Who Are These Podcasts? - Ep114 - Guys We F****d

Episode Date: July 22, 2018

This week we listened to a podcast called Guys We Fucked: The Anti Slut-Shaming Podcast. For some reason it's categorized as a comedy show. I would argue that this show is to comedy what Bill Cosby is... to consensual sex.  Chris joins the show to talk about dumb women trying to sound smart for a while. Then we dig in to the latest from Westwood One's Opie Radio. They aren't even trying anymore. It's a podcast where adults talk about toy cars while other people are talking in the background. God I hate podcasts.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 War of these podcasts, they do a show about shows. It's hilarious, the show is hilarious. It's show time. Music W-A-T-P-W-A-T-P W-A-T-P W-A-T-P HelloW-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A-T-P-A- You can visit us at who are these calm call the show leaves a voicemail 585 612 1388 If we enjoy the call we'll play it on the show you can email us w at tp show at gmail.com
Starting point is 00:00:53 Always looking for podcast suggestions Also, we encourage our listeners to give us a five-star review and iTunes But then shut all over us in the comments section so we can read it. I do have some new negative reviews I will be going over in a little bit. Today we'll be reviewing a podcast called Guys We Fucked, the Anti-Slut Shaming Podcast. That's the full name. Carl, I just want to say I am always excited to be here and participate right up until I start listening to my- It's the worst part. It is the worst part. It's the worst part. In No Lie, this took me about nine different segments
Starting point is 00:01:27 because I kept nodding off, like not listening, worried about work, thinking about laundry, you know, and- Oh, it's so easy to let your mind wander. Oh, shit. Before we get into that, I wanna mention this was a suggestion that came in via Facebook from two different people, just a couple of days apart.
Starting point is 00:01:45 So I don't know why that is, but both Victoria and Sarah wrote into the show and told us to review this show. Chris and I both listened to it separately. We have not discussed it with each other beforehand. We're going to get into it. Before I do that, I do have a big announcement that I want to start off the show with. We have officially been booked to go on the Anthony Kumia show.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It's great. August 7th, we'll be performing, we'll be appearing with Anthony live on the show. We're excited to go to New York and we'll be gearing up for that. That is excellent news. Very cool stuff. Congratulations. Yes, we're really excited to go on it. You can take another victory lap or two if your legs aren't too tired.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Well, I'm pretty sure that as long as we don't bomb too hard, we'll be playing lots of audio from that and running around circles. All right. So let's talk about this show, which is Guys Be Fuck, the anti-slotshaming podcast, starring Christina and Corinne. The episode we listened to featured a guest, Jean Hayes. And I got to tell you, Chris, I don't mean to jump the gun on you, but this show is so funny. What they're doing. And I think
Starting point is 00:02:52 all people don't pick up on this. There's a lot of nuance to it. Is there pretending to be a cheesy, Millennial podcast? And they do things that Millenials, if they were like dumb, Millenials would do. But it's all tongue and cheek. You have to be in on the joke to get it And I was I was dying laughing. So let me let me show you some examples You know millennials always do the up-speak thing. Yes, so this is just so over the top and they drop in it They're kind of subtly so you might not get it if it's your first time listening, but it's just great YouTube stars and like Instagram stars and like Instagram stars like oh Jesus Christ This is fucking this is good stuff another thing that I love is the vocal fry
Starting point is 00:03:30 I remember vocal fry no refresh my memory vocal fry is a thing and it's younger people do it I don't know why but they start talking like this Listen to this vocal fry coming out. During the summer, the last thing I want to do is spend time cooking. And I mean, I really don't do that anyway, because I'm a busy bitch. I really don't do that any more.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I know what that's called. That is vocal fry. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Here's another example of vocal fry. And they're doing this on purpose, because this is a little wink to the audience. These are all Easter eggs. But here's another, uh, and we appreciate you driving, but also we will be driving from LA to yeah. The another thing that they do, which is just, you know, just captures
Starting point is 00:04:14 this generation, this cultural appropriation, if you're familiar with this concept. Go on. These are two white women. Yes. And they get a little sassy here. They do if my boyfriend of four months Was getting naked picks from a chick. I'd be like say what? Huh? What happened? Yeah What that is obviously a joke within a job just really well done and that was a in the response of the email This is this was a response that they they do an advice style show Yeah, yeah. And someone wrote it and said, Just after the news, they gave it.
Starting point is 00:04:47 My girlfriend is getting naked pics from a ex-boyfriend. And she's like, no, no, you did it. It's like, oh, that's fucking nailed it. You know, just, again, cerebral cavity. Just really funny. Another thing that Moaniel's do, and I wonder they got to drop this in there. They're obsessed with the fact that both their parents had a work full-time.
Starting point is 00:05:07 You know, it was like the first generation where they're Latchkey kids. And so she talks about that. I'm coming from a place where my mom did get up and go to work every day. And not because she felt like she had to make money, but because she loves her career. Yeah. She still gets up and goes to work every day. Even the vocal fry was thrown in. I mean, there's just multiple levels of comedy going on. The way that they talk,
Starting point is 00:05:27 but nobody actually talks like this. It's definitely a caricature of what a dumb monial would say, but things like this. I guess like I mean like, um, no one would say I guess like I mean like, um, in an actual sentence, but they're just dropping that shit in there just for people like me who really appreciate that level will be the last example I have on here. Again, this is just
Starting point is 00:05:50 talking like a millennial would talk. This one's actually over the top. As soon as you do this, you're like, okay, I get it now. Yeah, I mean, I think any of, I mean, like the really like sort of classic examples feel very like. So I don't know. Did you pick up on the fact that they're actually goofing on these characters that they're playing? Well, they definitely seem comfortable in their own skin doing and talking about whatever. That may have been lost in me, girl.
Starting point is 00:06:16 It wasn't lost, I do. I'm making all that up. These people are actually... I watch you. People are actually these fucking people for real and real life. This show is not for us. Well, we knew that I'm gonna throw that out there. I don't understand the show, nor should I.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah, right. Right, right. And I don't wanna be self-referential, but it did hurt me back a couple episodes back, the RuPaul thing that right. No going in, it's completely out of your wheelhouse. It's not for me, but it still sucks. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Right? Is that the thing that you could say? Well, yes. I just wanted to get far enough into this episode. We're hopefully the fans of the show are like, oh, they like the show good, they stopped listening and now we can shit at it. Yeah, I guess I do have questions about their popularity,
Starting point is 00:06:59 but we can get there if it'd be. I have something about their popularity that I wanna talk about their popularity that I want to I want to talk about on their website. So the comedy duo that is Karen and Christina are called sorry about last night. And they put on these stand-up comedy shows. I guess they do like this comedy show with the two of them. That's as far as I got with my research. Yeah, me too. I thought it was interesting to know. So sorry about last night. One of their biggest vehicles is this podcast, this guy's we fucked podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And it mentions on their about page that they have a million plus listeners worldwide to this show. And I believe that, they have a ton of followers. There's a lot of people listening. But then they go on and on, there's all these different things about different comedians they've been on shows with, and they've had on their show or they've been feet.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Their show's been featured on the other person's show. And all of a sudden, like, way down on the list, it says, they also recently appeared at the Wild West Comedy Fest in Nashville and sold out the Bellhouse in Brooklyn 350 plus seats with a live taping of their podcast. I, I'm a buggles of mine. It boggles the mind. Boggles the mind. If you tell me you do a live show, I'm thinking 1,000, 2,500, a theater.
Starting point is 00:08:11 They have millions of listeners. I can't imagine this. And they literally had to point out that they were over 350 seats that they were able to sell over their show. It was such a disconnect. They had all these big names that they're dropping all over the place.
Starting point is 00:08:25 And then 350 people actually came to see us in New York. Oh, the most populated city in the world. You don't say, 350. You guys must be very popular. Oh, well, they are. They are busy bitches. They're busy bitches. Let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:08:40 They use bitch like it's the N word. Yes. They wanted to be the N word. Yes. They wanted to be their N word. I hate to bring up RuPaul again but you pointed out that he gets away with saying a lot and I feel like this is a slippery slope for us to be broaching but they can say it. Well they love saying it. They do. Here's an example of that and I believe that this is
Starting point is 00:09:06 during one of their commercialries that they do. You can get a fresh pair of lenses for every single day for less. 60 context for 33 dollars. Do the math. It seems like there should be a bitch in there. There's not but it seems like there should be. Do the math bitch. That's barely a dollar a day. Don't bitch. It's way more affordable than other yeah the and that cracks them up too that they say that because they're feminists they are not fans of anything that's to do with masculine and the I learned I learned a lot about that I learned a lot about that but they could say bitch because that's
Starting point is 00:09:40 their peeps we say bitch because that's how we roll. Bitch, Chris, I want to play the clip that you said sums up the show for you. And then I want to play the clip that sums up the show for me. And then I want to get into it. But it's kind of, it's a very shallow nail, then. Check out the big brain on bread. You're a smart motherfucker, that's right.
Starting point is 00:10:06 This is an extremely shallow show. They try to talk about, and we'll get into this, but for some reason they're pretending to be behavioral scientists and developmental psychologists because they write a book once, and they get way into this stuff as if they're very intelligent people, but all of the evidence points to quite the opposite. I have a clip that sums up the show for me and this is later on in the show when they're interviewing their guest. Well, yeah, yeah, oh, I had a thought and then it just left. But, but there's a lot of stuttering and stammering. It is all over the place. The fucking lip smacking is over the top
Starting point is 00:10:48 I want to address that right now because when you hear these clips we're gonna play It's not stop. It's as if they're transitioning to make a point has to have a lip smack in order to do it So I put together this quick compilation of lip smacking Um Um quick compilation of lipsmacking. It's ridiculous. How much lipsmacking is going on? That's a high-head sample or something. Well, it's funny you say that.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I did pick up on the fact that there is a percussive element to that. And they also do this thing where they stutter. Here's a really good example of that. This is, I believe the guest they had on Jean Hayes. She is not good at talking. And here's evidence of that. So that's a real clip. I didn't put that together. So she doesn't know where she's going with that sentence. I grabbed that and I grabbed them saying like and lip smacking and all the things that really pissed me off about podcasts and I put together this real quick song. I think it kind of competes with like the pentatonic, if you're familiar with those guys.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Yes. Or like Bobby McFarran. Sure. You know, I think they could be on the charts with those types of artists with this. Well, like, you know, like sort of like, like, you know, like sort of like big words and stuff. What do we have the food court? No, that's, that's an OP radio. Which I'll be playing, playing it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Holy shit. I have questions about that, but let's get there. Yeah, let's hold off on that. Do we want to talk about this guest that they have on? Sure. All right. They introduce the guest and you could tell it's going to be, no, remember, these are, these are two comedians. Yes, this is a comedy podcast.
Starting point is 00:12:52 This is a comedy podcast. Christina and Karen are standard comedians. They do stand up shows. And this is how they introduce their guests. You know it's going to be a laugh or eye. Our guest today is a very dear friend. Somebody I am honored to have in my life. She is an early childhood educator and she has really interesting, fascinating, and
Starting point is 00:13:12 depth thoughts about masculinity, femininity, the patriarchy, and how we raise young men and young women. Oh boy. That's gonna be interesting, huh? Oh, God. Honestly, there were a couple interesting parts. I have to confess. What was that? It was shit on your jokes, but... No, no, no, go ahead. I'm all ears. Well, they brought up...
Starting point is 00:13:33 She brought up things that I just had not thought about. Have no perspective on. I tried to wrap up my mind around. That's the extent of my input on that. I caught my interest in one of those nine segments that I tried listening to this podcast and then it would be followed by Some nonsense to be information and then someone would pipe in with damn or something like that. Yeah, they did bring up some very interesting things like this Well, I'm always surprised when a hot chick is smart. Okay. I'm always surprised when a hot chick is smart. Yeah Yeah, that's a great point. Thanks for bringing that out twice.
Starting point is 00:14:07 The other thing that they say, as soon as they say that, they have to throw some shade on guys, so then they say this. And aren't we all sort of surprised when like guys are nice? Yeah. Like guys with really good jobs are nice. You're like, oh. I've never heard that before.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Guys with good jobs can't be nice. I didn't know. Is that a real thing? Apparently. Is it possible? And I'm just throwing this out there. I don't know these people. Is it possible that they're shitty people?
Starting point is 00:14:30 And so shitty people are attracted to them. And the only people they know in their lives are shitty people who suck? Is that possible? Because I know tons of nice guys who have good jobs. So you're just spitballing here. I'm just spitballing. It's a possibility.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I'm not accusing anyone of anything. What sounds like you're right, actually. I'm just saying there's a slight, you know, outside chance. Okay. That maybe these people suck as human beings. Oh, so my mind are that possible. And therefore the people they know are also shitheads. Just an idea. They also sound really bored through the whole process, but that's another thing. All right. It is boring. That is definitely true. Let's get into when they introduce their guest. They have a quick transition theme song.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Do you remember that part? Of course it. It sounds like that. Don't get it twisted again. I don't want you or your fucked up friends. Boy, I don't need you, I got a suction cup. Tilt, though, suction cup. Tilt, though, suction cup. Tilt, though.
Starting point is 00:15:29 It is catchy. It's catchy, too. You know what a reminder me of? Eight no show prepping? No. Eight no show prepping. Eight no fact show. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I was thinking of which I do have on the board if I'm not mistaken No, but what I was gonna say is we did this show called snatch that weave a couple of years ago Kevin and I and they had this song on there that was so fucking catchy and as soon as I heard that song I said I gotta go find that song and and here's the reprise I remember listening to that work and someone told me to shut it That shit off, man. I don't know why, it sucks, it's awesome. I don't know what that person's talking about. All right, so the guest finally comes in. I know everyone's been anticipating this.
Starting point is 00:16:34 It's gonna be very exciting. It turns out that this woman that they have as a guest went to high school with Christina. Their buddies from high school. Yeah, there were stories involved. So of course, that's gonna to begin with them talking about people. Nobody could possibly know in scenarios that nobody could possibly care about and go on and on about it.
Starting point is 00:16:53 So I apologize. I did have to throw some drops in there just to keep my sanity. But that's what this is what that sounds like. Thank God for your car. Because she was making out in the balcony. Oh, with a next to another girl making out of the boy in the balcony. Go for it. With a next two. Another girl making out of the boy in the balcony. Oh my god, you have to talk to me. Amanda.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Oh, oh, yeah. The two first names. Who gives a shit and what happened was they're all looking for me for like an hour. I had no idea. I'm just making out, which is true. But then the best part was that we looked up in the balcony. You just see these four heads, like pop out.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Yeah, you really? So I think it was peeing. It's boring. You're boring, you really? So, I think it was peeing. It's boring. You're boring everybody. Quit boring everyone. This right here, this rambling boring conversation, this could be a podcast. I don't know how we're not,
Starting point is 00:17:36 the number one podcast in the world about a hair show like this is a very popular show. And it's two 32 year olds talking about when they were 16 in their fucking drama class together. For a while. It's not a quick like oh yeah yeah we're in school together we did this play. Anyway the reason why you're on the shows we want to talk about no they praddle on and on oh my gosh so and so do you remember her what are we talking about? Yes valid questions and going back about 10 episodes on our show, we talk about
Starting point is 00:18:06 violations. And man, this is riddled with them. Yes, we would have to go through it again. But I believe we had a list of 10 violations. The only one this one doesn't do is they are an Australian. But other than that, it breaks every other rule that we had. Yes. This is a track that I just call what a storyteller the interview starts off and Gene Hayes, I just glued to the radio when she talks So what if so who did you grow up who would have met in your life when you yeah? So I guess yeah, I get so the situation does sort of in hindsight feel unique My dad was a stay-at-home dad until I was about eight years old.
Starting point is 00:18:48 My mom would go out to work, obviously. My dad also, he's a chef, so he's very artistic and I think... That was the first thing they asked her. Yeah. And she couldn't put together a sentence. Yeah. That was painful. Yeah, I put...
Starting point is 00:19:12 And then they asked her about her dad, who she likes a lot. Mm-hmm. And this is her talking about her dad. Again, can't piece together a thought. He is, he is. He's a really sweet guy. Um, he's a really sweet guy. I think where he came from was less than ideal in the way of masculinity, but he really tried his best to do things a little bit differently, I think, than how he was raised.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Are you following that at all? I don't think she knows who she's talking about. I don't think so either. So she's got a book report. And the cover is well illustrated. And in summation, he's a good guy. These two women who host this podcast, who are very talented and amazing comedians,
Starting point is 00:20:01 Christina and Karen, are not great interviewers. They don't ask great questions, but that's not gonna stop a guess from telling them otherwise. Yeah. When you say fear, are you specifically talking about like physical, fear, emotional, mental, social, fear, or all of the above?
Starting point is 00:20:17 That's a really good question. I think I'm talking about that. That's not a good question. I didn't even bother writing that down because I couldn't wait for you to yell. What do you say? What I what I'm gonna fear you talking about fear is fear It said you don't have to explain it and what they were talking about there is how most women are afraid of men
Starting point is 00:20:35 Which is again this thing They're shocked if there's a guy who's nice. That's the the overarching Commonality amongst these three women as as they say, yeah, there was this guy. He had a good job and he was nice. It was so fucking weird. We should put out. We're not trying to represent nice guys.
Starting point is 00:20:51 No, we're not. That's a good point. And then they get into the patriarchy. That's what this show is about. That's what this woman is an expert on. So let's get into that. What is your definition of the patriarchy? What is your definition of patriarchy? So I guess when I think about the patriarchy and I read this in a I believe it was a Carol Gilligan book and she's talked about patriarchy being
Starting point is 00:21:19 like the hierarchy but in an abs without love. So hierarchy but without the ability to love in it. Yeah, you guys, I forgot, remember you told me that and I was like, fuck, I think that is dead on. What the hell are you talking about? Was that a good definition of patriarchy? I came away with nothing. So, I learned more from Homer actually. Immediately when she said that, I thought,
Starting point is 00:21:44 oh, I must be dumb. I'm not getting this. Can you extrapolate on that? And thankfully, she does explain a little bit further what she means by that. Yeah, I mean, I think it makes a lot of sense in the way that like, you know, we want to, I think, you know, yeah, the...
Starting point is 00:22:03 You people are in it. These people are in here! They keep working feuds by their own bullshit! They don't even understand that the bullshit they're spewing. Like I said, they write a book. They don't make sense of it in their own mind. And then they repeat the things they write in the book. Yeah, so what do you think that means?
Starting point is 00:22:18 The hierarchy without love. Like the dick, the dick, the butt, the gun. See what? See? Yeah, for the poor kid. Yeah, for the poor kid. The guy in the middle of the costume. The gun with the gun. Holy shit. So then they ask, what is your definition of the patriarchy? And I thought this was very interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And the patriarchy, and I always try and say this, the patriarchy is not a gendered thing. And I think that's like super important to remember. It has nothing to do with gender according to this person. So the word patriarchy means the man of the household. The definition of a patriarchy is a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And she says, I think patriarchy has nothing to do with gender. Well, you're wrong. Because words have definitions. That's why we have words. They mean things. You can't just have your own definition for words because then we can't have a dialogue about anything. Well, that's not what I meant by that word.
Starting point is 00:23:21 That's the whole reason why we have fucking words to begin with. Because they have be meanings behind them. This tummy is studying the patriarchy, seems to be an expert on it, and thinks it has nothing to do with gender. So that my question is, so what does it have to do with if it's not gender, and here's the answer. Yeah, I think a lot of us are, I think, like capitalism is the patriarchy. Capitalism is the patriarchy.
Starting point is 00:23:48 The free market is the patriarchy. This is not an example. How does that make you so angry? Notting out because I felt like I was stupid and couldn't follow their intellectual conversation. I'm like, I'm not getting any of this. So what you're saying is it didn't make sense. This doesn't make any sense!
Starting point is 00:24:08 Have you seen what happens in communist societies? Talking about a patriarchy and they're saying, well, you know, the patriarchy has nothing to do with gender. It's capitalism. Okay, you fucking lost me for sure. You're gonna have to explain that a lot better. Which they never do. They have no explanation for sure. You're gonna have to explain that a lot better which they never do. They have no explanation for that. And part of the reason why they never do is because this woman Jean is really bad at talking. Here's an example of that. Yeah and so it's like I you're so I think that like you know I didn't fucking piece that together. I'm not trying to be a dick. This is going out on a podcast
Starting point is 00:24:44 that could have easily been edited so that I wouldn't make fun of this. I'm not trying to be a dick. This is going out on a podcast. It could have easily been edited so that I wouldn't make fun of this person, but now I have to. Now it's my job. Well, to talk about this person can't talk. Specifically, verbal crutches is a... Verbal crutches in the show are ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's over the top. Here's the thing, and I'm not gonna lie. Talk me the truth. Be honest with me. Oh God, yeah, you're so right about that. Here is the answer question about why boys act masculine, all right? And this is, which is a crazy fucking question,
Starting point is 00:25:17 but I'm not gonna get into that, but here's the answer to it. Is that correct? Yeah, sort of, I think that when you really get down to a lot of this stuff, and you can talk about it with like these big words, I think that when you really get down to a lot of this stuff and you can talk about it with these big words and stuff, but if you really get down to it. That cracked me up because this is an hour into the show. You can talk about it with big words.
Starting point is 00:25:32 They don't use any big words. These people don't know any big words. The only big word they use was patriarchy and she didn't know what it meant. They don't do it's machismo and they would try to use machismo. They would try to use machismo. They would try to pronounce it. They're like a nice one for not saying right? They try to come out the cheese. They were like, nice, but for that's it, right? They're trying to come in a different way.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's move on. That's so funny. She was listening. We could try to be scholars and talk with big words. And we don't, you're not, you've never done that. Well, that's my excuse too. We could. Yeah, this is the show that does not use big words ever.
Starting point is 00:26:02 All right, I thought this was interesting. They talk about the relationship between mothers and sons, and they're fascinated by this. Mother's son is a mother's son. Mother's son affects relationships into life in a way that I don't think daddy, daughter does. Like even if it's a weird relationship, that usually doesn't come into romantic relationships.
Starting point is 00:26:22 What are you all talking about? All right, so those are the stash, that we've girls. What are are you all talking about? All right, so those are the stash those that we've, girls. What are y'all talking about? Indeed, she doesn't think that father-daughter relationships have anything to do with romantic relationships later in life. Chris, you've dated some girls throughout the years.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yes. Have you ever dated a girl who had daddy issues or something going on with her relationship with her father? Probably more often than not. It's fucking prevalent. It's all over the place. I don't know what they're talking about. They have such a weird view of the world. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Compared to the life that I've experienced. And yeah, and I wanted to point out that going into this and realizing this way outside anything that I would listen to on purpose if it wasn't my homework. Right. Um, I'm like, okay, well, I don't want to be like, you know, a hater. There's women I find funny, you know, of course. And I'm sure this will be interesting in a new perspective. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:19 The interesting part was lacking. And the jokes were not existent. So that angered me. Well, I think it's important to point out this was a suggestion that came in from listeners, both women who suggested that we do this show. Think most of the listeners of the show are women. It's not for us. You know, we're not the target audience for it. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And I understand that. But these people are misguided. Right. One of the things that they think is that men are Judge based on their accomplishments and women are judged based on who they are And so the woman asks, what do you mean by that? But judge based on who you are listen to this answer to that question. Who they are mean What is it because I'm like obviously I know what they look like that's a huge thing
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, what do you mean who they are? I guess like I mean like when when women get chastised for not using enough exclamation points Oh, they weren't very nice in their email for their like demeanor. Yeah, she couldn't come up with one real-world example What do you mean women are judge based on who they are? Oh? How many exclamation points are in an email? That's never happened in the history of email. Yeah, that was the switch. I've never once gone to my guy colleague at work. Did you see this email from Jeanette? Showing you three exclamation points.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I thought I did a better job than that. That's not a real thing. That's not a real thing that no one's complaining about that. I went and ruptured flow, but did you listen to any of their episodes of theirs? I did not. Okay, I didn't either be wrong. This wasn't task-a-dent, but did you listen to any of their episodes of theirs? I did not. Okay, I didn't either be wrong. This wasn't a task at hand, but I was just wondering if any of it was funny.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Again, their popularity. They must be funny at some point. Well, I should mention that their show has had guests on that are celebrities, or at least more famous than this Jean Hayes person. They also... What? I know, all right, go figure. They do have a premise to the show that they're probably past at this point,
Starting point is 00:29:11 but the premise was they would talk to guys that they used to date, and that's why it's called Guys We Focked. So they would interview ex-boyfriends and have them on the show. So we were not hearing that part of it, and maybe that's interesting and fun. It's very possible.
Starting point is 00:29:25 It's kind of a neat premise. Yeah, it's interesting. You know, talk to your exes and find out how should he use to be. It's potential, yeah. There's potential there, I guess. And you know, it's all this whole anti-slot shaming and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Well, whatever those relationships there could be some fodder for comedy. Yeah. There should be some comedy. For sure. But they start off the show with going into this case in Iran, we played it as the tease last week, where some woman was arrested because she was dancing on Instagram and a video. You're not allowed to dance in
Starting point is 00:29:57 public in Iran. Sharia law is a problem in this world. If you ask me, let's hear their hot take. Yes. I'm Sharia law because these two women are about to solve it. A woman removed her Islamic head covering in a public protest in February and then she was sentenced to two years imprisonment and eight years of probation. So that's fair. Yeah. Ooh, that's fair. It's sarcastic with a lip smack. Take that. Sharia law. Their concern is touching.
Starting point is 00:30:31 See if you can recover from that one, bus live world. Oh, either these fucking dummies, they act like, well, you know, my ran is a little bit behind the times. No, it's, it's Islam. They put homosexuals to death. There's a fucking problem that these people do not want to talk about because that's me puttically correct.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And God forbid we would say that this whole religion is backwards. God forbid we would say that out loud. When it's 100% true and very obvious. The fact that you would arrest someone for dancing. And that's like out of a shitty 80s movie premise. Well, how is that even a thing? Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I'm sorry, I have a few more clips. I'm going back towards the beginning of the show again. Yeah, that was a fascinating opening. We talked about, let's talk about the intro to the show. Very produced, makes it sound like everyone's having a lot of fun, there's a lot of laughter. Yeah, welcome to Guys We Fucked. Guys We Fucked.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Guys We Fucked. Guys We Fucked. Guys We Fucked. I'm Christina. I'm Corinne. We're sorry about last night. The Anti-Sluet Shaming Podcast. I never stopped. Okay, so that's the intro to the show.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It's produced. There's a, you know, music band. We're having fun. This is us mixing it up. As soon as that ends, they start talking live and repeat everything that was just said. Hey fuckers, welcome to another episode of Guys, we fuck. It's the anti-slut chiming podcast, I'm Corinne.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm Christina. Didn't we just hear all of those things? They did the music. Yeah, it's not gonna go. That was missing. That was literally the exact next part after they played. This is what this is.
Starting point is 00:32:08 This is who we are. Then they say, this is what this says. This is who we are. And by the way, they almost have a Mark Marin thing going out. You notice that? I'm gonna be fuckers. Sorry. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So it's called, guys, we fucked and they call people fuckers. Hey, what's up fuckers? And they even hashtag it on Twitter. What's up hashtag fuckers? Oh, they do another Mark Marin thing. They suck at reading ads. Yeah, let's talk about that. It sounds sincere. One I can't wait. Can we please talk about that? Well, somebody please talk about they had to do them all at once. All right, this starts with the story about a law in a Muslim country that they don't like. And then the commercial bed begins it, the four minute and 30 second mark. Do you know when it finally concludes? I should know this because I marveled at it.
Starting point is 00:32:51 16 minutes and 36 seconds. Now I can't do the math. That's over six and a half minutes of commercials. A lot of time. I'm not good at the math side of things, but let's talk about some of these things where they're doing this whole commercial thing and it starts off, you know, here is a commercial
Starting point is 00:33:10 that definitely empowers women. You can go to the beach and be like, I'm gonna skinny a bat, chau. Oh, fuck. It seems to be a disconnect with the rest of the show. They do a whole commercial bed about their live shows. And I thought this was weird. I've never heard this on a podcast before. Dotcom comes. See us live.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Absolutely. Seattle slash Bellevue Washington tonight. And tomorrow, we are going to be at parlor live. You're not doing a radio show. I've never heard a, you don't know when people are listening to this. It's an mp3. It's a file that people get. They're going, hey, come see us tonight. What the fuck is tonight?
Starting point is 00:33:53 Or tomorrow? What the fuck is so out of the way tonight? It's a little tomorrow-ish. The thing is, Tony, I'm going to look at this. What the fuck are they talking about? So I thought that was interesting. I've never heard that out of podcast before. They always give dates, times. Yeah. You would, you would just think because that file will
Starting point is 00:34:09 exist for years to come, you would assume. You would assume. You know, so people might maybe not this one, but well, hopefully not. But you would think that someone could potentially stumble on this show and listen to it. And I don't know, 2021. And then they're going to show up to this fucking theater that night. Yeah. And maybe see a way better show. So I guess that works out. Thanks ladies. All right, this is a commercial for me undies. And there's a couple of things that I wanna point out in here.
Starting point is 00:34:36 We played earlier the contact lens commercial where they say bitch, dumb bitch. And then they transition from that right into the me undies and I have two things that I want to point out on this but listen to all the silly voices that she makes. Yeah I was ready to touch on this girl. And now that your eyes can see you can know how great that ass looks in you me undies. You've definitely heard me talk about me undies, the fun comfy undies that feels good to say look.
Starting point is 00:35:08 To those of you who haven't tried them yet, listen up, you fucks. No more crowded stores. Me undies sends incredible underwear made with sustainable source material from beachwood trees. Right to your door. Once you put on a pair, you'll get it. I only wear me undies. Because I'm, you know, I don't like going outside, really, that much.
Starting point is 00:35:30 What are they going for? Chris. Go on. Well, she's trying to be entertaining. Oh. Because this commercial bed just goes out and out and out. So it's difficult if you're just reading boring copy, but she says, I only wear me undies,
Starting point is 00:35:45 because I don't like going outside. I don't understand that at all. What does that mean? I don't know. We're talking about underwear. Yeah. I wear these because I don't like going outside. I guess she means to shop.
Starting point is 00:35:59 So she means to shop. Does she know that you can buy any type of underwear on the internet and it will be delivered to your door Has she heard of Amazon? You're talking to a guy's confused by everything they did He said I'm so confused I'm so confused that you reached out to me I said do you have a host this week and why would you do that? I don't know This is all you're doing
Starting point is 00:36:21 I like challenges You were the last person I was gonna tell to listen to this show. You dumb mother fucker. I was gonna look at when you bring it up into artwork and they're at the poker table. It looked like it was gonna be fun. Yeah right. They're in on a joke. Yeah a couple of girls, comedians, having fun.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. Hang on, there was no fun to be had. No, the only gambling is with your sanity I'm the show I'm starting to feel it and you got my text earlier about listening to opium like I know why you're losing your fucking mind. Wait, you're assuming that I'm losing my fucking mind It was a chore today. I will tell you that this fucking opi show. Oh, God all right before we get there There's one more commercial that I want to talk about Oh, good. All right, before we get there, there's one more commercial that I want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Well, wait, let's talk about the funny voices. Oh, okay, yeah, what do you got on the funny voices? Well, listening back to this, which I was home we wouldn't. Sorry, well, I only wrote down two, and I don't know who's talking. I don't know who, current. I don't know whose one's gonna check.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I'm glad we covered that. Patronizing gay man voice, and there's Goliath the dog from Davian Goliath. Oh right. Which I assume is like being a dumb guy, who's the way dog. Right. But, and then, but I realize there's a couple more.
Starting point is 00:37:33 There's like super bitchy bitch. Yeah. Skippy bitch. That was. There's also the sassy black woman voice that they do. So they can also attack. I mean, they are well is deep. You ever heard of a triple threat?
Starting point is 00:37:48 This is a zero threat. Watch out. This is their last commercial that they do. And this goes on for a long time. It's a product called FabFitFun. Do you remember this? Yeah, they like saying it. This is a very hard sell.
Starting point is 00:38:04 This is a product where it's one of those things where you subscribe to this mystery prize. It comes in the mail once a month, and it's a box full of bullshit. And this is a hard thing to sell because you're being, you're an idiot if you subscribe to one of these things. Look at what kind of surprise we're gonna have.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Like what do you find? You are bored. You need to have Christmas morning, want some mutton. You're the five year old. You're the five year old. Yeah, like what the fuck is wrong with you? You know what you could do is you should be able to do a pick-up that you actually want and purchase that exact thing.
Starting point is 00:38:36 It's said, I want a fucking mystery box full of nonsense. Wee! Maybe there'll be a fucking streamer. So this is the, they have to sell this so fucking hard, I want this. It's a fantastic value because all the products are full size, not sample size, and many products' individual value
Starting point is 00:38:52 is more than the cost of the entire box. This is absolutely true. As far as like I'm very into deals and making sure you're getting a lot of bang for your buck, when they say one or two products is gonna equal the entire amount of the box, that's absolutely accurate. And most of the stuff, even if you don't like one thing, number one, you can re-gift it,
Starting point is 00:39:12 so you have a nice gift to give a friend. And then number two, you're gonna find your product. We're already to the re-gift phase. Yeah, I'm with everything in every one of my FADFIT fun boxes. We talked so highly about it, that my best friend, Paulo, was even like, yo, Karin, I ordered a FADFITFUNBOXES. We talked so highly about it that my best friend, Paula, was even like, yo, Karin, I ordered a FADFITFUNBOX and I hope you weren't fucking with me in the ad rate
Starting point is 00:39:30 and I said, Paula, I would never do that to you. I wholeheartedly love that. Plus, I would never say I liked something if I didn't like it. I mean, you would be, I just wouldn't even endorse it. What kind of bullshit is that? I would never endorse something if I didn't like it. It's a mystery.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We have no idea what people are getting and you're saying, I love this product. What's the product? You don't know. Nobody knows. You'll never know. She's off the hook. Yeah. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:39:57 Kind of endorsement is that. That's the longest commercial out of all of these because they're trying to convince themselves that they're doing the right thing by promoting this fab fit fun fucking product. It doesn't seem to matter what they talk about. They just like talking and... They're not good at it, but they like it. Like you said, they said that they're comedians. Well they are comedians.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I'd have never seen their stand-up routine. I'm assuming it's amazing. Sure. Can't wait for the enough for expensive. It's gonna come off episode. Yeah, I mean they actually did a show where there were 350 plus people that came to us. So they're very they're very good. They finally do tell a hilarious joke and I had to pull this out because when we do reviews I've oftentimes been told like all you do is a shit on things. This isn't a review. So I want to be fair. I want to tell you that there are some good parts of the show This was the best joke of the show by far
Starting point is 00:40:51 25% of women and 20% of men living in the United States have genital herpes I'm sorry. Hey! We almost started, Mark. Oh, no! No fucking legs! No fucking legs! That was a lot of fun. I was putting that together, my wife came into the room and saw me giggling. Yeah. She's just making fun of me. You're giggling about your podcast right now, like, yes, I am.
Starting point is 00:41:22 That's what I'm saying. All right, so they do talk about herpes. I want to get into the herpy discussion. Can I suggest a future drop really quick? Yeah. Jean the guest doing the aporkey pig stammering. No, they do, they do, they do, they do, they do. Please.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Oh my God, it's amazing. Her mouth moves so much faster than her brain. It's unbelievable to watch. All right, this is what I call giving awesome advice. Now, remember, this is an advice show when it starts off. They're reading emails that people send in. And the setup is, this is a long email.
Starting point is 00:42:01 It is a very long email. But the setup is she would tell someone that she had herpes when it was obvious that they were probably going to have sex. So if she had herpes, but she does not, they make that very clear. If she had herpes, she would tell someone that she had herpes, and this is how she would do it.
Starting point is 00:42:18 But, and so I just wanna tell you I have herpes. This is how it spread, this is what everything you could do, these are the chances of, you know, spreading it. And I feel like just mentioning it during that time makes it less of a big deal. So her advice to this person is wait until it gets intimate and then you want to let them know that you have heard these. You probably want to give them a pamphlet
Starting point is 00:42:39 that they should read, have them at least take a quiz to prove that they read the pamphlet. Is this how this works in real life? You start making out with someone. And the next thing you know, you're like, well, well, well, well, well. All right, let's talk about her for the next half hour. Well, you don't necessarily have to kill the sexy music playing when you do. Right. My regain still goes, but you want to talk. It's so funny. She's explaining this is how I got it. This is how it spreads. Here's a scientific research behind this is the three studies done
Starting point is 00:43:05 Two of them proved yeah, it's this is ridiculous. It's a worse fucking advice. I've ever heard and I hate this thing I can hear the door slamming in the car So the woman is explaining this whole herpes thing and she gets really confused by her own political correctness because she wants to be honest but then she realizes that if somebody had herpes she wouldn't want to sleep with that person but that's not politically correct because we should be sleeping with every single person all the time regardless of what's going on with them that that's the right thing to do. So just listen to how confused she gets in her own hat here.
Starting point is 00:43:49 And there's a ton of people who already have her bees and they can just sleep together. Like, I mean, is there an app for us? Yeah, there's an app for people who already have SCI. Yeah, but that's, I mean, but then that's saying, like if you have this, then you should only sleep with somebody else who has this. Yeah, I know, it's a preference.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I mean, there's a million preferences. You know, there's, you know, there's preferences, but it's like, but you can't take somebody's preference personally. Right, and it's like, you know, a lot, so for me, I wouldn't, I would avoid having sex with someone who had herpes if I could, but I would date someone who was a trans man. So in other words, it says, like the guys, I'm woke.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I'm politically correct. I would sleep with a trans man. I would ask have you okay But anyway, whatever it doesn't matter, but she says I would choose not to sleep with someone who has herpes Good that's called a good decision. You're supposed to not want to see for someone who has a natural thing That's a very natural thing. That's why it's a problem in society What do you want to prize? I mean it's so funny. She gets so flustered and she feels so guilty by the fact that she's like,
Starting point is 00:44:48 I would actually choose not to sleep with someone who has herpes. Oh my God, I keep it like I just said that. I isolated this. Listen to the guilt that she goes through and she can not get the words out to admit that she wouldn't sleep with someone who has herpes. This is a huge problem for her.
Starting point is 00:45:03 You know, there's preferences, but it's like, but you know, and it's like, you know, a lot, so for me, I wouldn't, I would avoid having sex with someone who had herpes. It sounds like I spent that all. Yeah, there was not a couple of chops in there. I did not. That's how this person talks.
Starting point is 00:45:18 What I'm saying is not what I want to be saying, but it is the truth that I was shitting off so I was just saying this because people are going to call me off or not want to see people who have herpes. There's some tells some tells and people with herpes are people too Yeah, there's a lot of there's a lot of tells in there. They talk about this play That they're very excited about The one woman goes to see the play while she's on Molly
Starting point is 00:45:39 And I must have not it out. I don't remember that it's called if she foul or something like that. Oh yeah, it's about the person he wrote after one day in. And I just pulled this quick clip because if I had a nickel for every time one of my buddies said this, I'd have a lot of fucking money. A immersive theater is my new favorite thing in the entire world.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I mean that's just what we talk about. Obviously, it is immersive theater. And how amazing it is. It's played out, if you ask me. All right, I just have a couple more clips and then we can move on. This is a clip that I call great broadcasting. There are, you mentioned it earlier.
Starting point is 00:46:18 These vocal crutches, there's a lot of different words for it. I hate I mean, I hate you know, I hate like. And these people, this podcast was an hour and 48 minutes, hour and 42 minutes, I can't remember. It was long, I didn't get all the way through it. It was 148.36. Okay, perfect. It was long.
Starting point is 00:46:38 It could have been 72 seconds. If they had just got rid of the I means and the you-nose and the likes and the fucking yeah mouth noises There was some fluff. So here's an example of that and how and I mean how opposed they are I mean, and I think you know I'm not necessarily a hundred percent on the side of like you know take your tits out whenever you want I mean I mean keep them in you know inside your shirt. I don't know you know It is but I mean there certainly shouldn't be laws
Starting point is 00:47:04 Okay, so I just want to point out this is a huge podcast. Very successful, very popular. I'm going to put a little ding in every time this person has a crutch where they say, I mean, you know, or they start to stutter. Well, wait, if she's not saying, I mean, does she not mean it? I don't know. I don't know what you have to say. I mean, and she has to explain that I already know
Starting point is 00:47:26 this thing that she's about to say. Let's count the things. And how, and I mean, how opposed they are. I mean, and I think, you know, I'm not necessarily 100% on the side of like, you know, take your tits out whenever you want. I mean, I mean, keep them in, you know, inside your shirt. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It is, but I mean, there certainly shouldn't be laws. Holy shit. These people are not good broadcasters. shit These people are not good broadcasters these broads are not good broadcasters I know that was a week That was a week I deserve that actually when I deserve that is a There's one more clip that I want to play and This is you know this is what happens when women who have run a couple books get together and try to sound smart.
Starting point is 00:48:11 What did you say? Anger is the blanket over fear and powerlessness? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was like, yeah. I was like, damn girl, that's a good quote. Yeah, that's a, um. That quote makes me angry. God.
Starting point is 00:48:22 This thing of wanting to sound smart. It's insane. It's rampant. And what happens is you get people who get a little bit confused and just think that they're not gonna... it's the Emperor's New Close. You have these naked people riding down the parade and they're like, well, if you can't see the clothes, then you're a fucking idiot. And these people listen to the show like you admitted that you did and you say, oh, the patriarchy has nothing to do with gender Oh these guys are going above and beyond what I understand so they must be smarter than me. No, they're fucking dots I just wanted to give them the benefit of it That's nice what I could only do it for so long. You're a nice guy and you have a good job. Oh, I got it
Starting point is 00:49:01 I can't believe it didn't know that existed You have a good job. Oh, I got it. I can't believe it. Didn't know that existed. Before we move on to our OP segment, our friends from the Metal Hand of God podcast Adam actually sent in a MP3 And I did want to play that. I've not listened to this yet But Adam wanted to participate in this episode and I think he ran into the same thing that you and I did. In theory, guys, we fucked. Let's listen to it. Let's have some fun.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And then he listened to Sean and he wrote me and he's like, oh, shit, I did not realize I was getting myself into it. So unfunded. So unfunded. So here we go. Here's the clip. So I guess when I think about the patriarchy, and I read this in a, I believe it was a Carol Gilligan book, and she's talked about patri patriarchy, and I read this in a, I believe it was a Carol Gilligan book,
Starting point is 00:49:45 and she's talked about patriarchy being like the hierarchy, but in an abs without love. So hierarchy, but without the ability to love in it. Yeah, I forgot, I remember you told me that, and I was like, fuck, I think that is dead on. Yeah, I mean, I think it makes a lot of sense in the way that like, you know, we want to, I think, you know, yeah, the not having love within that structure is going to just look
Starting point is 00:50:13 a lot like power control, power dynamics everywhere. Hi there. I'm Adam from the Metal Handegaid podcast and that Incoherent Mess is basically the entirety of guys we fucked and anti-sluxing in podcast. This show is consistently in the top 20 iTunes comedy podcast. I'm sure it ranks high and you know, stitch your Google Play wherever else Spotify. That's the show. You know, I don't have a problem with podcasts that are labeled as comedy podcasts. Dipping into deeper issues, I talk about politics all the time. However, at some point, they're supposed to be jokes.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And I hear them laughing in the show, but I don't know what they're laughing at. I don't know who these people are. I don't know how did they get a book deal? Is this one of those like Amazon fanfiction fucking books that the people pay for? I don't I don't understand who's who's this woman talking about the patriarchy doesn't seem to know what the patriarchy is and I'm I mean I'm this guy
Starting point is 00:51:36 He gets it. I rank those women who say things like the patriarchy on the same level as I do with flat earthers and people who think the Illuminati is fucking spring, shit in the air to control your mind. But I come trails, I am a real thing, it's been documented, it's been proven. I have a fairly decent understanding of what the concept of the patriarchy is. You know what it's not? This. The patriarchy is not a gendered thing and I'd like super important to remember. The patriarchy is a gendered thing. I swear to God, I'm not listening to this before. So, and it's not what you're thinking like dude, you fucking took all my jokes like when you do a roast You have to cross shit out as everyone in front of you does the same fucking hack joke about a woman's vagina And I feel like I did this to to our buddy Adam
Starting point is 00:52:32 So I apologize, but we'll leave this in for ya Most people will probably fast forward you have a little button that goes 30 seconds out But I'm gonna leave this in for you to recap. It's yeah, it's this is it this is actually a very good recap of what I know We don't have to. What Chris and I were talking about. It is, it's the belief that men both consciously and unconsciously control the world and keep women down. It's pretty simple.
Starting point is 00:53:00 What the fuck is this? I know who it's for, it's for dumb women. Also let me let me be fair. It's for dumb men too. And this is garbage and these people get paid. Well welcome aboard Adam. Yeah. You think that about sums it up? This is garbage and these people make more money than most of the people listening to this podcast right now. I don't know if that's true. I'm not going to say that that's true. No numbers, guy, but. But Adam, listen to the show, it had the exact same takeaway that I did. Yeah. Obviously. So, yeah, spot on, man. You nailed it. No jokes. All that serious stuff followed by just idiocy
Starting point is 00:53:48 Didn't work but I did come away from this with job and penis shame. Oh good. Yeah, so something came out of it. Yeah, so you don't work a traitor Joe's do you? Oh God. They made it very clear that the guy works at Trader Joe's they will not date that guy. Yeah, thank God I love that they're guilty of all the things that they're shaming other people for being it did sound that way It did sound that way. They're a little bit hypocritical. Oh, is that too big a word? All right, this is a good segue to opi are we done with the The guys that we fucked opi radio with the guys that we found. Opie radio.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Opie radio podcast. Alright, we listened to episode 23 of Opie radio so that you don't have to. This was an interview with Mike Pasacetti, who is a Air Quotes comedian. He used to be the co-host on the Arty Lang podcast. He's kind of a retard. Okay. And you're gonna be nice about this? I am rarely nice on this show.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah. Mike Bacetti lives on Staten Island. OP decides to do a podcast where he's gonna go to Staten Island with all this shitty podcast equipment where for some reason it records in this weird stereo where voices are just modulating and is modulating the right word, pop it up.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Voices are just oscillating. Oscillating, back and forth for no fucking reason. It doesn't add anything, I've never heard a podcast like this. It's the worst. I want to say I'm going in cold. I want to drive that point home. You've never listen to OPEN.
Starting point is 00:55:32 You go away the fuck back. I've only heard him through your podcast. So the modern, just OPEN podcasts. Right. And then in retrospect, I would listen to samples of OPEN Anthony because you were such a fan. Right. I'm like, all right, why is this funny?
Starting point is 00:55:44 OPEN must have been funny at some point, right? That's what people say, it's not true. He was never funny at any point. Okay. Literally, his claim to fame is putting a whiffle ball bat in a girl's vagina in the studio. That's why this guy is famous. He sucks.
Starting point is 00:55:59 He stole that bit. Wow. From who you? I don't think you're the radio studio, but I'll give you the rest. All right. This is the beginning of the show. He's talking to his buddy, Carl Ruiz, the chef. And Carl Ruiz is in Nam Tucket.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And it'll be called him up on the phone because I don't know. I don't understand the four men of the show. I don't get why they do what they do, but this is the very beginning of the show. Yeah, exactly. This is the very beginning of the show. Yeah, exactly. This is the very beginning of the show and I guess this is probably an inside joke that we should know about but here come the lamb chop jokes I just ordered a two pound lobster and fried clams belly. I'm about that lamb chop. I like it.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So OP is so devoid of humor or anything original that the guy picks up the phone. He sees that it's OP. Anytime OP calls, he's probably recording a fucking podcast because that's how this guy does. So he says, what's going on, lamb chop? And OP goes, hey, lamb chop and OP goes hey lamb chop Good one. Yeah, and then Carl says it again. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's a joke
Starting point is 00:57:12 But I told it OP has never come with anything original As you know you don't know anything about OP, but you know about brother weas Well, dude, I was gonna open you to work for brother. We And cuz this what it reminded me of and this is such a brother weasus I'm on this clip right here. They have vodka cranberries in a can up here Vodka Vodka cranberry and soda with a touch of lemon in a can like a beer. Wow, that sounds delish. That is such a brother-weezers. Jesus Christ. So there he's always abbreviating words. OP has no originality and that's that fun or funny. It's old man shit. That sounds
Starting point is 00:57:58 delish. It's so boring. It's all style over something. It's not fascinating and it doesn't sound delish by the way. It doesn't. It doesn't sound good at all. No. It's so boring. It's all style over something. It's not fascinating and it doesn't sound delish, by the way. It doesn't. It doesn't sound good at all. It's a shitty cocktail on a can. Yeah. Like you don't know what kind of vodka that is or anything. Any of the components out of it, it's just garbage.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And everyone knows about this. It's not a right. It's a thing. Oh, we all know. There's so many things wrong with it. So it's four seconds there, man. Dude, I just want to ask a valid question because you go way back. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:24 When did the, there's an announcer that appears? The Westwood One guy. And then there's music. What's that? Yeah, the music band is coming. No, they've been doing this. It's the get-go. It's overly produced.
Starting point is 00:58:35 What, this is what's so crazy about this show, is that OP records the show with shitty equipment in shitty places like bars and people's houses that apparently with shitty people. With shitty people, it sounds like garbage. And then he hands it off to Westwood Wanna, here are the files. And Westwood one shows it in the Pro Tools
Starting point is 00:58:53 and puts all sorts of crap on it to try to make it a quality podcast. Well, Westwood's one most of them edited out the funny parts, right? There was a mistake. Probably. Dude, I would argue they've not added a thing out of this. That sounds like any of this. Oh shit, there's nothing added to it.
Starting point is 00:59:08 No, Opie says, here is three and a half hours of nonsense conversations I want all of it kept in the show. And that's the only way this could be going down because what's with one of his other famous people doing podcasts who are actually good at doing radio shows. I don't understand
Starting point is 00:59:30 how this all works but the music bed thing is weird because you hear that throughout the whole intro and then it just like kind of comes back to the recording. Yeah, I don't think we're radically. And it's it sounds like something like a bass line or something or just like some weird shit. It was one of the referential thing about Bob Seeger. Yeah, we actually played a little but it's definitely not Bob Seeger. They didn't have the rights to Bob Seagr. Yeah. So it's a sideways sideways by, yeah, I'm gonna afford Bob Seagr. Not less than one, obviously. So this is a quick segment.
Starting point is 00:59:55 The last week when we did OP, I played fake laughing. Here's another fake laughing segment. This is OP is talking about, he's on set in Ireland, and he says, oh, he's talking to Carl Ruiz still, he says, oh, I think I'm watching a drug deal go down. So Carl, quick on his feet, makes this joke, and they just laugh and laugh. Well, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, there's a drug deal going on. I'm going to text you right now, little order. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, right? Yeah, I want to draw you a deal going on. Oh, I'll text you my order. Give me some.
Starting point is 01:00:46 And then they giggle about it for 12 and a half seconds. It makes zero sense. And this is the classic OP overselling. Whenever there's a boring conversation going on, OP has to oversell it. This is Carl talking about how he's hooking up with a 61-year-old chick. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Well, he's in that jacket. And this is just classic OPi trying to sell his dumb listeners. This is a fun conversation they're having. Oh, my God, I know you love older women, but damn. All right, let's keep moving. I know I know you got places to be. No, I want to stay here and rip on this a little bit more. It really pissed me off. And I wanted to stay here and rip on this a little bit more. It really pissed me off. And I wanted to listen to the entire episode.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And then I'm like, I'll just make it to the half point. You know, the little thing. Yeah, I think at the gist of it, right? Oh my God, dude. So here's the gist of the episode. After this call was Karl. Right. He goes to Mike Pasetti's house and walks around this guy's house with his
Starting point is 01:01:46 recording equipment and has innocuous conversations with Mike's mom his buddy his neighbor his buddy's neighbor and yes this is just sonically torturous listen to to this clip, there's a, he's talking to, again, I volunteered for this. Open your talking. So angry about it. To the sky's mom who's 80 years old or 79 years old. It's a boring conversation and there's a fucking Chihuahua barking in the background.
Starting point is 01:02:18 He's done a lot of great radio for me over the years. Oh, good. So I felt like I owed him a favor to come to his house. That's very nice. Yeah. If you want to show a puppy one time, I should, I should do what I'm created. And she should, if I wouldn't tell us
Starting point is 01:02:34 from the people from the youth, let's just go. When did you know Mike was funny? When he was boy. Anyway, when he was a bar. How obnoxious is that? They have so weird acoustic guitar music. There's a dog barking.
Starting point is 01:02:49 They're asking a grandmother questions and whatever she says they're just laughing at, even though it's not funny or interesting. And then it gets into a part where, and I know you don't even need to be here because I've just started to... It's fine. I apologize. I've had a bunch of horseshit this is though this is because opus walking around and Talking to Mike about toys that he owns oh god
Starting point is 01:03:14 This is so depressing this guy's like a 50 something year old guy. He just had a heart attack He's talking about toys at the owns and people are just talking in the background. Yeah. Opie's producer. What? Right. One of them says fucking pretty good. And another guy are just chatting in the background. This is the worst sounding podcast I've ever heard and I heard Suthering John do a podcast and do a smartphone. This is garbage.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Where are we going now? We need to call him. He's really sick. He's making a call from the floor. Check out how heavy this dude is. Yeah, little toy cars from England you said Codges they're washing their corges yeah, okay? 20s, what is it it's a race car?
Starting point is 01:03:54 I'm gonna have it I think that's like an old-school race car Absolutely for the turn of the century. Can you believe? This is a podcast I Westwood want I Mean I don't care where it's coming out of I can't believe it's a podcast. I've heard podcasts like that before. It's usually amateurs who have no idea what they're doing and should never upload any of this audio. Instead, this is getting sent to a corporation who's then producing it and the producer has to jump in and say, Hey guys, you know, talking to the listeners. Right, but sorry about this.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Here's, yeah, that is also a bit that pisses me off. Yes. Because it's almost like the kind of wind of your take on their show and we're like, guys, you suck. We gotta at least make it look like we're in on the joke. And they're all right. Clearly still not. Correct.
Starting point is 01:04:44 There's not. I call're all clearly still not. Correct. There's a lot. I call this clip, Lemonade, because this is the guy who's saying, like, I know, it's crazy, it's shoot us suck. I can't believe it's suck so bad. I'm now back to it. And now back to it, more sucking. So this is the clip, it's a little bit longer,
Starting point is 01:04:58 but this is the clip of the guy who does the final production on the show, complaining, quote unquote, about how it should be the show. complaining quote unquote about shitty the show. This is supposed to funny. Sorry about this. It's OP Radio's final cut producer. I'm obligated to step in here under the circumstances of what some call
Starting point is 01:05:13 in the business, double audio. I like to refer to it as a sonic abortion, sort of a non-life threatening form of friendly fire that's usually caused by invited listeners who want to contest or possible sponsors being schmoozed by salespeople who get to sit in the studio and watch but are told to keep quiet while the shows on progress. Well sometimes as in this moment, it's caused by less experienced producers who've been
Starting point is 01:05:38 recently hired and for some reason find themselves bored with the current conversation. Like this case here, we have our newest member of the team, Mike Sappho, who are respect immensely as a 15 year vet on the NYPD, but now while he's moonlighting as a producer for Westwood 1, he's making my job a bit of a fucking nightmare. Alright, so this is the guy who's pretending to be upside about it and like, geez, you know guys, the show. And that by the way, that bit I played it went on for a while.
Starting point is 01:06:09 That goes on for another couple of minutes with this house of the rising sun sideways fucking guitar music. And really, he's just overproduced to a point where, what are you trying to be? You're trying to be this OP character walking around with his equipment, just interviewing people randomly, or are you trying to be this polished show? He can't be both. It's trying to be both. It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:06:31 So then again, the producer comes in. He's pretending that the people talking in the background are what is ruining the show. Wait, you can pull your teeth out. I'll show you. I'll show you. All right. I've known you for years and I,
Starting point is 01:06:42 oh my god, your teeth come out. It's my soul. Mike, his teeth come out. What? I never show you. All right, I've known you for years and I, oh my God, your teeth come out. Mike, his teeth come out. What? I never know this. Oh my God. This was the first podcast you should have had a video of the whole time. Yeah, then we could have put a face
Starting point is 01:06:56 to the assholes ruining this episode. I didn't know your teeth came out. They're acting like the guys who are ruining the show are people talking in the background. Anyone who knows anything about broadcasting would assume that this is not the show. This is a boring conversation that makes zero sense to put out on the internet. OP is the one ruining the show, not the people talking in the background. OP is talking to this guy about fucking nonsense.
Starting point is 01:07:19 They're looking at his toys and going, oh yes, this is a heavy toy car that you have here. Oh god, he goes to his medicine cabinet. He goes to the medicine cabinet. And so he keeps trying to get them to sit down and do a podcast. And he's like, no, I want to see more of this fucking house. Right. Right, it's non-stop just boring, pretentious shit. And then they're all trying to be like, yeah, we're all in on the joke.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Right? This is fun. These guys are talking. I don't blame the guys who are talking at all. No. Why would you think that I don't blame the guys who are talking at all. No Why would you think that this was part of the show? Opie is on a safari in the backyard looking for jokes and no Yes, yes, so this is just sonically the worst sounding podcasts I've ever heard I never knew because they look so natural
Starting point is 01:08:01 Perfect time to start moving metal patio furniture across the floor right on Thank you bucket a Producer comes in again and he says Jesus they're moving metal furniture across the concrete for Take it out. Yeah, they're not talking about anything. That was OP still talking about, I can't believe your teeth come out. Yeah, only. This has been going on for 37 seconds. Take it all out.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Only makes it twice as annoying when you acknowledge it. It's impossible to listen to this show. They make it impossible to listen to. OP, by himself, is impossible to listen to. And then they add in all these obnoxious noises. This conversation does not need to be in the show. It adds nothing to the show. There's no show and this is more proof that nobody thinks they're actually doing a show. I'll be walking around with whatever equipment he has but nobody
Starting point is 01:08:56 thinks they're actually doing a show because this conversation happens. But you got a nice spot. Your mom leaves you alone. Yeah. So know, it's not the worst thing in the world You might not want to get the password out on the on the podcast. Let me let me walk over here Hey, yeah, nobody thinks they're doing a podcast like hey, what's the password to your wife? I because they're just shooting the shit They're just hanging out and talking and This they try to spin it like the guy says Opie makes everyone feel so comfortable He's so good at this job. The people just think that they're not even doing a show.
Starting point is 01:09:27 They're not even doing a show! When I asked you if you were gonna be nice when you called Mike Reuter, I meant they're all Reuter. They're all Reuter! Oh, they're fucked, Tarant man. I would kick these guys out of my party. It's not that these people are overly comfortable.
Starting point is 01:09:43 This guy's like, yeah, you know, we said this producer out. He's fucking talking in the background. It's not his fault. He doesn't think that's a show. He's right. Yeah, he is right. He is 100% right.
Starting point is 01:09:52 And the fact that he decided to put this out as a podcast, this goes on forever. What does the fuck are doing in this situation? I don't know. What is the person supposed to do? I think the producer was thinking, at some point, we're going to start a podcast. Right now, we're just kind of hanging out. He's supposed to do. I think the producer was thinking at some point we're gonna start a podcast Right now we're just kind of hanging out. He's talking to this guy and that right Exactly, that's what I start so then they're finding ready to start the show and you said it exactly right
Starting point is 01:10:16 This is at the 38 minute and 30 second mark and OP says this like can we see the rest of the house before we start? What about the living room the house before we start? Uh, that's not it, guys. We're not much. What about the living room? See, this is classic, Hopi. He always, that's the bit. Do you guys get it? That's the bit? Is that we're pretending we're gonna do a show, but instead we're not doing a show.
Starting point is 01:10:34 We're just walking around this guy's fucking house on Staten Island. That's not a bit! That's garbage! I get it! Hopi, I get that that's the bit. It's not a good bit. Do you? Abandoned that bit. In fact, take take it out and post you're not doing live radio anymore. You could take it on post and you know Help yourself. I'll get rid of the humiliation that's gonna come from putting on a show that terrible
Starting point is 01:10:56 Well, I'd be disappointed if you know he did all that if the show did start to become good You would make my job harder. It would. I'm not going to lie to you. But holy shit with this fucking OP radio show. All right, you got to go. We've talked about a lot of things. I do want to read a couple of reviews real quick. Let's talk.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Let's just do this. I love Flashweeds review. Let's do this real quick. All right. This is funny. This came in from somebody on July 14th, 2018, bottom feeding crap, one star, and the, uh, the subject is, oh, wow, I should say the body of this review is real trash, embarrassing, and jealous, with no entertainment value at all, pathetic. I went and checked to see what other podcasts
Starting point is 01:11:41 this person's reviewed, none. Which tells me that of course this is a podcast host who got but her that we didn't like their show very much. I got a sneak in suspicion. This dude bleaches his ass hole. You know what the problem is with this podcast sells and listen I'm not gonna lie. You not charismatic. Alright this next one came in on July 13th. It is a two-step review with the Subnits line pass. And the description is this, too loud and obnoxious dudes that talk over each other
Starting point is 01:12:15 bashing other podcasts. I'm gonna stop right there. Who's talking over each other? We make an effort not to do that. We make an effort not to do that. We make an effort not to do that. They might, they went right for the throw for 15 minutes. And I thought the show was going to wrap up since we pretty much got the gist of their critique.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Nope. Another 40 minutes of nitpicking about as pleasant of a listen as sitting in a restaurant next to a table of drunks, shit talking a show on the TV That's funny the second star is only because they listen to the whole podcast before the trash talking So again, this is definitely a podcast host This is someone whose podcast are like dude you fucking told us that we such in the first 15 minutes
Starting point is 01:12:58 You just kept going we get it and then he says I gave a second star because they listen to my whole show Which we're probably the first people to ever do that. I don't know what show this is. I never know what show found out that we reviewed their show and got but heard about it, but it is a phenomenon that happens. All right, we're gonna fly. We're gonna fly here, Chris.
Starting point is 01:13:17 No problem. No, I know. These shows have been going on too long, but we've done too much. So it's time for. We'll teach. We'll teach. We'll teach. We'll teach. So it's time for... The teaser. The teaser. The teaser.
Starting point is 01:13:26 The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. This is the part of the show where we play a clip from the podcast that we'll be reviewing next week in order to tease our audience and get them excited about next week's podcast. It rarely works.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Most people listen to the teaser and say, I barely care about this. So this idiot listened to the teaser and said, oh, I'll do this show. That's true! It works if you want to be a co-host. All right, here's the clip from Next Week's podcast. I go to Twitter or... No, I go to...
Starting point is 01:13:55 Settings. Settings. Now, go down to find Twitter. Isn't this exciting? Oh, we hold on folks. We're going to get to some serious stuff. Where am I going to find Twitter? Why'd you get another fly swatter?
Starting point is 01:14:08 No, that's the same one. Oh. You got three. And what's this part for to comb there? Here's Twitter right here. Now what, location? Yeah, put it in there. Never.
Starting point is 01:14:22 There. Alright, some people might recognize those voices. This is a podcast called MyWave hates me starring Rich Voss and Bonnie McFarlane. We're going to listen to episode 319 from July 18th of 2018. I want to say this was a suggestion from a listener, Nicole in New York City who plays in the band GIFshop in New York. And we appreciate the suggestion because Rich Boss is a friend of the Oping Anthony show.
Starting point is 01:14:50 It's been on numerous times. I believe that this show is on the Riot Cast Network, which is Robert Kelly's Podcast Network, which hosts the Chip Show. So anyway, this is part of the whole ONA universe. I guess I should say. Rich Boss is a stand-up comedian who's good at stand-up and terrible broadcasting. So we're very much looking forward to listening to my wife hates me on the podcast next week.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Cool. I'm glad you're just tucking out buddy. Please join us again next week because it might be the episode we find out what's for all. Who are these podcasts? Sleep well every pony. You gotta have the boost. Your white head, but you're Chinese ditches in her. Look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I don't get it makes no sense who are these podcasts? Who really are like who are these podcasts? I want to know what is their fn problem? W-A-T-P I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm I'm I'm W-A-T-P. I'm I'm I'm I'm W-A-T-P. I'm W-A-T-P.

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