When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - Schwartz Responds to Jo!

Episode Date: May 24, 2024

Mr. Tom Schwartz chats with Brittany about the latest buzz on the interwebs about Jo Wenberg!  Check out our great sponsors!! SONO BELLO: Schedule your FREE consultation and learn all about Micro... Laser Fat Removal at SonoBello.com/realityhits  NURX: Take control of your reproductive health! Go to Nurx.com/reality to get started!   PROGRESSIVE: Quote today at Progressive.com to try the Name Your Price® tool for yourself, and join the over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive.   APARTMENTS.COM: Need a place? Visit Apartments.com - THE place to find a place!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to Wind Reality Hits with Brittany. I'm doing it solo but I have a very special guest coming on and I'm so excited to clear some things up and let you guys hear a different side of the story for a change and I'm very excited about that. You know me too. I never get nervous for a change. And I'm very excited about that. I know me too. I never get nervous for podcasts. You gotta put sunglasses on and make you an incident. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:33 So I was going to have a surprise guest Tom Schwartz on to recap a lot of the drama going on on the Vanderpump rules reunion, but things have been spiraling out of control online with Joe and I feel like Schwartz needs to address some things that are going on because you know you're a good guy and I feel like that this it's not really fair that it's so one-sided. Last time Schwartz was on here the, he didn't want to mention her name at all because out of respect for her, he just wasn't trying to go there. And I appreciate that. And I think that's great. But now the lies are getting a little crazy. So everyone,
Starting point is 00:01:15 say hello to Mr. Tom Schwartz. What's up, everybody? Hi, Brett. Hi. How are you? How are you feeling? Well, I know we're supposed to do like a fun reunion recap. Yeah. But I mean, it's like I just like, listen, I've tried not to touch this. I've taken the high road. I'm Mr. Rise above, you know, I don't go looking for negative stuff online, but people inevitably like send you stuff. And like, I'm seeing Joe talking shit about me, like random clips, you know, and I've tried not to respond, like ignore it, you know, like saying I'm her soulmate reading my text, you know on a live stream and Like I just like I have to address this. Yeah, you have to mean it's like cuz I'm starting to get really negative comments on My social media you have to it's it's like it's not getting to me, but it's like I just want to address it
Starting point is 00:02:03 Okay, and you said nothing but nice things about her. Let me make that clear. Schwartz only says nice things about her. He does not like put her down, talk crap about her at all. But now things are kind of like spiraling out and lies are being spread. And that's why I really think that Schwartz needed to address this. Thank you, Brad. And OK, at the top, though, let's just let's acknowledge, like clearly she's acting out, you know, she her feelings are hurt. Yeah, okay. I
Starting point is 00:02:28 don't want to invalidate her feelings. But also, I have feelings. And they're valid, too. Okay. I got feelings. Yeah, right. For sure. Okay, I just want to like give I want to shine a light on my point of view and why pulled away from her. Okay, because I feel like she's kind of using social media to create like this sort of, I don't know, poor me, I got played, bread-crumbing narrative, but she's building a following at my expense, and I'm getting tired of it, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:55 I mean, the videos have been a lot. That's what I mean, like the live streams, like I just wanna clear some things up. She's blocked on my social media, like she's deleted from my contacts. You know, but people send me this shit like unsolicited and this will probably be like the last time I talk about it, hopefully.
Starting point is 00:03:12 But it's just really, it's frustrating to see her playing the role of like a victim, okay? It's like, sometimes you really dig somebody and then you find some things out about them that causes you to look at them in a completely different way, you know what I mean? Well, sometimes, sometimes you just really dig somebody and then the feelings go away. Yeah, you were just having fun kind of. I feel like you, you know, went through a lot with your
Starting point is 00:03:33 relationship and you were going through a divorce and everything else. So yeah, no, of course. And like, okay, I will acknowledge, like just to the record, I think people know this, but like we hung out so much, we had such a good time together. We had some sort of whatever you wanna call it, but we spent a lot of time together and it was so fun, but we were never in any sort of conventional, exclusive relationship, and we were coasting in a pretty nice direction, I think, until maybe the beginning of filming.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And that's where, I don't know, maybe I started to know some erratic behavior, maybe some red flags. Yeah. I was going to ask you because so many people were wondering, she did that like one live where her friend was in the background and she kept, people kept asking her, what was the one big thing that made you and Schwartz or that made Schwartz like stop talking to you or like, you know, back up from the relationship and she was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:26 We don't know what that one thing was. Yeah, I mean, okay, I didn't see that. But like, listen, I don't wanna- Was it one thing or was it lots of things? It was a lot of things. It was a lot of things. And I'm not gonna divulge most of those things. Yeah, you don't have to.
Starting point is 00:04:39 But one of the biggest things is I found out that she makes up, she makes, I'm not gonna, in my experience. She's a compulsive liar. Yeah. Okay. And I know this firsthand. I will say this whenever I'm just going to say this story because I feel like people do need to realize this because whenever Kristin's dog Bowie passed away, she was telling people that Jackson I called her and told her that Kristen's dog passed away We don't even I don't even have her phone number haven't talked to her in years and years and years
Starting point is 00:05:09 So for me that was just like why what like what's the point of saying that? Yeah, like that was just such a lot That's the thing like some of her lies are just like but not for no reason. They're just benign. Yeah Nonsensical kind of outlandish lies, But some of them, like I'll talk about this, I'll touch on it. I'm not going to go into detail because I just like, I don't want to grudge or anything like that. But like some of them were malicious or manipulative and low key. I feel like kind of what she's doing with these live streams, like building a following at my expense. And like, I feel like she's bored. Like it's slightly manipulating the audience too. But like, you know, again,
Starting point is 00:05:42 Well, she keeps saying that you're her soulmate. Yeah, let's let's like, let's get into that. Yeah, please. I'm like, yeah, what's happening? So like, all right. Just so they have an idea, like the first one, the first time I was like, oh my God, like, holy shit, that caught me really off guard.
Starting point is 00:05:58 It's kind of a doozy. I was going to say, did she say that to you? Like, like, was she open? Like, you're my soulmate to you? No, she was not like that to me. We had a great connection, okay? That's established. We were hanging out a lot.
Starting point is 00:06:11 By the way, she never lived with me. Just to the record, Jo has her own place. She has a rental property, she has an apartment. Never lived together. But without a doubt, we had a great connection. And around the time we started filming is where I started slowly pulling away. And one of the main reasons was the first lie that I substantiated and I found out. It's just casually one day she mentioned
Starting point is 00:06:32 that she used to babysit for one of our executive producers' kids. And she told me that. I was telling her. She told you that to your face. Yeah, just so nonchalantly. And she was like, cause I was telling her about the pitfalls of doing reality television.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And somehow it's like things can get takenantly. And she was like, because I was telling her about the pitfalls of doing reality television and how somehow it's like, you know, things can get taken out of context. It can distort your image. And she's like, no, no, no. It's like, I'm not worried about that, because like I used I babysit your executive producers kids. Oh, my gosh. And it's like, I never I had no. Like, what is the reason to question that?
Starting point is 00:06:59 But I asked him like weeks later and he's like, no, I never met her before the show started. That was the first seed of doubt. Yeah, you're like, whoa, what's the point of that lie? We were never in any sort of conventional relationship so I didn't confront her. I was just like, okay, and I started slowly pulling away at that point, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:18 And then as time went on, we filmed, we had a good time, I thought we could just stay friends. People started coming out of the woodwork and telling me things about her. And I would like, shut them down, sometimes even go to bat for her and defend her. It's like the thing that really wasn't ever a red flag for you, that she just kind of like stopped talking to Kristen. I mean, I never at the time. No, I got to be honest, though, I was down. I was like, fucked up. I was in be honest though. I was down. I was like up I was in my own world. I was vulnerable. I was not thinking right right like there was this as time went on like some other things
Starting point is 00:07:52 Happened in particular. I'm not going to go into this but there's some like like I said, we need to hear some things What I just told you yeah after like I shouldn't even have to say anything else But like some of the things that happened were kind of manipulative and malicious. Jo is not a bad person, she's not malicious, but some of the things I found out that she told my family behind my back really pissed me off. Your family too. My mom told me, my sister told me, my brother told me. And it's just honestly-
Starting point is 00:08:21 Do you think that was the biggest thing of why you started pulling away? Because your family got involved? For sure for sure yeah because my family got involved and like it's like they were and your family's super close you're so close to them really like dangerous accusations and like i just i don't even know if she remembers this joe if you're listening i don't even know if she remembers this shit like really i just like just based on like the i don't know if i want to recount it you should i don't want recount it, but she's like, she went behind my back and called my family and said some fucked up things.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And her and my sister, they were like two peas in a pod. I swear to God, my sister was her biggest fan in the world. Yeah, you even told me that, your sister really liked her. She spent two nights with Joe, and she said it was one of the worst experiences of her entire life. Just think about this, it's kind of a profound statement. She spent two nights with Joe and she said it was one of the worst experiences of her entire life. Just think about this. It's kind of a profound statement. She spent two nights with her. She had to block her afterwards and she's like, I'm traumatized. She apologized to me
Starting point is 00:09:12 profusely for weeks for trying to push her on me. And I was like, cause I was like, I was trying to explain to her like Joe's a great person. Like she's cool, but I just know like there's no longevity here. And I just don't think like I'm just, I have, I have some reservations about it, but anyways, not gonna go into detail. I mean, that kind of says a lot anyway. Just like that stuff, it just really rubbed me the wrong way. And I'm just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I just wanna say in my experience, like I just, there was too many, there's too many lies. When Reality Hits is sponsored by Nurex. Nurex is a digital healthcare platform that makes it easy to get the expert healthcare you deserve. They offer birth control, anti-aging, prescription skin care, and treatment for common mental health concerns. It's great to have a place to go, especially as a woman, and I think this could benefit so many people who are looking for stuff that they need and can't find the resources. Nurex is a great place to go for women, especially for things like this. They have 24-7 care and support, so you can ask questions when you need it most.
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Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like I said, clearly like Joe's hurt. Yeah. I don't think she made, I don't know if she has a great support system. She's like looking for validation on social media and you know, I just, it felt like kind of a violation. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:44 Like if, if, if like, if Joe hears this, wait, I'm gonna it felt like kind of a violation. You know what I mean? Like if, if, if, like, if Joe hears this, wait, I'm gonna do a call to action. Joe, if you hear this, Kaylee, like the person that I used to know, what, like go and show them, you know, go show them your hobbies, like the shit you do, your hair business, surfing, go be zany, and wow, just don't try to build a following at my expense, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:06 Like just, like, I don't know, she's looking for like short-term clout and imaginary online sympathy, and then I feel like she's sacrificing any sort of chance she has for like legitimacy, or you know, just a credibility. It's just, I don't know, I get it, like I think she's hurt, but like I pulled away from her
Starting point is 00:13:24 because there's just too many lies Too many. I'm not like trust me. I have a list of like minimum of 20. Yeah 20 like substantiated confirmed lies I mean didn't she kind of say that after you guys did the reunion together that you were hanging out with her Texting her one of the ones that really rubbed me the wrong way I don't I don't know what I'm like I don't know the timelines on this stuff. Someone sent me one like a week ago and she was doing a live stream and she's like, he texts me nonstop
Starting point is 00:13:49 but I don't feel comfortable because I know he's seeing someone. And I'm just like, what the is she talking about? Yeah, because you're like a week ago. Yeah, because you're not doing that obviously. I'm not at all. It's like, I just anyways, like, I don't know. I'm not trying to hold a grudge.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I just, I don't have a grudge. Like I have no hard feelings. It's just like, I pulled like, I don't know, I'm not trying to hold a grudge. I just, I don't have a grudge. Like I have no hard feelings. It's just like, I pulled, like people need to respect the reasons why I pulled away from her. They're very fucking valid. I'm sorry, they're very valid. And anybody in my situation would have done the same thing. For sure.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I'm sorry. I mean, lies from the get go, like big lies about big people in our lives, that's weird. Just like, again, some benign, but some, like the stuff with my family, I can never look at her the same way. Yeah, she's cut from, you know, she's cut from my life forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I mean, how are you feeling right now? I mean, I know it's all a lot and like the fact that she was on the reunion, I thought was kind of crazy because I don't remember it was on my first year of reunion. I don't know. But like that had to be a lot for you to like have to deal with that as well. Because like, I know that it's just like that had to be a lot for you to like have to deal with that as well. Because I know that it's just like taken off and went viral. I just it's like it did. It did. It's like I'm getting so many comments like you bread crumbed her. You let her on. I'm just like you guys sometimes you really did it all. Like, do you want to explain that part as well? Yes. Yeah. Like I
Starting point is 00:15:00 said in the beginning, like we had so much fun. We had an undeniable connection. It was fucking fun, man. It's like in the beginning, I think I liked Jo because she was just so, the polar opposite human of Katie. And I don't mean that in a spiteful way. It's just like coming out of a 13 year relationship and without a doubt. So I don't wanna confuse people,
Starting point is 00:15:20 giving quote unquote mixed signals. But sometimes you guys, you come into something and there's like a, you know, there's a haze of like some sort of infatuation. You dig each other, it's so fun. But then when you find something out about someone, it changes the way you look at them forever. And it's like when you find out someone's making up
Starting point is 00:15:37 like random lies, I don't know, it makes you question all the outlandish stories she ever told me, the things she said. It makes me question her motive for coming into my life. Do you know what I mean? I'm not slippy sloping, but it makes me, I'm not just, there's a lot of them. People like, patrons in my bar would tell me stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:54 My family would tell me stuff. Like, after we stopped seeing each other, literally all my friends that I'm close with came to me and mentioned things, and I'm just like, oh my God. And also, a lot of people watching a reality TV show don't realize how long ago these things were filmed and like you went through these things. So like how long has it been since you and Joe like haven't even been talking to each other? Like maybe we should clarify that so that people. I mean, yeah, we I've barely talked to her in the past five months.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Okay, yeah. And I think that's very important to address because people think that they're watching a live show sometimes and it's like, no, this was filmed months ago. Yeah. It's like, it's just, I don't know, ever since like sometime, like late summer, early fall, there was like some incidents with my family. Just like, it just caused me to pull away. Yeah. And I tried, you know, me, I don't want any bad. I know there wasn't one big thing, but definitely addressing your family and doing things with your family was like, okay, I can't. I think in the moment she thought she was doing something for me, I mean, I don't want
Starting point is 00:16:53 to get into that. You don't have to. It's like, it's, it's, they were egregious and flagrant. But I think people listening would understand, like, when your family's involved, that's like a whole different level, you know? Yeah, that was that last text I sent her, which she read, like, only a portion of on the live stream. whole different level, you know? Yeah, that last text I sent her, which she read only a portion of on the livestream, that's the reason,
Starting point is 00:17:07 because I had pretty much cut off contact, but I got infuriated, so I kind of rage texted a little bit. It was actually a very constructive, semi-uplifting text towards the end, but I started enumerating some of the reasons why I left her, and why when you find out a few lies,
Starting point is 00:17:21 some, again, some innocent and some not so innocent. It makes you just question everything. And it anyways, just, Hey, go live your life. Go build a following. Do your live streams. Do a surfing live stream. Just don't try to do it at my expense. She's not a victim. Yeah. She's not a victim. Okay. I love that you said Joe narrative. It's like, I love that you said like, show like things that you're good at, like show your surfing, show this, show said like, show like things that you're good at, like show your surfing, show this, show that. Like that's like, that's very nice of you to say, especially after your name is being
Starting point is 00:17:51 dragged around like that by that person. And like on some level, I get that this is like her brush with fame here. It's new, it's exciting. Yeah. Before we even like talk today, Schwartz was like, it's so hard whenever you're a first time on reality TV, like there's a lot that comes with it. A lot of pressure, a lot of comments, a lot of everything. So like even Schwartz was being like,
Starting point is 00:18:12 I get that part of it. Thanks for saying that. Yeah. I understand, she's probably, she's experiencing like, her brain's probably lit up like the 4th of fucking July. Yeah. Because it's like she's in a negative and positive feedback loop on social media.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And I'm not saying like we're jaded, but I've been there, done that. And it still gets to me sometimes after 11 years. But like, dude, the fact that she's doing it at my expense, it needs to be addressed and I'm shutting it down. I pulled away for very valid fucking reasons. Get over it, move on, close that chapter of your life, start a new shiny bright one, go blossom,
Starting point is 00:18:45 go be great, give them Joe. Just keep my name out of your mouth and move on with your life. I love it. So see, like we still want the best for you, Joe, if you're listening or whoever, like it's always uplifting. And that's one thing I love about Schwartz, like he's not trying to like bring somebody down or anything, you know, so. I just, yeah. And then like I wanted to end on a
Starting point is 00:19:06 positive. Yeah, she also like she used to preach about how much she hates social media how she would never do Gospel not just like once or twice. It was her gospel. That's the way now I see how she's acting and by the way good good for her When you expect as life goes on you change your outlook, your perspective on life with new information. I like that she's embracing it but she's doing it at my expense and it just seems like, I don't know, it seems clownish. Well I'm glad you addressed it. I think that was important. When Reality Hits is brought to you by Progressive Insurance. Most of you listening right now are probably multitasking.
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Starting point is 00:21:49 I'm going to chill out. I'm going to go on some side quests. What side quests? You know, just like maybe reinvent myself. Maybe learn a new language, travel. Learning a new language at this age is so hard. It's so hard. Like it's insane.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I got babble. I did it too. I literally got babble. I did it too. I literally got babble. I was trying to learn Spanish like 1000%, like I got this. Yeah. And all I remembered is like the things from high school, it was like cerveza means beer. My Spanish teacher in high school I think was an alcoholic,
Starting point is 00:22:18 so that was like her favorite word. Okay, that's. We're in high school and she's like, cerveza, cerveza. I remember the first song I ever learned in Spanish. You wanna hear it? Yeah. And it's like stuck with me. Yo soy un cerdo, yo soy un cerdo.
Starting point is 00:22:32 No me gusta trabajar. If you speak Spanish, you know. Thank you so much for singing that for me. The translation is hilarious. What is it, tell me. I am a pig, I am a pig. I do not like to work. Which is low key true.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I'm just kidding. That is hilarious. Okay, so let's do a little. What's going on in the Valley land? Oh yeah, the Valley, you know, this last episode was super tough for me and Jax. I was like getting car sick. He was trying to blame it and Jax. I was like getting car sick. He was trying to blame it on me drinking. I hadn't drank that day.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I think I had like one shot with the crew earlier. Get car sick. And then he's like hounding me all night about it. It was not a good look. It was not good. So how did you see the episode? I saw clips online, but I know they get chopped up in sort of processed for for maximum clickbait. So I know better than to react from just what I see online.
Starting point is 00:23:28 But yeah, from what I'm hearing, it's not good. It was not good. And I know you're good friends with Jax. You're good friends with me. But how do you feel about Jax doing that to me? I'm gonna put you on the spot right now. Oh my God. Wait, I didn't see the episode.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Can I plead the fifth? Because I don't know. I don't have context. I just saw clips where it's like you were in the room. He's like, stop. So he's like, so my room that I chose was like right beside the kitchen. So they're all like talking in the kitchen and I could hear everything they're saying. I didn't have a mic on or anything because I was like sick. And you know me, I want to be a part of the party. Like if I wasn't feeling good, I wouldn't be, you know, not a part of all my friends and everybody out there. We were supposed to cook a dinner and I'm like one of the best cooks. So I was like had all this stuff planned to cook. And of course then like Jana had
Starting point is 00:24:17 to do most of it. And you know, it became like this whole thing and I felt so guilty about that part. But Jax was just like going in being like, I bet she's drinking, I bet she's drinking. And I wasn't, all my friends were like, no, she's not. And he was kind of like putting me down in front of all of my friends. He's like, that's one thing that you've probably seen in our relationship is like Jax doesn't care to fight with me in front of people.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And that's, and by the way, that's one of the great things I've learned from my past relationship and from Ken, shout out to Ken. It's like a support public talk about it in private. Exactly. And that's something that me and Jax have never done. And like that's something that like always really embarrassed me. But I just came busting out of that room. They had a boom on me in two seconds. And I was like, and I just like spewed out my heart because that just, it was so hard for me to hear that whenever you're sick and your own
Starting point is 00:25:04 husband is kind of like talking about you and putting you down you already don't feel good you know so it was just like a whole like thing and i know shorts is so uncomfortable right now because he doesn't know what to say about jacks no i can know first of all no he handled that very poorly jax would admit that if he was here i'd say the same thing yeah he but i think uh the reason he said it, because he thought you were over consuming because you have a stomach issue, don't you? Yeah, I do, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:31 So you were kind of doing this masochistic thing and not learning your lesson. So I think he thought that he was giving you a lesson, but I mean it was like. No, and it didn't hit either because I hadn't drank. He was like, you guys drank on the boat, we didn't have one sip on the boat. The guys had the alcohol.
Starting point is 00:25:47 So they're all wasted and all day. Jack's is like, I'm wasted. I wasted all the guys are hammered. All the girls are completely sober. And then it becomes like he flips on me and says that I was the drunk one whenever really he was the drug one, which has happened to me numerous times. With numerous times. So, you know, this was an ongoing thing that he's done to me over our nine year relationship. So, you know, this is the ongoing thing
Starting point is 00:26:05 that he's done to me over our nine year relationship. Oh, now I'm squirming. Yeah. Oh my God, I think I gotta go. I gotta see the episode, but also, I know your guys' relationship. You're both very candid with me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:20 How you guys doing right now? Um, not great. Right now, I'm kind of like, can't even be in the same room with him very long. Where, last time you were here, I was like, fine. You were like, I forget you guys are even separated. So it's very up and down like that. Yeah, you guys seem like, dare I say cute?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Cause I don't want to disrespect you. Cause you guys do have both set boundaries, but like, seemed kind of like the old Jackson Brittany. When he tried to kiss me on the cheek, or tried to give me a pet kiss and I gave him my cheek? That was so awkward. I know, it was cute though, but also I understand, like no, you guys have made your decision
Starting point is 00:26:51 and yeah, you guys, I think you guys do a good job of respecting each other's boundaries, right? No? He hasn't done a good job respecting mine, that's for sure. Oh shit. But we gotta remember, I'm the one that's living elsewhere and I'm the one that's like, I feel like I'm the one
Starting point is 00:27:03 that's taking all of the hard hits, even though I was the one that had to leave. Short's is gonna die. He's like, I'm talking to you about this, please. I'm using Transcendental Meditation. I've gone to another place. I'm back in Florida. I'm on the beach. I got a really cold corona light in my hand, a shot of Patron, and I'm happy.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah. But I'm almost, you know, physically I'm here. Is there anything from the reunion, obviously going through a weird time in my relationship right now, but, or what would I call it? Are we in a, are me and Jackson a situationship now? Like what the heck do we call it?
Starting point is 00:27:37 I don't even know. Very weird. You're separated in your co-parenting. Yeah, co-parenting. And may I say doing a standup job of co-parenting. Yeah, I say doing a Stand-up job of co-parenting. Thank you. That part is the most important Yeah, I said this last time and I feel like when it comes to cruisy you guys are like very Practical. Yeah reasonable. I don't see any I've never seen them. I've never seen an ounce of toxicity around cruise
Starting point is 00:28:02 Oh my because it's like because the rest is can be hard, you know? And there's a lot of love there. Like I feel like it's like, I don't, this is not a health. I don't know. Yeah. Like as far as Cruz's concern. Oh gosh. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I don't want to open up this. Um, yeah, no, it's true. It's true. Like we both are very respectful of that. And even on days where I'm like, don't talk to me. If it's about Cruz, we're going to respond and talk to each other, do you know what I mean? So it's like that is always number one and most important. Was there anything from your reunion
Starting point is 00:28:31 that you wanted to talk about? I would prefer not to. Just call me Bartleby the fucking Scrivener. I would prefer not to. You are so funny. Okay, we don't have to at all. Schwartz, this is your first time at my Airbnb. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:28:47 She's literally living in my dream pack. I guess it's mid-century modern-esque, but with a slight tinge of modernism, and it's beautiful. The landscape is insane. There's plants everywhere. You guys know how much I like plants. Plants everywhere.
Starting point is 00:29:02 There's a ping pong table? Yeah, there's a ping pong table. I think the outside looks like Palm Springs, and then it looks like Miami in the inside. Yeah, maybe. You know what I mean? Maybe some Art Deco undertones, but the landscaping is insane. And I'm like, listen, I saw the comments about people speculating about whether or not
Starting point is 00:29:20 I'm gonna move in with Tom. They're not good. So I was thinking, you know, I'm gonna move in with Tom. They're not good. So I was thinking, how about I move in here? Hey, give me some money monthly and we're good to go. 5K a month. I want two rooms, I want the ping pong table. Ping pong table is in the shared space, but you definitely get the biggest room.
Starting point is 00:29:40 It's not for me, of course. I don't want the biggest room. They're both big. You'd be good. There's no pool though. I think it would make more sense than um, sand them all. Hilarious. Jax would have a panic attack. Jax, we're kidding. Schwartz, thanks for coming on. Hey, thanks for having me. And telling your side of the story. Listen, you know, I appreciate you. You know, it's not about who's right, who's wrong.
Starting point is 00:30:05 It's like the intricacies of life. Oh my God, I'm trying to be poetic or philosophical. I should just shut up. You always say the biggest words. I'm like, huh? The only time I use big words is that it was when I'm overcompensating for my stupidity. No, you were great. Thank you so much for coming on.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And I hope people can see a little bit more into your side of this whole situation Cuz that's that's that's crazy. Yeah, appreciate that. Yeah And well, hopefully you have one more episode left as banner pop right now, right? Yeah I feel like towards the end of the reunion there was um, it was it worse at the end No, I felt like I don't know. Maybe I'm delusional, but I felt like some sort of sense of oneness. I don't know, I felt like a, not a one love. Obviously that's not gonna happen again with certain cast members I mentioned, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I think it just kinda, I felt a moment where, we were reflecting on how long we've all been friends and been together, the highs, the lows, everything in between. I don't know, it felt sentimental. It didn't feel like an end to me, but. It didn't or did not? It didn't.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Okay, it didn't, okay. Anyways. Well good, I hope everybody tunes in next Tuesday to Vanderpump Rules, the last of their reunion finale, and then obviously the Valley next Tuesday. The Valley's on fire. By the way, we talked about this last time before we go. I've never watched the majority of Vanderpump Rules episodes, especially the vintage ones.
Starting point is 00:31:31 So I thought it'd be fun to do like a little retrospect of Edgeworths and Sandys and have some special guests. Hopefully we can get Brittany in there. Yeah, I'll come in. Yeah. And maybe Jax once in a while. The OGs. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:42 We'll see what we can do, but we're going to... Just have us there on separate nights and we're good to go we're gonna start with episode one we're not gonna watch it sequentially but we're gonna start with I've never seen episode one I can tell you what happens there are so many episodes I've never seen at all I'm gonna do that every Tuesday we're leaning to the VPR thing we're gonna race that on Tuesdays and then we got all kinds of cool shit coming in new music the, new food, new drinks. Anyways, sometimes, like Britt,
Starting point is 00:32:08 I'm sure you can relate with this, sometimes it's hard to not get hurt by the things that are being said about you online. It's almost impossible not to take it personally because it's your life, but it's also snippets of your life. And watching this season back, I totally understand where the audience is coming from. I don't fault them for judging me especially like watching the reunion. They have limited information
Starting point is 00:32:29 They have to just react based on what they're watching and you know that being said like the producers the editors They do a fucking hell of a job for creating a you know a great show with the information they have But it's like rarely we do we have time to get it into all the nuances and everything you know the great area I like the great area nothing I wait this is not good for me because people tell me I need to stop straddling the fence anyways I like I like audience members I still love you and like I feel like I've fostered such a great community in the bars every single night there's so much love a lot of hate online but I don't take it personally I still love you guys
Starting point is 00:33:05 Anyways, love it. I gotta get the out of here Come hang out with me. Yeah Shot would tell everybody where to find you talk about all your plugs Yep, you can find me on Instagram TW schwa you can find me at shorts and Sandy's Tom Tom doing bar crawl coming up Check out Tom's Good Love and Whiskey. Lots of good stuff coming up, man. By the way, shout out,
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm a proud investor of Passion Tree Seltzer. Can I give a shout out to them? Yeah, for sure. Shout out whatever you want. I love it. Give all your stuff right now. Can I shout out my mom? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Mom, I love you so much. I can't wait to get you out here again. Love her too. I'm gonna spoil you rotten. When's she coming back? I'm trying to get out here in late June. She's so sweet. Yeah, she is. She's a sweetheart. Yeah, I can't wait She's an angel if there ever was one. Oh, well, thanks Schwartzy. We love you. Thanks for coming on when reality hits with Britney She talks about etiquette. Get your fingers out of your mouth. She talks about where to find a deal.
Starting point is 00:34:10 You know, if you sell me something on Instagram, I buy it. Whoever markets to me does a fabulous job. She talks about the economy. We used to joke that'll be the thing to send them to therapy. Okay, we're creating jobs. Can we look at it that way? She talks about parenting. These kids want to come home.
Starting point is 00:34:24 They don't want to leave. They don't want to drive. They want to stay in the womb. Let's talk with Heather DeBrow every Thursday on Podcast One or wherever you get your podcasts.

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