WTF with Marc Maron Podcast - Episode 920 - Rachel Brosnahan

Episode Date: May 30, 2018

Rachel Brosnahan related to the pressures and insecurities of standup comics when she got the lead role of a 1950s standup in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. That's because she feels constant dread as an a...ctor, going from project to project, always worried it's not going to go well. Rachel compares notes with Marc about being a standup vs. being an actor, learning the craft in school vs. learning on the job, and why working on episodic television may be the best training for actors. Sign up here for WTF+ to get the full show archives and weekly bonus material! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated
Starting point is 00:00:32 category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. It's a night for the whole family. Be a part of Kids Night when the Toronto Rock take on the Colorado Mammoth at a special 5 p.m. start time on Saturday, March 9th at First Ontario Centre in Hamilton.
Starting point is 00:01:06 The first 5,000 fans in attendance will get a Dan Dawson bobblehead courtesy of Backley Construction. Punch your ticket to Kids Night on Saturday, March 9th at 5 p.m. in Rock City at All right, let's do this. How are you? What the fuckers? What the fuck buddies? What the fucking ears? What the fuck Knicks?
Starting point is 00:01:37 What the fuck a ruse? How's it going? How are you? I'm Mark. I managed the place. Yeah, I managed this place i'm uh if you have complaints let me know uh try to keep it uh on the level i don't know what the fuck man some days i wake up and you know like yesterday i felt great but now i've been doing the sugar detox
Starting point is 00:01:56 and uh i don't know i don't feel great today drank a lot of tea you know'm off the coffee, but man, you drink enough Assam tea, you get to this level of intensity, of clarity. There's a different type of, it's sort of a hyperspace of aggro. You got to really work at it, though. You got to drink a lot of it. God knows that just because I got off coffee doesn't mean I'm not going to figure out a way to get what I need out of everything else. That's just the nature of it. That's the nature of the compulsion did i mention i don't think i did i mentioned yet that my guest today is rachel brosnahan who is the actress on the show the marvelous mrs mazel which
Starting point is 00:02:38 i like i like i didn't think i would but i do so. So she'll be here. That was nice. She's pleasant. Hey, you know what I'm starting to realize, people, is that during this age of horror and excitement, we're probably going to see just who everybody really is. It's a weird thing. It's a weird phenomenon that trickles down from the monster at the top of the pyramid is that now everybody's sort of shameless it's sort of like hey man maybe i can shoot from the hip hey man maybe i can take some risks hey man maybe i can say some shit that'll upset some
Starting point is 00:03:15 people hey man maybe i i can do some some uh bad business some some uh morally dubious uh business behavior and just personal behavior. Maybe I can get away with that. But you know what we're seeing is that it seems like only the president remains unchecked. Everybody else has got to take the hit. But we're going to see, you know, if we make it through this with any semblance of a reasonable system and decent people persevering, I wonder if a lot of these people are gonna are gonna pay the price look we've all got a price to pay i know but there's a certain there's
Starting point is 00:03:53 a type of shamelessness that's going on that's just sort of mind-blowing and it is the shamelessness that trickles down from the top like it's interesting to me a lot of people are like can you believe rosanne of course of course i can rosanne donald trump kanye west same sickness you know if there's a hall of fame for narcissists they're at the top of their game like this is if you've got the platform if you really think about narcissism i don't know if I've said this before, everyone's a little narcissistic. I am. But there are a few people that are actually pathological narcissists, narcissistic personality disorder. It's the one thing to be a little narcissistic or even to be utterly self-centered. It's a completely other ball of wax to actually have narcissistic personality disorder because that is almost unhelpful. In the world of narcissism who if
Starting point is 00:04:46 somebody thinks it's all about them it's all about them they see no boundaries they are there is no real distance between them and their extension of their brain into the world at large whatever the world that is that they live in that the ultimate success for narcissists is to make it all about them and trump has done that on a global level he is the the the the ultimate success as a narcissistic person as it puts someone with the personality disorder he won now there are these other people with platforms that are equally as narcissistic uh and and have different talents and and are not you know without talent or creativity. But if their platform is big enough, there's a jockeying going on for who can maintain
Starting point is 00:05:32 the most of the public's attention, the world's attention, the culture's attention at any given moment. And Roseanne and Kanye are right there. There's a triad right now. Culturally, there's the president who is the the narcissist in charge and then there's these sort of satellite narcissists who also have very large platforms but but the the symptoms are all the same when you when people ask me about rosanna it's like what do you what did you of course what do you expect i mean look at her twitter feed for
Starting point is 00:06:02 the last seven years listen to her interview on here. What? Like, it's jarring. It's surprising. She said a horrible thing, and now she's paying the price for it. People pay the price these days for doing horrible things. That is everybody but the president. So I'm just going to read these to you and see.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Maybe it'll resonate. But I think it was interesting because I found it poking around doing my research on narcissism although i didn't call my father the seven deadly sins of narcissism these two guys hotchkiss and masterson i guess identified what they called the seven deadly sins of narcissism and it's pervasive because it's a little bit contagious because everybody wants to everybody wants to make it about them. And now everybody has the resources to sort of at least think that it's sort of about them. You put it out there in the world. Number one, shamelessness. Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism and the inability to process shame in healthy ways. Two, magical thinking. Narcissists see themselves as perfect
Starting point is 00:07:05 using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. You can also just maybe put lying in there. They also use projection to dump shame onto others. Three, arrogance. A narcissist who is feeling deflated may reinflate their sense of self-importance by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else. Now, everybody's done that to a certain degree, but we're now seeing it on a global level. Four, envy. A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person or their achievements.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Five, entitlement. Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority and the perpetrator is considered an awkward or difficult person defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage. Huh. I got a little of this. Six, exploitation can take many forms, but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other person is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Seven, bad boundaries. Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist
Starting point is 00:08:44 and are expected to live up to those as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations in the mind of a narcissist there is no boundary between self and other so if you fight back then it's either you fighting back at yourself or you got to get rid of that but anyways the reason i just look at this is because this is the prominent disposition in cultural discourse in a broad sense right now so if narcissists see no difference between themselves and their extensions of themselves or people that comply with them that there's just an extension of them that there's got to be all these willing components right there's a bunch of willing components that's the idea of the narcissistic supply so the base is trump's narcissistic supply i guess that's one of the
Starting point is 00:09:32 reasons i have such a weird kind of defensive boundaried reaction you know to like i don't see any difference between the disposition of someone like rosanna someone like trump someone like kanye the narcissist you know in your life that's what's guiding the world and in and with that as a leadership all of a sudden everybody feels like you know they fuck it it's all about me too i can do whatever the fuck i want there will be reprisals though i believe local state personal, personal, cultural levels. I don't think it seems very difficult to reign the narcissist in chief in. Apparently no one made any rules for that. Just norms.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No rules. Norms. He's breaking all the norms. It's unprecedented, i.e. fucked up and scary. These norms might, maybe someone might want to make note of the norms that are being broken and maybe try to make a little handbook a rule book of things that they have to do so we don't all become you know just appendages of this narcissistic shit show anyways that's just sort of what i'm thinking about a little you know all right rachel brosnahan i'm about you're about to hear me talk to her and the show is the marvelous mrs mazel which
Starting point is 00:10:54 honestly as i said before i didn't think i would like because i'm a comic and there's something about being a comic when they make shows about comedy or stand-up in particular no matter what era it is you're like that they're gonna get particular, no matter what era it is, you're like, are they going to get it right? Am I going to buy it? How can she, how can he, how can they act like a stand-up? I've never seen anyone do stand-up who's not a stand-up and make it seem like it's stand-up.
Starting point is 00:11:19 But there was something about this show that I grew to really like. I liked the period. I liked having a strong female voice in a time where they didn't exist like the character Mrs. Maisel. There were definitely strong female voices around in stand-up, but they were very specific. But there was something about backloading a real strong sort of coincidentally, accidentally feminist voice into this era that I thought was a very amazing device. And I'll talk to Rachel about that.
Starting point is 00:11:48 But yeah, the show is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. And this is me and Rachel. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently,
Starting point is 00:12:17 we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly.
Starting point is 00:12:58 This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. So what are you out doing today? What are you doing? Just this? It looks like you're a little dressed up. Yeah, no, I'm sort of doing the rounds. I know, I feel so strange with so much makeup on for a podcast. No, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I'm sorry there's not a camera. We'll take a selfie after. It'll be a great. It'll be the best selfie I've ever taken. Great selfie. No, I'm sort of doing that thing where we have like a. You run around, do a press day? Yeah, well, it's press and we have one week to to do everything before we go under into
Starting point is 00:13:45 shooting our second season you haven't shot it yet no what are you waiting for that's crazy i know it takes time i know i just i just shot glow but i mean but are you done now yeah but we've been done a while you have yeah like a month or two i feel and i gotta go do adr today so we're that done wow i'm living under a rock. Yeah. No, I mean, how would you know? But I mean, but it seems like that you would have been done in post already. No, we just started. I mean, we just shot part of our first two episodes in Paris, which was cool. Oh, right. I ran into Shalhoub the other day. Oh, did you? Yeah. Did you run into him? I did a roundtable with him. Oh, yeah. Amazing. Yeah. How was it?
Starting point is 00:14:25 It was good. It was good. You know, it was an odd group. It was me and Tony and Ray Romano and Tracy Morgan and Louis Anderson. That sounds amazing. He told me he was talking about just having gotten back from Paris. Yeah. We just got back.
Starting point is 00:14:40 What would you do there? What was the angle? The family visit? I can't give too much away. No, I just got back. What would you do there? What was the angle? The family visit? I can't give too much away. No, I know. Yeah. But we are there with the fam for part of the first two episodes. And so we were there for three and a half weeks.
Starting point is 00:14:54 No kidding. I think I'm still jet lagged. Although Tony went to Lebanon after that. So he's probably all kinds of fucked up. Oh, did you hear that story? No. That's pretty. Maybe I should have him on.
Starting point is 00:15:03 No, he went back to sort of search his father's history, really. And he found not only the village, but the house. He did? That his family came from. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, that's pretty cool, right? Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I haven't seen him since we got back here. Have you been to Lebanon? You got a Lebanon story? No. Nope, not yet. Now I need to get one and come back. But where are you from? I'm from Highland Park, Illinois, which is a suburb like 30 minutes north of Chicago.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Not a Jew though? No, no, no, no. You play a Jew, you're not a Jew, and you grew up in a Jewish area. Yes, exactly. Yeah. So did that help you familiarize yourself with? I think so. I mean, I grew up, my dad tells me this story that he didn't tell me until very recently.
Starting point is 00:15:49 But I apparently, when I was five years old, came home really, really distraught from kindergarten and was like, Daddy, what is my Hebrew name? Everybody has one. I was really upset about it. But I think I did. I spent a lot of time immersed in and welcomed by Jewish culture and community. Yeah. And they don't know it, but I borrowed a few pieces from some of my friends' mothers for Midge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah. Yeah, like what? I can't say otherwise. She's going to figure it out. Well, you can't say the name. Well, you have to say the name of the person. No, some of the obsession with the kid's looks, you know, like her giant forehead and just sort of some of the speech patterns, I think.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Right. Yeah, I'm sure, probably. Borrowed from one of my friend's mothers in particular. Yeah, I didn't grow up around Chicago Jews, but I grew up around New Jersey Jews. So, you know. How different? Michael Ziegen's from New Jersey. Which one is he?
Starting point is 00:16:47 He plays Joel. There's a difference. There's slight differences in accent and culture, but not much. I mean, I can't always put my finger on what it is that makes Jews so specific and annoying. But I say that as a Jew to a non-Jew. But there is a, like you were able to sort of focus in on some of those idiosyncrasies. They're real. But we also have brilliant writing.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You know, Amy grew up with a comedian dad. Who is her dad? It's not Alan Sherman, is it? Don Sherman, I think. Don Sherman. I hope I'm getting that right. Yeah, he was a comedian. He was a stand-up.
Starting point is 00:17:27 She says he did a lot of cruise ships. Oh, yeah. Made a living doing cruise ships. A ship comic. Yeah, yeah. Oh, so she- And Tony recently came across, although I haven't heard them yet, some of his stand-up and said it was great.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Oh, yeah? Yeah. Well, Amy's got to have some of her old man's stand-up. I mean- Yeah, right? Yeah. So, all's got to have some of her old man stand-up. I mean. Yeah, right? Yeah. So, all right. So, you're growing up there.
Starting point is 00:17:48 How do you say, where's your last name from? Brosnahan? Brosnahan. Wow, yeah. Nobody ever gets it right. Really? What do they say? Oh, a whole lot of things.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I'll give you a list. Brosnahan. Come on. Brosnahan. Brosnahan. Brosnahan. Yeah, sure. And then there's just the pause. Yeah, sure. And then there's just the pause.
Starting point is 00:18:07 There's Rachel. And then I know it's me. And then you say your last name. And I'm like, it's me. Well, those are all the Gaelic, the proper pronunciations. What is it? Is it Irish? It's Irish, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It looks like classic old Irish. Yeah, this is crazy. But a couple years ago, my extended family on my dad's side who were Irish, we all went out to Ireland and went to Brosnah, which is this teeny tiny town. Yeah. I'm not actually exactly sure where it is, but teeny tiny town. And it was wild. There was this graveyard and every single person in it was Brosnan or Brosnahan.
Starting point is 00:18:43 We all hail from the town of Brosnah. Oh, so we're Pierce Brosnan? A couple of glasses of Guinness on the ledge. Of the grave stones? Is that Pierce Brosna? Is it Pierce Brosnan? What is his name? I think so.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Brosnan. Yeah. I assume we hail from the same tiny part of, from Brosna. Brosna. Yeah. Where'd you spend time in Ireland? Because I love Ireland and I've only been there a little bit. Did you really do the whole country kind of deal?
Starting point is 00:19:07 Not really. I mean, we stayed. It's been quite a few years now. We went to, I know we went to Blarney. We went to, oh, what's that? Dingle. We went to Dingle. We sort of drove around a little bit.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Like the coast or something? Yeah. Dublin. Did you go to Dublin? We flew into Dublin. Right. But we only spent the night there. And you got a car, drove around with the family?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Yes. Turns out my mother's the only person in our family who can drive stick shift. So she drove us all the way. Stick shift on the wrong side of the road. Yes, exactly. She's from England. Oh, so it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't too confusing for her.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I found it. The idea of it sounds terrifying to me. Horrifying. To try to remember that shit? I would never. I would kill us all. Oh, you'd have to drive so slow. Yeah, I'm not a great driver anyway.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I mean, I live in New York. Right. We don't drive anymore. Oh, you do? I've forgotten, yeah. Oh, you don't live out here, huh? No. Not yet.
Starting point is 00:19:56 No, no. I don't think, I lived here for about eight months after college, and I threw in the towel pretty quick. What? I couldn't do it. Couldn't take it? Not for me. No.
Starting point is 00:20:07 But you were a child. I was. Now you're a little older. I like seasons. Yeah, I know, I know. I know. I lived in New York forever. I mean, I lost time out here.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I feel like I blinked and eight months went by. Yeah, no, there's no way to feel time going by. It's confusing. It's very odd. Is it nice or just confusing? No, I don't know. It's something about the climate. It's confusing. It's very odd. Is it nice or just confusing? No, I don't know. It's something about the climate. It is annoying.
Starting point is 00:20:28 You do feel kind of at sea here. Do you know what I mean? It's an isolating place if you don't have an active social life or you aren't propelled that way. Whereas in New York, you can just go down the street or meet your friend at the place
Starting point is 00:20:44 and take the train. Yep. You can make spontaneous plans. Here, it's like there's no way you can make spontaneous plans with someone in Santa Monica. Everyone's so flaky. I mean, I just feel like they're not, I don't know. People are flaky?
Starting point is 00:20:58 Here, yeah. Well, it's like it's a big deal if you're going to drive somewhere. That's right. You know, if you're going to drive somewhere. It better be worth it. Well, yeah, it could take three hours out of your day yeah right do you live in brooklyn i live up in harlem okay so like but like so you can meet anywhere in the city yeah you know within and be there within 25 minutes totally really yep except brooklyn i mean i yeah
Starting point is 00:21:19 a little higher up in harlem so it takes a little bit longer sometimes and the trains are all fucked up now so they're always all fucked up. I mean, especially now. How are they going to fix them? I don't know. I mean, isn't that part of Cynthia Nixon's new campaign? I hope so. I hope so, too. I'm not in touch with New York politics.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I'm too overwhelmed with national politics. But I do know they seem to have put that shit off for a while. It's all piecemeal repairs. And it's not happening fast enough. I mean, on the weekend, everything's crawling. The express trains are stopping between every single
Starting point is 00:21:48 local station. It's a mess right now. Well, I mean, I used to do a bit about that, about how like in New York there's always a guy in a hole.
Starting point is 00:21:55 At all hours of the night there's a guy standing over a hole with a light. It's like two in the morning. It's like, what are they doing? That sums up
Starting point is 00:22:03 the New York experience. It can't be good whatever they're doing if it's 2 in the morning and they're doing it now. Yeah. Well, when else are they going to do it? That's the only time that people aren't completely relying on the train. It's true. I hope they get it fixed. But it's like out here.
Starting point is 00:22:18 It's like traffic. It's like it's never going to get better. Where are they going to build a new highway? I know. Anyway. Well, that's what I talked to an uber driver once about that he was saying that i don't know if this is true but initially that was the hope for uber was it would reduce traffic because more people would take them together yeah i would take groups uh you know group in an uber yeah yeah that seems
Starting point is 00:22:38 a little idealistic it does i find that anybody out here if you don't have a culture of public transport that shifting people over to it even to u, even to a train, it's sort of like, nah, this is like a car culture. It was invented out here. Anyway. So how many brothers and sisters do you have? I have one brother and one sister. What kind of Irish family is that?
Starting point is 00:22:56 I know. Not a very good one. Failed Irish family. Are you both your parents of that ilk? Irish? Catholic-y, Irish-y? No. My mom's British.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Oh, great. Totally British. Oh, totally British. Yeah, and my dad is not Irish himself. I think his grandparents were Irish. Oh, so it's just kind of, yeah. Passed down too far. Oh, so you didn't grow up with the Catholic thing. No. That's what usually creates the multitudes.
Starting point is 00:23:17 No, I think they were. My dad grew up Irish Catholic. Yeah. And without saying too much about it, very few of his siblings are still Catholic. Oh, really? They turned? Yeah, they turned to the dark side. They're all heathens now. Oh, good. Well, I don't know what's darker. I mean, as the news comes in, it turns out it's not the greatest church in the world.
Starting point is 00:23:39 I know, I know. Well, yeah, my dad's one of six. Oh, there you go. He has five sisters, yeah. Oh, really? And you know them all? I do. Yeah? Yeah. And what's your sibling situation?
Starting point is 00:23:48 You got what? They're little. I mean, not teeny. Younger than you? Yeah, they're younger than me. My sister is 19. Yeah. And my brother is 24.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Oh, yeah? Yeah. What are they doing? My brother's working in banking out in Denver right now. Banking in Denver? Mm-hmm. Huh. And my sister is in college and she plays soccer.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Soccer. Soccer and banking. Yeah. And you're a little TV star. Yeah. Yeah. So, all right. So, you're like, when do you start doing the song and dance routines?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Song and dance? No, I mean, yeah. When does it happen? When do you start doing acting? My stomach just, oh, I meant literal song and dance. My Song and dance? No, I mean, yeah. When does it happen? When do you start doing acting? My stomach just, oh, I meant literal song and dance. My stomach just dropped out of the bottom. I'm so horrified with the idea of singing. Like I was going to ask you to do it?
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. It's like, come on, sing. Singing makes me want to die. When did I start doing it? Yeah, like in high school? Yeah, I think I always liked, I always liked performing. Right. You know, I liked all the little school plays.
Starting point is 00:24:45 You did those? Yeah, Spring Sings. Those were my jam. Spring Sings. What are those? I've never heard that before in my life. You sing in the spring. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. With a bunch of people? With a bunch of other kids. On stage? Yeah. So you do like to sing. They're pretty terrible. Why'd you get freaked out?
Starting point is 00:24:59 I mean, I like to sing. I'm a terrible singer. I don't want to sing in front of anyone else. But you didn't do any musicals? I was a part of a group. Okay, okay. I'm a terrible singer. I don't want to sing in front of anyone else. You didn't do any musicals? I was a part of a group. Okay. Okay. I did do musicals. There was a period of my life where I thought I could sing. And then I went to college and they made you sing in front of all your classmates. And now I'm scarred for life. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:16 It was too scary? It was absolutely horrifying. I feel that way too, but I've done it a few times lately. Have you? On what? I go, when I play guitar with people, sometimes I'll sing it a few times lately. Have you? On what? When I play guitar with people, sometimes I'll sing some songs. And I have a slight lisp anyways, but when I sing, it seems to be accentuated. And I notice it. I don't know if other people notice it. I wouldn't have noticed until you told me.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Although I've been told I have one too. You do? A little bit, yeah. Yeah, I'm full of speech impediments. It's terrible. I have bad L's. Do you? I can barely say that one. But of speech impediments. It's terrible. I have bad L's. Do you? I can barely say that one.
Starting point is 00:25:46 But you just said it. It sounds fine. L. I say them in my throat. Like L, so there's no real la. It's just like, ah. It doesn't matter. You spent a lot of time thinking about this.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Like now I am. Yes, I have spent a lot of time thinking about it. I never noticed. No, people don't notice because as long as you're communicating what you want to communicate. But if you were a speech therapist, you'd be like, I can help you. Yeah, but that's for better or for worse. Right. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Yeah. So, okay. So you're doing spring sings? I did some spring sings. Yeah. Many spring sings. And musicals in high school? One or two?
Starting point is 00:26:18 I did a couple. Yeah. Yeah. I was in Cats. Oh, yeah. I was. In a high school production of Cats? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:24 That must have been great. It was pretty Cats. Oh, yeah. I was. In a high school production of Cats? Yeah, yeah. That must have been great. It was pretty fantastic. Yeah. Yeah, I think we spent all of rehearsals for Cats very stoned. It was extremely enjoyable. Yeah. Yeah, Cats was great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I was in the Scarlet Pimpernel. We really reached out. You did big shows. Yeah, we did. Was it a big high school? Was it a big, rich high school? It was a pretty big high school with a pretty heavy focus on the arts. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah. You lucked out. Was that just a public high school? Really? Yeah, an amazing public high school. Are your parents in the arts? Are they into arts? What do they do?
Starting point is 00:26:56 No. They're not in the arts, but they enjoy them. I think more so now that I'm in them. Uh-huh. Sort of had to. Were they nervous when you did it at first? They were so nervous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Well, what's your dad do? My dad was in children's book publishing. He published children's books? Yeah. Any big ones? No, they did. They had a big partnership, I think, with Disney. They published a lot of Disney sound books,
Starting point is 00:27:21 you know, the books with the buttons, and it speaks to you in all the different languages. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Was it his publishing company, or he just worked for him? He worked for him. Uh-huh. Yeah, but he was the vice president of the international division,
Starting point is 00:27:32 so he traveled a lot. Of children's publishing? Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah, it was cool. I mean, how does a guy end up there? Did he have a pension for that, or he was just in the publishing racket? He used to work for Golden Books.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Uh-huh. Are they a children's book company? They did children children's books do you remember those little books with the golden spine oh yeah sure yeah so he worked for them that's where he started i guess this was the natural progression yeah moving up it was cool we had so many books growing children books yeah plenty i read a ton yeah but i mean after a certain age i would think that would you don't need i mean i no longer read the sound books no not anymore in high school right he doesn't send you a big bunch of sound books i mean that would be fun well he's waiting maybe someday you'll have a kid and he'll be able to yeah exactly he'll pull out the boxes and boxes that will happen
Starting point is 00:28:19 it will and your mom did what she do she raised us us. Oh, yeah? Big job, yeah. Yeah, it is a big job. Three of yous? Three of us. Yep, three little rascals. She just barely got done. She did. I know. So this high school, so art focused, and you know you want to act?
Starting point is 00:28:36 I did. I think I didn't always know that you could do acting as a career. You didn't? No. I mean, I watched movies and i i always wanted to do theater i guess that's all that's all i saw it as was theater was how you became an actor you never oh you just would watch movies but i guess i didn't make that association at some point you do read an article where someone makes 20 million dollars for doing a movie and you're like wow i
Starting point is 00:29:02 guess you can do that i think that came. People weren't talking about that so much then. I don't think so, yeah. But you knew you wanted to do stage? I did, yes. Yeah. And then what was the next step?
Starting point is 00:29:12 You graduated high school. Were you a good student? I was all right. Really? Yeah. Just all right? I was okay. I mean,
Starting point is 00:29:18 I think I was smart and good at testing and I liked learning but I didn't always like what I was learning about and so I was kind of bored and didn't yeah try as hard as I should have right or lock in yeah like if I was really passionate about something I would I loved it I would learn everything I could about it what were those things I loved to read um and I love fiction fiction yeah mostly
Starting point is 00:29:41 fiction uh I feel like when I was younger i started reading a lot of fantasy books lord of the rings and harry potter oh yeah you did that yeah all of that i think that's kind of what we want to be an actor oh yeah yeah it's like the fantasy realm like imagining worlds that i could now you're playing this fantasy character of a female stand-up comic in the 50s right who actually had a point of view and a voice. Yes, exactly. How lucky am I? It's a complete fantasy character. A little bit, huh? It is, yeah. But no, but I think that's what's great about this show. So when you graduate, what's the next step for you?
Starting point is 00:30:17 You tell your parents you want to pursue acting? Yeah. You do, right after high school. I think during high school I kind of, I want to be an actor. They said, you have to go to college. And I started doing research about schools with good acting programs. I went to NYU.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Oh, you did? Yeah. But did they do that thing where it's sort of like, you have to get an education and act? Like, did you try to do that? Yeah, well, that's one of the things that was nice about NYU.
Starting point is 00:30:40 We had to take a lot of other classes. Tisch School? Tisch. Yeah. It was a BFA but it was an academic heavy BFA I was a psych minor which I loved uh-huh uh and I feel like even with the theater classes that we were taking I learned so much about other things the theater studies classes that we took yeah I took a class about Native American theater studies. Yeah, about avant-garde theater and the history of it and LGBTQ theater studies. It was really
Starting point is 00:31:10 cool. Native American theater studies. What was that like? What was some of the stuff? Do you remember any of it? Not a whole lot. Other than that, I loved it. And we went to see some theater in New York about the kinds of storytelling. We had a wonderful Native American teacher who was really passionate about the arts within the community. That's pretty wild. Yeah, it was really cool. Yeah. So like mythology and stuff?
Starting point is 00:31:36 Some mythology. It was mostly about how stories were used culturally, the specific sense of humor with which stories were told. We created pieces. I feel like college was all kind of a blur, but I really loved that class and specifically loved that teacher. Yeah. And did you do a lot of experimental theater? I didn't do a ton of it, but I loved seeing it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah. I took an avant-garde theater studies class where we went once a week to see a show. We were able to see a show in a small black box theater. Exactly. All these different theaters all over the city, mostly in the Lower East Side. Did you see any of those, what was that guy's name, Foreman's play? Yeah, yeah. Was it Richard Foreman?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Richard Foreman. Yeah, a lot of things going on. Yeah, wacky. A lot of action. Yeah. A lot of things going on. But really moving. I mean, I think it was a Richard Foreman show at the Public that going on. Yeah, wacky. A lot of action. Yeah. A lot of things going on. But really moving. I mean, I think it was a Richard Foreman show at the Public that we saw.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Oh, yeah? Idiot Savant, I want to say. I think that was Richard Foreman. Yeah. And it was really moving and scary. Really? Yeah. I remember seeing one.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It reminded me of like Marx Brothers because there was so much going on. What was it? Do you remember? I don't know. It seemed like when I was living in New York, he was doing a play every week. Yeah, yeah. And it was on St. Mark's or somewhere.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yes, exactly. Right? There was just always posters up, you know, Richard Foreman. That's right. And there was, you know, how is it possible he's got another play up already? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:59 His brain works a million miles an hour. Yeah, I don't know what he looks like or what he does, you know, anything about that guy. Yeah. I don't know if he's still alive. Other than that he made a play a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And then I finally went to see one and it was pretty overwhelming and great. I felt the same. Yeah. Did you go to like the Worcester group and stuff? We didn't go to the Worcester group, but the professor that we had, I believe had done some work with them. Yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:20 So, and then, okay. So tell me what you, you took psychology class too? I did. Yeah. A bunch of psychology classes. You liked that stuff? I did. Yeah. Yeah. So, and then, okay, so tell me what you, you took psychology class too? I did, yeah. A bunch of psychology classes. You like that stuff. I did, yeah. Yeah. Was it because it was easy or because?
Starting point is 00:33:33 No, I felt like it went hand in hand with theater. Oh, yeah. It was an exploration of the mind and of the history of psychology. Sure. And illness and how we think about it too yeah yeah what was your first big experience on stage in new york you know i didn't i didn't do a full production in college really just bits yeah mostly scenes from shows they really that wasn't part of the uh curriculum to do a full show i think at certain studios it was. NYU has a whole bunch of different studios. And
Starting point is 00:34:05 I was sort of trying to get my feet on the ground acting professionally while I was in school. Right. What was the studio you were in? I was in Strasburg. Right. Yeah, we cried a lot. You cried a lot in Strasburg. What were the other ones? I just talked to somebody about this. You did? Who? Kristen Bell. She went to NYU? Yeah, for a couple years.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Oh, cool. Like, I don't think she finished out because she got cast in a show. Oh. But, like, she was telling me about all the different schools, and I didn't realize that, that you could kind of go to all these different things. Yeah. I mean, they place you, but there was, gosh, I feel like it's been a million years, but it actually hasn't.
Starting point is 00:34:43 It hasn't been that long. A lot's happened since then. That's true. It was, so I was in Strasburg been a million years, but it actually hasn't. A lot's happened since then. That's true. It was, so I was in Strasburg. Yeah. There was the Stella Adler Studio. Yeah. Meisner.
Starting point is 00:34:51 All within the school. Yeah, under the NYU umbrella, under the Tisch umbrella. But you didn't have to go down to Meisner, right? You could do it in the NYU building? No, I think it was. Okay. We were at the Strasburg Studio, which is also its own independent school. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I see. I see. So they kind of subcontract. We were all over the city. Right. Yeah. Right. But they had their own teachers.
Starting point is 00:35:11 They had separate NYU teachers. Who were obviously adept at that particular method. Yeah. And some of them crossed over. Right. Meisner, Stella Adler. Playwrights Horizons. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Atlantic. Oh, yeah. The Mammoth Trip Horizons. Atlantic. Oh, yeah. The Mammoth trip. Yeah. Cap 21. Stand there and do your line. Find your mark and do your thing. See, is that it?
Starting point is 00:35:32 I wouldn't know. We never had any interaction with any other students. Dude, just save the line clearly. You clearly have worked with Mammoth. Well, I just interviewed him and I always had a problem with his particular way of doing things and I talked to him about it. I was going to say, did you tell him that? What did he say?
Starting point is 00:35:50 Well, no, I mean, it really comes down to what I've found with actors. It's like whatever method you're going to do or however you're going to apply them or the many that you do, it's like there is an element of you either got it or you don't. Yeah, it just has to work, right?
Starting point is 00:36:04 Well, yeah, it has to work, but also you have to show up with a certain amount of talent for doing it. Yeah. I mean, you know, I mean, you can get better at whatever it is, but what makes somebody great and what makes, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:36:16 it's not going to be repetition. I don't have the answers. Yeah, no, but okay. So you're doing Meisner, not Meisner, you did not Meisner, Strasburg. No, I did Strasburg, yeah. So, and what was that process? Like, how does that work?
Starting point is 00:36:27 It was crazy. I feel like somebody once said to me, and this is kind of true, that they wanted to turn you inside out all the way and then turn you right side out, then shake you out. And hopefully your skin goes back on the right side of your body. Yeah, it was intense. It was really intense. So that was the sort of obliterating this yourself the sense of self like you just become emotional mush all the time we were we were pretty mushy yeah yeah i had you know a couple quarter life crises i feel during that
Starting point is 00:36:56 time um but it but it was nice to be in new york doing that it felt like we were less in that college bubble that felt honest happens. We're really doing it. We're really doing it. We're crying every single day. We're at the Strasburg Institute. So you had a teacher that had a certain amount of gravitas and weight, right? Yeah. Was he an old person? I had a couple teachers every year.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Front in Strasburg. Yeah. We had more than one acting teacher and a lot of, you know, we had dance and singing, like I said, traumatized. But that was in Strasburg, right? It was. Really? Oh, okay. So the whole umbrella of the education took place there. So you did dancing and singing.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Just the performance part took place at Strasburg. So we took dancing, we took singing, we took Tai Chi, which was an adventure. Oh, really? Yeah, we took voice and speech, which is how I learned about my lisp, just like you. And yeah, we took acting. But I did. I had a couple older acting teachers who I love. Well, yeah, but the crying thing is that that seems to happen during scene study.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yes, exactly. During those, yeah. We did a lot of- to happen during scene study. Yes, exactly. During those. Yeah. We did a lot of notes at scene study. Yes. No, before that, we did a lot of sense memory training. Oh, so that was real method stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah. Does that work for you? It does. It does work for me. Yeah. But it doesn't work for everybody. You know, it's like you got to find your own thing. And I don't do it exactly like I learned it in school.
Starting point is 00:38:24 What do you mean? Find something sad to cry about when you need to cry that basically pretty much that's pretty much it i'm just gonna leave it there yeah yeah no for all different kinds of smell that sandwich i get hesitant to talk about it because it's sad the minute you start talking about it you sound absolutely bad shit i don't know if that's true. I think actors get self-conscious talking about craft because- Yeah, craft and process. Right. Because what I've found talking to actors is that some people are just sort of like, I'm not going to do that or not so much I'm not going to do that, but they say like, well, I take a little from everything I've learned and whatever, that it becomes a natural thing. It's
Starting point is 00:39:03 hard to identify what your craft and process is, but there are things that you do. Yes. Well, it's so individual. I think that's why people, at least that's why I have a hard time talking about it sometimes because it's such a, it's such a vulnerable thing. Is it? Craft and process.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah. Well, I find, I mean, I find acting so vulnerable in general. It's the, I've said this many times now, people ask a lot about, about the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Midge and how confident she is. And I've said many times that one of the hardest things about it has been,
Starting point is 00:39:31 has been finding that confidence while performing. That's something I find really scary and challenging and I feel like talking about it too much makes it worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Confidence while performing within the character or while performing the character at all? You mean like by doing, for doing comedy or just. Just while performing. Oh yeah. Like the idea of performing feels like you're, you're, you're putting something out there that is sort of soft and squishy and leaving it open to, to judgment and so many people's opinions about it.
Starting point is 00:40:04 and to judgment and so many people's opinions about it. And you just hope that you're doing justice to brilliant material. Right. And also that it's fulfilling in some way. Sure. But I find that whole thing really vulnerable. So that's why I start talking about process. And I'm like, I don't know, you touch some stuff sensorily and then you cry about it.
Starting point is 00:40:23 No, it's not just crying. I feel like that was the joke. But it was a lot of different things. Trying to reach the height of all different kinds of emotions and learning how to access them. Manage them. Manage them and manipulate them as you need to. I've had one person on here admit to doing animal work. Animal work.
Starting point is 00:40:43 You know, we did animal work in high school sure i've never told anyone that's your big secret word is out we did animal work here comes the quick bait oh god yeah that's the title rachel brosnahan on animal work yeah but uh but no i i mean it's it's that's an interesting exercise. It is interesting. But I've not, like, who was it? It was Paul Dano, I think. Oh. Who copped to doing a little animal work for something.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I think it's useful sometimes. I don't, you know, maybe I'll start doing more animal work. No, I mean, I don't. You've inspired me. Whatever anyone gets there. But I find that, like, for some people, I guess acting is sort of a job, right? Yeah. Yeah, it is a job, obviously.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Of course. But, you know, then there's people that, you know, like just want to make the most out of the nuance of getting to the part. You know, like however deep anyone wants to get in their process, whatever the fuck that is, that might just be, you know, how they enjoy the work. I was going to say, that's my favorite part. Rehearsal is my favorite part. That weird work that you hope that there's no fly on the wall witnessing in your apartment bathroom or something. That is my favorite part.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And that's why it's hard to talk about, I think. It is. It's personal. It's personal, but it's also hard to articulate what it is and why it's enjoyable when really so much of it feels like torture simultaneously well yeah no I get it you know but like you know just having done some myself you know I kind of try to if I were to really to think about for me it's like before they before a scene starts you kind of like have to get into the present
Starting point is 00:42:27 and have to see who you're talking to yes and like all that stuff yeah but those are real practical things yeah yeah and how to get out of self-consciousness somehow yes yeah i mean i i've i've truly spent so much time and this is not part of any method that i learned but probably some article i read on the internet have when I'm feeling like, you know, I'm having trouble accessing that self-empowerment have definitely stood in the mirror in my corset and tights and all kinds of 1950s under armor with my hands on my hips and power pose, like breathing into the mirror. I got it.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I'm going to do it. I've got this. Yeah. Well, so, but that was, this was your big break because you did, you won the, you won a Golden Globe, right? Yeah. And you did, you got the Critics' Choice Award as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:21 That was big. I was there. I was there at both of those. You were? I didn't see you. Not the Golden Globe. I was at Critics' Choice and I was at the SAG Awards. Oh, nice was big. I was there. I was there at both of those. You were? I didn't see you. Not the Golden Globe. I was at Critics' Choice, and I was at the SAG Awards. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Yeah, we weren't at the SAGs. Congratulations, by the way. Oh, thank you. I got nominated. Yeah, I know. That's exciting. It's very exciting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Your work is amazing. Oh, that's very sweet of you. I appreciate that. It's really, really excellent. I'm doing everything I can. I love it. So, I appreciate that. But this was, you kind of I'm doing everything I can. I love it. So I appreciate that. So, but this was, you kind of kicked around in TV a long time. Yeah. Really? Right. So when did
Starting point is 00:43:51 you graduate from Tisch? In 2012. And you did a movie right away. I don't remember exactly what happened. Really? On the timeline of when I graduated. Did you do Beautiful Creatures? When was that? That was right as I was graduating. So I finished a semester early. And I think that was between when I finished and my actual graduation because I missed my college graduation to do that movie. Yeah? Yeah. Was it worth it?
Starting point is 00:44:17 Sure. Yeah, I mean, graduation. Who's in that movie? Who were you working with? It was Jeremy Irons, Emma Thompson, Vi viola davis wow alden ehrenreich how big was your part you have a good size part no it was it was a i mean it was a pretty small part it was one of my first one of my earlier jobs but it was amazing i worked with emma a little bit and a lot of stuff alone. I played like a crazy witch.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Uh-huh. Yeah. Oh, good. Who killed people with my eyes. Oh, good. Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty fun.
Starting point is 00:44:50 See, like, you don't seem like the kind of person that would kill people with your eyes. So that's it. They must have a lot of faith in you. We've only spent like 30 minutes together. Yeah. There's still time. Oh, good. Maybe by the end, you will need to kill me with your eyes.
Starting point is 00:45:03 But so you primarily, you did a lot of work in television, really. Yeah, I did a lot of guest star things. Did you do any, I'm like, you didn't do any, did you do any of the procedurals when you were in New York? I never did Law and Order, which I'm, now I feel like it's a badge of honor. There is still time. There is still time. I imagine it's never going to go off the air you can always
Starting point is 00:45:26 go back to the lawn or you yeah you didn't do soaps oh you're happy you didn't do a lawn order no i was dying are you kidding me i was dying to do lawn order i think i auditioned for lawn order about 1200 times really when you're in new york oh yeah i auditioned for all of the lawn orders you know there were three of them on the air at once. Right, because that's what you do when you're in New York. You do a Law and Order. Usually in New York, you do a Law and Order, you die, and then you come back as a totally different character on more than one Law and Order.
Starting point is 00:45:53 No one's paying attention. I know. You just spread it out a few months. Really, I'm just offended that nobody ever. Oh, now you're going to get a Law and Order, and you won't be able to do it, because it'll be like in fourth position. I can't.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I simply can't do Laudanore. But what did you do? Like, did you do, like, I know you did House of Cards, but there was a few things before that. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I did an episode of The Good Wife. Oh, yeah? I think my first job in New York, my first TV thing in New York, which was a blast.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Who did you do the scenes with? Christine Bransky and Julianna Margulies and, did I say her last name? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah. And Michael J. Fox. It was his first episode or first of a couple episodes. Oh, that's like big. It was amazing. You know, I've been, I think about it a lot now, but I've been so lucky, mostly in small roles early on, I've been so lucky, mostly in small roles early on, in single episode guest stars or in roles like that small role in Beautiful Creatures, to have worked with older actors who have been around forever, whose careers I'm completely in awe of, who have been so kind to me. And probably don't even remember, but like little moments that completely changed my life.
Starting point is 00:47:06 It's wild that like, like what? Like, you know, that you can remember. Yeah. Well, I mean, I remember so many of them and truly like they probably don't remember this at all. Of course, right. I remember my first day on Beautiful Creatures. Yeah. Emma Thompson. In the film, I was playing her great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother in some flashbacks.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And she ran out of the hair and makeup trailer, gave me a huge hug, and said, we're so happy you're finally here. And I about died. But was also just like, then I felt so good coming onto a set that I hadn't been a part of necessarily.
Starting point is 00:47:39 They'd been shooting for weeks already. And I was young and new and nervous as shit yeah and that made me feel so much better you know and then i remember it still i'll never forget it it's like you're you're sort of welcome to the community yeah yeah and from somebody who's been a staple of the community for such a long time and he was so smart and articulate and talented and um and and even working on the good wife i remember michael j fox uh i like i said i think it was my first job in new york i was shooting uh my coverage and he told me that i should look towards his outer eye so that i would open up further to the camera
Starting point is 00:48:18 tiny little thing but it taught me something nice great a trick. Yeah, a little trick of the trade from, again, someone who I've admired. I mean, I quickly forgot, I think, but from someone who I admired for such a long time. Yeah. Michael Kelly on House of Cards was the same way. Yeah. Have you ever talked to Michael?
Starting point is 00:48:39 No. You should. Yeah. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He's so insanely talented. And Michael used to call my agent after we worked together and tell him that he loved working together. Oh, that's nice. And I was newly with this agency.
Starting point is 00:48:58 We shared an agency. And it meant a lot. And it, I think,, solidify my standing. Sure. Sure. And, um, it's just,
Starting point is 00:49:07 it's nice to, you know, when you start working with these cats who have been working in it forever and you show up on sets, like I just know this. So like, even when I was doing my own show, when you'd have these actors that you've known your whole life show up,
Starting point is 00:49:19 but there's that weird moment where like, there they are. And then you're like, no, he's just a guy. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the best part. Yeah. He's a guy doing a job and he's a nice guy yeah you know yeah it was uh
Starting point is 00:49:30 yeah so that must have been a big the house of cards and you were on a lot of those yeah i did quite a few and that got you that the weird kind of like episodic training i would imagine to to sort of like have to go to work and do it for over and over again, the character. Well, that one was interesting because it felt more like shooting a film. Yeah. And I think Fincher always described it as a 13-hour movie.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Oh, you were in that first season? How many seasons? When were you in it? I was in the first, I made appearances in the first three seasons. So were those all Fincher? Was that before he split? Just the, he was involved,
Starting point is 00:50:02 but I was the first, I think he only directed the first two episodes. Oh, okay. At least when I was. Yeah, yeah. But it was something that was only supposed to be a much smaller thing. Right. An episode or two.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Right. And it turned into a couple seasons. And it was a blast. But don't you think doing that kind of episodic stuff, that's the real training, right? Yeah, yeah. And developing a character that I think hadn't already been developed. Right. That was such a gift. that kind of like episodic stuff is like that's that's the real training right yeah yeah and developing a character that i think hadn't already been developed right that was such a gift yeah that the character was developing before my eyes and i was learning new things about her every week and getting to stretch my muscles it was a type of role that i wasn't being seen for at all at
Starting point is 00:50:40 that time what would you how would you describe that um well she you know she was a she was an ex-prostitute yeah uh or was still a prostitute in the first episode it was a little more mature than some of the things that i had been being seen for i was being seen for a lot of 16 year olds kind of asexual 16 year olds and because you could play young yeah i could play yeah yeah uh and so that was new yeah it was also a lot darker than anything I'd really tried over a long period of time. And I feel like I, I really feel like I grew up with that character. I learned something about being more grounded and present from playing that role. Oh, that's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:21 It was probably a little riskier. Yeah. It was scary. Yeah. Because like, that's not. Yeah. It was probably a little riskier. Yeah, it was scary. Yeah, because that's not your life. Right. And then you've got to make this type of character credible. Yes, and I was so nervous. I felt like I struggled for a way in.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I was doing a lot of research and then realized that she's just a person. She's a person who's struggling to find her identity. And that was at that time when you're you know i was like 20 i feel like that was so much of my own experience through a completely different lens and it was it was amazing it was an amazing time yeah and then that's when you really sort of like it you start to realize like it's in the script yeah so you know you got to show up for that thing yeah right like you know like you can go out and like stay up all night or you know read about hookers all you want yeah but ultimately it's it's there right like that's that's the thing that i started to realize well my show was a little jokier but like doing glow
Starting point is 00:52:15 it's like this guy's on the page yeah you know you're you know you you don't have to you can do whatever you want to you know to to get to him. Sure. But it's here, right? It's there. It has to live and breathe. It's there on the page, though, right? I've done improvisational shows, which are fine. But I'd rather do the script. Me too.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I agree. I can riff pretty good, but ultimately you're going to end up at yourself if you improvise. Yes. Right? That's what I've always found anyway. I don't know if that's true for all improvisers. Well, no, yeah. Some guys are, you know, yeah, they can do it in character forever,
Starting point is 00:52:50 but like, but you know, you can only think so deep as the character. I also appreciate the collaboration. I really love that on films that's in plays, everyone shows up and has one job, you know, or sometimes multiple jobs, but there's brilliant writers creating these worlds and the characters, the costume designers, at least for me, I love costumes. They change the way I see characters and they change the way we all see characters.
Starting point is 00:53:16 They inform so much about who these people are and hair and makeup and set design. It's, it's a. Well, when you're doing a period piece, it's a big deal, especially that period you're working in now. Me too. Yeah. Well, yeah. Mine's a little easier to access.
Starting point is 00:53:31 You can still get the clothes from my period. You can for us too. I just learned about dead stock. Do you know about dead stock? What is dead stock? Okay. I hope I'm getting this right. Otherwise, my costume designer is going to kill me.
Starting point is 00:53:40 But I think it's just clothes that were never worn, that still have tags on them that have been held onto and preserved from the time. Oh, in storage and from the year. Yeah. At a show business wardrobe warehouse kind of thing? I'm not sure where they come from or where they're kept, but yeah. Where is dead stock kept?
Starting point is 00:54:00 I did have a pair of shoes though on Maisel that were dead stock. They were still in the package. Wow. And I put them on and they have a pair of shoes, though, on Maisel that were dead stock. They were still in the package. Wow. And I put them on, and they were a pair of little ballerina flats. And whatever was the sole of the shoe just crumbled. I was like, I think this is lead. I've got to take these off.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Some poisonous shoes. Yeah, exactly. I don't know what it was, but it just fell apart completely. Oh, my God. So what was Manhattan? I don't know what it was, but it just fell apart completely. Oh, my God. So what was Manhattan? I don't know what it is. Manhattan was a show about the Manhattan Project, about the building of a bomb in the 1940s. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I'm sorry. I didn't know that. No, please. Short-lived, but it was... But it looks like you did a lot of episodes. Yeah, we made 20 series. And it was supposed to go on longer? I mean, ideally, all series go on longer.
Starting point is 00:54:44 What network was it? WGN America. Hmm. Yeah. And you work with Daniel Stern. Yes. Yeah. That guy, I haven't seen him in a while.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah. Did you do a lot of scenes with him? I did a few scenes with him. He directed maybe two episodes. How was that? Amazing. Yeah? He's a great director.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah. He's really passionate about it. And he's done, I think, a fair amount of directing. But he was so passionate about it and i'm not he's done i think a fair amount of directing but he was so passionate about it he gets actors he was so kind um and excited about the material wow great great writers on that show too yeah sam shaw did you learn a lot i did we also got to shoot in santa fe which i've fallen in love with completely that's my home state i know that place yeah i grew up in Albuquerque. A little bit different from Santa Fe.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah, but it's an hour away and I'm hip to it. I was just up in Santa Fe. You go further north, that's where it's really at. Taos, right? Not quite. Yeah, I mean, Taos is all right, but up in Chimayo where Georgia O'Keeffe's house is. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Yeah, Taos is pretty. I haven't been up there in a long time. I used to ski there when I was a kid. I've only been to Taos once, but the drive up to Taos, I think I enjoyed more than Taos itself. It's so beautiful. Yeah, that's killer. Did you go to Georgia O'Keeffe's house? I didn't go to Georgia O'Keeffe's house.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Oh, you've got to go check that out. I've been to the museum, which I love, in Santa Fe. Oh, yeah. You can go to her house. Where is it? Is it in Chimayo? No, it's Abiquiu. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Abiquiu. I try to go once a year out that way. Well, it's really worth it. Like, the museum is great, but you just, you know, you drive up north. It's about a half hour or so. It's a little town. Okay. But they have it preserved.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Amazing. And you can go into the courtyard in one or two, you can go into her studio. Oh, cool. And that, like that, her view from her studio, that's sort of like, that's it. Oh, my God. That's New Mexico. I gotta go. Yeah, you do. You're funny. You're funny. Like, Albuquerque, that's sort of like, that's it. Oh, my God. That's New Mexico. I've got to go. Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:56:27 You're funny. Albuquerque, that's a little different. It's like, what happened to you in Albuquerque? I didn't love Albuquerque so much. What traumatized you? I feel like maybe I was in a not great part of Albuquerque, but I feel like my only experience of Albuquerque was a lot of Motel 6s. Oh, so yeah. Well, I mean, I guess Albuquerque is i feel like my only experience of albuquerque was a lot of motel sixes oh so yeah well i mean i guess albuquerque is you grow up somewhere you mythologize it a bit but it was
Starting point is 00:56:51 probably you love growing up there well yeah it was new mexico and it was the biggest city in new mexico and you know it was a a small town city yeah but but it feels like it's come upon hard times a lot of it and that you know it kind it kind of spread out and then kind of crumbled. And I don't know really what's going on there anymore economically. I don't know too much either. I know they got that big studio there now. Yeah. I know they were, I don't know exactly what was going on with it, but I know they were
Starting point is 00:57:17 having a hard time. There was some controversy about the tax break that was being offered out there. Right. Yeah. Well, I think they had a governor there for a while that was like you know fuck show business and then a lot of people like what are you doing to the to the community or to the culture or to the economics of the state but it um yeah but it was great yeah well i think i think it's back i think people are shooting there is it back i think i don't know i know that saul shoots there that bob shoots out there yes yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:57:42 and i i know there's they have that amazing facility out there. Yeah, the big new studio. Yeah, I don't know what the incentives are, though. I can text my friend later and find out. I'd love to know. I mean, I loved shooting there, truly. I fell in love with the state. Up in Santa Fe?
Starting point is 00:57:56 Yeah. Up in Santa Fe. Did you go to 10,000 Waves? Of course. Yeah, I love 10,000 Waves. Isn't that great? It's so beautiful. I go there once a year.
Starting point is 00:58:03 There's no cell phone service. It's just a great view of town. They added a restaurant, you know. Yes, I'veaves. Isn't that great? It's so beautiful. I go there once a year. There's no cell phone service. It's just a great view of town. They added a restaurant, you know. Yes, I've been. Oh, you went. Oh, did I? Yeah, it's nice, right? It's good.
Starting point is 00:58:13 They have the best cheeseburger I've ever had. Really? Maybe ever, truly. Oh, man. I didn't get the cheeseburger. I don't remember what I got. But I remember when it didn't have a restaurant. I remember that for years.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Yeah. And they have fewer bungalows things. Yeah. And also it's like it's funny because the actual spa part of it is it's still like sort of a community place. You can still kind of go there. It's pretty simple, which I love. Yeah. I love, this is going to sound creepy and weird, but I really love communal women's baths.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Yeah. It feels like something from another time yeah and and I don't know there's something about being surrounded by so many women in a in a place where you are asked to and allowed to relax but that energy of all these women being together yeah that way yeah I've always found really beautiful and inspiring. It's a cultural thing too. It is. I don't think that it's specifically an American thing, but there's still communities that do that.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Yeah. Yeah. Like there's Korean baths and there's Russian baths. Yeah, the bath culture, I guess. Yeah. We don't really have that. I don't think we have too much of that in the States. But it's nice.
Starting point is 00:59:22 You can go down to 10th Avenue Baths on Women's Day. Wasn't there a dead body found in there? I don't think we have too much of that in the States. Dish fits. You can go down to 10th Avenue Baths on Women's Day. Wasn't there a dead body found in there? I don't know. I think there was a dead body found in one of those baths in New York a couple years ago. And I've just stayed away. I don't know if it was. Was it found or did someone die in the sauna? No, I feel like it was found.
Starting point is 00:59:41 I might be slightly making this up, but feel, maybe I exaggerated in a dream or something but I feel like. It sounds like someone died in a napper. I feel like somebody was in a bath and they like stepped on a body
Starting point is 00:59:50 and it was a big deal. No, that wouldn't have happened down there. Are you sure? I don't know what room that would happen in. Somewhere in New York
Starting point is 00:59:58 in one of the baths. Oh, because that one down on, what's 10th Avenue, right? The 10th Avenue baths I think it's called. I don't know. The old one where, you know, Belushi used to go sweat out his drugs.
Starting point is 01:00:08 It was, well, I just remember they had like, it was a Russian bathhouse, but they had an Orthodox Jew day. So the Hasids would come and that was sort of a weird day. Yeah, but they had all different days. But there wasn't a pool that you couldn't see the bottom. There was just a cold plunge and then this oven. Maybe it was a different, oh. Yeah. Well, an oven of a sauna like that was the grill and you get a plaza where the guy would come in with the the
Starting point is 01:00:31 leaves the soaked um does this still it still exists a plaza yeah it's a russian kind where they take these two bundles of uh leaves that are bundled yeah and they soak them in hot water and then they just beat the shit out of you. I really wish that your audience could see the demonstration that I'm experiencing right now. of me moving my hands. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:50 That's a little weird. But they soak them and then they beat you up with them and they rub them on your back. I don't know what kind of- I can't think about anything except watching you do it right now. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Watching me do it. Yeah. At some, there's an, and it's astringent. There's some kind of medicinal quality to the actual leaves interesting have you had it done yeah yeah of course cool you go over there and you just lay there and the guy you know you're never sure if the guy's a professional or he's
Starting point is 01:01:17 just a guy who hangs around doing plots probably just a guy it's usually a big russian dude you're like who does these and then a guy just comes in with a bucket. You're like, that's the guy, I guess. It's him. Yeah, it's a plaza man. Plaza me. Yeah, exactly. The weird thing about that place is that it looks like a rundown old place.
Starting point is 01:01:36 That's cool, though. Yeah, and they've got these weird bunk beds, and they give you a shitty little robe. Really? Why the bunk beds? To nap at. The idea for a spa, I think, is still to take a day, right? To take a few hours. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:49 So you get your robe, you get your plastic slippers, you get your locker, and they've got a little cafe that has Russian food. Not fancy, but they'll make you a blintz and whatever, a juice. That sounds great. Yeah, you go down to the bath for a little while, you sweat, you go in the hot room, you go in the cold plunge, you go in the dry sauna, wet sauna, then maybe you need a nap. Yeah. And then you go eat some more, whatever. You're going to spend the day at the spa. It's not like 10,000 waves. There's no view. You can go to the roof, I think. I mean, you can relax
Starting point is 01:02:20 as relaxed as relaxed. Well, that's good. We just had a 20-minute conversation about baths. Sorry, Relax is relaxed is relaxed. Well, that's good. We just had a 20-minute conversation about baths. Sorry, everyone. All right. So I guess the thing I realized about watching you and also about working with Alison Brie, too, is that you guys are very experienced actresses in putting together. There's something similar about the characters
Starting point is 01:02:45 about Allison's and yours I think and but there also is something similar about the intensity of the performance and I start to think that maybe having done 22 episodes of Manhattan and all those like you know having been in the
Starting point is 01:03:01 like because it is a specifically you know these like they don't feel like movie parts to me. They feel like a character you get to know over time. Yeah. And I think it's a different type of performance. Do you? I guess you wouldn't approach it differently, but. Yeah, I don't, it doesn't feel like I'm approaching it differently, but it does feel like a luxury
Starting point is 01:03:21 to be able to sit with the character for such a long time and to be able to learn so many new things about her over the course of so many episodes. To have a life as her. And to evolve as her. Right, right. That feels like a huge gift. Yeah, in actual, you know, in real time in a certain degree. Like you're evolving because it's like you're about to do a second season. You don't have any fucking idea.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Yeah. What's going to happen so you know you have this character you've you've dragged her through whatever you've dragged her through first season yeah and the evolution is going to happen and when you're shooting it's going to happen in real time almost yeah well i suppose that it's different from a movie in that you learn about the character's history or whatever events completely the whole script's there give or take yeah and and preceded those exact moments that are happening in the film. But in TV, we've done it.
Starting point is 01:04:08 We did the history. There's still history. But the longer you sit with a character, you've lived the history. It feels real for you in a different way. Exactly, that's what I mean. Like there's a, you kind of, you wear it differently in a way.
Starting point is 01:04:22 So when you, like what was the process of, because I'll be honest with you, as a comic and as somebody who knows a bit about that era you know like i and i i don't think i was alone and there's no need for me to say that i don't need a team of people to say that that i was skeptical of the show no of course you know i said i'm like okay here we go yeah comedy show about a show about comedy of that era of all things so i watch like one and i'm like, okay, here we go. Yeah. Comedy show. Yeah. A show about comedy of that era of all things. So I watch like one and I'm like, I don't know, the tone is weird. Yeah. Like it's very clip.
Starting point is 01:04:51 It's very, you know, like beat to beat. It's stylized. Yeah, highly stylized context. And then, but then I'm watching another one and then, you know, Lenny Bruce shows up. Yeah. Because he helps you out and he gets you out of jail or whatever. Yeah. But yeah, like, you know, as a guy who's like listened to a lot of Lenny Bruce shows up because he helps you out and gets you out of jail or whatever. But yeah, as a guy who's listened to a lot of Lenny Bruce
Starting point is 01:05:07 and seen Dustin do Lenny, that guy who plays him looks like him. And I bought it. I was like, all right, I see what they're doing. They're playing with history. They're taking a fundamentally not aware feminist character and they're backloading her. They're creating you. Your character would not have existed character. Yeah. And they're backloading her.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Like they're creating you, your character would not have existed in that time. Yes. Right. Not exactly like that. I mean, Joan Rivers and stuff like that. I was going to say, yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 01:05:35 But not somebody who is discussing real issues, you know, of being a woman, of being a wife. Joan talked about a lot of that stuff. Right. In jokes though. You're doing long form. Yes, that's right. Hers is more, Midge's is more stream of being a wife. Joan talked about a lot of that stuff. Right, in jokes, though. You're doing long form. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Hers is more, Midge's is more stream of consciousness. Right, so it's like a female Lenny Bruce in a way. Yes, similar style. Yeah. So once I kind of got that, now I'm not taking anything away from Joan of Rivers. She was great.
Starting point is 01:05:59 And that may have been a point of departure, but someone with the freedom of mind that your character has. Yes, absolutely. Is something that sort of exists today but wouldn't have like necessarily had the the way to exist then she wouldn't have been able to maintain that platform right probably right lenny bruce had a hard enough time yeah yeah he's a he's barely tolerable yeah uh but uh but yeah so once i kind of got into it and i got you you know, I was okay with it, but I ended up watching all of them and I liked it and I was moved and I thought it was good.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Thanks. But what was, what did you have to do for yourself to sort of find confidence? Not, I know you struggle with that just to perform, but to perform as a comic. So I was really obviously intimidated by that. But I think I realized about Midge, sort of what you touched on, which is that she doesn't start a comic. She starts a woman who's having
Starting point is 01:06:53 kind of a prolonged mental breakdown in the middle of a tragedy. Her divorce. Yes, exactly. Her husband leaves her. Her whole world gets turned upside down. And that's a big deal at this time in history. A huge deal.
Starting point is 01:07:07 In an upper class Jewish family. I mean, there was no solution to that. You could not win that game. And that's why her dad turns to her and says, you got to get him back. There was no other option. And so she, you know, she finds herself on stage. She sort of stream of consciousness, talks about it, makes some jokes. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:07:26 But she doesn't really become a comic until much later in the season. And so that was the way in for me, I think. I spent a lot of time studying comedy. I have some friends who are comedians. Who? My friend Jasmine Pierce was very, very important to me during this process. She writes for The Tonight Show. very, very important to me during this process.
Starting point is 01:07:44 She writes for The Tonight Show. And she was very skeptical as well as I think most of the comedy community was. And what did she come back with? She loved it. At the end of the day, she loved it. I think she felt like even though it's stylized and even though some parts of it are whimsical and fantastical, that the heart of it, the heart of this woman finding her voice through comedy rang true.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And so I think that's what she responded to the most. Who were you listening to to get the hang of it? I was listening to a lot of Joan Rivers, to Moms Mabley. I was just sort of trying to immerse myself in the comedy world of the time. Yeah. Listened to a lot of Bob Newhart. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Lenny, did you listen to Lenny? Of course, yeah. Lenny, of course. And I also, I really loved, I think my favorite part about prepping for this show was going to a lot of open mic nights. I think the part that I was most interested in was watching beginner comics test out material and mostly the way that they responded to success and failure.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Right. That was something that I, that was something that as somebody with no experience in comedy, I wasn't really sure what that looked like. Whether they go like, whoa, that didn't work out. Yeah, whether they acknowledge it, how they acknowledge it, whether they're able to spin it into some kind of joke. I watched a girl. Oh, it just makes me nauseous. I watched a girl sort of tank through most of the first minute or so of the set and just realize it wasn't going to get better.
Starting point is 01:09:24 She sort of started talking about some very personal childhood things, but not really in joke form. And then she just hung up the mic and walked off the stage. And as she was walking off the stage, the mic fell off the stand. And we were like, oh, that one hurt in the guts. A little exclamation point for the end of that sadness. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I'm still nauseous about it. But also, you know, I watched early comics, early comics, beginning comics, make jokes that they didn't know would land like they did
Starting point is 01:09:59 and that was kind of extraordinary to watch. Like the surprise? The surprise and then the confidence that comes along with that surprise. Right. And the ability to nail jokes that maybe aren't even that funny for the rest of their set because they were so empowered by one moment that they weren't expecting. And then the horrible thing is doing it again and it doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Right. Which I think you did in the show, right? Yes. And that's something that I watched a lot with my friend Jasmine. Jasmine started doing stand-up very similarly to Midge in tiny, tiny basement clubs, bringer shows, and moved her way up. And I remember watching her hone the same set through some of those shows. And just depending on, sometimes it wasn't her, sometimes it was just the night and that audience. Sure. I have so much admiration and awe and and the utmost respect for
Starting point is 01:10:49 comedians i couldn't do it that you mean you didn't take you didn't take her out into the real clubs oh my god you never tried stand-up in the current culture absolutely not i oh that's interesting why wouldn't you try that why wouldn't jasmine write you a shtick i mean she would she's offered many times i think i would be so traumatized i'm not sure i'd be able to go back and do the show Oh, that's interesting. Why wouldn't you try that? Why wouldn't Jasmine write you a shtick? I mean, she would. She's offered many times. I think I would be so traumatized. I'm not sure I'd be able to go back and do the show. Come on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Oh, my God. It's not the same. You know, I can't claim to have ever actually done stand-up working on this show. Yeah. I have material that's written for me by brilliant writers. I'm not going out there as myself. I'm playing a character who is really different from me. So you wouldn't try stand-up out of fear or out of fear of how people would think of you?
Starting point is 01:11:31 Out of both. Both. Maybe. No, I never had any desire to do it before. Right. Maybe like now I've developed a newfound respect for it, having spent some time studying it. But I don't, I've never had that desire to go out there and do it. It just feels like the most vulnerable position you could possibly put yourself in.
Starting point is 01:11:52 You're putting yourself and your self-worth and part of your story on the line. It comes from such a personal place. Yeah, I think that's true. I think I'm so jaded at this point because I've been doing it so long that i don't necessarily uh you know think about it like that anymore but i i do know when i did an hour special last year and and i haven't written a full hour since then yeah i've got a bunch of hours a lot that's a long well you know you kind of generate them you know you just you know if you're doing it like if you're really in it you know and you're working stand, you're going to come up with it. But I've got about 30 new minutes,
Starting point is 01:12:28 but there's part of my brain that's sort of like, fuck, like that hour I did was good, but I don't want to go back. Like you never want to go back. And so I have that weird feeling of like, I'm just going to be, I'm going to be standing out there
Starting point is 01:12:37 like an idiot. But I kind of feel that way about acting. Yeah. You know, like I feel like every new job I start on, I'm like, God, why did I do this? Why do I keep doing this to myself? But obviously we love it, right? Yeah. Yeah. You know, like I feel like every new job I start on, I'm like, God, why did I do this?
Starting point is 01:12:45 Why do I keep doing this to myself? But obviously, we love it, right? Yeah. Yeah, like,
Starting point is 01:12:49 oh, it's going to be like in 10 weeks. I'm like, God, the other shoe's going to drop. Everyone's going to know I'm a fraud.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I get that one. But for me, it's not, the fraud thing's not,
Starting point is 01:12:59 not as much as it used to be because I don't think I'm that. You know, I do think like I'm fairly, like with acting, I'm sort of like, look, you know, I'm doing the best I can. I've studied a bit. And yeah, I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:13 I don't consider myself some sort of great actor. But with standup, what I am always worried about is like, when do I just start crying in the middle of it? You know, in a theater? When do I just... Because it's come close to that before, but I'm in a pretty good place in my life. But like, I always wonder where...
Starting point is 01:13:31 Because I always leave it right up to the edge with myself. Like, you know, I don't know what I'm going to do. But that's cool. I mean, is that... Are you able to articulate why you keep going back? To that? To stand up in general when you have that thing where you're like,
Starting point is 01:13:45 oh God, why am I doing this? I don't like, I forget. I always forget that I'm a professional. You know, I always forget,
Starting point is 01:13:53 you know, like I ran into Chappelle and I was like, I don't know what I'm going to do out there. He's like, you know, like I've had that feeling before
Starting point is 01:13:58 but we've been doing it, what, 30 years? I mean, something's going to happen. It's probably going to be okay. It's probably going to be fine. It's probably going to be fine. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:05 you know, but I need to do it to myself. I need to be like, I don't fucking know how to do this. Yeah. I don't got any good jokes. I mean, that's a part of your process,
Starting point is 01:14:12 right? It is actually. But like, it's a part that is pathological. And you know, you would think after so many years, you'd be like, why don't you do something different
Starting point is 01:14:20 so you don't have to freak yourself out and fuck yourself up for months on end. Yeah. I don't know. I kind of find that encouraging though, if I months on end. Yeah. I don't know. I kind of find that encouraging, though, if I'm being honest. Like, no, I do.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Because as a fairly young actor, that's how I feel all the time. Full of dread? Full of utter terror every single second. And I'll never forget, actually, I did a project with Sam Neill a couple years ago. And Sam came on late in the project and shot all of his stuff together. And on the very first day, Sam, who's been doing this forever,
Starting point is 01:14:51 who's a brilliant, brilliant actor, went, oh, God, it never gets easier. And I was like, that's both utterly depressing and also really encouraging. It makes you feel like you're not alone, that you're not insane for having those thoughts because you feel insane every time. You're it's always been fine and also what's the worst thing that can happen you fail miserably and then hopefully you can pick yourself back up
Starting point is 01:15:14 right or just well with with film or television it's like you could do another take right or another project hopefully oh yeah yeah well it's weird as an actor you don't have a lot of control over the final project. Yeah, and failure feels like a part of the process. Everybody has done things. If you are a successful performer in any field, everyone, every stand-up is bombed. Every actor's made a terrible movie that you're not proud of, but it's a part of the learning process. Sure, it has to be.
Starting point is 01:15:42 So, actually, thank you. I love hearing that from you. Yeah, it has to be. So actually, thank you. I love hearing that from you. Yeah, it has to be. But back in the day, you didn't have thousands of people posting ironically your failure. It's sort of, I find like, yeah, it's terrible. The internet is a terrible, terrible pit of despair. But it also kind of zeros itself out, you know? Because for every person who's like, you suck and no one's ever been worse than you, there's also the other side that's you suck and no one's ever been worse than you
Starting point is 01:16:05 there's also the other side that's like literally no one's ever been greater than you marry me yeah yeah yeah and you're like okay this equals zero yeah that's true i mean yeah if you can do that if you know as long as as long as the mathematic balance works on a day-to-day basis yeah guys a lot more shitty ones today right today everyone Today, everyone's like, your hair sucks. It really hurts. I'm just awful today. Yeah. But, well, look, I like the show, but congratulations on the awards.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Thank you. I imagine you're gunning for an Emmy as well. I mean, we're all singing for our supper right now, huh? You too? A little bit, yeah. I've never done that singing for the supper. I've never done it either. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:47 It's all new. I'm learning so much. Get the publicist and then they send you places. Yeah. And they hope you don't say something stupid. They send you to parties and hope you don't embarrass yourself. And then I got to buy another suit. I bought one suit.
Starting point is 01:16:58 I got to be spare. You're a man. You can have one suit. Yeah. You can have a uniform. You're allowed. Maybe I'll get one other one. Really?
Starting point is 01:17:06 Yeah. See growth. Yeah. But like you guys, you women, people dress you and they love dressing you. Yeah. I mean, I find that fun. I find it a nice distance from the thing. The world is so strange.
Starting point is 01:17:19 You know, it's not a meritocracy. Yeah. And I actually find that sort of encouraging too that you can do great work and people have done great work that isn't recognized this way but it's amazing if you are lucky enough to be recognized this way because it opens doors for other opportunities yeah but i find some there's something nice about being dressed by other people because it it uh feels distant from from my life that way oh Oh, yeah, absolutely. And then you also realize in that moment, like, I don't have any taste. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Like, why do I only buy the same things? I have one outfit that looks good. Right, exactly. And that's the extent of my. It kind of bums me out. Like, even with the house, like, putting my house together. Like, if a designer came in, like, in a day, I'd be like, holy shit, you just do that? Like, it looks so good.
Starting point is 01:18:03 I know, I know. But I'm so committed to, like, no, I'm going to slowly gather my shit. You work for it. Sure. Yeah. You don't want a bunch of alien things. No. Weird clothing.
Starting point is 01:18:12 It's got to be your stuff in your house. Exactly. But the weird clothing feels like costumes. It does. You know? And I like, I appreciate that. I've made, that's good. I've made tremendously horrible clothing choices many times over the years.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Oh, I've made some pretty terrible clothing choices as well. Where you look at those pictures and you're like, oh, God. For me, it's more about all the times I tried to do my own hair and makeup before admitting defeat. Right. You're thinking like, I can do it. I'm like, I've got this. I don't need to be high maintenance. I can do my own.
Starting point is 01:18:37 And it's a lot filled with regret. And then you're just like the dumpy girl on the line at the red carpet. Thank you. No. What happened to her hair? Oh, my God. Then I learned that I can't and it's not worth the stress of trying to watch the YouTube tutorials to learn how to do my own makeup. Before an award show, you're watching a YouTube tutorial.
Starting point is 01:19:01 I've done it. Not before an award show, but before like, you know, I've gone to those like, I don't know, some like EW thing. I was on a show. We did an EW thing. And I was like, I'm going to do my own. I'm going to pick my own outfit. I'm going to do my own makeup and cut to me in the bathroom with all the pieces of makeup
Starting point is 01:19:18 I don't recognize laid out in front of me watching YouTube trying to apply highlighter to my cheekbones. It was not well. Would you show up looking like a doll? I showed up looking like, this is crazy. I put, this is the part I don't understand about makeup. I put so much makeup on my face. And in those photos, I look like I don't have any makeup on, but not in a good way.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Really? Yeah. So you kind of did it right, just not enough a good way. Really? Yeah. So you kind of did it right, just not enough. Maybe. You know? I look like a pancake, like very, very pale. Your face just flattened out? Like completely flat.
Starting point is 01:19:56 So, yeah. Well, that's what you learned to listen. That's not a skill I have. Yeah, it's all right. One day, though, I will say, I do, one day, I want to get to the point where I'm brave enough to just fuck it. You know, like, Fran McDormand is kicking ass. And she's so beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:13 I like the armor of it, I think. It feels like costume and sort of like a protective layer. We're fine playing dress up. Yeah, which is fun. And everyone understands the rules. Yes. Like, look how I got dressed up. Yeah. which is fun. And everyone understands the rules. Yes. Like, look how I got dressed up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Nobody thinks you did that yourself. Yeah, right. And that's fun as long as you recognize that. But I also think, like, Fran McDormand is so stunning and so fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Yeah. And she looks incredible and she's found a way to be, at least it appears, to be completely herself and own who she is and own her history and own what she wants her future to look like. And feels empowered by that. In a way that I find. Yeah, she's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Definitely a powerful person. Yeah, I've been lucky enough to meet her a couple times. She's amazing. Yeah. Definitely a powerful person. Yeah. I've been lucky enough to meet her a couple times. And she was one of those people, actually, who early on just took time out of her day to be particularly generous and kind.
Starting point is 01:21:13 And she is. She's so present. And she looks you in the eye. Yeah. And is able to remove all the bullshit for you. Yeah. And you're wondering if you can handle it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:25 How long can I stay in this zone? That's right. Yeah. How long can I? It is my goal to be able to remain in that zone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Stay in the gaze of Frances McDormand. Yes. Where'd you meet her at? We, again, one of these early sort of smaller roles that I had
Starting point is 01:21:39 was in a miniseries Olive Kittredge. Oh, that was great. Yeah. What'd you play in that? I played a young woman who has had many miscarriages who works in a donut shop oh yeah blows off a cliff oh right right i remember that right right oh it's so sad i like that that that series though that miniseries so
Starting point is 01:21:58 stunning yeah so beautiful every performance pretty and sad pretty and sad Jenkins was in it right yeah yeah he's a great guy he was extraordinary yeah everyone was yeah okay well we gave that a good review
Starting point is 01:22:12 yeah well good luck at the future awards and have fun shooting season two thank you
Starting point is 01:22:21 and you too the same thank you say hi to Kevin Pollack for me I will oh I will. Oh, I will. And Tony now. Tony's my friend. Yeah. I hope we see you all
Starting point is 01:22:29 over at this. Yeah. For our supper. Yeah, I got some of that stuff coming up. And some glow press, but I'm not going to see you there. Some what press? Glow. See, I just fucked up my L. So exciting. Alright, bye. Bye. So that was that again the show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Starting point is 01:22:50 season one is on Amazon I imagine season two is forthcoming yeah yeah that was fun right I think I gotta get a different guitar out here
Starting point is 01:23:03 put some new fucking strings on this or maybe I just gotta practice more, I don't know. Thank you. Boomer lives! You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats.
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