When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - In The Mind of a Man: This episode is “bananas”
Episode Date: February 14, 2025The royalty of competition shows and seven-time 'Challenge' winner, Johnny Bananas joins Jax in the studio. Find out some behind the scenes tea from their time on House of Villains together, what John...ny really thought of his first encounter meeting Jax, their dating life and their perspective on marriage, relationships and more! Please support the show by checking out our sponsors! JLo Beauty: Head to JLOBeauty.COM/REALITYHITS for 20% off and THREE FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER GIFTS - a one hundred and seventy-five dollar value. Tempo: For a limited time, get 60% OFF your first box! Go to TempoMeals.com/REALITYHITS Quince: Go to Quince.com/jb for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.
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Alright, welcome back to In the Mind of a Man with Jax Taylor.
I got a good one here today.
How's everybody doing?
Great episode today.
I have one of my good buddies in studio and well you definitely all know who he is
He's literally the master or should I say royalty of competition shows. He's even a seven-time
Challenge winner. He's also on last season's traders house of villains with yours
Truly made a cameo on love Island with Ariana. I we got to get into that
I mean what haven't you really been on?
Have you not been on Vanderpump Rules in the Valley?
Well, maybe we'll have to make that happen.
We gotta make that happen.
I have not been on To Catch a Predator with Chris Hansen.
Well, let's welcome Johnny Frickin' Bananas.
Thanks for having me, man.
I gotta say, dude, that's seriously impressive.
Seven time challenge winner.
After the four or five, was it kinda of like they're just gonna give it to you
You think or no?
Time no, so that's the problem the more I won the more they would do to try and prevent me from winning
Really they went as far as and I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Although I left my tinfoil hat in the other room
The lot this past season the challenge they did they had this thing at the end called a karma vote
The way it worked is you go throughout the season everyone that gets eliminated The last, this past season of the challenge they did, they had this thing at the end called a karma vote.
The way it worked is you go throughout the season, everyone that gets eliminated rates
the remaining players on a scale of one to five, one being the worst karma, five being
the best.
I had the lowest number of karma votes in the house, which then affects your score at
the end.
So say you play second, but the person who plays behind you has better karma than you,
they could leapfrog you and then you drop to third and then they go to second.
So I honestly feel like production put the karma vote in as a fail safe just in case I won, I wouldn't win.
Interesting. Were you just like devastated when you make it all that way?
I know like, fuck, especially like I'm just watching you on House of Villains and like I couldn't even handle the food.
I would have just bought out the food. When I came back and saw you guys eating that I would be like, I don't know, not 150, whatever the price was.
I'm not doing it. I've been doing it for a long time. I know.
You're so weathered. You're kind of like, you're expecting. Grizzled old war dog.
Yeah. I mean, I gotta say, well well anyway can I ask you a question yeah
can you give a ballpark of your total earnings a ballpark so park I'm not
saying give me a number so I surprise money on the challenge I've won like
1 million one hundred and seventy five thousand okay however when they pay you
this yes it's checked you get a check handed to you right then or no mail it to you
You get half
You get half when the first episode airs and you get half on the last episode airs
Which is to prevent you from breaking any of the rules throughout the season? Yeah spilling tea
Yeah, I've gotten in trouble before my issue. I've never gotten in trouble for fighting like there's people who've been kicked
I've done this I'm going to my 25th season hmm of the challenge, so are you doing it right now?
Are you going getting ready to do it? I'm 25 season. Yeah, dude
Fuck how are you when you started 23? So they do more than in the beginning
It was one season a year then they started doing two and now they do this isn't even including spin-offs either this so are you just automatically?
There you are like you don't even have to like your royalty. Yeah, basically
I mean I just stripes
Captain savers would you see would you say you're the Admiral?
Yeah, of like which is the highest ranking in the Navy would you say you're the Admiral of the?
The challenge the challenge in honest in all in all honesty, and I'm saying this sitting across from reality television royalty as well
I've logged more reality television
hours than anyone else ever in the history of the genre. Wow. So I mean I
started in 2005. The challenge is film for you know between eight to ten weeks.
Yeah. I've done I'm going into my 25th season. Yeah. And they film you know 24
hours a day and it's not even including all the other projects that I've had on the side
So I've I basically compare myself to you ever see the Truman show yeah
People like a lot of my fans have watched me grow up. Yeah, yeah like the age of 23 to now
I'm 42 I would like to say the same, but I just never grew up
So I have an ear grow old grow up grow up Peter Pan syndrome, baby. Yeah
So for those of you guys who don't know,
first time I met Johnny was on House of Villains,
which I'm shocked that we had never met sooner,
because you and I are very, very similar in a lot
of different ways.
And the reality world is very small.
We go to a lot of the same functions.
We have a lot of the same friends.
We kind of do crossovers.
So the world is very small.
But shockingly, we've never met
I've met and I have met people from from your world
Yeah, never you and I've just never crossed paths that you know obviously Tom Tom and Tom I met them
I actually met Tom Sandoval funny enough at a karaoke bar shocking I'm shocking
I met him and fucking Chad from Nickelback together. He, he's like, yeah. So Chad came to my apartment, he introduced me from Chad,
came into my man cave, sat down,
was telling me he's from Canada, yada yada,
having these whole stories about hockey.
He just walked in with Chad from Nickelback.
I'm like, you're coming into my apartment
with Chad from Nickelback?
All right, come on in.
So the night I met, it was the same night I met Tom too.
No, no, Sandoval.
Some girl comes up to me, first me and Tom are like shotgun and beers or whatever, because
I'd known Sheena from prior to that, and some girl comes up to me and goes, yo, my boyfriend
wants to meet you.
And I was like, all right, cool.
She goes, we're huge fans, we're from Canada.
I walk up and it's fucking Chad from Nickelback.
And he goes, bananas, what up, man?
He goes, you know, when I want to watch really shitty reality TV I put on the challenge I'm
like oh wow I want to listen to shitty music I put on Nickelback after that
we were like fast friends awesome singing karaoke together crushing bears
it was a good time for those of you like I said don't know that him and I have
been on the house of villains together what did you watch second season 2 did
you watch yeah I can? Did you watch?
I can't believe New York got invited back.
I was shocked.
The one that didn't.
The least on the fucking show.
I think New York, here's the thing.
This is the first time I'd been on a reality show where I felt like I was there with like
reality television professionals.
Yeah, they were good.
I was way out of my league.
And the thing is, is like you have Omarosa, you've got New York who literally know how right when the camera's on or when they need to, to have that moment
and they realize, Hey, I'm here to earn a paycheck. I don't need to be on 24 hours a
day. New York would get all glamored up, come downstairs, light someone on fucking fire,
have her moment, turn around and fucking leave. And it made every episode. That's the different
from your reality world versus my reality world. Like're doing it's like a docu series of like our lives
And like I wasn't used to like obviously I didn't do my homework like my manager told me
He's like you need to watch the challenge. You need to watch big brother. I'm like fuck that
I'm gonna go in and bully my way through. Yep. Sure enough that didn't happen, but I didn't know about alliances in this skill
It's a fucking chess match. Yeah, really really is is and well here's the thing that I was outplayed it's not even that though
this is what fucked you on house of villains and I and I've said this more
time and time again had the first challenge not been physical you would
have been fine the problem was we went in and sometimes on these shows losing
is actually winning yeah I didn't know that and that was the thing is a lot of
times especially the way it worked you got to put three people up for elimination, you're, you know,
potentially going to be looked at as as as a target because you're good. That's why when we got down
to me and Omarosa, I was like, you can have the win, just don't send me in that way. All the heat
is on you for making the decision. And because you went out there like a fucking wrecking ball,
and we're just like, beating the shit out of everyone dude. They were like alright you gave you gave them you them fuel
I did like reason I gave them a reason like what did she say you you thought this is the fucking Super Bowl
I'm like I thought like I thought I was gonna bully my way through and I didn't realize
Dude, you could lose and come out as first like if people are sitting in the corner doing shit in the other
But here's the other thing is you come from a from from what it seems like a
Competitive sports background where the only option is to win especially if you're doing something like that and again
Sometimes you almost have it's more. It's more politics, dude
You got to dial it back a little bit and it's like all right
Let somebody else win let them have the heat and not don't put an unnecessary target on your back
And and like I said, I've never been on a challenge elimination type show
Like I was just so unprepared. Yeah, I was just really
Was out of my league. I was invited back
I got to come back and watch you eat some crazy shit and then I got back invited back for season two the guys get
To come to my bar. Yeah, I gave them a little bit of advice and it was fun
I was really honored the crap the crew and every the production they were all awesome
I was glad to be part of that. Yeah, you want to come back if you guys are hearing
I'll definitely come back and I'll do better. Yeah
So third place challenge on challenge 40 the third place finish. How do you feel about it?
I mean, I just said it was I felt like that's where I was destined to be
That if you watch the final it was all fucking swimming. You don't know what the finals gonna be
We got to the Philippines and this little island called El Nido first time they ever did a challenge that was all swimming
We basically were on this decrepit old trawler and we had to jump off and swim
500 fucking meters and so anyone who doesn't know how long 500 meters is that's like five Olympic pools
I think or how long is it
Olympic pool I don't know it's a long way it's three football so you had to
swim that from beginning to end no no one length do one like what we jump up
yeah so here's what the boat was the beginning and finish line for every
every checkpoint jump off the boat swim 500 meters to shore complete a task
which could be put a puzzle together run on the beach for a few miles, whatever, get back in the water and swim back.
Just so happens one of the guys who was there is an absolute freak of nature.
He's a triathlete.
The guy fucking swims in the open ocean for fun.
So as soon as I realized, A, there was karma, which was going to screw me.
And then I'm swimming against the triathlete.
I'm like, dude, we're not even fighting for first anymore.
I'm fighting for second. Andlete. I'm like dude. We're not even fighting for first anymore. I'm fighting for second
Yeah, and that's what it came down to it came down to me in this guide Derek Chavez duking it out for second and again
He just kind of kind of bested me so third. I mean was I happy about third no
But my at the state at this stage in my career. I'm 42 years old so my 25th season
I don't have that fire in me
that I used to to win anymore,
because once you've won, it's like, what the fuck,
you know what I mean, it's only lateral moves from here.
And I'm competing against guys who are in their 20s,
who are way hungrier, all right,
who are way, like, in much better shape,
and it's so, so me, and I show up day one,
and I've got the entire house against me, dude. I have a but
you have some friends on there. Okay, I do but here's here's
what's funny is your friend when you when it gets to the end.
Nobody's my best friend this season. Leroy gave me a one. So
it's a game though. It's a game. You hold it against them.
No, I don't hold it against them but what I'm saying is the
road for me to make it to a final is so much steeper and so much more difficult than anybody else there.
So for me, just making it there with all of the unknowns and all the unexpected shit and
all the parody in the game, just making it there at this point in my career is a win.
So would you-
So place in third out of 20 of the fucking biggest dogs who ever been on this show like I mean dude we had this is season 40 battle the era
So it's all of the best for the last 40 seasons right and I'm competing against you know
You know 19 of the best guys who ever done the show what do you think like I'd have to believe that production when you do?
Retire from this I have to believe that production would reach out to you and say, Hey, listen,
what would you think about joining on the other side of the camera?
Because I think you're very knowledgeable in the game. You know, cool,
different, different obstacles. Would you be a part of the production side?
It depends on what the role would be. Um, I don't know, dude,
I'd say what I'd want to do more than anything would be hosting.
I can see you doing that.
Yeah, that would be your next transition into the games, right?
But here's the thing is the host that we have is the challenge, dude.
TJ is the guy, dude.
So do you think they would maybe ever ask you to guest host maybe?
Maybe be part of a competition or something like that, kind of like what I did in House
of Villains.
Be a part of something.
Yeah, I'd be down.
I'd be down. I would totally be down to do that um but for now I mean I'm going back
You know most likely for the next season every season is like you know a test like yeah, can I do it?
So for now, I'm gonna. You know keep on keep on
Riding until the wheels fall off, so that's the next show you're doing yeah. Yeah, you got any other shows like that
Yeah, potentially can't really talk about it.
I also have a docu-series that I'm in the process of formalizing an agreement with.
It's going to be a docu-series based on my life in South Florida.
And it's going to be kind of like entourage meets jackass, so I'm going to kind of have
my band of minions around.
And we're just going to be documenting all of our shenanigans. That's awesome. That's awesome. Jackass so I'm gonna kind of have my you know band of of of minions around and you know
We're just gonna be documenting all of our
Antigons, yeah, that's really really cool. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I would love you know
I even kind of hinted at it when I go to 30 Rock when I go to New York and I do press I go to
The Bravo offices I'm like if you guys ever want to put me on the other side of the camera
I wouldn't mind because I think I know a lot and I think I could help figure things out during production
I guess i see
Things before they do i can see things happening and they laughed about it but i would be willing you know
What that's called we're just cut from a different cloth man and as much and they can bring as many new people on as
They, want and these people it's just but there's just something different about i feel like old-school reality tv
I feel like old school reality TV personalities, we're just fucking built different, dude.
And I think a lot of that has to do with
how soft these new generations are.
And everyone's so worried about
how they're gonna appear on social media.
Am I gonna get likes?
Am I gonna lose followers?
Are my fans, who gives a fuck?
Go on, fly your freak flag, all right?
Be the most, in my opinion, the most controversial version
of yourself you can be.
You're here to make TV, you're here to create friction,
and if people understand that, they do,
and if they don't, they don't,
but that's what's gonna separate you from the crowd.
When I came back from reality TV,
because when I came back to TV after taking
a break, I got to tell you, I was extremely, extremely nervous because it was the Wild
West before- I guess you can say the big movement.
It was the Wild West.
You could do whatever you want.
You can get away with whatever you want.
You could say whatever you want.
And I have a problem.
I don't have a filter.
That's my downfall.
I had to be very careful that I didn't offend.
I don't want to offend people.
Sometimes I just say things without thinking. I shoot first later gets me no trouble and I don't want to offend anybody
But we had to be very careful coming back. What are the new rules?
What are the do's and the don'ts and I'm like are people still gonna like me?
Am I am I gonna be as fun anymore? Am I gonna be boring? I was very worried about that. Yeah
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I will say this, dude, and this is the thing about reality,
especially not just cast members, but fans.
They know exactly, they can spot someone
who is not authentic, better than anyone.
So even if you come on and you're saying quote unquote
boring, if that's who you are,
then that's so much more likeable than you coming on
and trying to put on a character that isn't really you.
And I don't mean to cut you off,
this is exactly, and this is my opinion,
I hope I'm completely wrong,
but they are recasting Vanderpump rules. And this is the opinion, I hope I'm completely wrong, but they are recasting Vanderpump rules.
And this is the problem, I think, with reality TV
is in what I'm doing.
You have to get somebody that has,
you have to get a group of people that are already existing.
My friends already existed.
That drama, that chaos was there for years.
So they came in, they didn't have to do shit,
they just filmed.
Now they're casting a show, and they have huge, huge shoes to fill. Vanderpump, the cast was amazing, the show
was huge, right? But now you're casting people. We need Cindy to like Susie, we need Susie
not really to like Jimmy. Jimmy has to make out with Danny, but he also has to make out
with Susie. So in reality, people are very, very smart. The viewers are very smart. They
can tell authenticity versus somebody who's trying to put it on and that's why I think when they try to copy
Vanderpump rules when they try to copy the valley
It's inauthentic because they want it so bad and they create unnecessary fights that don't make any sense
Like we could tell you're trying to pick a fight here. It doesn't make any sense
Stop trying so hard the thing about reality reality stranger than fiction. Okay, and this happens every season on the challenge the shit that goes down
Unexpected without production interfering at all is so much more entertaining and so much more
Fucking awesome than something that they could have scripted right the other thing and I think this is this happens with the challenge, too
You have a loyal fan base who has followed you for a fuck how long I've been 14 years
14 years
They like what they people like what they've already got. Yeah, it's like learning a new
I'm to the age now where it's like dude when I downloaded tick-tock. I'm like fuck man
I don't want to learn a new social media platform. Yeah a new app. I don't want to learn how to edit shit
I don't want once you get to it
You're happy with what you got and you want to stick with that and they can't it the challenge is the same way
You can't take out fan favorites
You can't take out people that these fans have grown to love and grown to know and grown to be familiar with
Take them out plug all these new people in and expect all these fans to just be like
I am gonna buy into this because it doesn't happen people watch our show or they grew up with us.
Like you said, they don't want new shit now, just like us.
They don't want the new that you know, you got to build the generation from.
Yeah, we can get it.
That's right.
My next thing.
Now let's get into some tea here.
Sand of all on the traders.
Quote unquote, his sweating arm, his sweaty armpits.
What are your thoughts on this?
I know he's a sweater, by the way.
He is a sweater.
He's been sweat this whole life, but you think he would have known that's take your shirt off
So I didn't see him on there, so he's pitting it out, so he's pitting it out. Okay. Here's the here's the deal and
Breakfast even though I never made it to a breakfast okay, because I was murdered first
That room we were in there once that in the castle especially when it's cold
It's fucking hot and he was wearing that you know mr.. Rogers
Really thick like mr.. Rogers sweater. Yeah, like you said he's a sweater anyways
I don't know. I'm not I don't sweat a lot, but if I did I'm not gonna wear a gray shirt
I do like black or something you know how man. He's so into who he looks like yeah, very I love
Secure here's what here's what I feel bad about though with Tom is I feel like now
Because of all of the shit that he's that that obviously has been has been thrown his way
Justifiably or not
Anything the guy does now is turned into a meme or has made fun of yeah
Anyone else dude if you would have had Boston Rob or West or anyone else there sure up there sweat sweat stains
No one gives a shit, but because it's Tom anything that happens to him that could in any way shape or form be like made
Fun of or poked fun at he's just now
He's just like a walking punchline, and I think that at some point. It's like yo
I get it like you know he he did what he did But I feel like he's done his time right I feel the same way and I've said this to everybody yet
What he did was wrong I get it, but he's done his time. Yeah, okay
the punishment
But the problem with Tom is and I always think a comeback is better than the original story in my opinion
But I I just don't think he's's, I think it hurt him so bad.
He's not the same guy anymore after this.
And I think it's gonna take a lot for him to realize,
like for instance, I think right now
he should be rebuilding his brand.
And for instance, what, you wanted him on your podcast?
What did he say?
He's getting a chemical peel.
Okay, so his priorities are so effed up.
He doesn't say, hey listen, I need a plan,
I have structure, this is what I wanna do.
He's just living by the seat of his pants
and it's not his fault.
I really think that he had some serious trauma.
He's got PTSD.
Anyone on earth, and I've been in this game
a long fucking time and I have dealt with,
I feel like a lot of public scrutiny
for things that I've done in the past
which I may or may not have deserved
what the amount of
Again negativity and public scrutiny that this guy was under
For I remember it happened all this shit got out like right before I went away for for one of my challenges these challenges are
Ten weeks long. Yeah, I got back ten weeks later still going and it was still
Fucking like rabid dogs and I'm like guys at what point does the news cycle change?
And it's like we just kind of get on with things so it's like well normally it does yeah come on
We've been in the news before right it's on for a week. It's gone
It's forgot about this is one thing that just didn't forget forgot about no matter what happened
There was a lot of events from the time he's done that to the time now people are still talking about like let me ask you
This because you're more in obviously the no and more like in in that world
Why was it such like why was it such a big deal? I don't we've been in the entertainment industry for a long time people cheat, right?
Yeah, and there's people like Jordan cheated Kobe Bryant. She like a huge huge people dude from Adam Levine from fucking Maroon 5 I
think it became such headlines and didn't die down because yes we've heard
a ton of different cheating scandals but we've never been able to actively watch
yeah he did cheating scandal kind of happened with the Easter eggs dropped, right?
They were keeping it secret while they were filming that entire time
So the things that we were seeing like I think when he had grabbed I think
Rachel's but at the time and different things that he said to Ariana. It was just amazing
television honestly different things that he said to Ariana. It was just amazing television, honestly, to watch back.
I guess it was.
It was kind of almost like a scripted show.
It's almost like, okay, the Titanic, right?
That happened over a hundred years ago, right?
Now it was a terrible disaster, but there have been worse disasters than that.
And there've been a lot of other disasters, but for some reason, the Titanic is like
ingrained into our psyche.
And it's like, sometimes things like, I guess stories just catch fire the way that others don't. For some reason, the Titanic is ingrained into our psyche.
Sometimes things like, I guess, stories just catch fire the way that others don't.
And again, I feel like that somehow was the Titanic of relationship breakups of our time.
But I agree.
I think the way that I see him now, especially on TV, is I almost feel like he's got like
He's like shell shocked.
You know what I mean? Yeah. And I think, yeah, because his best friend Schwartz reaches out to him all the time and he just can't get through to him.
Like, he can't get through to him, but anyway, enough about him.
So, I mean, is there any shows you're watching right now, by the way?
I'm watching Traders, obviously.
And, I mean, not to keep staying on the topic of Tom, but I think, in a way, somehow Tom is playing hit. He's playing the game perfectly
The thing about traders and I think a lot of people don't realize this is you there's so many gamers that come in and they Feel like they need to move and manipulate and and move every piece like they need to be thinking like chess if I move this
Piece what's gonna happen?
You look at the people who I think are doing great in the game Carolyn is one of the traders who is a total fucking
Space cadet has no idea what's going on and then tom who in a way is as well and i actually texted
him the other day when i watch the episode after the traders are chosen he
unknowingly goes up to two of them and goes i totally trust you guys he doesn't
know their traders literally walks up to two of the traders who are responsible
for murdering people and goes i got a good feeling about you two. I'm pretty sure you guys are faithfuls.
And by doing that now, the heat is off of him.
He is never getting murdered.
Now he might get banished,
but the traders are never going to go after him
because he has one of the hardest things to do in that game
is get what's called trader angels,
which is traders that are basically looking over you
and aren't going to murder you
because they don't see you as a threat.
He didn't know he was doing that,
but he managed to do it.
He managed to find, lock himself in this amazing position where now he's basically kind of
protected from murder.
Do you think he wins?
I don't know.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Again, I think there's so much focus on this game placed on the gamers.
They're the ones that everyone's assuming are moving all the pieces and who are who and they usually are. So I think people who aren't
familiar like I feel like you would have done great on Traders because because
it's a game show but the people who aren't good at game shows usually are
the ones that are more like left alone. I hope to be on it so Traders are you
guys listening? I would like to be on it if we can you know fit with my schedule
that'd be awesome but yeah I mean it looks like an interesting I just haven got around to it. I'm still stuck on like tell me lies right now
I'm obsessed with that fucking show haven't seen it. Oh my god. It's so good
I just started watching the new oj simpson documentary shout out to my boy Aaron Ginsburg on Netflix
He was one of the producers of it. Well. I gotta watch that bro
So the 30 for 30 that they did years ago about the OJ Simpson documentary in my opinion was like
It was one of the greatest documenters I've ever seen
This one I'm only up to episode 2 the amount they go
Here's what's cool about this documentary is they're showing all of the evidence that didn't make it into court
Which is insane. There was a bloody fingerprint on the doorknob at OJ Simpson's house, never entered into
There was a woman who basically almost got into a car accident with OJ Simpson right
outside Nicole's house, again, never brought in as a witness.
So there's so much stuff that happened that,, again, I mean, kind of what we were
talking about before, there have been other murders in the past, celebrity murders, but
for some reason, the OJ Simpson captivates our minds and here we are 30 years later still
talking about it.
Do you think that social media has changed modern dating and like relationships?
Do you think it's also changed, you know,
the gaming competition shows? Let me start with the competition shows. So I think social
media has played a different role in definitely in my kind of sitcoms.
Everything. I think so too. It's definitely done everything.
You're right. But I mean, do you think it's played a huge role in the competition games?
Do you look, is it a factor now?
Yes, and here's why. The challenge, and I'm just speaking from my show, the challenge
used to be you'd compete, right? And then whatever sparks fly during that season, you
talk shit.
Do you think social media though, like can factor in outcome?
Social media keeps it going year round.
Right, and that's good for you
I mean it is in a way
But here's why it's not because now what's happened is there are they call them T pages Stan pages fan accounts you guys have them
For Vanderpump as well whose only role is to basically continue creating controversy and ginning up drama
And they have their people that they support these people are cults by the way cults
They start like they're there I know my world it's scary
because it's like they if they're their main goal is to find dirt it's their
only thing and to try and like they support the people that they like and
they go after the people that they don't even know man I'm trying Lori's not like
she'll tell you like she tells me like these people are on my ass like flies on
shit like I step out I go to the gas'll tell you like she tells me like these people are on my ass like flies on shit
Like I step out I go to the gas station. They catch me
I'm not like what are you doing?
You know like the next day like I will go get some burger
And I was talking to somebody Jacks Taylor talking caught time who the fuck is following me and why like nobody?
What are you doing?
You know I watched quite a bit of Vanderpump and the guy that you are on Vanderpump
Could not be more different than the guy when
I was on House of Villains and we were outside working out or fucking hanging out by the
pool, could not be a more different version of who you are.
This is what I always say, Johnny Bananas is not just my on-screen persona, it's also
a protective mechanism to keep people away. Right. So when I come on camera, when I'm on TV and I have this larger than life
personality and character that is sarcastic and never takes anything
seriously and everything's a joke.
You could attack that persona and it's not going to affect me.
If I came on TV and I was me and I was the vulnerable fucking like real me
That's somebody that you can get to so it's like I've almost created like this
Persona really really really interesting. That's really really interesting at a distance and the hard thought on though is
When I am filming a lot or I'm filming for long periods of time. It's finding out
Where Johnny bananas starts and where John
DiVinanzio begins or vice versa.
Because even sometimes I'll come back and friends of mine, family, ex-girlfriends that
I've had, they'd be like, all right, enough with the bands.
Yeah, punch out.
Yeah, check out.
Some people don't do that.
They don't know how to check out.
Speaking of girls, you dating anybody?
I mean, a little bit here and there. My. I'm dating. Listen, I'm dating my career
My life right now is a little too chaotic. I know you got like explain real quick with rumblers
You got this cool boxing gym rumble explain what you did how you got there. So rumble. Yes
I have I have some friends. They actually are the founders of rumble no anemone and and and andy and
They started in new y York. They branched
out, got bought out by a big fitness brand called Exponential Franchise. And I bought
a franchise in South Florida. I actually bought three franchises, but we've started with one
in South Florida. It's basically like Berry's bootcamp meets boxing. I mean, it's cardio
on bags and then it's high intensity
how's it going? Is it doing well? It's doing really well. You're in Fort Lauderdale yeah? We're in Boca
Boca sorry. Just north of Fort Lauderdale. Great area great
great uh you know and you're there are you like are you in California at all
anymore? Yeah I mean I'm here
I'm trying to do fifty fifty fifty one fifty I'm trying to do fifty one percent
Florida fifty California so I'm not paying
fucking California taxes anymore.
I know, the taxes here are insane.
I'm so jealous.
I've been talking about moving to Florida for so long.
How much do you love Florida more than California?
It's the land of the free, bro.
Do you still have your house?
You renting it out?
My nephew's living there right now.
So I have an 18-year-old nephew who's going to college
out here, he's a fantastic musician,
so he's keeping an eye on the place.
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But here's the thing, dude.
I love Florida, but it's always nice to come back.
I love Florida so much.
Like out of all the places in the world, it's my favorite place.
I've been trying to get there.
Man, anytime you got it.
It's harder now.
I got a son here.
I got it.
I got it. I can come down there for a visit. I wanted to move, but you know, I got a baby kid now and you know going through this mess and got a show and
I'm trying to get well another Jax is in Florida
We're trying to think about moving a Jax to dealt not moving or to Delray. Fuck. Yeah, one of my partners
That's right. I mean that's that's do that's that that's where my next rumble. That's that's isn't delrae. That'd be awesome man
Yeah, yeah, I'm trying to you know, maybe Schwartz and I get some yeah, but we have that's the talk right now That's where my next rumble is gonna be. That's in Delray. That would be awesome, man. Delray Beach.
Yeah, I'm trying to, you know, maybe Schwartz and I get something to get, but yeah, that's
the talk right now.
Not for sure, but that's the talk.
So hey, listen, as you know, this podcast, right, it's called In the Mind of a Man, right?
So a lot of this we talk about, like, you know, the toxic dating behaviors and pretty
much everything that I've done in life.
So let me ask you.
You and me both.
That's who we are.
That's why I think we get along.
How would you describe yourself in dating terms?
I know you're kind of like would you consider yourself a serial dater? Yes, so are you a toxic player?
I used to be what what okay?
Let me get into this for okay you used to be you used to be a year ago five years ago
So here's what I've changed okay?
When people talk about like the term gas lighting, okay.
God, it's another word they throw around every day.
I know. But once I kind of learned like what gas lighting was, I'm like, damn, dude, I
used to do that a lot and not even realize that I was doing it.
Because there was no term for it. We didn't know there was a term.
So what I would do and I realized this and it never felt good when I was doing it, but
I knew that whether I was in a relationship or dating,
I would do things that were not right.
But what I would do is I would find a way to basically make it the person's fault that I was dating.
Yes, I did this, but you caused it.
And the definition of toxicity or manipulation is when you address the person's reaction, not your behavior that
caused the action.
I do that a lot.
So I don't.
So this is the thing.
And I used to, and I want to apologize to some of my exes back in the day because that's
a whole other podcast, by the way.
Because that's what I did.
Because here's why.
I wanted to be able to have the relationship
and be in the relationship,
but then also still be able to do
whatever the fuck I wanted to do.
And now I think part of this is just what imprinted on me,
maybe from growing up.
I grew up in a single parent household.
My parents were divorced when I was very young.
Marriage never made sense to me cause I never saw it.
My dad dated.
That's really interesting. My mom dated. Marriage never made sense to me cause I never saw it. My dad dated. That's really interesting.
My mom dated.
Marriage never made sense to me because I never saw it.
I never saw it.
I never saw it.
What I saw was my dad in long distance relationships.
Have a girlfriend on the corner on the weekend.
My mom was in short term relationships as well.
So growing up, the idea of marriage just never made sense to me.
Then when I went on reality TV
And now I am a celebrity for doing absolutely nothing and I'm going to bars and clubs and every time I go out
It's just you are inundated with you know girls wanting to meet you and I don't want to hang out
It just made it very difficult to be in a committed
Relationship and but I still tried it.
Yeah, you tried it.
And here's the thing.
But at least you're self-aware, at least you know,
at least you say, listen, this is what you get.
And I think you and I now are at that age
where I'm going through a divorce where,
now, when I, I don't see myself ever getting
in another relationship, but who knows.
I will.
Do you think you're gonna get married?
Do you think you're gonna have kids?
Here's, okay, yeah.
I mean, we're not getting any younger. If you have one now, you'll be 60 be 60 right by the time he goes to college. Al Pacino just had a baby at 89
I know all right. He's gonna have to watch his dad's movies
Honest he's not gonna make that much longer
Here's the thing and I think you understand this and a lot of people that live in this world
This is a very very very difficult world to be successful in and stay successful in. And I think one of the reasons that I've managed to build the brand that I have and stay as
successful I have is I never kind of veered off course.
And I never, and again, I think one of the drawbacks to that is I haven't started a family.
I don't have kids.
I don't have-
Is it on the back of your mind?
Of course it is.
Because I look at all of my friends, you included.
I'm like, J's has a kid like my best friend or business partner his son is my godson
My sisters both have kids, but you don't have I think I don't think it's just people always like do you have kids?
It's like such a terrible thing to ask people. Yeah, you have kids. When are you gonna have another one? Are you married?
Well, I just think that we like shut up. I just let me live my life
We got enough to look at all the divorce rate Okay, you're looking at one right now. You close your eyes throw a rock
You're gonna hit somebody who's divorced and and like you were saying before about social media
I think social media while there are a lot of ways. It's beneficial. It is probably
It is I think what is responsible for so much failed relationships and marriage because
Growing up you were around the same age
We had one fucking phone in the house. Yeah, right cell phones didn't exist social media didn't exist
Oh, guess what the girl you dated probably lived within a mile of your house. Your pool was this big dude
Yeah, now your pool is the entire fucking world. Yeah, so that's the thing. So there's so much more.
You have your there's so much more availability than there
used to be.
And it takes some type of person with a lot of self
control, which ain't you and I, to be able to have the power
of social media in your hands and not take advantage of it.
I can't argue with you.
I can't argue.
I've cheated on pretty much every girlfriend that I've had.
Okay, I've never cheated in my marriage.
I'm not talking about the marriage.
I'm just talking about general.
Here's the thing.
You giving Jackson.
I a career in reality TV and social media with a large following is
like giving a 16 year old the keys to a fucking Lamborghini.
You're not going to drive slow. He's Right. That's a great. So, so, so, and, and
it's to no fault. This is the comparison I always like to make because I was an
econ major and I remember they told us this going into Baskin Robbins is one of
the most stressful situations because there are 31 fucking flavors to choose
from. So when you go in, not only can you not decide what flavor you want
Even after you sample 10 of them
Once you decide on one you're looking at what your friend got and you're like fuck
I know I make the wrong choice
No, it's not gonna hurt my stomach if I mix it with this or should I have gotten the bubble gum or fucking cheesy fudge
Crunch whatever now imagine going into a gross an ice cream shop where there's three flavors
vanilla strawberry and chocolate
You're gonna pick which one you like and you're gonna be fine with your decision because a there's not a whole lot of other options
and be
It's a lot easier, so that would be like when you say are you ever gonna settle down
I feel like in order to do that
I need to move out of the LA South Florida Baskin Robbins area
But nobody's making you man. It's okay to be selfish to fucking I don't know Idaho the middle of fucking
Yeah, but you would be miserable you would be miserable
You put yourself I do you want this so this people say that outside
I just want to move to the middle of nowhere do this yeah, they'll be fine for five minutes
But we're not built that way
Getting back to your little ice cream situation here
I think that's awesome
But I'm the type of guy that I like you ever had like I loved first of all I love McDonald's I love it, but I know five minutes after I'm gonna be on the bathroom, but I do it anyway, right?
It's the same thing with the ice cream flavors with the girls. I know this girl is bad for me, but I'm gonna do it anyway
Yeah, yeah, I mean it's dude. I'm telling you, bro, it's it's and again, I honestly, it's
hard because I don't think that human beings and especially like, here's the other reason when
you're like, oh, marriages, the fail rate, the fail rate of marriage is higher. Now, people used
to stay together a lot longer. Yes. It's because they weren't exposed to the type of shit that
we're exposed to this fucking device right here. Okay. And then on top of this device,
having social media and having tick talk and having Instagram and having
millions of people at your fingertips on a daily basis.
It's dude, it's why a lot of people have fucking other people running their
social media accounts.
I know because literally there's like, there's I, uh, I recently just got out of,
uh, this is a side note here. I just, I just got out's like, there's, I recently just got out of, this is a side
note here, I just recently just got out of rehab, right?
And they took my phone away from me.
And I've never in my life had my phone taken away from me.
And I got to say, the first 24 hours, I was losing it.
But after that, I didn't want to see my phone.
I was like, you know what, I'm okay.
I'm okay.
But it was almost like a test to see what happened, experiment, right? But they take your phone away, they give it back. But I was like, you know what, I'm okay. I'm okay. But it was almost like a test to see what would happen experiment, right?
But they take your phone away, they give it back.
But I was like, you know what?
I don't want it.
And then I took it for like an hour a day.
That's what I did.
But it was fucking hard.
Giving my phone up is like, when we do the challenge, we don't have a phone for nine
We don't have a phone for the entire time.
How do you take care of business?
So you can have like a laptop, right?
Or if you need to like you you have?
A purse a point of contact that then they'll send everything to and then if production needs to send a text or an email
They'll do it pay a bill like a car
No a lot of times you you you get all that shit right away before you go if it's something really serious like that
They'll give you your computer
Whatever, but the most amazing thing happens when you remove these devices from us because we are
so fucking dependent upon them.
They take them away and guess what we start doing.
And this happened on House of Villains to an extent.
You start talking.
You start communicating.
You start laying around telling stories and laughing and communicating and the games we
come up with.
We're coming up, we're in the backyard inventing games on the challenge house and like and the games we come up with, we're in the backyard inventing games on the Challenge House
and like in the pool and it's so funny
because we're all out there,
you literally, your imagination just like blossoms.
Like we were kids.
You turn back into a kid and you know what?
You look around, you see all the people on production
and they're sitting in the corner,
just sitting there scrolling.
Meanwhile, we're over, and it's such a good for me,
it's like a electronic device detox.
Like it's almost like you go to rehab for your device, dude.
And then you-
It's exactly right, it was exactly right.
That was part of my rehab.
I gotta say, it goes along with it.
But legally though, people keep asking me,
this is a big question that everyone knows I go to rehab,
how come I had my phone?
And I found out legally by law, the state of California cannot take away your cell phone
for more than three days.
Because everyone was like, you went to rehab, but you had your phone.
I went to two different rehabs and they both gave me my phone back.
And I was like, this is not, I even went to the owners.
I'm like, this is not right.
You guys should take away phone.
They're like, we legally cannot take away your phone.
It's a law.
It's a law.
So give it to them.
Just tell them, hold on. Yeah. But you know, people are going to check in anyway, but you know how that works. So I guess this
is my next question, but I don't even want to ask this because I'm nowhere near that.
And I kind of like what you have to say. I'm just really enjoying. I'm not enjoying divorce.
It's divorce is the hardest thing in my life that I've ever gone through. And I lost a
father and this is harder than that. It's just been hell.
People ask me, do you ever want to date again?
And I'm like, you know what, that's the last thing on my mind.
I have a son.
My son is my number one priority.
I love him more than anything and I'm just trying to make sure that I can see him, be
with him as much as possible.
But I'm doing the best I can.
Brittany's going to be very fair with me.
I get to see him more than I actually, that the court's going to say. So that's the tough part. And my son, he's young enough now
not to know what's going to happen in the future. So what was your growing up? What was your parent?
What was your... My parents were married. So when I grew up, there was no parents divorced. You want
to know why? The parents that should have been divorced didn't do it for the sake of the kids.
And men just lived in their marriage. They said, well, fuck it is not great, but I'm gonna stay in it anyway and stick it out
So the way they're miserable and they might I know so many buddies friends
My dad and my mother alone were miserable. They were miserable. They should have never stayed married. Yeah, you and Brittany though
I think what you guys are doing keeping it civil because I grew up. I've got a friend of mine
That's going through hell right now. I grew up in a hot when my parents divorced I grew up in a very hostile my parents hated each other. Yeah, and it was hell on us
Yeah, I was five years old and when I was with my dad, I couldn't say my mom's name
That's exactly where I don't want it to go
So, I mean they're great now and they're and and I think we realized over the years they're so different
Well, they did not belong together in the beginning. They created amazing children
They're so different. They did not belong together in the beginning. They created amazing children
But I think the best thing you guys could do for your son is to remain civil and amicable And I told Brittany this I go and I think she agrees with me
We are whether you like it or not
I'm in your life for the rest of your life for the rest of your life so we can go to war and create tension
And stress and stress out our son. Yeah, or we can be amicable. You don't got to like me. You don't got to love me anymore. Whatever. But let's just be
civil for our little boy. Because at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
Yeah. Um, we were together for a lot. 10, 11 years and married for four. That's a
lifetime. That's the thing, dude. I like to say that my marriage is completed.
Here's your completed here. Here's when you, when you are with someone for that
long and then they're not long
There's they're no longer part of your life. That is the equivalent to somebody dying. Yeah, that's the equipment now
They're still alive
They're not taking but they're dead in the sense of like what your relationship was and the grieving process for that
I mean, there's no telling how long it's gonna take for you to like
I mean, there's no telling how long it's going to take for you to like recover from that. There's no time period.
There's no timetable.
There's no right way to do it.
And, and that's the thing is like, yeah, dude, you lost, you lost a loved one.
You lost someone who's very important to you.
And again, the way your brain sees it, the way your brain experiences it, there's not
a big difference between somebody dying and then you losing someone in a relationship.
Your brain affects your brain the same way.
And it sucks because I felt like my friends Your brain affects your brain the same way.
And it sucks because I felt like my friends, because we all have the same friend group,
and I felt like my friends are going through a divorce too.
And they're always like, Jax, do you mind if we hang out with Brittany?
Because she has parties at her house, her birthday party.
Do you mind if we go?
And I'm like, listen, I'm not that guy.
You go enjoy.
I don't want you guys to feel bad.
A lot of my friends are married and their wives are friends with Brittany.
And that's the hard part right now because like for instance, she had a birthday party
and I didn't go and a lot of my friends went
and they were all like,
Jack, are you okay?
Thanksgiving dinner, I wasn't there.
Jack, are you okay?
And I'm totally fine.
Does it hurt?
Absolutely, it hurts me to the core.
But I also am mature enough to say,
hey, listen, she's your friend too
and go support her and go, you know.
It's important to me, but it does suck
because we're used to having these parties together
and her doing things on her own without me. It hurts me. It hurts me. And I, it just,
I have a heart, believe it or not. I know a lot of people think I don't, but you know,
I just, hey, real quick, if you were to go on a date tomorrow, I'm going to list a sidetrack
here. If you were going to date tomorrow, what would be, what's your ideal first date
right now? Girl of your dreams tomorrow. You're going out to eat. You're in LA. Okay. You
get up in the morning, you go to the gym, you take a shower, have out to eat you're in LA okay you get up in the morning you go to the gym You take a shower have something to eat you're about to meet this girl. Where do you go?
I am a I'm a
Activities person I would love to like go to the beach go surf because dating right now is very hard
It's it's an interview first of all let's be honest first dates are interviews. They're not real dates
Yeah, so like you want to see if this person's active you're an active guy okay so you're gonna find I also
like a boozy girl no I like to see what someone's comfort zone is to like I'm
yeah make him feel uncomfortable in the first day that's gonna happen anyways
but like I love a girl that could be like hey I want to get dressed up and I
want to like go to you know this this fucking black tie event but I could also
go camping yeah okay that's what I like I want like get you a girl that could do both that's kind of like like like I'm not a big fan of like overly
High-maintenance people. I love a girl that could like wear my clothes. That's what I like t-shirt around all the time
No, but it's hot. I like that
I don't want you to wake up in the morning for like you need to put makeup on yeah
I don't like I want you to be like like comfortable on me
I here's the other thing and this is what's got me in the trouble in the past. I don't like to go out
I make all my own fucking food. Yeah, I'm a bachelor dude. I've been a bachelor for a long time
I don't mind shit my own laundry. I cook I clean I love to cook
The amount like I've invited girls over in the past like you want to watch dinner. I'm like now. Let's just make dinner instead
The problem is there are so few guys in this world these days
that are nice and give a shit and are kind of mature.
That to a girl means so much more.
I agree.
Than just let's make dinner.
You know what I mean?
Because again, there's a lot of dickheads out there.
I like to think of myself as a reformed dickhead.
But again, I get into trouble then because it sends a certain message like, oh, this
is more than just a date.
You're putting thought into it.
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I'm Caitlin Bristow host of off the vine podcast where I get real
Maybe a little too real sometimes with my friends and celeb guests from bachelor franchise and beyond
I'm talking guests like Jonathan Van Ness
Bachelor franchise and beyond. I'm talking guests like Jonathan Van Ness,
Nikki Glaser, Wells Adams, Elise Myers,
Heidi D'Amelio, Big Brothers Taylor Hale, I have to bring it up because it happened and we're gonna get through it what I do and so many more
So come hang out with us here ridiculous confessions and get a little vulnerable because you know what?
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I got one last question because we're running out of time. Real quick, one word answer.
What's your biggest ick when you're dating a girl?
What just drives you crazy that you can't get over?
Number one?
Number one thing.
It's got to be, dude.
It's got to be hygiene.
I mean, cleanliness.
Like, dude, I'm a very clean person.
Me too.
And like a girl that like doesn't messy car
I really messy car drives me nuts
You know they say dude is cleanliness is next to godliness and like a lot of times
The way and this is this is true for guys, too
The better they keep their
Surroundings their environment the better they take care of themselves right and the amount of times that I've met girls
and I'm just like dude like
Right and the amount of times that I've met girls, and I'm just like dude like
You eat like crap like you don't take care of yourself your place is a fucking mess That is a direct reflection of like yeah of like you now again if I was a messy fuck
And if I was you know I would be hypocritical
But I like to keep my surroundings very neat and that's just how I've always been same me same me healthy life structure consistency
I got one final question because I know John's got, well, we got to get to lunch after this.
So this is a question from a listener.
I'm going to read this.
Hi, Jax.
I've been with my husband for 12 years.
When I met him, he told me that he has a hard time climaxing during sex.
He's a heavy drinker and he's also an anger management medication.
With this particular medication, it can contribute to this very thing.
Even knowing this, it is starting to make me feel really insecure.
I may be fighting a war, I can't win.
But do you have any advice on things a woman can do to make her man finish the finish line?
Stop drinking, get off the medication.
That's it.
I mean, dude, that's what you watch every single pharmaceutical commercial.
It'll literally say could lead to erectile
dysfunctional everyone here like honestly and how old is this guy well I
don't know but the thing about getting off the anger management what by
lowering his testosterone yeah so yeah that like it does lower I am on
medication that's similar to this yeah, and I don't have a problem
I went got my testosterone checked actually and I have the testosterone of a 25 year old
They said right now like everything's clean, but they just said listen you have really really high test
Here's the thing the older you get and this is men and women okay the older you get again
The more you the healthier you need to be and the more you need to
To take care of yourself in order for your body to function
The way it did and that's everything that's not just your penis. That's your heart. That's your liver. That's your lungs. That's your that's your arteries
That's everything so if this guy is a heavy drinker
Yeah, quit the alcohol for sure have a shirt with the alcohol that's gonna that's gonna fuck up his system
It's just gonna make it hard so honey. It's not you. It's not gonna make it hard. It's
It's not you it's him. Yeah, it's not you. It's not gonna make it hard. It's not, it's not you, it's him.
Yeah, he's gonna wanna have to change.
He's gonna have to make some sacrifices here.
Obviously get rid of the drinking.
Maybe check on a different medication.
Also, you know what?
They make a lot of things out there now.
Blue chew and all these other drinks.
Have you ever taken one of those pills, by the way?
Oh yeah.
Okay, I've taken it one.
Let me tell you the story really quick.
I'd taken a pill a long, long time ago
and I wasn't even trying to meet somebody.
I just wanted to try.
It's when Viagra was starting out, right? And my buddy gave me a pill long long time ago, and I wasn't even trying to meet somebody I just wanted to try it's when Viagra was starting out right and my buddy gave me a pill
I tried it and I had a hard on for eight hours eight fucking hours, and I didn't know what to do with it
I was putting in my waistband. I was uncomfortable. I thought I had to go to the hospital. It was the most uncomfortable
Situation I've ever been in like that thing. I was like what is going on. What'd you take?
It was a half of a viagra mind you I was probably 26 or 27 years old
Okay, so I had no reason being taken that at all the word the worst that was the worst experience
I had it's so uncomfortable. We went I know we were we were gonna party like you know we were in Atlantic City
I knew we were gonna get after it, so we stopped at 7-eleven. I bought one of those
Rhino fucking silver bullet. So what is the worst fucking?
I've never had a
Word same thing happened. I just had like this erection that wouldn't go away, and I had the worst
Headache yeah, it causes headache. I woke my green next day, and I literally am like this isn't a hangover headache
It felt like somebody stuck an ice pick through my temple. That's the common thing that people say ever again dude everybody
I talked about that that does these and I have a lot of buddies that takes these to me We're getting at the age that you know getting up there that people are taking Never again, dude. Everybody I talked about that does these,
and I have a lot of buddies that take these.
We're getting up there that people are taking them,
because it kind of relieves the pressure.
You know you're going to get hard, right?
You don't have to worry about it.
So the main thing that people say is the migraines afterwards.
The migraines are horrific.
But you know, I mean.
It's a vasodilator.
That's what it does.
It pumps a bunch of blood into your brain.
I know all right
We gotta go get some lunch buddy, but I'm so happy that you came on
I'm so excited about your your company rumbles. Do you want to plug anything?
Yeah, I mean if you guys don't already follow me on social media at Johnny bananas. It's across all platforms
and again
You know if you're ever in South Florida you want want to get a workout in, come by Rumble.
We're in East Boca.
And then, yeah, I've got some fun projects coming up.
I'm going to fill you in more on the docu-series we're doing.
We'd love to have you be a part of it at some point.
So yeah.
I appreciate it, man.
Going chopping it up, dude.
I love it.
I love it.
Let's go grab a bite to eat.
Thank you guys for listening this week.
We'll see you next week.
Yeah, thanks for being here.
Talk to you later.
All right, man. listening this week we'll see you next Unchained, Ali and Coach Carter. You have an incredible gift up here.
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