WHOA That's Good Podcast - You CAN Have Joy — Right Where You Are | Sadie Robertson Huff & Ellie Holcomb

Episode Date: November 16, 2022

Sadie is so excited to welcome singer-songwriter and children's book author Ellie Holcomb. Ellie shares about her humble beginnings and the big lesson she learned through it all: to view every interac...tion as an opportunity to bless someone. Ellie & Sadie remind us that every day is a gift and that we don't take one step alone as believers, so we need to resist feeling frazzled as much as we can — the pressure is off. God has us! Plus, what does joy sound like? Sadie challenges us to see that joy isn't necessarily about what's to come, but what's already been done for us, on our behalf. Joy is for you, right where you are. And Ellie and Sadie reveal some of their family Christmas traditions. Ellie's book "Sounding Joy" is available everywhere.   https://helixsleep.com/sadie — Get up to $200 OFF AND 2 free pillows! https://liberty.edu/Sadie — get your application fee WAIVED if you decide Liberty is the place for you! https://liberty.edu/Sadie — get your application fee WAIVED if you decide Liberty is the place for you! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up friends, welcome back to the one that's gonna podcast happy Wednesday everybody. Y'all I'm so excited for today. This is the second time Ellie Holcomb is coming on the podcast the first time was just absolutely incredible and I was so surprised because I mean I love her from afar But sometimes when it's the first time you meet someone over a podcast It can be an awkward first meeting but man we just clicked from the start And that's been one of my favorite podcasts today not kidding would not say that if I didn't mean it I was actually looking back at that podcast and it even got more listens than most of our podcasts And I think it was because just such an organic
Starting point is 00:00:45 storytelling moment from your heart and what your story is. And so I'm so grateful to have you back on the podcast. I know so many other people are too. We have so many fun things to talk about. And so welcome back. Thank you, girl. It's so good to be here. I love that conversation too. You know, you do, you end up doing a lot of these as an artist and I will never forget that conversation. We had a love day so much. It was so good. It was like, it was really fun. It's one of those things where you prepare for a podcast but it's the best when it takes a completely different direction. And there are so many things I didn't even know to
Starting point is 00:01:18 prepare for about your story that you just openly shared and so many girls related to it. It was just awesome. So if you haven't listened to that one, go back and listen to that one as well. But I just want to, okay, so typically I asked people the best piece of advice, but we already got your best piece of advice. So I want to ask you a little update because when we taught last time your album, Canyon, had just came out, incredible album. So first I just want to talk about like, where's is that now? I know it's crazy like put out something so massive and then just like move on with life like as you know as if okay onto the next scene but that's still a huge part of what God did in your life and so what do you
Starting point is 00:01:57 feel like God's still taking you through that and I also saw that one of the songs is up for a Grammy consideration is that right? So that's crazy. So I just want to hear an update and all of that. Yeah. Thanks for asking, girl. It has been, I think with the most amazing thing about being, one of the most amazing things about being a musician.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And you know this, anything that you do, any creative. I'll say a creative, because that's my experience as a musician. But if you're writing, if you're even if you're speaking, say to you do this all the time, you're speaking or you're sending out a podcast, you do, you send it out, you kind of birth it, you have the conversation, you do the event, you speak, or you send out the record in the song, and then it's just out in the wild. You know, you're like, oh my goodness. So I think for me, the stories, I was just at the silos at Silo Bracian with Chip and Joanne again,
Starting point is 00:02:53 down in Waco. And I was walking with my kids through that little market that they do. And I was in tears by the time we've walked this little one block section. We were playing a show that night. So there were a good amount of our fans there, but we got stopped. I don't know, maybe 35 times by different people. And here's what's amazing to me, Sadie. I cannot get over.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I love the way that songs connect our stories to each other and then connect our stories to the story of God that he's writing. And so I heard story after story, after story, people just crying saying, this song, Constellations or I will care you carried me through the season of infertility or my daughter has been suffering through a deep, deep long season of infertility. Well, my daughter has been suffering through a deep, deep long season of depression. And Canyon reminded her that even in the lowest place, that God's love runs deeper. And so my kids were with me and they were kind of like,
Starting point is 00:03:59 you know, we were supposed to go to their favorite book shop and so they're like, okay, another person stopping us. But it was so, so I stopped and just checked in with them. I was like, guys, that took, you know, about an hour, it should have taken us like 15 minutes to walk that little block. I was like, but I just want to tell you tears were coming down my face. And I said, I just want you to know one of the things that God has called mommy to do is make songs and then he uses those songs and weaves into people's stories and he's always alive and always working and what you just heard about 35 different people say is evidence of a God who is always cool, who
Starting point is 00:04:38 is always meeting us in the deepest places of pain. And I know that that feels impatient and that's a hard thing for you to wait for Mama, but I just wanna encourage you to ask God to give you patience. Yeah. And then also maybe just to pray for those people who are that's awesome. Come and share their stories and maybe they haven't ever had a little kid pray for them before.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And so I think for me, the most beautiful part of Canyon has been hearing the stories that God has been writing. I'm just so grateful. And then it's that same thing. I'm sure you get this all the time, Sadie. But, you know, when we are brave enough to go first, you know, that C.S. Lewis says the the beginning of true friendship is me too. Yeah. Yeah. When you're brave enough to say, this was hard for me, or I struggled here, or I need help believing this God. When you're brave enough to say that first, I think for me that the stoning thing about King and has been the echo and echoes echoes of me too.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And then the stories that I hear back, it's like a, it's a generative communal situation. It's not just, oh, I'm going to teach you. I'm going to sing over you. These stories are encouraging me and reminding me once again that God is who he says he is. That's so powerful. That is so cool. When you hear a song, maybe we all had this note when you hear a song and it's like It's like I could have written that because that's exactly what I'm going through except I can't write that because I'm not gifted in that way. You're like so grateful for the songwriter who wrote it and you do that so well. And that really is so cool and I'm so glad that you're even teaching your kids that about just the beauty of what you do and letting people speak in and giving them the time to share their story because I remember there was a time in my life where you know used to I was kind of known for like Doug Dynastie Dance with the stars and it was very like television, celebrity kind of thing and then I started shifting into ministry and everything I started to do like it really mattered to me
Starting point is 00:06:38 it was really important to me and I started getting really annoyed whenever people come to me and just want to take a selfie because I was just like what is that? Like what does that even do for you? What is that? Like we didn't even connect, did I even catch your name? Like that was not even like a real moment, you know? And you're gonna take you know a glimpse of maybe meeting me but we didn't actually have like a connection that maybe kind of like lasted longer than a picture kind of thing. And so it just started kind of bothering me. And then there was one night where I was hosting an event and it was one of those things where this long line ended up being right after I spoke and I was wanting to talk to people. And so the first person was like, I just
Starting point is 00:07:19 want to selfie, take a selfie. Then the next person's like sharing the deepest struggle of their life with me and how whatever I said really connected and she's crying And the next person's like can we take a selfie and then the next person And it was just like over and I was going from like high to low to high to low and how there's like smiling I'm like crying I'm smiling and I was like so this is so weird and so finally I like Backed up and like looked at the line. I like, hey girls, I am so excited to hear about your stories. I'm so excited to meet you.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I said, if you just want a selfie, can you come get in this line? And if you want to chattel a bit longer, stay in this line. And you'd be surprised how many people literally were just, I just want a selfie. Came, got a selfie left. And then how many people were like,
Starting point is 00:08:02 no, actually want to talk. And I mean, we had so many crazy connections. But I say to say there is just something so important and so rich about actually connecting to people with a story that's similar. And I love when people come up to me and the airport come up to me at the beach wherever I am. And they say like, hey, what you said on the podcast
Starting point is 00:08:22 is say, what you wrote in your book instead of just having this, you know, small moment of a selfie. I just think it's so powerful. So I think it's cool that you're teaching your kids like really why you're doing what you're doing and appreciating when you get the feedback of like, whoa, what I'm doing is moving people. It's working. I'm doing what God call me to do. So I think.
Starting point is 00:08:44 That's right. And they're a part of that too, because they're in our family and there's a cost. There's a cost to that. You know, we were leave it. Whatever. There's a cost to any any work that you're doing. Yeah. Take something from you. Right. So it is such a anyway. I love. I love that you did that. That you separated the two lines. And I remember when I was first touring, we were playing, I mean, when we first started Sadie, we were true and hour like in a Volvo station wagon playing community college lunchrooms at 12 o'clock. And then, I mean, it was not great. It was not a good thing. People would like look at us, you know, they were paying us, the college was paying us to be there, but they didn't announce it
Starting point is 00:09:24 or anything. So people would be like, what are these musicians doing in our lunch room? So they would roll their eyes, put their headphones back on. No, it was really at the humble beginning. Very humble beginning. And so you're just like, this is kind of soul-sucking God. Is this really what you want me to be doing? And I met a friend of mine, her name is Jennifer Dangle's. I don't even know, I haven't seen her forever. She was just like a fellow, you know, true buddler like musician, beginning levels.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And she said, how are y'all doing? And I was like, honestly, it's kind of rough. Like, I don't, I don't, it's paying her bills, but I don't feel a whole lot of purpose in this. And she goes, I know what you mean, because she did those NACA, anyway, there, it's a whole circuit of shows that you do. She goes, I feel you.
Starting point is 00:10:11 She was like, you know, sometimes when I'm in that situation in that very humbling situation, I think maybe God has brought me here just to pray for the people who are around me. Wow. And I don't even have to do that out loud, but it shifted, it shifted what a stage was for for me. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I just was like, okay, okay. So even if these people are just coming to get a selfie because they love my music and they don't wanna have a conversation and maybe they are not even on anywhere of the same playing field of faith or whatever. This episode is brought to you by Sold the Genero. As Sold the Genero, touch isn't just for screens.
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Starting point is 00:11:15 But like the sound of music saying God bless. What's his name? I'm just gonna lift you up to the light That's right. Thank God. You know, that's cool And whatever circumstance we can all be in action. Every interaction can be an opportunity to bless someone. Every interaction can be an opportunity to lift him up. And so I love that. That's a great way to say it. And, you know, I will say whenever I was younger, it did bother me in those moments
Starting point is 00:11:42 because I was trying to do something bigger than me. And I felt like when it was just about me, I was like, oh, but do not see what God's doing. It's bigger than me. I don't even want that, you know. But I feel like as I've kind of matured a little bit over the years, I've realized that, you know, it's not about me and I know it's not about me. And just because in one moment, it's a selfie that doesn't mean it's making it about me because I believe that even if that leads somebody to tap on my Instagram because they tagged me, maybe they're going to see a message that, you know, inspires in that day or maybe they're going to see a godly family who loves each other that they haven't seen, love
Starting point is 00:12:21 each other in that way before. And so, I think, you know, I was putting a lot of pressure on myself. I was younger for those moments to really matter. And I just have to believe that like every moment matters. And it's not on me to like create those moments, like God's moving in all of them. And so I'm really glad is said that because it's really true. Like I think that was a, you know, when you're younger and you're trying to figure things out, you're trying to do something that matters.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You can put so much pressure on yourself to do everything the right way, but there's so much grace for the journey. And thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Which I actually want to ask you about the journey, because for you, one thing that I think is really inspiring about your story is you are a musician. You've kind of always been a creative person.
Starting point is 00:13:06 We talked about it last time, you write in songs, you go on the road and there was a moment that you were like, okay, I'm gonna have to step back and just be a mom for a little while. And now you're back and you're being a mom and you're doing music. And so talk to me about how there's a season for everything because I think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:13:24 get really stressed about like having to do everything like right here right now. But I'm starting to learn that just becoming a mom now expecting baby number two. It really isn't season for everything. And there's a season to like grind and go and get it all started and then to take back and be a mom and be the wife that I'm called to be and be that. But then there's a time to go back and all the things. So talk to me about when you know it's time and how to just trust the seasons that you're in. Oh, that's such a great. It's such a great question. Say, and it's still, you know, it's so beautiful. I'm, I just turned 40 this year. I've been married 16 years. We've got three little kids. My husband does music, I do music, we do it together.
Starting point is 00:14:02 So we are like balancing a lot. There's a lot on our counter. There's a lot, like our lives are very full and I'm so grateful for that. But this is still something that we are constantly coming with open hands. I'm coming with open hands and getting on my face before God and saying, what do I need to hold on to?
Starting point is 00:14:23 What do I need to let go of? Give me wisdom, spirit to leave me. And so there have been, that's exactly right. There are just different seasons. And it has looked different for us in every single season. And my friend Jill Gullhorn, she's an artist, her husband's an artist as well, both amazing people. I was just thinking about this with her
Starting point is 00:14:40 because when I first started doing music, my very first tour, I was on the road with Andrew Peterson. And we on a bus together and I was just like how do you balance being a mom and being a musician. I'm feeling God call me into this and I feel so scared. Like I don't want to, I don't know, I just and so she was just like you know she was like as you're learning, said I think it's less about saying these are are all my boundaries, and these are all my fences. But more really being willing to pay attention to how you're doing, to how your kids are doing, to how your husband's doing.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And then when it feels when you look around and you go, oh, we are not okay. This feels like too much. She said the really important thing is, are you willing to take a step back and say, okay, God, what do I need to let go of? And so that, we are in a constant, you know, sort of dance of saying, drew and I take every year in January, we call it a, did we talk about this?
Starting point is 00:15:38 I can't remember if I mentioned it on our last conversation, but every January, we take a state of the union trip. And it's like the state of our union. It's cool. It's been amazing. And honestly, speaking of seasons, you know, some years that's been like to the Dominican Republic or Mexico. And then some years, it's like the hotel closest down the street. It's like a baby. You know, so it's good. It has been, there's been different ways that we've done that. And sometimes it's a day, like, you know, a day and a half. And sometimes it's, you know, five days or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:10 But it has been such a beautiful thing. To really, there's so much in scripture. There's a time and a season for everything. With liturgy, there's a rhythm. With every day, Sadie, we have, there's a rhythm of the day. And so I do think that God is a God of order. Yeah. And so there is such, there, it has been such a gift for us to
Starting point is 00:16:34 really take a step back every year. And then now we're starting to do it every month with our management team as our family gets busier. And they have all their things going on every month. We're saying, okay, what does this month look like? And what is our family need and what is work need? And how can we make those balance? It's important. You know, doing this. But that state of the union trip,
Starting point is 00:16:53 we look back at the last year and then we look ahead. And really pray as provision, say this did not work at all for us to both be on tour at the same time. And she were like, okay, now we know what not to do. Yeah, that's good. That's good. And how to do this better. That's good.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I love that so much because I do think I had a conversation with a friend last night where I had our friends giving party and me and this girl and her boyfriend just getting this conversation and we're sitting there for 45 minutes. She's locked in. And we're talking about he's you know a junior in college and he was just super stressed about just what does God have for him what he doesn't want to make the wrong decision he could I go this way or could I go that way and they're both good options but what's the God option it was his whole thing and I just started talking to him about how you know because it was it was like a lot of stress around like trying to figure out the will of God is basically what I was kind of hearing him say.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And I was just like, you know, I feel like with God's will for our life, there is an obvious like God's will for our life. It's like love, Lord, your God, your heart's full of my straight love and neighbors. So love, yeah, like the Bible, like the word of God, That's the will of God for your life that word is solid But then there's like okay the will of God and what you're talking about of like little like decisions in life of like what's Job am I gonna have what and I was like I feel like that's not so much The will of God for your life that you're gonna mess up or any you can't mess it up is what I'm saying unless you're like for your life that you're gonna mess up. Or you can't mess it up is what I'm saying. Unless you're like deliberately walking in sin
Starting point is 00:18:26 and walking against God. If you are like following the Lord and you're like, hey, I have an opportunity to be an engineer, I have an opportunity to go be a coach. You're not gonna mess it up. God's not gonna be like, you should have chose the engineer job. Like guy gives you like free will and freedom to choose
Starting point is 00:18:42 and then I said, and you don't know what you don't know. So go try to be the coach if you want. If it doesn't work out and you're like actually this is not fulfilling. This is not the best thing for my family. I think go be the engineer and it's not that you disobeyed God because you went and were the coach. It's just that it didn't work out and it just wasn't God's best and you just decided that wasn't good for you. So go do the other one. You didn't mess it up. You're not walking in. That's right.
Starting point is 00:19:06 So take that pressure and stress off yourself. And so I love how you're saying, like, yes, just breathe. Like you can walk into a season and like when you get to the point where you're like, you know what? This is not working. Then just do something different, you know? Back up. Talk to your spouse.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Talk to the Lord, reroute just a little bit. And gosh, when you think about it like that, take so much stress and so much pressure off of your plate, that God never intended to place on you, you know? I think sometimes like church lingo, like puts that on you, but that is not the heart of God for you. Always think about when Paul, you know, was wanting to go into Jerusalem, and God, the spirit of God actually says, don't go into Jerusalem and Paul's like,
Starting point is 00:19:54 I am going to Jerusalem, I'm preaching your word. And like, yeah, like he did it and like it was hard and a lot of hard things happen, but Paul was just like, no, like this is what I'm doing. God Like, tell me, I'm preaching the word. I'm doing it for you. And so there might be something that might not be the best thing and God might be like, But at the same time when you're hearts in your pure place, your hearts in the right place Like I said, you don't know what you don't know. So walking into those seasons and just being like, I cake God you direct me It's not right. I'll lay it down.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I love how you said that. Will you be willing when, you know, it's time to step away? That's such a good. Just like guideline for your heart. Yeah. It's good. And honestly, exactly what you're saying, that there is so the pressure is off. Yeah. I think it's a, it's an Amanda Cook song. There's, she's like singing at the piano and then she just like kind of hits a note and she goes, you can hear her breathe. She's like, the pressure is off.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Wow. She's, he has got you, powerful. He's got you. And I think so often that like discerning, what does God have for my life? what has God have for my life? What has God have for my life? There are on the days when I get myself in a situation where I'm like, this is the way, this is what we're doing, this we're going to and I get into it.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And I mean, we've been in a season this fall, Sadie, where we are like, we have said yes to way too many times. Like even activities for our kids, it's just like, we are a max doll. I'm looking around and everybody's kind of glitching and I'm like okay so we gotta so but we're also have committed to these things so we're still in the season where I'm like oh this is this is too much so so when I get in that situation what I've been doing and doing this with my children too is do you remember that song this is the day? This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice. I will rejoice and be caught in it.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And to know that whatever day you're in, whether it is full of stress and unanticipated, whatever sorrow or news, or if it's just like, you're feeling like, I am on it. I'm on it. Every day is a gift, every breath is a gift. And we do not take one step alone. We don't take a step alone.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And so I think more and more I'm learning to ask him and to check in with yourself, like when, especially when I get all frazzled, I'm like, hey, just instead of being like stopping frazzled, you're supposed to have peace and you're supposed to be forced rather than that, to just say, to stay curious. Like, what is it that I feel so uptight about? God showed me. And he's so the spirit, he's so kind. Yeah. He has been so kind anytime I need to see something in my heart when I'm walking in the wrong direction. You know, I think I'm like doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:22:47 He is so kind and so gentle with guests. To be like, hey, of course, correct. And that's repentance, right? Like there's even, I mean, repentance, a guide. You know, you're going this way. I think of God as like a surpa sometimes. So one spirit is a guide. And it's like, hey, you can go this way, but what if, look,
Starting point is 00:23:07 there's actually this little shortcut through here. It's good. There's a beautiful like give and take of listening and surrender, listening, surrender. It's beautiful. Beautiful. I want to talk to you about. So when you came back to not just being full mom, but being also a musician and mom and doing your thing full time.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Do you feel like that changed a little bit of how you did what you did? And I'm getting to your new children's book because I know this is not your only children's book you've written and I actually read your other one, Too Honey, which is so sweet and just beautiful. But you have a new one out called Sound and Joy. But do you think that just coming back
Starting point is 00:23:47 into your work after you're spending some time with your kids, you think it shaped a lot of what you do? Oh, 100%. I call, you know, God tells us to be like kids. He says let the little children come to me. And there's this story that I heard recently about a three-year-old little boy and then a mom who had a newborn. So this is about to be, you know, you're not quite
Starting point is 00:24:10 three. Honey won't be three, but this is about to be a year. So the mom put the little newborn down in the crib in the nursery. And she's coming up, cleaning for lunch, and all of a sudden she looks around, she can't find her three-year-old. And she's like, oh my gosh. So the first thing, she's like, I got to go outside to see if they, you know, I don't want them in the street. But before she runs outside to check, she looks at the monitor and she sees the three-year-old staring over the crib. Oh my gosh. She's like, oh no, I don't want them to wake up. I don't want them to hurt the bed. You know, I don't want them to like, you know, body slay on the floor. So she was just like runs upstairs
Starting point is 00:24:49 and before she gets into the room, she stops because she hears the three-year-old talking to the newborn. And the three-year-old says, quick, tell me what heaven is like again. I'm starting to forget. What? What? So there is this sense that kids Jungwara, who's an artist who I love, singer-songwriter who I love, when his
Starting point is 00:25:15 first daughter was born, Winslow I think his her name he said, Winslow came from where all good things come from. And there is a sense that it is our work here as we grow up, as we experience wounding and hurt and feeling lost and breaking and making bad decisions, thinking mistakes, feeling shame. It is our work to remember that we all have a place that we belong. And I think kids are so free to be themselves. They just, you know, I look around and I'm like, we could not act like dogs.
Starting point is 00:25:52 We would be in front, you know, kids are like, I'm so sad. And God says that we can come to Him like children. We can ask like children and children will ask for crazy things. They'll be like, you know, just like their imaginations are huge. Looked up at this big tall skyscraper and he said, Mom, you know what's bigger than that skyscraper. So what? But he goes, my imagination. Oh, it's so big. And so there is a sense of doing all of this work, you know, as an adult with kids,
Starting point is 00:26:25 remembering one, it is really a beautiful thing, and a humbling thing is apparent to remember, you just are very aware all of the time that this life is not just my own. Like I'm not here for just me, and as soon as you get pregnant, you start realizing that. It's a good nine month like, you know, like slow ramp up for sure.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Oh, oh, okay. So all of this is not just for me. Okay. Yeah. To know, I knew that before I know you told me that God, I am this is embodied. This is embodied. Oh, for sure. The old three trimesters. Very, yeah, it just prepares you all for that. In different ways, you're like, it is not about me. And what a beautiful reminder. Absolutely. And so there is a gift of perspective, I think, that you get on your life.
Starting point is 00:27:16 It's not just about you. This is not just for me. This is for them. And then for other people. And then you get to see the whole world again. Through their eyes. You get to see God again through their eyes. Emilue the other day was telling me something
Starting point is 00:27:32 I couldn't hear and I said, what did you say, sweet girl? And she goes, I'll tell you when you're younger. When you're younger. And I was like, wait. I was like, okay, so you're just being sassy. Like you're not gonna ever tell me. And she was like, no, when you're younger. And I was like, what do you mean? She was like, mom, so you're just being sassy, like you're not gonna ever tell me. And she was like, no, when you're younger.
Starting point is 00:27:45 And I was like, what do you mean? She was like, mom, when God comes back and he makes everything new again, I'll tell you then, we'll have so much time. And so I was just like, I love that. And so there is a sense that you sort of get a fresh perspective on God and on his heart
Starting point is 00:28:07 and on the freedom that we have as his kids to come as we are. I'm grateful for that. I love that so much. I cannot wait for honey to start saying real words because I just know like so much is going to come out of her. We pray for her. Just about every night the same prayer. I mean, we pray for every night, but there's this one prayer that we consistently, I just hear at Krishna, I say, is God,
Starting point is 00:28:28 give her faith to move mountains, and we can't wait to learn from her faith. And that comes from just like knowing that, you know, God does say, like, be like the little children. I have faith, like a child, like a child, like faith. And I would, I had so many crazy things that I said to my mom when I was young about heaven and about God and about all these different things. My mom would be like, this is insane. I'm four years old and I'd wake her up in the middle of night and be like, so what does eternity like?
Starting point is 00:28:56 How does it not have an ending and no beginning? And like, I would wake her up and like ask these like deep theological questions. I one time woke her up and I said, how are we not going to burn up by the sun when we all go up to heaven? Then I go, oh, I forgot he's coming at night. I would just say these one-liners to my mom, and I cannot wait for honey to say stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I just know it's going to come out of her because I know like, I mean, I just, I know in her dreams and in her time with the Lord, like, I just know he's speaking to her. I just already do. It's so crazy. And like, and you're so right.
Starting point is 00:29:37 It's like where they just came from, hearing that three year old say that, it like affirms like what my heart believes to be true about the state she's in, you know, and and for this baby, like it's just the most incredible thing. It's beautiful. I love it so much. It is and I will say this to like our little three year old Kim and the other day is tummy certain. Or no, he was itching. He is real sensitive skin And if he gets tied, that's not all free and clear. It's just like his body is like,
Starting point is 00:30:06 poor thing. He just says, I'm like, oh, buddy. So he's like, oh, my belly's itch mom. And so I put, you know, aqua four all over him and put him back in bed. He wakes up like an hour later and he's like, mom, I'm still, I'm so itch. I'm so itch.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And I was like, I'm sorry, buddy. I don't think there's anything else that I can do for you. And he goes, oh, okay. So God can't heal me. And I was like, no, no. He was like, you can't pray. And I was like, I am gonna pray right now.
Starting point is 00:30:35 You know what I'm saying? So, oh my gosh, I love you. Of course God can heal you. You want me to pray for you. Yes, buddy. And in my sleepy, you course, God can heal you. You want me to pray for you. Yes, buddy. And in my sleepy, you know, not even awake state, he's like, so God can't heal me. And I'm like, nope, he can.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And he's like, yeah. And he goes, yeah, mom, yeah. He can't heal me. That is so cute. And I talk about accountability for your face. He's like, excuse me, like you tried to aquifore, but where is your faith, mom? You told me this.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I love that so much. That is so cute. Okay, so I want to talk to you about just the title of it being about joy because your life radiates and screams joy. Like, that is so you, and I know you're super passionate about it. And so, where does that come from?
Starting point is 00:31:23 And why? And one thing I want to ask you about too, too is like you put it in a children's book, but you keep saying like on just even just social media and stuff. It's not just for kids. It's for everybody. And I love that. And I find that to be true. When I'm reading honey, these books, she's like onto the next page. Let me see the picture. And I'm like tearing up like, Oh my gosh. This is how God loves us. Like, this is so beautiful. So I get that. And I can attest up like oh my gosh, this is how God loves us like this is so beautiful So like I get that and I can attest that children's books are not just for the kid
Starting point is 00:31:50 They're probably actually even so more for the parent and the season of life that honey's it But it's you know teaching her how to turn the page and read and pictures But it's teaching me so much just from the words that these incredible authors have written and you're one of those And so what is it about joy that you want? Not only kids to learn, but also the adults that read the book. Yeah, absolutely. So the title, something joy, you know, comes from joy to the world. And we, I will, the whole story of the book for me started when I was nine,
Starting point is 00:32:23 nine years old, say, I was invited. I'm in Nashville, I grew up in Nashville. So I got invited to a friend's house, our family did, and it was a chilly carol scene at their house. And so kids are playing, I'm going to see, and then, you know, even chilly, whatever, then everybody gets in this living room, and they pass out these little carol books, and they pass out instruments to everybody. This this living room. And they pass out these little Carol books, and they pass out instruments to everybody. This is so Nashville. Like that is so natural.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Like that is so natural. Shakers, bells, tambourines, and the kids, and the grandparents, and the parents all had something to make a joyful noise with. And so people start calling out songs and singing. And the old voices and the young voices are all mingling together. And there was something in my little nine-year-old heart that came alive that night. I just thought,
Starting point is 00:33:12 we are made to sing together. We are made. This is what we were made to do. And it, there's so, God saying the world into being, Genesis 1 is is in that it's in the form of an archaic Hebrew poem And you think about it. There's morning. There is evening and God said it was good. There's morning There's evening and God said it was good There's like a chorus and a refrain and that and if God created the world Why would he sing the earth and why would Genesis one be like that? I think that it's because he created the whole world in every single one of us To sing the song of his goodness and of his beauty not just with our voices I think some people hear that and they're like trust me
Starting point is 00:33:55 You do not want me to sing just sing with our lives to sing with our hearts with our gifts and to reflect that beauty and that goodness So I think there was something that was awakened in me and then obviously you know sing with our hearts, with our gifts, and to reflect that beauty and that goodness. Cool. So I think there was something that was awakened in me. And then obviously, there's all this stuff in Revelation that we'll be singing forever. The first lines of the first words of the song, the first song recorded in scripture is Exodus, Miriam and Moses and all the women with the tambourines are saying, the first line of the first song recorded in scripture is I will sing to the Lord. So there is all of this. There's 400 references to singing throughout scripture.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Wow. Somewhere around there. Well, back check me on that. But it's somewhere in that. It's a lot. And so there is what we were singing two years ago, because we do this tradition now with my family, Gathering neighbors and friends and pass out a bunch of instruments.
Starting point is 00:34:48 It's a chaotic, joyful noise. That's cool. But we were singing rock, hills, and floods, rock, hills, and plains, repeat the sounding joy. You know, that repeat the sounding joy. And I was like, what does that even mean? I've sung this song for my whole life
Starting point is 00:35:06 And I'm like I don't even know what does it look like? What does it mean for us to repeat the sounding joy and? I love when you go back to the Christmas story you have these angels singing Don't be afraid we have glad tidings of great joy that will be for all the people and they're singing this is the force of angels in the sky. And so it's really because of the Christmas story because God comes low down to this earth. He sends angels, messengers to say, don't be afraid. I've got this. My heart isn't out to get you. It's out to draw you near. This is God moving into the neighborhood. It's Emmanuel, God with us. And so what does it, I think,
Starting point is 00:35:47 I think repeat the sounding joy means to repeat that hope that we have because of the Christmas story with our lives, with our singing, with our acts of service, with our gifts, with our money, with our time. And so this book is really an invitation to echo the song that the angel sang all
Starting point is 00:36:09 those years ago on a real night and a real place to real people. These angels were singing in the sky. And so I hope that people will kind of gather with the ones that they love, like one in 92. And sing the songs of hope that we have because of Christmas. And also know, you know, the whole question of the book is what does Joy sound like? I would love, I think I might know what Joy sounds like to you or telling me a story before,
Starting point is 00:36:36 of what Joy sounds like to you, but what does it sound like and what does it note? What does it look like if we stop to really listen to hear the sounds of joy and the sounds of life and beauty that are made all around us every day. That's so good. I love that so much. I mean, as soon as you said it before you even, we're talking about the story, I told I immediately thought of honey's voice. I really thought it was every day when I get home from work. it is the best sound in the whole world to me right now. She squeals and runs around the corner every single day and gives me the most like massive hug and it's just so cute and she's gotten to the point now where when she sees anybody she loves.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Like it's like Christian's parents, my parents, her cousins, it's just squeal of excitement, it just like runs and hugs him and I'm like, man, I need to work on my greeting for people because there's nothing that makes you feel more loved than honey's squeal and run to you with arms wide open and so that that is definitely what joy is sounding like at our home right now but I love that so much is that idea and what a cool reminder of just the song throughout the whole Bible, the song of our life and that idea of everything just being, I love how you said like the reason that it's like resounding joy is because it's like replaying the story of what has happened and I think sometimes
Starting point is 00:38:04 in life when life is so hard or life gets really darker like you talk about incandence there's some low moments it's like how can I have joy in this but it's joy because of what's already been done joy because of what's already taken place joy because of what's already you know marked every life because of who got is. And so that's such a good reminder of like you're not counted out of joy because you're having a hard day. Like you are not joy is for you to write where you're at. It's there. It is an almost say to you like, you know, like an under, like an undercurrent, like a, like a hidden reservoir underneath every painful stressful day There is this truth this like shimmering truth the echoes beneath it that that your health even there I was just talking with my friend Jamie IV about angels and and how many times they appear and the person's story and And the fact that they always almost always people are terrified when they see angels.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And angels means like God, I think it's translated like messenger. And I love that the Christmas story is really in so many ways God initiating relationship with us. Like, hey, open lines of communication. And this continues from the angels and they go to low people
Starting point is 00:39:25 Mary's like teen mom from the wrong side of town Shepherds are like way low on the totem pole like God's not going to the the kings and the highest leaders and the influencers of the time He's coming to the people on on the outskirts. He's coming to low humble Places he's born in a barn. I mean, I'm sure you cannot imagine having this little baby when you do the whole childbirth thing. You're like, I cannot imagine the stress of that. No. Intense that that would be and then throw in Herod and killing every firstborn boy. Oh my God. This is like trauma. This is like refugee situation.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Like it is and God's like, yeah, I'm innocent. I'm going to send the rescue of the whole world. It's a very vulnerable neighborhood in a very vulnerable time. Wow. And watch this. And let me tell you, the angels are going to tell you, Zachariah, they're going to tell you Mary.
Starting point is 00:40:23 They're going to tell you, Shepards. They're going to tell you Joseph. All these characters in the story, the first thing that they say is, do not be afraid. Don't be afraid. We have, we have God's favor is on you. God's favor is here. And we see that in the person of Jesus. And so I think Christmas sometimes, I don't know. I mean, I love Christmas. It is like my favorite holiday. There's this magic. I think that the kid kind of anticipation and wonder
Starting point is 00:40:55 and joy reflects so much of what is in all of us, whether we're walking with Jesus or know anything about God's story or not, we all come, like that story of the three year old, we all come from heaven, we all come from God's heart and our heart's long to go home to him. Yeah. Music is built like the city, like in a key of music, the whole structure of music is home, the key,
Starting point is 00:41:19 and then you move away from home and you go back home. So even in a piece of music, you know, like Mary had a little lamp. Mary had a little lamp, little lamp, little lamp. Mary had a little lamp. Is please was wide as. And if you just end there, even if you don't, you're like, no, no, he's going, go back home.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Please was wide as you're kind of leaning in. Snow. You need to go home. That's so true. So even music in and of itself reflects the story of the longing to go home, the longing for hope. And so when kids get excited about Christmas, even if it's like the Santa story, it's reflecting something that's already in all of us.
Starting point is 00:42:00 For this, for the biggest gift of all, this gift of salvation, this gift that we belong. That's just baked into every single human heart, whether they know it's there or not. And so I think as as I lean into the Christmas story and and manage all of that, there is even the magic and the hullulubaloo and all the activities. There is this really real sense that for a lot of people, there's a longing that happens at Christmas. Whether it's, here's another year that's come around and you're like, I'm still single. My life does not look.
Starting point is 00:42:39 It's the end of the year. My life does not look like I wanted to. I'm still longing to have a child of my own. I'm still longing for this job to change them longer for this relationship to be resolved or I have lost someone dear to me and I feel it. You know, at Christmas. And so I love that here in the Christmas story, even when we are in like your San Sadie, those low places. In the Christmas story, we see it with all the angels. We see it with Jesus.
Starting point is 00:43:09 God's like, I'll meet you there. I'm right there. Don't don't be afraid. There, there will be joy. That's all here now and joy is coming again. This is not the end of the story. That's so cool. Gosh, I love that so much.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I don't know if you already done this, but you need to write a book for adults about like the connection between music and the Lord and home and all the things because as you talk about music because you know it so well. And I don't know music super well. I mean, I'm around it in a sense. We started a worship team and I'm a part of writing, but I don't know the music side of it, you know. And so hearing you know something so well and it connects you straight to the heart of God.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I'm like, I want to know more, I want to learn more of the connections of that, because God is just an every detail of everything in life, right? And so when you get somebody who's an expert in an area of something, getting to hear what they've discovered about who God is in that field is just really cool. And so if you haven't done it, you should write a book on that. Locking it away. I know you've already said yes to a million things and you're a little busy right now, but I love that. And just thinking about what you just said, I remember this has always struck me. It's whenever Jesus was whenever Mary and
Starting point is 00:44:22 then went to the tomb right after Jesus had passed and they didn't you know Obviously know that he wasn't gonna be there and this angel appears to me It's like he's no longer here go and tell everyone and it says that they were afraid yet filled with joy So they ran and I love that so much because like there is this fear of like whoa There's a lot of gravity to what just happened and we just saw an angel and this message has come to us But they were so filled with joy that their joy made them run and like go and tell like everybody to like me and gather and He's not there like he's risen and I just love that so much. They're afraid but feel with joy and I think whenever it's okay to be You know afraid and in some sense the gravity of where we're at in the world
Starting point is 00:45:10 I mean God would tell you don't be afraid because he has it But there's a natural human reaction to be afraid sometimes But when you let joy feel your heart because of the reality of the story of the gospel like it causes you to run It causes you to be excited. And so I just, I love that you said it because that's always stuck out to me. And I love, I love, I love your new Christmas album singing.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I was literally listening to it this morning and I have been like total Thanksgiving mode because we had that party at our house last night. So I haven't switched over. And so this morning, I went listening to the Christmas and I'm like, okay, I can get down with this. It's the time of the year. Let's do it. Here we go. Full Christmas. Cause I love it. I switched over. And so this morning, I went listening to the Christmas, and I'm like, okay, I can get down with this. It's the time of the year. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Here we go. Full Christmas. Cause I love Christmas. Do it. It's my favorite time of the year. And so I'm so excited. And the music's awesome. You have to tell us just one thing that you're all doing
Starting point is 00:45:56 for Christmas because I love traditions. And so what's something in the whole coma house that y'all do for fun. Okay, well, obviously, Arnie mentioned the chili carol night. Like we gather people and sing the songs of Christmas. We make a joyful noise. Which by the way,
Starting point is 00:46:12 I just had to say, if my family did that, it would be so comical, kids, we do not have a musical bone in our body. And so we would be all these things into the Lord. I mean, jingle bells would go wrong. So I love that you'll do that. Well, say that's literally why I made the record
Starting point is 00:46:32 because I was like, people are not gonna wanna do this. Not everywhere is Nashville. So I was like, hey, gather with your people, turn this record on, I'll sing with you. And then we can do it together. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:44 But there is for kids and this is, you know, I'm on Instagram every Monday, seeing in scripture, but it is the reason I started memory Monday to help people do scripture memory. Cool. Well, to help myself, it's not just other people. Hopefully it helps other people. Mali is for me and then for my kids to help them. Toot God's word and their heart. But there's something when we sing that it settles down in a deeper way.
Starting point is 00:47:07 So anyway, that is my hope. But honestly, part of why I wrote this book was there is so much fun and magic and wonder of Christmas. Like literally, Elf is my favorite movie of all time. I love it so much. I love it. And so there's all this kind of like cultural
Starting point is 00:47:28 fun and magic and wonder, but there's also magic and wonder in the Christmas story. I mean, there's angels and animals and babies and a star and these crazy guys who are on camels like wandering through the desert on this adventure, to see this king. And so what I wanted to do was make a book that would tie both of those things together. I found myself with young kids, and you're about to be here with honey, but with my kids, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:56 they're absorbing a lot of what's happening around them. They're like, okay, Santa, and Elf on the shelf and all that. And I love all of that. But I was like, I'm also like, okay, so Santa brings gifts and because it's Jesus' birthday and he's the greatest gift of all,
Starting point is 00:48:11 like trying to meld the two stories somewhat. And so I wanted to have a book that would celebrate all, there's all that fun stuff in all the illustrations, hot chocolate and cookies and fires and trees and lights and ornaments. But then there's also this connection to this other magical story, that's a beautiful story that I know. And so one of the traditions that we've done to help, you know, move our kids in that direction towards the wonder of that story is called the
Starting point is 00:48:41 manger mission. You could do this, you can order it online, but you could do it with any negativity. And so on the first day of December, the kids we put, we set everything up, or usually write up for Thanksgiving, we set everything up. And every single night, we take the wise men and we hide them in the furthest place away from the nativity. And so every single night, the kids moved the wise men a little bit closer and hide them in another place and hide them in another spot. And then on Christmas morning, say to you, usually the first the first thing they know Santa's come and they're going to they're excited about
Starting point is 00:49:17 all the presents. They're like, we have to put the wise men in front of baby Jesus. That's so cute. They run down and put the wise men right in front of baby Jesus. They run down and put the wise men right in front of baby Jesus. And so it's been a really that and the giving manger is another book that's been really beautiful. And it's a book and then it comes with this little you know wooden manger with pieces of straw and talks about how we can celebrate what God's given to us by by serving and loving other people. So every time we do something kind for someone or for each other and our family, you say, oh, I want to give you that was a giving that's reflecting who Jesus was. And so you give them a little piece of straw and they put it in the manger and sort of make room for for a space for the baby Jesus and Christmas morning we put the baby Jesus in the giving
Starting point is 00:50:07 manger. And so that has been, I think there's so much going on at Christmas and Voscamp says, you know, I don't want to Christmas that I can hold. Oh no, no, sorry. She says, I don't want to Christmas that I can buy. I don't want to Christmas that I can make. I want to Christmas that I can hold and a Christmas that holds me, that remakes me, that reminds me that I'm part of a bigger story than just here and now.
Starting point is 00:50:35 That's good. And so I'm always looking for ways to point the kids from, to enjoy all the magic and the wonder about, to also sweep them up into this grand story that God's telling where he's making everything new. It's good. I love it so much. My mom reads us the Christmas story from a little children's book every year. And it has honestly become one of our favorite things.
Starting point is 00:50:58 We all look forward to it. I had to say we do kind of laugh at her because she has a pretty country accent sometimes and the part where it says, like, oh hell the key. My mom when you were just getting sloppy with her accent and she was like, oh hell the king is here and my dad of course is like, oh hell and so that definitely been a highlight and so it's funny and we laugh but truly like we look forward to that reading every single year before we open presents and it's just like been so sweet. And so I love that and you can make that fun and there can be so much laughter around that but also like the gravity of just reminding yourself why we're doing what we're doing and the heart of God in it.
Starting point is 00:51:42 So I love that so much. Elliot is such a joy to have you on the piecast again. It's so easy to talk to you and I know so many girls relate to just so much of your story and you say things in such a relative, relatable, fun and inspiring way. And so thank you again for being on the piecast for those out there. Go follow her on Instagram. She does do the scripture every Monday. Is it every Monday scripture every Monday. Is it every Monday? Memory Monday. Scripture to help memorize it. You can also go get her
Starting point is 00:52:09 new children's books, sounding joy, and her new Christmas album. Seeing go get it all up. She's an incredible follow. Thank you so much for being on. Thank you. I love you so much. Love you too. Love y'all listening, you're loved!

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