When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - Dryspells?!

Episode Date: May 16, 2023

Jax & Brittany react to Ariana and Raquel's dryspell conversation & Katie Maloney's appearance on WWHL!! PLUS: A RANDALL UPDATE, Scheana's birthday party, Brittany's bad luck with broken teeth..., why Jax was the world's worst bartender, and how to keep the flame going in a long term relationship <3 Check out our great sponsors!!! KiwiCo: Use code REALITY to get 50% off your first month, plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line at KiwiCo.com  Hint: Go to HintWater.com and use code REALITYHITS to get Hint for just $1 a bottle with free shipping, when you order 3 cases! OR Find Hint at Wal-Mart, Target, and Kroger!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You too. Hello everybody, welcome back to WinRealityHits with Jackson Brittney. We're happy to have you here again with us today. Hey guys, happy, happy Thursday. It's been a really fun week. We got to do a lot of fun stuff. We got to celebrate Sheena's birthday. And it was a fun day at the pool party.
Starting point is 00:00:23 We're going to get into all that. But of course, first off, we have to talk about the newest episode of Venerpunfruals because let's be real. Everybody's talking about it. And I just think it's crazy that the party we've been mentioning for all these weeks is finally being talked about on the show. The memorial day or Labor Day, I can't remember. I can't remember if it was Memorial Labor Day. I know we recapped this. Labor Day. Yeah. Okay. I know we recap this a little bit and Lala kind of touched based on it too because she was there with us. Yeah. We were all at our friend Elaine and Will's house. Yeah. Just to recap all that. Like I was literally, that's
Starting point is 00:00:56 the first time I've seen Tom Sandivall, like I said in about a year, year and a half. And we were talking for about 15 minutes. I can only stand next to him for so long because he reads the cigarettes. But we were literally talking in, like when you talk to Tom Sandevol, he only wants to talk about himself. So it's like he never asked me about, hey, how's your family doing? By the way, I have a kid.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Like he just never really asked me about anything like that. Which is fine. I didn't, you know, I'm just kind of getting into details right now, but, you know, he was there for a very long. We talked for about 15 minutes, and then he was getting the text messages from Ariana about that.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah, but how if you guys didn't watch episode her grandmother passed away and Tom and Raquel were both at a party that we were at in our friend Will in the Lanes house. And it was a whole big thing. Tom say, well, come to the party later on. Raquel was already there. So they didn't, they didn't arrive together or anything like that. But she was there. And Tom was getting the messages.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And he told us that Ariana's grandmother had died. And we were kind of being like, well, why is he not with Ariana? And on the show, that just had the episode that just came out, it was really sad to see because Ariana was kind of like having to take up for him. And she felt like she was kind of like being tossed in the middle of things. And that she didn't think it was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:02:04 But we have to remember, she didn't know what was going on. You know, she didn't know that he was having this affair behind her back the whole time. But we were there and we're just going to say, Tom could have definitely gone to A. Uber. Okay, it was so many other people coming and going the entire day. So there's absolutely no way that he was not able to get an Uber home. There was, he lit the guys house we were at.
Starting point is 00:02:24 There's literally, he lives in a, the guys house we were at, there's literally, he lives in a cul-de-sac. Uber's were dropping off all day. They were there. There was no reason or no excuse for that. And like I said, if you're with somebody for, what do you say, 10 plus years? I don't know, if you had a hang now and said,
Starting point is 00:02:35 Jack, I need you to come home, I don't feel good. I would be, I'd walk home, I'd pitch high-home. So the fact that her grandmother passed away and you're kind of on the fence of, are you're gonna go home or not? I mean, you shouldn't even be in this relationship with your questioning stuff like this. Yeah, and it was just sad to see but it was crazy that this party because we talked about it on watch happens
Starting point is 00:02:51 live. We talked about it on the podcast before. It was like kind of crazy to see that it actually was coming up and being talked about. And I don't know, it just makes me so sad having to watch all that. Yeah, it was, you know, just we watched it this morning. So I don't, I just feel bad for her. I just feel like there's so much I got the lying and deceitfulness. It's just. Yeah. And one other thing that we have to talk about that happened with the episode was how
Starting point is 00:03:19 cringey it was to see Raquel going up to Ariana at Sir wherever they were saying that they were talking about having dress bells and like all that stuff. It was almost like Raquel was like trying to like instant her to break up with Tom or something. It was so strange and so cringey to see. That's exactly what it looked like. If you were to sum up that scene, she was basically going to Ariana trying to get her to break up with Tom.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And I wasn't attracted to James for two years before. Like I just wasn't attracted to him anymore. Like kind of talking like that to Ariana. And it just like, oh, it just like boils my blood to see it. How cringey I've heard even talk about sex and stuff with Ariana whenever she was doing that behind her back. She knew that she was having sex with Tom behind her back. And they were talking about a dress bill. Like that for me is like, what kind of human being can do that? I just... It takes somebody like, I don't back and they were talking about a dress bill like that for me is like what kind of human being can do
Starting point is 00:04:06 that. It takes somebody like I don't know what they were thinking. You're at her party. Ariana's party. Then you're going up to her and confronting her. And can we just get it? I'm just going to piggyback off that how she confronted Katie's mom. Yeah. And by the way, we love Terry Maloney. She is one of the sweetest sweet hearts in the whole wide world. We just saw her last week. And you cannot be disrespectful to somebody's mother.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I'm surprised that Katie did not just like bitch slap her in that moment. Because if somebody was rude to my mom, rolling her eyes and just like kind of like she went her away basically, yeah, just missing her. I'll gosh, that would boil me up. But Katie was like standing her ground. I was like really proud of her. She's definitely seeing red for sure. She was gonna she was on a tack mode. I'm shocked at that that she didn't just go out and like yeah. And of course
Starting point is 00:04:54 this is so all high and mighty and so like on like so tone deaf. Yes. So just unaware like I just got to know there's gotta be something wrong. I mean it's just insane. I don't see how people can do that and go up to people and talk talk about certain situations like that and not have any remorse or any feelings about it. Like, I would not be able to do that. I can't even, no, there's no possible way. I understand that they are going through a divorce. I get that, but like, you know, just got to have respect and there was absolutely no respect with what they were doing. You know, the ink's not even dry. I don't even think the papers are even signed.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I definitely weren't during this time. So I don't know. I don't know. But then again, like everybody, this group is so weird, you know, like everybody does really screwed up things. And yeah, it was just, it's just watching it from the outside now, you know, not being there. It's just cringeworthy. And I'm just looking back on myself. And when I've been through these situations, like, God, what a scumbag I was to when I did some of these kind of things, like, what a piece of shit. Hopefully they're looking back and realizing how much of a piece of shit they were being to because it's just so hard and so cringey to say.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And I don't like that. St.Val was almost like trying to play a victim a little bit. And trying to play a whole episode, trying to lead up of why he's doing this behind Arianna's back. Like almost like they know he knows it's come. Yeah, he probably knows it's trying to justify all his actions. You can clearly see he knows it's coming. Yeah, he knows.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And I, yeah, and trying to back all this up and pour me and playing the victim and then kind of deflecting like he's a token deflector.ctor. He's a token. Let's bring up everybody else's problems and not my own. He's been like that ever since on the show. He never ever talks about his issues. He always goes on to somebody else's. That's a stand of all in a nutshell. Yes, I was shocked that he was even bringing it up on camera because I feel like Tom would never like want to fight or talk about his issues on camera. We always used to get so mad filming like you got to be real and show like you're real like what's going on? And he just never he always like try to shy away from that But now that he has having this whole affair
Starting point is 00:06:53 I feel like he was trying to like put things on Ariana like it was her fault And I felt so back as Ariana was just like I just want to spend time together like he's just was gone all the time That's not her fault, you know, did you see the last episode when he goes to Schwartz? I'm working so hard on our love. Like I get up in the morning and I get her lattes. Yeah, and then he said something about... That's working out your love? He said something about putting batteries and pins in the drawer. He's like, and I do that. Put batteries and pins in the drawer.
Starting point is 00:07:19 He's like, I work so hard. I put stuff in the drug drawer. And I get her lattes like dude. Are you? I mean she does want you to be present that was all she wanted. God they both need help Oh, I'm serious help like that's that's that's great. I'm working on our love the dude can't stay up We're killing Tom, but yeah, not really on it. We're so team her and she's just like thriving Well, I like I said before there is no other team. It's just aren't yeah And of course we have to talk about these things because it's the biggest, what's going on right now.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And this is a reality podcast. So we're always going to hit over different reality stuff. And our point of view is a little bit different because we've actually been through it. We know what it's like to film a show. And we actually know these people. Yeah. We hang out on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:08:04 So we have a spa all day tomorrow. I'm so excited. What a regular basis. So we have a spa day tomorrow. I'm so excited. What do you have? I have a spa day tomorrow. What are you doing at the spa? I'm going to a spa day. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Time out. Tomorrow is Friday. Yeah. You're going to the spa with who? Ariana, Shina, Lala, and their moms. Oh, I think you're right. A couple other people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm getting a massage, which I need. Really bad. Oh, you definitely, definitely do. It's a bit'm getting a massage, which I need. Really bad. Oh, you definitely, definitely do. And I don't think I wrote it down on our camera. That's the problem. OK, here we go. Let me explain this. We have a handwritten calendar at home.
Starting point is 00:08:32 So if we don't have our calendar with us, we have no clue what's going on. Exactly. And if it's not written in the calendar, it's a big deal. I don't care what. You don't have nothing going on tomorrow. No, well, I just like to know that I'm on baby duty. Well, I'll just be gone
Starting point is 00:08:45 during the day for a couple hours and then I'll be home because my friend Kara gets in tomorrow tonight and her Sunday and they're coming to stay with us for the weekend and we're going to the little Wayne concert tomorrow. And it is. It is. It is. Saturday. I mean Saturday. It is Mother's Day weekend. Yes. So it's kind of like a Mother's Day thing. It's just the girls going. Oh, yeah. Erica and Law Law's mom Lisa. They'll all be there as well. I think it's just the girls going. Oh, yeah, Erica and Law laws mom Lisa though. I'll be there. Oh, I was sure mom was here for it. I know she would love to do stuff like that Yeah, but I am Yeah, is there anything else you wanted to hit on from the episode before we move on to other topics because of course Recapping this stuff is just I don't even know how to do it sometimes
Starting point is 00:09:21 What did you think about Katie being on watch what happens live? I thought she looked great I think she looked great. I think she handled herself well. She always talks so well on those things and she always covers everything well. And her like theory was good too. Her theory was really great. Yeah, where she was saying that she thinks that, you know, Rekel and Tom kissed or whatever in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But then after that, she was saying kind of like that. Tom was probably getting jealous about it and told Tom after the fact. Do you think Tom knew before Mexico or after Mexico? You know what? Is as close as we are. So that Tom wouldn't pursue Raquel basically. I think Katie has a point there. I it's always going to know it's ever going to really know. Like how long he knew he's never going to break.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Because your theory was that Tom had Tom kisser kill so that it would like to take the heat off of him and nobody would like get suspicious. Tom has a weird personality where he would wouldn't mind him kissing somebody he likes. I feel like Tom Schwartz could probably kiss Ariana and it would bother him. Like he's got that weird situation where that wouldn't bother him. So yeah, so I think he wasn't thinking about what was gonna happen after Matthew. He's like, hey, take the heat off me
Starting point is 00:10:28 because I feel like walls are closing in, you know, after that beach day and all that stuff was shared for the problem. Well people were saying in dance and at the avi together and people were already starting to question things and you know, he was probably like, oh crap. Yeah. This is gonna happen, this is gonna come out.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I think he was starting to get worried and I think he was trying to, you know, fix the situation a little bit. But that's is a good theory to get worried and I think he was trying to fix the situation a little bit, but that's a good theory that Katie has and obviously she's the closest to all this so she would know. I think my theories get to as well. I think they're both pretty good. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:10:56 Like I said, I think the point of the story, I think Tom knew a lot longer than we think and I think he was just stressed out because like I said, if they didn't have this restaurant and everything going on, I think it would have been a little less stressful for Schwartz, but the fact that he has all this money tied up in this restaurant, and I think it's just, it's a downward spiral and it's a bad look for their company.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And I think that's not fair to do the Tom Schwartz. Like I said this before, you know, stand up all put Schwartz in such a bad, bad, bad position. There was no winning for Schwartz, you know. It's his friend, but Ariana's also his friend, you know, like what it's not his duty either to come forward. Yeah, but it's just sucks to find out that he knew like and to find out anybody knew that just got to be so painful. Yeah, he should have gave a stand up on ultimatum. He's like,
Starting point is 00:11:38 listen, you have two days to tell her I'm going to because this is going to blow up huge. Jack, you definitely need to start drinking more water. I will say that. I know. Water is so boring, though. It really is. Yeah, but it's so good for you. And everyone needs to drink more water.
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Starting point is 00:12:58 New customers can get hint for just $1 a bottle with free shipping when they order three cases. That's 36 bottles for $36 in free shipping when they order three cases. That's 36 bottles for $36 and free shipping. Just use the code reality hits at checkout. Hey y'all, it's Mary Payne. It's a southern thing. It's two names like Billy Bob, and I want to invite you to listen to Pink Shade, my reality TV recap podcast. Every week I have guest co-hosts and we do the best breakdowns and takedowns of your favorite Bravo TLC and we TV shows and sometimes documentaries too. You can every week I have guest co do the best breakdowns and
Starting point is 00:13:30 to. You can listen in apel like Omrit, a family carma is Brandy and Julie, bravo and amazing podcast host from reality gays. So for three new episodes of Pink Shade each week on Apple Podcasts Spotify or anywhere you listen to podcasts. You can find out more at PinkShadePodcast.com. So speaking about relationships and how like they were talking about having going through like dress bills and stuff like that. You know, I'm talking about whenever Ariana and Tom
Starting point is 00:14:08 and I guess we're kill, we're talking about how they had dress bells with their people. Big will motion asked, how do you keep the flame going in a long term relationship? What would your advice be for that, Jack? You think the flame going, well, I don't know. We got to think of something here. We got to think it's something here. We got to think it's something here.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I don't know. You just, you know, what do we do? Try to refresh my mind. What goes on? I mean, we watch shows on our couch. We have a different relationship. We spend a lot of time together. I think that's important too.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Like, if you were going out all the time and not spending any time with me, that would be like such a huge issue. The difference between I would like to say myself and Tom Sandeball when it comes to spending time, like I like to sit home on the couch with you and talk and watch movies together and have movie nights where Sandeball cannot sit at home.
Starting point is 00:14:58 He can't. He has to be out drinking or doing something and then like Arianna said, she gets the crap left over after he comes home at two or three in the morning hammered. He'll, she gets the you know the crap left over. After he comes home at two or three in the morning hammered, he'll say, hey, let's hook up or whatever. And she wants a little more than that, which is understandable. She wants to spend time. And I do think that's important. Like to go and answer this question. Yeah, sorry. I think that yeah, it is important to spend time together. And especially for
Starting point is 00:15:20 a long-term relationship, I mean, we it'll be eight years actually on the 24th of this month, we'll have been together for eight whole years. You know, we spend a lot of time, like Brittany just said, we spend a lot of time together. We do things together during the day. We're always, it's just hard. I will do things at night. We go on date nights. We literally recently just got a nanny slash babysitter. So we've been going taking time, you know, for ourselves.
Starting point is 00:15:42 You know, our intimate sea life is back on track again, I think. And yeah, I think you just got to keep things interesting. I know it's tough for a lot of people that are in a relationship for a long time because sometimes do things get a little dry. It happens in everybody's relationship. You just need to find what works for you. Sometimes going to therapy, going to seeing a...
Starting point is 00:16:03 Going on an adventure together, like a new trip just try to like rekindle or something like that that's what we're doing. Yeah, we were wanting to go on our honeymoon like we've talked about last we were wanting to go on our honeymoon have some alone time. Yeah. Get back to like us because especially after having a kid it can be like you can put your own relationship on the back burner sometimes.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And with us we got we skipped our honeymoon because of COVID, we were planning everything. No, we skipped it because we were filming. Oh, I thought it was cool. Sorry, COVID was after. Oh, COVID was after we ran. You're right, I'm sorry. It all runs together.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I know. So yeah, we, we, like I said, it's tough. It is tough. And it's a tough question to answer, but you just got to work at it and find what works is best for you. Another question from Tonka 745 was, has Tom away from reality TV been good for your marriage?
Starting point is 00:16:49 A hundred percent. Yes. A hundred percent. We needed it. Yeah. We needed to kind of get a refresh, especially me. I don't know if you've watched the very last episode that I was on. I was going through a lot mentally.
Starting point is 00:17:02 You know, I was just drained. I was just drained after being on the show that long. And like, I take a lot of heat on that show. I took a lot mentally. You know, I was just drained. I was just drained after being on the show that long. And like, I take a lot of heat on that show. I took a lot of heat. And I just needed a break. You know, we had a baby. You know, we, we got, we just got married. We bought our house.
Starting point is 00:17:15 We just, we just really just needed a break. We need a, we can look back though and realize the things you took for granted. Oh, absolutely. You want to do differently. You know, you can learn from a lot seeing yourself on reality TV as well. Like, it can be a, you know, you can learn from a lot, seeing yourself on reality TV as well.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Like, it can be a tough job, but you can also learn a lot about yourself. Oh, 100%. I watch back, and I talk to a lot of people and my friends, like, what I'm going to do differently, how I'm going to act differently. You know, and I just got to do, I got to do grasp on things. Definitely took a lot for granted, that's for sure. And you know, I just made a lot of stupid mistakes, but I think now, you know, having this break has really helped me. Yeah. So again, going back to little Wayne
Starting point is 00:17:51 concert, because I am just so freaking excited. My friend Cara is coming in. I'm taking her for her birthday to the little Wayne concert. Her son, DMs coming. He's eight. So while we go to the concert, Jack's is going to have a boy's night and and he's gonna hang out with DM and Cruzy. Yeah, we're gonna have fun. So, like, you're gonna be by yourself, have a little guys night, you and your ass. We're gonna build forts, we're gonna watch movies, we're gonna eat snacks.
Starting point is 00:18:12 You're gonna build forts. Yeah, that's what you do when you have kids around. You build forts, eat snacks, watch movies. Yes, so for those of you who don't know, I love Little Wayne. I love like all like the 90s, early 2000s, like all that kind of music and stuff. It's like the best to me.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I've been, I've seen little Wayne so many times. One time, I will say, this is a funny story. We saw little Wayne during like spring break, you know, like how they would come to like Panamol City Beach and he was there. And I just remember that so much. It was so fun. But I was a cheerleading at EKU during this time.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And me and a bunch of my friends were at Panama City Spring Break. And this was so crazy that I did this. But we were drinking like as soon as we got there, you know, you're so young. We're like 21, whatever. And all the cheerleaders and stuff. We hadn't even caught, we hadn't even checked into our hotel, our hotel room yet. So me and the cheerleaders are like. We hadn't even caught, we hadn't even checked into our hotel room yet. So me and the cheerleaders are doing tumbling passes on the beach. I fail on the beach in front of everybody and broke my front tooth in half.
Starting point is 00:19:14 First day of spring break, before we had even checked into our hotel room and I had to go to the emergency dentist, so drunk and have happy gas at the same time and get a half of a tooth put on and it was just mortifying. Everybody saw it happen. I had like a swollen face and such sensitive teeth the entire time. I mean it was it was crazy. Well that's why are you not talking? I'm letting you tell your story. I have a tendency to talk over you sometimes
Starting point is 00:19:42 and I talk fast. I'm letting you explain your story. Well it it was just crazy and I just like, I'm just thinking of like old like little Wayne stories and like, help me and my friends on our way to go to the concert. We were like, place left the bag and pass around like a bag bottle of not bottle, but a bag wine. And you had to like tug at it as fast as you can to slap it. I mean, we were crazy. You have a lot of teeth issues. You've had teeth issues on the show. You've had teeth issues right before a big photo shoot in New York. You've had a lot of issues with your front teeth.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Oh my gosh. Oh yeah. That time that I had that. Oh, that was a great story. You had an emergency route canal the day before your Cosmo vlog shoot. No, it was Glamour magazine. It was Glamour magazine shoot.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And we were doing Watch Your Happens Live. And I all of a sudden got a horrible infection in my front to the one. Actually, the same one that I broke because they eventually had to put a crown on it. And that one got infected and it went like it shot all the way at my face. So my whole face was completely swollen and I was so sad because I like I said I had a huge glamour magazine shooting. It was like a huge deal for me. Every girl's dream.
Starting point is 00:20:44 You were basically you were basically doing the sex in the city version of what you got to wear. No, that was Cosmopolitan. But my glamor. The point of the story is you got to wear all these wedding dresses or whatever. That was a different shoot though. That was Cosmopolitan before the wedding.
Starting point is 00:20:55 That was like an amazing shoot for me. But the shoot that I actually my two thing where I had the swollen face was the glamor magazine shoot. And I was like, how amazing do you be featured by a glamor magazine? And of course, I, how amazing do you be featured by glamor magazine? And of course, I'm swollen as can be. But a funny thing about that story is that Jack's had to act as like my dentist assistant
Starting point is 00:21:13 because I had to go in after hours to get this taken care of. And it was the most painful thing ever. I mean, I was screaming in pain and my doctor needed help. So Jack's had to like hand in the utensils and do different stuff like that. But you had to be my little person by little assistant during that day. And he had to like hold my hand and help the doctor. It's just so funny to think of Jack's like helping my dentist in there.
Starting point is 00:21:37 That was painful though. Like I bet it looked painful. I mean, your face was the size of a balloon. You know, I was or I was closed. It was pretty just it was crazy. Oh, it was so crazy, but the shoot and everything ended up being great and the watch have was live was great. I just looked a little puffy and swell and people were like, does she get filler? Does she get filler? I'm like, no, I just had a horrible root canal the day before I had to fly to New York. It was it was
Starting point is 00:21:58 just such a crazy thing to happen. I don't know where to. I don't even know why it started, but yeah, that was crazy. But either way, I'm so excited for a little way. And it's gonna be so much fun. And then Sunday, I know we told you this last week, we have Mother's Day. And now we are up to, I think 10 or 11 people. We got me, you Lala, Alisa, Lala's mom, we got Eastern Lala's brother, we got Leo Logan, we got Nia, Daniel, we got a lot of people. So we're very excited. We're going to moon shadows and it's going to be a really good Mother's Day. Like I said, I've been working for...
Starting point is 00:22:32 Everybody's asking what you are going to do. That's romantic for me. So we'll talk about it next week. I've been working really hard on this Mother's Day. Like I said, I know I slacked in the past on a couple birthdays, so I'm working really hard on this one. And I'm excited, we'll talk about it next week. Like I said, you don't have to spend money, just something sweet and romantic
Starting point is 00:22:51 is all I'm looking for. I know, I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing. I took time, I planned early, everything's going according to plan. I got one that I want to talk about. Okay, Brian Scholder says, do you miss the restaurant business
Starting point is 00:23:03 and how did you deal with the fame while serving tables? Well, I definitely don't miss the restaurant business. I had a lot of fun though, working at Sur, and like I've said this before, working at Sur with everybody was not like a real job. Like going to Sur, it was just like, I was getting, it was a party. I was getting paid to have fun,
Starting point is 00:23:20 and it wasn't a normal job. So do I miss, I guess I do, I missed the being young and going in there again. And it was fun. It was like a club scene. And there's always something new every night. That part of it was fun. But they actually were working in a restaurant part of it. No, I don't miss that part at all. And I didn't really serve tables. I was behind the bar. Where world's bar to know? I was the world's worst bar. It's not your definitely just hard for your looks. I was 100%. I, I, I, I, it's funny story. So obviously, sir makes really good drinks.
Starting point is 00:23:49 They make extravagant drinks that take, you know, more than 30 seconds to make. It's not like your normal bar, where it's a vodka coke or a vodka soda. We have like martinis and strawberry martinis and mojitos and all these, all these, all these, you have to muddle. All these complicated drinks where you have to muddle and put syrup in and take time and watch things
Starting point is 00:24:06 and I literally was not doing that. I was not having it. I would purposely say, yeah, we're out of this, we're out of that, we don't do that on Sunday. And one time I said, we don't do that on Sundays. We don't muddle, we don't muddle, mojito. We don't muddle when he does on Sundays. I was just, let's just jack and co,
Starting point is 00:24:22 let's do rock on the rocks, you know, martinis. Let's keep it simple. But, you know, I didn't really have to serve tables, which it was easier for me than the girls, because the girls actually had to go up the tables and talk to people. I had a bar separating me from the person so they could only get so close.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I will say for a little behind the scenes thing, like I worked there for like two years, but as like the show just kept getting more popular and people started knowing who you were It was harder to work actual shifts because if we were filming or something You know they have to take you away to film and then other people have to start covering your tables and stuff And that became a thing where people who like weren't on the show I feel like we're getting like a little like angry because they would have to like help and like cover your
Starting point is 00:25:03 Your tables are like pick up the slack because you have to go film. So that did become a thing for sure while working at SIR and filming there. But yeah, and as it got more popular, it got crazier because you go to a table when people would like know who you were. So that was like a whole thing. Yeah. But it was a fun experience. No, it's a super fun experience. I was so humbled by it. Like it's really awesome. I'm not going to lie. like being on a show and then
Starting point is 00:25:27 actually having people come in and talk to you, want to take pictures with you and knowing your life. It was really, really cool. I mean, again, I was on the show for eight years. So yeah, the first four years, it was fun. Did it get a little tiring? Yeah, there were times where, you know, like anybody else, you get stressed or you get annoyed by things
Starting point is 00:25:42 after a while. But I always knew, you know, this was a blessing. You know, people would give their left arm to be on a show like this. It was a lot of fun. And it was just a different scenario. It's not like we're actors where people are paid to be a certain way. And then they leave that set and they go home to be a real person. This is who we are.
Starting point is 00:25:58 So people follow the show and they know exactly what we're going through. And they know our lives sometimes better than we do. Well, and think about how cool it was because what other show do people actually get to go into a restaurant where they might be able to see like the cast there? Like it was, I think it was very unique that you were able to actually go into those restaurants and you would maybe get to see like Stasi serving your table or Jack's serving your, you know, being behind the bar. Like it was just such a different spin on what a normal reality TV and
Starting point is 00:26:24 what a normal like show would be like. I definitely remember talking about this season's one, two, and three. Like this was the only reality show where you could actually see the cast working. Like you just said, um, we that that was one of the coolest things about the show. And I think that's why the restaurant got so popular because, you know, you watch an actor on TV. You're never going to see that person, but you could actually watch the episode and then go to serve the next week and see these people working So it's actually really really cool. Yeah, I think that's cool too
Starting point is 00:26:51 Okay, we just got the cutest little koala bear sent to us from KiwiCo Cruise loves it It can be hard to find creative ways to keep your kids busy Challenge and off their screens KiwiCo does the legwork for you so you can spend quality time tackling projects together. We're constantly trying to find little projects and things that crews can do so that he's not watching TV and like he's more, you know, interactive with us, so this is such a great product for that. KiwiCo is super cool subscription box for your kids that offers multiple lines of fun and enriching projects that are designed
Starting point is 00:27:23 to spark creativity, innovation, and learning. They have developed mentally appropriate projects for every child and interest level from newborn to teens. KiwiCo has developed over 2,000 projects in STEAM, Science Technology, Engineering Arts and Math. Simply select a crate or take their quiz to find out the perfect match. Pick a delivery plan and watch your kids' excitement when they get their crates in the
Starting point is 00:27:44 mail. Each crate comes with multiple projects that will keep them busy for hours and off their quiz to find out the perfect plan and watch your kids' in the mail. Each crate c projects that will keep th find play with Kiwi Co. 50% off of your first m on any crate line at Kiw code reality. 50% off your first month plus free shipping at KiwiCo.com promo code reality. K-I-W-I-C-O dot com KiwiCo.com promo code reality. Okay, so May is mental health awareness month and we have a question from Robbie Annie and she says Actually, it's not a question. It's more of a statement. I have struggled with mental health like Jack's the fact that he is so open on TV is a blessing Well, that's very nice. Thank you for saying that
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah, I feel like being open about it is extremely important because you see people that struggle with this and they do really bad things to themselves Sometimes they take their own lives So again, it's I think being on a reality show It's pretty clear that I struggle with mental health and and I've tried so many different things And I'm still trying different things and I'm always gonna struggle with it for the rest of my life I mean luckily I have a great support system like my wife and in my family, but you know being on a reality show And obviously taking a lot of the heat like I've done over the years, it wears on you, you know, like you never know what's coming. And basically also you have to remember,
Starting point is 00:29:10 we film the show, I go through it and then I have to go through it again when it comes on the air. So it's almost like a double whammy, but yeah, dealing with it out in the open, it's just important because maybe somebody can help me out there that they're like, hey, listen, I tried this and I'm like, oh, okay, maybe I can try that. So, and it's also really relatable. Like whenever you put yourself out there and like people relate to things that you could be going through too, you know. Right. And I get that a lot. Everyone's like, you know, you're kind of a relatable guy. It's so nice that you're open and honest to talk about it. I'm like, yeah, because like,
Starting point is 00:29:39 we're all struggling with it at some point. Everybody's kind of deals with it at some point or somehow. And I feel like we all need to work on this together It's not just pop a pill and you hope you feel better like we need to find the root of the issue and how we get to this way like, you know If I go back on the TV, I don't want this to be a problem I'm how am I gonna fix this and how am I gonna be aware of it? So always check on your friends and try to say positive. Yeah, you know, yeah definitely always always check on your friends and you know the and the ones that need the most are usually the quietest. So always check on your friends.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And like I said, I have a great support system. I have great friends, I have a great family, I have great in-laws, great wife. And if I do have a problem, I say, hey, listen, can we chat about this? And what's the best way to go about it? I've noticed myself, even the last couple of months, like hey, kind of check, instead of,
Starting point is 00:30:25 I usually do things on my own and I get in trouble for it. So now I'm kind of asking advice to people, my friend group or my wife say, hey, this came up, should I do A, B or C? So again, just being open about it, talking about it with friends and, you know, there's no reason at all to be ashamed. Everybody in the world is dealing with mental healthness.
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's some way shape or form, especially the way the world is right now. It's a crazy world we live in. So it's very good to be open about it. And I'm Robbie Annie. I'm sure that's your name. If you ever have anything you want to talk about DM me at Mr. Jack's Taylor on Instagram, I would love to talk to you about it. So yeah, it's really good to be open and honest about that kind of stuff. I mean, I've been through like postpartum depression myself so it can be a whole thing, you know, it's always good to have people to talk to. Everybody's always going through something, you know, it's just good to check in with people. For sure. And don't be scared about it. Don't be embarrassed. It's the little reason for that. I agree. So much. Okay. So switching gears. Jack's just put new turf in our backyard. And he is obsessed with it,
Starting point is 00:31:28 which I let me just say I'm very shocked because you're all about Mo in the yard. So whenever you started talking about getting turf in our backyard, I know if you guys follow us on Instagram, you've seen all the videos of Jack's Mo in the yard, like when we first moved into our house, he was like, Mo in our neighbors yards without asking him It's like such a whole thing So yeah, you getting turf is just was it kind of a shocker to me. It does look great though I will say that's so funny you said that because our neighbor has a ring light and he's and he called me He's like did you more a grass? I caught you on our cameras. I was like yeah
Starting point is 00:32:00 I got a new lawn more and your grass looked lawn so I moat it Oh my gosh, and that's why I was kind of shocked that you wanted the turf. It's only in our backyard. It's not in our front yard. I still need to cut grass, so I kept the front yard fully grayed and it looks beautiful. Here's the reason why. Obviously, Cruz, and having kids. And I'm telling you right now, the turf, I went to a company called turf world, who's absolutely amazing. And if you guys ever want to use them, or use at turf world,
Starting point is 00:32:24 they are the greatest but anyway we'll get into that later. We have kids and we're gonna have more and we have people over our house all the time it is impossible to keep my grass alive green. Well especially because we have the place the playground there. We have like a whole swing set in the backyard for crews. There's a lot of things going on There's a lot of things going on in our backyard and it's just too hard to keep everything alive and keep everybody clean. So I was like, you know what? Let's turf the backyard, which is I've been staring. All I do is stare at it. Yeah, I just stare at it like old man, just stare at it. I'm just like, you make my coffee in the morning and I stare
Starting point is 00:33:00 at my backyard. It looks so perfect. It's like carpet in my backyard. I love it. So I had to do it, and I made the best decision with them. And like I said, no fertilizers, no watering, no maintenance. It's a win-win for everybody, but I still get to cut my grass in the front yard. So I still have that. I tell it all I must say, if we're going to get turf and you're like, no, I'll be doing as much yard work, you better make sure there is no weeds or anything in the lives gaping because like you take care of the outside of the house, I take care of the inside of the house like I clean, I decorate, I get like all the furniture and all that stuff together. And you were always just like so obsessed with the backyard. So it was
Starting point is 00:33:36 just such a shock to me. I'm going to post some videos you guys see it. Like I said, I used turf world there, amazing company, checked them out. But yeah, it was, it was a must and it was like, it's just the coolest thing. It's my favorite thing right now. Yeah. So I just had to bring it up because it's like making him so happy.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I don't know how many men listen to this, but women out there, if you haven't turfed your backyard and you have kids, I was strongly, strongly suggested. You will spend so much more time out in the backyard. In California. In California, because obviously the weather's different here, but we've had the turf now for what five days I've literally been outside more in the last five days in my backyard than I have in months and it's just because I love
Starting point is 00:34:12 being outside now in the backyard it's just so it's like extension of my patio and I'm not going to talk too much more about this but it's such a bad thing I feel like it is a bad thing why I've get your husbands on the turf game it's a a game changer. You will spend way more time outside. And Cruz absolutely loves it. He's doing summer salts out there. He's laying down in the dogs. Love it. It's been awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Anyway, well enough of the turf. We have to do an update. We got to do another update. You need to put it on blast. We're going to keep talking about it until it is settled. Until Randall pays me my Randall Ives, who we're going to find out, Randall, Emmett Ives, whatever his name is, stillett Ives whatever his name is still hasn't paid me
Starting point is 00:34:46 Nope, still hasn't paid me. He owes me a whopping $75,000 His my lawyer has reached out to his lawyer and he has gone radio silent now So everybody if you're listening to this keep blasting him on Instagram I need to pay Taking money from a family guy like you are a piece you are a scumbag you are a scumbag And I truly trusted you to make the right decisions and you told me like hey, this is how it's gonna be and You knew all this before going into COVID and I asked you making sure this is what's gonna happen and You just are not pulling through on your end and if he's doing it to you
Starting point is 00:35:24 I'm sure he's doing it to many other people. I got another, I got actually two more emails from other people that I can't tell names that saying he is. Oh, them too. He's delinquent on paying them. So I'm not the only one, but you know, a lot of these big companies can afford to take these kind of losses. I can't. So $75,000 is a lot of money for me. That's money that goes to my kids' education, you know, our mortgage, whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So stay on Randall, make sure he pays me my money. I'm doing everything I can. I'm doing all that. Yeah. Now he's going on a radio silent with our lawyers. I don't know where we're going to go from here on this. But anyway. All I know is we're never speaking to him again.
Starting point is 00:35:59 He sucks. Yeah, he's a terrible person. I'm Lola, and I'm Megan. And we're the host of Trust Me, Colts Extreme Belief and Minipulation. We both have childhood cult experiences and we're here to debunk the myths about people who join them and show that anyone can be manipulated. Our past interviews include survivors and former members of the Manson family, Nexium, MS-13, Teals-Fong, Heaven's Gate, Children of God, and the Branch Divideans. Join us every week as we help you spot the red flags. Get new episodes of Trust Me. Everyone's Day on Podcast One. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:36:31 This is a question from Tony Roman P. Where are the new episodes of Watch with Brittany and Jacks? Everybody has been asking, We were only contracted to do three episodes. We would have loved to do more because that was such a fun job and I really appreciate everybody watching it because we've gotten such good feedback. But that's why we're going to keep re-capping the episodes on our podcast so that you guys still get a little bit of the juice from our side and our point of view. We wouldn't normally be watching all the episodes like this, but it's because this is literally what everybody is talking about, right?
Starting point is 00:37:08 Now everybody wants to know. And everybody's asking, you know, tuning into the podcast to give the tea. So we really appreciate that. So yeah, we'll keep doing it as long as it's on. And what's the, you know, but it's like, I'm glad that everybody's asking what it's going on because everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:37:21 where's the episodes? Where's the episodes? But yeah, it was just a three episode contract, but it was so much fun. We would obviously love to do more of it, but like I said, we're gonna keep it recapping it until we get to the reunion on here. And then we're also gonna go over other reality shows.
Starting point is 00:37:35 We're gonna start having some guests on. It's just all gonna be so much fun. Okay, people keep asking, this is from Micah 13. Are you guys returning to pump rules next season or would you consider it? I feel like this has been all around recently. I know, it's the biggest question we get. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:56 we're wouldn't say nobody means we don't have to see what's going on and what it would be like, but we don't have any like, for sure set and stone plans right now. I think we should make that clear because I feel like it's been going around that we are. Yeah, and that's been going around some podcasts people are saying we're coming back.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Some people, you know, but we also have other things in the work. There's a lot of things going on. Like I said before, we are going to have a extremely busy summer. And we're really excited. But I think you guys are going to be excited too. So we'll just leave it at that until we can tell you guys further, but we're excited. And we want to tell you more, but we just, you know, we can't say much more right now on this whole topic.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Yeah, there was definitely a lot of questions about that and definitely a lot about what happened to watch with Brittany and Jack. So we appreciate that. Yeah, it's kind of not our say on that whole peacock thing. You know, they sit like Brittany said, they contract us do three. I'm not sure if it wasn't in their budget or whatever, but they loved it. They were happy about it, but yeah. It was a fun job. It was fun. This is a question from Lang's Dwarf Sullivan. Are you pregnant? No, I'm not pregnant. Let's get that very clear. Brittany is not pregnant. No, but I would like to start trying after the summer. After the summer, we would probably try sooner, but again, it's going to be a really busy summer and Brittany wants to have a little bit of fun. So we'll probably
Starting point is 00:39:07 start crying. I want to be able to have a couple of keyless shots. Yeah, you know, Brittany and her to keyless. So we'll probably start trying. What do you think after the summer? Well, you got to give people a day. They want to know. I don't know exactly when, but I would like to know. Can I schedule it in my I want to know. Uh, uh, yeah. So when are we, when are we going to start trying? I would say like August is August a good end of August?
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah. I think so. So cruise will be at the two year mark, which is right where we want to be at the two year. He'll be like a two and a half inch.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Yeah. So he's at the mark where I wouldn't want to go any longer. So we're, yes, we definitely want more. Yeah. Oh, yeah, one more. But no, I'm not pregnant yet. And I'm't want to go any longer. So we're. Yes, we definitely want more. Yeah. Oh, yeah, one more. But no, I'm not pregnant yet. And I'm still trying to get my skinny body back. So give me some time, y'all.
Starting point is 00:39:52 She's working really, really hard. And like I said, she's, I love the way you look. I think you look great. Thank you. It's just, I think because people see me and I'm still not like back to like skinny Bernie from Vanderpump rules days, but like I also had a baby. And it was been, it's been a struggle for me to lose all my baby weight. Like I'm just it's just not as easy for me as it has been for other people. And I feel like a lot of women go through the same thing that I've gone through. Yeah. He's too, but like I still I'm dealing with stuff, you know. And I did lose a lot of weight. So right. Give me some credit, y'all. You lost a lot of weight. And I think you should talk about this more. Yeah. What a struggle it was for you because you know we got pregnant during COVID and you
Starting point is 00:40:28 know she did have a very rough pregnancy and I'm I don't mean to talk on your behalf but I was there in the bathroom with you for the whole pregnancy. Yeah. You were throwing up every single night from beginning to pregnancy till the what day. I think he only gave me like the last three weeks without being sick. So I was there holding her hair up while she was puking every day. But I did get huge. But it's all worth it. I don't even care. Yeah, we sat around the house.
Starting point is 00:40:51 We ate. There was nothing else to do. We couldn't leave our house. We were Netflix and chilling it up. We were definitely Netflix and chill. Watching all the 90 day fiancee. God, how much did we money we spent on postmates and groceries? Holy hell.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It was a lot of fun, though. Which we do love 90 day fiancee. And since this is a reality podcast. And after all this like Vanderpump drama is gone, we are so going to have to get into the some of that because it is so funny and we'll definitely have some of our friends on from that show as well. And you know, I you know, as the villain on a TV show, I have to have other villains on it. Because why? Because villains make reality TV. There is no. Yeah, you have to have villains. You got to have villains. They need to tell their story and why they're the villains. And, you know, why do they think they're misunderstood? Yeah, we got a lot of fun things coming up. But so speaking of villains, let's go to the troll of the week. This says more Britney less jacks. I have been actually
Starting point is 00:41:45 loving the podcast, but whoa, Jacks needs to let Britney talk. The last episode was all jacks and he repeats himself throughout the episode. TDS, I think we all know Britney is such a joy to listen to. Thank you. I want to hear her positive loving thoughts, not the amped up repetitive ego
Starting point is 00:42:01 field rates of jacks. Honestly, I had been somewhat surprised that Jackson was tolerable in other episodes, but I hope producers will coach them towards more balance. Jacks keeps saying the whole episode that he's started. He's talking about me. I don't mean to talk over people and that talk. I do. I talk over people a lot. It's just because you get excited. I get excited and information is going into my brain faster that I can say and I'm so scared that I'm gonna Forget it. We're new on this podcast. Okay, we just started this. Give us a little bit of a break
Starting point is 00:42:30 I do agree that I do talk over Britney sometimes and we're still trying to find that happy medium where you know We can just flow, you know easy It's it's not easy to do on a podcast. It really isn't I mean we work together We live together do this and it always flows at home But doing a podcast is it's tough. It's tough. You want it to flow. We want to make sure everybody's having the fun listening to it. Yeah, we do. And much fun is we're having doing it. And I apologize to whatever, what's her name? Um, whatever her name is. I apologize to, if I, if I made people feel that way, if I was a little aggressive, but, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:02 I just, I have a lot to say. And sometimes I just get overly excited. So I apologize, but you'll close your eyes and you'll just talk really fast. Sometimes I close my eyes. I know if you guys watch the videos, because like I said, the information is coming out faster than I'd say. And that's just part of the ADD in me, I guess. Yeah, we're get we got it though. I think we're doing good.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Do I talk over you a lot at home? I'm here. I do, right? Not all the time, honey. Yeah. I just think we'll be talking and like you all get up a thought in your head and you want to get it out right then. Yeah. I was because like it comes in and it leaves. I get like I can't retain it. I don't know what where that's coming from, but I don't know. Either way, I love you. It's fun. And I love it too. That's all that matters. And we're
Starting point is 00:43:44 having so much fun too. So that's good. All right. That is it for this week's episode of When Reality Hits with Jackson Brittany. Make sure you follow me on at Brittany on Instagram. I'll be asking you guys for questions to ask us that will answer every single week. Okay. So next week we have a lot to talk about. We're going to dive in what I did for Mother's Day. And we're also going to talk recap the finale. Final episode. Yes. Final episode of. Hopefully we're getting to a closure. I know. I feel like we're beating a dead horse here. I feel like the horse has been. It's what everybody wants to know about. It's all these questions we're getting from people are all about it. So we got to we're when reality hits, reality is
Starting point is 00:44:22 hit and hard right now. It is hitting hard. It is really hitting hard right now. So we'll recap all that. We'll dive more into Sheena's birthday party. We didn't get to talk about that that much this week. We'll dive more into that and we'll see you guys next week. Keep bringing in the questions. I really appreciate it. Yes. Also keep bringing in the troll of the week because I love getting into that. We love to have our say and be able to get back to people.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Yeah, but see you guys every Tuesday on win reality hits. Thank you for listening. Bye guys. Hey y'all, it's Mary Payne. It's a Southern thing. It's two names like Billy Bob, and I want to invite you to listen to Pink Shade, my reality TV recap podcast. Every week I have guest co-hosts and we do the best breakdowns and takedowns of your favorite Bravo, TLC and We TV shows and sometimes documentaries too. You can listen in April for guests like Omrit,
Starting point is 00:45:13 a family karma, actress Diana Chang, comedians Brandy and Julie, Bravo darling Amy Phillips, an amazing podcast host and friends from reality gaze. So bad it's good, a day with day line, lever lounge and constant reality check. So join me for three new episodes of Pink Shade each week on Apple Podcasts Spotify or anywhere you listen to podcasts, you can find out more at pinkshadepodcast.com
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