What Now? with Trevor Noah - The Second Coming of Halle Berry [VIDEO]

Episode Date: February 20, 2025

Halle Berry has found her purpose. She’s chatting with Trevor and Christiana about the jaw-dropping personal experience that led her to her new project: promoting the conversation around women’s l...ongevity and creating tools for those experiencing menopause. We’re learning a lot in this one. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's always like what I call the plus one purchase in a pharmacy. No one will go in and just buy lube. No one. People are always like, oh, get a bunch of other things. Shampoo. Orange juice. Get some, yeah, you got some kind of paper. I'm just saying, I'm going to go buy cotton.
Starting point is 00:00:12 No, no, no. You're going to throw some other stuff in. No, you throw everything else in. And then you're just like, ah, lube. And then God forbid the lube doesn't scan. Like if it doesn't, like, if that code doesn't work. scan like if it doesn't like that code doesn't work. This is What Now with Trevor Noah.
Starting point is 00:00:43 You know, the more kids you have, the harder the pregnancy's become. Because if you got pregnant now and you had to run it after you're 58, that'd be pregnant. It'd be hard for that reason. Is that real though? Are you sure that you're 58? I'm positive. No, I ask you this because some people don't know... Like maybe you don't... Are you sure? Yeah, 1966, August 14th, I'm 58. He's like your biological age. That's what he's asking.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Well, my glycogen age is 40. I just did that. Oh, see? See? That's what I mean. He's like your biological age, that's what he's asking. Well, my glycan age is 40. I just did that. Oh, that's what he's saying. There you go. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. I don't think some people age the same way calendars work. And I think you're one of those people.
Starting point is 00:01:17 If we had to repopulate another planet, I would pick Halle Berry as one of the people. Because I'd go like- Yeah, Helen of Troy, basically. Yeah, essentially. That's what I would do. Stop, stop that. It's so good to have you here, by the way. Thank you so much for joining us.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I'm so happy. Thank you. Can I tell you, I don't think I've had more fun researching somebody than researching you before this conversation, because half of the things that I found seemed like conspiracy theories, but they're true. Because you type Halle Berry, and then all of a sudden, the first thing that popped up was Halle Berry intimacy gel and I was like, oh wait, no No, this is and I thought it was my search engine. I was like, no, no, no. Sorry. Wait, this is no No me Halle Berry as a what is she doing? And then it was like Halle Berry
Starting point is 00:01:58 Herpes and I was like, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. No, no. No, what is I was like what is happening to my algorithm? And then when I read through everything I was like, oh wow, Halle Berry is doing everything right now. Is she? I mean, you tell me. It feels like, in the same way that menopause is a moment of transformation for women, it feels like you are in a menopause of life and you're turning something that people would commonly think of as the end into a new beginning. Yeah, that's how I feel. That's exactly how I feel. I am approaching my second act and I couldn't be more excited. You know, when you find a there there and you connect to
Starting point is 00:02:39 what you know is a greater purpose, we always ask ourselves when we're here, but what is my why? Why am I here? What am I meant to do? I figured out what that is. And there's joy and there's peace and there's comfort and there's confidence in that, right? And so that's where I'm at. And what is that? If you were to distill the purpose down, what is it for Halle Berry?
Starting point is 00:02:57 It is to be a voice for women in midlife, a time of life that we have been so forgotten and so underserved and underappreciated. And I realized that I have been chosen to be a voice, not the voice, but a voice, a loud voice in this space to talk about what it looks like to be in our second act, what it looks like to be in midlife, what is longevity really look like for women, right? Because we're living longer, but we've been in poor health. And why is that? Yeah. Right? And why can't we redefine ourselves? And we are here for more than baby making. That's a wonderful, glorious thing that we do, but we're here for so much more than that.
Starting point is 00:03:40 But the world has told us after we do that, we're done. I'm here to say, no, that's not true. That's not true. And how are we gonna live this thing out and best in our best health? So Hallie I'm so curious because this is something me and my friends talk about a lot that we know like all of our mothers went through menopause But they've never discussed it with us, right? So we've never said anything to is this like an African mother thing? No, just all of this. Oh, wow My girl is black white. We're always like, you know, we're like, we're not, you know, perimenopause, we have lots of questions because we're like, a lot of us are going into perimenopause now, right?
Starting point is 00:04:11 And it's like- Wait, wait, for those who don't know, what is perimenopause? Perimenopause is a period before menopause, which is chaotic and very difficult for women and you have like memory loss and anxiety and you- And I think peri is the worst. Once you get in the menopause, like you're kind of on the other side of it. It's the peri is where it's the hardest. I'm still in peri too and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:04:30 man, I got three more months and then I'm going to be in the menopause if I don't menstruate. And man, I'm going to be so happy to be in that menopause. But like most women don't actually know what peri-menopause is, right? So it's debilitating. And me and my friends of all backgrounds, we talk about the fact that our mothers and grandmothers and great grandmothers must have gone through this.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Of course they do. They haven't given us this guidebook. Do they even have the language for what they went through? And I'm curious how you came to it and were like, I'm going to use this as transformation because from my perspective and from our friends, it's just something that's shrouded in shame. Like it's a conversation we still haven't even had with our own mothers. And you're like out here, really publicly claiming it. Well, I, like you, didn't know what perimenopause was. Nobody talked to me either. But I did have this feeling that I was going to skip it. I thought I got myself off insulin at an early age. I was diagnosed with type two diabetes
Starting point is 00:05:26 and I got off insulin, I got off oral medication and I found a way with food and using food as medicine to get off insulin and I thought, whatever this perimenopause thing is that happens to women around this time, I'm gonna skip it. Because look what I did with the diabetes diagnosis. So I'm just gonna skip this whole shit.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Well, no. I didn't skip that whole shit. I realized that I was in it and Trevor's heard this. So I'm not going to go into the gruesome details because I think... No, you should. You should. Because I individually have heard it, but like I think it's important for everyone to... Because not everyone's heard it and it's important to know. I really think it's very important to hear it, genuinely. Because I... Like, OK, I'll tell you before you even tell it, I'll tell you why I think it's important for everyone to hear it. Not everyone's heard it and it's important. No, I really think it's very important to hear it, genuinely.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Okay. Because I, like, okay, I'll tell you, before you even tell it, I'll tell you why I think it's important. So, I think, I love what you said about being chosen. You know, my mother always says, sometimes you're not chosen because somebody chooses you, you're chosen because you are the best person in the best position to do something about something. And that's sometimes what being chosen means.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yes. You know what I mean? And I think in a weird way, I feel like in this moment in your life, everything that was put on you, some of it good and some of it even as a burden, has almost become like the chariot that you're going to ride into this thing on. Does that make sense? And so I think the story is very important because nobody is brave enough to tell it and nobody is, not many people are interesting enough to tell it, to be honest with you. And I think that's important because I heard this with a few guys as well and it was interesting
Starting point is 00:06:55 to see guys just be like, oh wow, we've got to get into this. We've got to like, I don't know how to explain it. I think it was cool to see a story being told in a way that it affects women, but men live with women. You're in our world, you're in our lives. Okay, well pretend you didn't hear it. I didn't hear anything, I didn't hear anything. And do all the oohs and ahs and gasping. We're putting it in, girl, we're putting it in.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Okay, so how I found out was, you know I've been divorced three times. That's okay, I'm proud of that, right? Having the courage to leave when something's not right. I don't think that's a bad thing. I think it's a wonderful thing to be able to do. So I'm not ashamed of that. But I have been divorced three times.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I finally meet what I thought and I now know to be my person. And we are firing on all cylinders. We're getting along and we're having the most amazing sex. I didn't even think it was possible to have something so great at this time in life. I really didn't. After three divorces, I kind of thought, I'm kind of done. And I'm cool with that. But I meet this person and we're just having the best time.
Starting point is 00:07:56 All of a sudden, a year into our relationship, we had a great night of sex. I wake up in the morning and I do what we always do. I go to the bathroom. Well, I think I'm going to go to the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet. I cannot go to the bathroom. My body just sort of seizes up and I can't go and I start to let a little bit out. And it's the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. Besides having a cornea scratched, there's nothing more painful than- And you've given birth without drugs, by the way. Yes, my second baby. So I think it's important we mention that. It nothing more painful than... And you've given birth without drugs, by the way. Yes, my second baby. So, I think it's important we mention that.
Starting point is 00:08:28 It's more painful than that, right? And I'm like, oh my God. And it takes me literally, probably 10 minutes to just empty my bladder because I can't let it out. So, I get off the toilet and I go to my guy and I say, look, I gotta go to the doctor. Like, something has happened to me and I don't know what it is. And I couldn't even put my legs together. Whatever happened in the night after that sex was bad. So we jump in the car. He drives me to see my doctor. I get in there and my doctor's got me on the table.
Starting point is 00:08:55 He's looking up there and he says, wow, you got a new guy in your life. I said, I do. And I'm like, it's amazing. And he's like, hmm. He said, well, I think I know what this is. I actually, I know what this is. I've seen this before. And I said, what? He said, it's a really bad case of herpes. Like a really bad case. And I'm like, herpes? I mean, not knocking anyone that has herpes, but I was like, herpes? I'm like, what? Well, how do you know that? He
Starting point is 00:09:20 goes, I've seen this before. This is a really bad case of herpes. Now, all these things are going through my mind. Like, the love of my life, this great man, this great sex, and now he gave me herpes? I thought, wow, he would have told me he had herpes. I thought he should have. He could have. Why didn't he? Going through all this stuff. And he goes, I'm going to do the test, and three days you'll get the results back.
Starting point is 00:09:38 But I'm sure, I'm pretty sure how, this is herpes. So now I go down in the car. He's in the car waiting for me. I see him, I open the door and I'm angry and I'm sad that he didn't tell me and I'm also mad and I'm like, so yo, look, so you got herpes? He's like, what? I'm like, you have herpes. He's like, I don't have herpes.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I said, clearly you have herpes because I have herpes and I didn't have herpes before I knew you Now I have herpes. So you clearly gave me herpes. Wow He's like no, I swear I didn't I don't think I have herpes. I said I don't have it I said, well, let me be the first to tell you you got herpes I didn't have it before you so we're driving home in this argument Like who has herpes and we're arguing about why... Most awkward car ride ever. Awkward, right? So we get home and I say to him, look, you're going to have to go to the doctor's and you're going to have to get a test too,
Starting point is 00:10:30 and you're going to find out you have herpes. Because now we both have herpes and you gave it to me. So he's, okay, I'll go to the doctor. I don't feel like I have any herpes. So he goes to the doctor. So we have 72 hours of just blaming each other and not knowing what to do. He gets his test back first. He comes to me, chest poked out. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:10:53 I don't... That's upright. Herpes, upright. You have the herpes. And I thought, oh my God. I said, okay, I guess I have the herpes. I said, I'm sorry, I've given you herpes. Like I didn't know. I wouldn't, I'm sorry. Few hours later, my doctor calls me. Before he even says anything, I'm ready to say, okay, yeah, I already know I got the
Starting point is 00:11:13 herpes. He says, Hallie, you don't have herpes. I'm like, I don't? I'm like, I don't have herpes, really? He said, no, you don't. I said, well, why would you say that? He said, well, that's what it looked like, but I don't know how to explain this, but no, you do not have herpes. I'm like, well, what is it then? Didn't know. He didn't know. He didn't know. He said,
Starting point is 00:11:36 I don't know. I don't know. And this is like your primary care doctor had no idea. idea. No. And this was the defining moment that set me on this journey. What I went through with my guy for 72 hours, finding out this news the way we did, but nobody could tell me, well, why had this happened to me and what was wrong with me? And that sent me on my own journey of investigation and reconnaissance and reading.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And I came to, after about two or three weeks of my own individual investigation, that what was happening to me was a symptom that many women suffer from in the perimenopausal years. Now, I'm 54. Someone of my doctors should have already talked to me about being in perimenopause. Right? This is wild. Nobody. And I've got like six doctors. Not one of them had a conversation. I'm 54 years
Starting point is 00:12:30 old about perimenopause. And not telling you how to prepare for it. That it was even coming. I thought I was going to skip it because nobody talked to me about something. It wasn't like, what's going to happen to me then? You hear these stories happening to people like in all of medicine. So I think, you know, sometimes I think medicine is hard. Let's we acknowledge that there are many things doctors don't know. A lot of things that doctors can't figure out. And a good doctor will tell you that they're like, hey, we try our best, but oftentimes we don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:56 But it's crazy how much more they don't know about women's issues. Yes. Do you know what I mean? We haven't been studied in the same way men have. We only were allowed to be a part of clinical studies in 1993. 1993? 1993 was when they started including women in clinical studies. But the thing is, they know our periods cease at a point, like I would accept that, as a reason, yeah, there's something you don't know, but this is not unknowable.
Starting point is 00:13:22 We know that women, at a certain point, if you live long enough, you'll probably stop menstruating. And the period before that can be difficult. Well, doctors should know that, I guess. But they didn't, so they didn't prepare you at all. No one says, hey, just so you know, you're getting through. Like for instance, okay, so when I turned 40, without fail, my doctor was just like, how old are you? Even when I was like 38, they're like, 38?
Starting point is 00:13:42 They're like, soon you're gonna need to go and get your prostate checked. And I was like, what is that? And they're like, they're going to go and do the thing to your bum. And I was like, okay. But every stop I would go to, people would like throw it out. They're like, throw it out, throw it out, throw it out. Even like the dentist, he was like, oh, happy birthday, prostate time. I'm like, okay. So I just knew genuinely, I just knew at 40, prostate is now a thing that gets checked. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And you're telling me that... Wouldn't it be great if doctors told us at 40, okay, perimenopause time, let me tell you what you got to do. Oh, that's crazy. Wouldn't that be great if they knew enough? But the truth is, only 13% of doctors in our country understand the menopausal body, and it's one chapter in medical school. That's why doctors don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So I don't sit here even blaming my doctor that didn't know what that was. Not his fault. Not his fault. On an institutional level, we have not been made important on any level. So it's not their fault. It's only going to become their fault as this conversation gets louder and louder and these doctors don't go back and get retooled. Then I will start blaming them. Because when you know better, you do better. Now, doctors are really starting to understand what they don't know. And menopause used to not be a thing. Nobody ever thought that it was real. It was like, just deal with it. It's just old age. It's just, oh, no, it's not just, oh, it's a real thing. And it affects more than just our lady parts. When we lose our
Starting point is 00:15:02 estrogen, the thing that makes us us, that makes women women, it affects our brain, our heart, our liver, our skin, our bones, our hair, our mood. Everything about us becomes compromised. Well, the suicide rate goes up for menopausal women. That was something I read that kind of thing. And we just get put on antidepressants because we're depressed. No, we're not depressed. We're losing that hormone that makes up who we are on a cellular level.
Starting point is 00:15:27 And if we don't replace that in some way, we're just going to die slowly. And it's a tragic death because we lose our faculties to think and remember early onset Alzheimer's and dementia. Our bones get so brutal, we fall down, we break them. It lights out, right? Our heart gets compromised. More women have heart disease and heart attacks at this time of life than men do, right? So it's not just we get what I know I had now
Starting point is 00:15:50 was vaginal atrophy. It's not just that. You know, that I've learned how to fix. I'm good now. But how do we fix our heart disease? How do we fix our brain? How do we stay virile and active and be able to walk and take care of ourselves?
Starting point is 00:16:03 How do we do that without this very thing that makes us us? That's what we have to start studying. We're gonna continue this conversation right after this short break. I'll tell you why I love these conversations, because like, so, like I've told you something, but like, so I grew up with my mom, like as a single mom for most of our lives, right? And for various reasons, apartheid being one, but like, just like a single mom. But my mom,
Starting point is 00:16:34 like it's, it's, I don't realize I, oh, I didn't realize how blessed I was because she shares everything with me. So when she was going through menopause, she was just like, tell me stuff that was happening to her body. And you know, she'd be like, oh, I'm so hot. She said, oh, you must, thank God you're not a woman. Ay, ay, ay, this thing that's happening to me. She says, I'm hot and I'm cold. I'm angry and I'm tired and I'm sleepy and I'm, hi, Trevor, no, ay, ay, ay, this. Woo, I don't want it. I don't want it. And then like when she was finished, she said, I feel strong. I feel like a man. I feel like a man.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And I was like this, I don't know what's happening, but she would explain it. She was turned into one. No, so I love these conversations and I'm in a strange way used to them, you know, because of just, I guess how my mom was with me, but I don't know what some of the terms are and I don't, so like what is vaginal atrophy?
Starting point is 00:17:24 You should say vaginal atrophy? You should say Vaginal atrophy is what 50% of women who go through perimenopause actually experience 50% 50% So it's a real serious part of I am so not alone in what I've gone through and it's when the the walls of your vagina Start to actually atrophy which means they start to fall apart and sort of disintegrate You lose your collagen inside your vagina as we do in our faces and we start to get wrinkles and sort of disintegrate. You lose your collagen inside your vagina, as we do on our faces, and we start to get wrinkles, and your skin gets crepey. That's what's happening inside your vagina.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And so the walls get really thin and, you know, crepey. So when you are having sex, those walls are so thin, it cracks! And that's what the razor blades in the vagina feels like that I experienced, right? And sometimes it happens during sex, but then it can happen after you've had sex, if you were like in the moment and you got your groove and you don't feel that it's cracking because you know those endorphins are kicking off and pleasure is happening. The next morning when you go to the bathroom and you try to urinate, it's when the urine touches the walls of those cracks.
Starting point is 00:18:24 That's what makes it so painful. And that's what vaginal atrophy is. I'm so curious, because women aren't necessarily talking to other women about this and don't have the resources themselves. Doctors don't seem to know. Where does a woman go who's like perimenopausal or menopausal and is just trying to figure out what is going on and who can help me? What's funny you should say.
Starting point is 00:18:48 We have just launched Respin 2.0 and Respin Health and the whole idea of this company is about creating community. We learned that when people have other people, like-minded people who are struggling with the same issue to talk to, there's strength in that, right? There's strength in community. Talking to other people, you can hold each other accountable, you can brainstorm, you can share stories. Because I've learned as I've been talking about it, when I talk to other women, they go, ah, aha. They instantly feel better because they can talk about it with someone who understands, who's not afraid to talk about it, who can hold space for their feelings,
Starting point is 00:19:26 who know that what they're saying is true and real. They can feel less shame. They can feel not alone, less afraid. That right there is half the battle, just getting them to talk about it and feel good talking it, not just talking about it, but feeling empowered by being able to talk about it. So Respin is that place of community, but they can also not just talk and talk about
Starting point is 00:19:48 it in a wild, wild west kind of way. They can talk about it and be guided with doctors and professionals and scientists. Also, it's connected to healthcare providers as well. Yes. And people that are on the cutting edge of where we are in menopause, who are doing the latest researches, running the most recent clinical trials and studies who can tell you why HRT isn't bad for us like we once thought 20 years ago, why that was a debunked study that was- That's hormone replacement therapy.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yes. Okay. Right. And why that study- And that's something I actually wanted to ask you about because the older women who do speak about it with me are so terrified of hormone replacement therapy. Yes, because of that study. Yeah, and I say, well, the study's been debunked, and you can go on Instagram and see in the comments section, there's big pharma trying to kill us. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:35 No, but, you know, because it's like breast cancer is a thing that does increase with age, and people are terrified to get breast cancer. Yes. So there are women suffering right now who maybe are good candidates for HRT. Absolutely. And that's why we have to figure out what the truth is about it. And then as
Starting point is 00:20:50 women, we have to make those choices for ourselves, not because what you heard or what somebody else is afraid of, but we have to make these decisions based on education for ourselves. Because for me, just me, we have a greater chance of having cancer late in life anyway. So if that's the truth, I want to live my second act feeling great. Not having brain fog, not flooding my laundry room every other week, not raging, not having headaches, not, you know, not worrying. The whole flashes. Puffing at the mercy of your body, it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Right. I want to live my best life. And so once I did my own education, I too was afraid of HRT because I'd heard those stories. But once I got into understanding why it was okay for me, I now know I'll be on this till the day I die. Oh, really? Yes, because I'm going to die anyway, and I'm going to die feeling good about it. Have you felt a change since this? We don't know if that's a fact, though. Yes, I'm going to die anyway and I'm going to die feeling good about it. Have you felt a change since this and HIT? We don't know if that's a fact though.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yes, I am going to die. We assume you think you'll die. But I might not. I mean, you say you're 58, we don't know. We don't, I don't believe that. There might be like a future generation having this conversation. So Hallie, as the first thousand year old person, what do you feel about, let me ask you a few questions.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Oh God, I better not be here. From an ignorant perspective, like, you know, for people who are either scared or unsuitable for hormone replacement therapy, are there other options? Are there non-HRT options? Yeah, there are other options on the market that women can try that are afraid or who legit cannot go on hormone replacement. There are those women out there. But that's why I've been in Washington trying to get this bill passed, this menopause bill
Starting point is 00:22:26 with $265 million bill, because we need more research. We need more education. We need more therapies developed so that HRT will not be the best solution. Right now, arguably, if you can take it, it is the best solution. But we're working with doctors and with the government to try to come up with other therapies because not every woman will feel like that's the right choice for her. I get that. And we should have the right to do hormone or do a non-hormonal remedy. We should have the right to make that choice for ourselves. The right and the range.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yes. Curious, like drinking bone broth, collagen supplements, would that help? Yes, all of that help. I'm on the bone broth, been on that for like six years, bone broth, supplements, a good quality collagen though, all collagen is not created equal, but a good collagen, absolutely. So from the inside out you can do some of the work. Yeah, you can do some of the work, but sometimes I'm finding for the more severe vaginal atrophies, that's like the slow boat from China. You might be done having sex before it gets fixed.
Starting point is 00:23:26 So you might have to find another remedy like the V-Fit or HRT, or vaginal inserts, estradiol vaginal inserts, where now finding are actually very, very helpful too. So I would understand if this was a conversation that women didn't have with men. I'd love to know why women don't have it with women or why it isn't like... Again, this is very ignorant of me, but I don't understand why there's any shame attached to it. What is it about it that is shameful? Well, I can tell you one thing, because we live in a world where as women, we have been
Starting point is 00:24:04 sold the ideology that we have to stay forever young. We have to stay forever 30. Oh damn. Right? And look around, look, you see what's happening to the faces and the people. We have to stay at all costs.
Starting point is 00:24:16 We cannot age. We are only valuable when we are young and virile and forever 30, 35. And that's why we don't have the conversations because we have bought into that and we don't want to get old either. So we're not gonna talk about that with each other. Women are talking about how they can stay young,
Starting point is 00:24:35 what they can do with their face, the procedures they can do and how can you, that's what we're talking about. Where we are also victims of this way of thinking. The goal should not be to stay forever 30. The goal should be to age gracefully, have the confidence to be able to do that, knowing that our real value lies within, not externally.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Because we're fighting for external youth. Because the inside is doing what the inside is doing. Yeah. Welcome to a special part of the show, Best Drive Ever, which is brought to you today by Audi. Audi has taken a huge leap forward with their all-new fully electric Audi Q6 e-tron featuring effortless power, serious acceleration and the most advanced tech of any Audi ever. You know, I remember my first electric car like it was yesterday. And it wasn't just any electric car.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It was the Audi e-tron. Not the Q6, unluckily, but it was. And it wasn't just the e-tron, believe it or not. It was the very first one of the production line. I've loved cars. Like my whole entire life, I've loved cars. But my first electric car, that was something special. Because the e-tron wasn't just an electric car. You know, I remember stepping into that car. It felt like I was stepping into the future, a future that I'd always imagined. You know, it felt like a car the way I wanted a car to feel. It felt special.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It was really designed well. It was beautiful looking. It had everything that was familiar to me, but there was an element of the future that was something beyond my mind. The hum of the engine was replaced by a quiet confidence. There was a seamless acceleration. The way the road felt different. It was smoother, it was more connected, almost like the car was an extension of the journey itself. And when I was thinking about this experience, I was thinking about how my love for driving
Starting point is 00:26:37 started long before that moment. As a kid, I was never in a rush to get anywhere because for me, the best part wasn't the destination, it literally was the drive. You know, I remember my mom taking us home from church, and instead of heading straight back, she'd take the long way. We'd weave through different neighborhoods, and we'd play this game where we'd guess who lived behind the walls and what their lives were like. Some streets were lined with Jacaranda trees, their petals painting the road purple. Others stretched wide open, endless tarmac leading to places unknown. I never wanted the ride to end because in those moments,
Starting point is 00:27:12 the car wasn't just a way to get somewhere. It was a part of the experience itself. And I think that's what makes a truly great car. It doesn't just move you from A to B, it moves you. It makes the journey feel effortless. It turns silence into serenity and transforms motion into something meaningful. And when you're in a great car with great people, oh, that's when the real magic happens. You know, think about it.
Starting point is 00:27:38 That's when you have the deepest conversations, the biggest laughs, the kind of moments that stay with you long after you've turned that ignition off. And that's exactly what the Audi Q6 e-tron is all about. Power, precision, and the kind of driving experience that reminds you why the road will always be a place of possibility. And then, when you're done with your road trip, the Q6 e-tron can come back to the real world with you as your everyday car. For instance, the fully electric Q6 e-tron features a new panoramic digital stage, plus you can add an optional screen for front seat passengers.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So if you wanted to watch my specials or this podcast in there, you could. Just a suggestion. I mean, you could watch whatever you like. Experience powerful performance, smooth and refined driving dynamics and a comfortable ride. You'll look and feel confident and in command of the road in the sporty perfectly proportioned and fully electric SUV. Learn more at AudiUSA.com. Always pay careful attention to the road and do not drive while distracted. You see, it's interesting that you say that. That's what I mean by reading up on your life and why I feel like chosen is a situation
Starting point is 00:29:01 that you were in and you've accepted. Because when I look at the journey of Halle Berry, I've gone back to situation that you were in and you've accepted. Because when I look at the journey of Halle Berry, I've gone back to interviews that you did in like 1992, just like random moments with local newspapers. And it's amazing, no, it's really amazing to see how you were trying to pitch yourself as a serious actor, somebody who's in the game, as somebody who takes their craft seriously, and without fail, your beauty will always be put first before everything. And by the way,
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'm not even like judging people, because I know I'm part of them. I'm not like sitting here like, I was like, I'm not going to be here like, no, I was, you say Halle Berry, and then I was like, hallelujah. But I, but I, it's such a strange thing, because someone would go like, oh, but it's like a good problem. But I feel like you are the embodiment of that in a very specific way. And now you're using some of that experience to try and rally against the idea. Because you are the epitome of that. And you work in an industry where many actresses have said across the board, God forbid a wrinkle starts popping out the corner of your eye, out the corner of your mouth. and all of a sudden they're like, do you want to play someone's
Starting point is 00:30:08 mom? And the roles dry up and everything disappears, whereas like George Clooney, he's still the heartthrob. Him and Brad Pitt, let's do it, baby. No one's like, wait, they're how old? No, everyone's just like, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, ooh yeah. But if like two women of the same age in Hollywood were trying to do that, someone would go, huh, that's an interesting, what is it, like a mom's weekend movie? A MILF movie? A MILF movie. Yeah, then we're MILFs.
Starting point is 00:30:32 We're cougars. I'd love to know like how you've dealt with that because it can be hard, I can only assume, to on the one hand have something that people see as an asset, and it is in some ways, but then also deal with the limitations that it comes with in allowing you to be your fullest self as a person. Yeah. Yeah. And it has been, you know, I feel like this is a very hard thing to say because, you know, people often are, you know, oh, poor you. Oh, yeah, no, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You told you're pretty, oh god. God damn it. You know, and I know that, so it's, this is a hard thing to say, but it's something that, and I think I've said this recently, I have longed to hear somebody say anything else other than that. Anything else. You could call me, you know, she's a, can I curse? You can say anything you want.
Starting point is 00:31:24 She can say, she's a motherfucking bitch. I'd almost rather them say that at this point than just the same thing I've heard for four decades. Yeah. You know? Because I know that I'm more than this and I feel like that's always so reductive. You know? It's just reductive.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I've worked hard to be a good actor. I work hard to be a good mother. I've worked hard at be a good actor. I work hard to be a good mother. I've worked hard at trying to be me. And to just be reduced to, oh, she's pretty, at 58, it's a hard pill to swallow these days. And so you're right. I think this cause has given me a platform to talk about something other than that. And if I have been known as that my whole life, I'm the perfect person to talk about this now.
Starting point is 00:32:09 That's why you're claiming like probably the most unsexy, gruesome experience. Beyond the actual act of giving birth, which is very ugly, it's beautiful but it's ugly if you see up front. Menopause and this is just like, it's not something that most women would have the courage to claim publicly. And do you think you're trying to claim it for yourself in part because you want to get away from that perception of perfection and beauty? And maybe I didn't choose it consciously, but like you said, Trevor, it's chosen me because I am the right person to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Because you would think someone like me would, I'd be the last one talking about it. But see, I've never, you know, I don't ride on that beauty horse that people always want to put me on. So I woke up one morning with this idea, oh, I'm going to tell this story when this happened to me. I had no trepidation about telling it, like none. Was there anyone in your circle who was like, Halle, what are you doing? Like, surely there was someone, like, I can only imagine like the world of agents, managers, you know, everything,
Starting point is 00:33:12 because there is the idea of Halle Berry. I wonder if there was just anyone who was like, Halle, you can't, you can't, like, what are you doing? Surely there was a little doubt. Maybe, but I always had the right answer. I would say to people that said, this is gonna, this might level your career. And I said, I have been black in this body and a woman my whole career. What's harder than that? Damn.
Starting point is 00:33:39 So this doesn't scare me. I've always been behind the eight ball and I made it. And I'm still here doing things on my own terms. So what's harder than that? Nothing. So no fear. I'm used to it. I was going to ask about the black womanhood piece because I think that when you drill down black women and menopause and just reproductive health in general is just a maze. we're misdiagnosed and underdiagnosed. So what would you say- And we're at greater risk.
Starting point is 00:34:07 We suffer disproportionately. Disproportionately. So what would you say to black women specifically, especially those that maybe don't even have the tools and the vocabulary to understand what's happening with their body? We have to start taking this into our own hands. Even these women in these rural states that don't have access to care, we have to lean in, we have to do our own hands, even these women in these rural states that don't have access to care. We have to lean in, we have to do our own education because we've got a while before
Starting point is 00:34:28 the medical world catches up to where we are and can offer us really what we deserve. We're on the precipice of that right now. So we as women have to one, realize it's happening. We have to start talking about it, that thing that nobody did. And we have to lean in and we have to do our own research. We have to question our doctors. If our doctors don't know about our bodies, guess what, ladies? Get a new doctor.
Starting point is 00:34:51 And, you know, as women, we have a hard time doing that. We have a hard time standing up for ourselves, going to our male doctors that we've had for maybe 15, 20 years and saying, hey, bud, you don't know about my body, I'm out of here. These are the kinds of decisions we have to start making for ourselves because we deserve healthcare and we deserve doctors that understand what's happening. And not many do, so we have to search them out. And maybe sometimes you have to have a doctor that's in another state that you can connect
Starting point is 00:35:16 with that can guide you. You might not be able just to go see your doctor that you always went to go see. You might have to look outside those boundaries and find a place where you can really get the information you need and be cared for. And we have to do it ourselves. And we can't keep our heads in the mud and think that it's going to skip me because that's what I thought. No, ignorant, we cannot come from that place. We have to go do the work and start educating ourselves and make some tough choices. I only realized how opaque this world was when, so, I saw you in Sweden, we were in Stockholm, right? And you were speaking and you were sharing some of your experience. And I'll never forget how, like, if you've never been to Sweden, like, if you've never
Starting point is 00:36:02 been to Scandinavia, understand something, the Scandinavians are the most put together, non-disruptive, polite people you will ever come across. Oh, so polite. Yeah, they're like, hey, you keep to yourself, everyone does their own thing, you've all got your own house, and let's keep it moving. Do you know what I mean? Like it's very, very, very polite society. And when Halle was speaking on stage, people, like, it was amazing because
Starting point is 00:36:27 it was like watching the human body go through two conflicting emotions at the same time. On the one hand, you would see these Scandinavian women like stiffen up, like you shouldn't be saying this, but then their heads would turn like, tell me more. Tell me more. And then afterwards we were having some conversations and one elderly woman came up to me and she says, yeah, that Halle Berry, quite a story to tell. I don't know if I would have told it the same way, but yeah, I'm glad she spoke, but yeah, that was quite intimate, yeah, because now we know she has a vagina. And I was like, but we all, we should surely, but it was really amazing to see this. Because you know, you would think, you know, you say rural, you think, but it is amazing to see how pervasive a shame or like an idea can be.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And I'm like, did you not think I had a vagina? But this is what it made me wonder. So when I think of what the journey that you're on now, you know, like intimacy gel, for instance, I love that it seems like you've taken something that was a kernel of an idea and you're growing it into like a forest of acknowledgement in a way. Because like intimacy gel, already people are just like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, lubricant, wait, wait, what's happening here? And she's getting great reviews, by the way.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Tabitha Brown. Yes. Tabitha Brown. Tabitha Brown. So that's what I mean. That's the gifts you just get from people. But this is something that was, again, it has a different type of taboo, right? So if menopause is the taboo of, oh, my body's not working the way it's quote unquote supposed to work. And if I'm now aging
Starting point is 00:38:05 and I'm quote unquote, you know, I'm fading out or I'm aging out, this is another taboo. It's like, oh, sex, like lubricant or like any of these things. You know what I mean? This is such a, like, another taboo. So. Danielle Pletka And it's my goal to change that. Fr. Leo Yes, this one. Danielle Pletka I want women to go in there and say, do you have let's spin? I need some let's spin.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Do you have it? And feel no shame. Because sex does get better on the other side. This is what I want to get into is the, like, if something is not improved, then it'll always remain bad. It might even get worse, right? And I couldn't help wonder, reading everything about the intimacy gel, I was like, how many people are not having sex anymore, not because they can't, but because they don't know how to? And then you're speaking about this. Why was sex as important in a way as just the treating of the menopause itself?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Because it seems like one is like a pleasure thing and the other one is like your body. So why sex? Well, it's both. And I, first of all, I created a product that I most needed, right? And I think whenever somebody introduces a product into the market or they're an entrepreneur and they have an idea for something, I find the most interesting companies to me are when they have founders that created something to fill a need that they have.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And that's how you put your heart and your soul into it. It's probably going to be a good product because they were trying to help themselves. But by doing so, they help millions of other people. So I was just trying to help myself get through this time thinking, what can I do so that I can continue doing that thing that makes me me? Because I just told you, I found my guy, I found my person. I know, you're having great sex. It can't be the end of the second now. I'm like, God, this is a joke. I finally found
Starting point is 00:39:55 him. So, it really came out of a need to help myself. But in doing so, I started to realize, oh, I'm not the only woman suffering from this. This is a conversation that we all need to start having because, and it's not just pleasure, you know, for men to stay connected to their optimal good health, they have to keep having sex. You guys have to keep having that thing, which is why you got the blue pill right away when it was a problem. Yeah. Boom. Well, women are the same way. We have to keep having sex too. It's a part of staying healthy. It's a part of our systems that must operate, like your systems operate, right? It's just we
Starting point is 00:40:34 don't get thought of that way because you know what happens when men need to continue having sex. If their partner who's about their same age can't keep having sex, traditionally nothing against my men because I love you guys. Oh, no, that's fine. Because what you guys do is, you know, well, you'll just go get another younger woman and keep doing the thing you need to do. We cannot, right? If our system shuts down, we can't go get another man because we can't have him. I mean, I think you could get someone younger. Not if this ain't working out, man. No, because he's going to want what he's going to want.
Starting point is 00:41:06 So no, I have to keep this working. Because as women, we failed to keep it working. There have been so many divorces just for that reason. So many. I'll tell you a story. I have a friend who will remain nameless, but he came to me and he said, Hallie, I'm going to get a divorce. And I've known him a long time.
Starting point is 00:41:23 And I was like, but what? You love your wife. Like, what is happening? This was like two years ago. And he said, she just doesn't want me anymore. Like, I don't know what has happened. We were doing so good. I thought we were going to ride this thing out.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I would go to her. I would try to touch her and she would pull away. And she's got someone else or something. She's just, she doesn't feel it for me anymore. And I just said, wow. And I couldn't believe it. And I was just formulating all of my ideas about what I'm doing now about menopause
Starting point is 00:41:50 and how she might be feeling. And I said to him, I said, this is going to sound crazy to you, but go home and start a conversation with her about perimenopause. And just start asking her how she's feeling down there. Is she feeling dry? Is she feeling a headache- she feeling headachy? Like, just go have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I told him all the things to say. Two weeks later, I see him again. He's like, oh my God, Halle, you were right. She did not, it's not that she didn't want me. She thought that every time I touched her, I was going to want sex. And she knew that that was so painful for her, and she didn't want to feel that. And she was tired of faking it, she was tired of having it be so
Starting point is 00:42:32 excruciating painful, but had to act like it wasn't hurting at all. And he was like, that's what it was all about, because she couldn't even talk to him to tell him that. right? And so that's when I knew that, oh my God, this is an issue that we have to talk about and how intimately men are a part of this conversation and how many marriages have broken up because they were on the verge of a divorce. And once they could talk about this, now they're thriving again. She's been a part of Respin, she's got her Let's Spin, she did her V-Fit, you know, vaginal device. Oh, tell me about the V-Fit.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Well, it's another thing. It's like a red light therapy device, you know, just like we do on our faces now, for anti-aging and collagen building. That goes into the vagina and it rebuilds the vaginal walls and it's like, can actually help thicken your walls again so that you don't, so you have more elasticity in your vagina walls when you're having intercourse. This is so techy and futuristic. Yeah, this is a rock and roll world.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Oh my gosh. I'm just a tech fan. You're like, what? I'm just like, huh, just like, huh, tell me more about how all of this works. And how long do you put it up to you? Is it daily? What's the regimen? You do it daily.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Well, this is how I worked for me. I did it daily for about three weeks. And then after that, it's just maintenance. It's once a week or once every two weeks. You got that and you're let spin and you know, you get some hormone replacement therapy or you do some supplements that you like. And then you find out you can be back off to the races, you know? Juicy as peach, all again. But you just have to know the things to do
Starting point is 00:44:08 so that you don't become a desert. You have to just know. And when we know, we will do. Right? So, you know. For a woman at home who's maybe in her early 70s, is it too late for her? Can she jump on this train and try the V-Fit and the gel and the hormone replacement therapy? Because sometimes it feels like the conversation is geared to 40s to late 50s. She can certainly jump into the V-Fit. She can do the let's spin. Hormones, that's something she'd have to talk to
Starting point is 00:44:50 a menopause doctor about to be sure. Because I have heard that if you don't start the therapy early enough, that's when it can be an issue if you start too late in life. 70, maybe too late. That's not what I should be answering today. I think that's what you need to go talk to a medical doctor about. So the message is actually we need to women as early as possible be on this journey.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And start thinking about it at 35. At 35, because you know our childbearing years are 25 to 35. And at 35, that's when estrogen starts to leave and we have to start realizing, okay, this period is coming upon us. So at 35, I think we have to start realizing, okay, this period is coming upon us. So at 35, I think we have to start talking to our doctors. If they're not talking to you, talk to them, get the right doctor and start talking about it. What can I do so that I sail through to this moment, right? And that I don't suffer the way the women before me have suffered. Before we lose you, I'd love to know how this journey has been informed by or has affected your professional slash sort of life journey. And I know the two are connected, but I can't help but see all the links between them. You know, like Christiana and I will talk
Starting point is 00:46:01 about all the time with, let's say, pregnancy or motherhood and how it clashes with the way we've built corporate life and companies. And you're in an industry that's unique, but at the same time isn't really in some ways. And that, like, you know, if you're a woman in Hollywood, if you're a woman in certain jobs, you know, how you look, how you're perceived, how your scene affects your ability to work or not work. And I'd love to know how have you navigated a world that has told you you don't hold as much value when you're building up all these other different facets of yourself that do hold value? Like, because there's a moment before Respin where Halle Berry is, as you said, you found another thing, and this is your second act. But I'd love to know how you were navigating that experience, because it can be a scary one for people in all walks of life.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I just think Hollywood gets all the shine, but I think many people will experience that where they go, oh, I didn't know what to do once my kids left for college. I'd always identified as a mom and I was raising these kids and now they're gone. And I just realized now my career as a mom is sort of over in that way. Or someone goes, oh, I've now gone back to the office. And you know, my career is this, oh, I've left the office and I'm struggling with the way the world has now changed its perception of me. I'd love to know how you navigated it, what you experienced and what you learned.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And if you learned something from this part of it that's sort of helped you, or if it was part of the reason that Respin started? It's certainly part of the reason that Respin started. I struggled to understand what this company was. I knew it was always respinning everything we thought we knew, but I didn't have a there-there. I didn't have the real purpose of what the there-there was. And when I realized that Menopause needs the biggest respin of all, then I realized, oh, that's why I've been building this company. Even when I didn't know why really, I figured out why.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Which lets me know that it was happening to me and for me because I didn't really have it thought out, but yet I was building something, which is why I know it's chosen me. I just had to get caught up to it, right? But it chose me clearly. Was there a part of you that was afraid though that you were, you know, because you're building this thing, but there's also this other world that you've, I mean, you're an Oscar winning
Starting point is 00:48:14 actress. Oscar winning actress. Let's never forget that. Do you know what I mean? Like it's, you're an Oscar winning actress. History making. History making Oscar winning actress. So it's not even, you know, it's not like, oh yeah, you act and it's not like you're a good actor. No, no, no, you can't get high. It's a gold medal at the Olympics. Do you get what I'm saying? So I wonder, like, how much fear was attached to that and how are
Starting point is 00:48:34 you dealing with that? Yes, you're making re-spin, but before that, you're letting go in some ways of something and, you know, you don't know what that journey will or won't be. And so I think a lot of people would be served by knowing like, you know, just how did Halle Berry figure out what, for many people is a really tough time in their lives before you find the next thing. But I think this goes back to the thing I said earlier, and that is being born a black woman, I feel like I have always felt like I sat at the bottom of society. Damn. Right? White man, black man,
Starting point is 00:49:10 white woman, black woman. So I've always felt at the bottom, never feeling like I was defeated because I was at the bottom, never feeling like I couldn't dream big because I was at the bottom, never feeling like I wasn't worthy or capable because I was at the bottom, never feeling like I wasn't worthy or capable because I was at the bottom. But I always have known that I'm going to have to work 10 times harder than everybody else to get anywhere. Just to get a step up from the bottom, I'm going to have to work harder than a white man or a white woman or a black man. I'm going to have to work that much harder because we sit at the bottom. And so that feeling, I think, has been what has propelled me my whole life.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I've never been afraid of hard work. I've always known that anything was possible if I decide that it's so. I've always known my worth and my value, even when I've been struggling and I've been afraid, because I knew what my core values were all about. I had a fifth grade teacher, her name is Yvonne Simms. She's a beautiful black woman that took me under her wing when I was 10 years old. And everything that makes me me is her, that she took the time to pour into me. And you know how I knew I was valuable?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Because this teacher who didn't have to take time, she wasn't my mother, she didn't bring me into the world, she didn't owe me. But because this beautiful, smart, wise woman took me under her wing and invested in me, she poured that into me and that gave me value. I knew I must be special. I must be of value. If this woman would take her time, every day after school, to pour into me,
Starting point is 00:50:42 pour into me, pour into me, pour into me. And that's what I've carried. I've known that worth and that value from a very young age. That's beautiful. And I haven't allowed people to dim my light, even when I've gone through shit. We know the things I've gone through. Many of them have been public. I'm going through shit right now. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It's just things that you go through, you grow through, you learn. That's why we're here, right? But I've always just known I have value here and I have a purpose. So, finding respin and finding this cause of menopause is like, oh, another one of my purposes, like winning that Oscar that time. I was chosen to do that too, to open that door. I knew it was bigger than me, right? I hope this year someone stands next to me this year. I hope it happens because I'm tired of occupying that space alone. I hope this is the year, right? But even if it's not, I was chosen in that moment to be a beacon of possibility, right? And I do think it served
Starting point is 00:51:39 that purpose. And I think I'm sitting in this moment also talking about menopause and telling my own story and being bold and bold. It's also to be a beacon of possibility as where we can go as women and what we deserve and knowing that we're more than this shell, right? That we are complicated, we are beautiful, we are strong, we deserve a second act, we deserve all things good. We've raised our children, we sacrificed our bodies, right? We've given what we have to give. I can't believe we live in a world that now says, we got nothing for you. Sorry. I don't believe that. Right? But I know we have to change
Starting point is 00:52:14 that for ourselves. And I realize this is my second act purpose, to help change that narrative. That's my purpose. That's amazing. The teacher poured into you and I feel like you're now pouring into everybody else. And you poured into us. This was more fun than I could have expected. I'm so happy to be here. This is so much fun. I wish you could stay longer.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I know. You'll come back. I will come back. You'll come back. I will come back. There'll be more respind... I can see it. It's going to like...
Starting point is 00:52:41 I want the supplements. That's what I'm ready for. I know. That's the next thing we're doing. See? We're working on it. I knew it. It's infinite. We're working on it. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:52:49 All things, yeah. It's going to be, and thank you so much for joining us. And thank you for sharing. Thank you for pouring your hearts out. Thank you, you know. Thank you for being you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I appreciate it. Thank you. Me too. What Now with Trevor Noah is produced by Spotify Studios in partnership with Day Zero Productions. The show is executive produced by Trevor Noah, Sanaz Yamin and Jodie Avigan. Our senior producer is Jess Hackl. Claire Slaughter is our producer. Music Mixing and Mastering by Hannes Brown.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Thank you so much for listening. Join me next Thursday for another episode of What Now?

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