WHOA That's Good Podcast - God Is Not Finished With You Yet | Sadie Robertson Huff | Katy Nichole

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

Sadie is so excited to chat with singer-songwriter Katy Nichole who recently won her first K-LOVE Fan Award for Worship Song of the Year. She shares the yearslong battle she's had with scoliosis, depr...ession, and anxiety and how keeping a prayer journal has literally changed her life. Katy recounts the day her video singing the chorus of "In Jesus Name" blew up on TikTok and how she maintains a heart of worship in every situation. Katy and Sadie share encouragement that we are ALL the same. Our jobs might be different, but we're all the same! And finally, a reminder that being famous — being TikTok famous — will NOT give you the desires of your soul!  - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Council of Franks on behalf of delicious Oscar Mayer 100% beef Franks has declared its official position. Oscar Mayer 100% beef Franks are 100% beef Frank delicious. This summer, choose delicious, choose 100% beef. Keep it Oscar. What's up, fam? Welcome back to the World Let's Go podcast. Happy Wednesday, everybody. I'm so excited for this conversation today. We actually have Katie Nicole on the podcast. You may have heard her name. It is so powerful. Y'all, it's called In Jesus Name, God of Possible. It's very strong. If you are in your prerequisite and you need something to pray, just pray these words.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I mean, it will take to the throne. Y'all, Katie holds the record for the longest held number one debut single for a female artist on Christian Airplay. This girl's sign is taken over. Katie also hit top five on the Billboard Emerging Artist chart. Well, in Jesus' name, God of P possible has been at number one on the iTunes Christian and Gossal's song chart virtually every week since it released in January. So it's so crazy to see all of a sudden that God's doing in her life. She also just won a Caleb award for worship song of the year and this really all kind of came from her just making a TikTok video. So I can't wait for Yada here just about her testimony testimony in the story, this podcast is gonna be so good.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Sit along for the conversation without further ado, cannot wait to have Katie on the podcast. Well, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. This is great. I remember, so I was at the Caleb Awards and you were there. And I hadn't really heard your song yet.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And I'm sitting there and I'm like, what is this song? Because it kept getting nominated for like every award and then you come out there and you lead and I was like whoa like the place just seemed really went to worship like forget your ad in a word show like that like it was just it was honestly just so powerful your song and Jesus name has just been move a mountains and I can't wait to talk to you about that and just so many other things in your life.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And of course, you won the award that night. And man, you're just on this trajectory. God has you on. That's awesome to watch from afar. So we'll get to that before we do. I got to ask you the question. I ask everyone who comes on the world. That's a podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Katie, what is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given? The best piece of advice that I've ever been given was when I first started leading worship and my mentor said to me, he said, it doesn't matter what you do when you step onto that platform. It matters where your hearts and tensions are at and where your heart is when you step up there. And so from then on, I don't step on to any platform without having my hearts and tension right, you know, right with God. And just having a moment with God, you know, having a moment of silence and just like spending that rest with him. And so being able to kind of carry that with me has been one of the biggest blessings.
Starting point is 00:03:08 It's good. That's good. So at the K-Live Awards, like I mentioned, I saw you lead. What was your intention going out there? What were you thinking about? Because I mean, that's a huge stage, it's a huge moment. What was the backstage moment like for you? You know, it was really quick. I have to say like from the, I was sitting out in like the audience area and so then they were like, okay, it's time to go. And so I was backstage and I actually won the worship song of the year right before I went out to sing. So it was a little bit in shock because I actually, I had no idea and I didn't expect to win at all. Like if anything, I thought, like if I go home with nothing, I'm just glad to be here. I'm so grateful that God has just put me here and
Starting point is 00:03:58 so after that, you know, I as I was walking up, I was just praying, God, fill me with the Holy Spirit, and lead every word that I say. And so, you know, and I was going up there knowing that it was just me and a pianist. So it was like, you know, if I messed up too, it was like, well, there's not a lot to like fall back on here. But really, I just, I didn't care. I was like, you know what, God, this is all for you. And no matter what happens at the end of the day, like, I give the glory to you and I just want to let you name.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's good. It's good. Well, I think it was so cool because just being there from an outside perspective, so you just won the worship song of the year. And all the other artists who were up nominated, were just incredible artists. I mean, these are people who have just
Starting point is 00:04:45 been legends of a songwriting and songs that we all know, people that we know so well. And so you would think that maybe one of them would win just because they're so known and have done things for so long. And then you won and it was like, oh my gosh, this is crazy, this is awesome. And then for people who didn't know you in that moment, it was like, well, I gotta hear this. And it was so cool, you were right after. And right after you sang, and it was like, and that's why it won, you know, like boom.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Like, and it was because when you walked on that stage with authority and declaring what you knew this song would do in people's life was so powerful. And like I didn't know you before this. I'm just watching. I'm like this is so strong. So okay, we're gonna get to that. Now everybody kind of knows you for that. But way before we all knew you for this, what was your life like? What was your story like? Did you always lead? Did you always sing and write? How did this happen? Yeah, I mean I've always been singing. I, I loved to sing since I was like three. I was just
Starting point is 00:05:49 always singing a song. But I've never really, like I never thought that I would end up in worship. I never thought that I would end up in Christian music. I grew up Christian and I loved Christian music, but I never thought that would be me one day. Like that wasn't necessarily where I, you know, I was dreaming of going. So, so when I started leading worship, I was 18 years old, and I had it, like I said, I had this mentor, and he believed in me in a way that like, I just, I didn't even believe in myself at that moment in time. And it was cheering me on no matter what.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Like even if I hadn't done Christian music, like he still probably would have been cheering me on just because he was like, I believe in you and I believe in what you're doing. And so, but I realized very quickly how my songs had changed because Jesus was in them. And I was so grateful because my life had kind of transformed in that season in a way where I was starting to have a relationship with Jesus. And so being able to write songs about him and glorify his name just felt like the cherry on top of all of that. And my love for the Lord was just growing.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And I am so grateful that I get to be a worship leader, first and foremost, even before I write songs. It's awesome. And you didn't actually, you really didn't think you were gonna do this because you actually went to school to be a medical assistant or something, right? So you were like, yeah, you love the Lord, but you were even pursuing a different career, which I think is so cool because I think so many people think
Starting point is 00:07:33 like they have to know like the path that they're going to take in their life. But I'm like, you know what? I think God puts so many desires in our hearts. And I think that God will, you know, he'll establish our steps. He'll make our path straight, but there are some things that you don't know where to go. So you just have to say yes to the next thing. So tell me about just, you know, actually pursuing a career to be a medical assistant and then being like, skirt, I'm actually a songwriter and leading worship.
Starting point is 00:08:02 You know, I had a moment where I was like, I wanna do something different. I was always singing and I was always doing music, so I was just like, I wanna do something that has nothing to do with that. Because I felt like there was more to me and more to my abilities in life. And so I went to a trade school
Starting point is 00:08:20 to get my certification to be a medical assistant. And the crazy thing is, is that I like genuinely love doing it. So I was kind of on that path. And then it wasn't until God just opened this door to music that I was like, okay, I hear you loud and clear. I need to watch through that door. And, but I am a certified medical assistant.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So I- Come on. Qualified to do some stuff. That's awesome. awesome hey why not that's so fun I love it it's like you know you see these people even like Tom Cruz okay like he's obviously this big actor that does all these things but he's also like a an actual pilot you know and it's like I just think it's so cool when people are like they have their thing but they also have like all these other
Starting point is 00:09:04 hobbies I want to be like that I want to be like oh yeah when people are, like they have their thing, but they also have like all these other hobbies. I wanna be like that. I wanna be like, oh yeah, I do this, but also I'm kinda doing this and this and this and this, like just because it's fun and like God put so much in us. So why not tap into that if you can? I love it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So what was the door that got open for you in that moment? When you were like, okay, like God started to open doors. Like, it's undeniable. I got a walk through. What was that door? It was kind of multiple doors, but I would say the one that kind of stuck out to me was just the one to leading worship and that opportunity I had in the church.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And that opportunity kept growing too. I started leading for more ministries and I got to the place where I was leading for every ministry at my church and so I I just felt so called to that every time I would step on to the worship platform and I would you know Just I'd be leading a congregation. I realized more and more how much I didn't want to make it about me cool and I also consider myself to be kind of an introverted person too
Starting point is 00:10:04 So I find my job to be a little weird at times Because I'm like I don't know if I like all this attention But I'm grateful that like I get to be around all of these people and I get to share the good news at the gospel And so I think when you come in with that heart of worship You're coming from a place of like Surrendering yourself and just allowing God to speak through you. It's awesome, it's so good. So tell me a little bit about your testimony.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I know you were born with a very, very rare thing. The like one in 10,000 babies are born with. What's your story there? Yeah, so I was born with congenital scoliosis, which scoliosis itself is quite common. A lot congenital scoliosis, which scoliosis itself is quite common. A lot of people have scoliosis, but this type is rare and very progressive, and so from an early age, there was kind of all of these odds stacked up against me, and there were a lot of unknowns as well.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Even doctors were saying like she might not be able to walk at some point if this progresses to the place that were afraid it might. And I am so grateful because I lived a very normal childhood. I got to be climbing on the monkey bars and doing back flips. I was in tumbling. I'm really small on five feet tall. Tumbling was my thing because I was really agile and small and I could flip really high. So that was my passion for a short season of life when I was little. So I am grateful for that, but I'm also grateful that just God gave me this strength to just keep going because I feel like my life could have been very different had I not had this
Starting point is 00:11:42 kind of like strong willed, like personality to just keep going and even if those odds were stacked up against me. Yeah. And so when I was 14 years old, I was told I was gonna need to have metal rods and screws placed into my spine in order to straighten it out because it was starting to put pressure on my lungs and on my heart.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And that was scary because I had no idea what was going to happen to me. On the other side of that, I had no idea. And right before that, I was trying out for cheerleading. And they said, you can't try out for cheerleading because, like, medically, you're not clear to do so. Wow. And so that was so sad for me because, you know, a dream I had over here was, like, kind of crushed to do that experience. But, you know what? God has other plans. dream I had over here was crushed through that experience. But God has other plans and I've just seen him come through time and time again with how much greater his plan is than mine. So when I came out on the other side of the surgery, I unfortunately came out in excruciating
Starting point is 00:12:39 pain. Not just physical pain, but mental pain as well. I was dealing with severe anxiety and severe depression to the point where I couldn't move. I couldn't get out of bed in the morning like it was so hard for me. Eventually I had to pull myself out of like public school or like my parents had to pull me out of public school and I went to online school because I just couldn't sit in a classroom anymore. And so I missed out on a lot of formative years of my life because this lasted for three years. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And so I got to a place where I was defeated, I was hopeless. I was crying out to God in a way that not blaming him but just being upset that my situation was the way that it was. And also just being like, why me? Like why did all of those other people who had this surgery come out and they're fine? Like they got to go back to their normal life. Was that not expected when you went into the surgery? You didn't know you were going to have the pain that you had, that obviously you can't
Starting point is 00:13:40 prepare for anxiety and depression, but that was pretty well. Wow. Yeah, well, I mean, even then, like, they did say it'll take about a year to fully recover. And there will be post-surgical depression. Like, that just kind of comes with the amount of anesthesia that I had during the surgery. I think the surgery lasted about seven hours, seven or eight hours. And so that's such a huge change. Your body goes through trauma because of that. And so my body went through a lot of trauma, but the thing is, is that by a year,
Starting point is 00:14:15 you should start to go back to normal. You should start to feel like yourself again. I never went back to feeling like myself again. If anything, I felt like a shell of who I once was. And I reached a place where I just wanted to give up and I said, God, I don't wanna do this anymore. And I picked up a bottle of pills sitting on my dresser. I looked down at it and I said it would be that easy,
Starting point is 00:14:38 but I took it to the bathroom and it just poured out all over the floor. It fell out of my hands and onto the floor. And when I saw that, I picked up every pill and I threw it in the trash can because I just felt the Lord saying to me he wasn't done yet. And in that moment, if I hadn't felt that, if I hadn't felt the Lord saying to me he wasn't finished,
Starting point is 00:14:59 I don't know if I would be here today. I don't know if I would be doing what I'm doing today. And so after that experience, it was probably another year of just the hardest seasons of my life. And I think I was about 17 or 16 years old when that happened. And you know, I mean, you're already in a place of like, oh, I'm about to graduate high school. Like, what's about to happen to my life? You know, you know, I'm going to have to go out and, you know, be an adult and do all that stuff, too.
Starting point is 00:15:30 So it just, it scared me because at that point, I like, I didn't even know what it meant to be an adult. I didn't even know what it was going to look like if I was going to ever be functional because I could barely move. And so, at my last appointment, basically where they were like, we have one more option for you or nothing else and please don't come back. Because we don't have anything else to offer you. But my surgeon said to me, he was like, we can remove the metal rods and screws from your spine. And that's riskier than leaving them in.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So it's up to you and I said take everything out. I don't know if I'm gonna make it tomorrow. Wow. And so they they went in and they removed everything from my spine and that was not without like a lot of fear. There was a lot of fear in my heart because I was like I don't know if this is what God wants for me, but at the same time I said, no, there's a peace, there's a peace in all of this because God is going to do something. And I've known that since that day, where I just wanted to be done. When I wanted to give up, God showed me that there was something else on the other side
Starting point is 00:16:40 of this. And so when I came out of that surgery, I mean, I'm telling you, there was not a single window in the ICU, but I saw the light again for the first time. And it was as if every negative emotion, every dark season had just parted in front of me. And I'd never seen anything like it before in my life. And it wasn't like literally I was seeing like like, but it was like the world had changed for me. And I knew that. And I was at the hospital in like five days, which compared that to the first time I was in the hospital for like two and a half weeks. So crazy how that just the change that there already was. And so when I came out on the other side of this, I realized so quickly I had a purpose.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And that purpose is nothing to do with singing the songs I sing. That purpose has nothing to do with standing on a stage. It has all to do with living my life wholeheartedly for Jesus. And giving it back to him. Because honestly, like I wouldn't, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Jesus. That's the only reason I can say that I live. I'm living and thriving because Jesus. Wow. And so it was about a month or two after that, I started writing Christian music. Wow. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:01 That's crazy. I want to test some money. That is crazy. I want to test some money. That is crazy. First of all, I'm so sorry you went through that period of life. I know so many girls who are listening to this are there right now, you know, in that fog, that depression, that anxiety and just huge compassion to where all of you guys are. And, you know, I hope that you can feel that nearness of Jesus.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And if you can't feel it, don't trust in your feelings, trust in the truth that God is there, that he is with you, that he will uphold you, because that's what his word says. And there have been times in my life where, man, I mean, I've felt that wave of depression and that wave of anxiety. And in that moment, like sometimes you don't feel like God is near. And in those moments, that's when you have to speak the name of Jesus over your situation.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And believe that, you know, he is who he says he is because he's faithful to himself. He's faithful to his people. So I just, man, what a testimony. So a couple of months go by, you start writing the songs that we're singing now. When did In Jesus' name, when did that get written, how did that get written? Because that song, I mean, obviously it's so powerful, it's gone like around the world.
Starting point is 00:19:15 So how was that for you and how did that get on paper? That song actually happened. It would have been three years after that surgery, so it was a long time after, but I would honestly say the song has just been written over time. I would say that it wasn't just that one moment in the writing room, it was a life's worth of just prayer. And I wrote that song with two other writers and When we were kind of talking about what did we want to do for that day? We all kind of looked at each other and we're like there's so much power and prayer
Starting point is 00:19:53 We need to pray over the people because that's what we need right now and I mean especially in just a broken world like there's's so many things that I want to pray for. And I was like, we really just need like a very broad spectrum of things to be praying for. And I wrote the song, but it was a completely different song at that time. It was called God of Possible.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And I went home and I filmed a TikTok video of the bridge of that song, which was that I pray for your healing, the circumstances to change, all of that portion of the song was the bridge. And so once I posted that, I actually prayed over the video before posting it. And like I never do that. I didn't, I mean, I never saw a reason to do it before, but I mean, now there's so many reasons to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Because it's just like, it's in God's hands It's not in my hands and so I prayed over the video and I was just like Lord Just reach one person with this because I feel like there's something powerful in it and I I posted it and I walked away for a few hours and when I came back it was at a million views. Like it was so quick. It was so quick. And it blew me away because you know when I think of Ephesians 320 I think of you know in life like his plan is greater than ours. But in this moment I was like wow you just went so abundantly more than I could have asked I could have asked you to do or ever thought in my wildest dreams or a match. Like it's just so incredibly cool to see how God can move through.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Sometimes what we think is so small and he just turns it into something mighty. But after that, I was actually assigned to a record label at the time and so I went back to my record label and I was like, guys, look at this. Like, look at these people and how they're resonating with this song. And you know, it's impacting their life in a way that honestly is nothing I could have ever done. It's all God. Like, look at this. And immediately they were just like, well, go finish this song. Because the original song was not where it was supposed to be. And I didn't feel peace in my heart about just going and releasing a song
Starting point is 00:22:09 that I didn't feel like it was done. And so I went back in and honestly, I can say, every lyric I wrote was an encounter with the Lord. And it was a lot of really hard moments that I had in my life. And so especially when I was writing the verses of the song, I looked at the song as a whole and I was like, man, that was what God was speaking over me,
Starting point is 00:22:33 like in my hardest seasons. And now I get to speak that over others. And I actually went back into, I write in a prayer journal that's like one of my favorite things to do. And it's just a way of, I've been able to have an intimate relationship with Jesus and it's so sweet because I get to spend so much time with him But I went back into one of my prayer journals and I realized so quickly I Highlighted the lyrics of the song. It was I pray for my healing. I was praying for circumstances to change I was praying for the fear inside of me
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like all of the words of a song so They were they were words that I was praying over myself in different seasons of my life Like it wasn't just one season. It was multiple seasons and It is now a prayer I get to pray over other people and goodness gracious. It's that a gift That is the coolest thing. That's the coolest thing, man, that's so awesome. People think, you know, for people who write books,
Starting point is 00:23:30 they're singing songs that like, oh, these people have figured it out. And it's like, no, the people that are writing the books, people that are singing the songs and the ones that are going through it, like they're going through it. Like, there's a reason you get to the place where you even know to say those things
Starting point is 00:23:44 because you're in desperate need of God to the place where you even know to say those things because you're Indesprit need of God to be that for you and your life and man It's just so cool that you get to use that gift and sing it over other people's life Do you remember like the first time where was the first place you were at when people saying your song like when you were in the room You know like when you were leading and people saying with you you, when did that happen? What was that moment like? Yeah, no, I think the first experience of that was actually a women's conference I did. And it was crazy to me because I walked in.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Like this was literally the first show I played after the song kind of took off. And they knew the words. Oh, it's so cool. They knew it word for word and you could hear them. Like it was so loud and it was beautiful. Wow. And honestly, one of my favorite sounds
Starting point is 00:24:32 is hearing God's people come together and worship together. And so hearing that was just, that was a gift in itself. And I couldn't believe my song, like the song that I had written, again, out of some of the darkest moments in my life, was now something that like other people were praying over their own life and they were fighting battles by singing this song. Like that's crazy to me. It's cool. It's crazy. It's so good. So for you, you know, you've stepped into this position where you are known by a lot of people now. Your video did go viral on TikTok. It you've hit number one in places that people haven't hit number one as fast as you did.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I mean, that's pretty impressive and crazy. You, I know you do stuff on YouTube. You have Instagram, you're social media. So people know you and you're an introvert, which sometimes I cannot, sometimes I cannot go so well together. And the sense of you might be like, okay, why does it look like? Why does everybody know?
Starting point is 00:25:28 And I just remember for me, whenever my family had a TV show and I got to be known, I'm not an introvert. And that's still freaked me out. I'm actually a very extroverted person, but I was like, oh, I don't know if I like that. Everybody knows what I look like. I don't know that I like that people know me and I don't know them or people come up to me. They're like, say to you don't know if I like that. Everybody knows what I look like. I don't know that I like that people know me and I don't know them or people come up to me.
Starting point is 00:25:47 They're like, say to you, they know everything about my life. And I'm like, I have a lot of catching up to do with you because I don't even know your name yet. And so I know that can be a weird feeling. How has it been just stepping into fame, if you will? What do you feel like are some of the things that you've seen that maybe? Because I think people have this perspective of fame, if you will. What do you feel like are some of the things that you've seen that maybe? Because I think people have this perspective of fame thinking that like fame would change everything
Starting point is 00:26:10 for them. But I don't think fame really does that. I mean, I think it just, yeah, it changes things in the sense that people know your stuff, but it doesn't change who you are, you know. What have you realized about fame that maybe you didn't know before? It's kind of a loaded question. That is, yeah, I mean, that's kind of a hard question to answer to because I'm never really felt famous even in this time.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I know that people know who I am, but there's just a weird connotation with that word. Famous, and how that kind of like you said like people will see you in a way that they're like, oh, she's going to change now. And it's gone to her head. But truly, I'm the same person I was before any of this happened. And I think the biggest thing I've learned is that like, I don't want people to idolize me in any sort of sense.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I want people to look past my flesh and bone and see straight to Jesus. I don't really have a lot to offer in my human nature. I promise that. So I do what I can to strive towards Jesus every day. And I hope that that's what people see in me and they don't see some sort of distorted version of me because I'm famous and I put that in quotes because it's not, to me that's like, that's putting us on a pedestal, that's putting us on this level that we're not even at, we're all the same, we're all equal and I want people to know that, we're the same, we're all evil. And I want people to know that,
Starting point is 00:27:45 like we're the same, we're the same. Like my life, my job looks different. My job looks different. That's what it is. That's so good. I love that. Mr. Rogers has a quote, he says, fame is just a four-letter word,
Starting point is 00:27:59 like taper, zoom, or face, or pain, but ultimately it matters what you do with it. And that's one of my favorite quotes because it's so true. Famous, no different than any other word, you know, being famous doesn't make you different than any other person. It's what you do with it that actually matters and I feel the same way. I think, well, one is you to talk about that because there are so many people right now listening to this who desperately want to get TikTok famous, who definitely want what happened to you to happen to them. And I want them to realize that that is great if that happens and if God wants your message and your TikTok to get out, He will or if you do something of great talent or that's really funny, it will get out maybe.
Starting point is 00:28:43 But you know, but at the end of the day, that will not change but you know but at the end of the day that will not change who you are. At the end of the day that will not give you the desires of your soul. That is an exciting thing to happen but that is not everything and I just want people to realize like it's it's having the true foundation of just knowing that you are loved by the God of the universe that you are seen by the great I am that you have a purpose for your life like that is what matters That is what you know we have to be anchored to not the fact that our last video went viral or this one Get more likes and that one or oh my gosh
Starting point is 00:29:17 I got a blue check mark. It's like that's not gonna do it for you You know at the end of the day that's just not gonna do it for you And so I love hearing you say, you know, I have, I have gotten those things, but like we're the same. And man, I think culture because we don't treat famous people the same because we do idolize famous people. It's gotten us in kind of a wacky situation because it's just never how I think we were intended to live. We were never intended to be worshiped. We were intended to worship. I think we were intended to live. We were never intended to be worshiped. We were intended to worship. And so I think whenever you get that mixed up,
Starting point is 00:29:48 things go really wrong. I love your life clearly. Just points to Jesus and everything that you do. You have another song called Jesus Change My Life. And I just love that everything's like, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Like if you're not here in this message, like Katie Nicole is all about Jesus.
Starting point is 00:30:06 For the person listening who is like, okay, this is really cool, she's all about Jesus. Jesus is a part of my life. I go to church on Sunday. How do you go from like, okay, I go to church on Sunday, I know of Jesus to like everything I am, everything I do is for Jesus. Do you remember that shift in your own life
Starting point is 00:30:27 when that happened? You know, I think I really got to know Jesus when I was 17 because as I wanted to give up on life and on this world, I realized that there was something greater than I was. And I needed to start looking in that direction because I was looking towards all of the wrong things that were only gonna destroy me in the end.
Starting point is 00:30:51 And like Jesus changed my life that song, he's quite literally me talking about all the places I ran to before I ran to Jesus. And how I'm probably, I felt like I was the last person he would wanna see, but truly that's not how it works. He's standing there with open arms, just so ready to embrace you and ready to meet you where you are. So come to him, broken.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Come to him with all of the pain, all of the mess because that's what he wants. He wants to love you. And I think the moment that I really realized, okay, Jesus wants to love me as I am, was after that second surgery when I came out and I was like, you know what, now I have a purpose, because I was given my life back and life is Jesus. So if I get to be alive, then I should be living for Jesus.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And, you know, it's not And it's a day to day, like you're messing up every single day still. Like I'm mess, I literally am a human being. I'm falling short of the glory of God every single day. And yet at the same time, I'm striving to be like Jesus. And that's the thing, it's the hearts intentions. I go back to that quote that advice I was given.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Like, it's about your hearts intentions. You know, the check your heart quote is also like a really good one because I genuinely have to check my heart every once in a while where I'm just like, okay, back to reality. Well, and I think too, you know, there are so many aspects of being a Christian where people are like, oh, it's easier for you because you're a Christian. And I'm like, no, it's are so many aspects of being a Christian where people are like, oh, it's easier for you because you're a Christian.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And I'm like, no, it's not. It's harder for me because the devil has something to chase after. The devil has something that is to him, it's like, I better stop you because I don't like this Jesus guy. You know, and I love this Jesus guy. And because my heart's after Jesus, the devil's after me. So, life is gonna be difficult.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Get behind me. Yep. But like at the end of the day, you know, again, it's about where you're looking to. Where does your help come from? Yeah. You know, in the hardest of moments, but also in the joy of life. Who are you looking to?
Starting point is 00:33:07 Are you celebrating with Jesus? You know how how do you live your life? And what are your intentions in life? And also What is the end goal? What is the end goal? Because that's what we're looking towards. Is the end goal and it's eternity. It's good friend. Well, look, I don't know how else to end that, but right there, I mean, friend, if you're listening to this
Starting point is 00:33:34 and you've been kind of wavering on the fence of, you know, am I all in? Am I just kind of doing this for a show? I'm doing this from afar. Am I wondering, I hope that this can help lead you to that full sin of I'm all in Jesus. Whatever you have from my life. Here I am, send me, use me, because man, that that moment will change your whole life for the best way. Will it be easy? No, but will God be with you? Yes. And see, that's the difference. And that's that's the power. You know, you'll have an angel army fighting with you, fighting for you. You're not alone, yes. And see, that's the difference. And that's the power. You know, you'll have an angel army fighting with you,
Starting point is 00:34:07 fighting for you, you're not alone in it. And so, Katie, thank you for, Joyce, thank you for, you know, living your life loudly for Jesus. A little introvert, five foot introvert, living her life loudly for Jesus. I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful to have you on the podcast and, man, God bless you and all the things that you're doing. If you haven't heard Katie's music, go
Starting point is 00:34:27 check it out. I'm sure anywhere that music is played and we're grateful for you Katie. Thanks so much for being on the podcast. Aw, thank you so much for having me. you

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