Who Are These Podcasts? - Minisode - Hackamania Recap LIVE

Episode Date: June 5, 2024

Last night we went live on YouTube to talk about our weekend in Las Vegas at Hackamania. I decided to take out most of the superchats (you're welcome) and post this to our feed for everyone who still ...prefers audio podcasts like me. I was joined by Jen from the Jingles Department, Vinnie Paulino, and Christian Bladt who were all there. We talked about the shows, behind the scenes antics, the meet ups, and my $20 clean up fee from Lyft. Also, Aaron Imholte continues to make up things I'm saying about him in order to win an argument that only exists in his head. This guy's entire world is crumbling around him and he thinks I look foolish for giving him the benefit of the doubt? I hope this guy never stops this decline. What a moron. DabbleCon 2 tickets available, individual events or weekend passes – https://www.carlsoncomedy.com/ Support us, get bonus episodes, and watch live every Saturday and Wednesday: http://bit.ly/watp-patreon https://watp.supercast.tech/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a paid advertisement from BetterHelp. As a podcast listener, you've heard from us before. Today, let's hear what members have told us. One member said, I would recommend my therapist 1,000 times over. She has truly changed my life. Another member said, the day after my first session, my friends and family said I sounded like myself again for the first time in weeks. You deserve to invest in your well-being.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Visit BetterHelp.com to see what it can do for you. That's BetterHELP.com. WATP! WATP! Hello and welcome to what I'm calling Hackamania Recap Live, an impromptu discussion with the people who were there at Hackamania this past weekend in Las Vegas. The place smelled. They didn't have anybody at the door. Bad bugs. Bad bugs everywhere. Yeah, so we'll be talking about the rumors. We'll be talking about the sniping. We'll be talking about the experience. We'll be talking about your FOMO. So many people here right now in this chat watching the show who weren't even in Las Vegas for this event for shame. How could you miss such an important devil verse event as Hackamania in Las Vegas? I those are the people who aren't scratching everywhere this morning. That's correct. That's the one good thing.
Starting point is 00:01:42 They all looks real itchy today. Yeah, you guys don't know what you're missing. So I wanted to go through and recap the weekend, what we did, the shows, what we did behind the scenes, all that kind of fun stuff as well. I also, I have to address some bullshit. Tukey sent me over a clip of what Aaron Imholten was saying the other day. He's
Starting point is 00:02:07 so full of shit. So I'm going to play that for you in a little bit and just prove that I'm curious to know what he could possibly think is worse than what he's doing. He just doesn't know what he's talking about. And it's annoying because he's commenting on it. It's okay to not know what you're talking about if you don't talk about it. I don't care if you don't know what I'm up to over here. Most people don't. Sure. Most people don't talk about me. Anyway, we'll get to that in just a moment. But thank you Vinny. Thank you Christian Blatt. Thank you Jenny Jingles for being here. We might have more people pop in and out. We'll see what happens. I'm not really sure. But I wanted to start off with talking about our experience in Las Vegas Friday.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Get to the venue. SYNWave, it's a new rock club in Las Vegas. You got the shirt right there. We get to the club. There's the meet and greet that's gonna happen at six, five, five. Five. So we get there, it'll be four, five.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I walk in and Patrick Melton's having a Patrick meltdown. Nothing is working. Absolutely nothing is working. And when I say nothing is working, so they got to the club the day before, and Vinny, you might have been saying this, I know you got in early. They got to the club the day before, set everything up, tested it, ran it, everything was working fine. Day of show, everything breaks, including the sound system inside the venue. The one thing, like, one of the reasons why Patrick moved this show was because he had to bring his own sound. They already have a sound system there. And that wasn't
Starting point is 00:03:34 even working. Vinny, I know you were gonna get there early and help him set up. Were you a part of any of the checking on Thursday? Well, no, I was not. My area that I worked on when I showed up was I handled the televisions that they had mounted for the audience to see. Those were not set up yet and they were thrown. Listen, I don't want to shit talk the venue, but the venue gave Patrick a whole bunch of curve balls. I sat there and watched them throw them at him. Yes. Quietly. I sat there and watched him get curveball after curveball, things that they said that
Starting point is 00:04:11 they didn't necessarily do for him. So one of them was that there was another monitor television that they said that they were going to have ready to go for them. They didn't have that. The TVs that they did have that they said they have didn't have stands on them. Oh. So, you know know that's a problem. That's a big problem. So we'll give you T. Oh sure we got TVs. Oh, there's no stands on I mean, I'll figure it out. So Dr. Steve, a gentleman by the name of TJ and myself engineered how to get those TVs to stand up. So we ended up doing all of that
Starting point is 00:04:47 stuff and they were doing all the testing of everything and everything sounded like it was working fine. And you know, stuff happens, you know, that's what happens. I deal with it a lot. You can never predict when something like this is going to fall because there's so many moving pieces. So if one gets messed up, let me point something out because I don't want to act like this was a disaster. What was happening was when I got there before any of the shows had started, when I got there, I went over to say hi to Patrick. We never met in person before and he was in the middle of troubleshooting a thousand things that weren't working. So he was like fidgeting with all this stuff. So this was at the time of the VIP meet and greet. Everybody's showing up early for
Starting point is 00:05:28 that and that was fantastic. Everyone's super cool. I got to meet tons of people who I know from the chat room and things like that. I got to see people I've seen a few times, done with the shows and stuff. So that was a lot of fun. Everyone's really cool. Name tags were a great idea. I am gonna have to put that into place. DabbleCon, we should have name tags. It's nice to have the person's handle on their shirt. Really good. There was- Oh, nice to meet you,
Starting point is 00:05:54 Jod's Gibby Halloween hat. It's a pleasure to meet you. Yes, it's very helpful. It's very fun. I feel bad, because Peter Sky Parker was PSP or whatever it was, and I'm like, ah, oh, I should've known that, my bad. But look, if he wasn't wearing a name tag, I feel bad cuz like Peter sky Parker was like PSP or whatever it was and I'm like ah Oh, I should I should have known that my bad, but if he wasn't wearing a name tag I would have thought that gentleman was good at karate, but then I'm like oh no no he's bad at karate
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah, bad at karate was there of course So we were doing well Melton and the gang were troubleshooting and getting things set up We were doing the hanging out meet and greet there was a shit ton of merch Everyone's got merch. One thing I know about this dabble verse, everyone's got merch. There's no shortage. Yeah, you got your Tukey shirt. Jen's got a Tukey shirt. I missed out on the Tukey shirt. I should have gotten one. I'm an idiot. But everyone had merch, tons of merch, tons of key chains, lots of stuff going around. And the art exhibit was amazing. Does anyone know who the artist was? I should have written it down.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I absolutely do. It was at Cardiff's Kids. At Cardiff's Kids. Can I show off my painting on this stream? Please. Because I bought one. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:53 All right, cool. Vinny's going to go grab that. Sounds good. But yeah, there was a lot of Dabbleverse art on display that was amazing. There was so much. There's so many creators in this audience so much, there's so many creators in this audience, so there's so much going on.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Tukey's walking around as Tukey. Dr. Steve was there as the life-size Tukey. Also Tukey. Everyone's taking photos. And that was fun. Well, I love that Rocco was walking around with the mask on and also Tukey. It's like either one of those things would be too hot in 104 degree heat.
Starting point is 00:07:28 You probably don't need both of them, but he was committed to the bit. It was consummate professional. It was a bit much for sure. Just to go back to the artist for a second, there was a Tukey painting that I snoozed on and I missed it, but I have her info and I'll tell you right now I'm planning on commissioning a Helga and Lisa painting from that artist. All right that's good news. Yeah I'll share as soon as I do it. I saw it and I was like that episode of Seinfeld you know and the couple saw the Kramer it's
Starting point is 00:08:00 like I must own this piece of this magnificent piece of art. It spoke to me. This is the way to go. Comedy and tragedy. Yes, which really is art. This is fine art. This is a high concept art piece that I really enjoy and will be here in my office. Wow. Some are all up. That's fantastic. A great job. It's like, hey, I want to thank all the people
Starting point is 00:08:24 who would be watching T key soup right now, but Tookie lost his voice this weekend, so we get to do this show and recap the weekend instead But Rocco might join us. We'll see we'll see if he's feeling up to it or not He said that he would join if he could talk at all when we were hanging out Sunday, and I'll get there We'll get there. He could not talk at all. I know. His voice was completely shot. Why wouldn't that happen to Ray DeVito? You know? Why can't he lose his voice?
Starting point is 00:08:50 But no. Unfortunately, it was Rocco who lost his voice. He's not doing Aaron Elmhoff's all night and day. Yeah, I know. Oh my gosh. His, all right. Let's, since I think I actually have that queued up, I wanna show you guys.
Starting point is 00:09:02 So, on Saturday we did the podcasts. And nobody likes onions went up after the creep off before WTP. And Patrick famously said he didn't really have a plan for it. But he did bring up to key em Holt. I think he posted somebody posted this online. Welcome to the stage, Aaron Emholt. The children! The children! My God, what someone think about the children! It's ridiculous!
Starting point is 00:09:40 I brought enough for everyone. I've done coke three maybe four So if you're listening to this not watching oh my god the puppet is shoving his face in a pile of white powder And then like this happened throughout the show, where it's just Tukey smashing his face into the cocaine. It was everywhere. It was so fucking funny. So that was very, very well done. But you can see right there why Rocco lost his voice.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yes. Obviously. Lot of yelling. OK, so we do the meet and greet. And then the first thing up is the biggest problem in the universe. There was a late addition to the show. I'm really glad-greet and then it's the first thing up is the biggest problem in the universe There was a late addition to the show I'm really glad that Vito and dick came to the show to be a part of it and
Starting point is 00:10:30 They do a show called biggest problem the universe every Friday night And so they're gonna start off their show now. They got the audio working right, but they had no production So these those guys usually have music and intros and all this stuff. They had none of that. So unfortunately for them, and I felt bad for them, they just had to do their show without any of it. And Vito doesn't know where the speaker is on his phone for some reason. He kept trying to play music off of his phone into the microphone, which is actually very easy to do. You see Kevin Brennan do it. You see everyone do it all the time. They go like this. It's that easy. For whatever reason he was going like this. What's that?
Starting point is 00:11:09 So where do you put your ear when you use your phone? That's where you can hear. That's one of the places. Yes. And it always comes out. But so yeah, he could not figure out where to place the phone on the microphone so that you'd be able to hear it through the PA system. So that was a bummer, but those guys persevered. They went through their biggest problem show. They do a thing where they have people write out what they think the biggest problem in the universe is on little note cards before the show. And they went through those. That was kind of a dud. People didn't really have great
Starting point is 00:11:38 suggestions. Well, biggest problem. I think I wrote Ray DeVito on my card. Well, it always seems to be the case that four people will just write blacks on it. So by the third one, you're like, okay, yeah, yeah, we know we get it. Oh, you think four people wrote that? Or do you think Vito just read that four times? Because that's what I guess. Or did Vito write that four times? Oh, I'm going to get to the super chance, but just because this is relevant right now. Dr. Steve's in the house. Dr. Steve Rocco lost his voice because I went too deep and tickled his vocal cords. I'm sorry, buddy. Yes, there was a prostate exam that happened
Starting point is 00:12:14 on Saturday night for real. And it was one of the funniest things. One of the most surreal moments I will get into all of that. Pat Dixon's role in that was. Amazing. Incredible. So we'll talk about that. A lot of great performances, a lot of things that were once in a lifetime occurrences. OK, so biggest problem happens. One of the issues I think they had is like with the cameras on the stage, the table that everyone was sitting at
Starting point is 00:12:38 was kind of pushed back away from the audience. So it was a little awkward, like Dick had a gag about passing out Coke to everybody and he'd like run around the table and do all this stuff. So that was a little bit awkward, but that's because of where the cameras were. We had a five camera shoot for the live stream that they were doing. By the way, I should point out, I did get, I posted the WTP episode that we did audio-wise today on our stream and I have all of the video, settering John's segment will go out later tonight.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And we'll get the entire show, WTP show, for all of our YouTube members, Patreon members, everyone else. Awesome, people have been asking. As soon as possible, yes. So we have that and we'll have that up. Okay, so then after Biggest Problem, the standup showcase begins.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Patrick does not do it because Patrick is just dealing with problems, just technical problems all over the place, and he's just putting fires out, so he was not part of the stand-up show he was supposed to be. Pat Dixon did not show up. Pat Dixon was supposed to be part of the stand-up show.
Starting point is 00:13:41 No one could get in touch with him. Did we ever find out why? Yeah, he was sleeping. Oh So people were concerned because everyone's messaging him. He's not getting back to anyone like is he all right? What's going on? He wasn't there wouldn't get back to anyone. He eventually shows up. So that was good. He's all right. Yes. He was there the rest of the weekend Ray DeVito comes up and does his set and He crushes for the first four minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Crushes. I felt really happy for him. Me too. He came up to a standing ovation, crushes for four minutes, then he went into his set. And here's my advice to Ray. I said this to him, I'm not speaking out of school. But he likes to say, and I hate when comics do this,
Starting point is 00:14:24 Vinny, you've been around enough comics, you and I have had these conversations before. Comics will blame the audience when they don't do well. Well, you know, the problem is these guys just wanted to hear devil verse jokes. So I go into my set and then people stop laughing because they want to hear devil verse jokes. No, they just want to hear jokes. If the set isn't working, it's not on the audience. Plus he announced that he was going into his set.
Starting point is 00:14:46 This is my set now, ready? And away we go. And three, four. So I walk into a... That's the weirdest thing. That was one of the weirdest transitions I've ever seen. Yeah. At one point he goes, I'm gonna do my Pornhub bit now.
Starting point is 00:14:59 No. The worst part was he was finishing a story he had on his set because he started getting heckled. He was finishing a story he had on his set. He's like heckled. He was finishing a story he had in his set. He's like, hold on, the pornhub bit's coming up in a second. I've never heard Bill Burr getting heckled. Yeah, right. I've never heard Bill Burr getting heckled.
Starting point is 00:15:15 He'd be like, I'm going to rag on the WNBA in just a few minutes. Just hang with me, guys. Hold on. We're going to get there. I think Ray knows how in a present day Andrew Dice Clay show. He's like, all right, you guys want some poems? All right. You guys want some porn hub bits? Oh, I got the porn of bits. Forget about it. So then so Ray does his set and listen, he came to a standing ovation. He crushed. Then it got a little wonky. But then when he left the stage, a Ray chant filled the room and it's a, it's a busy room at that
Starting point is 00:15:49 point. Everyone's into it. Vito just wall. D by the way, Vinny's hosting this whole thing. I should mention. Thank you for doing that. Vinny. Anytime. Appreciate it. What was your, I should stop talking for a second, but what was your sense of the stand-up show? Oh Patrick brought in some really funny comics. I'm not gonna throw myself on that list, but I will say yeah, I forgot there's some locals Yep, Adam Dominguez was great and Alex Kool-Aid. Yeah, he was so funny Kool-Aid was very funny Alex Kool-Aid Ames, I believe his name is I don't want to get it wrong because he really deserves A lot of credit that guy was phenomenal lights out great You know, it was a huge show because two and a half minis for this guy Three pennies three three pennies. He was a big guy
Starting point is 00:16:40 But it was it was one of those things where it's always weird at these shows when we do stand-up at these because like a lot of people don't necessarily I Don't know. It's like it doesn't always feel like they're ready for like a stand-up stand-up show Like they think like it's podcast time. I don't know It's always a weird vibe Some people are really into the stand-up and love stand-up and other people are confused by stand-up So it takes the audience a while to kind of gel
Starting point is 00:17:02 stand up than other people are confused by stand up. So it takes the audience a while to kind of gel. And that's why I was really glad we had guys like Kool-Aid and Adam up first because they were like really set the tone and set up everybody else really well. So I thought they were great. Vito. That's where I was going to go next. So Vito DiZualdi gets up.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Not a Pito talk. I used to think Pitos were funny. So Vito, we saw him do stand up in Philadelphia last year when we did WTP Dick Show crossover. Crushed. He was very good. He did very good. And I was very impressed with Vito's performance, but also his presence on stage. Like he he had it down and I thought that he'd be a poser as a stand-up, but he actually pulled it up very well This show he didn't really ever capture the audience. He talked about Harry Potter for a while and I've never seen a Harry Potter movie. So I didn't get a single reference
Starting point is 00:17:54 He was talking about like okay, if you say so he's like he's like Harry Potter like Ejaculating in his sleep or something or right?'t he have like cum-stained underwear or something? I've never seen Harry Potter either It's a joke when I- no I'm talking about Vito's jokes about Harry Potter You know that movie where he comes in his pants all the whole movie? No, no, no that was Vito and then Vito talking about Jared from Subway a lot of Vito talking was weird So then Earl Skakel has to get up on the stage, and I talked to Earl about this afterwards I thought he was very very funny. He disagreed with me It was one of those performances where you're just like I don't give a fuck he got there. I just went
Starting point is 00:18:37 Uh the fuck am I doing here you guys don't give a shit about this, and he just was very salty The entire time on stage he was salty. He's very solid. He was really good. I loved it I thought it was a little weird The only thing I'll say is the door could have been closed from the bar room to the Perform I literally got up and closed the door at one point I don't know how all these people who have been to stand-up shows who have run sand shows Patrick Melton's involved how they don't Know you can't have noise coming from the bar area into the performance room
Starting point is 00:19:06 pretty good rule I Was talking to Earl in the back and he was just going man I closed at the store all the time like 132 in the morning I'm going in his dad Earl, and I think that's kind of the way he approached it was Definitely salty and just fucking around yeah Yeah, and he was great and the show that they did after that was even better. It was phenomenal. It was so much fun.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So then we went into win Earl's money, right? And this was the Kill Tony version of the weekend where anyone could get up and do stand up for two minutes and then you had Kool-Aid, Earl, and Rocko, critiquing, well, Tukey, specifically, critiquing the comedy, and deciding how much money they earned in their two-minute set or whatever. And there was a combination of people, there were some people who were never on stage before
Starting point is 00:20:00 and looked out of their element, and others who were pretty good, like pretty polished comics who actually had good bits and good sets and I was like, I want them to keep going, they're pretty good. It was tough too because they only were given two minutes. Well for some of them two minutes was too long. It would be for me as well but there are some guys I feel like were just kind of winding up and then it's like, time's up.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Jen, we do a contest at the club where we give people three to four and after watching them give people two minutes of this thing, you're like, I almost wanna go back and change the rules this year. Yeah, cause you'll know after two minutes if someone's good or not. Right. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Pretty much. I mean, you should start with your best material. So. Agreed. Okay. My brother gets up. I didn't know what he was gonna do we had talked about it on Mother's Day He's like oh, he's like oh, yeah, I got a thing. I got it. I'll figure it out all right grant cool I've never seen my brother perform ever before neither is he so I didn't know what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:20:56 So he gets up, and I I was not ready for this he did a ventriloquist act with a Puppet that was a dinosaur. Yeah. That was a dragon. Or a dragon. Yes. A dragon, sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah. I should know that because there was merch. He had keychains. What was the, do you remember the name of the dragon? Oh, I do, Chompers the dragon. Chompers the dragon because it was making fun of me. He dressed up like you a little bit. He put frosted tips on.
Starting point is 00:21:24 He's like, now we look like brothers. He put the walrus. Yeah, the walrus mask on He had like a Bill's visor with hair in the middle So it's like someone with hair which is like me. Yeah, he looks like carrot flop Those wacky well for him it didn't go off for him. It didn't go well for him. I talked to him after a set. He goes, no, no, I was hoping that would go. He goes, it's harder than it looks.
Starting point is 00:21:54 By the way, in my brother's defense, if someone said, Carl, do two minutes with a dragon, pop it. I'd be like, I'm going to bomb. This is not going to go well. He ended on a strong joke. His last joke hit, and then he was done. And he came off stage, like Anthony used to describe people,
Starting point is 00:22:13 like the mayor from Jaws, just completely shocked, like, what happened? I was shocked, like not knowing what to do. And I'm standing next to Dick, and we're right at the exit of the stage. And we're the first people he sees when he come off stage. And he looks at us saucer eyes. He goes, and I he just couldn't get the words out. He goes, I killed I killed and I think he meant to say I died. He goes, I killed.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I killed and dick looks at him goes, No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He put his hand on his shoulder. No, that's hilarious. I love that. The greatest thing of the weekend for me. It was my personal highlight. And I love you. I'm sorry that happened to you, Grant. I'm going to move on to Saturday before I do that. Christian, you were there with your lovely wife. It was nice to meet her.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah, a lot of people in the chat have been noticing that I've been really quiet during all of this. Because after Biggest Problem in the Universe, I took my wife out to dinner. So I didn't actually see the last few things you talked about. And we went to the Sahara, it was right over there. And it was my wife's birthday weekend.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And as soon as you met her, you said, I can't believe he brought you to this. And what could be more fun than a four hour drive where I'm trying to get her up to speed on just who April Inhold is? I've actually created a website. I've created a website. It's called the Christian Blatt Divorce Clock.com.
Starting point is 00:23:45 How long is the countdown before Christian Blatt gets a divorce? Well, the worst thing is that because of WATP, the episode that you were kind enough to have me on, she realized right away how much funnier than me Dick Masterson is. And I was like, oh, no, no, I should not have been on stage at the same time as him. So now I have to carry that around. She didn't say anything about me. No, no, no. She talked about how funny Dick was actually. And really only your wife was lovely. Is that what the words I
Starting point is 00:24:17 use? I didn't mean that. I mean, that at all. All right. So wait a second. This was your wife's birthday weekend. Yeah. I mean, look, your birthday was Thursday. Okay. We celebrated for a week. It was enough. And I took her out. You took her to Vegas for her birthday weekend to go sit in a room with a bunch of dorks. And then you're commissioning artwork of Helga and Lisa. She didn't want flowers or something.
Starting point is 00:24:41 You couldn't get in a painting for your wife. I got flowers too. Now we were going to buy a painting of a wah wah that that artist had done, but then she wanted like $45 and I'm like, you know what? I'm going to save that and put that in my Helga and Lisa budget. Nice. Well done. Yeah. You know, this guy's committed. This guy's committed. Hosted by these broadcasters Tuesdays, Tuesdays at 2pm Eastern. Yeah. Devil's joint gave a YouTube member.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Devil's Joint is the admin for that reality show and also does the merchandise for Helga and Lisa. At Devil's Joint, please get back to Jimmy the Lip. Hmm. OK. Devil's Joint keeps teasing in the chat that tomorrow is going to be something very special on that reality show. Okay, I've heard I've heard tomorrow is the morning to tune in Wednesday waking back or waking back Wednesday tomorrow. All right, it's gonna be something else. Mason in Portland gifted
Starting point is 00:25:35 membership. Thank you very much, Mason. I got to meet. And I like his new avatar. It's him behind the hump, or the humpback. I can't remember when I was watching one of these shows who was analyzing Patrick Melton's hunchback, and they were looking at this photo, they're like, yeah, look at this guy, he's just in there for no reason. He's like, what do you mean this guy?
Starting point is 00:25:57 It's Mason of Portland, how do you not recognize that? Bad at karate, five bucks. Sorry about bringing the bedbugs, I figured they'd stay in the bed. Not how bedbugs work, actually, I know. I was surprised, too. Live and learn. Done deal, pal, done deal, two bucks.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Did you see Chad suppose an insider? What adult? I did not. You know what? One thing that I'm not prepared to do today on this show is tell you anything about what other people are saying. Because I have not had a second to pay attention to that. We've been traveling and I've been doing shows
Starting point is 00:26:27 and all sorts of shit. Of course our flight was fucking pushed back and I got in way too late last night, as always. I'm not gonna bitch about that. I know people love it when I bitch about air travel. And that's everyone's favorite part of the show. That was a really long layover. It was a very long layover.
Starting point is 00:26:41 We spent a lot of time in Midway. Too much time. Oh well. Anyway. Is that what it of time in Midway. Too much time. Oh well. Anyway, is that what it's called? Well my drive home was great. We had time to stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch, but it doesn't sound like fun for you guys. Happy birthday, honey.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Let's go to Cracker Barrel. I had a coupon, what do you want, Carl? I do know that there was the text conversation screenshots that went out that said that there were bed bugs at the venue. I talked about this on the Drew Lane show today, but it's so stupid how these people like latch onto it immediately. So, you know, of course, stuttering John and I believe Kevin Brennan, whoever were just like acting like that was a real thing. Could you imagine if there were people got
Starting point is 00:27:20 bed bugs at an event? That'd be a huge fucking deal. It would. I'd not be happy about it. No, no one would be happy about it. And Patrick Melton rented those chairs. Those are chairs he rented to put in this venue because it's a rock venue, you don't normally have chairs. He rented chairs to put them in so people could sit and watch the show. So could you imagine if the rental company brought chairs
Starting point is 00:27:38 and bed bugs? They wouldn't be in business very long. No. That'd be a one star Yelp review. So the fact that people latched on to that one, yeah, everyone got bed bugs with the show, okay. And what show was I watching? It might've been, it probably was Stuttering John.
Starting point is 00:27:52 No, maybe not, anyway, whatever it was. Oh no, I think it was Imo. We might be playing it in a second. I have the clip where Aaron Imo is just like, yeah, that's a dirty venue right there. It's brand new. They just opened. Regardless, dirty doesn't equal bed bugs. No, it doesn't, also. It's brand new. Well, they just open regardless like dirty doesn't equal bed bugs
Starting point is 00:28:11 So stupid yeah, it's like you go to CBGB's back in the day it was dirty But you know what? It didn't have bed bugs, right? Syphilis yes bed bugs. Of course a mandolin nappy two bucks is oh my god. What a sexy mom wife. Love you. Jen. Oh, thanks Michael see Vinny the Ozempic is working well congrats. I will tell you Vinny is looking fantastic He's felt and it is not Ozempic Thanks, Carl 1971 puffy $20 super sticker. Thank you very much 1971 puffy have you seen the new South Park yet Vinny I
Starting point is 00:28:42 Didn't really depressed me. What? Because no one would believe me. Here's why. It's great. Because I really got off of my ass this year. I've been working really fucking hard. I've been in the gym. I've been running.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I've been doing all this shit. At the same time, they come up with the goddamn obesity miracle cure. So everyone just assumes, oh, this lazy asshole is getting injected once a month. Wow. Congrats. You drove to the doctor's office. It's really fucking depressing to think about.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But yes, I did watch it. And when people started going, oh, yeah, dude, Pilates, and I'm doing all the stuff that they're just taking the stuff going. Nobody's ever going to believe me. I'm starting to not believe you.'re just taking the stuff, going nobody's ever gonna believe me. So. I'm starting to not believe you. I think you made this whole thing up.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Now I'm starting to think you're just taking those up, and you're just like, I'll tell Carl I'm going to the gym. He'll vouch for me. We'll never know. I've never seen him at a gym. Never seen you at a gym. Kip Smith, what do you think Lisa Boswell's voicemail message sounds like?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Also, could she be a review girl? Guess what? And stuttering John Dubuck says your barren mom wife is not as ugly as I thought Are we becoming friends did we just become best friends? Where are your friendship rings? Awesome, awesome. All right, let's get into it. I'm gonna tease it again.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I have some errand talk to get to, but while we still have Christian, let's get into Saturday. Saturday started off with the rock bottom podcast. Now, Ray DeVito decided for his podcast, he was gonna bring my brother up and then my brother talk shit about me and tell embarrassing stories about me growing up.
Starting point is 00:30:32 That did not work out well for Ray DeVito. Here's the thing that I think people get confused by if they went to Atlantic City or hanging out with my brother and Christina or they've seen them at other events. I know they also went to a stand-up show that Shulie and the gang did, Shulie Network. Oh, they're out there.
Starting point is 00:30:48 They love to get out there. They love to mingle. They love to talk to everyone. They're great people. My brother's a great person. His wife's a great person. They're not performers. And my brother was on stage more than me this past weekend.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I'm props to him. Happy for him. I'm glad that he was living his best life. But Ray DeVille is just like, who am I am I gonna get as a guest to key turned me down. Who's my second choice? Carl's brother You know that many to key turned him down on the show like He didn't ask me I feel slighted oh I'm just kidding. Yo careful what you wish for
Starting point is 00:31:22 I feel slighted. Oh I'm just kidding. Yo careful what you wish for So it starts out my brother and that's kind of a dud so then he brings up dr. Steve and It's Ray and dr. Steve my brothers in between them and raised just acting asking Steve personal medical questions like literally just getting a Consultation doctor's appointment. Yeah Was Oda Kope at the end of that yeah, yeah does does Dr.. Steve did you check what insert insurance is were you an in-network physician for him?
Starting point is 00:31:57 I'm confused by that was a weird thing that Ray did on his show, but that was Ray's show sure maybe there's more stuff to, I don't know. Well he brought Joey C up there too. Oh yeah, Joey C was on there. Oh, alright, let's talk about Joey C real quick. Okay. Alright, so Joey C and his lovely wife are there, Friday night, meet and greet, and he's fun, Joey C's fun, no one's sitting here going,
Starting point is 00:32:18 man that Joey C, what a lame guy he is. No, he's a blast. And he's mixing it up, and he's getting up on stage and he's doing his thing and doing his stuff. And he had emailed me a month before the show and it was paragraphs long. Carl, I'm going to Hackamania, I really wanna be on Who Are These podcasts,
Starting point is 00:32:39 can you get me on your show? I said Joey, I don't know what I'm doing yet, but don't worry about it, I gotcha. So then the weekend comes, I said Joey, I don't know what I'm doing yet, but don't worry about it. I got you. So then the weekend comes. I send out, I email out a show rundown, very detailed, every segment we're going to do, who's on it, what we're doing. I even included, this is how lame I am. In case you wanted to watch the video clips that we're going gonna be reviewing so you could know what we're talking about I uploaded them all to a Google Drive and sent the link watch these videos, so you know we're talking about here's all the stuff We're doing Joey C was not even there
Starting point is 00:33:13 No, I included Joey C on the show and he didn't even bother showing up for the WATP show mmm There was a lot of that going on, I feel like. He was gambling. Is that what he was doing? Yeah. Joey was probably on a hot streak at the pie gal table. And you know, when you have a hot pie guy, you can't walk away.
Starting point is 00:33:35 She imagined if he knows how to play that. So then after Ray DeVito, the show, the show finally started, the off came up. And that was a fantastic podcast. If I do say so myself. Let me just say let me let me plug this properly. Yeah, special guest Pat Dixon. Yeah, as our special guest referee, followed by the great Dick Masterson watching one of the drunkest women we have ever seen in our lives on a special Carl's Cop cam. Yeah, that was followed by being joined by the great Brian Johnson for the all star the Las Vegas
Starting point is 00:34:12 scum parade all stars. Yep. Where we gave you the top five Las Vegas scum creators of all time. It was a very very fun show and you'll be able to see it hopefully within the next 24 hours everybody. Excellent. So that'll be up on the creep off channel You can watch that. I thought we had a really good showing for the creep off. Oh, yeah, it was great That's a great live show like we've only done the creep off live twice now. There's only our second time it goes over well live Better than it should yeah, it's the content right it must be interesting for you to though to hear like crowd reaction Yes, as you're watching this I mean I assume people are either vomiting or turning off their computer
Starting point is 00:34:51 Whether listening to our show I didn't realize people were hooting and hollering with the people who are throwing babies off of the second story of their apartment building They like the baby throwing more than Vanessa the drunk girl Much oh I believe me I love Vanessa she it was amazing The baby throwing music everyone It's 22 22 feet you threw a baby, so that's a tight spiral right there And if Justin Jefferson almost had it too If you just got a little more reach yeah
Starting point is 00:35:31 By the way Carl you might want to update the divorce clock website you have because I just Convinced my wife to take my son to cub scouts So I was like I was like oh no no they're like just getting to the part of the night that I actually know about. She actually offered. She said, do you want me to take him? I said, yes, that's a bad sign. Christian. I know a thing or two about relationships where the wife's like, I'll just take our son. You just keep playing with your friends talking about the devil first. Just because there's a 70s style swingers bar across the street from Cub Scouts.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I'm not worried. Okay. Yeah. Right. Dude, she's packing shit in the bedroom right now and you don't even know it. Like she's in there right now. She's strapping shit to the roof of the station wagon right now, Christian. But I'm going to get a painting of Helga and Lisa. What else do I need? Wow. You know that she was just like, all right, it's my birthday weekend, but this is important for my husband We'll go we'll do this hack-a-mania thing. I you know I'm a cool chick. I'm a cool wife
Starting point is 00:36:35 We'll do it and now we're on day five of this fucking hack-a-mania thing. It's just like all right. That's enough That's enough a hack-a-mania Anyway, thanks for saying thanks for hanging out with us. So yeah, I I lost the creep off there was online voting. I think Vinnie got 95% of the jubitallity the actual votes No, I wonder if he even voted for that because I lost five plans I forget your review girl's name. I think she said 94% Mahalia joined us. Oh my god. Yeah, Mahalia came and she did a fantastic job Letting everybody know the results, which was all good news. That was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Oh, speaking of which, I wanted to bring this up. I'll get back to what was going on in the shows and everything that happened, but there were a number of people there. And I have to tell you, Vinny, maybe you felt the same way. Like 200 people showed up to this event, and there were some people came Friday who didn't come Saturday and vice versa. There wasn't a moment where I
Starting point is 00:37:30 wasn't meeting new people the entire weekend. All weekend people were coming. All weekend long. I'm like oh we haven't talked yet. It was it was crazy. It just seemed like to me it seemed like a shit ton of people but there were some people who showed up like Joey C and then and then weren't there, including a woman who lives in Vegas, who knows Jen from when Jen was playing in her band in the 90s in Rochester. It was a huge fan of yours, like, couldn't stop talking about what a great singer you were.
Starting point is 00:37:55 She was the sister of my band mate. But the crazy thing is is that you weren't friends with her. No, I wasn't close with her, no. But she would go to your shows, and she loved your band, and she still loves your band. She was gushing no. But she would go to your shows, and she loved your band, and she still loves your band. She was gushing about it. But I walked into the bathroom, and she was standing there,
Starting point is 00:38:10 and she's like, Jen! I didn't recognize her, because last time I'd seen her was 20 years ago. And she's like, it's me! And I'm like, oh my god! I knew she lived in Vegas. But she said, I've been a fan of the show for a really long time.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I didn't really know, I didn't know it was you. Yeah, she literally was just a person who stumbled upon who are these podcasts, and then one day, it was like, hey, this is Jen from the Jingle's apartment. She's like, oh, is that the Jen? She had no idea we were out of Rochester or anything like that. I said we were talking for a while,
Starting point is 00:38:41 and then I was trying to eat my burger, and Brenda showed up and I wanted to say hello because I hadn't seen her in a while and then I and then I was trying to eat my burger and I Brenda showed up and I wanted to say hello because I hadn't seen her in a while. Oh, yeah, Brenda I said to my friend. Yeah said are you gonna be are you coming tomorrow? Cuz I just got to eat this I gotta do this and she's oh, yeah, definitely. She never showed She didn't show up She never showed up the second day. Oh, it was so bizarre Showed up the second day. Oh, it was so bizarre To me that she was like lived in Vegas shows up talks to you super fan And then wasn't there for a w8p. Oh, that's kind of bummed
Starting point is 00:39:13 I hopefully she died cuz that's a good excuse most likely I only use all except Beloved chatter was there I got to meet beloved chatter, which was cool He's a tall guy that beloved chatter the video didn't smell like pee some of the attendees did I noticed that too yeah all right so I lost the creep off and I had to wear a shirt that said sorry I'm late I'm gay and I was having gay sex mm-hmm that was funny and I wear that shirt the rest of the day including on W ATP let's start a pride month. It was good. It was good. It was that appropriate so then nobody likes onions and Pat Dixon was on and
Starting point is 00:39:56 Pat Dixon was forced to tell jokes as he didn't show up for his stand-up show Patrick Mountain was just making him all right give us another joke You know just every now and again the guy not tell us another joke. Just every now and again, he'd be like, all right, now tell us a joke. He was looking at his phone too. Yeah, he was just telling street jokes and shit. It wasn't even his jokes. Oh, I heard him. Which was funny.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Brian Johnson was on there to talk about Aaron Imhol with Patrick, and I enjoyed that show a lot. I thought it was great. I like Patrick's delivery, I like his style. He was very funny. He didn't really prepare much, he was just talking about what was going on and everything like that, which he had a lot of shit to do, so I understand,
Starting point is 00:40:31 I get it. He was so busy, but you know what? He was pretty busy. I do have to say, I've never met that man before in my life, and he walked past me at one point on the Friday night when he was frantic, and he's just like, I'm so sorry I haven't had a chance to say hi, I'm just, everything's falling apart.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I was like, I didn't even know you would know who I was and also You're working really hard. It's fine, and he was so sweet. He's a such a sweet guy really nice person I remember so you know like my first encounter with him was like he's nothing's working Everything's breaking he's pulling the hair out of his head and everything like that and then a few hours later I'm in the main room the main bar area, and he walks over and he shakes my hand and he goes, hey, so I'm Patrick, nice to meet you. Thanks for being a part of the show. He's just like, sorry, didn't really get a chance to say hi to you at first.
Starting point is 00:41:10 It was extremely nice. Yes, Patrick is a sweetheart for sure. Any thoughts on nobody likes onions? Christian, were you there for that portion of the show? No, no, again, I took my wife to the barbecue place across the street, which was amazing. And there was a singer-writer performing who was his birthday. So my wife felt bad and she knows what it's like to have her birthday ruined.
Starting point is 00:41:32 So she gave him 10 bucks. Okay. But then WTP started up and Christian was a big part of that. Vinny was a big part of that. Vinny was my producer, Chris on that since producer Chris could not make it. I could never ever fill Chris's shoes. That's true. But he does. It's very integral and very hard to do. He's the best. I tried.
Starting point is 00:41:55 He's the man. I tried to fill Chris's shoes. But we did WTP. We started with the Settling John segment, which was fantastic. That was fun. And it was just shit that John did on his Thursday show. And it was the craziest thing because someone told him to pull up this meme that he thought was making fun of Shuley and praising him because he's such a narcissist he doesn't know. And then he then argued with the super charters for the rest of the show where they were like no John that's making
Starting point is 00:42:21 fun of you you're an idiot. And so then he was trying to prove the super chat is Right was one of the craziest things I ever seen yeah Well, this is this is the same man who thought that John's neglected cat was not an insulting name to him He just thought is like no no is that supposed to be an insult yes, John literally. It's an insult. Yes Multi-color hair So says you have multicolor hair Color hair Stupid But from that segment I can't stop thinking about the hard-boiled eggs and just the stack of microwave bacon mother haunts me still
Starting point is 00:42:57 Volt rim on a hard-boiled egg and it's just pouring salt from a box It's just shoving in no salt shaker. Just a morton salt box No It's incredible But he's gonna show us his bicep on friday because uh, he's really gonna be in shape by then looking forward to that. Well Dude, he's gonna have popsicle sticks and shit tapes What if he's just wearing one of those t-shirts It's like a muscle man. That would be funny. He's not funny enough to do that.
Starting point is 00:43:27 After that, Christian came up and you introduced us to a Vegas celebrity. Yeah, true. Belcher, who is a food reviewer. As I pointed out, he has like a million and a half followers on TikTok and 700,000 on Instagram. And when I started watching his reviews, I'm like, well, this guy might be it. But then I did find a podcast where he ate food with models and tried to fuck them unsuccessfully.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And I felt really good about that submission, Carl, better than anything I've ever sent you for WATP. Yeah, he's ridiculous. And I hated the way he interacted with these hot chicks who will never fuck him. Right. Because he was being flirtatious in a way that like every other guy watching just like, oh, this she's not into that. That's not going to that's not going to work. That's why I had Dick Madison on that segment.
Starting point is 00:44:18 So I need to get a kick out of a guy like really stumbling over his words. I had a girl like, for example, the word moist got brought up. Whoa, he said the word moist 80 times to her after she said that. She's like, I don't even like that word. That's the way I describe this food. That was pretty edgy stuff. So bad.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And when he said it looked like she jerked off a jar of mayonnaise and then they had a cutaway of somebody slapping mayonnaise. Jerked off a jar of mayonnaise might be the worst joke ever constructed. No, no, no, maybe you just don't understand comedy, Carl. As the old saying goes. Maybe I don't.
Starting point is 00:44:53 So then after that, we got into the Aaron Imholz segment. And I say Aaron Imholz segment instead of Sealtow because it started with his interview that he did on Killstream with Ethan, I was gonna say Ethan Klein, Ethan Ralph. Gotta get all these fucking YouTubers figured out in my head. And also this other guy that was on the show, did a great job, Godwinson,
Starting point is 00:45:19 did a great job with Aaron Imhol. So we played a bunch of clips from that, and then Lucy Typebox was on with us, and she had watched a lot of Steel Toe with Gino Biscotti and Keanu, so she had some clips and things. I think she watched something like nine hours worth of shit. She could play about watching nine hours, yes.
Starting point is 00:45:37 So which means it was probably seven, and she watched it on triple speed, but whatever. Yeah, you know how broads are. They always want to take too much credit for things. Why you give me that look? Guys, let's not talk about broads, my wife is here. Well, my wife's not, so I'll talk about it. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Oh, Lucy's here. I still hate you, Carl. 10 and a half hours. See, it keeps going up and up and up. Bologna Factory is here. We were hanging out a bunch. I'll get into that. Sunday was a fun day.
Starting point is 00:46:08 All right, but this is probably a good segue to talk about what Aaron was saying about me that I have to call him on his bullshit. And again, I don't care if Aaron, we've been pointing out his narcissism and how poorly he's handled this whole divorce with his wife. And my big thing is like,
Starting point is 00:46:25 you purposely wanted to get revenge on these people who are no longer hanging out with you. Like you're the odd man out. And they're all shitheads. He says it himself, all of us were shitheads in this situation. They're all neglecting their children and making bad decisions based on the fact
Starting point is 00:46:40 that they're parents and have a bunch of children. But now, Aaron has decided that he has the moral high ground and he's tattling on everyone and getting everyone in trouble he's calling parents. It's been proven that the search warrant that led to the police putting a battering ram into Nick Riquetta's front door was based on the broadcast of Aaron Imholt, and he's taking victory laughs about this. If I had narc'd on my friends for drug use and got them all arrested, I'd sheepishly say, oh, I guess I said too much.
Starting point is 00:47:13 My bad, sorry guys, that won't happen again. This isn't gonna bode well for me. Hey guys, if anyone wants to party with me in the future, I won't do that again, you know, that's what I'd be saying with this guy, just like, yeah, and they're all in jail now because they're fucking losers, and I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay. But Aaron doesn't know what I'm saying, he's not listening, he's just like yeah, and they're all in jail now because they're fucking losers, and I was like whoa, okay, but
Starting point is 00:47:27 Aaron doesn't know what I'm saying. He's not listening. He's not paying attention. It doesn't stop him from commenting So let's pick up on a very recent episode from just I think yesterday. What happened to his set? I've been meaning to ask somebody this what happened used to have like a nice-looking set no no he upgraded, but you don't realize that Why is the Mike fellow guy back there? That's not an upgrade. His name is Mike Lindell and he's an American patriot Vinny. Come on. It looks terrible. This set looks terrible. And I'm just repeating what Patrick Mountain says about taking credit for this. But when Aaron switched over to this, instead of having the big logo behind him, he goes, I wanted to get it back to like my radio roots, have more like a radio style set.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Radio is not visual, there's also this thing that's a radio set. This isn't a radio set, you have a whiteboard behind you that you update with things like shut up, Aaron, and uh oh, SpaghettiOs, you get your little jokes back there. Well who's that guy on Sports Center that does that with the chalkboard? Oh? I don't know I know who I'm talking about sports center, but around the horn
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah the horn I forget his name has anybody ever told him that every fucking radio person that does any type of Stream professionally has like a set I want to go back to my radio vibes. Well then turn off the camera shithead. Woody Page, I knew someone in the chat would know the answer to that. Oh thank you. I love Woody Page, he's a funny guy.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I like him on that show. Is he still in Denver or where did he go to? Dude, I don't know where he is but that show around the horn is still on TV with the same fucking people. It's amazing. It's like Wheel of Fortune, like it never goes away. away. It's still these fucking people. Are you kidding me? All right, that's not the point The point is this is the shit that Aaron was talking about me recently like Patrick's whole thing is he's a steeltoe guy His audience is my audience. He only has it through my good graces
Starting point is 00:49:23 Carl audience. He only has it through my good graces. Carl, Carl's kind of become a pro wrestler. Carl used to have a show where he would find shows and he would critique them. Now Carl is like this, I don't know, he's like the nerdy kid who hides behind the football player and goes, ah, and says we a lot when it's the other person. Carl became kind of a weird, kind of a, I don't wanna say it, because I liked the guy and we would talk on the phone and we would text and whatever, but he kind of became a bitch.
Starting point is 00:49:54 The only comment I have on that so far, I love when people go, you know, Carl used to critique other people's podcasts. I still do, that's still the show format. And I was critiquing my podcast, so it stinks. I don't like it. Unfortunately. By the way, Carl is, I'm going to make a call right now.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Carl is not going to say that he was wrong about the marriage thing being a work. He's gonna spin it to where either he was kidding or, no, what I really said was, no, I didn't say it was a work. I said what it could be was this, that, or the other thing. He won't admit it. He's too like he got too wrapped up in the pro wrestling angle of it. He's got to do the four horseman thing where the day after we saw you get the shit kicked out of you on TV, you've got to spin it that you guys are still the baddest motherfuckers who ever lived.
Starting point is 00:50:40 All right. So this is why I wanted to play this because Eric and gaslight his audience all he wants. Kevin Brennan does the same thing. Just make shit up. That's not true at all. And just say it, assuming that no one will ever fact check him on it. But the fact that Aaron says that I'm the one who's going to do a wrestling work, I'm not the wrestling fan out of us, Aaron. This is your thing. I know you are, Vinny, but you didn't tell me to do this. So like how he called the snitch called you a bitch. I know that. I know you are ready, but you didn't tell me to do this. So like how he caught the snitch called you a bitch
Starting point is 00:51:06 I know that I know so so Aaron comes on here and he goes, you know what curls gonna do next He's not even gonna admit that he was wrong meanwhile ten days ago This is not hard to look up Aaron I did a whole show about you specifically and I brought on people who know more about Aaron than I do and I said this Here's what I want to start off with about you specifically, and I brought up people who know more about Aaron than I do, and I said this. Here's what I want to start off with. Here's what I want to say to both of you guys.
Starting point is 00:51:28 The reason why we're here today is because two weeks ago, I came on this very YouTube channel, and I declared, this has to be a work. I'm still with you, Carl. Aaron DeBolt came out his show and said, I'm getting a divorce from April. So I mean, the people had been predicting sure at least the past four weeks, but even before that,
Starting point is 00:51:49 there was a lot of speculation about it. And I said, I said, okay, this has to be a work. There's no way this is real. No one would behave like this. No one would be lying to their audience like this. And then come back and just say, no guys, you were all right. I was lying all this time. April and I are getting a divorce. I went, what, guys, you were all right. I was lying all this time. April and I are going to get divorced. I went, what? This seems fishy. How can somebody do
Starting point is 00:52:09 a 180 like that and have any credibility? It's got to be a work and April's going to show up on Monday and have a big laugh with him. Well, it turns out I was completely wrong. And so I wanted to bring you guys out to tell me how I got it so wrong because apparently I wasn't paying close attention to what Aaron was up to. Oh, wrong again, Aaron. You know what Carl's gonna do? He's gonna say I didn't say that and I didn't mean that. Nope. I said it. I meant it. I was hoping it was true. I was hoping it was a work because it's embarrassing. For the sake of you and your family, he was hoping it was a work, Aaron. I was hoping it was a work because if Melton
Starting point is 00:52:46 and Chad Zubok knew everything about the details of your life just by watching your body language, then you're a joke. So let's see, he goes on. He goes on from there. But anyway, I wanted to make that point. Aaron, you can talk all the shit you want about me, but just know what I say.
Starting point is 00:53:05 It's really hard, and this is going way back to the old stuttering John, when he would take jabs at me from time to time, before he would watch the clips and stuff and know what I was saying. Now he responds to me directly in things I said, which is nice, I like that. At least he knows.
Starting point is 00:53:19 At least he knows what I'm saying. But John used to battle me on things that he had no idea what I was saying or what I was doing. It's like, well, this is dumb. You can't make an argument. You don't know anything about this. Like being on a debate team and being like, yeah, so what is abortion though? You know, I was like, well, no, you can't pick a side, dummy. But that is embarrassing for Carl that he goes through divorces at work. Nobody made him say the divorce is a work
Starting point is 00:53:51 Could you imagine if I hosted a show and I'm like guys I know I said that Aaron's divorce is work But a bigger kid made me say it One of the kids at school made me say that and I was gonna tell my mom but then One of the kids at school made me say that and I was gonna tell my mom but then Like nobody gave him a reason to say my divorce was a work. I was my thinking dummy Carl we all know that the guys at corporate, you know from big W ATP They said this is the company line. You have to say it's a work. I don't want to do you want to be fired? Okay, okay. I'll say it. I met with our PR firm They gave me the talking points. I want I disagree with these are like Carl. We're saving you for your own good You can say this. Okay, what is the point? He decided to make what is even the point? That's a good question
Starting point is 00:54:37 wrong about something Okay, Marlowe's wrong about something your world is not fucking fired dickhead Marl was wrong about something. Your world is on fucking fire, dickhead. Your world is crumbling around you. Hey, but you know, Carl got something wrong and he might not admit it. Well, the funniest part about this is that he's insane because the dumbest part about this is the fact that for weeks, Erin was saying that their marriage is fine. April's going to come back to the show someday. She just needs a cooling off period. She's upstairs making candy bacon right now. Everything's great. So he was the one lying the entire time. Then he comes out and tells the truth and I go, that can't be right. He could have been lying this whole time. And now he's calling
Starting point is 00:55:19 me out. What an idiot carless. He didn't even know I was lying all that time. That's giving you the benefit of the doubt, man. All right. You run out there. I'm sorry. I'm halfway to changing DabbleCon to steal Tocon. This guy's a fucking loser. You're not wrong. I've never watched this much of this guy.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I think this is really annoying. It's crazy, right? All right. I'll call Shul in the morning. We might need to rebrand. Just to follow up on something you said, Carl, you want him to know what you say. The only way he's going to know everything you say is if the titles of your videos become like 6,000 words long, because that's the only way he knows anything. Well, look, the title
Starting point is 00:55:58 of this video said this, that must be what Carl said. That's what he reacted to last time was just the name of the thumbnail. It's so stupid. Get out over his skis anyway, and now he looks like a fucking moron. This is great. Okay. So, Aaron's wife, Aaron was a cuck. He was letting a guy with more YouTube subs fuck his wife.
Starting point is 00:56:20 He got cucked out of the relationship. Now he's on the out, and the three of them are all fucking each other. And Aaron goes, this Carl guy looks like an idiot. Oh yeah, boy is my face right, Aaron. I'm the laughing stock of the internet. That's right, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:56:36 This dude's house is on fire and he's going, hey look, the fireman's truck is dirty. Oh, look. What an idiot. He's fucking retarded. He's so stupid. Which, it's fine with me. You know, if the people who don't like you
Starting point is 00:56:48 want to make mistakes, let them. Don't fucking get involved. But this bed bug thing at Hackamania. Oh, man. Speaking of, so this is an amazing segue right here. He goes from, can you believe how stupid Carl is? He thought I wasn't getting a divorce. He thought April was going to show back up and we were still? He thought I wasn't getting a divorce, he thought April was gonna show back up
Starting point is 00:57:06 and we were still in love and I didn't fuck up my second marriage. Can you believe how dumb he is? But guys, you hear about the bedbugs in hackamania? Let's hear about them, Erin. I'd love to. Let's hear about how you fell for another ruse, you dummy. I'd rather have bugs in my bed
Starting point is 00:57:19 than a fucking woman dripping from Nick Rekate has come. Okay, Erin? Fuck off. And I heard that they did hold this thing at like a really dirty venue in Las Vegas because they couldn't afford any of the decent ones. Yeah, literally the venue was just like, we're gonna give you a discount rate because there are bed bugs.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And Melton's like, all right, yeah, I can use 20% off, that's cool, off the bottom line, a really dirty venue. Melton got like, all right, yeah, I can use 20% off. That's cool. I'll hop the bottom line. A really dirty venue. Melton got the venue for half price because he offered to sweep up before we started. Right, yes. And in the arts district and shit, there's a lot. And then Johnny Crutch comes in, and it makes you feel bad
Starting point is 00:57:58 for everything that's going on. I was going to say, who is this person? I don't watch the show. No, nobody does. Johnny Crutch is the guy that Mersh said told him he wasn't funny in a super chat I cried yes, he cried for like 45 minutes. Oh, okay. Yes. Yes, okay. I know who this is I do okay Of course you do the guy who cried on air. Oh, yeah, we all know that Chris just breaks down
Starting point is 00:58:25 Stupid Carl WACP producer Chris just breaks down in tears. And Carl keeps bringing it back. Yeah, right. You look real stupid, Carl. This is so, this is such a weird thing that Aaron's doing, Aaron. A lot of cheap, shitty places to hold events. People said that, I also heard from people that, they're like, all Patrick can do is talk about you. That's all he's got.
Starting point is 00:58:46 The only thing he ever talks about is steel toe. And so Patrick Melton has been doing a comedy show for 20 years on the internet. This is a comedy show? Patrick Melton. Oh. Aaron Imholt right here is saying, the only thing Patrick Melton does
Starting point is 00:59:00 is talk about Aaron Imholt. The only thing he doesn't talk about me is what Aaron is saying. Patrick Melton has had a show that's been running longer than everyone else's show. Yeah. He was on Ustream. And also, I mean.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Before anyone, YouTube didn't exist when he started this show. He's been doing it so long that Adam Carolla was on broadcast radio. Correct. Well, he's been speculating about this for a long time and was right about every single thing. Correct.
Starting point is 00:59:23 And I love that now Aaron's going, and you know this guy who kept saying that my marriage was a debacle and that April was on drugs and that the ricadas in us were all swingers? This guy who predicted everything, he just keeps talking about how he's right about everything. He's just taking this victory lap over and over again.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah, this is his time to shine. I don't know what was wrong about one thing. He's right about everything just taking this victory lap over and over again. Yeah Look at his body language. Yes Dude, he's hugging himself all the time. He's just like we're good How else can he keep his hands off a hot piece of meat like Johnny Crutches? Oh my god, Johnny Crutch is like I was gonna kill myself, but I could be worse Myself but I couldn't actually lift up the rope Was a shock jack I don't know a lot about this show yeah except for what I hear through you guys and Patrick and
Starting point is 01:00:32 Why is he showing up late? And why is it taking him 20 minutes to get into the chair? Well, that's the crutches. Yeah People use crutches before it wasn't as painful to watch this. I think it took a 45 minute long bathroom break Crawl to the bathroom, but Jen's right. I wouldn't expect him to be slower than Quadfather. And how it bothers him that Steel Toes numbers are better than him now and Steel Toes doing better. Like, dude. Oh, so that's the other thing too. So again, gaslighting the audience. Aaron goes, Yeah, I hear that like Patrick Melton's, it bothers him that I'm getting more viewers than
Starting point is 01:01:03 him. Now we're all talking about Patrick Melton's, it bothers him that I'm getting more viewers than him. Now we are all talking about Patrick Melton's demeanor and how he lives his life and how he thinks about things. It doesn't bother him. No, we don't fucking care. Aaron, as many hate viewers as you're getting right now or Reketa haters who are watching to see what you're gonna say about Nick Reketa next, it's short-lived, you know that, you've said it many times, and we don't care.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I've never once seen someone be successful on their show and been like, fuck that! God damn it, my only mission was for that person to not be successful! No, none of us care. We're all happy for you, buddy. We hope it keeps going. Listen man, I have to sum this up for everybody. Let's make this very clear. Here's what we're hoping for More people to be idiots on the fucking internet. That's the only thing we're hoping for dude the more The more famous Aaron Imhold gets the better it is for us because you're right dabble con becomes steel toke on Yeah, we'll do it in October. We'll call it steel tober Yeah, we'll do it in October and we'll call it Steeltober.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Perfect. I love it. Love it sells itself. Write it down at the Magic Bag October 25th. Get your tickets. Magic Bag website. You should do. That's not a bad idea. It's not Steeltober at the Magic Bag.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Steeltober. All right. Well, let's see what this idiot is going to say next. You don't have to. Like, that doesn't have to bother you. It doesn't bother you. You could do a show that you're proud of and that you don't have to sit there and be mad that we've gotten more traction than you lately not
Starting point is 01:02:31 mad no one's I don't think over fast cuck like it. All right, that's good Because that really could be a lot of things actually Think that way about you, but then again your whole show depends on me My whole show doesn't really depend on you. Oh, this this is a funny what the book of toes says admit it Carl Every time Aaron hits his goal you toss and turn at night as it eats away at you turn to the white Yes, this is the thing. He always goes like yeah, the haters hate it when we hit our goal We want you to keep broadcasting Like that's the thing about all these locales like Patrick Michael used to say this all the time They want me off the internet. No, I want you doing five shows a day
Starting point is 01:03:24 They want me off the internet. No, I what you doing five shows a day Hey, John Aaron Here's a fact every time one of you guys runs panhandling to the internet with your hat in your hand Carl wins. Yes, we love it. We hope you have to go every day Yes, it's fantastic. You all want to live your lives with all these I win I win I win no no no every time you go and make an ass of yourself on the internet begging I win, I win, I win. No, no, no, every time you go and make an ass of yourself on the internet begging, Carl wins. Yeah, it's fantastic content every time,
Starting point is 01:03:49 and less work for me. This is losing power here. Is it losing power now? Yep. Oh, that's not good, all right. But, dude, fucking bed bugs, that's gross. That's fucked up. Somebody texted, I texted five people from last night,
Starting point is 01:04:04 and they all said they woke up itching. I've already spent too much money on airfare, hotel, and expenses not to go. Nothing I can do about it now, they're everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Probably the chairs in the main room,
Starting point is 01:04:19 that's when I started itching, but I also sat out in the front by the merch table. So that's the text message that leaked that got everybody saying like, oh, there's bed bugs at this show. They're like, yay! All the people who are fans of these shows got bed bugs. We can't wait for my price to come in the mail over this.
Starting point is 01:04:40 To be fair, none of us would know if Ray DeVito t-shirts had bed bugs, since nobody bought them Yeah, it's a good point so why we didn't get bed bugs there were people getting fucking bed bugs From the hackamania event with Patrick Melton, I mean it must be true, right? I'm your wife back traps. So shut the fuck up Aaron. I am wondering Will Aaron go on a show because he said that I'm an asshole who was gonna spin it and act like I wasn't wrong And he was wrong about that. I didn't spin it and I said I was wrong is
Starting point is 01:05:19 Aaron gonna do a show where he goes guys I fell for this fucking stupid internet meme where somebody posted a thing that said that they all got bedbugs and I'm an idiot because I was taking a victory lap over something because I wanted it to be true. Will Aaron say that? No. We'll see. I mean, I hope he does. I don't know. Bye. No. I mean It's fucking bedbugs, man. It's not, it's not like oh, you know, there were ants, you know, somebody, there was a group that was in there before and they spilled some ice cream and it attracted some ants.
Starting point is 01:05:51 It's fucking bed bugs. Did the hackamania thing like arrange the hotel accommodations? How is this hackamania's fault if people booked a shitty hotel? No, Johnny Crutch's, his legs don't work, neither do his ears. He just fucking read that it was from like the chairs in the main room or whatever and Johnny crunches like so wait There's bed bugs in places other than beds. I'm not following this Okay, what a great co-host Aaron. Why do you even have this guy hot? He saw Merch told me still steeltoes show is so boring even the guy in the room with him can't listen to it. You're right
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah, good point. I can't follow this. It's boring They're saying that they got it at the venue. Oh at the venue. Yeah There's well, then it's definitely Melton's fault if they got it at the venue How can you possibly know they're so stupid? This is but this is crazy. This gets a double in a second, but god I'm just gonna say they're folding chairs. They weren't like big upholstered. They were folding chairs, but but they were nicer than folding chairs Yes, they were they were fine comfortable chairs, but they weren't like these a plush upholstered. They weren't lazy boys No, they wouldn't have bed bugs stupid and they're rented. They were brought in that day Right, whatever cares people saying they got the bed bugs at the venue
Starting point is 01:07:03 Like the chairs and shit like that. Yeah. So you had a shitty livestream. Good stuff. People thought that the performances weren't funny. People who watched the livestream said, this is horse shit, this sucks. You barely had 200 people there from what I heard, which.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And now you might have a whole bunch of hotels that are gonna have issues, because they'll have a bed bug problem to deal with. Oh, let's check the news. Is that happening in Las Vegas, where hackamania causes bed bug outbreak in Las Vegas? Anyone check the headlines? Hackamania causes plague.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Which I've always said, if the isotopes, because we have pyrotechnics and stuff at our shows, I always said if we did happen to burn down a venue and people didn't survive, If the isotopes, because we have pyrotechnics and stuff at our shows. I always said if we did happen to burn down a venue and people didn't survive, the isotopes would be headline news. It wouldn't be the worst thing that ever happened to us. So if Hackamania did have this happen,
Starting point is 01:07:56 and people are like, what's this Hackamania thing? Oh, there's the dabble-vers. Well, Great White is doing awesome now. Everybody's audience, yeah, everyone knows that story. That's what I mean. No one says this thing is bad publicity. Well, here's? Yeah, everyone knows that story, that's what I mean. No such thing as bad publicity. Well, here's the thing, like, if you throw your show, Carl's show, and other shows, like,
Starting point is 01:08:11 there were a lot of different audiences that were supposed to congregate for this thing, and the biggest you draw is 200, I mean, that's fine, but it doesn't impress someone like me, like, our events draw over 200 people, and it's just our show. Yeah. All right, can I, this is the draw over 200 people and it's just our show. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:26 This is the part I wanted to get to and comment on. This is disingenuous out of Aaron. This is where like Adam Crowley used to say, stupid or liar, which I think applies to this. Aaron, are you stupid or are you lying? Because you are a morning show out of St. Cloud, Minnesota, wherever the fuck you are. So when you hold events, they're local events where local people come. We did a show in Las Vegas. I don't live anywhere near there. Most of the people who listen to the show don't live anywhere near there.
Starting point is 01:08:56 We got people to travel to fly in from all over the United States and Canada to come to this show. So our 200 people very different than your 200 people? Very different. They didn't just like, Hey, that thing's happening. So you want to get in the car and we'll just go check it out. It's at Stoney's. We'll go. You've been to Stoney's. We'll just go to Stoney's. He's doing a thing. I heard about it on the show. No, no, this is months in advance. Buy airfare, buy your tickets, get accommodations, make plans, get a babysitter, spend the weekend with us. So fuck off with the 200 people. We can get 200 people. It's very different. And you know
Starting point is 01:09:33 that, Aaron. I don't think Aaron should be comparing his live events to yours. He should be comparing his live events to Scorch's PFGTV. Yes, and by the way, still be close, but he might be winning that one. That one he might be winning. All right, so we did Who Are These Podcasts, talked about Steel Toe, we did another segment that reality show, we did some of that, then we did a very special To Catch an Alien
Starting point is 01:10:00 that was actually To Catch a Steel Toe. Mary Beth Rosie was up there for that. Ray Puppet, Dr. Steve. Of course, the great Brian Johnson was with us. We had just Waldy, Dick Masterson, Christian Blatt, Lucy Typebox, Jen Vinnie. No Joey C. But the rest of us were all on WATP.
Starting point is 01:10:18 But I did get this awesome Cardiff necklace from Mary Beth. Mary Beth made these amazing Cardiff necklaces. I wish I could zoom in on that Oh, they're seasoned assist. I love it. Although no invite not TSA friendly I could tell you that about those necklaces. No, it's got me patted down. Yes She got she got strip searched not by the TSA by me. I volunteer. I got this one guys Put me in coach. He's so kind So then to Kisue. And by the way, whatever Dr.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Steve tells you, he is not part of the TSA. Just everybody. I brought my own gloves. Don't worry about it. Let's talk about anything else on WTP. Christian, you were a big part of it. Vinny, you were a big part of it. Jenny, anything I missed?
Starting point is 01:11:01 Anything you want to discuss about that show? We had a great time with Lisa and Helga. There's a really great segment where Helga explains how she was trying to build a nuclear bomb or not and how the FBI confronted her at her job. It's interesting. And Lisa almost threw up in a bucket,
Starting point is 01:11:17 but just didn't even want the side of the bite. Oh, and Lisa without her teeth in. Yeah, Lisa forgot her teeth in to start one of the segments. And afterwards, so Lisa was sick on Wednesday and she was vomiting and stuff. And then she came back Thursday, started out without her teeth in. And Dr. Steve afterwards goes,
Starting point is 01:11:34 I won't do the Steve impression, I gotta stop doing that. It's not even good. But Steve goes, you know, Carl, the reason why she didn't have her teeth in is like when you're vomiting, your teeth will fall out into the toilet and stuff. Oh yeah, good point. That's probably, you probably wanna remove your teeth before fall out into the toilet and stuff. Oh, yeah good point That's probably probably want to remove your teeth before he started vomiting over the place
Starting point is 01:11:49 Doctor Carl. Yeah, he does he knows better than I it's also why is geriatric like he knows these things. I don't Doctor Steve is the England check Lisa's prostate I love it now that's a show right there fucking tookie kidding me that's not interesting at all Let's talk about we're gonna need four days worth of to get all this stuff done Let's talk about tookie soup because this was I thought a Perfect way to end the weekend. It was a surreal experience Because you know obviously you have to key and pet Dixon's up there just riffing on the keyboard, just playing whatever he feels like, rocking out. Dr. Steve says he's in for checking
Starting point is 01:12:33 Lisa Botswell's prostate. Using the whole fist, Doc. That's a chubby chaser. So then they do the prostate exam. But there's a lot of gags involved. Oh, by the way, my brother was up there too, because he was going to check my brother's balls too. That was the only thing that got brought up during rate of veto, I forgot about.
Starting point is 01:12:58 A lot of talk about my brother's testicles. They're big, they hang low. I don't know. There's a lot of details. I wasn't paying. I wasn't writing notes down. Oh, like you don, they hang low. I don't know, there's a lot of details. I wasn't paying, I wasn't writing notes down. So. Oh, like you don't know, Carl. I don't.
Starting point is 01:13:09 I don't. We don't have those conversations at Easter. So. Only at Christmas. They put up the, what would you call that? Like the privacy shading. It's like a privacy, yeah, it was like, they just had like a sheet. Yeah. It's that's that basically a sheet and the way they set up the lighting was so you can see all the shadows behind us
Starting point is 01:13:30 I was like an Austin Powers gag. It was backlit. I've seen it many times You know you see like an Austin Powers gag, right Seinfeld, you know, so They're gonna do the prostate exam But first they have all these funny gags where you know Rocco's standing there and that she's pulling all this shit out of his ass you can see the shadows It's all very funny And then it really happened it the finger went right into that, but and you could tell by Rocco's reaction That was a very real very surprised
Starting point is 01:14:00 Very very real that was fantastic. I hope you guys enjoyed that part. He can sleep easy knowing that he's got a perfectly healthy prostate Anything else I'm honestly it was such a long weekend that was such a long day What did I what else am I forgetting about the toki soup episode anything else you guys remember? I'm sorry I was just gonna say it seemed like a performance art piece because they were talking and doing their regular thing, but then there's this kind of relaxing little team music going on in the background. Remind me a little bit of Pee Wee's Playhouse, if that's a vibe. I know what you mean.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Yeah. I don't think I ever saw that episode, Jeff, where Pee Wee gave Cherry a prostate exam. It was lovely. It was so surreal. I can't imagine that people watching on the live stream got, you know, a real good vibe for how much fun it was for all of us to sit there in anticipation. And somehow my wife didn't hate that, by the way. She's like, no, no, no, it was really funny. Yeah. I was like, she, like everybody likes Tukey. I think that's what it comes down to. Well, also, if you didn't know anything about the dabble verse you didn't have to at that moment
Starting point is 01:15:07 No, that's where I really was just like there's some crazy shit going on stage And it's part comedy and part surreal and part PB's playhouse. He was like whoa what is happening right now? Yeah, that's why you know Rocco might go down as the goat for this stuff because he's such an original Yeah, dude that the ideas that he comes up with and the stuff is very much out of the box and it's very different than everybody else was doing at a podcast show. So I just think he nailed it for being in that closing spot and it was very funny.
Starting point is 01:15:35 I mean, he didn't have to get a finger stuck up his asshole but he went the whole way for the audience and it was fun and it was great. He promised he would and he did. Everybody loved it. Yeah, Ray DeVito's going, pick up a pen, write some jokes. Pick up a pen, write some jokes. And Rocco's going, oh, I'll be putting the pen down
Starting point is 01:15:52 and bending over. I was like, we don't have to write jokes. I have a much better thing to do. And then I'm gonna get into Sunday, but before I do that, let me just say, we took a lift home, oh not home, back to the hotel, from the venue. And we had all of our merch in a suitcase.
Starting point is 01:16:10 So we pack up our merch into the suitcase, and we're rolling it down the sidewalk, and our Lyft shows up, and the driver has all of this shit in the back of her hatchback. Well, it was like a minivan though, wasn't it? No, it was like a hatchback kind of thing. But the hatchback was cluttered with garbage. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:29 So I wanted to put the suitcase in the hatchback, and she rolls out the window and says, just throw it in the front. She did. So I said, OK. Jen and I sit in the back. I put my luggage in the front seat. She immediately starts yelling at me.
Starting point is 01:16:44 What the? You got my seat all dirty. Why would you do that? You just got my seat all dirty. I go, not for nothing. You're a Lyft driver and there's nothing but shit in your hatchback in the trunk here, so I couldn't put it back there. This is on you.
Starting point is 01:16:59 You told me to put it in the front seat. Yeah, but you put it with the wheels down on the seat and now it's all dirty. So then we sit in a very uncomfortable ride back. And she was angrily driving. She was so pissed. Yeah, you could tell she was like, thinking about like, do I just take them out with me?
Starting point is 01:17:13 I don't know. So then we get out and I open the front door to grab my suitcase and we have out of the gun. Why would you do that? You gotta pay for this. I'm like, I'm not paying for shit. Why would you have quarter? You're driving for a living, you have all this fucking corner? You think no one's gonna have a suitcase?
Starting point is 01:17:26 You're in Vegas. No one has a fucking suitcase I need to put in the back of your fucking hatchback you got all that bullshit back there. That's garbage by the way What are you doing? Anyway, I gave her one sir. You told her she had garbage at the back of her car. I did I gave her once I gave her a one-star review. You know what she gave me? I didn't see this until the next afternoon a $20 cleaning fee I got charged by Lyft $20 for a cleaning fee as if I like puked in the back or peed myself or something Should I should I challenge this against Lyft? I mean it's 20 bucks. I don't care. I mean, it's 20 fucking dollars.
Starting point is 01:18:05 I don't know what your time is worth. It's not worth it, but I'm just pissed. Principal, yeah. We're gonna challenge something. I wanna stand up for the principal. Carl, I'll fight it for you. Send me whatever I need to do. I want this bitch to go down.
Starting point is 01:18:19 I'm gonna take her car. Thank you. I'm gonna take her house. I wanna live it on the street. Thank you, yes. Carl, do you want me to call Lyft right now? Do you want me to get Lyft on the phone? Call? You know, they're gonna call lift right now that call uber eats after that Planning on that KB sitting and almost silently watching hecka media showed us how a true professional does a show like this you loser
Starting point is 01:18:41 Remind me because I do have in my notes. I want to talk about the sniping that took place Oh, remind me, because I do have them in my notes. I want to talk about the sniping that took place, especially one of the lines that Liam McEnany said that I have to call him out. And I know that you're friends with them, Christian. Look, let's talk about it right now. Let's talk about it right now. I'll get back to the super chats in a moment. I have to jump up before my kid gets home from Cub Scouts.
Starting point is 01:19:00 I got to draw the line somewhere. Yeah. All right. So Liam was on with KB while KB was sniping, right? Sniping the standup show, Friday night. All right, so Vinny is bringing Ray DeVito up. And so Vinny's the host of the show,
Starting point is 01:19:18 so he goes, hey, our next performer, blah, blah, blah. And then Ray DeVito comes up to thunderous applause, as we mentioned. And Liam's whole thing was, because Liam thinks he's a superstar in the devil verse for some reason. He goes, Ray should make a joke, thanks Liam for bringing me up.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Saying that Vinnie and Liam look similar. And then Ray didn't say that. And Liam goes, wow, he really missed it there. Really missed an opportunity, that would have killed. Liam, I don't know if you know this, Vinny Paulino is way better known than Liam McEnany. Vinny Paulino is Vinny Paulino. You're who?
Starting point is 01:19:57 You're, oh, one of the fat guys that rotates around. Like, I was angry for you, Vinny, because Liam, it wasn't like Liam was going for a joke. He really thinks that. He really thinks that would have been a funny lie. And it's like, no, Liam, no one knows who you are. We don't care about you. What was that? Yeah, I'm Christian. No, we'll have to think of that. Well, I am friends with Liam mostly because I need somebody to go to the movies with me on weeknights.
Starting point is 01:20:20 While I leave my wife at home while she packs for our divorce. Oh man, this is not going well for you. What do you mean? Look, we've seen, you know, what, there's 1,300 people in the chat and like probably about 1150 of them don't like me. They know me better than they know Liam McEnany. I would agree. You know, so Liam, you're a tear down, but you know, you've been on the black cast.
Starting point is 01:20:40 I was blown away by that. Just the way he delivered it too, he's just like so off the bike. Dude, you gotta make the joke that Vinny is me, right? No, no one's thinking that except for you. That's a weird thing to say too, it's embarrassing. Again, I enjoy Liam's company, but Liam, you wish you were Vinny Polino. That's right.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Don't we all? And by the way, as far as fat guys go. I feel so awkward right now because nobody wishes to be me. As far as fat guys go, Vinny's going in the right direction and Liam's going in the wrong direction. So there's also that Amazing pop culture podcast five bucks says what are your thoughts of hosting celebrity boxing and having celery John as the main event? Who would who would you have him battle was already battling alcoholism? That would be funny. Yeah, we're so cores enemy. Yes, sir
Starting point is 01:21:26 It's just punch the beer Who would we have Sutterie John for who would be a fair fight for Sutterie John maybe KB It's to be another guy who's really old. Well, who's that crutches guy that's on? That would be the undercard should be Johnny crutches and quad father.'s on that would be the undercard should be Johnny crutches and quad father. Yeah, that would be fun. That's a good idea. If Chris was here, he would have that drop right now. I'd like to see him. I'd like to see him fight Cardiff. Oh, it's like it
Starting point is 01:22:01 would be like Game of Thrones on the mountain shows up. Yeah, it's like fucking 900 times the Game of Thrones when the mountain shows up. Yes, it's like fucking 900 Times the size of John and just smushes them. It'd be amazing. All right. I love that. All right, let's make it happen amazing pop culture podcast What's it? Let's get on that for you beloved chitter five bucks great to see everyone in Vegas I'll never forgive you for making impossible. This like you Carl table. God is pestled in on the calendar. Yes Yeah, beloved chatter. Love to see you there, buddy. It was really nice to meet you and hang out with you Cornball five bucks. We heard it here first bed bugs are worse than doing coke around starving children Can you believe yeah, I was in collecting children and doing drugs with my wife
Starting point is 01:22:40 He was getting fucked by another guy while I'm doing Mally. But they had bad bugs at their event that they were at. Carol's Frosted Tips 2 Bucks says, did Ash J get arrested yet for death threats on his ex? No, he didn't, which I'm okay with. No one should get arrested for shit they say on YouTube. Um, listen, here's the thing. I don't want John to get arrested. I don't want anyone to get arrested. I don't want anyone to get arrested.
Starting point is 01:23:06 We're all trying to have some fun here and do shows and stuff like that. Yeah. We're not trying to bury people. It's all in good fun. I'm not Aaron Imhol and I'm not sitting here going, and they should probably knock down John's door and check for this and that.
Starting point is 01:23:19 It's like, no, I want people to enjoy their lives and make fools of themselves. Silence2get5bucks, Liam's IMDB says says he's considered by many as one of the country's top comedians LOL by many You know, I would look that up. I have no idea how to spell McEneely nobody It's hard actually. Yeah. All right Sunday On Sunday, this is like God. It does say that
Starting point is 01:23:45 Let me guess who wrote that Sunday on Sunday. Oh, my God. It does say that. Let me guess who wrote that. Look, I wrote it for him. Okay. It's fine. Wow. Christian. Coming to the rescue. GQ Spain included him in their list of the top 100 best comedians
Starting point is 01:24:00 of all time. All right. I'm going to call it right now. GQ Spain does not exist. That's why he was able to say that by the way the European version of USA Today said I'm the best podcaster in the world so there's that because it doesn't exist as the I get it so I see as you get ready to get to Sunday I should literally an hour after I was supposed to yeah but it doesn't matter now your thing that you had to do you know anymore my kids coming home and if I'm still up here at that
Starting point is 01:24:31 point that's all I see you gotta get out here I should I should go now yeah I'll let you go Christian I gotta get to Vinnie after we say goodbye to because his jaws dropping as he reads liam's imtb but uh, I mean, he, whatever. This is a good time for me to leave as you read Liam's IMDB. Christian comes to us from the Blattcast. Yeah. B-L-A-D-T-C-A-S-T. And of course, I'm going to have Doug from Good Times Great Movies on tomorrow. We're going to talk about Robocop. Sweet. Doug's always fun. He's great. And of course, who are these broadcasters on this very network? You can watch who are these broadcasters Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Eastern on Who Are These Podcasts
Starting point is 01:25:09 YouTube, but it's also its own podcast. So I know a lot of people still listen to podcasts. Yeah. They're still podcast players. They want to listen to audio. You can subscribe to it and you get it every Wednesday morning. It shows up in your podcast player. Yes. Thank you, Carl. Appreciate it. Great weekend. This was fun.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Just making me realize all of the things that my wife had to put up with. And are you going to go buy flowers right now? Is that what you're going to go do? Is that why you're leaving? I might have to. Smart. You know, probably an entire Carvel ice cream cake. That might help. We'll get her a cookie bus. All right. Great to see everybody this weekend. Great to see you all right now. And talk to you all soon.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Thanks, buddy. Bye, Christian. Bye. All right, Vinnie, what else does this have to say on this IMDB? I mean, just go read it yourself. I don't know if he's joking or if he's being serious. At the age of 24, he was tapped to appear on Comedy Central's Premium Blend. He spent two seasons as a regular panelist on VH1's Best being serious. At the age of 24, he was tapped to appear on Comedy Central's premium blend.
Starting point is 01:26:05 He spent two seasons as a regular panelist on VH1's Best Week Ever, and he appeared on IFC doing stand-up for their series comedy drop. He was on Caroline Ray's Showtime special and Friends. I don't remember any of this, but I don't know. I mean, maybe he could have been. I don't know. Yeah. I'm sure all those things are true true And like I always say to John when he talks about his credits that makes it more embarrassing that you are where you are now And I'm not even bad at Liam. I'm the one I'm good terms. I don't have a problem with him I just I find it like as soon as he gets a little bit of notoriety and Kevin Brennan lets him on his show His head explodes even bigger than actually is somehow you were on good terms
Starting point is 01:26:46 No, I just see see it over himself. It's weird like he was literally announcing to people He wasn't gonna be at hackamania. No one invited them He's just you guys know I'm not gonna make it to hack a mania I know you were never part of hack a mania, and then he messaged me He goes you know Carl turns out I probably can make it to hack a mania and I went for what for yeah Okay, anyway what it's weird Carl, it turns out I probably can make it to Hackamania. And I went. For what? For what reason? Yeah, okay. Anyway. What?
Starting point is 01:27:07 It's weird. It's a weird dude, that Liam. I haven't figured him out yet. What do I know, though? I don't know him at all, so I have no opinion. All right, let's talk about Sunday. So on Sunday, there was the poker tournament. Now, the poker tournament was originally going to be
Starting point is 01:27:24 just people who are part of Hackamania all playing in a poker tournament. There was a $60 buy-in and I was all in for that because I'm like sweet we'll sit with the other hosts and comedians and all the listeners and viewers who came out and watched this will be great. Then it turned into no there's this other poker tournament where it's all these people getting into it. It's a $200 buy-in and I don't even know how many people signed up for it, but a lot. It was over a hundred from what I heard.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Oh yeah. And so it wasn't going to be like, oh, people you know and stuff hanging out. Cause I guess the World Series of Poker is in town at this weekend. So all the dealers were busy with the World Series of Pokers So it was hard to put on a poker tournament. Anyway, I know that Rocco did the tournament I know the Patrick Melton did the tournament Patrick Melton did very well. In fact, he played 17th He made $470 and he texted me about that. He says it was not worth it It's a long day. Well, what I said to him was I go
Starting point is 01:28:24 That's why I didn't end up doing it because the worst case scenario is you do well and then you're tied up with poker all day and I'm glad that I didn't do that because on Sunday we went to the punk rock museum. That was so cool. With Lucy Titebox and Bologna Factory and Jenny Jingles and then I went to Omega Mart which was very trippy. It was like a dystopian Willy Wonka's chocolate factory on acid, more acid. That was interesting.
Starting point is 01:28:53 So Lucy and myself and Great Seamoose and a couple other guys, Batacradi. And so we all went to that. That was a lot of fun. And then we went over to Container Park and that was the big meetup. That was a lot of fun. And then we went over to Container Park and that was the big meetup. That was really a cool place. That was scheduled.
Starting point is 01:29:10 That was on the website. Six o'clock, Container Park, walking distance from the hotel everyone stayed at. So we all meet over there. I saw Vinny as soon as I walked in, I see everyone hanging out. Tio Hank, by the way, great dude. He was hanging out all weekend.
Starting point is 01:29:24 I'm not gonna get to everyone who was there and I should I should have written it down or something there were so many cool people that we hung out with great times but here's what I wanted to talk about was container park because we're all sitting around outside in this one area and at first there was just a few of us and then everyone started congregating because there's a lot of different things to do in the park and then eventually everyone started congregating to the one place and we're all there hanging out and I'm sitting next to Ray DeVito and Ray DeVito
Starting point is 01:29:51 was given a hundred milligram gummy and Gummy rhymes with dummy dummy ate the hundred milligram gummy and Then people informed him and that's a lot a a milligram gummy and then people informed him that's a lot. A milligrams of THC and he's, what is it? Is it a lot? Carl, is that a lot? I go, I wouldn't eat that much.
Starting point is 01:30:12 I think I'd lose my mind. Come on. No, that's not a lot, is it? How do you, Vinny, I think I asked you this when we were there hanging out together. How in 2024 do you not know that a hundred milligrams is a very strong gummy? Well, you could be Ray you could have been hit by a truck. That's how you know don't know that He's been hit by two trucks, but even with that even knowing that that's insane He didn't know that was gonna be a strong gummy
Starting point is 01:30:38 I know and also if you know you're gonna be in a group of people Not that I'm immune to this believe believe me, we all know I'm not, but maybe don't take it. Yeah, that's the time to not like OD on drugs probably. Not for nothing. It's a weed gummy. It's not like a fentanyl patch or something. Well, no, but he could become wildly antisocial or just like, I don't know what I'm doing. I knew people in the chat would say stuff like this, like be smiley.
Starting point is 01:31:02 The third says 100 milligrams isn't too bad it's a lot and also i don't even know if the dosage things are correct on any of these products because i've eaten once to say 10 i've eaten once say 25 and they seem like reversed so who even knows and even knows if the gummy that the guy gave to him was even 100 milligrams he might have just said that to make it fun for everyone i don't know i don't know i don't know was even a hundred milligrams. He might have just said that to make it fun for everyone. I don't know I don't know. Oh, no That's a thousand milligrams right? Yeah. All I know is that Everyone was telling Ray he ate way too much. He's like come on you guys shit. What what's going on? He's like switched to water and he's all like worried and freaking out
Starting point is 01:31:38 So my goal was I'm gonna talk to Ray until it kicks in and I want to see what happens So I just start talking to Ray about music. Oh, you were trying very hard to. I know he loves talking music. So I go, Ray, you know, we're just sitting next to each other, there's a lot of people around, I go, Ray, favorite band of all time, what do you got? Ah, gee, I don't know, Carol, I got lots of favorites.
Starting point is 01:32:00 It's like, holy shit, it's Richard Christie all over again. I go, no, no, no, just one, what's your favorite band? He's like, ah, Carol, who could even say that. I go no no no just one it's your favorite band. He's like ah Carl who could even say that? I'm like I can tell you the answer to that. In fact I think most people want to know. It's not Weezer! It's not fucking Weezer! Anyway, so he's all over the place you know, Frankie Valli and it was just like a weird combination of bands. He does have a really eclectic taste. New Edition was the third band he named. Yeah, that was weird, but...
Starting point is 01:32:29 He's an R&B guy. He loves R&B. Each to their own. Yeah. So anyway. According to him, he settled on Beastie Boys, right? Well, yeah. So we were talking about all these different groups, and finally we got to Beastie Boys, and him and I were talking Beastie Boys for a while. Because that's one of my favorites of all time as well
Starting point is 01:32:46 So we had we had much to discuss on that so I was trying to keep him engaged in this conversation see where this would go and Even I had a tap out of a certain bottle. I got that's enough. That's enough of us. We got to move on But container park was a very cool area. I Had fun there Vinny walked away to go oh, you went to see Penn and Teller. I did, I did, and I did the sketchiest thing I've ever done in my life. What's that?
Starting point is 01:33:11 I was in the Savis for the Creep Off, but I'll tell you now, I got out of there, and I had been drinking a lot at that point. I had had some big margaritas at that thing, and I was just fucking around, and it was pretty wild. And I get out to go order a lift, the place at the front of the Rio was packed Just probably 75 people that are all waiting for lifts and ubers and I go fuck and I'm standing there Probably glassy eyed as shit. Yeah, it's a dude walks up next to me like this maxi. I walks up
Starting point is 01:33:40 He's like hey, man, you need a ride. I looked I was like, yeah, I do No, and he goes 30 bucks where you go and I go downtown Grand and he goes come on and I follow him over to a little fucking minivan and before and I'm thinking to myself this is weird this is weird should you be doing this next thing you know I'm in the van oh my god this motherfucker peels out like I almost fell out of the seat and I'm going oh no I'm gonna die tonight. I know I should have done this. And I start like freaking out a little bit and I go to the dude I go Hey man, I
Starting point is 01:34:13 want to pay you what's your Venmo and he tells me it's lol space wtf. That's fake. And I was going to go, oh, oh, one more time, LOL WTF. And I'm like, oh no, he's like kidnapping me. Holy shit, I'm about to get sex trafficked. And turns out that was his actual Venmo. And he was a cool dude. He just does it for shit. And he was nice. But I was very scared for the first five minutes of that ride. That it was all good. That choice, don't do what I did. That's a dumb thing to do. I'm surprised you did that
Starting point is 01:34:47 But also who says 30 bucks and then where are you going? I know doesn't make any sense Cuz like I looked at Lyft and it would have been like 25 minutes and we're about like 85 bucks Well, he took you to the real done for the show. No, I was at the Rio going back to the back Okay, I was I thought you were talking about leaving Container Park. I'm sorry, I missed that part. It sounds like it's less than half a mile. You took a $30 fucking ride to get a half a mile, but okay, you're not that fat. No, I'm not. I walked to the Container Park with your lovely mom wife. That's right. Yes, we walked together. Oh, that's correct. Did you go to the Vegas Punk Museum? I sure as shit did.
Starting point is 01:35:29 It was a lot of fun. I saw some really cool exhibits. They have a jam room with guitars. The Lemmy shit is pretty cool. They have Lemmy's bass and his actual amp, like all of his gear is right there, his actual stuff. And then next to that, in a little showcase, it's his hat, his boots,
Starting point is 01:35:49 his belt, like all of his gear that he wears on stage. That was very cool to see. It was a really cool experience to go there because there was set lists and posters and everything else, but there was also a lot of the fashion of the time, and it was really grungy looking shit that people just wore a ton, and it was the fashion of the time and yeah, it's really Grungy looking shit that people just wore a ton and it was I don't know. I thought it was really cool That was very cool. Also I took because I'm a no-effects dork
Starting point is 01:36:13 I took photos fat Mike had lyric sheets where he wrote out the lyrics to like Rico and stuff and it's like Crossed out and then rewritten. It's like the original him writing that song. It's fantastic. So that stuff was very cool. And you know what I did on Sunday morning? What's that? I took a lift down to the strip, down to Caesar's Palace. And I walked down to the Las Vegas sign,
Starting point is 01:36:38 just to check that shit out. And then I walked back the rest of the fucking strip all the way to the strat. It took me like four hours to do the whole strip, but it was fucking fun. And the people watching was amazing. I actually really love Las Vegas now. Just from watching mutants everywhere. Vinny showed me on his phone.
Starting point is 01:36:56 He walked 10 miles and it was never cool out. It was over 90 degrees at all times, usually over a hundred degrees. It was great. It was like though. It was that dry heat though I fucking loved it. I enjoyed the shit out of Vegas. Yeah, no it was a blast I'm really glad that we did that and I'll do it again. I Will definitely do that again? I think that's all the stuff that I wanted to hit on as far Jen What else did you enjoy? I know that you got to play some Willy Wonka slots. When you went off to Omega Mart, I said,
Starting point is 01:37:28 nope, I just want to sit here and lose all my money on slots, and that's exactly what I did. I did the least amount of game I've ever done in Vegas. I did play some Blackjack. I did win. I am up. So that's good, I know you guys are all concerned. But, Carol, did you win money?
Starting point is 01:37:42 Yes, I did. Don't worry about me. We're doing okay over here. I didn't, but I was sitting at a slot machine just, you know, doing the stuttering John, poking at a button kind of thing, and not even paying attention to what I'm doing. And all of a sudden I hear-
Starting point is 01:37:57 You're like when Chad's texting someone. Yeah. And then all of a sudden I hear, hey, what's going on? And I turn in as Rocco. He has no voice at all. Yeah, Rocco on Sunday night. So he was at Container Park with Amber,
Starting point is 01:38:12 or I mean, with Rocco's, I mean, Tukey's mom or whoever. And yeah, like he literally, like I've heard someone, like us, we're very raspy right now. We got in very late last night. We've had busy days. I'm fading fast. Yes, so we'll cut this. But like, we're raspy.
Starting point is 01:38:33 He literally had no voice at all, which is why we're taking Tukey Soup Slut right now. And why he didn't join us, I imagine. But yeah, he was just, hey, guy, I'm about to die. Dude dude he left it all on the field you know you say the best athletes they got nothing left the game ends they got nothing left they have it all on the field that's what Rocco daddy crushed it I cannot put that dude over enough as like a talent and and I'll even throw this on there as a person as a dude he's fucking just awesome to hang out with I really am a big fan of Rocco
Starting point is 01:39:07 Oh And I should mention this real quick because we started the show a couple hours ago talking about Tech problems and Patrick Melton working through all that stuff by the time the creep off Started and then nobody likes onions that who are these podcasts and toki soup the stream was perfect the stream was fantastic and The stream was fantastic. And so I know the video's all gonna come out and everything like that. And so it came out great.
Starting point is 01:39:31 People are gonna enjoy it when they get to see it. Like I said, I'm gonna post the Scented Ring John Sengler from Who Are These Podcasts later tonight, and then I'll have the whole Who Are These Podcasts up for our Patreon and YouTube subscribers. Yeah, and Creepos, look for the Creep off tomorrow. There was one technical issue with our video because we showed a lot of images and videos and the I guess this capture card was malfunctioning for part of it so I'm gonna go back in and fix all that stuff up tonight and tomorrow
Starting point is 01:39:58 morning and render that out and I'll have it posted tomorrow. Hope you guys like it. It was a really cool show. And shout out to Moody, who was a huge part of the tech. Oh, Teamster Tim. Shout out to Teamster Tim. Teamster Tim! But Moody was a huge part of making sure that show ran and everything happened. He's such a cool guy and so laid back considering the amount of work and the workload that he had. He was fantastic. I remember at one point when they were having their tech problems
Starting point is 01:40:25 They're like alright things are working now, and then all the stuff's like everything just rebooted He's just like well everything just everything just rebooted. I don't I don't I don't know what you said I need you a QA about New Zealand People were like trying to tell me it was Australian. He's like nope. Yeah, no, that's that's Australia. I'm New Zealand Nope. Yeah, no, that's that's Australia. I'm New Zealand Fram two bucks you say fuck too much. You sound like John Muandis. Oh shit my saying fuck too much Was I I don't know I say fuck all the time I try not to because it does sound like you're an idiot I don't like to use that kind of language. I don't appreciate it. Plus my mom is watching I'm right here
Starting point is 01:41:12 Look at Jenny Lee very good All right, I think that pretty much does it unless anyone else has anything else Oh shit Christian blap my wife isn't divorcing me, but I think Liam is It happens so fast. It'd be funny if his wife divorced him and then Liam got with his wife. Well, now that would be. That'd be funny, right? Yeah, hilarious.
Starting point is 01:41:34 That's the definition of funny. I bet you Liam would take her to the movies. It's true. And you know what? Liam wouldn't be like, oh, I'm still podcasting with my friends. You take the kids to cub scouts We'll be like I'll hang up on Kevin Brennan right now. What do you need me to do because Liam's a gentleman?
Starting point is 01:41:51 I'm like Christian, but All right Vinny thank you so much for hopping out and staking what sticking with us for so long buddy my pleasure, buddy It's good to see you both. You know I love you. Thanks for having me. Shout out to Patrick Mountain, really great job. Moody also great job, Tim's awesome, Dr. Steve. It was just a really great weekend and great experience. I'm very happy to be a part of the first Tacomania. Me too.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Me too. I hope I get to be part of the next one. Batacarate, it was amazing meeting you all. Everyone was incredibly nice to see you at DabbleCon too. Yeah. Yes, you will. Hung out a lot with Baddick Karate, very cool guy. And tomorrow WTP will have a new episode for you at 5 o'clock Eastern for everyone who
Starting point is 01:42:37 is a member on Patreon or YouTube or Supercast. That's going to be with Trucker Andy, Lucy Typebox, Producer Chris. So back to the old Wednesday format and We'll see everybody then I want to plug many The creep off new episode coming out this week, but every Monday at 1 o'clock and keep an eye out for subreddit surfing We're got some really cool stuff coming up. You'll see nice subred is serving as its own YouTube channel subscribe to that please do please join us again next time over there so we find out what's wrong with podcasting blah everybody
Starting point is 01:43:11 of morning radio okay great show good job everybody great job everyone Good job, everybody. Great job, everyone. Boom! Hot take! That's the gayest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. Mental illness can literally drive you crazy. No one told me it was going to be boasting.
Starting point is 01:43:36 You're not charismatic! You fucking know all about this shit! Fucking things suck. Who gives a shit, who gives a fuck. And that's the way the news goes. Fuck you. What is going on here? You know, who are these? Podcasts.
Starting point is 01:44:07 I don't know. I don't get it. Makes no sense. Bye! A plane has hit. I rewatch it. Carly. Boom. It's mom. Boom.
Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, bye. Mom. Boom. Boom. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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