WTF with Marc Maron Podcast - Episode 893 - Jennifer Lawrence

Episode Date: February 25, 2018

Jennifer Lawrence takes a break from being one of the biggest movie stars in the world to stop by the garage and talk with Marc about Kentucky, cats vs. dogs, older brothers, Winter's Bone, The Hunger... Games, David O. Russell, Darren Aronofsky, Amy Schumer, learning a Russian accent for Red Sparrow, and living a relatively private life for someone with a very public profile. Jennifer and Marc also compare their respective symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Spoiler: There's a lot of overlap. Sign up here for WTF+ to get the full show archives and weekly bonus material! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's winter, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs, mozzarella balls, and arancini balls? Yes, we deliver those. Moose? No. But moose head? Yes. Because that's alcohol, and we deliver that too.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Along with your favorite restaurant food, groceries, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See app for details. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing.
Starting point is 00:00:39 With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. what the fuck buddies what the fucksters what's happening i'm mark maron uh this is my podcast
Starting point is 00:01:45 wtf i should tell you that jennifer lawrence is on the show today the jennifer lawrence came by the garage in its last days and we had a chat about stuff she's got a new movie coming out red sparrow opens this friday march 2nd but uh that was exciting i thought it was exciting talking to jennifer lawrence you you can judge for yourself i may sound a little under the weather that's because i am indeed under the weather i don't know how it happened i was doing good i thought i had it i thought i was going to get through it this this flu and cold season. Then I don't know. I don't even know what I got hit with.
Starting point is 00:02:28 How are you guys doing? Are you all right? Well, I mean, I guess I've been through a lot the last few days, probably less than some and more than others. But if spending four to five days with your mother is a lot, then put me up there with the top tier of having gone through a lot in the last four or five days. I don't know what it is, man. I just, yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Of course I do. The last time she was here, the last two days she was here, the last day she was here, I got sick. This time, I got sick the day before she came. I felt it coming on, and then I just went full. I don't even know. I can't even tell you what it is. I just went full.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I don't even know. I can't even tell you what it is. This is one of those weird observations that, you know, you get older, things work out for you. And then you still have parents around. And if you don't have grandkids for them to entertain themselves with, what the hell are you going to do? You know, they want to visit. They want to hang out. But they come out and it's, what do you want to do? Not whatever you want to visit they want to hang out but they come out and it's uh what what do you want to do not whatever you want to do i don't feel well i don't want to do anything well then
Starting point is 00:03:32 that's fine ah that's not what that tone is that's fine maybe this is the reason people have children is so if their parents survive it gives them something to do and takes them out of the equation. Because at my age, my mom's here, I'm like, I don't know, haven't we said everything we need to say? Isn't it all, aren't we good? I mean, she actually changed her ticket to leave a day early and I convinced her not to
Starting point is 00:04:04 because I was going to have Sarah the painter take her out to see some painting and some galleries and stuff. And we all ended up going. I ended up taking my mom shopping, bought her a purse. We went out, and I watched her just destroy a pizza, not eat it, but kind of pick it apart, eat the stuff off the top, and leave a pile of the crust of the pizza. I'm still not well. But look, I love my mom. I was happy she was here.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I guess it worked out pretty good. But I do feel that weird pang of like, did I make a mistake of not having children? Not for me, just for them. The kid thing is just i i love kids i love sitting there the other day i got into it with a kid like if we're out to lunch i was out to lunch with sarah the painter my mother there's some kid with a little toy bus sitting in his little rolly chair next table over and we're just sort of having a good time just looking at him he's
Starting point is 00:05:03 looking at me he's laughing making faces i'm doing what you do with if you're that kind of grown-up when you see a kid you just lock into child zone but does that mean i want him no because honestly after about a minute or two of that i felt uh i felt satisfied i was good occasionally i'd look back over at him just to see if he wasn't looking at me i might have re-engaged if he was looking at me, but when he wasn't, there was part of me that was sort of like, good, that's done. Now I don't have to lock it. Maybe I should take a little more of my own will back on these things. I didn't want to continue. What are you going to do? Just sit there at a table? There's definitely a line with strangers' kids where it's cute and they're happy you like the kid and the kid's socializing, but then I think it gets to a point where it's cute and they're happy like the kid and the kid's socializing.
Starting point is 00:05:46 But then I think it gets to a point where it's sort of like, all right, I think that's good. Okay, all right. The thing, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think my mother would be happier if she had kids to visit, grandkids. I'm not unhappy that I don't have grandkids,
Starting point is 00:06:00 but I think in retrospect, it would have saved me some, a day or two of aggravation and frustration and tension if I had a grandkid for her to play with as opposed to just sit around with me wondering what we should do with our time there were some emails in response to my emails one email said that I was right in the pronunciation of Pedro Almodovar's name. I think he sent a clip because a woman had written me and saying that I did a lot of things wrong. And that was one of them.
Starting point is 00:06:38 But I think it's Almodovar. Almodovar. The V is sort of the B. It's Spanish. And I think it's Alma Dober. But I was closer than what she had said. So she said I was wrong. And I'm not.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I'm not as wrong. The other email. Subject line, nunnery meaning depends on context, thoughts on truth. That's the subject line. Mark, M-A-R-K. Long time listener. I really enjoy the podcast. This email is too long for its very inconsequential clarification of something you said.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But given your literature background, I thought you'd want to know dot, dot, dot. The tone of this guy. You know, the tone of people that are about to correct you righteously is always exciting, isn't it? It kind of sends a little fucking squirt of negative juice up your spine. I was listening to the Maniscalco Graham episode and heard you say, get thee to a nunnery after Heather said that her dad told her that he'd have liked to have sent her to a convent or a Catholic school. In the context of that specific phrase from Hamlet, a nunnery is a whorehouse, not a convent, school, or a place for pure women. I love your breadth of knowledge.
Starting point is 00:07:54 It's refreshing. With your consistency of thought and not presenting falsehoods, you have become an authority, quote-unquote authority, not just an articulate and funny guy. Perhaps that's why obama and many others who have important ideas to share have taken the time to be recorded with you question mark while no one can know everything it is shameful and dangerous for people who are in positions of authority and power to make up their own truths and ignore or obfuscate science and the
Starting point is 00:08:22 scientific method in favor of passing off falsehoods as truths in order to suit their ideological needs and agendas what the fuck that was a bit of a projection yeah i didn't read hamlet and i didn't study hamlet and i didn't even know that nunnery was slaying for a whorehouse till i google searched it i appreciate you uh recontextualizing or contextualizing my my misuse of that quote properly uh though nunnery is still a nunnery and nunnery was and i guess maybe still is a slaying for a whorehouse and i understand that's the way it was meant in that play but for god's sakes don't project all that shit onto me. What are you, out of your fucking mind? I'm no authority of anything.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Maybe you should go back all the way back. Start correcting everything that I fucked up. Ugh. Yo, what? Authority of... Don't project that. I understand. I got the same problem with what's going on in the world, pal.
Starting point is 00:09:21 But I ain't it. You got that? It ain't me okay so i was excited to talk to jennifer lawrence and uh i think she's a great actress and i think she's a great movie star and recently she you know people just can't leave her alone and it kind of stinks It's amazing how galvanizing one way or the other, you know, women who are talented and attractive and deliver the goods in their chosen profession, how that just galvanizes assholes and galvanizes the opposite of assholes.
Starting point is 00:09:58 But boy, man, asshole galvanizer. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with people? Just let her act and do her thing and say what she wants. Jesus Christ. Anyway, she's here. Jennifer Lawrence is here. Her movie, her new film,
Starting point is 00:10:15 Red Sparrow opens this Friday, March 2nd. This is me and Jennifer Lawrence here in the garage. It's winter and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs, mozzarella balls, and arancini balls?
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yes, we deliver those. Moose? No. But moose head? Yes. Because that's alcohol, and we deliver that too. Along with your favorite restaurant food, groceries, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly.
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Starting point is 00:12:04 in highland park you could just you could hide here yeah totally where do you live in fancy area yeah i live up in a big mansion up in beverly hills obviously by yourself in a big mansion yeah do you have uh do you have servants and people um yeah one yeah yeah one one guy one one person who lives there all the time horrible no no no nobody lives. Just me and my dog, Pippi. But you have somebody come over and do things. You have an assistant. You're full Hollywood, right? I'm full Hollywood, yeah. I'm fully staffed.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Did you put your own makeup on this morning? I did. Oh, it looks very good. Yeah, yeah. I'm not like that. Not that bad? I just have a security guard outside and didn't drive myself. But other than that, I'm totally normal. But he's not your regular guy. No, I'm totally normal. But he's not your regular guy. No, I don't know who that guy is.
Starting point is 00:12:46 He could be a murderer. Right, he was just here. Right, he's here. He said he was a security guard. I believed him, but you don't know him? I don't know him. Should we call the authorities?
Starting point is 00:12:54 No. No, he said he works for the film movie company. Why don't I just start screaming and let's see what he does? Let's not do that because either way, I'm going to have to explain something.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Yeah, not in this client. No, exactly. I don't need that. All right, so here we are. So what did you learn about... I don't know. I need to... I already know the answer to your question.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Go ahead. Nothing. No, like I got a screener of the movie last minute, the new one. I don't need to go into it. Because you didn't watch it. I didn't watch it. We don't need to go into it because I don't know what to ask. It's better if I don't watch it because then I don't need to go into it. Because you didn't watch it. I didn't watch it. I did. We don't need to go into it because I don't know what to ask. It's better if I don't watch it because then I don't spoil things.
Starting point is 00:13:29 No, I don't even need to talk about it. I know you don't, but I want to know. No, like want. I need to talk about it. I need people to go see it. We'll just mention it. But like when I looked at what it was about, I was curious about the Russia thing. Did you do any research?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Did you learn anything about Russia? Did you speak in a Russian accent? Did you go to Russia? I didn't do any of those things except i think i learned a russian accent but the uh really yeah but the people will say well russians are gonna be like no she didn't get it yeah yeah no i'm sure it's terrible but did you how'd you do that you get a coach to train you in russia yeah i got a i got a yeah a dialect coach and then i was having this like really pompous conversation with another actor about accents. And I was just like, you know, like to me, like everything's like really lyrical.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And I was like, wouldn't it be hilarious if like the movie comes out and I just get obliterated? Might happen. Might not. Yeah, might. I don't know. But you had to do the accent. I did the accent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:19 But I didn't stay in the accent while I was on set, which I think if I ever do an accent, you know what? No, I can't. I can't talk to people. You can't? I can't stay in the accent while I was on set, which I think if I ever do an accent, you know what? No, I can't. I can't talk to people. You can't? I can't. I can't talk to the camera guys in a Russian accent. No.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I work with Alison Brie, who has to turn a Russian accent on for Glow, for her wrestling character. Oh, yeah. Does she stay? No, of course not. Oh, okay. Yeah. I mean, she's supposed to.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I don't even think it has to be a good one. I'm so happy you said that. I would have felt like such an asshole. No, but I mean, how much can you commit? Are you one of those people that generally commits like that? No, I don't commit to anything. Oh, good for you. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:14:55 But so you didn't learn anything about Russia? No, not really. Good, good for you. But you're from Russia. You're from Russia? In the movie, I'm a Russian prima ballerina, which is hilarious. And then I'm injured and I get drafted into this program that still exists in the SVR. It existed in the United States for a while until I think the 90s.
Starting point is 00:15:17 But these young recruits are trained in the art of sexual manipulation. How was that training for you? It was really fun. Now that I was method. You had a hang of that? Yeah. You had some natural instincts for that? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I stayed in character for that. Yeah, good for you. Yeah. But that was it? You just wore in the background and then the accent and you just did it? I just, yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:41 I did like a little bit of ballet. I felt like the whole time like as soon as i got into like the costume i just felt like ace ventura like in the fucking combat boots and the mental hospital like i'm the most ungraceful person but um i think everything actually worked though because i watched the movie and i'm a really harsh critic i personally i've never seen this movie's really unique yeah it's like a dramatic espionage movie, but I've never seen one quite like this. But what do I know? I haven't even seen that movie.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I like that Joel Edgerton guy. He's great. And everybody's great. I mean, Charlotte Rampling and Jeremy Irons. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah. No, it's a legit movie.
Starting point is 00:16:16 It's a very good movie. It's a big movie. Am I good in it? Who can say? I don't, that I don't know. You can't say? How did it feel?
Starting point is 00:16:23 It's okay. I'm naked in the movie, so please go. You're naked in the movie so please go you're naked in the movie yeah this is the pitch men are gonna this is
Starting point is 00:16:29 yeah I'm naked there's boobs and you agreed to it there's murder yeah I agreed it would be a much
Starting point is 00:16:35 different conversation you're naked on purpose yeah I'm consensually nude there's murder espionage like I'm sorry I'm making sound whoa
Starting point is 00:16:43 oh I dropped it it's alright it's plastic it's a top I'm nervous why are you making sound. Oh, I dropped it. It's all right. It's all right. It's plastic. Who cares? I'm nervous. Why are you nervous? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I've been a fan of yours for a really long time. What does that mean? You listen to this thing? I used to watch your stand-up, and then I've been listening to your podcast, and obviously I saw you on Clow, and I don't know. I think you're funny. I think you're swell. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:17:00 There's nothing to be nervous about. I mean, you're awfully fidgety. I'm really fidgety. I told you I'm like a loaded gun right now. You're touching. She came in. She's touching to be nervous about. I mean, you're awfully fidgety. I'm really fidgety. I told you, I'm like a loaded gun right now. You're touching. She came in, she's touching everything. I'm sorry. She's touching everything.
Starting point is 00:17:10 On the desk. But that Edgerton guy. Yeah, he's fantastic. He's so talented. Did you see Black Mass? Yes. With Johnny Depp, the Whitey Bulger movie? Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:19 He was really good and creepy in that. Yeah. Is he creepy in this or is he nice? He's really nice. Yeah. Yeah, he's great in the movie is he nice? He's really nice. Yeah. Yeah, he's great in the movie. Everybody's great, you know, except me. That's still up in the air.
Starting point is 00:17:29 No, you're going to be good. Even if you don't think you're good, you're going to be good because you're going to light up the screen. You're going to be full of focus and charisma. And no one's going to know. They're not even going to pay attention to the accent. It's like the accent was okay, but she was exciting. Oh, thanks. I just reviewed it. You're like my dance mom to the accent. It's like the accent was okay, but she was exciting. Oh, thanks. I just reviewed it.
Starting point is 00:17:45 You're like my dance mom. Thank you so much. I had Aronofsky in here. Oh, did you? You didn't listen to that one? No, I didn't. Oh. But I didn't know he did it.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I can't believe he didn't tell me. Darren. Why didn't he tell you? I don't know. He's probably mad. No, he's not. Maybe. Well, because he came in here, I didn't see Mother.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I hadn't seen it. Oh. And I tried to see it, and he's sort't see mother I hadn't seen it and I tried to see it and he was he's sort of offended you tried to see it that's highly offensive just say you either saw it or you didn't now I know why he was mad I'm mad too he didn't act mad I got like halfway through it and it was no but there was a lot to handle but I wasn't I was I was gonna finish it I just didn't I didn't I didn't have time to finish it you're gonna say I'm gonna ask him if he's it you're gonna say i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:18:25 ask him if he's mad i'm gonna say about to meet mark maron thoughts no yeah see what he said okay i actually have to email him but i don't know him that well why do you have to email him then to tell him i saw the fucking movie oh well if you don't like it no no it wasn't a matter i like the movie oh okay but i'm i just i can't read your tone no no you just have one of those harsh no i i i meant to watch it i just it took a lot and i didn't want to halfway watch it so when he got in here i hadn't watched it my cat was missing there's a lot going on okay why do you have a cat i had three cats they're all why three those are my pets wow not a dog i had dogs growing up i can't what do
Starting point is 00:19:06 you i can't manage a dog right you gotta walk a dog yeah yeah fuck that do you have you know it's much rather to much better to have just a sociopathic asshole that doesn't give a shit about you i three of them you gotta work for it you know what i mean it's not it's not they'll give a shit they give a shit they're you know occasionally my dad used to be infuriated by my cat shadow. He'd be like, he goes to the door like he wants to go out. I open the door. He looks at me like I'm a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Turns around, shows me his asshole, walks away. And that's just always like encompassed cats to me. I was just like, okay, dad. So there was a time where you liked a cat. Yeah, yeah. I had a cat. And your dad ruined it. I don't know if he ruined it so much as like pointed out a very real flaw in their personalities. Your dad talks like that?
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yeah. You mean an accent? Well, yeah. But specifically like you just did him? Was that a good impression of your dad? Yeah. He's great. Where is he?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Is he still in? Where is he? They're driving. They live in Louisville, Kentucky. They're driving somewhere. Louisville. They're driving somewhere to a wedding. I don't know where they're going. I don't listen. I've been to Louisville. Have. They're driving somewhere. Louisville. They're driving somewhere to a wedding. I don't know where they're going.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I don't listen. I've been to Louisville. Have you? Yeah. I think there used to be an improv there, a comedy club or something. Oh, cool. I was there briefly. I don't remember much.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Okay. Did you grow up there? There's not too much to remember. It's okay. Lexington's pretty. Lexington's pretty. Is that close? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:24 My brother's been to college there. that's like my brother's went to college there it's like 30 minutes it's college town yeah they had a comedy club too that wasn't invited back to oh years ago i'm sure i think it was jesus material it seems like you just make friends everywhere you go back then it was a little more intense a little more difficult like i was not as sociable yeah not as you know connected i was a little defensive okay so but your whole life you grew up there um no just till till I was 14 that I went to New York. But like Kentucky, like is your family, do you like them? Yeah, I actually do.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I was having, I'm always talking about like old conversations. And what if I'm like really not, what if I don't have any friends? And you're just making them up? That would fit. I have an amazing relationship with my family because I was talking to somebody who's like polite with their sibling. Yeah. And they were like, it starts to annoy me after like a few days.
Starting point is 00:21:11 With the politeness? And I was like, oh my God. Yeah. Well, stop the presses. I was like, I just can't imagine ever being in a family where you're not like, get off me, asshole. Yeah. Like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:21:20 My brother threw a remote at my head. How many brothers? I have two older brothers. Well, how is it not going to be a fucking chaos? The same brother also threw a thermos at my head. You know which one you are. Yeah. He, fuck you. My brother threw a remote at my head. How many brothers? I have two older brothers. Well, how is it not going to be a fucking chaos? The same brother also threw a thermos at my head. You know which one you are. Yeah. He disfigured me.
Starting point is 00:21:29 He threw a thermos at you? Thermos at my head. And you're the youngest? Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. And you had to deal with that? Did they beat up on you too?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Yeah. Yeah. They beat up. They were pretty, one was like the oldest one. Yeah. He was pretty chill. Yeah. He taught me how to drive stick.
Starting point is 00:21:44 That's important. Yeah. I mean, it's literally never. He taught me how to drive stick. That's important. Yeah. I mean, it's literally never come in handy until this podcast. Until I can be like, did you know that I know how to drive manual? But the first car I had was manual, but I never got another one. Right. I decided when I learned how to drive a car to learn how to drive stick is how hard is automatic. I might as well have a skill that I can apply to something.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Like stick is challenging. It is. And I burned through a lot of clutches. Yeah, same. Yeah. Of a truck? Of a Jeep. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah. Fucked it up? Yeah. So that guy, the older guy was good? The middle guy? Everybody was awful in their own ways. What businesses did they end up in? One's in tech.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Another one inherited the family farm and he runs a children's camp um but yeah we're all awful in our own ways and also wonderful in our own ways i mean i there's a million things they hate about me they hate how i tell stories they cannot stand to hear me tell a story um yeah i think that's probably it wait so like when you when you start to tell a story they're like oh they just go here's an idea have Have a point. Get to it quicker, asshole. So which is good training for me. I really learned to shorten up
Starting point is 00:22:51 my story. What was the business, the family business? A farm camp and my dad owned a construction company. A farm? A farm. With animals? Yeah, horses and you know, some goats. We had some pigs, but one of them died.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Well, they all three died, but my publicist told me I shouldn't talk about that. Your publicist told you not to talk about that? Not to talk about how the pigs died. They weren't slaughtered for kill. Oh, I see. So that's on the list of things you can't talk about or you shouldn't talk about is the death of the pigs? Do you see this marble? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:21 That seems like a very esoteric, weird thing. How did you get to that in the conversation with publicists of things you might not talk about it's like do you keep bringing up the dead pigs no she's just like with me on press stories she hears you know the stories i tell about kentucky when i get drunk and she'll just every once in a while be like not a talk show story not you know i looked at your wikipedia wikipedia page yeah it's very thorough really yeah i don't like i've never seen one so thorough i've never seen one so thorough. I've never seen one that thorough of somebody who doesn't have a book out.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Wow. Yeah, there's a lot of information there. Your publicist must be very on time. Like, what kind of information? Like, would I like it? That you're, you sometimes are a pilot of commercial airliners. Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It's not on there. That's a really dark joke. It's not. Is it a dark joke? It's, yeah. I just thought it was something, I just thought that was the most extreme thing that could be on there that wouldn't be true. Yeah, no, I just almost died in a plane. So that was super fucked up to bring up. But it's fine.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Is that public information? I think so. You almost died in a plane? Yeah, but I talked about it on 60 Minutes. So we don't need to talk about it? You already did it? It's already out? I talked about it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You know who I told recently? Who? I met Larry David. You met Larry David. Yeah. You know who I told recently? Who? I met Larry David. You met Larry David? Yeah. You told him about the plane? Yeah. Because he has all sorts of phobias.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I have this problem where when I find out what somebody's phobia is, I was asking my friend about loving her child. And I was like, do you worry about them dying every day? And she was like, yeah, of course. Every day you worry. And I was like, that seems like a terrible, why would you have a kid? I feel the same way. And then I went into this documentary about, I can't remember the name of it. But anyway, murder, suicide, of course. Like every day you worry. And I was like, that seems like a terrible, like why would you have a kid? I feel the same way. And then I went into this documentary about,
Starting point is 00:24:46 I can't remember the name of it, but anyway, murder, suicide, toddler dies. Right. I can't, so I don't have kids. I'm 54, I don't have kids. Yeah, it's too much of a stress.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I'm not married anymore. I had two marriages, no kids. Yeah. There's stress involved in everything. I worry about kids I don't have right now. Same. Like, right? So are you?
Starting point is 00:25:05 I just have, I have general anxiety. I don't need to love something that intensely general anxiety that's not gonna no it's horrible yeah because how are you gonna let them out of the house how are you gonna let them sleep at night when they're really small you're just you're just gonna leave no i'm not gonna like let them have cell phones what if they're a girl and they get instagram then they look at like models and they're like why don't i look like that right or even if they don't like they got to make it through infanthood. What if they're a douche? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Which would probably happen. What the fuck does that mean? What the hell? Well, I mean, it seems like... Explain yourself. I'll try. You're intense and excited and you speak your mind. And in a youngster, that can be a little much.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Yeah. Okay. I agree. I am a loaded gun. Okay. Well, what are you upset about? North Korea. Yeah, that can be a little much. Yeah, okay. I agree. I am a loaded gun. Okay, well, what are you upset about? North Korea. Yeah, that's bad. I really am.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yeah, it's scary. Every day is scary, especially if you have anxiety disorder. Yeah. I'm the same way. I check my phone constantly. I'm filled with dread. You said it perfectly. I don't know what he's going to do next.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Sorry. It's terrible, right? You're making me sweat now i'm getting sweaty too anxious it is hot in here oh my god two general anxiety disorders what do you do for your general anxiety um nothing really i i just kind of you know life is is anxious there are things i'm never anxious for no reason if there's nothing to be anxious about that i'm calm and then when something comes along then i get anxious about it i feel like i'm pretty normal with that but your brain doesn't get overwhelmed with dread um you don't go that far my brain goes like from anxiety to like oh no we're all in trouble yeah of course
Starting point is 00:26:33 i guess i just feel like that's normal yeah right is it not i don't think so i think don't you have could you not be overwhelmed with dread that's a lack lack of intelligence, in my opinion. Well, okay. Okay. Some people would say maybe you should be on medicine. No, I can't go on brain medicine. No, I can't either. Yeah. But there's a lot of people on brain medicine.
Starting point is 00:26:52 No, they should be on brain medicine. I don't know what brain medicine is, but I can't because of work. I have to be able to just go fucking crazy. Right. But I think some people would argue with the idea that you shouldn't necessarily shouldn't necessarily be filled with dread all the time but i do i'm with you though i tried tm transcendental yeah it didn't take yeah how do you do that it didn't take i can't no i sat for like two minutes and then it's just like fuck this yeah because your brain's going and you like it seems like a waste of time yeah even if you have nothing better to do yeah i didn't
Starting point is 00:27:23 have anything better to do but you couldn't sit't have anything better to do. But you couldn't sit there. Yeah, but I couldn't. I was going to jump out of my skin. But did you pay the money for a thing? For the mantra? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have a mantra. Do you want to know what it is?
Starting point is 00:27:31 But then you can't use it anymore. What is it? It sounds like Sherry Lansing. I'd like to tell you the exact mantra. But is it based on Sherry Lansing's name? No, no, no. Now you have a knife. I do. I found a knife.
Starting point is 00:27:46 So, okay. So you're dealing with, you just live with the anxiety. Yeah. I just deal with it. Okay. No one got back yet? Why have you not? No, Darren hasn't gotten back. How's your anxiety handled the fact that he's not getting back to you? Oh, it's fine. But you're not really dating anymore, so it doesn't matter. No, no, no. We're very friendly exes. How does that happen? I'm friends with all my exes, actually. Is that true? Yeah. I mean, eh, one. But no, for the most part, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Because they want to be? Or because you just, do you just accept it? Or are you actually friends? I have a theory. I think it's because I'm blunt. I don't think that you can have any sort of bad relationship with anybody if you're just blunt. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Everybody always knows how you feel at all times. Right. And there's no lying. It's just honesty and but everybody's a good guy to each other all my boyfriends have been wonderful nick was it did any of them break your heart um exactly no no right no broke other stuff i didn't mean like that i meant like confidence there's just wreckage ceramic pieces everywhere glass yeah no broken heart so um see i think that'd be i think that would make a difference okay like if like you know if you were uh so i
Starting point is 00:28:55 have something to look forward to well i think the bluntness is a good way of keeping no i mean my heart breaks every time i go through a breakup it's not like my heart isn't broken they just never did anything to like devastate me. They were just good people. Oh. Well, good for you. Maybe that's also the secret. I'm attracted to good people. Are you?
Starting point is 00:29:10 I am. All the time? Yeah, it's really weird. It is weird. Yeah. Because it would seem, I would, I'm projecting though. I would think that maybe there'd be one like lunatic that you were attracted. I just mouthed to him, oh, there it is.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Yeah, of course. Yeah, of course yeah what about that guy he's still alive yeah yeah so all right so you started acting like when how old were you I was 14 when I went to New York but I was like I didn't really start working until I was like 16 and then I did an indie and was on a sitcom I know you've talked about this stuff before but you you just like you like, you just, you didn't get trained or anything. Someone just found you. Yeah, no, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I didn't have any training or anything. Um, but I mean, every time I do a movie, a director is an acting coach. So it's not like I'm, you know, just freewheeling all over the place, but no. Yeah. Cause Darren had amazing things to say about you. Yeah. Darren's wonderful. Yeah. Um, so I, I don't I don't um no I just got like discovered you know somebody took a picture of me on in New York
Starting point is 00:30:12 and then I went to modeling agencies and then they made me do like a cold read for like a serial commercial and then by that time I my I've always had an ego and I've been I'm so ambitious that by the time I got done with a serial yeah audition i was just like well i'm gonna be a fucking that's where it started yeah i'm gonna be a movie i have to be someone just found you and took a picture of you yeah i was watching street dancing in new york really i swear to god i'm not my whole life isn't based on a lie no i know that but i just get a look on your face it looks like you're trying to get me to be like all right no i admit it my dad is a chairman of everything yeah but but like but it's such an odd story so we're just like crazy walking around like oh look at that little girl i mean i hope
Starting point is 00:30:57 yeah i mean not as creepy as that yeah different tone like oh look at that little girl well she looks like she'd be yeah yeah it's not like as gravelly as yeah you just did it yeah look at that little girl where's my camera yeah um so yeah that guy in that sweet tone yeah took a picture of me and then and then and then followed you you were with your parents or something i was with my mom excuse me i was with my mom and we weren't he was like excuse me i'm a scout for modeling you know can i have your picture and i was just like well absolutely because like my whole life i thought i was butt-ass ugly because that's what I'm a scout for modeling. You know, can I have your picture? And I was just like, well, absolutely. Because like my whole life, I thought I was butt ass ugly because that's what my brothers always said to me.
Starting point is 00:31:29 So I was like, this will be cool. And then they took my picture and then, you know, and then also like anybody who's been in New York, like to visit, like you're just looking for shit to do. So we were like, this will be cool. We'll go to like modeling agencies. We didn't think anything would come to the meetings. But like as soon as we'd leave, she'd be like they just want our money um it's like they weren't even asking for money but she's like they want something yeah um and then i just talked about it yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:31:52 just just her innocence yeah um and then um yeah and then i just talked about it you know non-stop incessantly and then i i was like i'm leaving i'm going you're going to hollywood yeah well new york new york and then i eventually went to la when i was I'm going. You're going to Hollywood. Yeah. At 15. New York. And then I eventually went to LA when I was 16. And they let you? They let you go by yourself? Or who went with you? Somebody went with me.
Starting point is 00:32:12 This part is hard. So somebody went with me, you know, but she was gone kind of a lot. And I had this landlord that would try to like unscrew my locks with screwdrivers and be like, why are you not in school? And I'd like call the police. Really? Yeah. And my brother came locks with screwdrivers and be like, why are you not in school? And I'd call the police. Really?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah. My brother came out with me, but he was like 18. We were both like, we're going to die. You were both in New York. You were 14 or 15. Yeah, I was 14 and my brother was 18. So your mom and dad sent him up there to watch over you? Well, my mom and dad had to run the camp.
Starting point is 00:32:37 And then as soon as the camp was over, my dad was like, you have to come back to Kentucky now. And I had had anxiety my whole life. Yeah. And I was better. And, you know, I had all the, you know, I went to like therapy and, you know, whatever. Like I had like anxiety. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And I was happy in New York. So for a mom, that was hard for my mom to see. There was a real difference in my happiness. Do you think that it was like a riddle in effect of all the things going on around you? Like New York? Honestly, totally. Yeah. That's what new york new york is very it's calming yeah if you're anxious because it's like it's more anxious than you are yeah totally yeah it's a power it's got so much power to it yeah yeah and it was calming that's wild so when you went to therapists for anxiety what did they tell you i was such a i was so young i don't know i would
Starting point is 00:33:22 just like color and be like i don know. I feel dread all the time. Oh, I actually wrote a poem. I should have brought. I wrote a poem about my anxiety. When you were a little kid? When I was a little kid. And it was like, what if my brothers go to war? What if my dad walks out the door?
Starting point is 00:33:36 Oh, wow. So you're plagued by this forever. Oh, yeah. I was born with it. So did it disable your ability? Did you have friends when you were a kid? Yeah. I mean, I wasn't. like completely scared of everybody i'm free it didn't completely immobilize you so no i wasn't immobilized i'm still not immobilized by it it's not a big deal to me it's just nor yeah but when you're younger it stinks of course it does i got terrible cramps
Starting point is 00:33:59 i have a very emotional stomach i've learned yeah when i was young i would like get all these like cramps and they were unexplainable. It was too young for that. Yeah, for sure. Those kind of cramps. And it was just anxiety. And then I was on a press tour, and I was convinced that I had an ulcer. And then when I didn't have an ulcer, I was like, well, then I have stomach cancer.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah, sure. Because the pain is very real. And they were like, well, of course. And I ended up two or three times a month. Good for you. With different things. Pretty sure you have them. Consistently.
Starting point is 00:34:32 My doctor told me he was not testing me for Epstein-Barr anymore. But I finally feel like it took two weeks for the Epstein-Barr test to come back. And in those two weeks, now I have it. Does that make sense? Sure, you caught it. Now I have Epstein-Barr. You thought yourself into Epstein-Barr. Two weeks ago when I got tested, I didn't. Now I do.
Starting point is 00:34:44 How could you possibly have Epstein-Barr? You thought yourself into Epstein-Barr. Two weeks ago when I got tested, I didn't. Now I do. How could you possibly have Epstein-Barr? You're awake. Your brain's clicking on all cylinders. What would make you think you have Epstein-Barr? I don't know. Does it even exist anymore? It's a tangible disease. It's something, you know, I can grasp it.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Like it's possible and you can live with it and it seems, you know, it's a little vague. Yeah, yeah. It's vague enough that like, why wouldn't I have it? Sure. I don't really believe in anything. I just don't't know why if someone full with anxiety you don't go right to cancer all the time i do that of course i go to cancer all the time oh and then doesn't your doctor say look you don't have cancer yeah so the point is i get my white blood cells looked at you do yeah okay so you're a little hypochondriac you know i don't know where you're getting that
Starting point is 00:35:23 i'm just feeling it. So you get stomach problems and that's how your anxiety manifests itself. Yeah. I can't breathe. Sometimes my neck, sometimes my lower back. Oh, the back of your neck burns? Oh, your neck goes out.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Tight, tight. Right. But usually it's my chest. My shoulder has been clicking, which is either fibromyalgia. You have that too, right? That's like Epstein-Barr. You might as well have both of those.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I might as well. Yeah, it's been clicking and I think it's about to go out. So I guess I'm also having that problem. Can I ask you a question? Please. So do you think that you developed this panic and this need for attention?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Wow. Because your brothers were so like all consuming and like you were feeling left out. Cause I try to figure out why do I need attention with this sickness? Like, why do I have to go to doctor? My dad was a doctor and now I go, like I used to go to doctors, like I'm dying.
Starting point is 00:36:20 They're like, no, you don't. And I'm like, do you love me? You know? Right. Right. So like I was- I heard you talk about your dad to bruce springsteen yeah because we were similar yeah bruce was heavy but do you ever do you ever do you ever try to track the anxiety i i didn't think of it that way you could be totally right i saw it just more as fear i'm so afraid of being sick that i want to make sure i'm not sick. Right. But you're afraid of everything, right?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Maybe it was rooted in attention. I mean, we can't look past the fact that I am an actor. Right. Yeah. Need the love. That obviously is some sort of mental illness. It is a mental illness. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:36:54 A touch. But you happy with it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm thrilled with where it's gotten me. I'm happy with the results. Are you able to go outside and stuff yeah i actually everybody's always like oh my god it's really not bad i live a pretty like normal like it goes in
Starting point is 00:37:13 waves there are some times where like if i have a movie coming out or something it's a little more intense right but i don't know i i can you're not being followed no by paparazzi all the time no all right so you're 14 you're in new york and your brother's there and you're just you don't go to school no and what was summer okay and then you go back what kind of camp does dad have um it's a my mom started it it's a children's day camp just for regular kids yeah okay well no i mean it's not for... It's for everyone. No, I get that. But I mean... It's for, yeah, everyone. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Some camps are for special kids. I know. They can come too. Okay. All right. Yeah, everyone. You're equipped. They're equipped to deal with all kids.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yes, I think. So in... Let me text my brother. Yeah, get everyone going. No one's responding. Let me see if Darren responds. You know, now I'm just like, now I'm completely, I have no idea why Darren's not responding. Oh, now you have anxiety.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yeah. Right? This whole thing's causing me anxiety. I hate meeting somebody. My worst anxiety is social anxiety when I first meet somebody. Like this? Yeah, like this kind of scenario. But like, you know, I'm pict But I'm picturing nighttime, not working.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Right. Just kind of like anytime I meet somebody, I know that night I'm going to be met with just, oh my God, why did I say that? People you've never met before? Yeah, because I'm like an oversharer. And then sometimes, well, every time I overshare, I get anxiety. But then I'm also like, God, that's like so much to just unload on somebody. And then you drink too, right?
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah, I drink. Right. Why not? I just watched you host a talk show and it seemed like that. That I was drunk. No, you were very good. Oh. But the oversharing seems to get exacerbated when you have a cup of cocktails.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Right. Of course. Of course. I don't see what that has to do with anything. So what? Well, I could, I could go back to do with anything. So what? Well, I could go back to one of your stand-ups about Scottish people. Alcoholism is a disease, not a lifestyle to defend. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah. You were watching me then? Yeah. I told you. That's why I was nervous. All right. So you're in New York and you come out here and you're on Bill Ingvall's show? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And then on the hiatus of the Bill Ingvall show, I did a movie called The Poker House. But like, what was that? Like you did three cameras. So you just, you go right in it? I think it was five cameras. Five cameras? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Bill Ingvall's a comic. He tells stories. Yeah, he's very funny. And you played his like kooky daughter? I played his teenage daughter. Right, and you were a teenager. You were like 16? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And you're just out here. Do you have no parent? No, no, no. My parents, oh, sorry. I should go back. So my dad wanted to get us out of New York. I was like, this is crazy. Come home.
Starting point is 00:39:53 My mom defended me and was like, she's happy. I believe in her. And my brothers actually were the ones that came to the rescue. And they said, you went to all of our baseball games. You went to Florida, which was really far for us then. For the baseball? For baseball and all that kind of stuff. They were like to all of our baseball games. You've been, you know, you went to Florida, which was really far for us then. For the baseball? For baseball and like all that kind of stuff. They were like, this is our baseball diamond
Starting point is 00:40:09 and you have to support her. So my parents were like, okay. Let's just have the emotion of that for a minute, can we? Oh, that's sweet. It is sweet. I felt a little, I felt it. Oh, you did? I did.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yeah. But it also plays into my theory about the anxiety. Why? It's sort of like they should they had to be convinced to be there for your good time and supportive of it as opposed to my anxiety is telling me that you are telling me that i was faking being happy in new york so that i could continue acting no no what i'm saying is that the brothers knew innately that they got a lot more attention than you. Oh, maybe.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Maybe. I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm amateur. I'm amateur. I'm just following your thread. I'm actually worse than amateur. I'm like really, really listened to, but so not well trained or controlled.
Starting point is 00:41:03 In what? Just in life? Just like media. I tried media training and it was really helpful. I liked it. I was watching an episode. Media training? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:11 What is that? It's just where somebody tells you what you're doing wrong. In terms of presenting yourself? Yeah, just like don't look down so much. When was this? Like a month or two ago? Yeah. Well, I don't want to talk about exactly when
Starting point is 00:41:24 because if I did a really good interview, I want people to think that it just came out of nowhere. But no one's going to say like, oh, she was media trained. Clearly, that's all she's doing. I know people. There's a lot of assholes out there. Oh, I know. More.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah. Well, for you? No, I just mean period. In general? Now? No. Always. Always a lot of assholes, but now there's a lot more assholes who are proud.
Starting point is 00:41:48 No, full stop. There are a lot of assholes out there. Period. Always have been, always will be. Now there's a period. Got it. So, your parents, listen to your brothers. You are so eclectic.
Starting point is 00:42:01 You've got so many things in your pocket. There's so many things around the garage. My parents, no go ahead tell me do we need to apologize to the listeners you actually do remind me of darren in this in this do you guys have like a similar birthday or something jews oh jews oh well there you go now i can't That explains it. He's a little more of a, like, he's more of a professory Jew than I am. Yeah, I can see that. You would be like a professor of philosophy. Right, right. He's a math Jew.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I'm a philosophy Jew. Yes. Yeah. Right? Mm-hmm. So then my parents came to LA. So I wasn't alone in LA. My parents were with me.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Right. But so when you come out here, I can't, you didn't have any training as an actor. No. So you're working on, like, you're doing a sitcom and then you do the movie and then you do winter's bone which was great that's the one i first saw you in that's the one yeah where everyone was like who the fuck is that girl oh yeah and it was like in a good way no like at that time i i there was a slight amount of frustration when I was impressed with somebody. What the fuck is that? Where did she come from?
Starting point is 00:43:11 Did someone invent her? What is that? How do you, you know, and I think a lot of people said that. Oh, thank you. But isn't that the one that like did it? Yeah, yeah. Winter's Bone. And then when I was nominated for Winter's Bone, I ended up getting Hunger Games.
Starting point is 00:43:24 So then that pretty much sealed the deal. You were nominated for Oscar for Winter's Bone. And then when I was nominated for Winter's Bone, I ended up getting Hunger Games. So then that pretty much sealed the deal. You were nominated for Oscar for Winter's Bone? Yes. That was the first time. And you were like nine. Yeah. You were 12, 16, 19, 20. I was 18 or 19.
Starting point is 00:43:36 You were 18 or 19. I couldn't drink alcohol. I could have been 20. Fuck it. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty astounding, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:43:43 Thank you. Well, no. I mean, it is. Yeah. How did you feel when, isn't it? Thank you. Well, no. I mean, it is. Yeah. How did you feel when you get nominated for an... Who directed that? Debra Granik. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Debra Granik. So she books you because you were in another movie. No, no, no. She hadn't seen any of my movies. Nobody would have seen my movies. She certainly didn't see Billy. But there was only the one? I auditioned and they were like, she's not the look we're going for.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Right. Which I took as a compliment. Right. And then I went back she's not the look we're going for right which i took as a compliment right and then what was the look like billy yeah like you know a real yeah yeah you know the real thing yeah yeah um and then i went back yeah they were like you weren't invited but i went back anyway and then they moved like i just went when i just went to you wanted the role i didn't get the call back but i just went to the- You wanted the role. I didn't get the call back, but I just went to the place where they were auditioning. I was like, hello. My name is Johnson Jenkins. I was here the other day.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah. Try it again. Made it up. Yeah. And then they closed casting in LA, moved to New York. And then I took a red eye to New York, invited myself again to the casting. So I think at this point they were just frightened. You don't have an agent at this point?
Starting point is 00:44:44 No, I did. But they were like, yeah, if you want to go for it go for it yeah i mean still to this day my agents are like i don't i don't i don't know jen you just kept going you're gonna do whatever you want anyway just fucking do it yeah so you kept showing up showing up yeah and they gave it to you yeah and then finally with the red eye you know because you were tired they were like oh she's the perfect yeah look at look at the energy. That's exactly, yeah. I had my five o'clock shadow coming in. You were cranky. Yeah, cranky as a bug.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Intense, wide open, because you were tired and punchy. Yeah. Yeah. So that was, then history is made. But in terms of like how you handle the performance, like I talk to actors now, because I do some acting myself and i i really wasn't trained either except in college a little bit here i can tell you a little bit thank you but like my question is like you just innately do the stuff that you do i don't know i mean it's the the character's given to you it's in writing right you know yeah red sparrow my first initial reaction just from
Starting point is 00:45:45 hearing it was like okay she's russian um she's had to be a survivor on a level that me or any of you know anybody i know is never going to be able to understand right her entire body belongs to the state right um i don't know they give you the character and then you know you just feel sure no what they're feeling and then it comes out and pow. Yeah. And that's it. Cut.
Starting point is 00:46:09 That's the Lawrence process. I read there's pow written on his mug, by the way. Yeah, pow, I just shit my pants was a slogan. Oh, does it continue on to say I shit my pants? I don't do that plug anymore. It was a plug I invented for a coffee sponsor. They didn't like it. Don't ever do this with your facial hair again.
Starting point is 00:46:24 What do you mean? Okay. Why? I'm going back to it. No, I like the full sponsor. They didn't like it. Don't ever do this with your facial hair again. What do you mean? Okay. Why? I'm going back to it. No, I like the full beard. The full beard? Yeah. Oh, from the special?
Starting point is 00:46:30 I like that. I did that for a reason. I did that for acting job. Oh, I like it. You do? Yeah. I mean, this is like, what is that? Is it a mustache?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Is it a goatee? Is it a soul patch? It doesn't know what it wants to be. There's a patch and a mustache. Yeah. You don't like? No? No.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Really? I like the commitment. Either the full beard but yeah you live in highland park you gotta have a beard i'm on my way out man i've had beards you move into brooklyn yeah i'm gonna go back to brooklyn get some joppers and a hat all right so that's your process you just feel it yeah now let's can we talk about david or russell please you like that guy i love him He likes you. He loves you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:06 You're his muse of some kind. Yes. Well, I mean, I can't say that. But you feel it, right? Yeah. Are you doing another movie with him? Of course. I think maybe in the fall.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I don't know. Really? That quickly? Yeah, yeah. How did that relationship happen where it's so second nature for you to go, of course i'll just like do any movie that that guy wants me to do um i don't we just really i don't know we understand each other we we i think he's brilliant um he's complicated guy yeah yeah of course most brilliant people are complicated that's why i'm so easy going are you easy going oh my god i'm neither
Starting point is 00:47:46 you're not i'm not brilliant or easygoing brilliant i don't feel like easygoing um i think you're fun i think i would surprise you with how easygoing i am what are you are you defying me not really yeah that's like i'll show you i'll show you how easygoing i can be yeah um no but like he cast you when you were very young when Silver Linings, right? Yeah, I turned 21 on the movie. And I don't know. We just really clicked.
Starting point is 00:48:12 And I don't know what it is. I don't know. I mean, we have a similar sense of humor. Uh-huh. Similar sense of reality. Uh-huh. And cinema. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:48:23 We have those things in common. Well, it seemed like, it seems like with that movie, like after The Fighter and then Silver Linings that, you know, he sort of, he started shooting
Starting point is 00:48:31 in a very kind of visceral way. Yeah. Right? The Silver Linings was all up in, you know, your kookiness. I watched that movie
Starting point is 00:48:39 a couple times. Really? Yeah, it helps me. Oh, wow. Like I understand, you know, when people are that mentally fragmented the emotions uh uh cannot be helped and to to reconcile those yeah is uh is an amazing thing yeah the only way out is through but he put you know he had a lot of faith in you and you guys how what's your working process with him? I have to assume that with every director and you've worked
Starting point is 00:49:07 with a lot of big directors that they're molding you somehow in terms of acting. They guide you somehow. Yeah. So how did like Russell work with you? I mean, our process is kind of, I don't want to say private because that makes it sound, but it's like, it's magic. And David doesn't like talking about it because he's like, oh, it's magic. Why do we have to talk about it?
Starting point is 00:49:30 Yeah. I don't think he likes talking, period. Yeah. But I can start feeling, I understand him and whatever he is, even before we ever met, like his, I watched it, I heard Huckabees and I was like, who is that motherfucker? Who directed it? That is my exact sense of humor. Right like fucking fireman boots yeah um uranium um so i i i can start understanding you know when he when he starts writing something he's such a
Starting point is 00:49:55 beautiful writer and his characters is that it immediately clicks even before he's finished writing and yeah you know we talk a lot and during the writing process yeah i mean he's writing everything you know we talk and but now after since silver linings you know he writes with you in mind sometimes yes right yeah and then on set i don't know it changes for what we need sometimes he gets very he can almost put you like in a trans uh-huh um which actually led to my greatest pun when we forgot to audition a woman to play my mom and he got upset that he didn't put her in a trance. And I said, you missed your trance. Um, anyway, in which movie and, uh, joy.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Um, so, um, Virginia ended up doing it. She's fucking fantastic. Yeah. But, um, so that was before we met Virginia. Um, anyway, and then we go and said, he can either do that or he's also like, I grew i grew up like in sports and as i said this is why i'm friends with ex-boyfriends very blunt i appreciate blunt communication just like i don't you don't need to walk around me like i'm an emotional landmine and yeah i'm not sensitive it's not gonna like be amazing every time right so he's just like oh god that was so bad oh oh god and i And I'm like, really that bad, huh? And he's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:07 You know, do one, but like with no bullshit. And I understand what that means. Or he'll be like, faster, faster, say this. And I like it. It's really empowering. He really gives me, I feel like when I'm with him, it's like this creative outlet that is going to make me live longer. I don't go to the doctor when I'm on his movie. So it's like an active improvisation almost yeah like like you know like yeah but he's
Starting point is 00:51:30 coming up with all these characters right he's never not coming up with the most brilliant characters but he'll tell you while you're in the scene yeah to you know do it again or do it faster yeah you know try this try that yeah and he'll just keep going yeah well that's exciting yeah it's fun how was it working with Bradley? Bradley seems like a solid actor. He's great. Yeah. Well, Bradley, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I mean, we really, we work together really well. We should actually do something together again. We did Joy and Silver Linings? And American Hustle. Oh, that's. Yeah. Russell likes him too, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. He actually just directed a movie and I just saw it and that's... Yeah. Russell likes him too, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah. He actually just directed a movie and I just saw it and it was fucking phenomenal. Is it out yet? He's going to be one of the greats. He's going to be an amazing director. Really?
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah. Do you want to direct? Not anymore. That's out? Yeah. I don't... It's really hard. Really?
Starting point is 00:52:20 And there's just no glory. There's just... If it doesn't suck, then everyone's like, oh, okay. You know, it doesn't suck. And then if it's's bad then your whole life is ruined i don't know well this like how did the this is like what the fourth or fifth movie you did with francis lawrence too right yeah the hunter games yeah i repeat a lot of well they must like working with you well i hope
Starting point is 00:52:39 so yeah and this movie that you know did he pick you for Red Sparrow? He did. Yeah. And this is the first movie that's sort of like, it's not a superhero movie. Yeah. It's adult. It's your movie. Yeah. You're the one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:56 There's no superstar dude. It's a Jennifer Lawrence movie. Thank you. Yeah. That's why I really need people to go see it. Does it make you nervous? Yeah. Like it's all on you well yeah i mean i just want to you know i want it to do well right now i think i think people
Starting point is 00:53:12 are excited they always go they want to they want to experience whatever you're doing yeah i get more anxiety as i get i used to not even think about like when a movie came out i used to not know genuinely when a movie was really like the day would it would open and I wouldn't even know. I didn't look at numbers now. I'm like an adult and I'm like, no, it matters. A movie doesn't do well. That's bad. But you're going to be okay.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Thank you. I mean, like, are you going to go back? Do you have a craving to do like little tiny movies again? Yeah. I mean, because the last few movies have been fucking huge. Yeah, I know. I like Joy too. Oh, thank you. I wouldn't call joy huge would you no no no no but i i i mean i don't know what is no it was i wouldn't call it huge but i mean like x-men passengers well mother was mother
Starting point is 00:53:58 the red sparrow and then you have another x-men coming out. Oh, I forgot. There's an X-Men coming out. Yeah. Yeah, everything that I've got set up to do next, I think, is indie. I'd also like to start a production company and make indies. When are we doing that? I don't know. I mean, when are you doing it?
Starting point is 00:54:17 I don't know. Can't you just call a guy or a friend? I called the guy. I called the guy. I don't know what else I need to do. The production partner guy? Yeah. I thought you were going to get in on this.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah, I made some phone calls. I had a meeting,. I don't know what else I need to do. The production partner guy? Yeah. I thought you were going to get in on this. Yeah, I made some phone calls. I had a meeting, but I don't know what else I do. So let's talk about the Aronofsky thing. Okay. But wait, I want to talk about American Hustle. I had to watch that like four or five times. Why did you have to watch it four or five times? Because I didn't know what the tone was.
Starting point is 00:54:42 That's a hell of a critique. But do you know what i'm saying let me try like is this a comedy is this a legit like is this am i supposed to buy this right is this uh you know what is he trying to do a 70s thing is is there is there a genre happening there's only one moment of violence in a movie that should have been filled with violence it's a very weird thing where was the violence oh when he got the bag over his head no when de niro shoots the guy in the past that's the only time you see something oh yeah he did shoot somebody right but that's it yeah like i kept trying to like you want more violence no i i just didn't know exactly what
Starting point is 00:55:18 was in with joy too it's like they're unique movies tonally because you're like what's happening yeah how am i supposed to take this but that's that's something David finds humor in the reality of real life drama. No, yeah. I like them. I like them. Like that movie was sort of like, is this happening in a real time zone? Right. It's like, where is this happening?
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah. Is this real world? Yeah. I mean, we didn't even have a greenlit script when we started doing that. He was like writing as we were going. It was crazy. Can you explain why? Very exciting.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Where those ideas for him come from? Like if you're part of the creative process, do you know why he was compelled to make Joy? I don't know where the ideas come from. I just normally get a middle of the night phone call. Like, I got one. Yeah. You ready? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:56:01 And then it's like, yeah, let's do it. She invented a mop. You in? Yeah. That's how it goes. I don't know where he gets these ideas i mean his latest idea now that we might do in the fall it's just like he was trying to pitch it to me it took like six hours and i was like what and then his latest pitch was like i was like fuck yeah okay he tightened it up yeah he tightened it up i mean like it was like six hours and like david what oh my god so you actually talked through
Starting point is 00:56:23 the entire film with you, like the entire concept. You probably helped him out. That's probably why he loves working with you outside of your fun actress and your great is that she listens and I can do a whole outline in one phone call. And he didn't have to type anything. Yeah. She just receives it.
Starting point is 00:56:40 She gets it. That gives me confidence. There's just Xs over my eyes. I'm like Weekend at Bernie's. Got sunglasses on. Thank you for your help. Yeah. How did Mother happen?
Starting point is 00:56:52 Mother, I've been a fan of Darren's. Which one's particular? Well, Pi, you know, was brilliant. The wrestler. Wrestler, I think, was one of the best films ever made. Right? Yeah. So when I heard he wanted to do a movie, to meet with me i was like yes and so he came out to atlanta because i
Starting point is 00:57:11 was shooting passengers we met he told me he didn't hadn't written anything yet it was just kind of general themes and he and i are kind of on the same page you're on the same page the environment we both believe that climate change is real. So, you know, that was big. That's a strong stance. So he was just throwing out these huge themes and it just seemed just brilliant to me. And the way he wanted to shoot it, like a three month rehearsal process I had never really rehearsed at all. So that was going to be interesting. And I don't know, it just seemed like a bundle of brilliance that I wanted to be on board with.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And as a filmmaker, I trusted him. He pitched it as an environmental movie? He pitched it as an allegory for a multitude of things. Because the creation of mankind was the creation of religion, which is the creation of war and the difference in languages. How long did it take him to pitch the idea that he hadn't written yet to you? Eight and a half hours. No, I'm just kidding. He beat David O. Russell.
Starting point is 00:58:11 No, he flew in, pitched me, left. The whole thing was probably like an hour and a half. And then I was like, he's hot. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's got big ideas, that guy. Yeah. I remember I was holding my dog and I shut the door.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And when the door shut, I went, Pippiippy that's called sexual tension that was it yeah well that was it for me but he didn't he played hard to get for like nine months nine months yeah maybe longer i don't know wow yeah which just killed me and how long did it last um well i mean if we if we count everything i mean i feel like two years oh yeah yeah i have been saying two years for so long, and he's like, it's been like six months. And then, I don't know. I think two years. Yeah. I mean, I was in love with him for two years.
Starting point is 00:58:51 And then it went away? Yeah. No. I still love him very much. But you're not in love with him? Oh, my God. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm oversharing.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Is that a publicist word? Yeah. It's a media training word. But when you look at the final product of Mother, what was your... I loved it. I love it. I think it's brilliant. I do, too.
Starting point is 00:59:15 That's what I was going to tell them. I'm surprised that they opened it as big as they did. I feel like our house release would have been a little more... We can't expect everybody to be like like did you see that allegory movie you know but um but it is it's it's i think that it's the closest thing to perfect that i've ever seen and what we thought we were making it was even more beautiful i mean the the camera has its own language yeah i don't know i'm really proud of it. I love it. Yeah, there's nothing like it, that's for sure. Coming from Razzie nominated Jennifer Lawrence.
Starting point is 00:59:49 I got nominated for Razzie. A Razzie? Yeah. What is a Razzie? It's a worst performance of the year award. Really? Yeah. Yeah, I'm a nominee.
Starting point is 00:59:59 It's okay. Jack Nicholson actually got nominated for a Razzie for The Shining. Oh. So I feel okay. So you're in good company? I feel okay, yeah. Like when somebody asked me, like after I watched it the first time, because I didn't see it and the conversation with Darren was limited, because I didn't watch the end.
Starting point is 01:00:15 By the time I talked to him, I'd only gotten up to before it got crazy. And he's like, well, you've got to watch the end, because that's where everything happens. And then did you? I can't remember what you said. I did. I watched it, and I thought about it, and he didn't explain the allegory to me yeah but apparently everybody different stuff with that oh really yeah because i was like you know
Starting point is 01:00:34 if we don't tell people what it is and they're not they're not going to see you know the beauty behind it they're not going to know what they're looking at but he's an artist i was like i made it like you either get it or you don't get it which you know he's correct and where did you where are you coming from on this i was coming in on you know i'm gonna i'm gonna talk about it okay and talk and he was like like you're just like my agent so you're gonna do whatever the fuck you want anyway so well i mean my takeaway initially was that it's very difficult to be in a relationship with a creative person no no we really we did not have a difficult i'm talking about in the oh in the movie oh okay my my my takeaway was don't marry an artist oh totally amen yeah yeah don't but then it turns
Starting point is 01:01:15 out so i don't marry anything like that it was no no no i wasn't projecting okay all right i'm just saying you know i didn't think that had anything to do with a very clear communicator he has no he's just like a very good, genuine man. No, I think that's true. That was my takeaway with him. But he was trying to get it all in. It's like a very complicated Bob Dylan song. He wanted to make a Bible.
Starting point is 01:01:40 He wanted to have everything in there. Yeah. So what happens now you're going to do the the sparrow movie's going to come out you're going to run around you're going to act charming on television and do those shows that's a well thought out plan yeah um try to get people to i mean i'm not worried about red sparrow we're not even doing that that crazy of a press tour because the proof is actually in the it's a great movie so i'm not worried about it and then when that comes out i don't know i, I don't really have anything lined up. I'm pretty busy.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I, you know, my head spun off last year when Trump got elected, so I kind of threw myself into corruption and politics, super PACs, lobbyists, blah, blah, blah. So I'll keep myself busy with that. What are you doing? How are you helping? Nothing. I'm just... You're thinking about it? Just spinning around every day. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. The sky is falling. You know, I think I actually might do a tour with Trevor Parker, who's just brilliant.
Starting point is 01:02:33 He's a lawyer. He's a Republican. And he was the chairman of the Federal Election Committee. So he's passionate about getting Trevor Potter, sorry,ter sorry trevor potter um about getting um money out of politics as well so just kind of touring people touring around just talking to people about about corruption because we get to a place where we can have a state-by-state vote then hopefully we can pass anti-corruption legislation you know like marijuana and gay marriage how they how they pass and not have to go through Congress. Right. That's the plan. That's the plan.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Do you ever want to do like stage work? Never. Never? Mm-mm. Why? Because I'm not like cocky enough to think that I'm like an actor. Like I'm just a, I'm a film actor.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I don't think I would be good on a play. But what if they give you a play that was like perfect for you? And I'd be like, let's make this into a movie or a miniseries. So what are you, like, what are you going to do now?
Starting point is 01:03:31 Today, when it happens? I was thinking like, we could just hang. Really? Get something to eat? Are you hungry? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:36 I am actually hungry. There's cute places around here. Yeah, cool. Let's get lunch and then, you know, I got a fitting
Starting point is 01:03:43 and that's my day. You know, Amy's actually staying in my neighborhood. You should come over. To over there? Yeah. What's she doing staying in your neighborhood? I don't know. She's renting a house for something.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I told you I don't ask questions. But she has another house? She's working. Well, she lives in New York. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So she's renting a place in my neighborhood. Oh, that's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:03 So you guys hanging out? Yeah. All right. So this was good, right? mine. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. So you guys hanging out? Yeah. All right. So this was good, right? Has it been an hour? It's gone by so quickly. It's been more than an hour. Should we do more in case I want editing power?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Sure. How about let's get into some of the difficult questions. So who are you mad at? so like what do you what's who are you mad at what um what's going on did are you dating anybody i'm not no are you yeah cool she's a painter oh my god really dean paintings have i seen the paintings you should see them i would love to show them she's got a big show coming up in London, though. Cool. I don't know if you're going to make that one.
Starting point is 01:04:48 No, I won't make that. Well, actually, I am going to London. When? In like a couple weeks, I think. Is that- For press? Yeah. Will the show be going on?
Starting point is 01:04:57 April, no, it starts April 17th. Oh, no, I won't be there. I'm going to be doing a show in London the 16th. You like abstract art? I was just about to ask if it was abstract because I do like abstract art. Yeah. I don't know anything about art, but I like it when I could just look at it and be like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:13 But is it art? Yeah. How's your mom? My mom's great. She's cool. Still got the camp? No, my brother runs the camp now. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:05:22 Yeah. The middle brother. The other one's in tech. The other one's in tech. And they're happy now. Yeah? Yeah. The middle brother. Mm-hmm. The other one's in tech. The other one's in tech. And they're happy about your success? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah, they're happy for me.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Do you have a house in Kentucky? They don't want to be actors, which is good for me. I don't have a house in Kentucky. I have a place in New York and LA. Yeah? Yeah. And maybe I'll have a house in Highland Park. Yeah, just like, do you have your checkbook?
Starting point is 01:05:47 I have a black hammock. Does that count? Yeah, I can run it. I have a square somewhere. I can do it on my phone. It'd be a bargain. Cool. Have you done,
Starting point is 01:05:56 do you want, some actors you need to work with where you're like, I gotta get that done before I get old or they die? Oh. Anybody? Does there anybody you want to work with that you haven't been able to yeah i mean obviously you know gary oldman oh yeah i think daniel day lewis is retiring so that ship sailed i really think he's gonna um i don't understand
Starting point is 01:06:18 that he's not old or anything is he just exhausted from all the work he puts into a role i have no idea did you watch phantom for it i I got through about three minutes of it. I put in a good solid three. It takes a little longer. Oh my God. It takes a little longer. I'm sorry to anybody who loved that movie. It takes a little longer.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah. Well, I couldn't give that kind of time. It was three minutes and I was just like, oof. That's what I did with Mother and look what happened. I locked in. Okay. I'll try it. I mean, is it just about clothes?
Starting point is 01:06:48 No, it's about two people. Right. But is he kind of like a narcissistic sociopath? And he's like an artist, so every girl falls in love with him because he makes her feel bad about herself. And that's the love story. This is purely just my, i haven't seen it so i don't know he gets he gets he is a little narcissistic no he's getting a little ocd
Starting point is 01:07:10 yeah yeah yeah i've been down that road i know what that's i don't need to watch that movie no not with darren oh my god i didn't mean that i did not even i have dated people that nobody knows about so that is something to keep in mind. Okay, let's... No, nobody would know who they are. Oh, really? Yeah. Like before show business? No, I can date unfamous people while still being famous.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And they don't talk about it? I guess not. I like nice people. Wow. Yeah. You don't know. I'm making this whole thing up. All right, so now we've gotten into the land of fiction maybe darren texted me
Starting point is 01:07:48 nope let me see oh my god every time i don't i don't i look at my phone and he hasn't texted i get your anxiety is this live yes it's going out to millions of people it doesn't go out it's not live i was saying that's why he's not responding. He's probably listening to it right now and being like, No, it's not. It doesn't go out live. Okay. What did you eat for breakfast? I had two sausages, something that was purple, like maybe purple potatoes and two eggs over easy.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Sweet purple potato? Yeah, maybe. Those are good. I literally never had that food before. Where'd you eat it? I have a chef that drops food off and I heat it up. A lot of people do that. Is that good?
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yeah, it cuts down. I don't have to cook, you know. You don't like to cook? I know how to cook. Yeah. I don't like to unless I'm like trying to like impress a guy or something. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:37 And then like as soon as I'm seeing somebody, I'm like, oh my God, I made like roasted chicken and potatoes. And then when I'm single, I'm just like. Bring it over. Yeah. I'm just like bring it over make me something bring it over alright well I don't want the security guy
Starting point is 01:08:49 to get nervous so thank you for coming thank you for having me I think this went well I think so yeah when will this air I don't know
Starting point is 01:08:59 if we're ever gonna air it for wait what what do you mean it's gonna air forever I'm kidding I don't know there really should be like a timeline We're ever going to air it. Wait, what? What do you mean? It's going to air forever? I'm kidding.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I don't know. There really should be like a timeline on interview. Don't you think? Of course, we're going to air it when the movie, when's the movie coming out? March 2nd. So that's probably where we're going to do it. Like around that. So do you have an embargo or is that just like your choice? Well, no, we're doing, I mean, you wanted to do this.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I asked to do this podcast. I've literally never asked to do anything. was it was it suggested to you no i texted my publicist i can probably find the text bitch i texted my publicist and was like i want can i do mark maron's podcast and she said no problem what'd she say it's gonna be months ago i'm not don't worry about this is a fake gesture it's fine i just want to make sure that this was a good experience for you did i did i show up for you i think so yeah i mean i'm insecure about it yeah i feel like now i'm just gonna spiral in anxiety oh god oh that's gonna make me spiral let's i feel like everything was fine we talked about we talked about my upbringing i'm from Louisville, Kentucky I went to New York
Starting point is 01:10:06 when I was 14 LA Hunger Games Oscars we got it David O. Russell but was there anything new about it is it just stuff
Starting point is 01:10:13 you just churned through before did we do anything that was like unique to us that we can hold on to I mean other than like our psychosis like not really
Starting point is 01:10:24 but I mean what you want me to ask you something yeah how old were you when you lost your virginity 17 you i was younger than you why i i was a little bit of a bit of a mess it was not a great experience it wasn't nobody's first time was a good experience how old were you i'm not not going to tell you that. What do you mean? Why can't you? Quit for a quote. I just lured you into a false sense of security and I apologize for that. No, I don't. I've said it before.
Starting point is 01:10:53 I'm not feeling weird. Oh, okay. Yeah, I don't want to. Like 15? Oof, yeah. Oh, boy. So you play the guitar? I do.
Starting point is 01:11:07 How long have you played the guitar? Since I was 11. Do you think you're good? I do. Are you good? I'm good. Oh, you know what? You talked about this in your stand-up. You've chosen not to ruin your life,
Starting point is 01:11:15 like ruin the guitar for yourself. You just recently watched my special. I did recently watch your special, but I've been watching it for years. No, I believe you. I'm not questioning this. I think we're good. Okay. And I appreciate you coming years. No, I believe you. I'm not questioning this. I think we're good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:26 And I appreciate you coming over. Thank you for having me. All right, that's me and Jennifer Lawrence. I think I'm going to... That was fun, right? It was good. I enjoyed it. I think I'm going to forego the guitar playing
Starting point is 01:11:44 because I'm feeling tired and under the weather to get tickets to any of my shows at the Ice House in March or my European tour dates in April go to the tour page at and get some tickets alright
Starting point is 01:11:57 I gotta rest Boomer lives! Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets
Starting point is 01:12:52 its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Calgary is a city built by innovators. Innovation is in the city's DNA, and it's with this pedigree that bright minds and future-thinking problem solvers. Innovation is in the city's DNA. And it's with this pedigree that bright minds and future-thinking problem solvers are tackling some of the world's greatest challenges
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