When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany - Valley S1 Finale Recap w/ Jax, Brittany, & Kristin Doute!!

Episode Date: June 7, 2024

Jax and Brittany sit down to review their takeaways from the debut season of The Valley! PLUS, Kristin Doute swings by to share her thoughts on the season! Check out our great sponsors!!! Shady Rays...: Need shades? Head to shadyrays.com and use code "RealityHits" for 40%! Quote at Progressive.com to join the over 28 MILLION drivers who trust Progressive! Need a place? Check out Apartments.com - THE place to find a place :)  Ladies! Got low libido? Check out Addyi.com 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to when reality hits with Jackson Brittany. This week, we're actually going to try to do this together. Hi everybody. How are you doing? Jackson here. I'm here. We'll see how this goes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:19 So, well, I guess we should, let's just get the elephant out of the room. Is that what it is? Let's address the elephant in the room. Address the elephant in the room. Yeah. Okay. Obviously the season finale of The Valley was this week. It was a very, very hard and emotional episode for me personally to watch.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I definitely cried my eyes out at the end when they showed like the montage of all of our happy times, like our engagement, our wedding and everything. But of course, you know, picking up the cameras six months later and showing, you know, our separation, I felt like it had to be done. And even though it's heartbreaking to see, I felt like it was necessary because it's been all over the news and everything anyway. So yeah, it was tough. Yeah, it was tough. It was tough.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah, it was tough. It was very real, it still is very real. You know, I'm looking back on it, they don't, gosh, I always think they show so much negativity on these shows, they don't show a lot of the positive stuff that we do. They did a whole montage of our happy times together. I know, and I wish they would show more,
Starting point is 00:01:19 because there is a lot of positive things I do on there, and for the most part, I thought the season was pretty, pretty good, I thought it was pretty real, But I mean, what did you think other than, other than that? I mean, did you think it was good with everybody? Did you like it? I mean, I think that we put out an amazing season. Obviously, it's been a lot of ups and downs for me. But I think a lot of people can relate to what I went through. And I'm very proud of myself for getting stronger and stronger as the season went on. I know this is difficult to talk about with Jax because, you know, it went through, it went between us,
Starting point is 00:01:50 but I feel like I was able to like stand up for myself for once and get a lot stronger than I have been in the past. And you know, for me, that made me feel really good. And I kind of just realized that I need to work on myself a little bit. Obviously watching back and it was kind of upsetting and watching yourself. Do you think you've learned things from watching yourself this season? Yeah, I was really, really embarrassed. I got out of the can't lie, I was pretty embarrassed about the way I spoke to you.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I think, you know, looking back and I think, you know, there's times where I just got really comfortable in our relationship too. And I think I kind of took a lot of things for granted. I think I'm not I'm not trying to definitely not playing the victim for anything like that. I'm not. I just I'm dealing with a lot of things personally and I talked about on the show. It just didn't get aired. I think it's on there some. I think that the guys actually got to address mental health in which you know June is men's mental health awareness month. So make sure you're checking on the guys as well, everybody.
Starting point is 00:02:45 But I think that that was a big part. Like you guys got to talk about stuff you were going through whenever we were in Big Bear, and I think a lot of people got to see a different side. The big thing for me is that didn't air, is what I was talking about, is like we live a pretty crazy life with filming and just the way we live,
Starting point is 00:03:01 and there's always a lot of ups and downs in life. And I'm the type of person that if something negative happens, I compartmentalize it. I bury it down deep and I'll deal with it later just because there's so much going on and we kind of move on to the next thing. I don't really to say aggressive, even though you know you're aggressive, but you're a lot more out there and open about when something is upsetting you. I think I bury things deep down. It's hard for me to talk about my real emotions. I bury it down deep until something triggers me. So there'll be like, the pot will overflow and it'll unfortunately, you know, we spend a lot of time together that you are unfortunately the one that has to hear this.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And it's not like I said, it's not just you, it's my friends, it's my family, I unload on everybody. And it just so happens to be when something triggers me. So everything will just unleash. I think I even said it, like sometimes I feel like I was being your punching bag. You were, like you were. Because I'm the closest to you.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Not that you were like physically hitting me, obviously, but that, you know, it was just like I was there and I was taking all the hits. And that's something that like you can't do to The people that you love. No, you can't and it's just I didn't really know Who to talk to about this and I know everyone's saying why don't you get help? I've tried the help thing before I've been burned by this many times still open to do I'm opening to do it It's just starting fresh and getting to know somebody and opening up your life to somebody takes a lot of time. And I just feel like I'm a random person who is just asking the basic stock
Starting point is 00:04:29 questions that therapy asks you. Like I just, I just have a hard time. Like what am I going to get out of this? Like, what am I going to get out of a random person to go and try it? I mean, I am on my medication. I'm always going to be there for you. No matter what happens with our relationship, I'm always going to want to help you through these things. I'm always going to be there for you no matter what happens with our relationship. I'm always going to want to help you through these things. I'm always going to be there for you. You know, I go through a lot of mental health things myself.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Like I think it's very obvious that I was going through a lot all season as well. And you know, you just got to be there for people. And even if me and you don't get back together, even if we go through our divorce or whatever, I'm always going to be there for you because you're family at the end of the day, right? And I just want that same, you know in return. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's hard We're going through a weird situation right now because we are still very much separated. I do still live in Airbnb I will stay at the house sometime, but you are staying here. There'll be times where you're staying at the house Yeah, I could like crew because you know cruises here and we'll be playing together. We still like to do family things together. I know it seems very weird, but
Starting point is 00:05:27 you know what other days where we fight really bad and we can't even see each other. So it's very weird and up and down. And I know that people that are going through separations probably know exactly what we're talking about. But at the end of the day, like we are just trying to make Cruz feel as normal as possible. So sometimes I'll stay at the house or we'll have a pool day with him or we'll go out to eat with him or we'll do like events together, holidays together. But it's because we're trying to keep things as normal as possible. And because cruise is just obviously the most important thing to both of us. And it's not weird. Don't look at it because this is what we want. This is our marriage.
Starting point is 00:06:00 This is our decisions. This is the what's working for us. I know people are looking to be like, why do you guys still hang it together? If you're separated, this is our decisions, this is what's working for us. I know people are looking at me like, why do you guys still hang it together if you're separated? This is what we want. And I know people are asking that to be on time, like, well, if you're separated, why do you keep seeing each other? Because this is what's working for us. And we're trying to exhaust everything else before we decide to call it quits. We're trying to live separately. We're trying to possibly date other people. We're trying to, you know, we're just trying to figure out what works for us. What works for us may not work for you, but this is what we decided to do.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And right now this is what's, I guess, would you say this is working for us? Well, I mean, you did finally go to a doctor. He didn't on the show and I knew he wasn't going to, I called you out and I was right. I just want people to be aware that I've been trying to help Jack's for a long time And you know that right? I know and I just I just didn't want to take anybody else's advice No, he finally recently has you know, so we'll see if that changes anything, you know It's kind of like it's kind of like, you know The oil lights on on your car and you just don't want to fix it
Starting point is 00:06:58 Like, you know, you got to go in you know, there's something wrong, but you just don't want to hear them Say you got something wrong. It's like going man who doesn't wanna go to a physical. He's petrified, he's scared, he doesn't wanna be told what he already knows. And it's a very scary thing to go in, and this is what happened to me, and I'm gonna tell you guys, I went to the doctor's and I broke down.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I met a doctor at my bar, and she's absolutely amazing. And I went in there and I literally just broke down. I'm like, this is what's wrong with me and this is what I'm doing and this is who I'm attacking. And I have serious, serious anger issues and I have a child and I don't want him to see me act like that.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And it's really, really hard for me because I'm just trying to, just like a typical guy, I'm just trying to work through this without any kind of help, but you know what you need it I threw in the towel. I threw in the towel and I said here. I can't do it anymore like it's it's It's not even just with Brittany. It's taken over my life It's taken over my life to where I can't even breathe anymore I have full-on panic attacks and my thing is I don't want Cruz growing up seeing that and like taking those traits from you. You know, like I want him to be like calm.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I don't want him to like freak out over the smallest little things, you know. Cause he's growing up in a crazy world too. Like he's on camera already and he was only two years old. So, you know, his world is going to be different. So we just got to make it, you know, I'm just trying my hardest to do everything I can for that sweet, sweet baby.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And let's make it very clear. We do not argue in front of him. No, no. We do not argue in front of him. He's never home. That's our main thing. It's usually when he's in school or if he's, you know, taking a nap or we go out in the backyard, but we do not argue in front of him.
Starting point is 00:08:35 That will never ever happen. Again, never. I had that happen in my childhood and I, my sister and I, you know, had to go through that and I will never ever put my- Yeah, I still remember my parents fighting with each other and those events stick out in your mind. They do. And I just don't want that for Cruz
Starting point is 00:08:48 and whether we end up back together or not, that's gonna be how it is for the rest. We're stuck with each other for the rest of our lives. For the rest of our lives, yeah. So we're trying to make it as easy as we can right now. No marriage. I know it's crazy. No marriage is perfect and there's a lot of perfect people on the internet that love to give their advice.
Starting point is 00:09:03 There's no perfect, I mean, you can close your eyes and throw a rock, you're gonna hit somebody who's got a divorce or is getting separated. It's tough, marriage is tough, especially in this day and age. But we're doing the best we can. And I really appreciate the people that are supporting me, but I also understand the people
Starting point is 00:09:17 that are calling me all the names. I get it, it's a tough, it's tough to watch. Especially- Let's be real, you deserved it. I did, I did, I do, and it's tough, but I do watch myself on TV and I do- I was not gonna let you get away with anything because I felt like you were not trying to talk.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Like whenever I was like, be real, be real, it's because you definitely were not in the mindset to like talk about our separation. It's been really hard for Jax to talk about our separation. I've been a lot opposite about it, but even like on talk shows or different things, Jax has been very like shut off about it. I just, it's like a, I don't things, Jax has been very shut off about it. I just, it's like a, I don't know, it's just like
Starting point is 00:09:47 I wanna tuck my tail between my legs and I just don't wanna talk about it. I wanna sweep it under the rug. Like I do, that's the problem. I sweep my problems and my issues under the rug and then they bury up and then they build up and then I take it out on everybody else and that's the issue that I'm having.
Starting point is 00:10:01 See, I sweep everything under the rug but I just like leave it there. I don't explode. Well, it comes out when like you and I will say, you know, we'll have a petty little argument over like something so silly. Not shutting the cabinet doors. Not shutting the cabinet doors or just something so petty will set me off on a tangent. Like, and I'll blame Brittany for things that are my fault such as I just won't, I don't
Starting point is 00:10:24 know, it's just hard to explain. It's really hard to explain, but I'm very aware of what I do, and I know that, and I know what you guys saw out there was not good, and I just wanna apologize to everybody that is my fans out there that do have my back. I'm a constant work in progress, and you know what? I'm gonna be a work in progress for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I know that, I get that. So now, everybody listening and me is gonna hold you accountable for putting in the work that you've been saying that you're gonna do. I am, I need to do it for myself more than anything else. And I want you to do it for yourself. And it's just, it's one of those things where, I don't know if it's the last year,
Starting point is 00:10:55 but it's just gotten so bad. And I think I'm just, I'm unpacking a lot of stuff that I buried down deep for so long. Things that I did to you, things I lost my father. I never really unpacked a lot of things in my life that are just COVID, losing our job on Vanderpump. I never really unpacked anything. I just kind of just went with it. And you know, I think it just steamed, I don't know, it just kind of came to a head. And I think I just took it out on everybody. And no matter what you did, no matter what anybody did, I went crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Yeah. Anyway. And I'm not trying to say I'm perfect by any means but you know I think that we definitely needed this time to figure out what we want. Yeah and you know we're working through it we appreciate the support and we're gonna keep doing this and like I said we're kind of stuck with each other for the rest of our lives. Either way. It's you know well, we'll figure it out. Couples fight and one of the most common fights is if one of them is never in the mood. If this is your issue, we have a PSA for you. There is an FDA approved pill called Addi that is clinically proven to boost libido in certain premenopausal women bothered by low sex drive. Yep, this one's for the ladies. You can talk to your doctor
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Starting point is 00:12:36 past, who have low sexual desire no matter the type of sexual activity, the situation, or the sexual partner. The low sexual desire is troubling to them and is not due to a medical or mental health problem, problems in the relationship, or a medicine or other drug use. Addi is not for use in men or to enhance sexual performance. Your risk of severe low blood pressure and fainting
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Starting point is 00:13:06 Low blood pressure and fainting can happen when you take Addi, even if you don't drink alcohol or take other medicines. Do not take if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Addi. Allergic reactions may include hives, itching, or trouble breathing. Sleepiness, sometimes serious, can occur. Common side effects include dizziness, nausea, tiredness, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, and dry mouth. See full PI and medication guide, including boxed warning, at addi.com slash PI Like I said, it was an amazing season. So anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed the episode.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like I said, it was an amazing season. I want to say it was the, I think they said they had the best first seat was the best reality show in like over 10 years, over 10 years. We are definitely so thankful to all the fans. I know it's been a crazy up and down, but I think our show is just so relatable. There's so many people out there that are going through a separation like Jackson. I are, they'll probably feel exactly like I did in this situation where you felt like it was just so relatable. There's so many people out there that are going through a separation like Jackson I are, who probably feel exactly like I did in this situation where you felt like it was just becoming, you were just fighting so much and you had to get away.
Starting point is 00:14:11 You had to put some space between you. Like I know so many people can relate to that. So many people can relate to like Nia going through postpartum, Janet being pregnant, dealing with all these like different hormones and stuff, relationships, Kristen talking about her miscarriage. I mean, there's just so much that people can relate to and see. Friendships, relationships, everything. I hope people understand that like we're putting our lives out there. This is our choice, you know, to do this and yeah it sucks but we do the good and the bad. That's just part of our job. We have to show the good and the bad no matter what. Unfortunately there's a lot of bad. Yeah, I mean we're definitely definitely making a good show, but I just hope people can also remember if cameras were following you around,
Starting point is 00:14:47 you might be going through some of the exact same things that we go through. And I'm glad that some people can actually learn from mistakes that we've made, or even just admit it to escape from their own lives. I'm grateful for that stuff. Yeah, yeah. It was tough, but like you said,
Starting point is 00:15:04 you kinda hit the nail on the head there. I hope somebody can get something out of this. Jesse and Michelle both have new relationships with Aaron and Lacey. Both of them are really, really nice people. I met Aaron at the season finale party. Yeah, but I met Lacey for the first time. And they're both actually beautiful people. Yeah, Aaron is great. Michelle's boyfriend. He is so nice. I've been around him a bunch lately. And he's always just been so so kind. And I met Lacey for the first time. And I was like, Wow, she's, she's really nice. She's amazing. Yeah, she works
Starting point is 00:15:34 and she's got her own charity for mental health. As long as they're both happier. Yeah, that's all I care about. He's a completely different person. Yeah. And Michelle is definitely happier. I feel like a lot of people thought Michelle was very cold this season. But you got to remember guys, she was going through a lot. She was actually at the end of her relationship. Like you guys saw when me and Jax picked up cameras, but she was already in it for that whole season. Like they were done the whole season. So whenever she seemed cold or something, it's cause she had tried for a long time.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Like they've been trying to work things out. She was trying to get Jessie to do things for her and it just wasn't happening. And Jessie will admit that as well. Michelle is a sweetheart. I freaking love her so much. And hopefully next season you'll get to see a happier and the real side of Michelle. Because I think you guys are actually
Starting point is 00:16:18 gonna really love her. What else happened that finale? We went, yeah, we had the finale party at Jackson's. Me, so me, Janet and Michelle did E News, which was so fun because it was Janet and Michelle's first time ever getting to go to the studio. And I would just love being able to experience their first time with them. It was so cute. And everybody did such a great job.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And I'm just, you know, I've said it a million times, I'm so proud of the cast for how open they've been on their own relationships and stuff as well. Yeah, it's not easy. It's not easy all the time. It's not, I mean, you gotta remember, we've been doing this for a decade, you know, we kinda just comes with the territory, especially me. But you know, these are people that are brand new
Starting point is 00:16:55 coming to TV and saying, okay, talk about your lives. You know, so. And they did a great job. And they did an amazing job. And I'm so proud of the cast cast and I know they work so hard. I know a lot of people are asking whether Sheena and Lala are coming over here and it was official, it was said on social media that we are just going to keep the cast the way it is. And I like that because I think our cast works so hard. Nothing against them. They're great.
Starting point is 00:17:19 But of course, if we have big parties or something, of course we're going to invite everybody. Right. But as far as cast goes, I just don't think it's fair. We'll see. I mean, I know it's gonna be a tough one for you and I. Yeah, because I don't even know where we're gonna start. Because we're such a limbo right now. And I don't, I don't know. I don't
Starting point is 00:17:37 it's a day to day, different thing for us. Like I said, we can be fine and be best friends. Like we're kind of being today. And then tomorrow, we might be fighting and not be able to see each other. Like it's, it's very up and down, um, a crazy time for us. You Jax, let's switch gears. We're just, again, we'll just say we're very thankful for everybody watching the Valley and making it as successful as it was. I honestly can't believe how well it did.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And season two was just going to get better and better. And, you know, again, just thank you all for all the support and just know we're all growing and learning and watching ourselves and all the craziness as well. Okay, moving on, Jax, you were just in Canada all weekend. Yes, I went to Edmonton. I don't think I've done a lot. I probably have done around 300 appearances
Starting point is 00:18:20 since I started Reality TV. And that was one of the most intense two days of my life. I did two clubs in Edmonton. I did one at two o'clock, and then I did one at six o'clock. Both sold out in hours. It was like, I wanna say, four to 500 girls per event, twice in one day. Then I had a-
Starting point is 00:18:41 Was it just girls? There was no guys? There was a couple. I would say there was probably five to six guys. Boyfriends. Yeah, that got pulled there. But the cool thing is, is everybody knows I'm a huge hockey guy and I was in the pit in Edmonton. It was just it was just so so much fun. The people in Edmonton are so amazing. The people in Canada were so amazing to me. Then I took a drive we drove, which was probably the most sleep I've gotten, drove to Calgary,
Starting point is 00:19:05 did the same thing again, two nightclubs. It was on a Sunday fun day. So we had a day party, then I went and took about an hour nap, did it all again. It was just intense. And I can't believe I did it, but I met so many amazing people and I love Canada so much. I think the Toms are going back in July. And I think I'm coming back to actually. But I will be back in Canada soon. I'm going to Toronto on the 29th.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah, you've been there a lot lately. Yeah, Canada's a... Canada loves Vanuatu and Bali, man. They just love it. Well thank you, Canada. Yeah, thank you, Canada. It's been amazing. Yeah, Vancouver and Toronto are up next. I've got a couple appearances coming up too.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I'm going to be in Vegas and then I will also go into Boston. I'll let you guys know the dates about that as well. I think me and Kristin are going together. Oh, that's right. Tom and I are going to be in Vegas Saturday, Mandalay Bay. So, okay. So we're just going back to back. We're basically just going, appearances come back, appearances come back, and then we start filming. So really we have no time off. Yeah. But I am going to go home to Kentucky for a couple of weeks before we start filming again to kind of just take crews with me so we can spend time with the family and you know kind of re like hard relaunch I guess ourselves before we have to start filming again. It's important for Cruz to go to Kentucky I like it when he goes there
Starting point is 00:20:17 and I will be going to Michigan because I'm gonna hang out with my sister on the 4th of July she's got a boat and we're gonna be on the lake and I'm just really really excited about that. We always throw a big 4th of July party at the farm, so I'm sure I'll do that with Cruzy while we're in Kentucky too. Just kind of get a little refresher in before we start filming again. This will be the first time that we have not been together for the 4th of July, but at the same time, I'm very excited to see my sister. Again, I'm going through what I'm going through and my sister is kind of the only family I have left. So she's like, you need to get your butt over here
Starting point is 00:20:46 and spend some time with me. So yeah. I'm glad you're going to, I love your sister. So she's always a good influence on him and she's always got my back. She knows who her brother is. So. God, relax.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Hey, I'm just, you know me, I'm gonna call it as it is. Anywho, I wanna say really fast, happy Pride month! Happy Pride! We love you guys! Support, love, love is love. Love always, love always wins. I love it. Pride month and mental health awareness month.
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Starting point is 00:23:47 saved with Progressive between June 2022 and May 2023. Potential savings will vary. Discounts not available in all states and situations. All right, so let's go into some questions from fans. All right, so let's go into some questions from fans. Really fast. All right, this is from Kimmy B 1970. Are you going to put Cruz on a swim team when he gets older? He is such a great little swimmer. I don't know if you guys have seen, but I've been posting stories of Cruz swim. He can swim all the way across the pool.
Starting point is 00:24:19 He can hold his breath forever. Now he knows how he learned how to tread water and come up and like take breaths. I mean, he is in a correctable in the water. I can't even believe it. I can't get over. I watched his videos over and over. Like I was in Canada when Brittany was sending me those swim videos and I'm just in shock. Now he was in swim class when he was young and then we kind of stopped it. We did like the survival, like toddler classes where they like throw them in the water with all the clothes on and teach them how to float on their back. And you know, so that if they fell in the pool, they were safe. That was super important because we have a pool and just in general
Starting point is 00:24:48 pool safety is so important. So he did all that stuff, but I've really been working with him a lot. Yeah, he's probably in the pool every day. Yeah, every single day and now like he doesn't even need anybody in there. He's amazing. Obviously we're watching him like a hawk, but he is just so good at swimming and I honestly, yes,
Starting point is 00:25:05 I think that I will. He loves being in the water. And if it's something that he continues to love, we will definitely put him on a little swim team. Oh, yeah, he's so good. I think he'll be so cute. And it's he just loves it. I think with everything that he goes, you know, that goes on with him whenever he gets overwhelmed or anything like swimming is just so good for him. Right? So heck yeah, we might have us a little Michael Phelps. I mean, I was in the water trying to like walk backwards and he was swimming so fast to me that I couldn't even walk backwards fast enough.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Cause he was catching up to me. And he opens his eyes underwater. I know, he won't stop. He won't stop opening his eyes. I try to get goggles, but you know, sensory stuff. He doesn't really wanna wear the goggles right now. So I'm trying to teach him like if he wears the goggles, he'll be okay to go underwater, his eyes will get red.
Starting point is 00:25:48 But you know, we're taking it each day. But he is just, he is doing so good. He's a super athletic, muscular little guy. We got just got some dive sticks for him. So he's going to go dive. Yeah, he's learning how to go to the bottom. He just turned three. So I don't think I was swimming like that when I was three.
Starting point is 00:26:03 So yeah, definitely a little swimmer in our future. And I love it. Hey, so I know I have my bar crawl today. Oh, yeah, you do. Actually, I got to leave right after this. First bar crawl of the ever. Yeah. So I know I talked about it in the last episode. So today is our first bar crawl.
Starting point is 00:26:18 We're starting at six o'clock at Sir. Then we're going to be walking over to Tom Tom and then taking the bus to Schwartz and Sandy's and then we are ending up at Jack's is we got 50 people that are going to be on this bus. Him and Tom made little gift bags yesterday. I was like, Oh my god, I'm so proud of you guys. And of course, Tom did it all. I came out there. I was like, I know, I did it.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Whatever I know. I know for a fact, you did not order bags or make the hat or do any of that. Right? Tom did it. Whatever. I know for a fact you did not order bags or make the hats or do any of that. Right. Tom did it all. Because I came out there expecting I was going to have to do it all for them actually. Let's be real. I'm normally the one who does everything. Well, Tom is really creative when it comes. He has a company. He did a great job. I couldn't believe it. I was like, okay. And of course Tom was like, no, I did it all. Because I was like, I know Jackson didn't do any of this. No, I helped put it together. He did all the order. You helped putting things in the bag. One of each thing in a bag. Tom's just very creative when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Great job. He knows how to do the designs. He's got a vision of what he likes. And I really love his artwork. He created these amazing bar crawl hats. Yeah, everybody's been asking about them. There are only you can only tie. Ask Tom. I go, Tom, do you think we should sell these hats? No, it's got to be just for the crawl. You can only get the hat on the crawl.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I wish I can give them away because I think we would just crush it because everybody wants one. But if you want one, you got to come on the crawl. And I know people are asking if we're going to do another one. Absolutely. We're just trying to see how this works and how this goes. Pray for us because I don't know how this is going to happen. Like I said, we're going to wrangle 50.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Let's pretty much, it's 48 women and two men. So we got all their names. They got VIP bracelets. They got they get complimentary champagne. They get a gift bag Hopefully they make you and Tom work. I know I got my buddy My buddy's gonna be helping out like wrangling everybody Yeah, and then we got some trivia on the bus. You gotta make sure you don't leave anybody behind You gotta pay attention to that throws up. Golly. I'm not gonna be there so we'll see how this goes. I know. Maybe the next one I can have you be. The next one we plan is gonna be in July. For those of you been asking, I got a lot of DMs about it. We're looking for July so far. Not sure, but that's what we're hoping. So I'm sure we'll keep everybody updated. Good luck. We'll let you know. Maybe we'll
Starting point is 00:28:20 let you guys know how it goes next time. Yeah, it'd be a good thing to film on the valley. It'd be great to break the fourth wall and kind of film it. It would be a great idea. All right, let's go back to another question. This is from Solomon Solis. What was the hardest part about having your life filmed for Vanderpump and the valley? Well, I think we kind of went over it in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:28:37 It's just putting your life out there, being super vulnerable, talking about things that are just super embarrassing to talk about. And the thing is, is like, I know I'm taking a lot of heat right now, but you know, I do deserve it, but there's people out there that are going through what I'm going.
Starting point is 00:28:51 There's women going through relationships like this. There's men going through relationships like this. And yes, I look like the scum right now, but you know what, at least you can see, you know what, this is people on TV going through this too. And I'm just trying to be as vulnerable as I can, and as honest I can. I don't have to put my life out there. I don't have to put any of this out there I don't have to I really don't but I think it's important to do it to show like real and on be real and maybe
Starting point is 00:29:13 There's somebody out there that can help me real be real and I think that's why our show is so successful We don't sugarcoat anything what you see is what you get So I think putting my if you guys hear that noise, that's my dog snoring So I think that's the hardest part is putting your life out there and being as vulnerable as you can. And it's tough as a man. It's really, really, really hard as a man to go out there and be like, I need help.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I'm going through this and I know everyone's like saying, oh God, you're actually been going out through this for 12 years. Yeah, I have. I have been going through this 12 years. And now it's time to step up and make changes. It is, but there's, I'm gonna need assistance for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I've come to terms with that and I'm okay with that. I think for me, you know, everything he says is obviously very true. Also, it can be hard to deal with like social media trolls. That's been something that I've talked about very openly. The bullying and stuff for anybody just needs to stop. Like I know we put our lives out there, so we're like, oh, you know, we're welcoming more of the comments and stuff for anybody just needs to stop. Like I know we put our lives out there so we're like, oh, you know, we're welcoming more of the comments
Starting point is 00:30:08 and things like that. But when people start talking about like my son or things that have- We're just gonna block you. We're just gonna block you. Or like just nasty things. Like you can talk about things on the show, whatever, but don't like go into like-
Starting point is 00:30:18 Families. Yeah, family or you know, people's looks and different things like that. Like, and this goes for everybody. It doesn't have to be somebody that's a celebrity like what Do you get thinking of bullying somebody or being a troll on social media? Just like sit back and think like if you have a daughter or a sister or you know Whatever like what would how would you feel if somebody was saying these things to your daughter or your sister?
Starting point is 00:30:39 It's always the people that have Or like a mom or something like Oh God, who are the worst? You know, you just got to think like, you just got to think like you can't, you wouldn't want somebody saying those things to yourself, so why would you say those to other people? We just got to do better, especially women to women. I just think it's very important that we support each other and really try to make a change on social media because I don't want crews growing up like, they're never going to be able to escape bullies and that terrifies me. Like going to school all day and then going home
Starting point is 00:31:06 and you just never can escape. So we gotta make changes now and I just, that's something I really, really hope that we can work on as a whole, especially the women on women. We gotta love each other, lift each other up. I think it's super important. All right, oh this is from Crafty underscore and, what is your side of Lala's story about yelling
Starting point is 00:31:25 about the babysitter? Okay, I'm just going to say this short and sweet because I didn't know that she was going to talk about on the reunion and I was kind of taken back by that because at that point she had already apologized to me. I had already apologized to her. So like we were completely fine. Everything was good. So I was kind of thrown.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I was kind of like, I was kind of like, why is this being talked about at the reunion? I didn't really understand and I still don't really understand that part, but I do love La La. And my mistake was writing the text message, which was a nice message. I would never be rude or mean to anybody.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Let me make that very clear. But my mistake was writing the message on that day. I shouldn't have done that. I apologize immediately for that, clear. But I, you know, my mistake was writing the message on that day, I shouldn't have done that. I apologize immediately for that, whatever. But in my mind, you know, it took us a long time to find somebody that we trusted with Cruz. And he, you know, needs certain people that are constant in his life. Like, we literally only have me, Jax and our nanny here. So for us with everything he goes through, he's in speech
Starting point is 00:32:22 therapy, he's in occupational therapy, he's in occupational therapy, he does all these things and when we can't go, she goes with him. So she's also learned how to work with speech delays and learns everything and actually loves our son and is a big part of our family. So that's why it was important to me. It's not because of any other thing.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And if I would have known or been asked or whatever, I would have been like, yes, of course, go for it. Like use her for the day. It wasn't a bad, it was just more of the shock value and me and Jack's already in such a bad place. So I just kind of like wrote a message on a day that I shouldn't have, but we had already apologized to each other and gotten over it since then, so things are fine now, but that's my side, but either way lover, we're good.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I just needed to clear that up because it sounded way worse on the reunion than what it actually was about. I don't understand why they had to bring us up in their reunion. It's like Vanderpump just cannot keep my name out of their mouth. I don't know. I was very shocked that it got brought up, but you know, that was, that was kind of the story. You know, it just meant a little bit different for me than that. And it's just because, you know, basically it's our family now. You know, there's a difference. Yeah. Cruz just needs the all the love and we're just
Starting point is 00:33:28 very very lucky I have a difference of opinion but I'll keep it to myself this is from h raza oh nine what are some speech therapy tips my two-year-old has a speech delay and would love any help we have learned so much over the past year I mean Cruz is thriving he is doing so much over the past year. I mean Cruz is Thriving he is doing so much better. His attention is getting so much better A lot of things that we've learned through speech therapy giving a lot of options, you know There's this something called Al where they're like, what is it? What are the things observe watch? Listen, yeah observe watch listen. So like you always want to, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:06 say the words, show them how it's done, show them what it's mean, and then listen to see if they can say anything back. Giving a lot of choices like apple or banana. You know, we're just learning a lot of different things going down for eye contact, making sure that he's looking at us before we give him things. You're just going through speech therapy is such a great idea. It's all about early intervention for us. And we've had Cruz in everything we possibly can since he was two years old, as soon as we started noticing, you know, that he had a speech delay. So early intervention is super important, but you can learn so much. I stay through all of his classes so that I can learn everything they're doing and like copy it at my house and Our speech therapist our occupational therapist is absolutely amazing his teachers out of school. They just care so much for him
Starting point is 00:34:52 Everybody's involved everybody talks to each other and you know, we're lucky that we have such a good support system here in California for that Especially since our families aren't here, but there's so much that we have learned I mean I could go on and on but just stick with it repeat everything, you know, our speech therapist always says something about You want to give them the 10 pound weight instead of the hundred pound weight? So like, you know, you're you're wanting them to say dog But maybe you're barking or you're panting or doing something like that that he could catch on to first and it all is like steps To developing his language. So we're just learning a lot as we go. So hopefully that helps. I don't know. This is from Kal-le-jee.
Starting point is 00:35:33 K-a-a-l-l-i-i-j. What's been the hardest part of the separation? Dax, you go first. It didn't really hit me at first, to be honest. I think just kind of being alone in my house by myself, you know, that was part of a big deal. I mean, there's a lot. I mean, we've been together for a long time and then all of a sudden, you know, she's not there. So, you know, kind of reflecting on, you know, how did I get to this point?
Starting point is 00:36:04 Where did it go wrong? What did I do to make this happen? Like, what did I do to push away? And, you know, you have a lot of, you get in your head a lot. Like, I know I have a lot of time to sit around and I get in my head and I start thinking about like, you know, the good times and the bad times and, you know, how to, basically just how do we get to this point? Like, how do I fix this? Do I want to fix this? Um, you know, it just, there's this? Do I want to fix this? You know, just there's this you start questioning yourself. You start questioning things. You start. Yeah. I think for me, the lonely times can be the hardest times as well because you know, Jackson and I are, we're always together and like literally best friends did everything
Starting point is 00:36:39 together so I could miss even just like our friendship at some times and that can be really sad. Even just sitting on the couch and watching TV, which is our favorite thing to do. It's like that's, you know, not there to change the channel or not there to, I don't know, just like the little things like getting ready for bed and just, I don't know, there's just a lot of little things that when you're in a relationship that you just, you take for granted that are just gone and that kind of sucks and it really, really does. And you just, you got to learn to To dirt to deal with it and it's tough
Starting point is 00:37:06 You know because I put myself in this position and now I got to figure out how to get out of it Whether you know we stay together or we don't all right well let's end all with one last happy question for you Just to switch up the tune. This is from Gingy Ray. What music do you like? I listen to a little bit of everything I got to be honest. I like a little bit of everything. I'm a big 90s music. He likes the American Pie soundtrack. Yeah, if you saw the movie American Pie, that is probably my kind of music.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Tonic and Filter and Third Eye Blind and Sublime and Dave Matthews Band and Ike Hall & Oates. I like a little bit of everything, but I also like country music too. Ever since I started dating Britney, I got into country music and I really, really like it notes and just I like a little bit everything but I also like country music too. Like you know, ever since I started dating Britney, I got into country music and I really really like it. Like like Blake Shelton. Yeah, Blake Shelton. I like a little bit of everything. It really depends. If I'm working out, I listen to like
Starting point is 00:37:53 Rufus DeSalle. I really like them and like a little bit of everything and I do karaoke. I like red hot chili peppers. That's my go to song. So you guys know for me, I'm a mixture of things too. I love like early 90s 2000s hip-hop Was the best generation music like I love little Wayne I love Nicki Minaj I love Cardi B But I also love Miranda Lambert. I love I mean everybody Chris Stapleton. They're so I could go on and on I just love everybody right now I'm really big into Jessie Murph. I love her
Starting point is 00:38:24 My buckle bunny girl, Tanner Adele. I love her. There's just so many amazing singers and stuff out there. I love Shana Twain. I could go on and on, but definitely country, hip hop, rap, R&B, early 90s, 2000s. I mean, that's the best music. See, I love it. I love the dirtier the better. I'm like, yeah, come on, Ludacris. Come on I love it. I love the dirtier the better. I'm like, yeah, come on Ludacris, come on Trina. Imagine an app designed to make you use it less. Seems counterproductive, no? Well, apartments.com's instant alert feature works exactly that way. Instead of scanning rental
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Starting point is 00:39:23 perfect place and more time doing you. Apartments.com, the place to find a place. Special guest alert, special guest alert. My boo, Kristin Doty just stopped by. I love you. I love you. She came over, we're watching crews swim and you know, since we just had the finale episode, I thought it would be fun to add her in just a little rapid fire questions
Starting point is 00:39:50 about, you know, the whole season of the valley is over now. It's done. Our first season is done. It's crazy. Crazy. We're about to start filming. Congrats on season one. Congrats to you on season one, boo.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Love you. Thank you for the opportunity. Well, thanks for popping in because I think as many of us from the Valley we can get on for a finale recap is the best. Absolutely. So here we go. Rapid fire. Kristin, tell me your high and low of the season.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Okay. It's like my peak in my pit. Yes. High and low. My high, I think watching it back was seeing you and I'm going to start crying, seeing you and Danny come over and like set up our whole apartment. Oh yeah. And like Luke having that idea on his own, like that was so romantic and so sweet and just having our friends be a part of it. That was really sweet. It really meant a lot to me. That was
Starting point is 00:40:41 dealing with Jill's barking. That was really funny too, because me and Danny were like, we were trying to go so fast. And there was like, he got, you can hear Cruz in the background, but he got all these like long stem roses and Danny started cutting them. I was like, I don't think we're supposed to cut long stem roses. Like they're actually like more expensive because they're long stem roses. Like it was the whole thing. You're like a florist like at your heart. So you were probably like, I'm sorry, hold on. Oh, I don't want to be controlling. That is not how we do roses. I was like, we got to put this here, this here, candles here, only candles that can't be that are like with batteries on the floor.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So that was definitely like one of my peaks. And I'll say, just real quick, a small other peak was just walking in on the finale to see the bar to see Jackson Studio City, to see your plant wall, to see how you personally had decorated it. Oh, thank you. And the moment where you surprise Jackson with Jenny. Yeah. I cried like a freaking baby.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Oh, yeah. So those are my peaks. My pits, my worst. It was just me and my peaks. My pits, my worst, it was just me and my mouth, to be honest. I'm learning, let the mouth slow down, take a beat, take a breath, let the brain catch up, then the mouth gets to happen. It's crazy how much, because like we actually get to learn a lot about ourselves watching ourselves back on a show.
Starting point is 00:41:59 That most people would never get to see the point of view like that. You know what I mean? No, for sure. I watch myself and I learn things about myself. No, I watch and I'm like, sit down, be humble, bitch. Like, yeah, down. But like I know I always I always meant well. Yeah. Yeah. Doesn't necessarily resonate with everyone.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I meant well, but I am learning and what I will learn for season two, even after 12 years of. I know we're learning after season one, we're going to just take a beat. Well, that was my next question. Did you learn anything from watching yourself on season one? So to take a beat for sure. That's like my number one thing.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And also the scene I did with Luke, that he was very like emotional about because I shut down. And that is something that I tend to do when I'm upset I get nervous and I freak out instead of like projecting and screaming like I did at all of Andrew pump as you saw in the past I tend to shut down but that's not fair to Luke even though it's on camp you on camera off-camera it's not fair when he wants to talk, but something for me to just totally shut down on him.
Starting point is 00:43:08 So I've learned both of those things. You have to talk back. I get that. Yes, I definitely get that. What are you most excited to bring for season two? Oh, my God. OK, so season two, I feel like a new woman. I feel like I'm not going to take shit, but I'm going to listen much better. Love it. I'm just and to take shit, but I'm going to listen much better. Love it. I'm just and I don't want to ice anyone out. I want to hear from everyone. Good. I want to like shut the fuck up, listen, and then I want them to whoever it is to hear me out in times of strife.
Starting point is 00:43:39 And let's rock and roll. It's going to be a scene. I think season two is going to be scared and excited. We're more excited than scared, but I'm both. Yeah, we're going to bring is all I know. Yep. If you can change only one thing, only one in particular thing from the season, what would it be? I think it would be the very first girls night when I said the R word without context to back that up. It sort of came out of nowhere and then I had to back it up with all the
Starting point is 00:44:16 stuff that I knew, but it really did fuck the night. It kind of put a dark cloud over things. Yeah, dark cloud over the whole season. It became very political, very socially gross, which I don't think is a terrible thing to ever talk about. But like you people don't watch Bravo for that. Exactly. Yeah. And I very much made a mistake by not being able to like just, just like shut my damn mouth. Take it up another time. We we all can learn from our mistakes That was just such a crazy night anyway with all the drama of Jack's trying to bring out like there was so much going on You know, I'm sorry really fast like I'm not like Jack's from like I know he sent it too bad deal with it
Starting point is 00:44:56 I'm saying I I truly do know and I am sorry. Yeah, I wish I could take it back right exactly So that but that's that would be the one thing that you would take the hell out of that back in season two. I will find other ways to say my piece. All right. Last question, because I think this is so fun and everyone's gonna love to hear this. If you had a real, it's just having the time of his life in the back. If you had a reality show during your childhood, what would it be called and what would it be about? This is the best question ever. I know. And I panicked because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:45:30 I'm not that witty or funny, like off the bat. So I immediately text my sister. So I'm gonna give you like a tiny little bit of what my sister says. Yes. So option one is, my sister said, call it, I shine. And her response was because you were like a tick tock kid before social media. You always kind of performed and stopped and smiled for the camera. You
Starting point is 00:45:52 would always bring a little sprinkle sprinkle. It could be literally middle sister because you live the middle sister life 100%. And then she said, this is my favorite one is becoming Kristin, because it really was that diverse Arab single mom, country grandparents, suburban other grandparents, bluegrass festivals and museums, West Virginia to Venice, Florida. I love it. And she was like, Papa's girl like she goes, he never really called us by our names because honestly, I think he would lose track. But much of our childhood was with our Papa
Starting point is 00:46:29 and our great. Oh, I love it. All of those memories made me happy. Yeah. So let's take all of that, put it in a blender. And that is what my reality show would be called. I love it. So shining, Papas girl, growing, becoming, becoming Kristin. I love it. So shining, Papaw's girl, growing Kristen. Becoming Kristen. I love it. And I love you. Thanks for stopping by. We'll do another wonderful episode soon. I love you, Kristen. Thanks everybody for tuning in to win reality hits with Jackson and Brittany. We'll see you next week. Love y'all.

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