WHOA That's Good Podcast - Our Best Relationship Advice: Finding Love & Getting Past Fights | Sadie Robertson & Christian Huff

Episode Date: February 16, 2022

Sadie and Christian answer your personal DMs about love, relationships, and more. They tackle how to find love, bouncing back after an argument, how to be intentional before marriage, how to break bad... habits, and what advice they'd give their younger selves about waiting. Sadie also talks about how God can speak to you in dreams, and Christian's awkward secret to getting comfortable during dating has Sadie in tears. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, fam? Welcome back to what that's good Wednesday. It is Valentine's Day week. I hope that y'all been spreading the love and Valentine's Day, as I've said before, is not just for relationships. It's not just for the husband and the wife, the boyfriend and the girlfriend, Valentine's Day is for everyone. And so if you've already missed Valentine's Day and you, you know, had a miserable Valentine's Day for whatever reason, and I just wanna say, I have reasons to not like Valentine's Day too, okay? Whenever I was in high school, you know the story.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me on Valentine's Day. So I understand things go wrong on Valentine's Day, but at the same time, I do think it is special that we have an opportunity for a month to really focus on love and love is one of the most powerful things That we have to give to people and literally that's actually a command in our life to love people as herself and so I Just think that this month is awesome. I think love is awesome I think that it is powerful and I hope that you're loving it. So, Christian, I thought who better to have?
Starting point is 00:01:10 I was just waiting for my intro. I thought who better to have on my podcast than my very own love, Christian Huff. Although I'm starting to regret that because before we even started this podcast, Christian has found it to be a very fun new habit of his to make the most disgusting noise he possibly can in the mic. And y'all, I've headphones on. So hopefully he does not do that to any of y'all because I've done the best I can and this is as is why I have to tell him to stop.
Starting point is 00:01:37 But- Well, I am honored to be on the podcast today. Thank you for having me. Wow, that's so sweet. And I apologize for my nasty. I'm really trying actually not to do them right now because it's such like a little nervous tick. Not nervous, but a little tick. Are you nervous? I'm not nervous at all, actually. I'm very comfortable. Let's give this a big one. This podcast has a lot of times and now
Starting point is 00:01:58 you have your own podcast. You're a very inviting guest. Wow. Thank you. I really do try. It's cool to say an environment that feels very welcoming. Yeah, you're just like, you were so unprofessional before we started this. And as soon as the camera started rolling, you just put on your professional hat. Hey, Valentine's Day is coming up. You know, it just passed. Oh, well, yes, actually, Valentine's Day, well, we're filming this before Valentine's Day. We're filming this before Valentine's Day. But for all of you, it just passed. But for us, Valentine's Day is just the corner. So you're right.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You should be in your best behavior. I'm on my best behavior. I'm on my best behavior. I'm on my best behavior. Well, we actually are going to take some time to answer some of Y'all's DM questions. Y'all have sent some great questions over the past few weeks that we've been collecting. We're obviously not getting to answer all of them, but we are going to get to answer some of the great ones. Not that they were all great, but some of the really ones that we felt kind of been collecting. We're obviously not getting to answer all of them, but we are going to get to answer some of the great ones.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Not that they were all great, but some of the really ones that we felt we had to get answered to. They were all great in the run. Yeah, and so we're going to talk a little bit about relationships, but we're also about faith, about life, just all the things. And so thanks for sending in questions,
Starting point is 00:02:59 and let's get to it. Let me look through my phone right now. Let's see. While I'm doing'm doing this Christian what's your favorite love song? Favorite love song? Yeah. That's a really good question. I don't really listen to love songs. Maybe something by Sinatra or Taylor Swift maybe. Oh you love that. I love you. Yeah, that's a great song. What's a good love song by Taylor Swift? A lot of her songs are like bad love, like X love. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:03:33 But they're like, there's, it's like. You love T-SWIFT. I do love some T-SWIFT. What's your favorite T-SWIFT song? Man, all these, these are all like on the spot questions. Probably like one of the old throwback T-Swift songs. No, you're not saying it. I know you have a favorite T-Swift song because the other day you tell me to put it on and you sing like every word.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I know like every word of Taylor Swift songs. That's not like a normal. What's it like? What was it like style? Style is awesome. But I was thinking like, Summer Hold like country stuff. When you listen to style, do you think about Harry Styles?
Starting point is 00:04:05 No, I should never put the tune together. Really? Wow. Never done that. That shocking. Is that what you listen to, tell what you think of when you're a style? Well, I definitely think about, is this about Harry Styles? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Okay, onto the first question. Someone said, do you still have moments of awkwardness, even after being married and living together, or do you just laugh at things? We actually have no awkward moment. Oh, it's so we pretty much don't have any awkward moments because we I feel like we just know each other So well. Yeah, and we've seen each other is most embarrassing moments happen in all of life I would say what prepares you well is if you like fart while you're dating and engagement then there's gonna be no awkward moments when you're married.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Because if you get married and you're never fart in the front of each other, then just like, that's kind of weird. But if you like, if you, you know, if you practice that throughout your relationship, then you're pretty much set. Well, that's good. Okay, well, get people advice if they're like,
Starting point is 00:05:01 well, how do you do that? Like, how do you break the ice like that? Because that's awkward and like, I'm just gonna be honest, I know this is not really the typical content you get from the way that's gonna podcast, but I know there are thousands of you out there who are in a relationship who have yet to take that next step.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And how do you do that? Well, you have to really be transparent about it. When me and Sadie were dating and I would open up a Sadie's car door, right by TMI. This is TMI, you just got this story right now. I gotta stop this story. But what I'm saying is you can't like,
Starting point is 00:05:36 everybody does it. So I'm saying you can't like shame someone else for like letting out some gas. Oh my God. So what I would say is, invite it, welcome it, and don't shame for when somebody has a messed up stomach, and you still let loose.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Hey, this generation, we are anything, we are not shamers. Like, we don't really know shame for anything, so no shame for that, right? No, it's, it's, no. And I have yet to say the word
Starting point is 00:06:02 because I just know my mom, my mother-in-law, my grandma, listening to this podcast And they are dying right now that we're talking about this the P word Huh, put That's such a bad word All right, I can't not let's continue. Oh my gosh, I can't remember. Okay Who I that's really But that's real advice.
Starting point is 00:06:25 That is real. That's not really wasn't a joke. That's like seriously, like if we had never farted in front of each other, then it would be so awkward. That is really true, babe. Thank you, bro. Thank you for bringing the eyes on this bike as it's saying the hard thing.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I'm just trying to let people free. Yes, we don't want people to have that much pressure in their relationship. We don't want fart prisons. We want to just let people, let the captive free. I'm literally crying. Okay, this is a more serious question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Okay, what were some things that you did intentionally while you were waiting for each other? So this could go, I guess a lot of different ways. But let's just say one of the things, yeah, intentionally as we were waiting for each other because I guess there are certain people out there who are waiting, you know, to meet that person. And how can they be intentional with the season that they're in when they're not yet dating or yet married because there's so much intentionality that goes
Starting point is 00:07:16 behind singleness. And I think you're the person that answered this question. Well, thank you. Let's pivot to this. For me, it was really just prayer and just building a community of good guys around me. You know, in that season before we started dating, I was really intentional about making time to go be alone with God and go pray and having good guys around me. We had Bible study groups. We had prayer nights and we had just just good just guy hangs where we just get and sit by a fire and just talk about fun stuff, funny stuff, but also serious, godly stuff. And I really think that that time of my life prepared me for what was going to come, but really just surrounding myself with good, godly men and whether you're a girl surrounding
Starting point is 00:08:00 yourself with good, godly girls and just spending time alone with God. And I think that was for me. You were becoming the man that you wanted to be. You know, like in a relationship, but you weren't thinking in a relationship. You were just becoming a good man, you know, and focusing on yourself. And I had so important, like,
Starting point is 00:08:17 you have to have a moment in your life where you're focusing on who God is in your life and who you are, so that when you go into relationships, like you're a whole person. Like I love how someone said yes, like whenever two people become one, it's not like 50-50, it's two becoming one. And so many of us like you only have 50% to give, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:37 Because you were focusing on other things the whole time and you never really got to know yourself but whenever you know yourself and that person knows himself and they're rooted the who God is, like two people becoming one, make like such a strong one, you know? And I always thought that advice was so good.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Let's see, so many good questions. I love this question. What is the hardest, what most rewarding thing Jesus has walked you both through in marriage. Because I think that there are so many things that are hard but rewarding. And I always think about even something we've been walking through right now is one thing that's been hard for us. And I think probably a lot of people can relate to this. It's just like when seasons change in your relationship and when you add something new to your plate, like right now
Starting point is 00:09:21 you just started your podcast, which has been such a blessing but hard, you know It's been hard in our relationship because I'm so busy. You're so busy. We're parents We're trying to navigate like a cable if you're working that I'm working and when do we have our time and all the things and so I feel like that's been a challenge for us and that was even the same and somethings in my life when I've started new things Since we've been married and you felt the stress of that. I felt the stress of that and that kind of stress has been in our relationship and like one of our biggest fights, fights, arguments, whatever. Tips. Tips. This was like every real argument. It was whenever I wanted to go to college. I liked the worst time ever and I did online school and that was really
Starting point is 00:10:02 stressful for you and for me because I was so busy and I think like Anytime we add something to our plate whether we feel God calling us to it or that we just have a desire and our heart to do it As we pursue those desire sometimes like that extra stress on our relationship can be hard except for the fact that it has been so Rewarding like each new step we've taken has become like such a reward. Like you starting the podcast has just been so rewarding for your ministry, for people following, for our family even. And that's something that was hard, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:37 And then some of the things in our life that we've wanted to start and we've started that have been busy and hard have been so rewarding. And so if you're in that place where like, you know, you're adding new things or maybe you've just had a new kid or someone just got a new job and it's like crazy and it's busy and it's hard.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And maybe, you know, that was something that God called you to. And so you know it's a God thing, you know it's a good thing. That doesn't mean that it's not gonna come with challenges. It's not gonna be hard. But like push into that, like get to know each other better in that, get to know each other's why and the heart behind it so you can get behind the mission. And the reward is going to be plentiful, you know, that doesn't mean financially rewarding,
Starting point is 00:11:14 it doesn't mean anything like that, but just rewarding in the sense of like a soul reward. Like man, this is a good thing. Yeah, and when you have those arguments, I mean, you live together, so you're together every day and all day for the most part. And, you know, those are things that are difficult to walk through at times. When you have, when you have an argument like that, and you know that you need to press past and get past it, but you also need to get down to the root of it. And I actually have an open conversation about it. So those are those are things that we've been walking through as well. Just navigating through
Starting point is 00:11:45 how to bounce back after an argument. Yeah. When you're together 24-7. The good old bounce back. The good old bounce back after a tiff. Okay, I love this question too. I think I might can handle this one. You got the single one. I'll get this one. Said, what would you tell your younger self who felt like they were never going to find the right person for them. I think I would tell my younger self to just rest and just wait. Like you don't have to try to figure out who your person is. Like it's just going to happen. And I think I say that because of this. Like everyone out there has a say like I got to find love.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Like we're finding love, we're searching for love. But I think that whenever you like say something like that, you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself because if you have to find something that means you have to go searching for it. Like for instance, if I have, if I lost a ring or something, like I gotta go find it. And like that's like a lot of pressure and it's like anxiety because like what if I, like I lost her, what if I never find it? What if I can, what if I never get it? All this stuff. And then you're like searching the whole house and it's like, it's actually like a huge job to try to find something.
Starting point is 00:12:48 But what I've realized, and even just meeting you is that like, even if I tried to find you, I don't know if I would have, you know, because I wouldn't have been looking where you were. Like, I would never have thought like, my husband was gonna be on seaside Florida the day that I happened to be there on vacation with my girlfriends and we were going to meet and then we were going to get in a relationship and get to know each other and fall in love and all those
Starting point is 00:13:14 things. Like I would not have in my own ability been able to find you and I'm just so grateful that you know I we we did find other, we saw each other. And I just think that so many of us put this pressure on ourselves that we have to find our person when in reality, like I think that you just have to show up each day and have a willing spirit, have a, you know, present yourself in such a way that you're ready to find your person
Starting point is 00:13:39 or meet your person, not find. You're ready to meet your person, you're ready to be in relationship with someone. And when you show up each day like that, you're positioning yourself in the place to be able to meet, to be able to have eyes to see who that person is and that person have eyes to see you. And I think God just like makes that intentionally happen.
Starting point is 00:13:57 So I don't think it's all in us to find the person. I think God connects us, he connects your steps, he knows your everyday, he knows your coming connects your steps. He knows you're every day. He knows you're coming and you're going and he puts you in those places and spaces to cross paths with the people that you need to meet, whether that's your spouse, the extra best friends, whether that's your people
Starting point is 00:14:14 whoever that is. And I think I put so much pressure on myself not just in dating relationships, but in friendships too, to just try to make it happen. And I can genuinely say every other person that I dated, like I was searching hard for it. You know, I was like, oh, this could work or that could work because this or this or this or I need to go here.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I can do that. And with you, I wasn't even looking at all. I was just like, oh, wow. But, you know, in the back of my mind, I was ready. Like, I was like, you know, I do want to get married. So I was presenting myself in such a way. So I hope that helps. And people out there because I just think that we put so much pressure, you know, it's want to get married. So I was presenting myself in such a way. So I hope that helps. And people out there because I just think that we put
Starting point is 00:14:47 so much pressure, you know, it's like, we gotta get the dating out. We gotta, even like you sign up for the bachelor or like throw ourselves out there, go to the club, go to the party, go to the thing. Cause if we don't, then like, we'll miss it. And I just don't think that you'll miss it if you're showing up every day.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, let's move on. All right. Get a faith question for you. Cool. What have you been learning from God recently? That's a good question. I kind of shared it with you, you know, last week a little bit, just about the idea of like, a lot of times when I think about God, I think about father or friend or savior or redeemer or shepherder or all these amazing qualities about God.
Starting point is 00:15:31 But I had this thought last week that I've obviously you know it, but it just really kind of hit me this past week or last week or two weeks ago. But just that idea that like God's my creator. And I was just kind of looking at like my arms and like my hands and like my skin. And I was just, just had this thought of like, not only is like when I pray or like when I and in this relationship with God, it's not only like just my father,
Starting point is 00:15:58 but it's also like the one, the being who like, physically like created me. And it was just a cool thought of like, I don't know, just me thinking about like myself my personality like what I like to do what I don't like to do like All these attributes about who I am like was created by something. Yeah, I always think that's so crazy to like that I remember saying the center honey, but I don't know if you remember saying this but I was like looking out of the ocean And I was like wow like of the ocean, and I almost like, wow, like the God that created the ocean, created me. And the craziest thing about it is like,
Starting point is 00:16:30 when God made the ocean that he said it was good. And then when he made the sun, he said it was good. And then when he made the stars, he said it was good. And he used these same attributes for all these things that this is good and this is good and this is good and we're looking up at all these things and we're like, this is amazing. And then he made me and he said, that is good.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And then when he made man and woman come together, he said, that is very good. And I'm like, how cool is that? That like, you look up at the sun and you're just like, amazed at the beauty and the stars. You're just like, that's one of my favorite parts of creation as the stars. You're just like in awe and wonder at how just insanely creative and beautiful that is that there's like literally like fire burning in the sky somewhere light years away that
Starting point is 00:17:20 looks like this beautiful little star. And you look at the ocean and it's like a million, a billion details that have to do with that and all these kind of creatures. And that's amazing. But like God said that man and woman together are very good. And that is just like so humbling. And you know, we beat ourselves up all day long. We're so hard on ourselves.
Starting point is 00:17:38 We don't think we're good enough. And then like you look around and you look at all the other things that you're just absolutely blown away by. And you're like the God that created that created me. And not only did he say, I'm good, like I'm the same amount of goodness as all those things, but I'm actually even better, because I can speak, I have a brain,
Starting point is 00:17:57 I can sing, I can worship. And so I just think that's so cool. So I love that you said that to me the other day. And I was like, it's so true. And you look at God as like the God who created you. I think like you just become such a more confident person. And you just feel so loved because you're like, wow, like I am worthy enough that God would want to create me.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Yeah. And it pushes you to like just want to further that relationship. Like it's so cool to think about we can have a relationship with the God who physically and spiritually and everything actually created who we are. Yeah. So someone asks me if God speaks to me in dreams. And I would love to share this because I've never really shared this in a public space before, but yes, God does speak to me in dreams.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And I just want to say before I even tell y'all like a crazy story about God speaking to me in specific dreams, that if you're not a dreamer, like if you've never had a dream before, God's never giving you that, that is not a bad thing. Like that, that does not mean that, you know, God's withholding something from you or anything like that. Like they're incredible, super spiritual people who have never had a dream that they felt
Starting point is 00:19:08 like it was from the Lord. And that is totally okay. But I will say, like, it is something to pray for because I remember I used to hear about this girl who had these god dreams and I wanted that so bad. And I started praying for them and they started happening and I had to say, like, it's not like I have a god dream every night. I'll probably have a god dream once every three years, where I'm like that felt like the Lord.
Starting point is 00:19:30 And I'll write it down or whatever, and maybe once a year, something of significance. But I say that to say it's not like every single night and go to sleep and God just said something crazy. A lot of times I have a lot of nightmares and crazy dreams and dreams and I'm like, wait, what the heck did that mean? That was nothing, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:48 But I'll tell you how I know it's God dreams. Typically, as in whatever, there will literally be a moment in the dream where like the Lord, like it's like the Lord speaks. It's like, this is what the Lord says. Or it'll be like a something in the dream will say something about this is a holy moment or something and so I'll give you an example so years ago my team and I really wanted to go to a conference because we had been you know hosting tours and conferences
Starting point is 00:20:19 and stuff and we were like actually thousands of work conferences but we were hosting tours and in person gatherings and we were like we we wanna go get poured into at a conference. And so we saw that in London, they were putting on the global leadership conference. And I was like, oh my gosh, that would be so cool. If we could go there, be a part of that and learn from all these people's wisdom. So, and we had never been to London,
Starting point is 00:20:40 so we thought that would be awesome. So we signed up for this global leadership retreat in London and bought our tickets and everything. And my gillate, I was not set to speak there, nothing like that. I literally just bought a ticket and didn't even know the people who were putting on the event or anything. Well, I think it was actually a couple months before we even bought those tickets, it was in November. I had this dream that in the dream I was in a green room. So if you've ever spoken of the event or even if you haven't, right before you go out for the event, there's a thing called the green room. And the green room is where everybody just kind of hangs out.
Starting point is 00:21:20 It's time to go get a snack, pray, whatever, just like the kind of rest area before you go on stage. So I was in a green room and I was looking at this map and this map was representing the world and it was representing places in the world that revival had broken out in. And so different places that revival had broken out in was colored in. Well then Pastor Michael Todd, who I'd never met at the time, Mike Todd, walked in in my dream. And he looked at the map and he said, this is a holy, this is a divine holy moment. And right after that, we started singing the song, Set a Fire, you know, the Set a Fire down in muscle. So we started singing that song in the dream. We all get down on our knees because the presence of God seems so heavy in that dream. Then I woke up. So obviously this dream
Starting point is 00:22:12 seems very spiritual, right? Like the divine holy moment. We were singing set afire. We were literally falling down on our face because the presence of God was so thick and so I wrote it down the dream. I wrote down that we were in this green room and Michael Todd was there and we were praying for revival around the world. It was a global thing and we got down on our knees because God's presence was so thick. So I had this dream literally months later. The people from the Global Leadership Conference see my name in the sign up list and they're like oh my gosh Sadie Robertson's coming and they had been I guess they knew about me from YouTube they had watched a lot of my videos and they thought we're gonna ask you to do a Q&A and so they reached out and they said hey would you
Starting point is 00:22:57 be open to do an a Q&A while you're here for this conference and I was like yeah that would be awesome so they say okay we want to get on a call with you and this was in March and I had that dream in back that would be awesome. So they say, okay, we want to get on a call with you. And this was in March, and I had that dream in back in November. So March, I get on this call with these pastors from London. And the lady is like so sweet, it's Nikki and Pippa Gumball. And they're like, we're so excited that you said, yes, it's going to be so amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:20 So she said, I don't know if you know this, but this is our global leadership conference. So we will have leaders from all over the world represented, all these countries and all these places. And then she said in that Monday night, she said, we are going to set the place on fire because it will be you speaking and past your Michael Todd from Oklahoma. And I was like, wow. And as soon as she said that, I was like, that's something so familiar. It feels like I've lived this before. And I said, hold on, I said,
Starting point is 00:23:48 demon, I like write down my dreams. I feel like I dream this. And so I went back to November and I literally read out loud to them. Like, I had this dream is we were playing for global revival. Pastor Mike Todd was there and we were singing set of fire. And they literally had chills. They wrote it down. It was crazy. So that's for Dime. We get to London, Pesra Maitha's there, all the things and we're in the
Starting point is 00:24:15 green room and someone brings in a map and says, if this is the dream you had, we're going to pray into it. So we prayed over this dream that revival would happen all around the world. This is my first time meeting my God. It's so crazy. All then we go out to speak. I do my thing. Pastor Mike does his thing. The event ends and then Pastor Nikki says, Hey, say you can come back on stage and we just pray for just a presence of the Holy Spirit to fill your to anoint your generation like never before. So I'll go up there and I start praying and it is like I'm talking like the
Starting point is 00:24:51 presence of God is so thick in the room. It was crazy. It was such a holy moment that Mike Todd grabs the mic and he starts singing. Set a fire down in my soul and literally this whole entire, it's the royal Albert Hall. There's like 8,000 leaders from all over the world are singing set a fire and I am on my face literally just like the dream was and so it was just one of the most crazy experiences I'm alive and I've had a couple other moments where at Christian scene of my life where I've had a dream and then something like that
Starting point is 00:25:28 has happened. That's probably the most significant one. But I say that to say that, yes, I do believe God still speaks in dreams. God has done it for me and I don't think you can deny that. How can you deny that I have, I never had met Mike Todd before. How in the world would I have known I was gonna speak at a global leadership conference. That was before I even bought a ticket to go to that thing.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Like, that was just insane. But like when you look at the God of the Bible who's the same God today, God spoke in dreams all the time. And so why wouldn't he speak to us in dreams? And so I always ask like, I kind of been out of the habit now And I need to get back into it but every single night I would say God speak to me in my dreams There's a verse in Isaiah and it talks about how like in the morning my soul longs for you in the evening my spirit earns for you God and it's basically just this prayer of like 24 seven. I'm longing to see you and so sometimes before I get asleep
Starting point is 00:26:22 I just say God like my spirit longs to see you tonight, like speak to me. And sometimes I'll have a word and I'll wake up in the night and I'll write it in the notes of my phone. And then years later, I'll look back and it came true. Like one time I had a dream that it said the baby will be born January 10th through January 12th. And then my sister Rebecca two years later had Zane January 11th. And I had written that down so that was kind of a cool one to go back on. So if you ever just feel like something in your dream was significant or spiritual or anything like that, just encourage you have a prayer journal beside your bed or you
Starting point is 00:26:57 know it's on your phone and write it down. Because if you just write it down, you never know how in years later it might come into fruition. And when it does, people get to see God in the coolest way. Like that always just blows people away that God still does that. And so let's like tell more about the things that God does in our life because I think it would just increase the faith of people. Yeah. I don't have anything really to say after that. That was so good.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But it's cool. It's awesome. It's incredible. So cool. Have you ever had a guy dreamy fillet? Nothing like that. I mean, I feel like I've had moments where things in my life were significant that I feel like kind of correlated, but nothing like that I saw that I had this vision or this dream and something came into fruition like that. Are you a dreamer though? Do you feel like you have a lot of dreams? I do. I have some weird dreams. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Like, sometimes I'm like fighting aliens and getting into fist fights. It's nice and feeling wack out, dreams. These are the things with dreams. Like, I have those dreams too. You know, like, I have just weird dreams that you're like, what even was that? You know?
Starting point is 00:28:04 And so, like, yeah yeah not every dream is a spiritual dream and also like I want to say this too because I think some dreams come out of fear you know I think that like if you're afraid something might happen like you might have a dream that that happens and that doesn't mean that that's God saying this is going to happen that's not like a prophetic dream you know because like my fear would be that something would happen to you. You know? And so I have dreams that something happens to you sometimes. And like, I have to like, not panic and think like, oh, that's God telling me this.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Because I don't think that God speaks in fear. Like whenever God would speak in dreams, like, yes, there would be scary things that he would say in the Bible, but he would like give people a way out or kind of like prepare their hearts or something. It would be scary things that he would say in the Bible, but he would like give people a way out or kind of like prepare their hearts or something. Which is peace. Yeah, it would be like a peaceful thing at the end, but I think that sometimes we have dreams because we've been thinking about something a lot, we've been afraid of something, and so just like have the wisdom to discern whenever something is a dream out of your own fear,
Starting point is 00:29:03 out of your own thought pattern that might be negative out of your own The thing that you saw that day Maybe you stayed up too late and you ate pizza before you went to bed Are you drinking something really sugary like those things affect your dreams too? I'm not some scientist So I don't know all the things but I have watched a lot of videos on dreams It's okay. I'm just saying like not everything is a god dream. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Okay, let's do like one more. Okay, this is a great question.
Starting point is 00:29:28 If I went to break a bad habit, where do I start and how do I do that practically? So let's maybe go two ways with this. Like, okay, what's a bad habit you've ever had to break? Like, that wasn't like a sin. I feel like you bought your nails, but have you ever thought that? Biting my nails? No, I do that all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I don't know. I feel like I like all my little tics. I feel like I like scratch like my psoriasis and I've psoriasis Thank you for that. I bite my fingernails But you haven't stopped those things. No, I haven't stopped. You know what? I would say, like, what's bad habit for me, and I don't know if people consider this a habit, but I used to be like so sensitive, like, literally about everything, maybe my,
Starting point is 00:30:14 maybe my other bad habits, I'd say literally all the time. But, like, I was so sensitive. I remember, like, my mom used to call me sensitive Sally or sensitive Sue, and it would drive me crazy. Because I was like, I don't want to be sensitive. I don't want to cry after everyone, you know, looks at me wrong or whatever. And like, seriously, back in the day,
Starting point is 00:30:34 if you like looked at me wrong, I would be like, well, you don't like me, whatever. It was just so sensitive when I was younger. And I feel like I really did grow out of that by just being like, okay, I am not gonna be this person. Like, okay, I am not going to be this person. Like, yeah. I, you know what I mean since they like grow some thick skin and thank God I did because if I was still sensitive,
Starting point is 00:30:51 that sensitive right now and I had all these people's opinion on my life, it would crush me. Yeah. You know, so thank God I broke that habit and that is kind of a good piece of advice. So like if people say something about who you are and maybe that actually is a part of who you are, like you actually are really sensitive like I was or you actually like are a really anxious person you actually are maybe even annoying. I don't know whatever people say about you.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You actually can fix that. Like you can control you and you are the only person that can control you. You are the only person that can choose to change who you are at the end of the day So there's something about you that bothers you fix it. Don't stay in it like become a better person Ask God to help you like make you the person that you can be and let the Holy Spirit do a work in you And so you do not have to say the person that people make fun of yeah, I kind of had this thought. And it might sound kind of rude, but I feel like I used to maybe think that like,
Starting point is 00:31:51 people were just like dumb. But I was like, no, I'm saying like, whether it's like somebody who does it like do something the way that I would do it. That's the most in the game one thing you've ever said. But I'm trying to be, I'm trying to, you know, show some vulnerability here. Whether it's like people driving too slow or, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:12 somebody like a waiter or something, like, being confused or taking too long, like I would just be quick to like, just think or say, like this person is not so smart. And I've gotten out of that. I've been a lot more gracious to people. think or say like this person is not so smart. And I've gotten out of that. I've been a lot more gracious to people. So that's a bad habit that I have for a while that I- That is good.
Starting point is 00:32:32 That I've gotten out of. I'm glad that you see that. I have, thank you. That is good. Okay, now let's go a little bit deeper. So say someone's like actually in a sinful habit. And like this is a sinful habit that they have continuously walked in, you know, each day, every week, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:32:48 How do you get out of that habit? And I think you have good advice for this because you and your friend who walked through something like this before. Yeah. Well, I think at some point, you have to really lean into like your conviction. And if you don't have conviction for things
Starting point is 00:33:02 that you're doing that are sinful, then I would say that's a red flag. And I would, I wouldn't question, I mean, I just would, you know, am I actually truly a believer in what this book tells us about? Like, if I, I'm really walking with Jesus. Yeah, it's a holy spirit in your life. Like, you should feel convicted. Well, scripture says says if you go on sending deliberately than the sacrifice of Jesus has no place in your life so there there is a point where like we still struggle with things we still mess up we still you know battle things first John one says that if he he write this things to us so that we don't send but if we do send so John's writing us to
Starting point is 00:33:40 like saying that like I know that you're gonna still mess up but this there's a difference between like habituallyning and struggling with sin and having repentance for that. First off, I was... What is that verse in with? Then you said, if you do sin, though. We have one who speaks to the Father and how to defend Jesus Christ, though I just want.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah, I want you to finish that because there is that he does like that. If you do sin, we do have one that speaks to the Father. Jesus Christ, who did take away our sin with His people. But at the same time, if you deliberately continue to disobey God and quench the spirit in your life and just continue to sin, then there's also that of like, is Jesus Christ really in the throne of your life? Have you really accepted Jesus Christ's Lord savior
Starting point is 00:34:25 and are you walking with him? Well, I think that's what the spirit, like it says that we received the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us. And I think that's, that the gift is to help us walk on that path, but that also has conviction for our things. Like, there's your old self, and then there's the new self who you are in Christ.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Second Corinthians tells us that, but there's a... So, let's talk about the obvious one here, because I think one of the most obvious things that young people in our generation are age are showing with on a daily basis is pornography. And that is a hard one to break. That is a habit that is hard to break. That is something I know that your finger had an incredible moment with. And I want you to kind of speak towards
Starting point is 00:35:08 that because I feel like there was a time where y'all were all like on Firefield Lord, but y'all were still walking in some of those things. And then finally, you were like, I was about to get there. I was, that was where I was going with that. But thank you. Yeah, and then so when I was in college, we had a men's Bible study group, men's guys, whatever, we had a guy's Bible study group. And week after week, it just kind of felt like whenever we would ask for prayer, or how everybody's week was,
Starting point is 00:35:35 or kind of what people were struggling with, or still kind of battling with it, it always kept going back to pornography and lust. And finally, I remember it was this weakly thing of the same thing, the monthly thing, over and over again. And finally, we were kind of like, what are we gonna actually do about this? Because I feel like every week we're just saying,
Starting point is 00:35:55 I'm struggling with lust, I'm struggling with pornography. And it was like, we took this change of like, let's just stop saying we're struggling with it and let's actually do something about it. And I feel like at that point, we really helped people accountable. And we really saw us slowly start to deteriorate from from these things that we had struggled with. And it just became a point where like, because if you struggle with something
Starting point is 00:36:20 and you keep struggling, you keep struggling with it, you can get comfortable in that. But the moment where you're like, I don't wanna keep deliberately doing this, I need to make a change. I finally have conviction for this, and I need to repent of that, and I need to change. Cause repentance is like, yes, you asked for forgiveness, but there's also a change to it.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So like, there has to be a different direction of where I'm going. Totally. So that was for us, it was like, it was just this continual like, I'm struggling with this, I'm struggling with this. And then finally, we were like, okay, let's just stop saying we're struggling. And let's actually do something about it. Yeah, I love that. And I was so inspired by that. And I just want to say for people out
Starting point is 00:36:54 there, like, there's a couple of things you can take from that. One, they did it with a group. Like, there was a group of guys to hold each other accountable who were like, we're done with this, right? Two, they actually did things to help them stop. Like, I remember, y'all took some like, serious like practices and play, you know? And like, actually held each other accountable. So it wasn't just like, oh yeah, like, I'll text you like next week and see if you're doing good.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Like, y'all like, for real, we're up in each other's grill about it. And y'all like, did so many things like, together as I grew, and that't mean some of y'all didn't still continue to struggle off and on, but like y'all were with each other. And I've just, you know, I didn't know you during that time or the guys in your group, but now, obviously we're married.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And all those other guys in your group are married too. And like praise God, there is a moment, a year's before y'all were all married that y'all took this time as guy friends to kinda get that under control. And I just think that's so good. And so if you're walking through something like that right now where it is a sinful habit
Starting point is 00:37:54 and it is continuously eating you up and maybe you know someone else walking through that too. I encourage you get with that person and decide today like it will no longer be a struggle. Like yes, it is going to try to fight but we're going to fight back. And that doesn't mean you won't maybe continue to mess up every now and then, but that is saying that I'm not going to let this own my life, you know. And actually put into practice the things that you have to put into play to make sure that it goes away because when you are fighting
Starting point is 00:38:25 a giant like that, you gotta have your weapons. You gotta know how to fight back, you know? And I think that's really important. So good advice, man, we covered all our grounds today. As the new elevation song says, I may not face Goliath, but I've got my own giants. Ooh, sheesh. That'll preach. All right, I think we close it right there.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Thanks for tuning into the world. That's good Wednesday podcast. That was way too loud. Happy Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's week. Thanks for tuning in through a two-packout. Go spread the love. Go spread the love. Go be loved. Go be loved. Go show love. spread the love. Go be loved. Go be love. Go show love. You are love. You are love. And you are loved. Okay, we got it in this. you

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