When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - Love is Blind's Colleen Reed!

Episode Date: July 12, 2024

From Season 3 of Love is Blind, Colleen Reed joins Brittany to talk about their recent girl's trip to the Bahamas, finding love with her hubby Matt and getting to know him WITHOUT cameras around, why ...reunion episodes are so hard to shoot, Colleen's time as a ballerina, and what she didn't appreciate about her portayal on Love is Blind! Check out our amazing sponsors!!! Nutrafol: Got thinning hair? Get $10 off your first month’s subscription and free shipping at Nutrafol.com and use code "REALITYHITS" SonoBello: Learn about ONE VISIT Micro Laser Fat Removal! Schedule your FREE consultation at SonoBello.com/realityhits Quote your car insurance at Progressive.com to join the over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, hello everybody and welcome back to when reality hits we are continuing our Bahamas Girl Trip edition even though we're not in the Bahamas anymore. But I have the beautiful and fabulous Pauline Reid from Love is Blind. Hey guys. Thanks for being here. Thank you so much for having me, Britt. I love it. Thanks for being here. Thank you so much for having me, Britt. I love it. How fun was the Bahamas? Oh my gosh. I um I was like texting all my friends when I got home
Starting point is 00:00:34 and I'm like I'm just waiting for my Bahama mama to come back to like I'm waiting for my Bahama mama for a bargarita, a shot like I I don't know what to do with myself. Like I miss it so much. And that was just like the first day back, but I had so much fun. I'm like ready to go back already. And you know, we haven't even been back that long,
Starting point is 00:00:55 but still it was so much fun. The boat day was probably my favorite day. Just getting to go there and snorkel and do all that stuff. It was so much fun. Definitely the boat day was the highlight of the trip. Oh fun. I'm happy. Like anytime I'm on a boat, I'm happy but a boat in the Bahamas. Yeah, the water is crystal clear. It's absolutely beautiful. I will say that snorkeling is not sexy at all though.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It's not sexy and I was gonna go, I did not snorkel but I was going to and then I wear contacts and anytime that salt water gets in my eyes, I'm a goner, like I can't see anything. So you know what, I'll just watch you girls do your thing. I wear contacts too so I get it, but I was about to miss that cold, clear blue water.
Starting point is 00:01:50 That was so, so nice. Okay, so let's get into some reality TV talk. Amazing, let's do it. You're from Love is Blind. What season were you on again? I was on season three, Dallas. Season three, okay. So you had, had you watched the show at all
Starting point is 00:02:05 before you started? Like, did you know what you were getting into? So season two was filming the same time as season three. So I did not see season two, but I did watch season one, like everyone else in quarantine during 2020. And I thought, I remember watching season one and I'm like, these people are wild who would do this this is crazy, but like amazing television and
Starting point is 00:02:30 Then as I was going through the process I was like wait I feel like I can actually really benefit from this just from the way that the process is and who I am as a person What I was looking for in a partner. I was like, you know what? Maybe I'll just Jump and like do it and leap, take a leap of faith. So I kind of had an idea, but not like, cause we only had the first season to really look at. Yeah, yeah. But still like, that's just such a crazy experience.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Like, is it something that you thought you would ever do in your life? Was it, or was's completely unexpected for you um I Feel like my personality in in real life like a lot of people have had said to me like I feel like you should be Like out there like I can take I used to be able to take criticism very easily But I would take criticism easily I was very bubbly, still am, but I just, I feel like I did get those comments a lot,
Starting point is 00:03:29 like in college and in high school, but I never thought like a reality TV show. Like I just never. Like, oh you need to be on TV. You need to go to Hollywood when people say that. Yeah, I love it. You actually found love. You got married on the show to Matt.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I did. You just had your three year anniversary. Yes, we just celebrated our three years two weeks ago. Okay, so can you break it down? What is the timeline? When you meet each other and then to when you get engaged and then how long is your engagement to when you get married? so we're in the pods for like a
Starting point is 00:04:09 week and a half and then you get engaged at the end of the pod so at the end of two weeks you get engaged after Meeting someone talking to someone through wall and then we're in Malibu for a week in like our vacation setting. And then- And you get to stay together, that's like right after you engage, you go from there straight to Malibu?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, we go right from engagements to Malibu and then that's for a week. And then it was about three weeks in Dallas. So I would say roughly four weeks from engagement to marriage. Goodness gracious, it's so fast, but it worked for you. It worked for us. Yeah. Yes, it was very fast. I remember talking to you in the Bahamas and you had mentioned that you waited I think like a year before you guys even moved in together. Is that right? Yeah, it was correct because we felt we had, we obviously had a lot of things to work through from the show. We had just gotten married. We had just basically met each other. And we only really,
Starting point is 00:05:18 I mean, we met, we knew each other, obviously, we got married, but we knew a majority of each other through with cameras around. We didn't really know what the other person was without the cameras. And really, like we were, when we were in Dallas, we were in each other's lives, but not really. Like we were still filming a TV show. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. A lot of people listening won't maybe like understand what that is exactly like, but it adds a whole other layer.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Every single conversation you're having, you know is being filmed and that people are listening. Yeah. And our lives surrounded around this TV show. Like we didn't have any, I mean, we had stresses, but we didn't, we weren't focusing on them. We weren't really like hanging out, truly hanging out with our family and our friends and getting to know the other person's lives.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Like we just didn't have that when we were filming. And I wanted to have a very organic relationship with him, even though it started so different. So we waited. I honestly like the math is not math in right now But more than more than a year we waited for sure a year. I think that's amazing I think that's so smart of you to do and I do feel like that was a good decision I mean, obviously it's worked for you guys But I mean, I'm sure you would recommend it to all these other people who are finding love on love is blind
Starting point is 00:06:42 As I was I was young, I was 25. And- You're still young! That was like, no, no, no. No, I'm still young. I was like, I mean, I'm young, but I was like a child. You know, like I am such a different person. And Matt even just said this to me yesterday.
Starting point is 00:06:59 He was like, I was such a different person three years ago. And I just, I really encourage a lot of the people who are going on Love is Blind. I mean, if moving in right away after marriage works for you, then like kudos to you, but if it doesn't, like don't let the outside world or the outside comments like get to you and pressure you into doing something that is traditional.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Like we started, I've always said this since day one, we started our relationship in an untraditional way. Why don't we do our marriage in an untraditional way? Now we are, but we just needed like time. We just needed time. I think that's so smart because like you said, it's all so fast, the cameras are around, but still I'm so happy for you.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I'm happy that you found love. I mean, obviously for you, you think the experiment works. Because I know this is like a whole like, kind of, it is an experiment, I guess. Yes. What can happen. But there's been a lot of successful couples, I feel like, come from it.
Starting point is 00:07:59 There's been a lot of successful couples for sure. I do think that it works. And it doesn't work for a lot. Like I really do. I don't know if love is blind. Do you think love is blind? For me it is. For me, it works. But like, I don't see it working for everybody, you know? Right. Okay. So you kind of mentioned comments a couple times. Has that been something that's been hard for you
Starting point is 00:08:25 to deal with since being on a reality TV show, like social media and just- So not anymore, but for sure in the beginning, I just wasn't expecting it. Like before going on the show, a lot of people in my life were saying, can you handle it? And I'm thinking to myself,
Starting point is 00:08:43 what could they possibly say about me? Like, I'm not, you know, I'm not very outspoken. I really stray from confrontation. You know, I'm not, I don't say anything about mean people. So I was like, what are they gonna say about me? And then when I, when the show aired and people were giving me negative comments, just because I would say my profession, I was like, oh like oh crap like I don't know if I can handle this I mean
Starting point is 00:09:09 people will comment on anything I mean the amount of comments I get about my boobs is insane I was like why are you commenting on my body. Strange like I would never go on to your page or somebody I've just never met ever and comment about their appearance or just anything. It just doesn't really make any sense to me. But that's been one of the most difficult things for me as well. Because I feel like I'm a nice person that I don't understand why people would like come at me. It doesn't really because I would never do it myself.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So I can't relate to it. It just isn't registered. And now I know it's like, well, if I put myself out there, then I should just expect the comments, but it was a, it was a learning experience. It was very hard. Um, I, it's, uh, well known that I had a panic attack at the reunion because of the comments, just because I, I didn't, people thought that I was having some sort of reaction towards Matt, but I was just,
Starting point is 00:10:13 I was cutting off Matt's circulation because I was so scared of what was gonna happen at the reunion, what people were gonna say at the reunion. So I just, I don't think I was ready for it. I don't think I was. Having done many reunions myself, that is the hardest day of the entire season. It's so hard.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And I've been on many, many reunions. I don't know how you do it every year. So I'm like, I'm good, that's in the past. I mean, it's so much drama because you have to talk about every single thing that went on throughout the entire season and you have to face it all over again. So not only did you deal with it when it aired or whenever you lived it, you have to deal with it
Starting point is 00:10:53 when it aired and then you have to relive it again at the reunion. Yeah, so I don't, kudos to you because I can never get that every year. I'd be like, sorry, I'm done. I feel like my skin is getting thicker over the years, but also like I still let things get to me. It's almost impossible.
Starting point is 00:11:09 It's natural. It's natural for people when they come about looks or who you are as a person or when they get it wrong and you just want to defend yourself. But like, I just don't think anything. You need to defend yourself though. No. Because once you do that,
Starting point is 00:11:23 somebody's gonna argue with what you defended yourself with, if that makes sense, and then it becomes like a whole other thing. I mean, people- But you can't like, I've always, cause I watch reality TV, and being a person who watches it and observes reality TV, you can't, once you make up your mind about someone,
Starting point is 00:11:42 it's very hard to change your mind no matter how much you defend yourself. So it's like, why bother? You know, like you either think this way or you don't, which is really hard to do, but now I'm starting to get the hang of it a little bit. When Reality Hits is sponsored by Nutrifold, the number one dermatologist recommended
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Starting point is 00:14:48 That's sonobello.com slash reality hits. S-O-N-O-B-E-L-L-O dot com slash reality hits. Summer bodies, y'all. You had mentioned when we were in the Bahamas that you had a lot of like comments and stuff about Matt and your relationship and you said he was very different in real life with how he seemed on the show. Do you want to like explain that a little bit? Yeah. So I like, I immediately noticed that he would get very stressed out
Starting point is 00:15:27 and have his guard up when the producers and the cameras were around. He just likes to be in control of his actions and where he's going. And you might be able to relate to this. When you're filming, you're put in a room for several plus hours and you can't leave or you know and we didn't have our phones or anything and so he just didn't like that he didn't know
Starting point is 00:15:52 like that he couldn't control anything yeah I'm filming a lot of we like to say hurry up and wait hurry around people don't know that part of it you know I know yours is being different than what I dealt with. So yeah We were being treated like children kind of a little bit but like I understand why they need I understand the producers job but um I could tell it was hard for matt to adapt to that And so he would not be stressed out with me just stressed out with the environment he was in um So yeah, he just,
Starting point is 00:16:26 reality TV is not format for sure. He says he would never do it again. He would never do it again. So, well, he married you, so I guess he don't need to. He appreciates the experience for sure. I know that just like having the cameras and the producers and he's knowing what he knows when you know the producers want something from him and he doesn't want to talk about something. So yeah, that just the environment was very hard for him. And so it was hard to see the comments when they would say stuff about him, because I know what's really going on. And I could see like, literally, the cameras would go away and it was just like like a weight was lifted off and we would be able to have more real
Starting point is 00:17:11 conversations it's unfortunate that we wouldn't be able to have those conversations on camera but that's just who we are as like people you know it's hard it's hard to put like an act up in front of the cameras and And we couldn't do it. Reality TV is not for everybody. And it can complicate things big time. Like, you know, me and Jax have done it for many years, but not that we are the couple to look up to or anything right now.
Starting point is 00:17:38 But we've, you know, I noticed like when we're filming, Jax, he gets so much anxiety. Yes. Before we get ready to start filming and he starts like, like moving a lot and just like talking a lot and it becomes like such an annoying thing for me if I'm being like honest and it can make us start fighting and then here we are filming and I'm already like in a bad mood because of the way he just acted all day because he knew we were filming. You know what I mean? Like the whole, you know, we get used to it as we get going, but there's certain days where it would just like, I could just tell it was
Starting point is 00:18:14 affecting. Yeah, it's hard. And you do have to like, you have to be aware that the cameras are around. Like I remember there was a scene where Matt was just constantly like looking at his phone or was tired or something and I was like, Matt, like the cameras are around, they're gonna like make you look bad and I think it was like after the alter and he looked annoyed with me and I was like, no, like I, you know, and so it's hard to get him to realize that, that, you know, you can be real and you can have like, can show your authentic personality, but you do have to be aware that the cameras are around and be
Starting point is 00:18:48 comfortable with that. Well, yeah, but I mean, Jax just don't care either way. He'll just, he'll just, he just says whatever is on his mind. It's the opposite for him. He is just like, woo, roller coaster. Yeah. But still, I'm so glad it's worked out for you guys. You're three years in.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Do you guys want to have any children? Is that something that you've talked about? We both want a big family, for sure. I want four, because when you go on a roller coaster, you can't have an odd number. Everyone needs to be together. I love that reason. No, I grew up with a sister and I loved it,
Starting point is 00:19:29 but I've always just wanted a big family. Yeah. I've always wanted that. I was really close with my cousins, and it was just amazing when we would get the whole family together. So if possible, I would love to have four kids, but it's not in our future anytime soon. I still wanna really still like grow our relationship,
Starting point is 00:19:52 travel and even just with the dog, like that's a lot of responsibility I can't even imagine with like kids. Yeah. So not in the future, not in the near time future, but for sure in the future. Once you start having kids, you won't travel with your dog anymore. Yeah, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:20:08 That's what that's what happened with me because I used to take my dogs everywhere. But now it's like Cruz is just it's a lot to travel with a toddler. But it's fun. He's a good traveler. I just got back from Kentucky and we got stuck overnight in Chicago on our way back. Why I had to push our podcast back. But he was so good and, but he did not want to walk. So I'm having to carry a diaper bag, a huge bag that had like my laptop and stuff in it,
Starting point is 00:20:39 and then carry it my three year old. He's like 45 pounds at least. That's when I would have a panic attack. He's really big. And I had to walk like to the hotel in Chicago. I didn't bring a stroller this time because I just, that's also a lot for one person to do with a stroller, all the luggage, everything else,
Starting point is 00:20:55 but I swear I will never travel without bringing your stroller ever again. Okay, so no, bring stroller. Bring stroller because that was absolutely insane. I thought my back was gonna give out people were like, can I help you? I was like, I thought I just have to like sit down for a second. Yeah, I was thinking about this a lot. I was like, I just need to like sit for a second and then keep
Starting point is 00:21:18 walking. Because whenever I was in Chicago, I had to walk like it through three terminals to get to the hotel. Oh, no way. No, I'm done. I'm calling a taxi or something. I'm done. It was crazy. But he was so good, other than not wanting to walk.
Starting point is 00:21:33 That's such a color thing to do. He just was like, mom, pick me up. He's so cute. He's so adorable. Well, I hope that you do get to have kids one day. It's the best thing. Being a mom is the best thing that's ever happened to me. So it's a love like you could not even imagine until you hold your baby so I hope that will happen for
Starting point is 00:21:50 you guys well okay so how did you get started into the love is blind like you apply for that like is it something how did how does that all come about um I both Matt and I were reached out I both met and I were reached out via Instagram. Oh wow. Okay, so my scouting. Yeah It's not like especially Matt like he had like 200 followers and I had you know, you're like average a thousand like it's not like We were already had platform Of worth noting by any means, but yeah, they reached out and I remember Contemplating like I don't think I can do this. Like maybe I can maybe I can't and But yeah, they reached out and I remember contemplating, like, I don't think I can do this. Like, maybe I can, maybe I can't.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And just one night after, I remember I had just performed, I was really tired and I lived with two girls at the time and we just like poured ourselves a glass of wine and we just like went through the application that they had sent me. And then from then on, it was just like went through the application that they had sent me. And then from then on it was just like back and forth of producer calls and zoom calls and screenings. And then they were like they had cast me and they're like you're gonna be on a flight in
Starting point is 00:22:57 a week to LA. So it just kind of like that fast. It was that fast. Wow. What if like you couldn't like what if your job would let you go, or you know what, what if you can't? I remember, so I was actually, so my dance contract is from like August, September to June.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And we had filmed in May, and I remember I had a show coming up. And I like usually in like with a ballet company, like that's- I wanna talk about that too in a minute. So usually like if you can't do a show, like you're fired, you're out, we're cutting ties, like you're going against your current contract.
Starting point is 00:23:41 So I was back and forth with my producer that was like talking to me about going and you know, they're saying it's a once in a lifetime chance, like this and that. And I didn't even want to bring it up to my artistic director because I didn't even want her to know that this was a thought in my mind. So finally, I just, you know, bit the bullet and I talked to her and she was amazing and she said you can go and your contract will still be here when you come back. So for me, it was definitely a concern for my work if I would be able to leave for a month and miss a whole show. Yeah, because then you would have to debate like is this going to be worth it?
Starting point is 00:24:20 But just think if you didn't do that and everything didn't line up you wouldn't be married for three years right now I know now everything happens like My whole life is for a reason for sure Yeah, my whole life is completely different because of being on like reality TV and stuff Yeah, it's made a huge impact on your life as well. Definitely for sure When reality hits is brought to you by progressive. Most of you listening right now are probably multitasking. Yep, while you're listening to us talk, you're probably also driving, cleaning, exercising, or maybe even grocery shopping.
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Starting point is 00:25:40 National average 12-month savings of $744 by new customers surveyed who saved with Progressive between June 2022 and May 2023. Potential savings will vary. Discounts not available in all states and situations. Hey, girlies, I'm Cody Rigsby. And I'm Andrew Chappelle. We're here to announce our brand new podcast, Tactful Pettiness. Now on Podcast One, we have a lot of opinions. Flip flops in New York City? You don't love yourself. If I'm not seated, I'm not tipping. Do I want to see a picture of your baby? No. If I have to scroll more than 10 seconds, he's not cute. Settling gets you an ugly
Starting point is 00:26:18 boyfriend. So we're going to help you out. Get new episodes of Tactful Pettiness every Thursday, anywhere you get your podcasts. Okay, so you're a ballerina, which is so cool. How did that start? Is it something that you just always wanted to do since you were a little girl? Did you start as a very young little like I started like every other you know, little girl goes to ballet class. But I am from the northeast. And, you know, in that area, I would say a good majority does Irish step
Starting point is 00:26:55 dancing. So I actually started with Irish step dancing. And my teacher at the time told me, you know, I'm really good. And I could really improve my jumps if I go take ballet. And then I just ended up falling in love with ballet more than Irish step dancing. So I quit that. And then around when you're like, I would say a preteen teenager,
Starting point is 00:27:17 you start going away for summers to summer intensives and you train with companies. And that's where you start to debate if being a professional ballet dancer is something that you can attain. So as I got older and I was starting to like figure it out, I decided I'd rather go to college so I can get my degree because I would say a lot of professional dancers
Starting point is 00:27:47 will be homeschooled and then go right into a company and get a contract. And then once they retire, they either go back to school or they just go to teaching. So I wanted to kind of get my degree and go the professional route. So then I went to OU for ballet performance and then as soon as I graduated I got a contract in Dallas. So it just kind of yeah. Look at you doing it all. It has to be super competitive.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Like I don't really know much about that world but I've seen like movies and tv. I'm so I think it's so interesting but I can only imagine how competitive it is. Well, that's why I was talking about it a lot in the pods, and I was kind of frustrated of how they showed it, but the reason why I wanted to talk about it in dating and on TV is ballet has been my whole world, and I've learned so many lessons, and who I am as a person is because of dance.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So obviously I'm gonna talk about that in dating. And like, God. Yeah, I mean, it's gonna change your life, you know? Like, you had to work hard for that. Yes, I had to work so hard. And I mean, it's almost like, I'm just, it's off the top of my head because the Olympics are on, but it's very similar to gymnastics
Starting point is 00:29:03 and you know, how young those girls are and how young they start and ice skating. It's very similar to that world, that it's your whole life. And like I just mentioned, a lot of girls and boys will be homeschooled around high school time and then just devote their entire
Starting point is 00:29:28 teenage, young adult life to dance. Yeah. All they know is dance. So that's why I kind of wanted to talk about it because you see shows and you see movies, but only a few, I would say media like Black Swan and Center Stage really show that world. It's very like you only see a lot of it. I understand that though. Like I said, I know Shai drew a whole world and you had to work hard on that.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I'm surprised that people commented negatively about you speaking on that. Well, because I, it looks like I'm sexualizing myself because I'm saying, oh, I can do the splits. And I will say to defend myself. Because you're behind the pause and you're like, I could do this. Yes. And I will say to defend myself a little bit.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It's because when I was dating and I would tell people, like it was a joke amongst my friends, it was a joke when I was dating that as soon as I said, I'm a ballet dancer, I would always get, can you do the splits? So I wanted to be ahead of that and say, I guess I do the splits. But I guess to the audience viewpoint, it looks like I'm sexualizing myself. So that was frustrating.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah, that is frustrating. But like people will comment, find a way to turn anything into a bigger deal. Like people just need to relax sometimes. Like everything isn't that big of a deal. I know. Like it's okay. People can still make jokes, not be serious 24-7.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Yes. We just got to chill out. If you can change anything about your season, what would you change? Or would you change anything? I don't know if I would change anything. I think maybe giving myself a bit more of a backbone. I think I, we touched on it a little bit earlier, but I think if I, not to stick up against my,
Starting point is 00:31:15 not like that by any means, but just to kind of like say, no, we're having these conversations on camera, because then it would give a more clear picture of our relationship. I think I was fine with pulling back and not letting the audience see everything, because then it doesn't give us a fair chance to show who we really are as a couple.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So I think if I would have just had a backbone and said, no, we're having these conversations and been a little bit more real on camera, I think that would have given, I think the audience would have been rooting for us just a little bit more. A little bit more, I understand. But still, you made it, so you can prove it.
Starting point is 00:31:55 We made it. So, not really then, I guess not really. You're like, I'm good, we're three years in. Yeah. Okay, so, if you could be on any other reality TV show of all the reality TV shows You said that you like reality TV, correct? TV show would you be on and why um if I was single I would go on love Island They are crazy on there I saw like a little clip of it with my mom. My mom loves Love Island.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I love Love Island. So funny. Yeah. Just so I can say, I got a text. Just so I can say, I got a text. Everybody's so hot. Ariana looks so good. Oh my God. She looks fabulous. She looks so good. I'm like, keep that hair and makeup team because you are looking awesome. Yeah, yeah. And all that dancing, getting her body bright.
Starting point is 00:32:50 She looks amazing. Or I would either, so if I was single, I would do Love Island just so I could say I got a text and wear the big microphones. Yeah. Or like if I could be a judge on like any sort of like competition show, like I want to be a contestant I want to be a judge. Yes, I feel you. I think it would be so fun to be on like
Starting point is 00:33:11 Nailed it. There's like no drama. You know that cake show where I like I need to do something that is not drama because my whole life is drama I agree with the like being a host aspect. I think that would be so fun. So since we just had our girls trip in the Bahamas, what would be your favorite thing about having a girls trip? Oh I'm going on another girls trip and next week like I am in the Vegas. We're going to a 30A in Florida. Oh, fun. Yeah, but I love a girls trip. I just think it's so fun when you get together, when you get everyone together and, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:52 it doesn't need to be long. It just needs three, four days, perfect. And I don't even need like to be all dressed up and like going to dinner. Like I just love getting together, everyone together and like your cute jammies, having a pizza, a bottle of wine and you just do that for like four days. Like count me in.
Starting point is 00:34:12 You know? In a beautiful place. In a beautiful place. Like I- No melasma. No melasma, like we're good. And what I liked about the Bahamwar is that the casino is on the first floor.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I'm such a gambler. So like, it's so fun to like be with your friends and then go to the Blackjack table. And then there's a pool outside. Like it's the energy was fabulous. Like I love a girl's trip. Yeah. We had a good group of girls too. We had such an amazing group of girls.
Starting point is 00:34:41 So good. I'm going to see you on Monday night, correct? You're coming to Jax's So good. I'm gonna see you on Monday night, correct? You're coming to Jax's? Yes, I'm so excited. See you again. Just for everyone listening, on Monday night, this coming Monday,
Starting point is 00:34:55 we started hosting bachelor at watch parties and Charity Lawson is hosting, Colleen is coming, and I'll be there as well. So come see us at Jax's and then on Tuesday night If you're still in town, I'm gonna I'm hosting a what we'll watch like an old episode of Vanderpump rules like whenever I first started and Sandy's so I'm gonna host they're at So Tuesday night
Starting point is 00:35:23 Monday night come see us at Jax's Tuesday night, we'll be at Schwartz and Sandy's. So that'll be so fun. Okay, I have a Mary F Kill question for you. Okay, give it to me. I asked all the girls these. Everyone had different things. All right, this is the one for you because I hear that you love all of these men. Okay. Ryan Reynolds, Channing Tatum, or Bieber? Okay, Ryan Reynolds. Okay, I would wait, Mary F. Kille? Yes. Okay, I would for sure do the motion of the ocean with Channing Tatum. Yeah. For sure. Yes. Um oh my gosh. I'll kill Ryan Reynolds. Sometimes he annoys me just a little bit. I thought you were gonna go for Mary Ryan Reynolds just because he seems like such like the husband type. He's such a husband material but sometimes like it's like a little bit too much. Yeah, just sexy though.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I love me. So just a beaver. I have beaver fever forever. He's just getting cuter and cuter. I think he's gonna be a dad. Like I think he's gonna be a dad. Oh, that's gonna be so cute. All right, before we let you go, Colleen, I have a couple questions from fans.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Okay. The first one is fl underscore, underscore Steph. Colleen, what is your advice for someone who is adapting to not dancing anymore? Oh, God, it's so hard. I would definitely sit in it for a bit. I'm just like, it's okay to be sad. It's okay to be, you know, feel like you're missing something because it's such a big part of our lives, obviously.
Starting point is 00:37:08 We just talked about it. So it's okay to be sad and miss it and question if it's the right decision. I was constantly questioning it. But if you just really dive into why you're leaving dance and, you know, your next career steps and like I I'm really into fitness right now that's not dance I'm really into Pilates at the moment if you build up your days and not come not forget about
Starting point is 00:37:36 dance but just you don't want to just sit around and not do anything you definitely want to get your body moving for sure and and you'll be okay but dance is always there. That's great advice. All right we're gonna end with a fun one because we were just talking about our girls trip. This is from let's see, Life of Katia. What is your favorite resort drink? Bahama Mama I feel like. No I I would say if I'm on the beach, I love me a pina colada. I love a pina colada, but I can only have like one of those. Oh, for sure. They're too sweet.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Much sugar. Then I love a skinny margarita. You'll do a tequila shot with me, which I adore. I love tequila shots. I love tequila shots. Get ready for Monday because we're taking tequila shots. I've been like in Kentucky with all my family and so I haven't really had any like well I went to Jax's birthday last night but other than that I haven't like done any like nights out or anything in a while. I'm excited to see you and thank you so much for coming on our podcast. Thank you, Brent. I had so much fun.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Hello everybody, where they can find you? Instagram, Jellybean Colleen and TikTok Colleen Reed 7. I yap a lot. I've been yapping today and yesterday. So yeah, come on. Wait, hold on. What is yap? Am I too old?
Starting point is 00:39:00 It's like talking. Talking. I was like, is there a new app called Yapp? You do a video game? What is that? I'm like, do I need to be yapping? You do yap. You yap for a living.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Oh my gosh. Okay, thank you so much, Colleen. I will see you on Monday and thanks everybody for listening to When Reality Hits with Brittany.

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