When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - Love Languages and a Game of Telephone!

Episode Date: April 11, 2024

Brittany shares about her recent trip to New York and her appearance on Watch What Happens Live! PLUS: John Mayer denying that he dated Scheanna Shay, Jax's JetBlue update, Kristen Doute and the telep...hone game on The Valley, and Jax & Brittany discuss their love languages! Check out our great sponsors!! Quince: Indulge in affordable luxury! Go to Quince.com/jb for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns! Mint Mobile: Get your new 3-month unlimited wireless plan for just $15 A MONTH, go to MintMobile.com/reality Care/of: Need vitamins? Go to TakeCareOf.com and use code "realityhits50" for 50% off your first order! ADDYI: Ladies! Got low libido? Check out Addyi.com Quote today at Progressive.com to try the Name Your PriceĀ® tool for yourself, and join the over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive.  Every 3-4 minutes, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia or lymphoma. It can happen to anyone, at any time. But so can a cure. NMDP connects patients with a matching donor for a life-saving blood stem cell transplant. Learn more and donate at BeTheMatch.org 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to win reality hits with Jackson Brittany. Welcome back. I'm back. Last week I was in New York City. How was that? Living it up. For 48 hours. For two nights.
Starting point is 00:00:18 It was amazing. I started off night one. I went to see Chicago, which is Ariana's Broadway show. Oh, you forgot to talk to me about that. And she plays Roxie. She did so good. I was so proud of her. Time out. So start over.
Starting point is 00:00:33 So you get there, did you meet, now you met with Brad, right? Yeah, I met up with Brad and Carl Radke from Summer House. Oh, I got something. Remind me to tell you about something about Carl. There's a little rumor about you and Carl, but go ahead. About me and Carl? Yeah. Well, tell me now. Well, me to tell you about something about Carl. There's a little rumor about you and Carl. About me and Carl? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Well, tell me now. Well, there's a rumor that you guys had some kind of like flirtatious thing going on. We said maybe five words to each other. Okay. I didn't come from me. It did not come from me. That's hilarious. I know. Were you jealous? No, because I know Carl pretty well.
Starting point is 00:01:01 No, definitely not. I laughed it off when I heard. Yeah, he was nice to me. I was nice to him, but we didn't even sit beside each other at the show. I sat by Brad on the end. I know Carl pretty well, so I didn't make a thing of it. I just forgot.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I don't know if you heard it or not. No, he was very nice, but no, we had other friends with us too. There was like two other girls that were with us too. Did you have good seats? Yeah, we were like right in the middle. It was great. Ariana did so good.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I was so proud of her. She literally like is the star of the show. She plays Roxy. Oh, by the way, if you hear Cruz in the background, that's because it's bring your kid to work day. And we thought that he had school today, but actually school is still on spring break. So last minute we didn't have time to get a sitter. So now we got the baby in the podcast studio, which I love.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm going to be running back and forth to make sure he doesn't get anything. But anyway. But yeah, the show though was incredible. She did amazing. She, you know, I was saying that we've always done like karaoke nights and fun things like that, but I've never seen her like perform and sing. And she has like a really good Broadway voice like she did really good Yeah knew all of her lines like just amazing dancer. I was so impressed by her really happy for her But yeah, that was so good. Was there a lot of people that sell out? Yeah, I was full It was completely full and it was it was awesome. Is that her last performance? No, I think her last performance was last night Yeah, but it was like that one of of her last weeks that I got to go.
Starting point is 00:02:25 So I'm glad that I got to do Watch What Happens Live whenever I did because I was able to see her before it was over. But yeah, it was awesome. I had such a good time. Did a lot of press, did a lot of things, did Not Skinny, Not Fat podcast, did People and Us Weekly and this and that. And then I got to do Watch What Happens Live with Nicola, but she is amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:47 She's from Bridgerton. Little Birdie told me you guys got quite drunk afterwards. Well, she plays, she's from Bridgerton and she has like so many new shows coming out, like Big Mood, I think that's what she was there to promote. But she is Lady Whistledown on Bridgerton, which I've rewatched Bridgerton like three times. She was so amazing throughout Watch What Happens Live. We had so much fun. And yes, I ended
Starting point is 00:03:09 up getting her very drunk. Yeah, that's what I heard. We went to Soho House after Watch What Happens Live. And you know me, I'm the shot queen. So every time I got a shot for myself, I got one for Nicola too. And poor thing. She was like so, so tore up by the end of the night. I was like texting her the next day, like, are you okay? I'm so sorry. I got lady whistle down drunk. That was pretty fun though. We had a really good time. I, man, you guys, Andy, man, hammers down on the questions about me and like give it
Starting point is 00:03:44 a rest. You know, well, I mean, he knows down on the questions about me. I'm like, give it a rest. Well, I mean, he knows how you are, Jax. I know, but I mean, it's just like, come on. Andy's known you for years. I think that all that Andy did is like, he didn't know how to respond to me. Like, there was like a moment when he was just kind of like looking at me and he was just like thinking like, wow.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Like, I think he noticed like my strength and he was like, didn't know how to respond to it. What do you mean? Like I feel like I've grown up a lot over the years and he's like seen me through all these changes. And I think that he was like kind of surprised by how strong I was. And I was like, it was, it was really cool. I didn't get, I didn't really get to watch too much of it because I was actually at the watch party, but did he get into the show at all? Did he talk about the Valley much? Yeah, I talked, we talked about the Valley. We talked about things here and there. You know, there was, you know how Sheena,
Starting point is 00:04:30 the whole thing on Banner Pump is like, Sheena was upset that she didn't get to do Dancing with the Stars. That's embarrassing. I would be so embarrassed. It's known that, but she's pretty out about that. Yeah, she is. But there was this guy, I think his name is Gleb,
Starting point is 00:04:44 and he's one of the dancers on Dance with the Stars. I read, I read. And on Watch What Happens Live, Andy did, you know how he does kind of like, the Troll, how we did the Troll of the Week, it's something like that. And he said it was Gleb because he said that Sheena didn't have the star power
Starting point is 00:04:56 or the dance moves to be on the show. I was like, oh, that's so mean. I do, I have a little tiff with Sheena right now, to Sheena and Lala, but I do gotta say say I feel bad for her the fact that she what she said about John Mayer and He's denying the fact that they hooked up. She's got receipts. I is the truth I was just gonna say I don't think Sheena would make something like that. No, no, no, she did not make that up She's she's telling the truth. She's told me about that for years. I've heard all about it. I know all the details. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 So I can't believe he's kind of just kind of putting her down like that just because he is a little bit, obviously he's an A-list celebrity, but he has the power to say that and it diminishes her because she's not. Well, it's true people. So Sheena would not lie about that. I honestly believe her too. Yeah. But no, Sheena does have a star power and she's a great dancer.
Starting point is 00:05:44 So that really annoyed me that he said that But yeah, I just all this like crazy stuff has been coming out about everybody one thing about New York Is that I was able to fly jet blue mint there and back I definitely did you see that I put it on my story that I was like, I'm still allowed to well, I Funny you should say this because yesterday.'m actually going to be traveling a lot and my manager calls like, are you allowed to fly JetBlue? I'm like, oh God, I'm going to call.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So I called and the lady answered, she's like, what can I help you with? I'm like, hi, I'm on your do not fly list. Oh my gosh. And I'm like, I'm wondering if I'm allowed to fly your airline and you're like, your name and all this and stuff. She's like, yeah, you're clear. It just was for 30 days. Oh my gosh. Yet again, something that I was not present for that you got in trouble for. Yes. Pretty much every time I get in trouble, Brittany is not around. I'm not there.
Starting point is 00:06:33 So yes, I am allowed to fly JetBlue again. No hard feelings to JetBlue. They had to do what they had to do, but I'm super excited to fly JetBlue again because- It's the best. Their first class mint is just- And the food is good. I know, but when you're flying to New York and you can get to lay down and sleep the whole way... Oh, I slept the whole way there and the whole way back. It was awesome. I know. I do love JetBlue.
Starting point is 00:06:51 It was probably my fault, maybe. I'm sure it was your fault. I wasn't there, but I'm pretty positive it was your fault. Anyway, for those of you wondering, I can fly JetBlue again. In other airline news, since we're on the topic right now, let me pose a question to Jax. You just landed in the airport you're ready to get from the airplane to your hotel but they're having trouble deep-laning so there's a little bit of a delay and they won't let you get
Starting point is 00:07:15 up to use the restroom you're really really got to use it but you have a cup in hand. How long do you Jax Taylor wait until you cannot wait any longer and you have to utilize that cup in order to, well, relieve yourself? Here's the thing. Now if I wasn't on TV and a public figure I would do it and I wouldn't even think I would just do it. But since the fact I am a public figure and it will obviously or probably be on TV or TMZ or somebody within minutes, I would have to hold it. Or I don't know if I have to make a scene.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I don't know what I would do. I don't know. But because of who we are, doing things like that, it's gonna get caught and I'll be on TMZ in five minutes. Well, you did better than a New Zealand airline passenger who could only wait 20 minutes after arriving in Sydney before he relieved himself with a cup on an airplane. And he got caught? He was caught if I go down to my favorite part of the article here it said one of the
Starting point is 00:08:16 passengers had been on the tarmac for about 20 minutes waiting for a terminal gate to be allocated when she heard the unmistakable sound of the passenger urinating in a cup. I just don't understand how it's this person's fault. Did he get in trouble? Because what is he supposed to do? He has to pee. The passenger was fined in Sydney for urinating in a cup. I'm sorry, that's wrong because you can't control your body. If you got to go, you got to go. Oh, Brittany, do you have any thoughts on this? By the way, it's not healthy to hold your urine either. It's not healthy at all
Starting point is 00:08:49 and it can cause damage. Why didn't they go to the one on the plane? That's what we're waiting. He was allowed to get up and go on the one on the plane, right? It looks they were in the deplaning process. They were looking for a terminal to dock and I believe as we are all aware of, we have to stay in our seats during that period of time. I'm sorry if you're just going like two miles per hour on the whatever thing it's called the tarmac like get up and go to the bathroom. Don't whip out your pee pee on a plane. No that's gross. Yeah there's kids around you can get in trouble for other things. Oh yeah you can I even think
Starting point is 00:09:20 about that you get trouble for. Don't be whipping out your pee pee on planes, that's weird. I would, yeah, I agree with you. I would just get up and go and then take the wrath and then just say, I would try to fight it. Be like, listen, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it, but I had to get up and go because I can't, like Brittany said, I can't just take out my private area on a plane when there's children and women around.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Air New Zealand says that they ban between five and 10 customers each month for disruptive behavior, including intoxication, which apparently this passenger was during the time of this particular incident. Well, Jax would be on the no-flaw zone for New Zealand for sure. Oh, but I got to tell you Air New Zealand has some of the most beautiful planes. Like, you want to get taken care of well, fly Air New Zealand. Are you flown on there?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, when I went to Australia, I flew Air New Zealand. It is a, I mean, Qantas is probably the best airline I've ever flown on. Fly Air New Zealand. Are you flown on there? Yeah, when I went to Australia, I flew Air New Zealand. It is a, I mean, Qantas is probably the best airline I've ever flown on, but Air New Zealand is right there too. I mean, it's a, I mean, they treat the people that sit next to the bathroom like gold. I mean, it's just a, it's a wonderful, wonderful, beautiful airline. All right, something positive about airline for once.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Hey, I'm positive. I like you listen, water under the bridge JetBlue. Okay, I'm back. Hey, I'll see you next week, JetBlue. I'm so excited to see you guys again. You need to be like tagging them in the nicest stories ever. I am. I am. So you guys, you follow me. I'm sorry, JetBlue. I love you.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Allow me back in your mint area. They'll put you in the back of the plane. You're not allowed to have the light on seat. Yeah. Mr. Taylor, we have a seat designated for you in the back of the plane, you're not allowed to have to lay down seat. Mr. Taylor, we have a seat designated for you in the back of the plane. By the toilets. When reality hits is sponsored by Care Of, the health and wellness company that ships high quality personalized vitamins, supplements, and powders conveniently to your door every month. Care Of
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Starting point is 00:13:13 That's quince, Q-U-I-N-C-E dot com slash JB to get free shipping and 365 day return policy. Quince dotcom slash JB. But let's go to the valley. We've had four episodes out so far. Crazy episodes. We are so thankful for all of the people that I've been watching. I know it's been crazy. The game of telephone has been so crazy. Just want to make something very clear.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Jax and I were not really involved in the game of telephone has been so crazy. Just want to make something very clear Jackson and I were not really involved in the game of telephone. We never said that Republicans are racist We never said those words ever. I'm from Kentucky. I know many wonderful Republican people I know many wonderful Democrat people so I just I would never say something like that I feel like because I am from the South. I've been getting like a lot of people being like, why would you say that? I'm like, let's make it clear. I never said any of that. All I did was told you a story at the farmer's market about what happened the night before. I'm glad that me and you were not any part of that because it's such a sticky situation.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I think that was the only scene that I've been in the last two episodes, to be honest. I wasn't even in the last two episodes, to be honest. I haven't even been, I wasn't even in the last episode. Well, you know, I'm also proud of us because in the last night's episode, you know, tonight's episode, we record on Tuesdays, but we've seen the episode that comes out tonight. So whenever you guys hear this, you'll have already seen it too. But tonight's episode, me and you at the Capri party, Capri, is that how you say it? Capri. There's Capri and Capri and like, I'm like, I don't know. The only, like I said, the only Capri I know
Starting point is 00:14:48 is Capri signs and Capri pants. Yeah, yeah, Capri pants. But at the party, you and I, it's so funny. Like I'm taking people over here and I'm being like, okay guys, let's get to the bottom of this so we can move past it. And you're like on the other side, like doing the same thing.
Starting point is 00:15:02 It's almost like we're being like the mom and dad of the group trying to like squash it. Definitely for you because you would normally get yourself all up in the nastiness. And I'm glad that you did not do it on this topic because I don't want to be, I don't like being anywhere near it. I don't like to be anywhere near it either. So I'm glad we can just kind of get rid of that. Hopefully that's done now. Hopefully I'll be done with this.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I mean after the Be The Match, they had a pretty good thing and it's going to move on to other drama after that. Cause you can tell in the episode that Michelle is still very much upset with Kristen for saying something about her that is obviously not true. So that kind of lingers. They're not really going to get along for the whole rest of the season. They're still not friends to this day. But why couldn't she just say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:15:43 I screwed up. I said this. That's what she should have done because why is she kind of like not saying exactly. That's what Kristen should have done. She should have said, I'm sorry that I said this out loud at a party at your house, right? Because I don't think that and I should have never brought it up. It Kristen was feeling like she was backed into a corner because you had invited Alex to come out and to get it off of her She blurted something out. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Don't blame this on me just because Alex was there I'm not blaming it on you. I'm saying you ruined our girls night by invited Alex out and all this drama started happening I didn't our girls night Kristen doesn't know how to keep her composure
Starting point is 00:16:18 Okay well, she got mad and she blurted that out about Michelle because she heard it from Zack who heard it from mad and she blurted that out about Michelle because she heard it from Zach who heard it from Jasmine who heard it from Janet and then added her own words in it because they're all saying that they never said the word racist, that they only said that she had talked about this bill, a Republican bill, whatever, and it just got added to it by every single person in the game of telephone. So Janet never talked to Kristen about it. That was the disconnect there. So Kristen immediately, of course, regretted saying that because now it's like, was this dark cloud that held that was cold over the episode for like three episodes in a row.
Starting point is 00:16:55 We had this dark cloud over the episode because Kristen said it on camera. So that's why everybody was actually so mad because in the reality TV world, what you say on camera is probably going to end up on a show. So that was like, why everybody was more mad at Kristen than they would have been at like Janet, Zach, Jasmine. I just wish, you know, yes, I've done so many bad things on television over the years. I do. But the one thing I can give myself credit for is if I say something, if someone said something, I said, you know what, I screwed up. I said something wrong. Let's just move on from it. I apologize. I apologize to everybody. Take it or leave it and move on. I just felt like this was dragged on a little too long. It was, but Kristen definitely was apologizing. She just
Starting point is 00:17:30 kept on saying, I'm apologizing, but I heard it. Like she just needed to be like, you know what? I'm sorry that I misheard the information and said it out loud. I apologize for doing that. I should have never blurted it out. And it could have been done with. She learned that from Sandoval. That's a Sandoval move too. It could have been done done with but I love Kristen. She knows that she messed up She knows even to this day. She's gonna you know She's constantly trying to apologize to Michelle and hopefully one day they can like fix this and be friends again because Michelle's one of my very best friends Kristen's one of my very best friends, and I hate it when my friends Constantly in the middle in the middle for the last 10 years
Starting point is 00:18:04 That's my life always always trying to keep everybody together clean it up everybody's messes I hate it when my friends don't like each other. I feel like you're constantly in the middle. I feel like you've been in the middle for the last 10 years. That's my life. Always trying to keep everybody together, clean up everybody's messes. Yeah. You know, because they're very loyal to me. I saw what happened and I was so upset about what happened. I felt horrible for Michelle, but it's hard for me to let people... I'm not somebody that can just cut off a friend.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It would take something really, really bad for me to do that, you know? I care too much about people. Did we ever, you and I ever talk about, on the podcast that, was it a bad, I talked to Danny about this last week, my move to invite Alex, like. Well, they didn't show it on the show,
Starting point is 00:18:39 but me and you definitely had a conversation. They decided to show crews getting stuck under the couch instead of our conversation that we had. We actually had had a conversation where I warned you that it was going to ruin my girls night. I was like, I don't even care what you guys do, but we deserve this girls night. I was like, I feel like this is going to ruin our girls night. And of course that wasn't in the episode. So it just kind of looked like I was like, yeah, invite Zach invite Jack invite Jack's gosh Jack's invite Alex the whole time Which I like Alex. I'm not saying anything against him
Starting point is 00:19:08 I'm just saying I did warn you that this was gonna happen that it was gonna cause a lot of drama I'm definitely gonna say I know why you are a good reality TV star Because you do these things I'm not this I'm not that's normally what I would do and like I said Kristen wanted me to involve Luke and Luke She has to understand that Alex is one of my best friends and he is gonna be at every event that I'm at So I'm gonna be included then she has to be he has to be acceptable with Alex being around I also got asked a lot about this in New York whenever I was doing my press junket They were like asking me, you know what I felt about it
Starting point is 00:19:42 And I was like a lot of people don't realize whenever they're watching the valley as a viewer That we weren't really close to Luke at that point even I even I wasn't very close to him love him adore him I'm so glad they're a couple. We're so much closer now. Obviously. We know him a lot better now. We love him He's welcomed with open arms of course, but at that point when we first started filming we didn't really know him Right, so you were just just starting to like try to invite him out and get him involved in the group. So I think a lot of people don't really get that part. And they know that you have to come to me first
Starting point is 00:20:11 to bring people into the group because I'm the guy that makes sure everybody's together. The number one guy in the group? Well, I'm the number one guy in the group. I think I'm actually the number one guy in the group, for real. I'm the one that brings everyone together. You do, you do. Well, I won't talk about this Alex, David, and Luke anymore, I'm gonna stand by it, I'm the one that brings everyone together. You do.
Starting point is 00:20:25 You do. Yeah. Well, I won't talk about this Alex thing and Luke anymore thing. I'm going to stand by it. I'm sorry if people don't agree, but it is what it is and it's done. It's over. And like I said, we have, now we're really good friends. But you do love Kristen and Kristen definitely comes first.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I love Kristen to death. She definitely made a mistake, but she's owning up to that mistake. She knows she made a mistake, you know. Well, hopefully Michelle can move past it one of these days. Yeah, I hope so too, because I love both of them very very much. Okay I just wanted to get that clear because of the comments that we see. Yeah, you know I don't think that just because you're a Republican you have to be all these other things I know just making it clear. Okay, so back to it. We had be the match gala
Starting point is 00:21:01 Jared is one of my very best friends. You guys saw him on the episode. He has been my makeup artist for, Holly, he's probably been my friend for seven years, became best friend after he started doing my makeup. He actually did my wedding makeup. So he was in Kentucky, did my wedding makeup, and he was starting to feel sick around the wedding. And right after the wedding, whenever he goes home, where he lost a bunch of weight and everything, that's whenever he got his cancer diagnosis. So Be The Match actually found his life-saving donor. And we love that company so, so much because they literally saved his life.
Starting point is 00:21:39 And last year, I've been to the past couple of galas for them with Jared. And last year, he actually got to meet his donor from Germany. And it was one of the best moments I've been to the past couple of galas for them with Jared. And last year he actually got to meet his donor from Germany. And it was one of the best moments I've ever watched. Super emotional. It was a beautiful moment. It was, it was, I mean, I can't imagine somebody from across the world has never met you, has never met you, that giving up something that's inside their body. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Here you go. Going through a surgery, going through all this. For somebody, yeah, that you don't, it's one thing to do it for your aunt or cousin, whatever, sister, brother, but this is somebody that you don't even know. Yeah. And Jared is like one of the best people I've ever met. He is so positive. He has such a joy to be around constantly. For considering what he's been through in life, he is extremely positive. Oh my gosh. I love him so much. And just to think, if he didn been through in life, he is extremely positive. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I love him so much. And just to think like if he didn't find that match, he might not be here today. So like, that's why I'm so glad that we were able to show it on the valley. Yeah. I'm glad that they were able to draw attention to such an amazing cause. Um, but yeah, Jared's awesome. And yeah, always. I just love that we can support like the charities events and we have those
Starting point is 00:22:42 platforms to do things like that. Cause that means a lot. And if anybody wants to support or donate, can go to BeTheMatch.org. Yes, thank you. Have you ever had to combine wireless plans? It's about as fun as going to the DMV, meaning it's not. Well guess what? For a limited time phone plans from Mint Mobile are $15 a month when you purchase a three-month plan. Now I've been using this. We absolutely love it because well I'm cheap and I love to save money and $15 a month. I purchase a three-month plan. Now, I've been using this. We absolutely love it because well, I'm cheap And I love to save money and $15 a month I mean, can you beat that? Absolutely not.
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Starting point is 00:25:03 Potential savings will vary. Discount discounts not available in all states and situations. All right. So one funny part that I thought was funny is you guys were on your way to the fair. None of y'all knew how to put the car seats in or do anything the right way. I do now, but yeah, at that time I did not. Yeah, I had no idea what y'all were doing. I was cracking up. And then of course you go there and you've got three of the kids and y'all are talking about like our sex lives and everything with them sitting right there in their strollers. Yeah, they can't understand anything at that
Starting point is 00:25:40 point. Isabel is three. She was, you know, whatever, but it was just funny because I was like watching you guys. Um, and you were like, Danny said something about a love language test and you were like, is that something you can get at CBS? I said that. It was like, no, it's like a book. It's like, you can like read a book or like look it up online or whatever. And you're
Starting point is 00:26:05 like, that's like a butt CVS. Like maybe that's like part of what's wrong with our marriage is that you have no idea what love languages are. I'm clueless. Have you, do you know, let me ask you right now, what do you know about a love language? Clearly not enough or nothing because look at us. Oh my God. Okay. I'm going to read you what the different love languages are. All right. Words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and
Starting point is 00:26:34 physical touch gifts. Oh, okay. Gifts. He's got his hand raised. Like I do gifts. I've got good gifts. What's the other concept? Words of affirmation, which is very important. I always say I love you. I say
Starting point is 00:26:49 it all the time. Acts of service. What's that? What is that? What does that mean, Steve? Like going down on you? Oh my God! The acts of service is just like helping out with the chores little things that you know they would appreciate. I do that. Without having to ask. Oh, but then you never notice. Like, access service without having to ask. I like to tell you that I'm doing it so you're aware of it. Oh yeah. He has to tell me, like, hey, I did the dishes today.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I'm like, cool, I did the sweeping, I did the cooking, I did the cleaning, I did the laundry. Because I feel like if I don't tell you that I'm doing it, then you just assume that it was just done. Like, you didn't even think that I did it. So that's like the opposite of what they're saying. I want you to know that I did it done like you didn't you want to opposite Not our housekeeper, oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:27:31 Receiving gifts. I'm good at that You're good at giving gifts. I guess giving gifts quality time, which I feel like we always spent We have lots of time together and physical touch. We already know very publicly that that was not what's up Yeah, yeah that not in the beginning. How do you feel that everyone knows about our sex life? I don't care. It doesn't bother me. Gosh, I'm only embarrassed because I know like my mom is watching this and people in my family are seeing it and having to learn. Here's the thing. I know that there's other people in the world that are going through exactly what we're going through. Yeah. So that's why we're always so open and honest. I'm a very open book about everything that I do. And guess what? If you don't like it,
Starting point is 00:28:06 I don't care. It's what we're going through. And I want people to say like, oh, look, they're on TV and they're going through the same thing that we're going through. And you have to realize that's another way that we are very different is that you don't care what people think. And I do. Like it bothers me if somebody's upset or mad or whatever. That's crazy. You don't care at all. Why do you care? My life is too short. I'm too much worried about what's going on in my life. Why do I care what other people think?
Starting point is 00:28:27 I wish I could be a little bit more like that and I wish you could be a little bit more like me. I just, I feel like you cause a lot of stress worrying about what other people think. Well, I'm just trying to be a good person. How does it affect your life about somebody that you've never met before leaving you a comment? It's, I don't know. It just sucks.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I mean, it sucks. I'm sure you don't want to be that way. It's just, you are that way you are. I mean, it sucks. I'm sure you don't want to be that way Just you are that way you are So wait, did I pass the love language test? Absolutely not And let's make that clear why we can't get this at CBS. What would your love language be? What are my options? Oh, are you kidding me? I just read them to you two times in a row. I think the gifts No, what would yours personally be?
Starting point is 00:29:05 Like what would you want in a partner that like do for you? I mean, just not nag at me all the time. Oh my God, I'm going to smack you. I mean, I don't know. I'm a guy's guy, you know? I'm very old fashioned. Honestly, I think that all five are needed
Starting point is 00:29:24 in a successful relationship. I'm very old-fashioned. Honestly, I think that all five are needed in a successful relationship. I'm not saying that they're not, but I'm saying I thrive at the gift one. I lack in the other ones. It's kind of like a report card, social studies, English, gym, right? All F's. Like, no. A and gift giving. It's like A and gym. Like, whoa. Yeah, A and chorus. I ain't give it's like a gym like whoa in chorus oh My gosh, that is so true. Okay. Well, what's this funny picture that you're gonna send? Oh, man, I was gonna finish talking about the episode first, okay Okay, I got something funny at the end that I'm gonna share
Starting point is 00:29:56 I mean I kind of we kind of recapped is there anything else that you wanted to recap about the valley the last couple of You know what? Yeah, we're getting not really cuz I haven't to recap about the valley the last couple of you know what yeah we're getting not really because I haven't been last two episodes I just this is so weird for me because I'm such a I'm not trying to you know toot my own horn in any but I'm usually involved in every argument or every kind of thing that goes on even if it doesn't have anything to do with me I think this is the argument that is very good that you didn't involve yourself oh no I know yeah I'm not saying this particular thing but just the fact that I'm not involved in something in general right now is just kind of it's kind of like I don't know what to do with myself. I'm sitting there listening. Do I add my two cents in? Do I not? Like, I'm glad you kept your mouth shut. I kept my mouth shut. But don't worry. Don't worry, guys. I'm excited for everybody to see and we can get moved past this dark cloud and like go on to other stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh, we did show Cruz's whenever he first started speech therapy. I hope everybody remembers too that whenever these episodes air like six or seven months has passed for us. So he's been in speech therapy for about like eight or nine months now. And it's going great. But you know, it's a great, I think it's important for us to show that part of our lives because I know there's so many other parents out there who will relate to what we're going through that their son has a speech delay that they're going through all these different things as well. And that's another reason why being so open and so honest
Starting point is 00:31:16 about what we're going through as parents, I think means a lot because so many other people out there are going to relate to what we're going through and Cruz is amazing. And he's turning three this week. He's turning three this on Friday. So, little three-year-old. I can't believe it. But I will say, just so that any parents that are going through the same thing that we're going through, he does speech therapy twice a week. And we have started him in occupational therapy as well to help with like sensory things and stuff like that. So. As well as he's in school too. And he's playing soccer on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:31:47 He plays soccer on Sunday. So he's got a full schedule. Yeah, he's making us busy, but he is thriving. He's doing so well. I've got so many questions from people writing in asking how Cruz is doing. He is doing amazing. He's doing so well at school. They called us and said that he finishes the puzzles faster than anyone in class. I was like, I'm so proud. He's really good with shapes, colors, puzzles, all that. He's like a whiz at that stuff. Yeah, he's a little whiz.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But yeah, so that's what we're doing. And just wanted to share that in case any other parents are going through it. Because you know, we talk about on the show, like you always expect, you never expect things to go differently than what you had been through in your past. You know, like I've helped raise my nephews and stuff. And you just always think that everything is gonna be right on time, right on schedule. And whenever things go differently,
Starting point is 00:32:30 it could be a lot of pressure and a lot of mom guilt and different things can come with it. So that's why I think it's like super important to share our journey. Yeah. Addy. Ladies, did you know that one of the most common complaints from women about their sexual
Starting point is 00:32:45 health is a frustratingly low libido? Our sex drives can decline, but it's also treatable. Addi or flabanserin is FTA approved and has been clinically proven to increase sexual desire in certain premenopausal women who are bothered by low libido. So, if you feel like you've lost your desire and you want to get it back, stop falling for the snake oils. Ask your doctor about Addie today or go to addie.com.
Starting point is 00:33:11 That's A-D-D-Y-I.com. Addie is for premenopausal women with acquired generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder, HSDD, who have not had problems with low sexual desire in the past, who have low sexual desire no matter the type of sexual activity,
Starting point is 00:33:23 the situation, or the sexual partner. The low sexual desire is troubling to them and is not due to a medical or mental health problem, problems in the past, who have low sexual desire no matter the type of sexual activity, the situation, or the sexual partner. The low sexual desire is troubling to them and is not due to a medical or mental health problem, problems in the relationship, or a medicine or other drug use. Addie is not for use in men or to enhance sexual performance. Your risk of severe low blood pressure and fainting is increased if you drink one to two standard alcoholic drinks close in time to your addie dose. Wait at least two hours after drinking before taking addie at bedtime. Your risk of severe low blood pressure and fainting is also increased if you take certain prescriptions, over-the-counter or herbal medications, or have liver problems. low blood pressure and fainting is also increased if you take certain prescriptions, over-the-counter or herbal medications, or have liver problems. Low blood pressure and fainting can happen when you take ADDIE even if you don't drink alcohol or take other medicines.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Do not take if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in ADDIE. Allergic reactions may include hives, itching, or trouble breathing. Sleepiness, sometimes serious, can occur. Common side effects include dizziness, nausea, tiredness, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, and dry mouth. See full PI and medication guide including box warning at addi.com forward slash PI or call 844 pink pill. Ask your doctor about addi today or go to addi.com. That's a d d y i dot com. Now it's time for something hilarious. We all know that the eclipse was this week and everybody was like going crazy. I
Starting point is 00:34:26 I'm going to embarrass myself really fast. I was texting with Janet and I was like, Hey, are you doing anything? Are you watching the eclipse anywhere tonight? She's like, I think it just happened like 30 minutes ago. And I was like, Oh my God, I felt so stupid because for some reason I was thinking it was a nighttime thing. Why do people care about this eclipse? It only happens like, it's not going to happen again until like 2044 or something like that. It's like, oh, you know, it's very rare. But the thing is, is that I texted Janet and I felt so dumb afterwards. I was like, why did I think this is a nighttime thing?
Starting point is 00:34:59 Obviously it's a daytime thing because the sun gets covered by the moon. It didn't even happen here, really. Oh my gosh. But anywho, I'm going to show you this meme. Zach was over at my house today and he started cracking up and I was like, what is it? So it says, I can't even do it, I'm going to laugh. It says, just in, Jack's arrested for stealing E eclipse safety supplies from a sunglass hut. And it's your bug shot when you stole the sunglasses in.
Starting point is 00:35:30 That is hilarious. That is funny. That's like the funniest meme I have ever seen. Everybody had those, you know, eclipse safety glasses on because you can't look at the eclipse or your eyes will get messed up. Should I make fun of myself? You should make fun of yourself and post that it's whole I almost posted it earlier, but I was like I want him I want to show him on the podcast so that he can see it and have his like actual reaction
Starting point is 00:35:51 That's funny. We give myself a little props here for what I got the cover of us weekly for sure. Yeah, you talk about Thank you, you already shot it they're using pictures very they just put pictures. Oh, that's awesome. So comes out tomorrow Wednesday. Yeah Congratulations. Thank you my first big cover of a magazine I've you haven't done any covers for the wedding or anything like that Well, we did like um, we were on the cover of like the like people that no I was on the back cover of people for Jenny Craig thing, but this one is like about me. Oh, congratulations Yeah, we got the cover, woo! That's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Have you had a cover before? A Men's Health. You didn't have a cover. No, I didn't. You had an article. Did I have an article? You had an online article. I don't think I've ever had a cover of anything, no.
Starting point is 00:36:40 No. Go Brittany, go Brittany. No, nothing worth talking about, like dumb things, but nothing worth, no. I haven't really done any covers. That's Oh, Brittany. Go Brittany. I know nothing. Nothing. We're talking about like dumb things, but nothing worth No, I haven't really done any covers. That's good. Congratulations. That's a big one. So I'm really I'm so grateful What is it this just in Brittany's signal and separate? Probably gonna have a horrible clickbait II title, but then it's gonna go into a good article. Okay, don't worry I don't talk too bad about you We got to just laugh about stuff now. I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:07 we, you know, our life is all in the public eye, so we can't really hide anything. Okay. So you and Danny did the podcast last week. I was proud. Did a good job, right? Yeah, I was proud of you. You and Danny talked a lot about acting gigs. What do you think would be your favorite one that you ever did? CSI. CSI was your favorite one ever? I think CSI was probably my favorite. I mean, I've done a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I've done a lot of fun and ruddy things. Well, you know I'm obsessed with Desperate Housewives. I've not been really watching it. I wish you would have told me this on the way here so I could have thought about this. Well, I mean, CSI was cool. No, Desperate Housewives, I was hot guy number two. I know, but you got to be on that set of one of my favorite shows of all time. That's what I'm talking about. I was on Dexter, which is another cool set. Oh, yeah Dexter's cool I was yeah desperate housewives
Starting point is 00:37:52 They're cold case. I mean, there's a lot of cool things I've done, you know, but you were on Arrested Development Arrested Development How'd you know that? I'm cuz it's on your wiki man. yeah, yeah, rest of development. Hey, it's not God bless the broken road. We told that story a little while ago, whenever we went to Lexcon, that they had a movie on there that I did not, was not a part of. I did a movie with that douchebag Randall that got me eight dollars.
Starting point is 00:38:22 What's the movie called? It was, what was it called? You got to act with Richard De Niro. Savage Salvation. Savage Salvation. Oh, okay, there it is right there. So my favorite thing, not because it was with frickin' Randall, but I've never really been acting in my life,
Starting point is 00:38:37 and I got to do a scene with Robert De Niro. I said Richard De Niro. Robert De Niro, and like, it was awesome. I don't know why I didn't think that come to my head So I don't know the three people that ever seen the movie. I played like a country guy and I'm helping out a police officer the police officers Robert De Niro and we're getting a body and we have to load the body into The truck and take him to the hospital and I have my I forget what my lines were
Starting point is 00:39:00 But I had like two lines and not only that I had cool that you got to do it with him But nobody go watch it because we don't want Randall to make any money No, not only that is I haven't drove a stick shift in a long time Oh God, I was on set watching you me and Lala were pregnant on set watching you guys And I had to drive a see an old c10 for those of you know, that's it's probably like a 1965 truck that has gone through the war so I it wasn't like your standard manual. So I get to memorize my lines. I have to drive the stick shift with Robert De Niro. And you already suck at memorizing lines.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Oh, it was awful. So yeah, I'll have to say that was my favorite. Probably my favorite thing. I mean, honestly, like Robert De Niro, that's a, I mean, that's, you know, many people can say that they've acted with Robert De Niro. Yeah. And I got to meet him too and be on set with you guys. Yeah, that was really cool. So that was my favorite one. The name of your character was Good Ol' Boy. Good ol' boy. I was the good ol' boy that found a body.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I remember I thought you were pretty cute because you looked like a country, a good ol' country boy. Oh, that's maybe the handful of times you've told me that I was good looking. Oh my, whatever. Words of affirmation. I do that a lot, okay. What's the next one? Okay. So have you
Starting point is 00:40:08 seen there's like this like thing going around that me and you are moving out of LA to work on our marriage? Marriage bootcamp? I'll do that. No like people are actually saying that we are moving out of LA. Where do people come up with this? So this was a question from Ida Elise B90. Is it true that you and Jax are thinking about moving out of LA to work on your relationship? So I just want to say that's not true. We have a lot going on in LA. We're not planning on leaving anytime soon. What that was about was a long time ago. We used to talk about moving to Florida, moving to Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Probably would have saved our marriage if we would have left. Well, a lot of people brought that back to the surface and they're acting like that was talked about now. That was talked about during COVID pandemic times. So that's what the mess up is. Right now we have absolutely no plans to move out of LA. Unfortunately, unfortunately, we're very blessed. There's a lot of things going on. I mean, we have a wonderful bar. We have our wonderful podcast. We have a TV show that's doing awesome that hopefully we're getting a season two for, you know. Hopefully franchise the bar too. We're trying to make that happen. So I'm very excited about that.
Starting point is 00:41:14 But yeah, no. That's not true. I just wanted to clear that up. Probably would have been a good idea though. Hindsight. Tracy underscore B underscore me. Did you go to Lala's gender reveal? So I obviously was invited to the gender reveal, but we were at Lexcon during it. So that's why we weren't there. But I FaceTimed her. She told me it was a girl and I was so happy she just announced that it was a girl. So congratulations Lala. I can't wait to meet her. She's going to
Starting point is 00:41:43 be a little beauty. So proud of you. So that's why we weren't there just in case for all those people that were that were asking about that. Okay. Oh, from Oh my gosh, it's Kristen. What do you think about Coach Cal leaving Kentucky? Oh, I heard about this today. My mother-in-law texted me. My mother, my mother-in-law texted me. She's like, do you believe it? I mean, Kentucky is obviously, I think, the home of college basketball. Yes, even though we lost first round of the freaking March Madness this year. So sad.
Starting point is 00:42:14 And you lost to Oakland University. I know, what the heck. But still, Coach Cal, like yeah, we haven't won as much as we normally do recently. But think of all the lives of these kids that he's changed. He made them millions of dollars, got them in professional. Like, yeah, we had a lot of one and done, but they all went on and had like amazing careers in the NBA. Like, I feel like people are just being so selfish by being like, we don't ever win,
Starting point is 00:42:36 because he's like helped so many kids and changed their lives. And he's such a good speaker. He's a great speaker. I was so, he's so motivated, like he motivates everybody that motivates everybody that listens to him. He's amazing. So I'm really sad. I've been to two UK games and I can tell you, I didn't even watch the game. I would just watch him.
Starting point is 00:42:53 He's just so passionate about the game and just the way he speaks. I wonder who we're going to get. He should run for president. I love that guy so much. He is amazing. So yeah, I'm very sad that he's leaving Kentucky and I am so, it's kind of freaking me out who we're going to get next. And he's going to Arkansas? Yes. I hope all the players don't follow him there. I mean, he changed his lives.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Yeah. He really does. Yeah. Oh goodness. But yeah, no, definitely sad about that one. This is from onawall770. How long does your jaw take to go back to normal? Mine still isn't working. Almost one month post-op. It took me a minute. Obviously. I hate that. I will regret for the rest of my life that it was still healing while I was filming because it's hard for me to even watch myself. Well, the doctors did tell you that could happen. They did tell me it could happen. I think it probably took me like three months to myself whenever it was still healing. Well, the doctors did tell you that could. Yeah, they did tell me it could happen.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I think it probably took me like three months to fully heal, right? Yeah. Now I'm like back to normal, of course, and good to go. But, and I'm so, I love the results, everything like that. But yeah, it definitely, I thought about one month was gonna be enough time for me, but for me personally, it was like three months before I was able
Starting point is 00:44:00 to get the full function of my jaw back. Speaking of that, Dr. Payman and Dr. Lakey said to say hi, I saw them yesterday. Oh my god, they are incredible. It's not their fault that I took a long time to heal. They're the best doctors and I love the results. Like now it's perfect, you know? Yeah. They're great.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Okay, Danny LLMM, did you feel pressure to hold the group together while filming? Absolutely. Who's that question to? Probably for both of us, but yeah. Which one? Vanderpump or Valley? Valley, duh. To hold the group together. I think everyone's done an incredible job on the show so far. I think- Yeah, but there was such a, you know, obviously you can see that there was such a separation
Starting point is 00:44:39 in like our cast after the last couple episodes. So I definitely felt the pressure because they're all my friends and I love them so much and I just, you know, didn't want everybody to be fighting. But then again, it wouldn't be a good TV show if people weren't fighting. That's what's great about this show. Again, like it's like just like Vanderpump. It's very organic. This is what this stuff goes on regardless of the cameras are there or not. So in fact, more stuff happens when the cameras are actually are not on and they always they always freak out about it. They're like, wait, wait, what's going on? What's happening? Life doesn't stop just because the cameras are rolling.
Starting point is 00:45:11 So that's how you know, like this is like a true organic show. These are our true friends and we hope everybody's liking everybody. I think the show's doing great. I'm so happy. What's up, Steve? Has the show been good for the friend group? Definitely not. No, I think it's torn. Because now Kristen and Michelle and Janet, none of them like each other. And so it's been like a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Like it's hard for me to, you know, because they're all my best friends. So like, it's like if I'm going out with Janet. How do you have a girls night? Yeah, it's like I have to like decide who I'm inviting to what. And I hate that because I wish I could just invite everybody. I don't want to leave people out. what I was going through with Luke and Alex Yeah, I mean I guess Okay, we're gonna take one last question
Starting point is 00:45:53 This is from McBride five five six nine What is the theme this year for Cruz's birthday and the theme that I've had planned for over a year is three wrecks? Which is that? The theme that I've had planned for over a year is three wrecks. Three wrecks. How cute is that? Three wrecks. So it's his three-year-old birthday party. And you know what I'm loving about this birthday party? You know what I love about this birthday party?
Starting point is 00:46:12 It's not at our house. Is we're finally not having it at our home. We are having it at Skyzone. Skyzone, Cruz's favorite place. Yes, and my same party planners who helped me do all my parties, Glitz and Gather and Picnic and Pedal, they are doing it again this year. So it's going to be fabulous.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And I don't have to clean up. So it's going to be so fun. And everybody wish my baby a happy birthday. Three years old. I can't believe it. You are the light of my life and I love you so much. Best thing to ever happen to mommy. Now Jax has to go on an apology tour for some stupid crap that he said.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Well first of all, take it away Jax. Well did you know that people celebrate their followers? Did you know that? I just saw that on Instagram. People have cakes celebrating 10,000. If you hit a million, if you hit two million, those are big milestones. Millions?
Starting point is 00:46:59 I guess millions. But this person's celebrating 10K. I mean remember when I got my first K, I was so happy. I just, I didn't know people celebrate their followers. Apology to her, take it away. So as you guys know I have a big mouth and it gets me in trouble from time to time and I have to tell you I gotta. This is his big mouth.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I am nothing, I am no part of this whatsoever. Do not group me in with what he says and did please. Hey guys, okay so I just want to touch on a little something that happened last week that a lot of you guys saw. So I did a little something at my bar last week, which I regretfully went on a rant about how Vanderpump rules is scripted. I'm sure many of you listening right now have saw the videos and I'm incredibly embarrassed by that.
Starting point is 00:47:36 About 10 minutes before I got to the bar for the viewing party, something was brought to my attention that really upset me. I don't want to get into details about what exactly it was about, but instead of speaking about it with the people involved, I retaliated by letting the show. I don't want to get into details about what exactly it was about, but instead of speaking about it with the people involved, I retaliated by letting the show when I shouldn't have done that. I'm embarrassed by my actions, and more so, I feel badly for putting a show
Starting point is 00:47:53 that has probably been the most authentic television out there. Certain people on the show may rub me the wrong way from time to time, but I should have never trashed a show like that. Vanderpump has been and continues to be incredible TV, and I will always stand by that. As many of you know and seen, I can overreact and impulsively
Starting point is 00:48:09 and I just wanted to apologize for all that. I'm sorry guys, that was very wrong of me and I was drinking a little too many sodas. And of course I was not there. So I'm sure everyone notices like, things happen when Brittany ain't around. I know, I just got really, like I got some information from a couple of people on Vanderpump that really pissed me off. You
Starting point is 00:48:27 know what it is and you're understanding why it man but you you even said why did you do that and I just yeah I got the information I got the information like two minutes before this show. That show gave you so much you should have never put it down. Like that gave both of us our start on everything. 100% and I honestly couldn't have been more wrong. It's the most authentic show out there. There's nothing scripted about it You can't script this stuff. No, really really can't that's why they're in a pump is so great And that's why the Valley is gonna continue to be so great So I'm sorry to everybody out there if I upset anybody and I just embarrassed myself to be honest
Starting point is 00:48:56 So well, thanks for apologize anyway, okay, and we can move on from that. All right Thanks to everybody so much for tuning in to when reality hits with Jackson Brittany Make sure you guys continue to watch the valley every Tuesday. We love you and appreciate the support so much We'll see you guys next week She talks about etiquette get your fingers out of your mouth She talks about where to find a deal, you know, if you sell me something on Instagram, I buy it. Whoever markets to me does a fabulous job. She talks about the economy.
Starting point is 00:49:29 We used to joke that'll be the thing to send them to therapy. Okay, we're creating jobs. Can we look at it that way? She talks about parenting. These kids want to come home. They don't want to leave. They don't want to drive. They want to stay in the womb.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Let's talk with Heather DeBrow every Thursday on Podcast One or wherever you get your podcasts.

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