WHOA That's Good Podcast - Family You Choose Is as Important as the One You’re Born Into | Korie Robertson & Rebecca Loflin

Episode Date: June 21, 2023

Sadie's big sister, Rebecca, is on the podcast for the first time, y'all! Korie and Rebecca are talking all about how Rebecca joined the Robertson family when she was 16 years old as an exchange stude...nt from Taiwan. Rebecca says she felt very welcome in her new family, but very out of her comfort zone and shares how she adjusted to the big changes in the USA: from language to school and church and being at LSU when "Duck Dynasty" first began. Rebecca reveals how difficult it was to lose her dad at a young age, but why she now chooses to be positive with whatever she encounters in her life. And how did 2Mama play a role in Rebecca meeting her husband, John Reed? As a wife and mother of two, Rebecca admits some days are easier than others and the thoughts of, "Is this my life now?" can be overwhelming, but Korie's encouragement for anyone feeling like they're barely making it is to remember that you CAN do it all — everything God has placed on your heart — just not all at once!  https://athleticgreens.com/whoa — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D & 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase! https://www.kiwico.com — Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping with code SADIEROB! https://www.nuts.com/whoa – Get a free gift with purchase for new customers and free shipping on orders of $29 or more right now! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey hey y'all, I'm so excited to get into today's episode. But before we do, I want to remind you guys that Elisister Conference is coming up September 8th and 9th, which I know might seem like a long way away, but you got to get your ticket. Now book your flight, get your hotel room, get ready to be here and Munner Louisiana, because it is going to be absolutely amazing. Last year was incredible. We expect God to do the same thing if not more, because he goes from glory to glory to glory. We have speakers like Christine Cain, Don Cherie, myself. We have great worship leaders come in,
Starting point is 00:00:32 Jim Johnson, Carrie Jobe, Ella worship. It is gonna be amazing, but we need you guys to be there because y'all know what makes it incredible. And obviously the power God is what makes it epic. So y'all go to elocisterconference.com and get your ticket today. Hey there friends, welcome to WoW That's Good, it's Wednesday and today is going to be a really, really special day. I am doing something extra special today.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I am hosting for my daughter, and I'm interviewing another daughter, Rebecca Laughlin is our special guest today, and we are gonna talk about a lot of things. Like we definitely have been through a lot together, and so we have a ton of things to talk about. And I feel like Rebecca is kind of like the mysterious Robertson because you haven't been on a podcast yet. And so this
Starting point is 00:01:31 is funny that I need to tell you all this before we start. Sadie has asked Rebecca to be on a podcast. How many times? I don't know, but I should avoid it. I know like every time she looked at me, I'm like, okay, don't ask me. So Sadie has tried to get Rebecca on this podcast and Rebecca has said no. Every time, why have you said no? Well, like, speaking isn't my strong suit. And I'm just like, really not, like, you know, I'm kind of shy when it comes to stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And I just feel like, I don't know if I have something like really good to share, you know, just kind of makes me a little nervous and remember the college and college I took Pobits speaking class. That was like my worst nightmare. Well, it's probably most people's worth nightmare So you're not alone in that it probably is but also English is your second way Which so totally and I feel like it's weird because I actually feel more comfortable in front of camera instead of like podcast. I feel like that's just like so focused on like where you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And you can't really express through, you know, right? It's like, that makes sense. So because yeah, you have been on Dacdana. See you were on Dacdana. See some people see you there and know you. And you're on Instagram and all the fun things. What's your Instagram account?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Tell us that so they can find you. Oh, it's Rebecca Lo Robertson. Yes. Okay, so yeah, I can smell it, but. Yeah, that's all right. They can find you there. But so Rebecca has been a part of our family since she was 16 years old and we're gonna talk all about that.
Starting point is 00:03:05 But yeah, Rebecca, you have a wealth of wisdom and knowledge and you are so brave as 16 years old, which I need to go back and tell the whole backstory, but she came to our family 16 years old and I will never forget her getting off that plane and seeing her walk off the plane. She was teeny tiny, she's like, weighed like 90 pounds in this little bit of a girl And just to think of how courageous she were to do that and
Starting point is 00:03:28 everything about your life, I have seen you overcome obstacles and been so courageous and she's creative and talented and so gifted. And we fell in love with her for the moment. She joined our family. So I'm so excited to talk to you today and to let the world kind of get to know you a little bit better So thanks for saying yes So yes, so with this summer out since I'm hosting for Sadie while she's home taking care of her two baby girl I wonder if I said he said it was like hey, I bet you can get her back if you do it exactly what you do Call me. I was at okay. I guess I have to say yes to you.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yes, Sadie called me and was like, okay, since you're hosting for me, I have tried, this is like, Rebecca's like the hottest ticket in town. I've tried to get her on the podcast over and over again. She said no to me, but I bet she will not say no to you. So thanks for saying yes to me. Here you are, here we are.
Starting point is 00:04:23 All right, so first question is the question that we always ask on this podcast. Okay. And that is what is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? So you asked me that the other day, so I was like, thinking this is kind of a heart question, because there's so many things that people, you know, I've learned from so many people, and I was just like, kind of like, hard for me just to pick one. I've learned from so many people and I was just like kind of like hard for me just to pick one. So I was thinking I was just like okay overall in life like if it's just not for a specific thing just like an advice for life. I don't even know where I got it from. I think might be like one of the speaker or something at school, on a teacher or something.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Someone said that the happiest people don't have the best of everything, but they always make best of, like out of everything. That's good. So instead of like, they don't have like, the financing that you think they have, that's not what makes them happy,
Starting point is 00:05:24 but it's because they always make best of everything. That is so good. And so I thought that was really good because I've always kind of lived my life as like, say positive and just, you know, always look at like, what can you make best of everything in the situation that might not always be. Yeah. You think it's good, you know? And so I love that so much. I think that's so important for us. So like just sit on and think on it. And if you have like a pen and paper,
Starting point is 00:05:50 like write that down, like the happiest people are not the people that have the best of everything, but the people that make the best of everything. And it is so much about our mindset and how we, like there's, you see it and two people that are experiencing the same thing, and one is like miserable,
Starting point is 00:06:06 and the other is like, sees it as a challenge, or a thirsty that overcome, or something to, you just look for the best in those things, and you do your life that way, I love that. And like, I feel like also just with social media, you can see like, a lot of people, we're seeing other people, what they have, and all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:06:23 and it's easy to kind of feel like, oh well, I don't people what they have and all the stuff and it's easy to kind of feel like, oh well, I don't have what they have, you know, but really what made you happy is going to be what you make the best of what you already have, you know. Yeah, that contentment, I think that contentment is so important. We talk about that a lot, really, and I talk about that a lot and like I even think just even in our family we would have never have gotten to where we got with even the show or the company duck commuter even making it if there wasn't that contentment within the family like hey we're happy with exactly who we are and where we are and whatever God throws at us will take but if things go the other way we're still going to be happy and content
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah and I've seen that through y'all, like, because like when I came in, it wasn't, it was way before that dentist, and it's like, you know, people always think like, oh, they must just, you know, like, like, they're so happy or they're doing this because, you know, they have the thing at all. And like, no, they were always happy and always, you know, the same, like how they were before. So that's so great. Yeah, and we've gotten to, you know, we know a lot of people who are really successful
Starting point is 00:07:35 in this world with wealth and fame and fortune and all that, but we know that that is not what brings you happiness. That's not what sustains you. You know, you can be happy in whatever circumstances, but it is about the mindset and where you are. that's not what sustains you. You can be happy in whatever circumstances, but it is about the mindset and where you are. That's so good. I love that. Great advice Becca.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Bringing it to the people today, I love it. Okay, so I wanted to, I just thought since people don't really know a whole lot about your story probably, you were undocked on a seed, but whenever the show started, you were in college. You were away at LSU and majoring in fashion design and then you went to LA for a little bit and then you came back and so people saw Rebecca and I think there's like also whenever you kind of know someone from a television show you
Starting point is 00:08:18 only see like that little piece of their life like that part that you don't know all the things that brought you there. So I thought, let's just go back to the beginning. Where did you grow up? What was your childhood life? Tell us a little bit about that. So I grew up in Taiwan and my family, they are like, when I grew up,
Starting point is 00:08:38 we kind of travel a lot and because my dad's job at the time and we, you know, we, I guess like one of my sisters born in Brazil and I was born in Portland, Oregon, which is crazy. And then I have all our siblings that was born in Australia and I think just that kind of brought to kind of makes me, it's easier for me to kind of reroute later on. I think because we were kind of travel a lot and then to different country and, you know, I guess like, then my family being apart too. So it wasn't super hard to be like, oh, well, how are you okay being apart from your family, you know? But growing up in Taiwan, it was, I guess, I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 00:09:34 It was, it was, it was great. It was very different, you know? And I had four siblings. Mm-hmm. Wait, is it right? I'm one of four. One of four. one of four. I'm one of four.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So I grew up in the big family. So I was the baby family and I have two older siblings. We have to talk about that a little bit. Okay. Rebecca was the baby in her family. And sometimes the baby in your family can come with a little bit of, and I was like the true definition of a baby.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Yeah, I'm not saying you were spoiled, because you were not spoiled. But a little bit of like other people take care of everything for you. And then she comes in to our family. And I was out of family. Yeah, and a lot of my siblings, yeah. And so your siblings kind of took care of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:17 My sister was wiping my butt till I was like, like, I don't know. Probably way too long. And she still talked about this, like how I would was like, I don't know. Probably way too long. And she still talked about this, like how I would be like, I don't wanna wipe my own butt because it's so gross. And she was like, so you want me to wipe your butt?
Starting point is 00:10:34 Like, yeah, I get it. So hilarious, yeah. So Rebecca was like the true baby in the family. Then she comes into our home and she's at 16 years old and she's the oldest of now now five like four we had four kids at the time. John Lake Sadie, Willem Bella, Bella was two, John Lake was like seven so they were young and you come in and now you're basically like the oldest sibling. What was that like for you? It was so fun because that was one of the thing I was like, when I sent up for exchange student,
Starting point is 00:11:05 that was one of the things I want to have, like younger siblings too, because I love taking care of kids, and remember being in Taiwan, we'll have how church, and then we'll have kids that come, and I'll be the one that keeps all the kids. So I've always wanted to speed that big sister,
Starting point is 00:11:22 you know, and, but it was it was really also just like so different because I feel like I didn't really feel like I have like no that much or the authority over. Yeah. Even like, Sadie will come up to me and ask me questions and I'm like, I don't know what to tell you or just even like Girlie advice or something and I feel like
Starting point is 00:11:50 Or you know, I feel like wait am I the one that's gonna be given like big sibling advice? Which I don't really know much, you know, and oh so like you did good You did good so whenever Becca comes into the family, like our kids were so excited. And so it was probably, I'm sure it was a little overwhelming because like they were crawling all over her from day one. They were, they were so excited. So I need to talk non-stop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah. Hey, all of Sadie Rob here. And you know, it's just a season of life, right? Having a baby, post-partum, other things, we're working out is not really on the horizon right now, but there are other things that I can do to help me stay healthy. Saying motivated isn't easy,
Starting point is 00:12:33 especially with busy schedules that most of us have, and like I said, when you're going through seasons changes, but that is why we love AG1 and the Huff household. AG1 by Athletic Greens makes being fit so much easier in a busy life. Christian has always pushed himself towards the next goal. If you follow him on Instagram or follow his podcast, that guy is always doing something strong in the gym and healthy habits really matter for him to be able to do all that he does. So he gave A.G.
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Starting point is 00:13:47 so you can live a healthier and better lifestyle without having to do a lot. Who wants to sit there and take a ton of pills? I don't think anyone, so they just make it so easy. Another simple product that I love from them is Vitamin D3 plus K2 drops. It's awesome. Vitamin D just makes a huge difference in your health, especially my personal health.
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Starting point is 00:14:42 to check it out today. So he asked all the questions. Yes. And then Will was like Will at that point, he really loved his friends and family, but he over loved like that kind of like he would like get so excited like squeeze you and Rebecca said she was kind of scared of him. He was three, but she was scared of him because he would hug her so tired or spacer so tight. And then John Luke loved just having a buddy. I feel like you and John Luke were good little buddies and say he wanted to play all the games.
Starting point is 00:15:13 But yeah, you had to just be kind of like thrown in to this big family. But it was like the perfect family for me to be in. I just like, it's such a God thing how we end up together because it's crazy still just so shocked me how everything came together. I guess we can talk about that. So looking back on it, one of the things that was really special and recommend that she had house church in her family growing up, which was so special because she does come from a Christian family, which isn't necessarily that common. I was probably the only one in our
Starting point is 00:15:50 school in my class, you know, and of course we have friends growing up from church, so we have a lot of Christian friends, but at school, like I was probably the only one I remember will take field trip to certain places, like, you know, to visit some temples and stuff like that. And like, you know, like the teacher will, like my mom was in a no kind of like saying, like, oh, there's certain thing we probably won't do, you know, and just like religious stuff for, you know, and going to do like the see like certain temples and like the yeah, right. Yeah, things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:28 So that was one of the things that really drew me to Rebecca. So we decided to take an exchange student because I just always, I love travel and I love I really thought it was so important for our kids to like learn about the world and to understand that the world is so much bigger than our little bity place that we're occupying and you know just those things that you learn when you travel and you say that like oh we're all really more like than we are different and I thought that was really important to kind of expose our kids to so I was like oh
Starting point is 00:16:57 how fun would it be if we can exchange student and maybe we'll learn another language which that did not happen. I can't even count in Chinese as hittiful, it's terrible. That's a baby novella. They learned a little bit. They learned a little bit and we need a guy to say it to say. Like, say he can rap. Say he can rap.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And sing the clowns. She can sing the clown in Chinese. Yeah, so we learned a little bit at the time. But anyway, all these these ideas, so I decide, you know, we want to do an exchange student, really not decide. And so we're looking, they have like pictures and a little profile where about each student. And I noticed yours and really why we chose you is because your mom had written, I'm a Christian and a scientist and told a little bit about her, but just that right off the bat, just saying like, I'm a Christian, that's who I am. I believe in Jesus and I love him.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And we thought, oh, what, how special is that to be able to bring someone in our home from around the world who has the same beliefs as we have? So that was one of the reasons that I chose you. And you did, I think you said something in there about having a large family, having siblings. I was like, okay, she's used to a large family a little bit, so that would be good too.
Starting point is 00:18:04 But tell from your end on kind of like how that all came about with us choosing you. Yeah, and so I think another thing was since my dad passed away when I was younger, and so one of the things my mom also put on the list was having a family that has both mom and dad. And so I think that was a three-top priority that she's looking for. And for me, and so I remember actually I was assigned to another family at first and to a family in New Mexico. And they had told me in the exchange student program, they were like, hey, you know, you're signing up with this family. And I was getting ready to
Starting point is 00:18:45 go to New Mexico. And then it was like, few days later, they were like, actually, we have some, like, the family just inform us, like, you know, they're getting a divorce. And the mom still would like to take an exchange student. But we know that was one of your, you know, priority if you still want to go. And my mom at a time was like, you know, maybe that's not the right time to go to that family. And for that reason, I was put back on the little the roster, I guess, you know, what it's called. And then you saw me again, because I remember you told me you saw me, we're like, taken like, already unavailable. And then it popped back up. And that's when you were like, we got a picture, you know, and so when that,
Starting point is 00:19:36 they were like, then they say, okay, we have another family from Louisiana. And I should remember, I've never heard of Louisiana. But I, one of my sisters and um this name is Luciana and we just thought like oh it's Luciana so I used to call Luciana Luciana the whole time and um and so we got yeah and all I've got was a little envelope they gave us contain aain a picture of y'all. Yes. And I still had the picture that we sent, which is so funny because we looked completely different.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yes, I'll have to put that on the YouTube as a picture that we sent. Willie had, didn't have any beer. Didn't have a beer at all in the picture. No, but he had long hair. OK, yeah. And you had dark brown hair. I remember and then they're the kids and I just remember Will with like the little cute curl. Yes, and so cute. And so it was just like when I saw that picture I was like, wow what an interesting
Starting point is 00:20:36 family. That's all I had. It's crazy. It's so like such like the whole process. It's like you have to have so much faith so much believing like yes This is like you know absolutely. I can't imagine me doing sending my kids. Can you imagine? I don't know if I could Yeah, maybe like I guess we just so much faith and it was yeah God was leading the whole way and telling us. Yeah. Thinking back about it, I could just, I don't know, I just like envision like prayers going up from our family in Louisiana. Prayer is going up with her mom and Taiwan to lead to what happened, you know, and all the little bitty things that had to happen for this to happen is just so amazing and miraculous
Starting point is 00:21:24 and beautiful. And I hope that there's things that you can look back on your life and be like, okay, I got, look at how you orchestrated that. Like when I didn't even know, like she said, it was like when I first saw her, I was like, I remember just, I remember reading that line and seeing her picture and being like, okay, this is who you have for us and then it was taken and then her coming back and I'm like, oh, that's it, this is it, you know? And how incredible all of those things that God had to just orchestrate
Starting point is 00:21:52 to weave our lives together is so beautiful. And so if you can just take some time to like look back and think, okay God, what did you do in my life that I just didn't expect or didn't see or I thought I was just pursuing this one dream, but it was actually something totally different. But I just remember every little aspect of that and how incredible it is. I feel like that God bovess together. One of the things that was funny,
Starting point is 00:22:17 so when she first got here, you put on your chart that you spoke English. I mean, it said that. Well, I thought I did. And so, but, you know, you all had learned English in school. I think like, imagine, okay, just like, when we go to the Menace Republic, everyone takes Spanish class. Right. So, but you think you know some Spanish, yeah. But then when you get there,
Starting point is 00:22:40 it's like the conversation just not there. You can't understand it all. So we, she gives up the plane. And y'all talk so fast. And with Southern accent. Yeah, different accent. Totally different. And we, or like, do you need to get to the top of my class?
Starting point is 00:22:55 I was like the top of my class in my English class. I'm sure you are. No, I'm sure you are. She can zero and we say, do you need to go to the bathroom and this blake look on her face and we're like, uh oh, she doesn't understand us. And then we had planned to go take her to get donuts because we were so excited. I remember that. I think it's one of the great to go get donuts.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And I slept the whole way in the car. She was so tired. You're traveling over here. And then just those first few months of just adjusting. The time. Talk about that a little bit because I feel like people can relate to your adjustment here. You know, young people going to college or making a move because you have all these high hopes and expectations, you're going to make this big move in your life.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And then it's hard. It's not easy to tell a little bit about some of your first months here, even up to your first year here. Um, yeah, like I think it's like I remember just like been in school. That was like, I feel kind of like lost a little bit of it. Everyone was so nice. But like there's time that like, I didn't know like, oh, there was chapel and the time change. I didn't know. And I remember there's one time one incident was like, I't find anybody and I was so lost And I just went to the bathroom. I was just like sitting there, you know, cuz I did not know what to do and You know and just even being you know at the house
Starting point is 00:24:17 I remember just even though like I feel like very welcome, but you still just like you know So I feel very welcome, but you still just feel like this is so out of my comfort zone. And then the time change, I remember I will try to talk to some of the friends and time on. But then it's different time. So I will be talking to them at night time, in the middle of the night, and then having to then adjust of the night. Yeah. And then having to like, then adjust to like the morning. Yeah. And I remember that was the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:48 We said, Rebecca didn't really just like, we were in central, central time. We still had it. For a long time because you would. She was talking to friends and family in the middle of the night, which was day there. Then she'd be so tired all through the day here. And that was something that was hard for you to adjust to. [♪ music playing in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays in background plays screen on your phone, a screen on your computer, and it is hard to comment that we need to have fun things for our kids that just take them away from the screen.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Kiviko is making it easy for parents and grandparents to find fun, interactive ways to connect, and learn with their child. Kiviko is a really neat subscription box for kids that's packed with cool projects to spark their creativity. Kiviko has developed over 2,000 projects that focus on things like science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, and their products are safety tested and kid tested. My crew has a blast with them and I even got excited to try these fun creative projects. I love watching my grandkids grow and learn no matter how big or small they are, KiwiCo
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Starting point is 00:26:29 and specific things that can cater directly to your kid. You know, whatever your kid is loving right now, honey is all about her little cooking station. And so there's farmers markets, there's pasta making, there's cake baking, all these fun things. I don't know, maybe she's gonna be a cook someday. We'll see, but Keebeco has these things that can go specific to your child.
Starting point is 00:26:52 What's your kid into? You're gonna find it there on Keebeco. If you're not sure which crate is best for your child, Keebeco has a simple quiz to help match you the perfect crate. Or you can simply pick one in what your child light up when it arrives on your doorstep. Some of the fun projects that KiwiCo offers that I love. One is this like Play-Doh Pasta Maker and it's so fun. What kid doesn't love Play-Doh but take it to the next level. It's a little pasta machine and it's so cute and fun. Each crate comes with several fun and
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Starting point is 00:27:59 Rob. I do remember also you because of the barrier, you're coming home one time upset saying like, I don't, people are laughing and I don't know if they're laughing at me, because I don't, I don't understand what they're saying, so I don't know, maybe they're laughing at me and you just feel really alone in that. Can you give some kind of like tips for if someone is doing a big move or starting college, like just getting married, moving to a new job, starting any job, what are some tips to kind of like make it through that time?
Starting point is 00:28:32 Well, I think also just like maybe like laying on people that's like your closest to to and I think, you know, I feel like I kind of learn a lot from that just like also don't take everything so seriously because people might not really be talking about you. That's right. And I think or like someone I said this before it was like not everyone's talking about you because you're like nobody is going to think about you more than you think of yourself. That's right. And so I think like at that age I was at that age, I was a teenager, of course, you're worried
Starting point is 00:29:08 about what people are saying about you. But really, most people are too worried about their own self, so it's gonna be worried about it. Yes, yes, yes. And I think, yeah, like I was insecure, and, you know, I was kind of, but, you know, I just, I feel like you helped me a lot. I was like, leaning on you a lot. I'll be like holding your hand every day.
Starting point is 00:29:27 But it was hard. And you just have to, I think everyone goes through that stage and you just have to be confident. And don't really think about what other people are saying about you. It's good. Be confident and be patient too. I think it's just time. Tom Hills, some of those kind of You know, it's just be confident and be patient too. I think just time.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Time heals some of those kind of things where it's like, I remember the first semester was so hard for you. And then it was like, and I tell young people this all the time who are growing up to college, I'm like, don't give up the first semester because the first semester is when you want to give up, it's hard, you're making, you feel very alone. There's times when you might want to hide in the bathroom,
Starting point is 00:30:04 but then it's like that second semester, and it really takes a full year to feel connected and rooted anywhere, and with whatever you're in. And so I think a lot of people just give up too early. And I think if I would have just give up, then I wouldn't have made more friends and be open up and learn more,
Starting point is 00:30:24 because the more I'm opening up The more I'm learning and you know Taking in and like just learning the language speaking with more people talking with more people Yeah, if I just close it up then like I would never really learn anything You know that's good and so that's first to just try Yeah, and I think that that is something and and making relationships and friendships I know even like when Sadie because she had been moved away for a while, she was a Nashville and then she came back and she was like, oh, I have to like make friends again.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And like to do that, like what do I have to do to do that? I have to like reach out. I have to like make a point when someone invites me. I have to go and show up. I have to be the one that invites other people to things. And yeah, I saw you do that. I remember that first semester being really hard and you being kind of attached to me and really talking to people at home a lot and then kind of making a decision to say, okay,
Starting point is 00:31:14 I have to like really pour in here and things change for you. You started building relationships and having fun and enjoying school and like diving into things, but it took your initiative rather than just sitting back and like I'm just gonna have in our room. And that can be something. And easy just to lie. Not, you know, but then I was like,
Starting point is 00:31:35 I gotta do something because this is not gonna be the experience I'm gonna be having, you know? It's right. Yeah, and it's up to you. Yeah, that's good, that's really good. So then you went off to college, you went to LSU and got your degree in fashion design and merchandising and Rebecca is incredibly talented and gifted and she's artist and creative and always looks so cute and her fashion and everything. But getting going off to college as you have really just learned English a couple
Starting point is 00:32:05 years before that, you know, to the extent and being able to do that. Tell me some of the things about that, that what was hard about it, what was exciting about it. I think I guess I just set myself a goal like I knew that's what I want to do because I remember we were looking at all our colleges but they didn't really have the degree I wanted to be in. And so I think once I was able to go do that, pursue that, I was very focused on what I want to do because I'm like, okay, so I kind of just like put myself in that design program and then make friends that have the same interests. And you know, like, and LSU is huge
Starting point is 00:32:46 and have a lot of people, but I feel like I was just kind of like, stay with all my, my, my, and the people that, you know, we had a lot of fun and we stay and work really hard at night and like, say in the studio, you know, all night, I remember we will have like, bring toothbrushes toothbrushes and stuff we'll just leave over there and we're in our it's really weird but fashion design and it's called like fashion design textile
Starting point is 00:33:16 science and merchandising it's like the whole big thing and we're in human ecology building so right beside Rivey's set our building, like in the building with us was like family or nutrition and study or something. It's all groupings and one. So, they would be cooking. And like, that would be making us breakfast and stuff. Like, it was really cool.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And so, we have like, you know, we'll be staying overnight and work really hard. And then they were like, do you want to taste this? taste this and you know and it's like a big party. That's so fun. Yeah so that's good advice like find your people. Yeah. Give it to a new space. Find your people. Ask me and like everyone I talked about like I'll show you such a party school and all that but I feel like I've always not been a kind of person to be influenced, like really easy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And, you know, because I don't like feel like, like I just never really, it's, I kind of just like, you know, don't feel like I need a fit in anyway. Right. And so I'll fit in with myself. And then, like, you know, and so I buy my people that, you know, and then we kind of just stay tight. That's so good. Yeah, and so I find my people that you know, and then we kind of just stay tight knit. That's so good.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Sometimes you can, you go to a place and there's this reputation, but there's always people who are not doing the thing that everyone else is doing. There's always people that sometimes you can really feel alone in that if you are trying to live differently than what it seems like kind of the world is living, but you just look for your people and also also and just put your head down and work hard and that will cut your goal. Yeah and we have fun but you know but it's like I don't feel like I have to fit in with everybody doing all this stuff you know and you know I was invited to a lot of things but that was in what I'm interested in then I would just not
Starting point is 00:35:02 go you know. Yeah and that's all right. That's so good. All right, so after college, you went to Los Angeles for a couple of years and pursuing kind of your dream. And I remember one time, this is so funny because I remember Rebecca, you know what I was like, why are you gonna say? Rebecca was like working this her first time in life to have to like, you know, work, pay all her bills and do that which you have been when you're a hard worker obviously we talked
Starting point is 00:35:28 about that. But it's different than just being like living on your own in a very expensive city. Yes, yes and I remember her calling and being like all the money I make just goes to pay my bills and I was like that's kind of adult life. That's kind of what it is. I don't like it. I don't like it. But just like that realization that like, oh, this is the real world and it is not easy. And there's a lot of, you know, a lot of things
Starting point is 00:35:54 that, like, just you have to do that aren't really fun. But you have to like work and, but your attitude and your positivity goes back to that contentment and happiness was always there. Like you always had that spirit of like, even though this was hard, you're still a spirit of positivity and getting through it. So what do you think, what part of,
Starting point is 00:36:15 what do you think in your life, do you think you were just kind of born with that or was there a moment when you were like, okay, this is who I'm gonna be and how I'm gonna be. I don't know, that's a really hard question. I feel like I've always been kind of positive but I don't know where that you know because yeah because I'm seeing some of my family member like I don't really know it's from that either you know so yeah I don't I don't really know it's from that either, you know? So yeah, I don't really know. Yeah, like what would you like I'd always sing that and you I think maybe God just put that in you
Starting point is 00:36:52 But also I think you like you said you make a decision. Yeah, you make a decision that this is how you want to be you like even in Perhaps even I think sometimes in life like You know, there's this thing about how like we're either reaction to or we're a reflection of the things that we experience and there's some things in life that you're a reflection of the things you experience that those are the things that are kind of more positive and you're like but also sometimes there's your reaction to in things that like say look I saw this and this is how I want to be because of it. Maybe there's things that you saw that you don't want to be like. Are there things that you do want to be like? And we learn from like every single one of our experiences. And maybe that's something like I had like growing up, you know, as a young kid, I don't even remember. Just seeing, you know, and I think like also just like,
Starting point is 00:37:43 you know, you're like, why would I want to dwell on things like when I can just be positive and like work You know and push myself to you know do something else You know and so yeah, I think I don't know maybe it was something I I felt like we didn't talk about this earlier about growing up in Taiwan But I think the big change in my life, like my childhood was like after my dad passed away, and I think that was a huge like, kind of really changed everything about like how I am today now, and like I think we had this
Starting point is 00:38:19 conversation when I first came, because I remember just being like a little bitter and resentful about God because I feel like why did this happen to me? Yeah. And because I was really, really close to my dad and so, but like I remember we were praying and crying and talking about this, but one of the things like kind of reminded me reminded me now, it's like, I would never be here, but if it wasn't for that, because that was it why I decided to do exchange students, because of him, because after he passed away, I kind of went through, just kind of like close myself up to, you know, like in just being really like resentful. And I think I was going just kind of hanging out with back friends and not doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And that's when my mom was like, you got to change. You got to do something else. And maybe this will be a thing for you to, you know, like do something else different. And since I was born here, I've always like wanted to go and me and my dad talked about this like coming and he always say he was gonna take me to America again and all that so yeah so I think maybe That also just kind of opens up to like the whole thing like hey like this happened But it's not big you know like This actually to something else. Yeah, I was's not big, you know, like this actually to something else that was going to be great, you know, and I feel like God has planned and that the whole time.
Starting point is 00:39:51 That's so good. What's up fam, Sadie Rob here. I got to tell you the hub fam loves some snacks and we really like to find some healthy good snack options. I'm really into dried fruit right now and y'all I had the best surprises week when I got dried mangoes from Nets.com and they were better than any other brand that I've ever had. I'm serious. I take my dried mango seriously. Christian knows I have tried a lot that the world has to offer and Nets.com has the best. If you
Starting point is 00:40:21 haven't heard of them, Nets.com is your one-stop shop for freshly roasted nuts, dried fruit, sweets, pantry staples, like specialty flowers and more. Their wide selection means that they have something for everyone. Nuts.com has so many snacks to choose from. They have sweet, they have savory, really whatever you're in the mood for. And if you're into gluten-free, organic, or dieting snacks, they've got you covered. You'll know I am all about options. And the Nets.com website
Starting point is 00:40:45 even has things like herbs, pasta, jellies and other things that look amazing. What's cool is Christianaic can order individual products just to try them or we can put our favorites on auto delivery so that we never run out of them. So like I said, I love the dried mangoes so now that I know I love them, I can get them as much as I want on the auto delivery. And they also have so many other things to offer as I was looking at their website the other day. They get about what I'm gonna add. They had like chocolate covered almonds
Starting point is 00:41:12 and like really good stuff. That Christian I personally love. So I'm excited to dive into this website and see what else they have to offer. The quality of Nets.com is legit. I love that they roast their nets and pop their corn the same day they're shipped, so they show up super fresh. It's almost old fashioned to do it that way,
Starting point is 00:41:28 but they have been doing it the old fashioned way since 1929, and friends, you can really tell the difference. If you're a small business owner like me, Nets.com will also sell directly to you, which is great and super awesome. And not gonna lie, I'm already thinking about already more of those dry mangoes right now that we're sitting here talking about it. We're right now at Nuts.com,
Starting point is 00:41:46 is offering new customers a free gift with purchase and free shipping on orders of $29 or more at Nuts.com slash woe. So go check it out today, all the delicious options at Nuts.com slash woe, you'll receive a free gift and free shipping when you spend $29 or more, that's Nuts.com slash woe. That's that scripture that God works,
Starting point is 00:42:09 all things for the good, for those who know and love him, and just that idea that like, yeah, you're gonna go through hard times, there's gonna be bad things that are gonna happen in your life, but when you put your trust in God, you know and love him, he's gonna work those things for the good and it's Takes you I never like expect that because I would never thought they would lead to this right now
Starting point is 00:42:32 being in y'all's family and have all you know Always like what I'm missing, you know, and so it's just it's just crazy I was thinking about as you were talking about that too, the fact that when Roughty came into our family, Roughty lost his dad at a young age as well. And that was really special because Rebecca had been through that and you were able to just connect with Roughty in that way and speak to him in that way and a way that's out because you had had some years, a little bit few more years in it and not that it wasn't hard, that you, you know, that's still a hard that it wasn't hard, that you, you, you know, that's still a hard time in your life, but like you had enough years to look
Starting point is 00:43:08 back and say, oh, but God, God was with me in all of it. He brought me through it. I know I understand right now, but you know, it's in the long run, you'll see. Yeah. Yeah. And what a gift that was, and then another way God kind of waved our lives together and our family together for you to be able to help rowdy a little bit through that too. I thought that was really, really special. Well, all right, okay, on to the next kind of season of your life. We're kind of going through your life season. We did the LA.
Starting point is 00:43:37 We did LA. Yeah. And then you moved back here, but I want to talk a little bit about your single years. Okay. Really? Really makes fun of all the guys she brought home. And you moved back here, but I want to talk a little bit about your single years. Really, really makes fun of all the guys she brought home. And also, this is one funny part about Rebecca. So Rebecca is, you're so positive and so happy. And we always say that like, she never really wanted to break up with somebody, so she just
Starting point is 00:43:59 moved. It was like, she was too nice to break up with somebody. Look at that thing, it's like a personality, but like, I'm at any angrily night. And so I think I just like always want very peaceful, and I don't like confrontations at all. And like, so I just can never. It's but terrible. All the guys who dated, we were just like, you know, we were, we were not like vocal, I don't think about it, but we were just like, no.
Starting point is 00:44:31 This is not the one. Well, I think also there's something a lot of maybe younger generation can learn like if they're kind of in the season of single two, just like, I think I also just like, I'll have a good friend, but then I don't want to lose that friend. Then I end up became like a relationship. It wasn't really meant to be. I didn't want to lose that friend because we're having, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:56 like I didn't want to lose that friendship. And so we, I will say yes to dating this person that I'm actually really not into. Yeah. Just because I'm actually not into. Yeah. Just because I'm comfortable that I want to just have some friends to go get coffee with. Have this person I can always talk to and do this thing with, but you know, that necessary like I want to date this person to marry this person but just to kill time with. I think that's true, that's very honest. I don't know. I don't think a lot of people end up in relationships like that.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I don't know if it's just me or not. No, but, you know, and I think a lot of people end up in relationships like that. Because with few friends that they end up liking me and I say no and we weren't friends anymore. So then I was like, I don't want this to happen. Then I'm like, do I really like this person? Because I feel this like lost.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Like, you know, and so then I think after that, I was like, okay, maybe I should try to like date this person just so, you know, see? But then it's never really a good thing because I'm just trying to be comfortable and content with someone that I'm not really, you know, right? And then I feel like then I feel bad to her. They're feelings and I just stay in that relationship world. Thankfully, you did not marry any of those people that are so thankful for that.
Starting point is 00:46:18 So that's another looking back and thanking God for unanswered prayers. It's like you go back and you're like, God, thank you for, you know, just allowing me to wait. And then he made John Reed. And we all knew from the moment we saw Rebecca with John Reed that, like, okay, this is different. There's something to you, I must say, it was so funny. So when actually, like, she ran into John Reed at the air pool when I was single. And like, she ran into John Ray at the airport when I was single.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And like, she taught to John Ray, John Ray loves to talk to people and he's very friendly and start kind of having conversations with two mom and Sadie. They were on the plane together. And then, uh, Sadie and my guy, home, and she was telling me about this guy she met on the plane. And she was like, do you know this guy John Rie because you know, like he's from here, but he looks like he's from out of town.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Cause I always say we need her back. I needed somebody that looked a little bit more. And she's a little bit. Yeah, it's so funny how like she said it. Like it was like she looks like she, like he looks like he's from out of town, you know, but hey, y'all, it's Sad it was like, she looks like she, like he looks like he's from hotel, you know? But hey y'all, it's Sadie's mom, Corey here. I'm so excited to get to talk to you about
Starting point is 00:47:31 Muskin Caroline natuarmetic. I've been using natuarmetic pretty much exclusively for the last five years before that. I was trying all kinds of skin care lines. My cabinet was full of all this stuff that I didn't know if it worked or if it didn't. And then I found out about nature medic and I love it. One thing I love about it is it's simple. There's only three steps. You got your cleanser, your serum, and your moisturizer.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I do that both morning and night. It's so easy and so effective is the other thing that I love about it because whenever you're looking for a skin care line, you want it to be effective. You want it to work. You want to know that you're doing something good for your skin. When I decided to switch to nature medic is because I realized all the chemicals and toxins I was putting on my skin with so many other lines and I just wanted something clean and nature medic is that it has all of the good stuff in none of the bad. It's a skin care line that is full of hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, peptides, glycolic acid, vitamin B5, and all these natural botanicals
Starting point is 00:48:32 that are so good for your skin. But what it doesn't have is parabens, fragrance, gluten, chemicals, any of the bad stuff that you actually don't want on your skin. The thing that I also love about nature medic is that it's perfect for teenage skin, or for those of us who are a little bit older and age and need those firming and those tightening peptides, it's got that as well. The naturopetic skin care line infuses skin with healing hydration and cell rejuvenating anion accidents with HUs. And within just two weeks of using naturopetic, your skin will appear younger, firmer, and brighter.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I'm so excited for you to start taking care of your skin with NatureMedic. All you have to do to get started is go to naturemedic.com and use code WoW for 40% off the starter kit, plus 20% off anything on your order at naturemedic.com if you use code WoW. That's 20% off naturemed.com in a T you are
Starting point is 00:49:26 in E T I see use code, whoa, W H O A and get 20% off your order. But yeah, like that thing called where you and y'all get married. 27 27. Yeah. So yeah, that's not old, but any other standards at all. But in our family, we do get married. And I think that's another reason why, too, I was dating a few people because I feel like everyone is dating somebody. Everyone is married. Everyone, you know, just being from the south. And I think a lot of my high school friends and, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:08 we're getting married and you feel, do you remember feeling that pressure? I do. And it's, you know, and I wanna encourage anyone too, like, you know, I say I'm not easily influenced, but I think relationships are a little different because then you feel lonely and then you feel like you are on the clock like yeah Like because if you don't then everyone's gonna be taken, you know and that's not true. That is a lie
Starting point is 00:50:33 You know, I know I just thought that like and I remember you being nervous to me back home because thinking Yes, I'm not gonna be any by because it's a small town. Yeah, and I'm like nope That is a lie like you in LA. I like I feel like there's still a lot of single people. You know, and there's a reason why there's a lot of single people. But it was just like, I was like, well, I'm going to get home. Like, there's not going to be anybody. Everyone went to high school with. I'm going to marry everyone, you know, and so.
Starting point is 00:51:00 And then you move back home and you meet the love of your life. Yes. And which is, I've never thought, like, I didn't think I was ever going to be with someone that actually from and row. And it's a huge country boy. Like, you know, that's true. A hunter, he loves the three-leaders. I think he says, probably the most like, country out of like all the, I don't know, Jacob.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Jacob probably wins that one. Yeah. But John Fige is in his country. Yeah, but he's perfect for you. And like we knew it from day one. And it's been so fun to see your relationship. And now you have two beautiful children, Zane and Holland. And they are the cutest. If you do not follow it for Becca,
Starting point is 00:51:41 you've got to follow Rebecca to see her kids. That's a lot of pictures. A lot of people are the kids. They're so cute and so much fun. So what do you feel like? God, it's kind of like teaching you in this moment, in this moment, as a mom of two, a wife, you have a small business, you're kind of pursuing the little bit of your passion with fashion. What has got teaching you kind of in this season that you're in? Well, it's crazy and it's, you feel like there's never a time to just like slow down. Yeah. Because there's always something going on and like I feel like especially after having a second child.
Starting point is 00:52:16 It's just like, whoa, like it really like with my mom. Because like with just one kid, I was like, oh, I got this. I started the kids' baby clothing business right after Zang was born. And I was like, I can do this. And then after all I was born, I was like, okay, I got to take a break. I kind of just like, but it's so much fun, but it's just like, you feel like times are, every day, the times are so slow, because you're with them, you're like, okay. But then you look bad, it's like times are going so fast.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah. So they say like the days are slow, but the days are long, but the years are short. Yeah, that's kind of how true. And I you know, and I say like, you know, I'm still kind of adjusting to the season and, you know, I've have to like really kind of like learn for so many people and get a voice from people that've been through because it's hard. Yeah, I know. And I don't know how people you're talking about. It takes me back to those years, you know, as a young mom. And I remember that so vividly that feeling like, well, one, just killing the minutes to nap time. Like, at some point, they were going to sleep and I'm going to have a little bit of time
Starting point is 00:53:37 to myself. But just, you know, there's some days that just felt really long because you're just in the just kind of like grind of it, you know, but then also how quickly you look back and you're like, oh my goodness. I know. She's already, Collins already won. That's insane. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:53 But and then also that feeling of like, okay, is this, is this going to be my whole life? Yeah, everything. I do have other passions and dreams and things that I love. And one thing that I remember really helping me in that time is reading that quote about how like, you can do everything you want in life but just not all at once. And just that, and it was so good for me to hear.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And like, now looking back, I'm like, you have plenty of time. You are gonna get to do the things that God puts on your heart and the talents and gifts, but it might not be right now. Like right now, this might be, it need to be where you are, but not that you can't be pursuing other things along the way too, but when you try to kind of like do it all at once, I think that's when the burden just becomes too heavy. And I think as a woman, sometimes we're kind of told like, you can have it all, you can do it all, but that comes with a price and a cost where when you think,
Starting point is 00:54:46 okay, you can do it all, you can have it all, but like, don't try to do it all at once. Like, trust me, that's too big of a burden to carry. Take your time, you've got plenty of time. Yeah, and I think like also just like, don't compare yourself to other people, you know? Because it's hard to see like, oh, whoa, how can they do this and do this and make their house,
Starting point is 00:55:03 like, their house looks spotless. And then like, I feel the pressure of like, having to cling all the time and like, oh, whoa, how can they do this and do this and make their house look spotless? And then I felt the pressure of having to cling all the time and just a lot of stuff, like, piling on my mind all the time, you know? And that is such another lie of the enemy and I feel like social media has brought that so much. I do think that when I was a young mom, we didn't have that comparison like you do now.
Starting point is 00:55:24 But if you think about like someone can make one little area of their house was really spotless. And I'm really curious. And I'm like, how do you, and I'm like, oh, this is like where they took the photo. And like I've decided it's like super messy. And like I love seeing stuff like that because you're just like real.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I feel like you know, related. And so, but yeah, like I think, you know, even like I'll talk to John Reed all the time, like sometimes I'll go through like days, I'm like, I can't do this. This is terrible. I just need a break. But then like the next day, I'm like, oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:58 I guess I think it's just like, you just need to give yourself grace. Give yourself grace. That's so good. You know, I love that. And there's another thing. I remember reading this quote whenever our kids were young, it was like, not that this is all men or husbands or whatever, but it was like, a man says he's going to go to
Starting point is 00:56:15 bed. No, a woman says she's going to go to bed and she like gets up, she like loads of dishwasher, fixes the bottles, puts another load on the laundry. You know, does all these, this long list of things, but the bottles, puts another load on the laundry, you know, does all these long list of things, but before she goes to bed, and a man says he's gonna go to bed and he goes to bed. Yeah, and like,
Starting point is 00:56:32 and like, immediately I'm like, how did you just go to sleep like that? And so not that that, that's a big generalization, but sometimes just give your self permission to just go to bed, and I remember whenever I read that and thought, you know, that's so true. Like, I say I'm gonna go to bed and then I have this long list of things.
Starting point is 00:56:47 But then that's how I get in bed. Then my brain is thinking about all the other list of things. Oh my goodness. I do that all the time. Yes. And then I can't sleep. So you can't go to sleep, but then I'm like, I mean, bed, I should be sleeping.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Yes. I'm thinking about all the thing I have to do. Yes. And it's just like a cycle is like very unhealthy. So sometimes just say, like, I'm going to bed and literally like walk to the bed Don't do anything else and just give yourself permission to do that and Yeah, sometimes I think you have to say a play and you got to do it
Starting point is 00:57:14 That's just life like not yeah, you're gonna always be able to do that But nothing can not wait till the morning. Yes, so all right. Well, this was really fun Rebecca It wasn't as painful as you thought So all right, well this was really fun Rebecca. It wasn't as painful as you thought Good you did great. This is really fun. I give you my first my virgin podcast. I love it. I'm so proud I'm so proud. This was awesome. I love these so much I'm so grateful that you're part of our family and I'm so grateful to get to just sit here and talk to you Day and it's fun. All right. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:57:59 you

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