Who Are These Podcasts? - Ep133 - The Biggest Problem in the Universe

Episode Date: December 16, 2018

This week we review one of my all-time favorite podcasts, TBPITU, featuring hosts Maddox and Dick Masterson. Heads up, things might get confusing because joining us to analyze the show is Dick! We ta...ke a deep dive into Dick's old show, take a peek at what Maddox is doing currently, discuss appearing on bonus episodes of other podcasts, and talk about talking about pro wrestling. It's a marathon. If I was a smart podcaster I would have turned this into a two parter. Sh*t, why did I just think of that now? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Uh, Carl has, uh, one of my favorite podcasts ever. A podcast that I mentioned before the who are these podcasts. It's called Rum by a guy called Carl. Cous! Couseru! Couseru! Slapperoonie! Who are these podcasts?
Starting point is 00:00:18 They do a show about shows. This is a podcasting expert. It's hilarious. The show is hilarious. It's show time. MUSIC W-A-T-P. APPLAUSE
Starting point is 00:00:43 So, Dick, you have to do the W-A-T-P thing. It's like the W-N-B-C that Howard used to do. Oh yeah, W-A-T-P. Perfect. I got called out because you didn't do it last time, and I always tell all my co-hosts they have to do it. Hello, bags, labors, and cousin ruse. Welcome to another episode of Who Are These Podcasts.
Starting point is 00:01:01 The only show that reviews every podcast from Ells and Rosen is your new best friend to how it obviously ends. I'm your host, Carl. With me this week, host of the Dick Show, Dick.Show, thedickshow.com, it's Dick Masterson. Hey, what's up, buddy? That's gonna be tough. So happy to have you, man. This is the most professional podcast on the internet.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I know that sounds like a slam to say, but I really believe it. Thank you, buddy. I appreciate it. Well, now I gotta add that on the internet. I know that sounds like a slam to say, but I really believe it. Thank you, buddy. I appreciate, well, now I gotta add that to the intro. Does it show that Keith's getting longer and longer? If you'd like to support the show, please buy our merchandise. You can go to whoarethese.com and click the link.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Discuss our show on our subreddit. Leave us a voice mail 585-612-1388. Email the show, WATP show a Gmail. We also encourage our listeners to give us a five star review on iTunes, but then shit all over us in the comments section. I have some new iTunes reviews to really be getting pounded with one star reviews lately, Doug. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Today we're reviewing a podcast called The Biggest Problem in the Universe. This was a suggestion from a listener, Jeff, um, Dick and I have both listened to the show separately. We have not discussed it with each other beforehand. Let's get into it. This is a show with hosts, Maddox and Dick Masterson. There's a lot of episodes of the show.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's one of my favorites. I was excited to go back and revisit it, but I wasn't sure what we should listen to because there's so many episodes. I put it out to the sub to see what they thought. We got a lot of good suggestions. We decided to listen to episode 29, which is the famous uncooked rice episode. Oh, yeah. And one that's more early on in the show when you guys were still buddies. And then we also listen to episode 78. So we'll be breaking down.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It's 78 is crazy. Cause that's the one that has Aaron Tillman, the dating advice girl on it. So this is, I mean, you're picking pre, no one has fucked anyone else's ex at this point. And you've picked the episode immediately after someone definitely has. So that should be a fun comparison.
Starting point is 00:03:09 That's what I thought. I thought that would work out really well. So I wanted to ask you, Dick, before we started to get into clips, I have a lot of clips to play here. I want to ask you, you notoriously said you never listened to these shows after you recorded them. Did you go back and listen?
Starting point is 00:03:26 No. You did. No, I listened to the best debate. Okay, good. We're gonna get to that too. I can't listen to myself, man. If I hear any recording of myself doing anything, it feels like there's a black hole in the pit of my stomach
Starting point is 00:03:42 from which there is no escape. I can't do it. Oh, you're gonna have a rough time today, that, my friend. Oh, God. You're all over these clips. I might as well start off with something that you said that I had a poll from episode 29. Okay. I am the winner from the last episode. That was my problem, baby. Woo! Winner! I'm the best. Yeah, you're just, you're like that guy who carries the ball to the 99th yard line and then just fumbles it right out of bounds. All right, Dick, I know that you're not a sports. Yeah, but there is no 99th yard line.
Starting point is 00:04:18 You can't run the ball to the 99th yard line. It'd be the one yard line is the one before the goal. Yeah, it really, you know, it's a strangest thing when you're talking for a living, that things that you think in your head, like the metaphors just don't come out right. Like I know it's one yard line. I've heard it a lot of times.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And I know that, but like for some reason, just saying it sometimes it gets all jumbled up and you're like, well, I guess I'm just an asshole like fuck me The same thing happened in the antibiotics episode like I know what an antibody and an antibiotic is but yeah You just get you just get it in your head and get all twisted around. That's one of the reasons I love your show so much because you Mercellists and tearing into people who have these very simple flubs. Well, I know I've been told that I did pick a little bit and that's probably true. But the beauty of podcasting is that you can add it if you want to.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And I know that Maddox did. Yeah. And it shows quite a bit. Yeah. This is, I wanted to talk about you guys were discussing having to work a retail job on Thanksgiving. I think this was like from the previous episode, episode 28, and your take on it was fucked these people.
Starting point is 00:05:34 They have a shitty job at Walmart. You got to go work your shitty job at Walmart. What do you want from me? Yeah. And of course, Maddox always takes the wrong side. And always has to make it about his one experience having a real job at telemarketing company. Oh, he's shit every time.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So this is Maddox explaining that you're wrong because of his experience at that company. At a telemarketing company. Right, at the telemarketing company. You don't get a few hours off to have with your family you never do. In fact, when I worked at the old telemarketing company when I was a programmer, I worked at Graveyard Shift
Starting point is 00:06:05 and I was asleep during the day, so I never got to see my family. What is this Oliver Twist? I have a huge issue with what Manning's the same, because he's lying all the time. He's got this weird made up life that he talks about, going to parties and having a job, and none of it's real. He was a late night programmer, the graveyard shift programming.
Starting point is 00:06:27 If we don't get, if we don't get the C program that night, then all these calls can't go through the next day. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? Thank you, that sounds good. Say there's no such thing as a C shift for programmers. It's not a factory. We got to get these computers working for us 24-7. That's how that works. You just buy more computers.
Starting point is 00:06:48 The lines are down, we got to reprogram them up. They're all scrambled. We got to get the programmers. I don't care how long it takes these programmers at a telemarketing center. We've got to get the lines up. And it's so funny to be, I don't know what he did at this company, but he was the bus salesperson when he was working
Starting point is 00:07:03 the telemarketing phones. And then he was the programmer working overnight so that I think he was like the CEO at one point There's none of this is real what the fuck is guy talking about And no time to see his family who whom he hates right who don't even live in the same state, so it's fine I love that you don't call him out on that bullshit. I can only imagine you got to pick your spots with this guy. Well, because otherwise the show would just turn into bickering. Right. Like, nobody wants to listen to... Nope, I don't think people want to listen to like, like, you know, when you're in a shitty
Starting point is 00:07:38 relationship and you spend all of your fights just nitpicking what the other person says, nobody wants to listen to that. No, I hang out with those fucking people and it's so obnoxious. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this brings me to the next point where you did call him out and I appreciate this. You guys took a voicemail from butt Sanchez. Maddick says you have to wear a condom when you have sex. He says,
Starting point is 00:08:00 what about when you have sex underwater? How do you wear a condom? And this leads to the thing I love about Maddox is that when he's talking about sex, he sounds like a virgin. He sounds like a guy who's never had sex before. So this is the setup clip here. Yeah, how are you supposed to have sex under water with the condom, you fucking idiot?
Starting point is 00:08:18 You don't have sex under water. Oh, you don't have sex in a hot tub? All right, so you've immediately shamed him because he says, no, having sex under water is not a good idea. You've shamed him and now he has to backtrack and explain that he has sex in water all the time. And this is totally how a guy who has sex in water would explain this.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Water is in a good lubricant. It just doesn't fucking work, man. I've tried, look, I've had sex in an ocean. I've had sex in swimming pools. I've had sex in hot tubs. I've had sex in sinks, It just doesn't fucking work man. I've tried look I've had sex in an ocean I've had sex and swimming pools of had sex and hot tubs. I've had sex and sinks like it doesn't fucking work Sorry ocean. Yeah, you had sex in an ocean in the ocean in the ocean. Yeah, I'm doing So he has to throw out everybody of water he can think of I fucked in rivers. I beg chicks and creeks I was in a thunderstorm once like okay, we get it you fuck a lot I'm like homily Jones and a fugitive I fucking sing
Starting point is 00:09:08 I'm fucking a dixie cup. I'm fucking a water cooler The fuck is wrong with this guy and you in a reservoir I'm fucking a lake you rightfully played out that one of these things is not like the other you know swimming, swimming pools, hot tubs, yeah, we get it. Ocean, oh, ocean. Well, because when I hear that list, I'm like, oh, I can't picture that. What do you mean? Well, that's what made that show so great.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's the, okay, this is what you mean by that part. This is the clip of you asking for the story. Having sex. Banging into the sex cruise. What do you mean? You were out in the ocean, haven't you? I was on the ocean, haven't you? I'm not gonna get a story on you for having sex in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah. I mean, at least in a pool and in a spa, you have something to leverage yourself off of. In the ocean seems like you're just humping the air like a dolphin. Do you see why it's weird that you would say the ocean? Because you're just floating around like a buoy stabbing your penis forward into the saltwater. No, Dick, I don't have to jerk my entire fucking body. How do you have sex in the ocean then?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Alright, so that's a great question. How do you have sex in the ocean? We're all wondering how this works. Yeah. So I can picture Mattis' mind is racing. He's thinking up a story now. None of this has ever happened. He's making all of this up because he starts by saying,
Starting point is 00:10:31 it's all in the hips and then listen to where he gets to as he's making up this story at real time. Well, with my hips, man, I just rock him. Look, here's the thing. I was wondering, like, paint me the picture. Okay, how do you do it? Okay, so we're at the beach, right? And everyone at the beach is an idiot.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So I'm like, well, this is boring. I'm gonna go have sex. So I walk out into the ocean. I'm going to go. And I'm there about, you know, the water's covering my shoulder. And I'm there with a pretty lady. And I'm like, well, you know, here we are. And she, look, if she straddles me, this is gonna,
Starting point is 00:11:01 you know, I'm not gonna get too graphic. But if she straddles me, it looks like she's still standing up. So it doesn't, you know, it doesn't have to be this thing that's like, oh my, I'm not gonna get too graphic. What if she straddles me? It looks like she's still standing up so it doesn't you didn't have to be this thing That's like oh my I'm a hump and over here like a moron like an amateur. Oh, so you're standing in the beach I'm standing I'm having sex on the beach. I want to point something out dick that Maddox says during that made up story Yeah, if she straddles me. Yeah, when you're when you're recounting a story of something that actually happened It's not a hypothetical. I mean you say I can't fucking the ocean But if I do a girl who wanted to have sex with me and I could convince her to go out in the ocean with me
Starting point is 00:11:33 I mean it could happen potentially If she was straddling me so this really happened. Yeah, I was bored You know that I'm so stupid One time one time I did I don't want to give too many details to explain why this isn't an obvious lie. You're right. I'm just sitting at the beach because everyone sucks, so I'm like, fuck this. Maddox, you're not your character. No one's buying that you're this character all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I want to play a clip of Maddox and the character that he plays and this is the undercooked rice story. You guys went to Thanksgiving together. I'm guessing a couple days before you recorded this show and he brought a dish to pass which was shitty undercooked rice and immediately he breaks into this fake weird character that I don't going back and listening now. I don't know if I if I took this a different way back when I listened to it the first time,
Starting point is 00:12:28 but it just seems so shoehorned and fake. It was, yeah. How would you determine if rice is undercooked? I wanna be scientific and objective about this. Well, if the grains of rice are crunchy, yes, it's undercooked. Bingo. They were, but they weren't.
Starting point is 00:12:44 You know what, what was crunchy in my rice, okay? So here's the full story. I was invited to a Thanksgiving party and I said right up top, hey guys, I'll make a fucking badass pie better than any fucking grandma can make because that's what I do, man. I take grandma's recipes and
Starting point is 00:13:00 blow them out of the water, baby. I make them way better than they were. So that's the, I'm better than your kids, version of Maddox, right? Dude, there is a, I don't know what it is with that guy and food, but like there is a, when comedians are done being funny and just want to retire, want to quit life,
Starting point is 00:13:20 for some reason they get really into food and talking about food. It's the weirdest fucking thing. I listen to Maddox's news show and they spend like 10 minutes talking about food. Well, there was that episode. I came in and I was talking to you about this, but he tricked all of his friends into eating cookies that had spinach in it. And this was a 15 minute fucking conversation he was having.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, I put fucking spinach in the cookies. Who can possibly give a shit about those? Who cares, man? Who cares? Is this really what you're interested in? This is what you're worried about? What are not finding a job so you could pay your bills? Yeah, thanks Martha Stewart.
Starting point is 00:13:57 I gotta tell you, on this episode, his biggest problem is hipsters. And he tells the story about hipsters wear skinny jeans. And he tries to figure out why that is. And he makes up some bullshit I've never heard before. The skinny jeans look that hipsters like to wear they like to wear skinny jeans right? That came from people in school who outgrew their jeans but couldn't afford to buy new ones. their jeans but couldn't afford to buy new ones. He says it that. He says it's so madder, effectively.
Starting point is 00:14:28 The reason why people were skinny jeans, not because they're emulating rock stars from the 60s. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Russian everyone was outgrowing their pants and that their pant they would wear the same pants for years Their jeans would turn into shorts like the incredible Hulk At school every year you'd come to school like oh no new money for pants this year Huh Carl? No, I couldn't afford new pants this year. So I have to wear the same fucking pair of tight pants This is this is what he's trying to tell us. This is why hipsters are doing this. Yeah, I don't you think hipsters are even thinking about it that much?
Starting point is 00:15:11 I got to call out these fucking poor people by showing them. So then he goes on to saying you call him out a little bit on this whole theory. He goes on to say this, which I find to be moronic. So these jeans look too tight on them, not not out of vanity, but out of necessity. So the hipsters kind of glombed onto that because they want to give the appearance that they are poor, that they are of the earth, of the working class. They didn't want to wear skinny jeans. They had to. The poor people, right? And now hipsters are mocking their poverty by turning it into vanity. Yet they're all
Starting point is 00:15:42 rich. They're entitled to the millennials to live off of their parents income. Yes. This is what I wanted to talk to you about, Dick. Venice has this weird relationship with money. He thinks he thinks a lot of people are rich. He uses that word specifically. All these hipsters are rich. What do you think he means by that? What do you think he means by that? You know, I think Maddox is always talking about one person in his stories. Like he's never talking about many people. He's always has, he's thinking about one person specifically. He knows one guy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah, like he's thinking about one guy who is rich and maybe who he doesn't. Like I've noticed, if you go listen to all of his stories after everything that's happened, after the lawsuit and after all the lies and bullshit, the people that he's telling stories about don't seem that crazy. Yeah. So that's the only insight into Maddox I can give
Starting point is 00:16:41 that he's always talking about one guy, and then try, like, especially with the not being able to out like not out growing your pants. Um, maybe that happened to him at some point. Maybe. So he's like, maybe his parents didn't buy him pants one year. So that's why he thinks that everybody's trying to emulate his poverty by wearing skinny jeans. He's taking it personally. When you wear skinny jeans, you're saying fuck you to me when I was seven. No, no one's thinking of me. No one's gambled my pants money.
Starting point is 00:17:14 He's just got a weird thing with money. Anytime somebody has a decent paying job, he's against it for some reason. Like, oh, that guy can pay his bills, fuck him. Lives in a house, that guy can pay his bills, fuck him. Lives at a house? That's crazy. Yeah, and he's hypersensitive to listeners calling him out on charging for anything. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Like, that was a constant argument we had was someone would complain about the price of something. So it was, it was, he can't have, like he cannot have anyone, he can't be seen as someone who's charging money for anything, it's weird. I charge a fair price for a good product, and I love when he talks about his store,
Starting point is 00:17:56 by his shitty Maddox t-shirts, and it's always a fair price. What does that fucking mean? Do you understand how supply and demand works, how we get to a price? It's based on a very specific set of rules that get us to a place where people will purchase that item for that that cost I could have charged you more, but I'm not going to I'm fucking Robin Hood in disguise Well, he is right that almost everyone is richer than him
Starting point is 00:18:21 I mean, he's got a gigantic federal tax lane He's gonna be owing a stereosis, shitload of money pretty soon. I don't know how much he can make. I don't know how much he makes in his fucking podcast, but the last episode was sponsored by his own store. Right. So he's doing the show now, once every other week,
Starting point is 00:18:39 he's lost even that tailor dude from the show, doesn't even do it anymore. He can't be making any money on that. He's not selling books, so I don't know what his plan is. It's funny that he says this about hipsters, which is definitely the pot calling the kettle black. That leads me to my biggest problem with hipsters. They're insincere.
Starting point is 00:19:01 How unaware is this guy? Oh, he does display this crazy character that's made up. I think he's like, I don't like hipsters because I don't think they're being real with us. Really? They're not being real with their pants. Why do you hate that they have skinny pants and goofy face hair so much? What the fuck is your problem? That's great. He starts off this discussion about hipsters with the most nonsensical comparison. And this is one of those things where when you're on a podcast,
Starting point is 00:19:35 I do make fun of people for saying things that are stupid, but we're just riffing. We don't have a script in front of us. This is the part of your guy show where he had notes. He would read through and say, my biggest problem this week is this because of your guy show where he had notes. He would read through and say, my biggest problem this week is this because of this. He's got bullet points laid out. Listen to this comparison. Long time ago, when I was in college, in my level 101 philosophy course, the first thing my professor said on the first day of class was, philosophy can't
Starting point is 00:20:00 be defined. I remember writing, this is bullshit down in my notes. Okay, because I hate it when people try to ascribe the attribute undefinable to a large well-known group, specifically hipsters. So he's comparing philosophy to a group of people known as hipsters. Yeah. This is not something you can compare. I think when the professor said you can't define that, he's talking about it's like art or music. You can't define what is an art, right? Yeah. That's how he's saying. It's not like there's philosophers don't exist. I'm sure the professor would say, yeah, there's philosophers. And he's going, you can't define philosophy. Fuck you. No, man, you're not understanding what this guy's saying at all. It's like he's like saying something.
Starting point is 00:20:46 It's like a metaphor, buddy. Like he's saying it's in the eye of the beholder that it's the journey itself, that's the process of seeking truth and meaning in our actions. Like, that could appear in a lot of different ways. And in and of itself, that makes it impossible to define you fucking moron. This is philosophy 101. It's an introductory course to fucking morons like you. You don't know more than the professor about you're not,
Starting point is 00:21:14 you are telling a story about making a philosophical breakthrough. Vis-a-vis a story about how philosophy is bullshit, you fucking idiot. How do you not see that? This guy is sitting in class writing it is no book this class is bullshit. He's not learning anything You are you are transcribing literally what the what the professor is saying and writing that it's bullshit. Yes That's philosophy you fucking jerk That's philosophy you fucking jerk Oh, no always smarter than everybody oh because
Starting point is 00:21:53 Because he made fun of kids artwork and because he wrote an article called the iPhone is a piece of shit Well, he's smarter than every smartest man in the world every single there's no case in which Maddox does not have a hot take on what's being said Included philosophy, maybe 401 buddy. 401, it's trying to start dropping the ball, maybe in a graduate class, it's trying to start dropping those truth bombs, but one oh fucking one man, you are the bitch in this scenario. Oh my God, I have examples when we get
Starting point is 00:22:21 to the next episode of Maddox being part of the intelligentsia. This guy thinks that he's so well educated and so much smarter than everybody else and there's zero evidence of this. I don't know why he thinks this is true. He wrote a fucking joke book. It's so funny in the last episode of the best debate that I listened to. Maddox tells a story about how he's addicted to Facebook and has to take all these extreme measures to stop, to curtail his usage.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yeah. And the very next sentence says that Facebook caters its platform to trap people who are stupid into using it endlessly. I'm like, yeah. Do you not see that you are a, like, I don't have a problem with Facebook. I never go on the motherfucker because I hate it. Like, but you just told a story about how you're addicted to Facebook. And then immediately after said they structure the platform so that it entraps stupid people into using it forever.
Starting point is 00:23:23 It's amazing. I pulled that clip for another reason. You're 100% accurate on that. Listen to him talking about why they do that, why they want to trap dumb people. Who are the most profitable users for Facebook to have on their platform? Is it smart people who are gonna check get the information they want and leave
Starting point is 00:23:43 or is it dipshits who are gonna check get the information they want and leave or is it Dipschitz who are gonna spend all fucking day browsing, clicking links, clicking ads, clicking games, spending time on their network, spending their money on the network, maybe Facebook and I think this might be true is designed to attract Dipschitz. Right, so that's what you were saying, is designed to attract Dipschitz.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Here again is where he doesn't understand internet advertising at all. And I know he's anti advertising, as you know, I happen to do that for a living. Advertisers, marketers, do not want to reach dipshits. That's not our target audience. We're never interested in reaching dipshits. I want to reach well educated people
Starting point is 00:24:23 who make a lot of money. That's the target audience. Yeah. Well, you gotta get those dipshit. Well, why? Dipshits usually don't have any discretionary income to spend on stuff. Well, you know, more people clicking, we want, what we want is people clicking our ads. That's our goal. You're fucking fired, buddy. That's not what we want at all. Oh, we actually have business objectives. I just thought we were trying to get clicks. our ads. That's our goal. You're fucking fired, buddy. That's not what we want at all. Oh, we actually have business objectives. I just thought we were trying to get clicks. Oh, okay. I guess I'm out of a job that. He's like that Jack in the box ad with that
Starting point is 00:24:54 fat guy dancing going, what's a target? Remember that? Yes. Yeah, that was a good ad. This is another clip from episode. We're going all the way back to episode 29 now. If that was a quick, uh, aside with best debate, this is again, he loves to tell these stories. You brought up how you hate PBR. And if you're like, if you're going to hate hipsters, hate him for PBR. And yeah, of course, dummy can't just say, yeah, that's shitty beer. I don't like it. He has to tell a made up story about drinking PBR once in a party.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It's so bizarre that we're this guy's mind works. You know, Dick, the first time I have a story, the first time I ever tried PBR was at a party. And I've always seen the hipster's drink it and I thought, you know, I'm not gonna try, but this is the only beer this fucking hipster party had. So I reached into the bucket and I pulled out a PBR, cracked it open, took a sip and it was, I spitted out because I thought, oh, I must have drank the water that was around
Starting point is 00:25:55 the rim, right? The ice water. So I spitted out, I wiped the rim clean, make sure there's no more ice water on it and I drank another sip and I spit it out again. I think that was the actual beer. It tastes so god awful. It tastes like a bucket more ice water on it and I drink another sip and I spit it out again. I think that was the actual beer. It tastes so god awful. It tastes like it tastes like a bucket of ice water. Did you have to take us to every second of what happened?
Starting point is 00:26:13 Obviously that didn't happen. I reached into the bucket and it's like an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel that he's crafting in front of us. It's like the skirlant letter. Like, okay, you have to describe every fucking thing in the room. Just get to the point. Yeah, buddy, we know you don't drink beer.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Like, did you, it's not a good beer. PBR is not a good beer, but I wouldn't go so far as to spit it out. Right, that's what I was picturing too. Is this guy's S- someone's house grabs one of their beers he didn't bring any. He brought one, he described one of their beers he didn't bring any he brought when you describe one of their beers So I'm just drinking it just spits it out all over the place who the fuck asked George to come to this party could this guy please get the fuck out of here I didn't ask you to drink my beer asshole get the fuck out
Starting point is 00:26:57 An abundance of details Mm-hmm, so he's a bad sign for a story for a mad story. Yeah, okay. You reached into, I applied pressure on the tab to leverage it so that the thin seam of aluminum would shatter. Plus, PBR does not taste like water. That's not why people dislike it. If you want to go like, make ultra or something, yeah, okay, that's got a watery,
Starting point is 00:27:23 PBR just tastes like shit. Yeah, it's also, it's not acid. Like you don't try a PBR. You get stuck with it sometimes and it is annoying that bars sell like I prefer other shitty beers. It's not like you don't have to try PBR. It's just a crummy beer that you don't want to get stuck with. And it happens to be the predominant cheap beer. You know, versus Takati, probably not that much of a difference,
Starting point is 00:27:53 but I grew up on one. So I'm used to the taste. It's not like in and of itself, it is not a foul concoction that you're making it out to be to be spit out with. You know, it's a shitty beer. Like Takati Bud Light or PBR, where'd you grow up? That's the one you're going to be used to the taste out with you know it's a shitty beer like Chacatti Bud Light or PBR where'd you grow up that's the one you're gonna be used to the taste of and you won't mind you ever try PBR man yeah well I mean in college I would dabble in PBR but I've grown up since then I tried to
Starting point is 00:28:19 PBR once in a party everything is once in a party with this fucking guy whether it's marijuana because at home the only thing he does is sit on Facebook and play Dark Souls. It's the only experience he has that he's stupid Hollywood parties. Now, what do you guys, everybody? It's all making sense now. I do want to say my problem with past Blue Ribbon is that it won the award back in 1893, and it won't shut the fuck up about it. Get over it! Move on! That was a while ago!
Starting point is 00:28:47 No one even remembered the curse. My grandpa was big on PBR, so it's... It's just... It happened to inherit this weird hipster hate. I don't think it's a good beer, but it's not that much worse than the other shitty beers. Right. Right. And it is definitely a hipster fucking thing because there are certain bars where my band plays and it's like $2 PBRs and everyone's oxen. I can get a can of PBR for two bucks. I don't know. What are you at a dollar fifty to it and buy something in a bottle that tastes decent? It's also like the like usual meddox forgets even though while he
Starting point is 00:29:27 demonstrates it that people young people are intimidated when it comes to ordering a beer. Like they don't know what they don't want to look like a they don't look like an amateur beer drinker. They don't want to look like a child. So having a choice in mind before they drink gives them a sense of security like you're you're a marketing guy You know, if they can just walk up and say yeah, PBR. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I that's normal That's normal right everyone I fit in right I fit in
Starting point is 00:29:57 Well, it's like the same thing. It's like that's why that's what it is. It's not It's not a conspiracy The other thing that Maddox is. It's not, it's not a conspiracy. The other thing that Maddox is raging on in this episode is celebrity worship. He is as big as problem in the universe. And he's all over the fucking place with this argument. There is nothing focused at all. He gets to a point where he's talking about Kirk Cameron. Kirk Cameron who is barely a celebrity at this point.
Starting point is 00:30:27 When was your guys podcast on the air? Was it 92? What were you guys recording this? The hide-and-growing page. Yeah, I'm just family ties. I can't remember what he was in. Nobody gives a shit. Kirk Cameron is a Bible thumper.
Starting point is 00:30:42 He doesn't have this huge following of people who otherwise wouldn't be connected to Jesus and all the Christianity that's involved with Kirk Cameron. But this is the craziest thing. He makes an argument that because of Kirk Cameron, there are schools in Kansas City that are changing their curriculum. Listen to this? This dick, but they're influencing legislation like in Kansas City. They tried to, I think they successfully got creationism to be taught alongside evolution in biology classes. Yeah, you don't think that's a problem. It's people like Kirk Cameron who are backing this shit with his celebrity power. So he doesn't like what they're teaching in this school. And is equating that to Kirk Cameron who I did some research on
Starting point is 00:31:25 was born in LA. I don't see any evidence. He's even ever been to Kansas City. He has nothing to do with this. Nothing. And he just makes this argument, well, you know what happened to Kansas City is this thing and I bet Kirk Cameron enjoyed that. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:40 What does that do with anything? Yeah. I'm sure creationism being taught in school is one of the biggest problems that we need to face. That's what's ruining the country. This is an example of Maddox would have these comebacks on the show. You're pretty quick-witted. You come up with some funny lines.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Maddox is not quick-witted. Admittedly so. He says that when he writes an article, he spends months, he's looking at every word and changing it. His comeback is if you say, oh, Maddox, I think that might be dumb. He'll say, I think you might be dumb. This is an example of a classic Maddox comeback.
Starting point is 00:32:20 And again, talking about the undercooked rice. The outer cellulose coating on rice, it doesn't get broken down if it the undercooked rice. The outer cellulose coating on rice, it doesn't get broken down if it's undercooked. It can lead to poor digestion. I'm gonna break down your outer coating after the show. Did you get that one? I thought that dead air was on the show originally. Probably was. I'm gonna break down your outer coating
Starting point is 00:32:47 Well, you told me I guess you did cook that fucking arise correctly This is a whole I didn't pull a lot of clips from the argument because you crushed him on the show So we don't have to revisit that but it's so funny that Maddick shows up to Thanksgiving with rice this undercut. He thinks he's this amazing chef and He thinks that, A, people mistook slivered almonds for uncooked rice, which you correctly point out is retarded. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Everyone knows the difference between crunchy rice and an almond sliver, but then he also says, in the same argument, that there was this chicken at the party, that started telling everyone to pretend it was undercooked in order to fuck with them. Yeah, so it's both things. It's both your and idiot because those were all busy. You don't know any better.
Starting point is 00:33:37 And there's a conspiracy against me to make everyone think I suck at cooking it. It's not true. It's not true. Um, this's not true. It's guys amazing. It's, you know, it would be funny if it was, if he wasn't so serious about it. Like it would be funny to listen to a guy try to defend his uncompriced rice.
Starting point is 00:33:57 If like you didn't also think he might sue you for saying it was undercooked. He's so serious about it. I mean, I didn't even bring this up because I assume that people who listen to this show and to your show know, will you guys run the show together for a couple of years? He has since tried to sue you for $20 million.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Did sue. He did sue you. He did sue you. Thank you. Yeah, that cost you a lot in legal fees to deal with that. He tried to take the rights of the biggest problem in the universe. He wanted 100% of the rights to that show that you guys both closed it. I mean, there's a lot of reasons why we should be nervous about even talking about this right now. Yeah. At that, I remember that Thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:34:39 too. And I was the first person who had to, I was the second person who had to say what they're thankful for. The first guy right next to me did was the second person who had to say what they're thankful for. The first guy right next to me did this stupid weepy, this was on thankful for it. This kind of like the shit that everybody says that these dumb friend thanks giveings, or they trip over themselves to be sentimental. So I went second and I'm like, all right, buddy, there's no fucking way I'm going to listen to 25 people, tell, say that they're thankful for everybody. So I'm gonna tank this thing so that everyone runs with a joke. And I spent
Starting point is 00:35:10 I stood up and did like a five minute speech on how thankful I was that I don't have to eat rice. That's that's uncooked for the rest of the year. I'll suffer through it today because Maddox has not cooked this rice clearly. But I am thankful that for the rest of the year. I'll suffer through it today because Maddox is not cooked this rice clearly, but I am thankful that for the rest of the year I don't have to eat rice that is crunchy like this. And thank God, thank God, because then every other person after me said the same joke. I guess I think I saved Thanksgiving as my point. I love that because the first guy must have felt like a total adult. Forgetting a weeping and sentimental,
Starting point is 00:35:45 you're like, guys, we're just hanging out and Thanksgiving to meet up holiday, who gives a shit? This isn't a real thing. Well, actually, you're not getting laid from that, buddy. Come on down. All right, so this is the other thing I wanted to ask you, little behind the scenes, back when you guys did the show together, you would always let each other know
Starting point is 00:36:02 what your biggest problem or problems were gonna be be on the show. So there wasn't any overlap. Or at least that's how it was explained. Did he know you were going to come in with the uncooked rice problem? No. Okay. I was hoping that. That was a, the letting each other know about the problem was something I, I started and made us do because for the reason of not having the same problem. So then I would alter my problems if Maddox's problems were too close to mine. I was like, all right, that's a little, the episode is going to be a little bit too religious if we both bring in a problem like this. And more importantly, I wanted us both to have thoughts prepared And more importantly, I wanted us both to have thoughts prepared on whether or not we thought this was a problem or not, because you go in there naked, like somebody just pulls a problem
Starting point is 00:36:51 out of a hat and you sound like an asshole. Well, yeah, you want to be able to have some type of argument either for or against what they're saying or jokes or jokes. Right. Yeah. I mean, you know, these problems and I would come up with a dumb take to have on the problem as a joke. Makes sense.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah, you think it would make sense right away, right? Did, so how did you get away with not telling him about that? Did you say you only had one problem that week or did you give him a fake problem? Maddox didn't care what problems were. Ferret, I only cared about his, even better. He would better.
Starting point is 00:37:24 He would better. He would better about his change my or make jokes. He never talk about what problems I brought in. All right. Well, speaking of how Manics is an idiot, he decides that because hipsters like vinyl records that vinyl records must suck because hipster suck. He listen intentionally inferior formats like vinyl to stay in line with their hipster aesthetic vinyl is an inferior yes yeah records are different than mp3s yeah they have shittier sound fidelity no they're better man do you do you understand the technology that goes into a record versus an mp3 yeah it's compressed it's necessarily worse no it's not
Starting point is 00:37:59 no warm oh retarded alert retardedarnalert. I'm Ray Tarnalert class. He does a podcast. He should know how MP3's work. The whole reason why MP3's exist was to optimize audio for file size. You wanna get the file size down as small as possible so you can easily transmit it over the internet. Why would you think MP3's have the highest audio quality? Nobody thinks that. It's digital though.
Starting point is 00:38:26 It's digital. It's always better. Nobody thinks that. That's not that anyone's argument. This is the oldy guy. Vinyl fucking socks. It's way better if you just listen to an MP3. What?
Starting point is 00:38:35 Now they're gonna advertise it now with MP3 quality fidelity. Get the download today and I tuned in MP3 quality Led Zeppelin 2 has been remastered and compressed we compressed the shit out of it Are you tired of listening to music that's 10 megs? We've gotten this for you All of the wide album in six megabytes, they use 62 instruments on this song, but it sounds like four. MP3. All right, I want to get into episode 70.
Starting point is 00:39:17 So that was fun. That was back when you guys were buddies that go into Thanksgiving together. And then things change in the later episodes. Actually, before I get into episode 78, I want to do a quick plug for you. Winners drink. You invented a drinking game that rivals cards against humanity. Yeah, dude. By myself, I got so sick of cards against humanity. I just said, you know what, you bitching a lot about it, but nothing else exists. So why don't you put your money where your mouth is? I came up with a game that would be fun for me
Starting point is 00:39:58 to play with my friends at a bar. It took like a year of kicking around the idea of kind of letting it simmer, letting the liquor do the thinking. And I put it out, I put it out for Christmas. Everybody's, everybody who's a big Patreon as a show got it as a Christmas gift. But I'm kind of, I'm real fucking nervous about it, dude. Like it's shipping right now. And now is like that, now is like that, that feeling where you're like, oh, now I'm having that feeling where I just sent a dick pick to like a thousand people going like, oh God, bitch, please respond. Like I hope. I hope you like it.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Right. I have played it with, I played it with my dad and some family over Thanksgiving and we made it like two cards in. Laft our asses off, made fun of my dad for, I'm still making fun of my dad for what he said after we played it for even 10 minutes, but I hope everybody, it's a ball-busting game. The focus is on ball-busting and winners drinking because I fucking hate games where the losers drink.
Starting point is 00:41:00 That's my, in every drinking game, it's always the loser that drinks. So I wanted to make a game that is more like life Where the winners drink god damn it So dick, I wanted to let you know that I appreciate that as a proud Patrione. I did receive the free coupon code and I just got the notice I think today that it shipped out maybe yesterday So I'm I'm still hopefully we get that before Christmas and I think today that it shipped out, maybe yesterday. Oh, cool. So I'm still, hopefully we get that in for Christmas and I can play that with the family.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Well, if you hate it, you know, don't hold back. Okay. I do, I do try to criticize things a little bit. So I will let you know one way or the other. That's for sure. Yep, I'm prepared for it. No, thanks, though. I love the concept.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I'm looking forward to that. So people can find that you have it on the on your website, right? Yeah, it's Winner's Drink. website That can't be it Is it really? Yeah, that's a real website winner's drink. That website. That's hilarious All right, all right episode 78 78, this is an episode that, like you said, episode 77 was just Maddox with the stereos. You were not on that show.
Starting point is 00:42:13 You came back on episode, I tried to listen to 77. People suggested that should be the one we review because you weren't there for it. You know what? I've never listened to it. I wouldn't listen to that episode for your show. Okay. Well then that could be a future episode that because I was listening to the first 20 minutes of it today and it's not. The problem is I love a serious. Don't get me wrong. I think he's very funny and he was funny on the show, but without you pulling out, pulling back from all the nerd references and bullshit,
Starting point is 00:42:43 without you pulling back from all the nerd references and bullshit, it just, it goes so far, so deep, so quickly, you're like, oh, I don't know what the fuck he's talking about. I don't follow that comic book. It's too sexy in the ocean. That's exactly what it sounded like. So this is episode 78. Asterios is still there for some reason.
Starting point is 00:43:01 You got this woman, Aaron Tillman, the dating advice girl. This is the introduction to Aaron. You know that you're in for a wild ride with us. Yeah, you are on our big sex episode because you are the dating advice girl. It's true. Hi everybody. I am Aaron Tillman, as Maddick said,
Starting point is 00:43:19 aka the dating advice girl. For eight years now, I have basically been empowering singles in the dating process. That means that I have a book called the dating guide book helping singles to be dating process I do workshops I do one-on-one coaching I have a radio show I do TV appearances she is shot out of a cannon you would think I'm playing this at 1.5 x speed it's not that's regular speed with this woman why can the FCC like limit women being recorded in any way? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:48 What? It's listening to it. I feel so bad for subjecting everyone in the audience to that voice. It's hair as you should. As you should. Yeah. Her voice is terrible and I have examples of that. But I also want to talk about how dumb she is.
Starting point is 00:44:04 This is, you guys take a voicemail from Bado. Good day, boys. This is Bado. Bado, you're getting this me. Always been so busy making the world a better place. You know, boys, I'm always solving big problems. So one of the great things about the biggest problem is that you'd have these people call in
Starting point is 00:44:24 with terrible impersonations of celebrities. And Aaron is so dumb, you play through this entire voicemail and she either wasn't paying attention or thinks that was the real bono. Big shopper Wal-Mart. Bono. I'm just saying. I'm from YouTube, I'm from YouTube.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I'm impressed. I mean, press the, that button. That was fun. That was amazing. That was the real bono. She goes, wait, he's a fan of your show that's amazing. That's amazing. How can I do my claws into him? You fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:44:55 The real reason why I dislike Aaron is because she did something on Tinder that I find to be offensive. She explains in this next clip what she was doing and how she was using Tinder. And this sparks a lot of controversy. So here's the deal. So I was on Tinder for like a couple years, all of a sudden like a few months ago,
Starting point is 00:45:18 I decided to switch my account to a dating expert account. So I was on there that basically means that if you were to go into my profile, which I can't now, because I'm banned, you would see my pictures and then below, you would see a really nice thing I wrote on there saying,
Starting point is 00:45:33 hi guys, my name is Erin Tillman-Dating, a vice girl and I'm here to help you pick good profile pictures and help you message like girls when you meet up. Okay. So Maddox takes her side immediately on this. Yeah. Oh, he's like, oh, good. Yeah, guys need that advice.
Starting point is 00:45:46 They need to know how to use Tinder and get girls attention. And to your credit and a steriousist credit, both of you guys go, wait a second. Everyone fucking hates that. You're swiping right on these guys who are like, oh, I'm a match with this chick. And then, what's this girl all about? And it's an advertisement. I matched with an ad like you got to be
Starting point is 00:46:08 fucking kid I would Matt I would rather be catfished by a gay man. When match with an ad I would rather waste months of my life texting with an actual man secretly disguised as a woman than match with one fucking ad on Tinder. It's the worst of the words. Now that you've said that, I have to play this clip. Maddox is talking about the Mindy project was advertising on Tinder. This was, I think when they were watching
Starting point is 00:46:35 that sitcom or something. And fucking George fell for it. He fell for an advertisement. Okay, so the Mindy project, for the Mindy project, for those who don't know, Mindy Kaling, she's from the office. She's Kelly Kapoor from the office, and she has her own show,
Starting point is 00:46:49 she has her own successful book, very, very popular, right? And for a while. Mindy, no, I'm just explaining to the list. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, So the mini the mini project right she she had a bunch of Tinder profiles and I matched one of them because I have an interesting story I know Mindy in real life. I've met her a bunch of times She used to date one of my friends and I thought oh this kind of interesting. This is this is fun And and I started trying to talk to her. I'm like, hey Mindy. It's me. You know, hey, what's up? How's it going? How's it been? This story I actually believe this fucking dummy gets an ad for the Mindy Project a TV show it tries to have a conversation with it So you know you just start talking to her like hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:47:33 Hey, what's going on like yeah? You thought that you matched a famous celebrity not an attractive celebrity on Tinder and you wanted to Leverage that into being famous. Yes, Maddox. We understand, I understand what actually happened there. You thought you were good to go and that you would pay your penance, plugging this pig for as long as it took for you to get famous. You fucking shill-based life form. You don't have to explain it.
Starting point is 00:47:59 You fell for the ad because you were a loser. Yeah. You were who the ad was fucking fun. That is exact target audience for this ad. These fucking dummies, you see that they're like, oh my God, I know that girl's on the television. We match, that's amazing. I'm gonna definitely, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:48:15 That this guy, he's talking about too. It's not his friend, it's an improv coach at UCB who used to date her, not his fucking friend. I know the guy would never say that they're friends. Well, that's the other thing with Maddox is that he's always super connected. Yeah. Anytime you bring up anything,
Starting point is 00:48:36 if he has any kind of remote connection to it. Oh yeah, yeah, we're friends, I know that guy. I know the guy who did the thing with the other guy. It's who cares? What are you living away? I get it. You have a book deal. You've talked to Comedy Central.
Starting point is 00:48:49 You're going to know people. You see B. Like, okay, that's fine. Who are you trying to convince that you're famous? So I matched her and said, hey, what's up? Oh yeah. That's the one story that's probably true and probably shouldn't have got into. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:09 All right, so getting back to Aaron Tillman and you guys point out that what she's doing on Tinder to promote her business of dating advice is just pissing people off. So some guys were just like, oh, cute girl, I'm on the swipe right. Yeah. Here's what happened. So some of the guys, once they swipe meed me and like message me and they said, Hi, oh, can I take you out? I said, I'm actually here.
Starting point is 00:49:30 You're going to get some pissed off guys with this strategy. And so I was like, they were like, Oh, I like to take you out. I'm like, I'm actually here for networking and to help you with your profile. How's it going on? Tinder. So this is where I want to ask you, because it sounded like just a listener listening to the show, It sounded like you guys had a little bit of a contentious relationship. What are your feelings towards Aaron and
Starting point is 00:49:50 do you know her? Do you keep in touch? No, I don't know her. I thought having her on the show was stupid because she sounded, she sounds annoying. Yes. And she never brings in any kind of unique perspective. So I thought subjecting the audience to her was dumb. I don't know what Maddox's weird relationship was with her. Like apparently they were going to polyamory meetups. Oh, I think it came out in another episode. Like she was his, you know, Maddox is the ultimate sucker. Like he'll buy anything.
Starting point is 00:50:24 He'll buy, he shills in his sleep If you like he can't he can't turn it off Whatever he's what if there's something around him that needs someone to chill for it. He'll do he's your man So he's the kind of guy that would believe you can go to polyamory meetups and I leave Like leave buried in women I guess I and I leave, I leave buried in women, I guess. I think that she's, and even in her trade, like I think she's a bad dating coach, because she says that she has five boyfriends.
Starting point is 00:50:56 It's like honey, a woman doesn't have five boyfriends, you're just a slut, like which is fine, but you're not, you're not duping the system by banging five guys at a slut, like, which is fine, but you're not, you're not dooping the system by banging five guys at a time, more bang a hundred. Guys will line up to bang you and for free. Like what do you, you're, there's something wrong with you. That being said, I thought that, I thought that as a, like, as a, as a laugh, a lot of what she said could be funny in that her philosophy was so fucked up.
Starting point is 00:51:27 This show is a great example of it because her problem was that Tinder doesn't want her chilling ads, the desperate men. I like a train wreck like anybody else, but other than that, I had no contact with her off of the show or anything like that. I think she's an idiot.
Starting point is 00:51:43 We did a whole episode about polyamory and I was not aware that this was a lifestyle choice that people get passionate about or want credit for. That's called college. You sleep with a bunch of people. You're not actually dating one person exclusively. We've all been there. It's not that impressive.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I don't know why we're celebrating it. I think people who bought into the Disney myth early on are people who feel like in cells like Maddox and maybe this chick Aaron, they grew up having weird expectations about sex. Like Maddox will often talk about how teenage sex is bullshit because he didn't have any as a teenager. Which is the craziest thing ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Sex in high school is stupid. What? You don't have a job. You're all young and tight. It's fucking fantastic. What are you talking about? I was always wondering what he meant by that. The peak evolution. It's right when the baby making starts and the body's perfect
Starting point is 00:52:42 and everything after that is a fucking afterthought, man. I think people like that try to turn this polyamory shit into like a lifestyle because they feel like they got wronged and missed out, which they did as teenagers. Well, they pretend they're part of like the LGBTQ community or something. It's as if they're making this life choice that's empowering them.
Starting point is 00:53:05 No, you're just being a dick. You're just bad negotiators. That's the, I mean, that's what it is. Like, you just think that if there's enough of you, it takes less work to negotiate these broads and to doing something that you want them to do. That's not, it's all on you. This is Aaron explaining that she should not have been banned. And this is the worst argument you could have. There's freaking dudes. I've had guys message me with really scary, violent stuff. And they're probably not even getting banned.
Starting point is 00:53:34 The fact that I'm on there helping guys, most guys are like, yay, and I get banned. That's effing crap. So I've sent a few emails to Tinder and I'm currently tweeting the CEO. Being like, hey, dude, eight years as an expert, here to help people on your thing, please unbammy. I have two things here.
Starting point is 00:53:51 First off, her argument is, other people are doing bad stuff too, so why am I getting in trouble? Try that next time you get pulled over for speeding. Like I haven't been drinking today. I don't have a problem here. Try that on the cop. Oh you pulled me over for speeding? Well how fast were you going to catch me then? Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:09 I'm not the only one of the wrong here. I'm I yeah, but the other you owe me an apology The other thing she says that you picked up on is But I'm working on it. I've tweeted it the CEO of Tinder It order to get this all resolved. These fucking idiots, they're like children who don't understand what CEOs do. This is Maddox later on in the show promoting that we should all be tweeting at the CEO.
Starting point is 00:54:35 This is a campaign, let's hit the Tinder CEO. Get Aaron on bad end. I don't think tweeting this CEO is gonna help you out though. Hey, well guess what, I have a geese following so I'm gonna do it again. Yeah, I love that, Dick. You're just trying to talk some reason. You know, the CEO actually has a lot of responsibilities.
Starting point is 00:54:51 They have more important things. Their priorities are not air in the dating advice girl and whether her profile exists or not. That's a give a shit. I mean, let's just ignore the, I don't think women have a lot of advice to give. Women have advice for guys that they're in relationships with that's bad. They don't have any good advice for men who have yet to get in any relationship.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Yeah. You know what I mean? I don't know. We're just running defense. They don't know how it works on our side. Obviously. just running defense. They don't know how it works on our side. Obviously, I don't know how this woman is certified to be a dating advice expert and why anybody would give a shit.
Starting point is 00:55:31 She's a cute girl who probably gets hit on a lot. And so she thinks she has some authority over. I don't understand that at all. It's pop-ass and it's retaken. It's the CEO of Hadshakes, the CY. Yes. If we get everybody to the tweet at the CEO, I'm sure we'll get something done.
Starting point is 00:55:48 So then Aaron talks about getting banned from the internet. Wow. So your problem is what? Getting unfairly banned from things digitally, let's say. On the internet, I think. I can just be getting unfairly banned. unfairly banned unfairly banned. unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yeah, that's not the internet. It's not. Let's do. All right, a couple of things here. I can just be getting unfairly banned. unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfair unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfair unfairly banned unfair unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfair unfair unfair unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfair unfair unfair unfairly banned unfair unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly banned unfair unfairly banned unfairly banned unfairly Tinder, she's crying about that, like you fucking asshole. There are people that are getting deplatformed for doing nothing but telling a joke that one fucking person was offended by. It's scary times that we're living it right now. It's funny because I've been banned from the internet for a decade. When after I was on Dr. Phil,
Starting point is 00:56:42 I got kicked off of host after host after host, your content is abused. So this was like before there was even terms of services I would get. I got the only reason my men and women was was around for a while is because my life coach personally hosted it at his house. No shit. Yeah, while he was building a new tech company. And then I eventually found a platform who's willing to host it. But watching it, like,
Starting point is 00:57:05 it is, it's a bit surreal and like, it makes me feel old and it makes me want to help in a different way, watching it happen now to guys like Munky and not so much Sargon, but definitely Munky. When it, when Munky went down again, I set him up as his mumke is new site, mumkee Jones dot TV. I was like, ah, yeah, I got I don't care what it what it takes. I got to do something to help these guys because it's the fuck it's the most demoralizing. It's a uniquely demoralizing feeling that nothing else feels like I've lost companies like companies have gone bankrupt and been taken away from me.
Starting point is 00:57:45 The biggest problem was taken away from me by Maddox, but nothing feels as bad as getting de-platformed for comedy. So I know exactly what Monkeys is dealing with and I want to help him, but to my point is to sit there and listen to this bitch talk about her ad getting banned from Tinder and not and having all of this in me like I've been bitch I have been banned for the internet like from the entire internet I can't get hosted for my comedy routine for doing a parody on Dr. Phil and getting one over on that dummy who didn't know what he better They're they're signaling you out. I can't believe they were taking down your website. That's ridiculous
Starting point is 00:58:31 Well, yeah, I know I do nobody wants to touch it They just they get one they get one complaint email and shut it down the only reason that my life coach had like he would say The the complaint emails would flood in through his web host box. He's like oh shit Yeah, they don't know that I never check this account like I don't give a fuck But I say that because listening to her listening to her complaint about Tinder was like making my it was that unique spot Where it's just too much outrage to even register in your body anymore. It's like okay That's, I guess it really does suck to be you, girl. There were people on our, our subrider who said this episode is widely known as the worst episode of the biggest problem. And it's because of this woman, she gets banned from Tinder for violating their terms. Pretty obviously. I think we can all agree that that's not what
Starting point is 00:59:20 it's for. And then she complains that this is the real problem. She can't even use Tinder. The way it's supposed to be used now. Okay, because here's the thing. No, because here's the thing. Because now Aaron can't use her account if she actually wanted to use the service for dating. Yeah, no shit. That's how that works. You abuse the system. It's like if I'm in Disney role, I punch a guy out in the restaurant. I can't go on Space Mountain after that. But God, I know to do it Space Mountain. Why can't I just do that now?. But God, I know that I'm doing Space Mountain. Why can't I just do that now? No, you're out of the park asshole, you're done.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I really regret not just letting them run with this episode with the three of them. You should have asked me at the last minute to come back and do the show on this episode. Were you off the show at that point? Well, he kicked me off for the previous episode. He did. episode 77.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Yeah, he said, he said he wasn't, they weren't gonna do one. And then the next thing I know, Sean texted me asking to use my computer to record episode 77. I was like, oh, I didn't know there was gonna be an episode 77. Sure, because they didn't have the equipment needed to record it. So it's like. I was like, oh, I didn't know there was going to be an episode 77. Sure, because they didn't have the equipment needed to record it. So it's like, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Whatever, man, just come by whenever you want and pick up the computer. So we couldn't be a man and say, listen, Dick, you fucked up. You're off the show. I'm going to do it. He just pretended it wasn't happening. And you can tell me it wasn't happening. They're going to take a leap off. And I think he was, I think he was testing to see if people would pal it an episode without
Starting point is 01:00:49 me. Like I think it was intended to be a secret test, but again, they didn't have a computer so they couldn't record it without letting me know. And after, when Sean texted me, he picked it up. I texted a stereo saying, hey, buddy, you know, good luck. No hard feelings. I know you're doing the show tonight because I didn't want a stereo, so this brand to, I didn't want him to get all fucking and weird in his head or whatever.
Starting point is 01:01:14 But yeah, I always wish that the next week when Maddox asked me to come back and do it, I always, I always want to know what would have happened if I would have just said no. You can have two weeks without me and see how, see how people react to the you and Aaron episode. It'll be fucking great. Holy shit, without you throwing in some stingers from time to time, this is what this episode would have sounded like without you.
Starting point is 01:01:36 This is just Aaron's shrill voice. No, no, no, no, no. I think the percent of the guys I matched with were like, I see what you're doing. I love it. Some of the guys were asking me what my marketing strategy was And that's really smart. They were like thank you so much. I've no idea what I'm doing on you say whatever we want I'm saying whatever I'm saying whatever it takes what I'm saying is 90% of the guys got what I was doing
Starting point is 01:01:56 Wait, what I'm saying what I'm saying is she goes the guys that the guys at Tinder were Excited about my marketing strategy. No, they were not. Nobody was actually excited about your marketing strategy. Well, you're really smart. That's what you're doing. Oh, cool. Yeah, I'll set up for your newsletter.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Yeah, you're so funny, too. Dope. This is you then say, well, you look at my tender profile, I'm telling what I'm doing wrong. And this idiot says this looking at one of the pictures on your profile. The next picture is you in a Vatican outfit with the Vatican. That's the Pope. I love the way you respond to. It's a Vatican outfit. You being the pope, is that what you meant by that? You idiot. And then you tell a joke that
Starting point is 01:02:51 Maddox repeats, but repeats it in a way that makes it way less funny. And listen to the end to your reaction that it's priceless. Like they could say toilet paper is racist because it's white. I'd be like, yeah, I don't know. Maybe I read that I'd be like yeah, I damn I don't know Maybe I read that well did you post or something? I don't know. Did you know that old toilet paper was originally black or brown and
Starting point is 01:03:12 They die white because the colonial is a little bit of a shut the fuck up. Yeah Did you hear did you hear you you say you're like yeah? I know it that was that was the joke. I just told George up You got it this funny like, yeah, I know it. That was, that was the joke I just told, George, you got it. This funnier, shorter, man. Right. The fewer words you use, the funnier it is. It's like you kind of ruined it by giving it a backstory. That is different than the one that I had.
Starting point is 01:03:42 So one of the things I want to talk about from this episode is you have a bad haircut that day. You come in and your hair is fucked. Yeah. So you're self-deprecating. All the things you're supposed to do, look at how shitty my hair is. The woman fucked up and Maddox being the narcissist
Starting point is 01:04:00 that he is has to make it about him. He has to tell his story about going to the barber, going to a party, going to a hair party, going to a secret hair party. This is George not getting Sean's joke until everyone starts laughing at him and then he realizes that Sean was goofy at him. And because she gave the best haircuts,
Starting point is 01:04:21 oh my, she spent so much time on my head and she like hit on me again and And I came home and I'm like, how long did she have spent? Oh, is that seriously John? She spent, she's, shut your fucking mouth John. Are you shit? So the backstory here is that Maddox is a bald man, completely bald.
Starting point is 01:04:38 He's completely bald. He's talking about his trip to the barber who was hitting on him. And she spent so much time on my hair, and she goes, how much time did she spend, and Mesh is plows through. Yeah, no, she takes her time. She really does, like, really thorough, Joe.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Oh, oh, oh, you got me. I mean, most people, like when you fail to get a joke that was made at your expense, will have something in them that makes them stop being such an asshole for a little bit. That's the whole point of ripping on someone to make them check themselves for a second. Yeah, look at all like, oh yeah, you got me.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Maybe I should stop being such a narcissistic prick for a little bit. Like yeah, you'll get there again, and that's where I will check you back down, but Maddox just doesn't. He's like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck you, fuck you, very sorry. So anyway, so anyway, you can tell when he's lying
Starting point is 01:05:24 because of how the speed at which he talks. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck you, fuck you very suddenly. So anyway, so anyway, you can tell when he's lying because of how the speed at which he talks. So then you guys are, as he's telling this story of his barber hitting on him and he's telling his girlfriend about it, you guys are all just goofing on him and making all these jokes. And now he's upset about all the laughing away on. He says this.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Yes, yes, yes, yes, lots of jokes. It's a comedy show, Maddox. Are you mad that there's lots of jokes going on? You guys are having a field day with this. And again, this is a fake story about this woman cutting his hair and I'll tell you why. And she grazes my face with her boobs. I don't like this. Wow.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Wait a minute, waited a minute. Wait a minute, how does that work logistically? Yeah, she's cutting your bangs and she gets her boobs in your face. She got my boobs, she got her boobs in my face. Was this a T-Rex? I was just like, no, short. She doesn't add up, buddy.
Starting point is 01:06:17 She has one of your 3D models, it does. No, no, no, so she was in front of me and then she kind of, she told me to turn my head and I did and it kind of graced her. We turned your head. All right, so you were calling her on the, or calling, I said her, Freudian slip, you were calling about this.
Starting point is 01:06:34 He says her boobs grazed his face. She was hitting on him while I was getting his haircut. I happen to have some standing here. My wife is a hairstylist. Oh, oh, oh. And I do get my haircut on the rag, humble brag right there. At no point does a barber tell you to turn your head. They move around to you.
Starting point is 01:06:54 That's how the chairs decide. That's why the mirrors there. Never do they say face me. All right, look over here. This fucking idea, too. They break out multiple mirrors. You don't have to turn your head. I've only been, I've only had my head steadyed by a barber. They've never encouraged the reverse. They never say whip your hair around while I cut this piece right here. I'm gonna hold
Starting point is 01:07:21 the scissors like this and you flap your hair around to the length that you want and I'm just gonna cut Like it's like a nine-year-old in a fist fight I'm just gonna snip the scissors over here and you Ling your hair around to the length that you require so this guy's a total liar He's just making up this story about this woman hitting on him and this is the payoff of this totally fake story where he's telling his girlfriend that his barber was hitting on him. She never believed me anyway.
Starting point is 01:07:52 So what the fuck difference does it make? I was like, well, this happened. I'm just like, you know, and then, and then, a month later, it was like around Christmas time. I get a message from my barber on Facebook saying, hey, hey, Maddox, I think you're really cute. Seriously. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And I was like, oh, she's like, oh, I think we should go out some time and get some drinks or whatever. And I think you're really interesting, blah, blah, blah. Just like, gushing and I called my girlfriend into the room and I'm like, hey, look, look. This is a why. Yeah, because no one's ever received a message
Starting point is 01:08:28 from a chick out of nowhere that starts with, I think you're really hot. Thank you, really cute. I think you're really cute. That's not how anyone- What a pedophile thinks courtship works like. Yes. I think you're like, no one talks,
Starting point is 01:08:40 I've never heard a guy that's not a weird fuck say that in regards to a chick messaging them. That's never happened. That's not how you would go about. That's not how you would approach it. I didn't see this girl for two months and then she sounds me a Facebook message, just, hey, I think you're really cute. First of all, you look like Maddox. So I'm already not believing this story, but secondly, people just don't behave with that matter. No. This is, so that's my take on the Maddox haircutting, sorry.
Starting point is 01:09:09 This is Aaron once again, just being insufferable. Thedatingadvicegirl.com. I'm on all the social media platforms, all of them. Yeah, that's what this show would have been if you had not shown up that day. You know, and I, at the time I considered it, when we're looking at the text, I was like, yeah, that's funny, but that would fuck over tens of thousands of people you're doing that. You can't, you can't do it, just for that reason. But I want to know, I always want
Starting point is 01:09:40 to know. You made the right choice. Yeah. For sure. This at the very end, for some some reason you go into Libertarian pickup lines. Oh, that was funny, I remember. It was very funny. And there's one that you tell that Maddox does not get at all. And remember, this is this super well-educated guy who knows everything about Libertarianism and how crazy it is.
Starting point is 01:10:03 And philosophy. And philosophy, right? He'd never learned one thing in his life. He's also an amazing programmer. He's a 10,000 year old man. He works the scene at all. He works the C-Shift at a telemarketing company, but he's the best programmer.
Starting point is 01:10:18 When the sun goes down, and the real programmers come out, like the clack, clack. I'm just picturing him walking in with all the real programmers come out Just picturing him walking it with all the other programmers. It's a punch the clock They're gonna happen our break it for a have your own smoking They're all zombies. They're all white. They got white pupils and all the all the eloy is file out for the day They've let's see what these these beautiful fucks screwed up tonight today with their program And we got to go in and fix boys. We got to go into the code trenches Does he think that nobody else lives in this world that he could just pull one over on everybody?
Starting point is 01:10:54 They don't believe everything I say they've never had any life experience themselves Programmer like he wrote bash scripts poorly to maintain databases at a telemarketing company uh... to like to enable the systems of the the most annoying systems on the planet that his job was to make sure that the worst people in the world in the worst endeavor in history
Starting point is 01:11:20 could keep doing what they're doing and he's pretty good, he can't talk to him about it constantly. It's all I'll talk about. Could you imagine if you have that job in your life? Thankfully I've not had a job, that shitty, I've had some shitty jobs. I don't go around talking about them at all. I didn't enjoy it at the time.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I'm not gonna be fucking reminiscing about it now. Like yeah, you know that call you get during dinner that you can't get rid of that? I did that, That was my job. That was me. You know how the number looks like it's close to your number? So you pick it up, picking it's your friend? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I wrote the script.
Starting point is 01:11:52 That makes that happen. This is you giving a brilliant libertarian pickup line and Maddie's admittingly not understanding why this is funny. Girl, I want to dress up like I'm ran and make a fountain all over your head. I mean, it's pretty good. That's clear. That's better than the other.
Starting point is 01:12:11 You're right. It's very clear. That's the best one. I don't get it. Fine, fine. Just got Sean. She wrote the fountain head. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:12:19 OK. He goes, oh, that's right. Oh, I do that. I do that. I was just, I was just see it if you do that, Sean. Oh, that's right. The way they go.. I do that. I was just I was just see it if you do that, Sean. Oh, that's right. The way they go for her for all those other things. The way the way thing about that joke is that you hear Sean Lapis ass off in the background. You could tell Aaron doesn't get the joke. She goes, oh, yeah, that one's pretty good
Starting point is 01:12:37 She has no idea what you're talking about. I ain't ran. There's no way she knows who that is Maddox. I don't I don't get it. What do you mean? And there's no way she don't see that. It's, it's Maddox. I don't get it. What do you mean? Uh, that show was so fucking weird because the audience was Sean and everybody listening and I knew that Maddox would not get the jokes that I was bringing in most of the time.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Like, uh, all right, well, I know you won't get it. I hope it doesn't get edited out because I think people will think that's funny. Right. Well, this brilliant comedian, uhdox, does have great jokes on the show and doesn't embarrass himself at all when he uses this phrase to talk about going down on a girl. And we all agree. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:15 You'll go to Chowtown right away, right, buddy. Man. If I feel like it. Sometimes I gotta get the car warmed up first. Chowtown, right, Aaron? That's amazing. That's a hot phrase. It, town town, right, Aaron? That's amazing. That's a hot phrase.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah. You wanna run in there and go, oh yeah, yeah, a chow town, say something to just make it not so terrible, and you just held back and just let them wow. You let them wow and I love that about you. Yeah, I like it. People do that when they call in and shit their pants on the show, on the Ditch show. I have something wrong with me. I like that feeling where it's like
Starting point is 01:14:38 that silence where they go. Well, did you hear me? Yeah. We heard everyone heard you, man. That's the best. All right, we're gonna talk about the best debate in the universe. We both listened to episode 124 is the internet becoming more full of dipshits.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Was the title, but before we do that, I do wanna talk about our newest sponsor, deepdiscount.com, a great website to find amazing gifts and incredible prices. This is the time when you're probably scrambling. You got to buy some gifts for people. You don't know what to get. This is the easy way out.
Starting point is 01:15:15 You can save big on tens of thousands of items in all categories, movies, TV shows, CDs, LPs, games, books, so much more. I've been looking at there are certain bands that I love. And you find, everyone has these live, blue rays or live DVDs now. I can watch this shit over and over again. Yeah, right about those live shows. I used to watch those all the time. I like the HD channel, but then the HD channel just disappeared.
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Starting point is 01:16:07 It's a Marvel character. Yeah, it's the bad guy Spider-Man, the goo, my, my, my, man. And it's weird because when that movie came out, everyone was predicting that it would bomb because it's not part of the Marvel comic universe, right? Yeah. I'm trying, I'm trying to sound like I don't have a talk
Starting point is 01:16:23 about, it's not part of the MCU. And it actually did. Oh really? It actually did amazing. It got huge box office. People loved it. I don't know why people always shit on anti-heroes. Like yeah, of course Deadpool is going to do great. He's a superhero who says fuck. Yeah. I mean, of course, Van, I'm going to do great. He's a bad guy. We don't want none of us are good. They murder people. Good good things happening to good people because we're not. Yeah, it actually works out really well. It's a reason why people like Batman and the Punisher,
Starting point is 01:16:54 or they just murder people. Yeah, it's good. It's fun. No one's watching Superman anymore. DCs, superheroes are the worst fucking superheroes, which I'm sure next week I'll be talking about the new DC movie that's out in Oxet and I have about it. But for now, check out Venom. You can get it on Blu-Ray as well as 4K Ultra HD at discounted prices right now. Buy that for somebody you love, wrap it up, or get it to yourself. Save time and money, deepdiscount.com. Support our sponsor. Check it out now. You can click the link on our homepage. You go to whoarethese.com. Click the link. That's how they know that we sent you.
Starting point is 01:17:35 And we want to thank you, deepdiscount. All right, it's time for the best debate. You're listening to This is the best debate in the universe episode 124 with Chad Coltkin and of course our buddy Ron Babcock. I'm proud to say I had a go to iTunes to download this show and I'm proud to say that when you type in the best debate in the universe in iTunes, at least for me, I don't know, the algorithm works. The top result is who are these podcasts, episode
Starting point is 01:18:29 of Awesome Making Front of the Best Debate in the universe, the topic. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had more listeners than the best debate. Like, Maddox's numbers are abysmal. When I had access to that account before I redirected it to my show, I saw his stats and they're bad. It's like less than 800 people downloading every episode of my
Starting point is 01:18:55 tunes. I'm not saying this to be a deck. We definitely do. iTunes even puts that little bar. And I don't know how they get those stats to show you how popular shows are. And our episode of us making one of him has way more bars than all of his episodes. So yes. But anyway, we listened to episode 124 and it starts off with these guys rambling on and on and on and then they finally get into the best debate which is about is the internet becoming more full of dipshit, which is just a perfect topic for Matt. He thinks he's smarter than everybody else.
Starting point is 01:19:29 He's so pompous. He talks about going to Syria and his guest makes a joke that goes right over his hat. He does not get it. I went to Syria when I was a kid and all this shit that we had. Is that about New Jersey or something? Syria, no, it's in the Middle East. Oh. Is that amazing? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh He's smarter than everyone. Yes. Someone says, is Syria, is it by New Jersey?
Starting point is 01:20:05 New Jersey, if you hear it, you're already probably dealing with a joke. But, and I have ideas, an idea so preposterous that you have to literally, you have to think the person saying it is a stupid as a child, not to assume that they're making a joke on that. And Port Chad, they never go back to it. That just goes odd right after that. Port Chad probably said that. I was thinking like, he didn't know that was it.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Okay, I guess he thinks I'm an idiot. Okay. Yeah, I got a fuck. Well, all right, everything I say has got to go through an idiot filter now. Right, it's almost like the Gary Johnson fuck out from the presidential campaign I can't let it out. Oh, I went to Syria.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Is that new, near New Jersey? No, Syria is in the Middle East. I know that, Mr. Johnson. I'm well aware of where Syria is. I should have made that left turn at Albuquerque. Why? It doesn't go anywhere near Albuquerque. It's Joe.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Joe. But you know that Maddox is a very intellectual person because he's still playing Pokemon Go. Tell me how this is not an embarrassing story. And there's like four Pokemon in there and then I killed one and then there's two left. I'm like, well, that's weird I only killed one and there's this card kind of like idling at the intercession. Yeah next to me And I look at the guy and he looks at me and I like point up to the gym like the imaginary gym I don't know why I pointed up like in my in the game. It's overhead It's like a big thing. Yeah, and he like looks at me
Starting point is 01:21:30 He's like he shakes his head. No, he's like I'm like, oh, well, maybe I'm just a weirdo And there's another person like maybe in a restaurant who's playing so finally take over the gym and the guy rolls down His windows because dude are you tacking the gym right now? I'm like yeah, he goes. Oh, it's me I'm attacking it to him like oh shit all right Well, you were here first are you tacking the gym right now? I'm like yeah he goes oh it's me I'm attacking it to like oh shit. All right. Well, you were here first man. You take over the gym Fucking cares. It's boring as shit Dick who is still listening to the show? Who's still playing Pokemon go? That's another question. I have no idea. I don't hear anyone else talking about this He's all excited about it. I don't
Starting point is 01:22:05 know who listens to this show. They spent 10 minutes talking about cooking turkey, which can be fun, but they weren't doing it in any kind of a... I hope that you get to the 10 minutes of investment talk that they got to at the end of the show, but I don't know who this episode is for. There's no jokes. Ron Babcock, who, as you have pointed out, is a struggling, unfunny comedian, decides that he understands finances enough that he's going to do a five part series on financial literacy for the listeners of the best debate in the universe. Mind you, Maddix was famous on the internet back in the early 2000s. People who are fans of Maddox are like our age.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Yeah. We kind of know how finance has worked, but they're presenting this as if it's all a bunch of teenagers in early 20s, somethings. Listen to the show, is that even possible? Did that's the audience? No, he's reading. It's like the very most basic of investing that I've ever heard in my life. Like he's talking about investing when you're making 50,000 a year and putting 10,000 in the bank every year. And I'm I'm I'm listening thinking, the fuck are these guys talking to like this is I know they're not doing it
Starting point is 01:23:27 He's going over the different types of 401k's if your employer offers one match it like am I in a fucking Human resources The worst meeting too when they go in the explain to you now if we have a 7% return It's too, when they go in, they explain to you. Now, if we have a 7% return, now what that's gonna do is you're gonna make interest on the interest, and then when you're 65, yeah, I get compound interest. I understand all that works.
Starting point is 01:23:53 And then you'd explain to me, this guy says, if you make 50,000 a year and you put 10,000 of that into a 401K, you'll have a lot of money. 45 years from now. That's not practical. There's not good investment in that. It's Maddox saying Maddox asks Ron why go for a 401k instead of a Vanguard. Like he just is throwing out. And then Ron goes, oh yeah, well, that's the same, buddy. Like you get the 401k is a vehicle
Starting point is 01:24:24 and the Vanguard is like the fun that you give it. And the coup de gras of it is Ron saying, how much time do you think this takes to learn? Maddox is 10 years. 10 years. Well, about 10 hours, you know, you gotta really dedicate yourself. I'm like, I can't, I can't fucking take.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Why did 40 year old child trying to learn about investment from another destitute LA committee? And like, none of you motherfuckers have any money. What are you talking about? What the fuck are any of you talking about? So why an individual brokerage account over say like a Vanguard index fund?
Starting point is 01:24:59 It's, so a Vanguard index fund is, and I apologize, I'm not explaining this more clearly. So the Vanguard Index Fund is the investment. The brokerage fund is where you put your investment. So you put your index fund into that brokerage fund. Oh, so a brokerage fund is kind of like a big umbrella that encompasses all your investments, is that right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Or in like a brokerage fund is just another kind of like you can have your 401k bucket that you put your investments in. You could have a 401k bucket that you put your investments in. You can have a Roth IRA bucket that you put your investments in, a traditional IRA bucket that you put your investments in, or an individual brokerage account that you put your investments in. Think of them all as different buckets that you can put index funds in. All right. It's fucking Martha Stewart, it means Jim Kramer, but the dumb version of both, that's the podcast. That part though, you just pointed out was so amazing. How long he just throws a softball at there.
Starting point is 01:25:52 How long do you think it takes to learn about financial literacy? What he's trying to say, if you're listening to him, is it doesn't take that much. Yeah. Anyone could do this. And Manics, the dummy's not following this at all, says all says and I don't know you got to dedicate your life to it No, it was the worst. It's the worst thing I've ever fucking heard a guy
Starting point is 01:26:13 Reading reading investment advice off of his off of his introduction packet at work If your work offers a 401k you should match it Well, no fucking shit. You idiot. That's free money a lot of employers will give you 3% match you should take advantage of three per yes We know this Anybody who anybody who has access to this opportunity will have been told this 10,000 times. And you, and there's more. They're not difficult concepts. Comprehending this is not difficult for people.
Starting point is 01:26:51 We will give you money that the government doesn't touch that you could put away for later. That's it, we got it. Thank you. Don't worry about timing the market was one of Rob Babcock. Rob Babcock's like timing the market. You're talking about investing, you make $50,000 a year and you're telling people
Starting point is 01:27:11 not to worry about timing the market. Who the fuck is this advice for? It's a little off the mark. Don't worry about timing the market. Don't even worry about having a fucking job, dude. What are you talking about? What are you on Schwab while you're manning the register at a 7-11? Worrying about timing the market making 50,000 a year? Not knocking anybody who's manning a register,
Starting point is 01:27:37 but giving a fucking break. Who is this for? They have to put this out as a separate show. I just want to hear the Ron Babcock financial advice show. Oh God Investment it like no analogies no metaphor nothing just reading a wiki how on your for understanding your 401k That that would take who are these podcasts in through April if I could just review Ron Babcock, give me a spite of it, to advice. We can talk about different months. Oh, God. I mean, maybe I, it's maybe
Starting point is 01:28:10 it's funny. My dad was a stockbroker. So I grew up having an understanding of investing in money that people that people do not, you know, I don't know. I guess I just say that because I don't know if it's that funny for everyone But this this 10 minute interlude where one moron tries to explain a 401k to a bigger moron who doesn't understand it was one of the funniest things I've ever had to listen to It's amazing But you know that Ron is good with money because after Maddox says that he's playing Pokemon Go and It's a way to gamify the world or gamify your life
Starting point is 01:28:51 Ron explains what his version of gamification is you should at least play at one time because that gamification of the real world is Something that's going to be huge in the next five to ten years. You know what my gamification is in my life It's um like I just got pants from the gap, $250. And my gamification was using the system to cut the cost down from $253 to $57. All right, so Maddox being an amazing host of a show, it's obviously gonna say to him, dude, that's boring. Why would we talk about you saving money on pants
Starting point is 01:29:24 from the gap from the gap? The gap, right? So, you know, or make fun of him. Yeah, or make fun of him. You know, Maddox is definitely not gonna go along with this. Cut the cost down from $253 to $57. Whoa, how'd you not put $200? Ah! I put a sale, 50% off, plus 10% off Jesus fucking Christ man. He goes whoa How did you get first of all I don't live in LA maybe things are different there? You're buying pants that cost 250 bucks at the gap
Starting point is 01:29:55 Is that possible? I? Don't know I don't shop with the fucking gap. I think of the gap is from yeah I don't know who the fuck is I don't know what man is fending $250 in pants from the fucking gap I think of the gap is like an old Navy kind of place like that you shouldn't be paying more than 25 bucks for a pair of pants If you're shopping at the gap. I don't know I've been there in decades. I don't know what the fuck's going on there, but I don't know what the fuck is going out there, but Benax! Benax is reactionary! Whoa! Whoa!
Starting point is 01:30:26 Whoa! Now I can stop being a hipster and get some new pants! I've already outgrown my pants, pressing it from this lawsuit and I am internet making fun of me. Oh! Whoa! Whatever happened with you getting mental Jess on the show, I know that there was talk about it.
Starting point is 01:30:48 No, she's not she's not calling in, but I don't I don't think she'll ever calling. No, but but I did notice I got some good information You know how she posted that video where she has her head on that guy's balls. Yes. I watched it's very uncomfortable Yeah, I'm I got to watch it this weekend on the show, but I think that she did that because I was making fun of her restraining order on the previous episode of my, the previous bonus episode of my show. So what I've learned from that is that if I rip into her,
Starting point is 01:31:17 she will respond. Nice. I'm gonna try to see where I can take that. Because she is, I know she's stupid. I think she will react with, yeah. I think she will react without thinking. I'm gonna see where I can take that. I don't think she'll ever call in properly though.
Starting point is 01:31:35 But we'll see, sanctions are fucking common. Her mental chess, Maddox and Landel are all getting taken a court in New York, by Asterios. Love it. For sanctions. And that's gonna be, that will force them to start thinking and when those three start thinking,
Starting point is 01:31:54 they start doing something. Yeah, that's awesome. You know, that's awesome. I'm excited. I mean, who knows? Who knows? People will do anything for money and I've got it. Now, I'm willing to deal.
Starting point is 01:32:07 I'm willing to wheel and deal with any three of these people if they want to call in. Oh, yeah. I'd love to listen to Landau on your show. I'd love to listen to Mental Jess. That bonus episode you guys did where you just read the court transcripts. You acted it out.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Was amazing. Yeah, it was fucking great. I didn't want that to end. That was just a short court appearance. I wanted that to be like the OJ trial. One of those ago for weeks. Yeah, no need to. A crime analyst is going to call in. I think this week and give his take on the email that Maddox sent where he was telling an ex-girlfriend that he went to her house and she wouldn't let him in and he doesn't know where she lives
Starting point is 01:32:50 and he wants to know where she lives to prove that they have a normalized friendship. That was pretty fucking nuts. Wow. Can you just tell me what your address is now? Just, you know, so I know That's a question like that Yeah, like a man
Starting point is 01:33:12 All right, this is Maddox has to prove he's right all of the time Yeah, so he's explaining that there was this Sega game that came out I don't even know it was like a Sonic the Hedgehog game or something and it has the word chaos in it. And his friend wasn't pronouncing the word chaos correctly. So he had a call into the Sega hotline or something to prove that his friend was an idiot. Listen to the amount of fake laughter that erupts from this conversation that was never funny. And I said, hey, I called Psychic of America, like talk to the service rep, I'm like, hey,
Starting point is 01:33:49 this, I know this sounds weird, but can you just pronounce the name of your new Sonic game for me? It goes, why? I'm like, please, it's just my buddies on the line with me and he thinks it's pronounced a certain way. Can you just say it? It goes, yeah, Sonic and Michael's chaos emerald. I'm like, there you go, Roy.
Starting point is 01:34:04 See, it's fucking chaos. We hang up the phone. I'm fucking love that. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, you used Sonic work. He like, just like a dictionary pronunciation. He's a good, aical story that is pathetic. And Rob goes, I fucking love that, man. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha everything. Ha ha ha ha ha, I can call them all.
Starting point is 01:34:45 Ha ha ha. This is the one thing, this is an ISO I pulled that I love that Maddox had this. We are like everything I'm talking about, I'm not proud of. God, you shouldn't be. This is during the show, I'm sure you remember this part. They play a voicemail.
Starting point is 01:35:03 And I'm wondering, you know, people will set up fake Twitter accounts and then tweet it themselves or their show to make it seem like they have fans. I didn't vote it. Yeah, it's funny that you bring up the voicemail because the last time I was on, you were making fun of the Opie voicemail line.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Yes. It was the Opie voicemail line where he was like saying how they wouldn't they wouldn't tolerate Call voice meals that weren't like supportive of the show or some shit like that Maddox set a line in this episode which was I will even if they don't get played I'll personally listen to each one like it was some kind of Packed that he had with his listeners and collars. It reminded me a lot of the weird, Opie voice mail line. These guys are very similar.
Starting point is 01:35:49 They've both had this huge fall from Grace, where they're holding on to this weird fan base that still likes them. And those are the people who never should have liked the show to begin with. Because they didn't understand what was good about the show. The Opie and Anthony and Biggest problem, I don't understand why the worst parts of that show
Starting point is 01:36:07 have a new show that people are latching onto. So bizarre. Anyway, this is the voicemail that he plays on the show and I've been called out for playing voicemails where people kiss our ass. This is pathetic. Ibox Fuck Wheels on Audible. Listen to Maddox's narration of it it's fucking hilarious didn't do it for free from the library that's right one is right to you buddy you're on tonight yeah oh my god do these people actually exist that are calling into a show to tell them how great fuck whales is unaudible is that even possible uh... yet it is man it is i'll have run ins with fan it listeners of
Starting point is 01:36:52 the best debate every once in a while and i can't even understand that they're human i don't think that they could i think they're a bot like i don't think they could pass a touring test it is surprisingly i don't know what they're listening for. So then he goes on to plug his book, which he does all the time, which by the way, that book didn't sell very many copies, as we all know.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Anyone who's listening to the best debate at this point, either has bought the book or never will. This is not a good platform for him to promote. What he should do is he should go on the DIC show or who are these podcasts. Yeah. And promote his book. We'd love to have him on here. But this is a clip I call George has no shame. By my book Unaudible. Which by the way, everyone really likes my narration. I wasn't sure how I was gonna turn out, but they did an amazing job. They start out with a really nice like classical, you know, this
Starting point is 01:37:41 classical music that starts out kind of swells and then it goes. I would actually like to listen to your book. Oh, who talks about their own work like that? By the way, the thing that I did, it's actually really amazing. It's actually really tremendous. It's tremendous. You wouldn't think that something that I would have done would be the greatest thing in the world, but it is.
Starting point is 01:38:04 I know it's hard for me to say that, but it's the best thing I've ever heard. It's a huge fucking failure. And it's always such a hard sell all the time. That's how you know when people are gripping a little too tight. That's how you know things aren't working out real well. Yes, he has to say, you were talking about this
Starting point is 01:38:19 with the ad reads you guys used to do on biggest problem. He has to say like, yeah, people are telling me it's the funniest fucking bucket audible. The way to say like, yeah, people are telling me it's the funniest fucking bucket on a bull the way I read it. So fucking funny. Okay, okay, I believe you. All right, man. Five bucks. You don't even tell us this fucking part. If I think I might get enjoyment from it, I'll check it out. I don't know what to tell you. Or maybe like I'll watch a funny episode of Rick and Morty. Like this isn't this big of a deal. But it's gotta be so funny. It's a book. Calm down.
Starting point is 01:38:54 Calm down. I'll probably watch the Pickle Rick episode for the 30th time. It's probably what I'll do instead. This is George has never said anything remotely funny. He didn't crack himself up at. It's so obnoxious. It's so obnoxious. Especially if somebody else reacts first, then he has to laugh along with them. Here's an example of that. I'm into it. I'm into all kinds of computer-aided rule enforcement for games. And I'm into, he can't enforce the rules, there's no fucking game.
Starting point is 01:39:25 And I mean to cheating at marathons, cause running sucks. It's not into it. Jesus. It happens at every beginning of the episode, whether it was this show or the biggest problem, the SSA, the only show that covers every problem from blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:39:45 And he goes, Ha, ha, ha, ha. You hear that? What I just said? I wrecked it over that myself. Can you believe it? Jesus Christ. So fucking uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Yeah, it's so uncomfortable in his own skin. It's, I want comfortable. It's embarrassing. It's hard to listen to. He was the same way on, when we did the biggest problem together. He's the same way in meetings. Like went to a we sold a couple shows. Yeah, we would go into these meetings and he would maddox would just crack
Starting point is 01:40:13 himself up over the stupidest shit that would always like I would always I would turn to him and meeting going, are you fucking is this guy serious? Like what are you why are you laughing like this? Why are you shilling so hard? Why don't you just go suck his cock? Like, we've all been there and then you get self-confidence over time and you stop doing that.
Starting point is 01:40:34 He's just never developed that self-confidence. Yeah, or you just get tired of laughing at yourself because it's so, takes so much energy. Oh, you know what, I don't have it in me today to laugh hysterically at everything I say. Well, you know what, I don't have, I don't have it in me today to laugh hysterically at everything I say. Well, when he's not laughing at himself, he's laughing about a tweet that he read.
Starting point is 01:40:51 This is content for his show. He's reading a tweet that he read on Twitter that somebody else wrote. I saw a funny tweet about, you know, Michael Booblay, the singer, yeah. Everybody knows the Booblay. The Boob, The Boob. A Canadian treasure.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Yeah, he has a Canadian treasure. He sang Santa Baby, except he changed the lyrics from Santa Baby to Santa Buddy. And someone tweeted out, yeah. So it's like Santa Buddy. Yeah, cause, cause, and someone tweeted out, was like, why do you change it to Santa Buddy? You're like, you're too good to suck Santa's dick
Starting point is 01:41:22 like the rest of us. Oh, Jesus. It's painful. It's painful. When I started playing that clip, I didn't realize it was over 30 seconds long. I just thought it was a short clip of him. No, there's a whole set up to it. He has to explain to Michael Bubley, he has to talk about like, okay, you read a tweet that was funny. That's not funner for your show, idiot.
Starting point is 01:41:48 You read a guy's response to a tweet. I remember, I remember listening to that part. Oh, my God, dude. All right. I mean, at least just steal it. Just steal it. Just steal it. It was your idea.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Make a hero that be way better. Actually, while we're talking about it, let me just pull up this thread in my subreddit, dick. Schittsen Carl's Toilet says, all right, this is the guy Chad who's had the show is talking about how when he was a little kid in his neighborhood, all the parents would bring the Santa in and this Santa would give presents out to everybody. And he's explaining that at one point,
Starting point is 01:42:24 he realized that Santa no longer existed, and he discovered that Santa wasn't real. And listen to Maddox's reaction. It's as if Maddox doesn't know that Santa's not real. I told my parents, I know that's just some guy you hire. You know, I don't have to do the charade anymore. And that year, that fucking guy showed up and gave me a shoe box full of coal.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Oh, fuck him. You know, because your parents probably told him to. You're free. You fucking idiot. Do you think the alpha of the shop was the one who told Santa? No, I think it was his parents. No shits. Your parents. Well, you're not Jerry your parents stupid you stupid motherfucker so that so that bad extent no filter at all no filter at all just straight straight dumbness straight spaghetti right to the mouth well you're the fake Santa that they hired gave you coal after you told your parents that I tried to be woke with your parents you pretend just fuck
Starting point is 01:43:37 I mean heaven you figure just connect the dots your parents obviously told the fake Santa that they hired to give you coal Whereas you know he would go and bring his own toys Yeah, he doesn't even say that he goes you what probably happened? And I'm just hypothesizing here. There's a possibility that what happened was. Get no shit! Of course! I'm gonna love this one out for the group. Of course, that's what happened!
Starting point is 01:43:56 No shit, you're a... Oh, fucking bad, he's amazing. The gift that keeps that giving. This is a fake story. This is how, this is why he thinks he's so smart because he he congratulates himself on every observation like that like oh his parents are fucking parents probably told him to that's keep on coming Maddox keep the hits coming you're a smart guy you know what I think you know I just realized I would pay money to
Starting point is 01:44:22 watch Maddox do stand up I would love to see what he thinks are these brilliant observations that only he has. Yeah, you ever noticed? You ever noticed yourself check out register? Like, what am I going to do the job of the cashier and he's just waste for all the thunderous laughter at applause? That was the show. That's why it was so great and so much fun because he's a very stupid man who thinks he's very smart. He's like the Carl Pilkington of this day. He's always the case. It was always the case from episode one and it was so much fun to pull him into it,
Starting point is 01:44:58 to wind him up and lure him into it, to tell him how smart he was. So like, all right, well, I know you got, I know that you, I know you are thinking something that you're not saying. So let's try to pull it out every episode. This is it. I would do it again in a second. I would do it again in a second if he wanted to. We got to make that happen.
Starting point is 01:45:18 It's a probably, it's as if Carl Pinkington was the host of that show. And Ricky, your face is just sitting at the side like, oh yeah, yeah, no, go ahead. It goes that, set it up. That's really what the biggest problem was. So wait, you just said you think it probably will happen that you guys will do a show again together?
Starting point is 01:45:35 I mean, I will do anything for money. And I think there is a point, there's gotta be a point where he's, where Maddox is so lost when it comes to money. I think after the sanctions, if Maddox gets handed a bill for $100,000, I think a lot of things are gonna change. I think ultimately he will have to decide between killing himself and doing a podcast for me.
Starting point is 01:46:04 And I mean for me, not with me, because that's what it would be. Have you ever talked about this before? I feel like we have an exclusive right now. Yeah. No, I've never talked about it before. I think that if Ramos, the Ram in New York, I think that if he hits Maddox with the sanctions that he deserves, I don't think there will be any escape from that, for Maddox, other than to depart this world. I do think that he will have
Starting point is 01:46:32 to come to the decision of whether he will make money with me for me or abandon everything. I got, like, I really don't see a way out for him. I know that he's Mr. Cool and Mr. popular and has all these Hollywood friends, but at some point, at some point, the real world will beat that out of you. Who wouldn't listen to that show? That they would be fucking amazing. It would be fantastic and it would only have to be, you know, once a month or something like that. I think I could fund his shit bag idiot lifestyle. If he did a show for me once a month. His, you could fund his lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:47:13 I also have 30 bucks a week. Don't be so breakadocious over there. It's not that impressive. Yeah. Well, take it for us. If you need a moderator for this show, obviously the most professional podcast on the air these days we'd be happy to do that for you. I actually agree with you
Starting point is 01:47:31 I think you would be terrific at it. I think I might be biased. You got it. You have to live I mean I like to live by the story like what's the good story and I and this story has a number of endings And I think one of them ends there, but it's not up to me. That would be, we will see. That would be awesome. It would make a hell of a story. Oh, what the speculation began. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:47:53 I love it. This is Maddox telling a fake story about Santa Claus and just making himself out to be such a badass. I love spoiling Santa Claus to kids. Like, I love it. It's my... You've spoiled Santa Claus? I mean, I've said it before and like,
Starting point is 01:48:11 you know, not even thinking about anything of it. And the parents like muffled their ears and they like made sure the kid didn't hear it. But I didn't know. I was around a kid. I was just like talking about Santa Claus. I didn't know this kid didn't know about it. And I'm like, well, it's not my fault
Starting point is 01:48:24 you're kids' addiction. By the my fault you kids adipchied. By the way, you kids like can fucking drive. How? Look again. Again, is that possibly a real story? I was talking about, it's so uncomfortable. Oh, dude, I was talking about Santa's not even real. I didn't go fuck.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Parents are like, what's wrong? I love it. I love it. What's wrong with that? I like that. I like that. Are you wrong with that cat? Like that's it. What? Are you a fucking cop? What are you talks like that?
Starting point is 01:48:48 I love, I love, I love, I love, Spore, then Santa Claus for kids. Like what is that? What is that? Was that a person speaking right there? What are you talking about? Don't lie to us. It's not he likes that.
Starting point is 01:49:02 It's not like the male version of Aaron Tillman So embarrassing Love it. All right one last clip that I want to play Maddox like we've been talking about how he's not a very bright guy But he does from time to time prove that he's got some smarts and here's proof of that when he starts breaking down how words work Substitute teacher tells first grade students, Santa Claus isn't real. Yay. Oh, fuck, good, good, good.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Are you disagreeing with this, me, wrong? I just think it's a little harsh, you know, to get that from your teacher. That truth. Well, the base word, I do think it's fucked up that we're lying to our children too. Yeah, the base word of the word teacher is teach, right? Did you hear that the base word of the word teacher is teach, right? Did you hear that the base word of the word teacher is teach?
Starting point is 01:49:50 Is it really This guy is this guy smart. I can't keep up with them. This is three 40-year-old men who are who cannot let who are Subsodies of this system who do not have kids, do not have stable relationships, who are talking about how to raise our children. This is a guy who is a laughing stock on the internet for suing people for making fun of him. A guy who is, a guy who looks like, he has AIDS, Ron Babcock, who's laughing at every single thing he says, giving investment advice for people making $50,000
Starting point is 01:50:36 or less a year, and then a guy who wrote Bert Wunderstone, one of the stupidest movies, they touch on that at the beginning of this video but Chad Colchian who wrote Bert one of the stuff which is one of the most of the dumbest most terrible movies I have ever seen talking about how we should how we should raise our children. Anything else you want to- I'd like a second opinion. For these guys.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Well, Dick, I think we've talked about Maddox enough for this week. I love the idea of going back and doing episode 77 at some point. I think there's a lot. I'll do it, man. I'll talk about sweets. I'll fucking listen to it. It'll be a
Starting point is 01:51:27 slog, but I'll listen to it. There's weird dark times. Let's get that set up. I do want to play last week review to show called Call Her Daddy, which is this podcast that's part of barstool sports and it's these two dinghy broads who are acting a hot and sexy all the time and talking about sex. And the way, what's that? I hate that. Oh, I hate, I hate chicks talking about sex. Yeah, you got, you got to listen to the last episode. We do.
Starting point is 01:51:58 I think it's episode one 32 of who are these podcasts because we all agree with you. It's, it's terrible. It's the worst thing you can listen to. But it was a perfect segue into doing best debate because they did say this. The what is it, Cuckolding? Yeah, I feel like a lot of girls, I've read that a lot that like guys are into that,
Starting point is 01:52:17 watching their girl get fucked by another guy. That is not gay. All right, you heard it here first guys. It's a lot of guys are into that. That is not gay. I've read it. A lot of guys are into that. That is not gay. I've read it. A lot of guys, they're into it. Real quick, we're gonna fly through the rest of this.
Starting point is 01:52:35 I do wanna read some reviews that we've gotten recently. Like I mentioned, we've gotten a lot of negative ones. We've got a 375 one star reviews. It's been exploding lately. It's crazy. Because Dick, this is the crazy thing about it, is that people don't go on iTunes to give negative reviews. They listen to the show they don't like it,
Starting point is 01:52:55 they just move on. We're one of the few shows people are like, fuck these assholes out of them, no, shitting their honor. Are you the most worst reviewed podcast on iTunes? I did go. I used to take credit for that and say that I was until someone called me out.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Michael Rappaport has like 20,000 one-star reviews. I think we're a distant second. Yeah. Rapps got me beat by a lot. Anyway, this is the one that came in from Parker Flexin back on December 5th. Sad is the one that came in from Parker Flexin back on December 5th, sad, is the title, and he says, these uninformed guys jump right into the middle of a show that's already built and developed
Starting point is 01:53:33 just to completely misrepresent the whole thing. They think just because they aren't in on the joke that it wasn't funny, don't trust these guys' opinions at all. That is a five-star review. So, thank you, Parker. That's what we want. That's exactly what we're looking for. This one is from also December 5th from the 618 says straight trash. Sounds like a bunch of people sitting in a basement holding each
Starting point is 01:54:00 other's privates trying to make it, trying to make it by finding anyone to trash on. I guess that's their thing. Go get some real talent. And that is a one start review from the 618. So each other's privates. And it's the hell. Only each other's privates. And private is capitalized.
Starting point is 01:54:22 There's a reason holding each other's privates. I'm sorry. How many use that now? And primates is capitalized. There's a reason holding each other's money. How many use that now? Hey, would you hold on to somebody's private's over there? What the fuck? What are you talking about? I don't know. I'm gonna go to like a secret party big. What do you ask holes do it in the corner? Hold each other's privates. You guys been doing all night.
Starting point is 01:54:39 Holding each other's privates down me in. I have a feeling that that would go over well. I want more than I want to read. And this is a short one. Big oof of a podcast. That's from Gavcans 32 on December 11th. And so that was the title of it. And the description is Big Oof.
Starting point is 01:54:59 He just wanted to reiterate that our show is a Big Oof. So please, people, give us a five star review. We're a little bit lopsided. We need people to help us creep up on the one stars here. But should all over us, we'll read it on the air for sure. I do want to thank the fine, fine boys from the official podcast. I did their show this past week and it was a bonus episode.
Starting point is 01:55:29 So, you know, they, it's a nice for me too. I'm pissed, I will say the official podcast, their policy of inviting people on for bonus episodes is a little bit fucked up. I like them. They did it to a stereo show. Yeah. They did it to a stereo show. Yeah, they did it to a stereo, too.
Starting point is 01:55:47 The only episode he did with those guys was a bonus episode. And I think people are not gonna say it and call them out on it. And I probably will on my show this week, but it is a little bit fucking to invite people on to a bonus episode hoping that their fans will give you money. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:09 To listen to the show. When I did it, I don't, you know, podcast invitations come very quickly. I'm always down to do that show, but that did piss me, that did annoy me a little bit. Nothing, I don't want to, you know, I like those guys and I like that show, but that did piss me, that did annoy me a little bit. Nothing, I don't want to, you know, I like those guys and I like that show, but I was a little bit annoyed about that. Well, I fell for it hook and sinker because not only did I do the show, but then I tweeted about it and told people to subscribe. So it totally, I don't know if anybody said, but
Starting point is 01:56:41 I did, I did all the things that they probably want me to do. Yeah, I remember Maddox pitched that as something we could do for our solutions, our bonus episodes, our solutions episodes. We should have a special guest. And I said, man, yeah, but what do you want them to like tweet about a thing and try to get them to give us money?
Starting point is 01:56:58 That seems a little bit, you know, I mean, I don't know. Well, it seems a little bit shady. I want to tell you that we did a review of the official podcast, and those guys reviewed our reviews. We did a little back and forth, and they hand me on. They were all just like sweetheart. Like I really liked these guys a lot. I thought we had a really fun conversation
Starting point is 01:57:18 about the flat earth and a number of other things. So then they post in their subreddit, hey, our bonus episodes out with Carl from Who Are These Podcasts. I think there's four comments in that thread. Nobody's listening to this show. Fuck. I like those guys.
Starting point is 01:57:34 I don't wanna come up like an asshole, but I like those guys a lot. I like those guys a lot. I love Kaya. I know that Kaya did your show. And we'd love to have him on this show. Great guy and I love all the guys over at the official podcast. Speaking of guys that I love a lot, there's a couple of young lads just to the north of me who I just want to play a clip for. This is just
Starting point is 01:57:58 for these guys. You see, baby, this is the focus kids around. When there's something problematic, you're gonna let you know. Making things on gender neutral everywhere they go. All right, that means we're at the point of the show that everybody loves. It is called... The teaser. The teaser.
Starting point is 01:58:21 It's actually the teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. The teaser. All right, we're going to play a clip from the show that we'll be reviewing next week. We're not taking off even though it's Christmas time.
Starting point is 01:58:33 We'll have a new show out. And this is a clip from the show that we will be reviewing. Did y'all see my dude love Halloween costume on Instagram? That wasn't from this year. That was from when dude love was a thing. 97, Halloween 97 probably. Welcome to Not Sam Wrestling. That was my special hint.
Starting point is 01:58:59 My special hint as to who today's guest would be. Mick Foley. Mick Foley, one of the early guests on Not Sam Russeling is back today. We got a lot to go over. We touch on his time as General Manager. We talk about his return and how he's a completely different. I mean, he came across as a different person, in my opinion. All right, we're going to be listening to not Sam Russelling,
Starting point is 01:59:26 which is a podcast is stars Sam Roberts. Sounds great. This is a suggestion from dumb show reference on Reddit. And it's long overdue. Sam Roberts was an intern on the Oping Anthony show. He has risen to now be the morning jock along with Jim Norton on serious faction talk or whatever the channel's called. This fucking asshole. I'm not a fan of this guy, Sam Roberts,
Starting point is 01:59:57 because he's he's switcher went in this whole thing. You have the Oping Anthony fallout and everyone's taking sides and Sam Roberts has always been a little weasel and hung out in the middle And like I'm friends with everybody we and he sucks. He's not a good broadcast. He's not an interesting person He looks like a fucking caveman So I'm looking forward to reviewing his wrestling show. He's a big pro wrestling fanboy man Wrestling is reviewing his wrestling show. He's a big pro wrestling fanboy. Man, wrestling is... It's not something you talk about. You know what? You talk about it if someone comes to you and they kind of whisper they're like, I don't know, I kind of liked when the rock was on in the early 2000s and then you look at them and you
Starting point is 02:00:43 go, yeah yeah, I watched it a few times. Yeah, and then you look at them and you go, yeah, yeah, I watched that a few times. Yeah, and then you figure, you kind of like gauge each other and figure out if you could talk about this for real or not, but it's not something you do want to open up a conversation with. Anybody see Raw last night? It's like it is a novella. I understand that.
Starting point is 02:01:02 I understand that it's human emotion, real human emotion, and athleticism. And then, man, man, man, I get it. I am standing that. I understand that it's humanimot real humanimotion and athleticism Yeah, man, man, man, I get it. I get it. It's not I get it. It's not fake. No, it's very difficult. It's very difficult It's hard to sell anything and they're selling basically nothing and they're doing it nearly naked. I get it I get it But why you got to talk about it? You're the expert out this. I know I do It's just the it's the talking about it that always made like it's like guys who want to talk about
Starting point is 02:01:27 sex with other guys too much like oh man I got some I got some really I got a really great blow job. I don't go okay buddy. You gotta take a couple steps back. Right. Like I'm I'm gonna I'm filling the blanks. I'll fill the blanks. That's fine. Good good good. Yeah. Alright. So. All right. So what do you think about? What do you think about the rockers? Like, uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Go get away from me. Did you see, did you see how John Cena turned heel? You're like, ah, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:01:55 I come on, man. Like I think about that in my private time. Keep it in the bedroom. Keep all your wrestling on the, I'm ready to hear my bids for you, man. I like it. I'll sit there, I'll watch it. You've got the yucks. Oh, I got a feeling in my body, but I mean, to talk about it with you. Somebody sent me a clip on Facebook
Starting point is 02:02:13 of OP talking about a wrestler. This is going back to the old OP to Anthony Days. I've been making fun of words that OP uses. And I pulled this clip, we'll talk more about it, but this is him talking about a professional wrestler. What a hunk of room. Yeah. Yummy, yum.
Starting point is 02:02:31 I think that's what you were just talking about. It's a little bit embarrassing to look at guys at Leotards and say, oh yeah, I really like that guy a lot. He's ripped. Yeah, look, cause it is a little bit gay. That's a lot of gay. A little bit gay. I just don't want to talk about it with other guys. It's, it's a lot of it. gay. Like, yeah, I wish I was the rock, you know, if the rock tried to fuck me, I don't
Starting point is 02:02:53 know that I could say no. So I don't want to talk about it with other guys. Well, it's weird because their bodies are on display. And I like watching sports and I'll watch the bills games with my buddies. The conversation never turns into man that Josh Allen he's 65. Ways 213. That's a tall drink of water right there. That's never how we talk about these guys. It was wrestling. It gets very gay very quick. Yeah, because with athletes, their fat is fuck. Like there's no alignment or like 400 pounds. That's true.
Starting point is 02:03:30 No, Babe Ruth looks like a bowling pin. Like it's not about their body, but wrestling is ballet for men, which is fine. But I don't wanna talk about it. It's like, oh yeah, the rock, he really looked beautiful and chiseled. Like yeah, he looked like a Greek god, you would say. Like he looked, he looked like a personification of masculinity. He looks like the personification of sex. I totally agree. That's why I don't
Starting point is 02:03:54 want to fucking talk about it with you. Yeah. So that'll, that'll be a fun show. I actually don't watch professional wrestling. I used to a long time ago. So I'm the same. Yeah, this show that we're gonna listen to was him with Mick Foley and Mick Foley's an interesting character. But he's one of those guys who, he was the guy who always got his ass kicked
Starting point is 02:04:14 and he was really good at getting his ass kicked and he'd fall off the top of the cage and land on tax or whatever the fuck he was doing. But then he tried to convert into like a stand up comedian, and you go, uh, listen, Mecha, I know you can't do what you used to do, you're not mankind anymore, but don't tell jokes, that's not the natural progression of this.
Starting point is 02:04:36 It's not gonna work. Yeah, you'd start in, like your Andy Kaufman, you start in comedy and do wrestling, it doesn't go the other way. It's a try to true formula. One of people have done it like Andy Kaufman. Yeah, you know, you get the only person. I know.
Starting point is 02:04:56 The last thing I want to say is I never get to talk about what makes me a rage on this show. It's not one of the things that we do. And by the way, I would never ask you, what makes me a rage on this show. It's not one of the things that we do. And by the way, I would never ask you, well, make sure you rage, because I know that that's the content you keep for your show. I've made other shows reach out to me and say,
Starting point is 02:05:13 Carl, you wanna come on our show and you can shit on us? I'm like, no, no, no, no. That's why I do on my show, is I shit on your podcast. Why would I go on your show, I shit on your podcast? I spent a long time prepping for that. I was supposed to just do that for you anyway. So this is something that I was just pissing me
Starting point is 02:05:29 off this morning as I was looking on Twitter. And I'm sure this is true for a lot of different forms of entertainment. But these assholes who tweet out, can someone recommend a good podcast? These super open ended fucking questions. Like, does anybody know, I don't like true crime, but I have less of an it's fun.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Can anyone recommend a good podcast? And then there's 1,000 replies to that tweet, which is why they do it. They can't wait for the response they get. That's the whole, the whole reason. It's every fucking guy who runs a podcast going on there, like, well, you should check out my show. It's pretty good. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, well, you should check out my show. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 02:06:05 Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum. And the amount of effort you're putting into tweeting at one person about your show who's never gonna listen to it, these people are just wasting their time. It's very pathetic. It annoys me. What I've found in my show,
Starting point is 02:06:21 what works best is if I really sit down and think about why things piss me off. And that one, what works best is if I really sit down and think about why, why things piss me off. And that one, what you're talking about specifically pisses me off because it's like a plate spinning. Like I feel like I'm being spun. I'll believe it. I'll tweet at you. I'll tell you it's me. I'll retweet other people who are tweeting at you, but I fucking know you're just sitting there spinning plates. I know that it's just, you're just teasing everybody with this carrot of whether or not I'm going to get a mention by you or not, and it works. And I want it.
Starting point is 02:06:55 I want the fucking mention. And that it makes me disgusted with myself for needing it, for wanting that attention from you that I have to submit to this process Prostrating myself before you with my humbling off my humble offer of a podcast that I have to go through this Pageantry of submitting myself upon you for nothing because it's nothing but 99.9% are losers in this scenario. And I'm disgusted with you for presenting this deal, this demonic deal upon everyone by submitting the question to the public that you force us to do this to you.
Starting point is 02:07:35 And I fucking will. And I know it's equalizing too because I look upon all the submissions and I see this is shit. This is a three week old podcast and you don't even have a format. You don't even have a fucking logo. And I'm among you and it disgusts me. It's so depressing. It's sad because it is true. It is true that there is no difference between us. We are all equal in the eyes of this retweet and it is humbling and it's terrible and I fucking hate it for that reason. It's so depressing
Starting point is 02:08:06 Because the people who are looking through that thread are only other podcasters looking for their own mentions Yeah, are hoping that there's a list there was like oh you gotta listen to this person show up a huge fan Meanwhile, they see their download numbers You think one of the three people who download your show is gonna retweet at this person. It's not gonna happen. And yet, we're acting like you and I are on there acting like there's all these podcast fans. We're just looking for a new podcast to discover and explore and become fans of it. It's not the case. It's just assholes like us who are getting mentioned and we can't help but look. Oh, what's this much in here?
Starting point is 02:08:42 Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. And who are these? Yep. Fuck. I'll play this game, you bitch. You can't help but look, oh, what's this much in here? Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, and who are these? Yep. Fuck. I'll play this game, you bitch. All right.
Starting point is 02:08:50 All right, well, Dick, thank you so, so much for coming on the show again. I had a great time. I'm really looking forward to Winners Drink. I can't wait to play that game. Me too, man. I'm really looking. This is, I got a real tight asshole about that game. I'm stoked about it.
Starting point is 02:09:07 But I'm really looking forward to it. You know what's funny is that even if it sucks, I'll probably tell you that I enjoyed it a lot. You well, I think that the title alone is good enough. You know? I agree. Just the concept of here's a drinking game that if you're good at it, you get to drink. You get to drink so much more sense
Starting point is 02:09:26 I think like it's even doing the game. I had to just fall back on look You're a comedian you've spent your entire life busting balls Just have faith in that that you tried your best and you got it out there and people will enjoy it I enjoy the fuck out of it. It's, so I hope everyone does too. Cards Against Humanity is so fucking annoying. I'd rather play match game because then at least you're coming up with something. Yeah, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:09:56 Rather than, could you imagine a match game was just your hand? All the celebrities, a card they have to pull. Oh, this would be a funny answer to that. Is it? Well, cards Against Humanity, I hate because you have to pull? Oh, this would be a funny answer to that. Is it? Well, cards against humanity, I hate because you have to sit there and list it. It makes the people, it makes people who are not funny get to talk. Yeah. Because they have to present their cards and everyone has to chuckle smugly about it.
Starting point is 02:10:16 And then the people who are actually funny at a party wherever you're at. Yeah. The people who are funny are restricted by the by the non-funny cards in the deck. So in my game in winners drink if you're not funny you get shit on everyone will shit on love it and the people who are inspired and funny and want to scream their heads off will be rewarded That's it's a it's a it's um what is that mutant? It's a it's a Darwinian type of game that I hope everyone has fun at. Dick, master sin, go to the Dick show.com, not Dick show.com, or you can go to dick.show, but definitely subscribe, check out his show,
Starting point is 02:10:58 go to his Patreon, patreon.com slash the dick show, right? And I will tell you that a testimonial here as a proud Patrioni, it is worth subscribing at the $20 per month level because of all the bonus content. And you get fucking Christmas gifts from this guy. I don't know any of their podcasts are who's doing that. That's amazing. Hey, it's the only podcast that has its own cryptocurrency. Well, I'm not endorsing that I took thanks for having me on I really love this show. I'm
Starting point is 02:11:40 Still going thanks buddy. Well, we're looking forward to having you back soon and please join us again next week because it might be the episode We find out once and for all who are these podcasts sleep well every pony Great show good job everybody great job everyone This dude is fucking court You not carries me Dude, it's fucking corny. You're not Carries Man. Hey, come on in. What's the interesting thing? What are you listening to? What, what? What?
Starting point is 02:12:32 Well, that's retarded. Does it make any sense, Rick? You know, who are these? Podcasts. I don't know. I don't get it. It makes no sense. Alright, Dick. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 02:12:49 You got a fucking great show, man. Thanks, buddy, and thank you so much for doing it. We don't usually have shows that go on this long, and I feel bad for taking them. Oh really? Yeah, we were usually an hour and a half tops, so I feel bad for taking them so much of your time. No, I don't care.
Starting point is 02:13:02 My time is best spent drinking by myself on the phone with other guys joking. That's what people don't understand. How do you find time to do all these podcasts? Like, fine time. You mean you have to find time to go drink by yourself and your basement talking to other dudes making jokes yeah I'll fucking see you later buddy you think about your fucking priorities in your life

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