WHOA That's Good Podcast - A Bag of Cash & What 1,000 Women Just Did at LO Sister Conference 2023 | Sadie Rob Huff

Episode Date: September 27, 2023

Midnight runs to the airport to a bag of cash in a lost & found, 1,000 women answering an altar call and 300 baptisms — Sadie and Korie are sharing ALL the stories of what they thought, felt, witn...essed and heard during LO Conference 2023! Sadie relives one of the craziest moments when a woman she'd never met came up to her and reaffirmed a word from God that Sadie had been pondering hours earlier. And a phrase kept coming up all through the weekend: "Doesn't this feel like summer camp?" The Lord moved in some amazing and mighty ways and you'll be blessed hearing about a truly memorable 2023 LO conference!  https://www.hungryroot.com/whoa — Get 30% OFF your first delivery and FREE veggies for life! https://www.kiwico.com — Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping with code SADIEROB! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D & 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jacob's thing is mystery podcasts. He loves to go to who done it. And when it comes to McDonald's, his thing is finding the exact right moment to steal a McNugget from his friend Sarah's tregg when she's not looking. At McDonald's, our thing is quality ingredients, like 100% Canadian-raised seasoned chicken in every chicken McNugget. Our thing and Jacob's thing together? It makes for a delicious mischievous game, even when he gets caught in the act of my
Starting point is 00:00:24 Sarah. Quality, it's a McDonald's thing. At Salesforce, we're all about asking more of AI. Questions like, where's the data going? Is it secure? Are you sure? Are you sure you're sure? Get answers you can trust from Salesforce at AskMoreVai.com. What's up, well that's good friends. Happy Wednesday everybody, yo,
Starting point is 00:00:46 I am so excited, my mom's on the podcast today and we are going to recap, conference. Honestly, we had so much to talk about in this podcast. I'm redoing this intro because we were going to talk about the later half of this that I mentioned at the very end of this podcast but we decided to make that a part two because we had so much to discuss.
Starting point is 00:01:06 So I hope you enjoy this pie gas. I was talking about conference. There's so many amazing things and so many cool guys or as you're not gonna wanna miss as you listen. And then next time we are going to talk about cancel culture and messy conversation about it. So we're gonna pick back up and just submit it and do that part two, but right now,
Starting point is 00:01:24 enjoy this pie podcast about conference. Oh my gosh, it was literally incredible. But before I do that, I just want to make two shout outs. One, all of our merch from conference, which Mom and I are ripping right now, is on live original.com So it is available to all of you lovely people who are Team L.O. and cheering on all that God's doing, but we're able to actually make it to the conference You can go actually get your merch now at libresional.com and also we already have tickets for next year's conference at L.O. Sister conference.com.
Starting point is 00:02:05 And y'all, the VIP is already over halfway sold out. We have a lot of tickets selling, which is amazing. We're so excited, but I'm just saying that to say, if you don't wanna miss it, if you're doing no, you are wanting to come and you wanna lock that in your calendar, go ahead and get your ticket, reserve your spot, and we cannot wait. This year was just absolutely incredible
Starting point is 00:02:24 and blew all of our expectations. It was really cool though because on Thursday night before we you know went into the whole conference we had like a prayer night and I was reading from Acts whenever Peter and John were walking by the temple that was called Beautiful Gate and there was this lame man and he was like asking them for money and Peter looked at him and he said, sover and gold, we do not have, but I'll give you what I do have. And then he said, Jesus and Nazareth stand up and walk. And so basically he said, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:54 we don't have money, but we have Jesus. I can give you Jesus and that's all you need to walk. And this man gets up and he starts walking and dancing and jumping out. And then when people see what's happening, they ask him what's going on. And Peter gets to literally preach the gospel and then thousands more come to Christ.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And that was kind of like our word for the week because I was like, look, we don't have a lot of Monroe Louisiana. Like, sober and goal, we don't have people are coming from all over the world, literally to be in this place. And we don't have that, but we do have Jesus and we'll give you what we got
Starting point is 00:03:25 and that's enough for you to get up and walk and so having that word on Thursday night and then seeing over 300 people get baptized on Saturday and people just running out and fill with joy and freedom and love and just all things the fruit of who God is was amazing because I was like, yeah, we did know so we're gonna go. We had Jesus and that's all we needed for this movement to start. So I was thinking about the name of the LA worship is holy in my heart and just that holiness, that's what you felt in that room. It was holy, like there was just so many moments
Starting point is 00:04:00 that were just like, you just felt chains breaking like all over the room. And from night one, from like the very beginning of the conference, like as soon as it started, it just went from there after night one was over, like, oh my goodness. How? This is just that one. Yeah. I remember I said this in an ex-sake as mom and I were laughing.
Starting point is 00:04:21 So my dad has this classic dad joke that he literally says at every restaurant when we order like a bunch of appetizers Hope because we do order ridiculous amount of appetizers. It's like everyone wants something different So like then we're like oh and and that too and the Brussels sprouts and the and the Yeah, so we end up getting some appetizers and like as soon as we get that with her So my dad will be like all right, let's check like let's go check like let's go We're done like we got food on the appetizers So the next morning I came in and I was you know kind of leading each prayer mo before each session And I was like, you know last night was so good and it kind of felt like that like we're done Like yeah, we could just go home right now
Starting point is 00:04:59 We're full Already yeah full like worship was incredible. People responded. We had that, like, literally a thousand people come to the altar. Like, it was insane. So we're like, we're full. We could stop here. But then I said, but you know what? It's so true.
Starting point is 00:05:13 When you go to a good restaurant, even if the appetizers are amazing and you're a full of appetizers, let me tell you what you're not about to stop after the appetizers. You're ready for the full course meal. You're ready for that meal. You're excited for that meal. And there's something in that meal that's going to give you actually what you need, you know, like the protein. You're going to get the good side, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But then, you know, if you go to a good restaurant, you're not just going to stop there, even if you're full of food. You're getting dessert too. And then I talked about how whenever people leave, even if you got full of the advertisers, you're not just still talking about the advertisers. You're talking about the whole meal, the whole experience, you're talking about the service,
Starting point is 00:05:48 and the food, and just the atmosphere and all of it. And it was so cool because that next day it was the whole meal. It was the dessert, it was the overflow, it was the service, the atmosphere, it was the amazing. It's like, nobody was just having a night one still, you know? Your time at the conference, the whole. It was like, wow, every's like nobody was just how much night one's still, you know, your time at the conference the whole. It was like, wow, every part of it was so good. And it wasn't just because a speaker was good or a worship song was good.
Starting point is 00:06:13 It was just the whole conference was ministering, it was movement. And our whole theme was move. And I said this in my caption, but the majority of the ministry, I would say didn't even come from the stage. It came from the floor. It was on the ground, girls putting the rumor on another girl praying for them. People having words for other people, people praying for people, people baptizing people
Starting point is 00:06:36 like, I don't think like hardly anybody was in their seat. It was just like, everyone was moving. Almost 2,000 people were just moving. I just involved in what God was doing. And I was so ministered to in so many ways. Like, to put on a conference, I didn't feel like the exhaustion of putting out a conference, I felt like the excitement
Starting point is 00:06:55 of being at a conference, you know, because I was so ministered to as well. It was amazing. That was a real blessing. It felt like everyone, even like the whole L.O. team and the people who were serving and volunteering and all that everyone felt minister to no one felt like Exhausted by it but energized by that that like
Starting point is 00:07:13 Zill yeah the Lord and I was thinking about there's two things people commented to me on that I was like yes It's so good. It's like one said this feels like a family holiday like yeah Everyone just kind of coming together to like celebrate and then other people said this feels like a family holiday. Like everyone just kind of coming together to like celebrate. And then other people said this feels like hang off. As I said, like, and I heard other people say it. So it's like, this feels like summer camp. But I feel like a conference. It was the strip bat purity of summer camp.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And like the, like the true friendship that was being formed, the true vulnerability, the true excitement, the true like repentance was being formed, the true vulnerability, the true excitement, the true repentance and the baptism, it wasn't like you're not just doing that out of hype. Like the word that was preached at night was pretty straightforward. It was like, hey look, this is what we're getting ourselves into. There was no fluff, but everyone was just like all in.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Like I want to give my life to Jesus. Like I'm all in and like truly making sisters and friends with the people around the room. Like some of the captions that's all, even from people who have come like two years ago, becoming best friends, I'm like coming back together and like just the friendships that were formed. We're just amazing and I don't know, I just love it.
Starting point is 00:08:21 It was so camp and it felt like a holy ground. And you literally had 15 people saying with you. I did. I had a house full and it was so fun. It was like summer holiday. It was great. Yeah, it was like a big sleepover and I loved it. I loved it a bit of it.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It was so fun. A couple of Sunday people were like the day after. People were like, are you tired? And I was like, I'm really not. I feel so energized by it. But then like 4.30 that afternoon, I was like, oh yeah. Oh yeah, you were, I was tired. And I called you at like 8.30 a night. And you're yeah. Oh yeah, you were out. I was tired. I called you like 830 a night and you're like,
Starting point is 00:08:46 just woke up from a nap. Oh my gosh. Yeah, and then yeah, it was crazy. But there was a couple of cool stories that I wanted to share. So night one, actually before night when I was Thursday night, my grandma went to the airport to pick up who she was hosting. And there was like a girl from Canada that had come.
Starting point is 00:09:05 And this was so cool. And if you listen to this podcast, shout out to you. I didn't get to hug you, but you're awesome and I've heard your story. But she was coming from Canada. And it was really crazy series of minutes. And I won't tell you your whole story, but one of the cool things was she had read
Starting point is 00:09:19 Ben Stewart's book, Single Day Engaged Mary. And she listened to this podcast and read the book. And she ends up sitting on the plane right beside Donna Stewart. So already just amazing. Donna is awesome and I just love her so much. And she's married to them. So it was really just a cool guide connection. Well then she gets there and the rental car is like shut down with the rental car company shut down. It's like midnight. And she needs to run the museum. Yeah. Not getting a rental car. And so she ends Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental cord in there. Not getting a mental really cool connection. It was awesome. But in the midst of all the craziness, they ran into three of the girls coming from Puerto Rico,
Starting point is 00:10:10 who this was like such a god story and so crazy how they even got here. And all the things that happened that night, the details of that story. And I won't tell them because it's not much to be able to tell. But it was just so cool to see how God was already moving before conference even started and it was hard. And particularly this one girl in Puerto Rico, so she, they get here, I didn't meet them during the conference, but then the night after conference, I went to two-homest house to grab something and they were there.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And I was like, what's up? Like we just started talking, they listened to the podcast, they were telling me their experience at conference and then one of them said, I just want to tell you how cool this is. She said, I wanted to come to conference so bad, but I'm studying abroad next year. And I just felt like this is too much money. Like it's too much money to study abroad and go to conference. I didn't know how I was going to pull up both. So she said, I told God, God, if you want me to do this, like you've given me these two desires, you've only do this and you're going to have to provide for me to go because I want to.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah. Well, she works at a hotel right now while she's finishing up school and she's trying to make some money. And they have this policy at the hotel. If something's in the wall, she's found for 60 days and it's not claimed and you're the one that turned it in and then get what what you turned in. So she doesn't even remember this at all like she she remembered putting like a $20 bill in loss and found And so when they came to her and they said hey, there's something for you in loss and found She was like oh 20 others. She's that sweet gas money
Starting point is 00:11:38 So she goes to get it and it's a bag and she's like I don't remember putting this bag in there They're like oh, well, this is your card and she pulls out the card and it's her bag and she's like, I don't remember putting this bag in there. They're like, oh, well, this is your card and she pulls out the card and it's her handwriting, her name, her everything. And she's like, oh yeah, I guess I just forgot because it wasn't of any significance. It was just like a random bag. It wasn't like something she wanted necessarily.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So she gets the bag and gets in her car, opens the bag and there's $650 in the bag. No way. So she calls her friend and goes, I'm coming to L.O. conference. Is that the price of the plane ticket? That's something crazy like that. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Plain ticket to conference. It was everything she needed to come. Just nuts. So she said, I'm just so glad I got to come and be a part. And then they said, next year we were bringing back a group of people from Puerto Rico. Like we want them to be here. And it was just so cool.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Because again, so we're going to go, we don't have, but we'll give you what you have Jesus. But the fact that God made a way for her to come was like so encouraging to me. Because I was like, God, like as we're preparing, we're planning this conference, you're preparing the hearts of who's coming. Like six months before when she turned in that or 60 days before when she turned in that back at the like perfect day to find it. 60 days later when she needed the money with the exact amount like it was just so cool.
Starting point is 00:12:50 So stories like that even before a conference and then stories at conference where there's this one woman. She was locally in town in Miss Tara, Y'all know Miss Tara. She was on recently my counselor who spoke at conference. Miss Tara's like prepping for conference and she was reading her Bible out in town one day and this woman comes up and she says, what's in the word today?
Starting point is 00:13:12 And she has like a lot of tattoos and the tattoos were a little bit intimidating. They were like gang tattoos and stuff and she started talking to Mesterra. And Mesterra tells her she's reading so I'm prepping for a little conference. And she said, do you want to come? And the one when it was like, yes, I love to come,
Starting point is 00:13:30 which was really cool because she was, she was probably, you know, 40 or so and just sitting next to her like the main target for a low conference that you wouldn't know she would be super excited to come. But turns out at her story story she had just moved on here because she comes from a really rough background and heard that this area is like the Bible Bill. I wanted to be around people who knew Jesus.
Starting point is 00:13:54 So she has like a drug background, really rough stuff, but she moved here to get away from it all because she wanted to be around people who know God. So Miss Tara and I heard conference, she comes to conference, then decides to get baptized night too. And as she goes to get baptized, she has Mr. Herod of baptizer, she gets baptized. Her whole life change, the story that she told in the details of her story is just absolutely crazy. And then they saw her in the next day. And she told them that she went to McDonald's after the conference
Starting point is 00:14:26 to go tell people about Jesus. She was like, I'm just telling everyone about Jesus. And she said she almost was about to quit her job because she was embarrassed by her past. And people were like making fun of her. And she said, but I'm not going to do that anymore because I want people to see what God's done to me. It's to be a testimony of faith.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah. I mean, just that. It's the coolest faith. Yeah, I mean just that. That's the thing. That's the thing. Yeah. Yeah, a grocery store shopping can be a little stressful. Christian does not like the grocery store shop. He always feels like it's so stressful
Starting point is 00:14:56 and you can be a little overwhelming. I don't really mind it, but also just don't really have time for it a lot of times. And I know some of y'all, you might have a love hate relationship with the grocery store like we do. and that's why we love hungry root. Hunger root is the easiest way to get fresh high quality groceries delivered to your door. I love getting what I need delivered right to me and groceries are no exception.
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Starting point is 00:16:00 that we hadn't tried before. And now those are on our repeats. We also got some great meals, some steak tacos, the Christians that were his favorite steak tacos ever. So that's a big deal, but the snacks are probably my favorite because they're healthy, they're yummy, and they have so many different fun options that I actually had never heard over seen in our local grocery store. I hate it when groceries get forgotten and push to the back of the fridge, which is so annoying, but Hungry Root has thousands of easy ideas that will put those groceries to good use before you get them
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Starting point is 00:16:55 woe to get 30% off your first delivery and get your free veggies today. That's hungryroot.com slash woe. Don't forget to use our link so that they know we sent you there. When that reminds me of Phil and Phil and his story and the blinds coming out, so pretty much right. So that's soon, very soon. And I was just telling somebody about that's how Phil and Kay ended up here, really, because Phil needed to get away from his friends and the people that were the bad influences on his life and
Starting point is 00:17:26 He when he turned his life around I gave it to Jesus That's well first he kicked K out of the house and she came here because of the church here and the church is what took care of her While they were separated while she was a single mom of three little boys and then Phil comes here after he when he turns his life around and they really for that same reason because of the church and to just kind of like be around godly influence and away from the influence that was you know taking them down the dark path so. So cool. That's cool. That's amazing. Yes it was just so cool to see so many different people's lives change like yeah moms and
Starting point is 00:18:02 daughters got baptized together grandma's and granddaughters got baptized together. I don't remember. But when you came by themselves, like her got baptized. And then even like people ministered to like the cops that were there, the security guard, that stopped Christian. And you said the cops, I had a picture. Someone sent me a picture of one of the cops,
Starting point is 00:18:21 just like, paying a job in full worship. It was just beautiful. I saw a picture of the protein praying of the cops. Just like, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, And there was a security guard who stopped Christian on the way in, because he didn't have his VIP pass. And Christian was like, trying to look all cool. Not whereas the VIP guys must go walk on in there. And the security guard stopped, and she's like, you can't come in here, you need your pass. And he was like, okay, he was like, I'm not trying to be whatever, but do you know who I am?
Starting point is 00:19:03 And she's like, no, and I don't care. And so the Christian goes, okay, yeah, nope, cool. I respect it. And he was like, but I mean, if it does make it different, it's like, I am Sadie's husband. And then she was like, I don't care. And she was like, I was told even if Sadie herself walks in here without a pass, not to let her in, which is true. We did say that. We heard it. We'll tight security. And he was okay. Nope. I love it. I love it because I'm sure she's saying to tell you that because that's true. I say he waits. Someone brings me a VIP pass. So he gets me a VIP pass, gives it some. Well, the next night before it was all over, she comes up to him and she says, I just want to tell you my story. She tells her name and she goes into her story and basically
Starting point is 00:19:47 not to get the details of her story, but on that one she came and she was just, you know, being security, did know what this was for. And she, like, hates God. Like, does not, not a Christian, does not like God, super mad about the circumstances of her life. And she was like, so mad that she had to come and do this because she just wanted the money but she didn't know what it was for. And she was like, okay, I'm not going back tomorrow night. This is horrible, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:13 this was a mistake I should not be here. Well then something in her the next morning was like, you need to go back, you know? So she was security for the next day. Well, of course we didn't know any of this. And Memalajjo was sitting beside her, my great grandma. And Memalajjo said the whole entire baptism stuff, she was just bawling like she was just so moved.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So she comes at the Christian after baptism and tells him her story and said, this is where Matt, she said, I'm so glad I came back tonight. And she said, but I just want you to be praying for me and told him her name. And so, we've been thinking about her a lot, but it was just really powerful because, you know, of course, like the girls who came were so mysterious to you.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And like, all those girls that Bob does and it was amazing, there was so much freedom, it was beautiful. But then, like, for the security guards, and like the random woman who mishears all the day of conference, was like, come, like all those things got had in mind before we set this conference in motion you know like immeasurably more than all we can actually imagine like we're praying for each of the names and you know I love we the whole L.O. team we passed out the names before I prayed for ages and
Starting point is 00:21:21 so Hannah's and hey Lee's I prayed for you and so like we prayed for those specific names of people that had bought tickets but then also for whatever else God might do the measurly more that all the other things he might do that we didn't even dream or imagine. If you were like how was God for it? I'm like how do you even say it? I'm like it was just it was heavenly it holy, it was beyond something that you can just describe or explain. It was just so good. And it was so cool because after that we saw at Auburn University, there was like all these bands. Which was amazing. It was like just like three days later. Three days later, it just felt like revival just
Starting point is 00:22:00 started just like sweeping. And it was so cool because I was watching an interview because it was on like Fox News and there are people talking about it and they were like, it was just the crazy scene. It was just like so spontaneous and such freedom and such purity and joy and like and I was like, there's everything we experience. Like it was, that's exactly what we experienced in that room. It was like so much freedom and joy and like, just, it was like timed and exist. You know, I was like, you weren't thinking like, oh, how much longer? Like the worship team's been singing 30 songs.
Starting point is 00:22:29 So like whatever, like you're just like, in it, you know? And everyone cheered for every single one. Every person like the celebration was just like, beautiful, everyone's like crying, it was just amazing. So hearing what happened there, being the same happened here is like, same God. Yeah, same story. there, being the same, I have my ears like same God, same story. And it's the same, you know, you go to your church Sunday and that happens,
Starting point is 00:22:50 you know, it's the same God. And so it's so cool. You should tell about Carrie and Jen's part because that was just so good. Oh my gosh. A lot of people come. Okay, so then I can tell my personal story from conference that was really cool for me.
Starting point is 00:23:04 So Carrie and Jen Johnson, we had a section in the middle of the day where a session where they just sang over all the girls. Instead of like leading them on worship, they worshiped over everybody. And the intent was that they would worship and just full freedom, just whatever they hear, whatever they feel, just like sing over the girls and let everyone in the room just kind of have a time with God.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It was, we called it like the prayer calls at moment. Like, this is your moment for like you and the Lord. Like forget that there are almost 4,000 people here and like you and God, God, what do you have for me? What are you speaking to me? What is, what's your goal here, you know? And just to get really in tune with that. And so, which was amazing because I said,
Starting point is 00:23:47 you know, this is what we hope you do after conference, but we know life gets busy. And I want you to see like the importance of it. So let's do it here so that we can help steward that. And then later, like go do this by yourself because I talked about how I was really recreating my own prayer closet moment because back when I was on tour, I would go get in this shower,
Starting point is 00:24:07 not like I would really be fully dressed, like getting a shower in the arena that whatever arena we were in that day. And I would turn on, carry joke, speak to me. And I would just like get with the Lord, like speak to me, God speak to me. So I was trying to recreate that moment. We're like literally carry joke is there.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And did Johnson and they're singing over you and you're just asking God to speak. And so seeing the ministry happen in that moment, we're like, literally carried Job is there. And Jocelyn, and they're singing over you, and you're just asking her to speak. And so, seeing the ministry happen in that moment, seeing the movement in the room, like what God was doing, which is really beautiful. But then even for me, I was like, okay, God, speak to me like, what do you have for me? And I had this really cool moment
Starting point is 00:24:39 where I was asking God, like God, you know, here I am doing full-time ministry, but like, I needed you to tell me that you got my kids, you know, because a lot of people who do full-time ministry, it's just really hard because, you know, that you're busy. It's just like any working parent, and you just want to know that your kids are going to be taken care of, they're going to be okay, that they're good. I was like, I just want them to love you, like, I love you, I just want them to know you, like, I know you, I don't want them to ever you know go straight because Because I was not there because I'm in a street whatever so I'm this honest mode of God And I felt like the Lord just like showed me that How he introduced himself to all the people in the Old Testament
Starting point is 00:25:16 I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I always noticed that he always would come and he was like I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob And I realize like God is the God of generations. Like he is the God of my kids. He is the God of Abraham. He is the God of Isaac. He is the God of Jacob. So he can be the God of, you know, we go back. Betty Jo, Chris, Corey, Sadie, Honey.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Yeah. He's the God of generations. So I had this really cool moment. So I write it down Then fast forward to the bad toms later that night and everyone ministry get just happening all around the room and This girl comes up to me and she's like say to you like I just felt like the Lord told me to come every and tell you She's an animal working mom shit. I actually in full-time ministry. I have four kids It was something crazy like three kids under four four it was like a lot of kids under the age of four. And she said, and I just wanna tell you
Starting point is 00:26:08 that God's gonna come over here and tell you that he's got your kids. We're just so crazy, because I wrote down three times that I have your kids, I have your kids, I have your kids. She said he's got your kids. And she said he's gonna bless you, he's gonna bless them, he hasn't, she went on to say this whole thing
Starting point is 00:26:23 about what God told her to tell me about having my kids Which is exactly what I felt like I already told me yeah, but then to like affirm that through a person and I was like that was in But it was just so cool because that's just a guy story like imagine what happened and everybody's heart and that I'll never know we'll never know Yeah, but I think that was a cool moment, because God went from being like God to everybody, and God to you.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And I think that's what's cool about God. He is the God of the universe, but he's also your father and your friend. And that's been something that's always just been like profound to me. How are you, God of everyone and my father? You know? and also personal. It's like the, the bigness and largeness of God and who he is and how my new, we can
Starting point is 00:27:12 feel in the face of like creation and all the bigness, but then also how personal he is for just that unique. Yeah. And he spoke to each of us. And yes, there were things in that moment too. I didn't have a pin and paper. I looked at it with you and I saw you like riding. I was like, she done a different journal in here for that time, but it was yes. It was so powerful for me as well. I remember, well that morning,
Starting point is 00:27:35 Don Cherie had spoken about the Potter and the Clay and how in that time, whenever God is like molding us and shaping us, there's a pressing that is involved in that. And we had been praying through some stuff over the last couple of months. And I remember, when she was talked about that, I was like, oh, this is depressing because he's molding us into, he's molding me into something different
Starting point is 00:27:57 and something that he has in mind. And so I felt that pressing. And in that prayer time, it just was a really good confirmation of like, oh, what he's doing in my life. And I had people speak things that were out of the ring about the ring. You had the crazy ones that God was singing to me. And just like some fears that I was having and some worries that I was holding onto that God just said, like, oh, no, I'm going to tell you this directly.
Starting point is 00:28:23 So you don't have to worry. You know I've got this. You know I'm in this so clearly. And a lot of it came through that specific prayer time. So this is very exciting. Haven is almost three months old and we were playing with our little Kiwi Coat set that we got the other day. And she was looking at her little self in the mirror,
Starting point is 00:28:46 and she literally rolled over y'all. I was so excited. She has just grown up so fast, and Krishenai are loving every stage of it, and that's why we love KiwiCo. It's an incredible subscription for kids that encourages brain building through playing and exploring, which is so awesome and so great
Starting point is 00:29:02 to just get to watch them explore and look at these things, even when there is little ass haven't is. KiwiCo's PandaCrate is designed specifically for newborns and toddlers like my kids to help support the crazy, fast growth and development that they go through in the first two years of their life.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Each crate has up to six products and everything in the PandaCrate is backed by experts and made with high quality non-toxic materials. All birds of yours, parents, sit there and enjoy bonding with our kids and watching them learn and grow. Plus, the toys and activities and the panic rate will encourage up to 10 different skills for your baby from developing cognitive skills to find motor control. Babies don't say babies forever y'all.
Starting point is 00:29:40 We know that so it's very important to give them support as they grow and as they thrive. So we were sitting there like a mention with the little mirror thing that they have It's like a really cute toy and I had her on her tummy with doing a little tummy time And I held the panda off to the side because you know they love the black and white So haven't looked so I'm like look at the panda look at the panda and when she looked over she does roll over And it was so cute and then she did it again And so super sweet to see her plan with things and starting to learn new tricks. So fostering brain building play with KiwiCo is awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:11 You definitely want to check that out and also have a deal for y'all right now. You can get 50% off your first month. That is no small thing for us. Plus free shipping at kiwiCo.com with the promo code Sadie Rob. So that's 50% off your first month plus free shipping at Kiwico.com with the promo code Sadie Robb. So that's 50% off your first month, plus free shipping at kiwico kiwico.com with the promo code Sadie Robb. That's kiwico.com promo code Sadie Robb. What's so cool, we knew we were like,
Starting point is 00:30:39 this is probably gonna be the best moment of conference because we're just letting God move. Everyone's getting out of the way and just like God do your thing. And then that's the time that we go about to them. We're like, whoa, that was so cool. That's the things people are going to hold on to forever because we're recreating a moment, almost that I had at 17 where I was at a conference with 3,000 people and God became super personal to me. And at 17 I felt like the Lord, you know, tell me, I'm not calling you to be famous. I'm calling you to be a sister and a friend of those who don't have one. Yeah. And this is the first day
Starting point is 00:31:09 of my journal, Live Original Live Events. Well, here I am, you know, almost 10 years later from that moment. And I'm on a podcast called Sisters and Friends because that's, I took the word really seriously. And we're talking about L.O. Live Events. So I was like, man, if you just get a word, if you just feel, and you don't have to have a word, you have to be word, but if you get a word, and you hold onto that word, and you take him at his word, and you go with it, like, oh my gosh, I'm 10 years in, and I still am just getting started
Starting point is 00:31:41 with that word, and so I just feel like I wanted people to hear, from him to listen to him, to get that word from him or anchor themselves in the word because that will change the trajectory of your life. And so, and I think it was that for a lot of people. I think so too. And I think we should encourage people who, you might be in that moment where you're looking around
Starting point is 00:32:02 by like everyone else is getting a word, everyone else is hearing something and I'm just not and that happens. I have so many times. We've all been there. Yeah, it happens because you know, there's got timing is perfect and he moves in different times in different ways.
Starting point is 00:32:15 And so yeah, don't be discouraged by that because like God is with you. He is for you. He is in every single moment that you're in. It just maybe there's another time that's gonna be the time that he's gonna speak something directly for you. He is in every single moment that you're in. It just may be there's another time that's gonna be the time that he's gonna speak something directly to you. And this is the time that you're just best to just be quiet
Starting point is 00:32:33 and just be there. Yeah. I remember during the COVID season, I wanted God to speak to me so bad. And I just felt like radio silence. And I told my team that, I was like, I'm just getting radio silence here. I just kept showing up at Sundarize and Sunset, that I was like, I'm just getting radio silence here. I just like kept showing up, it's sunrise and sunset
Starting point is 00:32:47 because I was like, God, I'm like, I'm gonna position myself to here and I never heard anything. And honestly during that whole time, I didn't like hear something specific, but like, what do you do when you don't hear you go back to what he last said? And you know, so like, there hasn't been like many words since I was 17 that I've heard
Starting point is 00:33:05 like that. But, but I heard it then. I'm just going to keep following it and keep you an obedient to it. Then you get, you know, little things like a conversation that was really cool and powerful that I felt like I so that and then that girl affirmed it. And there are moments like that through your faith wall, but that's not in every day thing necessarily. You know, that can come years in between, but just consistently being with God.
Starting point is 00:33:25 And I told a story about honey, like, honey will cry out to me in her house. And I don't always go and get her because it's not time to go get her. I know that what's actually best for her is if I don't go get her, and I let her stay in that moment of silence so that she can get the rest that she needs.
Starting point is 00:33:43 If I would just go get her, then I wouldn't be letting her, you know, gain the strength that she needs during the nap. And so I feel like sometimes that's God with us. It's like, it's not that he doesn't hear you and it's not that he's not wanting to respond, but even like his response is not intervening yet. Yeah, like he's with you, he's there, but like you need to be in that moment for a minute.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And so I think that that's true for us too. Like sometimes when we're not hearing him, doesn't mean he's not there and not listening is just like maybe his response is letting you just be. Yeah. Hope because there's a reason for that. So this was really cool about conference two is that like we, we say as a team at a little all the time, like, you know, we get to set the table,
Starting point is 00:34:24 but like God's going gonna bring the meal. We get to go and we get to put this on, which is amazing, but it's not our job to do, but to actually get a half a net conference, like that's the lords shop. Which is so cool, because then there's no pressure in that, because I always say there's no pressure
Starting point is 00:34:38 and call in and set in a reservation. And there's no pressure and set in the table, but the pressure's in the meal. But it's like the best thing ever to get to call a maker was originally to a place that you know the meal's gonna be good at. You're like, oh, I can't reach up to be my friends. So it's kind of how I feel like putting on conference. Back to the meal reference.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I feel like we have a lot of meal references in our family. We like food. But actually, there's a lot of meal references in the Bible. There's a lot of these things. There's so true. And all that. That's so true. So we have prepared a table.
Starting point is 00:35:04 God brings the meal and it was so cool because we really got to see that in a lot of different ways. But one way that was really cool was me and Christine and Don Cherelle, we didn't talk about our messages before. We just were like, you know what, God, this is, I just told them, you know, the theme is movement. If you wanna go along with that,
Starting point is 00:35:22 great if you don't, whatever the word speaks to you. So we didn't talk about it at all. So Christine gets out there night one and she just starts preaching and she starts saying stuff that when I tell you, it is exactly what I had prepared for night two. It was about not getting stuck and not looking back, which was my message, not getting stuck
Starting point is 00:35:41 and not looking back. And I was like, this is so cool because I think but from a Holder but a whole different content a whole different scripture but this a similar like theme. Yeah, they're like oh clearly We need to hear this and this like this is something we need to hear And at yes, and I heard Alex you least they one time have got repeased himself you better be listening Yes, that's how I started my message night. She was like if God has repeated himself You better be listening and let me just tell you I'm about to talk about being stuck and everyone was like oh
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, you could hear like the audible like whoa because we just heard that last night But it was in a different context of the difference But I'm at the the word that God told me to share but the whole thing I mean even Doncery talking about how there's like purpose in the pressure and not all pressures, bad pressure, which is when I was talking about. But like, not all the time when God's silent, does that mean it's a bad thing? Every time when you feel stuck, does that mean you're in the wrong place?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Like, you might be at the right place, at the right time, and it doesn't feel good. And that's a hard thing to swallow, but that can be true. And it's crazy that like Don Cherie said that, Christine said that, and then I reinforced that. And I was thinking about the woman, the security guard, you know, that, that, that is her story. Right. And it is, it's like, oh, wow, like maybe me being where I'm at, even if it
Starting point is 00:37:03 doesn't feel good, it feels uncomfortable. It feels uncomfortable. It feels uncomfortable. It feels stuck. It feels like you don't know. Feel the pressure is actually, that doesn't mean God's absent. That just means like maybe God's working something in me. Maybe I'm positioned for God's glory
Starting point is 00:37:17 to be revealed in my life. Healthy habits can be hard to stick to and y'all know the health family try to say healthy we try to say active but it can be hard when you're so busy we all go through seasons in our lives some are easy and some are difficult but no matter what season you're in AG1 is there to help our family make at least one simple healthy choice every day. AG1 is an all-in-one nutritional supplement that fits right into any lifestyle because it's all there in one scoop. You just add to a cold glass of water, which is so convenient.
Starting point is 00:37:50 We gave A.G.1 a try because it has 75 high-quality vitamins, probiotics, and whole food source ingredients in every scoop. Christian immediately notices a boost in his energy and focus whenever he takes A.G.1. And also, A.G.1 actually even helps you sleep better at night which is such a gift. It also can give your skin a healthy glowy look and just as vitamins always do and especially getting that many in just one scoop. Christian and I both love that AG1 supports gut health as well because we all know that if your gut is healthy it helps your mind to be healthy, your mental health. So huge fans of AG1, Christian has gotten so many different people on AG1 as well by just talking about it, sharing about it. It's
Starting point is 00:38:29 just such a good thing for our body. He also really enjoys the taste of it, which is so nice because taking so many vitamins would be really hard to do, but to do it in one tasty scoop is so nice. We travel a lot, so it's awesome that AG1 has travel packs that happen right here. They're super easy to just throw in your bag and never you never had to forget take your AG1 to take your vitamins and get you a little extra boost on the road Also, I love that AG1 has vitamin D3 plus K2 drops You'll know I'm a big fan of vitamin D It's always helped me feel so much better. It's been my skin better, my heart, teeth, bones, everything better. And I can just put a few drops of this and my food
Starting point is 00:39:08 or drink every day and I'm all covered on those bases plus in this bottle that AG1 has. It has over 600 servings. So you know that you're gonna be good for a long time. So if you're looking for a simpler, effective investment for your health, try AG1 and get five free AG1 travel packs and a free one year supply of vitamin D with your first purchase.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Just go to drinkag1.com slash woe. Again, that's drinkag1.com slash woe to check it out today. You know, I think about the lady that missed her about that she literally said, she said, this would be the moment in my life that I would typically run, but I'm gonna stay because I realize I'm not stuck. I'm positioned for God's glory. And so seeing that word just changed to his perspective was very, very cool because even, I had notes and stuff and I just ditched him. And what came out of my mouth that I didn't prepare
Starting point is 00:40:01 was like, so the Lord, like Christian, after he goes goes when did you like think about that verse and that verse I was like right before yeah like right before I felt like I was like go read this go read that and I said that and I was like those things that I felt like really spoke directly to people's hearts yeah so it was very very cool to let God bring the meal and just set the table and I felt like profoundly different than most conferences that I've gone to not because this conference was because of the way I positioned myself to come. Because I think I do put pressure on myself a lot of times to like, you know, have like
Starting point is 00:40:36 the perfect message or prepare in the perfect way. Like I always want to be so over-prepared. But this time, I was the most chill I have ever been. You were. People were like, are you okay? Like I was just like, I was But this time, I was the most chill I have ever been. You were. People were like, are you okay? Because I was just like, I was like about speaking, I was sitting on the ground, like,
Starting point is 00:40:49 looks for us, like, ready to worship before I was praying with you. I was eating at every meal with everybody. I wasn't like hiding in the back. I wasn't like, I was just, because I really was like, no, like, I know God is going to do his thing. And I just need to show up. And that I mean, I didn't prepare.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I have prayed so much. I had a word that I felt very confident that I had worked on prepared for months, but when I got there, I didn't prepare with pressure. I prepared to then go, okay, God, that's all you. And it was like really cool for me to get to see that. Because there were a couple of people in the room that had heard
Starting point is 00:41:26 Christine Cain do that message or a similar message before, but they were like, we've heard her kind of say that before, but it was totally different tonight. Like, because God just like moved in the room. And when she came off, you could visibly tell that like, she was like, whoa, there's something the spirit was moving here tonight. From scripture to scripture to scripture to scripture
Starting point is 00:41:47 without looking at one note without opening the one. It was just like word after word after word. And she came out, she was like, I just, they just kept coming out. Like it was so active, it was so alive. It just was like crazy. And that's how I felt like I, I said, you know, it was doing breakout sessions,
Starting point is 00:42:04 which breakout sessions were amazing. And my gosh, I've heard so much from the breakout sessions, but I know, it was during breakout sessions, which breakout sessions were amazing. And my gosh, I've heard so much from the breakout sessions, but I sat in the back during breakout sessions to just be with the alarm. Which was crazy, because this was the only person in that green room that did not happen the whole weekend. And it happened to be the only person there. So I was like, okay, thank you, Laura.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And I just had this like download of the rest of my sermon, like the parts that I said, I ended up adding. And it was just so good. And before a conference, I told God, like, give me a love for these people that you have. You know, like, help me love them, like you love them. You know them better than I do.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Tell me what you need them to hear. And I feel like he did, you know? Like, I wanted to say those things out of like the love that I knew got hot for them. Like, let me give you this gift of like, free to let me give you this gift of like freedom. Let me give you this gift of salvation. Let me give you this gift of actually washing off the old self
Starting point is 00:42:50 and becoming a new self. Let me give you this gift of removing a heart as soon and giving you a heart of flesh. Like, it was like, I get to give you the gift of these words that God actually said that are true, you know? And that was really cool. So from a person coming to conference side, like I got to experience because I just came and received from everybody else, I was super impacted.
Starting point is 00:43:12 But from a person leading conference, I was super impacted because of how much God led me in the whole thing. And so to people listening, like coming to conference with an expectation that God's going to move is a beautiful thing. But also if you are a leader of conferences, if you are a church leader, coming to conference with an expectation that God's going to move is a beautiful thing. But also, if you are a leader of conferences, if you are a church leader, coming to those places as well as a person to receive what God's going to do, and as a tool to be used by God in such a way that you would just want to love people like he loves them in the room.
Starting point is 00:43:39 A day short now, we speak business so our account managers can help yours. Whether you're in startup mode? Okay, the financing settled. Let's talk about hiring staff. Expanding overseas. Yep, going digital was the right thing to do. Next step, Brazil. Yeah. Horsesum were in between.
Starting point is 00:43:59 At Desjardins Business, we help over 400,000 Canadian entrepreneurs by speaking the same language done business. We help over 400,000 Canadian entrepreneurs by speaking the same language. Business. I just feel like sometimes we come with all this pressure on ourselves, we come with all this and someone actually asked me like, is there like a behind the scenes going on? I'm not saying like are you like actually super stressed out? And I was like, actually like no. And I think that speaking as of the preparation we had before. And a couple of weeks before conference,
Starting point is 00:44:28 we had this like team gathering and we literally just spent an hour repenting of things that we were making more of a deal than God. Like, we were like, okay, this is what I'm working on too much. And yes, I need a work on, because this is my job. And if I don't do this, conference will not happen. But like, I need a work on it because this is my job. And if I don't do this,
Starting point is 00:44:45 conference will not happen. But I am thinking about this, more than I'm thinking about what God's gonna do in the rampant. So, being like, I repentant of it, we gave it to Laura, we said, God,
Starting point is 00:44:54 you have these stressors, which asset your hand will be on it. And I think that was a big thing for our team too. It was two weeks before, we unloaded our burdens on God, we unloaded the stress, didn't mean we still didn't have to work our butts off and do my things. but it was like,
Starting point is 00:45:06 this is actually nothing compared to what you're gonna do in the lives of the people coming. So we're gonna do the best we can to get all the food trucks there on time, but if they're not on time, it's Pelsing comparison to what's really important and how you're gonna move. I think that's why our team came in and we weren't stressed
Starting point is 00:45:23 and we weren't freaking out and we were able to just like be and That's how Steph who was learning the conference just to leave his bad-tossing people and yeah Core it who was set up every single thing like merchant beauty and design was bad-tossing people And it was just like everything stops for the main thing. Yeah, which was really what was really important was the centerpiece of the whole thing Yeah, of the meal was was the centerpiece of the meal. It wasn't like all the little details of where the how the napkins were laid or whatever,
Starting point is 00:45:49 which all that was beautifully done and was, you know, was just so nice and makes it everyone's feel so welcome, but that wasn't the main course. The main course, stay the main course. The main course. Leave Alaska said, a steak dinner is great on the ground but it is so much better when a table is set.
Starting point is 00:46:07 And so we said, the steak should be good no matter what. So you could go down the grass, you could be good in table. But let's set a table. It's so much better when it's set and you feel so loved and so special. And so we're gonna set the table, but steak's the real important thing. That's right.
Starting point is 00:46:19 But anyways, it was so good. So we're gonna do another podcast after this, because after we went from conference, Christian and I took our girls to Disney World. It was so fun and so amazing and we're gonna pick up at the next podcast talking about that because it was a little bit crazy. I went from conference to Disney World, which to me it was fine. We had the most amazing time. It was the best trip ever with our family. It was like so intentional, so special to see honey. Just have like all I'm wondering her eyes
Starting point is 00:46:49 and all the different things. But Instagram thought differently. Instagram came at me and it was crazy because at the beginning of the week, I post about conference and all these people getting bad sides and how amazing and how special and all the things that God did. And of course I got in follow by a lot of people for that because I'm posting about
Starting point is 00:47:07 baptism and like very specific Christian things and so you know kind of expected. Then at the end of the week I posted a Disney and how awesome Disney World was with my family and I talked about quality time and then I get on follow about a bunch of people because now I've gone woke and I'm no longer a Christian and I've gone up the deep and how could I lead my family in this way? And I just thought this is so crazy. And one week, I'm gonna follow about people for being too Christian and I'm gonna follow about people for being too woke. And so we want to do a conversation, a messy conversation about cancel culture. And so we are going to do that in the next episodes in tune in because you're not gonna want to miss it.
Starting point is 00:47:43 We're gonna dive into the scripture on maybe hug Jesus for respond to a time like this. So I hope that you guys enjoyed listening to about conference. Like I said, tickets are already on sale for next year. Ellicistorconference.com. You can get your ticket. Like I said, tickets are already going pretty fast. Which is such a blessing and so amazing. We're so excited, but we want you to be in the room.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And we just believe that God's already preparing a way for you to be there. And so if you need to believe for the money, we're believing with you. If you're able to go ahead and lock that in, celebrate that and are so excited. This is early bird pricing right now. And it's the cheapest you'll be able to get your ticket ever. So if you want to get it now, get it now. And you can also join us in getting the merch at Elo actually at livea-rigile.com. So go check it out out We love you guys and hope that you're so encouraged by this
Starting point is 00:48:44 you

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