Charlie XCX.
Not for us. All right, let's wrap it up. Yeah.
So we're going to do Leprechaun returns. It's on Leprechaun.
Leprechaun's vagina.
Leprechaun returns, it's on Leprechaun. Leprechaun's vagina. Leprechaun returns, it's on Tubi.
I heard it's from 2018 and that seems insane.
Is it still Warwick Davis?
I have so many questions.
I think, is he alive still?
Yeah, he is.
Oh, okay, yeah, probably then.
They can't get somebody else at this point.
Is he gonna do bong rips is what I need to know.
If he doesn't, it's a miss.
Will he rap? If he doesn't, it's a miss. Will he rap?
If he doesn't, it's a miss.
We need to do Love Ground in the Hood too.
I keep forgetting that it exists.
How could you?
You said you'd never forget.
It is the 9-11 of films.
Let's wrap this up.
Hit us up on the internet.
Patreon.com backslash world family
wants to do our action movies.
Go to Discord, hang out with those fine folks.
Blue Ski, which Alan still hasn't sent me the password to.
I just want to be very clear about.
You gotta remind me.
Yeah, I know.
As soon as we're done recording, whatever the fuck
we talked about, I don't, I cease to exist to you.
Until you watch a British crime drama.
Oh, thank you for Recipes for Love and Murder.
I'm loving it.
It's so good.
I'm loving it.
Yeah, I love it.
I love that you're loving it.
Thank you.
Go watch Recipes for Love and Murder.
It's on...
Acorn, it's really great.
It's out in South Africa, it's a good time.
Get some culture in your life, you fucking heathens.
Thanks for listening to another episode
of Werewolf Ambulance.
Very mostly.
Ooh. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Many acts aint on deadpools, so many sightings at the pool
No way to end Finland's cute, heartfelt reviews
Killer clowns and land the face, killing him in outer space
Appearance I've passed the encase, please make eye-catching your grave
Marlboro comedy reviews, hungry Brian from Wayne's and Stephen King
We live deliciously by tempertries, obese, crazy, come to daddy
A paranormal act in cities from Mr. Roger's city