WHOA That's Good Podcast - Our Birth Story

Episode Date: July 7, 2021

When I gave birth to sweet and strong Honey James, nothing I planned for happened, but everything I prayed for did. This is the beautiful, funny, scary, painful, and incredibly joyful story of my labo...r and Honey's miraculous birth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I gotta say guys sleep these days has become really important because well we're not getting much of it But when we do sleep it's gotta be good sleep and helix sleep mattress has been such a perfect addition to Christiana's life to get a good night sleep if you don't know anything about helix sleep You actually can go on their website You could take a two-minute quiz that matches to your body type and your sleep preferences And so you can get the perfect mattress for you I mean why would you buy a mattress anywhere else? that matches to your body type and your sleep preferences. And so you can get the perfect mattress for you. I mean, why would you buy a mattress anywhere else?
Starting point is 00:00:27 You can just go to helixleab.com slash satie. Take their two minute quiz and they'll match you with a customized mattress at best suits your sleep. That's helixleab.com slash satie from $200 off and two free pillows. Oh, welcome back to the one that's good. Hi, guys. Y'all actually welcome myself back.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah. I'm the one that's been going. Y'all been here. You've been here. You've been hosting. I hosted one. Mom hosted one. This is our new office space.
Starting point is 00:00:57 No, the, well, I guess kind of. This is actually honey's room. So she has her own room. Yeah, but she pretty much stays in our room. So, she has her own room, yeah. Yeah, but she pretty much stays in our room. Yeah, that's just real life. But yeah, so mom's hosted dad's hosted with Crowder, that was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:01:14 That was hilarious. Horned dogs and cheese sticks. That was an interesting one. That was, that was. John Lucas hosted with Chris McClarnie. That one was awesome. That was awesome. I honestly thought my dad forgot to ask the question, but he just waited to the end. So I was kidding.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Six minutes left, he did ask it. And it kept me in gaze. I was like, is he ever gonna ask what's the best piece of advice you've ever been given? And he did, and it was awesome. Crowder's advice was so good. So it's been a fun month. I missed being on the podcast. I'm glad to be back. And so we thought what better way to pick it off with our birth story. Because, you know, obviously the reason I was gone is because we had a baby little honey jams is finally here. And it was crazy because even the podcast before that I was so pregnant towards the end, I was like, I cannot breathe normal. I can't talk normal. I have to pee every five seconds. And so I was laughing, everything, and my laugh was so loud. So I'm glad to be back to more myself.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I love pregnancy, but now also having honey here is a gift. And so we wanted to share our birth story because birth stories are super popular. Everybody loves to hear a good birth story. And ours was really amazing. It was wild and crazy and scary and all the things. And so without further ado,
Starting point is 00:02:30 let's just get to the story. Let's just get to the story. So I kinda, Just like disclaimer, it's our burst story, but she's the one that good, Bert. Yeah, do you think that they thought you gave her? No, when you just said our burst story,
Starting point is 00:02:42 I was just letting them know that it's about you. Well, we're doing it together. We're doing it. And you're a great partner. Thank you. So back up way before we had birth, and I had to just say, I am like the biggest prepare of all time and I'm not like anything I'm gonna do,
Starting point is 00:03:00 I have to like prepare for a lot. So if I'm gonna speak, I'm preparing six months before the conference ever happens. Like I love to be prepared. I don't really like to walk into a scenario I'm prepared. And so when it came to birth, I was like, oh, I got 40 weeks to get prepared. And so I-
Starting point is 00:03:17 You plan to prepare it every single step. I plan to prepare everything I could. Like I watch every single YouTube video from epidural, no epidural this way, that way, this method, that method, at home, at the hustle, this exercise, that tea to drink, this, whatever. So I read it all, I saw it all,
Starting point is 00:03:36 and honestly, I tried it all. If it was like a method. None of it, honestly, worked. Well, you're jumping ahead. I'm not jumping ahead, but. But we're gonna get to that. The point is, I was gonna be very prepared jumping ahead. I had jumping ahead, but but we're gonna get to that the point is I was gonna be very prepared and so I had a plan
Starting point is 00:03:48 I wanted to have a natural birth I really wanted to do it with no epidural, but I went to do it in the hospital my plan was my water would naturally break I labor at the house for a little while we'd have a do look home to the house You thought you'd be on a walk and it would just break. I thought I would just be walking one day and pop. There goes the water. The movie moment. I'd lay it at the house, barely make it to the hospital, had the baby naturally, pushed through the pain, but you know all the things. Well let me just say none of that happened. Everything I planned for it not happened, but I had to say. Except the pain to the house. I have to say yeah I did have pain to those. Nothing that I plan for happen, but everything that I prayed for happened.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And that was really cool because there were so many things Krishna I specifically prayed, and I'll go ahead and tell you the three prayers we prayed, and I'll get to the three later. But one prayer was that honey would be strong. The next prayer should be sweet because of verse, that her name is kind of after is, in probably 16 where it says, gracious words are like honey,
Starting point is 00:04:47 sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. And we love that the honey in and of itself is so sweet, but it's also so strong. And so we pray to be sweet and strong. And we also prayed that she would have a lion inside of her longs that would be fighting for her. So when she's born, that she would just breathe out just the praise of God. It says in Psalms 8-2, that would be fighting for her. So when she's born, that she would just breathe out just
Starting point is 00:05:05 the praise of God. It says in Psalms 8-2, out of the mouths of babies and infants, you have established strength. And I love that. And so that's what I was praying that honey, it would just already be established and strength. And whenever she comes out, that strength would be just heard in the room and that she would be like, have that lion from the tribe of Judah in her lungs find for her. And when she cried, it would be like the sound of praise. And I like couldn't wait to have her to hear that sound. So that was a prayer. So many ways, an uproarment from a water to break and all these silly other little things. But I just really, that's the three things that are really important to me,
Starting point is 00:05:45 that she would be sweet, that she would be strong, she'd have a lion inside of her lungs. And that her little crab would be like the sound of praise. So anyways, like I said, none of the things that plan for happen. And at the end of pregnancy, you know, I'm super pregnant, really big. And you know, we're thinking it's gotta be any day now. You're lonely. And everybody was telling me, you know, try to eat eggplant, try to drink raspberry tea, try to do a bouncy ball,
Starting point is 00:06:10 try to crawl around the house and all fours. And when I tell you, I was on all fours when I had pregnant, belly. Do we get that one again? Yeah, yeah, we did. All over this house, I drink the raspberry tea, I did the rose oil, I did, I mean, everything on Google on how to induce labor, I did, and nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I even did the whole membrane stripping thing. Three times, nothing happened. I mean, this baby was like in there to say, okay? So, but again, I wanted to wait it out, I wanted to happen naturally, I wanted to wait. And finally, Christian Littemini said, say, look, okay, if you get to 41 weeks, and nothing has happened, then I think that you he said, he looked, okay, if you get to 41 weeks and nothing has happened,
Starting point is 00:06:46 then I think that you should start really listening to the doctor because the doctor had told me at this point, back up to like 38 weeks, he kind of started telling me, you know, you need to think about getting induced, this could end in a C section because the baby was really big. So the best chance is you get induced
Starting point is 00:07:03 and then that's just the best for you and the baby. So he was kind of telling me that he was kind of saying that's going to be the best option. But in my mind, I was like, no, I want to go natural. And then if I'm not, if I'm going to get induced, then then it would kind of throw off the whole plan. Everything I prepared. And so then I was like, I might as well just get the girl. And so anyways, I was thinking, but there's no way I'm going to get a 41 weeks. Well, of course I do. 41 weeks comes and it was back to the doctor. It was really sweet because the night before that I was praying about it.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And I just felt such a piece knowing that, I guess at a piece in the surrender of like, God, I actually don't want my plan. I actually want your plan. And so if tomorrow I go in and I'm not, if I haven't dilated anymore, I haven't changed and like, I really want your plan. I really don't want mine. So I surrender that.
Starting point is 00:08:02 So we went in and I'm not kidding. After three membrane strips or whatever and every labor induction thing you can possibly try, I had not dilated at all and I had not progressed at all. Zero. Zero. And so the doctor was like, it's time, you know. And so I said, well, what are you doing tonight?
Starting point is 00:08:23 You're like, you're ready? I'm like, I'm ready. So they went home and we got our stuff and on the way to the hospital, I was like, so excited, you know, we started getting giddy. I mean, really, I kind of just already surrounded my plan and my prayer the night before. But I did to Krishna, I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:39 I can't blame my water didn't break. Cause like, that was sort of and so fun for that movie moment, but that's fine, whatever. And so it's just kind of silly. Well, we get there, um, get into the room and we pray the whole way there and we prayed for nurses who would be spirit filled and all these prayers that really were above and beyond it. We were just like,
Starting point is 00:08:58 and even if we don't encounter that God, we were like, would we just be the type of people that we would be so, our eyes would be the type of people that we would be so, our eyes would be so fixed on you that whenever we have this baby, everyone in the room would be impacted by just your presence there. Because I know you're going to be near and I know you're going to be my strength. And so would we just carry such a piece of the presence that people would see that? So we prayed for that too.
Starting point is 00:09:21 We'll we get there. And it was just so cool to see all these prayers unfold. So first of all, my nurse was actually, like the first nurse, remember, was like a big fan, but not in a, like, funny way. She was like, I actually watched so many of your videos and they like changed my life this year and I was going through such a hard time.
Starting point is 00:09:37 It was just so sweet. And so she was just amazing, so nice. And then whenever she hooked me up, she said, so are you having any contractions? And I said, no, girls, I have not progressed at all. I was like, but I mean, I've had like a million pains, so I don't really know what that means. She hooks me up and she's like,
Starting point is 00:09:54 you're having good traction. She's like, you're in labor. And I was like, what? So I had like no idea I was in labor. And I just happened to go in because the doctors had it was time. And so they were like, well, you're gonna be fine. the doctor said it was time and so they were like well You're gonna be fine like you're great. And so they said well, let's try to like we're gonna put you on Patos and labor through the night
Starting point is 00:10:11 So got on Patos and so made my contractions happen a little bit more And you know that was getting a little bit more intense and more painful and more painful So I was pretty much up all night and then at 6 a.m. I was like, okay, it's time. I'm getting the epidural So I call the nurse and I'm like, hey, like can I get an epidural? It's like guess and the epidural lady came in and it was just so cool because I was telling Christian I was like, Christians is so cool like people are like texting me saying they're praying for me And they don't even know that I'm in the hospital right now like having her and whenever I said that to Christian the epidural nurse said That's so sweet. She's like,
Starting point is 00:10:45 I just want to let you know, I was praying for you. I'm away here. And I was just praying that I would do the best job that I can that God would just use my hands to do the best that I can. And it was just so cool. Because again, like another person who was just like, so kind and spirit filled. And anyways, she did do the best job ever because that thing was awesome. I have to say, it was amazing. The game changer.
Starting point is 00:11:05 It was a game changer. I felt so good. Honestly, I've been in so much pain my whole pregnancy. It was like the one moment and all of it. I mean, from pregnancy and then like even going to post for how it's pain, it was like the one day I actually didn't have that much pain. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It was the one couple hours. Yeah, couple hours. It's not trust me. It's painful. Couple hours. So that was going, not dress me. It's painful. But couple hours. So that was going great. We were having a blast. I mean, we were laughing and just excited
Starting point is 00:11:31 about our baby Christian was dancing to the beat of our baby's heart beat. I mean, it was just a joyful day. And then even your mom coming in, like that was amazing. His parents got in just in time. Like, can to be there. So I was speak, because they're from Florida.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So everything was just like really falling into place and just really beautiful. So then it came time to push and this is when things get a little crazy. No, no, no, back up to the, to the water. Oh, the water break? Okay, I forgot. Got you so many details.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So that morning, whenever um so you got every day let's six around nine nine thirty about nine and three and he said okay you know you're gonna check you and he was like your water hasn't breaking yet so I'm gonna need a breaker water and I was like day it like always the water would have broken out its own but okay and but before he said that he said he had to go to another surgery so he was gonna come back in to break your water. Tell the story from your first regular white house. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no walk out to go to the sea section. So actually what happened? Should I tell the true story?
Starting point is 00:12:46 No, just. It's kind of funny. No, just tell the water breaking. I knew it. Should I tell the water? No, no. I think I have to. No?
Starting point is 00:12:55 No. You really don't think it's true. Okay, you're too far in this. Okay, so honestly, I caught up in the bad end. I was like, I'm a type of doctor. And he was trying to explain to me how he's going to come back for this new section. And I just started uncontrollably laughing.
Starting point is 00:13:11 It wasn't not so awkward. It was so awkward. It was so awkward. I don't know why I said, look, I'm so sorry. It was awkward because he thought he was going to be clean. No, sir. No, no, no, no, I said, I'm so sorry. I'm trying to be like, I'm trying to listen to what you're about to say.
Starting point is 00:13:21 But like, I am pretty sure I'm pooping right now. And I can't really tell because of the epidural. And I'm so to listen to what you're about to say, but I am pretty sure I'm pooping right now and I can't really tell because of the epidural and I'm still really weird about it. My mom and Christian were just like laughing and I was laughing and he was not laughing at all. And I was like, I know this is so embarrassing. I'm so sorry I even told you that.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I just felt like I needed to tell somebody because you're trying to talk to me and I don't think I'm really listening. And he goes, no, I think your water just broke. And I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That just, you have to don't think that I'm talking about water. And he was like, no, I think your water just broke. And I was like, no, no, don't look, don't look.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So as she's saying this, she's trying to encourage him not to come look. So she's like sniffing and like trying to like him not to come look. So she's like sniffing and like trying to look just to prepare herself. So that actually, I was so embarrassed. Anyways, it was all that I said. My water did break. Which was so crazy because literally when he said,
Starting point is 00:14:19 I'm gonna come back to break your water. I start laughing, thinking something else happened. And then that actually was my water breaking in that moment. So that was actually pretty crazy. And you're gonna get number two. And I did it. So what does happen to people that have a suit, it's fine. It happens, but that actually did not happen.
Starting point is 00:14:35 It really was my water. And it was pretty hilarious. And that was why, what about the memories in the day? I can't believe I've read it to tell that. I'm telling you, the whole day it was so crazy. So many things happened, so that was cool. Then, so that was cool. So that's forward, fast forward to the pushing.
Starting point is 00:14:57 This is when things get crazy. This is a few hours after that, yeah. A few hours later, so that was nine in the morning, two o'clock, it was like time to go. So we started pushing and like, side note, we had worship on all day long. Okay, worship was in the room, which really was amazing.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And I would highly encourage anyone going into labor like blast worship music. There was such a piece and such a straight. I mean, so many times I just found myself just worshiping throughout the day. and our nurses even were worshiping as you know it's pushing this kind of funny. I remember we were all singing those who wait on the Lord. Shall we know? Well we were doing some worship. It was awesome and so everything was going good and then there was a gap to the stage where it was about to happen Like the head was coming through and the doctor told me the next push, she's, she's here.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And so I knew that was about to happen and oceans was on. I specifically remember that. It was very chaotic, but it was like, it's so motivation, honestly, in the moment. And so I go to push and everything gets like crazy. Like I, all of a sudden, was like pushed down on the bed and like they push my mom out of the way and every nurse in the room was like just over me and they're pulling my legs and like pushing my stomach as hard as they could and honestly I didn't know what happened. I thought, I thought they had to like go into, like I thought they cut me open.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I thought something happened, they cut me open. I thought something happened. They kept me open because of how painful it was when they pressed on my... I didn't know what. Now I know they were pressing my pelvic bone to get her out because what happened was honey got stuck. So her shoulder actually got stuck, which is really, really rare. And since then we found out that only happens in about one percent, a burst. And it's what our nurse said is the curiosity that can happen in a vaginal delivery. And so they said when it happened for them, my time just stood still. Because what was happening is the shoulder was clamping the
Starting point is 00:17:00 embellic record, causing her not to get air. And so in that moment, like every second counts. And they couldn't get her out for two minutes and ten seconds. So this really was very scary and really dangerous. Thankfully, I didn't know what was going on. And besides, I knew something was wrong because of the pain and like the doctor had just told me next push she's here. And so what normally takes three to five seconds, took two minutes and 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Then her knee got stuck after they got her shoulder out. So it was just like chaotic. So in that scenario, what typically happens is they break the shoulder to get the baby out. And then they had to take them straight to the NICU because they've lost some of its oxygen at that point. They normally can't breathe on their own and you're looking at some serious problems.
Starting point is 00:17:52 If the baby does not come out in three minutes, which she did in two minutes, and they push her back in and do go to an emergency C section, so there's a lot of like what could happen, what could have happened, what if that happened, and honestly that was like a whole lot to deal with later, which I think we're gonna talk about and the postpartum podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:11 But, anywho, they got her out and it was crazy because one thing through the day, like I said, we have worship going and Christian had mentioned earlier that day, like that morning, he said, I really wanna play that song million little miracles when honey comes out. And I, like that morning, he said, I really want to play that song, million little miracles when honey comes out. And I was like, Christian, if you turn away from me,
Starting point is 00:18:30 the moment she comes out to go search Spotify for a song, like do not miss that moment. So whatever song comes on, it's gonna be powerful. And we're gonna always remember it. Well, the crazy thing is, like, when she came out, she wasn't breathing. And her face was like purple and her body was like white. She was like screaming. No no no she wasn't. No not yet not yet but I'm
Starting point is 00:18:53 saying like. No she was not breathing at all and so it was like very scary at all of the sudden in like the silence of the room. It was like silent all the sudden you hear the song million little miracles come on and he didn't do it like he did not click the song. It just happened to be next which doesn't even make sense because that song had already played that day. I mean I don't even know. And so like in the moment of them taking her from me to the table to try to get her to breathe. I'm just listening to that like I got miracles I'm new miracles a million little miracles and then all of the sudden like we heard the Prayer that we prayed the lion from the tribe of Judah the
Starting point is 00:19:40 Roar if you will the praise she literally just like screamed and It was just a miracle because like the nurses Said like she really should not have been breathing on her own like they're about to take her to the NICU And she just started breathing on her own like they gave her a little oxygen that they had there and then she just didn't on her own Then it was a miracle because her shoulder wasn't even broken which they they tried to break it to get it out So it was supposed to be broken and it wasn't broken. And then the nurses came and they're like, well, it has to be dislocated. It wasn't even dislocated. They had three doctors check her shoulder because they were in disbelief.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It didn't break. It wasn't dislocated and she started to breathe and never had to have any other care because she just did it. She was so strong. And they said that the doctor said they're like, well, because she's so strong, like that's probably what made her shoulder suck is because of how big she is,
Starting point is 00:20:33 but also what made her okay is because she's so strong because her, because how big she is. Yeah, she got sick because she's so big, but she was okay because she's so big. And so it was just amazing. So in that day, we experienced such a peace at surpass under all understanding. We experienced a miracle, we experienced just the things
Starting point is 00:20:54 that we prayed and the sweetness that she carried and the strength that she carried and the cry that she came out with. And the reason I prayed that prayer, which seems so random is yes, I heard that sermon about that verse at the children's sound it's like praise, but also I whenever I had COVID I was pregnant with her and I was struggling to breathe whenever I had COVID because my lungs were you know getting attacked and there's a song called gratitude and in the bridge it says
Starting point is 00:21:21 oh come on my soul don't you get shy on? And this is like lift up your song or something because you've got a line inside of those lungs, get up and praise the Lord. And so I can't pray that for myself that I would not get, my soul would not get shy, I would not get so weak that I could praise the Lord. And so I would just pray that that lion would just fight for me. And I pray that for her, when I pray that for me, that during her birth, the same thing would happen,
Starting point is 00:21:47 that she would just worship. And it was just amazing that she really did. And so we really saw a lot that day. And one thing that we've been talking about a lot is just like what it looks like to experience a miracle because miracles are obviously miraculous. It's what they are. And like there's such a joy when a miracle happens, right?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Like when you see a miracle, you're like, well, God did a miracle. But like for the person like experiencing a miracle, normally when you need a miracle, it comes out of a moment of desperation. It comes out of a scary moment where you literally need something supernatural to happen in order for someone that you love to be okay.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Like that moment for me was like, is my baby that I just, you know, carried and then I already love gonna be okay? Because she's not breathing. Like that two minutes and ten seconds where you're like, I need a miracle is so scary. And then it happened and we were a joist, but there's such a process even like, all the fear and so we experienced in that time. And so we didn't even listen to that song for like, I don't like five weeks. Five weeks.
Starting point is 00:22:57 But then when we did, it was just amazing. We just rejoiced and we're so thankful. And we also understand that, you know, a lot of people going through labor and delivery that the miracle doesn't happen, that the baby isn't okay or the mama isn't okay. And we want to say, like, we can't imagine, you know, that feeling because we know how scary it was when we thought it wasn't okay. And so our heart goes out to everyone in that position. And I know that even though that is so bad,
Starting point is 00:23:29 I know God is still good. And I know that even in the moment where it was so scary for me, there was a peace that surpassed understanding. You know, there was a strength in the room that the worship carried. And I pray that you feel that too. You know, that wherever you're
Starting point is 00:23:45 in, whatever is a Jewish you're going through, whether you received the miracle or you didn't, that the miraculous power of God's strength would just be with you to carry you. And so we've processed that and it's crazy and we're so thankful for our daughter, but it was just the wildest day. It was amazing and hard and... It was the craziest 12 hours. And funny, like the poop thing, but then like what in the world? Like the seriousness of the moment. It was like crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:12 We didn't know the seriousness of it until like that night. Yeah. Yeah. I started to get a hint about the seriousness of it as I was being stitched for hours and I was like, something went real wrong. And of course the seriousness of it when she wasn't breathing, I knew something was wrong, something went real wrong. And of course, the series is so that when she wasn't breathing, I knew something was wrong,
Starting point is 00:24:27 but not until the nurses came back and told us, but you know what's amazing? This is so cool. So I told you all that, we really prayed that the nurses would be impacted by just whatever happens in the room, the worship, the strength of God, the peace of God, joy, all the things, the peace that I carried and all that different stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Well, one of our nurses that was like the main nurse that kind of really took over in the moment whenever honey shoulder got stuck, she wrote us a letter and it was just the most amazing thing. She was like, I can't even tell you like how much that impacted me. She was like the worship y'all had in the room, set the tone of the whole room. And she said like seeing the way that the water broke at this time that your the doctor said the water was going to break and that honey breathed and that her shoulders okay. And she began to recall all the things that happened like which was really cool because we didn't even tell them like those are the things we were believing for. But like she noticed all
Starting point is 00:25:22 those things. And so just like made us realize like when you're intentional with your prayers and like what you want to see God do and like what he can do through you, like it's amazing to see like what your testimony does in the lives of others watching like she got to see God because like we set an intention for that day to be able to see God. And it was just like so cool. So she wrote us that letter and like we love our nurses. It was amazing like so cool. So she wrote us that letter and like,
Starting point is 00:25:45 we love our nurses. It was amazing. Everyone in that room just experienced something that we've never really experienced before. Yeah. Which was amazing. And honey was also nine pounds and five ounces. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:57 So almost every nurse, like hospital administrator person came in there like, oh, well, she's a big baby. Like, we just want to say how big she is. We heard she's so big. And we heard her shoulders okay, yeah. She's like, honey, I may have found out for her trunciness. She's a chunky miracle, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But she really is so strong, it's crazy. Like, I heard that it takes babies like three months to like, hold their head up. And literally, day four, we put on her tummy and she was like, hello, world. She's very alert. Like, she's so, and I four, we put on her tummy and she was like, hello world. She's very alert. And I know we're gonna be those parents that are like,
Starting point is 00:26:30 she's like, genius. You, I'm not gonna, you're not gonna. I am. When she held her head up, I'm like, this girl is going to be Olympics. I'm telling you, she's the most athletic thing I've ever seen. I am totally, totally not long.
Starting point is 00:26:41 But hey, why not? I feel like it's, it's fun to me. We'll balance each other out. We will. We'll balance each other out for sure. And honestly, we're just so grateful. And there she is, right there. You guys see what she can come in?
Starting point is 00:26:54 We'll try. We'll try. We'll try. What are the conditions you have? Honey is very loud. She still got that lion instead of her lungs. And- She's an opinionated seven-week-old. She is
Starting point is 00:27:07 Come on sweet girl Hi Oh No, it's too weak girl Hey, show them how big you are Wow, you are so big. You're so strong. See I told them you're going to be Olympics one day So big, you're so strong. See, I told him you were going to the Olympics one day. Okay, mom, so you were calling you in
Starting point is 00:27:29 because you were there for the whole thing and you experienced it all and we were just talking about which Christian actually told me not to say it but I like had to say it. Whenever I thought I pooped, but he was my water breaking. Ha ha ha. Classic, Christian, you telling you not to go too far whenever I thought I pooped, but he was my water breaking. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Classic. Christian, you're telling you not to go too far and then you just, you just go all the way. I had to give the people what they were going to be dying to know because I was like, should I tell them he was like, no. And I was like, really? He's like, no, don't say it. And I was like, really?
Starting point is 00:27:59 You know what I should say? I was like, no. Because we always talk about this. Like, I do not get embarrassed, which is really to a fall a lot of times, because I would just say something, but Christian experience, like second hand embarrassment from what I should really be embarrassed by. Okay. That's your super power, Sadie.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I think that's your super power that you get embarrassed because you tell the fun stuff. That's all the details people want to know. And all the women out there totally that have had babies Totally get it and totally relate so what they know. Thank you But how how extremely awkward was that moment? Honestly like Whatever we were all laughing and the doctor did not laugh at all Actually, you say you don't get embarrassed and you really don't, but I actually think I
Starting point is 00:28:46 saw embarrassment cross your face in that moment. And it was so weird for me to see because you usually don't. But yeah, you were like, I think I just put myself in. And the doctor just didn't respond. Really, he kind of just looked at the monitor and I walked over to try to comfort you. I started to like try to comfort you. I started to like patch your arm to be like, it's okay, it's really okay, it happened.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You know, you're done. But I was thankful that the outcome was what it was and not what you thought it was. Well, yeah, I was the same. It was just so awkward and I did actually get embarrassed. And I wasn't embarrassed about the situation. I was embarrassed that he did not find it funny. And then I was like, oh, well, it's really not going to be funny.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Whenever it is not water. So anyways, that was hilarious. And then we got to the point of talking about also, um, of course, the, this intensity. And I was just kind of sharing how everything was going great and I was honestly like honestly such a joyful day. It was fun. It was painful the way that like the flavor is painful but I told him I had an awesome
Starting point is 00:29:57 epidural and I got to give it to the epidural doctor because that was fantastic. But it's still painful. But then whenever I went to do the final push, until I'm oceans was playing, it was very motivating and everything was great. And then it all has then got really chaotic. And I kind of mentioned how they pushed me down on the bed and they pushed you out of the way. And so from your perspective, because you've been in several labors or four, what did that feel like to you? Did you know something was off? Yeah, so first of all, I want to say it was just
Starting point is 00:30:32 absolutely the greatest honor of my life to get to see my baby girl have her own baby. And it was just, it was, it was such a joyful day. And it was so sweet to see you and Christian's relationship and in the moment throughout the day in the fun times when you were there was so much laughter and fun and in the worship and the prayerfulness that came with bringing honey into the world and the way that y'all were just such a team was so sweet. So thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Be a witness to and I'm getting you can't see me but I'm getting a little scared up thinking about it. So just the whole day was really that just that special is you know, you can't see me, but I'm getting a little scared up thinking about it. So just the whole day was really that, just that special is, you know, as you could imagine. And, um, but yeah, that moment, before you even go there though, I have to say, because I didn't say that's in Christian was here, but he really was the best partner ever. And honestly, I told him, I said, babe, you need to do a YouTube for guys just like going into labor with their wives because I feel like that's just like a very unknown time and he just handled himself so well I'm so encouraging it was so supportive and I mean all day making it slap but also just affirming me and like who I am what I was doing and I he would be embarrassed but I said this but I'll say it when I hear remember what he said to me whenever I was doing. And he would be embarrassed when I said this, and I'll say it when I hear him. Remember what he said to me whenever I was like,
Starting point is 00:31:47 I was like pushing it. He was like saying all the right things, like you doing great, you're doing so good. All the sudden he just goes, you're the sexiest person to ever give birth. And I just start laughing so hard. And I didn't even say anything when he said it. I just like laughing, like can't go.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I don't even know if I laugh internally when it was like I was pushing, so I when he said it. I just like laughing, like can we go? I don't even know about lab internally. I was like, I was pushing, so I'm playing it in the nose. Yeah, I don't even think I actually left it in the moment. But it was so funny to me. So then later, like we were like, we were gonna stay on the day and I was like, Christian, do you remember whenever you said you're the sexiest person?
Starting point is 00:32:19 He's like, I do remember that. And he's like, I didn't even think you noticed it. And I was like, internally, I thought it was so funny, but it was like too intense to laugh. Well, he said, he actually was like, when you brought it up to me, he was like, you tell me that I was just trying to think of anything encouraging I could think of. And that was the most encouraging thing I could think of in the moment. It was.
Starting point is 00:32:41 It worked. That was amazing. It was. It was so sweet. He was, he was the best partner teammate. He just kept his eyes locked on you and he just had, like, y'all, we're looking at each other eyes, encouraging one another and it was a really sweet moment to see. So definitely, he should do a tutorial about that. And I know that a lot of that was because y'all did prepare and I thought that was really neat and special about your relationship,
Starting point is 00:33:08 where y'all did prepare for that moment. Okay, when it gets hard, this is what I need from you. And then when it gets like this, or you know, if you could just do this for me, it would be such a great help. And you're so good at encouraging him as well. So I would definitely, that's a be who are in, you know, pregnant right now and about to go through the labor process, really prepare, prepare your heart and your mind and your spouse.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And let them know what you're gonna need in that moment. And you know, I was about you to see. We talked about how much I did prepare and how like really everything I prepared for and playing for it didn't actually happen. Like I thought I was going to do this. And this is not really happened. But what did happen is we did prepare in the sense of I had had a whole like share notes
Starting point is 00:33:52 with Christian that I like put in like declarations affirmations scriptures. I put in the worship playlist. We listened to all day and I put in like things that I would like love from him. And it was like whenever it gets hard, like a lot of guys of me, a firm me, tell me like, you know, we're about to meet her or something and like he did all those things. And yes, I like asked him to do it before him
Starting point is 00:34:16 but it meant so much that he did. And like, you know, in that moment, that's really to help. And so yes, the preparation that I went there was kind of funny, I will admit and agree that I over-prepared, but some of it really came handy. Absolutely, it really did. So back to the moment. Okay, so back to the moment. Yes, so everything was, it was just very smooth and beautiful to see. And yes, you were, you know, experience pain, like labor, anything really, really great comes with some hardship and difficulty to get there. But, but yeah, so I was right there, you know, kind of right by your side, helping you,
Starting point is 00:34:58 encouraging you as well, to push. Christian was right at your face, just looking at you. And we were in that moment where, you know, the baby was about to come out. And her head, are we telling details like this? I don't know. You can tell it's a deltoid. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:14 OK. OK. So her head comes out. And I've seen, I've just had the privilege of being in another burst, which has been amazing. It's a miracle every single time. So normally when
Starting point is 00:35:25 the head comes out, you know, the next push, the rest of the body just comes out and just follows, you know, that's just kind of how it happens. And it just happens all really quickly. It's kind of like this slow slow process and all of a sudden it's just like here. Well, honey said came out and then the next push, nothing happened. And I could kind of notice the doctors and nurses because I have been in this before and realize, oh, wait, okay, this is not quite what was supposed to happen. Notice they get a little nervous and then a little bit more nervous. And then a nurse comes and just kind of like says, let me take over right here and just just me out of the way. And I kind of come up to say to you and just start kind of encouraging you to just kind
Starting point is 00:36:10 of let you know that everything's going to be okay because I don't know what you're understanding right now if it's if you're if you're nervous or if you think this is normal or what. I remember you saying I just because I remember being a little panic for a second just not knowing what was happening. Like I mentioned, I thought that they had to cut me open or something because I didn't know what the pain was and what was going on.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And then I remember you saying, they know what they're doing, they know what they're doing. You're okay. They know what they're doing. Just let them do what they know to do. And then I think you got a little faint because we lost you. That's the part. Yeah, that's the part.
Starting point is 00:36:48 That's the part. I'm a fair encouraging you. Then all of a sudden, I feel a little, I'm starting to a little lightheaded. Things start going a little bit fuzzy in front of me and I thought they certainly do not be me feigning in this moment. That's worse. That would have been worse. They're like, you're trying to birth your baby and all the nurses are so attentive to you
Starting point is 00:37:12 and like literally like, I mean, I think you had four nurses like pushing with you like trying to get her out. Physically pushing your stomach, pulling, I mean, this is kind of a test scenario, but I thought about if you've seen it on like, I don't know, National Geographic or something, where like the horse is born and literally the vet is like pulling the whole out. It was like like that. I felt like the horse out. It was like that. I mean, it was that. Everyone comes to attention and like, is pulling, pushing, and I'm about to faint. And I'm like, okay, we do not need this right now
Starting point is 00:37:53 in this moment. So I just kind of step back and sat down in the in the chair and like lean ahead forward a little bit. And afterwards, I think that's going to save the nurse. Yeah, I did. I told that. Did it you say you were going to pray? Or did they just do it? I didn't say it. Yes. Afterwards, the nurse said she thought I went back and sat down to pray and I was like, well, yes, I was praying. I definitely pray.
Starting point is 00:38:20 But also, I was about to fight. So anyway, so I sat down for a minute and I legitimately was praying and it was absolutely amazing, worship, build moment because I know y'all probably told about the song Miracles was playing and yes, I really was praying for a miracle. We knew that, you know, we needed honey, we needed honey to come out, all of her, and we needed it quickly. And so it was definitely praying as well and trying not to faint and praying that I would not faint too. And yeah, she comes out and she's not,
Starting point is 00:38:58 her coloring is not great, because it had been a little while that she had been a little bit in distress and her coloring was not great. And I just remember praying God that God would give her breath and that she would just turn pink and it was just like a miracle. It was in that moment. She just turned the perfect little beautiful pink and she started breathing and we were like thank you God, everything's gonna be alright and it was Really beautiful holy
Starting point is 00:39:28 Miracle spirit filled moment that I'll never forget Never forget what I hear that my face is pretty much the color of you can't see my shirt right now, but white That I was looking. You were. Yeah. I was also about to sell. I didn't feel that way. I was just feeling. Yes, very.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Just I was like, it just kind of felt like I was frozen in time, honestly. But, and then that was a funny thing. Oh wait, go ahead. I was gonna say, I wasn't sure, you know, what you were knowing or realizing or what. So I follow, you know, them over to the station with honey to kind of make sure everything's good and all that.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And that's when she's kind of trying to pink and I say like, is she gonna have to go the NICU? And they're like, well, we don't, we hope not. We're gonna give her, you know, we're gonna give her the auction and watch her a little bit. And so I'm still praying and I'll look back over to you. Yeah. And you're like as white as the sheet. So it was it was a very difficult. I know that like it's hard to convey, but you you worked really hard. It was a very hard labor and hard delivery. And you were as pale as a ghost,
Starting point is 00:40:45 but you were glowing on the inside because I could tell you were so happy to get to finally meet your little girl. Oh, I was so happy, it was crazy. I don't know if we can cut this out if he doesn't want to share this, but I think this is pretty funny. Whenever y'all were over there
Starting point is 00:41:04 and they were giving honey oxygen and seeing issues, get out of the NICU and everybody was checking her shoulder, you wanna tell what Christians concern was? Yeah, and all the preparation, we forgot to warn Christian that babies come out with a little cone head
Starting point is 00:41:21 because you know, out for a little while. And so all babies have a little bit of a cone head, but honey, she had a pretty good cone head because you know I offer a little while and so all babies have a little bit of a cone head but honey she had a pretty good cone head she was stuck for quite a while you pushed for a long time and so her head didn't quite look normal at first because she first gave out but that's what all babies look like everyone of my babies look like you, when they first come out. And Christian says, does anybody notice that her head looks a little weird? And he's like, really? And said it to me and the nurse is like, has anybody checked
Starting point is 00:41:54 that on that? And we all just kind of started laughing. It was a great little whiteness. And he didn't even know our promise. He really didn't know that that was the thing. It was so funny. He was telling me later. And he was like, I mean, everybody's over there checking their oxygen and checking her shoulder. And I'm like, does anybody see her head? Something's wrong with her head. And so, I don't know. That was so many.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I was going to say, I think that's one of the reasons they put those little hats on babies. You know, on newborns when they first come out, they put on little hat on just because, know, yeah, they're gonna keep them warm But also whenever you see a newborn you usually see it with little hats You don't notice the cone head underneath. I never even saw the cone head I just saw it with the hat so I didn't even know what what what the all the talk was about Yeah, yeah, it, it was truly amazing.
Starting point is 00:42:45 All in all, it was just the best day ever. And we were so grateful, obviously, for all the little miracles that song could not be more accurate to the day. It's the best way to explain it. It's just that song, the worst of that song. And having you there was so special. We're going to get to the postpartum
Starting point is 00:43:04 and another podcast. But I might have to the postpartum and another podcast, but I might have to call you in on that one too, because you really, you really saw me at the worst moments and the best moments, and so thanks for being there along the whole journey, Mom. I would not have missed any second of it. I loved every bit of it, and yeah, I just think that that day was was pretty amazing and one
Starting point is 00:43:28 that we'll never forget and Little Honey Girl is worth every every ounce of the little little pains or emotions or ups and downs that you went through together here. That's right that's right. Little honey J. She's awesome. What things mom love you? you

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