Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - Fire to Work with Crumbs w/ Dr. Pam Ross

Episode Date: August 24, 2022

Chile, W.E. love breaking bread with the Delegation! But besides the Canaanite woman, who’s truly measured the weight of glory in a single crumb? Shifting our perspective to strategize with even the... smallest of things, is inspirational activist, author, and development coach Dr. Pam Ross. She & SJR testified that God WILL take your crumbs, put them to the fire, and spark a miracle! Yep, if He did it with dirt for Adam, He sho’nuff can do it for the girls! Our bestie SJR let us in on her latest fears, followed by a noteworthy advice question. Sis, let this episode be a reminder that crumbs from God hit different! Learn more about the work that Dr. Pam is doing at PamRoss.com. Plus, cop her NEW book, Get Ready to Fly! This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God can't bless you for ten to be or who you compare yourself to. He can only bless you and the lane that was created for you. I feel that for somebody. You don't need no itch, it's a tea you need boundaries. What? I don't need your lights, I don't need your elevation. All I need is a God party for me that's there are things. All things, all things.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Child. Have you ever been so hungry that you started thinking about leftovers that you didn't finish, like you out and about thinking about that pasta? Ooh, and how it's probably marinated because you know, some things are just better than next day. This week, we're talking about having the fire to work with crumbs, taking on the perspective of redefining and honoring what we have and not only harping on what we no longer have or completely messed out on.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Those leftovers, what you have left over from your heartbreak, from your dream, from your purpose, your energy, your spirit, there's power in those leftovers. My co-host today Pamela Ross has countless years of experience in guiding leaders and redefining success, which is why I thought she'd be perfect to chat with you on the topic of working with crumbs. Are you ready to get fired up? Miss Pam, I want you to know that I talked to grownups all the time, and I usually call
Starting point is 00:01:29 them by their first name, but there is something about speaking to you. Maybe it's because I know, I feel like I know you the way that I just can bring myself to just call you Pam. It feels wrong. It doesn't roll off the tongue the way that I think it should, and I just want you know it's going gonna be Miss Pam for me during this podcast, okay? Oh, that's fine, I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:01:50 That's so interesting. How are you? I'm doing great, it's hot. Is it hot there? It's so hot in the Midwest. I mean, single people are taking cold showers normally, but it's so hot like married people are taking cold showers normally, but it's so hot like married people are taking cold showers.
Starting point is 00:02:09 That's how hot it is. I love this for me. It's just, and we're not, we're just not used to it this early in the year, you know? So this heat wave that just has moved through the country, it's so hot, but other than that, I'm doing great. I'm honored to be here. I'm so glad to have you. I'm honored to meet you. So thank you so much for this opportunity.
Starting point is 00:02:34 No, it's amazing. How has it been with Amani transitioning to LA? I don't know, I forget what's been in here. Yeah, you know, I have three daughters. And Amani is the first born blessing. And for Imani just had this grace to stick close. And even when she was really young, she would come with me to and Imani could sell books off my book table better than anybody else. And so when the her sisters went away to college, Imani went to school locally.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And so when the her sisters went away to college, I'm on him went to school locally. I've worked in church for years, and Monty would be the one in the car with me going being at church at seven in the morning. What kid wants to be at church at seven in the morning? And so when I dropped him on him off at the airport, I went to the nearest target, went in the bathroom and I thought I was gonna be sick. I was just like, oh God, my rider.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Like, what is happening here? And I knew that the timing was perfect. I felt like it was a safe place. And this is, I believe her destiny to have another level of exposure. So yeah, so I'm good with it now, but I'm gonna be terribly honest at first, I was just like, because at first, it's like,
Starting point is 00:03:52 bye, baby, take a bunch of stories. You can't nobody tell you about you like your mom. Right, right, right. No, I told her, you know, it's gonna be amazing. It was testimony behind it. I don't know if she's told you, but it's just how she got there's phenomenal. But for me to be able to say,
Starting point is 00:04:10 I'm good with it now, I'm very good with it now. That sounds like she's happy. I was gonna say that sounds like my mom when I moved to LA, she told me, how can I be so happy for you and so sad for me? Yes. Yeah, and that's been in journey. Well, I tell you, I tried it to, she doesn't,
Starting point is 00:04:25 she doesn't tell me a lot about how she's doing, even though I ask a lot, but I try to take good care of her in the time that she will allow me in and I try to not mind my business to check on her. So. Oh, please. Yeah, cross all boundaries.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. And I'm done. I will. You can deputize. Yes. Cross all boundaries and just see how she's doing. She's a natural caregiver. She's the first born.
Starting point is 00:04:51 So it's just natural for her to say, no, I'm here for you. I'm here to serve you. So in money being in a place where someone says, no, really, how are you? It's a good thing. Yeah. It's a good thing. Yeah. It's a good thing for you. Okay. Well, now I have permission.
Starting point is 00:05:08 So it's only up for me here. Oh, yeah. Tell her I have to deputize. I have a whole batch from your mom. So I love this because for woman evolved our theme for August is revolutionary fire. And one of the things that I have heard about you, one of the things that I have gleaned from even looking at your resume and your extensive background,
Starting point is 00:05:30 is that you don't just have revolutionary fire to make things happen. You have revolutionary fire to work with crumbs. Like, it doesn't have to be massive, it doesn't have to be huge, you don't even have to know all of the mechanics connected to the vision. All you need is the fire to work of the mechanics connected to the vision.
Starting point is 00:05:45 All you need is the fire to work with the crumbs that you've got. And so I want to hear out of your mouth, like, how did you come to a place where you said, if God just gives me crumbs, I'm going to work with those, like He's giving me any and everything that I need to know to manifest this vision. Let me tell you, I think I came to it because it's what I had. And I love these women in the New Testament. And I love that you brought this whole idea of revolutionary fire and being able to work with these crumbs.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I think for me personally, it came from crying out to God, to how do I cooperate with you to move forward in my life, to really possess the thing that you already said was mine. You know, sometimes God can give you a promise, and that promise can irritate you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't even really want that, but you told me it was mine. And now I feel this thing starring in me, almost like God gives you permission to hope. And
Starting point is 00:06:49 you being somebody who like you are, you are a fountain of hope, you give people a new picture of what their life could look like everywhere you go. I mean, you, you paid over the graffiti of the devil, and you give them a beautiful picture of what God could do for them. And so the Lord comes and gives me this hope. Now this hope at this this righteousness rises up where you feel like you have a right to it. Wow. And so reaching a place where you get to the end of yourself and you're saying, God, how do if you if you show me, I'll do it. If you help me, I'll do it. And then the Lord is dealing with me saying,
Starting point is 00:07:25 what do you already have in the house? Okay, so you're gonna say 18,000 things. I'm gonna need 18,000 of them. And I don't even know where to begin. I'm just gonna let's just go. I, you know, we did our tour, we did our revolution tour, and the message that God gave me is really about desperation
Starting point is 00:07:50 being the birthing place for the revolution. Okay. So now you know, it's a now you know where we are. Because I mean, same page, baby leaping. Even in history, the reason why revolutions arose is because the people got desperate. And you cannot overthrow anything from a place of complacency or resentment or anger because all of those, though valid, in a moment, distract you from strategy. It's not until you get desperate that you really begin to say, now what can I do with what I've got? These may be my crimes.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I may not have anything left, but this is what God gave me. And so how do I use it? And I want to talk about when you first started, you said that you think that you got this fire to work with crumbs because it's what you had. But how do you not be resentful that it's not what other people have or doesn't seem like enough like how do you make that mental shift from?
Starting point is 00:08:49 This is what I have so it must work to from this is what I have and I don't think that it's enough. Yeah You know amazing that I think about for me and I've been around people with varying levels of access, varying levels of resource, varying levels of head starts, and varying levels of privilege. And so the challenge for me was do not compare what they have with what you have. And if I really, really believe that the Lord supplies everything I need, if I really believe that Psalms 23 is right,
Starting point is 00:09:35 that I have what I need. And one of my favorite scriptures, God has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness. So if I have what I need for what's next, then I can't, if I get, can start comparing, well God, they've got a great marriage. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah. Well God, they've got, I mean, they have parents that set them up. I didn't. Lord, they made, they had people make introductions for them. I didn't. And so for rather than shake my fist at God for his decisions about me, I had to get in line. And you said one of my favorite words, strategy.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Strategy comes when you stop looking at what you don't have and you look at what you do have. Strategy comes when you stop looking at what you don't have and say what do you do have? What do you have in the house? What do you have in your hand Moses? You won't get a strategy until you recognize what God has already done. And then actually he's going to use this little bit. And so I had to flip the script to my old mind and say, well, if they got all that, that's because they made it. Yeah, right, right? Because otherwise, let me tell you something. Let me tell you, let me tell you something. Had God not put me in this family, there's no way that I would be a ministry. It's not, I mean, I just wouldn't do it. I just wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I just needed all of this push. I just needed all, you know what I needed? I needed all of these people to respond from the onset to say you've got something because I don't think I would have believed it had had just been one person. But because I'm in this family, where you open your mouth and more people listen
Starting point is 00:11:26 than they would listen if you were just maybe on a corner, it's both scary and affirming. It's scary in that if you mess up everyone's listening, but it's affirming and that if there's a grace and an anointing on your life, then God's gonna allow that response to come back from people and I am so intimidated by the platform and the influence and the pressure that I would rather not like in my
Starting point is 00:11:51 good. Yeah. I would rather not. But I think I said let me drive over here. Which is a qualifier. Which is a qualifier for you. Let me tell you one of the things I said about you And my immediate exposure was this woman knows how to handle it inheritance well.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And so what that, what God gave you, you needed the call on your life to be identified quickly. Wow. But you're also born, not just in a family called to ministry, but you were born into a family full of grace. So perfectionism was never chained to your neck. But you had the room to develop your own identity and your own story.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And so I do firmly believe, like Moses needed to be in the basket. Yeah. Yeah. And you needed to be in that particular family. I needed to be in the atmosphere. Listen, I was in a place that I thought was a hard place to learn. Man, I mean, like this is a hard place to learn ministry as a woman, as a woman of color, as a leader, as a lady teaching leadership, and a mega situation. I thought it was a hard place to learn. But when I got out, oh, you tee out, then I went back and said, Oh, now it makes perfect sense why I have to be there. Now it makes perfect sense. And so being able to work what you have, work with your crumbs is to recognize if this is
Starting point is 00:13:26 what I got, this must be what I need. Okay. So you got to tell me he ain't gonna short me now. Right. Yeah. Surely not. Surely he wouldn't call me and then I give me what I needed for the call. Come on.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Surely he's not going to say live holy and not give you the holy ghost. Yeah. Yeah. Surely he's not going to say, you know, go into all the earth and not give you authority. He said, all authority is given unto me. I'm giving it to you now, go. As, you know, as a leadership teacher, I tell folks, if you give someone responsibility without authority, it's frustration. Yeah. God does never come to frustrate us. Now listen, I had to learn all of this. It wasn't like I woke up one day and looked in my little pocket like Jack and the Beanstalk
Starting point is 00:14:17 and I was like, you know, oh, this is all I have. It's the smell I need of my way. You know, no, I did go through my seasons of frustration. God, where are you? God, why have you left me with just this? God, you know, all of the questions, but he's not intimidated by our questions.
Starting point is 00:14:35 He welcomes them. I mean, he welcomes them. Let's talk about it. Yeah, no. So you ask God these questions like, why, how, where are you? This isn't enough. I'm not enough. Like, I am not enough. That's, I think the greatest mental obstacle that we must overcome really has less to do with the resources we're working with, but the trust in the hands
Starting point is 00:15:02 that are going to put these resources together to really feel like I am enough for the call that is at hand may be the greatest miracle that we ever see God do with our crumbs, because when you feel like a crummy person, like I'm barely put together and I'm always falling apart like I am a crummy, I'm a crummy person. And God, you're calling me to do something that should require solid and strength and confidence and yet you're using these crumbs. And I think that that's where the marveling, that's where the all and God's strategy
Starting point is 00:15:40 and God's purpose comes into play. Because it's like how could you take these crumbs and place them in this fire? And it comes out like this. That's, I think that's what fascinates me about God. It does. And I think a part of it was learning that, you know, we sing these things, we pray these things,
Starting point is 00:16:00 and we say, Father, I want to give you glory. Lord, let my life give you glory. Lord, let my life give you glory. Lord, how can I glorify you? And the Lord says, display your weaknesses. No. Is there another way to make you glory? You're breaking that. You're breaking that.
Starting point is 00:16:16 You're breaking that. Yeah, I can up, Joe. Why can't you? And I think a huge part of that is, we've, you know, I tell people, especially, if Jesus was picking a basketball team, he wouldn't pick Charles Barkley,
Starting point is 00:16:28 like that hilarious commercial. He would actually pick the little short kid with the glasses that have the tape in them, with the gym shoes that are not, that don't cost a hundred dollars. I mean, he would actually pick that kid, so then when that kid went up for the slam, Doug everybody would say, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:16:49 they would know Jesus is a horrible God is real. So a part of, because you have a little, is not an indication that God wants to do little with your life. Yeah, because you have a little is an indication of the amount of glory God's gonna get with your big life. Because he feels, that's where that tension that we both feel.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Everybody called to do anything feels, is we look at who we think we are, what we believe we have, and the distance God has called us to go with it, and that gap in the middle. When you feel like these crumbs aren't enough to do much, and then the call is churning. You call me to be a mother, or you call me to be a wife, or launch my business, or elevate to the sea, sweet, or even just to get it together Give my thing right right right. You've called me to do these things, but I don't have the models
Starting point is 00:17:52 I don't have the friends I don't have the template how I you feel like all you have is just these little crumbs But because they're from God It's not like someone else gave you something little. The, you know, the old folks used to say, little becomes much. Yeah. You know, because what you have is from him, the supernatural element with your faith and that little, the amount of glory that God gets is, it's, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:22 If, you know, the Bible talks about that weight of glory. Yeah. So much more than we could ever imagine, particularly when we start with little. I'm just, and you got to start with the little. And we want to start with so much. Like, when I have a whole lot of confidence, when I have a whole lot of peace, when I have a whole lot of joy, when I have a whole lot of education, a whole lot of peace, when I have a whole lot of joy, when I have a whole lot of education, a whole lot of finances, then I will start because I want to feel certain in my own ability.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And yet when we're talking about working with crumbs, I can't, I'm just thinking about God making Adam in the garden out of dirt, which looks like crumbs. And that's like, if you can trust what I can do with crumbs, you won't think that you need everything in order to get started. And I think if we're really gonna believe that we're made in the image of God, that means that we have to trust that when we are given crumbs,
Starting point is 00:19:15 that there's a miracle in the crumbs. So we get to get fired up about that. And the idea of some of the crumbs that God has used in my life, small little sparks, like one idea. Yeah. Where you know, sometimes you'll get a thought from God, it'll feel like the first raindrop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And the first thing you think is, isn't raiding? You know, you get an idea from God and you'll say, wow, is that God? It seems so tiny, it's just a little crumb. But if you work that idea, if you sit with him and ask questions, if you strategize around it, if you can't do the whole thing, do the first thing, you'll be amazed at everything big with God start small. Okay. Everything big.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So what crimes are you currently working on that are getting you fired up in this season? I tell you what I am releasing you know, I've been training leaders for years and I'm releasing and my first e-course Oh And yeah, it's fun. It's it's a it's entitled rules of engagement for a professional family Because you don't have to sacrifice professionalism to treat people like family. One of the things we're discovering, companies are losing people, they can't keep good people. And so I asked the Lord this year, and this is a recommendation, I would say to anybody,
Starting point is 00:20:39 Lord, what do you want out of me this year? Why? But he went out of me. And he said, build your online library. So if you think about a library, you're thinking about volumes and volumes and resources. And so I thought, okay, let's just start with one. Of course, I would love to start with 10, right?
Starting point is 00:21:02 Because everybody, we want to show up big. Social media wants everybody to show up big social media wants everybody to show up big. But it takes humility and humility is a part of your partnership agreement with the Lord. And so it takes humility to say, Hey, I'm just going to start with this and my little team of three people. And we're going to create something for the purpose of helping, how about if we can help one organization create a culture where good people want to stay? Yeah. Let's just let's just do that. And at the same time, maintain your levels of professionalism, ethics, and even profitability. Let's just work on that small thing. We get so if you can get fired
Starting point is 00:21:46 up about that, your passion will do the rest. Your passion will it'll do the rest. God will give it to you. Okay, so I hate to interrupt all of this good conversation, but I wanted you to know that I want to talk to you too. I want to hear your story. I want to hear your thoughts and opinions. You can send me your application, your video, to be a co-host to podcast at womanevolve.com. Let me know what it is you want to talk about, why it's important to you that you be on the podcast. Maybe you like girl, I am not going to be on anybody's podcast, I don't do talking to people. First of all, this is a sign, overcome yourself.
Starting point is 00:22:22 But if not, you can send me an advice question, podcast at womanevolve.com. Okay, let's get back to the podcast. This is so, I preached a message about living outside of the system and the introduction, the setup was really centered around company shifting from being results oriented to employee oriented because they wreck it.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Especially with the generation that wants to feel passionate, I want to feel like what I do matters. If I'm put into a system that makes me feel like it's only about output and results, then I do lose my passion. And yet you're saying that there's an opportunity to really have both. Oh yeah, there's absolutely an opportunity to have both. If you treat people like they're people,
Starting point is 00:23:02 and don't treat them like their machines, if you decide to place people based on how they're created and how they're made. And if you give people room and give them room to grow, be themselves. And then most people are attracted to either who they think they are or who they want to be. That's why representation. You got a little brown daughters. That's why representation matters. The reason why we love seeing people that look like us in the arts is because it inspires the little ones to say,
Starting point is 00:23:37 that's who I want to be, that's what I want to do. If you're creating an environment that has the standards that people aspire to, that's who you're going to attract. And so to say, if we have a, if we have an environment that's creative, you're going to attract creative people, but you can't find the most brilliant creative people out there and then put them in the seat and then shut down their creativity with fear, restraints, those kinds of things. So when I say I'm fired up over just that,
Starting point is 00:24:09 it's just a little workshop that trained everywhere. A little workshop trained everywhere, but I'm telling you, what you never know what one thing could like the whole fire. Well, let me tell you, I am going to be coming off of the badical soon, but this is what I want to do. Like, I want to take your course, I want to be your guinea pig because it sounds like
Starting point is 00:24:33 you're laughing and I'm being serious. What? I want to be your guinea pig. I will just send it my way. Let me know, have your people call my people, your people are my people. So we should be able to work something out here. You know what I hear you saying, though,
Starting point is 00:24:50 and I don't even know if I can articulate this the way that I am processing it in my mind. But when you said that if you treat a person, like a person and not like a machine, it kind of made me feel like what we're really called to is to really always see people as crumbs. And I want to like say this right the way that I'm I'm hearing it in my mind.
Starting point is 00:25:12 So at the end of the day, I think we're longing to have relationships, organizations, dynamics that ultimately become machines where they're on autopilot. The love is always there. The children are always obedient. And yet when you were speaking, I'm wondering if our greatest asset to our relationships and benefits that actually see people as one part,
Starting point is 00:25:36 as one small fragile singular crumb in a big world, in a big system, in a big culture and to tend to that crum intentionally and to resist the need to see people as maybe stronger than they are or more resilient than they are but to really care for them in a very in a way that honors their potential but also meets them where they are. That's the, let me tell you that is you said it in such a gracious way and I saw appreciate it. You know, even with friendships, with relationships, we want everything perfected, tailor-made and
Starting point is 00:26:18 ready for us. And yet, we want people to give us room to grow and develop and become. And if we open our hearts to love, and this is my definition, contending for your highest good, if we can really open our hearts to love and say, okay, God has put certain people in my life, in my world, in my company, God has put certain people in my life, in my world, in my company, in my friendship circle, in my church, in my small group, wherever they are, and every person you meet is a whole story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And you don't know in what, like in what chapter of their story you're meeting that person. And you don't know where they're going all the time. Yeah. No, no, you know, I remember leaving my house one day and you know, I have my list. I love productivity. I have a little bit of an addiction to productivity. I just like to check the boxes. In fact, if I do things that are not on the list, I go back and write them on the list. So I can testify. So yes. And so I had my list. I'm going to go here. So I testify. So yes. And so I had my list.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I'm going to go here. I'm going to do this. I'm going to go here. I'm going to do this because this is my world. And I got to get my things done. And as I was leaving the house, the Lord said, hold up. Hold up. Most people you meet today are going to be dehydrated,
Starting point is 00:27:40 sleep deprived, or have unprocessed trauma. Slow down. And don't see people as props in your story today. Sleep deprived or have unprocessed trauma slow down and Don't see people as props in your story today You're gonna encounter people today. Wow, as though you can't take everything Personally or walk by someone hurting that you could actually say just one kind thing You know slow down and recognize. we're in this thing together. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. I'm just marveling at the fact that you dehydrated, sleep deprived. It's like you were reading my bio. It's like,
Starting point is 00:28:15 the process trauma. Oh wow. I didn't know. We weren't. But yes! Yeah, you're gonna encounter people today. They may not all jump and snap and go as quickly as you want them to go because people have, they have lives. You know, that reminds me so much of when the pandemic first began and I remember going to the grocery store and seeing everyone in their mask and I thought to myself, while we are all literally
Starting point is 00:28:43 one exposure away from at the time was a life-threatening exposure Yes, life chain not just like changing life-threatening and I really felt like I told me like we're always one exposure away from a life-threatening Circumstance a life-threatening situation and that change that changed the way that I just saw people and it's so easy to get back in that auto pilot that world's opening up, things are going back to normal but like there's still one phone call, one text message, one bad doctors report,
Starting point is 00:29:17 one financial decision away from everything falling apart in their world. And I don't know, I think when we first... And then being left with crumbs. Yes, no, that's what I was just thinking. I was like, when we first at this thing, we were talking about the woman who Jesus has is encounter with at the table.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And she says, I'll take the crumbs. And if you just give me the crumbs from the master's table, even the dogs eat the crumbs from the master's table, so surely you could bless me. And I think that we, I initially saw this as an opportunity for us to really create in women this desire to say, like, God, anything that you throw my way, I can work with it, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:55 And it was supposed to be really empowering, but I also think there's a compassion angle that's being unearthed as we have this conversation that will maybe not just empower us, but we won't be bulldozers while we build. Because I think, yes, you know, in order to build, I think that we feel like I gotta be beast mode, I gotta be willing to knock people down
Starting point is 00:30:17 to make it happen. But I think that culture, that way of doing things is over, and there is a compassionate way to still progress without having to knock people over in the process. Absolutely, because listen, there's a whole picture that the Lord gave me, probably 20 years ago. I was brand new in ministry, I was determined,
Starting point is 00:30:42 I'm gonna put, I mean, I'm gonna, I'm gonna make a difference in this world. And the Lord showed me a team of people climbing a hill, taking a mountain, they get to the top of the mountain, they plant the flag of the Lord. I need the bloodstain banner. And they are ready to salute the King of Kings. And the Lord comes out and says, what's that on your shoes? Oh, that's just the guts of the people I Lord comes out and says, what's that on your shoes?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Oh, that's just the guts of the people I had to stop to give you. But I made it. Because I'm a boss. I made it. Yeah. Yeah. There is a way for you to win that does not permanently
Starting point is 00:31:19 damage anybody but the devil. Now, yes, you got people disappointed in your victory because they don't understand that God has a plan for them. You know, you're always going, yes, you got people disappointed in your victory because they don't understand that God has a plan for them. You know, you're always going to have, you're not, you're not, you're not doing what God's called you to do for the applause of men. But there is a way that you can win in the Lord that does not allow you to devour other people. We can get to the top and not have blood on our teeth and devour other women, devour other leaders, devour folks that are doing in our same field,
Starting point is 00:31:53 or maybe even devour people that don't think like us, believe like us yet. You know, maybe people that have made some bad decisions in their life, there's a way for me to win without having you for lunch. Goodness. So we have to not override how easy it is once we've been given power, right? Because you want to talk about working with crumbs.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Once those crumbs turn into whatever God's going to do and you're given power and influence, we have to override the ease of using our power to get what we want or to treat people any kind of way because we have arrived. I'm thinking about David and scripture. And when he got in trouble, it's when you're like, you too big for your britches. Like you think you're somebody out here
Starting point is 00:32:39 and you need to remember. And he was correctable. And I think that if we're gonna climb any mountain, if we're gonna pursue any level of growth, that we can't just fear getting it wrong, we have to know that getting it wrong may be a part of the course, but we have to respond with change and conviction
Starting point is 00:32:57 in those moments that we get it wrong. We have to be willing to go back to that crumb state and to really have divine connection with God so that we can build again without this time stepping on someone in the process we have to be willing to go back to that crumb state and to really have divine connection with God so that we can build again without this time stepping on someone in the process. And that's what I desire, like for my life over anything. As I continue to see like the influence grows,
Starting point is 00:33:16 the platform grows, like I think one of my greatest fears is that I will start to believe that I am beyond conviction or that I will believe that I am beyond being corrected. I don't wanna lose me in the process that I don't wanna believe the height. And so though it's painful and though it's humbling when you find out that you're raggedy, it also keeps me close to God
Starting point is 00:33:44 because it helps me to remember like, you still got growing to doing that's okay. First of all, that's such an amazingly healthy perspective to have, to say, God, I don't wanna lose me. Yeah. I don't wanna lose my understanding that apart from you, I can do nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Can I give you a commercial? Please. There's a phenomenal book called Get Ready to Fly. And in the book, okay, who wrote that book? Who wrote Get Ready to Fly? You know, okay, okay. Where can we find that book? Let's finish the whole commercial. Okay, you can find it at panbross.com. Okay, love this. But the book is about preparing your soul to soul, preparing yourself for elevation, because as you elevate, they're gonna be fewer
Starting point is 00:34:32 and fewer people who will tell you the truth about you. Yeah. And so you obviously have a culture around you because your culture comes from the heart of the leader. So you have a culture around you that says, oh no, I want to stay open to adjustment, to correction. I want to hear the ideas of the people around me. Because if not, you don't want to end up being the naked emperor,
Starting point is 00:34:58 where everybody just kind of goes along because you're paying us, but you're completely uncovered. So this idea of, hey, I want to succeed with the crumbs that God gave me, but when I get my seat at the table, I don't want to look down on the next person who's got crumbs. I think about this lady coming in has a desperate need. My daughter, she has a desperate need, her. My daughter, she has a desperate need or child is sick. She can't heal this baby.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And then Jesus is like, I'm not called to you. You know, she's like, well, just give me some crumbs. I'll work that. He gives her the word. Yeah. She doesn't get up and tell everybody in the room. See, tell her, she doesn't go back and tell the bouncer, try to keep me out.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Oh my. She just, hey, I'm heading back to my kid. I came in. see, told you, she doesn't go back and tell the bouncer, try to keep me out. She just, hey, I'm heading back to my kid. I came in. I got what I needed. I'm coming right back out. It's not always our job even to get everybody else at the table straight. Yeah. She didn't want to be at the table with them. She just needed what she needed from God. And it wasn't, you know, she could have resented the fact of a woman. I'm not Jewish, I'm not a leader. I need to get an invite here straight up my crash. You know, I just, I snuck in the servants quarters. I'm just trying to get my miracles, sir.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And never, I never saw any resentment from her to the Lord about her situation. And I love that example that just because somebody else has something you don't have doesn't doesn't mean that God loves them more or that his plan for you isn't great. You just got to work what you got work work what you got. God will make it happen for you. Now a word from our sponsor, BetterHelp. Earlier this year, I began seeing a therapist and sis. Let me tell you, talking your way through situations
Starting point is 00:36:58 and experiences with someone that doesn't have a counter argument or side to take in the matter is such a freeing experience. Talking to someone that only't have a counter argument or side to take in the matter is such a freeing experience. Talking to someone that only wants to help pull the best version of you forward is rewarding, and it's an experience that I believe you deserve too. With BetterHelp Online Therapy, our listeners get 10% off their first month at BetterHelp.com slash Evolve. That's BetterHelp.com slash Evolve. How we take care of our mind is a reflection of how we take care of other areas of our lives, like our physical well-being, finances, and relationships.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Mental health is important. BetterHelp has made it more affordable than in-person sessions. Get matched in under 48 hours and start chatting with your better health therapist. It'd be a phone, video, or live chat so you don't have to see anyone on camera. Mental wellness is just one click away with better health online therapy. That's so good. It's so full circle that I don't want to mess it up. I want to jump right into the advice question because if I go on top of that, I'm going to mess it up. But I love speaking to you. I think you're brilliant. Oh, thank you so much. It's a tremendous joy. It is
Starting point is 00:38:22 a joy to meet you. You're phenomenal. Just love it. So thanks. Okay. Here's our tremendous joy. It is a joy to meet you. You're phenomenal. Just love it. So thanks. OK, here's our advice question. As a young lady, trying to walk in her calling, I have discovered that everything I do or not do, everything I say or not say it's under a microscope. I feel pressure from everywhere
Starting point is 00:38:42 and don't have anyone in ministry that can help me make sin seven. I love listening to your teaching. Could you give me some guidance on this issue? I want to hear from you first. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Okay. I would say to this person, if they are this beautiful sister, it sounds like her heart is to do right by God, but at the same time not disappoint everyone else around her. And so there's going to have to come a time where you get hyper focus is God pleased with me. Because pressure will throw you off pace and you'll find yourself showing up. It'll be like that nightmare people have where you show up at school and you're not dressed or you're just dressed from the top of. You'll show up.
Starting point is 00:39:24 The pressure of people will have you out of pace and so God is preparing you he's undressing there's some deliverance happening he's washing and giving you healing he's dressing you for the place you're going and it's happening on the way sometimes people around you get so excited because they can see where God is taking you and they want you to hurry up and get there. Slow down. Don't feel, I won't say don't feel the pressure,
Starting point is 00:39:54 don't let the pressure move you. Find your pace, find your rhythm. God, what's next? I had to believe, I'm gonna live a long life. And so that's why I ask him, what do you want from me this year? What's my long-term strategy? I've already had conversations with God about my 60s. So let's walk out these 50s. And let's get these, let's get done what you want. So yeah, that's what I would say. And then also, see God a mentor. Ask the Lord,
Starting point is 00:40:26 I would say and then also seek out a mentor, ask the Lord, take send you in a direction of someone that you could either have a in person or virtual relationship with or even be mentored through their books, their writings, someone that you can kind of watch how God dealt with them and you can begin to learn not about them but about God. We can learn about them, what about God? You can, we can learn about him, his ways through his word and how he deals with people. So as you understand God's character, it's going to help you walk with it better. That's so good. I said a lot. No, you should know, not at all. It was exactly what we needed to hear.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I think that this generation lives under a microscope. It's part of the reason why social media is so successful. And so when you begin walking out your life on faith, you're going to be under that same microscope only this time your faith is going to be highlighted because that's what you're choosing to display. That can be beautiful to God, scary for you, and questionable for other people,
Starting point is 00:41:20 and that's just the reality. But to be able to say like, God, did I do what you told me to do? Did I say what you told me to say? Finding your hope in your peace and your comfort and that question being answered is the only thing that will quiet every other noise when it's all said and then I used to get in. I still get nervous when I speak,
Starting point is 00:41:40 but I've kind of, I've got this shoulder shrug about it when I finished this thing. I'm not gonna dissect what I didn't say, what I should have said, what I messed up. I have to be able to say, did you say what God told you to say? And the only time I'm frustrated now is when I feel like I didn't say what God told me to say. And that's like when I'm up there, that's my only goal.
Starting point is 00:41:59 I'm going to get this out. I'm not trying to go viral. I'm not trying to shift through them. Like, we're going, you know, we're doing our tour and I'm like, listen, I don't know what's going to happen. All I know is that I want to be able to say that I said, what God told me to say, because the pressure is not going to go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:42:15 The pressure is inside of you. It's outside of you, so you got to be able to talk back to pressure. Yes, you do. And let it, no, you're not going to move me. You might try to push, but my feet are gonna move at the pace of God. Let me tell you, I've been in that same place. And the Lord had to, he deals with me a lot with humor.
Starting point is 00:42:32 It's just how he knows in each of us individually. And he said to me, Pam, have you ever seen your postman put something in your mailbox and go back and sit in the truck and bite his nails? Wow. I show hope she opened it. Oh, Lord, if she don't have it, no, no, no, no. You are my delivery system.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I'll call you because I know you'll open up, you'll study, you'll show up, you'll deliver with passion and love and then go and and and pray for him after. But but you got to trust that the same way I speak to you, I'm speaking to them. So yeah, shake that. I feel the same thing. And I mean, I still feel it, but at the same time, we know God you're with me. You know, help me.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And you're right, we got to shake it off. And then we read your bio and you're like, right, like, who is that? I don't even know where she, I've never heard of her before.. I know I made them change my bio because they're part of it that says Sarah takes Robert's expertly balances career parenting. I was like, you don't need to take that out of the expertly. Sarah is doing the best that she can to juggle, but she doesn't know how to juggle. She doesn't have rhythm and y'all think it looks cute because you own a cotton tape like it's I want the bio to tell the truth but we should write our own brand new bios to say uh Dr. Pam Ross has a laundry pile up right now and she probably should be folded
Starting point is 00:43:56 that but she's talking to you anyway. It's true it's honest I'm in a few real lines in that, in that bio to help people relax. I do, I think it would help people not feel so disconnected from the person who's up there. So like my prayers that I always stay authentic and real so that people see themselves in me. Because Lord knows I see myself and them and we're all on a journey together. I was grateful for joining in with you today.
Starting point is 00:44:26 It was a lot of fun. It was amazing. Thank you so much. And you need to know, you're hitting it out of the park. You're outrageously relatable. And to women of various generations, and you speak to right where we are, you speak to the reality of us wanting to partner with God
Starting point is 00:44:44 and just live a life that brings up glory and gives us joy. So I thank God for you. I just declare the blessings of the Lord over you and everything you touch. Absolutely everything. Get ready for more. I'm going up for me. I'm nervous. Thank you so much. This was amazing. Thanks. Take care.
Starting point is 00:45:10 This conversation, I am so full. Like literally, if cup running over was a person, insert S.J.R. Spoto, because that's how I feel. I hope you feel the joy. My cheeks are hurting from smiling and receiving from Miss Pam Ross. I hope you enjoyed it. I want you to run it back a few times.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I know I'm going to. Miss Pamela, thank you for carving out time in your busy schedule to hang with the delegation. It was totally and completely my honor. Now listen, if you or someone you know is interested in being the next cohost or if there's an advice question you'd like for me to answer hit my inbox at podcast at warmnivov.com. All cohost submissions must include a one to
Starting point is 00:45:56 two-minute video about yourself and why you'd make a great cohost or we gonna send that email right back to you. Okay put your video in there. I love you guys. I'll see you next week. you

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