WTF with Marc Maron Podcast - Episode 821 - Alison Brie & Betty Gilpin

Episode Date: June 18, 2017

Marc sits down with his coworkers Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin to take stock of the time they spent shooting the first season of the new Netflix series GLOW and to learn a bit more about each other no...w that they're not in character anymore. They also discuss their newfound appreciation of wrestling, Alison's realistic fear that she wasn't going to get the part, and the reason Marc was intimidated by Betty. Sign up here for WTF+ to get the full show archives and weekly bonus material! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated
Starting point is 00:00:32 category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. It's a night for the whole family. Be a part of Kids Night when the Toronto Rock take on the Colorado Mammoth at a special 5 p.m. start time on Saturday, March 9th at First Ontario Centre in Hamilton.
Starting point is 00:01:06 The first 5,000 fans in attendance will get a Dan Dawson bobblehead courtesy of Backley Construction. Punch your ticket to Kids Night on Saturday, March 9th at 5 p.m. in Rock City at all right let's do this how are you what the fuckers what the fuck buddies what the fucking ears what the fuck nicks what the fuckeristas what's happening i'm mark maron this is wtf my podcast welcome to it how's it going today? Today on the show, we begin a series of shows that are going to revolve a bit around the TV show, the Netflix show Glow, which I am part of. They're not specifically promotional interviews. They are interviews like I do. They're all great talks. Today, I talked to Betty Gilpin and Alison Brie.
Starting point is 00:02:04 My co-star is on the show. I've never talked to Betty before. I've talked to Alison here before. And in the future, I'll be talking to Chavo Guerrero. I'll be talking to Kia Stevens. I'll be talking to Jenji Cohen. I'll be talking to the showrunners. But, you know, we're going to tear it out, you know, throughout the next month or so.
Starting point is 00:02:22 But it's exciting and you know i'm starting to feel the excitement of being part of something that i entered just sort of like well this will be fun this should be cool this is a new thing and now like it seems that people are enjoying the show which is great because it's a great show and it premieres this friday on netflix glow the gorgeous this Friday on Netflix, Glow, The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. And I'm thrilled. Tomorrow, I'm doing the Today Show and I'll also be doing Stephen Colbert's show tomorrow night. We'll see how people like it.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And that's that. I hope you do like it. And then I'm going to take the summer off. Kind of, not really. Obviously, I'm still going to be doing the podcast and I've been doing some stand-up despite the fact that I thought I was going to take time off and I realized, you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:12 That's ridiculous. I've never done that in my entire life, but something weird and good is happening on stage for me right now. And I don't know if I can explain it to you. I can kind of explain it to you. Should I explain it to you? Let me get some business out of the way. I got some news to tell you, and this is for everybody who likes podcasts. You may have heard that our partners at Howl acquired Stitcher. I don't know if you heard that. I don't know if you're in that loop,
Starting point is 00:03:38 but today is the launch of Stitcher Premium, the new subscription service that brings all the best free and premium podcasts together under one roof. It's got the same great content as Howl. We're on there. Our archives are on there. All of them completely ad-free, all 800, however many. They're all there. There's also a new feature with WTF bonus content, rarities, outtakes, and remembrances that weren't previously available in our archives and also don't forget all the mark and tom shows i did with tom sharpling there's there's literally honestly more than 250 hours of exclusive original shows and over 120 comedy albums uh everything that's on how is on stitcher premium all that stuff and now with stitcher you don't have to switch apps
Starting point is 00:04:21 to listen to your favorite free podcasts along with all the premium stuff. It's all in the same place, people. If you're a Howl subscriber, you can migrate right over to Stitcher. You'll get the same stuff you're getting now at the same price. And all your playlists, favorites, and listening history can be transferred right over. If you aren't a premium subscriber yet, start your free trial at slash WTF. And with the promo code WTF, you get 20% off the Stitcher Premium subscription. Just go to slash WTF and with the promo code WTF you get 20% off the Stitcher premium subscription just go to slash WTF for all the stuff that's how you get it that's where all the stuff is all the WTF stuff and all the stuff I was telling you about so stand up stand up comedy
Starting point is 00:05:00 and me last night I went out to the comedy store, as I do, because that's where I work. The comedy store is amazing. They put new bathrooms in the back hall. The fact that I think I've said that already on this show is disturbing to me. The level of excitement I have over the new bathrooms. Though they do have one of those sensor faucets, you know, where that scents your hands. And I don't comply with those i don't uh i don't uh i i'm non-adaptive i don't know what your experience with them is and i feel like i've
Starting point is 00:05:33 probably talked about this before in my life but i i never have anything but a completely unintentional comedy of errors a slapstick evolves a classic slapstick evolves every time I have to engage with a sensor-based faucet. It never comes out. And when I pull my hands away, it comes out. Then when I put them under, it comes out for a second, but it doesn't stay coming out. And then I move around and then I pull them away. And then it comes out when I pull away. I really think that for all of those faucets, there should be another, a little faucet apparatus that's directly in line with your face.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So after, you know, doing that for like five minutes, trying to get water to come out on your hands, it just blasts your face with water. And then the, then the piano music starts and that's the end of the reel. Now your movie. So, you know, for me, stand up is very, you know, life or death. You know, every time I step on stage for most of my career, I have felt that I got to splay myself open, lay it all bare, be in the present, you know, kind of work within it and get riled up and, you know, take on personal demons or outside demons or whatever the hell i'm doing up
Starting point is 00:06:45 there but it's always been a relatively exhausting process that you know i need to i seem to need to do to write and then when i sort of tap out and i've dumped i dumped most of my material i've got a special coming up later in the year with netflix that i just recorded in minneapolis it's like where do you go and part of my brain this time I told you before, was to just bail for a while, just take a break. And I don't, it's not, you know, stand up is what I am. And that's where I started. And it's who I am. And it's how I've become who I am in all forms. Really. It is the, uh, the, the, the, the core thing that I've always done. And I, I, there's no way it's just the, I can't, there's no way I'm going to take time off it. But what I realized the last couple of times I went up is that I'm,
Starting point is 00:07:30 I'm writing, you know, my brain's become fluid again. Now that I don't have dread and anxiety over, you know, moving towards a special or, you know, you know, putting the book together, the, uh, the book that's coming out, waiting for the Punch, the WTF book, or putting time into the Marin Show or the Glow or whatever, now it's all sort of behind me for now. And all I'm doing here is the podcast. And now I have my life back and my brain back. And it's become fluid again. Sometimes you got to do whatever you got to do to get your brain fluid.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And now I'm starting to write things down. I'm engaging. I'm driving around, listening to music, driving slowly, not in a hurry to get anywhere, thinking, doing the job, the nuts and bolts job of creating in the way that I create to put my stuff out there. And the ideas are coming and I'm going up on stage. And this is the first time I've really done this consciously. I'm sure I've done it before where I'm kind of working jokes where I'm not, you know, I'm just talking, but I have these ideas and some of them are kind of coming out structurally as jokes, which is sort of new to me. A lot of times this structure has to reveal itself through deconstruction, through rambling
Starting point is 00:08:44 and talking and finding laughs and then sort of trimming it down. And now they're kind of coming to me a little bit fully formed, give or take. And it's sort of exciting to know that I can just go on stage and do that. I'm wary to admit it, but the last couple of times I've had a really good time on stage. I usually have a time. I'm usually excited that I'm doing it and present and engaged, but now it's sort of like, I wonder if this is going to work. I'm getting that thing back again. I wonder if that's going
Starting point is 00:09:14 to work. And I don't care if it doesn't. I think that's the key to it. I think that's the big difference between being an amateur and a fucking veteran at this point is that like yeah it was a way so what if a joke doesn't work who gives a shit see if you can make it work or move on for fuck's sake so what has happened in the last week or so i know the last time i talked to you i was recording a few days previous i guess uh you know what we've learned in recent news is that mentally ill people with legally bought weapons and legal weapons in general can do horrible against the law tragic fucking stuff no matter who they are or what they've done in their life, mentally ill people with legally purchased weapons can cause carnage.
Starting point is 00:10:10 We learned that. We also learned that the power of Shakespeare persists, that the timelessness of literature persists, remains relevant, that the greatest literary talent of all time can still be provocative and exciting and challenging. That's an amazing feat. And I've told you many times on this show that it's taken me a lot to come around to Shakespeare. I'm not easy to it. I have a hard time with the language. But like i just recently shared with you i went
Starting point is 00:10:45 to see a production of othello in new york that took place entirely in a military barracks that was not the way shakespeare wrote it but in order to keep the text and the the genius and the message and the art of shakespeare alive for years now, for decades, for centuries. People have been doing it in different modes, different places, different settings, without really diminishing the Bard's text in order to make it palatable and relatable and provocative to modern audiences or specific audiences or whoever. How do you keep Shakespeare relevant? It's so exciting that Shakespeare is now seeing a sort of a renaissance.
Starting point is 00:11:34 He, you know, granted the attention it's getting was, you know, recently driven by a new faction of right wing guerrilla theater artists. There's a whole new right-wing performance art brigade out there spread out through the world who are just doing some performance art. Not a great piece of performance art
Starting point is 00:11:56 from my perspective. And I'm here or there with performance art. I'm really here or there with theater. I mean, it can be bad. It can be good. Performance art can be bad. It can be good. Performance art can be bad. It can be good. Provocative is good. Risky is good.
Starting point is 00:12:09 There's all kinds of art. And by no means, if you're a creative person, if you're an angry person, if you make imaginative, poetic things that are hard to define, or if you make very cutting, incisive things, whether it's satire, tragedy, comedy, whatever it is, if you create it, you have the right to put it out in the world. And it's a beautiful thing to provoke the cultural imagination, the zeitgeist, the global imagination to evolve the conversation, to do some mind blowing stuff with your creativity. That's the beauty of freedom and the freedom of speech and the freedom to do your art.
Starting point is 00:12:48 You know, corporate sponsorship is not something that a lot of artists can get, and that's probably better off sometimes because you can just go out there and do it. Shit, I have seen plays in burned-out gas stations with half the structure missing to make a point, and it was part of the play. That was exciting.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Art is exciting there's always been amazing sort of uh disruptive uh and and um crass art of all kinds it's all over the place and it's beautiful even if no one knows it's happening or even if it's just one person that whose mind is blown how many times has your mind been blown by a piece of art, by a piece of theater, by a piece of performance, by just something you see on the street that was put there intentionally that wasn't even signed, but clearly was an act of expression? It's just it's sort of sad and a bit pathetic that, you know, that reaction to Julius Caesar, which is the play about politics.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It is the one historically forever for all time. And that any theater doing it has to consider modern politics in light of the theme of the show. There's been versions of it with Obama as Caesar, with Reagan as Caesar, with Nixon as Caesar, JFK as Caesar, and probably hundreds of others all over the world. It's the beautiful thing about a piece of timeless art that the message is always there. And that in order to make the message relevant to new audiences, you have to, you know, build around the text. And the message of Julius Caesar is democracy is fragile and the rule of law must be obeyed. And when you violate it, you get chaos. Plenty of art is political in nature. I mean, that's the nature of art. That's the nature of a whole world of art always has been. It is a way
Starting point is 00:14:41 to speak your mind. It is a way to create a dialogue around things. Political art is a way to speak your mind it is a way to create a dialogue around things political art is is a real thing no matter how crass an act of art is you know in the culture we live in it's going to be politicized and in you know if you're going to do it stand up for it own it then deal with it that's the courage of art and quite honestly, I don't know why so many people get involved who don't care about the art to begin with. If you don't like a play, don't go. If you don't know about a play and then you learn about it and you get upset about it without knowing anything about it. And then you react to it and then build some sort of weird, you know, viral momentum to your reaction to it without you know having it founded in anything other than emotion with no knowledge of anything it's like what are you doing really
Starting point is 00:15:30 here's what you do like if you see a piece of art you don't like you're like nah not for me what happened to that what happened to the great tradition of like yeah i i get it but not for me i found it disturbing not for me me. I didn't enjoy it. Not for me. Oh, that was, I think that was morally challenging and maybe wrong-minded. Not for me. I appreciate the person's right to put that out in the world, but not for me. Yeah, I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 00:15:58 No, I'm not going to go see that. I heard it wasn't good. Not for me. What happened to that tradition of interaction with art you don't enjoy? But I tell you, I tell you something I like to see. If somebody out there could write a sort of interesting kind of empathetic, psychological one act about the people that planned and then executed the disruption of Julius Caesar. That would be interesting to me. So like I'm putting that out there, playwrights. Let's explore those lives that day, what they thought would happen, why they did what they did.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You know, who are they? There's a one act I'd go see. But do it.. Be thoughtful. Don't overwrite it. Okay? Can you do that for me? So now, folks, I'm very happy to share this conversation I had with Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin, my co-stars on the upcoming show, GLOW, The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, which premieres this Friday,
Starting point is 00:17:01 June 23rd on Netflix. All the episodes will be available at once so this is me talking to uh to the women that i'm i'm working death is in our air this year's most anticipated series fx's shogun only on disney plus we live and we die we control nothing beyond that an epic saga based on the global best-selling novel by James Clavel. To show your true heart is to risk your life. When I die here, you'll never leave Japan alive. FX's Shogun, a new original series streaming February 27th exclusively on Disney+. 18 plus subscription required. T's and C's apply.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's a night for the whole family. Be a part of Kids Night when the Toronto Rock take on the Colorado Mammoth at a special 5 p.m. start time on Saturday, March 9th at First Ontario Centre in Hamilton. The first 5,000 fans in attendance will get a Dan Dawson bobblehead courtesy of Backley Construction. Punch your ticket to Kids Night on Saturday, March 9th at 5 p.m. in Rock city at
Starting point is 00:18:07 you want to put headphones on smart ass well i'm like are you closing the door we're just gonna do this with this door open sure why not why not? No, because, you know. What? What do you think is going to happen? Sound. Oh, now you're worried about sound? Pull the mic in. Let's see if I get everybody.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Talk. Hello, hello, hello. Testing, testing. Oh, yeah. Test, test. Oh, look at that. It was so much fun. It was all sisterhood, a real sisterhood.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Wait, but I was in it. It was all women. All I remember was only working exclusively with women. Wait, I was in it. It was all women. All I remember was only working exclusively with women. Wait, I was in it. Yeah, you were the Warren Jeffs of the whole project. I know, I was the guy. What? Warren Jeffs, is that the?
Starting point is 00:18:53 You are Warren Jeffs. Isn't that the guy? Which guy, the guy? With the sister wives? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is him. The creepy Mormon off the grid guy. Sure, that was you for us.
Starting point is 00:19:04 No, come on. So. That was you for us. No. Come on. So wait, let's catch up. So you got married. No invite for me. No announcement. No. When did you get married? Allison Brie.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I'll set you up like that, like radio. When did you get married? At the end of February. We got married. Yeah. Very small. How small? 12 people at our house for the ceremony. Our parents we got married. Yeah. Very small. How small? 12 people at our house for the ceremony, our parents and our brothers and sisters.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Oh, that was good. That's smart. Because you never know when you're going to have to do another one. You don't want to get too many people involved. Sure. Yeah. I guess I would say it was very intimate and special. It really took the pressure off.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Okay. And then we did have a pizza party. We rented out a little restaurant and had some friends. For the reception that I wasn't invited to? Yeah, yeah. That's nice. We were like, let's have like 60 people. 60?
Starting point is 00:19:53 What's the amount where it's like a good amount of people, but Mark, not Mark? No, I get it. It makes sense not to have Mark. I understand how on set communities work. That when it's over, it's like out of sight, out of mind. Then next season, if we get one like, oh, my God, I'm so happy. Nobody from the show is there except Betty. Except for me.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Betty, you're still married? Still married. Got married in August and we're still currently married. And is that guy, is he doing important things around the world? That guy is doing important things around the world. He's working for a nonprofit that builds compostable toilets. And he was in Standing Rock forever and ever. And they're going to go to Africa.
Starting point is 00:20:34 And, you know, I'm going to sit at home and like go on BuzzFeed. Do my part. A lot of FaceTiming. TV show. Skyping from weird countries. Yeah. So what about, what have you been, have you been acting, Betty? I'm going to go one each like this for a while.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Have you been doing anything on the stage or anything exciting in the downtime? No, I've just been kind of getting reacquainted with my husband. We spent so much time apart last year. I got married and then got back on a plane to go to L.A. and was kind of there until we wrapped. To do Glow. Betty got married like two days after she and I did our final test for Glow. So she was flown to L.A. We auditioned our second time together.
Starting point is 00:21:17 It was my fourth time auditioning for the show total. Yeah. And it was sort of like, well, good luck with the wedding on Saturday. Bye. Wow. Well, that's it's wild because I talked to Liz and Carly. I got some of the backstory about our casting. Yeah, a little bit like they knew you. Yes. For years. Yes. And they love you. They were like, did not want to cast. They're like, Alison, we don't think she can do it. I know. Oh, they brought me
Starting point is 00:21:46 in so many times and every time I've never felt more like Ruth, the character, than when I would go in and just was fighting for the part. And they saw it too. They told me after they were like, we really became more and more like her as we kind of made you. We just kept humiliating you until you like were
Starting point is 00:22:01 groveling for the part. I won them over. And it worked out. Yeah, it did. So you watched five of them. Yeah, I've seen the first five. I watched five of them. Betty's seen five. We all have.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I think we all did very good. I love it. Yeah, that's good. You can use this as practice for the junkets that are coming up that we all have to do. I don't even need... You know, press can be a pain in the ass. And I've never been more excited to do press about something because I genuinely. It looks so fucking good.
Starting point is 00:22:27 It looks good. I like that it's like dirty 80s. Yeah. But they're not hammering it over the head. It was so done to a T that it doesn't look campy. Yeah. And it's not far enough back to where everyone, I kind of remember it. It doesn't look, it's like watching an old movie from the 80s.
Starting point is 00:22:48 A videotape. Right. That kind of thing. It's not like the 70s where you're like, that looks stupid. But the 80s is sort of like, that kind of fits in. You know, it's not alien. Mark, you're so good in this show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:01 You really are. This is like. Do you want to ask me some questions? Someone that I wouldn some questions about my choices i was totally blown away this is like you're smoldering lebowski someone that i watched it with they said mark is a revelation a revelation and i was and i was like what about me you just watched it with me you're like well you're always a genius. Could I get a little? Well, I was nervous about it, you know, because I don't know. I didn't know how to do that.
Starting point is 00:23:28 But acting with you professionals. Why? Because like I don't like I talked to Martin Landau in here. I had Kevin Bacon in here before. And I keep now I'm talking to actors about craft. Like I'm making up for the acting classes I never got by asking like Martin Landau. So like Martin Landau is telling me about the, you know, listening and all this other stuff. And I'm sitting by asking like Martin Lando and so I like Martin Lando's telling about the you know listening and about all this other stuff and I'm sitting there going
Starting point is 00:23:48 like oh fuck I gotta do that I gotta integrate that into it season two you're just gonna be totally in your head am I listening to it now or what do I well the weird thing that well you guys I mean I guess it happens to everybody but there there's that moment where depending on what take you're on where you're you're very aware of what you're doing and it kind of stinks and you have to fight that somehow. Yeah. To like, okay, she's almost done
Starting point is 00:24:11 and I'm going to do my thing. Yes. I said that a lot on this show. I agree. You do things so many times and then you hit a point where suddenly you're like, ooh, this sounds, I'm just saying this line the same way every time now.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I've fallen into this rhythm. You have to freshen it up. No, yeah, you've got to jump back into it. Yeah. But I will say this. There are scenes that I found that most of my great scenes that I'm going to call great were with you guys, right? The one in the kitchen with you.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Pretty solid. And then the, we have a lot though. Me and you, I want more. I think we have more in the back five that I've not seen yet. And I know we have like the car on the way to the thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And then the thing. Yeah. I think that was touching. I agree. You and I in the car. Very touching. Every time we're in the car, it's good.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah. In episode five. Yeah. Me and Kate in the car. Yeah. Very sweet time we're in the car, it's good. Even in episode five, me and Kate in the car is a very sweet scene. Where I'm chuckling at you and then I decide I like you. Betty said I was kind of flirting with you and I was like, God, I didn't mean to be playing that,
Starting point is 00:25:15 but I just can't help it. She's kind of flirting with everybody in a desperate way, right? Wow. No, the character, the character. The character. Yeah. Yeah. desperate way right wow no the character the character the character um yeah yeah no actually no i actually i very much disagree with that all right maybe i'm mistaken neediness for she's needy but i think there's nothing really sexual about ruth aside from like watching her have sex in the first episode. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:45 You know. Well, yeah, that was, I don't think that guy could have handled that. He couldn't. Poor Rich. Oh, Rich Summer is so great. And he and I have known each other for a while, you know, for years because of Mad Men. And it was very funny to do my very first ever fully nude sex scene with him because he was like spoiler i'm sorry oh god no that's a good spoiler that's fine that's gonna bring people in
Starting point is 00:26:12 no no no that's one of the that's not a spoiler that's like oh shit i gotta watch that show and he's well he and he was just such a gentleman almost too much where he's just you know don't worry i'm not looking at anything. I'm not touching you or looking at you. And I was like. In fact, I'm disgusted. Yeah, I know. I was like, well, I need you.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I was grabbing his hand and putting him on my ass. I was like, I need a little something. Look at me. Don't break eye contact. It's hard to do that, right? Yeah. Well, you have to. That's the thing is like there's an endearing quality to someone that is the preferred thing that someone is kind of
Starting point is 00:26:50 squeamish with it and isn't like here we go right yeah but then it gets to a point where you're like okay now we're in it and we got to just commit to it because we're naked and i'm on top of you and like yeah the worst would be that it doesn't look like we're doing it. Who was it that once told me that it's a freebie? Yeah. It is a weird job that we do
Starting point is 00:27:10 where you're like, yes, I'm married, but I make out with people and sometimes ride them naked. Naked. Right. With small flesh-colored
Starting point is 00:27:18 underwear on. Yeah. Not quite sure where you're from or if you have siblings. But I know what the cock calls. You guys weren't on set where I had to wear the cock sock.
Starting point is 00:27:27 You missed it. You guys were gone. You missed my naked scene. Isn't that a sad moment when you open your trailer door and you see just a little bag? The cock sock? Yeah. I was really not into doing that. I didn't even do that on my show when there was a naked scene.
Starting point is 00:27:41 We worked around it. But the deal was know it was in the contract that there might be nudity and then when everyone right but when it came to me i'm like well i guess it's only fair isn't it right you know what i mean i like that and it was just an ass shot and i felt okay about it oh i can't wait you didn't know it no with me and uh kate are you know in bed after sex and she leaves. And there's a, I don't want to spoil anything. I know, we're really.
Starting point is 00:28:09 But there was, my one note for Carly and Liz when they're in here is like, I think I should have acknowledged the mess. You know, I actually totally agree. Every time I watch a sex scene, every time, they finish, and then the guy rolls over, and then they talk, and then one of them gets up and leaves, and I'm like, where's the cum? Yeah, where is it? Where's the cum? Enjoy your UTI. Did he use a condom?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Did he not use a condom? I so appreciate now gritty, weird sex scenes where they do acknowledge something. I'm like, why isn't she? Yeah, where's the guy getting up, and you go, just sit still. I'll get a thing. I'll get a towel. Or the waddle the waddle oh yeah so when you guys when you guys got this thing well what was the process for you like how did what how did they get you you go first betty um for glow i i know you knew them the creators yeah i knew them as
Starting point is 00:29:01 playwrights first i live in new york and knew them through theater stuff and had done like a workshop of one of liz flay hives plays forever ago and it was like a week-long thing with edie falco played my mom and i was like obsessed with the play and then when they did the production they didn't I didn't get the part. And I was like ready for an underwater nap forever, Sylvia Plath time. I was like, this is it. Life is over. And then I auditioned for Nurse Jackie and I knew Liz and Edie both worked on that. And I was like, well, I'm fucked.
Starting point is 00:29:39 But then I got that part and then, so that's how I knew them. And Liz and I became friends. And she mentioned to me forever ago that she and Carly were going to make Glow into a show. And I sort of immediately put it out of my mind because it was like it was similar to how I felt meeting you for the first time, Allie. I was like, don't fall in love with this person. It will be too painful if you can't. When did you first meet her? Testing for the show. So it was like, oh, I don't when did you first meet her testing for the show so
Starting point is 00:30:05 it was like oh i don't know what the future is going to be it's you know it's like the protection the vulnerability protection we have to do always in this business of like i don't know if i'm going to know you for 20 years or never see you again right so you associate with you with like a very painful memory so i i tried to keep it at an arm's length forever and then yeah i auditioned a bunch of times and we had such a funny audition together because so i so i read the script my agents had sent it to me i'd been reading a bunch of pilots and i heard about glow and was like that's the one and then for a while they wouldn't even see me like it was a process legitimately even just to get me in the room.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And finally they let me come in for casting on camera. Yeah. And I knew the casting director a little bit, Jen Houston, who had cast in another movie I did. Yay. And so I went in and auditioned for her. And then I came back the next day and auditioned for Jenji and Liz and Carly
Starting point is 00:31:02 and Tara, who were totally silent oh my god it was a real tough room although carly acknowledged and i still think it may have got me the part an improv i did where i rhymed um clitoris with natasha and boris it was a russian reference and and that was the only thing after she was like, I really liked that Natasha and Boris line. And I left. And then I cried in my car because I was like, the room was so weird.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I don't think I'm going to get it. The stakes were, I can't. It's like they were laughing during the scene, but as soon as the scenes were over, it was just silence. Yeah. And everybody awkwardly looking at Jen and Jen being like,
Starting point is 00:31:40 okay, thank you very much. Bye. Yeah. And I had already just was so attached to it was like what else can we do so then they were like well they want you to fly to toronto and meet betty gilpin who does not yet have the role for debbie but they're thinking about both of you and they want you guys to read together there they fly me to toronto what were you doing there uh this show american gods i'm like oh what's that about i saw a coming attraction for it it's like a harry potter meets like comic book noir-y oh yeah it's not scary uh it's kind of
Starting point is 00:32:12 scary yeah oh because it looked like tales from the crypt or something kind of it's a little scary it's like very special effect-y okay it's a little more epic than tales from the crypt well no just had that vibe like this is making me, it's creeping me out. Yeah. Is there a creep me out? I don't love that stuff, but I like the, I don't know, it seemed interesting for the three seconds. It feels kind of video gamey, like smart people made a video game.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And sidebar, it's a master class in misunderstanding the assignment is my performance in that show. Everyone else is like squinting at the horizon and like talking in this voice and then i come on for a scene i'm like hello like crossing my like just being a waspy clown falling down the stairs yeah so but so ali can't wait to see so i came there yeah and and no one was there like Like, Jenji wasn't there. Jen Houston wasn't there. No producers were there. They had gotten some casting director in Toronto who was not attached to GLOW at all
Starting point is 00:33:14 to put us on tape. She didn't even, she wasn't even in the room. She basically was like, it was on a Saturday or a Sunday maybe and sort of like was not happy to be there and walked into the room. Not in her passion project.
Starting point is 00:33:26 She was just sort of like, well, here, Jen left these notes for you and have fun and left. And two of her assistants were just in the room filming us. And one of the scenes was like, where we have a big fight and are like fully wrestling each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It was totally bizarre though. Yeah. To be like, they flew me all the way out here. I feel like I'm testing for this part with this other actress for no one with no notes in front of two 20-year-olds who were like, that was great. I know you guys are your pros. You locked in. You did it. We locked in immediately.
Starting point is 00:33:59 We went to the bathroom together. It was great. Yeah. And then we had coffee after. and that's where we both were trying not to fall in love with each other or the product like trying to be like but anything could still happen and avoiding eye contact the physicality of the thing like i i really uh i kept my distance from all the girls you really did it was it was self-preservation really i have not been around that many women ever yeah i mean right now is about my limit.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Like what we're doing right now is about max for me in my life. So now that there's 14 of you, and I realize that I don't think my boundaries could have survived sitting with all of them every day. It especially was crazy because they put all 14 of our chairs in that back room. In the back room. Like stuffed into the room. And I'd walk back there and be like, oh, no, I can't. And we'd all just be like, tampons and periods. Yeah. I don't know what was going on back there, but I know I'd walk back there and I'd know immediately, like, I don't think I can hang out for too long. I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Right. But no, Mark, I did that too. Like, I sometimes feel like, I don't know know coming from theater first and then being on sets like i sometimes feel like it's conducive to one kind of personality being able to get your work done on a set where it's like okay i'm here and here's the space i need and my ideas are great and i'm gonna like you have right so little time to do that and that's not my personality like i've wasted so many takes of different things, like trying to get the sound guy to like me
Starting point is 00:35:28 or worrying that Crafty's mad at me. Did I just insult Crafty? Right, yeah. Oh, God, my crying scene is over, I guess. I was thinking about Crafty. So I felt that too, totally. It's a lot of people. And in theater, you see everybody in makeup and getting costume, and then you're just waiting to go on.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Right. And then you're on stage, and then you're gone. But you also have four weeks of rehearsal in the quietest, borderline self-righteous room of like, whenever you're ready, take your time. You are so special and magical. And then it takes me two weeks of rehearsal to be like, I have a couple ideas. I hope no one's mad. And you have to do that the day of.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Right. On a set. Right. And it's taken me, it was a huge lesson for me watching Ali on set, being able to like be liked and in charge. I thought you had to choose one. Oh,
Starting point is 00:36:23 thank you. So while you were, while you were taking space, I was also taking space. Yeah. I just, I charge. I thought you had to choose one. Oh, thank you. But so while you were taking space, I was also taking space. Yeah, I just, I did, there's a lot of sitting around, you know, like I, and I knew that from my show,
Starting point is 00:36:34 but like I had less to do on this show. Right. So there were times where I'm like, just don't eat, don't eat, try not to eat. That was the toughest thing because we had really good crafty on this show. But every hour,
Starting point is 00:36:43 it was like being on a cruise ship. Hey, they just put out a full Chinese buffet. You're like, what? Now there's hot wings. Yeah. Today it's Indian food. Nah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:53 It's true. And that's all you want to do when you're bored, too. You're like, let's go to the truck. Let's take a walk to the crafty truck and make a sandwich or get an ice cream. Right. And they had the ice cream and the whole kitchen over there and the stuff on set it was great that's why i bring my own just making everyone else feel bad about having a good time eating some food every so often i have a little piece of chocolate but only dark chocolate it's good for your heart yeah i know i eat that too do you like that trader
Starting point is 00:37:21 joe's special dark chocolate have you seen it I'll show it to you. The packaging is very compelling. Oh. And it's very good. So when you got the gig, what did they tell you? Like now you're going to have to train. You're going to have to learn how to wrestle. Because I got to be honest with you, and I've said this before, and I'll probably say it again as we prepare for our junkets.
Starting point is 00:37:43 That when I was up on this thing, when we were shooting that first exchange, the interaction with you, the fight in the ring. Yeah. That, you know, I'm not going to say was planned or not planned, but the first time you guys go at each other.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah. I got choked up just because of the intensity of the physicality. I love that scene. Yeah. That was our audition scene. But every time anyone would do, it wasn't like connected to emotion, just women doing shit.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Yes. Really aggressive shit. Yeah. It choked me up all the time. It was incredible. What is that? It was the coolest thing. I do think also it was cool.
Starting point is 00:38:18 We did five weeks, four and a half weeks of wrestling training before we started shooting. And it was great because also all the women on the show got to meet each other and get to know each other in that capacity where we were learning a new thing that no one knew how to do except for Kia. Obviously, Kia Stevens, who is a professional wrestler. She was great. And she was incredible and just the most gracious, kind, giving person and really helpful with our training. And Chavo Guerrero, obviously, our wrestling coach. The legendary. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:51 But that time, we all just grew to feel so empowered. And we also were on this high of learning a move and then being able to master it and overcoming our fear of doing stuff was the biggest part of it. Yeah, definitely. Having like the first, your first experience with your coworkers being like, hi, nice to meet you. Okay, grab the meat of my thigh, put your face in my armpit and flip over and try not to break your neck. And I'm going to try and save your life while you do that. It was a real bonding experience. Before you learned people's last names.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Right. That was a big challenge, trying to learn everyone's names. Because also everyone's names, then their character names, then their wrestling character names. I don't know if I could do it right now. I think I could do most of them.
Starting point is 00:39:37 We don't have to do it. But there's like... I feel like between the three of us, we could get it done. There's 14 of you, right? That's a lot. Yeah. I don't know if I could name
Starting point is 00:39:45 all the characters' names. No, it's so funny that since we wrapped the show, I've seen smaller groups of the girls a couple times. And it's funny what you said, too. Like, you still feel like you're getting, like,
Starting point is 00:39:57 it was such an intimate job. And at the same time, you see someone and you're like, and what else is going on in your life? Who are you? Right. Like, we're so, you're like a sister to me yeah and where are you from originally yes like yeah i but i love
Starting point is 00:40:11 that about being an actor i feel like it's like okay metaphor guys if your brain is a house yeah it's like you know the person's attic you know their weird upstairs bathroom but like the vestibule in the parlor you're a little right not sure like don't know the basic details that you usually learn first right if you're like an accountant right but i i do i feel like i know them on a cavewoman level sure the emotional level yes without details right it's like none of us are that good at small talk and we all like to share very personal details about our lives. What's the worst thing
Starting point is 00:40:47 that's ever happened? Right. What's your biggest mistake? Yeah, it's just a boundaryless mess of people trying to, you know, speed up the process of knowing each other.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah. Because like, you know, when somebody, when you have 14 women in a show and like I'd never seen, like I noticed
Starting point is 00:41:03 a lot of boob adjusting and a lot of like did you catch that huh you caught that oh my god i felt bad for you guys it's like everybody pulling things out of our butt crack a lot of did your period sync up you know i think they did kind of doesn't that happen that's a real thing yeah that's a real thing they did kind of sync up yeah and then i started doing laser hair removal right after that's what i was like wow i really need to do laser hair removal if we're gonna wear these high-cut leotards i have to do it immediately yeah there was summer's eve spray all over the um the training gym oh yeah summer's eve
Starting point is 00:41:40 spray is like a vaginal freshening spray he Mark knows. He knows. I do. I've heard of it. Well, the audience might not know. So there was a lot of that around it. So someone brought it in first as a joke because there's one when we do this head scissor move where literally our trainers would tell us you know, you really have to get your crotch up against their chin. I think more than one move. It happens so fast and then you're like,
Starting point is 00:41:59 I think your vagina just swiped across my eyes and I wasn't closing them. So many of the moves, it's literally how they tell you how to do it, where they're like, but really your vagina should be pressed against her face. Yeah. So someone brought in one of our, one of our stunt women, Helena Barrett, I think, originally brought it in as a joke. And then we all started, we all would be like, wait, before we do this.
Starting point is 00:42:22 What were we doing? And you'd be like, get the Summer's Eve. Really? Yes. Like, what happens? Like, if there's, I asked Carly and Liz if there's a season two, they got it in their head and they're like, kind of, you know, I don't know. Well, the cool thing about the way they write the show, I do think, and I think this comes
Starting point is 00:42:39 from their experience with Orange is the New Black and with the cast this size, that they go into it, even this season knowing kind of where they want it to go but then they're getting to know everyone and kind of writing to people's strengths which is very cool. It's good. Yeah. Definitely. And picking up on certain things like even our stuff
Starting point is 00:42:57 I feel like our undeniable chemistry It just happens. Yeah. And you're just like no Marin in here. You think I'm like that? No. That guy's not getting in here. Look on Betty's face. You're a professional at distance.
Starting point is 00:43:12 No Marin in here. No Marin shall pass. I didn't know what to do with you. What? Are you serious? Of course I'm serious. Sounds like you're intimidated by Betty. Let's work it out.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I'm intimidated by Betty. Nuh-uh. I like it. No, you're like this powerful actress coming in and then like, well, I interviewed you. Yeah, you had. We knew each other. Yeah, a little bit. And then you come in from the stage in New York, right?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Sure. And Betty is so talented and so good on the show. But in like what specific way are you? Just how you can just tap into like. Just stop, stop. That was a joke. So like when we started working together, I didn't know if it was a character thing or not,
Starting point is 00:43:52 but I'm like, well, I can't seem to charm this one. No, Betty was not charmed by you. I know. I mean, I will say. And I'm pretty charming when I turn the juice on. You think so? Oh, look at that.
Starting point is 00:44:04 See, that's exactly what it was. That is exactly it. Wait. Right. That's the whole thing. That's sort of like, all right. Well, okay. No.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I get it. I've had this problem since I was little of like my face, when inside my mind, all the people are like, just don't make any noise and don't just be as small as possible and you won't embarrass yourself. That face is this. Oh, yeah, that's the face. And it looks like a fuck you face. Yeah. And it's the exact opposite of what I intend.
Starting point is 00:44:36 There's nothing but a scared child in there? Is that what you're telling me? Yeah, there's a scared child. What a great quality, though. She's only one of the people in my brain. There's also like Medea at the DMV. Yeah, yeah. Jessica Rabbit, Scout Finch. rabbit yeah no see that's what i sensed like you know like do you really want to open that up and you didn't you weren't sure you were scared well she you did a lot of odd things
Starting point is 00:44:56 um that were very funny are you out of your mind what odd things did i do you mean on camera yeah no the choices like some of the choices you were doing, like I became very, I was like a student of you guys. Like I was like, when people talk to me about the show, I was like, it's amazing what Allison does because she's got to be desperate, really ambitious, but also charming. That's hard.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Thank you. And then when I talk about you, she's like, it's really powerful and sometimes like these emotions come out and you're like, what the fuck was that? Yeah. I mean, I think we're like, I think it's appropriate that this is also a show about wrestling because I think Liz and Carly are tapping into like that. All women have this like inner thing where they're about to throw a watermelon through the window at any moment and like we've been pretending that's not how we feel for like
Starting point is 00:45:51 i don't know 500 years and i think we're for the first time being honest about that feeling and what better way than to step into a wrestling ring and like make the craziest faces possible that like other shows run by men don't let you make when you're an actress of a certain age. I think that's right. Right? Yeah. There was a very cool, I will say, about working with a lot of women and for women and in this capacity. And maybe also because my character is so kind of masculine and doesn't wear makeup.
Starting point is 00:46:20 But there was like a real lack of vanity or like just we're used to working under the male gaze and just always sort of being like but everybody should be in love with me and think i'm sexy yeah and i'm strong but there's something about you that is really making me question it it's something that like it's not something that's bothered me my whole career but the absence of it was glaring i think it was very free i felt it yeah like because we were very free right so free and i was in a neon diaper and a bra i've never been in less clothes and felt more empowered yes agreed yes yeah and i feel like all the women felt that way no definitely as i was sitting there like as a man that is prone to man shit i had a very hard
Starting point is 00:47:02 time sexualizing everybody because we'd'd be like, mm-mm. Like, you know, I'd sit there and try, and I'm like, nope. Yeah, stuff. We're not letting you have it. Exactly. Yes. I couldn't understand it. Yeah, to be in the minority.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah, to be in the minority and sort of be like, this is not for me. Yeah. But it really worked that way. It made me see everybody as as full rounded people yeah definitely didn't you go train with the wrestlers uh yeah the two of us did an episode where we trained with them like is that oh yeah yeah i was like i was like what you trained with the wrestlers without me i don't know what happened that day because there were days where i wasn't there at all.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Oof, that was a weird day. It was a weird day. Really? Why? Because of the real wrestlers? I don't know. Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Wow. Maybe this is an off mic conversation. That was maybe the only day that I felt a little like. Unsafe? Not unsafe. Just like, oh, right. only day that I felt a little like unsafe not unsafe just like oh right I have tits the size of dead dogs and people look at us that sometimes that's gonna happen throughout the show I think yeah but I won't be there to see it right I didn't feel that way on the day who do you think even though I'm relentless about telling her I'm noticing noticing your tits. Yeah. They are incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Is that, should people say that? Would that be good? No. That'd be great. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just trying to make
Starting point is 00:48:32 my parents proud. But what do you think, who do you think's going to watch it? I'm so sorry. I'm curious. I'm so sorry for what I just said. Are you really?
Starting point is 00:48:39 Objectifying Betty like that. Only because we're in love. We have a deep sisterhood. I teed you up. I pitched you a softball. Who do you think, I keep watching, I keep thinking, like, who's going to, like, I think little girls are going to like this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Well, that's who loved the original Glow. Really? Young girls. See, I didn't do any of the research because they told me I didn't need to know anything. And I thought that would be better. I have adult women friends who watched the show when they were little and were crazy for it yeah and are crazy for this show i mean i think that once people figure out what um what their wrestling is in their life like what like so much of it i am a closet fish fan bye guys and i related so much stop everything fine okay
Starting point is 00:49:28 podcast canceled fish the band fish no i know i know people have been telling me they want me to interview trey and i'm like i don't know anything about him you have to and i do a joke about it on stage as you should this about you And yet it makes so much sense. It is similar to wrestling. You're like a hippie girl? Well, I mean, I'm relapsed now. You're relapsing hippie girl? No. I've been to some shows and it is a similar thing to wrestling in that people say it like that.
Starting point is 00:50:02 They live through the characters. I like wrestling. Right. in that people say it like that. They live through the characters. I like wrestling. Right. It's like this shame thing,
Starting point is 00:50:10 but also to me it's a magic part of my life that I feel magical there. Yeah, I do a whole bit about this. It starts with, it's more about, I do a thing called the trepidation of the Dave Matthews fan. I am not a Dave Matthews fan. No, but I mean it's the same thing. I mean, it's not the same thing. I'm not a Dave Matthews fan. No, but I mean, it's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Sort of like, can I tell you? It's not the same thing. I'm not a Dave Matthews fan. Can I tell you? Do you like Frank Zappa? Yeah, sure. Okay. Well, it's similar.
Starting point is 00:50:32 It's like mathematical musical geniuses who are using it in the name of joy. I mean, when I was in college, I listened to a lot of Dave Matthews. Okay, okay. I'm not going to go toe-to-toe with you on Zappa. Let's talk about our childhoods. Okay. I'm not going to go toe-to-toe to you on Sapa. Let's talk about our childhoods.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Okay. But, yeah, so what you're saying is that there's a large fan base of people that it's very essential to, and they live through the music or the wrestling or whatever it is. Yes, yeah. Or that, like, I think our three characters in this show, Liz and Carly, In this show, Liz and Carly are painting this picture of why these three people need, like, a weird circus soul bubble in their lives. That's, like, an escape or something to apply. Like, I don't know. They have, like, an inner passion wheel of darkness and ideas. And it needs to be funneled into something.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And, like, for some strange reason, the three of them find wrestling at the same time. And I think that there's something to that. Like that other people find that in other things. I happen to find it in fish shows from 2004 to 2017. Yeah, yeah. I find it in a lot of things. I talked to a real wrestler in here yesterday. Who?
Starting point is 00:51:46 AJ Lee, AJ Mendez Brooks, and she was a, as a little troubled girl, was a fanatic wrestling fan. Wow. And she became a three-time world champion.
Starting point is 00:51:56 But like, it was that thing, that escapism, that for her, it was like the real ability to become a superhero. Yeah. Like she looked at them as living superheroes.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah. It's crazy. I mean, I grew up, both of my parents were actors, are actors, and did mostly theater and did like classic crazy plays and played crazy characters. And it was this crazy escape of being able to make the weirdest sounds and do the weirdest shit and that's what i did in college and then you graduate college ali i think had a similar experience you kind of graduate theater school and they're like oh you're a 22 year old girl just blink and say the line just as yourself we just want you to be inherently you or they get very excited to be like you're
Starting point is 00:52:42 attractive and funny so just so push your boobs up higher and then be funny. Right. Adorable. It's adorable. But not too funny because he's got the laugh line. Yes, not too funny. I mean, you're the straight man. So he is incorrigible and you really just are falling in love with him.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Even though he crashed your car. Yeah. And so I feel like wrestling is like it allows us to be as crazy and wild as I was definitely stoned in acting school because we did talk about this a lot that I've never felt as free as since I was in college and then as I did on this show it was right reminded me a lot of my the essence of myself which I really experienced in college letting loose doing theater doing the you love, also kind of trying crazy things. No idea is too strange. Taking risks because you just don't care.
Starting point is 00:53:29 The sky is the limit and all that stuff. Creative risks and you're getting to know who you are in a real way and like being who you are. And celebrating that. And then it gets beaten out of you while you're trying to work and be like, don't be you. Be the perfect thing that we're looking for. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. so it was liberating very much so yeah yeah i remember i pitched to liz and carly um my wrestling character is the all-american hero liberty bell and while the election was happening i was like what if she's like liberty bell you know sometimes she's like a southern bell like blanche du bois
Starting point is 00:54:05 but when she gets angry it's trump's america and we like go to this place and that but yeah and they were like no wrestling everything's clear in wrestling like you know exactly who you are you are who you are you're fighting for this thing like there's there's no that's for a real life that confusion is for real life and that's the balance that that happens is and that's why it's going to keep getting more interesting because there's gonna be more wrestling and there's going to be more real life like in this in right because i now what you when you're saying it the time the moment that you both become the wrestling personas, the whole thing just changes. It's so heightened and so raw. But the other thing that's amazing about a fish concert, generally speaking, or a wrestling show, is you can experience all this with a context.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Right. You're not just out in the world acting like a crazy person. Right. It's a safe space. There's a support system to give you that freedom to do that. Definitely. It was cool. We talked a lot about this in terms of our characters and their relationship and how, you know, it's a complicated relationship over the course of this season.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And when we're outside the ring, it's obviously way more complicated and difficult. and difficult. And then when we're in the ring, things are so black and white and you're playing totally different people and they're able to exist and have a totally different relationship, which becomes very important. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Well, that was a tricky thing. In the ring because of those boundaries. Right. And then you actually begin to resolve it, that the relationship off, like it's pretty- A little bit, but also not. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:43 The task that you guys had, given what the situation is, out of the ring and then getting into the ring. Like that was quite the acting feat for both of you. Yeah. I mean, I feel like I've had that with like when you act with someone who you have a difficult history with. Yeah. And you can like look in each other's eyes yeah yeah you might look not necessarily a difficult history but certainly there are people
Starting point is 00:56:10 you yeah you act with someone who or who you don't particularly like right and the next thing you're doing a scene where you're in love or or just good friends or whatever right and you can like hold eye contact or or or be physically close or do things. And actually feel deep, meaningful stuff within that moment as the character. Right. Right. And then cut. Cut it off.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And you're just. But also it's like, I feel like it's. Don't touch me. For our characters too, it's like when they're wrestling, it's like this tiny little inner soul self being like, I love you. Yes. All the other people who self being like, I love you. Yes. All the other people who are operating in this body hate you, but I, the most important one,
Starting point is 00:56:52 love you. And that's funny. Cause that's what wrestling is, is you've got to carry each other. Like there is some, it's that, that the core of it is that we're on the same team. It's so much about that trust.
Starting point is 00:57:04 And, and Betty and I have incredible wrestling chemistry. Watch out, Maren. I have to say. Not the only one with chemistry. Our chemistry in the ring is unstoppable. It is unstoppable. It's pretty great.
Starting point is 00:57:16 We clicked immediately. It's like kind of crazy to me. Yeah. It looked great. Thank you. The whole thing is very moving for me. I feel like. I agree.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah, but I feel like... I don't feel like an outsider, but I am this weird, cranky presence. You are. And then I'm going to have to learn about wrestling. That was the other thing I got frustrated with watching the season. It's like, I should have known more.
Starting point is 00:57:39 The character. Right, right. But that scene where you're reading the script of mine, it was so sad. Oh, my God. Your eyes in that scene where you're reading the script of mine it was so sad oh my god your eyes and that scene you're so excited what happened like i don't know what's gonna happen i know it's exciting yeah it is exciting and you're so goddamn good in it there was a day where i tried to give you a compliment and i don't think that you understood that i was talking about you i was trying to tell you that you were such a good actor and we were talking about james gandolfini oh yeah
Starting point is 00:58:11 and i said i was trying to tell you that you were this way that a lot of a problem that i have with a lot of male actors is like i feel like they're too afraid to not only play status, like to play vulnerability or to not know the answer to a question. And I was saying like James Gandolfini, like he's not afraid to be like, you know, powerful in one moment and then like a scared little boy in the next. And I do feel like that that is you in this show. Oh, thank you. That's sweet.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Now I heard it. You heard it. I heard it. It's what like wanted all this squinting and chewing on something you're like yeah i don't know about that i was like he doesn't even know what i'm talking about well i i decided that that that that the tone that you took with me was was sort of like i i i guess it's my own brain uh- had you on this. I thought this is the theater lady coming in to work with us Hollywood types. Yep.
Starting point is 00:59:12 It only means that I don't have health insurance. That's what a theater lady means. Now I do. Okay. Congratulations. Thank you, guys. Thanks. I don't want to brag.
Starting point is 00:59:22 See? Unions can work sometimes. Yep. Sometimes. Well, so I'm excited we're going to London See, unions can work sometimes. Yep, sometimes. Well, so I'm excited we're going to London and Paris and New York to sit in a hotel room and have a parade of reporters ask us the same questions. Oh, yeah. Have you ever done that before?
Starting point is 00:59:36 I've been on the other side of it before. Right. Like, I've been one of the people. You've been going room to room? Well, yeah, where it's sort of like, okay, you got 10 minutes with Colin Firth. Really? How was Colin? It was okay.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I mean, I don't remember what it was for. It was when I was at Air America doing the video show. But I've never, I'm trying to think if I've ever, I've done press before, and I certainly do interviews. But I don't know how they're going to structure this. I think we go and sit somewhere. I think it's like we sit in a room and there's like a glow backdrop behind us and then one by one everyone
Starting point is 01:00:09 comes in and gets like five minutes. Are there pictures? No. Okay. Unless they take it with their cell phone. But no, maybe there will be separate pictures. I don't know. Someone should tell me so I can bring an outfit. You definitely should have an outfit. I'm nervous. Really?
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yeah. I'm excited. What's funny is that with each one, you get sort of better at the story you're going to tell. And by the last one, they get the best one because you finally put all the thoughts together. Totally. Or I feel like you say this. I always feel bad for the guy filming it,
Starting point is 01:00:42 the camera guy who's in the room with you all day. Right. And just, you just, your thing gets really canned and you're just like, it was a wonderful experience. Well, my wrestling name in real life would be every time again,
Starting point is 01:00:53 again, again, you have to take a break and go like, sorry. And by every like hour and a half, you're like, okay, now I found a new answer.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Now that'll be the answer for the next hour. I'm only going to be thinking about that guy. Right. Yeah. Right. And then after he's going to be, then after you do the new answer, I'm real. And you look at him like to be thinking about that guy. Right, yeah. Right, and then after you do that, then after you do the new answer, I'm real.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And you look at him like, huh, that was good. I found something new. I figured out a new thing. But what are we going to do in London? Go where we're going crazy. Yeah. I want to see a Kate Nash show.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I wish she would do one while we're there. I don't know. She's been touring. Yeah. I'm only there for, I have to run back quick from the Paris thing. I feel like we're all, I have to run back quick from the Paris thing.
Starting point is 01:01:25 I feel like we're all, I feel like we're like, we're going to London and Paris and we're basically going to like fly there, sit in a room all day, fly to Paris, sit in a room all day, leave. Oh, so you're leaving too that quick? I think so. Yeah. I got to get back to New York for a book thing. It's that book expo thing.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I hear, whatever. I have to fly back. Tell us more about it. I'll show you the galley of the WTF book. Ooh. Yeah, but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about GLOW. Where are you guys going now?
Starting point is 01:01:52 You're going to Netflix to do a... I'm doing a little interview, another interview. Yeah, I guess I wasn't part of that one. This was a good warm-up. I guess I'm not going to that. Just like your wedding. Definitely not Mark. Yes, I said the same thing.
Starting point is 01:02:04 It was so fun. As long as Mark is not invited. That's a secret year. God, what the best night of my life. Everyone, my most favorite people were there. Yeah. And my chair was like a little higher than everyone else's chair. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Why is my chair? Oh my God. Betty was there, her husband. And I gave Betty just an extra empty chair for her bag. See, I know what was really going on on set. Like I didn't go back to hang out with the girls because you would go back and go like, isn't it so silly how funny Mark is around me? I can make him do anything.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Do you guys want to watch me make Mark do things? Oh, my God. In your mind, we're consumed by our relationship to you. No. Nobody. Come back into the room. Hey, everyone, did you just see what Mark did?
Starting point is 01:02:46 Now I'm back here. Thank God he's not back in this room with us. I did. I felt so small. I never, I didn't, not in a bad way. I like hearing that.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I knew that, yeah. No, no, I knew that going in and I wanted to, I didn't, I was very relieved not to have the responsibilities I had on my show and I wanted to, I didn't, I was very relieved not to have
Starting point is 01:03:05 the responsibilities I had on my show and to try to act outside of that because I haven't acted outside of being me. And also like, I like- That's not true. You were in Mike and Dave. For a minute. And I did that easy thing. You're easy.
Starting point is 01:03:18 That's a very disturbing character. Oh, right. Oh. But- No, it wasn't. You had done easy before we shot this. Yes. Oh, that. Oh. But. No, it wasn't. You had done easy before we shot this. Yes. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 01:03:27 But anyways, I was excited to be working with an ensemble and a group of people. And just to be like, you know, I didn't want to. I was very relieved not to have any responsibility other than to act. Right. And you liked that even once it was happening. I liked it, but I don't know what to do with the time. Yeah. Like, it starts to get like, I just. And also, I kept sitting in Video Village but I don't know what to do with the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:45 And also, I kept sitting in Video Village because that's where I used to sit on my show. And I told Carly and Liz that I just had to sit there and they were like, we know. And all the girls were in the back and we were like, Mark's sending a very clear message to all of us. He doesn't want to sit with all the actresses.
Starting point is 01:04:02 It has to be at Video Village with the director. Yes. They knew. It was better for everybody. They didn't want, you know. You gotta like
Starting point is 01:04:10 listen to podcasts on set if you're gonna sit by yourself. And then like Chris. We would develop hilarious bits. Oh, Chris would sit and read books. I was sort of like,
Starting point is 01:04:19 what are you trying to prove? I always try to read a book on set. I'm always like, hi, I can be an intellectual too. And then I bring a book. I never can get ready Because all I want to do
Starting point is 01:04:27 Is fuck around with everyone I watch the entire Sopranos Oh yeah you did You've been watching it in the car You've been watching it constantly I couldn't stop That was a good thing to do I got that HBO Go
Starting point is 01:04:37 I was like This is the fucking best And this is what I'm going to be doing I only watch shows on Netflix Maybe that's why I tried to segue James Gandolfini reference into a compliment. Oh, I'm sure. He came up.
Starting point is 01:04:47 I think we were talking about actors. Because you were constantly talking about that show because it's all you were doing. For a while. And then that guy, that director, what was his name, Phil? Phil. He directed the-
Starting point is 01:04:57 Phil Abraham. The DP. He was the DP on it. Yes. That was very cool. And he was our DP the first season of Mad Men and he directed a lot of Mad Men episodes. And I think his episode is-
Starting point is 01:05:06 I liked it. The patio town. I love it. That was a nice day hanging out at that furniture store. Yeah. I took a nap on some of that furniture. It was great. We talked about our families.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Yeah. Well, I'm very excited. It's all very exciting. So by the time this goes up, we'll have gone to London and Paris and New York. But the show will not be out yet. I think we're going to put this up around the first, right before. Right before. There's going to be a bunch.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Carly and Liz, all the writers. Really? You guys. Have you done the writers yet? Yep. Whoa. I'm going to do Jenji. I did the writers on set.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Oh, I can't wait to listen. I feel like it's going to be such interesting because writers, they like to keep all their secrets. They play everything really close to the vest and they just like, they don't want to give anything away. I went to jail for 12 years. I would not be shocked. For stalking.
Starting point is 01:05:55 But it's all very exciting. I'm excited. I'm downplaying it. I'm super pumped. I've never been more excited about anything in my life. Really? I'm not downplaying it. Really.
Starting point is 01:06:04 How about you? I'm really excited and I in my life. Really? I'm not downplaying it. Really. How about you? I'm really excited and I'm really scared. Really? Yeah. I'm really excited. Do you think we're okay? We've resolved our thing? I think so. Okay. I'll try to
Starting point is 01:06:18 not make it personal. Right. And I'll try to. Okay, good. Thanks, ladies. I love you, Mark. Love you, too. Thanks, Mark. Okay, great. Wasn't that fun?
Starting point is 01:06:34 That was fun. Was it not fun? It was fun, right? Glow, again, premieres this Friday, June 23rd on Netflix. All episodes, 10 of them, will be available at once. So do with it what you will. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:48 And thank you for all the musicians that got back to me. It looks like I got a crew. I got a crew to jam in July. Thank you. Boomer lives! It's hockey season, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So, no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those. Goal tenders, no.
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Starting point is 01:08:11 It's a night for the whole family. Be a part of Kids Night when the Toronto Rock take on the Colorado Mammoth at a special 5 p.m. start time on Saturday, March 9th at First Ontario Centre in Hamilton. The first 5,000 fans in attendance will get a Dan Dawson bobblehead courtesy of Backley Construction. Punch your ticket to Kids Night on Saturday, March 9th at 5pm
Starting point is 01:08:32 in Rock City at

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