WHOA That's Good Podcast - How to Have a Thick Skin & a Soft Heart | Sadie Robertson Huff & Mariah McManus Goss

Episode Date: April 27, 2022

Mosaic MSC singer Mariah McManus Goss opens up to Sadie in a powerful, vulnerable conversation about being confident in who you are, embracing the unexpected, and finding the strength to keep going wh...en life is hard. Mariah shares advice on how you can have both a thick skin and a soft heart, how to choose gratitude, and how to be confident in yourself and Jesus without copying anyone else. Be confident on this journey — you are an original! Mariah's encouraging new album, "This Is How I Thank the Lord," is available now. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's
Starting point is 00:00:20 up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up, And we both have 10 month old babies that we're obsessed with and she also has an album dropping tonight with her worship team. But by the time you all hear this it'll already be out You will already have loved the album, but we're gonna get taught to you a little bit So we have Mariah, McManus, Goss on with music and SC. Welcome to the Wittska podcast. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited I'm so stoked and I just had your dad on recently. I know I was jealous So I was like I got to come Yes, you definitely had to get in there. Um gosh, he's so awesome and I'm so glad to talk to you too I wasn't lying. You are one of the coolest people
Starting point is 00:00:57 I've met and you we were on tour together so we got to know each other a little bit Yeah, but life's changed a lot since then. I remember that tour you had just started talking to Christian. Yeah, oh my gosh, I forgot. You were like, I started talking to this guy and I, you know, I don't know, like, could be really cool. And then you're married and you have a kid and life is totally changed and it's so crazy. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I was literally talking to Christian and he like came out to one of the nights. Yeah. And I remember I was like seeing everybody like him, what we thought of him. And everyone was laughing at him because he held his Bible like everywhere. And everyone was like, is that like a flood? So does he really just carry his Bible ever? And I remember someone said something to him and he said, man, I always got my sword on me. And it was like the funniest thing. And I was like, I think I like you a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It was so fun. Yeah, that's crazy. And now, like I said, we have Tim and the old babies who are awesome. Juno and Honey. Yes. Their names are so cute together. They're so cute.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Actually, it was going to ask you, how did you come up with her name? Because it's wonderful. Thank you. Well, there's a keyboard called the Juno. And so I feel like it's like a nerdy music thing, but it's like my husband and I's favorite like sounding thing. So that and then, you know, it was a name I had like at the beginning I don't know if you if you had the name like locked in at the beginning, but we were had at the beginning. I don't know if you had the name locked in at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:02:25 but we were in the hospital. We have no idea what everything was going to be. No way. We had a few that we threw around. You know, it was one of the first ones I mentioned early on, and he was definitely not. Then towards the end, we circled back to it and ended up just feeling like,
Starting point is 00:02:46 okay, this feels right, this feels good. And in the hospital though, I was like, I don't know anymore, I don't know. And then my husband, I was like, you just make the choice. I was like, you know what? I feel good about a couple of names if you kind of are the tiebreaker. So. That's awesome. That's actually really inspiring for me to keep the names that Christian has been like
Starting point is 00:03:07 no way for the future babies because maybe he'll come around. Sure. Maybe he'll come around. Yeah, I love it. We definitely kind of knew like if we have a girl, we're going to name her honey, which is funny because I know some people are very specific about like you have to meet them and like know their personality. Yeah. And I agree. I think that's a really special thing. But it is crazy that we named
Starting point is 00:03:29 her honey and now knowing her she is so honey. Like that is her name, that is who she is. She just looks like it. What makes her honey? Like what is the quality? It's so much about her. I think it really is the meaning behind honey like the meaning behind it for us was that it's this element that's sweet and strong so it's strong enough to heal people you know you can put honey on wounds and stuff but it's so sweet that it's like a dessert and she is like the combination of sweet and strong like through and through like she is so sweet and does cuddly and lovie but she that little girl is strong when she talks so she only says da da da like she doesn't actually talk.
Starting point is 00:04:11 When she talks she always has her finger pointed at you like she's strong like she is very opinionated. Yeah so she's strong. It's my kind of girl right there. I know right she's gonna give me a run for my money. I can already tell. She's going to definitely. And Juno's middle name is Boogie, right? Boogie.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I love it. Like, that's awesome. Do you feel like she fits her name? She definitely does. Like, that was one thing in the ultrasounds and stuff. Like, we were just like, she's always dancing. She was never, like, they could never get a picture of her.
Starting point is 00:04:46 She always, any photo that we have of the ultrasound, her tongue is out. No way. Or she's like smiling ear to ear, like it's crazy. And so, and my husband is very goofy. And she's exactly like him. Like, he's the calmest, chillest, most peaceful person. And then when he speaks he just like
Starting point is 00:05:06 Is hilarious and that's exactly how she is. She's just calm and collected and and funny That's awesome and so we're like awesome. We just need to have fun with it and you know be a lot harder to think is Why not? So that's who you are. Yeah, I mean, I love it. Gosh, that's awesome. Something about just the name. I think it's just so...it's like prophetic to name them something and see who they become. Totally. Well, let's get to the question that I ask everybody on the podcast and then we'll get
Starting point is 00:05:37 into the fun of the album talk. But always ask everyone a very intimidating question. You can take it and run with it. It's simple or hard as you make it. But it is what is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given? No, that is very intimidating. I did know that you asked that.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So I did have a second to think about it. And I guess I never really thought about advice in like, you know, like phrases, but today I was talking to my husband about it. And I was like, you know, I actually don't know. Like there were things my mom would say to me every morning, you know, that I remember. But one thing that he reminded me of
Starting point is 00:06:18 of something my dad always says is, have thick skin and have a soft heart. And I love what you said about honey, the name being sweet and strong, because that's exactly what I feel like that means. It's like be ready for anything, things are gonna be hard, life's gonna be tough, and you gotta be able to take it.
Starting point is 00:06:37 But you also, it doesn't have to affect your spirit, it doesn't have to affect your kindness or your generosity or your resilience or your resilience or your empathy or your compassion. And so that's something, you know, from a young age that he taught me, but also even more so now that as you grow up, that life gets harder and things get tougher to remember that like you don't have to, you can go through hard things and not it Yeah, the softness and the grace and the peace that you can have and so that to me is probably the best Peace of advice that still really like tangible for me 30 years later
Starting point is 00:07:14 You know that I can every day remember like thick skin soft heart I don't have to let this get the better of my spirit or make me callist or apathetic And so yeah, I think that's probably the best advice I don't have to let this get the better of my spirit or make me callist or apathetic. And so, yeah, I think that's probably the best advice. That is so good. I love that. It reminds me one time when we were in Israel, we had this tour guide in his name was like,
Starting point is 00:07:35 Slo-mo. He was the coolest name. And he was just talking. And like, it was one of those people where everything he said was like, well, that was good. It was kind of like a little nugget of truth. And he was talking about how sometimes it's hard
Starting point is 00:07:49 to live in a place where there's so much, gosh, like adversity against each other. And we said, how do you do that? How do you live in a place that has so much adversity? And he said, well, I always tell myself, although my mind might always be skeptical. My hands will always lead with peace. And I was like, man, that is so good.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And it's just a good reminder that it's okay to be skeptical and it's okay sometimes that you have to have thick skin, but to keep your heart soft and to make sure that your hands are leading with peace and you have the empathy for people. Like, it's just really easy in this world to grow callous, but it takes a lot of intentionality to remain soft. And I think that that's just great advice. That's so good. I kind of joke about how you're such a cool person. That's not a joke, that's true.
Starting point is 00:08:38 But I mean, people might be like, so what makes her so cool? There's a lot of reasons. I mean, you do so many things. Y'all are, y'all do ministry, your husbands in a band, you're a mom, you are leading worship. I mean, you have all these fun things about you, but one thing I love about you is your style.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Like, it's so unique. Thank you. It's so original. It's so, you're just very confident in who you are. And it's very iconic. People look at you and they're like, I wanna dress like her, like, you know, and it's fun.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Thank you. But it's original. And so I want to talk to you about that because our whole thing is live original. Yeah. How do you get your own inspiration, you know, and remain true to you without like copying everyone, you know, because being original is being without copy.
Starting point is 00:09:22 You're not a copy of anyone. Totally. And so how do you get inspired to create the things that you create? Totally. I think one thing like growing up, just learning how to be creative, learning how to do music, or how to, you know, put clothes together, anything I feel like my dad was a huge inspiration in that world. And he always taught me draw inspiration from everything and everywhere. And so instead of looking at things to copy, I look at things to draw inspiration from. You know? And so it's taking things in and absorbing everything around me. Instead of like searching for the inspiration, I just look around.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And so I think it's it changed my perspective on how to be creative and how to do anything in my world, how to decorate my house, or how to love someone, or how to put together clothes, or whatever, or write a song. It just, it opened up a world of possibilities for that you know and so to be able to look everywhere and be like I love that or I love that like I love the essence of that how do I take that and make it you know mine or how do I put my twist on that and it's really really easy to copy. You know, I feel like I copy the most when I am unsure of myself because I'm sure that
Starting point is 00:10:50 something has worked. And I think it's a lot of times that's the building blocks of creativity, is like, be able to look at someone and be like, oh, I could do that and build on it. But when I'm the most confident in myself and I'm the most confident in myself, and I'm the most confident, like, in Jesus, and like, who I'm supposed to be, and where I'm going, I end up finding myself being the most expressive, the most creative. Like, I love color.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Everything in my world is colorful, and I feel like I'm the most colorful, and I see the most color in life when I'm sort of aligned in that. When I feel like I'm living in my purpose when I feel like I'm listening to God, when I feel like I'm confident in that. Well, that's so cool. That's awesome. I love that. You said it's so easy to copy because it's true. And I think a lot of times when we copy, that's when we start to compare because, if you're a copy of something, you're like, well what's one's better?
Starting point is 00:11:48 Is it this or that? Who did it better? It's like whenever you look in the magazine and it's like the three people that were the same outfit and it's like 47% said she did it better, you know? Because you can compare it because they were the same thing. But like when you are original and whenever it's different, like there's nothing to compare because it's your own take and I love that and I also love the world of color like you talk about and you you rock color like so well and I used to think being intimidated by color because
Starting point is 00:12:16 I didn't know like what looked good together with color and so I always was like well I'm just more of a black and white type of person and then I I read a book about heaven, and it was talking about how there's going to be color so that we've never even seen, you know? And after I read that, I was like, I'm about to start loving color. And today, I happen to be wearing white. But if you look at my closet, it is so colorful. I love it. I changed it because I was like, I want to, I want to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:44 you want to bring heaven to earth. You want to see like what heaven's going to be like on earth and I know y'all did an album at one point that was all about heaven. Yeah. So it's just fun to think about in that way and get the inspiration from heaven. But I want to question before we kind of dive into the album itself, but you know, for you, your dad obviously and your mom lead a ministry, most of church, and they do all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And you're like second generation ministry, I don't know, maybe you're third, maybe. No second. It goes along the line. I thought it was second. So no, but of your dad's story. So what's it like for you stepping into that ministry? And when did you feel like you found your voice?
Starting point is 00:13:23 Was it leading worship at the beginning? Was it doing something else? And was that an intimidating thing for you to step into? Yes. Very intimidating. I think doing anything with your family is difficult. I know, I don't know what the experience is like for you. I know that your family is extremely close.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And that's how my family is. And I wouldn't change it the experience is like for you. I know that your family is extremely close and that's how my family is. And I wouldn't change it for anything in the world, but it definitely comes with its own unique set of challenges and difficulties. I would say I probably didn't. I don't even know if I could say that there was a time that I found my voice. I feel like I'm still finding it.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And I hope that that's not a bummer for people, but an encouragement that I don't know. I don't wanna have a moment where I'm like, this is who I am forever. Yeah. I wanna be flexible, so flexible to move with where God wants me to move. And when I started leading worship,
Starting point is 00:14:21 it was more out of necessity than it was out of like assurance that that was where I was supposed to be. And sometimes I feel like God puts you in a place that has a need and start shifting the world around you. And I feel like that's what my story is. You know, like I stepped in where there was a need and God started shifting everything around me. And I started realizing like, oh, this is a gift that he's given me. This is something that he's trying to show me. And it was life altering because it wasn't what I expected or what I had ever really dreamed of. And not in a negative way, but in like, you know, when you don't know that dreams can be a certain way, or you're looking in the wrong direction, or you're thinking of the wrong things,
Starting point is 00:15:12 and you don't even realize, like, oh, God has this whole world. Yeah. Like, for me, and so, you know, it took a long time. I'm definitely an artist in the sense that I feel always conflicted about everything. And I still feel like I'm finding my place. And I'm grateful because I love change. I love movement. I love moving forward.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I feel like God is always opening new roads, you know, for my family and for our church and for us to step into. And there's no boundaries. I love mosaic because no one puts anyone in a box. I'm the worship pastor technically, but we do a million different things. And we're given so much room to create and to grow and not just creatively, but as people to evolve into new things and to evolve spiritually and creatively. So I feel like I'm still has been a lot more planting of like,
Starting point is 00:16:27 okay, I want to feel like stronger and more confident in the purpose that I have. Having a kid was very planting of like, I now have this little girl. And even, I don't know if you feel this way, but like, having a daughter is like, both the most beautiful thing and the most intimidating thing in the entire world,
Starting point is 00:16:51 because I feel like my example is different now. You know, like, I have now a little girl. And I look, you know, I know even the way now, I look at my mom, I still look to her for everything. You know, I still look to her for so much. And it's, it was life changing. You know, it is life changing to now have a different perspective of church and everything and life because of having a daughter. And, you know, I love what I get to do with my family, and I'm still moving where God wants me to move. It's a journey, for sure. Hey, that's so good, and that's so encouraging,
Starting point is 00:17:33 because anyone that thinks it's just a destination is gonna realize in life that it's not. It is a journey. And I think it's so good that you spoke to that necessity thing, because I think that a lot of times that's what jobs look like. It starts with just, here's the need. Here's the place you spoke to that necessity thing because I think that a lot of times That's what jobs look like like it starts with just here's a need here's a place you need to be This is the next step and a lot of people are like shooting for like their ultimate dream to be their first thing And a lot of times like for the dream to happen like so many different things have to happen
Starting point is 00:18:00 That's a part of the dream. It's not like you're not there yet It's like no this is this is a part of the process. This is getting me there. This is me dreaming and man I love how mosaic doesn't put people in a box because you've seen the fruit from that And I think that a lot of times people put people in a box because They have a sense of control over a box, you know But when you let people out of out of the, like that's whenever man dreams run wild and creativity runs wild. And like you see things that the world's never seen before.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And you certainly see that when you listen to y'all's albums, when you go to your church. I remember the first time when she was church, I was like, this is a church. And like this is so cool. You know, like I was loved. I had never seen anything like that. But it was like, yeah, like y'all are so rooted
Starting point is 00:18:47 in the scripture and so nothing's off. It's just creative, it's so awesome. Totally. And I love like your concept of living original too. Like I think it's it's a beautiful thing of like being ready to change with God, you know? Like the boxing of like not even fitting your own dreams or your own life within a box and seeing the actual full potential
Starting point is 00:19:11 and not just being, like, I love this about you and I feel like I learned so much from you, even from a distance of like, you are exactly, like, doing what you're supposed to be doing in this moment. But you're always, it seems like you're always changing, you're always trying to pull more people in, you're always advancing, you're not just sitting in the same thing you did a year ago,
Starting point is 00:19:32 and I think that's the most inspiring thing in the world because you will always be the most original thing because you're constantly changing with what God wants you to do, and that's a cool thing about music is like, we don't fit God in a box, you know? And so it's like a lot of times like, I feel like we can do that because it's easier and we know how to do it every week
Starting point is 00:19:54 and like can do things with memory and on repeat, but actually letting it out of the box, letting it out of the box and and seeing where he moves is really where the originality comes from. So true. It's so good. And God is so awesome because he's the alpha in the amaker. So part of him remains the same.
Starting point is 00:20:15 His steadiness remains the same, but he is always changing. There's always new opportunity. There's always a new day. I love that there are some things about God that are so steady. Promises steady. The way that the sun comes up every day, study. Like he's a study God, but he's also a God of like the new thing. Like he's doing something new. And so staying on beat with that is so cool. Someone asked me though, they they're like, like they were about to ask me where I want to go in the future.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Like what I see in my life in the next 10 years kind of thing. And they're like, oh, I mean, you're already doing so much. So like, maybe that question doesn't work for you. I was like, are you kidding me? You want to hear my 50 year old goal? Because I think we should always be dreaming and doing and growing. Like, you're right. Like, let's not stay.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Because we have this one life to live. And truly, like, there's so much to live in it. And so I love that. What you were saying reminded me of one of the songs it was the unexpected roads from the new album and the new album I'll just stop for a second and say it's called this is how I thank the Lord and the whole album is amazing I was able to listen to it before it comes out tonight and it's just really good I'm gonna be having our repeat all summer long as we go into summer.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I mean, it's a summer, like it is. Like, it's one of those like roller windows down, turn it up. It's so good. And all of it's about gratitude and stuff, but this unexpected road song was so good because at the beginning of the song, it's kind of like this idea that there's these unexpected
Starting point is 00:21:40 roads in life and they're scary, right? Because they are scary. Like, light takes turns that you don't expect. But then at the end of the song, it's almost like this plea to God to keep taking me on an unexpected road. So because there is this confidence may be in God. And so with that song in your own perspective, like, what does that look like for you
Starting point is 00:21:59 from going from a place to maybe being afraid of unexpected roads to really embracing unexpected roads? Because not many people can say, as confident as you just said, a love change, it's awesome. And I think there's a confidence in that. And so with that song in mind,
Starting point is 00:22:13 what does that look like for you? Yeah, I mean, I think I love change partially personality-wise, but also I've realized that in my life, the unexpected, when God's in control, is way better than the expected. And it goes back to the dreams of like, I didn't realize a lot of times I don't realize how amazing dreams can be when we actually invite God into them. You know, and we think dreams are just what we can imagine, but they're different when you put them in God's hands. You know, it's more than we can imagine.
Starting point is 00:22:54 And I love that the song says, when I thought my biggest dreams and possible, you just proved me wrong every time. And it's almost like less of like I want to constantly be changing, I want constantly for you to be taking me down these places that I don't understand. And more of like a you have never failed me every time I've gone somewhere unexpected, you know, or every time you take me on a journey that I don't, like I didn't ask for it.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I didn't necessarily know that I needed. You continue to come through and it's better than what I know, you know, and so I feel like even for people that don't like change, which I totally understand, because I say that I love change, but I probably love like changing my, you know, couch from here to there, that I do like an entire life shift.
Starting point is 00:23:52 You know, but it's more of like an assurance that it will be better, you know? And a lot of times that change and those unexpected things require the things that we hold tight to be like take in from us. You know, like a lot of times it takes like the pruning in your life or or refinement in your life before you can really go and follow those roads that got up and up to you. And so it's not usually like the most glamorous thing or the most fun thing or the most exciting
Starting point is 00:24:20 thing that you want to ask for all the time, but it's such an necessity because of the refinement that comes in the process of following the dreams that God has for you. So true, that's great. I love how you said that being a mom is the best, like the beautiful, the most beautiful thing you have a little girl, but it also is really intimidating. And that is so true.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I really do that so much because they are learning from you and every way, shape and form. And they argue to look to you and everything. Even this morning, it was like the cutest thing. So honey, this brand, I like posts that I love this brand called Hello toothpaste and they sent honey a little toothbrush with like a package. It was so cute. And so I was like, surely she won't know what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:25:04 But when I brush my teeth, I'm just going gonna give her this and see what she does a bit So this morning in brush your teeth and I hand her her toothbrush and I wet it and she's looking at me just staring at me Then she starts going and she starts doing it like she starts brushing her little teeth and she like all day Like Christian got home with her today and gave her the toothbrush again And then she's brushing her teeth like she loves it now Now she knows what to do. You put it in your mouth and it's so cute. But just watching her watch me to learn to do it is a small representation of what she's doing in everything, right? As you were writing this album, I know it was a team effort, but just speaking to you, as you were writing this with the idea that you have, you you're a mom and knowing one day listen to this,
Starting point is 00:25:47 did it change the way that you wrote and the way that you thought about what you were writing at all? A hundred percent. When we started writing this album, I wasn't pregnant and then I was pregnant and no one knew. Well, it had even more of an importance for me because I felt like it was a very personal thing between me and God knowing that she was going to be alive. It wasn't an experience at that point that I had shared with most people.
Starting point is 00:26:21 So it was like a moment of just being like, okay, like what do I want to say to this, you know, to her, to God about this. And there's a song, the first song on the album, it's called How Do I Thank You? And it was, in that moment, I was like, I just want to write a song, maybe not necessarily for her, but like, I want to freeze this moment, you know, like I want to freeze this moment. I want to remember, and it was also just a really
Starting point is 00:26:48 difficult time for a lot of things going on behind the scenes. It was with all of the good and all of the bad. How do I immortalize this moment and remember that with all of the heartbreak comes a measurable joy and gratitude. And that this person that I didn't know as a little girl is going to look at me. And I'm going to have to be the person that in the worst of times and in the best of times praises Jesus, you know, that when all things are good and when all things are bad, or when it's both, like that's who I look to, you know, and so. Yeah. It was just even more so a reminder like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Okay, now it's not just me looking to Jesus, you know, that in all of these good and bad things, I am going to have a little person that's going to look at me and need to know what to do. You know, and so it definitely changed my perspective in that sense, you know, of like, it's awesome. It was like the best moment and and some of the hardest days. And so to praise God and to be grateful was one of the hardest tasks, you know. And so it was a beautiful realization. I think for me and my own faith and for all of us that like and especially because like in LA,
Starting point is 00:28:22 we were locked down for two years pretty much. Like couldn't go outside for like at least a year. And so you know when we came to write these songs like we hadn't been around anyone. Wow. And we hadn't been in church for like a year. So you know just that realization of like okay we can still be grateful when we're faced with hard things, you know, and so yeah, definitely change my perspective for sure.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah, well, and that's even cooler, knowing the backstory and the context behind, like what, yo, we're coming from to write this album, like, I mean, coming out of a time where y'all weren't together, where you can't even go outside for a year, obviously COVID was some really hard times for so many reasons.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And then to go and write an album called, this is how I think the Lord, you almost would have thought that the album would have been totally different, like, God, why? Where are you, this whole, how to see God when he's hard to see? You know what I'm saying? But I love that it was,
Starting point is 00:29:25 this is how I think the Lord, that it was actually, and I think sometimes when people see something like that, they're like, oh well, you know, it's easy for some people to think the Lord, because things are going good, but it's totally different when it's coming from someone who's like actually like things have been really hard, but I'm still choosing to thank him,
Starting point is 00:29:41 because even though this is hard, he's good. Yeah, absolutely. And so what, so, when you all came together, how did you decide that, or did you all decide, this is what we're going to write about, or did that just come up from your heart? It just came up, we kind of write in a few different groups, and we come together and show each other the songs and they were all about gratitude. And it was very much like, well, why is this? I don't feel grateful, even in you pray and you hope. And you want for there to be a thing that God puts in your songs
Starting point is 00:30:24 and in your life in that moment so that you can write, but it wasn't what we expected for sure. And I don't think, well, I think in a lot of ways, like that gratitude found us because like you're saying, like God is constant, he is the same, he is steady, and we realize that in all of the unchanging, uncontrollable things that are happening, there was still the fact that he saved us, that he is like our strength, that he is the resilience that we have had and that we need. And so it was like, okay, here's all of this craziness, here's all of these things that we can't control, but there's one thing that has always been the same before things were tough, while things are tough, and after things are tough. And so, it's great.
Starting point is 00:31:10 In a lot of ways, the gratitude captured us and we realized that if anything almost like a slap in the face for us, like, you need to be consciously grateful because you are subconsciously grateful. You know, you need to consciously realize that there is more good that God has done for you than there are difficult things. And it is such a conscious effort to be grateful. And I think a lot of times we think of gratitude
Starting point is 00:31:42 as like a reaction to a good thing. And it's actually a choice and a steady thing that should be throughout everything because he is steady, because he is constant, because he has saved you, because he loves you. And so it really was, I think it found us. Awesome. That's so good, Mariah. It's like so inspiring, just hearing you talk about and you're so right. Like gratitude is a choice. And so many people think, I think people think it's a personality trait sometimes. Yeah. It's like some people have and some people don't, but it's not. It's actually a choice. I think sometimes some of the most grateful people, if you ask them what they have going on in their life and they are vulnerable enough to share you be surprised by how much hardship they have going on.
Starting point is 00:32:30 You know, like there's stuff in my life that I've gone through this past year that was really difficult but I don't share it online because to be honest, just nobody needs to know that besides my people, you know? And I think that it's powerful though, when you know, man, there's more to the story, but what they're saying is how grateful they are. And it's beautiful. And I think one thing about this album that's a gift to people is that if you're that person, it's like, I just don't have that personality type. I'm not a very grateful person. Things are going to get in my life.
Starting point is 00:33:00 The title is, this is how I think the Lord, and it's almost like y'all are teaching by just the songs that you're singing, you're leading by example on how to do it. Like, each song I listened to was almost like a lesson if you received it that way. You know, it's like, this is how I do this. And it was almost teaching you and then singing you through it and worship with me through this moment. And it was just so good. I have literally been listening to this is how I think the Lord every day that that song and I told you before we got on the phone that I'm sure Christian wishes that I just let you sing it because there is a certain skill that needs to be had to sing that song. It's so good and you do it very beautifully. I'm working. I'm learning. You're also teaching
Starting point is 00:33:44 me some voice lessons. Oh my gosh, no. But it's so good. But is there a song for you on this album that's just been on repeat that you just can't get enough of? Yeah. I mean, different ones in different seasons. But for me, probably the most personal one in a lot of ways
Starting point is 00:34:00 is it's called Rejoice. It's the very last song. And the chorus says, he will give me every strength in a lot of ways is it's called rejoice. It's the very last song. And it's the chorus says he will give me every strength to fight another day. And I feel like that's been, it makes me emotional because I know personally so many people, especially the last two years, but throughout my life that it's struggled so much with choosing to live, you know, and even in my own life, I've had thoughts of not wanting to live another day that things would just be easier.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And so I think it was, it wasn't. It is such a real moment of like sometimes he's the only reason that I can wake up in the morning. You know, and that that is, that I'm going to celebrate that. It's as, you know, he will give, he will give me a chance to fight another day. My soul will rejoice. And so it's just every day waking up and being grateful that he doesn't give up on you. And that's enough reason to get up, you know, to live, to keep fighting through all of the hard stuff. And so that song, I love that it's the last song,
Starting point is 00:35:12 and that the album, the theme of the album is, is this is how I think the Lord, and that it ends with, you know, this is sometimes the hardest stuff to go through, but we're still gonna rejoice through it. Yeah, wow, thanks for sharing that. And like, it's so amazing that you'd be vulnerable enough to share that. You felt that way sometimes because I feel like, you know, you never know what someone else walks through and you never assume someone else walks through
Starting point is 00:35:40 the things that they walk through sometimes, you know? And I know personally that so many people that are struggling with the same thing, and I know there's so many people listening to this, you're struggling with the same thing. And I just thank you for being willing to not only share that, but write a song that has like words of worship and fighting words behind it, like words that people can sing over their own life every day, whenever it's hard to actually just make the decision
Starting point is 00:36:03 to want to breathe. It's actually hard to make the decision to just want to show up in the day. And so thanks for writing that song and giving us some context because I know that's going to help so many people. And if you're listening to this and that's you like I just encourage you to go listen to that song right now and just let the words speak over you. Let her be a friend to you in that. That you know you got someone you know rejoicing right beside you when it's hard to rejoice like that verse where it says, Christian and I quote it every day. It's like this is the day the Lord is May. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And that's like a really sweet verse, you know, but sometimes it's a really hard verse to actually say. And there are a lot of days like whenever it's sunny outside life
Starting point is 00:36:47 Is good that I'll wake up and I'll say to God. Thank you that this is an easy day to rejoice Yeah, there are some days that are not easy, you know It's like whether it's an actual storm or like the storm of life hits and I'm like God I'm choosing today to rejoice Because you're good, but this is not good. Yeah. But that gratitude really does shift things. So I want to ask you lastly,
Starting point is 00:37:10 just you talk so much about the goodness of God. I mean, one of your songs, generous love, and you say I could never find the end. You talk about how beautiful God is, how good God is, and so many of the songs and even just today. But like, what have you learned about God throughout this album? Is there something that stuck out to you
Starting point is 00:37:27 that you just don't wanna forget as you go on to the next journey of life? You know, I feel like I'm always, that's like the coolest thing. You know, I feel like being in a relationship with God as you feel like there's always new things. Yeah. I feel like I realized a lot how oh my gosh I'm emotional. Just like
Starting point is 00:37:50 the people that I do this with is why I do it. You know I I feel like God especially being isolated for so long and then coming together and riding these songs it was like okay yes the worship is important and I feel like you've put that on all of our hearts, you've put that very much in our path and we need to, we want to be obedient to that, we want to use what we have for Jesus and for our church, but I feel like I realized that the gift that God actually gave me is the people in my life and the people that we do it with. gave me as the people in my life and the people that we do it with. And I realized that so much more, you know, obviously after being isolated for so long, but realizing that it's, you know, I'm a super private person. I feel like I have like a very few close friends.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I, you know, I feel like I struggle with opening my world up to people and Realizing that like God's gift in my life is the people that he's put in it and Just being so grateful that he's such a kind God in that way. Yeah, you know that like Nine times at a 10, he'll put the people in your life that you need to just even have joy and like laugh with and not just like, and not just that, but actually like go through the best times with, do like amazing things for, you know, your community,
Starting point is 00:39:23 and go through hard things with and everything. And I feel like I've just, I've always known that he's kind in that way, but I feel like I really realized it even more so with this album and this time was how kind he is to put people alongside of me. And I've just even let, I've just in trying to embrace that as much as I can and enjoy it as much as I can and know, like these are the best moments of my life because of the most beautiful people he's surrounded me with, you know, and.
Starting point is 00:40:00 It's awesome. Even just like letting people come in your life and just believing that God is placing people in my life to continue to do amazing things with and to journey alongside of. And so, yeah, it's been a very sweet, sweet thing. That is sweet, it's a sweet season. I love how you said, I've known that,
Starting point is 00:40:22 but now I realize it. And there's a big difference I've found from knowing something you're realizing something. You know, like you can know that like, God loves you, but when you like, realize that he loves you, it's a whole new ball game. I think sometimes like, it's like sometimes we know something so well
Starting point is 00:40:40 that it keeps us from realizing it, you know? And we have to just like, let go of what we know to really embrace like the goodness of the magnitude of who got it. And so I love that you said that. It's beautiful. This album is so good. I can't stress it enough.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Like not only is the music good, like the music's awesome. Like it's so good. Like I said, you all want to roll down your windows cranking up and just like drive to a different state But like also just the message and the the friend that y'all are that that sweetness of guys and people might be like Why don't have that right now? You're you're almost giving them that as a Collective that y'all are as a worship group that y'all are to someone as a sit in a car and worship
Starting point is 00:41:21 Don't feel alone like they will feel like they're thinking God with a body of people. And so thank you all for putting this out. If you haven't listened to it yet by this point, then go listen to this is how I thank the Lord, the Mosaic, MSC, and Mariah. Thanks for just giving us some contact. Thanks for giving us such good advice. And you know what I was thinking about?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Like, the coolest thing about you is kind of ironic, because most people that are cool aren't humble. But the coolest thing about you is kind of ironic because most people that are cool aren't humble but the coolest thing about you is how humble you are and you're such a team player, you're such a good friend to those I know that you love and to those afar, you're a good mom, you're a good wife, you're all the things and you're incredibly humble and so thanks for being that kind of cool
Starting point is 00:42:02 and we appreciate you being on the podcast. Thank you so much, thanks for having me. you

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