Words of Jesus Podcast - Mission Impossible
Episode Date: January 3, 2025Jesus came to show and teach that which we could not learn from the law and the prophets. The Sabbaths, Feasts and Torah observance could not reunite God and man. They could not provide the salvation ...Jesus came to bring. We think the success of Jesus was a given, almost a formality, as we peer into the fog of history. Alas. The authority of Jesus was rejected by the Jewish leadership and many of the people because of preconceived expectations for their physical liberation. So. Much. We. Don't. Know. Our generation is living on the other side of time, with our own preconceived expectations which veer far outside the descriptions carefully given by Jesus. "Why call ye me Lord and not do what I say?" Remember. Judgment day is coming. ***Chapter 104: Jesus Speaks Of The Judgment Of The Son Of ManMatthew 25:31-46JESUS CONCLUDED his discourse with the following words about himself, saying: “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. And before him shall be gathered all nations. And he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, ‘Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me.’ Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee; or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in; or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?’ And the King shall answer and say unto them, ‘Verily I say unto you, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”’ Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, ‘Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not.’ Then shall they also answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when saw we thee hungry, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?’ Then shall he answer them, saying, ‘Verily, I say unto you, “Inasmuch as ye did it not for one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.”’ And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.”
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Think Red Ink Ministries presents
The Words of Jesus series with Don C. Harris
Hello my friends, Don Harris here of Think Red Ink Ministries,
Paitown, New Mexico. Our goal is to reinforce
Christianity with the wisdom and the words of
Jesus Christ, which, incidentally, are recorded
in red ink in your Bible. Thank you so much for being a part of the
show. We've come to the end of Jesus' life in our book. It's a very
sad time and it's so
unfortunate that things
turned out like they did. Friend, I want you to know
that the facts are
that the facts are that the salvation that we actually enjoy as Christians
was a miracle in itself, of itself.
It was a miracle. I think that
you can hear it in Jesus' voice from time to time.
And in some of the things he says, one of the things
that I hear in his teaching is
I don't think you understand how impossible this is.
I don't think you realize the job that needs to be done here.
I think that, well, perhaps because, I don't know.
I really don't know the whys and wherefores, why people think like they do,
or why they take for granted these kinds of things.
And I don't know that people, you know, probably not a nice way of saying it that they take salvation
for granted but this whole idea that god can do anything that he wants to do
and that jesus's plan was all planned out from the beginning he knew exactly the way things were
going to happen and i think we just pretty much
figured that god walked over to the video recorder or the tape recorder or whatever he was
whatever it was and he says i know he puts a reel on there and it says you know god's plan of
redemption play and and so everything turned out like like he supposed that it should.
But there were many obstacles.
We have to understand, and I really don't think modern Christianity does understand the formidable enemy that we have, the enemy of our souls.
Not only is a problem for us, but it is a problem for our God as well.
Because do you remember one time there was
an old prophecy where a prophet
was saying, thus saith the Lord,
your words have been stout
against me. Your words, what you say. And friend, I think this moves
into areas of our, you know, the Bible calls our life, the way we live our life,
what happens in our life. Did you know the Bible uses the word to describe your life as your conversation?
We use the word converse, conversation, to talk about or to describe words being exchanged,
said and heard by two different people, back and forth and back and forth.
This is their conversation
but you know when when the scriptures in the king james says uh talks about our conversation
it's not talking about what we say it's talking about the way we live and what we do, our lifestyles. And I think that for us to understand,
you know, for a God whose words are his actions,
when he says something, you know, stuff starts happening,
he's used to, when we speak,
and his understanding is,
the way we speak is indeed the way we live.
And when the Bible says your words have been stout against me, listen to it just a little differently.
Your conversation is stout against me. It's just really odd that a God who has been labeled as a God who knows everything in the future,
He knows everything from one end of the existence of the universe to the other,
and He's omnipotent, and He's all-powerful, He's everywhere at once.
I think we have real difficulty understanding that our lifestyles, who we are, our character and lack of it,
our willingness to do wickedly, we are working against him. Friend, if we can, as human beings,
because of the whatever amount,
whatever level of sovereignty God has given us,
if we can, by that,
be a force against what God is really trying to accomplish in the earth,
you can bet that a being like Satan is a formidable enemy.
Have you ever wondered why God didn't just do away with the devil?
Why he didn't just do away with the devil? Why he didn't just destroy him? Why he
didn't just wipe him out from the very beginning?
And if God can do anything, and it's his will
to, I mean, and indeed I believe it is, to save us.
Why didn't he just do that?
There are so many things we do not understand.
This is why we have no right to question.
We have no right to ask God to explain himself to us.
This is a, it's a fundamental flaw in our thinking,
and especially in the thinking of a Christian person
who's supposed to have some conversation with God.
There's the word conversation used correctly.
And it is our conversation, our lifestyles.
We are a very stout enemy
against Him. And friend, He's not
saving you because of anything you've done
or because of your perfection or because you love him. He's saving us because he loves us.
And he's saving us in spite of what we have done. I don't think we understand just how difficult, we certainly
don't understand how expensive salvation has been to him. It's cost him everything he has.
He is absolutely bankrupt, sitting at zero at this particular point. There's no more Messiahs coming. There's not going
to be another Jesus. He's not going to send his baby sister. He's not going to do anything else.
Frankly, I happen to believe it's because he can't. He has done all that he can do to save us.
This is why it's such a damnable practice
to lay aside the things of God in our life.
I don't know what you think you're going to do
at the end of your life.
I don't know what you think you're going to do
when you stand before God in judgment.
But we have wasted his goods
with riotous and wasteful living.
And the expense of what he's trying to accomplish,
I don't think that it enters into,
nor can we even understand how difficult this has been.
We're going to read today from the 104th chapter.
And Jesus, coincidentally, is speaking of the judgment.
Jesus concluded his discourse with the following words about himself. When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him.
Then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory,
and before him shall be gathered all nations,
and he shall separate them one from another,
as a shepherd divides a sheep from the goats.
And he shall set the sheep on his right hand,
but the goats on his left.
Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand,
Come ye, blessed of my Father,
inherit the kingdom prepared for you
from the foundation of the world.
Because I was hungry, from the foundation of the world. Why?
Because I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.
I was thirsty
and you gave me something to drink.
I was a stranger
and you took me in.
Naked and you clothed me
and I was sick
and you visited me.
I was in prison and ye visited me. I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Then shall the righteous answer him, saying,
Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee?
Or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
And when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?
Or naked, and clothed thee?
Or when saw we thee sick in prison and came unto thee?
And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of my brethren,
ye have done it unto me.
A couple of things I want to say about this.
One of them is, when we consider,
and I hope you have sincerely considered,
well, the alternative story,
the story that I've told you
that really should replace in your thinking, you know,
the fallacy and the fable of the rapture,
that when he comes, the Bible says that the angels come with him.
It doesn't say that the dead in Christ come with him.
You know, the scriptures don't actually say that.
It says, these will the Father bring with Him. God
will bring with Him. Bring what? Bring
forth from the grave. It's the resurrection that He's talking about. Not
that a whole bunch of saints or a whole bunch of spirits or a whole bunch of
half spirit, half soul, you know, invisible
partly visible body of Christ
that's been dancing around in heaven for all these years
is going to come with Jesus when he comes.
The Bible teaches us that when he comes, he's going to sit on his throne of glory.
Where is his throne of glory?
Well, it's that new Jerusalem that will come on the earth.
He's going to go sit on his throne.
The throne's already here.
And that city of God that comes down from heaven
is indeed the bride of Christ.
We are not the bride of Christ.
The Bible doesn't say that at all.
I want you to, well, I really want you to replace
some of the fallacies, the fables, the ideas that we've got into our head about end times and replace them with what the scriptures actually say.
Also, there is a scripture that says that forsake not the assembling of yourselves together
as the manner of some is.
And there are people who, if you ask anybody
if there's a commandment in the Bible to go to church,
that's the one they always say.
That's as close as they can get.
There is no commandment or instruction to go to church.
It's not there.
But what about this comment,
forsake not the assembling of yourselves together?
Friend, I just read to you the assembling of ourselves together.
I just read that to you.
It has nothing to do with assembling on Sunday or even on the
Sabbath day. There's no commandment to go to church on Sabbath. It's not there. There's no
commandment to go on Sunday unless you happen to be Catholic and you take your commandments from Rome. And the forsake not the assembling of yourselves together,
I challenge you, go to that scripture
and read that in context
and you'll see that that whole chapter,
it's not about going to church.
It's about the coming judgment of Jesus Christ.
And the assembling of ourselves is exactly this right here when he says that he'll sit upon his throne of his glory
and before him shall be gathered all nations. That's the assembling of ourselves together with him that we need to be mindful of at all times.
Forsake not the, don't forget, don't lay aside,
don't put aside, don't ignore
the assembling of ourselves together.
This is the assembling of ourselves at his coming.
The other portion of this that needs to be mentioned
is the Bible says that we are going to meet him in the air.
Well, we read that, and I don't know why we do.
I guess if you walk into the scriptures with a preconceived notion that there is going to be a rapture and everybody's going up
when they die, everybody's going to float into the air
when you're thinking that way, I guess that scripture could
lend itself to the idea that we're going up to meet
Him. But even the
rankest, rawest, roughest rapturist will tell you that this is an odd
scripture because it says we go up to meet him as he's coming down. Well, we don't stay up there,
so we just kind of go up and then come back down. See, there's some people who believe in a rapture.
You know, there's pre-tribulation.
There's slightly before the tribulation,
slightly after the tribulation starts.
Then there's mid-tribulation rapturist,
and then there is post-tribulation rapturist.
The post-tribulation rapturist has trouble
with this idea of going up to meet him and then coming back down
it's kind of like a flyby or i don't know i don't know what they're thinking i don't know why we
would go up if he's coming in the air.
We're going to meet him in the air.
He is in the air.
He is coming down from God out of heaven,
and we are going out to meet him.
This is him coming down to sit on his throne of glory, and we are going to to meet him. This is him coming down to sit on his throne of glory,
and we are going to meet him there.
I always give the example of saying,
oh, here comes the president.
I see the presidential, what do they call that, cavalcade?
What do they call that when all the cars and stuff are coming in?
Here comes the president. Let's go out and meet him in his limousine well you can't by any stretch of
the imagination think that you're getting in the limousine with him he's coming in the limousine
but let's go out to meet him in the limousine it's him in the limousine and when we talk about meeting him in the air that's exactly what we're
doing we're coming out to meet him in the air and he's coming down to sit on his throne of glory and
we're going to assemble in front of him this is the assembling of ourselves that we're not to forsake
i always ask people when i say where does the scripture say we're supposed to go to church
and they say well it says forsake, forsaken are not they sending themselves to go, as a matter of
some is. But so much the more as you see the day approaching.
So much what more? We're supposed to assemble more?
Really? Is that what we're supposed to do? Maybe Sunday's not enough?
Maybe we need to do twice on Sunday. Three times during the week.
Four times during the week four times during the what about
five i mean we are getting close no as you see the day approaching what day the day of judgment
it's that day it's all about judgment and i ask so it says but if we don't do that
what does the scriptures continue to say here? For if we sin willfully,
after we've received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin.
So you're saying that not going to church will cost us our eternal life? It'll cause our eternal
damnation? Really? Are these scriptures really going together here
no they're not it's all about judgment that whole chapter is about judgment and he's saying don't
forget the fact that we will assemble before a holy god one day and you have to keep that in the forefront of your mind and even more so as that day that we're going to
assemble in front of him as that day approaches hey by the way yesterday you know the difference
in yesterday today we're one day closer and as that day appears as that day approaches we're one day closer. And as that day appears, as that day approaches,
we're to even keep it so much more
in the forefront of our mind.
Why do that?
Because if you sin willfully,
after you receive the knowledge of the truth,
what's left for you
but a fearful looking for of judgment
and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries?
It's all about judgment, friend.
It has nothing to do with going to church.
I wanted you to see that because here he says,
this is exactly what's going to happen in these end days,
that he's going to come in his glory with his angels and then he's going to sit upon the
throne of his glory and before him will be gathered all nations all right we'll continue
this is a story of judgment i want you to notice also that this particular group that gathered in front of him
are, they're denoted as
sheep and goats. There are those
who believe that because they have
accepted Christ, that they have
been Christian, they have done these wonderful works in his name
of course many of them don't even count the works they they go by what they believe not by what they
do uh which is not supported here by the way he never asked them what they believed uh he doesn't
seem to even care uh i think what he's doing is he's finding out what they believe by what they did.
I want you to notice two things have happened here that are unmistakable.
There's a group of people who didn't even know who Jesus was.
This is going to bother a lot of people.
But friend, I can't tell you that they did know who he was.
They said, we don't know you.
And when did we see you sick and hungry or in prison or naked?
We're totally lost here we didn't do any of this for you jesus says yeah but you did it to my brethren you did it to the ones that i love and
i want you to know i appreciate it here you have people who were essentially unaware of Christianity,
doing things because they're being told to.
They did these things because they thought they were right.
Now what happens as we continue?
We have to continue to read.
He says,
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand,
by the way, did you know that
left actually means
you're on the wrong side of things?
And really, left and right
means wrong and right.
It's, I mean, the symbology of left is always turning away from
god and righteousness holiness and what's what's pure and honest and wholesome in our lives and
to turn left means to turn even turn away from those things and to turn right is to turn toward
him now this has nothing to do with politics I want you to know those of you who
are right wing conservatives you're kind of busting your buttons right now
but now you know I've seen right wing
conservatives do some pretty horrible things. I've seen them do very
left things. So this isn't really talking about politics
but in scriptural parlance, I want you to
know that when he looks at the ones on the left hand,
he says,
depart from me, ye cursed,
into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil
and his angels. For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat.
I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink.
I was a stranger, and ye took me not in.
Naked, and ye clothed me not.
Sick and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, Lord.
Jesus would ask as he did,
Why do you call me Lord and not do what I say? And they said, Lord, when did we see you hungry or a thirst
or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison
and did not minister unto thee?
Then shall he answer them, saying,
Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as you did it not unto the least of these,
you did it not unto me.
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment.
But the righteous unto eternal life.
When this particular parable story
is told in other gospels,
you'll find that there were people who did things.
He says, we did all these things in your name.
And he said, didn't count now that is a absolutely diametrically opposed idea
of being saved in jesus name and doing stuff in jesus name and he's making it very clear, I think, that we have a duty to do what Jesus says to do. And when those things are
done, they are being done in Jesus's name because they are the responsibility of Jesus. They're the
commission of him. Has nothing to do with you saying the name Jesus when you're doing them or praying in the
name of Jesus. Just because you stick Jesus's name on the end of a prayer does not mean that you
prayed in Jesus's name. It doesn't fix it. It doesn't change it. You have to pray in his nature.
But I want you to know that the ones who did things in his name
they were turned away and the ones who didn't know him at all were asked to come in i am convinced
beyond doubt beyond question that there will be people entering the kingdom of God that, totally uneducated in the Bible,
never heard of Jesus.
This is going to go against a lot of people's thoughts.
And they think that this is just absolute blasphemy.
But I'm telling you, they followed the light that was in them.
They followed what they knew was the right thing to do.
And as they did what Jesus did in his nature,
I believe it's attributed to them.
Because they call him Yesu,
or because they call him Jesus,
or Joshua, or Yeshua, or Jesus.
They understand what they're doing.
And they are rewarded and held accountable for both.
All right, time's gone. We'll have to discuss this as time allows on another show. Thank you so much
for being a part and we'll see you next time. Until I see you again, think red ink. Bye-bye. bye bye C. Harris of Think Red Ink Ministries. Email don at thinkredink.com. That's thinkredink.com.
Join us again for the next episode in the Words of Jesus series. I love you.