When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - Serena Pitt & Charity Lawson

Episode Date: July 4, 2024

In part two of her Bahamas Girl Trip, Brittany sits down with Bachelor Nation's Serena Pitt and Charity Lawson!!! Check out our great sponsors!!! Life360: Stay connected to your loved ones! Visit Li...fe360.com OR download the app! Use code REALITYHITS to get one month of the gold package FOR FREE, plus 15% off all Tiles. Hello Bello: Need baby products? Go to HelloBello.com/reality to get 30% OFF your first customized bundle, AND a full- size freebie product of your choice! Quince: Need high quality essentials! Go to Quince.com/jb for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns! Quote your car insurance at Progressive.com to join the over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of when reality hits girls trip edition here in the Bahamas. Today we are going to have Miss Charity Lawson and the beautiful Serena Pitt. I love these ladies. I'm so excited to have them on the podcast. All right, up next is the absolutely gorgeous Serena Pitt from The Bachelor and Love in Paradise. Oh shoot, let me just say, I keep saying Love in Paradise because I've got Love is Blind and Bachelor people.
Starting point is 00:00:41 A new combination show is coming out hosted by Brittany. Could you imagine? Love in Paradise. Let me host that. Let me be Ariana. That would be amazing. Bachelor in Paradise where you met your honey and got engaged. So last time that you were on our podcast, Ms. Serena Pitt, the beautiful, gorgeous, lovely lady lady last time you're on our podcast you were engaged But you were not married yet, so I was married, but I hadn't had my wedding Yeah, I had your wedding yet, so we had gotten married at the courthouse. Yeah My wedding was in like two months. Do you think you'll ever change your last name? Yeah, I think I will um I
Starting point is 00:01:20 Know it's important to Joe that we like share a last name And I take his last name and I always figured that I would do that when I got married I love the last name pit and it'll be sad to see it go because My sister and I are actually the last people with the last name So we take our husband's last names and it's like the end of the pit line and like that makes me feel sad But we don't have kids yet and I feel like that's kind of the motivator to do so like if we never had kids I don't think I would ever change my last name, but I want to have the same last name as my children So eventually down the line I will but it just sounds like such a hassle like I was talking to Astrid about it
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's like a long Process to do so I never did it you didn't do it Don't take it from me because like I'm going through a lot of crap right now But have you ever had to travel across the border with Cruz? So, yeah, well, well, we've taken him to. Yeah, he was. We went to Sheena's wedding in Mexico. And was it hard not having the same last name and like bringing him? Jax was actually with me and Jax's last.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Jax's last name is actually Jason Couchy. OK, so Cruz is Cruz Couchy. So his passport says Jason Couchy. So Cruz is Cruz Couchy. So his passport says Cruz Couchy. So do you think if you traveled with just him and you guys have different last names, they'll be like, oh my God, are you abducting this child? No, because- Because that's what I'm always worried about,
Starting point is 00:02:36 that if I have a different last name than my kids, I don't wanna hyphenate. I thought about that for the longest time, and that's why I was on social media, I put Cartwright Couchy, but I never actually legally changed it. But no, I fly with Cruz for the longest time, and that's why I was on social media. I put Cartwright Couchy, but I never actually legally changed it. But no, I fly with Cruise all the time. And honestly, flying with Cruise is easier
Starting point is 00:02:52 than flying with Jax, so. A little more control. Very much like he is just the best flyer, and it's completely different. But no, I haven't run into anything like that, because you put in all the information before. That's good to know. Maybe it's also just getting better over time now that so many people I feel like are either like hyphenating or not changing their last name. Because back in the day it was like you had to change your last name.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah, and I never thought that I would, not that I wouldn't care, but I thought you know know, once I get married, I'll want to do it immediately, and I'll be so excited to, and like, I love Joe, and I'm honored to take his last name, but it's kind of like, I feel very attached to my last name. Like, I'm having a harder time with it than I thought I would. I 1,000% agree. Like, it doesn't mean anything. No! It doesn't mean like you don't want
Starting point is 00:03:41 the married name or anything like that. Yeah, it's not even about him or his last name. It's like, wow, I've been Serena Pitt for almost 27 years. The idea of giving that part of myself up sounds so weird. Right, and I don't think that we have to anymore. No, you really don't. I think that it's like whatever you want. And I love that, because women are just like,
Starting point is 00:04:00 we're getting stronger and stronger, and I love that. And I don't have a middle name. So I'm always like, no I wasn't given one so I was like, if I do take Amobli as my last name then I'll also give myself a middle name as Pit. So I'll be Serena Pit Amobli. Perfect, absolutely perfect.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Do you feel a difference in your relationship now that you're married? I don't think so. I feel like we always saw like long-term future for ourselves, so it didn't really change the way we looked at or talked about our relationship, because we were always planning that forever together, but I think it just solidifies it more
Starting point is 00:04:37 of talking about a five-year plan or a 10-year plan of how we want life to unfold for ourselves, but I wouldn't say marriage made me feel more committed to him which is a good thing no that's great yeah even if we weren't married I was gonna be committed to him yeah of course yeah do you see yourself having kids have you guys talked about that I mean I'm you know you're so young so I'm like I know I think I don't know we are we do believe we want to have children.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah, yeah. And that was always something that we talked about and were interested in. I feel so young and I feel like, I'll always feel that way though. Like I'm like, I'm only 27, I'm too young to have kids. But then I feel like if I was like 38, I would be like, I feel too young to have kids too.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Like I was talking to one of my friends and she was like, my Nana is like a 95. And she's like, I'm literally too young to have kids too. Like I was talking to one of my friends and she was like, my nana is like a 95 and she's like, I'm literally too young to have grandkids. Like how do I have all these grandkids? Like I'm just a child. Like it's so bizarre. It is bizarre. You guys would have some beautiful babies.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Thank you. One day, one day, you know, if that time in our life comes, then we'll, but we're just trying to figure out our next moves and enjoy life childless. Because I feel like once you have it, it changes your whole life, right? I mean, coming from me, I will tell you,
Starting point is 00:05:52 it does change a lot of things. And for the better as well. Like there's so many positives, but it also can put a strain on your relationship. It depends on how you work as a couple. Right. You know, like you and Joe might be completely different than how, obviously, how me and Jack say it could be. But it's also hard to Right. You know, like you and Joe might be completely different than how obviously how me and Jack
Starting point is 00:06:05 say it could be the same, you know? But it's also hard to know, like you can only predict so much with how a child is going to change your dynamic. Exactly. You never know. And like once you're a mom, you're a mom forever. And it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. So no matter what, like I will always love that moment.
Starting point is 00:06:22 But still, you know, it's what you want to do as an individual, you know what I mean? You guys are still living in New York City. We are, yes. We resigned our lease, so we'll be there for at least another year. Our lease, if we chose to not resign, would be up in April of next year.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Do you think that you'll stay there forever, or are you guys planning on moving anywhere, or what are you thinking? I don't think we will necessarily stay there forever. I think when we moved there we thought like this could be our forever place and we were very open to that. And York is truly like maybe my favorite city in the whole world. Like I love it so much.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I love our lives there. It's a perfect fit for the stage of life for us and our personalities. But it is so expensive. It's more than LA, right? Yeah, the rent is insane. The taxes are insane. And it's like, even if we wanted to like go out to Brooklyn, it's like, you're only gonna get so much more space, you're still gonna get hit with so many taxes, not to make this like all about money. But that is a big part of like picking where you rent up. It's huge. Yeah. And his family's in Chicago, mine's in Toronto, so those are both places that are obviously kind of always on the table. So next year's up in the air, but I think we're
Starting point is 00:07:33 looking to maybe explore, especially if that is like, we're still going to be childless next year, if that is the plan, then like we can live anywhere. We can live in multiple places. We can bounce around. We really wanna explore before we are solid on a place. Yeah, have fun right now. Exactly. You just got married. Yes. Enjoy this time. I think that you guys are doing amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:57 If you could live anywhere other than LA, where would you live? Oh gosh, that's hard because. Do you love LA? Because you've been there for 10 years. I love LA, but there's also things about LA that I do not love. Like what?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Just like how busy it can be sometimes because I'm like, but New York is even busier. New York's really busy, yeah. But we at least like don't have to deal with cars and traffic. Right, right. The traffic is crazy. There's different things.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I love LA. I couldn't see myself leaving LA anytime soon. I don't think I would ever live back in Kentucky. Yeah, maybe I would. I don't know. It's hard. It is hard. Maybe like whenever I'm like in my 50s or something, I'd rather take you somewhere else. But right now, you like if you could live anywhere, it would still be L.A. Probably still L.A. right now, which I never thought that I would say.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah, but like very different than Kentucky. But going through the separation and everything, I'm like starting to realize, like I felt like I would move home immediately. Yes. And now I'm like, hmm, like this is I still I've like made my own friends and my own like my own new family here in LA. And I have all these things going on. So it's like, is that has the separation almost made you realize like, wow, like in the last 10 years, LA has really become my home.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, oh, it really has been. And like all my friends come visit me. My mom is gonna be here soon. Like, you know, family is super important to me, but I'm still gonna go to Kentucky all the time. I love Kentucky. I'm not hating on Kentucky at all. We don't think about the winter.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Tell them, yeah, the winter's on the East Coast. Joe in the winter is like, why do we live here? L.A. is so hot and sunny right now. We're freezing our ass off. This is horrible. Now I'm like, oh, gosh, like, I actually like handle the winter again. I mean, I'm sure I could, but still. But you don't want to. And I don't blame you. Yes. It's like back and forth, back and forth. If you could change, Serena, if you could change
Starting point is 00:09:43 anything about your time on reality TV, what would it be? Change, ooh, that's really hard. I maybe would have eaten less chicken nuggets in paradise. I was eating a plate of chicken nuggets every day. And also I wouldn't have eaten so much shrimp in the beginning, because I got sick halfway through. You got sick on the shrimp? Oh yeah, I think it was the shrimp.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Everyone got sick at some point down there. Okay. Yeah. But I think I would have, I switched to like chicken fajitas for every meal halfway through and I was feeling way better. You were like no more chicken nuggets. No more chicken nuggets, no more shrimp. I was like you know what, we need to like throw a smoothie in here or something.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I'm drinking a lot of mimosas and chicken nuggets. Oh my gosh. I was like no wonder I feel horrible. I love that like whenever we talk about one thing you would change on reality TV, you're like, let's chicken nuggets. But they're so good. It's not even about like my body or anything like that. I was just like, my body feels not good.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Well, like for me, I'd be like, oh, that time that I screamed at this person or I did this, you know, but you're like, let's chicken nuggets. I feel like I'm a pretty like tame person overall. I'm like, I met my husband on the show. You're like, let's chicken nuggets. I feel like I'm a pretty like tame person overall. You are very tame. I met my husband on the show. You're happy. It's only been two seasons. If I was on a show like yours,
Starting point is 00:10:50 where I'd done like 10 seasons, I'm sure I would have a few things. Yeah, like crying in my huge wedding dress. I shouldn't have done that 10th tequila shot. It really changed everything for me. Like, whoa, maybe I shouldn't have gone that far. But you're like so sweet. You're like, oh, chicken nuggets. I'm at the love of my life. So we're happy and we're good. Which I'm so happy for you. Like that's absolutely amazing. It takes a village to raise a baby, which is why
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Starting point is 00:12:39 to start bundling with 30% off your first order. Don't forget, that's hellobello.com slash reality. H-E-L-L-O-B-E-L-L-O.com slash reality. ["Girls Trip"] Love to ask this question to everybody. Favorite thing about a girls trip, because we're obviously on an epic girls trip right now. I just love
Starting point is 00:13:06 Hanging out and connecting with girls like women are the best being married I spend most of my time with a dude who I love him more than anything in the world But coming and just spending like four days with all this female energy and connecting with people that I haven't seen in a while Or haven't met and hearing their stories and just talking about like dating and girly things. I just leave it feeling like so happy. It's been amazing. And getting to know everybody even better this trip around. Like it's been absolutely incredible.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah. Okay, so if you could be on any reality show, I know I asked you this last year. Yeah, you did. I don't know what I said. If you could be on any reality show, what would it be? Okay, so I'm a big Traders fan. I love Traders, but Joe is on a show right now.
Starting point is 00:13:51 The finale's actually tonight. I don't know when this is coming out. The Valley will have already aired, but he was recently on the show called The Go. Yeah. You know, you're cause your friend Kristen was on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And just hearing about like,
Starting point is 00:14:02 they stayed in this beautiful house. They had a really good time. The cast was amazing. It's like not intense, like a survivor. You know what I mean? Like they're drinking, they're eating, they're like they have a beautiful pool. The competitions are just like fun and silly. It's not nothing like too crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:18 It's not that serious. If the show was meant to be fun, I would probably do that. And I also feel like having heard about his time filming it and doing it makes me feel more comfortable going on it because I kind of would feel like I knew what to expect a little bit. Yeah, that was literally my next question. Look, my next question was,
Starting point is 00:14:35 Joe was on the go with my girl Kristen. Really? Guys, go watch the goat. Yeah, go watch the goat. It's on Amazon Prime. Support, Freevy, right? Amazon Prime and Amazon Freebie, yes. Kristen and Joe are both on there,
Starting point is 00:14:47 so we would love to support them, but I was like, that was gonna be my next question. Would you do a competition show like that? I would, but you know what? I don't know how I would be on it. Like, I feel like going on The Bachelor, it's very much like, I just have to be myself. It's just dating, I'm very comfortable flirting,
Starting point is 00:15:03 and I was just like, if he doesn't like me, there's nothing I can do about that. Like there's no strategy or scheming involved. You just kinda show up, you flirt, if you have a connection, then great, and if you don't, then like it doesn't work out. But with competition shows, like even just hearing about like the scheming and the strategy,
Starting point is 00:15:19 I feel like you don't even see that much of it on the go, but there was so much that went into it. Of like the voting and the alliances. Yes. I don't know, like I kind of, the two shows that I filmed, I go on, I just kind of like live my life and then I leave and I'm like, oh my God, there was so much going on.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Whereas Jo, I feel like is so good at like taking a step back and being able to see like the bigger picture of things. Whereas I'm a little bit like in my own world. So I would do it, but I'd be very curious to see how I, if I was good at it, I feel like I'm the same. I feel like I would be exactly like, right? Do you, would you do one? I think it would be fun to do one.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No, I haven't done a competition show yet. So somebody booked me. Yeah, I'm actually shocked you have it. Yeah, you're going to get asked to do like traders or something. Would you use special forces? I don't know, I mean I would like. That show is so intense to me. I think it would be fun to go out of my comfort zone
Starting point is 00:16:12 and do something different. Like I'm in a time in my life right now where I just need to like experiment with new things. You know, that's the whole part. You're kind of in a season of like newness. Yes, new things, like trying new things, like just a different journey in my life right now So like I think it would be fun, but I'm also gonna start filming again. So it's like, you know
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yeah, but you know like some like a couple months ago Yeah, you're gonna be you're booked and busy for sure busy for a couple months But I feel like I would love to see you on like traders or one of these competition shows I think it would be fun. I think it would be great too. Alright, so now we're going on to marry F. Hill. Okay. What are your questions? Jason, Tartick, Lori, Tyler, Cameron or Joe? Oh my god. Obviously. Well like I'm gonna like marry and F my husband. Jesus. I'm sorry. You can marry Joe but you gotta pick F for somebody. No, I'll say F for Joe because I'm not gonna, I'm sorry. You can marry Joe, but you got to pick F for somebody. No, I'll say F for Joe because I'm not gonna I'll marry Jason then okay is like I feel like he's a sweetheart
Starting point is 00:17:16 He's been so savvy we've met and then sorry Tyler. You're great Love you, too, but you gotta go one of you has to die. So like bye. Bye Sorry, he's cute though Love you too, but you gotta go one of you has to die. So like bye. Bye Sorry He's cute though He's so handsome. That's undeniable. Okay couple questions from fans before I let you go Okay, this is from underscore Britt to 16. Oh, that's your name. I know Brittany sent him this question guys Serena what has been your biggest obstacle in marriage so far? And she's a big fan of All the Ladies.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I would say our biggest obstacle has been navigating the future living situation of where we're going to live. Transparently that's always been kind of a hurdle for Joe and I, not against each other, but one to get over together of, you know, where are we gonna be happiest, where does it make sense financially, our family and friends are obviously a huge consideration. So there's a lot that goes into deciding it. I think people that, you know, are meat that live in the same place and are from that place and want to stay in that place, I've never envied more. Like there's such a privilege to that that I never really thought about until I was so
Starting point is 00:18:28 true. I never really think about that either. Like imagine like you were born and raised in LA and so was Jax and you met and all your family and friends were there and you never wanted to leave. So yeah, there's just so many layers to that discussion. We're always having it in a good way, like just touching base, kind of trying to figure it out together. And then also just like navigating financials.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I feel like it used to be that everyone would just merge their bank accounts and it's like, my money's your money and like that's it when you get married. And I feel like we're in a season where people are changing that a little bit. And like, you know, Joe and I are very, I think it's not even about like money in like an ugly way.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I think it's just being open about our financials and like how we wanna spend our money, how we wanna save it, how we wanna invest it, because now that we're married, it is like a long-term discussion versus just like, what kind of trip do we wanna go on? Where do we wanna go? Like it's like, what do we see for our future?
Starting point is 00:19:24 You know, buying homes, how that's gonna look. So I wouldn't even say it's a hurdle. It's just like new discussions that I'm having and he's having in this relationship. Cause obviously it's the most serious relationship I've ever been in. It's the only marriage I've ever had. So we take it seriously, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:38 Of course. All right, we're gonna end on a fun note. This is from Life of Katia. I'm asking this to everybody. Okay. Favorite resort drink. Oh to end on a fun note. This is from Life of Katia. I'm asking this to everybody. OK. Favorite resort drink. Oh, that's a fun one. OK. Right now I'm drinking. They brought around these orange juice and coconut rum.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And it's pretty good. I love a Bloody Mary. But I just if I'm at a resort, I just want something that tastes tropical. Yeah. Like coconut, pineapple, orange juice. I don't like anything too sweet. I know you really can't do anything sweet. No, no sweet for me. Brandy's drink of choice is a shot to kill it
Starting point is 00:20:12 with an orange slice, we know that. But- Chains with water. I'll do one or two of something that's sweet and tropical and just makes me feel like vacation. And then the rest is like, okay, I'll do a shot with you. Yeah, and then I'll just do shots with Brandi. I love it. I love you, Serena. I love you.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Thank you so much for being on the podcast. Thanks for having me. Thank you. You're the best. I love that this is becoming an annual thing. Yes, annual thing. I can't wait for next year. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Tell everybody where they can find you and talk about your new line. Oh, yes. Yes. Okay, shameless plug. You can find me at Serena underscore pit on Instagram, Serena pit on Tik Tok, and you can listen to Joe and I host a podcast for the bachelor franchise called bachelor happy hour. We recap the season and we interview exclusive guests every single week, two episodes. It's so much fun. Definitely tune in. Uh, we have, you
Starting point is 00:21:03 know, Jen season coming up, so lots to talk about there. And then I also have my own travel accessory line. It's called reset the label. I just gifted all the girls our new tote bag. It has a padded laptop pocket inside and it's like the perfect little fit on top of your luggage for when you're traveling or just like going to work, going to the gym.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And then also we have a new fanny pack out as well as other accessories. So cute. They're I'm obsessed with them. I'm so proud of them. You can find them on www.shopresetthelabel.com or on our Instagram reset underscore the label. So go follow us go shop and thanks for listening. So happy for you Serena. Bye. Bye.
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Starting point is 00:23:05 That's quince.com slash JB, Q-U-I-N-C-E dot com slash JB to get free shipping and 365 day returns. Quince.com slash JB. When Reality Hits is brought to you by Life360. It's a family connection and safety app. It lets you keep track of the people and things that are most important to you. I think Life360 is absolutely amazing. It helps me keep the peace of mind knowing that the people I love are safe. You could tell if somebody had an accident and everybody would be alerted immediately.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Like I can only imagine whenever Cruz is driving how amazing this will be for us. And even now, just knowing that Jax is okay, my best friends are okay, my mom in Kentucky, my family who's out of town, just being able to stay connected with them in this way and making sure everybody is safe is so important to me. I love Life360. It keeps families connected and protected throughout the day. It makes everyday family life better. You can coordinate activities in real time, keep tabs on your kids, and connect with your friends. Know exactly where your kids are if they need help, or use the SOS button for 24-7 emergency
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Starting point is 00:24:54 You're so sweet, Britt. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me. I swear you are gorgeous. Oh my God. Thank you. You're a Southern girl from Georgia. I am, a little Southern belle.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Which I love. You relate to that. I relate and I absolutely love it. We talked about that you need a peach. Yes I do. I'm like working for my peach. I swear I am. You need a peach. Andy? Andy get me on. If you ever listen to this. Listen. What they don't know, what the people don't know I have I have peach material you are peach material gorgeous lady with the Gorgavine right love it Alright, so you are the bachelorette. I was yes season 20 Bachelorette like you dated 26 guys. I did at the same time. I did which was crazy
Starting point is 00:25:44 What was that like? Literally, honestly, when I walked in, I remember I was like, okay, obviously accepting the position of being bachelor. I was like, what am I actually doing? I was obviously so excited, but it's nerve wracking when you really realize, oh my goodness, it's about to be not just five guys,
Starting point is 00:26:04 it's 26 guys at the same time. Even five guys would be a lot. Exactly, listen, I'm like, I had a roster before, but I'm like, this is like, this is a whole league right here. Monster! This is crazy. And so night one, it like really hit me.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I was like, oh my God, like I have to like manage this, but also just being in a room with like that many men and you're the only woman. I feel like it honestly helped my like, I was already a confident girl before, but like it really like boosts my confidence. And I was like, this is like honestly what I needed. I mean, they were probably like,
Starting point is 00:26:34 yeah, it is like, it can be intimidating. Like honestly, at first it was, I was like, oh my God. But I mean, I can only imagine like you never know, but like still, I'm sure the guys were just in all of you Okay, so I like to go back to the beginning with all my guests that have been on reality How did this journey start for you? Oh my god crazy story crazy times so I Was a contestant obviously on the bachelor So I was on season 27 of The Bachelor. So that's that shall cross the season.
Starting point is 00:27:09 But before that, I had literally just, I was in grad school and finishing up my master's. So I have a master's in clinical. So you're smart and beautiful. That is correct. Exactly. I had my master's in clinical mental health counseling. So I was like literally getting ready to like
Starting point is 00:27:24 just move my life and start my career. And kid you not, two weeks after I graduated, walking across the stage, packing up my apartment, I get a call from a casting producer, and they're like, we received an application for you. We're wondering if you're still single, and I'm like, an application for what?
Starting point is 00:27:42 And they're like, the bachelor, and I'm like, holy shit. I'm like, who? Because I didn And they're like, the bachelor. And I'm like, holy shit. I'm like, who? Like, because I didn't submit it. Like, I didn't apply. And I was like, how did they get my information? How did they get my name? And like, at that time, I wasn't even like, really active on social media.
Starting point is 00:27:54 So it's not like I had like a poppin' page or anything for them to be like, okay, yeah, we want this girl. And come to find out, I was like, my best friend who nominated me, but she literally never told me about it. She never told you. She never told me about it. So I had to find out that way, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But I was like, holy shit, like I'm about to go on like a crazy adventure. And the whole time, like, you know, casting takes about like three to six months. Yeah. And for me, it was like more on the longer end. Like they casted me around, like, I guess, like end of May. And you don't really like find out until like right before you're leaving for filming. And I just had all these like signs and like things that were showing me like okay This is something I actually need to do and pursue I had gotten out a bad relationship So I was like, you know what we're gonna try dating a different way because that in the real world. It's not working
Starting point is 00:28:39 so yeah, I absolutely love that because I always wonder like I absolutely love that because I always wonder like Because as somebody who like watches or like sees what you guys go through you always wonder like do people really want to go to? Find love yeah, I never thought that oh Yeah, it's still like a thing is absolutely ever know like yeah, I want to find love or yeah I think it'll actually work for them like yeah, you know where's 100% me. I was like kind of on the fence I was like 5050 of like okay. I was like 50 50. I'm like, okay, like, I'm gonna give this a shot because like I want to approach dating differently. And this is like a huge opportunity. But like also like, I had to be kind of realistic with
Starting point is 00:29:13 myself. Like the odds probably aren't going to be in my favorite. It probably won't work out. And obviously did on the bachelor. But then obviously I got the opportunity to become the best. How did they come to you about being the Bachelorette? So that was even more crazier. Obviously, ending filming with The Bachelor, you have like a few months, if that, like maybe like a month or two in between. Oh, so you only had like a month or two in between
Starting point is 00:29:38 before you started The Bachelorette. Really, because Zach's season was still airing, honestly, when I left for filming. Wow, okay. So it was a really quick turnaround for me. But I remember they approached me shortly after, and I was like, I don't even know how to make sense of the experience I just went on. I don't know if I'm in a place.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And they were like, that's totally fair, take your time. And so they approached me a few weeks after. And I was in a better state. I was in therapy and doing all of that. You're doing all the right things. I really was, I was trying to get by right, this is crazy, I don't even know what's happening with my life. It's a crazy lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You know, you're just kinda in a blur. Yeah. And then I remember, I did the interviews and at the time, obviously we know, it was with the Bachelor franchise, they cast or interview a bunch of girls at the same time to be candidates for the Bachelorette. And when I remember they approached me, I was like, okay, they're just interviewing me because like they have to interview like a certain amount of people.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Like I had no inclination that it was going to be me. Like there was nothing that was like set in stone or guaranteed. And I remember like at our reunion, so the women tell all that's when they told me. So Jesse Palmer, so you didn't know, I had no idea. Like I was like, okay, it could be like me, but I'm like, it could be also like anybody else. And like from the like talks and you know, fans is like, okay, it's not gonna be me.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So I just kind of accepted that. But I remember at woman tell all Jesse pulled me to like play a little game. They're like, it's for social media. I was like, okay, cool. And we're in like a back room playing like this or that. And then at the end he was like, bachelor in paradise or a bachelorette. And I was like end, he was like, Bachelor in Paradise or Bachelorette.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And I was like, well, I can't deal with this shit on Bachelor in Paradise. So I was like, probably Bachelorette. And he was like, are you sure? And I was like, yes. And then that's when my gut like it kind of sang. I was like, oh my God, is he gonna ask me right now? And he was like, do you wanna be our next Bachelorette?
Starting point is 00:31:21 And I was like, oh yeah, I do. So yeah, that's how it happened. It was like crazy. It was like weird, but like crazy. Literally chill bumps all over my body. Cause I know how big that is. It was huge. Like there was a lot that was happening.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I mean, I even call my mom, like she was like trying to process what was going on. And just for me, it's like, oh my goodness, I just accepted a role like as huge as this, but like, am I actually ready for this? Like, what are the odds of this actually working out? Like that was like the big thing. I'm like, am I going to like, you know, are you going to find somebody that you really love? Am I going to set myself back?
Starting point is 00:31:55 You know, all of these things. And then obviously it's like me being like the second monoracial, like African-American bachelor. I was like, this is a huge opportunity for like my community. And I'm like, I want a huge opportunity for like my community. And I'm like, I want to represent us in the most positive way and also just highlight, like we have the opportunity to like have successful love stories as well.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So yeah. I absolutely love that. And you did get engaged. Yes I did, I did to my honey bunny. I love that. So you guys are going strong. We are, we are like a year in like two months in. Yeah. So we're, we're doing pretty well for bachelors.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And there's that. That's amazing. That's amazing. And you guys are beautiful. Thank you. And you live in New York. Yeah. So we are in Franklin. We love it. Do you love it? I do. Obviously I'm a Southern girl, so it is 100%, like a change of pace is totally different than like the lifestyle I'm used to. Like small towns, you know everyone in your city type thing, but like in New York, I just love that there's so much culture.
Starting point is 00:32:55 There's so much to do, so much experience. And like, I feel like every day there is not, like there's not gonna be a duplicate. There's not gonna be the same day. Like something's different gonna happen every day. Did you deal with, cause I'm from Kentucky. So moving from Kentucky to LA, like there was a little bit of culture shock there.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Yeah, for sure. Did you deal with that as well? Yes and no. And I feel like growing up, I was really exposed to like a lot of cultures and like diversity and like things like that. So, but like, I guess in lifestyle that definitely was like a shock for me.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I'm like, oh, okay. Like I don't have my car here. I can't just like get up and go and do this. Like I'm going to see people like all types of people walking like on the street and then taking the subway. I'm like, God bless me. In New York, do you really want to drive though? I don't know. Like I love the luxury of just like, well, it's not luxury. It's nothing luxury about the subway, but like being able to get on a subway. But like also I'm a type
Starting point is 00:33:44 of person. I don't like to, I'm saying this out loud. but like being able to get on a subway, but like also I'm a type of person I don't like to I'm saying this out loud. I don't like to wait on people I like to move at my own pace I was like being in control of like the whenever I can move and get up and go but like obviously we know it's chaotic Driving in New York. Oh I get it. I do get it When reality hits is brought to you by Progressive Insurance. Most of you listening right now are probably multitasking.
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Starting point is 00:35:08 saved with Progressive between June 2022 and May 2023. Potential savings will vary. Discounts not available in all states and situations. So you were also on Dancing with the Stars. I sure was. I was two-stepping over there. You were absolutely incredible. I did watch all of Dancing with the Stars.
Starting point is 00:35:32 You were on it with my girl Ariana. Yes, she's amazing. I love her. Like, how was that experience for you? It was, ooh. Do you have a dance background at all? I don't. I don't. What? No, I only have cheer, which people say it's the same,
Starting point is 00:35:49 but I'm like, honestly, it's not. I kinda came in, I was like, oh, this is gonna be a breeze, and I always say, I have so much respect and admiration for dancers, professional dancers, ballroom train. It is no joke, when I say physically, and also emotionally obviously like producing a show on top of that but like the way like I was in
Starting point is 00:36:09 the best shape of my body I also like for me I'm already very petite but I lost so much weight but I also got more tone but like on my body it was a lot to endure and I was like this is crazy but like dance honestly like you use so much of your body you use every single muscle So like that was like a huge shock for me. I came in thinking that it was going to be a lot less work and it was the complete opposite. So that was like so challenging. What? Okay. Yeah. I gotta ask you this. What was Tyson Beckford life like in real life?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Because he was my crush and my sister's crush. It's so crazy. All the time. So I'm like, whenever I saw that Ariana was on there with Tyson, I was like, no, I know it's crazy because like Tyson was like one of the first persons that I got like super close with. And I don't know. He's like, almost like, well for me, obviously cause I'm engaged, but like he was like a big brother for me,
Starting point is 00:37:02 but he is literally the goofiest, like most silliest person to be around So much fun like I'm telling you like he was like the life of honestly our cast and I was oh really? Like he was like that like it was like the party like when I'm telling you like he just brought so much good energy I like love Tyson and I was heartbroken when he got eliminated. I was like no way I'm like, please like just stay like stay in LA and like just show up like on every show night. I mean, that's just a beautiful man. So I was just like, and now to hear that he was just, I'm like, oh no, he is. And he's a charmer. I was like, Tyson know what he'd be doing too.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Who would you love to see on the next season of Dancing with the Stars? Oh my gosh, like anybody or like specifically from like Bachelor Nation? Just like what you would love to see. Okay. Since you are a pro now. Yeah, well I love chaos. I would love to pitch for a chaotic cast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Alex Earl I would love to see on. When it comes to like football players, I'm like like I need someone who's like gonna be great, but obviously someone who's probably retired. I think is it Jason Kelsey? Yes He's not so cute like the way he reacts He'd be so like such a good personality. I agree. Yes hardly with them and then I'm trying to think I Saw this a lot gypsy rose. I feel like that would be like the most chaotic thing my and like honestly knowing I had artem I think we joked about it to you. I was like what if you get gypsy next season Gypsy but like she would be She would be on it correct. Yeah, and I say if she got casted, that would be it.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Let me just tell you, my mom loves Artem. Oh my god. Artem is so funny. She loves him. Okay, going back into more reality stuff about The Bachelor. Best and worst part about being The Bachelorette, it's all on you you So what was your favorite thing about it and your least favorite thing about it? Huh? Okay? Best part about being the bachelorette I think For me like I feel like it's a cliche answer, but like at least for me and how I took my experience I
Starting point is 00:39:20 Really was really intentional about it So I really do feel like it allowed me to grow so much as a person. Like obviously you're doing a lot of things that are not normal and you don't get to do it. You stand outside of your comfort zone. Correct, like you don't get to do it in the real world. So I think for me it really like pushed me to like the next place that I needed to be in life.
Starting point is 00:39:37 And like obviously I did not envision it was gonna be used through the bachelorette, but like I'm really grateful for that in a sense. And then you said the worst part. Yeah, worst part. Obviously for me. Tell the tape. Yeah, I mean so much, but I think everyone who's in reality TV can relate.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It's just, I hated how much I struggled with managing social media and just dealing with negative comments as much as I wanna say it never got to me. I would be lying. it was the hardest thing for me to deal with. But then like I had to like spend a lot of time working through that. So yeah, I mean, the neg the worst part is obviously dealing with all of that because people are sorry. Some of y'all are awful. Yeah, it's true. Like there's so much love and there's actually more love out there than there is hate.
Starting point is 00:40:26 But like I say this all the time, the mean comments, like they stand out louder and that's like what people want. And it's very like strange that people like that because like we would never do that. I would never go to somebody's page and talk bad about their appearance or anything about them. I literally like kept up with like you before I became the bachelor. I'm like, I would never like go and like leave a comment under your page because I disagree with something.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Like, I'm so sorry. No, I think that people like I think I get a grip. I truly get a grip. Yeah. Go run. Go exercise or something. Like escape. Exactly. Other than like being a troll. Right. Right. If you could change anything about your season. What would it be?
Starting point is 00:41:09 Because you did have a happy ending I did I I love everything about how I mean who I'm with like not in is incredible But I will say I think towards the end But I will say I think towards the end, there was a lot of controversy and even just like obviously because I like I loved Don and so much like I think like the hardest part for us was like watching a lot of it back and just seeing how much like I think I was invested like I was invested like with him so much and it was very obvious like I was going to choose him. But like I think what people don't realize is like
Starting point is 00:41:46 when you get towards the end, like there's just a lot of emotional things happening and like you're panicking because you know you have like X amount of days remaining and you're really trying to like make sure like you do everything to like figure out, is this like gonna be the right person for me and you're trying to figure out all the other possible outcomes.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And don't you do like your family? Exactly, so there's a lot going on And for me and you're trying to figure out all the other possible outcomes. And don't you do like your family? Exactly. So there's a lot going on. And I think for me, like, I really kind of let that kind of take over, like the emotional pressure to a sense. And so I do kind of wish that I didn't use a lot of like self-proclaiming of like the love word to like the other people that was still there. Like, I mean, I think like the final three or final four other people that was still there, like I mean, think like the final three or final four,
Starting point is 00:42:27 and that was hard for him, so like I wish I could have protected him. Hard for him to watch back. Yeah, I wish I could have protected him more in that sense. But you didn't know, you were going through a journey yourself. Exactly. And that's what I love so much about Dotton
Starting point is 00:42:38 is that he gave me so much grace in that, in the sense that he was like, I am glad that you exhausted everything, because now I know like you chose me 100 percent for me, which is the case. So yeah, that's the beauty of it. That's like, yeah. All right. A couple of fun questions. OK, could be on any other reality TV show.
Starting point is 00:42:58 What would it be? I already said it, Andy. I want my peach. Oh, yeah. She needs a peach. I need reality. She needs a peach. Real housewives of Atlanta. If not that, I would love to be on Traders. Yes, I can see you on there too. That'd be fun. Favorite thing about a girls trip? Oh, um, can I say how much we drink? Yes, of course. We like, yeah. We get to escape. Yeah, Britt is like, shot queen. I'm like, okay, let me
Starting point is 00:43:23 catch up. You were so fun yesterday. Like, I swear. I was, the vote was so good. You're so fun the whole time, but still, like yesterday. Okay, so I have a Mary F. Kill from Lori. Great, oh my God. So, this is... All right, so this one is for you.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Okay. She don't set me up, please, I'm scared. Their ears is easy. Okay. Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelorette, please, I'm scared. Their ears is easy. Okay. Dancing with the stars, the bachelorette, or bachelorette in paradise? Wait, okay, so. Bachelorette in paradise, sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Mary, kill. Mary, obviously the bachelorette. Dang, this is crazy. I guess fuck bachelorette in paradise and then kill, dance with the stars. Is that crazy? I'm just. Hey!
Starting point is 00:44:00 Not in a bad way, but it makes sense. I'm sorry, my body. I mean, you have to pick. Like, my body cannot go through that shit again. You're like, hey. Not in a bad way, but it makes sense. I'm sorry. I mean, you have to pick. Like my body cannot go through that shit again. You're like, my feet were hurting. I'm like, yeah, I guess I'll go down to paradise and act up. You're like, my feet were hurting. So that's where we're going to go.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Correct. OK, these are a couple of questions from the fans. Before you go, this is from Hightower Newborn Care. OK, bet. For charity, what is the biggest misconception social media fans have about you? Oh, um, yeah I love to talk about that. Um, I think on dancing with the stars I got a really bad rep for being someone who was really like stuck up and Conceited and like kind of have mean girl energy, which is crazy because it's a dance show
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah, but I'm just saying that from a dance show Yeah, it's really crazy. I got a crazy edit, but like let's not talk about anything else about that. I Think it's just people sometimes Misconstrued like me having like I'm a really hard worker and I take like any tasks that I have very serious And I want to competitive. Yeah, I want to put like my best foot forward So I think that like kind of gave people the wrong impression in me But like if you know me at my heart, like I'm truly the most humble person
Starting point is 00:45:09 and I have a lot of like compassion and empathy for other people. So yeah, that was like really hard to kind of see that being said about myself. Cause I'm like, I know that's like, that's not me. So yeah. Yeah. I understand completely.
Starting point is 00:45:22 One more question before I let you go. Okay. This is from life of Katia Favorite resort drink favorite rigid. Okay. Well, we're in the Bahamas Yesterday on the bow, but we made it out alive Thank you charity You're so amazing, for being on When Reality Hits. I've loved getting to know you these past couple days. You're so amazing. Thanks for coming on, babe.
Starting point is 00:45:47 OK, yay. All right, thanks, everybody, for listening to When Reality Hits. I think that this has been an amazing girl trip. I'm going to have Natalie Lee and Colleen Reed on. Next week, I can't wait to finish out our Girls Week trip. We've had the best time at the Bahamor We are literally at the pool doing this podcast having drinks taking shots. Tequila, baby Alright, thanks for listening guys. Love y'all tune in next week
Starting point is 00:46:19 Hey girlies, I'm Cody Rigsby and I'm Andrew Chappelle We're here to announce our brand new podcast, Tactful Pettiness, now on Podcast One. We have a lot of opinions. Flip-flops in New York City? You don't love yourself. If I'm not seated, I'm not tipping. Do I want to see a picture of your baby? No. If I have to scroll more than 10 seconds, he's not cute. Settling gets you an ugly boyfriend. So we're going to help you out. Get new episodes of Tactful Pettiness every Thursday anywhere you get

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