Who Are These Podcasts? - Ep136 - The H3 Podcast

Episode Date: January 6, 2019

Ethan and Hila Klein are YouTube celebrities trying to interview actual celebrities. The result is exachee what you'd think. Kaya from the Official Podcast joins the show and points out that one of th...e two hosts (cough) Hila (cough) has a microphone in front of her for no apparent reason. Somehow, Jack Black actually takes the biggest beating in this episode. We also talk about a recent mention on No Agenda, flat earthers, WATP ep. 88, Ancient Aliens guy, and of course Opie Radio. It's almost too delicious to believe my friend. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Uh, Carl has, uh, one of my favorite podcasts ever. Who are these podcasts? It's called Run by a guy called Carl. I was on Who Are These Podcasts yesterday. It's a great show. Have you ever listened to it? I have not. Cause... Cause a rule.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Cause a rule. Slapperoonie. Who are these podcasts? They do a show about shows. I thought he was gonna break down what it's all about for to turn new people on to interesting podcasts. Yeah, you just mercilessly rip-son people. It's hilarious. The show is hilarious. It's show time.
Starting point is 00:00:50 W-A-T-P W-A-T-P I'm here too. Kaya, I believe it's your turn to do the intro. Right? The intro. I think it's your turn to do it. I mean, I think I'm just here to tell people how the ancient Egyptians could have constructed those pyramids all by themselves.
Starting point is 00:01:11 And well, bags, labors and cups of ruse, and welcome to another episode of Who Are These Podcasts. The only show that is in awe of YouTube celebrities. I'm your host, Carl. With me this week is Kaya from the official podcast. Hello. Thank you for having me. Thanks so much for coming out, buddy. host, Carl. With me this week is Kaya from the official podcast. Hello, thank you for having me. Thanks so much for coming out, buddy. If you'd like to support the show,
Starting point is 00:01:29 please buy our merchandise. You can go to whoarethese.com, and click the link to our We Have Merch page. You can discuss the show on our sub-reddit who are these podcasts. Leave us a voicemail, 585-612-1388. Email the show, W-A-T-P show, and Gmail. We also encourage our listeners to give us a five-star review on iTunes,
Starting point is 00:01:46 but then shit all over us in the comments section. I have some new reviews to discuss later in the show, but first we'll be reviewing a podcast called The H3 Podcast. This was a suggestion from Samurai Blues, Kaya and I have both listened to the show separately. We have not discussed it with each other beforehand. Let's get into it. These are hosts Ethan and Illa Klein.
Starting point is 00:02:08 They're a married couple. Hella, yeah. How do you pronounce it? Hella. As far as I know, I mean, you know, not an ardent fan myself, but. I didn't hear the H sound. I heard Illa whenever he was saying her name,
Starting point is 00:02:23 which she's Israeli and I don't know what the H sound. I heard Ila whenever he was saying her name, which she's Israeli and I don't I don't know what the accent is. So I'll go with Ila. Yeah, okay. Yeah, you don't hear much of her either, by the way. Yeah. Interesting. She's she's I suppose the eye candy or, you know, the girlfriend who hangs out in studio, but she doesn't do a whole lot of talking What she does a lot of is laughing in the background over things that aren't funny or interesting Did you pick up on that at all? Oh? Yeah, hang on just go with my clip five. Okay called $400 well spent here we go
Starting point is 00:03:05 Yeah, we should still watch it. You totally get it. And if you're not signed in, you can't watch it. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I guess it would just be a little weird if you did. Okay. But when someone will say like, let's say, oh, you're going on tour, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:03:22 You'll say, but it's not the same. The reason we've been thinking about it is because I'm pregnant So we've been wondering what we would do as far as Jewish. I didn't know it's extra because now we have to decide if we're gonna do it It's amazing Why are you pulling you pull the cap latest of every time she talks that's it's not very often It's it sounds like a long clip, but that's her entire contribution to a podcast that's an hour and a half long. And you have to keep in mind the, the microphones.
Starting point is 00:03:51 These guys have a nicely set up studio. It looks nice. Yep. Right. It's fancy. Those are $400 mics. That's, that's not money well spent on this lady just sitting there giggling every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:04:03 That was the episode with Tanesha's D. I can tell by what they were talking about out there, which is, which is an interesting episode because Tanesha's D are way past their prime. Oh, there's such. There's such fucking douchebags. I have no idea. The last time I saw anything of Jack Black was when he did some spider-man skits for the MTV Music Awards, which I as a fucking 14-year-old loved. And all I know of him since then is that he had two songs in a movie that 14-year-olds loved about boners and such. And that's it. And now he's back with the Karl Marx beard. And I don't know if Kyle Gas, I think his name is,
Starting point is 00:04:49 I don't know if he's even alive or if he's just propped up because during that episode, he just sat there with his arms crossed on his beer belly, not saying a single word. He talked less than a hill, I think. It was all jet-point. And the host, Ethan, a given credit, he's trying to be nice. He's got Tenacious Deanna's show as the guest.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And he's trying to talk up this new TV show they have or a webisode they have. And he's, did you check it out? I did. So he talks about the unique style of animation that this cartoon has. And he says this. So you guys did everything on this
Starting point is 00:05:26 and it's a very unique style. You've got, it's a cartoon, but it's like one frame every 10 seconds. So you guys kind of, which I find charming, it's not like, I wouldn't consider it like, it's just a style. And I think it's very charming.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Was this like a style that you guys chose for or was it kind of an expedient thing? I like the big giz of the benefit of the doubt. He says, you guys have this cartoon where there's no animation. It's just still frames the pictures. I clipped the exact single because it's Ethan just trying to dance around the word lazy. It's such a shitty art style, but of course he's not trying to burn bridges here. So oh, it's, yeah, you know, it's charming. It's such a shitty art style, but of course he's not trying to burn bridges here. So, oh, it's, yeah, you know, it's charming.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's fucking terrible. It looks like a five-second thing you would make in MS Payne's. Yeah. It is, I think. I think so, because Jack Black said that he did all of the illustrations himself. And it's funny because here's Ethan saying, you know, I obviously you guys picked that for a reason. You know, maybe you thought it was better because you did that.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And I'm thinking in my head, no, these guys just didn't have any money to get an animation done. And of course, that is the answer on this clip right here. Well, at first we were thinking this is, we're just going to do a real rough version of what our fully animated show would be. You know, we were making our Rick and Morty, basically. And nobody wanted it on any of the networks. So then we were like, oh, it's got a bass, right? We're going to just do it our way,
Starting point is 00:06:57 and it was just the cheapest way to do it, right? Yes. Yeah. Faaa. I mean, good on you, Jack Black, for being honest about it. But it was, it's pretty painfully obvious when you watch it. It's not good. It's not what the finished product should be. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:07:15 It's not the next Rick and Morty. It's him walking into a studio with this play. OK, let me set this up for his, he keeps rationalizing to himself why the studios just kept shooting him down. And his, his reasoning, I guess, is that it was just too edgy. You know, he's just jack blacks, comedy is too spicy for TV. So play my clip six pushing boundaries. Uh, soft part. Yeah Park did this incredibly funny musical comedy.
Starting point is 00:07:47 If you get a chance to see it, it's probably playing near your town now. Super raunchy, politically incorrect, Broadway musical. And we were like, yeah, we want to party in that sphere. It's compared himself to the book of Mormon. One of the most brilliant plays ever made. It was edgy 10 years ago, not anymore, making fun of religious people. Isn't exactly this taboo topic anymore. And then it goes on and on from there.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Play clip 9, Pp is edgy. This is even worse. Were you guys uncompromising on the penis and set like very graphic shots? No, we presented what we wanted to put on the air. We weren't saying, hey, we want to do something like this. We were like, we want to do this. Ronsky, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:39 And no one wanted to go with us down that crazy half. Oh, so crazy. No one wanted to go with us down that crazy half. Well, so crazy. Yeah, he wants to be this bad boy, so bad, just but exiled by Hollywood, you know, just too hot for anyone to touch, but Dicks, since when our penis is now too, too raunchy, every TV show is a dick, and it's, I'm pretty sure HBO has a quota. Yeah, that's all they do a show floppy
Starting point is 00:09:08 weeners all over that dragon show they have. And who did the Simpsons movie show like a 10 year old boys penis animated it's not that new. They all every cartoon has to have a penis. Every movie has to have a penis. It's so, you know, the 14-year-olds who have never seen nudity before they get hooked. And also, the older ladies who want to feel like they're watching something classy if it's game of the rowings, they also want to see it. But it's not edgy. It's not this.
Starting point is 00:09:37 That's not why you got turned down, Jack Black-You-Fat-Fuck. I know this is turning into a finished-you-Rose. I know, it's that one. We're supposed to be talking about H3H3 and we're just talking about. Well, while we're on this rant though, he compares himself to Floyd of the Concords who are brilliant.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And this kind of rubbed me the wrong way when he said the difference between the two groups. But we do love the Concords. Yeah, I love their show. It's like they're a, a subtler, cuter, younger, very cute. But you guys are horrible by the, you know what, wordy forgot there was funnier. He forgot that they're a funnier show that today.
Starting point is 00:10:19 She's gonna talk about him comparing himself to things at very end of that episode. he goes on this political rant, which I don't wanna get into because it's just this generic unimaginative, Trump is literally Hitler, he's ushering in the middle of the world, blah, blah, blah, blah. He's talking to whatever, whatever dude. But then he said something that really pissed me off,
Starting point is 00:10:40 which is my clip 18, and he compares himself to the classics. Great movies in our opinion are the post-apocalyptic science fiction masterpieces. Road warrior, a terminator, wizard of us. These are the movies. I think we can all agree. Objectively are the best movies ever made.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Absolutely. And they are warnings. They are like, look out for the future. And we wanted to jump into that sphere because not only because we love those movies, but also because it seemed like what the world needs now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah, what the world needs now is just another fat has been with his orange man, bat take. The Wizard of Oz, yeah, you're not Charlie and the chocolate factor, U.S., all that one frame per minute cartoon that he's making that slight show. It's a PowerPoint cartoon is what he's put together for us. He tries to play it off too as a, like, oh, you know, yeah, I'm a little narcissistic because
Starting point is 00:11:49 Trump is narcissistic and so we're all a little narcissistic. That's not how it works. You're still a narcissist, even if you're doing it ironically, you're still a douche bag. Yeah, he fell for that question really poorly when Ethan said, you know, you have this movie that's taking place in the apocalypse or it's post apocalyptic. Is that because of what's going on in the world right now? And check black of course falls for that.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah, man, everything's crazy. Our president is spewing hate. He just made a silly cartoon that's not very funny. Let's not pretend that there's political ramifications. You know what I mean? What is he running for president now? You're jack black. I mean, just you can imagine when we're having
Starting point is 00:12:32 walked into a studio with that idea and they, I guess they must have just told them, listen, even your stupid propaganda still needs a plot to hold it together. You can't just push this out. This is North Korea. Like we need a pretense at the very least. So did you watch the Tunisia steep episode or any others too?
Starting point is 00:12:53 I did. I checked out episode 84 with Bill Burr, which is a famous one for them. And then I checked out episode 95 because I wanted to hear what a show was like without a guest to hear what their banter was. How about you? Yeah, I checked out the billboard one two for a little bit and also a solo Guessless episode. So you always like to play clips that summarize the show. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah mine would be clip one drama What have people been saying about me recently?
Starting point is 00:13:25 OK. That I'm a hypocrite. That I prioritize money over everything else. That I've thrown friends under the bus. That I'm ignorant and poorly informed. And spread misinformation. That I'm arrogant. That I cannot handle criticism.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And that I've used people, just to name a couple of the reoccurring themes. I'm sure there's so much more you could say about me. And let me just say this okay for the record that I am guilty of all of those things. That's it. Wow. See, to understand this show, you have to Understand the YouTube ecosystem where fan bases are They get this fan boss syndrome where all it everything you do is wrong and do you have to apologize every single week and Ethan Is one of those hosts who gets some of the worst shit I don't know if you've checked out their subreddits and some of the videos on YouTube people do about them
Starting point is 00:14:24 there's like retards doing two and a half hour documentaries, exposés on Ethan, analyzing every little handshake, every little eyebrow movement to make them out to be psychopath. There's people on his subreddit writing these five page long essays outlining exactly how he should apologize and for what and what he needs to do otherwise is a psychopath. It's this insane thing. Let's take a step back real quick and explain who these people are. Ethan Klein is a YouTube celebrity, H3H3 productions is, and correct me if I'm wrong because
Starting point is 00:15:03 I just learned about this stuff yesterday. All right, so I'm just getting up the speed on this. But this is a YouTube celebrity who does something that's very similar to what WATP does. He takes other YouTube shows, pulls clips from them and then makes fun of how shitty they are. Yeah, basically. Basically. And I went and I watched a few of his more recent ones. I watched him make fun of Jake Paul and his mystery box video, which was one he put out recently. And it's good.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I enjoyed it. I thought that is YouTube channel and what they were doing it. It's scripted. It's produced. It's edited. I thought it was pretty well done. Yeah. I mean, I mean, admittedly, I'm not a viewer, but yeah, from what I've seen
Starting point is 00:15:47 it is, but there's just so much drama that it's always been going on. It's like we've always been at war with Ethan Klein, type of propaganda almost in his own subreddits where he's not welcome in the least somehow. It's bizarre. Well, the sad thing is you can tell that he's actually trying. He's just, he won't, he clearly just wants to make a podcast on his own because he was good in the tineshous d episode. But he has this entire listenership. I don't want to call them fans because it seems like half of the Mar fans and half of the Mar just hate watching him.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah. And hopes to get on their skin with these long ass posts about how he's a psychopath and that bill burps. So just gave them all of the fodder they ever needed. Yeah. Let's talk about that because it's been brought up that the bill burps episode is controversial that it was very awkward. So I listened to it and knowing that a had a time, I didn't think it was that bad.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Because I had these expectations, like, oh, Bill Burr's gonna walk up the show, it's gonna be this crazy cluster fuck, it wasn't that bad. So I pulled the clips that I pulled, and I'll play those for you, but then after the fact, I realized that there's all these YouTube videos about
Starting point is 00:17:01 how shitty that Bill Burr video was. Oh yeah. And these videos have hundreds of thousands of views people talking about talking to billber. It's crazy, that's what, yeah. It's spawning whole cottage industry of people just shitting on Ethan. Yes! On that fucking episode. So let me explain to you real quick how the like real life celebrities interact with the YouTube losers.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah. Yeah. I like to know that since YouTube is so big now, I guess the big celebrities, the real life celebrities like Bill Burr, you know, Tanesha's team, if you want to call them celebrities still, their managers basically tell them, listen, you've got to promote your nonsense here on this show. And you know, this is what the kids watch these days. They play Fortnite and they watch podcasts on YouTube. You may not like it, but you got to do it. And then sometimes they show it the respected deserves like Bill Burr, who shows up in a studio.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And sometimes they don't show it, they respect it the so they just phone in on a literal toy phone while they walk their dogs. That's the, That's the thing. You have these industry tightens professionals versus somebody who just used to do videos in his bedroom, right? There's this discrepancy and experience and professionalism. No matter how much they try, it's not. This is an Anderson Cooper in front of these guys. It's just some YouTuber. And I remember you gave us shit because we fucked up. We did. Yeah. Yeah. Listening back to that, listening back to you guys talking about that, I agree with you now. Oh, wow. Just to say, it's come around. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Well, not come around. Just than admitting it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's just that you kind of sort of suck at it. But I think you have to keep in mind that somebody like Bill Burr, he's such a professional. He doesn't give a shit if even if you do fuck up that badly. No, everybody's making this out to be like, oh, Bill Burr, he hated it. He wanted to kill himself. He wanted to run away.
Starting point is 00:19:01 But I call him, so you Bill Burr, after walking out of that set. He probably doesn't even remember he even did that show. Yeah, I think he was fine. There were times actually I might as well play a clip, this awkward ending that he does where Ethan's like beating himself up and Bill Bert's like, it was, it's fine, dude, whatever. Yeah, I'm happy. You know, it may suck that my team lost to him, but I was really happy for them that they finally got a super ball. Well, I love that moment you know, it means sucked at my team lost to him, but I was really happy for them that they finally got a super baller Well, I love that moment. I love everything you do the great great because I turn around Where I made you uncomfortable now you fucking sit there and come
Starting point is 00:19:37 I almost made it through don't make an accident myself. I got so close. Yeah, that's where it shows He's not a professional interviewer. I want to go back real quick to when you were talking about these guys who come on the show because I remember was it, um, who, who's the country singer that you guys interviewed who does like the raunchy country songs? Um, Wheeler Walker. Yeah, Wheeler Walker Jr. Who's the sky by the way? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, he has a nice, I've heard him on other shows, but I just thought it was really insulting when he comes out in your guy's show, and he says, yeah, you know, people are listening to podcasts now, so what the hell, I'll do your show. I did show zero respect for you. And Jack Black actually explains why he's on this show. And it was actually my son,
Starting point is 00:20:24 Sammy, who turned me on to your show. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Love. Love. 3H3. Sammy.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Yeah. How old is he? He's 12. Yep. That's the kicker right there. Yeah, it's a good thing my son's a huge fan of yours. Oh, okay. Who are all of these? He's 12.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Bye. That's a good catch. I didn't catch the age there. But yeah, it's Apparently his son is now setting up a YouTube page for him too For Jack Black. Yeah, he's gonna be a gamer now. Wonderful. That's that's all we need it now I have a feeling that that's not gonna do very well I it could it's Jack Black. I mean that guy is way past his prime on this at this point. You say that, but his PowerPoint show has millions of views.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Does it? Yeah, I thought it was 100,000. Oh, okay. I went to see the full-length thing and it was like 100,000. All right. Let's talk about how Ethan is not the best at interviewing and I don't interview people for a living and I know that Kaya you've said, oh, he's actually gets so easy. It's very difficult. I'm going to point something out though, you got to do your prop work. You got to know if you're going to ask questions, at least know the question you're asking is correct to begin with. This is him asking Bill Burr about the new movie that's coming out that Bill stars in,
Starting point is 00:21:50 and he gets his character completely wrong. I saw from the trailers, not that much information, but you seem to be playing a very sincere detective. Did I understand that role? No. I'm playing a reporter. Oh, you're a reporter. Okay, so you're who works for the Miami-Gear. I'm playing a reporter. Oh, you're a reporter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Oh, it works for the man. One of the good guys who mysteriously still possesses my boss in accent. All right. So that's a fail number one. He doesn't even know what character the guy's playing. And then when he's talking to Jack Black, he, they're talking about Judaism and the fact that Jack Black is a Jew just like they are. Oh my god, yeah, they wouldn't shut up.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It was a 30 minute segment. I did even call on the Clutch chart. It was so boring. Ethan, I clip like, if you look at my clip names, half of my clips are him talking about Jews because he wouldn't shut up about it. I know. Every topic came back to Judaismizum somehow. Well, this is him asking Jack Black about his being born a Jew and getting it completely wrong, but you your father was born a Jew.
Starting point is 00:22:55 No, no, didn't get that one right. And then the last one I want to play is just Ethan getting it wrong once again. This is talking about Tenacious D's cartoon. Well, there was a scene where you guys cut off Donald Trump Jr's penis. No, not true. Or no, you're right. He was, I mean, that's where I say, I understand you're nervous. You're talking to David Cross or whoever you might be talking to.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And it's very exciting. But just do your homework. Just show up knowing the questions that you're going to ask and making sure they're accurate. I mean, I kind of feel for him because he can tell he tried to watch that dribble. That's true. Really, he just, he couldn't give a less of a fuck. But he tried to find something fun about it. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I mean, what's he supposed to do? Like, could you watch all of that? Yeah, get this. Just put it, just make a comic book, Jack Black, then just wouldn't that be easier? Just make a few panels, make it a web comic, so I can just watch your entire show within two images. It's so bad. It'd be much easier.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I don't want to skip the due thing too quick, because it was so weird. It was boring because he keeps asking everybody and they're, oh, he goes to Kyle at some point, he goes, what about you? Are you a Jew? Are you a Jew? While he is a Jew, well, I grew up in Israel,
Starting point is 00:24:12 but it just keeps coming back to Jew, Jew, Jew, and you're just sitting there thinking who gives a fuck. So this is a quick compilation of like just a summary of it is clip three. All right. And I was living in Israel at the time. Do you know any other Hebrew prayers? A lot of us were surprised to learn that you're Jewish.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I don't know why, but that's came as a surprise to a lot of us. But your father was born a Jew. No, my father was born Protestant. Right, my mother was born a Jew but since you've had kids I've heard that you've returned to synagogue usually I find that it's the male or the female that Converse to Judaism, but your dad converted to Judaism, right? Yeah, I find that fascinating pure bread beautiful paper Female Jew what is this a fucking Nazi document? I'm a full paper. Yeah. Yeah. What? What did you know, female Jew?
Starting point is 00:25:05 What is this a fucking Nazi document? Ha ha ha ha. I had to tell you, Kai, I love the fact that you get this show. You went in, you picked up on something. I was listening to this too, and I couldn't clip it because it was so boring. But I love that you put together a compilation. This conversation, like you said, was most of the show.
Starting point is 00:25:24 He was so fascinated by the fact that Jack Black is Jewish, that this was all they were talking about. And then they were talking in Hebrew. And Hilo was trying to explain Hebrew words to them. I mean, that's that's okay. That can be like endearing. He'll try to explain words with their accent and them singing together. That's sweet. But it came to this point where the topic would change and then out of nowhere Ethan would go, yeah, so do you like Israel? If you if you want a compilation, I also clipped every single time they just said, you so play O2 to and I was living in Israel at the time. Do you know any other Hebrew prayers? Jew. Do you know any other he brood prayers Jew being of the Jews and your Jewish a Jew born a Jew full
Starting point is 00:26:05 Jew According to the Jews I'm Judaism, but your dad converted to Judaism, right? He was into Judaism practicing Jew Joachim Judaism Jews Jews As well, Dodd that's hilarious I told you Jewish people don't have rhythm. Oh, that is well done. That's hilarious. I had to. Somehow they got entertaining all of a sudden. What happened there?
Starting point is 00:26:31 What did I miss? I don't sound anything like the H3 podcast. I was having fun for a second. Yeah, this doesn't help my reputation as an alt-right guy. I do want to talk about the other thing that he loves to talk about, this Ethan guy. Beside Judaism and being a Jew is, I know, I picked up on this in both the Bilber episode and the St. Shusty. He asked people if they watch YouTube.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Now you guys, do you guys watch YouTube? In Seville. I know. Oh, really? I do. Could you do it like? Well, yeah, I'm sorry. I know. Oh, really? I do. Could you get close with the mic? Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Um, he did the same thing with Bill Burr.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Do you watch YouTube? Which is a weird question. I think he's trying to lead them to talking about himself. I got my huge YouTube personality. Do you know about my channel? Have you seen my, cause these guys who are older guys go, yeah, yeah, watch YouTube, I like the documentaries. I'll watch the guys show me how to play guitar lick.
Starting point is 00:27:26 They're not watching him in his goofball antics on YouTube, but he wants them to be so badly. If I had to guess, I would say that it's because he has to reference the ecosystem that he's coming out of at the end of the day, because remember, most of his fans are the people who can you know met him on YouTube, right on YouTube and you can't just talk about Tinesh's D only. You have to bring up YouTube on all the wacky Fortnite gamers on YouTube so your viewers stay engaged in.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Is that the reason that that makes sense? Yeah, let's let's talk about YouTube for a little while You jack black's like I'm 53 years old. Why are we why are we talking about you? Yeah, Kyle looks like father time With a ring away, but you know, you know, what's even more fun than talking about YouTube Carl? What's that is watching YouTube on a podcast? Oh, we shit. Tell me you have that because I have that too Oh fuck yeah, play my clip 13. Okay. Kelsey Grammer falls off stage. I think I'm wow And there you have it wow see that one more time
Starting point is 00:29:01 That's a podcast. Yeah, that doesn't be it be amazing It's just fucking white noise in the background. If you were watching a video, thanks. It's just a bunch of wind tunnel noise on a podcast. We didn't see it the first time, Ethan. I know. I see you have another more YouTube BS. Let me just pop in real quick because in the episode that I listened to, they didn't have a guest on it. They decided, and I get it. This is also a YouTube show. They do this, is it a live YouTube show? They reference the fact that they can't edit it,
Starting point is 00:29:32 I think a few times. Yeah, they stream it on a Twitch. Okay, so it's a show on Twitch that becomes a podcast. I mean, it's called a podcast. You think it would be good for, it's the Joe Rogan format, streamed life, and then there is an audio version, which, you know, Joe Rogan does the same bullshit
Starting point is 00:29:51 where he watches a video. Yes, it's so obnoxious. So this is an example of them. This is on, they were recording on Black Friday, and they're like, let's watch this Black Friday video. Listen to how riveting this is as a podcast. Let's start in the United States and see what black Friday is like there.
Starting point is 00:30:09 This one I couldn't tell if it was from this year because they're so. I guess people are so starting pretty calm. Just leading about it. I'm back. Excuse me. Yeah, it he thought. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I you can I mean I can imagine it's what it just sounds like a playground. What what right? I don't want to watch I hate this shit where Medium has to step out of what it's supposed to be the same way I hate reading in movies. Yes, like a scrolling text Fuck off with this shit. That's a movie. Just show it. You're talking about to me. You're the star wars right now
Starting point is 00:31:02 No, not what I mean. That's yeah, guess. Yeah. No, I'm gonna get hate Can I hate Star Wars everybody? I I I couldn't care less Anything else you want to talk about with them watching videos out there, Vagias. Oh No, just quickly this the silly clip I have is clip eight. Play that real quick. If you fuck a robot sex doll, is it cheating? No, see that that kind of riled me up because if you're fucking a robot sex doll, you don't have anybody to cheat on.
Starting point is 00:31:39 That's a good point. I didn't even think of that at all. No, it's ever cheated out there, their significant other with a robot sex style. That's for lovely people. Ditch this warm loving sexy human being that somehow isn't gratifying enough and let me fuck this doll that was printed somewhere in a Chinese province.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I wanna talk about, they start off on their Thanksgiving special episode on Black Friday, episode number 95. And this is the first episode I listen to. And I know that this is a big show. I know they get big guests. I didn't do the research on why they're big or famous or anything like that. So right out of the gate, I start listening to this.
Starting point is 00:32:21 And I'm expecting them to have hot takes or provocative conversations, maybe controversial thoughts and opinions. This is a track that I call hot take. I don't like the Thanksgiving food. You know what? Can I make a confession? I don't like turkey. It's the most boring meat imaginable. And it's like the...
Starting point is 00:32:45 All right, so he doesn't like turkey. That's his hot take. And then it gets even crazier. Watch out for this, Kaya. I hope, trigger warning. I hope we're not offended by this. It's just not funny. We're gonna burn.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And then you're with the cranberry? Cranberry, what? What? I know there's people at home who are like, no! Yeah. I know. It's a very polarizing thing. Yeah. I don't like stuffing. I don't like cranberry. I don't like turkey. Who gives a shit? Who gives a fuck? That is not a polarizing thing saying you don't like cranberry sauce or stuffing. Who could possibly give a shit about this? It goes on and on to the point where they start talking about pie.
Starting point is 00:33:23 No, I mean some people like it We're also not fans of the pies, so there was a bunch of pumpkin pie and I don't I can you know I don't want to offend too many people here. I know I'm gonna start a whole new wave of Fan until now But I don't like pumpkin pie Wow ed stuff, man. I don't even know. No wonder they're getting so much shit out in the sub-reddit. This guy doesn't like pumpkin pie. I'll be worried to give him a 15-paragraph article.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Get the shit. I mean, yeah, if you lower the bar that much to where you have on Tenacious Deeds, talk about how having Dix on a show is so edgy and raunchy then this is your, you know, risk-a-material. I found this so endlessly boring. And then he has sponsors on the show and he goes in and does his reads.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I think they cut to commercials. So it's not like he's doing a live read. I just wanted to pull this clip. This is from the Tenacious D episode and he's talking about one of the sponsors. I just thought this was a little bit over the top. You pop it in your phone, you're good to go. These guys, I love it so much.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I love this product. The internet has gotten way too expensive. We need a company like this to just come disrupt. That's why I love Mint Mobile. Give him a shock, you're ice. He loves mint mobile. According to his reach, just now I've never even heard of mint mobile.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Is that really a fucking company? Are they scamming me? What's going on? No, they're real. Nobody loves mint mobile. The fuck is that? Okay, you're in marketing. Cut him some slack.
Starting point is 00:35:02 You know how this works. I do. They do the personal endorsement shit Where you have to see oh yeah, I totally love this pair of whatever this service that delivers bananas to my door But there's a way to do it that you is believable and then there's that way to do it Dick used to talk about Maddox with this shit Max would be, this mattress is the greatest thing that's ever happened to humanity, like I covered down. It's a mattress that comes in a box. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Like people order it. You don't have to, you're overselling it. I fucking love Mint Mobile. My life was goddamn shit. And then Mint Mobile came out with $20 a month unlimited data. Who gives a shit. To refer at least all of the ad-readings is bunched together so you can easily skip it. That's true. That's a nice little thing. I do appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Ethan, so they're talking about Thanksgiving. It's just Ethan and Hila having this really mundane boring conversation. This is early out of the show, Ethan decides he's gonna try a bit and this is a little bit of a longer clip, but hang in there because you hear the entire birth and death of a bit that Ethan tries to do that he fails miserably at. Like do a little bit of show prep. He had nothing for this. You know, we never said things at dinner.
Starting point is 00:36:22 That's true. Should we do it now? No. All right, I'm going to pause it real quick. Do you hear how much fucking noise is going on? They're like moving their mics around. They're breathing into the mic. Like you were talking about, they have nice equipment.
Starting point is 00:36:36 What the fuck are they doing? Is that like shit? All right, back to the clip. Could be exciting. What am I thankful for? What am I truly thankful for? Well clearly you. Clearly I'm thankful for you. Everything good in my life was a result of. I'm thankful for this is so long. Yeah, that's what I didn't want to do it. But it's great too, isn't
Starting point is 00:37:04 it? No. Not good content. I have black Friday why I didn't want to do it. But it's great, too, isn't it? No, not good content I have black Friday deals. They might be thankful for oh, he was trying to segue out of this Okay, let's do that. This is where they really need out of thing God, I don't want to be mean to this woman who's just this innocuous God, I don't want to be mean to this woman who's just this innocuous lady sitting there, I guess, watching her boyfriend's podcast, but she has the charisma of a door stop. I have the exact same note out here. She has, she's the opposite of charisma. She sucks the charisma out of the room. Yeah. So this is the bit that she's trying to get to. She does her own, her own bit. Now on those other podcasts
Starting point is 00:37:45 with their interviewing celebrities, she doesn't talk at all. But this episode, she's the co-host. So she has to come with some cool, fun bits and come up with something. She's got this this Black Friday bit and listen to this teaser. This might be the worst teaser in the history of shows. ELA has put together black Friday deals that nobody wants. And there's some hilarious stuff on here, like the Dollar Tree. Everything's one dollar today, only. And so much more. Wow, you hear that?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Wow, yeah. I hope people aren't turning off WATP to go listen to episode 95, because like, whoa, what is that? I gotta hear what's gonna happen in this bit. No, that, no, I immediately recognize that giggle. That's the, I'm trying to flatter my girlfriend in front of other people, so she'll, you know, give me head later, giggle.
Starting point is 00:38:40 You know that, aw, that is uncomfortable. Well, this is, this next clip is the actual bit. And this goes on for a while. This is how hilarious this is. Genuine leather. Mm-mm-mm. And with a stand. I guess it's on sale, but we don't know for how much.
Starting point is 00:38:57 So, hurry while supplies last. Exactly. All right. This is exciting. There we go laughs! If you have to say that this is exciting, it's definitely not exciting. I don't want to rip on, I'll add too much either. Her laugh is boner-repewant.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I just have this tiny little iso of her laughing. It's the least attractive laugh of any girl ever. I can picture her pushing up her glasses as she's laughing like that. So I put together- No, we're just being mean. I know, I know. I put together a quick compilation. This is her adding nothing to the show. It's just a couple quick clips here.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Listen to what she asked in the show. She just agrees with whatever was just said, over and over again. But we did it. We came in. We did it. And first of all, animals cannot consent. You know, we never said that.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It's a dinner. That's true. I guess it's on sale, but we don't know for how much so hurry while supplies last Exactly. Did he say you got blood on your face? That's what I was thinking Dino my drop in money and broadcast school has really paid off Ad she's a little bottomized Talk about adding nothing to the show and it's not like Ethan doesn't need a co-host. He could really use a co-host with some charisma.
Starting point is 00:40:30 He would help him on a ton. Yeah, literally anybody else. Ha, ha, ha. Well, I'm gonna keep us, I know I've been taking over. I'm gonna keep steering through this episode 95 because there's a couple more things that I wanna talk about. They're talking with the, one of the big stories on the show is there's a couple more things that I want to talk about. They're talking with the,
Starting point is 00:40:45 what are the big stories on the show? Is there's this guy who is 69 years old and he wants to legally change his age to 49. Right? And this is, this was a big new story. A lot of podcasts talk about this. So we got a 69 years old. So of course, Hill has got a hilarious joke for this.
Starting point is 00:41:04 69. 69, that's right. Here we have it. Here's a little video about it. It's got a legend, man. You just try to fuck. He's like, dude, nobody wants to fuck a 69 year old. But my dick, I got a 49 year old dick.
Starting point is 00:41:20 My dick is still 69. We can 69, but I'm 49. Ehehe, yo! Oh! And I agree with what you were saying before. There's even trying to save it. It's like that sad thing where you don't want the person to be embarrassed. Where you should have just been like, no.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah, I know. At some point you have to realize that your girlfriend isn't the right conversational duo for every situation. This is, I got to tell you this Ethan guy is a master debater. He brings up this argument that nobody is talking about and then debates it with nobody. And this is, this is they're talking about, I don't and this is they're talking about I don't even know what they're talking about gay marriage or something well people have been making these arguments for so long people have been saying it about homosexuality first they say oh if two dudes can fuck each other or
Starting point is 00:42:16 marry each other then what then what can we start marrying animals yeah that's and it's it's just so weak it's so lame like and first of all animals cannot consent So he goes into these starts explaining why that's a shitty argument you don't have to nobody is making that argument nobody brought that up It's up for you just a little mm-hmm on the side Once again always adding so much to the show Holy shit. Yeah, you know, defending gay marriages, the hill you still have to die on in 2018. Right. There's just so much pushback against that.
Starting point is 00:42:55 The as we know, the most powerful political party out there, one of the most forceful forces is the Westboro Baptist church still. Yeah. Yeah, who are they arguing with? What percentage of the population is equating gay people with having sex with animals? There's nobody who's doing that. Oh, but I'll be able to stand up to those Fox.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah, okay, good, good job. Good argument, dummy. And Yasuo doesn't like pie. And he hates pie. And do you know what Lee Curtis' Kaya? Yeah. Okay, she's a movie star, very famous in the 80s, and dummy thinks this about her.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Quick me if I'm wrong Dan, but wasn't Jamie Lee Curtis born with both of a Gina and a penis? What? I swear, I swear, look it up. Uh oh, Ray Tart Alert. Ray Tart Alert Glass. Yeah, that swear, look it up. Uh oh, retard alert. Retard alert glass.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, that's just not the case. No, that sounds like you just read some fan fiction on the internet and believe it. Maybe you saw a tenacious D, still frame cartoon that had a penis. Holy shit, God, that was so bad. The more you bring it up, it's just... I was watching one of your past episodes where you were reviewing, as I was on the goddamn plane, I listened to the to an episode, I think it was like 27 or so. A sometime traveling shake with terrible sound effects on our podcast. And even that woman was doing a better job than to make sure she's the on their show.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's amazing. All right, let's get into the bill, Berthing. And I know that this, people have already talked about this. I don't want to go too much into it. But it starts off with Bill's talking about, he's got a two-year-old daughter. And he's explaining that he wants to teach his daughter some self-defense, some martial arts.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And this is just not a good thing to say to a guy who's got a two year old daughter. See, that's part of, I feel like that's a new thing. You're already worried about your daughter being sexually assaulted, you know. How is your daughter? I don't think that is. I think that you projecting projecting the LCD on me.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Mm-hmm. Don't. Yeah. We're a thing to say to a guest. Yeah. Yeah, that episode is just chock full of these things. Play on my clip 19, which is the... I set this up, but I feel like everyone must have already seen
Starting point is 00:45:27 this clip is because this is the peak cringe that people keep circulating on the internet for why Ethan embarrassed himself in front of Bill Burr. I would assume that most people who listen to WTP have no idea who H3 is, but they might know who Bill Burr is. For sure. Yeah, all right. Here's the clip. Oh, it like broke my heart. And I was proud that she said three words and she totally communicated like.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Right. Yeah. It seems like you're in love with your daughter hearing you talk about her on the podcast. She's right. Well, you're pretty perceptive. Take a care of her. Well, I listen more than that. Yeah. That is total garbage.
Starting point is 00:46:08 The thing that I was thinking about is I'm listening to an interview, Bill Burr, who's a great guest, a great comedian, could roll with the punches, should be a pretty easy interview. Cause you could just get on a roll on any topic and Bill Burr will have funny things to say about it. Ethan is famous
Starting point is 00:46:26 for putting together these produced video clips where he makes fun of other videos. And now for some reason he's interviewing celebrities. There's a disconnect there and it reminded me of an old Mitch Hedberg bit that I'm going to play for you because I think that this is spot on with what's happening. But I was standing up to me, I got into comedy, a new comedy, which is weird, I know. But when you're in Hollywood and you're comedian, everybody wants you to do other things besides comedy. They say, all right, you're a stand-up comedian.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Can you act? Can you write? Write us a script. They want me to do things that's related to comedy, but not comedy. That's not fair. This is so if I was a cook and I worked my ass off to become a good cook. They said, all right, you're a cook. Can you farm?
Starting point is 00:47:12 That's all I could think about when I'm listening to this guy knocking out of his own way trying to interview Bilber. Bil was talking about how his dad was a dentist and okay you might have experiences with dentists, you might have something that you can add to that story. This is what you don't wanna talk about. Dentist suicide rates. What is this, you've probably heard this a lot. People say that dentists are like high rate of suicide.
Starting point is 00:47:40 What is, is there something to that? Have you heard that? Uh, yeah, I think everybody heard that growing up, but I never knew one that, no, never knew. I've never known one that killed himself. So, yeah. Did you, well, it sounds like it was stressful,
Starting point is 00:47:53 but not suicidal. Yeah. How do you react to that? If that wasn't dentist. So your dad, so what your dad didn't kill himself? Right. I think that, but your dad is so what your dad didn't kill himself? Oh, right. I think you did. Well, son, like your dad is still alive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:07 The fuck gonna interview? Is that what was he hoping would happen there? I don't know. Yeah, it's like he said it's, when you get too big on you to be suddenly fun yourself in circles that you don't know how to move in. Right. That's exactly what's happening to this guy. You know, we had the other funny thing is that they're huge fanboys of Bill Burr and they're talking about this famous Sherries Barys read that Bill Burr did where he kind of loses it.
Starting point is 00:48:39 And this is circulated. It's become a viral video. Hilla needs to say something so badly in the setup to them playing this video. And again, it's just her adding nothing. Cherry's beer. They get me. We just don't want to happen. If somebody knew came in or maybe somebody saw a black clansman, the original cut of it, before it came out now.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah, it should. I don't know what happened. What do you know? I was going to say, we listened to it so many times. It's like one of our, oh thank you. I love you. She had to interrupt this conversation with saying, I was gonna say that we've listened to that a lot of times.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Great. She's like a little retarded child. Like I feel bad for making fun of her. I know. Because she's so, she's innocently annoying. Yes. Right? She's not like a little screaming child. She's just this little nuisance that you want to hug sometimes because it's almost endearing how worthless she is.
Starting point is 00:49:38 She's just so boring. She adds nothing to the show. She has to detract from the show, but this is a big show. So people hear this and they think, oh, I could be on a podcast. I'm gonna start a podcast. And that's why there's 300,000 shitty podcasts out there because shows like this become big
Starting point is 00:49:57 and you got this fucking terrible non-tailing on there, making no sense, adding nothing to the show. And then we end up with, you know, this could get awkward in all these other fucking shows that we have to endure and push through because everyone thinks they can do this. It's speaking of this could get awkward. I just want to point this out real quick.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Did you happen to hear our episode last week with that show? I think so. Okay. I didn't think it was a great episode. People seem to really like it. And I actually had this guy pretzel king give me a heads up on something that happened in episode 30. I don't know if people are going to listen to this show. They're hate listening to it now. But he gave me a
Starting point is 00:50:38 heads up. So I wanted to pull a quick clip because I found this to be pretty hilarious. It just occurred to me that as this episode will air, it'll be just a few days after Marijuana legalization in Canada. Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop Oh my gosh your air horn sound is so good. Oh, thank you. Like honestly, I went in I would have actually thought that that was the legit sound effect Do it again. Oh no That was good That was the most Canadian thing I've ever heard of my life. All of a sudden Ethan's podcast looks stellar. I just want to pull an ISO or the very end of that.
Starting point is 00:51:32 They're laughing so hard. They're stupid sound effect that their breathing becomes infuriating. Listen to this. I didn't edit that. That really happened on the show. I don't know. Alright, get back to H3. Sorry to get us distracted for a second there. There's an ISO that I pulled out that we could have played multiple times this episode
Starting point is 00:52:03 already, but I just thought this was perfect. That's a bad joke, Ethan. There's a lot of those. It's a lot of those. Talking to Bill Burr, at one point, Ethan's lost total control of the interview. Bill's just had it. And you also had a zillion kids, so I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Really? How many siblings do you have? I don't know, dude. The internet's too fucking weird to give out all that information. Oh, you don't even want to say how many, because you're afraid that it will help me keep talking about it. Is anybody can cut this out? I'm honest, dude. Seriously?
Starting point is 00:52:35 No, dude, I, yeah, there's fucking lunatics out there. Okay. Well, off the air, off the air, I'll tell you. All right. Jeez. I love how surprised he is. That was a real uncomfortable moment. It is, but you know, Carl, people don't get that.
Starting point is 00:52:51 For some reason, most people don't understand why you wouldn't want to talk about your personal life. I know you have a pet peeve about that anyway. Where people talk about themselves too much. Well, Bill Burr, it's fine because Bill Burr is a famous person that people really enjoy his work. I don't like podcasts,
Starting point is 00:53:08 you think they're famous because of their podcast. Talking about themselves. You're talking about people talking about their mundane lives. Like, oh, today I went to Starbucks and this happens. Right. But people also don't get that thing word. You don't wanna talk about your family members, your actual private life.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Like, Bilber has his skits and his bits and his anecdotes that he does in a funny way. But then there's also the real Bilber with a real wife and real siblings that he doesn't want to name their names to you. And people don't get this for some reasons. I get that shit a lot too on our pockets. Hey, why don't you ever mention your girlfriend? Because 10 years from now, I don't want her getting in trouble for something I tweet it. Yeah. Right. Or her ass, or her ass by assholes. I'll take
Starting point is 00:53:56 the harassment. I don't need the people on the show or my family to take the harassment. Exactly. What else do you have from from our friends at H3? I clipped this thing about David Cross because I would chip on my shoulder about that douchebag. If you want to play a clip at 16 and there's like 12 drunk hipsters in the audience And one of them was David Cross. And he was like, you guys are rad. Come open for our thing. We do think called Mr. Show live. Yeah, this is Jack Black talking about how David Cross thinks he's cool. David Cross, just to give you a reference points, recommended we watch Hannah Gadsbees, Nanette on Netflix. So do you see seen this Carl? I have not, no.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Oh my God. Carl, it's so bad. This woman's comedy is so bad that it's actually been, they had to come up with a whole new category of comedy called Post Comedy, which is comedy that's not supposed to be funny. Like even the people who are on her side had to admit, okay, this isn't funny,
Starting point is 00:55:04 but comedy isn't really supposed to be about laughs anyway. I did hear about this. This is, yeah, explain what's this woman's affliction? She has something going on, right? If she doesn't have an affliction, she says gay and she doesn't want to shut the fuck up about. Okay. Every single review of her Netflix show is that it is unfunny even compared to a TED talk. It's literally just her standing in the middle of the stage talking about being gay for two and a half hours or something and they edit in this sitcom laughter which dies down immediately. They fade it out.
Starting point is 00:55:38 They give it like a point to Millie's second fade out. Of course nobody's laughing because this woman isn't doing comedy. She's just telling these. That's not true, Troph. That's not true. Yeah, there's none of that in her show. It just sort of like, oh my mom, she really didn't like me coming out as gay and then, but there's no punchline.
Starting point is 00:56:01 It's just that. It's her talking about being a sad gay lesbian diker something. Right. But David's David Cross has got this thing going. There's very so far left that he has to think that that's a great show. Yeah, exactly, which I don't, I'm always remiss
Starting point is 00:56:17 of putting things that way because I don't want to get political myself. But yeah, if you go on David, David Cross's Twitter, it's this deranged, everything is about Trump, which is usually if you go on David, David Cross's Twitter, it's this deranged, everything is about Trump, which is usually if you have a guest, you do your research, you look them up, and yeah, you know, people in Hollywood, they usually lean left. And if you go on their Twitter, you scroll down, maybe it's some cooking recipe, maybe it's a cute pet photo, and then something about how Republicans like sucking the blood of babies.
Starting point is 00:56:51 But David Cross's Twitter is exclusively just him deranged these rambling about the president right now, which again, whatever, but he was just such a douche on our shorts. That's why he mostly, I recommend it in the nets and I just sat down and watched that piece of shit. It was such a bad show. I think maybe he was fucking with you. Maybe he recommended that so you would waste your time. No, he's a fucking loser. That's why he, David Cross, when we had a mom, he's, they were cross. He used to be washed up 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:57:18 When I was like, I don't know, 17 years old and I was one of those edgy atheist kids like Oh Jesus couldn't have walked on water that's silly. Yeah, he had this bit going around about how the Bible was rewritten and the rewritten Yeah, and even then he wouldn't get a lot of use even then he was an old washed up loser But the boys they got so excited to have this asshole on He would they were genuinely giddy, right? And then this douchebag calls in on his phone because like I said earlier, his manager told him to, he said, hey, you got to promote your stuff on this. But that's the problem with these guys.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Some of them think they're just still way better than the YouTube crowd, which sometimes can be true. But listen, buddy, if you were that much better, you wouldn't be doing the show, would you? Right. Well, I do want to say David Cross, a Russid development and Mr. Show are two things I enjoyed a ton. So David Cross has some merit. I don't know about his standup, but it's very political and it's not my favorite thing. But I thought Mr. Show was a great sketch
Starting point is 00:58:23 comedy show, but this is going back to the 90s. So to your point, this was a long time ago that he was relevant. Yeah, yeah. I mean, again, nothing against his work, but if you're doing a podcast, if you're going to talk about doing podcasting and how somebody like Ethan, he's out of his league, well, if he's out of his league, well, you know, you kind of have to move into his league if you're promoting your shit too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Okay. Don't talk down to people. Don't be a douchebag. We've had much bigger people on them, David Cross. I don't know if you know who notch is. Sure. You know, the guy who's salt-minecraft, the little billionaire, not one of the nicest people I've ever talked to, they do actually sat down like 40 minutes to an hour
Starting point is 00:59:06 in our text chats and as we were troubleshooting his mic. Like this guy's time is worth more than anybody. Right, right. This guy's rich, he doesn't fucking need our, he doesn't need exposure. And when somebody like that treats us with respect and then David Cross comes along and is like, oh, I'm gonna walk my dog by the way.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Ah, fuck you. That was one of the funniest things I'm so glad I found that episode and flipped that because it could have been a bigger fuck you to you guys. And it sucked because was it Andrew who did the introduction? I don't remember. I don't remember, but it sucked because poor guy flubs it
Starting point is 00:59:43 terribly and David Cross already doesn't give a shit. And then as soon as Dan happy's like, all right, I'm really wasting my time here. I'm gonna walk my dog. That was so fucked up. Yeah. All right, get back to age three. But this is again,
Starting point is 00:59:57 I think that you kind of, when you reviewed our review of your show, you talked about that. Well, it wasn't a review as much as know you Yeah, yeah, I mean there's a little bot hurt all admit You guys have an awesome sense of humor about it, which I love and I've had a few few co-hosts From shows who I've roasted like who's right in the dick show like I love the fact that you guys are in on the fact This is just a roast and I Expect it right back and it's all fun and games no one's getting hurt here, but I thought you guys
Starting point is 01:00:31 Fuck what was I talking about? What the fuck am I even talking about right now? There is something you guys do some of You guys said on your show about us that I enjoyed that I'm a brother was now. Oh you will you or review of your review But I'll say though you the kind of stuff that you do and also dick does is It's like the last vestiges the last Generation of comedy that I grew up watching basically because I grew up in You know turquoise and when I was trying to learn English I would watch all of these English comedians English speaking comedians like George Carlin all of these English comedians, English speaking comedians, like George Carlin, Duck Stanhope, David Tell. And it just, it was this unapologetic comedy.
Starting point is 01:01:09 There wasn't even the expectation that they would have to apologize for anything that they said it was a roast. It's weird. It's weird when I watch these YouTubers how cautious everybody is. Oh, this is an entertainment show. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:01:24 You can say things that are controversial. You can be provocative. That's what people use to like. And now you can't do any of that. But I was going to say the thing that I remember, when you were talking about, in defending yourself, about interviewing people, and I don't think it was you talking, but saying, you know, it's difficult. You get a celebrity on and
Starting point is 01:01:46 H3 gets a lot of shit for this because they have a hard time with it This is what this guy's job is now For whatever reason even though he obviously shouldn't be Interviewing celebrities for all the reasons that we've documented for the past hour This is his job. He needs to get good at it at some point. It doesn't what he's going to do. Interview celebrities. You're right. I mean, if you're going to do this, get better at it. Right. Take whatever if you have to calm down.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Have a beer or two. I don't know. Okay. What else do you have about H3 before we move on here? Okay, what else do you have about eight, three before we move on here? I think that's it. It just I have a it's mostly about Jack Black because I just didn't so much I ended up heading him towards the end because he's such a douche. Ethan by comparison, he made Ethan look like such a humble nice person because his douche bag just came on there like, yeah, I'm too edgy for everybody. And yeah, you know, if you want to see our edgy show, that's too hot for YouTube because nobody else wanted it because we're too
Starting point is 01:02:48 cool for Hollywood. I have a clip about him. Flubbing, trying to explain why there's nothing wrong with him sending his kids to a private school, which there isn't, of course, not. But he's so awkward about everything like he he sent his kids to the synagogue, but he has to rationalize it. And he has to come up with excuses why as if there's something wrong with being part of a religious community Yeah, he sent his kids to a private school and he has to make excuses for why because of course He's trying to look woke, you know, he doesn't believe in God. He he yeah, he wouldn't never Be the beneficiary of millions of dollars of wealth. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:27 He wouldn't send a skin to a private school. So I just have that clip, clip 50 in a sim explaining that. Yeah, I love these celebrities who are embarrassed that they're successful. It's fine. No one's upset with you. You have enough money to send your kids to private school. It's okay. Yeah, it's not just embarrassment that the whole Judaism thing was really weird
Starting point is 01:03:46 because you can't have it both ways. You can't both say that the book of Mormon is this super edgy thing because criticizing religion is a taboo. And then also acts like being religious is also a taboo and trying to fumble around for explanations for why you wanted to send your kids to synagogue. It gives a shit.
Starting point is 01:04:05 No, we find this club. What's wrong with public school? It doesn't feel like our society puts enough energy towards public education. Well, there are so tragically, I feel like even though it's not fair, I feel like I have to use the resources that we have at our disposal to give our kids the best possible education. And that unfortunately does not include public school at this time.
Starting point is 01:04:36 I don't know. I'm scared. Oh, jeez. It's so pain-quard. Yeah, it's so awkward. It's rich. It's fine. Oh, when people said they're kids of private school, you all do it, it's so awkward. It's rich. It's fine. Oh, when people said they're kids of private school. You all do it. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:04:49 All right, you ready to move on? Oh, sure. Let's move on. The last thing I want to say about Ethan Klein and the H3 podcast and H3H3 productions is when I was doing my research I found out because he pulls clips from other shows that he was sued at one point. And he won a lawsuit over the fair use clause of the copyright law, which for me personally, I was excited about it. I'm a champion of fair use.
Starting point is 01:05:23 You can pull clips from other people's work in when you're critiquing it or If you're turning it into comedy there are there are reasons why you can do that So I was really happy to hear that he there was a That was a big one instead of precedent. Yeah, I'm also a free speech fetishes because I've never really had it. You have been grown up in Turkey. But the case was that he essentially just made fun of another YouTuber and the YouTuber kept copying, striking him and suing him, I think. It was a, you
Starting point is 01:05:57 know, a Maddox versus Dick Masterson case, essentially, and he won that case. And it's set the president because before that, nobody had to want a case like that about fair use on YouTube. So that was a big deal. It's huge. And obviously Maddox versus Dick is a bigger deal. But to me, it's more about who are these podcasts
Starting point is 01:06:19 versus the vanished because the host of that show did threaten legal action against me and I'm really glad to hear that that would have gone nowhere for her. I mean, I don't wanna get sued because I don't want it to pay for all that bullshit. But I've been asked many, many times over the past year so for episode 88, the show that we took off the internet.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Yeah, I fast you, yeah. The only person who I've said to do is you. Yeah. You reached out to me and said, I wanna hear this episode 88. And because you're a celebrity, I sent you that episode. I'm so liberating.
Starting point is 01:07:02 That's very generous. I sent you that episode. But I want to say that when I went back and I found it and I pulled it for you, I listened to the first 20 minutes or so and I remembered it being not a great show and then I was listening back to it. I'm like, this is actually kind of funny. I mean, the subject matter's not funny.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Oh good, okay. Well, here's what I've decided. I'm gonna do something. We don't have a Patreon. So I can't put it behind the paywall or something. But here's what I've decided. I'm gonna do something. We don't have a Patreon. So I can't like put it behind the paywall or something, but here's what I'm gonna do. If you purchase, who are these podcast merchandise? All you have to do is take a photo of that merchandise
Starting point is 01:07:35 once you get it, tweet it at us, Facebook, email, whatever you can do, and I'll shoot you a linked episode ADA. So anyone who's been dying to hear that show that we took off the internet because we are threatened by the vanished. We'll make that available for anyone who wants to contribute to the show. And we'd appreciate that a lot. That's a pretty cool deal. Yeah, I mean, people ask for a long time.
Starting point is 01:08:00 So that's the first time we're making this available. What really gave me the giggles is I was watching one of your more recent episodes, some and another true crime podcast. And I went on their Twitter feed. I don't know why. And I noticed that the author of vanished was all up in her replies, giving her advice on what to do about you. Oh, really? The first first advice was you should sue for a copyright claim or some such nonsense. So this lady still has a vendetta out against you.
Starting point is 01:08:32 So this was recently this woman still motherfucking me? I think so. Oh Jesus Christ. Honestly, I've been all over your playlist on Spotify, so maybe it's not that recent but... I appreciate that, buddy. Thank you very much. Well, let's let's take a minute to talk about the sponsor of our show. And we really appreciate deep discount.com to great website where you'll find thousands of movies and TV shows at incredible prices. Everything on the site is discounted to low, low prices. They have, you know, I like to go back and watch TV shows. Jen from the Jingle department was talking about how she loves news radio from the 90s. And I'll see that she's just watching this show over and over again. Isn't it better just to own it so you can watch it whenever you want and yeah, there's no worries about
Starting point is 01:09:26 Can you stream it? Is it gonna be edited? Are there gonna be commercial interruptions or buffering? You own the region locked. Yeah, it region locked you own the media you can pop it in Watch it whenever you want I just finished reading a book called springfield confidential written by a guy named Mike Reese Who's been a writer on the Simpsons forever and very fascinating talking about behind the scenes Why shows were written the way they were? Like the flaming mose episode This was interesting. He was talking about how
Starting point is 01:10:01 Sam Simon was so pissed that Matt graining got all of the credit for that show that Sam Simon wrote that episode where someone else gets the credit that they thought they deserved. And that was the flaming Moses. Anyway, that's season three. You could buy season three. I'm deepdiscount.com. You can own that for yourself. But it's not just classics, it's not just classic movies and TV shows, they also have new releases out this week is Hellfest. You can get that on Blu-ray, which it's marked down. They also have mid-90s, which is a Jonah Hill movie that's coming out this week. I heard Jonah Hill on Howard's turn talking about this. He wrote and directed this movie about these skateboarders, skateboarder
Starting point is 01:10:54 kids from the mid 90s, and it's gotten rave reviews from all of the different movie, what do you call those things that people go to with their movies? Movie Festival? Yeah, yeah. So bad at this. I don't know what you call those things, but it's got movie festivals. So you can get the new releases, you can pick up your old favorites, there are thousands and thousands of titles available on deep discount for a deeply discounted price is. Please support our sponsor, watch what you want when you want. Go to whoarethese.com, you can click the link right on our homepage or our about page and that way they know that we sent you over there and Kaya, we always end our deep discount reads with with this little gem
Starting point is 01:11:47 Thank you deep discount Thank you deep discounts. They have deals on attack on Titan merch. So you can go get that Beautiful beautiful. Thank you. I need you're I need you to speak to the kids out there for me I can do that. Yeah, wow, they have a bunch of anime stuff. Sweet. So, so check that out because Kaiya sent you. Remember that. All right, I want to just play a couple things here real quick. First off, there's a podcast that I'm a huge fan of called Noah Jenda. They have, John C. DeVorek and Adam Curry. And on a recent episode, John C. DeVorek talked about who are these podcasts in a very favorable
Starting point is 01:12:34 light. So I want to play that for you real quick. Who are your podcasts or who are these podcasts, which is really, really, really, I think it's a very interesting podcast to listen to, especially when they go after someone. And who does this podcast? These guys, they do, this is called a, we were highlighted. Oh, that's right. Right, right, right, right. I think people should look it up as who are these podcasts. It's a podcast review. It's a podcast review, which is something that I ended at doing and it didn't seem like it was going to work out. No. Because we really have nothing good to say about it. That was the problem. The problem sounded like two podcasters making
Starting point is 01:13:15 fun of podcasts. Two old white podcast, Douches. Yeah. No good. Yeah. It wasn't going to work. No. So these guys have taken the role and they sound like deduces instead of us, but that's telling you to definitely worth listening. Okay. So yes, some of this quite hilarious. That is John C. DeVorek who actually tweeted at us and we put out our Amy Schumer episode. He tweeted about that. And I'm a huge John C. DeVorek fan. He's been a technology writer at PC Magazine in a bunch of different publications for decades now. So very cool to hear that from John C. Devorek. Maybe we'll have him co-host to show one of these days.
Starting point is 01:13:55 It will be cool. He could be the old white man making fun of asshole podcasters. It's usually too old white man making fun of podcasters. It turns out it works. It's a formula that's tried I mean. It's usually too old white men making fun of podcasts. It turns out it works. It's a formula that's tried and true. Why break the formula? That too.
Starting point is 01:14:11 You know, this podcast idea, when I first, I heard about your show from Dick's show for the first time and immediately just, you know, when you hear an idea and you go, oh, fuck, I should have thought about. This is, I both love your your show but at the same time I hope you die in a car crash someday so I can just take over Well, Kaya rather than do that. Why don't you just come out and go host the show with me more often? I love to also like an apprenticeship Yeah, I'll show you the ropes. I think you got this down man
Starting point is 01:14:43 I think you're gonna pass me by very quickly. Speaking of the official podcast, which is co-hosted by my buddy, Kaya, you guys were talking about flat earthers the other day. Oh, yeah. Which is awesome because that was a topic of conversation that we had when I was on the show. And that came back up again. We were getting jacked up to speed because he decided to sleep in when I was on the show and that came back up again. We were
Starting point is 01:15:05 getting jacked up to speed because he decided to sleep in when I was on your show. Yeah. Totally missed it. But this is just a, well, first off, thank you because you brought up the fact that, you know, we talked about this with Carl and then after we had that conversation, you went off and did a bunch of research on what these people actually believe. And I think you were dumbfounded by what you found. Yeah, I looked it up, I even did more research after that.
Starting point is 01:15:32 So it turns out there's, I don't know if you know this, but on YouTube, you can find a lot of obscure documentaries made by complete nobody's on channels that have like two subscribers and three views. But there are these documentaries that are four hours long. They spend months on the shit. Yeah, and it's the most conspiratorial, like how Hitler was real victim, turns out that the flat earth, realm is split into these people are split into the flat earth, which is a natural flat earth that exists. And also the people who believe that we're actually living on a flat earth that is under a dome.
Starting point is 01:16:13 They think that there are these creatures or beings called the dome builders who built this dome around us, like in the Simpson's movie. Yeah. And we're basically just prison residents. This was fascinating. I just said this three-hour documentary on the side listening to these idiots. It's weird when you get so deep into something that you think that other people who believe that Earth is flat are crazy,
Starting point is 01:16:37 because they don't even believe that there's a dome around it as well. That's insane. You've gotten, you know, lost the right, the one thing I have to call you guys out on though is that you brought up that there's a flat earth and then I can't remember who said it, but one of you guys said,
Starting point is 01:16:52 and all the other planets are flat too, they just happen to be facing us. So they look around. That's, I don't think that's a flat earth, there's like, I think flat earth there's our kind of religious people who think that everything revolves around the earth and that's why our planet is flat even though everything else is around.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Yeah, see, that's where the opinions are split apparently because the people who believe in the dome builders think that literally everything that you see in the night sky is a projection, or a fake, fakeery much like a... That's even a third thing then. Third? Yeah, because you got the other planets around, the other planets are all flat and facing us. And then this is one where it's like, there aren't even other planets.
Starting point is 01:17:36 We're just pretending that they're... Yeah, maybe. I mean, these people basically think we all live in this gigantic, true-man show worlds and they want to discover how it's going to work. It's it's something. Yeah, I recommend you, I think the documentary I watched is on YouTube. It's called Under the Dome. And when I say documentary, it's some creep with his Windows movie maker who made this three hour long documentary, talking shit
Starting point is 01:18:03 about Einstein for being a Jew, but it's entertaining nonetheless. Well, I will definitely have to check that out. I do your suggestion. I hope it's not as bad as that stand up special that David Cross suggested. Oh, fuck that. Yeah, no, you should review that. I know it's not exactly a podcast, but my God. That's why we own WhoAreThese.com because we thought, it doesn't have to be podcast, we could review all sorts of different things. So yeah, I'm all for that. Yeah, this is just a quick clip of you guys
Starting point is 01:18:36 on the official podcast talking about our buddy from Ancient Aliens. You just reminded me, have you seen ancient aliens at all, like actually watched it? No, I might never love that show. Oh man, I don't call it call. I don't call it call. Said I felt like that guy, but that's it.
Starting point is 01:18:54 All right, so I wanted to, since you haven't heard this guy from the ancient aliens, I wanted to pull a couple of clips for you, Kaya. This is thanks. This is gonna get weird. People aren't gonna know who's saying what here. It's going to get a little bit awkward. This is Sergio Sucoz.
Starting point is 01:19:11 And he was on the Joe Rogan experience years ago. And this is Sergio talking about, well, alien shit. Allegedly, there was a UFO crash or some type of a crash in 1946-1947. And the next day when the newspaper reported something, they said that a flying saucer, a flying disc had crashed there with the potential of, you know, one living body out of the three. And three days later, there was a retraction of that story where the government then told the Roswell newspaper there,
Starting point is 01:19:50 you have to print this story that no flying saucer crashed but a weather balloon and it was only military testing. So I don't know if you hear the resume, but he talks a little crazier when he's on his show. A little bit. A little bit. I try to avoid my own voice wherever possible. How was that possible? You do this for a living. You're on a podcast, you're on YouTube. Yeah. And well, you may have noticed we don't edit very much.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Actually, I was actually impressed. Listening back. I was actually impressed with how quickly you edited the show that I was out with you guys. You had it out. Yeah, you must have listened to the whole thing because you had it out within minutes. No, yeah. Are you kidding? We just think it out. We think the clap sync and out of go.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah, it goes perfectly. Sort of a compressor on it. Sometimes I mean, the boys, you know, they sometimes will edit out things if I say something too risky, but that's about it. That seems to be your complaint all the time as they don't want anything controversial. You're like, fuck it, who cares? We can be controversial. What? Well, yeah. I mean, you're preaching to the choir.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Yeah, the thing is it's not just, it's even more so when you have on a YouTuber guest who are all, like I said, you know, their usual material will always be scripted stuff that they do on their channel and all of a sudden you put them in front of a microphone in front of three other guys in a live setting where they don't have this pre-written script. And, you know, they flop. We had to cancel an entire episode because one guy was just so fucking bad at it. Really? Yeah, and if you, I don't want to name him,
Starting point is 01:21:25 no, I don't have to name him because we don't want to shame him. But when you watch this guy's videos, he has hundreds of thousands of views. He roasts other people much like you do. He has these amazing one-liners. He's great at these comebacks and such. But then when you talk to him, you realize, oh shit, all of this is fake, it's fakeery. Interesting. After we had him on, he literally started editing his own audio, re-recording certain lines and sending them back to a hospital, replace them. That's how that works, you can't.
Starting point is 01:21:57 That's funny, I'm gonna punch up this episode to make me way funnier than you. Real quick, I want to play a voicemail. We had some fun voicemails last week. This is not as much fun, but this is another thing that you can do when you call our show. So I'm guessing that's a friend of this could get awkward Podcast. Yeah, that's always very brave. Yeah, I don't call a fuck you and then hang up real quick But whatever it's all it's all good. It's just the
Starting point is 01:22:34 Calling equivalent of throwing a snowball like someone's window Yeah, chucking a rock off of the bridge. Yeah, I'm a little running All right, this is we got to keep things moving here. Kai, I really appreciate your time. You said you had some comments, I think, to read. I do. But before we do that, it's everyone's favorite segment. Oh, I love that you're trying to keep me on task. I really appreciate that. Honestly, I have fucked that up before where I just forget to do what I'm supposed to do.
Starting point is 01:23:19 And that makes me very happy that you're like, yeah, I remember Kyle, you teased this thing earlier. Oh yeah. Before we get into that, I can't imagine you know a lot about Opie from the Opie and Anthony show. Not a whole lot. No, besides that you have a hate boner for him. Well, but I mean, English isn't even your first language. And you've subbed this up by anyone else.
Starting point is 01:23:43 So I don't want to spend a ton of time on Opie but he did this thing recently. He came to Rochester which is my hometown and he did a podcast from a couple different restaurants and then they put out a new episode January 3rd or maybe it was even more recently than that. Were they just pulled a clip from one of his other episodes that they thought was really important and they wanted to put it out there. It's like a 14-minute-long podcast because as the producer Joey says, this is the clip that everyone's talking about. This is the big thing that's going on. So let me set the scene here. You got OP with Karl Ruiz.
Starting point is 01:24:25 They're with Brother Weiz, who's a local radio host here in Rochester. The three of them are standing at this Christmas party. It's like an event at this high-end restaurant. There's a live jazz band playing in the background. And this woman comes up and says this. I'm gonna be going on your radio show because I have something really big going on. So I'll have to tell you.
Starting point is 01:24:49 I can't tell you about it now. Tell us. Tell us. Tell us. This is just a small podcast, right? Just going all over the world. Yeah. People have a lot of people listening to tell us.
Starting point is 01:25:01 A couple hundred thousand. What are you worrying about? Okay. I'll just give you a hint. It's about the sex abuse scandal in the Diocese of Rochester. Boy. Fun. Yeah, I know. It's the first thing I thought was that we're going to put out this 14 minute clip.
Starting point is 01:25:15 It's already been put out because everyone needs to hear this. This is like, it's supposed to be a comedy show. This woman says, I got this story. I got to tell you on your show, Wee's. I can't talk about it now. It's about this sex scandal. It's like, oh, fuck. And if I'm, you know, I got this story. I got to tell you on your show, Wee's. I can't talk about it now. It's about this sex scandal. It's like, oh, fuck. And if I'm, you know, I'm open.
Starting point is 01:25:29 I'm going, oh, yeah, yeah. Talk to Wee's about that. Nice to see it. Take it easy. But no, they have to try to pry it out of her. And it turns into this clip. So anyway, I got this thing that happened with me. Yes, when I was little, many years ago. But it's- I thought this thing that happened with me. Yes many when I was little many years ago
Starting point is 01:25:47 But I thought the only one I thought the only one with the boys. Yeah, I Swim I'll tell you what happened because it's like setting a precedent in the world. It's None I was sexually abused by a nun. Yeah, that makes it so hot. Oh Did you hear what I just say that's so hot that was OB Oh, yeah, that makes sense. So hot. Oh. What? Did you hear what I'm gonna just say that's so hot? That was Opie. The fucking idiot goes, that's so hot. Sexual abuse by a nun.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Does he realize that she's talking about when she was a little child, presumably? Well, first off, sexual abuse usually means there's a minor involved. Secondly, she did say what I was little, and fucking idiot goes, that's so hot. It says in a fucking lesbian scene, you idiot, this is a crime. Holy shit. So right after that, right after that, she explains how how old she was and listen to this fucking response
Starting point is 01:26:45 And then I went into detail about what happened to me. How old were you? I was 12 11 almost And so they did So all because oh you're 11 years old. Well there go the jokes then what and what age was this gonna be hilarious banter What what were you hoping was gonna happen here? Yeah, there's no cutoff if you're gonna do black comedy. Dark comedy. You gotta have to make fun of it either way.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Doesn't matter if it's a baby. Either make fun of it or don't, but there's no cutoff. You can't just go, oh, did you hit puberty? Then it was fine and funny. I just love that he had no idea. She was gonna be underage. Wait, how old were you? Uh, I was 11 going on 12.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Oh, well then this isn't funny at all. Yeah, no shit. She said she was sexually abused by a nun, you idiot. They put this out again on purpose. It makes it look like an idiot. Anyway, so this is the clip where she explains that she's giving them a great scoop. She has not gone public with this. the first time she's talking about it
Starting point is 01:27:46 I'm OP radio. So in the investigation, this is you guys this is a hot thing that you're getting before anybody this Fucking pirouhries has to call it a scoop or who? I mean, I don't want to sound insensitive of who gives a shit like she got me to a nun who's probably dead by now. Oh yeah, this is going back to the 80s we're talking about. This woman, it comes out that she's in a home with dementia. Like, okay, yeah, what kind of justice is gonna be served here?
Starting point is 01:28:22 But I was so pissed. I was so pissed that Carol says scooparoo and this woman has to triple over it with the word none. Here's the ISO Non Scoop a roux they can't they can't stop themselves All right, and then Opie says this which is just retarded So when did you go public with this? I have not. This is the first time I've spoken to the public. When did you go public with this?
Starting point is 01:28:52 Remember the scoop or roulette talking about Opie? I don't know. Okay, I recognize that. He's drunk. That just being shit face. Oh, baby. That's eight shots in given the benefit of the doubt Hey, when did you go public with this right fucking when is your podcast come out because that's what I'm going public with it You fucking idiots. I just It's not even the benefit that it that it's it goes back to what you said a hundred episodes ago It don't drink and podcast at the same time at least don't drink that much because they're gonna make an asset or yourself
Starting point is 01:29:24 I know from personal experience There is a sweet spot, right? Yeah. Yeah. Just get a little buzz and then that's fine. But once you're in too much, you're going to be the only one who's having fun and everything only makes sense to you. That's a bad time. Well, and Opie goes back.
Starting point is 01:29:43 He explains that he spends hours with Joey editing these podcasts that can't possibly be true because you would take this stuff out to make you seem like a total douche. I would say that. No, no, that's something that podcasts do, and people who make any type of content generally say when they want to sound like they're busy or like they're working a lot. Because there is this ingrained guilt almost because you know there's some poor Schmuck working at the conveyor belt listening to your podcast right who's who has to get up at 5 or 6 a.m.
Starting point is 01:30:20 to get to a shitty job working for a shitty boss. And you feel guilty because you're a millionaire who goes to bars and drinks and makes money with a Zoom recorder. So you have to throw in that little tidbit about how you also, you know, you're breaking your back and sweating, editing this podcast, you're working just as much as a blue call. No, they don't do dig.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Check out the big brain on bread. Dude, I think you just nailed it. Just now that's impressive. You definitely understand the psychosis that is Greg Opie Hughes. Just a couple more clips from this show. It told my mother a little bit, but I didn't tell her the whole story. So my mother wrote letters to the diocese, to the mother house to everyone trying to get this non-removed, and it was ignored. Blah!
Starting point is 01:31:13 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Yeah. I don't, I didn't think that was funny at all. I don't know why those women from this could get awkward or laughing at that. Opie then asks the world's dumbest question That's unbelievable. So I know so it's really good. When you were 12 Why were you scared to tell your mom? Even we as goes Ming guy. She's 12 years old Opie. Why did you want her to do?
Starting point is 01:31:40 She was molested by a nun at school to do, she was molested by a nun at school. And Opie's like, so what's your fucking problem? Why don't you say something to somebody? You're going to be scared of a nut from everything that I've seen from American movies. You have to be scared of a nun regardless of whether or not they abuse you sexually, let alone if they rape you. They're the ones who have all the rulers. Of course, you're afraid of nuns. Yeah. So Opie says that and immediately wee's shames him. So he tries to cover up that terrible question by saying this, but I'm not buying it.
Starting point is 01:32:15 I think I know the answer obviously, but I want to hear it from you. I think I know the answer obviously. I just wanted you to say it. That's a terrible question to ask a, a tween victim. Why didn't you tell someone? Yeah, this that is just a great school combat. I know what I just wanted to see if you Fuck it, Opie. He is the gift that keeps on giving you got to love it
Starting point is 01:32:42 All right, I will get into more about OP's adventures in Rochester and hang out at Mama Sans and hanging out with Weez and stuff, but we'll say that for another time because Kanye doesn't give a shit about this. Kanye's got better things to do. No, I like a passion. I like the OP segments. It's growing on me, even though I, you know,
Starting point is 01:33:03 these losers are way before my time. It's growing on me, even though I, you know, these losers are way for my time. It's fascinating, isn't it? It's fascinating that this is a show. But you didn't make a mistake though, you called it everybody's favorite segments when everybody's favorite segments is the preview. Everyone's favorite segment is. Oh, Jesus. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Shit, thank you for calling me out of that. But before we get to everyone's favorite segment, I do want to read a couple of new reviews that came in. I decided to look at, I always read the ones from the United States, and if you go on iTunes, you can change which country you're looking at. And we get reviews from all sorts of different countries. Well, I looked at Canada. I know there's reviews in Australia and England and stuff, but I looked at Canada. I know there's reviews in Australia and England and stuff, but I looked at Canada. And I got this one from back in October, it says, how rude.
Starting point is 01:33:50 And it says, as a podcast fan, I find this show disgusting and mean spirited. Couseru, five stars. So the Canadians get it. We appreciate that. That's nice. That's nice. This is one that just came in on January 1st. Cause a rou caro, like I'm excited like for these guys to join like Westwood one and the like Opie radio network.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Now I'm off to like get like drinky poo. Five stars from Nadi, Bo and Jay, New Jersey. Thank you very much NADD bow. This podcast is disaster. It came in on December 31st. Have you ever listened to the OP radio podcast? Pure garbage. Thank goodness for WATP pure greatness. So that was a little bit of a weird one. The subject line made it seem like it was going to be worse than the description is. It's good. I'm glad you're getting a little bit of positivity after the avalanche of official things. Oh my gosh. You got, yeah, we, your fans really shit out of this. They were not, they were not loving it. All right. Here's one that says, They were not loving it. All right, here's one that says,
Starting point is 01:35:05 Opie living rent-free in their heads. It's glaringly obvious, the Couser Roo's want to be picked up by Compound Media. How did that work out for Gavin McGuinness? Hint, Huffby I.Tare Watchlist. And that's a three-star review, which is confusing. Okay, I mean, Gavin McGuinness is, he has a gang of people going around assaulting people
Starting point is 01:35:25 that's not really the same as roasting podcasts. Yeah. It's a little bit different than the proud boys. We're just making fun of podcasts. Yeah. Yeah. This is a fun one. From Craig back on December 30th, he says, who listens to this garbage?
Starting point is 01:35:45 Sam Roberts didn't acknowledge my podcast, so I'm gonna whine about it. And he does a podcast about rustling LOL. Who watches rustling? That's a quote from Carl. You're desperate. You need to do a show on everyone that ignores your stupid little podcast.
Starting point is 01:35:59 You're gonna be doing this forever. Also way off the slide whistle and the didja. You aren't Anthony Kumia, you're just Carl. You're worse than Stuttering John because you're living in someone else's glory days. Go do a dice and pressure and stupid. You've lingered perhaps a bit too longer. A bunch of opiate Anthony references in there.
Starting point is 01:36:19 That's a five star review. So that's that cute crag. We do appreciate that. I was gonna say if that was a one star one, that was way too long. Yeah, that's a lot. The one star reviews are always the longest ones. Like why do you have this much time
Starting point is 01:36:34 to tell me how much I suck? Yeah. It's bizarre. All right, that's fun. So please give us those one star reviews and tell us to fuck off on our voicemail and all those fun things that we do appreciate as I think you might say five star. Yeah five star did I say one star? Yeah, I think I'm not gonna do these two hour like podcast man It was gonna say it is I think I drew it out a little bit too much. I'm sorry
Starting point is 01:37:05 So that means that it's time for everyone's favorite part of the show. Hello, guys. Good to see you. You actually got the teaser. The teaser. Good to see you. The teaser.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Good to see you. Good to see you. Kai, do you know what this part of the show is? It's my favorite part. Yeah, but do you know what we do on this part of the show? You tease the next Podcast that you will be reviewing and helps the people subscribe. That's exactly right because they listen to this episode I'm like this guy guys hilarious. This show was really good, but I'll probably never listen again But then they hear this part and they go oh shit. They're gonna be doing that show next week. I got to listen to that too.
Starting point is 01:37:46 That's how teases work people. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. You should know this already. Anyway, here's a clip of the podcast that we'll be reviewing on our show next week. I think make sure to do the honors of interviews. Okay, you make sure to get really close to that mic. This podcast is brought to you by fat.com. Oh, yeah, do that.
Starting point is 01:38:06 This podcast is brought to you by fat.com. Get thick. Get fat. Get fuck the faggot. Get this big fucking ugly tits. Oh. Kaya. Yeah, yeah, have fun with that fan base if you thought ours was bad.
Starting point is 01:38:27 That's a shit fuck sleepy cabin. Yes, you're exactly right. Sleepy cabin is the sleepy cast podcast season two episode 27, Laurence Redboka. This was a suggestion that came in from our buddy, fuck, Rompus, who left us four voice bells about it. I also emailed a few times.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Yeah, these are old new grounds, guys. Yeah, exactly. We had one of them, the guy with the cleft palates, whereas that nasal voice. Cool guys, actually, I think you might like it if you enjoy four or five. I don't know how many degenerates talking to one another. Sounds like chaos. Like, Fred's voice. I haven't listened to the show yet,
Starting point is 01:39:09 but it's like there's a lot going on there. Probably, yeah, but you should brace for some one-stars. Yeah, oh, yeah. These guys have a good following. Oh, of course they do. Yeah. I mean, new grounds used to be massive and all of these guys are considered to be OGs on YouTube because
Starting point is 01:39:26 YouTube, at some point they told all animators to basically fuck off by changing the algorithm because these guys they would put months of effort into a single animation that would maybe be one minute long but YouTube doesn't reward that so they all moved on from YouTube, but they each have a massive following still. Yeah, that's what the guy said who suggested this, that all of these guys are pretty well known from their days at Newgrounds. And I remember Newgrounds very fondly when we were working at eBOMS. It was one of the other websites out there where people could just go kill a bunch of time
Starting point is 01:40:05 and have a lot of fun watching videos and they had great work there. I'll be checking it up, well, meaning, I'll be listening to you, listening to it, so I don't have to. No, you got me nervous about it. Now, I'm gonna be kissing their ass in the entire time, like,
Starting point is 01:40:20 that's kind of a funny joke, right Andy? I liked that. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha- Andy I liked that. Oh fuck. Kaya, thank you again so much for joining us on the show. I actually had a blast with you today. I hope you'll do it again. It's true. Thanks man.
Starting point is 01:40:35 I was a little nervous but. Oh, stop it. Thank you. Stop it. Is there anything you want to, you want to plug? You want to talk about the official podcast or anything else you got going on? Nah. Since I'll be, I'll be sharing this episode. So if anybody's still sticking around who came from
Starting point is 01:40:52 the links that I shared on Twitter or my Snapchat or something, leave Carl of five star review and give him the meanest most fucked up. Yes. Review on iTunes and I don't know if there's any other platforms that you give a shit about, but I don't know, just spam some death threats at a month's Twitter, I don't know. Awesome. I would appreciate all of that. Thank you very much, Kai, for joining us. And please, join us again next week because it might be the episode we find out once and
Starting point is 01:41:20 for all. Who are these podcasts? Sleep well everypony. Starting in the must-vis of Morning Radio. Hey, now to show these cold right now. Hmm. Okay. Great show. Good job everybody. Great job everyone. You're not Kau's man. Ah! I can't fucking take it.
Starting point is 01:41:47 I don't know, I really lost everything. I'm bleeding from hell. I gotta get it. What the fuck? It doesn't make any sense, right? Yeah, sorry. You know, who are these? Podcasts.
Starting point is 01:42:20 I don't know. I don't get it. Makes no sense. That's a bad joke, Ethan. Thank you, Mano. I don't know. I don't get it makes no sense Thank you, man. Oh, like I said, I was little nervous because I You know, we don't really do a professional show So funny with dick game out because this is the most professional podcast and they're like no, it's not even close to that No No, it is, no, like you could re-release this show and call it like the podcasting crash course.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Uh-huh. And because for as much as I've been listening to it to you, it's been teaching me certain things, like watching how I speak and all that. Definitely a big help, but it also gives you a little bit of a stage fright when, you know, because on the official podcast, I can just drink myself blind and still put out an episode that people might like whereas I think, you know, you have a higher standard.
Starting point is 01:43:15 It could be a problem because we nitpick out of these things people say last week's episode, we're making fun of these women for saying like 200 times in 20 minutes. And as soon as I play that clip, my co-host Kevin goes, for saying like 200 times in 20 minutes. And as soon as I play that clip, my co-host Kevin goes, yeah, like, what were they like? Like fuck.

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