Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - Process in the Present

Episode Date: August 11, 2021

Description: Sis, what is the podcast without the Delegation? A bwok bwok Chickenhead! And for this reason alone, W.E. aren't breaking up, but the format is shifting with fresh perspective. In this e...pisode, SJR & Cora linked up to end the weekly live streams on Facebook & YouTube with a BANG! Eve shouted, "if it's up, then it's up" (as rescues were)! W.E. shook our tambourines for the people & places worthy to be praised! Then the sister-duo unpacked advice questions. Intending to process her desire in the present moment, our girl SJR posed the question—What steps are you taking to achieve a particular end? Beloved, W.E. see you side-eyeing, but again this is NOT a goodbye. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes when you SUBSCRIBE to Apple & Google Podcasts or FOLLOW on Spotify! Also, CLAIM your listener perks at HelloFresh.com/WomanEvolve14 + FlexFits.com/Evolve + Issuu.com/Podcast!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God can't bless you for tend to be or who you compare yourself to. He can only bless you and the lane that was created for you. I feel that for somebody. You don't need no itch, it's a tea you need boundaries. What? I don't need your lights, I don't need your elevation. All I need is a God fighting for me that's their all things, all things, all things. Child. D-E-L-E-G-A-T-I-O-N. Delegation, woman evolved delegation.
Starting point is 00:00:37 What's up? It's the girl. SJR is anyone in their feelings already. In case you missed last week, let me tell you something, breathe in, breathe out. I know you're just catching up, but this is going to be the last live podcast. It is not the last podcast,
Starting point is 00:00:55 but it is the last live podcast. This will be the last time that I go live on Mondays, on Facebook and YouTube, and spend time with the delegation in this way. But could we ever come to an end? Absolutely not. The Waman Evolve podcast is still gonna keep trucking forward, but it's gonna be a different format
Starting point is 00:01:15 because like, what is a podcast without the delegation? It needs to be switched up. And so I hope you stay plugged in, tuned in. Make sure you subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, wherever you listen to your podcast. So so that you can hear this next version of the Waumani Ball podcast. I want your feedback. I'm still learning, rowing and tweaking. So I want to know what you guys think about it.
Starting point is 00:01:38 But yeah, sorry about that. Pam's sound is not clear. That's beautiful. That means we're doing something right. It's the last podcast we might as well not have this sound be clear. Ruthie says, oh no, so many memories, guys, from the five finger grab for the OGs to glucose guardians to Laurie's on X-chiles.
Starting point is 00:02:01 It's been such an amazing ride. American voices, the mic isn't connected to the YouTube stream. Justice said the sound is choppy. No bueno, no bueno. But Kim Johnson says I don't like it. I hear you. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:16 CC starts says oh wow, I'm just tuning into my first. It is your first one. That means that we could not go down without having you. Let's switch the... I just did. I'm going to miss you. go down without having you. Let's switch the... I just did. Okay. Okay, let's see. Let's see, is it better?
Starting point is 00:02:30 We love to have a little technical difficulties before we head out because I mean, we had them all throughout. So, Tasha and said we should have voted on this. You are right. We should have had a vote. We could still continue to go live on YouTube, on Facebook and at 2 p.m. on Mondays
Starting point is 00:02:49 and y'all could just talk to each other. And I could just pop in in my house from my laptop, from my kitchen, just like what y'all talking about? All right, y'all, I'm sorry I gotta go. You know, let me know. I don't know. Tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Right, y'all says we think growth is good and it's just easy to miss this. And I'm grieving a little. Let me tell you something. I am grieving it as well. Marissa Moore says, but why I am not going to make it. American boy says Facebook must be getting the mic feet. Well, we can't, it's all streamed from one platform.
Starting point is 00:03:20 So it's not like Facebook will get one. But that may, if it's not clear on Facebook, it's not like Facebook will get one but that may if it's not clear on Facebook it's not clear on YouTube. Julie says, I'll double you will not steal our last podcast with this underwater sound and shot typing in the background. Okay, I'm gonna keep talking, keep trying, let's see what's happening. Karen says, oh no, it's worse. Arlene says, this sound is choppy. Um, of course, are you clear?
Starting point is 00:03:51 Of course, I'm here. A clear. Ashley says, baby, only person that understands SJR is got himself. Um, Donna says, can't hear you. I mean, is somebody typing what's with the background noise, L.O.A. and am I going to miss the whole sound situation? Yeah, you guys are going to see this is the stress. It's stress putting this podcast on.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Okay, it's like putting on spanks every week, trying to squeeze into something that's like, listen, I'm gonna look great when I get it going, but I'm squeezing into it to make it happen. Michelle says, how do I listen to the previous lives? The previous lives are on Facebook, you're watching on YouTube. If you go to YouTube and look under the Womany Evolve podcast,
Starting point is 00:04:36 playlist, you will see all of the other ones. Okay, Dishon said, it's better. Mariah says, it's clear now. Sharnay says, it's clear. Kiah says it's clear now. Sean, they says it's clear. Cora says you're clear now. It's better. Praise the whole is going to miss the technical issues of the Woman Evolve podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Raise your hand. Raise your hand if you're going to miss it. If you're just catching up and you're like, why I don't, it's not, then I'm not going to be able to hear a chord. Everything's fine. That's the only way I can hear it. I have to switch from go back to the room. The get toe. Just keep, I'll just try and have honest fun with the whole thing. What?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Um, all right, we're going to try something. We don't know what it's going to be, What All right, we're gonna try something we don't know what it's gonna be But something is gonna happen and we're gonna see okay It's pretty said at this last episode supposed to make me cry and not squint. We're not gonna cry We're not gonna cry on this episode Okay, so if you're catching up and you're trying to figure out why, why is she shifting, why is she changing? Last month, I took the month off. You all already know this.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I spent a lot of time with my girls and the process of doing that, I just realized that I need to restructure my life. Instead of allowing the kids to fit around my life, I need to make work fit around the kids. They're at an age where they really need me. And so I need flexibility in order to do that. And right now, you know, the podcast pretty much takes up our entire Monday afternoon, every Monday.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And I started asking myself, what are you doing in your life? This is going to help somebody. What are you doing in your life right now that you can continue to sustain for the rest of your life? It's like I started asking myself the type of questions, like can I sustain this for the rest of my life and still obtain these goals that I have in mind,
Starting point is 00:06:37 specifically the goals of being present for the children, making sure that I have flexibility. And I'll tell you another thing, the stress of doing it live and the technical issues and things happen in the comments sometimes that people have reached out to me about, and it has always been about me wanting to create a safe space of love and sisterhood. And tonight feel like, we died to the bullet this week.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Let's see if we can die to another one next week. And so there's a few reasons. So I'm like asking myself, what can you do for the rest of your life and sustain for the rest for the next five years, for the next 10 years and sustain at this current rate. And also, the next 10 years and sustain at this current rate. And also, like, what is worth the sacrifice of exposure? Because exposure can sometimes be a sacrifice. So I don't know. I've been like thinking and it was a tough decision
Starting point is 00:07:39 for me to make. And I'm still wrapping my mind around it. But I know what's's gonna be good for myself and for the children, even if it means I have to be at the few days and like, oh, man, say it from my chest, okay. The end of it says, I love you, Cassandra says, we understand Pastor will just miss you.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm gonna miss you all too big, so I'm like, and I mean, I'm still gonna be on the socials. I'm still gonna hop up on Facebook and YouTube and check in. It's just like trying to produce this in excellence every single week, given the limited technical prowess that we currently have,
Starting point is 00:08:18 and the desire to do all things well and to sustain them for a long time. It's just like, what can I do? And this was a tough decision. Like, you know, this podcast and doing it the way that I've done it where I can engage and interact with you all. Like, this was a brainchild of mine
Starting point is 00:08:35 that I wasn't even sure made since and it's grown. I mean, I started in Denver. I moved into my closet when we were in LA. I've been in the back of the movie room, like I've been all over trying to make this podcast work. Now we're back in the office and just I want to produce things that have high quality, high excellence and maintain the integrity of what one of all represents. And that means I may need extra time to do it and I can't always do it live.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And I want to make sure that whatever I do, I can multiply and it be flexible for my kids. It was just do you hear me all of these things, okay? All of these things L. Anderson something your mom did so well Yes, we all want to grow up like first lady Jake's indie. We do shout out to the queen Regina says I got therapy in 15 minutes. But hey, I love you as she are had to catch last life for a second Thanks for creating this amazing space for growing women of God. I love you Regina, yes to your mental wealth honey. Take care of it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Terence says, I love this. What a bomb. Blank question to ask yourself. I need to ask myself the same thing, LOL how do you know? And Annelle, you says totally understand your family. I'm like, no, like that question, like can I sustain it at this current level of expense?
Starting point is 00:09:52 You know, like it is expense. And this is like in relationships, relationships that can be taxing for, you know, side hustles that you're doing for energy exertion volunteering here volunteering there working here working there Like there are some things that we do that we have to roll up our sleeves and get them done for this season We're in but it's like long-term cannot sustain this and continue to be The type of mother the type of woman the type of wife that I wanna be. And if not, what are some modifications that I need to have in mind, or that I need to make immediately,
Starting point is 00:10:30 so that I am only doing that, which can be sustained with the resources that I have. So yeah, Venea says, does the delegation have ushered with sheets? Looks like we are going to need them. Everything's going to be fine. And of course, this can't even lie. I'm gonna miss hearing about my good sis,
Starting point is 00:10:46 Ella Shenanigans will fire me then. Let me tell you, I got to find a way to make sure y'all still get these Ella Shenanigans because they're not, they're always, they're always popping. I need a book. Maybe I need to write a book of Ella Shenanigans because they keep going.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Okay, listen, so last podcast could not close out the podcast without having to drive by from my sister. She is going to help me be a originator of sisterhood in my life, starts with Korra Jake's call. And then I asked her to join us for our last podcast so that she could just help me do what needs to be done in Jesus' name. Amen. Cokie bear. Hey, hey, you're drinking your. Yes, we are. I'm drinking wine water. Do you
Starting point is 00:11:35 only drink alkaline water or water? No, I, well, I tried to just drink alkaline water, but if I run out, then I will just drink what is available. It's just a matter of getting my water in. I feel like, you know, the pH of soda is worse than any of the pHs in the waters that I choose. So, you know, just get your water in. You know, because people are really particular about water these days, the brand of water, alkaline,
Starting point is 00:12:08 the 9.8's and droplets and things. Like it's really getting serious out here as it pertains to water. For me, I feel like your pH level in that coffee and that alcohol is a lot worse than any of the water that you may choose in this season. My God. I know I'm gonna go on YouTube and blood. I'm gonna be against this trolley shy. Yes, Corn. Just continue speaking until I can get it.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I don't have time for the shenanigans of the people today. Can y'all believe this is going to be the last live? How are we feeling about it for real? We're not okay. Do we want to boycott this? Like, what delegation? Y'all talk to me.
Starting point is 00:12:57 What are we doing? What are we doing? Are we settling in this? We're going to let her be great. Oh, Karina. And give y'all a different format. I'm gonna be a different format. It's gonna be a, we're not going all the way away.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I'm just changing the format. Court, does it make sense when I explain it or no? It makes a lot of sense, but it's still, I think that we are struggling with how we get to be engaged with you from a live perspective. Like, I believe you're whatever you're going to give is going to be amazing. And that's just who you are. But I think the delegation really enjoys just being able to talk to you here from you,
Starting point is 00:13:41 you know, hear your stories and things like that, that they're not gonna be able to get. And it is for a good reason, you know, the balance is necessary. And I, you know, I'm all about sustainability. This, that's my word for 34 is sustainability. So I don't believe you should keep anything in your life that isn't sustainable.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And that said, we still will miss you. We still will miss your jokes and your laughter and your grace and all of the things that you give to us weekly. Okay, so this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make sure that I at least have like monthly check-ins that aren't necessarily every week that I can still have like monthly check-ins that aren't necessarily every week that I can still get on Facebook and YouTube and check in the way
Starting point is 00:14:30 that I want to. Okay, Christlike ministry says, why can't you take over till she's able to come back? It's not necessarily that I plan on coming back, you know, in this way every week like this this, because I mean, unless my children grow up and things get, well, they will grow up. But I mean, like my life modifies and changes in some way. But I will continue to make sure that like I'm logging in on the Facebook lives. And then we're going to do like ask SJR where we're still taking in questions and people are still checking in with me, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:06 If it was a take a break, she knows. I would totally take over for her while she takes a break, that's not an issue. But, you know, weekly is tough. Weekly is tough for anyone. Weekly is tough for me. And it puts a demand on you that it's not okay. I understand.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I completely understand. I get it. Thank you, S. Perry. I like my hair color too, right here in this shift, you know, because it starts off like a burgundy red and then as that dye comes down, right here in this shift, I like this color. Okay, let's get into this podcast episode. Let's do it. Let's do it. Okay, I need you to bring your full clonery. If you're watching, bring all of your joy, all of your shenanigans. We are going to do this and we're going to do it well.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And like I said, you know, maybe month will be come back and do it. Want many of our old-school style and make a whole thing out of it. But for today, let's make the best of today. Rescue Eve. Rescue Eve. Core out. I already know that you're about to act a hole full on this. Maybe we will.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Maybe we won't. Okay, so I would like to rescue Coco Austin. Are you familiar with Coco Austin, Cor? Yes, I'm familiar. I'm very familiar. Coco Austin is married to rapper and actor ICT. We've actually talked about this before because it seemed extreme a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:16:57 But even until now, she is talking about how she is still breastfeeding her five and a half year old daughter Chanel Nicole. She says Chanel still likes my boobs, a big bonding moment for a mother in your child and that she eats other foods too. She says why take away from her if she doesn't want it, it's all right. That's where you stop it, but I'm just not going to say no. Let's rescue her because the American Academy of breastfeeding pediatrics and toddlers who breastfeed association of America
Starting point is 00:17:32 have said that the baby's immune system and the nutrients from breastfeeding cannot be denied, okay? That the more that you can give the child, the better for the child and this is probably she probably got the cure to COVID walking around in this five and a half year old because she has just received all of the nutrients all of the vitamins and the minerals and who are we to judge? I think that five years old is a lot to be put in somebody to your nipples outside of your husband.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Hallelujah. You know, I did think about this because Ella is five and a half. Right. And the very thought of it. Right. And the very thought of it. Right. And the tender bosom that my God has given me. And a full mouth of teeth at five. You have a full mouth of teeth at five. I can remember, I was a nanny for a long time before I became a children's pastor. And I can remember, Sissy knows this story. I went to an interview and it was for a three year old girl.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And I was sitting in the interview and the little girl came out, unbuttoned her mother's shirt, unsnapped her bra, put her mother's breast in her mouth in the middle of the interview and And commenced to having mommy milk snapped her back up buttoned her shirt back up and walked away like it was absolutely nothing And I just thought myself said this is very uncomfortable I really hope I don't get this job. I didn't get it And I just thought myself said, this is very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I really hope I don't get this job. I didn't get it, but I was praying, appropriately, that I wouldn't get the job. I just think like her statement, even with her saying like if she wants it, why take it away, like in life, you're going to have to take things away from your children, like, but why would you take it away. Like in life, you're going to have to take things away from your children, like, but why would you take vitamins away?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Why would you not give your children the most flinstoment? None of your titty. Give them a liquid of all of artificial colors and artificial properties. Matures, I don't know. I don't know around here. No one has, I can't, I can't subscribe to this.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Look how much she is in producing milk though. So what's the point? Yes, she is if the baby's still pulling the milk still so long. Is that baby is latching? That baby is latching to what? Literally, she should get a hell marry because who could really keep going for five and a half years? I barely made it 18 months. I breasted it all in for a life probably.
Starting point is 00:20:27 You know what? Why don't you get in? No, she might need to give her a hell marry in real life. I think we need to rescue this child. You know, because obviously your mother is just gonna let you do whatever you want to do. Yeah, now there's a deeper, you know what though? Can I tell you about my parenting?
Starting point is 00:20:48 I had a, I'm gonna call it a European parent moment. Okay, okay. I'm gonna call it European because this would have never worked in the black household that I grew up in. Now someone else grew up in a black household where this would have worked. So Ella was outside with her siblings
Starting point is 00:21:03 and it was about time for her to go upstairs but they were outside walking the dog. We'll talk about that later. So they're outside walking the dog. Ella wants to go outside with them but she wants to take her tablet with her too and I'm like, you're not taking your tablet. It's nighttime, coyotes be outside.
Starting point is 00:21:19 You need to be able to stick and move at any given moment and she was really upset. Like she put her hand over her mouth and slow motion. And tears came to her eyes, cause I wouldn't let her take her tap without thought. And she was like, but mommy, and she was talking I was like, Ella, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:21:38 This is not up for debate. What I said is what I said. She said, Mommy, can you let me speak? And I said, yes. Of course she you let me speak? And I said yes. Of course, she can. Because when that person feels like they're not able to communicate their emotions as a child,
Starting point is 00:21:51 they can't communicate them as an adult. That would have never happened in, no, not in any of the houses. They'd, we grew up in, she can't, mommy can't let me speak out. I started to be like, no, you don't have a voice. You don't have anything to say. But what has that done to us?
Starting point is 00:22:06 But what did she say in the time? In the time that you gave her though, to speak, what did she say that was a value to the conversation? Did she get out of not being able to take her template outside? No, she did not. I did not change my mind, but she felt heard. She felt heard. That's all that matters.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yes. She was able to express her. She told you she felt heard. She did not. Yeah. Yeah. She did not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:41 She did not. She did not. It's, it's true. She did not say, she did not exactly say thank you mom for letting me be heard, but in life down the road, that was a seed. Right. That when you need to communicate about something that is hurting you or you feel misunderstood, I will make space to hear you.
Starting point is 00:23:01 No, I may not change my mind, but I will make space to hear you. That's beautiful. I don't communicate right now because I'm like, you don't care. I know you don't care because you didn't create space for me to be heard. This is true. Shekina said she will years from now because I thought unheard growing up. That's what I'm talking about Listen don't y'all don't y'all let let your childhood, you know, be a dictation of your ability to walk in your destiny today Huh, you know what's nice next be what it's like to watch the podcast when there's audio problems Because my airpods just cut off and all I see is your mouth moving. You know, wow, I have become the delegation. Wow. Wow. On the last episode, God has made me like you, delegation. Wow. Thank you for your loyalty. It's really nice. Wow. I know. read it. It's not gonna be possible for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Oh, wow. I'm gonna keep talking because I can't hear you. I'm gonna read the comments. Actually, it says you made space for Ella or Ella took it. Oh, okay. I'm possible. I believe. Or can you do it?
Starting point is 00:24:24 What? Wow. I'll shake Or can you do what? What? Wow. I'll take your volume. It's us. It's the AirPods. I heard the airport. I heard the AirPods died. They said 99 Jack. What are they having a problem hearing me? Jesus. They ain't saying nothing about my volume. Jesus. Just keep calling his name until the sound comes on. it's gonna work. It's gonna work in our Turn
Starting point is 00:24:51 I get your I God The era you could Why is it in a portion of the show in my screen is here? They can hear both of us But he said it takes 15 minutes to charge the air pot. They were charge Jesus They just keep saying I'm Oh my god Jesus They were trying Jesus. They just keep saying, I'm on and I go.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Jesus. Sarah, how about that? You stop. I can't hear nothing she's saying. You stop. You still don't feel like you ain't heard her because she's just gonna remember that. No, that's all right.
Starting point is 00:25:36 That's all right. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. He is the guy of AirPods. Is there a witness anywhere? Uh-uh. I know him to anywhere? I know him to work. I know him to cause AirPods to work together.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Touch the AirPods. Just like Eve picked up the apple. And there was a dip she in the garden. We don't know if it was apple. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Oh, hey, there you are. Hey, they're not dead. Oh, oh, hey. There you are. Hey, they're not dead. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Come on here. Hey, how you doing, Corey? Listen, let me find out you were knowing to turn the airpods back on. Let me find out. She says, clovery, why you was laughing, God was working.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Now, you see, you didn't hear me. You didn't hear me because I was over here saying, do it, God, we was landing together. Oh, we were saying, and I was like come on Lord God's gonna turn it around Joining you in prayer Jesus God's gonna turn it around At church when people put their head back to buck Does it make it more powerful like can you just buck like? Like what happens when you put your head back like that? Does it make it more control? It's your
Starting point is 00:26:49 spirit loose. You can't control your ear and your right, you know? You got to throw it back. That's how I fall without falling. Let me talk. Cool. Wait. can we talk about this? Can we talk about it like it did hit me I felt the Holy Ghost but I can't go to the ground I am gonna go outside maybe a a full back being, but not a far one. Yeah, no, but I want me on the ground. I don't know when y'all back you. I don't know what kind of little people see. You know this floor. I need that.
Starting point is 00:27:34 People walk around barefoot, neck shoes. Nope, you're good. My words have taken up your shoes. This is holy ground. And if the shoes are still on, then my back is still in the air. Is what I'm saying. I'm able to do it. Have you ever had a pastor try to push you?
Starting point is 00:27:58 Because I've had a minister. I think so. And I remember one time in youth service, but I was so, I questioned my faith so much that I thought it was something wrong with me. Because I was in my life. It's not working. Like, I was like, I was like waiting in line and I can tell he was coming and I was like, I'm about to catch it.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Because I ain't caught it yet, but I'm about to catch it. Because I know all the words to 12th play. I need Jesus for real. And he was coming and I was like, I'm gonna go, but I'm about to catch it. Cause I know all the words to 12 play. I need Jesus for real. And he was coming and I was like, I'ma go out. I'ma go out and he put his hands on me and I was still standing. I was like, when I'm supposed to do I choose or does it? How does it? I don't even know how it works.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And in a way, I can tell the way his palm was up against my form. You going to take me and then we was in the war right now. My flesh is fighting back. Right. Because you're not going to make me go when I'm pushing my hair. Right. I push my hair forward.
Starting point is 00:28:52 You push my hair back. And it's a bad situation. It doesn't work out very well. I just told him, you not about to push me. I came up out the mirror. And you came up out the mirror and said the core, what? That's what I told him. He was trying to let, he was really trying to get me
Starting point is 00:29:08 to hit the floor. And I opened my eyes and I said, you ain't about to push me to the floor now. Core, but he made me, it was how the weekend ended. I was the whole thing. But you ain't about to push me. The holy ain't, the whole thing about to push me
Starting point is 00:29:23 to the ground now. And I calmed down. I won't say this because when the holy ain't, the holy girl saying about to push me to the ground now. And I calm down. I won't say this because when the holy girl take you out, it take you out at the knees. And it's quick, right in this quick. I don't have no time to think about it. I don't have no time to think about it. You ain't never seen something,
Starting point is 00:29:38 of course, I've seen daddy put his hand, you ain't never seen daddy put his hand on somebody's hand. So with a circle, throw it on the go to the circle. Not the car in jail. And take a rotation. Receive that thing. Car rope, taking that car back and forth. And then sometimes it's taking minute,
Starting point is 00:29:59 but then they go down. Are they dizzy? Did they get caught? I don't know. It could have been a combination of the two. Little dizzy. I'm caught. Does it mean that's like when you go down, does it mean something that like
Starting point is 00:30:13 if you go down versus you stand up, like, is that a judgment on your spirituality? Because as a young person, I used to think like that demon is keeping you up. What I felt like it was a judgment on day in Washington. Really? Right, because the idea is, okay, like real life, the idea is the glory is so heavy on the person who's praying for you that you fall under the weight of the glory and the 19 bad person in care.
Starting point is 00:30:44 But what does it mean that some people fall and some people don't, so that does of the glory and anointing bad person is here. But what does it mean that some people fall and some people don't? So that does mean the glory was here. You can't help them. Somebody else. Some people can handle the weight of the glory. Some people cannot.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Sister, you know, it's better than anyone else. But sometimes you get hurt and you brace yourself. But what if the person standing got just as hit as a person on the ground, like, is that possible or do you have to fall out? No, I don't think you have to fall out. I told all of my elders, because you know, we graduate as the other day
Starting point is 00:31:15 or day in you, they're inoint you. I told all of mine, don't fall. What? I told all of them. How do you tell somebody to resist? Don't fall. The fall. I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them I told them all don't you my better moment. I sure didn't breathe on them. I hope I hope Bishop exhale then somebody fell to the ground with this only one out of
Starting point is 00:31:48 my whole class only one fail to the floor. Shantina Clark says I feel like the folks who roll on the floor are really a show and I like it. You ain't ever seen she needs that roll.
Starting point is 00:32:03 People. That's not the thoughts of the people that's demon. You ain't never seen sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh- sh I'm not going to fall. I got meganese. I'ma just drop it low for Jesus. John came in. No, that's not what he wants in the season. So there is, I laid hands on you and you continue standing. The Holy Ghost kept you up. Okay. And then there's the Holy Ghost made you almost fall. Made you back then.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Holy Ghost made you back then. But back then. Okay, then Holy Ghost make you fall. Oh, Holy Ghost make you kneel. I like that one. I like that one when you bend your back. Yeah, the bad one. And then you, the bad one. Yeah, the bad.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Holy Ghost make you a bad. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, then Holy Ghost make you fall. Yeah. Right. That S.I.R.E.A. That S.I.R.E.R.E.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Lays someone out before. I'm trying. I'm totally at Wominy Vogue. The last Wominy Vogue we had. All of us. We're at Wominy Vogue. We're at Wominy Vogue. We're at Wominy Vogue. We're at Wominy Vogue. That's somebody actually that's the art lady someone out before a few times a few times. At one many vault the last one many vault we had all of us went out there Sarah was up in the balcony laying people out on the stairs they was falling to the ground but see that's what I mean is the way to glory that's what each shot
Starting point is 00:33:20 cool. Okay, foot in the back being and then the style. Angela said I'm a bower. But you said I be bowing. Oh. Jalice says I did the bow. That's what I did. I ain't falling on my back or face.
Starting point is 00:33:38 No homie. When I wasn't all the way saved. When I saw people fell out, I didn't wonder like a concussion or head hurt, but you don't feel nothing when you fall out. You just wake up and you do. Not a 10% fall out rate, Arizona, not a 10% fall out rate. Listen, you've got to check your glory.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Check the way to your glory. That's it. Angela Jackson says, I'm a bower, Vinnie said, I be bowing. I love a good bow. I love a good bow. I love a good bow. I love a good bow. The bow was good. I'm kneeling in his presence. Here I am bowing. Come on, Princess Megan. Look at me bow. I like it. I think it's good. All right. A Sine Seifo says I'd be staying in my seat for that reason.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I used to not like when it was time for people to lay hands on everybody in the church. I don't even know what was wrong with me as a child, but it's not like I was born in the church. I don't even know what was wrong with me as a child, but it was some, no, it was a teenager, as a young adult. But I just, I didn't, I don't know, I was uncomfortable with it. Cause I felt like if I don't fall or cut up,
Starting point is 00:35:02 then I'm not as saved as y'all. And I already don't think I'm as saved as y'all. So don't put my salvation to the test right now. I feel like laying on your legs like to you not as saved. That's what you're saying. For sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Okay. That's how I feel. I didn't see I felt like you need to work bet on your anointing. Cause if you had a good anointing, I would have failed. I would have. I feel like the group laying hands on
Starting point is 00:35:27 is like a pop quiz Holy Ghost test. Like who really got it? We got to see. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. I'm just telling you. I'm here since I just give a little hand to this guy got nose heart.
Starting point is 00:35:40 That's all right, too. That's all right. That's all right. All right. Jalice said that's JR knocked everyone out like Mike Tyson for real. I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened that night at one that morning at one of the office. She came and said, okay, I'm ran from the baptism pool at five.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You're not about to drown me. Okay. listen. Okay, now, do we decide we rescuing the baby because of the mayor can breast association? No, y'all didn't just say, how do we get to talk about falling out anyway? How do we go from breastfeeding to falling out? We are not gonna be able to track our conversations that doesn't work out well.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Okay, all right, that's all right. How did we end up here? Who knows? You. Evidently, it's my fault. Can't remember what happened, but let's just keep moving. I'm gonna give it to you. Are we gonna rescue them or no?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Listen, you know, at the end of the day, I just feel like this baby needs to be on a diet of real, real food. And, and if you're going to put your breast milk in a sippy cup or a cup, you know, maybe, but she wants to straight out the, still be attaching a five year old, a kinder gardener to your, your breasts. It's, you know, it's weird for me, but then again, I think this is all this baby
Starting point is 00:37:12 has ever known. So it's not weird to her. It's her culture, it's her custom. It's what she's used to. If you were to just start breastfeeding your five-year-old today, that would be weird for you to be continuing something that they're accustomed to.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Maybe not that weird, but I wouldn't want you to be in my kindergarten graduation, pulling your titty out to feed me. I don't know. I would say breast. Man, I've land. I don't know. Oh, God. Quart. I wouldn't say it. Prest. Mary Glant. Pretty. Mamore Glant. She said, Quart, stop saying that.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Mom would kill you for saying that. Right, right after mom did the meme of life on us, you think? All right. I hear what you saying. All right. Picking up, what you putting down. OK, so we're going to rescue the baby. Yes, we're going to rescue the baby. We'll rescue.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yes, OK, we'll rescue the baby. All right. We all know how important presentation is for our business, our brand, and ourselves. And yet not all of us have been blessed with the ability to go into computer and just turn something around. That's where issue comes in mind. Whether you work for yourself or your part of a team, it's time to get creative. Make your online presence and your business stand out from the rest with issue. Issue is the all-in-one platform to create
Starting point is 00:38:46 and distribute beautiful digital content from marketing materials to magazines, to flip books and brochures and more. You can literally put together an online magazine with issue and begin to start your dream of being an editor and chief today. Make it once and distribute it everywhere without reformatting. Your content is already optimized for engagement and ready to share.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Issue also works seamlessly with tools you already used like Canva Dropbox and InDesign. Issue helps creators, marketers, designers, and really anyone who wants to make content stand out. Get started with Issue today for free or if you sign up for a premium account, you will get 50% off when you go to Issue.com slash podcast and use promo code Evolve. That's I-S-S-U-U.com slash podcast and use promo code Evolve at checkout for your free account at 50% off your premium account. That's issue.com slash podcast with promo code evolve. So Christian woman sues McDonald's claiming cheeseburger
Starting point is 00:39:55 ad cost her to break her fast during Lent. A Russian woman is reportedly selling McDonald's over. One of the companies adds that featured cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets claiming the tempting ad cost her to break her fast during Lent. Kishina, girl, I ain't gonna never be able to say O.V. Sheenma, no. Who identifies as an orthodox Christian
Starting point is 00:40:19 that she gave up meat and other animal products for the six weeks of Lent in 2019. The gag is she was probably still fine eating that the case was first reported by Russian state media and picked up by Western outlets, including Fox News. She said, when I saw an advertising banner, I could not help myself. I visited McDonald's and brought a she's burger. I want to rescue her because them commercials be looking like what God loves. Carl's Jr. Let's talk about it.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Let's be honest. This has been a safe space. Don't make your face when I say Carl's Jr. like that. I'm telling you the commercials, whoppers actually look flamethrowery old. McDonald's french fries actually looks like someone is cutting and peeling them and putting them in the front. I mean, can we blame her? tries actually looks like someone is cutting and peeling them and putting them in the front. I mean, can we blame her?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Absolutely. We can. We can absolutely blame her because you can stop Sarah. Come on. Can we rescue her? No, we're not going to rescue her and her lack of discipline. No, we're not going to do one more thing. One more thing.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Let me say one more thing. One more thing. One more thing. Let me say one more thing. Let me say one more thing. One more thing. Corn, you don't ever be sitting up eating something that you know you shouldn't be eating, thinking to yourself. Often, and I don't let somebody else for this. Nope. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:41:35 No, because I have to take responsibility for the things that I put in my mouth. How are you? Ugh. Why would you take responsibility for the things you put in your mouth when you could blame someone else? I'm sorry. Because that's right.
Starting point is 00:41:48 My children, my life, my emerald tragedy. No, it's rigidity. Anyone but me, I am not responsible for what I put in my mouth. No, life is responsible for what's salutely responsible. Oh my God. Absolutely responsible. And not you cannot sue somebody. Nobody put a gun to your head.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Nobody made you come to me. Somebody, there's an imaginary gun up against my head and they're making me eat bad things. No, there's a whole decision that happened before you put that cheeseburger in your mouth. There's a whole, there's so many things. There's so many, there's so many things that happen. You have to drive to the McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:42:31 You have to read that many you, you have to tell them what you're gonna read it. I, you gotta tell them what you want. Roll up to the window to pay for it. There's no reading involved. Wait, when you know about it, you just say what you need. No, I'm not going to say it happens very fast. We're not going to say for if anything,
Starting point is 00:42:52 I will say for her because she is only suing for the amount of the cheeseburger and not that reg and the stuff. Because that's what I would. I would say for it's just $14. that, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, over that food, but we will not gonna rescue her for a lack of discipline Cardi says I wouldn't have broken my fast for no greasy McDonald's That's right I mean come on with the commercial that good. I mean you could have made your own Bangin cheeseburger at the house.
Starting point is 00:44:07 But there's something about that chemical taste. No, you have it about the fake food. There's something. There's something about that fake chemical addictive taste that they put in that food that you can't make at home. Ladies sent, you know, Lady J. S.J. over here, you right. She's paying a lawyer for for $14 and I'm not rescuing her for that because it's raggedy She probably included her legal fees
Starting point is 00:44:34 No, not and not okay for third for because you were on you were disciplined for 30 days ma'am Do you know how many commercials you have seen of food in the for 30 days, ma'am. Do you know how many commercials you have seen of food in the last 30 days? No, ma'am. So we're really not gonna rescue her. Not going to rescue. It's about, it's not about, core, you sound like the world.
Starting point is 00:44:57 We talk about, no. Finding a way to meet our brothers and sisters no matter where they are. No. Donna Martin, maybe she should have given up. She's in a team of sand. Give her a store credit and tell her she's weak in the spirit.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Veronica said that menu hasn't changed in 55 years. No reading necessary. That's on time. I should tell my read the menu. She said I break my face. I know exactly what's on there. Let's talk about that things that are worthy of breaking your face for.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Sherry said she would break her face for being honest. Absolutely. I am broken fast. I was gonna say I'm nasty. I was about to declare emphatically, but I am nasty. I would not break my fast over real food. I would break my fast over fake food. I'm not a player emphatically, but I am nasty. I would not break my fast over real food.
Starting point is 00:45:45 I would break my fast over fake food. I'm nasty. I don't know what to tell you. Aaron, I don't know what to do. I wouldn't break my fast. I'm for, because I can cook it, which means I can wait to cook it. But that's not that I can't make. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I'm not going to break my fast for fake nasty food. Like not McDonald's. Maybe a water burger, a burger street. But McDonald's. She's burgers. What God loves. McDonald's cheese burger. She's amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:23 That is not okay. McDonald is him, not okay. That's Donald's. She's for her. Okay, maybe they're questionable. But whatever she is, of course they put in there. Whatever you make me choose. You like McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:46:35 You sure do. You used to get those little two cheeseburgers all the time for me, Donald. I don't like that cheeseburgers. You the microphone. I don don't like cheeseburgers. You the microphone. I don't like they cheeseburgers. I rocks with they chicken nuggets, but not they cheeseburgers. I'm not really, she's definitely falling out
Starting point is 00:46:57 under the non-tening if she couldn't handle food commercial. It's funny to me. It's funny to me. Ah! Um. Shakenas is many hannas is another. The many hannas here in Los Angeles smells like feet a little bit. Oh, that's unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And Irving, the one in Los Calenas is where God dwells. The era said, don't run from me. Act like you know me. Fast food restaurants. And we love to see it. Waterburger is it. Waterburgers, what God loves. Waterburger and Burger Street are worthy burgers
Starting point is 00:47:37 to break your fast for. McDonald's, she's great. There is not one cheeseburger commercial. I have seen from McDonald's and I thought I need to get up right now. What about Wendy's? See what a burger is. What? What? What? What? What? What bless for me is this CC? You know, you should cancel your big match or fire for really can't see nine Ryan with $5,000 in dress in okay
Starting point is 00:48:10 I'm gonna be so we know what I'm doing now and joy Lisa said core not the chicken nuggets trust me I worked at McDonald's ain't none of it good laugh out loud or real Jillissa we know that we know that McDonald's raggedy and Nancy named the food name real.
Starting point is 00:48:26 We don't want to talk about little documentaries that were supposed to stop us from going. That's all right. And yet still, it hasn't worked out. It hasn't worked out. Super sad to hear. Can I tell you how long? Can I tell you how long?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Can I tell you how long? Can I tell you how long? That part of my brain is salmon ain't real either, but we think we're doing something when we eat it. Shelf is just high in cholesterol. We still eat it. Yeah, sure not. So I'm about to have a crab boy this weekend.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Vegan's gotta eat a bunch of carbs. To not be hungry. Hush. So I'm wrong with everything. Vegan's gotta eat a lot of carbs. Promise you this. Promise you this. How, how, from what? Promise you this promise you this how how from from what promise you this potatoes
Starting point is 00:49:07 rice oh king why great what is it gonna be car king king king why oh shit money's okay let me tell you I'm telling shit. My knees. My knees. My knees. Okay. Let me tell you. I'm telling you what I know. So I'm wrong with everything.
Starting point is 00:49:29 You run. That's why if you have the Holy Ghost, if you bless your food before you eat it, you won't have none to worry about me. Thanos or vegan. I ain't dead to fight me. Fight. Fight me. Fight me.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Fight me. Fight me. Let's go. Catch me outside. Catch me outside. How about how about all of that? Um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, We just go to the rescue today. Y'all stop hurting her feelings. Thank you. Why are we doing that myself? Help God, help God. Okay, everything's fine. See, see, I'm so sorry that you can't do what a burger.
Starting point is 00:50:15 That is hard for me, but that's all right. See, your disrespect. Honey, it's an ally, McDonald's, Donald. Me too. Don't mention it again. Everything's fine. Now, you know my girl probably could have stayed on her fast if she had Hello Fresh.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Because with Hello Fresh, you can pick exactly what type of menu you need. Vegetarian got you, healthy got you, not eating McDonald's definitely got you. Hello Fresh is America's number one meal kit and let me tell you, I stand a Hello Fresh box. There are so many goodies in there and I have a household of very picky eaters
Starting point is 00:50:54 but when we get our Hello Fresh, we know that we are gonna go on a culinary experience that is unrivaled. You get fresh, pre-measured ingredients and mouthwatering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door. Hello fresh. Let's you skip those trips to the grocery store and makes home cooking easy, fun and affordable. Hello fresh cuts out stressful meal planning and grocery store trips so you can enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in about 30 minutes or less because a
Starting point is 00:51:22 nobody got time to be cooking all night long. Get better value because HelloFresh is 28% cheaper than shopping at your local grocery store and 72% cheaper than a restaurant meal without sacrificing the quality. Cannot tell me I am not a chef. HelloFresh offers the flexibility you need with customizable orders every week. You can easily change your delivery days or food preferences and skip a week whenever you need.
Starting point is 00:51:50 That is one of the things I absolutely love as much as I love getting my meal kid with the Korean beef tacos. There were some weeks where I was like, I need to skip. I want to start making my grandmother's old recipes or I'm going to be out of time. I could pause for a week and then resume the very next week. And there are always such delicious options to choose from. Go to HelloFresh.com, slash woman eval 14 and use code Womeneval14 for 14 free meals, including free shipping. Again, that is HelloFresh.com, slash woman eval 14 and use code
Starting point is 00:52:21 Womeneal 14 for 14 free meals including free shipping America's number one meal kit. Hello fresh at your doorstep. Um, okay, so one more. One more. I think maybe with a passenger was taped to a seat after allegedly groping punching a front airlines crew. Flight attendants restrained the passenger to his seat with duct tape during a frontier airlines flight last week after he allegedly punched and groped crew members and cursed at fellow passengers. The crew members were like suspended, though, for this. Oh, what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Why for why how come for what? I don't know. What else were they supposed to do? I thought it was very, I thought she can't restrain people. They probably don't have the power to restrain someone like that. I should have. Well, if they have the power to have the food, then they have the power to be restrained.
Starting point is 00:53:33 If you got the power to be restrained, if you got the power to be a full, you got the power to be restrained. Yeah, absolutely. And this baby is acting a fool. You see the video. He's acting a fool. I woulda duct taped him as well. If that was the only option available,
Starting point is 00:53:51 now I think they got his head duct taped. Now that may be a little too far. That's fine. Keep your head still. Keep your head still as well. We want to protect our hearts and keep our heads and you don't remember going up and your parents would be looking at you and they would be like, I know you ain't shit your head. No. I know you didn't give your heads and you don't remember growing up and your parents would be looking at you and they would be like
Starting point is 00:54:06 I know you ain't shit your head no I know you didn't roll your eyes Be your head real Be your head real yeah I agree we need to rescue spare their lines We need to rescue spare their lines No, but spare their lines you need hear about spare their airlines. No, but spirit airlines. You didn't hear about spirit
Starting point is 00:54:26 airlines? No, they are the spirit of the enemy. They canceled like over a thousand flights. They canceled on how for what? Yeah, they say there's a rumor that their crew are like boycott it, but they're saying
Starting point is 00:54:40 that's not true. Oh, but in spirit airlines defense, they didn't necessarily make you believe that there was a possibility that things was gonna run smoothly all the time. No, Spirit is raggedy. Spirit is where you go if you got a business trip
Starting point is 00:55:10 and you don't need to take no bags, you don't need to take nothing with you, you just need to get on the plane, land for a business trip and get back on the plane and get back home. And when you start taking spirit and you got bags and stuff, they charge for everything. Spirit charge you to have a link on their flight.
Starting point is 00:55:32 They charge you for a glass of water. They charge you to print your ticket out. Spirit charges you to print your ticket out But you know what though to be fair American and my system recline either because you know They put them on the wheels when all they do is Gucci down real low and hope you think that you recline Have you ever thought you was gonna recline you see it? They was like I'll scoot you down What I will do is scoot you down. Oh, yeah. Oh, God. I'll scoot you right on down.
Starting point is 00:56:11 You're not going to be reclining. You're going to scoot down today. You thought I would like to ride on that. I think it's good. I like it a lot. That's good. That's really actually like water came to my eyes. I just have been tired thinking the moment I get on the plane. I don't care who's in behind me.
Starting point is 00:56:39 I got to get this. Definitely a scoop. Definitely. Definitely got it. Definitely a scoop down it is definitely got a reply you Definitely scoot that why would you scoop me down like that when I'm trying to lay back Holy ghost Okay, Jasmine says spirit still has ash trace on the Better have ash trace as ash trays on the plate. It's true that one's better than ash trays.
Starting point is 00:57:05 You're gonna need a hot one for this. You're gonna need to get your throat hot. To survive. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Woo hoo. That almost did it.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Oh my God. Core, I've never smoked cigarettes before, but sometimes my life gets stressful and I just imagine that this would be the prime time. I just take my two fingers and I'm doing my math and breathing air. Air once. Yeah, air puff. Just breathe in and breathe out. And then I pick the cigarette.
Starting point is 00:57:41 I flick the cigarette. I shake it sometimes just to get the imaginary. Oh, it's all for me. And it's just like false imprisonment. They detained that person. Oh, that's why they are getting suspended because of false imprisonment because they detained that man on that airplane. That's what that's what uh, uh, tinesha say what Allison said we all know
Starting point is 00:58:09 spirit is raggedy, but I will give them credit for coming through for my parents this past week. Their spirit flight was canceled and spirit rebooked their trip on Delta with first class tickets and stand. I like that. All right, come on here spirit. That was the spirit of the whole of those. Sometimes they work in the lobby of hell. And sometimes they work, you know, in the hospitality suite in heaven,
Starting point is 00:58:31 but you never know what spirits you're gonna get at spirit air in life. What? Like what did you just say? I said, sometimes they operate in the lobby of hell. And sometimes, sometimes they operate in the hospitality suite of heaven, but you're never sure what you're going to get at spirit. I've never got one confused.
Starting point is 00:58:54 This is me and my utmost confusion. That's where they be. They be operating in the lobby of hell. I'll have you here. Lohanna says, spear serves cup of noodles, and I'm blessed by it. I'm blessed by it. I'm blessed by it. I'm blessed by it. Cup of noodles.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Oh! Do they pour the hot water and you hold the cup or do they bring it to you with the cup already? I don't know. I can't, I can't. Sherry said, and Sherry says, what are we puffing? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Okay. Spirit airlines. Spirit airlines. Okay. Dears and Josh Denson and Sherry's are best. She's faking smugging. What's going on? Hey, this month and a half with no childcare has been
Starting point is 00:59:44 been tested to test. The struggle is real out here. OK, amen. Becky says, Cory is absolutely crazy. I had no idea I'm crying. No, Cory, thank you. I'm crying. Welcome.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Honey says, ashtray, that look doesn't fit you. And you're right. You're absolutely right. You are probably charged for the hot water and the understutals. I think we should save frontier. Okay, I'm rescuing them because he was acting a fool. I watched, I saw the interview of the attendant
Starting point is 01:00:20 that did the wrapping of the duct tape. And that man was acting the fool. And every now and again, when you act the fool, you will be received as a fool. And that's what Frontier did. The Frontier said, you're a fool today. And we're gonna fix it. Now,
Starting point is 01:00:42 Sherry said I could roll a piece of paper up. That's why this podcast need to end. Somebody will have a clip in me I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. rescuing the front end. Oh yeah, I'm rescuing all of them. And I buy some more duct tape in the case of the Depends again, the day may need to help in the future. The question is can you duct tape children Jake hey, I'm kidding. You can't duct tape children from needing to be restrained. Oh, you can't duct tape them. But you can switch that door knob around. Okay, so wait, what? Oh, lock me.
Starting point is 01:01:31 What? Who am I? My, the guy. Okay. Once again, that's just a joke. Yes, of course. Everyone's clear. Yeah, never that. Never it. Okay. Once again, that's just a joke. Yes, of course. Just everyone's clear. Yeah, never that.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Never that. Absolutely. No. What? Okay. Two things I'ma run by you real fast. And we can just quickly rescue, no rescue. KFC is opening a fried chicken themed pop up hotel.
Starting point is 01:02:05 What, what? What? KFC is opening a fried chicken themed pop up hotel with a press for chicken button in every room. Okay. This is what I want to say. Why? KFC must be really popular somewhere. It is not popular here.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Cause they have prox. No, no, they must be really popular somewhere and a hotel. Where is this going to be? And do they only serve chicken like there's a press for chicken button in every room. I only get chicken though no no mashed potatoes no no corn no green beans just chicken. What? No what no what? No, what? No, what? No corn, no green bean, no mashed potato, just chicken. That's all they can do. Of course, for chicken.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Why did you take your teeth out to say that? Why do you sound like- I'm confused about the situation. You take your teeth out to make a statement. What if- Okay. So if you come in here, you know that all you get in is chicken.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Well, I'm sure they have sides, but I'm just, you're really focused on the wrong thing, you're focused on the menu. And I'm focused on the fact that KFC is so popping that they have a hotel somewhere. Oh, okay. Well, you know, I'm always going to be worried about the food portion of the story. Um, eat. I guess have a $139 allowance during their stay for chicken orders to present over consumption. Who is eating $139 worth of chicken?
Starting point is 01:04:03 I just have like KFC chicken. I wish I would go and buy it. It says expect to see drumsticks in detail from bedding to wallpaper to an arcade machine and towel, fried chicken will never be far from your thoughts. This, this would make somebody say this. This is a fried chicken hotel. They're wrong for that. will never be far from your thoughts. This, this would make somebody say this. This is a fried chicken hotel.
Starting point is 01:04:27 They're wrong for that. They're wrong for that. So this one makes someone say. Fried chicken hotel. They're wrong for it. But can I say, I think the problem really is that it's just KFC. Because if Rudy's had a hotel
Starting point is 01:04:41 for one night only, I would check in. Thera, you love Rudy's chicken. And $139 might be a little low. For sure. I would definitely be over my allowance. What? Only $139 worth. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:04:59 That's not even enough to get the party started. What? Jenna says KFC is hugely popular in the UK. Oh, is that where this hotel is going to be? Yes, going to be in London. Oh, okay, so then yeah, there you go. Because they probably don't have like Popeyes and Rudy's and churches and Williams and all of this.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Lucky that might be a business opportunity. We should go to London and start firing some chicken. Right. Put the Karnata business. Listen, if the UK loves KFC, y'all are not even ready for real chicken. Shekina says it's a babes chicken for me. I've never had babes chicken.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Where are you from? Oh, babe. Kelly, did anybody, everybody loves Rudy chicken, DFW already in this house. Okay. Babes chicken is here. It's like, um, it's like barbecue babes chicken. No, babes chicken. They got fried chicken and mashed potatoes and corn. It's like, it's like the European style restaurant of fried chicken. Or what, Cora? What makes it European? Because they got mashed potatoes and not mac and cheese, they got green beans and not greens, they got, you know, things like that instead of like your soul food.
Starting point is 01:06:21 When you say European, you know soul food. When you do fried chicken with mashed potatoes, that's normally more of a European style, being really. Yeah, because that's true. We do mac and cheese with our fried chicken. We do, you know, greens. Is that a black handbook somewhere that I am unaware of?
Starting point is 01:06:40 We do yams and sweet potatoes and things. With our fried chicken. That's so food. You know what's real ghetto? Fried chicken and pound cake. And that chicken and pound cake is where the money resides. Yeah, everybody don't have a pound cake spirit. My pound cake, I do mean like seven up cake, one in five flavor pound cakes. Not one in a little pound cake that come into the low loaf painting.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Yeah. And the slice is, that's not what we talk about. Amir says period, bowl jangles is where she had bowl jangles. There's good chicken. Bowl jangles, all right? You're saying good chicken and biscuit. Okay, but let's move on. Are we rescuing them or not?
Starting point is 01:07:31 We should rescue them because that would make some, is the problem is not the KFC thing. No, the problem is that it's KFC not that we're telling. Will there be sides at the chicken hotel? For yes, they're gonna have sides. what is it with you in the side? What is it in the side? It's in the home side. It's chicken and sides.
Starting point is 01:07:50 It says you will have a chicken. Oh my God. I'm out with it. And I'm just trying to make sure y'all not just giving chicken all night but there's going to be some biscuits. There's going to be some sides to this. Tasha and sis chicken and pound cake is what you eat after second service in the back
Starting point is 01:08:05 of the church. Eloa, is sure is okay? It sure is. Tasha says there's a spot here that does cake and such with your chicken is cute. Where is here? Drop your location. Okay. Sentences.
Starting point is 01:08:19 I would be all of these prophetic calories. You're not lying. You're not lying, you're not lying. Okay, of course not in her chair. I better have to go and get a tissue for my lose. You can't just get up in the middle of working clock out. You're gonna be all right. And then clock back in. You're gonna be all right.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Oh Michelle said seven up cake is French. Polybole. No, seven up seven up. It's French. It's not. Seven up cake is grandmaw, granny. That's not no French. Seven up cake. What is French about seven up cake?
Starting point is 01:09:03 Because it's seven up French. See. No, seven up K. Cause it's seven up French. See, now seven up being French. What is see they trying to trick us? Okay. All right. Oh, Monica Grace says then there's chicken in Tottenham, because she's some Tottenham sound like some are fancy. Come breathe in if there's a commercial.
Starting point is 01:09:29 And we sue for the amount of the hotel stay during Lent. Indeed we can. Absolutely. Indeed we can. C.C. David said, seven up cake is ghetto projects. Michelle said, so she said, my granny was French.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Hahaha. Seven up cake is most certainly. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. What is French about seven up cake? I don't know, but you're definitely gonna have to DM me about it, because I have no idea. Um, doesn't work out.
Starting point is 01:10:05 All right, last one, last one. And we rescue in the KFC hotel, right? Yeah, because they are offering sides. All right. Parents are floored by neighbors jaw-dro dropping note about their nosy children. Taking to Facebook, the mom and dad have shamed the neighbor over the letter they posted through their letterbox. The note reads, congratulations on your renovations.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Your neighbors have endured many months of construction noise and now we're being disturbed by your kids in the back yard early in the morning. We wish to request that you keep your young kids indoors until 9 a.m. There have been many occasions in recent times when your kids are out in the back yard early in the morning and they have been very loud and noisy. They are disturbing the peace in the neighborhood and waking people up. Sometimes they are out very early around 7.30 AM, and unfortunately, they have very loud voices. Your son, in particular, is always screaming at the top of his lungs.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Kids will be kids, but I'm simply asking if they can go out later. So your neighbors are not awoken too early in the morning. Thank you for your cooperation and appreciate your kind understanding. I think you're ready to do that. What? Let me tell you. Let me tell you. Let me you should read, you know. Yeah, well, let me tell you, let me tell you, let me tell you for you pop off.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I think we should rescue them. Cause people's children, I took the kids to a science museum on Friday and Ella was walking through this little rope to bridge and there was a young boy who came behind her and he started shaking the bridge. I said, stop that And he said, why? I said, because if she hurts herself, it's going to be a problem. Yeah, a huge problem.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Okay, all the way from the world. She's on the world. Okay. Huge. Try, try, try hurry, if you like. Sometimes, sometimes people need to be reminded that your kids, they're not fit for the outsides yet. Your kids not ready for outside. They need to be house broken and outside broken.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Sometimes your kids not fit for outside. And if someone don't tell you how would you know? Well, you know what? In all fairness as well though, school starts early for children. You know, like 7.30 in the morning is typical for school hours if those kids, but think about what kind of child you have that scream at the top of their lungs that's 7.30 in the morning.
Starting point is 01:12:35 The type of child that's going to scream at 9. And it's going to be an issue at 9 a.m. It's your child screaming. Yeah, your child screaming is the issue. It's not 7 at 9 a.m. Your child screaming. Your child screaming is the issue. It's not 7 30 a.m. screaming. It's your child is screaming and acting a fool in the backyard. And y'all should probably work on that. And tell them to stop screaming and hollering in the backyard.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Skyloss says rescue them as someone who has no kids and lives in the neighborhood is so annoying to hear kids screaming and playing at 7 a.m. on a Saturday. Yeah, I'm with her. That's why I'm saying, but it's not it's not even about the 7 a.m. It's like you said, they not fit for outside. You got to sit down and talk to these kids. If you're going to be playing outside in the morning, you need to close your mouth and stop hyalurin. Like, if you're going to be outside, then have fun outside. But don't be screaming and hyalurin, like, you don't have no good sense.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Cause you know what the problem is, she didn't want to hear them screaming. So she said go outside. And that's corny, cause I don't want to hear them screaming either. And the issue is not the 7 a.m. The issue is your kids will not stop screaming and they need to be disciplined and such. Yeah. Camerle says maybe could he maybe could be received better through a face to face
Starting point is 01:13:58 conversation. Erica said they need that tape and wrap them. Restrain your children is what I'm asking you to do. Okay. Let's see if it's both screaming and 7.30 in the end. And I fight kids and parents. Yeah, like I'm not asking you to not let your child be a child and they can scream and play it on that stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:22 But at 7.30 in the morning, you put them outside for a reason. You don't want to hear that. Exactly. Well, surprise. And neither do I. Okay. As he says,
Starting point is 01:14:32 what if the child is autistic? I have worked with autistic children. And you can sit down and you can communicate with any child of any mental disability of any stage spectrum and that is not an excuse for them to be screaming to the top of their lungs outside, autistic or not. They should sit their children down and say, hey, this is how we act outside. We have neighbors and they don't like for us
Starting point is 01:15:08 to scream and holler. Anything can be done. It doesn't matter what spectrum they are on. You can communicate with any child, with wisdom and with care, and use your fillings box and tell them to stop screaming. I know you like the feelings box. I mean, if the baby is in need of a feelings box,
Starting point is 01:15:31 who am I? It's right them away from the feelings box. Shantan said that work that's the future. And they weren't the ones that started being the outside by themselves to begin with. That part. Okay. Alleluia. Nothing. I'd like to rescue the neighbors though. Can we rescue them? Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Because I I would wrote a note as well.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Jalice says I teach special education and core deer is right. Oh, what we not going to do is screen in Collins class. There's that definite strategies. Boom. Okay. Okay. So it is that time of the month and what do we need to do? We need to plan. We need to have a strategy. And if you're like me, you're always looking for something to help you still keep your rhythms, still keep your pace without slowing you down during that time of the month.
Starting point is 01:16:36 That's why I love FLEX. What a perfect name because it helps you to maintain your flexibility with your schedule and your energy because you know you are going to be completely covered. Flex is innovating period care with products that our body safe made for comfort and made to keep you moving. There's the flex disc which is a one-time use menstrual disc that fits perfectly inside your body. One flex disc can be one for up to 12 hours and holds as much flow as 3 super tampons. It is not a cup and better than a tampon is unlike any other period product you've seen before.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Flex disc also creates 60% less waste compared to pads and tampons so yes you can consider using flex your environmental good deed. And if you want to go zero waste and have the planet love you even more, pick up the flex cup. A reusable menstrual cup that Cosmo rated number one. The patented pull tap makes flex the only cup on the market that removes like a tampon. It's so easy and you already know how to use it. It's disability friendly and made with beginners in mind. With helpful videos, in-depth diagrams, gifts and flex birds available to walk you through the entire
Starting point is 01:17:49 process, you'll never go back to products from the past once you try Flex. Say goodbye to Cramps and Lynn Mother Nature a Hand, go to flexfits.com slash evolve and use code Evolve for 20% off flex disc starter kits or 10% off your first flex cup. Plus free US shipping, that code is Evolve at flexfits.com slash Evolve. Um, Hail Mary. Good Samaritan, save man and wheelchair who fell onto New York City subway tracks. A man in a wheelchair who fell onto the tracks in the New York City subway system was pulled to safety as a train was barreling into the station Wednesday. The good Samaritan helped the man who was in his thirties at the Union Square station in Manhattan. People rushed to the track when they
Starting point is 01:18:43 heard the man whimpering the television station reported. It was unclear how the man fell off the platform and on to the tracks. But surveillance videos showed one man jump onto the tracks to help while other people helped lift the victim to the platform. The man was hoisted to safety as a downtown train was about 10 seconds from pulling into the station.
Starting point is 01:19:02 That's a hell of a sentence. Listen. If ever there one was. Okay, and they should be paying their mortgage for the rest of their life, whoever snatched them out. You know, get them a cheeseburger, get a cheeseburger for that man for the rest of his life, whoever pulls you from a train that quickly.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yeah. Couldn't win another way. Couldn't win another way. I was sick, because I'm honestly really slow in high pressure situations. And I had probably been sending in like, what should we do? I don't know if I would describe it as quickly.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I'm actually mean. Yeah, you guys have to see the video, it's crazy. No, but see, you know what else though? I almost kind of feel like it depends on the situation. Because like, since if it was your kid, you would spring. You know, quickly like instinctively, you turn into a different type of person. And so you, I think it depends on the relationship.
Starting point is 01:20:07 And clearly that man has just a great moral integrity all the way around, because he could have been hurt himself as well. Shantana says what he looked like asking for a friend, why? With a heart like that, let me see your face. Let me see. And I'm trying to see something. Okay, but you have any brothers.
Starting point is 01:20:31 You have to be quicker than that. Ella called me. I like that. That's cute. It's not cute. It's not cute. Hunt, bond. But Ellen, yeah. Ellen's got to take it back.
Starting point is 01:20:49 We already took a bath, Hunt, bond. Ella, you need to eat your vegetables. I don't like vegetables, Hunt, bond. That's what's fun. Stop calling me. That's like Dexter Collins mama sugar. Yeah, but Dexter's at least a grown man who pays bills. Ella's walking around calling her husband like she's been
Starting point is 01:21:08 on this earth for so long that it's already eight. Already eight, hand bun. That's all right, that's all right. I like it. And then, okay, no, that's too long. Oh, it's only one of them. Let me go on the read it. Okay, the Olympic victor is a Harvard grad
Starting point is 01:21:30 and neurobiologist. Gabby Thomas, you're talking about somebody lazy, isn't it? How you be a Harvard grad and neurobiologist and an Olympian? And an Olympian. I'm making it the podcast. I'm just starting on time. Okay, Gabby Thomas, a Harvard University alumni
Starting point is 01:21:47 is the epitome of Black girl magic after winning the bronze medal in competing against the fastest woman on earth in the women's 200 meter final at the 200, at the 200. My God, at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Okay. That is awesome. Cor, what are you doing on your phone?
Starting point is 01:22:10 I had to text a client. Hahaha. Cor, don't, Cor, you have work. Yes. And, and working. Huh? Come on somebody. Huh? Okay. All right. And working, huh? Come on somebody, huh? Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Oh, that's some time. No, that's amazing that she's doing everything. This baby is doing everything. She says it means a lot because I really worked for that one. I fought tooth and nail for those last 30 meters. I did my best. I gave my best effort. Maybe out there running. Have you been watching the Olympics?
Starting point is 01:22:46 That. No. No. No. No. Star says that that is awesome. And Jalisa says, yes, Gabby. And she helped that anchor leg in that four by 400 relay.
Starting point is 01:23:01 OK. And Toshin. Yes, Toshin says, core you at work. Thank you. She is. At work working. Yeah, yeah. Y'all don't know that Sarah calls me two hours
Starting point is 01:23:15 before she's going to go live and says, hey, sis. Maybe not. You good? Can you do this? You can do this. If you can, can you commit all the way?
Starting point is 01:23:24 If you can't commit, then don't commit. JK, JK. JK. JK. JK. Because she would come wherever I was. I sure would. Now, well, I'll be there.
Starting point is 01:23:35 That's why you can't do it for a clock. Be there. Be checkin' into your clubhouse. Corp, where were you? Oh, you were supposed to be doing something with me on Zoom and she was on clubhouse late. I chimed right in the clubhouse. They saw Sarah J. Roberts in the room. They invited me to be a host. Quarer left that room so fast because I was about to let them have it. This is not Sarah J. Roberts. This is core sister and she needs to get
Starting point is 01:24:01 off of here. Okay. One last thing thing, Quora, we need to start working for Target or Walmart because they are out here providing debt-free education assistance to employees. Target wants to make education accessible for everyone and will be offering to pay for their employees, college education. When they say they're gonna pay for it too, that mean ever-re thing, textbooks and all.
Starting point is 01:24:23 And let me tell you how Ella will be applying this evening. Sooner just podcast is over. I'm driving her and Mackenzie up there. If Ella's then on Mackenzie's shoulder and they put on a long t-shirt, they could be one person and go to work today is what I'm saying. Big ups to Target and Walmart. And Walmart, we apologize for what we said about you, but you get out here giving out college degrees and we appreciate that. That's awesome. I am here for it, okay? And Mari will be walking up there as well. I was just looking up the date for when children
Starting point is 01:24:57 can start working, okay? So, work at the, because working to get something, I wanna instill work at thinking my children early, okay? What was the It was 16 But like they need to be the height of a 16 year old or they need to be 16 No, they need to be 16 all right just checking
Starting point is 01:25:20 Latrice and my friend help me this happen. Thank you. Latrie's tell your friend. We said we appreciate you. I saw someone just said they apply it part time. As soon as they saw this, I don't know who you are, but listen. Tiffany said Ella said she's not working hand-button. I'm laughing, but it hurts. It actually hurts. Sometimes she says that.
Starting point is 01:25:49 She's not working, but hunbun and babies. Oh, God. And then you know, I think it's cute. I'm trying to have this conscious parenting thing. And like, I'd be like, Ella, you need to take a bath. She's like, you ain't say please or nothing. Like, you need to take a bath. She's like, you ain't say please or nothing. Like, you need to eat your dinner. She's like, you ain't say it please or nothing.
Starting point is 01:26:10 This one, make your bed. You ain't say it please or nothing. And like, I should offer the same level of respect that I'm asking of her, right? Because what does this sound like? I don't have to say please. Yeah, but that's not offering them same level of respect. Should they be respect? Like if this is conscious parenting, not this thing.
Starting point is 01:26:33 That's what TikTok say. That's what TikTok say. Your children are to be respected and you supposed to care about they feelin TikTok parenting tips. We can say no, but we all in therapy right now. Right. to be respected and you're supposed to care about their feelings, TikTok, parents, and tips. We can say no, but we're all in therapy right now. You're just like, right? Right, right.
Starting point is 01:26:51 No, you don't have to offer your children any level of respect. Oh, well, that's why I've had toxic relationship after relationship where I've been disrespecting and have a hard time receiving love right now. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe I should say, maybe I should say, maybe I should start. I should say maybe I should tell her to do stuff Do you see there see there Venise is not the same level respect though
Starting point is 01:27:15 No, I wouldn't say that not the same level, but please is Minimum make your best is minimum, make your bed. You know what's your bed? Yeah. Yeah. I don't think, listen, let me check, let me correct that. Please is not required, but it's nice.
Starting point is 01:27:38 I don't feel like you have to say make your bed, please, clean your room, please, because those are things that you need to be doing you know those are your chores I don't need to tell you please and thank you for doing what you supposed to be doing but it is nice of you as a parent to want to say please in giving them instruction. giving them instruction. Actually, they deserve the same level of respect. Man, that's not the moment you're suffering.
Starting point is 01:28:10 They hurt you. No, you don't deserve the same level of respect until you pay in the same level of bills. Okay, so you can come up here and you can respect me and you can respect me and I will respect you as such, but there's gonna be a higher level of respect given to me because I'm paying the mortgage at its house.
Starting point is 01:28:33 But you're not, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna give you the same level of respect as I am given because I am paying bills and you are not. Nellige says, I feel like please is necessary for favors, not direction. You're right. Right? You're right.
Starting point is 01:28:50 This is what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. You're supposed to clean your room. I'm not saying please for you to do what you're supposed to do. Jessica said kids don't say thanks, mom or dad for paying the mortgage this month. And they should. Hell, I cannot shout on it. Can I just, I mean, Jessica said kids don't say thanks mama dad for paying the mortgage this month and they should. Hello.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Can I shout on it? Can I just, I mean, they quite lived. Because let me tell you something, it hurt me when I paid it. It caused me something as sacrifice to pay it. Okay. You didn't thank me for that light switch working today. You didn't thank me for opening up the fridge and there was, there was groceries in there. I, I, I work kids and I was trying to find out
Starting point is 01:29:25 our house was solar and I still be telling and turn the lights off for my light bill. But that's fine. They're like, mom, as long as the sun come out tomorrow, you don't have no light bill. Listen, hit me up on that. Okay, call me after this. Stop it.
Starting point is 01:29:44 I'm not. No, I like the solar. I like the solar. Yeah, no, up on that. Okay, call me after this. Stop it. All right. No, I like this old lady. I like this old lady. Solar, that solar is where it's at. Yeah, hit me back. And that was already installed when we moved into that house. Everything's okay. Okay, listen.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Advice questions. Here we go, we almost at the end. Here we go. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question.
Starting point is 01:30:18 I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question. Also, if you want to host the next podcast with me, podcast at WomeningBov.com, different format, but still connected and still talking, still chatting, podcast at WomeningBov.com. Let's go. Hello, SJR. You have been such an inspiration and blessing to me. I love your content and enjoy the messages from the Potter's house at 1 LA in Denver. I will try to keep this
Starting point is 01:30:41 short. I grew up at a nostalgic slash Pentecostal, however, straight from God in Jesus as I succumbed to the idea of being accepted by my peers in high school and college. I met a friend in college who I began dating after I graduated. Fast forward to present day, we have a two year old child. There is nothing like giving birth to a human being to make you realize how vulnerable you and your child are to the wickedness of the world needless to say. Giving birth made me realize how vulnerable you and your child are to the wickedness of the world. Needless to say, giving birth made me realize how much I need to prioritize the Lord for the sake of me and my child. In my quest to get closer to God, I realized I needed to stop having relations with my daughter's
Starting point is 01:31:14 father. See shortly after I gave birth, he broke up with me. We got back together and I told him I didn't want to have sex anymore for a while, but gave in to temptation later on that year while we were in quarantine together, I found out about him cheating, thus him breaking up with me earlier. He goes off to training for his job, we continue to communicate, and I forgive him after putting him through the ringer. One thing I told him was that I would not tolerate him holding me back spiritually, as he is the one who has some hurt, some past hurt dealing with his mother in the church. However, recently, I had felt more and more convicted that we need to stop having sex, at least until marriage. He is complying reluctantly. We had begun watching Pastor Tarei. He really likes them. However, now he is
Starting point is 01:31:52 talking about marriage, but I am not sure about where his relationship is with the Lord and if he is capable of being led by God. I don't want to judge his relationship with God and push him further from the Lord. I also really want to get married, just like many girls out there who have made the size about the big day. I need help in prayer. Please keep me anonymous. I want to say one thing that she said in this letter. She said that in her quest to get closer to God, that she realized she needed to stop having relationships with her daughter relations, excuse me, with her daughter's father. I want to highlight this because it was her pursuit of her relationship with God that led her to have this conviction. This is really important because
Starting point is 01:32:35 if you're going to be saving it from marriage or deciding to become celibate, it needs to be a conviction that you have from your relationship with God. You can try and do it for religious purposes, but just because it says so or because other people told you so, but you need a conviction to help you in those moments where you get tempted. My thoughts for you, sis, it's for you to go back to that place of conviction. That's where conviction helps in moments like this,
Starting point is 01:33:03 is that you go back to the conviction, you go back to what you felt in that moment about why God told you know you couldn't do X, Y, and Z. We're talking about sex in this moment, but for other people, it could be any number of issues, but the conviction living from that place of conviction, where you are constantly making decisions and not being tempted takes work,
Starting point is 01:33:23 because we get convicted and then we get a little laks and we get off our square, but we need to go back to that place of conviction. Last thing I will say before handing it over to Corin and dear God, I'm praying for you before I hand it over to her. What I will say is this, you will judge a tree by its fruit. You don't have to judge his relationship with God by conducting an investigation, but his relationship with God ought to be evidence in the fruit of his life. Is he operating with more patience, more
Starting point is 01:33:55 love, more kindness, more integrity, more communication? The fruit of the spirit. Is he more compassionate? Is he more willing to admit when he was wrong? These are all fruits of being spirit-led. And I would look at the fruit of his life before determining whether or not you want to eat from that fruit for the rest of your life because the fruit of his life is going to feed you. And if you don't like the fruit,
Starting point is 01:34:21 then you're not going to enjoy a lifetime of being with him. don't like the fruit, then you're not going to enjoy a lifetime of being with him. I completely, uh, wholeheartedly agree. Um, I'm reading the comments. Listen, guys, my facial expression is nothing. I can't control it. Okay. So take it up with my face. Um, I believe that we have to,
Starting point is 01:34:46 and I spoke a little bit about this yesterday on Clubhouse, that we have to stop making people's minimum, maximum investments in our life. And what I mean by that, it is very easy for you to see the simplest of gestures being done by him. And because you have lived a life or have had relationships where you've been emotionally overlooked or abused or or counted out, then the simplest of gestures become the biggest investments. And I think that when we take our time and really allow ourselves to peel and really allow
Starting point is 01:35:38 ourselves to say, okay, this is how you experience me when I'm a girlfriend. This is how you experience me when I'm a girlfriend. This is how you experience me when I'm your fiance. This is how you experience me when I'm a wife. And there are different experiences in each area. I liken it to, you cannot give people VIP treatment that paid general admission fees. And so it seems like sometimes she's falling into giving VIP treatment to people who are only paying general admission fees. And so I would just say to be very, very careful
Starting point is 01:36:16 in making people's minimum investments, maximum investments in your life, because a lot of people are doing the bare minimum, but because you have been broken and beaten down, you are receiving it as something that's maximum and it is not. Oh, Sister, you want to hear my signature? This is my Clep Howe signature. I'm Cory Jake's Coleman, covering yourself accordingly. I'm Cory Jake's Coleman, covering yourself accordingly. That's my signature close.
Starting point is 01:36:55 I like it, I think it's good. Because everyone should govern themselves accordingly. Okay. Denise Grugs called, well said, premium word core. Shantina says VIP treatment with general admission fees. Ooh, candy Rogers core, you better let the Lord use you, honey.
Starting point is 01:37:14 And let's see. Ten years is so good core. Cardi says, take it up with my face. It's time out your facial expressions. Jamie says, please don't rush to get married. Wait. God will reveal who you, who your facial expressions. Jamie says, please don't rush to get married. Wait. God will reveal who you, who your mate is. God will reveal to you who your mate is. And Ashley Tate said this advice question is a prime example of losing yourself in the wrong way in a pursuit. She's not ready.
Starting point is 01:37:38 I love that so much, Ashley, because at the end of the day, you made a commitment to yourself based off of a conviction you had with God and you've ended up being swayed by someone else and until your conviction can be your conviction without being swayed by someone else's pressure, then you maybe do need to spend some more time reinforcing your walls, reinforcing your boundaries so that you can maintain that. boundaries so that you can maintain that. Boom pal, you got another book. Yeah. Yes. I do have one.
Starting point is 01:38:11 These babies. Well, this is not fun. They're like, they want to write the forward to your book. Well, this is not. This is not a book. Okay. You ready? Hey, as straight as they are, I'm needing a bit of advice after a year and a half in the Air Force,
Starting point is 01:38:27 I've entered a relationship with the man I believe I should marry. We've been together for six months now, and in the short time he desires for marriage, the desire for marriage has definitely become mutual. Plot twist. Two weeks ago, I got orders to move to Japan for three years. He's currently in law school and is way too invested in his current goals to entertain
Starting point is 01:38:48 expediting our matrimony plans to go with me. My apologies. We're also not comfortable with Russian land because I show today. And so it's my problem is that I don't think I'm emotionally capable of a long distance relationship of this magnitude. I can already see myself counting down the years, months, and weeks and fighting depression. My natural inclination is to run and ultimately give up my relationship so that my heart isn't helplessly tied to someone thousands of miles away.
Starting point is 01:39:15 But then I feel like trying to make it work would show us the strength of our relationship. He's optimistic help. You know, sis, that idea of running so that your heart isn't helplessly tied to someone, girl, we in and now, it's too late for that. Because even if you break up with them, you're still going to be connected to this person who you had this love affair with for six months and now can no longer be with. And so it may take faith for you to come to a place where you are at least willing to walk it out and see what happens. I'm not sure why you joined the Air Force and what the circumstances of your life were at that moment, but what if it's possible for you to have this dream or passion of the Air Force and
Starting point is 01:39:57 this love coexist at the same time. Now, they may not be able to coexist in the way that would be most ideal for you, but what if you can still get the maximum reward of having both of them, which is connection, having someone to talk to, having someone to come and visit while you walk off these three years. If he's optimistic and you're already in it in the way that you're in, I say you see what happens. Core. Again, agreed. And again, I would just go back to what I was saying.
Starting point is 01:40:32 It's very important for you to know those different stages. And it sounds like, you know, she's being very intentional in how she's receiving the experience and what she's going to learn from what she's gonna learn from the experience, but I also think that, again, just some time, and really examining who you are as a person in every stage, like giving yourself permission to have stages of experience when it comes to you,
Starting point is 01:41:03 I think it's just really, really important. And I've been talking a lot about it because I just really feel like if you do not know who you are, you cannot effectively teach anyone how to love you. And so it's important for her to have an idea of who she is, what stages those are, what she's willing to take on, what she's
Starting point is 01:41:27 not willing to take on, and really zoom in on who she is as a person before looking for that in anything else would be just kind of what I would add to what you're saying. Okay, so the delegation has kind of split down the middle. And someone says, Destiny said, do you and your significant other have to be on the same page? Brianna Ham is it. She's a runner. She's a track star. Vanita short and sweet, but it's only been a few months to be honest, the connection is there, but then the golf swing. Jenny St. Johnson is just enjoy the now with him and take it day by day, communicate
Starting point is 01:42:05 effectively every day to him. You guys can make it work. Shantina says, trauma response, FaceTime him early day and love that main until you can't love him no more. Ashley Tate says, but breakups don't have to be over something bad. Two good people can go separate ways if need be. So we're split right down the middle. And I think that you should really take the time and go back to what this relationship is, what stage of life you're in. But I do just want to reiterate that the idea
Starting point is 01:42:35 that breaking up with him means that you won't be in this place where you're, where you feel like your heart is helplessly tied to someone, like just because you break up doesn't mean that that won't happen, because at the end of the day, it's sound like you in it now. And if this is the menu, you're tied to someone, like just because you break up doesn't mean that that won't happen because at the end of the day, it's sound like you end it now. And if this is the man you supposed to marry, like this is the person God put on the earth
Starting point is 01:42:51 for me to build the rest of my life with, then this will be something that you guys can work out together. But if you're not even really sure if this is the person God has for you, then maybe it is just for a season. This is one only you can really answer, but hopefully
Starting point is 01:43:05 these perspectives help. Amen. Well, it's snack time in the sanctuary. And when you know better than this, your last round, Sissy, you got to give them the snack. Yes. I'll just pray it's out of here. So the snack for today is based off of our word of the month and the word of the month is process and process. Let me give you all the definition as God gave it to us and the team, that you may be edified by the reading and the hearing of the word.
Starting point is 01:43:52 I took my air pot out, because I can hear myself echoing, and that's hard for me. So, of course, you talk I won't be able to hear you. Process is defined as a series of acts or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. And our emphasis for this week is the present processing, the present processing, the present series of actions or steps that need to be taken in order to achieve a particular
Starting point is 01:44:20 end. And I cannot think of a more bitter sweet end to the live version of the Wamen Evolve podcast than to button it up with this idea of processing the present because that is exactly where I am. I am doing what it takes to process the steps that I need to take in this present moment in order to achieve the particular end in mind.
Starting point is 01:44:47 So the question is, what is that particular end? What is it for me? What is it for you? When is the last time you asked yourself, what is this particular end? What I feel like happens is we get soul bogged down in the day to day of surviving that we never really check to see. How are my current steps, thoughts, and actions accumulating to a particular end and isn't one that I can be proud of. This year,
Starting point is 01:45:12 I have experienced some accolades and achievements that are worthy of adding to your bio and changing the way people negotiate deals and business with you. And yet at the same time, I've also felt like I ran the risk of not being as in touch with my, particularly my daughters just because they're younger, but I think my family in general in a home. And so what does it mean to gain the world but lose your soul? The particular end that I have in mind is I want the legacy of my life to start in my household. I want to start with my girls. I want to start with all of my children and my husband. And as they are evolving, I want them to know that they can have a connection with me. I will tell you this, growing up,
Starting point is 01:46:05 my parents at about this age experienced a lot of change and success in the ministry of what they do. And in the process of experiencing that change and success, I really felt like there were moments where I am not sure that I felt like 100% seen all of the time. And I felt like God made everything work together, but at the end of the day, there were some heartbreaking moments. And I just want to make sure that I'm doing everything that I can do to make sure that I don't pass that on. I don't want to take for granted. Let me say this. I don't want to take for granted the idea that it all works out in the end
Starting point is 01:46:51 Work with me as I work this thought out but a lot of times we say to ourselves like look how I turned out like I went through this I went through that and look how I turned out But the truth is that a lot of times in that moment, like we experienced a lot of trauma and a lot of issues in order to turn out the way that we turned out. And I wanna make sure that I am doing everything that I can to be able to say,
Starting point is 01:47:15 I sacrificed, I gave this 100%. And not just to the kids, but to my purpose and woman evolve as well. And I don't believe that God would have blessed woman evolve, the way that he is blessed woman evolve, and giving me children at the time that he gave me children for either of them to suffer. And so as I process the present,
Starting point is 01:47:34 what I am hoping to do is process every step, parenting step, purpose step, that I need to take in order to balance out the life of my children and my purpose. And so I don't know how much of a snack that was. Maybe it was just me sharing with you where I am in hopes that it helps you too. But I don't want to take for granted that it could work out in the end so I don't have to work as hard right now. I wanna work as hard as possible right now
Starting point is 01:48:08 so that whatever that good thing is that God's gonna work out in the end has the best tools and resources along the way, right? All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose, but sometimes you have to ask yourself, what material am I giving God to work with? Is it the best or is it what I have left over?
Starting point is 01:48:30 And if I have to prioritize, I wanna give God the best materials with my children, the best materials with my purpose, the best material with my marriage. And then whatever that good thing is at the end, I wanna be blown away by it because I put in so much good material and yet he still did exceedingly and abundantly after that.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Koki. Wow. I like it. I like it a lot. Jelisa says can we make the book club lives at 2pm.m. Isch like the podcast was, because then beyond while I'm teaching these kids, I think so. The ones on Thursdays are at 2 p.m. I still be going live in the book club. Cushes, is it the best or is it my leftovers? I realize the moment like July 1st, like I've been giving them my leftovers.
Starting point is 01:49:23 I still been cooking dinner, I still been coming home every night, but my energy, my creativity, my patience, it's whatever I have left over. And I wanted to be more than that. I wanted to be, I saved this for you. I'm giving it to you first, and then God can bless what's left. Okay, that's it.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Corn, do you have final words for us? I'm gonna miss you all. This has been a great, great podcast experience. No one does it quite like you, Sissy. You are an amazing person just in general, and you have stretched yourself and spread yourself to us. And so if anything, I know I can speak on behalf of the delegation and saying thank you.
Starting point is 01:50:18 Thank you for giving your children leftover so that we could have the best of you. Thank you for putting us down so that you could give the best of you. Thank you for putting us down so that you could give the best of you to your children. And thank you for every snack. Thank you for every word of wisdom. Thank you for every laugh, for every song, for every moment of transparency, for every testimony,
Starting point is 01:50:39 for everything that you've laid out effortlessly to us. But with great caution and intentionality to you, we're grateful to be able to have a life where you are in it. And we thank you for woman evolve. We thank you for not sitting on your gift, but giving it to us and allowing us the opportunity to honor it. So my last words would just be keep on surprising us, keep on surprising us with what God is going to do.
Starting point is 01:51:14 And we've got your back. We're the delegation with or without a live podcast and we'll hold you down no matter what. So you know, I've got your back always. So, I love you. Thank you for being you. I love you too. This has been, yeah. Everything has been everything, y'all. Let's pray. Let's get out.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Let's do it. We'll serenize seeing it so hard to say goodbye after I pray. We'll close it out like that. Father God, we thank you. Thank you for giving us strategy. Thank you for giving us structure. Thank you for giving us people in our lives
Starting point is 01:51:55 along the way that encourage us and tell us to keep on moving and keep on going. Thank you God for the moments where we were depressed and we saw Sarah's face and she brought joy and laughter. Thank you For the moments where we had no answer to our question, but gave it to her and she gave an answer that was packed with wisdom and With understanding and with compassion and grace God. Thank you for the storms that are to come But we are prepared for the storm because of the weapons that she has given us. Be it prayer, be it snacks, be it wisdom, be it the way that we walk, the way that we talk,
Starting point is 01:52:30 the way that we respond, even the way that we parent. God, we will be better in how we evolve because of her evolving in front of us. We pray now in the name of Jesus and whatever we do next, that you would keep us humble, that you would keep us humble, that you would keep us befeel, that you would keep us satisfied and you would keep those people that are attached to us, satisfied as well. As we move forward in who you have called us to be God, we thank you for this moment and this season and all the things to come.
Starting point is 01:53:01 We give you praise, glory and honor for we believe that it is so and because of the blood of Jesus and the things to come. We give you praise, glory, and honor for we believe that it is so, and because of the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus. So it is a man and a man again. Amen. Are you gonna start it? Or I'm, I'm is gonna start it. Make sure that y'all subscribe on Apple Podcasts. Spotify. You don't wanna miss the next version of the Wom subscribe on Apple Podcasts. Spotify.
Starting point is 01:53:25 You don't wanna miss the next version of the Woman Evolved Podcasts. I wanna hear your thoughts, I wanna learn, I wanna grow, and tell me how I can do better. Okay. No, we gonna do that or how do I? There you go. How do I? There you go. How do I say goodbye?
Starting point is 01:53:52 To what we had. I need to look at the lyrics on my head. The red scams. You are not at the rest. Oh, yes, the hill Mary That made the hill just Yes, yes, yes, I thought we'd be To dress you glory on You are my love forever Go on whatever you were
Starting point is 01:54:29 Oh yeah, it's so hard To make this bad Harder than it's ever been To yesterday Hee hee There you go Yes to be. There you go! God bless you. Be great. you

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