WHOA That's Good Podcast - Let Truth Be the Basis of Your Originality

Episode Date: January 19, 2022

Sadie is joined by Hillsong singer-songwriter Brooke Ligertwood to discuss the beauty and significance of Brooke's new upcoming album, "SEVEN." Brooke shares with us why being a solo artist was never ...her intention. She also shines a light on how to be truly, authentically original and how that plays a role in songwriting. Cast your cares before the Lord, friends.  - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up fam, welcome back to the WoW that's Go Pyecast. We have someone back on the podcast who has been here before but I don't think anyone's going to mind because she is a legend. She's so incredible. She's a great friend to all of her friends, a good mom, a good wife, all the things and an incredible songwriter and musician if I might also add. We have Brooke, Ligerwood, on the podcast. Welcome back, girl.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Hi, thanks. I must not have done too bad last time. Yeah, if you had me back, so thank you. Listen, you were probably requested many, many, many times to come back. I remember my dad was actually like, that podcast was so good. It's always the Hillsong people, you and Taya that my dad and my family are like most
Starting point is 00:00:49 excited about and so I'm pumped I'm glad that you're back on and I know already asked you the question of the podcast what's the best piece of advice you've been given so today I'll change it up just a little bit what's the best piece I was wondering about I know I was like I was like, okay, well, now she's already said what she's ever been given, so this might not be genuine, so I changed it a little bit, but what's the best piece of music advice that you've ever been given? And the music world, what's the best piece of advice that's ever been given to you? Oh, that's a good one. That's a tough one. I would say I would like put a flip on the question
Starting point is 00:01:27 and I would say, it's not so much the advice I've been given, but the examples I have seen set. And I would say the people, I take as advice examples that I see of artists and songwriters who are just completely true to themselves and what they feel that they've been asked to bring into the world. And so I think about, there's a CS Lewis quote where he talks about, if when it comes to originality, if you try to be original, you're probably rowing it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Like this is the Brooke prayer phrase, which is terrible. But he says, but if you don't concern yourself with trying to be original and you just try to tell the truth, then nine times out of 10, you'll be original without even trying to be. And so I think that's probably the approach that I've tried to bring into music
Starting point is 00:02:19 and honestly just into my life, rather than trying to be original, I'm like, how do I tell the truth? As God's given me to tell it, whether'm like, how do I tell the truth as God's given me to tell it, whether that's through a song or a conversation or a relationship, and then nine times out of ten, you find that it's creative and prophetic, because you weren't trying to be creative and prophetic, you were just trying to be faithful with the truth you've been given to Stuart.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Wow. That would be so. That would be so. Good. Oh my gosh. I love that. We have a, uh, well, that's good wall out there where we put advice that people Um has given us on the podcast or just in life and that one needs to be in the center because you know like this whole ministry is live original And I think that that is such a good message But I think that also people get confused on how do I Become original. How do I even know who I originally am and all these things because the world does become original. How do I even know who originally am and all these things? Because the world does
Starting point is 00:03:11 shape you and make you into who you are. And so that is such a good thing to let truth be the basis of your originality. I love that. This is actually- And I feel like that's the basis of your whole ministry as well, right? That's- It is. That's your that's your anchor point. Like that's your that's what you that's what you are teaching teaching and showing this generation of people. The truth is the thing. And then it really is. And that's so cool. The topic of this whole year, I feel like this past year at least, we've talked so much about truth because I think we're so confused on what truth is because then you say,
Starting point is 00:03:39 what, what are you in this truth? And this year just really anchoring it on. That truth is the word of God. Like Jesus says, I'm the way, the truth in the life. I'm the only way to get to the Father. And so when you think about that, it's not like he said, I'm a way, here's an option. I am the way, the truth, the life,
Starting point is 00:03:58 which is so great that we have such a clear direction and such a clear direction and even how we go about anything in life we go to Jesus and so I think that's so good and it's so cool because I always love whenever my question on the best piece of advice you've ever been given the answer is like what I almost would expect it to be obviously I could have never guessed you would have said that but my last question of this interview was going to be this but I'm switching it to the second question now because it goes so good with what you just said. Something about you that's so obvious and I don't know you super well which we need to change because I think
Starting point is 00:04:31 you're incredible from afar but something about you that is so obvious is how much you love to learn. Like you are always posting books that you just read or think books that you think other people would benefit from and show to read. You're talking about your mentors you post about people in your life who some people know like Louis and Shelley and mentors that maybe is not a familiar face but it's people you've learned from and grown from and so you're constantly in this search for wisdom. How did you make that a habit of your life? And do you ever remember when you did or have you always kind of been that person who seeks out wisdom from others?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Wow, that's a, that's very encouraging and there's the scripture I think it's in Psalm 25, it says friendship with the Lord belongs to those who fear him. I think that's Psalm 25. And then there's the other scripture that says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Western. So I think when you fear the Lord, and that's a phrase that I know has like a lot of, like baggage on it. So like, let's clear Right. Fear of the Lord doesn't mean being afraid of God. Yeah. It means that we have a reverence in a,
Starting point is 00:05:50 that means that we celebrate as holiness. And so, and so, and so fear of the Lord is not being scared of the Lord. It's acknowledging as holiness, acknowledging you are God and I am not. And that is the essential place for us to start. And the word of God tells us that that is the beginning of all wisdom. And I think that when you, when you, when you fear the Lord, and if you're listening to this and you're like, I don't know how to fear the Lord, like what does that mean? That phrase is confusing to me. That's why we have the Holy Spirit, right? You can ask. That's what I, I guess, and I guess there's almost kind of
Starting point is 00:06:25 ran around about why answers your question is that we can ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and we can ask him, like I've learned that there's that I don't really know anything in life, but I can ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and I find that he answers. In the book of James it says, if anyone likes wisdom, like ask the Lord who delights to give it. And so when we ask the Lord for wisdom and we start to see patterns in our lives of asking for wisdom and God giving it to us, then it becomes impossible or at least foolish not to continue to ask God for wisdom. I remember we were talking about the Guglio's just a second ago like Shelley I think it was three years ago at Passion Conference.
Starting point is 00:07:12 She stood up and she talked about how one prayer that she's prayed every day of her life is is for wisdom. She's asked the Lord to give her wisdom and I think her life and the harvest of her life or the harvest God is bringing through her life, is such a reflection of that daily prayer. So I think coming across wisdom, we know is not a bunch of pinnacle moments, but it's actually just a daily inquiring of the Lord, Lord, give me wisdom.
Starting point is 00:07:41 That's good. I think that people assume that people like like Shelley Gaglue, they just know everything. They just are wise. But when you actually know someone like Shelley Gaglue, she would be the first to say, I have no clue what I'm doing. But she always says, I'm leaning on the Lord. I'm just lean. And she told me, I'm passionate this year because I was kind of in that same boat. I have no idea how I'm going to do this. I have no idea what to do and she said just learn how to lean. And
Starting point is 00:08:08 I thought that was such a good advice because that is genuinely how I'm going to know what to do is when I know how to lean on him. And yeah, it's so true. I think that people, that's why I wanted to ask you that question because I think people look at you even as that same type of person like she just is wise. you know, she just is a wise person, but I know you seek wisdom and you continue to find and you continue to pour out because that's who you are and that's your ministry, your party, your ministry and so I think it's awesome. I want to talk about your new album because this album is going to be incredible just from the songs that I have heard. I know I feel like
Starting point is 00:08:46 when I say that and I see your face, it's like when people say your new book and I'm like, oh yeah, it's great, it's coming. And like you're so excited, but there's so much to that. On a for real level of excitement, like how excited and how nervous are you about this album? excitement like how excited and how nervous are you about this album? I definitely like kind of one of them every day. Um, and I feel gosh, how do I feel about it? Um, I did coming into talking with you, I was like, if she asks me again, what's the best piece of advice I've ever been in?
Starting point is 00:09:26 I was like, I've got to have a backup because I already gave the first one and the first one and I still mean that, but I was like, what if I need a second one? What if she goes, what's the second thing's best piece of advice? So this was my backup, right? I'm so glad I had to hear this too. And I... And so this one was, I actually heard, I don't know if you saw Louis Gugler, this is going to sound like a Gugler fan podcast. I know, we were definitely their biggest fans, definitely.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah. But Louis did an interview with Dr. Charles Stanley a couple months ago and put it on YouTube. And I watched that and it was so moved by it. And one of the things that Charles Stanley said was something to the effect of like obey God and then trust him with the outcome and and and for me that has been the story of this album I never wanted to make a worship album like I'm part of Hillsong worship and I love that and I Prefer that like I love being part of a team. I love being part of something that doesn't have my name on it
Starting point is 00:10:27 I get to be part of the landscape and serving that but it's bigger than me and I love that and so Ever doing something under my own name was never a thought in my mind never a desire of my heart and The Lord really brought this about made it clear that this is something that was on his heart. So it was never on my heart until it was on his heart. And this was really a case of, I'm obeying the Lord and trusting him with the outcome. And so I keep joking with my team, like, but only half joking with, that this is the alpha and the omega.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Like, the Lord's only told me to do this one now. But this is probably the last one. And you know, he could say something else. And then I will obey that. But this for me has been a real step of obedience. And a lot of, you know, dying to myself and what people will think or what they might assume about what this means. Because it actually doesn't really mean anything other than,
Starting point is 00:11:24 this is something I felt like God asked me to do. He trusted me with these songs. or what they might assume about what this means, because it actually doesn't really mean anything other than, this is something I felt like God asked me to do. He trusted me with these songs. I wasn't trying to write an album by any means and brought together these songs and this community of people to make this project at this particular time in history, at this particular time at the church.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And you know what he gets to do, whatever he wants with it. We did our utmost and we saturated this thing in prayer even just yesterday. A bunch of our team, we were just on the text and fasting and praying for this first song that's coming out. And this is not, we just feel really strongly, this is actually not our thing. And when I was winging a couple months ago, like in my car, I would say praying, except I was being an idiot and I actually wasn't even praying. I was winging a couple months ago, like in my car, I would say pray, except I was being an idiot and I actually wasn't even praying. I was just like, I don't know if you could do it.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I was just winging to myself in my car. Like I was driving and I was like, I was like, Lord, why does this have to be under my name? And I was like, I was definitely being like a mature and prideful. I was like, Lord, but my name, well, I wasn't even saying, Lord, I wasn't praying. I was just like, my name's all I've got left.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Like, you know, this is me. Like, this is not a brand. Like, Progliger was literally, it's just me. It's my legal name. It's, I'm a mom and I'm a wife and I'm a seven and this thing, but it's, does it have to be my name? Like, why does it have to be my name? And then, it clears anything.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say, Oh, it's your name, is it? And I was like, oh yeah, that's right. Wow. Wow. That's not my name. And I actually, like going, living a life all out for Jesus, the hard part of it, but actually the most exciting part of it is that we don't get to keep anything for ourselves.
Starting point is 00:13:05 We don't. And but the miracle of that is that when we take those loaves and those fish, whatever these things are that the Lord has entrusted to us and we give them to Jesus and we let him break them and offer them that it's only then that they can become, they can be multiplied to feed the people who are hungry But there has to be that surrendering and that willingness for them to be broken And and but we find in that our life we find in that all this nourishment and that there's so much left over But that act of that initially like
Starting point is 00:13:39 Like the the the the number of times in life that we Will be invited to die to ourselves is only matched by the times that the Lord takes those sacrifices that has resurrection life floods in and that we experience these new dimensions of his pleasure and his presence that we wouldn't be able to if we didn't step out an obedience like that. So there were times when we were working on this project where I would just sit on the ground and cry because I had an experienced this particular tangible sense of his pleasure before, like I was, and I knew that it was because I was going, I was dying and I was going, God, yes, whatever it is, yes and just I will never, I will never get over the way that that
Starting point is 00:14:34 feels to sense a smile. That is the, that is more beautiful and more wonderful than the most delicious steak and if you know me, you know that I love, that I cry, it's a perfectly cooked steak. So it's better than steak. It's beautiful. That is truly beautiful. But for real, I love steak, too. But even before you said that part, I was like,
Starting point is 00:14:57 that's beautiful. Like, it's so good. It's so good. And it just makes me think of all the times that's happening in my own life. And I just thank you for sharing that, because that's so genuine and that's so good and it just makes me think of all the times that's happening in my own life. And I just thank you for sharing that because that's so genuine and that's so real. And I remember having a very similar moment with the Lord when I was 17 actually. And that kind of, that was a pivotal moment in my life.
Starting point is 00:15:17 It was, you know, right after I had been on Dance with the Stars and was like, what in the world is life doing right now? And I did not like the fact that it was all me in the spotlight. Like at first it was just my family. And I was just kind of hidden in that shadow. Kind of like you, it was like, I was a part of a team. It wasn't about me. We were all in this mission.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Like, this is for God's glory. Like, we're going to show people like a family that loves the Lord and all this stuff. And then all of a sudden the spotlight was on me. And I was like, no, no, no, no, no no no like I do not want to be famous. I do not want my face to be everywhere. That actually scared me so bad. And I remember in that moment whenever I like responded to this alter call Alex Ceeley was preaching and I just got down on my knees and I was like, God, why?
Starting point is 00:16:05 Like, did you make me famous all about like me, you know, because I don't like this. And like, if you wanna use this for your glory, then like, yes, I'll do it, but it scares me in this very just like real honest moment. And it was so cool. And I might have already shared this with you, I don't know, but it was, and this is like a weird thing,
Starting point is 00:16:22 but the Lord gave me this vision and I had never had like a vision before at this moment, because I was actually very, raised in a very traditional upbringing. This conference was a very random one for me to go to, is my first time to see a woman preach even. It happened to be Alexeely. I didn't know what the Holy Spirit had,
Starting point is 00:16:40 it worked, none of that. So to get a vision, to be even crying, and to also call everything was like, totally flipped upside down in this moment. And I got this vision, and it was of Instagram. And it was like, my, I knew it was my page and the followers were going up, up, up, and I was saying, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And then I saw that at the banner at the top, it was Jesus Christ, It was his name. And it was this vision of that's what you're doing. It's not actually about you being known. It's people seeing me through you, but me. And I just got it. I was like, I can do that then. If this is not about me, then I can do that. And the past seven years since then, that's what I've been doing. And I would have never imagined in that moment when I shifted to go full on ministry
Starting point is 00:17:31 that my following would have actually been able to grow. How would it grow? Like, here I am on a hit TV show on Dancing with the Stars. And like, I would think that would be kind of the peak as far as fame. And then the following continue to grow since then. And it's been all about Jesus and that is so cool So I feel very hidden under the shadow of his wing even though people might say I see your face a lot of time
Starting point is 00:17:52 I just feel hidden under knowing that I'm on this mission and so hearing you say that just so cool because I understand that moment of being like Why God? You know why why are we this is scary? This is intimidating. Whatever it is whatever the reason your why is but God just saying you know, why I'm mean, this is scary, this is intimidating, whatever it is, whatever the reason your why is, but God just saying, you know, it's really not yours and it's really not you, it's my life. And I actually was gonna ask you about this
Starting point is 00:18:14 because obviously like, you are a big name, people do know who you are, you are a good me winner, your songs have been streamed over like a billion times and translated into all these languages. And so like people know who you are, you are good at me when you're strong, songs have been stringed over like a billion times and translated into all these languages. And so like people know who you are, but your husband wrote about you on Instagram that your life versus acts 2024
Starting point is 00:18:35 about like considering my life like worth nothing. And I was like, that's so cool because that is so counter culture to what culture will say. Like live your life for you. You know, like you should be the shining star. Why would you not want to do it for you? And so it was really cool. Before you've been asking the question, you really just answered that. And that's why, because your heart is so, is so for the Lord. And even just to say, like, this is, this is me as a wife, this is me as a mom, like, all this stuff, but I'll give it to you.
Starting point is 00:19:03 God is the coolest thing. I know you and Scotty like work a lot together. I know he's like super creative and kind of like helps you with the songwriting, the design process. What was this collab like to be able to do together? Yeah. This one has been unlike any other, we've collaborated on many things like for many years. But this is, I guess, the first time that I guess it has been, yeah, we have been the decision-makers at every point and kind of gotten to do things in the way
Starting point is 00:19:41 that we really felt led to do them 100% and it's been really cool just seeing like the way that the Lord has just poured through him in this project even to the point where you know the he he he custom designed like the typeface that you see on the album and all of these things, but just even when we, in the early days when we were going, oh my gosh, we think that this is something that the Lord is asking us to do. And I was like, and he was like, you're going to have to like name this something, you're going to have to call this album something. And so I was praying about it. And I spent most of the last year in a book called Discipleship
Starting point is 00:20:25 on the Edge, which is a commentary on the book of Revelation by an incredible Theologian and pasticle, Darrell Johnson. And it's a book that has just moved me so much, given me so much hope, given me understanding about the book of Revelation, which is like the free-years book of the Bible. And he knew he knows this. And it has now become one of my favorite books of the Bible, because of this book discipleship on the edge. But I read the first chapter of the book,
Starting point is 00:20:55 and I wept with relief, because he talks about how, you know, in Revelation one, you know, John gets this vision, and he sees one like a son of man standing in the middle of the seven lamp stands and then it says at the very end of the chapter and the seven lamp stands are the seven churches. And all the numbers in the book of Revelation, none of the mysticist and all of the mismbles, and seven means complete. So in other words, what the scripture is telling us in Revelation 1 is that Jesus is standing in the middle of his complete church, of the church far and wide, of the church across time and history, of the church across eternity, that Jesus is standing not far off observing, not uncaring, not helpless, but Jesus stands as the risen and raining lamb, like
Starting point is 00:21:48 right in the middle, right in the middle of what we would say is all this mess. Jesus is in the middle and he is raining and I just cried with relief. I was like, thank you. Thank you, Jesus. And so, and so, even so basically all that to say, I said Scotty you know if I'm gonna name this album something I'm I'll get asked about it in interviews So I need to then reverse engineer the title from what do I actually care about talking about and I was like I want to say that I want to say that Jesus is standing in the middle of the church And so I said to Scotty I want to call it like so I want to call it like seven lamp stands except like that Doesn't really roll off the tongue really well
Starting point is 00:22:27 So I said that to him and I went away and I literally came back and hour later and he turned to screen He had been on his computer, he turned to screen and he just had written in that font that you'll see seven and he's like I think this is it and I was like that's it like that's it is just seven Wow And and then he had already in that time, it had been like an hour designed all of these symbols that you'll start to see come out through the artwork and through things like the journey from creation
Starting point is 00:22:56 to from geneticist, geneticist, exodus, to the giving of the law, to Christ, to Pentecost all of these things, and then it finishes at seven, which will eventually be the completion. But all that was a very long way of answering your original question is, Scotty is the one who sees visually what this is. Because I hear and he sees. Wow. So I feel like this has been so beautiful
Starting point is 00:23:25 for us to come together on that and just me see that Lord Yusem so powerfully and through what he gives, the eyes that he has given my husband is really cool. Yeah. That is so cool. I love it. And actually you're cracking me up
Starting point is 00:23:39 because you keep answering all my questions for a lesson. My next question was literally, what's the meaning behind seven? No, I love it. I always ask the spirit would lead the conversation and hey, go ahead. It's just awesome. I love it. And then I also give really long answers. I'm sorry. I like too way too much. I love that. So sometimes I have to over pair just in case the person doesn't talk and I love that you give all your answers. It's like I'm hanging on like to everywhere
Starting point is 00:24:03 that you say sometimes I forget I'm supposed to be interviewing because I'm like this is so good. What book is that? Like, thank you all the questions I would ask you in a normal conversation. But no, that's not incredible. I love it. And like I said, I said this before we started the podcast, but I hated I couldn't be at the album release party. But I know most people listening to this weren't there either. But I heard that it was just absolutely incredible and I thought it was pretty crazy that it was on 11, 11, 21, which all equaled out to be seven. And so I was wondering, did you all like geek out when you realize that or did you do that on purpose? We like, that is crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:40 The craziest thing is that was actually an accident. Really? And when we realized we were like oh And then I didn't realize as well that it's my because I made six album under Brooke Fraser like my mainstream catalog And this is technically my seventh like like Brooke record, but it's the first and last of so that was again I was like what and then the funniest thing then so then we were like, and there's been so many, there's just sevens that pop up everywhere now. We're like, you actually are my first,
Starting point is 00:25:11 but it's getting ridiculous. You are like my first legitimate interview on my seventh season, I'm not getting of this podcast. This is the seventh reason. And you're my first interview besides Christian, who I actually interviewed before the year started. Yes, I'm not kidding, that is so weird. That is so weird.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. Heck, this is so cool. That's crazy, friend, that's awesome. Well, I, like I said, I heard a lot about it, but one thing I saw on your Instagram about that was cool was you said, it was one of the most holy, the holiest weeks of your life.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And so what did that look like? What did that week look like? What was your preparation like to go into that moment because it did look holy? It looked incredible. It didn't look like a performance. It looked like a posture and it was beautiful. It looked awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I mean, I was so, because the other thing, I guess about this project is like everyone, like, or everybody involved, including me, like, we all have other jobs, like, we all have other things that we're serving and other things that we're building. So it was kind of everyone's overflow. So the actual number of days that was spent on this project, and not that many, we had like five days in August, like three days in October, three more days in October, and then like four days in November, including the record date, and that was it. But each time was so just felt so saturated.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Like I was kind of saying before in a way, I just have an experienced filled presence of the Lord in that particular way before. And so, which is just again so exciting to me, I've been walking with the Lord since I was 15 and just to remember that there is still more to know of him and more to experience of him than I will ever get to experience in this lifetime is just so exhilarating because there's always more, there's always more for us to discover, you know, but this is why can't stop brook it to the point. No, don't stop. So coming into the week of seven I honestly just felt so peaceful because
Starting point is 00:27:16 I was like, I because honestly, because it sounds like a line and I said to it, it's got it's like, this is going to sound like a line. But this honestly wasn't my idea, this project. And so the piece that that gave me going into this week was I was like I felt so because it's it wasn't on me. And literally it was so funny like Jason Ingram. So Jay, my dear friend Jason Ingram who is just incredible. He and I produced this album together. And afterwards we were kicking ourselves because we were like, why didn't we put crowd mics near the guest section? Because the guest section, we're all our friends
Starting point is 00:27:51 for like standing. There was some of the greatest vocalists of our time like standing in the section. There was like, Natalie Grat and Tasha Cobb is landed and all these people who are literally some of the greatest vocalists of our time were standing there and we didn't put a mic. I have a very weird feeling.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Like in the vicinity we were like, why? Why? But honestly like, and again, I guess I, if this had been my idea and my initiative, I would have had so much cause to be nervous, to strive, to feel like I had to impress people. But because I knew this was a step of obedience, all that pressure was off. That's off.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And so I even said like at the start of the night, and what I love as well is that the people who came to the night, to the recording, they like really understood the assignment, like they didn't come for broke, they came for Jesus, and you can hear the faith and the sound of it. And I said to them at the start of the night, I was like pretty much 50% of this room can sing me under the table.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I was like, so tonight you're not going to hear good singing. Like, you're not going to hear good singing, but what we will do together is journey to the foot of the cross and pour out our worship and give him all of the glory. And that was honestly just what it felt like. And I think the biggest encouragement I got at the end of the night when we were having a little celebration together was One of my friends came up to me and just said it felt clean and That was to me such a such an encouragement and a compliment that there was just no yucky stuff There was no it was like the least dramatic thing thing I've ever been a part of. It was just It was just so yeah, it was it was honestly just I was honored to even be there. I don't even know
Starting point is 00:29:31 I don't even know why I get to be there. I'll do this It was just I think one of the things I love about passion and I don't know I can't remember we've talked about this before with with my story and my backstory with passion but I got saved when I was 15 alone in my bedroom and it was probably a year or so after that that a friend of mine had the passion one day like CD like on their table and I was like oh can I take that and then I just never gave it back. And it was that the album was like the blue and green cover and it was from passion I think it was the year 2000 when they were all in the field and it was like Chris Tomlin, Kristi Knuckles, like Charlie Hole,
Starting point is 00:30:08 all these legends and I remember being like I was a little girl from Laughat, New Zealand and I had been so radically saved. The often I felt like alone like New Zealand's in a very Christian country like I was definitely one of the youngest people in my church went to a little Soviet army. And so to hear from across the world, the sound of like young people, like this passionate about Jesus. Like I said, I think I've said before, it was like, it was like the sound of consecration
Starting point is 00:30:39 and I just knew that I wasn't alone. I was like, oh, there's a generation. Like I'm part of this generation. And so I think that that still is what moves me about passion when I stand in that room. Honestly, whether I'm leading or not, like the sound of this group of young people, like who represent the future of the church. Like this is the moment that many of these people are deciding what their lives are gonna be about. And the fact that I would get to stand in a room
Starting point is 00:31:11 with some of these people I deciding, I'm gonna live my life for Jesus from here and out. Like, that inspires me, like nothing else, just it's the greatest. The most exciting thing ever. I agree with you. Even like, people felt like sorry for me that I wasn't able to be there this year,
Starting point is 00:31:27 but I kind of, you know, earlier, you're like, this is gonna sound like a lie, but I really mean it. Like genuinely, even not being able to be there, but just being able to hear it, like just being able to know that that's happening and hear it and even just see, even some of the post people make and the captions that they
Starting point is 00:31:45 write of what God's doing in their heart. Like it's so rewarding. Like you don't have time to be sorry for yourself that you are there because you're like, look at what God did. Like this is like the coolest thing ever and it is a reminder like you're not alone because sometimes like it does feel like that you know especially like I think even for me like a lot of stuff that I do is online. And so, I'm always speaking out, but then I don't see the people who hear it
Starting point is 00:32:08 or I don't see the people who are encouraged by whatever. And that's okay, I don't need to see that. That's on the Lord, but it is so encouraging when you do get to see people changing and actually see it with your eyes, like a room full of people worshiping God, genuinely, and their college students. Like my age my age it's so cool I get so encouraged. Last I want to ask you about this because I know so many people look up to you as a songwriter
Starting point is 00:32:33 and as a worship leader and I mean for so many reasons but particularly in those reasons and as a creative and I know y'all started creator is it like a way that people can actually be mentored in a sense by y'all. So tell us about that because I'm sure people would love to get involved and see how they can learn more from y'all even if they don't know you that's the beauty of social media right and all these different things that we can actually be mentored by people who we don't know but that are awesome. So tell us about that that looked awesome. Yes, oh my gosh, you're so kind
Starting point is 00:33:04 of asking about that. You're creator. Yes. Oh my gosh. You're so kind for asking about that. Yeah. Creator is something that I'm so excited about because basically it was like kind of the beginning of the pandemic and just a bunch of us were talking about how, you know, I think there feels like there's a sense of urgency of like we want to we want to equip the next generation and there's only so much that panels at conferences, there's only so much that we can give through that medium and it just felt like there was a gap within creativity within the church
Starting point is 00:33:34 for us to really be able to step into that and distill what God has taught us and how He's equipped us in a way that will then equip the next generation. And so I'm not going to be able to go to 300 church conferences a year and teach you about songwriting. But what I can do and what I have done and what many of us have done is get to like, we worked. I mean, these, this teaching, each each course is like months and months and development. Tasha Cubslin, it has an incredible course about worship warfare and leading with spiritual
Starting point is 00:34:09 leading and spiritual warfare. Brandon like songwriting course I have a songwriting course and I lead a worship leading course. Tay has a worship leading course. There's all these courses and lots more coming back. It's basically a chance for us to go I can't have a coffee with you personally necessarily but I still want it in part to you and I want to teach you and equip you with what I know. And so here's a way that we can do that. So the courses, classes and conversations at creatoronline.com. That's so cool. Well, thanks for your help and build the church. I think that is incredible and such a gift. I mean, I love whenever I get to go
Starting point is 00:34:43 to coffee with any of my mentors, but even if I never get to, I love to watch her my far. Like Lisa Harper is someone that I wish I could be mentored by, but I'm not anywhere near Lisa Harper. However, I just saw she starting a podcast, so I'm like, sweet. Like I can be mentored from afar. She is. Yes, unlike the all of my songs, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:35:01 So we'll both be mentored by her from afar, and hopefully in person when we run into her. And yes, we'll always be Luan Chilli's biggest fangirls and continue to love a perfectly cooked steak and love the Lord. And so I know people are gonna... That's right. I know people are gonna love this conversation and I'm so pumped for your album. If you are gonna do anything right today, go listen to the seven album. It's gonna be incredible. Brooke, thank you for continuing to put things out. Thank you for being
Starting point is 00:35:31 obedient and faithful to God. I hope it's not the alpha and omega. I hope it's just the alpha and there's many more to come out to this but I'm excited for you. Congrats and thanks for spending some time to chat. Thank you. Thank you for having me again. You're the best. Yes. Thanks for everything you do. We might have to have a third. It just might have to happen.
Starting point is 00:35:51 But appreciate it, Brooke. you

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