WHOA That's Good Podcast - How to Ask God for a Promise In Your Season of Waiting & Believing | Sadie Rob Huff & Mia Fieldes

Episode Date: May 24, 2023

Mia Fieldes is living her miracle right now — she's about to give birth to her baby girl after being told by multiple specialists that pregnancy wasn't likely, but she'd be the first one to tell you... that trusting in a promise from God doesn't guarantee an easy path. Sadie and Mia quickly get deep talking about navigating seasons of waiting and why the holding pattern might feel like a huge delay, but it's ultimately going to get you to your destination quicker! Mia encourages us to be sure our filter and outlook on our life isn't disappointment — or you won't be able to see all that God IS giving you, regardless of the season of your life. Mia challenges us all to actively be asking God for a promise, especially if you're in a time of waiting on Him. Sadie remembers one particular dance on "Dancing with the Stars" where a split-second decision surprised her and her dance partner with the result, but was a great lesson too! Plus, why we need to treat God like a friend — choose to spend time with Him and expect Him to show up!  https://athleticgreens.com/whoa — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D & 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase! https://www.nuts.com/whoa – Get a free gift with purchase for new customers and free shipping on orders of $29 or more right now! https://helixsleep.com/sadie — Get up to 20% OFF AND 2 free pillows! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up fam welcome back to the world that's good podcast happy Wednesday everybody you might be listening to this podcast after you just saw I had a baby we are pre-recording this podcast and we have to pre-record this one because me and who my guest is are both do within a week of each other. And that is why I wanted to have her on before I take off for the summer because we're in the same season of life. But this girl is amazing. Y'all, she is so cool. If you do not know who Mia Fields Donovan is, Mia Fields is an absolutely incredible songwriter worship leader. If you haven't heard her name, I know you've heard her songs. She has written songs like Trimble, Chain Breaker, Nothing Else. Yes, I will. Beautiful story, age to age. Peace be still in the dove. So she has been a part of writing songs that you probably have sang in your car or worship to in a church service. She's
Starting point is 00:01:02 written so many more than that. There's just to name a couple of the songs that she's written. She has a heart of gold and she has faith that can truly move a mountain. I can't wait for you to hear about her story. We're gonna talk about her journey for believing what God was gonna do through her. We're gonna talk about her journey of waiting on her husband and praying towards that.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And also waiting and praying on a baby. One of the natural, it seemed like impossible that she was going to have a baby. And so I can't wait for you to hear the story. She's amazing. And without further ado, I'm so excited to have Mia on the podcast today. Alrighty, we'll just jump right in.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Mia, I am so excited to have you on this podcast. I was just kind of telling you before you jumped on that. I was thinking who's gonna be like the last podcast had you before maternity leave. And I got to think about us DMing because we're kind of in the same timeline with when we're gonna have our babies. And I was like, you would be perfect.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So thank you for saying yes while you're super pregnant, just like myself. We might be a little out of breath on this podcast, but we are here for it. So thanks for saying yes. It's like proof that we're in the middle of our miracle season before breath. I did the truth. That is the truth.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I had one other girl on who was pregnant. Bethany Hamilton was on a couple weeks ago. And I could like hear her voice. And I was like, I'm really glad that I'm not the only one on this episode that's out of breath. It's great. Oh my gosh. Well, I'm so excited to I'm not the only one on this episode that's out of breath. So it's great. Oh my gosh. Well, I'm so excited to talk to you about your story for those who don't know Mia's story. I mean, there's so many layers to it that we're going to talk about. But I was
Starting point is 00:02:36 telling you before I remember years ago, getting a drop box file sent to me from my friend saying, you have to listen to me. A field story. And I was like, first of all, how do I even have this drop box? A little did I know this drop box was like going viral literally, which was so cool. I mean, so many of my friends had listened to this drop box. You have to hear the story about her, many her husband.
Starting point is 00:03:03 So I want to talk about that. I want to talk about waiting on baby. I want to talk about song room. I want to this drop box. You have to hear the story about her, many of your husband. So I want to talk about that. I want to talk about waiting on baby. I want to talk about song, I want to talk about all. But first, I have to ask you the question that is the question of the world that's going to podcast. And that is, what is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given? Big question to start with.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's a very big question to start with. I think the best piece of advice I've ever been given. You know, I'm a big faith person and I'm a big believer that you dig your heels and in faith and you contend for promise. So the best piece of advice I've ever been given was you can't make anyone understand what God has told you. And I think like so often we want people to validate and align with the thing that God's told us but it's called a faith journey for a reason and sometimes it just does feel foolish, it does feel like I can't make anyone understand this and often it's because it's between you and God and for you
Starting point is 00:03:55 guys to walk it out together. So I think that's probably one of the best pieces of advice that I've ever been given because it made me stop striving to have people understand what something that they could do. Yeah, guys, it's so, so good. And it's so cool. I love when people share their best piece of advice because you see how it's truly impacted them. And I was re-listening to that story this morning of just you and the process of waiting
Starting point is 00:04:19 on your husband and that piece of advice is carried through that entire story. I mean, if you didn't believe that in your heart, you probably would have never shared all of that story with the world. I love that. That's so cool. So a little bit about you that I think is really cool that maybe not everyone knows is you are a triplet, right? Which is effective. Yeah, I've got triplet. So you're a triplet and you kind of talk about when you were in high school or middle school being at the bottom of the food chain, which is hard to believe because you're so cool now.
Starting point is 00:04:53 You've written all these songs, you know, you're crushing it. But bring us back to, you know, your younger years and what it was like and how you were believing that one day God would use you to write songs, but the evidence was not really on the horizon. No, right. Yeah, I think, you know, it's tough, I think, growing up in like a Western culture, because we do look at like the most likely, and I was the least likely.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Like it was like, you know, it's school. It was the driver's for this kid. He was one of my friends, then me, and then like everybody else, you know, which is tough when like You have two sisters who look like you and sound like you but The divide is just really big, you know They were quite popular at school and quite well well liked and I just for some reason wasn't probably because I think You know even being like someone who didn't have a lot of friends at school
Starting point is 00:05:46 and didn't, and wasn't, you know, popular and wasn't very talented and kind of was average at everything. I had this thing in my heart where I would, I would go to God and I would read that scripture that says many a call that few are chosen. And in my heart, I would be in agreement with that and I would say, God, I'm one of the chosen ones. I'm one of the people that you're gonna use to do something special, and I would go to school, and I would think nobody knows this,
Starting point is 00:06:10 but God is gonna use me to do something really special. And I think the power of agreement, even as a kid, you know, sometimes I think we're waiting for people to prophesy over us, or come and recognize the gifting, or recognize the call of God in our life. But if you don't recognize it yourself, it doesn't matter how many perfect words you get. You know, your agreement is so powerful and so important.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And it's really coming into a partnership with God that says, Hey, I'm willing to be used for whatever you want to use me for. So as a kid, I had this like, you know, just real faith that God was going to use me for something special. And I would write these letters to God when I was a kid, like from when I was like 13 or 14, saying, one day I want to write songs that go all over the world for you. One day I want to tell people what you're like through songs. And the reason was is I've got saved in the Salvation Army when I was five because we had grown up in like the projects and we needed food, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:03 So the Salvation Army would bring us food, but it wasn't someone teaching me stories about God. It was actually through the songs that I came to God. So we would think like Jesus loves me, this I know, this is a lot of mine. I'm going to let it shine, you know, deep and wide. There's a fountain flowing deep and wide. And those were the things that became theology. So, you know, what a crazy story that then God would, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:26 encounter me in that way and like, he would meet me in that way. And then he would say, okay, now I'm going to use you to help other people to encounter me in the same way. So, yeah, so I had this like thing as a kid that I was just convinced that God was going to use me for something special. And, you know, it takes a lot of faith to stay convinced when you don't have any of the skill set. You know I always joke that my first songs will
Starting point is 00:07:48 rap songs and I'm terrible you know so I think I think I'd proof that I can use the song. Awesome were they legitimately rap songs? Oh my gosh yes and they're terrible. Like I didn't even listen to rap music when I was a kid so I don't know why I started with rap songs and other more things, but I think I just thought I would have a go. And I really wasn't very good at any of it. But I think what God is so kind about, anything that you stored really well, he will multiply. When stuiting, it really well does that mean succeeding.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Stuiting it really well means being faithful with what's in your hands, you know? And I think there's a disconnect sometimes about like, if I'm succeeding and I'm recognized, then that's good stewardship. And I think no good stewardship happens in the sake of place, happens in the unseen. It's great.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So yeah, I just kind of stuck at it and then it started to work out. That's so good, gosh, I love it so much. When you're telling me this story, it kind of reminds me of a little bit of the princess diaries. I don't know if you have seen that movie Princess Mia and she's like doesn't have you know what looks like she's gonna need to be the princess and she Opposite than you though doesn't have the confidence to believe that she should be the princess. And there was this moment in this movie that really spoke to me because I was more like the person that I could it like you had all the faith in the world to believe it. I didn't have the faith
Starting point is 00:09:13 to believe it. And I actually someone spoke a word over me at Bethel of all places. I went with a friend to encourage her as she was doing a speaking thing. And this before I was speaking or anything. And this girl kind of called me out and she said, you need to step outside of your tent. Like Abraham, look up at the stars and ask God for the faith to believe what he's going to do through you. And it was such a good word because I didn't never knew I could ask God for the faith. Like I felt like if anything God, I can give you faith.
Starting point is 00:09:49 You know, like you're doing everything else. Like my job is to give faith, but actually I can ask you for faith. So I just begin to get asked God for faith, but going back to this movie scene moment with Princess Mia, you know, she doesn't think she should be Princess. She's like, this is a nightmare and her and her friend Lili are outside playing basketball. And she's like, oh, this is just a nightmare. And her friend Lili goes, a nightmare. She goes, really?
Starting point is 00:10:14 She said, wanting to rock the world, but having zip power, that's a nightmare. Because she was talking about herself. She just found out her show is only reaching 12 people, her cable show, all this stuff. And she said, you, you are a miracle. It's a miracle that you get to be a princess, that you actually have the power to affect change. That's a miracle. And I loved it. And I was sitting there watching it and kind of in this time where I felt God kind of calling me to do more than I believed I could do my own strength. I was going to have to depend on his power within me. And I realized like it is a miracle that the God of the universe would call me by
Starting point is 00:10:53 name that I would get to partner with him and doing something that would ultimately result in other people getting to know him. And so I just remember that really speaking to me, but hearing your story at so cool, because I love how you said, you know, in the Westernized culture, people like to choose who looks the most likely. But that is not what God does. I mean, even God said to whenever he was going to annoy Samuel, like man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. And here you are, sturdying the gift that God put on your life
Starting point is 00:11:23 before it was even really seen as the gift. It was rap music. And so it was not good, but it was sturdied well. So how did you go from rap music to writing songs that the whole church is singing? Like kind of bridge the gap for us. What started that journey of actually writing songs for the church? What are the most important things you've ever experienced? Y'all, I know how it is. And you have a busy lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It can be really hard to say healthy, especially when you're on the go. But that is why AG1 has been so huge for our family because it just makes being healthy so much easier. You don't have to put your health on the back burner and that's why we are an AG1 athletic greens family. Our world can get complicated at times, but AG1 is always so simple and easy.
Starting point is 00:12:12 AG1 is just a single scoop that's packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole foods or ingredients. So you can replace so many different products and pills with just one serving. Christian tried it for the first time because he's all about healthy lifestyle and he loves trying products to help him meet his wellness goals.
Starting point is 00:12:27 So he tried AG1 and he was hooked. He got his parents on it too. And now he even has friends of ours loving it. It's pretty awesome. Christian was immediately impressed by the taste as well as the boost AG1 gave him an energy focus, stamina throughout the day, and also just recovery from some of his tough workouts. He also noticed improvement to his gut health, which is so important because gut health really affects our overall health, especially our mental health.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Age 1 by athletic greens fills nutritional gaps in your diet. So even if you're busy traveling on the go, you can always make sure that you have a good immune supporting boost of energy that Age 1 will give. They also have travel packs, which I have right here, which make traveling so much simpler and easier. AG1 was designed with ease in mind, so that you can live a healthy and better life so that having to do a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Here's the travel pack, super cute, throwing your backpack, get where you're going and be healthy while you're doing it. Another thing that I love back when it greens is the vitamin D3 plus K2 drops. I have it right here. If you're watching this, I keep my drops with me. Every day here at the office,
Starting point is 00:13:27 I can just put it in my water or my food because taking vitamin D has helped me personally so much, it's helped my skin a lot. It also helps with immune system, heart and bones. And it's just so easy. Plus there's 600 servings in this little thing. So this will last you a long time. And if you're looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a free one-year supply of vitamin D
Starting point is 00:13:50 and five free travel packs to your first purchase. Just go to AthleticGreens.com slash woe. That's AthleticGreens.com slash woe and check it out today. You know, I think I just stuck at it. Like I think there is, you know, the Bible talks about how trials produce perseverance, perseverance produces character and character, produces hope. And there's something so powerful about just persevering, you know, and so many people give up before it's, before it's time. And I love that, like, for me, like, I'm really not a story of having this amazing gift and then, you know, just being in a field and playing my guitar and eventually someone figured it out and for me before a king. I'm really a story of, you know, just little by little, step by step,
Starting point is 00:14:46 You know, just little by little step by step, faith by faith, you know, just walking it out. You know, and I think the kindness of God is that, you know, he took me from this little town. I grew up in a really small town in Australia in North East Victoria called Mertleford. And it's just 3600 people. And it's, I mean, it's not like an American small town where there's still a Walmart and there's still a McDonald's and all that there was none of that. It's like a really small town that like the closest McDonald's is like an hour away. So that's how like remote it was but you know it's I love how God is like really interested in like plucking you out of obscurity and saying if you want to walk this out with me I have somewhere for you to go that's good and powerful. So I ended up like moving actually to Sydney to go to the Hillsong College when I was 17. And I just started right, kept like, I'd
Starting point is 00:15:35 been writing songs before I went, but I kept writing songs when I went. And I probably handed in about 70 songs before one of them even really got through. And I think that's a really good before one of them even really made it through. And I think that's a really good journey. You know, it's a way harder journey for the very first thing you put your hand to to work. Because then there's so much pressure on you to deliver when you don't actually have the skillset to do it. And when you don't have the character to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:02 You know, like I think it would have been a harder journey if the first thing I did was like super successful or like super well received, but instead it was just this like chipping away. You know, almost like building a, like, I don't know, almost like carving out a sculpture, you know, where it just, it took a lot of time. And like people forget like, you know, I'm, I'm 40, I just too 40 in January and like I actually been doing this for like 21 years. So it's not been a journey of like, you know, just having an overnight success. It's been a journey of just continuing to walk it out, continuing to persevere, continuing to just
Starting point is 00:16:38 take every season as it comes. You know, there are definitely manifest seasons of God where it feels like, you know, you're hearing him very loudly and everything's working and everything feels like it's doing well received. And then there's hidden seasons where it feels like, you know, it's a bit more silent. You're having to dig in a little more and, you know, there's, it's maybe a bit quiet, you know, and I think that's actually really powerful to be able to do both of those seasons really well. That's so good.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So, yeah. So I went from like writing a Hillsong for like 10 years to then moving to the United States, becoming an American citizen, which I love. And just continuing to write songs here. So, cool. Gosh, I love that so much because so many people do desire to be an overnight successor. They're, you know, 22 years old. Just got out of the college and they're so frustrated that it hasn't happened for them yet, but I think you're so right.
Starting point is 00:17:28 There's actually good reason a lot of times why it hasn't happened yet and what God's doing in those hidden times what God's doing in that you know sacred space where you are just writing 70 songs and flushing it out and getting to know God and getting to know yourself as you work with him on the skill set And the getting that he's giving you is so beneficial. My friend and I were talking about this at a day Because she's worked with me now for the past six years and she helps run like everything with L.O. And she was saying, you know, say to like for a long time I wanted to like have my dream job and I was like, why am I not getting like my dream job
Starting point is 00:18:06 and I have all these other jobs? And she said, but I realized like if I had had this job then when I wanted it, I wouldn't have even lasted here because I wouldn't even know what to do. But because she had all these other jobs that strengthened her skill sets that put tools in her toolbox, if you will. But at times she got on this team, she's brought L.O. to what it is today.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I mean, we would not be doing half of what we're doing. Had she not come on our team and then able to bring this amazing just years of hard work and years of knowledge that she gained from these other jobs. And so those times are just, they're so important, even if they don't seem big or the dream. They're all leading towards where you're going. Every season is so intentional. And so it's totally in your story.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And I was just going to say, like, you know, just as an encouragement for anyone who is 21 or 22 or 18 or 25. And you feel like it hasn't happened for you yet. Let me encourage you, God will be incredibly kind to you along the way. You know, I had my first song recorded when I was like 19 or 20 and you know, it's like God will give you little kisses from heaven along the way till I encourage you to keep walking it out and he will be incredibly kind to you along the way. So don't think it's going to be one of those things where you're hidden for like 20 years and then it'll all
Starting point is 00:19:27 just happen at once. It's glory to glory and strength to strength. That's the whole story. So I just, I don't want anyone to be discouraged that like you're just going to be in a holding pattern for like 20 years. I will say this like, I remember flying home to Australia once a couple of years ago and you know, going to Australia is it's an incredibly long flight and you have
Starting point is 00:19:51 to fly to LA and then you have to wait around and then it's like 11 o'clock at night. So it's, you know, by the time you're on that plane, you're ready to just take off and get home and take that 14 hour flight. But I remember getting on the plane one time and it had been such a long travel day and it's 11.30 at night and then they say, like, we can't take off because the wind is going in the wrong direction.
Starting point is 00:20:14 So we have a bad headwind. And I remember sitting in that plane being so frustrated, being like, no, just take off. And we sat on the runway for an hour and a half and without taking off and then all of a sudden the wind changed and the plane took off. We actually ended up getting to Australia
Starting point is 00:20:30 in a quicker amount of time than what we would have gotten even if there was no headwind. So instead of it taking 14 hours, it only took 12 hours and 20 minutes or something like that. So we not only made up the time, but we got there quicker.
Starting point is 00:20:42 And sometimes God is saying, I don't want you to get ahead of me. I don't want you to get ahead of the Holy Spirit. But wait for the win to change because I'm going to actually accelerate the way you get greater if you'll just wait on me. The holding pattern is not to delay you. It's actually to get you there quick. Great. That is so good. I'm so glad you said that. That's so good. And I think about whenever I started, even I started doing live events for Ella, whenever I was like 18, I think. And it was really funny because this past year,
Starting point is 00:21:11 we got to host our first conference. And it was like very exciting. So, you know, we're posting or talking about it. And people are like, oh, this is so cool. You're starting this and all this stuff. Well, in the time that, you know, the conference was coming up, I got this throwback on my phone.
Starting point is 00:21:24 You know how it'll be like five years ago from today or whatever, and it said seven years ago from today, and it's seven years ago from today was my first live event that we ever put on. And it was so funny because I was like, people think this is my first event to ever do because this is the one that's working. You know, in the sense of like,
Starting point is 00:21:41 this is the one that looks exciting and people are actually showing up seven years ago when I had the First live events that we were doing. It looked a little bit different We ended up having to cancel two events that we plan for because only 40 people bought tickets and the 3000 Cedar rena so it was like not as you know successful But what God was doing in that time again like it wasn't about the success It was about stewarding what God was doing in that time again, like it wasn't about the success, it was about sturdying what God was doing. And now seven years later, I'm able to to step into these moments and I've seen God be God for all seven years. I've had exciting moments within those times, those those dates and those
Starting point is 00:22:18 tours that we did, even though didn't look the same as it does today, they were still used by God. And I'm so grateful for that. So you're so right. It's not like you're going to wait, you know, 20 or seven years, eight, however long. And then all of a sudden it's like, boom, it's like, no, there's a process to the whole thing. And it's fun to ride. It's fun to ride the ride with God.
Starting point is 00:22:37 It's fun to do those things. It's fun to look back and be like, okay, that was not successful. But man, did we learn so much? Man, what God did and that time was awesome. So I'm really glad you said that. One thing I've heard you say before when you were talking about your time at Hillsong and then leaving to come to America is that people were saying, like, you, you know, you're at the top of the game.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Why would you do anything else? Like, this is the biggest it's ever going to be. And I think that sometimes we do have to fight that lie believing that I've already done the biggest thing that I'm ever gonna do in my life. And especially like for people out there listening, I mean, some people are 22 and still waiting on or working towards what God's ultimately gonna do
Starting point is 00:23:19 in a big way, but some people, especially in a social media culture, it's like you've hit your success moment, you've had the overnight, it's like you've hit your success moment. You've had the overnight, it's like you've had your viral moment, and it can be really easy to get wrapped up in the identity of what was and not keep going. And so for you, when people were saying stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:23:39 what would you tell yourself in that time? What did you believe God was going to do or what was to come instead of getting wrapped up in what was. Friends, if you know me, you know I'm all about some good snacks and right now I am really into dried fruit, especially mangoes and I love trying new brands. I was so excited when a box from net.com showed up at my house and their dry mangoes, I am not kidding, are seriously the best I have ever had. They are better than any other brand,
Starting point is 00:24:09 and they are so fast, like I ran out of my pack because I ate it pretty fast, and I overnight of those things, they were here the next day. If you don't know what they're all about, Nets.com is your one stop shop for freshly roasted nuts, dried fruit, sweet, pantry staples, like specialty flowers and more.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Their wide selection means there is something for everyone and they have a seriously huge selection of snacks. They've got sweet and savory plus gluten free organic and diet friendly snacks. They even have everyday cooking essentials like herbs and sauces. Nuts.com has pretty much got you covered on all the things. I can't wait to check out some of the other stuff
Starting point is 00:24:44 that they have at Nuts.com because all of it is so good. It's so cool that I can buy their products individually to try them out. Or when I find something I really love, I can sign up for auto delivery. So I never run out of my favorite things, like my dried mangoes, for example. I personally love dry fruits.
Starting point is 00:24:59 This was great for me, but like I mentioned, there's all kinds of stuff. I mean, we are big nut and chocolate fans, and they have all of those different things on their website too. I was looking just the other day and was like, well, here's some of me in Christian's favorite things. And so, so excited to just get to dive in more to all the things that they have.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Nuts.com is serious about quality too. They pop their corn and roasts are nuts the same day, their ship. So they're super fresh when you get it at your house, which is so awesome. And that makes a big difference. It sounds so fashion to do it that way, but they've been doing it the old fashion way since 1929. And it makes a big difference. If you're a business owner like me, nuts.com, even will sell directly to you, which you got to love that kind of support. All this talk
Starting point is 00:25:40 about snacks is definitely making me hungry. I'm gonna have to go get my mangoes. But right now, Nuts.com is offering new customers a free gift with purchase and free shipping on orders of $29 or more at Nuts.com slash woe. So go check out all the delicious options at Nuts.com slash woe. You'll receive a free gift and free shipping when you spend more than $29. Again, that's Nuts.com slash woe to go check it out.
Starting point is 00:26:04 What's your favorite food? than $29. Again, that's nuts.com slash word. Go check it out. Well, I think there's two things. Number one, your obedience to God is so much more important than your people pleasing with man. And it does go back to that thing if you can't make anyone understand what God has told you, which doesn't mean you go and burn all your bridges. It means like it's not what you do. It's how you do it. You know, and I still like, you know, even in a transition period, I think sometimes people really wrestle with like, well, God's told me this, so I'm just going to like burn the ships and off I go. And I think sometimes you just have to like wait and go, okay, what's your time in God and how do you want me to walk this out? So, you know, for me, it was really important how I walked it out, not just what I did. But I had to go back to, you know, God has said this and I would much rather be in a partnership with
Starting point is 00:26:55 Him than in a partnership with any of the words that are being spoken over. Is it scary to be like, I'm leaving this familiar, comfortable thing where if I stayed, is it scary to be like, I'm leaving this familiar comfortable thing where if I stayed, it would be easy. Yes, that's incredibly, incredibly hard and incredibly uncomfortable. But, you know, one of the ways we grow our faith and one of the ways we develop a track record with God is by giving him our yes and actually being prepared to walk it out no matter what it looks like. And so for me, I was like, I kind of, I think I just got into a place where I just said, you know, whatever this looks like, I'm prepared to do it. And I kind of had like this thing of like, I'm going to go give it my best shot. And at the end of the
Starting point is 00:27:34 day, even if it fails in the eyes of everybody else, I did what I thought God was telling me to do in faith. And the Bible says that without faith, it's impossible to please God. So my goal is to please God more than it is to please anybody else. Great. You know, more than it is to even succeed. I just want to please God. It's great. And it's amazing how he will meet you in that, you know, and he will meet you in, in
Starting point is 00:27:56 you stepping out in faith. So I remember when I got to America sitting in this empty apartment with a mattress on the floor, when I was like 27 or 26 or 27 and I remember having this moment where I was watching our church service online and I just started crying my heart out being like, what have I done and I think everybody has those moments when you know, well you step out in faith and it doesn't and you feel like you're sitting in the void and you feel like you're sitting in the void and you feel like you're sitting in the like The unknown and like the this isn't how I thought it would look and I think you have a choice in those moments to either look back and
Starting point is 00:28:34 and say like what have I done? Like I regret it all and I enter long and grief for the old season or you have a choice to look back and say, look what the Lord did, and so I imagine what is going on in this area. That's great. And I thank you, partner with God, in that in gratitude. So I ended up driving down to FedEx and printing off all these photos of the last 10 years, and I put them on my walls of my apartment,
Starting point is 00:28:59 and every time I would walk past those walls, I would have a reason to be grateful. And I would put my hands out and I would say, go, thank you so much that this is what you did in the last 10 years and thank you that in the next 10 you're gonna run circles Wow and Honestly in five years God ran circles around and he doesn't he doesn't even cut off the last 10 years It all ends up going together and God brings it all full circle You know, I have as stronger friend as strong friendships as I did
Starting point is 00:29:24 Back then and like even all the people that like I I loved in Sydney now they're in Nashville all the time You know, I have as strong friendships as I did back then. And like even all the people that like I loved in Sydney, now they're in Nashville all the time. So have good, it's got to be. That's awesome. That's so good. Gosh, I love that so much. And that leads perfectly into the story of you praying
Starting point is 00:29:37 and believing for a husband because it is a story of faith and partnering with God and a story of collecting a lot of evidence. And so I cannot wait for you to share a little bit about this story. So like I mentioned, this story years ago kind of went viral through a Dropbox link. And then now it is up on the podcast from where you ended up speaking at the church. But for those who haven't heard your story, share a little bit about the process of praying for your husband. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:04 So, you know, I think I'd seen God move in every single area of my life, like even, like, you know, in like the things that were in my heart to do in finance, in like my health, in in friendships, in even moving overseas, I'd seen God move over and over and over again, but there was this one area where I had like believed God for this God-occurstrated thing since I was like 16, you know. And you know everyone had told me like, well, you know, you just pick anyone and God will bless it. And you know, I love that even God will speak into that for you. And God has a different story for everybody, you know? So I think for me, I just had this thing where I really wanted God to partner with story for everybody. So I think for me, Lafayette,
Starting point is 00:30:45 I just had this thing where I really wanted God to partner with me on it. And I really wanted to just know that I know that I know that it's here. But my experience had been like incredible disappointment. And I've said this over and over again. But if your filter is disappointment, then even if God wants to do something for you, you won't be able to see it. And you won't even give him the credit for it even if he does do it. So for me, I had like kind of believed God, but the very first thing that he wanted to do was heal me of this deep disappointment so that I could actually have eyes to see what
Starting point is 00:31:17 he wanted to do. So kind of, he kind of started doing a work in me about that. And then I remember having this moment where I said to him, God, I'm going to keep trusting you, but I want to know what you're doing. And the crazy thing was is that instead of finishing off like, you know, seasons where I would be disappointed, like, oh, God didn't come through. I started finishing off seasons where I was like, well, it hasn't happened yet, but like fully expected. And I had this moment in church Well, it hasn't happened yet, but like fully expected. And I had this moment in church,
Starting point is 00:31:46 whereas I said to God, I wanna know what you're doing. And I had this actual vision of our furniture warehouse. And in the furniture warehouse, God was standing beside me. And I looked out and there was all these one-off pieces of furniture. And God said to me, you can pick anything you want. Which, you know, that is such a, that's such a like beautiful thing about God God, he's not putting limitations on us.
Starting point is 00:32:08 And he's not saying, well, you're this old or you have this social standing or you have whatever, or I think society can put a lot of boxes around you. And I've talked to a lot of women who are older and they've had friends make them believe these are your options. And I'm like, God just isn't out of options. So God's like, you go for it and you dream big. So he said, you can pick anything you want. Now remember in this vision, walking around this furniture warehouse, looking at these amazing one-off pieces of furniture, where nothing was the same, but still feeling like
Starting point is 00:32:43 nothing here is for me. And not having a peace about it. And to be honest, that's how I felt about dating. And in the vision, I ended up going back to God and saying, I don't want to do this unless you do it with me. I don't want to choose unless you help me choose. And, you know, he's so tender. He like drew me into this embrace. And he said, you know know me, everything here is good. I'm actually the one that created all of it. And there are pieces here that are better for you than other pieces, but if you really want me to pick with you, I will custom make it for you. And he said, but that means you'll be empty-handed for
Starting point is 00:33:17 a little bit longer. Are you willing to do that? And I said yes. And then the vision was over. And you know, I think one of the most powerful things you can do in a season where you're believing for something is to go to God and ask him for a promise. Because then you will have something to hold on to and you will have something to contend for. And then it doesn't matter what else you're facing or what the horizon looks like, you will always be able to go back to this moment of like a butt god moment. And you'll be able to look for evidence of what he's doing instead of what he's not doing.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It's great. And I think we do have like a bit of a wrestle with that where like, you know, where we start to compare our season to other people's season. You know, I never want to be someone who, you know, in every season, if all my friends are getting married, rest assured, I'm going to be on the front row cheering my face off buying you the best gift. Because I'm not going to be someone who looks at somebody else's breakthrough or the thing
Starting point is 00:34:15 that I'm believing for somebody else gets and take that as like, oh God's ripping me off. Like, that's such a destructive mentality. It's actually, you know, the word testimony, it means do it again. You know, it's permission for you to, like seeing people's testimonies, hearing people's testimonies, that is permission for you to say, God, look what you can do for them. So like, I'm asking you to like come and do it in my life as well. So I kind of went on this journey with God for about two or three years where people would say to me, like, you know, people would try and set you up, but like, their options for
Starting point is 00:34:52 you and not as good as God's. Yeah, where you're like, no, like God doesn't loble me, so I'm not going to loble myself. So I went on this journey with God where I would literally look for evidence. Like, you know, instead of, like, just waiting around, I got like, you know, Bill Johnson has this thing that he says about waiting where he says it's not, you know, we think of waiting is so passive, but it's actually incredibly active. You know, resting in God is like partnering with God and relaxing into what God's doing, but waiting, he says it's like partner with God and relaxing into what God's doing, but waiting,
Starting point is 00:35:25 he says it's like twirling in the day. And it means that you have to lock eyes with your dance partner and just really focus and like go where they're going, which I think that's such a beautiful, beautiful picture. So I begin to look for evidence of what God was doing in a pretty practical way. And I don't think it's a formula for everyone. I think the whole point of a testimony is that you would dare to have your own story with God. But I mean, I bought, I mean, I was in Israel and I bought a wedding ring for a guy, which sounds like, you know, it can sound incredibly cringy, but like, I'm like, well, you know, beat until you were caught into your faith. Yeah. So I, you know, I did
Starting point is 00:36:08 things like that. I did things like I remember Chris Kane was preaching at church one night and she talked about the walls of Jericho and she said, you know, what do you do when you when you've got your promise, but you hit a wall? And she goes, you have to march around the wall. And I was like, okay, so, you know, God had spoken to me about like, I'm custom making you something. And then he had spoken and said, it's in the mail. So I felt like this thing was on the way,
Starting point is 00:36:33 but like, I haven't seen it. And so I remember after that message going home and walking around my mail building seven times at midnight. Like, awesome. Which sounds craziness, but I'm like, sometimes doing something in the natural that like exercises your faith is so good because I can look back on those moments and I can say, you know, like I was so convinced that I did something in the natural that felt foolish,
Starting point is 00:36:56 which is the whole like the whole substance of faith is that it doesn't converge. But I remember walking around that building seven times, and I'd love to tell you that an angel came down from heaven and had a thus and a bored moment, but that's not what happened. But it's funny, because I didn't, I just said, God, thank you, that it's on its way. And thank you that I can march around this building seven times,
Starting point is 00:37:21 and it might feel insignificant, but in the spirit, it's so significant. And the funny thing was the next morning I got two messages. One was from Jen Johnson and one was from Brook Fraser and there were both messages saying, hey, like, here's these dreams that we've had, like, about you getting married, which is crazy, you know? So I think like it comes back to that thing I was saying before, I've like like God will give you a little God weeks along the way To get you to your destination, you know the way that he turns up like in the desert Before you get to the promise and he provides in the desert so that you will have something to sustain you or the way to like the promised land
Starting point is 00:37:59 So long story short You know, I kind of just kept walking it out and people would say, we've got this thing or you should come to this or you should do this. And I would say, no, God's custom making the hospital. I love it. Which sounds crazy, but then you can have the seed of something and people won't get it. But when you have the fruit, they'll go, aha, come on. And it's so powerful to declare things in faith before they've happened
Starting point is 00:38:27 until like speak it out before it's happened because once it's clear for you, clear for everybody, there's something that's not as powerful about saying like God is going to do this and then watching people going like, wow, look God actually did this for this person. You know, yeah. So good. Guys, the story is so amazing. Some of you guys know that we're building a new house right now and we're so excited about it. One thing that we just picked out was our new bed, but with the bed, we had to have a mattress and who doesn't love having something customized?
Starting point is 00:39:01 My friends at Helix sleep know exactly how that feels and they want you to feel like you have a customized best sleep of your life every single night. He like sleep is a premium mattress brand that tailors mattresses to different types of sleepers and their preferences. They've got 14 unique models to fit whatever your needs are. They've got luxury, they've got kids models and even big and tall models. There are some tall people out there in my family for sure who definitely appreciate that. We'll act your leg room. Helix will help you find the perfect mattress
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Starting point is 00:41:20 I've heard this story twice and hearing it again, it makes me just as excited and like knowing what you did next. It's like, I wish this was kind of like a movie so you could see it all happening. Just walking around the mailbox and doing all these things that might have seemed crazy, but yet God was working the whole time and it's very obvious now. I was sure it didn't feel as obvious sometimes in those moments. Like you said, an angel didn't appear,
Starting point is 00:41:48 but over time getting to see what God was doing in the details of that is so cool. And I love what you said about a dance and locking eyes of the dance partner because when I was 17, this is just a crazy part of my story, but I was on Dancing with the Stars and I had no dance experience before that. And so I did not know how to dance.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And it seemed really crazy to start in front of like 20 million people every week. But that was just a part of my story. And so I just remember being so terrified. But my dance partner was amazing. I mean, he is incredibly, he's dance his whole life. And what he began to teach me is like, hey, if you would just let me lead, like, you're naturally going to follow because I am like, I'm controlling this thing when I hold your hands.
Starting point is 00:42:30 And so we would practice. Literally as he would hold my hands, if he did this, I mean, it would be the slightest movement, but that's where my body would go. And this is where my body would go. And it was just like the coolest thing. And as we would dance together, I just began to be so confident,
Starting point is 00:42:44 not in my dance ability, but in my dance partner's ability to lean me. And I learned so much about just walking things out with God through us dancing together. And what's really cool is this one dance in particular, it was like the Fox draw and he had this beautiful choreography planned for us. And it was like just, it was different than anybody had ever seen before. We added another girl in the mix too and it was just this beautiful dance.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Well, he was leading the whole time. Everything was going great. And at the very end, I missed a step and me missing the step caused me to get a little bit off and we weren't together this moment. It was like a side by side moment. So I missed this step, but literally as soon as I grabbed his hand, we kind of just made the rest of this up. He pulled me in and I twirled and spun and he dipped me and it was the first night.
Starting point is 00:43:36 It was the first night of the whole show that I got all tensed and it was a night I messed up and it was like really cool lesson and knowing that like the Moment I stepped away from my dance partner. I got a little bit shaky ground, but the minute he grabbed my hand We got back and step and I think about that with God, you know, sometimes we think we're gonna mess up his plan You know, and I really just believe that if you say near to him, if you're, if your desire is to go off, I had to be a relationship with him, like, you're not going to mess it up. Like, he's leading it, you know, just follow those leads, follow those tugs and you make this beautiful story together.
Starting point is 00:44:17 And one thing I love about your story is not only did you gather all this evidence, but you like literally gathered it. Don't you have a box of like... I should've got the box. I should've got the box. We need the box. But what I love about that is just like we learn from the Israelites, they forgot so quickly.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And it's so easy for us to forget. But I love that you didn't even allow yourself to forget because you literally held onto it. So tell me a little bit about just gathering evidence for God because I think for some people listening, what I want you to help talk to people about is, you know, for the person who was like me, who grew up in a really traditional church until I was 17 years old, I did not know. Like, if you would have told me this story, I'd be like, what? Like people talk to God like that.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Like how do you, how do you even like do that? What does that even look like? And I didn't know. And then I remember moving to Nashville and going to the belonging and being like, this is crazy. Like I loved it. Like it was like totally just exploding the boxes
Starting point is 00:45:23 that I put around God. I was like, God, you're this big. And then I started talking to God, and I started realizing that God speaks to us like this, and I started realizing that God actually is so much bigger than I thought he was and wants to realize shit with you. But for 17 years, I did not know what in the world that looks like.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And for some people, they're listening to this, and they're like, I would love to have a story like that. But I've never seen God do anything like that. I don't even know how to look for that. I don't know how to talk like that. How do you begin to live a life and communication with God and looking for evidence of God and the way that you do if you've just never done that before? Well, you know, it's, it's a really good question because I think it is hard when your framework
Starting point is 00:46:09 has been something completely different. I think, you know, we can take the pressure off ourselves. I think so often we're like, well, I have to like find God in this new way and I'm like, well, what have God is waiting to find you? So I think the first thing, just wanting to be super willing. And I talked about the power of your agreement a little bit earlier, I think being
Starting point is 00:46:35 being willing to come out of agreement with like fundamental things that you're like, no, this is the only way God speaks. The only way God speaks is like, if I read my Bible, yes, he absolutely does. But he also wants to speak to you like just like a, like he's your best friend sitting here, like he's like me talking to you, Sadie, you know, like and he'll never contradict his word.
Starting point is 00:46:59 But the fact that he wants to have real present relationship today and like that the Holy Spirit wants to speak to you and guide you and take you by the hand and lead you into old truth. I think that's such a powerful thing so I think coming up being willing to let go of like your framework a little bit is pretty powerful and like you know even for me I grew up. You know my mom was into like really new age stuff and like did tarot card readings and all that sort of stuff. So I think the spirit realm and everything was something that was never hard for me to believe in. But it was powerful for me to come to America and go to really traditional churches and still hear from God in a different context to what I was used to.
Starting point is 00:47:38 So it kind of works the other way around as well. But I think letting go of some of your framework and saying,, like I don't know what it's gonna look like, but I just I want to hear from you and I want to walk with you and I want to talk with you and you have room here, you know, at making room. The other thing I think is like being aware that like God is so kind, you know, I know my friends really well and they know me really well and I know how to speak their language. And you know, God is the the truest, kindest best friend you'll ever have and he knucks how to speak your language. So for some people it is like maybe you know, maybe you're a words of affirmation person. It's amazing how God will speak to you through words of affirmation. For some
Starting point is 00:48:21 people it's an act of servicing. It's amazing how God will meet you in like in like an act of Active service like where he will speak to you and reveal something to you. You know, I think about you know, Saul on the road to Damascus like the fact that God can knock him off a horse blind him and be like I'm going to encounter you whether you like him a lot. horse blind him and be like, I'm going to encounter you whether you like it a lot. Right, there's something really powerful about knowing that like, it's not all on you, you know? So I think just being willing and then the other part I think is just understanding that sometimes it'll feel a bit foolish and it's a really good thing for you to get into a place where you're comfortable with the foolish. Yeah. Because God, I use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
Starting point is 00:49:07 So, you know, for me, one thing that helped me is I started writing letters to God and God met me there. And so for you, maybe it's you just getting out of your comfort zone and you're doing something that is uncomfortable for you. Like, so maybe, maybe it's getting out in nature and going for walks with God and saying, like, you know, before you go and walk saying, Holy Spirit, would you come on a walk? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:28 You know, maybe it's like, you start to like, I don't know, yeah, right? Letters to God. Or maybe you start to journal, you know, and you say, God, I'm asking you to meet me in this. And it's amazing how, like if you called a friend and said, hey, would you meet me to go for a walk? You know, nine times out of 10, they would.
Starting point is 00:49:44 You know, how much more faithful is God that he would show up when you ask him to show up? So yeah, so I think just that's such good. I love that it's such good advice. And I love how you said that God's in all of it. It's in both. Like is he in reading your Bible and speaking absolutely? Is he in the moments that, I mean, there's one part of your story that you shared in that podcast where one of your friends had the dream about your wedding being teal and you're like, I don't like teal, but you go to Hobby Lobby or wherever it was or Home Depot and you bought all the teal swatches. And I was like, I love that. But like, yes, God's in that too. Like, he's speaking in all of these different
Starting point is 00:50:23 things. And I feel like I remember when I first started coming to the belonging and I was just in this time of really realizing that God is a lot bigger than I thought he was. And it was when Natalie Grant had also just put out the song, so King of the World is that. Yeah. And it was like, I tried to put you in the box that I designed. And I just remember thinking like, this is so my life. And then he's's like when did I forget that you've always been the king of the world and
Starting point is 00:50:49 What I look back at my life and and you know even that years of being in a really traditional church like the things I learned about The word of God the Bible just reading the hymns just singing hymns and experiencing him and all these things like I still Just singing hymns and experiencing him and all these things like I still see God and every single one of those things Is that is also like where God is this where his heart is his word is how he speaks to us But at the same time as that open my heart to what the Holy Spirit could do because I believe God is three and one There's a Trinity to this like the the characteristics of the Holy Spirit who is like a Comforter and a friend and a voice and guiding me and then thinking about Jesus and like Who he is in my life and all the sudden was like okay? It's not just one. It's three and one and whenever I experience you and your fullness like then you're all the sudden and every part of my life and
Starting point is 00:51:43 You know, I think there are times in my life where I focused a little bit too much on one than all. And whenever it got into harmony of all three, it's like, wow, God, you're so big, you're so good, you're a father and you're a friend. And you are the lion and you're the lamb and you're this and you're that and you're all the things and there's just no limit to who you are.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Then life gets so exciting to be lived with God. And so I think that's a great, that was a great piece of advice even on the practical side of start doing something that feels foolish. I mean, I remember my friend, one of my best friends when she was walking through this with the Lord, she started asking God to go on dates with her. Because she was single and she was like, we're just going to go get to know each other. And she would literally sit down for dinner and she would get her glass. She'd get God a glass of water and she would put the meal here and she put a little for him. And she was like, I just want to believe in such a way.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And if it's putting a water glass there and a little bit of food just for me in the natural to get on board with that He is here in the spiritual then this is what we're gonna do and it sounds crazy and it might feel crazy But man like when I look at her life like you said the evidence is in the fruit of her life that God meets her where she's at and Like there is nothing about her that seems crazy or foolish to me. If anything, she's one of the wisest people I know. And so I just, I love that you shared that. I think that's so good. One thing I definitely want to talk to you about is just the season of you're about to have
Starting point is 00:53:15 a baby. And by the time people listen to this, we will have both had our babies, Lord willing, our two girls. Yes. I just am so excited for you and your story that you shared on Instagram from even your caption was just so powerful and I saw so many my friends who I know have walked through seasons of waiting for babies being very encouraged by things that you share because not
Starting point is 00:53:40 only were you waiting on a baby you walk through a lot of disappointing things leading up to that that would tell you in the natural that this might not happen for you, which a lot of people are currently walking through or have walked through. Tell us a little bit about the journey that getting where you're at and even how what you see,
Starting point is 00:54:02 because to me, I think it's pretty obvious that what you walk through with your heads and what you walk through with songwriting, I think it's pretty obvious that what you walk through with your husband, what you walk through with songwriting, I feel like it might have strengthened you for what you walk through with your baby. And so I'd just love to hear this story. Oh, absolutely. It's funny, because I think, you know, I think about the story in the Bible where Jesus feeds the 5,000 and he You know the disciples come to him. They're like what are we gonna do? We've got no food for all these people and and the Bible says that Jesus already knew what he was gonna do Like he already had it figured out
Starting point is 00:54:39 But he but he asked them and puts the question back on then to build their faith and grow their faith And I think that is such a beautiful picture of the way that God does life with us. Sometimes we go to God and we say, God, what are you going to do and God says, what are you going to do? And the whole point was not to just feed 5,000 in that moment. The whole point was to sustain them for their whole life so that they would learn how to be convinced about God and learn how to go to heaven and go to Jesus for like the answer and go to Jesus for the provision, go to Jesus for like the breakthrough instead of just the moment, you know. But to develop this track record. So I feel like for me, like I've constantly been developing this track record with God
Starting point is 00:55:22 of like, this is a no from in the natural natural but like but I'm gonna believe you for a yes And right at the very out so you know, I'd said like it's so important in every season to get a promise from God And sometimes being a people might say like yeah, but like I haven't heard from God I haven't got a promise and I'm like you have a whole book of them So like go to the book and like find every single person who it was a no in the natural and they contended and God and God found a way. You know, I think that's so powerful because again, it's that thing of testimony like God, look you did it here, you did it here, you did it here. So do it again for me. So you know, it's it's funny. So we have, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:02 for me, I always say the story of how my husband is, you know, I've ended up writing this song about it called Beautiful Story. And that's kind of like that season for me was like God saying to me, I'm going to write your beautiful story, which he absolutely did. But I got to this season of like we started, you know, being like, okay, yeah, let's have kids, we've always wanted kids. And I remember God's saying to me, I'm gonna take your beautiful story to a miracle story. Wow. And that should be encouraging, except that I went, I'm not, why do I need a miracle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And I, you know, I kind of talked a little bit about this, but we had found out that I had, actually there's really big tumors like in my uterus that were preventing me from getting pregnant. And so I, you know, I had contended for healing and believed God for healing all the way up until I needed surgery. And in my heart, I thought, oh, yeah, I can have keyhole surgery. So it'll just be like a little mark. But actually, I ended up needing a C-section where they do like open abdominal surgery to take these things out. And you know, it's incredibly
Starting point is 00:57:16 I mean, like the picture of that of going in for a C-section and coming out empty-handed, that could leave you feeling incredibly disappointed if you didn't have a promise from God. So even in that surgery, they had taken out, they had taken out these tumors and they had also taken one of my ovaries, which as someone who was like 37 at the time, that's a little bit scary in the natural. Unless you go back to the promise that God's given you, which was that he's going to give us a miracle story. And so we had walked out a couple of years of just believing God and saying like, no, we're so convinced that God's going to do this for us, even though in the natural it really wasn't happening. And, you know, I really sympathize and I know I fully understand people believing for kids in every month having to feel that disappointment.
Starting point is 00:58:00 But I would say don't let the disappointment become bigger than the promise that God has given you. And even in those moments, you have to start declaring and thanking God for the promise. And my track record of gathering evidence didn't stop with believing from our husband and gathering evidence there, even though God wanted to do it a new way. He doesn't often, he'll repeat himself, but he just does everything in a fresh way. So it didn't look exactly the same, but I still gathered evidence. And, you know, one of the things that we did was we bought a crib, you know, three years before we had a baby, which, you know, people would be like,
Starting point is 00:58:36 that's kind of weird. And I'm like, is it though? Because if you're fully convinced that God is going to do this for you and you're fully convinced that, which that's what faith is, it's being fully convinced of the nature of God. If you're fully convinced then you will prepare as though it's going to happen, you know. So, you know, we got to like a year and a half in and they did a scan and they found those tumors again and I had to go in and have surgery again, even though I was believing for healing. And I think sometimes like, you know, there's a balance of just being like really willing and saying God, I'm expecting this and I'm believing that you can heal this and I'm believing.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And I know your nature, I know that you're a miracle working God. But even if it doesn't happen the way that I think I'm so willing. And we kind of got to, we kind of got to like six months after that second surgery in September last year. And you know, they had referred us to fertility specialists, even though I'd refused to believe that I have a fertility problem because I'm like, no, no, God said be fruitful and multiply. So therefore, I'm fruitful. So, but you know, be fruitful and multiply. So therefore I'm fruitful. So, but you know, I want to say willing. So we went to this fertility specialist and they essentially said to us, like,
Starting point is 00:59:52 you're pretty much out of options. Like, it's not going to happen for you. And you know, you have a chance in every moment to partner with what your reality is, or you have a chance to partner with what God has said. And it's why I keep saying it is so important to get a promise from God. So my promise from God was I'm going to give you a miracle story.
Starting point is 01:00:14 So like I have to go back to that in that moment and say I understand what you're medically saying. I understand like that the reality that you are seeing is this but I have this promise from God that supersedes reality that you are seeing is this, but I have this promise from God that supersedes everything that you're saying and I choose to partner with that. So I had said to the fertility specialist respectfully, I'm not out of options, and I will call you when I'm pregnant. Wow. Thank you for your time. So I remember walking out of that appointment and like two or three weeks later calling them back and saying
Starting point is 01:00:46 I just wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant. Oh my gosh Which is like such a fun thing to do They actually were very excited and super stoked for us, you know, so that was that was really great Oh my god I do want to say this one little thing because I think I do want to say this one little thing because I think sometimes we can contend for a miracle, contend for a breakthrough, contend for a promise and we think that it happens and then it's just all roses from there. Let me just say this one thing, like I live by the principle that God can, that he will and that he wants to, which there wants to part lots of people don't believe,
Starting point is 01:01:26 but he actually does want to. He actually, he's a dad. He really cares. He wants to do good things in your life. And he wants to like give you breakthrough. He wants to give you like miracles that you get to walk out. The beginning of a miracle is not where it all ends. You actually still have to walk it out in faith after that,
Starting point is 01:01:44 because even after we got pregnant, you know, you have to still believe that like, if God did this, then God will sustain it, because you would know even with caring to girls, Sadie, like, you know, there's so much impregnancy that's unknown. And I feel like it's such a beautiful picture of how God does a work in your life is like he begins something with a seed and then you have to walk it out and grow it and trust that like he's in the mix no matter what the report is. We have gotten a few reports in this pregnancy that we've just had to say, you know what, that might be the way that it looks but God is bigger than that and we're good. And what we have found is that she even even in the womb, has to fight all the odds.
Starting point is 01:02:30 All the way until you hold it in your hands, you just have to just say, God has given me this promise and I'm just going to keep speaking and declaring that over it from seed to fruition. Wow. It's good. I'm glad you said that. That's so true. Because even whenever God said to you that you were going to
Starting point is 01:02:48 have a miracle story, you knew immediately what that, what that was going to cost in the sense of, oh gosh, like, can it not just be a good story? I mean, a miracle story. Yes, because, and I understand that because whenever we walked through honey's birth, it was really hard. And we had a scary situation that required a miracle to happen. And I learned a lot about miracles in that moment and in the months to follow because I realized that, you know, whenever you hear a miracle story, if you haven't necessarily experienced that to it, to, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 01:03:26 everything's in my life's miracle. But you know what I mean? Like those moments where it's like, I really need a miracle from God, you don't realize that to get a miracle from God or to need a miracle for God requires a moment of desperation. It requires a moment of like, if you do not show up, but this is not happen, then this is going to be really hard. This is going to be really bad. This could be really tragic, you know, and not that he wants to stand you through that and he won't comfort you through that. And that's a whole other thing because we are going to go through disappointments in life and we are going to go through hard things where the results don't come,
Starting point is 01:03:57 you know, like you thought they would or the outcome isn't what you wanted or hoped for, prayed for, but God's so good in that. But whenever you do go through that where you have this moment of desperation, then God shows up and there's this miracle. There is a process of walking that out with the Lord and I always think about the woman who blood for 12 years and she got healed. And then Jesus said like daughter, your faith is healed you go and peace. And I think about like what he was saying to her because it would be really hard to leave that moment and actually go and peace when for 12 years of your life, the reality has been
Starting point is 01:04:31 like you've been bleeding and now all of a sudden you're healed. And so like what does that even look like? How do you come back into the community? How does she how does she go from what she was to who she is and all this stuff? And I just think about the process that she probably walked through after that. But now she knows the father. Now she's known as daughter. So she's stepping into this process with a new identity, with new hope, with a new truth. And so I always think about that. And I love that you so that because there's a process after it. There is a, there is a still requires so much faith in God, even after the miracle comes. So much closeness and togetherness with the Lord so that you can feel that comfort and the midst of all those times. And so I love that you spoke to that. I can't believe we're already at an
Starting point is 01:05:16 hour because I could talk to you all day and pick your brain and hear your thoughts. I've learned so much and I knew, so I was praying for you this morning. I was like, I pray for everyone that's going to listen, but I'm like, I know I'm going to be so strengthened by this podcast. And I'm so thankful that you said, yes, just being nine months pregnant. And I know it would be easy to just go lay in the bed, but thank you for just coming on here
Starting point is 01:05:39 and sharing your story because it's strengthened my faith so much. It's made me want to go sit with the Lord and be like, God, what am I? What's a promise right now? What am I believing for? What am I asking for? What am I?
Starting point is 01:05:50 Hello. What am I, you know, what are we talking about right now? All the things and so I'm excited to take what I've learned from this and bring it into my life. And thank you for just believing God the way you do and sharing it with the world. You're a huge inspiration. And I'm thankful for all the songs you've written,
Starting point is 01:06:05 all that you've done, you're awesome. Oh, I think you're so much for having me say it even the best. Yes, this is so good. I just can't wait to see page number two. Let's go. I know, and our girls will have to definitely meet one day, be a little best. I miss that I can't wait.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Well, I love your daughter's name. Thank you. I'm like, come on, haven't such a beautiful name. I love it too. And you'll have an announce, Joel's name. Thank you. I'm like, come on, haven't such a beautiful name. I love it too. And you'll have an announce, Joel's name yet, right? I can tell you because it's gonna come out after this. You told me, but I didn't know if you wanted to say it on here because I love it so much.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I think it's so cool. Do you want to share it? Sure, we're gonna call our baby girl Booth May. So cute. Because, so I'd said that I got saved in the Salvation Army and William Booth started the Salvation Army and was just a ninja of a human. Booth family, Evangelion, his daughter,
Starting point is 01:06:55 a Catherine, his wife, just bunch of ninjas. But he has this one amazing quote that he says that I love. And it's he says, I'm not waiting on a move of God. I am a move of God. So that's kind of a prayer over our little girl is that she would be kind of a force to be reckoned with. So on. Booth after William Booth and May because she'll be born in May.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I love it so much. I love that name and I can't wait to meet her. And I think it's so cool when you have just that meaning attached to their name, you speak it over them. I mean, we named Honey Honey. Part of it was that she would be sweet and she would be strong because that's what Honey is. It's sweet and it's strong.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Are you honey's unstoppable? Yes, and every night when I put her to bed, I always say, honey, James, you are sweet and you are strong. And like just speaking that over her life, it's just so cool. And I can't wait to do that for Haven and you'll do that for Booth and it's special. So I can't wait to meet Booth and I'm just so excited for you and all the things. It's an exciting, exciting time.
Starting point is 01:07:50 So fun. Thanks so much for having me on today. Yes. you

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