When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - In The Mind of a Man: ASK JAX

Episode Date: February 21, 2025

Jax is joined by his publicist, Lori, as she puts him in the hot seat with 20 fan questions. They discuss the recent plane crash headlines that have them rethinking air travel, and no topic is off-lim...its as they dive into everything from Jax’s quirks and insecurities to his thoughts on marriage, parenting, and dealing with public scrutiny. Please support the show by checking out our sponsors! Hungryroot: For a limited time get 40% off your first box PLUS get a free item in every box for life. Go to Hungryroot.com/realityhits and use code realityhits.   Discover Your New Home at apartments.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, what's up everybody? I'm in the studio today with fan favorite, Lori. Relax. Fan favorite. Hi guys. You guys have all been saying so many great things by the way about Lori and well She's back. She's back in town and we are we actually have a really busy work week ahead of us Press photo shoots prepping for the valley coming soon I still can't say when it's coming out but promise guys It's gonna be good and I will know soon. So anyway, hey Lori. What's going on? What's up? How are you doing? I'm good. Today was a good day so far.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I don't know why I'm asking you that actually because we've been spending the entire morning together. We actually had a pretty intense morning. Yeah. And I know we can't really touch on it right now, but something will be coming out in a couple weeks and I think, I don't know, I'm excited for people to just hear a sigh to you that they haven't heard before. Sgt. Mike A. Johnson, Ph.D. Something that I've been dealing with for a long time actually and I think it's kind
Starting point is 00:01:15 of nice to just kind of be open about it. Can we talk about the plane crashes really quick? And not only the plane crashes, guys, listen, another one happened yesterday in Toronto. Lori is feared for her life. She has to fly back to Montreal on the same airline that went down. There are no words.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And I mean, I know we send each other all the time, TikToks and Instagram reels of all these plane crashes. And I swear every time before I get on a flight in the past week or two, I text my goodbyes to everybody, my mom, my husband, you, Ryan Schwartz. It's scary. I know what I'm supposed to do if something happens to you. Yes, you just bury me with the phone. Burn that phone.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I feel like you would be the only one that would survive. And I feel like you'd be in the back of the scene in economy and you'd be strapped in upside down next to the toilet. That would happen to you. I saw you on the plane. I think you were coming here. You literally were going through my worst nightmare. My worst nightmare.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So I spent the past weekend with Brittany in Canada. We went to Edmonton and Calgary and she hosted a bunch of events there and we flew back. Brittany was in business class because she's flown by the companies that sent her out there. I was in economy and I'm fine. I own economy. I like economy. I have no problem with economy. You have the problem.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Oh, I can't. I talked about this many times. I can't do it. Like, it's the one bougie thing that I have. Listen, I. You have the problem with economy. Oh, I can't. I talked about this many times. I can't do it. It's the one bougie thing that I have. Listen, I'm allowed one bougie thing. Totally. I've told you before. I'm not a diva.
Starting point is 00:02:52 No, you're easy. I'm easy. I'm easy going, like I said, but there's just one thing I can't do. Now I'm able to afford sitting first class. That's just what I'm going to do. You don't afford it. You don't pay for it. I don't pay for it, but I can afford the... Is it the lifestyle? Just the lifestyle I live, I'm allowed to sit first class and that's just what I'm gonna do. You don't afford it, you don't pay for it. I don't pay for it, but I can afford the,
Starting point is 00:03:05 is it the lifestyle? Like just the lifestyle I live, I'm allowed to sit first class. I'm very blessed by the companies that hire me, they sit me first class, that's the best way to put that. But yeah, no, what I was gonna say, I ended up sitting in economy, which completely fine. I was at a window seat and there were two women
Starting point is 00:03:24 sitting next to me. One of them fell asleep on my leg. And I want to know what is the proper etiquette? Are you supposed to gently wake them and say, excuse me? Or just let them sleep on your leg? No, you don't just let them sleep on your leg. It's so weird and it's weird on their part that they're allowing themselves to do this because this can't be the first time that they've done this. So knowingly, knowing in your head, I would be utterly aware that I'm not crap. The fact that you're like, if I touched your elbow, like just tapped it, I would be like,
Starting point is 00:03:54 oh my God, I just touched the other person. I would freak out, let alone lay on you. They were like almost like Siamese cats, you know, that mirror each other. They both at the same time took the trays, put them down in front of them, and then just both fell asleep on their trays. Slash leg. Yeah. Slash, my leg was right there, and I was unable to go to the bathroom, get up for a four hour
Starting point is 00:04:18 flight. Anyway, I texted you. I just would have not said. I'm like, I feel bad. I would have said, excuse me, excuse me. I'm playing just the much money as you are. Get the fuck... No, I don't want to. I'm like I felt bad like I would have said excuse me excuse me I'm playing just the much money as you are get the fuck. No, I don't want to say good. Just get up Yeah, I said I had texted Jack's a video and I said if this were you I would the feds would be waiting for him upon discharge of the flight and he would be I don't know sent to a
Starting point is 00:04:43 Holding a holding cell or something. You know what if that yeah, and like I said, I told't know, sent to a holding cell or something. You know what? Yeah. Like I said, I told you, it happened to me before already. Not as severe as this, but yeah. It is what it is. But hey, listen. Getting back to the plane crashes really quick.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So I drive a... But go ahead, if you want to tell the story. Well, I'm just- I'm not even going to give... You have a nicer car than I do. I have a stock pickup truck and it lets me know if I'm a, but go ahead, if you want to tell the story. I'm just, I'm not even going to give you have a nicer car than I do. I have a stock pickup truck and it lets me know if I'm going to hit something. I'm just shook because first it started with the American Airlines flight, um, colliding into the Blackhawk helicopter. Okay. Mind you, this is a helicopter that carries guided missiles.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I just, I don't understand it. This Blackhawk, it has night vision. It has all the technology in the world. And I was telling Jax, it's like a, probably a half a million dollar, whatever, a million. I'm sorry. It's a half a billion dollar product, right? Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:38 So like my car is just going crazy at where I literally, I hate this car so, so much because it does this. The second there's like a snowbank, an inch away, right? Or there's a car right there. How does a Black Hawk military helicopter not be alerted or anything that there's a commercial airline right in front of them? But I don't want to joke about this. It's extremely, extremely sad. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I just don't. It's horrible. I'm so sick for all the people's loved ones and families that have lost, I mean, that entire flight. It was just sick. I think there's a figure skating team on there. Yeah. Such young kids.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I mean, that photo, I mean, there's just, there's no words. I don't understand how that happened, but they're saying that, I think they're still investigating and apparently, I don't know, the Blackhawk was flying higher than it should have been. Still, like I said, we both have nice cars. Your car's a lot nicer than mine. Like I said, it beeps if I come even close to a tree. So let alone a freaking black eye.
Starting point is 00:06:45 So again, I don't know. I don't know. And then so yeah, it hit very close to home for me yesterday, that Delta airline that flipped upside down at the Toronto Pearson airport. You've been to that airport a million times too. I mean, I live in Montreal. The airport is now shut down. It's shut down.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And thank God, I don't think anybody was killed, but there are, I think, 18 injured people. Can you imagine the weight of a plane flipping upside down like that? I can't understand. All right. Well, moving on from that disaster. Can we talk about the Valley promo that came out? What did you think of it?
Starting point is 00:07:25 I think the stylist did you dirty a little bit. Let me tell you guys what happened here. So they have color palettes when we do these things. They have a theme. Every season we come out with a new theme, not we, the producers come out with a new theme or whatever image they want to go for. I don't know what you want to call it. This season or whatever, they decided to do kind of like a Miami Palm Springs look in my eyes, right?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Well, if you know me at all, I hate color. I don't like it. I've never liked it, and I begged and pleaded not to wear any color. Of course, I lost. If you saw the promo, I was wearing a bright, well, Hermes, bright, orange, rusty, whatever you want to call it, shirt. And I fought them on this. I fought them. I'm like, please, please. I got away with wearing a white suit. They wanted me
Starting point is 00:08:15 in some magenta thing. And I was like, absolutely not. Yeah. So you did win in the end because you didn't have to wear, originally they wanted you in bright color. Yes. You wore the white. I'm not a bright color guy. Did I wear a white? It's kind of like a cream suit. Yeah, that's fine But I beg can I please just wear a white shirt underneath or even black black with the white suit would have looked very Miami In my opinion then I do the shoot right and then they kind of look back at the promo like we're sorry We didn't listen to you. You're right
Starting point is 00:08:43 You know, I think you know it because I was just really upset about it. Again, I don't bitch about a lot of things. I just don't like color. How hard is it just to put me in a black or white shirt? I just, I mean, the girls looked phenomenal. I mean, the guys look great too, but I mean, Brittany literally looked like a live Barbie doll. All the women looked incredible.
Starting point is 00:09:03 You look great too. I was just like, ah, that mustard shirt. I don't know. You look great too. I was just like, ah, that mustard shirt. I don't know. I look great too. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. And that's exactly what I knew what was going to happen. I just, you know what you look good in. You know, right?
Starting point is 00:09:14 What do you wear? You wear all black too. I like black. It's just whatever. I just, again, I was really annoyed. Like I just such a, it was just such a, it bothered me. Anyway, it looked great. It bothered me. Anyway, it looked great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Oh, God. The promo's good though. It's not bad. I don't know. Now, they will be teasing it along until the season starts. So I'm curious the next promo. I'm curious how they're going to do it, how they're going to cut it up because obviously, until the season goes, they give you a little more, a little more, a little more. So I'm assuming the next promo is going to be coming out in the next couple weeks. So it'll be interesting to see. That was just kind of like the beginning. I think this is going to be an obviously, I know listeners are going to say I'm biased,
Starting point is 00:09:54 but I work with a lot of different clients on a lot of different reality shows. But I want to say I think this season will be the best reality TV I think anybody has ever seen. Yeah, it's not well... Yeah, it's your real life, obviously, and very hard, but I think I don't know anybody that has been this raw and honest and open than you and Brittany, really. This will just go to show you that this show and all the Vanderpump shows have been extremely, extremely real and honest. If you ever think that this show was scripted, you're out of your freaking mind because
Starting point is 00:10:35 as you will see, it's not great for me. For me to put my life out there and hopefully I can help somebody out that's been going through what I'm going through, That's all I'd ask but yeah if you think if anybody ever thinks this stuff is scripted they're absolutely crazy. I don't think they did. I think you said that it was one evening when you were just angry about other things but you touched on that. I did and I apologized and I said I was sorry it wasn't right. I was just angry at one of the things. Like that's not right. Like that's not happening. I remember Ryan and Ryan and I we called you were like why would you even say that because you don't believe that I don't believe and I've said it over years this shows me the far thing from that and I just I was angry at Katie at the time and I was just like why like that's you I don't remember who you know I don't know I
Starting point is 00:11:16 just you had a moment it just seemed very forced to me and I was like whatever but anyway yeah so the shirt was awful. The promo was good. The season's gonna be absolutely bananas, like we just said. So, I don't know, there's not much I can get into yet. I really wanna give you guys a little more, but as the next couple weeks come out, I will be able to talk a little bit more
Starting point is 00:11:38 because I'm talking about more things as the time goes by before we get to the season. So anyway, I was gonna do what? An Ask Jax 20 questions. Yeah, that was posted in the Mind of the Man Instagram page and your page. And we got a ton, a ton of questions. Yeah. So we're going to get into a little bit here. These questions are always fun and I always get some great ones. And I'm always anxious to answer these. I haven't looked at these yet so Lori's like kind of like, don't look at these, let's do this off the cuff. So here we go. All right. Okay. So the first question was...
Starting point is 00:12:14 Three things you can tell us that we don't know about Jax. Well, she'll be honest, Lori's honest, so I don't know if I want to hear this. So I don't think people know this about you. Have you talked about this yet, that your need for constant noise, like you need constant background noise? If there's ever silence, you get incredibly anxious. And this goes along with my OCD and my anxiety. I can't, it's a deal breaker for me.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I have to have a fan going. I have a sound machine going and I have to have friends playing for me to go to sleep. There's no other way. Like for me, jail wouldn't be hard. The sleep in silence would be hard. I wouldn't be afraid for my life or anything like that. I'd be afraid of, oh my God, there's going to be complete silence. How am I going to sleep? I can't sleep in silence. Why would you even think of jail? Because like I'm trying to think of my worst fear is being somewhere where I can't control. Confine like that, right.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I can't control the noise. I'm not allowed to have it. I can't even, like in my past, if I slept at a girl's house, that's one of the questions. It's always one of the questions, oh my gosh. Probably one of the main questions when I'm dating or when I'm finding out about something is, do you sleep in this? It's one of the questions, kind of like, do you smoke? Instead of like- S1 05.00 It's a deal breaker because- S1 05.00 It's a deal breaker. Like, you know, do you this? Are you religious? Do you sleep
Starting point is 00:13:31 in this? Do you sleep in this peace or quiet or do you have noise? S1 05.00 You know that psychologically, the need for background noise is apparently a trauma response to abandonment in your childhood. Well, that's... I write up on that. I know, but that's what they said, that the noise kind of tricks your brain into thinking that you're not alone. My mother and father wouldn't leave my sister and I alone.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Are you kidding? They were obsessed with us. What would you say are my best qualities and worst qualities? Again, I'm worried about this. Wait, they asked for three things we don't know. Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. So that was one.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Okay. Let me think of another one. I don't think people know you. I think they see you as this alpha male, which you definitely are for sure. But I don't think a lot of people know the side to you that's very sensitive, and you do have a sensitive side. You kind of see like Jack's on reality TV and kind of on his Instagram where you're a little bit unhinged, but in real life, he definitely has a more sensitive side.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I think you do have some insecurities. Some, some, a lot. Yeah, but I don't think people really realize that or notice that. There's nothing attractive about an insecure man and unfortunately, I'm very insecure. No, I think it actually, I think it humanizes you because everybody has insecurities, everyone. When reality hits, it's brought to you by Hungry Root. When it comes to grocery shopping, meal planning, I am so busy that I don't really have time to cook or go to the grocery store. Being single, that's what happens. But I'm still eating healthy thanks to Hungry
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Starting point is 00:16:38 Hungerroot.com slash reality hits. Code reality hits. All right. What else? code, reality hits. All right, what else? I think I've said this before, but you're such a creature of habit. You need to be doing everything the same. You like to wear the same clothes. There was even that time, I think you were wearing that denim button down for months and months and months, and I was like, you need to burn that.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Okay, first of all, I had rotating two. I have two and I rotate them. Okay. So, but yes, there was just, when I get hooked on an outfit, I stay on it. And that's just, you know, one of those things. Also the Jacks' merch. I wear that.
Starting point is 00:17:18 But you have a hundred of those. But first of all, why would you wear somebody else's brand, such as Nike or whatever? No, I'm just saying. I'm promoting myself. Yeah, but you wear it all the time. And you get, you're very lucky, right? You get sent so much clothing from different brands all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I remember I made you this huge Abercrombie order. I can't tell you how much I get all the time. And I have bags and bags and bags of clothes that I get rid of all the time because I wear the same stock t-shirt and jeans. I'm just a guy. I'm like, I don't like getting dressed up. It's not my thing. I'll wear a button down if I have to.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I'll wear a suit if I have to, as long as it's black. Right. So, okay, so what would you say are your best and worst qualities? I think people don't know that I am. I know that you're not going to believe this, but I am a pretty caring person and I would give the last dollar I have in my pocket if I had to. I am a very sensitive guy no matter what you say. I know people think I'm such a dick and I am.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I am a dick. I am an asshole and I don't have a filter. Yes, I do have those things but I have other things that I think that are a quality as well. I think... So what would your worst quality be? Dr. Justin Marchegiani Oh, there's so many. I can pick a pick.
Starting point is 00:18:29 My worst quality is my like insecurities. Just my worst qualities are I have a lot of bad habits. I have the, you know, like you said, I need the constant need for attention, you know, filling voids all the time, insecurities. I just being... Nicole Soule-Northrop Filling voids all the time, insecurities. Filling voids in unhealthy ways, I guess you're saying. Yeah, I have a lot of unhealthy qualities. I mean, you're by far your best qualities.
Starting point is 00:18:54 You are the funniest person. I'm pretty funny, but I don't mean to be. Exactly. Exactly. Can we talk about that time? Because I want to say that was the funniest moment. Like I'm talking where you can't breathe, stomach hurting, laughing so hard was with you.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I think we were with your friend Dave also and my client, Jessica Graf at the time. We were headed to a Cameo event. This was years ago. And cameo is an app. This was the funniest story. This just goes to show you that I literally live in my own bubble. I live in my own world, right? We went to a party for Cameo.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Cameo is an app that a lot of you know about that I'm on actually. Anyway, we went to a party in Beverly Hills. We left shortly after. We were on our way to Craig's favorite steakhouse that Lori and I always go to when she's in town. Anyway, on the way to Craig's, I had to cut through a subdivision in Beverly Hills, right? There was a literal standoff. I'm not kidding you when I say standoff.
Starting point is 00:19:50 There was probably maybe a dozen to two dozen cops, sheriffs with full machine guns, cop cars everywhere, right? And I'm headed towards these people, so I'm going to have to back up and turn around, which frustrates me. So you rolled down your window. I rolled down my window. This cop's literally aiming at the house with a gun. I kid you not, Lori is here.
Starting point is 00:20:09 She revolves for me. They're surrounding this beautiful mansion, and I'm like, I really need to get, excuse me, sir. And they're like, back up, back up, go away. This is like a thing. I'm like, I get it. But I need to get to Craig's, which is probably, which is literally down there, and if I back around, I have to go that way.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Is there any way I can just cut across? I promise I won't be, I promise I won't be involved with the standout. Like Jess and I, I mean, I have to tell Jess to listen to this. We were horrified in that moment. I just look, I, my face went white and I was, are you kidding me? I'm like, listen here, I'm like, you know, me going around the standoff is not going to affect the standoff.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Like the burglar is still going to be there. He looked the cop dead in the face and said, Hey, we got to go right. We need to make a reservation to Craig's. I mean, I can't make this up. But anyway, after the fact, we, I don't know what happened, but he said, no, I just laugh. We laugh about this for years later. Mind you too, there's like helicopters and like, this is a full standoff. And I was just like, well, if I cut through, that's not going to be a big deal. The guy's still going to
Starting point is 00:21:11 be in the house. No one's going to die because I'm going around. So that was, that's just goes to say something stupid. So just such funny, funny, funny moments. I mean, we laugh all the time, even last night at your bar. I mean, I don't want to get it. He has new terms for everything. Elephantitis. I can't. Okay. So I thought this girl was attractive. Can I say this? And I'm, you know, certain things on girls give me the ick. And I thought, I'm like, Oh, I'm not really attracted to her ankles. I don't like them. And I had said to him, that's not nice. Like you don't need to nip the ick." And I thought, I'm like, oh, I'm not really attracted to her ankles. I don't like them. And I had said to him, that's not nice.
Starting point is 00:21:47 You don't need to nitpick on all physical attributes. I find you're very judgmental when it comes to appearance. Even with, I mean, myself. Why are you wearing that today? You should be wearing this. I say that because I'm your publicist. I know that, but like there's, I want you to be comfortable. I'm going to wear what I want to wear.
Starting point is 00:22:08 So I want you to like, you moment where like you wear your comfortable. Or you'll see it. I mean, first of all, first of all, hold on. I'm not trying to come at you for that. I'm like, I'm like, there's just no need to be so dressing in heels. It's uncomfortable. Why don't you go put your aloe outfit on with your speakers? So I said, I'm not going to wear an aloe outfit to go, we're going to do press,
Starting point is 00:22:27 right? As a publicist. Anyway, even in Toronto when we were at that event with Schwartz, Schwartz had come down. We were rushing to go to this event and Jax looked him up and down and said, are you kidding me, Matt? What are you wearing? Go back upstairs and change. But you are 100% right with that.
Starting point is 00:22:43 He had a sloppy shirt on. It was like his dad's from the 80s. He had corduroys that were wrinkled, high water pants. Yeah, you were right. His shoes were untied. Yeah, his shoes were untied. He had socks on with a sweatshirt, with a hoodie. Half on sweatshirt.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yeah. I love Tom more than anything, and his style is his style. But listen, there's some times where you just need to dress up a little bit, especially when people are paying money to see you. Yeah and then you have Jack standing there like looking all slubbed. His hair is perfect. You got to give the people what they want that they're paying for. You got to dress up nice. That's not you know they're you know what I'm glad I did because every girl in there was wearing like a skirt and high heels. Yeah just like so your X I find are very much appearance driven.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And it's a shame. It is a shame. But you can't make yourself have different X. It bothers me. It's your X across the board, like I said, even with people that, you know, we're not just girls, just people in general, like Schwartz doing something. Why is he wearing that? And I'm just being honest because we all have X on something.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Listen, you need to be initially attracted to the person. And there's going to be some things that bother you. There's probably some people that don't like tattoos. There's probably some people that don't like guys with dark hair or whatever. I don't know. They're X. Yeah. I mean, I find like hand tattoos are kind of cringe. Well, I'm sorry that I have them. I'm glad I made you cringe. I got to say that. It's my midlife crisis, okay, with the hand tattoos. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:24:05 This, I love this question. I don't like number three. I know you don't. You get very defensive, but... Okay, and I'm going to hold you. I'm going to... Okay, go ahead and ask it, and I'm going to say... Why do you lie so much, and what was the last lie you told? Be honest.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Okay, go ahead and give me a time that I was not honest. Go ahead. Go ahead. At lunch 30 minutes ago, but I'm not going to bring it up. Soterios Johnson Okay. So why would you say that then? Lauren Ruffin Don't get defensive right now. Soterios Johnson I don't need to tell you everything. What do
Starting point is 00:24:34 you call it? I don't omit. I don't omit information. There's things that you don't tell me. Lauren Ruffin Omitting information is not lying. Lauren Ruffin People in our inner circle know that I always call Jax, I refer to him as the master of his Craft he knows how to get around things obviously people watching television You know know that kind of like that. That's a strength of his for sure, but you can't say that you don't Do I lie do I bend the truth absolutely but blatantly lie no right? I do think there's a lot of times that you are very honest and you absolutely tell the truth
Starting point is 00:25:07 We're going back to the Vanderpump rules because the only time people see me kind of bend the truth Which they I do and I don't but if you watch the show Every time I say something it ends up happening because I know it's gonna happen before it happens. It's my craft It's my gift. Okay, so when people like he's so so full of shit, that never happened. Then two week episodes later, it fucking happens. Why? Because I know ahead before it's going to happen. So I do look like a liar in the beginning, but everything I say always ends up being true. Everything. Yeah. So I mean, I think anybody that knows you well will say that you definitely, you may even lie about the silliest things that make absolutely no sense,
Starting point is 00:25:45 but your rebuttal to that is always, well, I just didn't say the whole truth, but I explained to Jax the other day that lies of omission are still lies. Well, that's too bad that I'm going to keep doing. There's certain things that people need to know, there's certain people that don't. And you don't need to give everyone the full script. You give them what they need to know and that's it. Yeah. Well, when you have people like me in your life who call you out on it real fast,
Starting point is 00:26:09 you can't lie. You can't lie to certain people. Okay, what was the next question? Do you think you will ever marry again? Would you want more kids? More kids? Absolutely not. Do I think we'll have a marry again?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Absolutely not. I will never, ever, ever, ever get married not. I will never, ever, ever, ever get married again and I will never, never, never, ever have any more kids. Why? Because I think one is enough and I love my son so much that I want to shower him with all the love that I have and I think it's just selfish to have more kids for me. In my opinion, I just don't want any more kids. I just want to take care of my little boy. I want him to live with me forever. I love everything about him and I just want to shower him, like I said, with all the love that I have.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Okay, so your next question. You have said you have trust issues and don't trust many people. Who is your closest person that you trust the most? Probably you, Lori. Would have to be my number one. I probably trust my sister, obviously my manager Ryan. I trust Tom Schwartz. For the most part, those are my top ones. Nicole Soule-Northrop Okay. Who in your life would you say knows the real Jax Taylor? Does anybody actually know him? Brian Taylor Probably you, I would say. Ryan, my sister,
Starting point is 00:27:18 I think the same people as who I trust. Yeah, that kind of goes hand in hand, that question. Nicole Soule-Northrop Well, I would say out of anyone, I think Brittany knows you the best. I think she knows, yeah, I think she knows me the best. Yeah, she does. Yeah, I would have to say Brittany. I don't know why you would say that. She would definitely know you more. Ten years, ten years is a long time.
Starting point is 00:27:35 It is a long time. And you're right. I don't know why I skipped her name. I didn't, yeah, I was thinking maybe just other than Brittany maybe, but yeah, you're right. Obviously Brittany for all these. And for sure your sister. Yeah. I can't even imagine. Can you imagine growing up as a sibling to Jack
Starting point is 00:27:49 Taylor? That must have been so interesting. We should get her on here. Yes. I mean, I feel like people would want to know stories about your upbringing. Like, what were you like as a toddler? No, but even a toddler. I was a good kid. Things went array when I left home. That's kind of where, my parents raised a good kid. And I was a good person, I think I'm a good person now, but I kind of went awry when I left home. You started learning different things, you leave your comfort zone, and you moved to New York,
Starting point is 00:28:18 you moved to Europe, and you start just taking traits on that probably aren't that great. That's what happened. What is my relationship like with Brittany at the moment? Oh, God, that's a loaded question, because by the time you get this podcast, it'll probably be different. So right now, it's day to day.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You know, there's a lot going on with Brittany and I right now. There's a lot of hurt and anger and animosity and resentment. There's just so much. So I think right now, I'd have to say the best is just day to day, and I hope it gets better. I really do. Okay. So Lala said on Heather McDonald's podcast recently that I don't help Brittany at all and basically do nothing. She does it all. I have to disagree. Lala has not ever been
Starting point is 00:29:00 around in a very, very long time. The only time I've seen her around is at Brittany's birthday party. I don't know why she would say that because it's 100% not true. Right now I see Cruz every other day. So three to four times a week I'm with him. I take him to school. I don't know what else I can do at the moment until the divorce is final, but I see him at least three times a week and I help out as much as I can. I don't understand speaking on other people's kids and people on how Lala doesn't know what's going on behind closed doors Like she worded it. I basically do nothing. That's what we said and that's a hundred percent Not true. I help as much as I can that Brittany allows me. That's that's all I can do. I'm the father. She's the mother
Starting point is 00:29:40 She's you know, she calls the shots. Okay, the next question. Are you purposely portraying yourself a certain way on Instagram? I don't think so. Not at all. How am I I mean does everybody portray themselves extreme 100% honest? Probably not but you know, I like to lately I put a lot of inspirational things because I'm going through a lot of things Right now and I'm I'm reading a lot of quotes and I'm reading a lot of you know Self-help books and then I also have my OCD book which I've been reading. So yeah, no, I don't portray myself. I would agree with that.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I think a lot of influencers and public figures absolutely do portray themselves and curate themselves in a very, very big way, but I actually think you are 100% yourself on your Instagram and sometimes too much yourself because we need to log you out of it half the time, right? Too honest. Yeah, I do. My most embarrassing moment you've ever had. Well, I think it's safe to say my sunglasses incident was pretty much up there. The incident that I also feel about is what happened to Brittany with the faith situation.
Starting point is 00:30:45 That was more of an embarrassment. That was a very stupid thing to do. So yeah, those are my two big ones. That was just so silly and so stupid. Do you tend to ignore certain questions you don't want to answer on a Q&A like this? I mean, for the most part, if they're not they're not hurtful, you know, I try to get to as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I mean, some of these questions right now are difficult to answer. But I mean, if you're coming out to like dig at me and hurt me, like I'm not going to give you the satisfaction. But I know I'm not the only one going through these situations that I'm going through. So if I can answer and help out somebody else, why not? Even if it's hurtful. Imagine an app designed to make you use it less. Seems counterproductive, no?
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Starting point is 00:32:23 I'm talking guests like Jonathan Van Ness. Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na. Nikki Glaser, Wells Adams, Elise Myers. Just like in this like business jacket, like I would love some tacos. Heidi D'Amelio, Big Brothers Taylor Hale. I have to bring it up because it happened and we're gonna get through it.
Starting point is 00:32:44 What'd I do? And so many more. So come hang out with us, hear ridiculous confessions and get a little vulnerable because you know what? We're all just floating on this weird little planet together. Follow, rate and review Off the Vine podcasts
Starting point is 00:32:57 wherever you listen to your podcasts. ["I'm On You"] ["I'm On You"] Your biggest childhood fear and your biggest fear now? My biggest childhood fear was, oh my gosh, I don't know. My biggest fear now? You said something the other day to me and it was actually, I was like, wow. And you said it was disappointing. Oh yes. Yeah. Yeah. We were talking about, I can't remember what we were talking
Starting point is 00:33:28 about. It's just disappointing my family. Cause I think you think a lot about your dad, you know, just like my past and everything you're going through right now. And they were so conservative and there's, there's, you know, and they were just do everything by the book, never get in trouble, don't make bad decisions. And clearly I've done a lot of that lately, but yeah, I grew up just being very, like I just wanted to make the right decision. I got in trouble a little bit as a kid,
Starting point is 00:33:52 and they let me know, but just making my parents proud, that was just, yeah, that was my biggest fear. And then now, I got a lot right now. I have so many fears right now, I can't even tell you. Just obviously with my divorce, my son, my mental health, there's just a lot. It happens when you get older. Nicole Soule-Northrop And I always tell you, every day I tell Jax that he's the one that's
Starting point is 00:34:22 in control of everything around him. Right? So I know you're so fearful and you get a lot of anxiety and I think so many people could relate to that. I think I thrive on chaos. It's just... Yeah, but I think you could regain that power back by realizing that you're the one in control. Bad things will only happen if you make poor decisions. So you're the one in control. Bad things will only happen if you make poor decisions. So you're the one in control, you have the power. Do you still talk to Lisa Vanderpump?
Starting point is 00:34:52 When was the last time you did? Last time I talked to Lisa Vanderpump was when we were shooting Vanderpump Rules. I think James was there, I think everybody saw that. Do I... No, I don't talk to her anymore. To be honest with you, I don't really take kindly to her. The way she treated Kristen, the things she said about Kristen, her lack of empathy, the way she handled the James and Allie situation, I personally think that was wrong. Kristen's my dear friend, and the thing she said was just not okay.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Are you team Craig or Paige and your thoughts on that whole thing? Okay, so I don't know the ins and outs and nobody really does. What you see on TV is not necessarily always the full story. I think Craig, you know, is a good guy from what I know and I know him a little well. I think Paige is great. I don't know her that well, but I think, you know what, I think time has passed. I think Craig is going a different direction than Paige is. I honestly think Paige is looking for a little bit more of a bad boy, kind of somebody to ruffle the feathers a little bit. I don't know if I see Craig. I think Craig wanted the babies. Craig looks like a finance guy.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Somebody else said this too. Craig looks like a guy who works in a bank. I feel like he's safe. But can I ask you something? Because I didn't watch Southern Charm on the earlier seasons. Wasn't Craig kind of like a bad boy at the beginning and then he kind of changed? I think so. Like a party boy. And now I think after being with Paige for a while, now he's... It also could be a little bit of like, I think Paige is doing really well right now.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Congratulations to her within her podcast and everything. But I think she's doing a little well. And I think she's kind of moving along a different path. Although Craig's doing very well too with his pillows and the bar and all that stuff. I think they were just going two different directions, which is it happens. I have to say, you know, I've been following it online. People break up. I got to give her a lot of credit and I might get some heat or heat for this, but I think
Starting point is 00:36:50 it's one of the hardest things to be in a long-term relationship, be in your 30s, I think they're in their 30s, and make the decision to end the relationship. A lot of times it's easier to stay in something when you've kind of invested that much time and they also have that added layer of being in the public eye and getting that scrutiny that comes with breaking up and everything. But she obviously didn't see this as a forever thing and she broke it off and respect to her. I don't think anybody's wrong in the situation. People break up every day.
Starting point is 00:37:22 It is what it is. And like I keep saying this is what it is. But yeah, I think there's going two different directions. You were painted as a villain on BPR, but Sandoval ended up being the sociopath all along. Did you know that? I knew that Tom had a lot of tendencies. I think we all had a lot of tendencies on Vanderpump. I think some things were just hidden. I think some things were just not all the way out there. I know I was painted as a villain, but like I said, I wasn't hiding anything. I had no filter.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I just didn't care. I just didn't. I was a very different human being. I'm just going to end it this way. I think Tom has gone through enough. I really, really do. I think it's been a couple of years now. People need to stop with him.
Starting point is 00:38:04 He's gone through hell. I think it's a good segue to go to, I know this was like the question at the end, but if you were on season 11 of Vanderpump, do you think things would have gone down differently and you would have known that Sandoval was cheating with Raquel slash Rachel and called it out or would you have covered it up? No, I would have known. I think an idiot could tell what was going on. You watch the show back, you're like, how can you not see what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:38:30 I know Tom's been a little bit flirty with everybody, but there's stuff that's too much. 100%, I think the entire season would have been completely different. And I think a lot of the fans were even saying that online. That's why they wanted you back so badly for that season. Chris, they wanted Kristen back too for that. Yeah, Kristen would have done a number. Your radar and observations when it comes to, I think, people and situations are dead. You see things from a mile away.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah. And you have no problem calling people out on things. So I don't think you would have hit it at all. No, I wouldn't. I probably, I don't know. To be honest, so I don't think you would have hit it at all. No, I wouldn't. I probably, I don't know, to be honest, I don't know how I would have handled that. There would have been a couple different ways, but it definitely would have turned out different. I felt bad for Schwartz because I feel like Schwartz took the beating that I would have taken. You know, I would have been like, how come you didn't say anything? I just felt like Thomas. No, I think you would have outed it from the beginning and would have been on like Chicago on Broadway or Dancing with the Stars. You would have been praised.
Starting point is 00:39:28 You know you guys auditioned for Dancing with Stars season four of Interprompt. That is, I can't picture you. I've never seen you dance. And first of all, I'm going to tell you the whole audition on the way to Disney, because that's where the audition is, I went in there and I'm like, I told Ryan, I don't want to do this. Ryan's my manager by the way. I told him I don't want to do this. I don't feel comfortable. He's like, just go. You don't have to worry this. Ryan's my manager, by the way. I told him I don't want to do this. I don't feel comfortable. He's like, just go. You don't have to worry about it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:39:48 They'll just teach you. Even if you get knocked out, you still get a little bit of money and you'll have some fun. I'm like, Ryan, I don't dance. I don't even walk and chew gum at the same time. This is bad. I walked in there. I had zero confidence.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I didn't want to be there. Walk talking in front of a board of all these people from... I don't think I've ever even seen you sway sway your hip or like put your arm up in the air. It just made no sense. But you know, the show was so popular at season four, they were just like, who can we get from Vanderpump Rolls? Let's get Jax, you know?
Starting point is 00:40:14 So, poor Sheena. People really want to see you on Traders. Yeah. I think I would do good on that. I think I would, I don't know. I don't know. I actually... Technically, I was supposed to go on it and then the Valley was filming because I don't know. I don't manage that side. I actually don't
Starting point is 00:40:28 think you do well at it at all because it requires a very strong social game and I don't think your social skills are great. They're not my social skills. Your social skills or communication skills. Did you see me on House of Villains? I lasted five minutes and we all had Johnny Bananas on here. Right, because it requires strategy to kind of sometimes, you know, you need to, what's the term? Like, lay low and Jax Taylor definitely doesn't know how to lay low. So, have you ever called the paparazzi on yourself? Frickin' ridiculous. Who the heck would do that? I mean, I do know some people who would do that, but like, first of all, they don't leave me alone as it is. I don't have to call them. They're there all the time. They catch me whenever I'm out. So no, I would never
Starting point is 00:41:15 call the paparazzi. So as your publicist, I mean, I'm going to answer this question. Have I contacted paparazzi for other clients in different situations when needed for something? Yes. Never once in all the years that I've worked with Jax or Brittany have we ever contacted the paparazzi. I don't even know how to contact them. And that's another thing. We've said this before, Jax doesn't even know how to post a swipe up link on his Instagram.
Starting point is 00:41:43 He doesn't in all these years, and this is pretty embarrassing for you, but I don't think you've ever responded in an email to me, ever. No, I don't check my emails. So there's no way that Jacks would know how to contact a paparazzi, how to set that up, absolutely not. But they're on your tail 24 seven. I have no clue how they know where you are. That's so funny you said that about the email. My accountant just called me the other day,
Starting point is 00:42:06 he's like, I emailed you the last two weeks. I'm like, can you just text me? And then I get back to him right away. He's like, this is business. I can't just text you things. He needs to go through email. If I ever saw the name Jax Taylor, or I don't know if your email says Jason Couchy,
Starting point is 00:42:17 but if I ever saw that in my inbox, I think my heart would fall to the ground. I've never seen it. So yeah, like I said, I've never, never called. Obviously, Lori's never called on me and like I said, I wouldn't even know how. So anyway, so okay, we've run a little long here. So we're going to continue this on next week because we still have a lot and I want to get into a few different things next week.
Starting point is 00:42:38 So I want to say thank you guys so much for listening. Lori, thanks so much for being here. Yeah, we'll see you next week. Bye guys. Streaming for free. Find groundbreaking films, including Selma, Django Unchained, Ali, and Coach Carter. You have an incredible gift up here. Gripping series like Power and The Game, next level comedies, music video channels, and more. Brilliant black entertainment, intentionally curated,
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