WHOA That's Good Podcast - Bullies and Beauty

Episode Date: March 13, 2019

Sadie welcomes Emma Jenkins to the podcast. Emma is a speaker and writer, who shares her advice from her mom about how fearing people will keep you from God's purpose for your life. She also shares he...r amazing passion for the Bible and how to dance with Jesus in your everyday life.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I don't know if everyone's heard something that the liverisinal team is so excited about right now. We started last year, the LO box. And you may be thinking, what in the world is in an LO box? Well, the LO box is just the liverisinal Bible study box and it has everything that you need to equip you to lead a Bible study right where you're at in your own home. We have everything from the actual Bible study
Starting point is 00:00:24 itself that I wrote on both confidence to recipes for what to cook for your girls. We also have fun activities and so many more things that partners have sent in. And so if you are interested at all and being a leader, go to liverjohn.com and look into the LO box. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Yeah. Hey fam, welcome back to the WoW That's Good Podcast. I am so excited. You probably just heard her laugh. Our guest is one of the happiest people on earth. She's also one of my favorite people on earth and it is Emma Jenkins. Hello, I'm so excited that you are on the podcast and I know so many people are excited. It's actually kind of funny whenever we announce the people on the podcast for the season we didn't announce you. We held that off. I said, who else do I want to see on?
Starting point is 00:01:16 And like, hundreds of comments. Image weekends, image weekends, so the image weekends're so excited that you're here. I am so thankful to be here. You are such a joy to talk with. And before we get to the question of the question of the podcast, I just think it's kind of fun. I don't think people will really know that. We've actually known each other since we were like babies, which is so crazy. And Emma's family was originally originally well they lived in Louisiana and
Starting point is 00:01:48 West Monroe so we all were family friends and now it's just so cool to see you literally take what God's given you and place in your heart and the fruit of the spirit of who he is that you are just an overflow in and go out in the world and share it with everybody. And so I'm just so proud of you as a sister and as a friend and it's super cool to just watch you do your thing, girl. Wow. Thank you. That is so encouraging and it is so fun because when you realize that the word has placed you on the platform that he wants you to be and you realize that all of us are running
Starting point is 00:02:22 for the same purpose. Our platforms just look different. We're able to celebrate one another on those platforms. And so I have felt this home way towards you and just the joy of getting to champion one another on. And I and Gitto, I'm so proud of you. Thank you. We're so proud of you. I actually have like three of your voicemails saved and I will never delete them ever. Have you encouraging me?
Starting point is 00:02:45 And you really do champion so well. So that's awesome. But the question of the podcast, what are the same for you that we do for everyone else? What is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given? And I know that's a big question. I know. I've been thinking of praying a lot about this question. No, I've been thinking of praying a lot about this question. But when one piece of advice really just was magnified in my heart and I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:03:12 this is definitely something that the Lord is wanting to be talking about. So I got this piece of advice from my good old mama Jay. She is beautiful in every way shape and form. And she once told me, she said, in the, you will never live out the incredible purpose that God has for your life if you fear people. Wow. And that can be stills. That's so good. It is shook me, but it shook me in such a solid way, because it is so true. Like in Proverbs 29, 25, it says that if I fear the human opinions, then indeed, I'm going to fall.
Starting point is 00:03:55 But if I trust in the Lord and fear the Lord, then truly I will remain safe and I will not be shaken. And so that is definitely something that I have been dancing in and learning the choreography of. Learning how to fear the Lord and letting that be where my heart's focus is because when we let our focus be on the fickleness of people, like we truly will fall. Yeah, wow, that's so good.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Emma, oh my gosh, what versus that again? It's in Proverbs 29.25. Proverbs 29.25, that's amazing. It's so true. I can definitely attest to that in my own life. Okay, but like what you said in that, you said I'm learning to dance too and learn the choreography of. I love that. Like what you said in that, you said I'm learning to dance too
Starting point is 00:04:45 and learn the choreography of, I love that. I've never heard that before. But I want you to talk about that because I remember a long time ago, I don't even remember me asking you this. It was like when we were in high school, you might have even been in middle school. And you came for Camp Shioca,
Starting point is 00:05:01 we were having like a high school middle school retreat. I came remember. And I was like, Emma, how do you do it? How are you so happy? And how do you know so much scripture? And I was genuinely asking. And you were like, um, I get up every morning and dance with Jesus.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And I was like, wait, really? And then whenever you spent the night with me for like five days, I was like, you really do. And I thought that was the coolest thing ever. So what is that to you about dancing and dancing with Jesus and that dancing even in a verse and in the Word of God? What does that kind of look like and what does that mean to you? Well, I think I know for me personally sometimes I can be really hard on myself. And some days I'll take three steps forward and the next day I'll take two steps backward.
Starting point is 00:05:49 And the next day I'll look a step to the side. And I'll sometimes be hard on myself because not all of those steps were right in front of the other. But I learned that, hey, I grew. That grew up, you look like what I thought it was going to look like, but I grew. And if you look at dancing, you don't put one foot in front of the other and walk in a straight line when you dance. It's a pattern and it's a flow.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And it makes me think of whenever a little girl is dancing with her dad in the kitchen. And when she's dancing with her dad in the kitchen, she will put her feet on her dad's feet. And every step that her father takes, she takes it with him because her feet are on his. And she's not moving in her own strength, but she's moving in the strength of her father. And so when I think of dancing, I think of how,
Starting point is 00:06:36 when our feet are firmly planted in the word of our God, we're able to take one step at a time, realizing that he is with us every step of the way. And it's not going to look like what we thought. It was going to look like, but we can trust that because we're in him, he's leading us on level ground. He is making our past straight.
Starting point is 00:06:57 He is working all things together for our good because we love him and we are called according to his purpose. And like there's a freedom whenever you trust that and trust that this choreography doesn't look like what I would have originally orchestrated in my head, but it's what he intended. And because I know that I lack no good thing in him and will never settle on me, I can lean on it. Girl, you better preach. I'm about to take a lap.
Starting point is 00:07:24 That's so good. Come on. I love whenever Like whenever I ask you questions you and this this is even have to be on the podcast This is literally when we're sitting in the car. This is every experience of high with you Emma your answers They're like filled with scripture and I don't even think you mean to do that I think that's just the language that comes out of you because you're in this posture of worship and in this posture of dancing which you use as an, and it's absolutely beautiful.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And so I wanna just unpack that answer. I hope everybody listened to this podcast. Just do that little back 15 seconds and listen to what she just said. That was so good. So I wanna ask you about your original piece of advice and I think that said. That was so good. So I wanna ask you about, you know, your original piece of advice, and I think that that's so, so good.
Starting point is 00:08:09 But I want you to unpack it a little bit because I know for me, the biggest thing, and probably the difference, I'll tell people whenever I knew like, man, I'm about to start living like for Jesus, was when I began to fear the Lord, and fear the Lord more than I fear man. And I think that that can be really confusing to people
Starting point is 00:08:25 because they're like, wait, I'm not supposed to be afraid. So why am I supposed to sort of fear the Lord? Because the word's the same, but it's a different, it's a totally different thing. And so how would you maybe explain that to somebody who's like, man, that sounds like good advice, but I don't really understand what it looks like or how you even get to the place of fearing the Lord.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Wow, me and that's so good. Whenever I say fear the Lord and whatever the Lord says fear the Lord, to fear the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. Because you're coming to the realization of how powerful he is. And you realize the position that you're at with him is like he holy holy holy in the word God Almighty who wasn't is an is the come and it's like in Isaiah we're told about even what we say is our righteousness. It's like dirty rags to him. Like we could never be good enough to be in his presence because we're sinful, but because of Jesus, we are now
Starting point is 00:09:27 like washed in his blood and we can boldly approach his son of grace and eat like forever being his present. I'm more never not with him and we can walk in relationship with him and we can't stand on his feet in dance. And so it's like whenever I go fearing the words like wow I literally get to sit in the arms of my head and we daddy and I am in awe. Like I am just in complete reverence of how incredible you are God. And I want to worship you. And I love you so much because I know that you have loved me. And I know that I was not worthy of your love. Yeah, you claim that I was.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And it's like whenever you set your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, because you know that she's unseen is eternal. His love for you is eternal. It's like, oh my gracious, I don't have time to worry about this scene because this scene is just temporary. Like today, I'm going to be told beautiful. And tomorrow, I'm going to be told it's beautiful, and tomorrow I'm going to be told that I'm ugly. And then, well, if I'm focused on that,
Starting point is 00:10:30 then I'll go from thinking I'm beautiful, to thinking I'm ugly in the matter of the day. But if I'm focused on the one who is worthy of my attention and worthy of my love and worthy of my devotion, then my view of not only him but of myself can remain more consistent and that's back because he is consistent and that's great. That's so good. Well, I love what you just said about the consistency of God.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And you know, we talked about that verse, holy, holy, holy is a Lord God Almighty who was and is to come. So there's such a consistency in his holiness. And when you focus on that like you said, you can be consistent. So, you know, I kind of want to take this into social media because you said that one day somebody would say you're beautiful the next day somebody would say you're ugly and man, have I seen that to be true. And so, you know, for you right now, I know one of the quotes that I've heard from you that was just stop me in my tracks and my friends
Starting point is 00:11:25 and I have talked about this and just the power behind what you said, but you said I didn't even know what a meme was until I became one. And I just want you as Emma who I know and doorkn love for Emma not for the memes so many of you have seen, but just kind of talk about maybe what you went through with that but really the truth that you found through that because I know that everything that you speak is a truth to whatever situation it is so I'd love for you to just get an opportunity and a chance to just kind of speak to that. Absolutely. Yes, it is not easy. It is not easy. But I love how Jesus didn't promise that it would be.
Starting point is 00:12:08 He said that in this drug, you will have trouble. People will not like you. But take heart because I've overcome the world. And because we're called to live as Jesus did, if you look at the life of Jesus, Jesus didn't try to please people. And Jesus didn't try to make sure that everybody felt good. And Jesus didn't try to make sure that everybody felt good and Jesus didn't try and make sure that everybody liked him. And so in being bold in his love and being bold in his truth and in his grace, there are people who don't like it. And that turns into bullying and name calling and ridicule. And but something that I've realized is that people who call you names,
Starting point is 00:12:55 they themselves don't know their name. So whenever I'm told that my eyebrows look like caterpillars and that my nose is too big and that my singing makes their ears bleed and hear perforated. I didn't even know those words existed. And the other day someone said that they said, and then you have a mental illness because of how you act. And I honestly have to tell you, I've smiled so big and laughed a little bit when I read it because it is so good. Because in 2 Corinthians 5 Paul actually says, if we are out of our minds, it is for the glory of God. Come and go on.
Starting point is 00:13:38 All comes back to truth. It's like whenever your physical appearance is being mocked and whenever you're being told that you're not pretty enough or whenever just everything about your physical attributes are being torn down. It's like, okay, but what does God say? Because in Isaiah 55 it says, just as the rain falls from the heavens and does not return back until it nourishes the earth to allow flourishing and budding. So is it that the word of God does not leave his mouth and return back to him without fulfilling the purpose for which he sent it. And so his word does
Starting point is 00:14:13 not return void. It will not let you down. So it's like in phone 139 my God says that he fearfully and wonderfully made me and knit me together in my mother's room and not a single part of me was hidden from him And every day in my life was our game in his book before one of them came to be and so it's when I know who I am in the father right not only can I continue to Can I continue to dance? but I can also speak love and lie
Starting point is 00:14:44 into the very people that are speaking hate and death because in Luke 6, 27 to 28, Jesus says you've been told to love those who love you back but to hate your enemies. But Jesus in his upside down kingdom, he's such a savage. I love you. He's tackled right there. That's a savage. I love him. Yeah, he is. I quote right there. Was good. Yes, he says, oh, I love him. He says, very truly, I tell you to love your enemies and play for those who persecute you and bless those who curse you. And there's something very freeing when you realize it's not about you.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I'll tell you. I'm learning like Emma, this isn't even about me. She's just like the world she's remember I hated me first. Yeah. So we realized this is something that is unseen. It's something that I'm here for that is bigger than me. And so I need to love them because they just don't know how loved they are yet. Wow. That's so good. Oh my goodness. That was like a softball in a home run. Let me tell you, I wrote down I'm taking notes by the way. So if anybody hears papers ruffling, that is me taking notes right now. But one of the things that you said, and I'm gonna head on just a few things.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I know our podcast are normally short, but you're just like pouring out some of those I don't want to stop. I want to ask you a few things um or just kind of point this out to people I love how you said you know it is hard it's not easy sometimes like people are rude and it's funny that you said that about um you know somebody telling you that you had a mental illness because somebody commented that on my picture they they did too and I was like oh my gosh and it made me laugh too. But I went to Romans 5 and was reading about joy and the suffering and how it's not crazy that we have joy in the suffering.
Starting point is 00:16:31 It's not crazy. That's just like what God promises and it helped when I went to the Bible. So my point in throwing this out is, I love that you said and you mentioned, it's not a promise of God that it's gonna be easy. It's not a promise that everyone's gonna's going to be easy. It's not a promise that everyone's going to be nice and everyone's going to accept it. And I think that so many
Starting point is 00:16:50 times we get so disappointed and even mad at God because we're like, but God, you said and we're saying stuff that he didn't say because we don't actually know the promises of God. And I love how for you and I found this for me, whenever somebody comments something or whatever, that's a totally rude or very hurtful, you go to the word and you realize what God actually says and what He actually promises. And that is what is covers all of that with so much truth
Starting point is 00:17:23 that you can be confident and it doesn't hurt you and you can love and you can be kind and you doesn't get to you and you can laugh and all of these things. And so I just kind of wanted to point that out to everyone that you know to know what is not a promise of God, you really just need to know the promises of God. And I love how you just scripture pours out of your life because that's what you have just completely immersed yourself with. I want to just pause in this moment because I've had a lot of people come up to me and literally say that they gave their life to Jesus after listening to
Starting point is 00:17:57 a podcast. And I feel like this is one of those those moments for people that somebody's probably sitting in their car or sitting in their room. and they just heard that, and it's like really speaking to them. And I just want to say something she mentioned, you know, we are sinful people, right? Like, we, like she said, it would be like dirty rags, but when we approach the throne because of the grace of Jesus, we get to boldly approach. And then you go on to say after you boldly approach the thing, you get to dance with your father because you're adopted into this sunshope. And I just want somebody like you've heard that all your life, but you need to hear it
Starting point is 00:18:34 again that like today is a day that you can claim Jesus as like the Lord and Savior of your life and boldly approach the throne and dance with the Father. All these things Emma saying is not for Emma Jenkins, it's not for Sadie Robertson, it's not for people who are in church every Sunday. It's for every single person who claims the name of Jesus and that's for everyone. And Emma, you're just saying so much through throwing out so much scripture, you're literally unpacking the gospel. And I just don't want somebody to miss that moment. And so hear that, hear that, hear that, take your moment and just be with Jesus. I don't want somebody to hear this and say, that's a good podcast. Whoa, that's good. I hope somebody hears that.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And this is a life-changing, altering moment for someone. Because I know that that happened for me and for you. And so maybe this is that moment for somebody out there. The other thing I wanted to say was, so a long time ago, a few years ago, Emma and I did a YouTube video and Emma, that is my favorite videos of all time. And I kind of just interviewed Emma on how much scripture she knows,
Starting point is 00:19:41 because I mean, I'm sure y'all can tell, like she's not over there, and I just reading all these like Adam flipped in her Bible and she she might but she knows these scriptures like in the depth of her heart and there come from the overflow of that and I remember whenever I was interviewing you asked all these pop culture references and references that most people are right to know and you didn't know any of them, but you knew every scripture I threw at you.
Starting point is 00:20:07 And I think that that's such a good thing to take note of is because you are filling yourself with scripture. You're not filling yourself with pop culture. And that is why scripture comes out with of you not pop culture coming out of you. That's why your life and your tone and your smile and your attitude looks different because you're filling yourself with these words, these promises, this worship. And it's beautiful and the world is so blessed by it. People every day
Starting point is 00:20:40 that you hold the door for or people every day that you buy coffee from. People every day that you hold the door for, people every day that you buy coffee from, people every day that you might even bump into are so blessed by the fruit and the overflow that you are bringing to the world. And so I know that, you know, I know you're strong and you know the word of God and that will keep you strong forever. But just from a sister and a friend, I'm at going on a set of the beginning. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for standing strong.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Thank you for knowing the word. Thank you for when people have been so rude and so mean and so harsh that you soaked in what God said about you and that you kept dancing with him. Because I believe that not only this podcast, but everything that you do, every day that you walk is changing people's lives. And so I just wanted to speak that over you and just say thank you
Starting point is 00:21:27 for all that you do. And you're amazing. I love you. And if so many people love you, we're so behind you and we're so for you. And thank you for pouring out like so much wisdom that I'm taking notes. And I hope everybody else is taking notes. If you're driving weight, but if you're not driving, take notes. A relic in it and I thank you so much. Thank you, I love you, I love you big lots. I love you big too, you awesome. Yeah. All right, y'all, you know what time it is?
Starting point is 00:22:00 Time to call mama. So we're gonna call mama with our best piece of advice and our worst piece of advice. Let's see what she has to say. Hey baby girl. Hey mama. Are you ready for some good advice and bad advice? I'm ready. Me too. Okay. This advice, I actually wish I would have sent this advice and I would say this to anybody, I'll preach it to the choir. We're stretchy pants to holiday functions.
Starting point is 00:22:33 That is great advice. If you think about wearing your skinny jeans, you thought wrong. Well, then you're just gonna end up on button and your button and then that's awkward. You're gonna button your button or you're not eating. What you really know, you're just gonna end up on button in your button and then that's awkward. You're a button or you're not eating what you really know your capable of. That's right you might as well wear your stretchy pants and hey you're around family friends of family. That's where stretchy pants around. But I can't
Starting point is 00:22:56 even say that if you cannot wear stretchy pants around friends of family then who are you? Yeah then you don't need to work on your own relationship. That's right. Okay, that was good advice. All right, here we go, here we go, here we go, let's see. What do you think about this? Just get over it. Mm, I don't know about that. I mean, that's one of those that can go either way
Starting point is 00:23:20 because one, like there are some things you just need to get over. Like, you know, people hold on to things way too long and they, and that is, you know, forgiveness is a major biblical principle. So I think forgiveness is super important. So there are some things that you just got to like say, like, all right, I'm just going to get over it. And we make way too big of a deal about things that aren't that big of a deal. So in one way, it's good, but in another way, yeah, there's some tough things that people go through. We've been, you know, there's some things
Starting point is 00:23:50 that you've got to deal with. You can't just like get over, like, it's got to be dealt with and it's got to, and things have to change and you have to, relationships might have to change. You might have to bring someone into your life or someone out of your life, whatever. So there's some things that you don't just get over that it has to be dealt with.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So, no, I think that that's really good and that was actually under the word that's bad advice, but I do think that I think that sometimes it is good and I knew you were going to say something good because not that it's like your tough love, but at times like it's not that you're like, well, trying to be tough is that, hey, there's a better life out there. Like you actually don't have to sit in that. So that you're going to have to get over and even like things I'm thinking about in relationships. It's like maybe somebody says in that heart, you're feelings and it's like, okay, well, do you love that person? Well, then you're going to have to get past it, you know? Yeah, and and even, you know know in the verse and first Corinthians 13 about love or talks about love It says love keeps no record or wrongs and so like that is you know
Starting point is 00:24:50 That is part of the definition of love is not keep me record or wrongs and if we can't get over something We just keep bringing it back up. We keep bringing it back up. You can't be forward. I should jump. Yeah So good. Oh man, that was good. Thanks mom. You're welcome. Well, I love you very, very much. That yet? Are you have one advice for me this time?
Starting point is 00:25:11 I had two, the strategy pants. I forgot about the strategy. Okay, if you really want one more, when life gives you lemons, chunk them at someone. Why? That's kind of funny. I think that's bad, but it's funny. You said that you're good.
Starting point is 00:25:29 That's always hard when you think they're bad, but they're funny. Still bad. Yeah. Put them in the microwave first, they're a little smushy. Oh. Alright.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Don't throw hard on them as they think. Oh, alright, love you. Love you, Bob. Bye. Bye. Bye. Who else has tried bad fit fun? If you don't already know about it, it's a seasonal box with full size beauty, fitness, and lifestyle products.
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Starting point is 00:26:23 You deserve the treat, you'll still. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks so much for listening to the WoT, that's good podcast. We got a lot of good nuggets today. Don't forget to follow me on all the social media platforms online.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Instagram, I'm at legit CD Rob, Twitter, CD Rob, and follow our live original Instagram. Also, I'm CDie Robertson on Facebook. Head over to liveoriginal.com and subscribe to this podcast. And while you're there, you can see the tour dates that I'm coming to a city near you. Don't forget, please leave comments in the iTunes section and leave reviews.
Starting point is 00:26:57 This podcast is produced by Steve Strauss and Peter Hartzel, so a huge shout out to them. And I thank you to my L.O. team. You guys are the best. We love y'all and we appreciate you listening. I'll see y'all soon! you

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