Who Shat On The Floor At My Wedding? And Other Crimes - S2 E6 The Case Of The Tiny Suit/Case - ‘Midsommar Madness’

Episode Date: June 27, 2024

The moment the team have been frantically preparing for has finally arrived - it’s time to go undercover at the elk slaughterhouse. Will ‘Uncle Mike’s” fake undercover identity be exposed? Wha...t new leads will be unearthed? Will the undercover operation be a success?Follow us on instagram for the case evidence and behind the scenes. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A Japanese macaque escaped. Tom and Insight is the channel for... ...Swedish. ...Swedish. ...Swedish. We begin our midsummer weather forecast with the news of a heatwave that is tearing its way across Europe. Temperatures in the southern Scandinavian regions are expected to peak today with severe weather warnings for thunderstorms and power cuts later in the day. It's 7am, over to the
Starting point is 00:00:31 news. We approach the slaughterhouse with a wide range of emotions and feelings. The first is heat, an inevitable feeling that comes with being dressed as a waitress in a heatwave. Especially when that waitress outfit consists of a thick shirt, woolen waistcoat and a tie. Fear of failure. Fear of not solving the crime. Fear of having to cancel the podcast. If we don't crack this, it's over. Fear of ruining relationships. Christina's
Starting point is 00:01:06 friendships. Tight family bonds. My own relationship. Fear of being exposed for wearing undercover microphones and secretly recording people. Concern for the 15 suspects who are attending. Will they have a nice time? They're dedicating their midsummer to us. Are they looking at our party set up thinking what the hell is going on here? I mean we have a rickety plastic table with some salt and vinegar chips on it. Not to mention the sheep in the neighbouring barn who are watching us and even they don't look impressed. And a slaughterhouse. Up until now, we have only thought it was funny to use this as our venue. But now that the day has come, the combination of the taxidermy hoof that's hanging on the sliding door,
Starting point is 00:01:56 the sad flags that we slung up this morning, and the terrifying hook in the middle of the room, it's all starting to feel slightly unpleasant. Nervousness for my debut as bad cop to people who are essentially my family. Around six o'clock, then I think we have a bit of a change in strategy. And I would like to see Detective Lauren Kilby get a bit tough. There is no holding back now. It's our moment.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We don't have much time to solve this crime. It's now or never. Jesus. I just got goosebumps. I will be rounding up everyone at the party. And then I'll do like a bad cop. I'm going to put you all in the frame. I'll be like, you lied about this, you did this. Do we do that though? Because we want to...
Starting point is 00:02:38 No, I do like that. The idea of publicly shaming people. You like that? Yeah, I like that. OK, great. Because that really starts to wind people up quicker than anything else. We vote. It's a democracy.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Who thinks class did it? We turn them into a jury? No, you can turn it around the other way. You know who you are. We don't need to tell them because you know who you are and you know what you have to do. So you know what you've done. Yeah, but like... and you know what you have to do. So you know what you've done? Yeah but like...
Starting point is 00:03:07 And you know what you need to do next? I think this is really lousy detective work. No! I think we could give them a glass of schnapps and it'll be like you're about to speech the thing and then you actually... Oh, I'm about to do a song. I'll be like, OK, I've written a little Midsummer song. Line up up bitches!
Starting point is 00:03:39 Midsommar Madness at the Slaughterhouse Introducing Karen Whitehouse Initial strategy, suck up to as many suspects as possible. I love your hat. You look so beautiful. Is it fresh? Are you the best dancer out of the Five Brothers? I would want you on my team I think for any other sporting events. You've been amazing helping us today. Your first email was the funniest we got.
Starting point is 00:04:07 You're very cool and calm and... Mike Berry. Initial strategy, conceal true identity. I'm Mike. Mike. What connection? What brings you here? That's my niece. That's your niece? Yes. I'm a retired journalist, I happen to be over here. Just moving around and she's over here, so I haven't seen her for ages, so I thought I happen to be over here. I'm a retired journalist. I happen to be over here just moving around,
Starting point is 00:04:26 and she's over here. So I haven't seen her for ages, so I thought I'd come and see her. Yep, yep, yep. So it's Chris's sister-in-law's brother-in-law, me. Yeah, so it's complicated. He's basically gate-freshing our party. Yes. When I was in Afghanistan with...
Starting point is 00:04:40 These are war wounds, you do realise. Detective Lauren Kilby, initial strategy, frantically over-communicate where people can relieve themselves. That you can use the toilet at Jan and Stina's house and where they could go to the toilet, and that is in Jan and Stina's house. Or the forest, if you need to go to the toilet. We can use the toilet at Jan and Stina's house,
Starting point is 00:05:02 so feel free to use that. Our houses. You can also use your own house. Helen McLaughlin, initial strategy, just have a really nice time Helen and forget that you're here to do an actual job. We got beer? That is really good. Oh look, food.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I'll take one. Thanks. Shall we get some drinks in? Thank you. Food? I'll take one. Thanks. Shall we get some drinks in? Thank you. I'm going to go and grab one. I'm going to try one of your beers. The overarching mission today is to secure a confession. We must also initiate side missions, which involve exploring connections to the objects that were planted on Christina's veranda.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Side mission number one. The toiletries bag which was found in the suitcase, which held the toothbrush and toothpaste, was branded Colour Line Ferries. This ferry runs very close to Black Lake, where most of the suspects live. So today, my undercover team will be searching for a connection to Norway and to someone who might have used that ferry service. Side mission two. We will also be digging for any connections to the name on the suitcase label.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's very likely that the old suitcase was passed down from somebody's grandfather or great-grandfather. I'm going to call it. Does anyone have anything I could tink on? An olive at A troll? Yeah, olives. Instead of a glass, we've got a full pot of olives. It's not going to make a sound because it needs to be empty. Fuck's sake. OK, get me an actual, there's a beer.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Someone's holding a beer, surely. What are you doing? Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Gather round, everybody. Gather round. beer, surely. What are you doing? Gather round, everybody, gather round. Oh, God. Gather round, please.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Outside. I'd just like to formally welcome everybody to midsummer madness. At the slaughterhouse. So I just want to introduce everyone, we'll introduce us, you probably have already met us but I am Detective Lauren Kilby, also known as Lauren Kilby. This is Karen, Assistant to the Detective and then this is Helen, Assistant to the Assistant to the Detective. Thank you so much for coming to our Midsummer celebration. We're really happy to see you. I know Christina is as well. Are you?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah. Okay, great. Yeah. It is Jan and Steena's slaughterhouse. So actually, thank you very much, Jan and Steena, for allowing us to be in this wonderful building. Very appropriate to the podcast. But actually, it's not really about the podcast today, is it?
Starting point is 00:08:06 It's just us having a good old time with some good old friends, sharing some nice old, good old information about anything you want, including things that have been deposited previously on Christina's doorstep. So if you do have information and you've not already disclosed it to me,
Starting point is 00:08:25 lead detective, then, you know, there'll be plenty of opportunities. We can walk off into the bush. I'm not carrying a weapon, so don't worry about that. So please have fun. There are no rules except to have fun. Any other rules? Give information.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Give information. Have fun. Help yourself to drinks. Help yourself to drinks. Help yourself to drinks. And confess. And confess. If you feel the need to confess, that would also be really nice. Because then we can have next week off.
Starting point is 00:09:02 This is episode six of the case of the tiny suitcase. Before we continue, we did actually check with our criminal lawyer if it was legal to go undercover. Is that legal? Will you be getting everyone's consent to wear those secret microphones? We will have a sign that says we may or may not be recording you.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Perfect. That's all you need to do. And maybe add in like very tiny, barely visible writing underneath the sign. If you enter, you consent to being recorded. So you can rely on that later in court. Like an invisible pen or something. Yep, that'd be fine.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Undercover agents, over to you. Can I get you anything to drink? Do you need anything? I'm here to serve you that's why I'm wearing a tie. Many many years ago I worked in a slaughterhouse in England so I used to shoot sheep and pigs. We had the old gun that goes in the brain. Apparently with even more flavour and And tiny. Tiny strawberries. Yes, it's the name maybe. Wow. And that's the best of all. And we're off to a very questionable start, with Uncle Mike focusing on the slaughtering of animals. Do you cut the throat or do you use a gun? A gun.
Starting point is 00:10:21 A special gun. Your gun, yeah. Yeah, a special gun. Yeah. Yeah. With a steel bomb. Yeah. And Helen, eating and drinking whatever she can find. I might have another one of these. They're quite nice. There's an orange one I like. It's time to get to work.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Initiate Operation Cousin Class. Can I just recap why I think class is so suspicious? So first of all, he had the direct view of Christina's house, so he really would have known when she was away to sneak in and just put it there. He's also been really odd ever since we first interviewed him. He's just been a bit too helpful. He threw Pear, his brother, under the bus immediately
Starting point is 00:11:02 and he said, oh, look look i've got this diary from 2009 we didn't ask for it no which was really weird he said it's a picture of it and he's like look i've got um on the day really bizarre on the day which was a monday in december he said look pear says he was away and he lived in texas at the time but i've got in my diary written P plus E, like they came over to our house for dinner, a pair and his daughter Erica. A pair is very sure that he was living in Texas. We asked him again yesterday and he said, no, I was in Houston during that time. So Klaus is trying to frame his brother is what you're saying? Yes. Karen has cornered the target. We told you we did one podcast the first season. I read it from the paper and I tried to listen a bit,
Starting point is 00:11:47 but the language was a little bit... Quick, maybe, yeah. Interesting that Klaas is so interested in us. We know that he actually doesn't listen to podcasts. He said it himself when we sent out the Midsummer Invite, because we asked all invitees to answer, Have you listened to season one of the podcast and did you find it insightful?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Klaas said, no, I don't listen to podcasts at all or things like that because I need to rest my brain. If he has listened, does that mean he would recognise Mike Berry's voice? Does that mean he thinks that he's more than an uncle to us? Mike is now moving in on the target. No. Klaus.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Klaus. Oh, Klaus. Yes, I'm looking at your photograph and I think you look better in the flesh than you do. That is John. That is his older brother. Oh, that's not him. Oh, that's not him.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Oh, right. I've got the wrong ones. Wrong target, Mike. So that's Klaus. Klaus is the younger brother of John. Oh, well, that's why he looks better. If you're a younger brother, I was saying you look better in the flesh. I thought that was you. I thought you looked better in real life than the painting.
Starting point is 00:13:02 But then if you're the younger brother, you would do. The target is ignoring Mike and not making eye contact. It could be something to do with the fact that Mike just insulted his looks. Mike, is that a good time? Yes. Can you come? It gives me to adjust your tie. Oh. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Sorry, what's going on with the class? Every time I come near him, he just walks away. And I don't know if he's told me who I am or what. He's very clever. I just find it fascinating that he just moves away. You're from England? Yeah, my mum is from Holland and my dad is from England. And I grew up in England. Yeah, but I live in Amsterdam now.
Starting point is 00:13:50 And you have always lived here? No, me and my brothers have been here since 59 on summer. But we are grown up in Scotland. Oh really? I didn't know that. Here we have a potential link to the suitcase. We contacted a vintage suitcase specialist who told us a few interesting, and not so interesting, things about the suitcase.
Starting point is 00:14:18 One thing he did mention was in relation to the label on the suitcase, William Johnson. Who is William Johnson? If he had to guess, he would say that the owner of the suitcase was a Scot or a Scottish immigrant. Yes, this is speculation, but it's coming from a professional. So pretty reliable speculation, if you ask me. So now we have class with ties to Scotland and therefore with potential ties to the owner of the suitcase. Helen is making unprecedented progress with her own personal target, which is the catering. It's got the salami and then the cheese. I think seeds. Is it seeds around the sides? Some sort of, I don't know if it's pumpkin. All around it's decorated. Everything is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Some of the Swedes have whipped up a traditional Swedish dish called smorgostarten. whipped up a traditional Swedish dish called smorgasstarten. It translates to sandwich cake. It's essentially a savoury cake. Layers of mayonnaise, meat or fish, cheese and weird garnishes. It looks quite fun, but in my opinion, tastes foul. I'm intrigued. We were just talking about the sandwich cake. I've never seen anything like it, so I'm intrigued. On a scale of one to ten, how do you think this is going? 4.5? Less than five, didn't I? Yeah, less than five.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I've had some- Worst thing in the world. Yeah. So glad we spent a thousand euros on this equipment. Are you all one big incestuous family? Sandwich cake. Check that out, check that out. I tried to say it and my tactic was to get a fucking exhibits officer having a break. Classic. Also, you know you were supposed to put up those signs that said you consent to being recorded?
Starting point is 00:16:40 You didn't do that fucking job so no one has consented. They're not up anywhere. They're nowhere. Helen! That was her one job. So none of this we can use. None of it. There's the one most important sign.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I'm gonna have to now do a speech and say if you came here today. You put the nicely designed one about presents. We just swab the signs now. And take a photo. And say it was always like that. I'll make out with that. Off you go, you're doing that though.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Launch Operation Vanya. Vanya is Christina's best friend, neighbour and platonic wife who was previously married to Klaas. Christina and Vanya love hanging out. Drinking whiskey, smoking cigars, brewing beer. They've been in book clubs together. They get on like a house on fire. As someone so incredibly close to the victim,
Starting point is 00:17:36 Vanya must have some sort of information to give to us. Welcome, hi, I'm Karen. I recognise you from the photos. You do, yeah. Nice to see you, nice to meet you in person Welcome to the slaughterhouse which you've probably been to before Yes, Karen, she has because she lives here and knows her village
Starting point is 00:17:56 I haven't seen any dead bodies here No, there'll be a few later Dead bodies? What? Hi This is Mike. Let me take the bottle. Hello Mike. Hello. And who are you?
Starting point is 00:18:12 I'm a neighbour. Vanya. And a close friend to Kristina. Ah yes. She was telling me about you. The wife. The wife? Befriend. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:18:24 The one that causes all the trouble? Yes. Yes. I always make problems. Yes. That's good. That's a good reputation to have. Nice.
Starting point is 00:18:33 She's the one that gets you into trouble and things like that. All the time. Yeah, all the time. Yeah. So she's the one that did all the naughty things to you then? No. No. We are very kind to each other. We are supporting each other.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Have you been bossing? Have you been taking a boss? A boss? Swim? No, no, not yet. Not yet? In the lake. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:18:59 Not yet. Helen and the target are having a chat, and the conversation starts in a way that takes Helen by surprise. I think next week. Tonight. Why tonight? I have the... Oh did you bring your...
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yes. Did you? Yes. You're ready to go? Yes. I guess it cools you down, right? You don't need any clothes. No. No, what are you saying?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yes. Are you saying just strip off and go right in there? This might be quite an evening. Skinny dipping with the suspects was not on your task list today, Helen. But then their chat progresses to reveal some slightly more useful and potentially incriminating information. Because I have a brother which is six years older and he had been living in Norway most of his time, but now he's back in Sweden.
Starting point is 00:19:44 A brother who lived in Norway most of his time, but now he's back in Sweden. Her brother who lived in Norway. And then she says this. Some years before that, when I was even younger, I was working as a canoe instructor in Norway. Right, in the mountains, yeah. Then she starts telling Helen that she used to live in Norway. She used to work there as a canoe instructor. Best friend Vanya happens to have two connections to Norway and would have had several reasons
Starting point is 00:20:17 to board that colour line ferry service and collect the complimentary toiletries bag. And is it a coincidence that she is Klaas' ex-wife, our current major suspect? Did Vanya just leave the complimentary toiletries bag in Klaas' house and then he planted it in the bag that he planted on Christina's veranda? Or is she more involved in this whole thing than she's been letting on? That's why we're here, to get your confession. What do you think? Do you think we will find the solution? Yes, yes, we must.
Starting point is 00:20:57 We must? Yeah, we took a holiday especially. Or do you find your own solution? I know that Detective Lauren Kilby can be quite creative. I think so. Thank you. Yeah. So you just never know what twist or turn it's going to take.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Well, who do you think did it? The brother of Christina's father. The brother of Christina's father. Right. I loved him. It's almost the perfect crime if you can frame somebody who's dead. We can just say, yeah, it is, and then we convict him in his absence. Framing the deceased. Classy move, Helen and Vanya.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Hello. Hello. Can I have a word with you, please? At the moment? Yeah. Yes. Walk with me, Vanya. Right, let's go up here by this tractor. Yeah. So we can just, you know, have a little discussion.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Far away from the party. So, come on. You are Christina's wife. Platonic wife. In one way, yes. She told us that. She loves you. You're her best friend, so she would trust you with everything.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yes. So you know her very, very well. What do you think happened? Who do you think was involved in this? I told your friend before that I get a new theory. Some month ago. And then I was thinking Klaas' father. Klaas' father.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Oh, Ruben. Ruben, yes. Ruben, yes. She's dead now. Christina's Uncle Ruben. Christina's Uncle Ruben. Because he had a special relationship with Christina. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:43 So Klaas is now living in Ruben's old house. Yes. Vanya starts explaining that Uncle Ruben had a lot of old vintage things in his house and that the items in question could very well have come from his attic. And it was full of things. Could he have found this? Suitcase or suit? No, I don't think the suitcase. Yeah. I think the first. The suit.
Starting point is 00:23:09 If the person who committed these crimes is dead, I'm going to be really pissed off. I just think if you had done it, you would have told Christina by now. You would have said, surprise. You know, I am the person, I buy a present for my daughters and they should wait one month. I can't stop it. I have to tell them before. Yeah, that's good. That's kind of secret. Yes, that's very good to know.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Good information. Well done, Vanya. What was that? Sorry, what was that? Screaming? That was Klaas when he went to get his fingerprints made and he got upset. Klaas, will you please come with me? Have you ever had your fingerprints taken before? No, no, no, no. Would you mind if I take your fingerprints?
Starting point is 00:24:07 No, it's okay. And if you could just circle yes on this last one. You're the only one that's refused so far. You're clever. Don't just sign whatever. You are clever. You're clever. No, you're clever. No, you're clever. No, you're clever.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Karen, get a grip. Stop flirting with the suspects. What the hell is going on in here? Ah! Oh, wow, you're actually zooming in on the small print that you can't read. Did you commit a crime? So if you're guilty, you circle yes.
Starting point is 00:24:51 If you're innocent, you circle no. Watching every move. Answer no. Have you ever touched the suitcase? Not what I know. If we find your fingerprints on the suitcase, what would you think? How would you feel? Then I would be very... Yeah, how could it happen?
Starting point is 00:25:21 Well, it's always a possibility that the suitcase and the pots are coming from my relatives. So even though I don't know about the history of the suitcase, it could, maybe I'll use it as a kid. I don't know. Yeah. It's such a fun one. I can't wait to find out who did it. Honestly, Karen.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Thank you very much. Enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you for your forensic examination. We'll be in touch when we think you're guilty. It sounds like dessert might have arrived. I imagine strawberries, maybe some cream, possibly ice cream, maybe a bit of meringue. Imagine if we're at this party and someone leaves an item on her doorstep. Why is that lady in blue looking at me? She's probably explaining, trying to explain who you are.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Oh, right. What do you think happened with the suit and the suitcase? I think absolutely Christina and this person or persons know each other. Yeah. Do you think there are any other friends of Christina that we need to speak to? And why isn't Annika there? I don't know, actually. I don't know. I met Annika the day before yesterday.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Oh. And I asked, do we meet each other? I met Annika the day before yesterday. Oh. And I asked, do we meet each other on Saturday? Yeah. She didn't know anything. We might have forgotten. Yeah. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Oh, no. Thank you. Shit. Oh. Can we call her now? Yeah. And get her to come? Yeah. Thank you. Shit. Can we call her now? Yeah. And get her to come? Yeah, she should be here. We just made a mistake.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah. That's our fault. I thought it was her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You call her and tell her to come. And you call her. OK. I like this.
Starting point is 00:27:32 The heat wave continues across southern Scandinavia and a low pressure front is now approaching bringing thunderstorms looming on the horizon. Water bans have been imposed across southern Gothenburg areas with the rest of Sweden soon to follow. Stay safe and apply sunscreen. Where are the signs? Where is it? Done. What? Sign. What is? Be done. Nobody will ever know it was only different. Pick up. Hey, this is Annika. Hey, Annika. Can I meet you, Lonne? She did not answer. No answer.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, the sun's just gone. That's good. Oh, that cloud. Those clouds are good. Yeah. You recovered from yesterday? Yeah, I have. Karen is not the only person who is flirting at this party. I was gentle with you. Yeah, you were.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I was gentle. I said to them, I said you're going home tomorrow because I would really like to have a chat with you about your work because I'm so interested in that. And when you talked about your study, I really got pictures of you and where you sit and think and put the clues together. I think it's going to storm. Yeah, oh, it's already been rumbling. I hope so. As for your speech, I think it's going to storm. Yeah, oh, it's already been rumbling. I hope so. As for your speech, I think it's going to just like...
Starting point is 00:29:27 Pshhh! Thunder? Lauren, the thunder's rumbling. I think it's going to rain any moment now, I can feel it. Yeah, I think I hear some thunder in the background. Yeah. Yeah. All right, I don't have a proper confession yet,
Starting point is 00:29:49 so I'm about to turn shit up. Get ready. Turn shit up? Yep. It's time. So just roll that and then you end it with, like, we're coming after you, basically. Friends.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Boyfriends. Victims. Friends, boyfriends, victims and esteemed suspects. A person in this area or a person not in this area may or may not have deposited one or two or more items on Christina's porch. Do you agree? Stand up please. Is this a short person? Yes. I'd like to see a show of hands for anyone who has ever bullied or joked about Christina's height. Okay, so we have Oscar, Ewell, Uncle Mike, Helen, and myself. Great. Hands up if you've ever called Christina tall. Everyone who just laughed has essentially just bullied her for her height.
Starting point is 00:31:10 What is another way of bullying someone about their height? Would it be to deposit a small tiny suit on that person's veranda? Stay standing if you have ever played a prank on Christina. A joke, a practical joke. I won't accept anything less than honesty. I don't think there's any serious behaviour going on here, and I'm about to get really angry. What you're seeing right now is good cop,
Starting point is 00:31:42 but when I turn, I turn into moderately good cop. And then I turn into very bad cop. And if I'm sensing any dishonesty in the room, the area, then I will not be impressed. So is anyone sitting down lying to me right now about having played a prank on Christina before? Head up, stand up, stand tall. Stand tall and proud. What prank was that? What prank was that?
Starting point is 00:32:09 I don't know, I don't recall anything specific, but there are a lot of years. Yeah. There's so many you don't remember. Perhaps that's it. Perhaps so many you cannot pinpoint anything specific. I'm feeling like a few people aren't being very honest with me today, with me and my fellow detectives.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And that makes us a little bit sad, because what we like when we come and give our free time is to be given back honesty and authenticity. It's what we thrive on, isn't it, Karen? Absolutely. Authenticity. So this is why I'm going to give you one last chance to prove that you are not guilty.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And unless one of you comes forward, you're all going to jail. Everyone stand up, please. And I'd like us to just form a little bit more of a rounder circle. Maybe we need to just go out onto the road. In the rain. In the rain. It's thundering, it's raining.
Starting point is 00:33:15 We're gathering the suspects. We will be standing here in this exact position until someone confesses. Anyone else got anything to say to the group to step forward and reveal before we remain standing for the next however long? Two hours. At least? Two days. Because it's starting to rain, I'm getting a bit tired and I'd like to wrap this up. And Yelena, anything you want to say to the group? No.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Platonic wife? No Klaas? I want to thank everyone for the time that we've been having all neighbours and friends through all these years we have a good time
Starting point is 00:34:02 and now we are standing here a while I can't wait to visit you all these years we have a good time and now we are standing here a while. I can't wait to see you. Is this your going off to jail speech? No, no, no, we're not standing here. Because I will say that, jokes aside, we may or may not be recording this,
Starting point is 00:34:24 but it's actually a really funny thing. Like, good on the person who did it. It's a nice thing. So honestly, be proud of yourself. Step forward. You know it was you. Just come on. This is your time. Step forward, please.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Okay, that's it. Then I've got one final trick. And you're not going to like this, and I'm sorry I had to come to this. Yes. Because you're all a bit shy. None of you want to name names. But here we are. I'm going to had to come to this. Yes. Because you're all a bit shy, none of you want to name names, but here we are. I'm going to count down from 10.
Starting point is 00:34:48 And when I get to zero, you're going to point at the person who you think did it. And I'm assuming the two crimes are connected just for the purpose of the... Or should we do two separate ones? No, it has to be the most guilty person here, so it has to be someone here. And it cannot, if anyone points to me assistant
Starting point is 00:35:06 to the detective assistant to the assistant detective assistant to the assistant to the assistant detective we will be very upset it's not a joke this is not a fun game that we're playing and we are also not able to participate so i'm going to count down from 10 are you ready do you Do you understand? Should I do it in Swedish? What's ten is the tenth one in Swedish? Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. And point! We've got a las, we've got a couple of las. We've got a class. We've got another couple of Lars. We've got a Klaas. We've got another... no, what's this? What's that?
Starting point is 00:35:49 It's not someone in the sky. Point. Klaas, you've got to play. I've got to play? You've got to play the game. You're pointing at God. I have no idea. These two have no idea? Alright.
Starting point is 00:36:02 No, that's all for tonight, thanks everyone. You can go back to your seats and enjoy the rest of the evening. It was just a bit of fun. It was just nothing really, it was a silly game. Everyone relax. As the torrential rain continued to pour down around us, we removed our hidden microphones, our ties, our waistcoats, and we took a moment to reflect on what we had learned from this undercover operation.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Vanya has clear links to Norway, and therefore one of the objects in the suitcase, she's also Klaas' ex-wife But would Christina's best friend lie to her face about something like this for 12 years? Surely not But if she is lying, why? Klaas has a connection to Scotland and therefore a possible link to the original suitcase's owner,
Starting point is 00:37:08 William Johnson. He avoided Mike Berry, he screamed twice when Karen tried to take his fingerprints and he couldn't have acted more suspicious if he tried. When it came to the final group confrontation, six people pointed at Lars, five people pointed at Klaas, and Klaas and his wife Lena pointed to the sky. Why did so many people think Lars did this? What do they know that we don't? And is it a coincidence that he was the victim of a similar case of reverse theft
Starting point is 00:37:41 in which a tiny cow-shaped toddler stool was planted on his veranda? And then it suddenly dawned on us why Klaas and his wife pointed to the sky. Could they have been pointing to someone who is in heaven, i.e. dead? And could they be pointing to Klaas' father, Reuben? Hang on, we are not quite done yet. There's one final loose end that I need to tie up. It's actually a bit of a delicate topic, and there's a reason I don't have my assistants
Starting point is 00:38:16 on the call today. You're a professional. Yes. And I'm a professional. It's not necessarily legal advice, but it's more like a professional to a professional advice. Sure. Yeah, happy to help. The headline is that my assistants are underperforming at work.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Just to let you know what they were doing in those four hours at this professional event, Karen basically spent the whole time flirting. at this professional event, Karen basically spent the whole time flirting. Helen came in to the party and went straight for the food table and then proceeded to spend the whole four hours eating and drinking. And this is not a word of a lie. One hour of her recording was talking about small gustaten. One hour talking about the different layers in the cake. And then probably half an hour about these tiny strawberries
Starting point is 00:39:05 that you can find in Sweden. When I had to hear her chewing, I had to hear her gulping, I had to hear her taking cigarette breaks. She did everything except interrogate suspects. Wow, okay. Knowing that I'm a little bit on the outside because they're in a relationship. How should I raise this with them?
Starting point is 00:39:21 I'm glad you've come to me about this because obviously I deal with these sorts of professional issues all the time. I think what you need to do is schedule a private confidential conversation with them. That would be kind of step one. Yeah, I just wanted to have a quick chat with you two following listening through the Midsummer microphones yeah this isn't an easy conversation to have and then I think during the meeting I would adopt what I call a passive
Starting point is 00:39:53 aggressive tone so a passive aggressive tone is good because you can be kind of passive in the sense that it's a reassuring environment it's not too accusatory but then you can also be aggressive which I think is really what is needed here you know so it's a great combo actually that passive aggressive tone. Helen essentially you walked in and started eating you started drinking and you asked to sample multiple beers and Karen you flirted with every suspect that we had. The thing is that flirting, it's just like such low-level detective work. Look, if you're bringing it to the tractor,
Starting point is 00:40:34 what happened in front of the tractor, I do have regrets about that. Was that the child that you took away? Yeah, it was not okay. Especially when you bring children into it, and they're my family. This is my interrogation space. I'm going to put my beer on the wheel of a tractor.
Starting point is 00:40:47 How old are you? 18. Do you think this is a good space in front of this tractor? Is it quite intimidating to have a little chat? It's quite calm. You're calm? What if I stand a bit closer to you like this and start staring at you? And start slowly moving towards you?
Starting point is 00:41:04 And you're backing away like that? okay shall i do that to class do you think that will get a confession yeah um okay well that's all i wanted to ask you i can return you to the party now so just go just expand your skill set you can do more than be a flirt that was intimidation that's not flirting you didn't touch him flirting. You didn't touch him, did you? No, I didn't touch him. I just stood really, I got a bit close. So weird. Like, so weird. I do remember, I remember seeing you shuffling off up the road to go and talk to him next to the tiny strawberries.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And I remember thinking, what on earth is she doing? I was uncomfortable. I was uncomfortable and I was just a bystander. He was good at finding the tiny strawberries, wasn't he, that guy? No, that was Lars. That was Joel's dad. Oh, is that someone else? See, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It's all you know about Helen because that's all you were focused on was the sandwich cake layers. And then what I think you want to do, and this is particularly good in a passive-aggressive way, is sort of ask questions to encourage self-reflection. Hey, Karen, when you were hitting on all the suspects, you know, was that probably the best way to get a confession from them? And, you know, really lead them to it, you know. You know, Helen, what would you have done differently
Starting point is 00:42:20 other than eat food the entire time. Helen, if you have four servings at breakfast, do you really think it's necessary to then progress to the professional party and immediately go for the snacks table? But, yeah. How do you think your behaviour was in that party, Helen? I would say the low point was probably chatting to the sheep. Well, exactly. The other thing that I don't find very professional
Starting point is 00:42:47 when you know you're being recorded is you two having some sort of, like, lovey marriage kind of moment where you kind of kiss and make weird noises. I don't ever want to hear that ever again. Have you got anywhere? I don't want to be listening to that. I'm sorry, but you're in this too deep. You're not going to get out of it.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah, I'll have your relationship. You've been promoted to our third wheel. Congratulations. So all I ask is for us to just listen and learn and change. Yes? Will you do that? I can hear you there, stop ignoring me. Coming up next.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Then I think we need to look at that person a bit more to see whether they pose a risk in the future. The worrying thing is they've waited 10 years, they could wait another 10 years and do it again. OK, why don't you listen to what I've got to say for once. We walk in there and we say, we've got you. We've cracked the case. Do you want us to explain to you how we've cracked it or do you want to just own up now?
Starting point is 00:44:14 I like this. See? Get inside. How do you explain yourself? They're just blatantly lying to us. Did you leave the suit on Christina's veranda and just breathe? Just take in the surroundings and breathe?

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