WTF with Marc Maron Podcast - Episode 997 - Andrea Savage

Episode Date: February 25, 2019

Andrea Savage didn't really know Marc but thought he was a little scary. Marc didn't know Andrea but found her to be intimidating. What was it about these two funny people that had them keeping a dist...ance from each other? Perhaps it was because of what they have in common, like the broken homes they came from, the disdain they share for the inner workings of show business, and their histories of missed opportunities. They talk about all of that, as well as Andrea's show "I'm Sorry," how it draws from her real life, and why she wants to feed eggs to her co-star Jason Mantzoukas. This episode is sponsored by Aspiration, and ZipRecruiter. Sign up here for WTF+ to get the full show archives and weekly bonus material! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's hockey season, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So, no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those. Gold tenders, no. But chicken tenders, yes. Because those are groceries, and we deliver those, too.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See app for details. Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing.
Starting point is 00:00:39 With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising. Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative. Fuckers, what the fuck buddies, what the fuckists. How's that one? It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:01:46 What the fucking ears. What's happening? I'm Mark Maron. This is my podcast. Welcome to it. It's called WTF. Most of you know that, but I do know that we've got some new folks. It's odd.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I think I will remain a discoverable thing for my entire life. I mean, that's just the nature of the game now. But I hope you enjoy that Simpsons episode. I don't know if I've really talked to you since then, have I? Because last week's shows were pre-recorded and it was on last Sunday. So no, I watched it. I was pretty excited about it. I thought it was funny. I thought I came off like I am, which is good. It was an exciting thing to be part of. But my point is, is that a lot of people watch that and they're like, is this a real thing? Is this a real guy? Should I know about this guy? And welcome to you if this is like your second or third time
Starting point is 00:02:35 listening to the show. Also, seems like the Mandy Moore episode was very popular, and there might be some new people from that welcome to you and welcome to people that just randomly came here and this is your first time i hope it works out for you uh let me try to explain what i do here i i will have a guest on a little later that guest today is andrea savage her show i'm sorry is uh brutally funny she's great. I love her. I think she's hilarious. And I had not, I didn't know anything about her. I knew we ran in similar circles.
Starting point is 00:03:11 She's been around the comedy world. She's done a lot of very funny stuff on a lot of different shows. But I watched all of the I'm Sorries and it's a lot. She operates at an intensity. Her funny comes at an intensity that is definitely, yeah, hey, right in your face there. And it's good.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I told her that. I hope it didn't come off as insulting. So we'll be talking to her in a few. That show is on, where is it on? It's on True TV Wednesday nights. And it actually does it at 10 p.m. Eastern. The season finale airs March 6th. And I was about to say when I interrupted myself, which to you new people, occasionally I will interrupt conversations that I'm having in order to say what I want to say in
Starting point is 00:03:56 the conversation. So prepare yourself for that. It seems like some people new to the show and even some people who've been around a while seem to think that that is some sort of liability on behalf of the interviewer. But don't look at me as an interviewer. We're having a conversation here, and that's how I talk. Okay? Not a rationalization, just a reality. But I like that I'm sorry is episodic in the old school way where you got to wait a week to see the next one. It's good. It's good to have that week. This binge-watching thing is going to exhaust everybody, and no one's going to be able to keep up with anything. And no matter what, the whole model, I think, is flawed, to be quite honest with you.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like, binge-watching is like when you make shows. Like, I'm about to finish up shooting on GLOW, and they're going to drop off 10 of those babies whenever they drop them, and most people will watch them one after the other in a day or two days, and then it's done. Then you got to wait a year for almost all shows that drop at once. You got to wait a year for new ones.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Right when you're about to forget they even existed. Hey, remember this? But it's sort of, I like the old timey way where it's like you look forward to the day it drops and you kind of make an event out of it or you make a point to watch it when it comes out. You don't have to do that with anything really, but it's nice to have the time and that also closes the gap between when you watched it and when the new ones are going to come. It's sort of like when you spend all day cooking Thanksgiving dinner
Starting point is 00:05:19 and people just plow through it in 45 minutes or a half hour. It's like, okay, it's over. See you next year. That's not a great analogy, really, because you can't really do Thanksgiving dinner piece by piece every week. You can't like, all right, here's the potatoes. It's going to be great next week when we do the stuffing. Then the week after that, we'll do the Brussels sprouts or sweet potatoes.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I haven't decided, so that's exciting. And then, you know, week seven, we'll get the turkey going. Yeah, not a great analogy, but you know what I'm saying. So listen, don't forget to send any questions that you have for our thousandth episode. Anything you want to know about past episodes, past guests, things from my life, things from life in general, send your questions and comments or things you want me to know to WTFpod at
Starting point is 00:06:12 and put one thousandth episode question in the subject. Also speaking of doing a show for 10 years, yeah, our buddy Kevin Pollack has been doing his show for that long
Starting point is 00:06:23 and this Saturday, March 2nd, he'll be taping his final episode of the Kevin Pollack Chat Show. It's at Dynasty Typewriter Theater. That's the same place I've been doing my recent shows in town. And his guests are Jim Jeffries and Pamela Adlon. That's this Saturday, March 2nd at 4 p.m. Go to for ticket info. And congratulations, Kevin Pollack. Good job and great job on Mrs. Maisel. And I love you. I love you, Jew, from one Jew to another. That's the only requirement that really, most of being a Jew is relatively negotiable in terms of
Starting point is 00:07:00 commitment. But you do have to say you're a jew at least three times a week to somebody or just to the air i'm a jew just walking down the street that that you have to do it's important to identify so i have to sort of shift here into some you know, brutal news. So look, you know, I've been doing comedy a long time. And I'm at an age now. Obviously, it happens at every age. And sometimes it happens prematurely. And sometimes it happens in a horrible way.
Starting point is 00:07:40 But, you know, death happens. happens and uh a real singular unique funny man uh died uh last thursday i believe it was thursday morning maybe wednesday night uh brody stevens who is a a fixture on the comedy scene certainly here in Los Angeles. And everybody kind of knows Brody. He was really a unique and energetic. And he just was a force of nature, man. And he was always around. I can remember Brody for, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:08:22 at least 15, 20 years. I can't remember the first time I met him. But at the Comedy Store, he was always there. He did a later spot every night. And he sort of had his own world and his own intensity. And there was nobody really like Brody Stevens. And he is no longer with us. It was a tragic thing.
Starting point is 00:08:43 He committed suicide he fought a very public and aggressive uh battle with uh depression he talked about it he made people with depression know they weren't alone he he he shared his struggles with depression uh in the rawest of ways. And last week, he lost that fight. And he's definitely going to be missed. And it's just heartbreaking. I was at the store, comedy store, on Saturday night, two days after the news broke. And it's like the place is now missing a fundamental part of its engine.
Starting point is 00:09:29 You know, it was just, you know, Brody was always around and he was always emanating positive energy. Yeah, he was something else, man. Rest in peace, Brody. And rest in peace, Brody. And thank you for everything that you gave the world. And thank you for helping people with the same struggle as you know they weren't alone. And know you aren't alone. And know that you don't necessarily have to make the choice that Brody made. But people make that choice.
Starting point is 00:10:03 It's horrible. It's sad. It happens. And he's going to be missed. He was loved. And unfortunately, I never did a long form interview with Brody. We had a short one we did years ago on a live podcast, but I don't think it really represents him. I feel like if you don't know who I'm talking about and you want to see a truly unique individual just like you there's nobody like him there's plenty of of output out there uh from brody his last special i believe it was his last one was live from the main room at the comedy store and he had some other specials and he's done a lot of stuff with zach alphanakis and he
Starting point is 00:10:40 did a lot of periscope stuff he did a lot of stuff on twitter he did everything brody did everything the last i remember i remember he had a gig over at midnight the show that hardwick hosted he was the audience warm-up he's great at that and i just i saw him the wednesday before he passed and uh there's a a very painful but very revealing and honest uh periscope his last periscope piece uh that that people have been watching is about 45 minutes of him really talking about the struggle and it's just uh it's it's a heartbreaking thing and again you know he was loved he will be missed he was a an integral i think is the word part of the comedy community.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Jesus, man, if you, you know, if you're fighting that thing, do everything you can to get help. You know, it's, it's hard. It's hard, man. You know, with the, trying to find the right medicines, deciding whether you should be on medicine, staying on the medicine, you know, doing therapy, doing everything, man medicine you know doing therapy doing everything man you know it's just brody was a real example of just really like day-to-day in the trenches with depression but please get help please and the thing about depression and people who struggle with it you know i grew up with that you know my father did and it's heavy man there's people i miss there's definitely people i miss from my world that are no longer with us. And a lot of people think like, well, like, man, it seems like a lot of people are dying all of a sudden. It's like, no, a lot of people die every day.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Let's, let's pull it around. I'll tell you one thing that didn't happen. I'll tell you one thing that didn't happen. Buster Kitten did not die. Buster Kitten lives. Buster Kitten is almost, actually, I'm going to say it, but, you know, knock on wood, is back to fucking normal, folks. Yeah, I got him home. And I was giving him IVs every day, just sitting with him, holding him. He was very affectionate when he got out of the hospital.
Starting point is 00:12:52 You know, he's vulnerable and sweet and, you know, more affectionate than I'd ever seen him. And it was so sweet, this little crazy kitten that I have that had renal failure. And for reasons we don't know, it didn't look good. Kidneys is a bad thing. You know, but I brought him in because he was pukey. And it turned out he was in the middle of renal failure and about to die. And I got him in the hospital. We got him on antibiotics.
Starting point is 00:13:13 We got him on fluids. Wasn't looking good. The kidneys were inflamed. There was fluid in there from the ultrasound. We saw them. Not a lot of hope in the vet's voice. And then the next day, his numbers were good, better. And they said, take him home. You you know give him an IV every day give him the new kidney food and and then then check back in and uh you know in 10 days or a week and a half so he started out so sweet and vulnerable
Starting point is 00:13:38 and then as he got his strength he got a little more crazy and then towards the end of me giving him the IV he's eating more than he ever has and he's like put on the weight back the way he put the weight back on and now he's this crazy fucking asshole self again he's beating up on the old guys lafondan monkey had a brief reprieve but it's funny it's funny with cats you know when when buster wasn't around the old guys they're both about 15 we were definitely relaxing. And now, you know, when Buster came back, I kept him quarantined for a few days so I could administer the food and inject him. And then I let him out and it took him a while. But because I put him aside for a few days, you know, he didn't smell like the vet's office.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So there was none of that. Who the fuck is this? They both knew who he was and they both knew that trouble was back but it's weird LaFonda does not love it she's an old lady and she doesn't like being beat up on and Monkey you would think doesn't love it but it's weird because Monkey the he always he can't beat Buster and Buster always you know plays too rough and he's always like you know, it's always a little crazy. But, you know, you start to look like, you know, oh, Monkey kind of likes getting beat up by Buster.
Starting point is 00:14:53 There's that moment where they're like, well, are you still going to beat me up, pal? Come on, I'm still here to play. I'll keep trying to play with you, but I'm an old man. But let's come on, let's do it. Let's take a spin. Let's go. So however much they missed him, I think they're pretty happy to have him back.
Starting point is 00:15:11 So that's some good news. And I'll keep you abreast of that. Andrea Savage is here. And I got to be honest, man. You never know what to expect. And I tend to, especially if I don't know somebody personally or I've only seen them here and there, I watched all the shows and I really got a kick out of it. It's a sweet show.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It's very funny. It's nice and crass. Her personality is just sort of aggressively funny. And it's great. It's a unique show. It's called I'm Sorry. It's on TruTV. It's on Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. Eastern. The season finale airs March 6th, but you can watch them all when you get a chance. And this is me talking to, did I call her aggressively funny? It's not meant to be bad.
Starting point is 00:16:00 This is me and Andrea Savvy. that's alcohol and we deliver that too along with your favorite restaurant food groceries and other everyday essentials order uber eats now for alcohol you must be legal drinking age please enjoy responsibly product availability varies by region see app for details be honest when was the last time you thought about your current business insurance policy if your existing business insurance policy is renewing on autopilot each year without checking out zensurance you're probably spending more than you need that's why you need to switch to low-cost coverage from Zensurance before your policy renews this year. Zensurance does all the heavy lifting to find a policy, covering only what you need, and policies start at only $19 per month. So if your policy is renewing soon, go to Zensurance and fill out a quote. Zinsurance, mind your business.
Starting point is 00:17:21 So what were you saying about me meeting you? Because I had this weird feeling and I don't think I thought like, why don't I, why haven't I really seen her do stand up? How do I not know her? We're not, I'm not that much. Well, I'm older. I'm not going to tip anything. But I mean, like, it feels like we were in similar circles. We should have known each other probably more than we did. And I think that's weird, too, because I'm like, we know a lot of the same people.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Right. You were definitely ahead of, you know, you were older. But you, I, we met actually quite a few times um i knew like the early 2000s but you wouldn't remember and i am not someone who is scared of people yeah you scared you seemed like an angry per like i was somewhat scared of you you were married to my and so misha and i were friends oh and so she and i did i know she and i did started kind of stand up around the same time you did and we would perform sometimes the improv together and this and that and you would come and you just say hi and i was just like who
Starting point is 00:18:18 is this mean you just i was just kind of a little scared what did oh she telling you she seemed happy by the way. We weren't super close. Like, I wasn't as close where she'd be like, oof, this guy. Yeah, yeah. What am I doing? What am I doing? Get me out.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Writing your notes? Yeah, exactly. Read this at home. Can I stay? Do you have a safe space I can stay? Yeah. That was later. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yeah. So I think this was, I was trying to think when I was driving over here, I was like, when was that? And I think it was around 2004. Two? Oh, okay. 2002 to 2004. Is that around that time? Sure. That's when I moved out here and that's when we moved out here. We were not married yet. Yeah. I don't think you were. Yeah. Right. You were dating. Well, no, we were living together. Okay. So she moved out here with me. So that was 2002
Starting point is 00:19:00 and we were living together and you were part of that group yeah so that was like who was in that there was who who started out at that time because i know like i feel like um like orny adams and people like yeah i didn't really know orny you know what you were in the alt crew i was kind of in the alt crew yeah so um like natasha leggero chelsea handler and i we all kind of started at the same time right um and then they kind of kept kept doing standup and I kind of went more acting. What happened with your standup? I honestly, I loved standup. I started working and couldn't work all day and write all day and then go out at night.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Well, let's go back. All right. Because I don't know you. You don't. And I've watched the show. Oh. Because I didn't like when you were supposed to come on. Yeah. Like I knew about the show, but it's hard to watch things because you don't know you. You don't. And I've watched the show. Oh. Because I didn't, like, when you were supposed to come on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Like, I knew about the show. But it's hard to watch things because you don't know what to watch. There's too much. There is. Thank you for watching it. And I knew you were a funny person. And I saw you on Veep. And I think you're funny on that.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And I've seen you in other things. I think you're funny. So, like, I watched the show. And I, like, I binged it, as they say. Okay. Great. And you're a lot. You're a lot to binge
Starting point is 00:20:06 I think you need a little space I think it's smart okay I mean I feel like that's I can't understand why I was a little scared of you and off put I can't imagine what that was no no no but I think by the way I get it I think I think it's interesting that you're on a network that actually drops them weekly which is a way to watch things. Because when you do watch things one after the other, I just did it with Escape from Dannemora, which is a different experience. Yes. But I felt dirty and awful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Because I watched them all back to back. And when you're watching you back to back, you sort of get into your thing. Although it's interesting. I think as a comedian, it's hard for me to watch a lot of comedy. I think you're very funny. I liked it. But I get like, okay, that's a lot. You're an intense person.
Starting point is 00:20:58 You come in hot. Like all the time. Even when you walked into my house, was like wow this is really how this this is how she is but you know what yes and no because i will say it's weird to drive across the city and then be like oh i'm going to this guy's house i don't know and we've really never met we don't know anything common and then we're gonna have this chat well we do have actually we have a lot in common but we don't know each other
Starting point is 00:21:27 you're like whatever and it is like I was like what a strange thing yeah and so I do feel like when you walk I felt like when I walked in
Starting point is 00:21:35 you have to sort of sure otherwise it's like oh hello I'm standing in your house yeah can I use your bathroom like so
Starting point is 00:21:41 you could did you need to go to the bathroom no oh okay I didn't because I have one I don't have to go to the bathroom? No. Oh, okay. I didn't. Because I have one. I don't have to go to the bathroom very often. Never?
Starting point is 00:21:48 I mean, often. No, I have a big bladder. Really? Yeah, yeah. Always have. And you can hold- Are you one of those people that if you have to pee right when you go to sleep, that you can hold it all night?
Starting point is 00:21:57 All night long. Oh. Yeah. My girlfriend's like that. Yeah. I don't understand that at all. I'm a man. I have to pee at least two or three times in the night.
Starting point is 00:22:05 In the night. Luckily, my husband does not do that. How old is he? He's 40. Oh, it's coming. Okay. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It's fair. I had a girlfriend, not a romantic girlfriend, but a close friend, who when she would come visit LA, she'd come stay at my house and I had a one bedroom, whatever. And so she'd share the bed with me and she would go to the bathroom six times a night like really to the point where before we went to bed I'd make her go to the bathroom like a child yeah and then I put a limit I was like I can't have you getting up six times because I was like you don't have there's no way biologically you actually have to get up that often yeah it's just in your head so I give you three times and then past that
Starting point is 00:22:45 you don't get up. Does this end in a horrible way like she had a bladder infection or that now she's no longer with us because she had a... By the way,
Starting point is 00:22:53 would be a great story, but no. Do you know her still? Of course, yeah. Are you friends? Very close friend. Oh. Actually on my show
Starting point is 00:22:59 Alison Tolman plays a version of her on my show. Which one's... Alison Tolman from Fargo. She plays one of my best friends who's getting divorced. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know everyone's name.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I'm not as in the loop as I should be. You're very busy and it's hard to. But like a lot of people know a lot of people. Some people can hold it all in their brain. I can't hold it all in my brain, right? I really can't. I've noticed a big difference. And I think part of it is just being so busy for the past two and a half years and inundated with information.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Voluntarily inundated with all this stuff. I've noticed that my short term just sort of like recollection of names is going. Yeah, it's not great. My short term of everything is going. I can't remember. Like things that happened a week ago seem like it was last year. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Does that happen to you? Yes. Yeah. It's crazy. You're like, when did we do that? It was like three days ago. Oh my God. I know. Part of me finds that comforting because I feel like time isn't rushing so fast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just trickling by. It's just trickling by because sometimes I'll sit there and I go, oh my God, it's 2019. I started season two in 2017. Yeah. What am I doing in this day? That's when you shot.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Well, that's when I started writing. Oh, okay. Yeah. I know it takes so long for things to go on. Especially this kind of show. That's why it's so good that you're doing it. Like you're dropping them week to week. So now people can't like you put all that work.
Starting point is 00:24:19 It's like cooking an amazing meal. And then like you eat compulsively. Yeah. You eat too fast and it's gone. It's gone. Like this way, at least people have to take 10 weeks and then they only have to wait like nine or ten months more a year the people have to wait literally a year or more if they binge it they're fucked for a year you're just like you're i know do you remember how great it was to watch the sopranos
Starting point is 00:24:40 every week i didn't you weren't how Breaking Bad? Do you watch anything that was weekly where you'd look forward to it? Yes, of course. Like Sunday night? Yeah, Sunday night. Here we go. Oh my God. Yes, of course.
Starting point is 00:24:52 How good was that? Well, that's sort of what my show is, but I will say it's on TruTV, which is a little harder for people to find. And then it finally went
Starting point is 00:25:00 on Netflix in the fall. Yeah. And that's where That opened it up. That's where everyone started watching it. Right. So- And people like it?
Starting point is 00:25:08 And people seem to like it. Yeah, I had a show on IFC. Yeah, I have really nice fans. I know. And it went on to Netflix. Yeah. And still a few people watch it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:17 But they like it. The few people that walked in. Okay. Well, great. It's not about me. I'm happy you're successful. You're doing fine. I'm doing good.'m happy you're successful. You're doing fine. I'm doing good.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, you're doing good. So, where'd you come from? I'm from LA. Really? Yeah, born and raised. Where? Like what part? Born in like Santa Monica and then mostly grew up in the valley.
Starting point is 00:25:39 In the valley? Like how far out? Like far out, Woodland Hills. Oh, okay. That's fancy? No, not super fancy. But not terrible. I mean, I didn't grow up pretty.
Starting point is 00:25:51 My childhood and background is not like exciting and angsty. Parents got divorced when I was two. Oh, see. So that's where it, yeah. That's where it is. There we go. Just get right into it. I do. I have four brothers. There we go. Do you have siblings? I do.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I have four brothers. Four? Yeah. I have one older brother from the same parents, and then I have three younger brothers because both my parents got remarried. Oh. Yeah. Are they in show business, your parents? No.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Nobody in my entire, literally not one person. All my family lives in LA. And by the way, my husband is one of five as well. And also grew up in LA. And his family's not in the entertainment business. Is he in show business? He is. What's he do? He's an agent.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Really? But he's like a lovely, nice person. See, now let's talk about this a minute. And I've known him since high school, side note. We haven't been together since high school, but I've known him since I was 15. So he's a California kid too? He is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's from the Valley. Well, I have found that, and I don't want to knock that part of the business because we need them. You need them, but also there's some not great ones. Well, there's not good people
Starting point is 00:26:57 in everything, but I have this weird thing where I've dealt with agents a bit throughout my life and executives and whatnot i i was no i was relatively unrepresented for like a decade or so yeah but every time i meet them like i i don't know if it's a projection or what but they seem to be missing some part of their personality now i'm not saying this about your husband like i guess
Starting point is 00:27:21 it's because you're dealing with all when you're dealing with talent and let's say you represent 10 people you have to lie to them. You have to mislead them. You have to make them feel like everything's about to happen or that they tried their best when really you might not be doing anything. And that must be a difficult thing to do. You know what? I also think, well, yeah, I mean, that makes it sound terrible and that they're all psychopaths. They're not? They're not. Okay. Well, because I came in with a lot of attitude because we knew each other in high school and then I knew that he had gone off and done that.
Starting point is 00:27:48 We didn't re-meet until our early 30s. And I was like, oh. And he works at a big agency. Yeah. And I was like, he's got to be the fucking worst. Yeah. And I was like, he'd reached out, whatever, and wanted to get together.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And I was like, oh, fuck. I was like, he's got to be the worst of the worst. Jewish guy? Yeah. Big Jew. Yeah. Big, big. Yeah. I don't know huge jew huge oh jew i mean so no but he's a jew yeah um but um and then i met him are you jew should be but wasn't raised but am yeah yeah yeah mostly jew mostly jew a little greek and mostly jew that's a good combo yeah okay so
Starting point is 00:28:25 you kind of like you bring the shitty jewish food up to the middle meets the greek food and it's good great hummus yeah um but yeah so and then we met i was like oh he seems nice but i was very like remit and i was very skeptical for a while i was like where's the where's the fake right shitty where's the sociopathic necessity yeah like lying and just sort of this like schmoozy play or whatever. Not there. But he's sort of known for being like the nicest agent. So he's, yeah. He's not awful.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Yeah. It's still sort of a mystery how it all works on their end. You know what? It's interesting because I feel like now I know a little how the sausage is made. You do? Yeah. Oh, let's talk. Because I'm not going to interview a fucking agent.
Starting point is 00:29:09 See, that tone was wrong. I'm not going to interview anyone from that part of the business because it doesn't necessarily interest me as much other than an investigation. I actually think if you knew someone who was an agent who was not one of those weird, you actually would be like, wow, that's really interesting. But aren't a lot of them odd? Let's really interesting but aren't a lot of them odd let's let's let's be diplomatic yeah aren't aren't a lot of them i don't even know if i i i to be honest like i would say odd is like am i making it all up no i don't think you're making it all up i would say odd i'd i'd rather they were odd because i feel like
Starting point is 00:29:40 that's a little more interesting sometimes i find that that I just am like, who are you? Right. Yeah. Like, I don't even know what your personality is. That's it. Yes. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. It's just sort of this bland where you're like, I don't know what's real and what's not.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Right. Well, it's sort of, that's what I mean. You're missing a part of the personality. That's what. But then now, because I'm around a lot of them, I'm like, and he's always been like, you're so mean. Like, you're always so judgmental, whatever. And I now know quite a few great ones.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Right. And now I will say with my agents, I was with an agency for like 12 years. Yeah. And then I left a couple years ago. Yeah. Which actually is a funny story of the final straw of why I left. What is that? I think people actually appreciate this.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I don't know if I've ever told this anywhere. What? What is that? I think you'll actually appreciate this. I don't know if I've ever told this anywhere. What? So I was working quite a bit, but it was all like people I knew and this and that. And I think I was on Beep and doing episodes. Already?
Starting point is 00:30:33 So it's recently? Yeah, this was like two years ago. And my show had been picked up. I was about to start season one. And it was like I hadn't heard from my agents in a long time. And I was like, how come I don't ever get sent on auditions through them? And I actually really liked my agents as people over there
Starting point is 00:30:48 and they were really great. But it was like, something's wrong. I feel like you were just like, oh, well, she just does her, she creates her own stuff so we don't have to worry about it, whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:56 That's what they're dying for to happen. Yes. And then they can take credit for it. Yeah. Kind of. You know, kind of. I don't know. I don't even know if it's as nefarious as that.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I think sometimes people have too many clients. Are you saying I'm seeing evil where there's just mundanity? Yeah, I of. I don't even know if it's as nefarious as that. I think sometimes people have too many clients. Are you saying I'm seeing evil where there's just mundanity? Yeah, I think so. I think you're giving too much credit. It's the Hannah Arendt book, The Banality of Evil. Yeah. I mean, I think you're honestly giving it way too much whatever. So I'd been like, well, maybe it's my reel. Like, maybe I need to update my reel. So I had just, I had done some stuff. And I had this movie that Alison Brie was in, Sleeping With Other People.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Uh-huh. And Jason Manzoukas and I are a couple in it. We have whatever. And we have these funny improv scenes. He's a great guy. Good friend of mine. And we work together a lot. He's on your show.
Starting point is 00:31:41 He's on my show. Like every episode. He's on half of them, the first season. Yeah. And we've done whatever. And we're good friends. No eggs for Jason. No eggs.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah. Oh, my God. I've been out to eat with that. Trust me. It's a whole fucking thing. I know. I talked to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:58 No. It's terrifying. By the way. He's terrified of eggs because it could kill him. He carries an EpiPen. Like, it's no joke. It could kill him. He's also the biggestPen. It's no joke. It could kill him. He's also the biggest hypochondriac in the world, germaphobe, whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And I love him, but I'm sure it's all connected because he could die at any moment. Oh, yeah. Just from an egg? Just from licking an egg. Yeah. Of course, his comedians, you want to fuck with people, but you always have that thing of like, what if I hit an egg in there? But you never do it.
Starting point is 00:32:24 No. But it's always like that. Just to see him choke. Just egg in there? But like, you never do it. But it's always like that. Just to see. But also like, is it real? You know what I mean? Like, a little bit of like. How could someone be that allergic? Maybe you grew out of it. Is this just sort of, you know, this is like some soothing mechanism of yours?
Starting point is 00:32:44 The prank gone wrong. Oh, shit. It is real. Call 911. Exactly. I'll make sure the EpiPen's close and stab him with it. So, okay. So, anyway.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You're making it real. So, I'm making it real. And I was like, I'd love to get the scenes from sleeping with other people. It's really funny stuff of me and Mintsukas. So, they get the scenes. And it was sort of like annoying for them to get this. Like, they didn't do it when i got them and whatever and then i was supposed to take a meeting there and i had just
Starting point is 00:33:10 at the agency i just come back from shooting episodes and blah blah um and was going to take a meeting there at like three o'clock and at one o'clock i was like let me look at what the really updated reel is and i looked at the scenes for sleeping with other people. And there was a scene with me. And then a scene with me. And then a scene of Amanda Peete. Yeah. And then a scene of me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:32 So there was a scene of a different actress. Yeah. On my reel. Right. Which led me to have some questions. Right. Of whether or not they were aware that I was a different person from Amanda Peete.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Like, clearly who had ever done that? She's also in the movie. So I don't know if they thought I was playing two different characters in the movie. I don't know what was happening. So there's like just a chunk of Amanda Peete on your reel. In the middle of my reel. With none of you in it.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And it had, no, correct. I'm not in that scene. It was like a scene that I'm in and then a scene that I'm not involved in at all. So they just. Went in the middle of my reel. And so I also was like, well, how long has this been going? Because it had been like four months since that reel had been supposedly available. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:24 So they're just sending you out as Amanda Peete on the reel? Or clearly you're not sending me out because wouldn't someone have been like, um. It's not the same person. That's not the same person. And so at that point I was like, I think that's the last straw. Right. But also, you know, whatever. It was, it makes me laugh because it's just but it's also like this wasn't that this was like
Starting point is 00:34:46 three years ago and I've worked a long time like okay I guess we don't have to be in every scene on our reel by the way why do we have to be in every scene on our reel that you're right you know what I'm just realizing that maybe I was being selfish being selfish that she needs to
Starting point is 00:35:02 she's lovely I don't know her she's good but she's so talented yeah that i'm sure scene was good yeah i hope she got work off by the way i think she must have yeah well that's well that leads to the the way i don't even know why i went off on that tangent it's a funny story the um because you said i'm funny oh i'm married to an agent yeah yeah that's where i met agents well but that's the thing like i didn't i don't think i was represented i was in that situation before you know things turned around for me where where my manager and you start to realize how this works
Starting point is 00:35:34 that you're really just this you're you're either a function either you they can sell you or they can't and if they can't you're just kind of like oh yeah that guy yeah we got him too so so what happens is is like i was unrepresented every few years my manager would ask an agent to do him a favor right and send me out a couple times to make it feel like hip pocket you yeah yeah right and and then they just nothing would happen and i'm like and i'd have these calls where i'm like do i have an agent yeah and and then it got to here's how my relationship, 20 year relationship with my manager ended. I brought the early episodes of the podcast in, which was starting to sort of pick up.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You know, we were at the cutting, you know, the cusp of something. And I played him and he, I go to meet him about it. He goes, I don't get it. Where's, he goes, he says, where's the, what's, where's the WTF? Where's the W, yeah, yeah. Like there, there he had somehow played like this must mean this or that well to his we're okay now but i fired him oh yeah yeah because he tried to pawn me off onto the assistant which is the worst that is the worst moment yeah you know what i mean like there was this moment where like he's like uh because i i had shit on the assistant i
Starting point is 00:36:45 had a big fight with him because he lied to my face i caught him in a lie and he just doubled down on the lie and i'm like dude dude you're beat yeah right and after that happened my manager after we make up for that he goes uh go apologize to josh they're all josh that was one of the funniest so right who said that greg proof said he was at the Montreal Comedy Festival. He says, I'm in a room surrounded by Joshes and Barrys. Oh, I so wish my husband's name was Josh. What is it? Jeremy.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Oh, there's one. Close. But yeah, whatever. So that was that. But we're okay now. Everything's fine. I got, I'm now with an agent who's a, he's sort of a, an old timer guy. Like he's been around a while and i just like i don't know exactly who all my covering people are but i know that he's
Starting point is 00:37:31 you know i talk to him and he calls me as my husband always says he goes literally like all you need is one person who really you don't need a thousand people if you have one person who is paying attention and passionate and whatever that's really. It's a weird part of the business. It is a weird part. Because I had another agent recently that I left, and she was great, and she was committed, but she was like not, you know, if the top people don't dig you, then you're going to be fighting against people in your own agency.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's like I don't even like to think about it. But my question is this. Yes, yes. Because you're on the inside, you're fucking one. Sometimes occasionally it's been a while right you have a kid and no no it's all right okay it's what my show is based on a lot of real stuff mostly real stuff well that guy's such a great guy oh tom yeah yeah he's fantastic your husband's that great a guy honestly i call him saint jeremiah he's the night he's the greatest guy in the whole fucking world. Everyone loves my fucking husband.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Hmm. Which I, as in I talk about in season one, I have, I think probably going back to my parents' divorce and all this stuff. I do have a legitimate, I always thought I'd be divorced and I sort of always imagined that would be great. And I don't know why. But I'm married to this like lovely person. Yeah. Is like. Right. Like, well, I i'm happily married so how am i supposed to get divorced but i've always imagined i was going to be so now what so it's on you to fuck it up yeah yeah and i'm not yeah you know i mean yeah i'm sure i am in some capacity but anyway um okay so what's my question? Okay. Is that like you're working and you're doing well and you're obviously something they can market when when when what happens that happened to you when when that happens where they they just it's just they don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah. It's like what are they giving a shit about? I I don't. Is it like the book business where they've got one or two people that are making millions of dollars and that that's all the effort goes into managing and making sure those people are right? Or what? I just don't know. What are they? Are they just sitting around packaging things, whatever that means?
Starting point is 00:39:34 I think I assume it's just them wrapping up presents to give each other gift baskets and they package them up and then they send them out to different people around town. I just don't know what the day-to-day is. Well, I mean, I know what my husband's day-to-day is, but it's...
Starting point is 00:39:53 Phone calls? Phone calls a lot. He represents bigger people. Don't even talk to me about that number. Call me back. No. That's what the Joshes do. Oh, that's the do oh that's the joshes that's a josh
Starting point is 00:40:07 job not a jeremy job jeremy but they were such an essential part of the business and some of them have so much power and it's just like i haven't quite wrapped my brain around you know how it all works but it's so vast it is vast also the other thing i realized because people are always like oh your husband you know he represents these big people. Does he help you? And I'm like, no. He's literally in a different career than I am. We do not cross over.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I know. What is that about? Because I was with a huge management agency, and he represented everybody, the biggest people in comedy. I'm like, can you just get me like a one line part where I just walk on in the thing? You guys produce it. You represent all the actors in it. And some of them are my friends.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Is there any way? Can I tell you? It sounds like maybe he didn't think you were great. I think what I honestly think. Like, I mean. I think he did. I think what it comes down to is I don't know what to do with him. See, they try to box you.
Starting point is 00:41:03 But I think that is something interesting because I would say until you started, I would say in your past, what, decade? Right. Because like in 2004, you were scared of me. People had to be less scared of me because they just sort of assumed like he's got an edge. Yeah. And then they realized like he's very inconsistent.
Starting point is 00:41:18 He's not always funny and he's scaring ladies. So maybe. So maybe we don't know what to do with that. Yeah. We'll wait it out. But don't you think like in a certain way, like you had to figure know what to do yeah we wait yeah we wait we'll wait don't you think like in a certain way like you had to figure out what to do with it the most sure i had then guided well yeah well you you early on and i guess maybe this happened to you you're driven by a certain amount of spite and entitlement like you have talent you may not have
Starting point is 00:41:40 a handle on it but you're like why the fuck is that person getting that why why didn't i go in for that why can't you send me in for that if that person got i don't know if i'm projecting but yeah i don't know i mean yes of course there is that natural um but you might not have been ready is my point is that like i had a lot of opportunities that in retrospect i wasn't ready for but i i got yeah and there was no way they could move forward really because i wasn't you know i wasn't grounded basically yeah yeah and I didn't know what I really did yeah I think that you know I think also I'm you know I did stand up for a very short period of time so I can't even call myself like a former stand-up I came
Starting point is 00:42:16 in more through acting and that well yeah but what is the because you seem like a um like a relatively uh healthy person I I think I am mentally and uh yeah I think I am. Mentally and... Yeah, I think I am. I'm a pretty normal, for doing what I do, like normal person who has a pretty normal life. So your parents get divorced.
Starting point is 00:42:36 My parents get divorced. But it didn't devastate you because you were too young? I was two, so I don't remember it. And your mother, who were you living with? My mom. My mom had full custody.
Starting point is 00:42:45 She met my stepdad three weeks later. Full custody. What the hell did your dad do? He wasn't interested. He had visitation. I mean, back then it was like you just weren't interested. I didn't grow up super. You go over there for the weekend.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Go there one weekend every month, two months. Are they both still around? Mm-hmm. And you have a relationship with both of them? I do, yeah. My dad and I have had, you know, I wouldn't say a father dot like what you think of you know i kind of grew up together he was around the corner kind of thing no he lived in orange
Starting point is 00:43:09 county like it was kind of an hour and a half away we'd meet at union station downtown yeah and they do the drop off and my stepmom so you have a you have experience with union station that was part of your childhood that was part of my childhood is driving to Union Station, not going inside, but doing the exchange in the parking lot. Like we wouldn't take the train. It was just sort of halfway between our houses. Oh, really? And then my dad- Drive downtown to beautiful old Union Station.
Starting point is 00:43:35 To beautiful old Union Station. And my stepmom, who actually is no longer my stepmom, but was my stepmom for many years. She is still alive, but they have gotten divorced. Never wanted to meet my mom and so never met my mom in 30 years and so she would get dropped off around the corner yeah and then my dad would come pick us up and then go pick her up oh so it was weird so it was weird and my dad yeah my dad is an interesting guy like i'm still he's an orthodontist oh um in orange county nice yeah i have a lot of teeth people in my family um we're people of teeth Yeah, like I'm still, he's an orthodontist in Orange County. Nice.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah. I have a lot of teeth people in my family. We're people of teeth. And my brother's a dentist. My mom was a dental hygienist. Really? Yeah, yeah. A periodontist.
Starting point is 00:44:16 We're, you know. Teeth people. We're teeth people. Where do you stand on floss? Pro. Yeah, good. Very pro. Me too.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Yeah, yeah. Compulsively. Are people against floss? I read one article. I was like, I. Very pro. Me too. Yeah, yeah. Compulsively. Are people against floss? I read one article. I was like, I didn't know this was like a, I didn't know this was a brewing. So I have this woman who trains me. Yeah, she finds things on the internet. Yeah. Because I floss, like my gums are kind of fucked because it's a long story.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I'd love to hear every. Well. Actually, I'm kidding. Well, my bites often. Do you ever seed in g love to hear every. Well. Actually, I'm kidding. Well, my bites often. Do you ever see it in gums? I do, yeah. Because my bites often because of a bad decision I made early on with a toothbrush. What was that?
Starting point is 00:44:53 What does that mean? I remember I had to track it because I've had my gums. I want them to be healthy. But one time when I was younger, I decided that to really brush, to really brush thoroughly, you had to, you know, make your gums bleed. Oh, Jesus. So I just brushed. Until your gums bled every day? A few times until, you know, and then, yeah, I was misguided. And then I had braces and they
Starting point is 00:45:20 took them off. They didn't work because my bite's off. And then they wanted to. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Have you been wearing a retainer since? Have you been maintaining your bite? No. What I'm saying is I had braces for two years and they straightened my teeth and I had retainers, but the dentist, the orthodontist said basically, well, we have to reset your jaw in order for this to really work out because my jaw is off. So they would have had to break my jaw, realign it. You should have come to the Savages. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yeah, you should have come to the Savages. I was in New Mexico. There was no way to know. It's worth it. But then there was one orthodontist who we went in about my jaw and he showed us pictures of like Rondo Hatton and acromeglia,
Starting point is 00:46:01 people that say my bones might be growing. It was terrible. It was like they showed me. Your face. I mean, I'm looking at your face right now. It doesn't look weird. No, I know. I have a jaw,
Starting point is 00:46:12 but I'm just telling you about my teeth and my gums. I thought you said dentist. I know, but I feel like now people would probably know what to do. Yeah, but I'm not going to have my jaw reset at this point in time. You've got good teeth. I see. They don't line up. But they don't line up, but they're straight and they have my jaw reset at this point in time. You've got good teeth. I see.
Starting point is 00:46:26 They don't line up. But they don't line up, but they're straight and they're nice. Well, the braces work, but the bite's off, and that's why my teeth only meet in like two places, and it's hard to chew. I've lost my headphones. I'm not asking for advice, but the article, yeah, there was an idea that floss didn't do anything. I don't believe that. No, I mean, that's a ridiculous argument. Terrible. Yeah. article, yeah. There was some floss. There was an idea that floss didn't do anything. I don't believe that. No, I mean, that's a ridiculous argument. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Yeah. So, okay. Yeah, so. A lot of dentists. Yeah, a lot of dentists. And your stepmom is waiting around the corner. So my stepmom's waiting around the corner. My mom met my stepdad three weeks after my dad left.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Oh, so you had a. And then I think my dad, six months later, he had like an early midlife crisis. It was the 70s, like mid 70s, you know, mid to late 70s. And was like, wait a minute. Why did I have kids so young? I want to go on ski vacations
Starting point is 00:47:10 and, you know, So the Martin Mull character. The Martin Mull character is a very, very, it's all, yeah,
Starting point is 00:47:18 yeah. It's all, all those stories are real. Not a volatile person, but still sort of emotionally shitty. Yeah. And I think Martin, you know, know again my dad isn't like a shitty person or whatever but like a little focused on himself you know what i mean like right it was you know a different time i would say martin is a very adorable version yeah yeah um but my dad in the past eight years went through this thing where he got divorced again and
Starting point is 00:47:46 just started to party. A second time? Or the third time? How many times? This is the second time. Okay. So he had it in the mid-70s and then again in his 70s. So he's in his 70s and he's starting to party?
Starting point is 00:47:57 He's in his 70s and he's starting... It's waning right now, but he started partying. Really? Like clubbing. In his 70s? Mm-hmm. And drugs and... So that's real in the show he took exit he had like everyone over for a family barbecue and i had no idea this is a
Starting point is 00:48:14 true story there's a true story and he had a sensual photography wall that i has just been taken down recently uh-huh um and yeah so that's all true wow so but it's so weird because i feel like the most season one is mostly all you know my stories and true stories in season two it starts to blend more with my writers and stuff but i feel like i had like the most normal childhood in so many ways but now looking back i'm like well maybe not you know well it's weird with selfish parents because i had them too is like i really get the distinct feeling that my parents are more people i grew up with than parents like like i don't have like i would never i would never go to either of them with a like an emotional problem like i gotta call my mommy yeah i never i have fantastic mom yeah who was the least selfish
Starting point is 00:49:03 what's the woman who plays your mom in the show? Kathy Baker. She's so funny. She's so good. Yeah, she's great. And that is very much my mother. Oh, that's great. Yeah, very much my mother.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And I have a great mom. Yeah. She's, yeah. So basically, I mean, I grew up kind of just like going, all right, I got my mom. I got my brothers. And she's still married to the stepfather? No, he passed away. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:23 He passed away. But she's married to Leon from the show, whom she feeds in bed. That's true. Leon. Yeah. She just randomly one day was like, oh, I got to get home. The actual guy in the show? No.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Oh, okay. No, no, no. Okay. She's got to get home too. She's got to get home. And she was like, sorry, I got to leave by three o'clock because I got to feed Leon. I was like, you mean like make dinner? She was like, well, he likes to eat in bed.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I was like, what are you saying? And I was like, I need you to walk me through every detail of what you're talking about. What is Leon wearing? Right. What are you serving? Right. Is it just on the comforter? Are you pulling up a towel?
Starting point is 00:50:05 She was like, well, we have white towels at the bottom of the bed ready i was like do they get washed and why are they white and and he's not bedridden no he comes home from work she tells me he takes his pants off and then he's in his tighty whities and t-shirt yeah gets in bed watches tv and my mom serves like a three-course meal it's the week and she was like i don't know why you make this sound so weird i was like i and t-shirt, gets in bed, watches TV, and my mom serves like a three-course meal. It's the weird, and she was like, I don't know why you make this sound so weird. I was like, I don't know how else to make this sound. It's the weirdest thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:50:36 It's hard to understand. Then she goes, I'm from a different generation. The generation that just feeds their perfectly. Yeah, the generation of slaves. I don't know what, I love when she says it. I'm always like, what generation is this that you're referring to?
Starting point is 00:50:48 Like, we're the generation of just fucking crazy people? Yeah. It is kind of. Yeah. The 70s. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But your dad's okay?
Starting point is 00:50:56 He's leveled off? My dad is leveled off a little bit. What was the confrontation, though, once you found out he was on ecstasy? I didn't know. He didn't tell me. He told my cousin, who then was like, hey, your dad's on ecstasy i didn't know he didn't tell me uh he told my cousin who then was like hey your dad's on ecstasy and i was like this was when my daughter was little yeah and we would
Starting point is 00:51:12 go there and there was like edibles everywhere and all the stuff and i was like don't eat chocolate at grampy's house i was like ask before you eat anything um and i was just like what is happening and my husband and i had thing where we don't stay after dark i was like i was like once the sun goes down we we get out might get weird it get it got weird he his his girl like there's just a lot of stuff going on we were like we're just not and then we'd get sort of heckled for not partying enough and it was like from old people mostly my dad yeah and it was like we're not interested in coming to your, driving to Orange County and like partying.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Doing X and hanging out. Like, what is happening? Yeah. So, but he's an interesting guy. You know. You sound as though like you got a pretty good sense of humor about it. I mean, isn't it upsetting on some level? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Yeah. I would say that's probably the most complicated relationship of my life. But. The infantile father. Yeah. Yeah. I would say that's probably the most complicated relationship of my life. But... The infantile father. Yeah, just, you know, but he's fascinating and really interesting and really smart. But also, like, it just didn't seem like he was that interested in having... He had more kids later. But, like, my older brother and I, I think he loves us.
Starting point is 00:52:21 But, like, it wasn't... It never felt... We didn't have a room there it never felt particularly well how many does he have other than you two two and how are they they're great yeah they're great but they have a different relationship with him in a lot of ways but they're awesome and but they still have to deal with him they still have to deal with yeah yeah you know yeah um but yeah but your mom was grounded and you had one good one. Yeah, I had a good one in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:52:48 So, are you doing funny stuff in theater and stuff in high school? Yeah, musical theater. I'm not. I didn't come up like going, oh, I listen to cool comedy albums. I liked Oklahoma and like the Music Man. I did, yeah. I don't sing anymore. I just haven't sung.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It's not great. But yeah, I feel like I was a decent singer, but I just forced my way into being a singer. But it seems like you could do a musical now. Like what? But I mean, it seems like that's an option you should have, like maybe do a Broadway show. Okay. Well, I'm not going to. I'd love to do a Broadway show, but I don't.
Starting point is 00:53:24 You seem like there's part of you that has a musical personality. Thank you. I think maybe even if you did an episode of I'm Sorry that's musical. Like just singing the whole time. Why wouldn't you do? I'm pitching now. I'm pitching. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Not good? You're just going to let that go? Can you put it up on the whiteboard? I'll put it on the whiteboard. We'll see. You know what I mean? I don't have anything left in me if we do season three. So I'll put it on the whiteboard. We'll see. You know what I mean? I don't have anything left in me if we do season three. So I'll put that on the whiteboard.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah, musical episode. Musical episode. Great. I'll call Rachel Bloom, who's fantastic. She's great. Yeah. We'll get her people and we'll do it. Why not?
Starting point is 00:53:57 I guess that's the problem now. You can't even do that because there's one show that does that well and it's unique. And if you did that, you're like, no, it's just a Rachel Bloom thing. Yeah. Well, yeah. So you do musical theater. So I do musical theater. I'm very academic.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I'm a really good student. Yeah, I feel that. I went to an all-girls school here in LA that's now co-ed. Which one? Westlake, Harvard Westlake now. And that was an Ivy League prep school in a way? Kind of, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So I did a lot of musical theater. westlake now and that was a a ivy league prep school in a way kind of yeah yeah yeah um so i
Starting point is 00:54:26 did a lot of musical theater i think that's when i realized like i was i knew i was starting to be funny yeah um but there weren't a lot of funny women like it was not there weren't a lot of girls at my school that were naturally super funny but my guy friends were funny yeah and my boyfriends were funny yeah and at school uh outside of school because it was all girl school but yeah um but i was like i would never be an actor i didn't even know being a comedian was a thing i didn't really know comedians i didn't know about comedy world i didn't know about improv groups i didn't know what the growlings was i didn't know any of that and then i went to cor, which didn't have anything like that then. That's a smart school.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. Where is that, New York? Upstate New York, Ithaca. Yeah. Yeah. And what'd you study there? I was pre-law. I was a government major, yeah, with a minor in law.
Starting point is 00:55:16 So you understand everything. I mean, this was a million years ago. Right. But you were a good student. I was a good student, yeah. So you left understanding government. I did. Yeah. Yeah. And so when were a good student so you left like understanding government i did yeah yeah and so when you did veep you're like i get i get this i was like first of all wrong i just kept walking around this set just going up to people if you okay fine
Starting point is 00:55:38 i guess if you're not trying to make this authentic what stopped you from like pursuing law well because i was doing theater the whole time at cornell at cornell just the theater department but i wasn't in the theater department and it was one of those things where i didn't want to admit it to myself like i think i want to try to do this but coming from la being an actor i was like that's the most sort of irresponsible lamest thing to do it was was not a cool thing in my world. Right. That's what people came to this city to do.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I know. And it was sort of sad somehow. Yeah, or I just didn't even know anyone in it. And it just was sort of like- You didn't know anyone in it? I know. Isn't that weird? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I guess I knew like a little, like I went to school with a couple people who were like actors, who were like kid actors. Yeah. Who? Like Tori Spelling went to my school. Yeah. And a couple other who were like actors who were like kid actors yeah who like Tori Spelling went to my school yeah and a couple other people right
Starting point is 00:56:29 and but like I didn't really know and anyway so basically I just I did study abroad and I lived in Spain for nine months you speak Spanish
Starting point is 00:56:38 I do yeah yeah do you use it now not as much as I'd like but yeah yeah I like to speak Spanish yeah I wish. Yeah. I like speaking Spanish.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Yeah. I wish I knew another language. You have a knack for it? It's too late now. It is too late. Yeah. Don't even try. Even if I get the thing they advertise on TV, the babble or whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I don't know what that is, but you're done. Don't even try. I'm not going to. That's the worst attitude. Don't even try. I couldn't handle it in college. I couldn't handle it in high school or college. It's how I feel about an instrument.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I never learned an instrument. I hate that. I wish I could play an instrument, but I'm like- See, I can do that. I know. Yeah. It's too college. It's how I feel about an instrument. I never learned an instrument. I hate that. I wish I could play an instrument. See, I can do that. I know. Yeah. It's too late. It's too late for me.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah, it is. Well, no, you could probably. Save myself. I don't know. It depends what you expect out of it. I mean, Spanish, like, if you're going to, you know, you can't really hobby Spanish. Like, you know, if you're going to do it. You've got to live somewhere, by the way.
Starting point is 00:57:20 But you've got to talk to people. With a guitar, you can sit by yourself and play three chords shitty and still sing a song. Yeah. I can't just sit around, habla. I can. That was pretty great. Just keep doing that. Go down that road. Habla. No habla. No. I'll tell you what. I'll try to pick up some Spanish and you can pick up a guitar. And I'll pick up some guitar.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yeah. All right. And then we'll meet up in like six months and see where we are. We'll do this again. Yeah. By the way. It's real. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Look at this. It'll be two middle-aged people. You learn a Spanish song and I'll sing it. All right. I'll learn De Calores. Okay. I used to play that. used to know that song sure yeah yeah i had to sing that in elementary school yeah we all did i grew up in yeah in
Starting point is 00:58:15 new mexico right yeah yeah you don't fuck yeah what you don't fucking want no spanish new mexico yeah i know it was surrounded by it but but I crapped out in junior high and high school. I just, I couldn't. There was something about the tenses. There's something about grammar that I barely have a handle on English. I get it. Like writing? Spanish is easier than English, though.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It is? Yeah. It's just more, it's more straightforward. It seemed like math to me, like to figure out grammar. I liked math, though. Yeah, I know. I know. I can't.
Starting point is 00:58:42 But you know, I could never, it took living in Spain to speak it, but I could understand it and that kind of stuff. But then it took living in Spain and like drinking, like having some cocktails. And then suddenly you would be fluent. What part of Spain? Sevilla. Southern Spain. Seville.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Oh, yeah? Did you drink that cider? The sherry? Well, they, like I was up in, briefly in San Sebastián. Okay. Yeah. And they just have this hard cider. Oh, I don't think that.
Starting point is 00:59:07 That's not a thing down. Spain is like one of those places, it's like if you're from the north, they hate you. Oh, right. Like it's the most, every place hates every other place. Yeah, but you had a nice time there? I had a great time. Loves me.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And then you came back. Then I came back and I was like, I'm going to be a comedian. Yeah. Not a comedian at all. It wasn't until I actually, I, yeah. So I told my like college counselor, I was like, well, I'm going to be an actor. And literally it was just like dead face.
Starting point is 00:59:31 They didn't even know. At Cornell? At Cornell. And it was in the government department. They were just like, what are you saying? And then they were like, okay, well, after that, when do you think you're going to, I mean, really? It was just like, what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Okay. And I was like, I'll do this for like eight years. Yeah. When you fail. Is that even a thing you fail? Like, it was just literally like, I don't even, what? Yeah, okay. And I was like, I'll do this for like a year. Yeah, when you fail, or I don't, is that even a thing you fail? Like, it was just literally like, I don't even know what words you're saying. So I'm just going to pretend you haven't said them. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:51 And then I got a job on a kid's show relatively early, relatively quickly. You came back out here? I came back out here, moved in and home. And how did your mom and dad respond to it? They were actually supportive. I think they were like, she'll do it for a year. It gives her like a little break. And then-
Starting point is 01:00:04 They all hope it's my dad was sending me law school and business school application deadlines for years and years and years um and then i got on the show called sweet valley high that's a kid show yeah it was like a tween show it was based on books called from sweet valley high they were very popular these these girl twins, Jessica and Cynthia Wakefield. And I played Brazilian exchange student. Really? Renata Vargas. So you had to do an accent?
Starting point is 01:00:33 Uh-huh. Wow. Well, that's not easy. Well, except I was like, do you want an authentic Brazilian accent? They were like, nah, do what you did in the audition. Yeah. Which was offensive.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And didn't sound, well, except it was like tea, but still. And I would have, I was from Brazil, but like I would talk about tacos and burros, but then also like Amazon rainforests. Yeah. And then also have fruit on my head. So you're a stereotype. It was a catch all. A general Latin-ish.
Starting point is 01:01:03 I had a lot of, yeah, a lot of ruffles and a lot going on. And you did a lot of these. I did a season. Yeah, I did a season. That was their last season. I did a season of that. And then I was like, so here we go. You're in the union.
Starting point is 01:01:14 You got health coverage. I'm like, this is it. Everyone's ready for me. And then got like a couple guest stars. And then, you know. That was it? I was like, well, I guess I'll waitress now. Is that what you did?
Starting point is 01:01:25 Yeah, I did. But I took this cold reading class with Chris Parn and I met Chris Parnell there. And he's the one who was like, you should audition for the Groundlings. That's what started me kind of in the comedy world. Long story to get to that. Not really. So you didn't have a lot of traction with the Sweet Valley High. Renata Vargas didn't really take off.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Yeah. The way that we all thought she would. So when you get to Groundlings, now are you living at home? Mm-mm. I was waitressing.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I had an apartment in West LA. Where were you waitressing? In Santa Monica. Yeah. On Montana Avenue. Wow. I waitressed
Starting point is 01:02:00 at the 17th Street Cafe. I have no idea. Like Santa Monica is like another world to me. I don't ever go to that area anymore, but I used to live over there. What part of the town do you live in now? I live in the Hollywood Hills. Oh.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, why would you go to Santa Monica? And in fact, if there's a meeting or something and it's after 10 or- Me too. I mean, if it's before 10 or after 2, I just pass. No way. Me too.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I can't do it. From here? Are you fucking nuts? By the way, from my house if it's before 10 or after 2, I just pass. No way. Me too. I can't do it. From here? Are you fucking nuts? By the way, from my house, it's not great either. I mean, because a lot of those people, like, I'll actually judge. That's one of those agents, executive business things where it's like, they want me to come in at 4? At 4 o'clock? How unimportant am I that I can't get in the 11 to 3 range?
Starting point is 01:02:45 Well, 3 is already cutting it close. You got to go 11 to 2. If you're like really on their top choices, 11 to 2. Right. And I'm like, this is not worth it. You're like, I'm not 415, my friend. It's clearly not worth it. 415 in Culver City.
Starting point is 01:02:58 You have seven other choices ahead of me. There are already offers out and you're just waiting to, they're waiting to read. You're waiting for them to get back to you. Yeah, yeah. No way. No fucking way. It's nice to be able
Starting point is 01:03:11 not to do that. I know, right? And they think you're playing hard to get. You're like, I just do not want to sit in traffic for an hour and a half on both sides
Starting point is 01:03:18 of that. It's beyond. I do think there's very few people now over there. I feel like everyone has sort of gotten the clue and have moved over. I feel like very rarely now is it.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Oh, that's right. Yeah. Oh, the offices are here or closer. I feel like now everything is a little closer. Right. What was out there? It was like Comedy Central was out there. Comedy Central was out there.
Starting point is 01:03:35 HBO is out there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I've been truly under a rock for two and a half years where I haven't seen the lead of the day. Netflix is like right. It's right.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Right. Right. By the one on 101 at sunset. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've become like a shell of a human being. Like I don't. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Don't go anywhere. No, we just get older and we're doing our job. Yeah, I'm just busy. Whatever that job is. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and you do. It's hard to do.
Starting point is 01:04:00 It's hard. It's a lot of hours. You know, you go shoot where you shoot and then, you know, you do the thing. Yeah. So who's in the groundlings when you get there you just start taking classes yeah you got to take classes it's a whole to do no i know yeah yeah yeah um i i got through it relatively quickly and then i was in the sunday company where i was cut uh after a year of being a company but i was there with um
Starting point is 01:04:18 in my like sort of group i was melissa mccarthy and ben falcone wendy mcclendon covey and uh steve little and a bunch of other amazing people you don't know and then dax shepherd and caitlin olsen yeah that's how dax and i knew each other and we were both cut and so was caitlin olsen from it's always sunny one yeah really funny yeah good friend of mine we were all cut and it's actors voting another actors it's a crazy system so you're out company so you never made the literally yeah and then once you're out it's like you've been in a cult for five years and then you're just like sprung back out in the world and you're like who am i yeah what have i you've beaten me down like you're literally like a shell of yourself and that's when i started doing stand-up i have i have uh uh i have a yes and skill set that's all i've got um but growlings was good because it taught me how to write
Starting point is 01:05:10 because it's like comedy boot camp when you do the sunday company you have to write like five new sketches every wednesday you have to have them do every wednesday and then put them up on sunday and it it is comedy boot camp you can't wait for inspiration yeah you can't wait for whatever you just gotta churn that shit yes i'm terrible at i can't stand writing inspiration yeah you can't wait for whatever you just got to churn that shit yeah see i'm terrible at i can't stand writing i literally go into a nap paralysis yeah but people who do it do you like it yeah i do see it's good to like it i do yeah do you like sitting in a room in a writer's room with a whiteboard going like oh and you're on the second column we don't you know my writer's room isn't like a traditional writer's room.
Starting point is 01:05:45 We pitch, I pitch a lot of stories. Everyone pitches stories. I hire people really for what they're like, sort of personality and like the way, you know, they think and what their life is. But you're not improvising,
Starting point is 01:05:59 are you? We improvise, I improvise a little bit. It depends. If it's me and Manzoukas, we're improvising, but no, it's fully scripted. And then we get to this. Yeah. I mean, even with he, it's like moving depends. If it's me and Mansoukas, we're improvising. But no, it's fully scripted. And then we get to this.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Yeah. I mean, even with he, it's like moving the script. No, it has. We do like an improv take usually for every scene. Yeah. But it's fully scripted. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:14 It feels like that. Yeah. Yeah. So when like, so you come out of Groundlings, is that when you decide like, I'm going to do stand up? Yeah. I was like, well, I've got to do something. So that's 2002-ish? Yeah. I think that's 2002- 2002 ish and there's a lot the alt scene is sort of happening happening
Starting point is 01:06:30 so you can get on stage without having any experience whatsoever and be celebrated because you know people well i don't even know if i knew anyone but i quickly knew got to know people yeah i think um being a woman was nice There weren't a lot of us. So you would, people would be like, well, we need that one woman. So you're working at the M-Bar? I improv. Probably got up faster than I would have other places. Aquaman show at the M-Bar? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:57 What was that called again? Oh my God. Comedy Death Ray. Oh yeah, so important. By the way, do you remember how important it was? It was like, I got to get on that Comedy Death Ray. Yeah. And then that room, I never liked the M Bar.
Starting point is 01:07:09 And then when it moved over to UCB, it wasn't as important. But when it was at M Bar, it was sort of like a big deal. It was a big deal. Whenever I got a spot there, I felt like it was a big deal. Oh, my God. It's so in my I don't give a shit anymore uh compartment yeah i think after groundlings and how crazy that place was it made stand up kind of like well this is easy yeah in that not easy in that the craft is easy but easy and like i'm not being voted on by people i'm it's
Starting point is 01:07:38 all you can contain it all yourself i don't need to put a wig on and a weird voice and a thing because that actually wasn't my forte and what were you doing jokes or stories or just you kind of just me and where i was in my life but not really storytelling i mean jokes and i think i was able to fake being a stand up in the beginning yeah enough to be able to not be terrible right and then slowly started to be able to actually right be a stand-up yeah as that went away but yeah i mean and it was a great group of people i i um i dated uh i started in chris hardwick so he and i were together through that you dated hardwick those years yeah i probably didn't like you then yeah you might not have yeah because i had a problem with him early on okay because he like surfaced in new york first as a stand-up back in the Luna days. He did? He did.
Starting point is 01:08:25 But he's always in LA. No, this was 2000 and, no, it was the mid-90s. And it was like literally when he just started doing it and I'm like, the guy from MTV, the host guy, and that stuck on me. But why do you care? I did care at that time. I was very protective of the it the idea of stand up and
Starting point is 01:08:46 and and i just didn't buy him okay as a stand-up okay but uh but then i got out here and it was all hard wiki so you were not a fan i had to reckon with hardwick yeah that's so weird he's like the nicest like i didn't never bought it i'm like what there's a darkness here and i want it like it's like with the agents you're like oh well no because like what oh you know what it was is like yeah after new york and whatever judgments i had about chris then i got out here and it was before he stopped drinking so like i i'm well he'll tell you i i basically you were with him then well yeah and i broke up i was like you need yeah i was like we fought about it from the beginning and then when
Starting point is 01:09:31 we broke up he got sober right because he was doughy and sweaty and like well i don't know i mean not fat but like he didn't look great and then like i saw him at zach alphanakis's party once and i'm like dude you know i can help help. I can steer you in the right direction. And not long after that, he locked in. That's, yeah. And he became like this exercise junkie and this kind of like- Work, work, work, work. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Yeah, yeah. A brand building maniac. He just like, he kind of isolated himself and started reading Seth Godin books or something and became this like yeah thing yeah yeah then the nerdist evolved yeah but you were you were done with him by then yeah but we're still good friends we're still good friends and um but yeah so i was with so in that world and then um and then i did this show for comedy central called dog bites man oh yeah and i became a writer producer oncer on that. And that was with Zach and Matt Walsh
Starting point is 01:10:25 and A.D. Miles and myself, and we played this, like, news team. A.D. lives over here. Yeah, he did. He trains at the same gym. I see him a lot. Oh, nice. I'm watching him lose weight.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I haven't seen him weightless. By the way, I haven't seen him in, like, a decade, but when he moved back out here after Fallon, we were like, we got to get together, and then we didn't. But I love him. He's awesome. So it was the four of us.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Maybe you can stop by after this. Great. I'll just knock. Yeah. What's up? What's up? It's been a decade. How are you?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Assistant Marins are on the corner. By the way, he's the kind of person that like in 30 seconds, it would be like, we've seen each other. Like, yeah. No, he's a good guy. And so that's, so then I. Dog bites man. Dog bites man. And so,'s, so then I. Dog bites man. Dog bites man.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And so, yeah, I was doing standup, but it's, and it's the one thing that I wish I'd done longer. I don't miss sketch. I could never do another sketch for the rest of my life. Yeah. I'd be thrilled. I still like doing some improv. Yeah. But standup, I really liked, but I just.
Starting point is 01:11:20 But you can do it. No, I have a child and I work. I mean. I understand. I can't. I can't go out that much. See, I have a child and I work. I understand. I can't. I can't go out that much. See, like you know that about yourself. Well, I've tried.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Literally a couple years ago, I was like, I'm going to go back out and try to do some stuff. I couldn't go out more than once a week. And if you can only go out once a week, you can't get good. No, right. You can't. You got to go five nights a week. I can't work all fucking day and then go. I just can't. But you have downtime. I have't work all fucking day and then go. I just can't.
Starting point is 01:11:45 But you have downtime. I have not had downtime for two and a half years. This is legitimately the second day that I've had any downtime. So today? Mm-hmm. Since November. But what happens? Are you picked up already?
Starting point is 01:11:58 So you're writing already? Are you waiting? Or how's it working? We just launched a second season. So we're talking. Oh. Yeah. I need we're talking. Oh. Yeah. I need a little break. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:07 But don't you have a few months? I didn't from one to two. Right. So we'll see. Because you're exec, produce, star, and writer. Mm-hmm. So got to get that writer's room staffed and going. How many you got?
Starting point is 01:12:21 Small. It's Joey Slayman is my co-showrunner, and she's amazing. And then we had three other writers. Who? Krista Johnson, Elizabeth Lame, and Jeff Drake. Yeah. And a great writer's assistant, Christy McCann. And Manzoukas doesn't write or anything?
Starting point is 01:12:38 He writes, but not on my show. Oh. But he writes in his life. Right. So going back, though, what happened with, because I was doing my minor amount of research. I mean, you've obviously done a lot of bit things on a lot of different things. But you were actually cast in the pilot of Party Down? Yeah, I did that right before I did Step Brothers.
Starting point is 01:13:00 And then when it got picked up, I was eight months pregnant when they were going to be shooting. That's very pregnant. Very pregnant. And I was playing the love interest. So Lizzie Kaplan took, she took, who's a good friend of mine. And so she ended up doing that role. And she's on your show. And she's on my show.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yes, she's on. I agree. All my friends have come and like stepped up. And Adam Scott. Yeah. Is on this season. Yeah, he's a little disturbing. He's probably the most disturbing part of the whole show.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Adam Scott? In a way. Of my show? Well, yeah, because I mean, it's not creepy or weird, but it's just weird seeing, I guess maybe Because of the role? The scene? Oh, got it, got it. That's a real story. Almost word for word. The gynecologist scene? It's very funny
Starting point is 01:13:44 and just very I think he did a great job i love him fantastic job but the detachment is like so well that's what was so insane i was like are you in literally you're like elbow deep and like the two of you were just chatting you and your husband knew each other yeah i mean the gyno and your husband went to camp and they realized it in the room? Yes. Like mid-example. Like it was like, are you? And then he was like, oh my God, how's your sister?
Starting point is 01:14:13 And he was like, his sister was my first kiss. And I was like, great. It was so crazy. And then what is not in the show is when I had to go for a follow-up for what I was there for, I had to go back like 10 days later for a follow-up and my husband was not there and it was just me and dr goldberg yeah and it was the most uncomfortable fastest both of us were just like hello hello and it was just like and bye-bye you're good yeah yeah doctors are weird the kind of intimacy that you're not supposed to have yeah yeah i don't know how, you know, because I grew up, my dad was a doctor.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Oh, right. So I'd always go to his friends if I had to get anything checked out. And then you'd see him socially and be like, hey, yeah, we did the thing. It's good. It's good. There's no problems.
Starting point is 01:14:57 No problems. Yeah. Yeah, you've seen things. Yeah, they have. Yeah, yeah. So are you doing movies? Are you doing another movie now uh no i i legitimately have not been available to do anything i i had a movie come out in last fall called summer 03 but uh i shot that literally in the three weeks i had off between season one and
Starting point is 01:15:17 season two shoved that in wow and then i literally wrapped post-production on season two two weeks ago and i've just been doing press and so now like, okay, I need to take a little breath and live some life. Well, I'm glad we could do this. I'm thrilled we could do this. I am a fan of this, and I listen to it all the time. I'm not scary anymore? No. I know.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah. I didn't think you would be. No. I know. Not now. Well, now I know that you hated. Well, I think you hated a lot of people. I don't know if it was hate.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I just I just didn't know why everyone seemed to be having an easier go at it than me. Got it. They weren't necessarily. No. And I certainly made it more difficult. Yeah. But my projection was like it was basically like that person seems to have their shit together. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:16:02 They can go fuck. Yeah. By the way, that was the vibe I got. It was like, that person seems to hate me for no reason. Yeah. And I don't know what to do with that. So I'm just not going to really address. I'm just going to not necessarily talk to them.
Starting point is 01:16:19 It was all insecurity and whatever. You know what I mean? It's so far back. So far back. But's so far back. But the weird thing was is when I got out here in 2002, I'd already been doing stand-up for years. Yeah. And I had to reintegrate.
Starting point is 01:16:34 And just getting time on alternative shows was like the most important thing in the world. And now it's like, I don't want to set foot in a place. And that whole, it seems that whole scene has sort of now become just the mic scene in a way or just as i don't even know i don't even but like even when chris had nerd mouth it's like i gotta go fucking yeah i gotta get on those fucking shows yeah and i was so yeah and i didn't i didn't even love the audiences that much yeah they were the most homogenized
Starting point is 01:17:00 bunch those the whole alt comedy scene see i like i have such good man like i loved that time i liked the i liked the audiences i liked doing stand-up then well no i but see like you have but i also wasn't like i'm already established in another city well now i gotta come here but like as a stand-up i'm like this i'm a rogue person like you know this whole sort of like we're all going i'm like i'm not going if we're all going. I'm like, I'm not going. If you're all going. I mean, I don't know why that's not so charming as you think it would be. What? As just being like, fuck everyone.
Starting point is 01:17:33 I'm not going with you if you're all going there. But it's just like, I just don't know what everyone does. I have one or two good friends. I can sort of sit in a group for a little while. Well, now it's all about shedding friends right well or just struggling to maintain the couple you have couple that you have and try to see those and get rid of the dead weight yeah but you do you go to dinner things and stuff i again and i feel like a broken record i am just i literally i'm like do i have friends anymore oh yeah i i've seen the ones who've come and done my show. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:06 And then I see Joey, showrunner, and then I see my husband and my daughter, like literally. So you're keeping that relationship strong. Keeping that one going for now. Although again,
Starting point is 01:18:13 I feel like I'm meant to be a divorcee. And I know people think I'm joking, but I feel like I got shit. You covered it in the show where the detachment comes in. But like,
Starting point is 01:18:24 it's just odd because now I'm at this point where it's sort of like, I should be having people over the house. I got a nice house. I just moved as well. What does it take to cook a dinner for four people? And it's just sort of, it's like, but then I get to the next phase. It's sort of like, well, what are we really going to do? But by the way, well, I was about about to say you don't but of course you don't i i'm like do you not like a game night what see no what does that do a game like on your show
Starting point is 01:18:51 yeah like where your friends come over and you play games like what like what games like running charades or um by the way i don't even know why of course you don't do this. But to me, like, there's nothing better than getting, like, 12 people together and playing games. Play celebrity, famous names in a hat. I don't know. I'm all for it. Like, to me, that's the best thing. Drink a couple glasses of wine. Have a game night.
Starting point is 01:19:19 11 o'clock. Snacks. Bye-bye. Snacks? Of course. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Snacks? Of course. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Okay. Listen. I'll add that to the. I'm going to learn guitar. I'm going to have a game night. We're going to do daycaloris. You do a game night. And what do you do?
Starting point is 01:19:36 We'll catch back. What? What is it that you do that I need to. So I have game nights and have fun. Oh, what is it that I do? So I'll sit alone in a closet. What do I do? Not a closet.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Okay. How are you at cooking? Pretty good. I haven't done a lot of it recently, but I enjoy cooking. Pretty good. I've been doing that. What do you cook?
Starting point is 01:19:56 I'm going to cook this weekend. Do you eat everything or you don't eat stuff? No, I do, but I haven't been eating dairy really. Okay. But no, but I cook't been eating dairy really. Okay. But no, but I cook fish. I'm good at fish.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I'm good at... I can cook. Great. I love that. I can look at a recipe and do it. I think a man that can cook is very nice. I think the trick is if you can look at a recipe and see what's supposed to happen, you got a good shot at it.
Starting point is 01:20:20 If you're just in the moment with it, then you don't. You see it as a bigger picture. Yeah. i've been improvising a little bit with the cooking so improvising in the kitchen a little bit a little bit yeah and i've been uh i listen to records yes okay uh on vinyl i could sit in a room and listen to records i do that i've been reading some books lately trying to read a little more i read i like to um oh boy see like i hike okay like i hike up the mountain i can do a lot of these things all right we'll do some of those and i'll try to have a game night honestly why don't you just invite me to your game i was gonna say i was gonna say please invite me to your game night but i don't even know like i'll help you okay
Starting point is 01:21:01 i'm gonna have dave anthony over for game night do you know him that's a name i haven't thought yeah a million years ago. Cranky Dave. I don't even know him well enough. He was sort of above me. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. So it was like I knew who he was.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Yeah, yeah. He was on my show. Yeah. All right. Well, so we have the homework. So we have homework. And the show's great. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And I'm glad we got everything covered. Yeah, I'm glad that we worked it all out. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. everything covered. Yeah, I'm glad that we worked it all out. Thank you. Thank you. Right? That was fun, right? I think it was great. I like the show. I think she's hilarious. Solid person, that Andrea Savage. Solid individual. Don't forget to send us questions for the 1,000th episode. Tell us what you want to know about the last 10 years of
Starting point is 01:21:45 WTF. Send your questions to WTFpod at gmail and put 1000th episode question in the subject line. But also, you know, if you want, you got something to say, this might be the time. Okay. I'm going to play a little guitar. A little send offoff to a friend who was not in the military, but was no less a trooper, for sure. Comedy trooper. Thank you. Godspeed, Brody Stevens. Godspeed, Brody Stevens.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Rest in peace, man. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get snowballs on Uber Eats. But meatballs and mozzarella balls, yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats, get almost almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See app for details.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Hi, it's Terry O'Reilly, host of Under the Influence. Recently, we created an episode on cannabis marketing. With cannabis legalization, it's a brand new challenging marketing category. And I want to let you know we've produced a special bonus podcast episode where I talk to an actual cannabis producer. I wanted to know how a producer becomes licensed, how a cannabis company competes with big corporations, how a cannabis company markets its products in such a highly regulated category, and what the term dignified consumption actually means. I think you'll find the answers interesting and surprising.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Hear it now on Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly. This bonus episode is brought to you by the Ontario Cannabis Store and ACAS Creative.

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