Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - Celebrating Sisterhood w/ Yasmine Julmisse

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

Conference week got us like—W.E.’re a movement by ourselves, but W.E.’re a force when W.E.’re together! Yaaasss, Delegation, YOU make us better! Sooo, link up November 5th & 6th? Alright, bet!... This week catch us clappin' it up for the homie, Yasmine Julmisse, whose testimony is finna edify you, Sis! Press PLAY to hear how Yasmine is keepin' it a buck with SJR to discuss comparison as the enemy of contentment, how scripture is filled with divine intention, & a bite-size snack for the single ladies! The bestie SJR gives advice on starting in ministry where God has presently positioned you & issa word! Our boss babes can start their business journey FREE for 14 days at shopify.com/womanevolve! Plus, there's still time to register or simply partner with us in prayer for womanevolve.com/conference21!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God can't bless you for ten to be or who you compare yourself to. He can only bless you and the lane that was created for you. I feel that for somebody. You don't need no itch, it's a tiny boundary. What? I don't need your lights, I don't need your elevation. All I need is a God fighting for me that's there for all things. All things, all things.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Child. It is my favorite time of the week. That's right. It is girl time. There really is no hood quite like sisterhood. And I met a new sister today. Her name is Yasmin. She has such an incredible story. And she speaks with such eloquence but compassion and vulnerability. That's one of the things I love about sisterhood. It is a place where you can take your wig off and not be judged where you can give the best
Starting point is 00:00:59 advice. No, and you probably go need to receive that very same advice yourself or where you get to watch your best season dreams unfold right before your eyes. Motherhood is dope too, when you probably gonna need to receive that very same advice yourself or where you get to watch your best season dreams unfold right before your eyes. Motherhood is dope too, but at least you can take vacations with your girls without having to pay for their trip, okay? Or, you know, maybe not all of their trip, maybe just like you go in on a little something. Anyway, I'm just saying, today I get to celebrate sisterhood with my co-host Yasmin. Every day I get to celebrate it with you and that my friend is heaven on earth.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Let's see what's going on in Yasmin's world. You know, it's giving the whole thing is just doing what needs to be done. We love we love to see it. Shoulders, hair, lip, how are you? Thank you, sis. I am also part of YouTube University of the makeup skills. So, yes, I know that you're a classmate. I'm doing well. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:56 How are you? I am doing so good. I am so honored to be speaking with you today. I've learned a little bit about you from the team, but it sounds like you just have an incredible story. Thank you, Glory to God. He is remarkable, so he does remarkable things. Yes, and you are evidence of it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 How are you? What's happening in your world right now? I am doing well, thank God. Some of the things that are happening in my world are, I'm just gonna lay it on you. I am currently looking for direction and new direction professionally. I just got a new I think, right? Or no. Yes, yes, yes, yes. It's a good guy. Okay, he's a man of God. So that, yeah, so that's the good thing. I'm also in school. And I'm just trying to let God use me however he wants to.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Type of thing. Okay, I'm gonna dig into all of that. But I have to know how did you get plugged in to want me to evolve? What made you want to be a co-host? This. I have been watching your sermon since like 2018, probably 17, to be told. And yeah, I was just listening to one of the podcasts. I'm more, I'm a more avid listener of your experiments than the podcast, but ironically, not ironically, because you know how God gets down, I was listening to one of the podcasts. And then I saw on the blurb on Apple
Starting point is 00:03:29 that you have the opportunity for members of the delegation to be a part of the podcast on a different level. And I was like, so then set like a whole cover letter to your team. They probably were like, okay. But then yeah, I move forward with that and thankfully by God's grace, I'm sure. We love it. Yes, I mean, you have to tell me, what is an area of your life where you are trying
Starting point is 00:03:57 to do better, but you haven't fully turned the corner yet. At one point of all, we call this e-behavior. It could be eating french fries when you're supposed to be keto. It could be giving side eye when you're supposed to be praying. What is your Eve behavior? Yeah. So it's funny because I've heard you mention this on a few of the podcasts and God is so humbling
Starting point is 00:04:20 because I was like, I don't think I have like an Eve moment. Like I think I'm fine. And then I just had them yesterday. So I guess generally speaking, maybe my dependence on coffee and healthy, that's probably that. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:04:36 so you have like one cup every day or like when we say dependence. When we say the dependency is such a strong word here, huh? Yeah, because I'm thinking I'm at like three. Okay, a day. Yes. Every day or just Monday through Friday. Three days.
Starting point is 00:04:58 That's all right. This is a safe space. You're safe here. Thank you. I really want to like coffee. How do you drink your coffee? Teach me. Teach me your ways.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Oh, well, my dear. I, so there are so many different ways, but you can purchase a French press and do it like that. We just have a regular old brewer and there's a, there's a setting where instead of doing it regularly, you can do the bold option and the bold option means crap, right? So I usually turn it on bold and I just make it that way equal parts spoons and water and then and then Starbucks has a creamer okay I purchase and that way some more cost effective cost efficient way of having my Starbucks cup of coffee. I also
Starting point is 00:05:46 remember words, remember of both Duncan and Starbucks. Tell your story. Yes, ma'am. I have, yes, have problem. You know, God is working on me. And how did this effect yesterday? Did you have your coffee yesterday? Or you didn't end? Yeah, there was this girl at Duncans and well let me not be petty. Okay, so yesterday was national coffee, right? Okay. And so I was trying to fit in my coffee room before work. And this girl was basically slowing up my process and I was able to order my coffee way faster than her. And so I wanted to show her that. And so by the time she got her coffee and went outside, I too had right after her grab my coffee and went outside. And I realized that I rushed my process to show her like, see, you were too slow at
Starting point is 00:06:37 the register, like you should have ordered faster. That was a nice, so, but that's right. Yeah, you, what I hear you saying is that there was a silent competition happening that she maybe wasn't aware of. Yeah, she totally didn't even recognize me or realize me and I was having a full blown Olympics friend with her, um, at the Duncan Joseph. Let me tell you, I like, I think I'd be silently competing with people and I know it's not good.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Like I know it's not good, but also here I am, you know, and God is yet working on me. Shanice does it not to bring up someone else's testimony, but Shanice does this as well because Shanice, when we would go to Orange Theory, and they make you do a lot of running, I don't know why, and they make you do a lot of running, I don't know why. But they make you do a lot of running, and she would compete with the people beside her,
Starting point is 00:07:30 and no one even, this is not the Olympics, ma'am. We're not running our race. Do you think this silent competition does it show up in other areas of your life or was it just yesterday with the coffee? Ooh. What a quick question. It definitely did, Circa. I want to say like 2016 and this was when I started taking
Starting point is 00:07:49 my walk seriously with Christ because my issue was my background is in broadcast journalism and yet I was working at a college in higher education with admissions for running a dual enrollment program. And so the sign of competition I was having was with the women that I follow on Instagram where I was seeing them excelling journalism. And I was like, you know what I mean? Like Rillips said at me slash upsetting, odd slash thing. But in strengthening my walk with Christ, I shout out to my friend Nicole or she's like one of my sisters. She helped me to realize that my race is my race,
Starting point is 00:08:27 and my lane is my lane, and God has my journey for me. And so that melted a lot of the competitiveness away. Okay, so you are tuning up, because I feel like there are so many moments in our life where we are frustrated or disappointed with God because I feel like there are so many moments in our life where we are frustrated or disappointed with God because he didn't do for us what he did for other people
Starting point is 00:08:50 in different areas of our lives, not realizing that God didn't even call us to run that race. Like you're mad at God because you didn't win the medal, but God's like you're not even supposed to be in that race. So you want me to give you someone else's metal, run your race. Where about your business, your purpose, what's happening in your life? Because that silent competition where we're competing, unbeknownst to the people who are on social media only makes a shrink when we could be blooming.
Starting point is 00:09:19 How did you switch from saying, you know what? Like, I am not going to engage in this silent competition, but I'm still going to be on social media. I'm still going to have access to what's happening in other people's lives, but I'm not going to allow what's happening in someone else's life to discredit the work that's happening in my own life. Yeah, um, contentment.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So really just, first of all, I guess accepting the season that I was in and then being content with it and gratitude, I think contentment and gratitude probably go hand in hand. And it was at the moment where I told God like, okay, fine, all right, like hands off, you know what I mean? And I was content with the season, doing the work that I was doing serving. I was like, Lord, I may take and scream a little bit. But if you tell me to stay here five more years, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:10:13 You know, according to your will, and my opaster always used to say that God's will is the safest place to be. So through a lot of, you know, walking that stuff out, it was hard. I came to a place of contentment and as soon as I did that, one that released me from the own competition that I was having, the silent competition that I was having with others, but two, God released me from that situation and then did exceedingly, abundantly,
Starting point is 00:10:41 above the all that I could have ever imagined. Can you define contentment for me? Hmm. Um, so I guess the reason why I said it probably goes hand in hand with gratitude is because contentment to me looks like talking to God and before me saying, well, I want this. You please change this. Um, that person is blah blah blah. or me saying, well, I want this, you please change this. That person is blah, blah, blah. What I say first is, Lord, thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Like thank you that there's a roof over my head. Thank you that I'm able to eat more food and put on fresh clothes every day and then my heart just begins to melt and then the things that I wanna complain about, I ironically start thanking him for them. Thank you, that you even got me to work at this new station. Thank you for this relationship that you blessed me with that. I even think I was particularly worthy of, like, there's just a shift
Starting point is 00:11:39 that happens in my posture and my heart. I love that. I love how you affirm what God is doing in your life, even though you still have things in areas where you would maybe hope that he would move. I think contentment is coming to a place where you are at complete peace with the current state of your life without needing the addition to feel more whole or complete and where you are.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And that does take a lot of releasing the idea and plan of what your life should look like and finding peace and where it is. And that's, I think that's a powerful journey that many people have to embark on. Or they're going to fall victim to hustle culture. They're going to fall victim to the comparison of social media because everything is showing you what you aren't. While everything in your life is showing you where you are and there are so many reasons to be thankful for where you are.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah, I guess the basic is really like how well we know God and how well we trust him because the more I know him and the more I trust him, the more I can be like, all right, yeah, like when I was 21 in college, I was like, she has my five year plan and I'm going to enter here at this point and I'm going to do et cetera, et cetera. I'll get married at 27, et cetera. But now that I've been on this journey with the Lord, and I trust him, I realize, and this was like a secret that I came to realize during the pandemic. But I'm like, hold up.
Starting point is 00:13:15 If I'm in God's will, like if I'm exactly where God wants me to be, then that means that I'm looking to dream. Wherever I am, I am looking to dream, because I'm living the dream. Like wherever I am, I am living the dream because I'm in the will of God. And I'm in God's hands. And so that is the way that like consent make and really come to fruition and like be the posture of my life.
Starting point is 00:13:40 If it's okay, I want to dissect this. I got to know God more. How did you just, and let me tell you why, so that it makes sense to in context. So many people, I know, so many people who are connected to woman evolve, desire to have this knowing about being sure and certain about God's intentions towards us. And I feel like we are often disappointed because we feel we can no longer trust God's intentions for us, especially when our life begins to take on a path that feels so different than what we think would be best for our lives. How do you bridge the
Starting point is 00:14:19 gap between I want to know God, I want to trust God, I want to trust God's intentions for my life, but also the fear of being forgotten, the fear of being rejected and disappointed and not feeling like you can trust your prayer life, your desires, your wants, your dreams and purpose with the God who is supposed to be for you. Yeah. Well, coming to No Gone War and his character in which I can trust,
Starting point is 00:14:52 which alleviates all those things that you were saying is like being a word and reading because what he's done for others, he has done for me and will continue to do for me. So when I read stories, like his interactions and his relationship with David, when I read how he led Moses to be a leader, when I read these stories,
Starting point is 00:15:15 and ironically, this is not an ad, but I have my chronological life application study by the right here. So it's not like I'm deep. This thing is like a thousand something pages. No, I'm lying way more than that. But I'm only on page like 500 and something. I say that to say it's not that like I'm a biblical scholar
Starting point is 00:15:37 I say, but the more that I read about God's faithfulness, the more I can trust Him and say, oh, these people had the ultimate detours. These people did the ultimate sins. And yet God was after their repentance and their humbling of themselves to him, God was still with them and still kept them. And I also know from the word that God
Starting point is 00:16:01 is no respect or man. So the same way that they were his favorites. I'm also one of his favorites, so he'll keep me in the same way. And he's faithful. God also has a character in my life, so people are in a place where it's hard to trust God's faithfulness, especially because they're looking
Starting point is 00:16:20 at the situations around them. Something that I did very recently is I look back at God's track record in my life and have there were things that I prayed for a lot of times of desperation and how he delivered me in those times. And so not only do I have the word as evidence, I have my own experiences as contextual evidence too, and I could say, okay, but like, even though everything looks completely different, but you did before you'll do it again. That's so good.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And it sounds like God is faithfulness is showing up even in the area of this boo thing that you have met. Tell me about Boo thing. Leo. Leo. So it's interesting. I met somebody on this is not who I'm currently dating, but I met somebody online like end of 2020 and it felt flat. Okay, so dated for like this months, I guess it was like efficient dating because it was like boom boom boom. What's up? What's up, and then that was it? But the thing is that
Starting point is 00:17:33 God allowed me I felt peace when I walked into that Situation so at the end of it when I was like he heartbroken and upset. I was like Do let me walk in that like I felt totally about God like, why did you allow this to happen? I now realize that God allowed that so that I could truly appreciate and glorify him from who I have now. Oh my. Oh my. Yes, man. He's a man. God. Okay. He's there. Is that his church? He has a job, amen. Amen. Amen. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Hold on, hold on. Let me pause you right there. Because having a job is one thing and supporting himself is another thing. Because just because they got jobs, don't mean they support themselves. Go on, tell your testimony. Well, well, well. And he's so care hearted. The situation that I was in a few months back. God bless him.
Starting point is 00:18:29 He is also man of God, but I just don't think it was a season, the right season for him to be dating. I think he needed to do a foundational role. And I mean, and don't we all, but I think that that season, this wasn't the season for him. And he just kind of dragged me through it, but it's okay. And the thing is that with my booting, now, I was so careful of my heart. And the previous situation, there'd be times where like, you know, you know, at night,
Starting point is 00:18:59 you kind of want to like, kick on the phone, love whatever people call. And he just was not present. It's not a big deal, but really what scared the crap out of me is that we had never prayed together before. And so like at one random moment, it was like a movie. I had this moment of realization where I was like, wait a minute, like, we don't pray together. And I was like, if I'm supposed to be your wife, you're supposed to be my husband. And I don't know if how you pray.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I don't know if you delete me. And I just like then I just started freaking out versus now on the contract. Oh my, the voice goes up. The voice goes up. Be clear when the girl's voice goes up. She's being a whole female. She's here. Yeah. And now you know too, because's being a whole female. She's here.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And now, you know, too, because I'm a pointy-o-one. No. But yeah, now, I mean, he covers me in prayer. He's very intentional about pursuing me and courting me. And so there's none of those, like, oh, I can't believe he didn't call me. And then, make him be filled with, I'm tripping. Right. Oh oh girl. So yeah, it's just like the complete opposite.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So it's just another instance of where I was like instead of now, and thank you, Laura, for forgiving me because I definitely had a temper tantrum after. I was like, you let me walk straight into that. Now I can see, you know, the contrast and be like, Lori, shout out to you. Like, go look it out. Thank you. There are so many things here.
Starting point is 00:20:29 First of all, I want my single sisters in the delegation to know that God is still in the blessing business. Okay. Receive it. Receive this word for your own life. Okay, because my girl, yes, man is here to let us know it's still happening. Now, I want to know. Okay,
Starting point is 00:20:46 so how long have you been with Boothang? Oh, well, God did a new thing and he did it quite quickly. That's what he does. Okay, good. All right. So we're not fucking. It's been like two months. Yeah, it's very new. So my husband and I went on our first date, March 17th, 2014. He called me March 18th at 4 a.m. in the morning, told me God told him I was his wife. And like we've been booed up, like booed up, have he never, we never had the, now I'm your boyfriend, now I'm your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Then he was like, you're my wife and we're moving in that direction. I know someone else recently who just met someone who was like, you're my wife and we're moving in that direction. I know someone else recently who just met someone who was like, you're my wife. And because you're my wife, like, let's move in the direction of wifehood. When God is doing a thing, God just be out here doing it now.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Let me tell you, no shade to my sister who had a little time on their thing, ain't nothing wrong with that, but I'm telling you, if it happens quickly and you know what's God and he knows that's God, then God is somewhere in the midst. Okay, so wait, okay, wait, so okay, it's been too much. How did you make room to receive the real deal
Starting point is 00:21:52 in your life, which I wanna ask because when you have had a history of frauds and then you finally meet the real deal, it can be very challenging to trust that it's real, to trust that it's not going to change and to really not be so cautious that you missed the opportunity to be loved well. Yeah, oh. Um, part of it, and I don't need to be dismissive to people who haven't really started a relationship
Starting point is 00:22:28 of Christ yet, but in my situation, because I have a relationship of Christ, you know, I obviously felt like, oh, this is different. This is the real deal, but also like you were saying, my doubts definitely still try to, you know, sneak in. And I think what ended up happening is that I got to this very solid place of being like, of not making marriage in idol in my life anymore, because it was firmly a whole idol. That's good. Like it was a very big idol in my life. And so because, and I think God for social media, this is like I follow a few women including you who've been like, you know, make sure that price is a chain of your heart. Like he's sitting on the throne of your heart, not idols, not a potential
Starting point is 00:23:18 person. So I say all that to say is that like I was, I knew that I was in the right position. And so because my energy was very much so like, actually you said it before too, like on a podcast where you were speaking with Anthony O'Neal about loving yourself so much that you were straight, like if nobody came along, because you were just rocking with yourself like that. And so it was a piece of me, no, my God,
Starting point is 00:23:47 being in a posture where I was like, okay, well, this is just, all right, let's go, it's both for me. And because I knew that I was there and I wasn't in a place of desperation, like, give me, give me, give me, it was more realistic for me that like, oh, this is actually happening now.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Like I've finally got myself in the position to receive. And so this, this is it. Plus many confirmations that God gave us. So many confirmations. I had a relationship with God with Christ when I met my husband. And yet I still struggled with trusting the love of trusting that it was real, trusting that I was finally safe. And I think that what it really came down to for me was recognizing that trusting God in this area of my life did not necessarily mean that I was trusting God
Starting point is 00:24:42 to make him be faithful or trusting God to make him stay, but trusting God that even if it went the way of all of the previous relationships, that I would still be okay, trusting God in the context of my relationship meant that I could handle tough conversations and I can handle being seen and handle being vulnerable. And I think sometimes we make trusting God come down to I trust God to make this person be what I want them to be or I trust God to make this situation be what I wanted to be.
Starting point is 00:25:14 But trusting God is about you. It's not about how it relates to the other people connected to you. They have a responsibility to trust God. But when you are trusting God with your heart, with your time, with your money, your resources, that means God, I'm gonna extend myself. I'm gonna open myself up to this moment,
Starting point is 00:25:31 but I'm not gonna do so with this desperate need for it to work out, but rather faith that no matter how it works out, that you've been with me up until now, you'll be with me then, and I can survive. If it all goes to shreds or it becomes a monument for your glory, as long as you're me then and I can survive if it all goes to shreds or it becomes a monument for your glory. As long as you're with me, I can survive.
Starting point is 00:25:50 And I think that that is one of the most incredible ways that a woman who is recovering from a breakup, recovering from divorce can really have peace when entering into a relationship with someone who seems like they have it all, but you're afraid to be disappointed in the ways you were before. That's good. That's really good. Yeah. And that, I think, just kind of like, and encapsulates what we were talking about, contentment before, is, it's just like this,
Starting point is 00:26:18 this knowing of, because not as a shepherd of our hearts, right? Like he's the one who is shepherding our, shepherding our hearts and stewarding our lives in such a way. And so once I trust him, that means that, okay, I may not be in the professional experience that I wanna be in right now. I don't have that.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'm being like keeping it a bug. I genuinely don't have that. That's not even hypothetically speaking. But I know, I know that I know that no matter what I'm going to be alright because I'm in his hands. So similarly to the relationship like I'm going to be alright, I'm not just trusting you to make this like a beautiful Disney fairy tale ending. I'm trusting you because I trust you and I'm in your hands and I know you. That's beautiful. Now, yes, you went to Harvard. I didn't graduate college, but whenever I hear Harvard,
Starting point is 00:27:07 it changes. It's something in my voice. It makes me, it's giving fancy. You're a black woman at Harvard. That's two different minority groups combined in one. Like, what, what is that experience like for you to be one, you know, presumably that well educated, you know, and to have this as a part of your identity.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Is it fancy? Is it as fancy because I will tell you that I think that even me would insist that everyone knows that I graduated from Harvard. I would wear it all of the time. I'd be at the grocery store like, oh, I remember in Harvard when I was a student there that I had eggs for breakfast. It was crazy being in Harvard eating I was a student there that I had eggs for breakfast. It was crazy being in Harvard eating eggs. I just never thought that'd be my life. Like it would be something that fell out of my mouth a lot. And you haven't
Starting point is 00:27:54 mentioned it once, which I know God is where your relationship with Christ is powerful because you didn't mention it once. And I would have let that thing slip on out. I don't want to. No, word of God, thank you. Yeah, I'm there currently for my masters. And when I told God did that thing, so okay. So yes, I am on the path to earn my masters and say it with your chest. No, say it with your chest. I'm back to guess who.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Okay. Where do you go? I am a current student at where I am getting my masters in. I want you to say what your whole chest for those of us living through you I'm a current student at Harvard University Exception school Get in my masters. Yeah, yeah, it was the yeah at the end for me. Yeah, yeah, so you need me on Fraser worship.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Let me know. So it feels great. It feels wonderful. I recently found my yearbook from elementary school. And so I'm Haitian American. I recently found my yearbook from elementary school. And so I'm Haitian-American. So Haitians kind of keep like our potential career paths very slim. You need to be like a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Support me, I was in fifth grade, I didn't even know how to write engineer, but I want to be straight-lying. I want to be a lawyer, doctor, and or engineer, and go to Harvard. And I forgot that I'd ever even written that. And so the thing is that the way that God did it, I used to smoke a lot of marijuana. Hey, man, a lot. You're not by your self-sister. I love that Mary Jane, she was my favorite. I need to stop.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I've already harbored you. Go ahead, live your life. Go on, tell us about your testimony. Yes. Yes. So I was in a season where my junior and senior year in college, like I was doing that heavy whatever, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:30:02 So I was doing that up until, like I was doing it for a minute. But I say all of that to say is when I was doing that heavy whatever, et cetera. So I was doing that up until, well, I was doing it for a minute. But I say all of that to say is when I was working at that college and I felt so broken because I'm like, on Instagram, everybody's doing well in journalism, and they're flipping me. And I'm working out a college
Starting point is 00:30:18 and you're working in higher education. One of those nights, one of those nights when I was stoned and said, just randomly looked like, matters, program, journalism, Harvard, I can't remember exactly what I said, something like that, but Harvard came up and I was like, it is. And then I read and then I said, oh God, wait a minute, like, I can, can think I can do this. So while I'm saddened, I took the exam that basically would let you know. So I'm trying to put people on too. This is something that they're interested in doing. This is the process. So you have to take a test
Starting point is 00:30:59 and see where your writing skills are at. And then they let you know if you're able to then qualify for the two entry courses that you have to take to then qualify, to be a part of the program. And by the grace that very first test, I did a saddened song. And I passed. And so he just allowed me the way in. And it was that same very job at the college that I was having the temperate and stopping my feet where through the retirement funds that were putting away from me, I wasn't putting
Starting point is 00:31:36 any money in that myself, but they did that for all their employees. Through those retirement funds that I was able to pay for the first two classes that I needed to qualify to be in the program. I took money out against my retirement, but there was no other way I'd be able to do it. At my credit score was crap. I considered, you know, those commercials on TV, they're like, call for your football. I was like, well, this is going to have to be me.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And that wouldn't have been, you know, I mean, we all gotta do what we gotta do. But anyways, let's say, all that to say is that God used the very thing that, you know, I was so proud of, and upset about, and felt like I failed at, and she turned out around in a very grand way for his glory, and got me right back into journalism.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Wow. Wow. That's an incredible testimony because what I hear is like even when you were detour that the detour served you for the progression. And I think that that is just a testimony that we need to celebrate when we hear it from one of our sisters. The detour assisted me in the progression.
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Starting point is 00:34:53 This is Possibility, powered by Shopify. Start today at Shopify.com slash Woman Evolve. Alright, we have an advice question to answer together. You ready? Yes, now. Okay. Hey girl, firstly, I want to thank you and PT for the tireless effort you've both put into ministry. It really has helped me grow on my faith, our pleasure. Child, these past couple of years have put your girl through the ranger. I've lost so many friends because I'm getting more serious about my faith. And I've even lost my boyfriend because I won't have sex with him anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And the midst of all this, my faith is still strong and I feel like I'm being called to ministry. The problem is I don't know where to start. Any advice would be helpful. I think you should chime in on this. Your story makes me feel like you can help her. Yeah. Well, first of all, I'm actually admired by the fact that she's like still standing after going through all of that,
Starting point is 00:35:57 like using friend and her boyfriend. That's how I, I just know that that's hard. So in terms of where she should probably start with ministry, I guess like the prescription, I think will probably be, and I'm sure she's already doing this a lot of prayer. Maybe some fasting, some clarity like turning the plate down,
Starting point is 00:36:18 not look to eat, so my favorite activity, but, and then also being in the word, I trust that as she continues to seek God, I just trust that he will. Okay, ask me, she'll receive seek and she'll find not going to door shall be open. I believe that it'll happen. It may not happen as soon as quickly as she wants it to. Yeah. I think that's the great start as well. I think that she has embarked on a journey that many women wish that they could embark on, but don't feel like they could withstand
Starting point is 00:36:49 to your point the cost of making those transitions. And so if I were you, I think through prayer, through fasting, I would consider what are the words that I need to hear in the moments where I do struggle with the laws? What are the words that I need to hear about God's faithfulness and why I am doing this in those moments where I do struggle with the laws. What are the words that I need to hear about God's faithfulness and why I am doing this and those moments where I ended up feeling
Starting point is 00:37:09 like I've lost my reason. And I think if you can find a way to document those, whether it is a video or through a blog or on your social media, that ministry starts with where we have been served. And if God is serving you in that area, then you have an opportunity to serve other people in that area as well.
Starting point is 00:37:27 So take inventory. Don't just survive things. Don't just chop it up to, oh, I just lost it for the sake of God. Teach other people how to withstand the persecution that comes with purpose and to still be steadfast and unmovable in those moments by dissecting how you're doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:45 The most powerful gift that I believe we can give ourselves is understanding where we were when God met us so that we know where people are when God is meeting them because if we're going to be the bridge that takes them from where they are to where God desires for them to be, we have to understand them. We need to have compassion towards them. We need to speak their language. We need to be relatable, but we cannot lose sight of where we also need to take them. And so I think that as you dissect that ministry is just gonna be organic to what's already happening
Starting point is 00:38:16 down on the inside of you. I agree with that. Yeah, God is so, so he so specific and so creative with how he's blessed all of us with a different gifts and that I'm sure there's a pattern in her life of something that she's particularly like he and I've or something that she's very passionate about. And I think to your point, it will align well she's been through.
Starting point is 00:38:45 There's a lot I can now say like, oh, you know, I don't have silent competitions anymore with people unless it's at Dunkin' Donuts. But I don't have those silent competitions anymore. Is because and maybe like helped my other businessors through that is because he brought me through the ringer of that. So you're right, you can't not only, not only does God use everything, but we can aid and beat his hands and feet and using that too in time to other people. Yes, then before I go, one of the things that I do from time to time in the podcast is just asking people, if they have any questions for me,
Starting point is 00:39:25 I've been asking you questions for almost the last hour, is there anything that I can answer that you wanna know about me or my experiences or my dinner? Well, first things first, this isn't really a question, it's more of a comment and I'll keep it brief, but I didn't know how close we are in Asia.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I'm only 30. And black doesn't crack. So like you could have firmly been said 38 this whole and nobody would know what I mean. So I saw that you recently turned 33. 33, yeah. 33, I'm the son. Ah!
Starting point is 00:40:00 And so part of me wants to be like, how do you do it? Like, you know, being the woman that you are in a mom and a wife, but I know that God is your strength. So that's not, I mean, well, you could answer that too, but I guess my part too would be, I wanted to be something related to dating, but you told me that your PC got the shots PT2.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Y'all don't. Yeah, I just want to start there like what like balance everything. I don't think that I do. As a matter of fact, my bio says something like Sarah Jake's Roberts expertly balances career, ministry, and family. And I want to change that because there is no such thing as expertly balancing that many things. There are so many things that fall through the crack right now. I've got emails that I should have responded to last week. I'm growing one of my daughters hair. I'm trying to make sure that other one doesn't suffer in allergy season. Like there are a lot of responsibilities connected to what I do when I don't always feel like I am expertly balancing everything.
Starting point is 00:41:12 But what I am sure about is that I'm doing the best that I can in every area. And I feel like for me, balance is knowing that I'm bringing the best that I can in those areas. And I feel like when my best begins to suffer, I know that it's time for me to pull back and take rest. That's one of the things we're kind of working on and setting up my schedule right now
Starting point is 00:41:33 so that I can get some rest because I can feel that I am suffering. So I know that the other areas of my life are suffering. So I would say patience, grace with myself, and really giving myself permission to not do it all, but to do the best that I can when I'm in this moment. Right now, I'm talking to you. So like, I don't need to check one of my daughters,
Starting point is 00:41:54 allergy medicine. I'm not trying to figure out what I'm cooking for dinner. I'm present in this moment. And I try to bring the presence, the full presence of myself, including my relationship with God into everything that I do. So that I don't miss what God is trying to teach me
Starting point is 00:42:10 in a moment, and I also don't miss what God may want me to say in a moment. So I think it's about patience, stillness, and just giving yourself room. I received that. And this is the patience in this one, but yeah, absolutely. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Thank you for that question. It gave me a chance to really tell someone I don't want that expertly balancing my bio anymore. So if you ever hear that you're listening to an old bio, Sarah J. Swarber says, raggedy, okay. I appreciate you. I love you so much. You have such an incredible personality. Thank you. I love you so much. You have such an incredible personality.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Thank you. I love you too. My cousin goes to Harvard. Now I'm going to have a say that at the grocery store. My cousin at Harvard loves AX. I'm going to find a way to say it real loud. Yeah. Much grace to you on your journey. May God continue to show up and blow your mind and reveal to you the weight of what God is placing you and how that weight is going to shake things up in the earth. Probably when you thank you, I received that. Jesus' name is much greater than I seem to you too. Thank you, Sarah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Thank you so much. My pleasure. Take care. Okay, bye. Sarah, thank you so much. My pleasure, take care. Okay, bye. Goodbye. Yasmin, man, I am just so honored
Starting point is 00:43:30 to have experienced your life to hear how God is growing and developing you. You are proof that bruised heels can always crush the head of a serpent. Delegation, can y'all believe the Womney Ball conference is in two days? I can't, I can't, but I can. I can and I will. I'm so excited to be in God's presence with my girls. My soul needs this thing. If you've registered already
Starting point is 00:44:01 says, please like your spot, damn, we need your faith to be added to ours. You still have time to register for the virtual experience evolve with your girl I promise it's going to be life-changing register at WomnieVov.com also shoot us an advice question or let us know if you want to be the next co-host by emailing podcast at WomnieVov.com. See you soon! you

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