WHOA That's Good Podcast - The Prosperity Gospel Is NOT the Answer to an Abundant Life | Sadie Robertson Huff & Jimmy Darts

Episode Date: February 8, 2023

Holy buckets, y'all are going to love this conversation! Jimmy Darts is a self-described "CRAZY PERSON." He's full of joy, well-known for his generosity with strangers, and he loves Jesus so much. Sad...ie and Jimmy talk about the true test of integrity and how one of the best compliments they receive is that they're the same in their videos as in real life. Jimmy recounts one of the best stories of his "random" act of generosity, and Sadie talks about how his videos have inspired her and Christian to be more generous. Sadie encourages Jimmy that his heart for people — not just video views — is what makes what he's doing so engaging and powerful. Plus, Jimmy reveals the moment he gave his life to the Lord, why he feels complete freedom in following Christ, and how that informs all of his interactions with strangers when he's looking to be generous. Don't just build a platform — love people! -- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up friends welcome back to the world that's good pie gas happy Wednesday everybody y'all I am so excited for today it is going to be such a fun conversation but also so inspiring because this guy is truly both of those things fun and inspiring we have Jimmy darts on the piecast. If you don't follow him on social media, go check out all of his social accounts. He is bumping on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, you name it. He's such a great person.
Starting point is 00:00:34 And I'm glad that I finally get to meet you. So Jimmy, welcome to the piecast. Yes, thank you so much. Great to meet you too. And yeah, just thankful to be on here and encourage some people to have fun Loosen their shoulders up a little bit. Yes, they got ten cents ten dollars to be generous with it And just you can never go broke by giving and God truly blesses generosity
Starting point is 00:00:57 I'm in every way. Yeah, come on. You can never go broke by giving that is so good I am one time I'm into her told me she said I Dare you to try to outgiv God and she was like you never will and She was telling me that just in the context of being generous and it was so crazy It's like every time I would give it's not even that like I would get back Financial like stuff. It's not like oh I'm expecting if I give 20, I'm getting 20 or I'm getting 40. And I'm not like that. But if you give the abundance that comes back
Starting point is 00:01:30 in return of just goodness, it's just so incredible. And so I've taken that word, but I love what you just said. That's so good. Yeah, exactly, yeah, it's not that you're just gonna get like 20 and change for 20, but it's like that God will just, yeah, he gives you more of himself, you know? It's like, see, first of all, kingdom will give you the desires of your heart.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And yes, it can look like your job, this and that, like cool things, but really it's just more of him, more of his presence when we live that lifestyle of Jesus. And that's the reward. That's so good. And honestly, there really is nothing better. And some people listening, I think, you know, it's such a shame that there is such like a prosperity gospel out there because it's like oh well you get you get you get but God's
Starting point is 00:02:11 presence is so much better than getting the return of just in finances or just in the cool things or just in the house or the things like no his presence is actually so much greater because it's everlasting and And so I love that you're preaching that. I cannot wait to dive in. I feel like we're already in. So this is so good. I want to ask you the question. I ask everybody and I'll tell you why I always ask people this question.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I always ask people, what's the best piece of advice they've ever been given? And I ask that because the people on this podcast are super influential. Everyone on this podcast inspires people with the things that they say, but it's really cool to see who inspired you or what inspired you. So let's a good piece of advice that you were given that just really did something for you. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I guess the one piece of advice I can remember and it's always stuck in my head was, I don't know, it was maybe like four or five years ago, my friend Ryan Lofton, he told me in my house once, he said, Jimmy, you gotta be Santa Claus in private before your Santa Claus in public. Wow. And I literally heard him say that and I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:15 oh my gosh, that's so true. Like, you know, like I just wanted to start doing videos that I wanted to start helping people and doing all this crazy stuff. And it was just such a good reminder, like yeah, like you gotta just do three times, 20 times more in private than you do in public. And so I actually took that advice literal.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And I moved to Austin, Texas, like a few months later. And I literally bought a Santa Claus outfit. It wasn't even Christmas. It was like the middle of August. And I would afterward go around in my Santa suit and just like kick it with homeless people, like take people shopping at Walmart and like it was yeah, just not a video just having a blast and and it's really so true, you know like the worst
Starting point is 00:03:52 case scenario is people meet you in person and they're like oh you're different than what I saw in the video Yeah, like that is just so sad But when you can truly live that authentic lifestyle and it's like man I don't care if you run into me at the movie theater or a chucky cheese, you're gonna get the same meat anywhere you go. That is so good. I love that so much. You're so right.
Starting point is 00:04:10 That really is the worst. That is the worst, I think fear too for me doing what I do being so publicly that someone would meet me and be like, oh, she was so different. That's why I like thrive on authenticity. I'm not gonna do anything that isn't true about who I really am. Because like you, I feel like there's a,
Starting point is 00:04:30 there's a verse in the Bible that says, the godly walk with integrity and I love that verse. Because I think integrity is something that is just, it's of such value, but it's kind of, it can get lost in this day and age of so much filtering. You get to choose what you look like to everybody, but to have integrity as to be exactly who you are off the screen that you are on the screen.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You're not doing it because you're gaining followers, you're doing it because it's who you are. It's what you have to do, it's what God's put on your heart. And it's so true, like your ministry shouldn't just be for a platform, your ministry is wherever you are. And so I love that that advice was given to you.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I think it's so cool. So take us back to when this all started. What gave you the desire to go kick it with homeless people in a Santa Claus outfit in the first place? Yeah, I mean, to be honest with you, yeah, I've been a crazy kid my entire life. Basically, yeah, when I grew up, my parents for Christmas, they'd always give us $200.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And it was $100 to keep, and $100 to give away to somebody. So right then, at like five, six years old, you know, I'm just hanging out, not hanging out, but I mean, my mom would be driving. But can I get out of here, I run over to a guy on the street or someone buying groceries, getting 100, so right away,
Starting point is 00:05:37 just become comfortable with strangers, comfortable with people. And yeah, my parents are just incredible, amazing. But I really was crazy. I was a wild kid. I got into partying a lot, did a are just incredible amazing, but I really was crazy. I was a wild kid. I got into partying a lot, did a lot of wild stuff, and originally I started making party videos, like just crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Like I'd like jump and break a table or I'd be running around in a speedo or I'd like punch myself in the face till my face was covered in blood. Like I do anything crazy. Just I love craziness, right? And my identity, I just didn't know what I was or anything, you know? And long story short, yeah, when I was 18 years old, this is
Starting point is 00:06:11 where the whole thing started because I can't get into talking about generosity or what I do without talking about Jesus because that's truly the whole point of everything and that's what even gave me the inspiration to do it. But I was at this party in the woods in Minnesota with these socks on. They had a little Jesus logo on it like this from Urban Outfitters. And yeah, so I was out there. I wasn't drinking or doing drugs or nothing like that,
Starting point is 00:06:33 but my mom was just didn't know I'd party or anything like that. So I was out there messing around jumping over the fire, being a goofball. And on the way home, I was like, oh crap, my socks have burnt holes in them now And I smell like smoke from the fire and the woods and all the stuff. I was like she's gonna know I've been partying So I get home sneak upstairs and I'm just freaked out. I'm literally like
Starting point is 00:06:53 Jesus like help me like please like heal my socks and I hide the socks in my room go to bed Just like praying God will come through or something. I wake up the next morning no joke And I always have to clarify this like 10 times. No, I've never done drugs in my life. I've only drinking alcohol like maybe four or five times. I just was a crazy person. I love just adrenaline wild stuff, but that night I had no substances.
Starting point is 00:07:16 The next morning I woke up at like 4 a.m. 5 a.m. grabbed my socks where I had to hit them. There was no holes in them. It was the only pair I had at that time there. And there was no holes in them. And I freaked out pair I had at that time there, and there was no holes in them. And I freaked out, and in my mind, I was like, wait a minute, if I was doing something bad,
Starting point is 00:07:31 wouldn't God want me to get caught for it, right? Like, it doesn't make sense why you'd cover, and he just spoke so clearly to my heart. He goes, no, Jimmy, like, I wanna be your friend before anything else. And that's actually what's gonna transform you as friendship with me. So right off the bat
Starting point is 00:07:45 I just knew Jesus in such a non-religious just amazing way. Shortly after I gave my life to him But really yeah, just a lot of wild things happen. I went off the internet completely for like four or five years Never thought I'd make videos again I was down to just live in like the middle of nowhere. I'm from a town of like 900 people So I just had no desire to be known by man or by anyone. On once I got the gospel. It was it was like instead of God telling me you have to live this way. It was more like he ripped out my heart, gave me a new heart that desired to live that way. So now I don't feel like I have to or obligated. I feel like I get to live that way.
Starting point is 00:08:20 So it's real freedom. And basically I'm a Northern California and Redding just praying on this mountain up there. I say mountain. I should clear why it was like a tall hill. Right? I didn't like height cup. There's just like a nice medium size hill. So I'm up there just praying to Jesus talking to him. I'm like, God, it's so cool. Like you ripped out that desire to make videos. I have no desire to ever make content again. Like that's so cool because I just just I don't know It seemed like an idol in my old life, and now I just don't even care That's awesome and as soon as I said that I literally felt like I heard him speak back to me
Starting point is 00:08:53 And I felt like just the Prince of God. He's like Jimmy I want you to go back into it and I was like what and I literally could just feel like breath on me and all of a sudden all this Passion and creativity just came back to me in a moment. And I was like, that's so crazy. It's literally like I don't know. I get Bible names mixed up, whatever. But you know that guy he's like about to like sacrifice his son and then God provides like a sheep or gold. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Abraham. Abraham and I say yes. So it was like the same kind of vibe was like as soon as I gave something up, God saw that that idol was dead and then brought it back to me in the way he wanted it to be Which is so good and and so that was right around COVID So I went home Minnesota didn't really know what to do still just want to make videos and my dad said Jimmy What do you want to do with your life? I said all right? If I could do anything anything? I would just travel around the country give away as much money money as possible, and encourage people to be generous and kind.
Starting point is 00:09:48 And eventually start a church called House Party Church with a water slide for baptisms and just a blast. Yes. And yeah, and my dad's super old school. So he's like, well, go do it. Start tomorrow. I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, no, start tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I'm always here and people like, wait till the open door pray. This and that. But my dad's like, no, start tomorrow. I'm always hearing people like, wait till the open door pray. This and that, but my dad's like, no, start tomorrow. So I literally got in my car, drove cost country, started filming videos. And first I started doing comedy videos to grow an audience. And then once I had that audience, I was like, now I think I have enough people to where we could raise funds and help someone.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And the first kindness video I really did was, I was in Miami and there was this homeless man living on a beach I said, hey bro, you want to be best friends for the day? He goes, yeah, I got nothing else to do. So I literally kicked it with him We played basketball like I don't know roller blade around got some food stuff on the way home He just starts breaking down and tears crying and he goes I was actually suicidal today one to end my life But you come in my life changed my whole perspective and I was actually suicidal today. It wanted to end my life, but you come in my life, changed my whole perspective. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:10:46 no way, what the heck bro? And I was like, do you have cash app? Just popped in my head the question you have cash. And he said he did. I was like, I'm going to put it at the end of the video
Starting point is 00:10:55 and just see if people will donate to you. Like, I don't know. Maybe they won't. So I go to bed. The video's got like 10,000 views. I'm like, dang, the guy's not really going to
Starting point is 00:11:04 raise any money for him. Like shoot. I wake up until like 15 million views I call them he gets over 30,000 dollars he's like no longer almost you and traveled South America for a while and that's really when I was like wow this kind of thing is crazy so many people want to help and as a little kid I was like man people want to help but they just don't know if they like can or if they trust The person whatever but if I can show videos of who the money's going to they're gonna love it Wow, and that's really what started everything gosh that is such a cool story I love so many things of what you said and
Starting point is 00:11:38 Starting with just the relational aspect that you began a relationship with God that was such a friendship And I love that you know God desires that that's why God sent his son I mean obviously to be the sacrifice but also like Jesus is language is like I want to be a friend like he walks around with these 12 guys like a friend would do you know and it's the same for us and I mean man I haven't very similar story to how my relationship started with the Lord and kind of walked into the calling that God was going to do and it was very similar to you.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I thought that God, I actually thought that God was asking me to do something I felt incapable of doing. And it was kind of like, all of a sudden, I was famous, but I didn't want to be. I was like, I don't care about any of this God. I just want to do what you have for me. The fame really intimidated me. It really scared me.
Starting point is 00:12:28 It was really draining to me. And I remember the Lord speaking to me first time ever and saying, I'm not asking you to be famous. I'm asking you to be a sister and a friend of those who don't have one. And it was the greatest thing that he could have ever said to me because I was like, I can do that. Like I know how to do that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I love being a friend. I love being a sister. I don't know anything about that world, but this is like who you've created me to be. Well, that's like a very generic word. So what do you do with that? And so I did the same thing. Well, what would I want to do if it was like my dream?
Starting point is 00:13:00 And just started working towards it. And it's so cool because it took years of like, figuring out what that looks like and changes and stuff like that. And I look at my life today and I'm like, I cannot believe I'm actually getting to do it. You know, it took a lot of work and a lot of faith, but like look at what God has done. And so I just think it's really inspiring because I love how you said a lot of people are waiting on God to move. And I think that God is moving and he's waiting on you to say yes and start moving yourself, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:29 And that lead will come behind you. And so I just love your story. It's so cool. I love also what you said about he gave you a new heart and a desire for it. I think people need to realize that some of the things that make them who they are, like you were wild and crazy and all those things.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It can be used for bad, but it can also be used for such good when the desire is shifted in the right place. And so how cool that you're so crazy and you're so wild, but you're crazy and wild about Jesus. And that is sparking such crazy and wild change around the world. So man, just thanks for sharing that story.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And I have to just pause real fast and say the water slide baptisms, probably the greatest idea I've heard throughout on this podcast. So tell me about this dream, about this church because I saw you talk about this in an interview one time. And I was like, that's so epic. Has the church started? Are you still designed to do that? Where's that at? Yeah, so it's a big wild vision, you know I really want to when it really launches wants to be really professional really done right stuff But yeah, it's just just kind of I was like in my room praying and I was just like man Like why do little kids fall asleep in church like that doesn't make sense like I feel like a church should look like what it looks like in heaven You know, and I don't like kids will be falling asleep in heaven
Starting point is 00:14:43 So I was like I want it to be the other way around. Instead of like, you know, the parents drag and the kids to church, get in the van, hop in there, you know, it's the other way around. It's like the kids like, wake up. Just like Christmas morning like, come on. We gotta go to church.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Wow. And it's just kind of this vision to have just, yeah, this massive house party with no drugs, no alcohol, you know, but obviously just like community, people eating, having fun, water slide for baptisms, no alcohol, you know, but obviously just like community people eating, having fun, Water slide for baptisms, a DJ like crazy stuff like literally just the wildest stuff ever the goal of everything is to show people that It's the love of God that transforms us. It's not the setting of rules or setting of things that like fear that brings us to the kingdom It's like people all the time. They'll tell me like, you know, just serious things or like fear that brings us to the kingdom. It's like people all the time, they'll tell me like,
Starting point is 00:15:25 you know, just serious things or this or that. And I'm like, man, if you really want to know the answer to that question, bro, go in your room, shut the door, no one's looking, get on your knees, just say Jesus, like I want to know the truth, God. Like, what is this okay to live this way? Is it not okay?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Some things might be hard to hear, but they are what I need to hear. But if you say them, you're not going to put something on me that I can do. You're not gonna say fly around like a eagle if I don't have wings. Like when God says anything to us, in his word, anything in scripture,
Starting point is 00:15:52 like he's gonna give us the power to do it. That's what real grace does. Like it's the ability to live righteous, not just like, oh, it's all right, you could do it again. I got you. I'll forgive you. Like that would stuck. I honestly, tell this all the time, like say this all the time, like, man, if Jesus came and died for us,
Starting point is 00:16:07 to be slaved to sin on this earth, and then when we're in heaven, we're free from sin, that is the dumbest gospel I've ever heard of. I would not be following. That just sounds like, that sounds so powerless. But if it's like, no, I came not only to pay for your sins, to pay for your eternity, but I'm getting
Starting point is 00:16:25 you freedom now in this life. Then I'm like, okay, wow. All right, I see what you did here. Like that makes complete sense, you know? That's so cool. Well, I love how much freedom you walk in, how much joy and it's evident that the fruit of who God is all over your life. And that comes directly from a relationship with God.
Starting point is 00:16:41 So that's so cool. Oh, I saw this somewhere. I don't know if this is true, but did you really see a Billy Graham video? And that's what helped kind of start your relationship with the Lord. Yes, I did. I did. I was in my room on YouTube. And I was walking, I was actually walking upstairs in my room and there was this guy on TV talking. I was like, who the heck is that? But that man's got a beautiful voice. Like, his voice sounds like Beyonce or something. Like his like a springer.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And my mom is like, that's Billy Graham. Your dad went to a stadium event and he got saved there. Like, he thinks Billy Graham. So I was like embarrassed, didn't want. I heard a no. I was like, curious. So I snuck into my room. I was like, I was like, type in Billy Graham on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And it was like, have in her house. It was just some very intense video about the gospel and just about, are you gonna choose to live for yourself? You're gonna choose to live for others and for the kingdom and just, you know, receive Jesus. And I just got so convicted by it. I've never heard like a preacher talk that intense.
Starting point is 00:17:37 It's usually just encouragement. It's okay, like blah, blah, blah. It's like, that stuff's great. But man, I want some candy. Like tell me the truth. Like, you know, if I'm gonna walk around the corner and someone's gonna beat me up, tell me. It's not nice.
Starting point is 00:17:49 It's like, it's okay. Like you're on a journey. No, no, I'm not on a journey. They tell me the truth. And Billy Graham was doing that and it just caught me to my core. And I was like, man, holy fuck, it's like, my pastor's not responsible for my soul.
Starting point is 00:18:03 My parents are, my friends aren't like people care But does anyone really really care where I go when I die in that situation? I was like I have to take that responsibility that he's got on my knees right there is like Jesus ever a pancake I just want to invite you into my life. I want to know you Yeah, I got saved watching a Billy Graham video and come on. It was pretty fun That's so cool. You see, I think that's so cool because so many people harp on social media being such a bad thing and look, I know there are a lot of bad traits to social media and we all have to be cautious with those things and responsible
Starting point is 00:18:36 for guarding our heart in those areas. But social media can be used for such a tool of spreading the love of God, spreading the truth of the gospel. And I always am like, man, this is so crazy. Whenever I meet somebody and they're like, I got saved from watching this video of yours from a long time ago, or that video, or that podcast is what sent me to start going to church again, or I heard this conversation that you had, or this thing on Instagram that led me to it. Dot dot dot in the relationship with Christ. Christ and I'm like that is so incredible and you don't have to have a super large platform to be doing that. Whoever you have following you
Starting point is 00:19:11 speak directly to those people love them well and it will be amazing. Just how it multiplies and so I think it's so cool what you're doing because I think in the same way people are going to see your generosity in a video and maybe it's not that moment that they're like, oh, I'm saved, maybe it is, but maybe they see that and they're like, what is that? I wanna be more like that. Now that leads them to the Lord, how cool is that?
Starting point is 00:19:35 It's awesome. Yeah, my favorite thing in the world is, so years, you know, ever since I was 18 when I got saved, I'm 26 now, for years, I would always just be going up to be blue at Walmart or whatever, bowling at whatever, just, hey, how you doing side by the how you doing? Like anything I could pray for you for and just pray for them if they have injuries nearby pray that just God would touch them and heal them and lead them to Jesus and just evangelizing always, you know, just a
Starting point is 00:19:58 this is a central part of the gospel. So it was so cool. My favorite thing was when I started blowing up and and these videos started going crazy People I was like does it get annoying when people come up to you and want a picture say I'm like no like if anything Times it times a hundred because it's just reverse evangelism. These people come to me. I don't go to they come to me I already have so much respect for me that I can just love on them Tell them the gospel pray for them and encourage them maybe buy their groceries, but it's really fun. I love it so much. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:20:29 It's so good. So I know you've hung out with so many different people, even able to be generous to so many different people, but is there a story for you that sticks out that you've been a part of that was a big moment for you to see how generosity affects people? Yeah, yeah, I think the coolest moment that I can remember is I was gonna do this video,
Starting point is 00:20:49 it was the first person to give me a hug, I was gonna give him $500, and I walked around, drove around the city for literally like five, six hours, and I'd be about to go up to someone to ask them, and I just feel like not peace about it, and I was like, what the heck? Like I gotta get this done. Like the sun's going down
Starting point is 00:21:05 and I was just, you know, just talking to Jesus like, oh, leave me the right person, they please. And I was like, all right, I guess I can't find them. So I get my little Honda, I'm driving back home. And there's this guy in a bicycle driving. And as soon as I saw him, I just went, that's him, that is him. That is him. That is him. So I just pull over. I don't even know he's a parking spot. Like in someone's driveway, is him so I just pull over I don't even know is a parking spot like in someone's driveway sideways whatever I get out I run down the road and like getting in front of them and that walks low or whatever You know it's where you just walk and and I'm like sir sir stop stop and he's he stops his bike with his feet Because the brakes don't even work and I said oh had such a bad day man
Starting point is 00:21:41 Could you just get me a hug I just need to feel that embrace of someone can you just give me a hug and You didn't speak much English a lot a lot not ton of English, but he goes sure sure I'll give you a hug so It gets out the bike gives me a hug and I go. Thanks so much, man I'm just seeing the first person to be kind enough to share some empathy and I got $500 for you And he just starts breaking down into here grown man probably 50 years some years old. And he goes, hey, it worked. The boss paid everybody except for me. I didn't get paid anything. And I worked the same as everyone else, but he came from El Salvador, you know, undocumented, immigrant and stuff. And so because of that, you know, the workforce,
Starting point is 00:22:20 they can kind of mess with you because what you got to turn them into the police, you know, it's just a complicated situation, but this is the awesome sky ever. And the reason he lives here in works in the States is because he's from El Salvador. He's got a wife, kids, everything, but the economy is so bad that he can't provide for him. So he came here 18 years ago and has been working, sending them money to keep them afloat and provide for his family. And he's only seen his wife and kids on FaceTime. He can't leave the country because then he can't get back in. And so I was like, man, this is crazy. And he's only seen his wife and kids on FaceTime. He can't leave the country because then he can't get back in.
Starting point is 00:22:45 And so I was like, man, this is crazy. And he's just an awesome Christian. He just loves the Lord. And I was like, man, I just wanna be friends with you. And he's like, yes, Jimmy, let's go around, help some people. So we literally went on like a tour to like three states, drove around in my car,
Starting point is 00:22:59 stayed at home, tells the gather. And we just helped people together, became friends. And I was like, oh, is there that man, I got a surprise for you. And over the course of a few months, I ended up telling him that we raised like over $50,000 for him. And his goal was to get to like 30,000 or whatever, then he can move home. It'd be enough to be good.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Because he told me $10,000 can buy a home and I'll save it or so. He's got 50 grand. So he ends up getting the money, moves hall in time for Christmas, and he's got pictures hugging his wife at the airport. He's ballin' out now, like he used to be a business owner back in the day, so I'm sure now he has like employees
Starting point is 00:23:36 and he's like runnin' a whole operation, but it's just so cool. And his wife kept saying, he kept telling his wife before he met me, he kept saying, I'm gonna be home Christmas, I'm gonna come home to see you on Christmas. And she's like, you're crazy, what are you talking about? And he's like, no, I trust God,
Starting point is 00:23:51 like I'm gonna be home for Christmas. Sure enough, his faith ended up doing something and it worked out. Wow. Oh my gosh, that is like the coolest thing ever. And so much of what you said is the things that you don't get to see on social media, because I'm a huge fan of what you do. I've been following along for a while.
Starting point is 00:24:08 My husband had both every time you post a video. We're sending it to you each other. Do you see this one? You see this one? We love it. I mean, I'll get stuck on your page just watching them. One's I've already seen just because it's so powerful. But you don't get to hear that story of a drove around for six hours.
Starting point is 00:24:23 The sun was going down. I'm asking the Lord, it's semi-hoot is because the reality is like you could have gone up to anybody but you didn't feel a piece about it and there was something that the Lord was doing. There's something the Holy Spirit was doing having you wait for the guy to drive on the bicycle that had been praying for the thing that you were about to get to be a part of answering his prayer and I just love how God uses his people. So how big of an element is that to what you do is that your prayer life because I think you know again that's not what you see on Instagram but hearing the back story and that
Starting point is 00:24:54 makes that actually so much more powerful. Yeah, no 100% like you know if you don't take it with pops for 5, 10, 15 days and go and try to do a video like you just feel dead and like you just you gotta be taking it with pops for 5, 10, 15 days and go and try to do a video. Like you just feel dead and like you just, you gotta be taking it with him, you know, like, he sees, it's like, it's like, if you go three, four days while you're in a food, it's gonna be pretty rough, right? It's not gonna be too great.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And hanging out with God is literally food for your spirit. And so you go a day, two days, you might be fine but longer than that. And so it's really important, yeah, to take it with Jesus, make sure the heart is right. It's always to just yeah, just be right to the right people. Do it with him. And just understand their eternal value. And like, you're not just making a video, but jacksley talking to a human here in their life story, seeing if heaven can invade that situation. And restore it. I think that's why I think,
Starting point is 00:25:45 I mean, there's a lot of reasons why what you've done has been so successful. But I think that's one reason why the wind of God is so behind what you're doing is because you truly care about people. And I think that a lot of people try to build a platform the fast way, the way that people tell them how, but I always tell them, like they're like,
Starting point is 00:26:03 say, how do you, how do you start doing what you're doing? I couldn't even tell you, I can't tell you any type of formula It's really based out of a relationship with God and things just By I mean a series of several events people coming in prayers Is this having this happening like it just begin to form? Yeah, and I think with what you're doing is you care so much about the people that It's actually a sustainable thing. It's not like you were a one-hit wonder. You had this viral video on TikTok from a guy in Miami and that was the end because if you didn't care about people, it wouldn't last long.
Starting point is 00:26:35 But you just sat here and told me for three, four, five minutes, the entire guy's story, which means it wasn't just a one- minute video that you had put together and posted and never thought about it again. It was days, months of a relationship with somebody. And I think, you know, when you walk with integrity, when you walk with authenticity, and when you're doing something because it's actually what you're called to do out of the relationship you have with the Lord, it's so much more long-lasting than the temporary highs of fame that so many of us chase when it comes to social media.
Starting point is 00:27:06 So just to stop and encourage people who are listening, if you're wanting to build a platform, I just encourage you don't look at it as like, oh, I'm building a platform of numbers or I'm trying to build a platform for success or my goal is to hit five million. What does that mean if there's not meaning behind it? You know, what does that mean if there's not purpose attached to? What does it mean if you's not meaning behind it? You know, what does that mean if there's not purpose attached to? What does it mean if you don't love people well? If you're not, if there's not something that's actually moving people to, um, I mean, essentially eternity.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Yeah. I'm a big fan. Yeah. I just love that what you're doing holds so much more value. And I think truly that's why it is so long lasting I think that's why it is so amazing and moving. I think that's why people watch your videos and they cry because It's more than just a moment, you know, and I just I love that is there a reason you prompt people with give me a hug or Or the first person who you know
Starting point is 00:28:02 Chases me in Walmart whatever it is like all your things are so crazy. Is there a reason why you have a crazy prompt at the beginning? Yeah, yeah, so basically, I, um, yeah, I realized the power of cash app and blessing and like raising funds for people with that guy in Miami. And then when I came out to California, I was like, hmm, I've seen hundreds of videos, people helping people on internet and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I was like, I was like, hmm, I was like, wonder if I could like do it do it different to where almost where mainly the focus isn't even on me It's actually on the person the whole video and so that's what I love actually it's like crazy when people come up to me And I'm like how do you even know what I look like my face isn't even in the videos, you know Sometimes at the end of the dance per second or whatever, but yeah, it's always kind of this first person point of view. And so I was just walking one day, and I literally was like, I saw this family crossing the street,
Starting point is 00:28:49 I was like, I'm gonna ask them for money, like for a burrito or for food, and if they do, I might give them a hundred bucks. And this family came and the guy goes, you need food, you need food, so he hands me his burrito, then the daughter gives me like a dollar, they just keep helping me, I'm like, oh my gosh, I actually didn't need any of that.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I wanna give you a hundred bucks for your kindness. And really from there on it just started, I was like, oh my gosh, how's no one really done this or thought of this, like, where you just ask for help first and then reward them for it, because then 99% of the comments are about Marco or Teresa helping you. It's like, worry% of the comments are about me, because it's all about them in the video
Starting point is 00:29:26 They're the star and that's why I love it and that's why I can just run so well and so good at doing this because yeah I'm kind of like behind the scenes and Even though I'm the one making the video. It's just it's just fun like the tension is on them and it's so cool Because one of my favorite things is when these people help me, maybe they give me 50 cents at the laundromat for clothes or this or that, I guarantee you, all of them have been helping people their whole life. And that's like one time they actually got recognized for it. You know, so it's like, they didn't just randomly just help me
Starting point is 00:29:56 that day and the other 40 years they didn't. Like, they've done it in secret, so long. And now they want to get put up there, people see them, their their friends their family celebrate them Sometimes we get money raised from and it's just yeah, it's just so awesome to celebrate those kind people I love it so much so one thing from watching your videos like a said huge fan But it inspired me. I was like hey, what can I do that? Well help people and so I started doing this
Starting point is 00:30:21 I've never posted all this or video this I just do it and it's so fun And so I always like whenever I'm that I've just do it and it's so fun. And so I always like whenever I'm checking out at the cash register and it's interesting because there will be sometimes that I don't have peace about it. If you sometimes I'm like, oh, I know this is a person and it's so cool
Starting point is 00:30:35 to work with God in that and see who God has in mind. And the first time that happened, I was talking to this lady and it just helped me, one thing your videos helped me do is like recognize the people in front of me and get to know their story. So I was like, she was and it just helped me, one thing your video's helped me do is like, recognize the people in front of me and get to know their story. So I was like, she was like bagging on my stuff and she was doing such a good job at it.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Like I just recognized that she made sure that the chicken was in its own thing and that everything was just like perfectly done and I did not organize it on the counter. She did that. And I said, you're so good at bagging and she said, well, you get good at it when you've been doing it for 25 years. I said, you've so good at bagging. And she said, well, you get good at it when you've been doing it for 25 years.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I said, you've been doing this for 25 years. And she said, yeah, started out here. And I'm not about one more. And I said, well, that's great. And so what you can tell, you're so good at what you do. So then what I did was when it said, do you want cash back? I clicked, yeah, hit the number for cash back. And she said, do you want 20s or whatever?
Starting point is 00:31:22 I said, yeah, whatever you got. And as she went to give it to me, I said, oh, that's a gift for you. I said, does this for 25 years of great work. And she started crying. And she cried. And she hugged me. And so, I've been doing that. It's like so cool. I'll just always ask for a cash back. And I just say, let's a gift for you. And it's just so cool to see the different reactions of, like, and you never know, it's the people that it got to do that Thanksgiving for someone working at CVS. I was like, that's just for working on your day off.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And the only thing I could get back that day, because the CVS home was like, you could only get $20 back. And I said, I wish I could give you more, but here's this. And she cried and it was $20 on Thanksgiving. And it just meant so much to her. And so I want to talk to you about that,
Starting point is 00:32:06 like people out there who can't give a ton, but what does it look like to give with what you have? Because I've noticed that it doesn't really matter the dollar amount that I've given to people. It really just matters that I noticed them. And that is the thing that changes the moment. Yes, 100%. Oh, the most impactful thing I can remember that anyone's done for me.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Like, I'm sure friends have like done stuff or whatever, but the most impactful thing ever, I was actually in like, Fargo North, the court, when North Dakota driving across the country. And I would got a haircut of like sports clips or something. I was getting a haircut and then I was going to leave and pay. And they're like, oh yeah, like some, that older gentleman over there, like some guys like 70 paid for your haircut. I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:32:52 You were kidding me, what? It's like $20 haircut and I was just so shook by that. I literally got in my car. I called like every one I knew, I was like, you're not gonna believe this. Some guy paid for my haircut. Like, it just is crazy, you know, because that stuff's so rare to happen to you.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Like, man, if I went to Starbucks literally right now, and someone bought me a drink, I would be shook. Literally, like, I would be like, what? Like, that is crazy. Like, that is so crazy, because everything in culture is so selfish and self centered to do something like that, it's so powerful. And so, it's so true.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Literally just opening your door for someone or if someone's watching this, they literally have no funds at all to give. And they're just barely getting by. Literally, I challenge you next time you go to the grocery store and you're about to check out. Literally, just tell the person about you. Hey, you can go like, I'll let you go in front of me. Just that will probably shake them. And they'll be so confused in an amazing way. And certainly, yeah. Like, you do not need funds at all to be able to bless people and to do that. That's just an extension of what you can use, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:52 That's so cool. One thing I'm curious about, because this happened to me the other day, and this is the first time this happened to me and doing this and I'm sure this happened to you before, but I went to give her the cash. I said, oh, that's for you, that's a good. And she was like, no, I don't want that.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And I was like, it was like, no, I mean, it's just so good. I want you to have it. And she was like, no, I cannot take that. She was like very adamant. And I was like, OK, well, and then the guy at this side who was by his side, he said, I'll take it. And I was like, OK, you can have it. And it was just kind of a weird moment. And it was like, man, that was weird. Because it wasn't like she was like and I was like, okay, you can have it. It was like just kind of a weird moment.
Starting point is 00:34:25 It was like, man, that was weird. Cause it wasn't like she was like, humbly just like, oh, I can't take it. It was just like, almost like, no, I'm not gonna take it. But when I noticed, and it was just a weird moment, I was like, okay, that was a little bit weird. Well, then the next time I went to do it
Starting point is 00:34:38 for someone, I felt a little bit nervous cause I was like, what did they say no? And I know a lot of it for people who haven't been generous with their time or their money or whatever it is. It's a lot of it not because they don't want to be generous because they're afraid of the response from the people. And so have you had moments where people have turned you down or it's been awkward or you're like,
Starting point is 00:35:01 well that was kind of weird. And how do you get past like the nerves that go along with stepping out, put yourself in front of a stranger? Yeah. So sometimes if it's the situation where I can really tell they don't need the money or don't want it and they're just literally like,
Starting point is 00:35:15 bless someone else that needs it more. Sometimes I go, okay, no worries. And go find someone else that's more in a situation like that. But if it's somebody that is in need or just the average person, you know? And they say no, a lot of the time is because yeah, it's like in our lives we grew up
Starting point is 00:35:30 and everything you get is what you work for and you have to earn everything. But grace, the kingdom is all the opposite. We get what we don't deserve, we get forgiveness. And so it's really having that perspective for these people and just wanting them to get freedom. And lots of times I'll just say like, no, bro, like you gotta take this
Starting point is 00:35:44 or literally you're gonna to ruin my day. Like you're amazing. If you want to throw this on the sidewalk or like flush it onto, I don't care, but I want you to have this. You're amazing. And it's actually more humble for you to take this right now than to not take it.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And I want you to receive this gift. And just like every time they'll take it basically, but 100%. Yeah, it's, I'm working on some things right now to, yeah, like get my community more involved and helping out and giving back and give it to some of those fears and stuff for that, but it's definitely, it's definitely something that, yeah, like the more you do it and just confidence with God, it says in the Bible, it's like the righteous are as bold as a lion.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And so when you really understand your righteousness is from him and that yeah, he sees you and you're just clean and you're so loved like you can go out and just be so bold and just know that man if somebody treats you wrong, if somebody freaks out of you, like it's not because of you, it's because someone probably happened to them when they were kid or that morning or someone coming up in traffic and just a manifestation of those things. The real them were loved to be friends with you. Would love to receive that gift. Would love to know God. It's just so many things have probably happened
Starting point is 00:36:49 that there's these different responses. But deep down, it's like, I don't care. If I go to someone and try to tell them about Jesus and love on them and they're freaking out, cussing me out, it's literally, I just see it as them screaming, saying, please, I need a hug. I need more love. Like, I need help. You know need more love like I need I need help
Starting point is 00:37:06 You know like they're just using those words to find something but but yeah, it's amazing everyone is so precious I love the bold as a lion because it's true like whenever you have a strong relationship with Christ and you trust God with with the thing With who he is and who he created you to be you get this boldness every and you really see it if you study the life of Peter Peter, you know, was kind of a more of a afraid person. Whenever Jesus was with him, he, you know, obviously he had this crazy faith video, this crazy fear attached to it. He would like go to walk in the water and then he would sink, you know, or he would, you know, want to be so there for the Lord He cut the dudes you're off and then the same night he denies that he even knows Jesus. He had this like, faith, but he also had this fear and kind of dance in this walk with that.
Starting point is 00:37:52 But then after Jesus was resurrected and they came back together and had this epic redemption of their relationship and it was like, do you love me, Fee Massey? Do you love me? Do you love me? This whole just really intimate time together. After that, you never see that fear in Peter again. You see this crazy boldness. It literally says that he was like known for his boldness.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I mean, when Peter walked by, people were getting healed from Peter's shadow. Like, it was like crazy stuff was happening. And that really is what happens when you have a relationship with the Lord. I think it's because you don't care about you so much, you know, you care about the people in front of you. So you're not thinking about yourself, thinking about people,
Starting point is 00:38:30 which leads you to do things that get you out of your head. And you're not so insecure. So you're doing things that cause a little bit more bravery or bonus, but you're not even thinking that you're trying to muster up braver bonus, because it's just given to you from the spirit. And I think that that's the thing that you're doing. I was trying to say this earlier, but I think a better way of saying it is you're not just doing this to build a platform.
Starting point is 00:38:52 You're doing this to love people. And that's why it works because you're not doing this for Jimmy to look good. You're doing this because you love Theresa. You love, you know, John, whoever you're actually like doing it for them and so a they were to deny you Well, it's it's not really on you. Yeah, it's with something that they're going through so you don't take things so Personally, yeah, my favorite my favorite preacher hands down like I told people it's all the time I like go up to people and groceries. I'm like don't look me up on YouTube. Please look this man up instead Dan Moller. I don't know if you've heard of him, but I tell people to look him up like literally the most just it's just candy
Starting point is 00:39:31 But one of the best things I hear her to him say is he's like yeah, like it doesn't make sense people say the people that love you The most can hurt you the most. He's actually like no love is so selfless true love so selfless love is so selfless that the people closely you can't hurt you the most because true love is just it's really all about giving. It's not about taking it's not, I love you. Do you love me back? Say it honey. Like no, yeah, I love you no matter what you do. And that's true kingdom love. And I know it's a crazy concept, but it really is a way to live and we can truly live on a fendable like Jesus lived in his heart. And there's so much freedom there.
Starting point is 00:40:06 That's good. Gosh, I love this so much. Everything you've said has been so good. I feel like people are going to be so encouraged by this. And I know that they are. I've been so encouraged. I knew this was going to be a fun conversation, but I didn't know how much, like, just richness is what's going to carry.
Starting point is 00:40:22 The way that you talk about Jesus Jesus the way that you spit out Just versus in the Bible and different concepts what who God is just Honestly so fun to listen to and I'm so grateful that you said yes to doing this So I heard somewhere this I think this was from Jason your good friend Jason Kennedy Instagram that he was gonna he was talking about doing a TV show with you Is that happening is that that something that works? What's next for you? Yeah, me, me, Jason and Taylor, we all have it in our hearts to do that, you know, kind of just at a bigger scale.
Starting point is 00:40:52 The bless more people to get into living rooms in America, provide something where people can kind of just come together, watch something and get inspired to go out and do it. So we're working on that. We've been working on it for a while. Just pitch into different networks and stuff like that. So we'll see what happens, you know, it's gods on it and blesses it. That'll be awesome if not that's okay But either way it's gonna be fun and yeah, this has been a absolute blast. I love it Well, everybody of course go follow him on social media if you're not you will be blessed from that and I really do pray and encourage you guys. So not just take what you've heard today, but put action behind what you've heard. Let that faith spark action.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And I can't wait to see different things on social media, hear different stories about the people that you guys have blessed and encouraged. Not because you have all the finances of the world, but just because you have a heart to love people. And so Jimmy, thank you so much for encouraging us today. You're awesome. Can't wait to see the videos that are to come
Starting point is 00:41:45 and hear the awesome stories. Thank you so much. Bless you guys. And yeah, let's go get it. Let's go spread some kindness. Let our little lights shine. And let's have a good time doing it. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Come. you

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