WHOA That's Good Podcast - The Premiere Episode - Bestselling author and speaker, Bob Goff

Episode Date: September 12, 2018

Bob Goff is one of the most inspiring authors and speakers in the world today.  His latest book, Everybody Always!, is already on the New York Times Bestseller list.  Bob gives away the profits fro...m his books to help change the lives of children around the world. To learn more about this effort and Bob go to bobgoff.com       Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey fam, welcome to the WoW that's Good Podcast. I am so excited. It's Sadie Robb here. And I cannot wait for this whole series and just what this podcast is going to look like. Basically it was all inspired by this event. My mom and I were at and we just got asked this question, what's the best piece of advice you've ever been given? And I went on to say this advice that my great grandma had given me that you're not kind because other people are kind to you, you are kind because you are a kind person. And really right after I said that, my mom just said, whoa, that's good. And everybody in the crowd just kind of laughed. And my mom and I realized that every time we say something, we both go, whoa, that's good.
Starting point is 00:00:47 If it's really good and if it's not very good, we're just like, okay, we might should think about that one for a little bit longer. And so this just kind of sparked my head, you know, I'm sure that there's all these people that we've received a lot of advice from, people who inspire us in the spotlight. Maybe they're pastors, writers, maybe they're on TV.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Just these familiar faces that we're all inspired by, and I was like, I wonder who inspired them, and I wonder what piece of advice they've been given that kind of shaped their life. And so that's kind of the journey we're gonna go on. We're gonna ask these major influencers, what's the best piece of advice that you have been given, and just get to hear kind of the back through their life?
Starting point is 00:01:25 So I have a feeling it's gonna be really good and I guess we'll just see how this goes. We'll journey it together for the first interview. I could not be more excited because this is one of my very favorite people in the whole world. It is Bob Goff. I'm sure he is no stranger to y'all. If not a real friend, I'm sure you've heard of him just from his book Love Does or his new book, Everybody Always. Bob is one of the most incredible people. He is a man who truly reflects the heart of Jesus. He is a friend to anyone.
Starting point is 00:01:59 He is an encourager. He is the most spontaneous person I've ever met in my life. And I can't wait for you guys to get to know Bob a little more. So let's dive right in, because I know there's going to be a lot of good nuggets. All right, welcome to the WoW That's Good podcast. Today I am super excited because Bob Goff is with us. Welcome Bob to WoW that's good. Okay so this is super fun for me because the question of the WoW that's
Starting point is 00:02:34 good podcast is what's the best piece of advice you've ever been given. But the cool thing about this one is that Bob I don't even think you noticed, but in the notes on my phone, like the note section, I have a whole page literally just for advice that I've been given from you. It's like the Bob got advice page. And it's everything you've ever said to me, literally, in passing or just simple things that have stuck with me. And you just have no idea how much your advice has influenced my life. So I'm really intrigued and I can't wait to know what advice has really impacted your own life. Hey, I'll tell you the this movie, Christopher Robbins, sweet Marie, and I went to see it last
Starting point is 00:03:15 night. And I have a new favorite thing. This was his what Winnie the Pooh told him. He said, I always get to where I'm going by walking away from where I've been. Isn't that beautiful? That is beautiful. Come on, we need the poo. I know. Go poo there. But one of the things that I think is true is that we need to be super picky about whose advice that we're given. And so the people that I think have influenced me the most aren't people who told me what to do, but they told me who I was.
Starting point is 00:03:47 That they just reminded me of the man that I'm turning into. Maybe they're people that have reminded you of the woman that you're becoming. And then it isn't just blown in sunshine at us. At least they're actually, they see something kind of like Jesus did in Peter. They see something that we don't always see in ourselves. And so it isn't flattery,
Starting point is 00:04:07 it isn't just an encouraging, happy face. It's saying, I see who you're becoming. And then they give observations. They say, let me give you an example. Like I've seen you in a desert in Somalia to do courageous things. And so that is much better than giving you an opinion or some advice that I think you should be courageous. I've already grown by somebody who said, this is what
Starting point is 00:04:33 I've seen in you. And so you and I could go for an hour about the things that I've seen in you, courage and strength. And it's one thing to do a strength bombardment and say these words about people, but then if you could back them up with a story To say remember the time That's where it really gets good. That's why I write everything down and that I don't think was advice from somebody I think I just haven't met very many old people that remember more Remember it wrong, but they don't remember more Yeah, so I'm just like that's the direction I'm headed someday when I'm 104. And so I want to write it all down whether it's something that Winnie the Pooh said last night
Starting point is 00:05:12 in a theater or you said in a desert in Somalia or someone in power that who just failed terribly. I think these people that give observations, this is what I've seen in my life. That's why I teach a class on failure at Pepperdine Law School. I bring all these third year law students in and I just bring all my friends who screwed up. I got it. So you're invited. Bring your biggest screw up.
Starting point is 00:05:38 That's awesome. I would love to. That's awesome. I think we all want the same thing. It's love and purpose and connection and a couple authentic relationships. And so you need to get past a chunk of fear and you need to get past being worried
Starting point is 00:05:56 that you'll be misunderstood because following Jesus means being constantly misunderstood. I'm not aiming for that and I know you aren't. But it's just gonna happen along the way. And so it's just not a big deal for me. That's just Tuesday. It's so true. Yeah, that's so good. It's Wednesday's coming. Wow. I love that in the midst of like literally three minutes. You've already given me so much good advice while sharing the advice you've been given. And that's really powerful. One of my favorite things about learning from you, I think is that you're constantly learning.
Starting point is 00:06:28 And every time I see you, there's something new that God's been teaching you or something new that Winnie the Pooh said. And I guess I want to ask, how do you always keep that spirit of, I guess a learner, how are you so teachable? Maybe was it something in your life that you just realized, wow, you never have it figured out? Or I guess a learner, how are you like so teachable? Maybe was it something in your life that you just realized, wow, like you never have it figured out? Or I don't know, like what advice
Starting point is 00:06:48 would you give for that? Because I feel like a lot of people, they just get to this point where they think like they know it all and they're feel to their situation and that's so limiting to our life. So I'd love for you to touch on that a little bit. Yeah, two thoughts. I saw this a lot in my grandparents. They were just curious about everything. My grandfather was a fireman on the Doxon, San Francisco Bay. He worked the graveyard shift and he never put out a fire. Oh my gosh. I don't even know if he knew how to. He was really, really curious about everything and I just got the bug. Did you know a banana is a berry and a strawberry isn't? Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, check it out. But if you're curious about everything, then you'll be curious about your fate. You'll be more curious about what your friends are thinking about than what you're thinking about. You'll be curious about somebody you disagree with to say like, oh wow, I bet they're just as insecure as me.
Starting point is 00:07:47 That's interesting. They're just expressing it in a really wonky way. But just instead of feeling like your Jesus's lawyer that you just engage in this thing with this belief that altogether we make one really cool, well-adjusted person, but it just takes all of us, even the ones that we disagree with, the ones that are insensitive or say lame things. And if you want a report card on your faith, you go on a report card on how you're living your life, see how you're treating the people you disagree with them up. Like the people continue to be curious. Acts 1, 1 said
Starting point is 00:08:26 be continued to be curious. Acts 1 1 said that this guy theophilus, he says, a look for convincing proofs that Jesus is still alive. And so sometimes what I'll do is I'll like look at people who are saying or doing stupid things and I'm like, dang, I think it's gonna take me looking a little harder, but not given in the Harry eyeball, but just say, I just be curious and say, hmm, I wonder where that comes from. And so that's what I do. I just write down everything. I better send myself 100 emails a day.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Is that great? Oh my gosh, that's great. Ah, you've said things. I've written them down. I just say, like, I actually want to go and revisit that. And I haven't had a quiet time in 20 years. Mine are super loud. What I'll do is I'll take everything I wrote down the day before and I'll say no it sounds
Starting point is 00:09:09 right, but is it actually true? Oh wow that's so good. Because there's a bunch of stuff. If anybody gives you advice that rhymes, run. But it's so good. So just be curious when somebody says something to say, I'm actually going to circle back to this idea from Winnie the Pooh. You know, is it where I'm going or where I'm in? And I go like, actually I've seen that sometimes in scripture. I'm not looking for topics to talk about. I think there's just, I want these things to be just spinning that idea of dwelling on
Starting point is 00:09:45 Christ, like that idea. Whether faith is a big deal for your listener or not, I'm just trying to dwell on these right things. Part of the way to get there is be curious. I think the people, if you've seen somebody that looks really old and isn't living an inspired life, I think it isn't because they're really old. I think it's because they're stopping curious. Wow. That was so good. Wow. That's so true. One of my favorite things that you've said to me,
Starting point is 00:10:13 and we were actually in the desert in Somalia, and you just looked at me and you said that thing that you say about, and I might say this wrong, that's what I definitely want you to hit on it, but it was the whole idea of holding on to your 10 year old self or 10 years younger than yourself or something in 10 years Kind of to where you're going so like 10 years older than you but then your 10 year old self And I love how you explained it to me and I know I just totally butchered that but it met a lot and it really kind of helped Form this idea in my head of kind of keeping that Spirit like that child like faith, but then also keep the wisdom of like where I want to be and so I would love for you to share that with This if you don't mind. Oh, yeah, I think you nailed it like a boss. I think yeah, so I'm 59
Starting point is 00:10:58 So I've spent a lot of time as some of my best advice comes to them like 69 year old Bob. And 69 year old Bob, I don't have any grandkids yet, but I hope he has dozens of them. Yeah, we're believing. I hope they're all nine years old. So one of the things that I'm doing is like, what is this next version? So if you're listening in your 18, think of this 28 year old version of you and what does she want? What does he want? But don't forget the 10 year old version of you So what's to happen sometimes is we lose that child like faith and we trade it for being childish
Starting point is 00:11:40 We're thinking about what a raw deal we got and we stop being courageous We're thinking about what a raw deal we got and we stop being courageous because we're thinking about how unfair everything is and I'm not looking for fair and things. I'm looking for Jesus and things and be like continue to look for convincing proofs that he's alive. And what I keep praying is the big prayers and what God keeps sending is great friends. Wow. So, but ask your friends, say's the 10-year-old version? Even bring a picture of you when you were 10. To say like this is little Bobby
Starting point is 00:12:11 God. He couldn't even spell the word cat. But the crazy thing is I'm 15. I can barely spell the word cat. So you'll see a lot of similarity, but you'll just delight in those things. But don't let those be impediments for you. I write books. There's this thing Jesus made called spell check. Like literally. You're so accurate. I know right. So to not over identify with your failures, I'm right. Boo. Walking away from where I've been. I'm not 10-year-old little Bobby Gough anymore with all of his hangups.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I've traded that for different fears and different hangups, but the person that is my best coach would be 10 years older than me. So if you're 18 and you're having boy problems or girl problems or relationship problems, say what would the 10-year-old version, 10 years older
Starting point is 00:13:05 than me version? I think they'd be a lot more calm about it. They would whisper to you the words that Sweet Marie and I live by this 100% kindness, 0% drama. And so I would say that would be like a great way to guide your life. Because if you have a lot of drama in a relationship, what makes for a great TV show will make for a lousy life. That is so. I want to just draw that and say like, let's just go with kindness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And if drama keeps drowning at kindness, you know who would tell you that in simpler words? Daniel, for sure. Yeah. That's little, little Sadie would say like, you know what, I don't, I just want to play nice with people. Yeah, that's so good. Wow. Oh my gosh. Okay, you're blowing my mind. One of the things that keeps coming up in what you say is just that invitation. Like you're always inviting people in your life.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And you know, I think that from hearing you, I would say probably because you also invite people's failures into your life. So you're not as afraid of other people seeing you fail because you have such a beautiful perspective of that, that human aspect and what Jesus has done. And you really welcome that in. I love because how we met is literally from an invitation that you gave our family to come to Canada
Starting point is 00:14:24 with like out knowing anything in it becomes a retreat on saying yes before you know what is about to happen. Like how crazy, but you're always inviting you and invited us to Somalia. And I just would love to talk about just how you welcome people in and invite people, because I feel like that's probably a huge reason as to why you are like like that's probably a huge reason as to why you are like an overflow of wisdom, an overflow of stories and adventure and people and what you learn. And so just the importance on having that invitation that you always give, like I don't know, I just love for you to talk more about that and what that looks like for you because that has impacted me hugely just from receiving invitations from you.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah, there's a big difference between being invited somewhere and being welcomed when you get there, right? Sure, yeah. Bited somewhere where you weren't welcome, but they're like, we're so glad you're here there shaking their heads side to side. So people know that, whether it's in church or wherever, we don't say everybody's invited if you're not going to welcome them when they get there because it'd be better if you didn't invite them But I think that our friendships are galvanized when we do stuff together
Starting point is 00:15:32 And it's not a business trip. It's an adventure And that's why when Jesus asked people to come along He wouldn't tell where they were staying what they were doing He just gave them an invitation if you need a bunch of details, it means you're not coming. That's so how you roll. I love it. I like how you get on zero information. You just said yes. And because the greatest things that we do always involve tremendous risk. If the idea of being comfortable sometimes is inconsistent with growing in these beautiful ways. So I just love inviting people along and then kind of
Starting point is 00:16:13 latching it down with an adventure. Like let's just go do something. You could go to Frozen Yogurt, but just like go do something. I'll give you an example. I was bringing a trailer up to Canada and I got, I'm easily distracted. I'm like a dog in up. I'm so, so I put the trailer on the back of the car and driving up the highway and if you ever had that thing where you think, did I turn off the oven, did I lock the door? I couldn't remember putting the latch on the trailer. Instead of slamming on the brakes, I just kind of coasted off to the side and checked the trailer was not latched to the car. I was one bump in the road away from having
Starting point is 00:17:00 that trailer pass me in the fast lane. Sounds like putting your mother's stories. It does actually. So, one of the things that I'm trying to do with my friends and with people that I come across is to put a latch in it. The best way to put a latch on it is to go do something. To say, let's go do something. Instead of telling me your opinion, let's share an experience. Then, we have like a really terrific base to talk about. Remember when, remember when.
Starting point is 00:17:30 That's why we've all experienced great friendships as we put it a latch on it because we didn't experience together. That's so cool. That's awesome. Man, it's so cool to ask this question of like, all the things that I see you do, then I'm like, I wanna hear more about that that and just your heart and your mindset behind it is absolutely
Starting point is 00:17:48 beautiful and so reflects Jesus and like gosh it just all points to the goodness of Jesus and that's really really cool. The last thing I'll ask you about is because this is another piece of advice you gave me that I have really tried to install my life and it's the whole sync up. And you can kind of talk about it, but I love how you just talk about all of a sudden, in life, you just kind of have to sync up to get yourself a little clap and sync up to where you're going. Do you mind hitting on that? Because I think it's so good. No, I love to. You spend a lot more time with people with those little clapboards in the movies where they say, for me, it'd be like, take 1,000.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I'm taking two. But what they do is that little clapmer, it spikes the audio. And so when they go back to edit, there's a little spike in the audio and the audio and the video are synced up. So you don't have one of those weird things where your mouth is moving, but the audio is a little bit behind it because it's just really distracting. And I think that the same thing is true in our lives.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Sometimes my audio track, what I'm saying, my video track, what I'm actually doing are different. And so what I'll do, the poor man's like, one of those black and white clappers, it just clapped your hands. He has. And I'll just, if you see me up on stage and I clap my hands together, it's me saying, Bob, sink it up. I just love that. I think that so many times we do that. It's like what we're saying is to totally not allow what we're, our actions are what we're actually doing is totally not
Starting point is 00:19:24 allow what we're saying. And you just kind of have to stop and sync up. And sometimes we don't. And we just spiral out of control. When I said we just literally need to take a minute to say, wait a second, where did we go in the last 10 seconds? 10 minutes or 10 years. And there's no judgment in that. There says you know, and that overarching thing for everything we've talked about is that you know why you're doing what you're doing You have these traditions these routines these little circuit breakers in your life me clapping my hands to say You know what I just told you about the guy I wish I was the guy I hope I'm becoming someday I'm not telling you about the man I am right now
Starting point is 00:19:59 And that was anionisus problem and so fireless problem They were like talking about the people they hope to be. They hope to be super generous. They just weren't there yet. And so I think God never had a problem with people who were confused. He had problem with people who were faking it. That they were faking, they were different
Starting point is 00:20:17 than where they actually were. And so I'm just like, that's been great. So you'll see me clapping a lot. It's like a standing ovation. I just catch myself and say like actually sink it up. Oh, you know the latest thing. You've got to come with us. Where you go on all the best adventures. Yes. We started about four or five months ago, a school in Afghanistan. No way. Okay. Wait. Sign me up. I'm going. What? It's possibly go wrong. What? Deposively.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Next trip is back to meet with 100 leaders. What? And so that idea, I don't know how it will turn out. All they got is an invitation. You know what they said? Yes. Yes, I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I love it. I love it. Like, yeah, figure out how God wired you. Like, are you a like a detailed person and that's terrific. Or are you like a let's build the plane while we're flying at person. That's who you are. I know. And so figure out how God wired you. Figure out the man or woman that you want to be. Sink it up. Just forgetting what's behind you. Walking away from where you've been and head towards where you're going. And that's their beautiful thing, but bring that tenure old with you.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yes. Where you go. Wow. And listen to what that tenure old has to say, that younger, simpler person. And if faith is a big deal for you, make your faith simple, but don't you dare make it easy. Because it ain't easy.
Starting point is 00:21:40 This thing, these things we're talking about, it's really difficult. It'll actually take your whole life to figure it out and so sink it up as you're doing it. Wow, that's beautiful. Bob, you're amazing, thank you so much for sharing all of your insight and I know you just had a new book come out, everybody always, everybody needs to get that book and also love does, if you haven't read it, you gotta get it.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Everything he just said is exactly how this man lives and his book gives you even more of the gold that he brings out so thank you Bob you're amazing thanks for spending time with us. Love to everybody over there. Yes we love you. See ya. Bye. So I'm really excited about how we're going gonna end every show because before I go well and give a lot of people all the advice I have I always like to call my mom and try to, you know, run a few things by her first. Make sure it sounds good and normally when I get the, whoa, that's good, that's like my go, I'm gonna go share it on stage, I'm gonna run with this.
Starting point is 00:22:43 But then, you know, sometimes, you know, the advice just kind of misses it, you know what I'm saying. And that's when I get the whoa, that's bad. You need to think about that for a little bit longer. And so, at this part of the show, we're gonna get you guys involved. So we want you to send in hashtag whoa, that's good, or hashtag whoa, that's bad,
Starting point is 00:23:03 with your best piece of advice and your worst piece of advice. And at this part of the podcast, I'm gonna call my mom, super spontaneous. Lord knows where this is gonna go. And we're gonna run through y'all's advice to see what a mother's heart would have to say about it. Hey, my friend. Hey mom, how's it going? Good, how are you?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Good, actually just got off the phone with Bob, Bob, our favorite person. Awesome. Yeah, it was awesome. He gave some super solid advice. He actually went off of the Winnie the Pooh movie, which of course he did. He's like, can can take advice from anything. I can't wait to hear it. I love him. It's gonna be awesome. Okay so the fans and some you know pieces of advice and I think that what we should do is categorize them into whoa that's good
Starting point is 00:24:00 or whoa that is bad advice all right okay so I so let's go throw it out for a discussion, we can just talk about it. Okay, first one, I'm really interested in what your response gave me to this one. Don't tell your parents. What? Whoa, that is definitely bad. That's good, I'm just kidding, that's bad, that's bad.
Starting point is 00:24:20 That is bad, you know a program you have to tell me everything. That is true, I actually cannot tell you. to tell me everything. That is true. I actually can't not tell you. It is like you have a lie detector test. I mean like it's like the Wonder Woman thing where she like ropes them and if I don't tell you anything but the truth like I actually can't. I can't go on my day. I can't. I'll pardon my plan. No I think it's important for you to tell your parents things because your parents have wisdom that they can give you. If you don't tell them then they can't give you that wisdom
Starting point is 00:24:49 that they have that they've learned from all their years of experience. So, that's definitely tell your parents things. Because what everybody needs to understand is that your mama was 21 at one point as well. Exactly. And thank you for being relatable, mom. Okay. next one. This to me could swing either way. One time my doctor told me to put my sandwich down
Starting point is 00:25:12 in between bites. I mean, I know it's hard. I know that it's hard. It can be perceived as bad advice because how hard would it be to put your sandwich down in between every bite, but at the same time, it was probably intended for good advice, you know? That, okay, that one could go either way. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I feel like you would kind of look like a robot if you were eating with somebody at your home.
Starting point is 00:25:34 So cute. Sandwich up, sandwich down. That's a sandwich down. That's so cute. That's so weird. That's really cool, then. If you're intended consequence, it like slow down when you eat. That's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And maybe like, you know, if you're having a conversation with somebody, you put your sandwich down and talk a little bit. And so you know, that's, I mean, you see actually that's in the middle. Well, that's impressive because not many times can it swing good and bad. And the really crazy thing is actually I get her feeling because she actually put whoa, that's bad. That was was her hashtag and while I was with the nutritionist the other day the woman literally tells me it was between everybody and he had to take a deep breath I was like woman in the world I'm
Starting point is 00:26:16 eating a pizza do you just have me to stop and go in here what's here just thing about it okay last one one, let's see. Get a good mentor. I'm gonna say that's great advice. Whoa, that is definitely good advice. I love that. I love that you have so many amazing mentors. I've seen that. It's been a huge impact in your life
Starting point is 00:26:39 and in mind as well of course, but I love it as a mama to see you. Getting mentors and getting wisdom from so many awesome women so I think that is a very good advice. Hey I like that whoa that's good. Well this has been fun I think we've given a lot of good and exposed a lot of bad advice so mama thank you for all of your wisdom. Anytime anytime.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Alright I'll call you back later. Alright love you girl, love you bye. Thanks so much for listening to the WoW That's Good Podcast. We got a lot of good nuggets today. Don't forget to follow me on all the social media platforms of mine. Instagram, I'm at Legit Sadie Rob, Twitter Sadie Rob, and follow our live original Instagram. Also, I'm Sadie Robertson on Facebook. Head over to liveoriginal.com and subscribe to this podcast. And while you're there, you can see the tour dates
Starting point is 00:27:32 that I'm coming to a city near you. Don't forget, please leave comments in the iTunes section and leave reviews. This podcast is produced by Steve Strauss and Peter Hartzel, so huge shout out to them. And I thank you to my LO team. You guys are the best. We love y'all, and we appreciate you listening.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I'll see y'all soon. you

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