Yannis Pappas Hour - A German without a Plan

Episode Date: September 5, 2024

Yanni takes a peek at Tucker Carlson’s blockbuster interview with historian Darryl Cooper. Yanni & Jesse act as his lawyer defending his tweets against the accusations that he’s a kkkloseted N...azi. Can you imagine a German just riffing & winging it 😅. If there’s a group of people known for never having a plan, it is Germans.  Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of this show:  https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator   Support out Sponsors: Cayman Cigars https://www.caymancigars.com/yannis/ See Yanni live on the road Dania Beach Sept 13-15 Tacoma Sept 19-21 Vegas Sept 27-29 West Nyack, NY Oct 11-13 Brea Oct 25-27 Milwaukee Dec 5-7 Austin Dec 20-22 Tickets: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/shows

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys catch me on the road right after you go to patreon.com slash Yannis Pappasauer for a weekly bonus episodes. You can catch me in Dania Beach, Florida, September 13 through the 15th, Tacoma, Washington, September 19 through the 21st, Vegas, September 27 through the 29th at Skankfest, October 11th and 13th at West Nyack, New York at levity live, October 25th through the 27th in Brea, California at the Brea Improv, Milwaukee Improv December 6th and 7th, Austin December 20th through 22nd, and Rochester January 16th through the 18th. A lot of those tickets will be posted soon for Rochester and Austin. All the rest of the tickets are available at Yanis Papas Comedy dot com. Go get them now. Now enjoy the app.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Hi everybody. My name is Giannis Pappas. Welcome to the Giannis Pappas Hour where we discuss things that are way above my intellectual level to understand, but we have a good time. We go on instincts here. My dad always told me I had a good instinct. He's like, son, you got good instincts. You're full of shit, son you got good instincts. You're full of shit but you got good instincts. So today we're going to dedicate a full hour to the mind virus that's currently going around
Starting point is 00:01:12 on X called Jew Derangement Syndrome. There's no vaccine for it. They're trying to make a vaccine for it but they don't want you to take it because Big Pharma is going to make it and we don't trust Big Pharma. And listen, I am two seconds away from believing the whole thing. So I don't know, I got a itchy butt right now and I just I was looking for a Jew in my toilet. Yeah, I was looking for a Jew in my toilet. It's a very simple thing. You want to solve the problems of the world. You got to go back into history and figure out things from Hitler's perspective. Okay. We've been a little hard on the guy. We've been a little hard on the guy. Has anyone ever put themselves in his, I can only imagine, seven woman's shoes? Has anyone ever put themselves in his shoes? It's not an easy task.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Okay, you got all these POWs. Where do you put them? What do you do with them? You gotta understand that this guy had a lot of logistical problems. It's not his fault. Okay, he wasn't prepared. He was not prepared.
Starting point is 00:02:26 He did not have a plan. Can you imagine that? A German without a plan? That sounds a little fishy. This is the Otis Papasauer where we're gonna take a deep delve into history and ask a bunch of questions about how these disorganized
Starting point is 00:02:45 Germans were able to just pull off you know all these all these cookings of people This podcast is sponsored by Cayman Cigar Company. Once again, they make premium cigars using the highest quality Caribbean tobacco and cigars are hand rolled by master cigar rollers. So enjoy a cigar and give back to those in need. Head to caymanscigars.com slash Yanis Papas to check out their sampler while supplies last. Use the code YANIS for 10% off your order. Once again, that's caimanscigarswithaness.com backslash YANIS for 10% off and make sure you use my promo code YANIS so they know that I sent you. Alright, maybe I shouldn't have said cooking to people but technically that's what happened
Starting point is 00:04:00 and according to the last honest historian in America, Daryl Cooper, who I didn't know until now. I think most of America didn't know until now, but it's very important that his work right now makes it to the forefront of the American consciousness. Because he's dealing with things that are really important now, like world war two. And we need to revisit it. We need to revisit it, um, to figure out
Starting point is 00:04:37 why Churchill was bad and why Hitler was misunderstood. Okay. The history is written by the victors, as you know, and sometimes that's not the accurate story. Okay? Let's put ourselves in Hitler's shoes for a second. Let's put ourselves in Hitler's shoes. Here's a guy who just wants to make the world better, right? He's a peaceful guy. He's an artist. The guy's an artist. All he wants to do is make art, and all he wants to do is make the world just a peaceful, diverse, happy place where freedom reigns and Things are things are the Garden of Eden. That's all he wanted to do then
Starting point is 00:05:29 He runs across a little problem the only way I'm gonna be able to make the world a beautiful peaceful place Is I'm gonna have to invade a bunch of places And then there's gonna be a lot of POWs and people that I gotta put in camps Whoops, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with all these people. I was not prepared. I was not prepared I didn't think this out. I'm like, alright, listen It's gonna be alright refugees happening people move people flee We're gonna have to create some camps, set up some stuff. I didn't think it through. So to do, to be humane, to be humane, he
Starting point is 00:06:16 decided to create a bunch of ovens and give them a quicker death because letting them starve over a long period of time is just cruel. That's just a cruel thing. And as you can see, when we liberated those camps, and we, I wasn't there, but when the Americans and the allied forces liberated those camps, you can see that those guys were well fed. So that, you know, it wasn't that they were starving.
Starting point is 00:06:49 It was like they were well fed, but it was just a quicker solution to kill them all. So the guy was just in a pickle. And you know, people don't understand, they don't understand how tough of a pickle that is. And you know, when you got so many plans, it's obvious that you may forget one. One might slip your mind.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Like what do I do with all these Romani people, gypsies, Jews, I think the Jews were in there. What do I do with them? What do we do with them? Okay, we gotta put them in camps, which is a humane thing to do because camps of camps fun Camps a fun place You know first time I kissed a girl was at a camp. It's a fun place. I love that. They're still called camps that there's
Starting point is 00:07:38 Maybe you know, that's a that's a point where maybe we could have invented another word, you know, it's the same word You go summer camp, extermination camp. Those are two different types of camps. We need another word there. I think that might be the problem here. I think Darrell Cooper, America's last honest historian who was interviewed on the number one podcast in the world with the most honest, hard hitting journalist, Tucker Carlson. I think that's where the dilemma for Hitler became apparent to
Starting point is 00:08:14 him. You know, he's like camps, like who would set up camps, good people, people who are thinking about, you know, what do you do at camp? Okay, let's do some finger painting. Let's do some horseback riding. Let's make out behind cabin 7. Let's let's drink some bug juice, you know, it's fun stuff So he's going like what what what happened? What what why did these people die in these camps and The reason that he found was that it was it was a quagmire. It was a little bit of a What do I do here? Let me do the humane thing and put them down. Like you put dogs down. You don't
Starting point is 00:08:50 want them to suffer. You don't want people to suffer a slow death, so you put them down. So I've seen the clips. That's exactly what he said. But the great thing about X and the great thing about the internet is ordinary people have a voice. And some of those ordinary people aren't real. Some of them are just fake accounts and they just throw things in there because they know the intellectual level of a lot of people who are on Twitter is, let's just say, not top notch. We're not talking about top notch Ivy League kind of rational minds here. So they just throw things out there. They just like to throw things out there and say, he didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:09:35 You got to listen to the 1500 hour podcast he did. And then you'll figure it out. Oh, you don't get it. Just you know, listen to his podcast for a year and you'll figure it out. Oh, you don't get it. Just, you know, listen to his podcast for a year and you'll figure it out. It's not shit, trust me. You gotta listen to it for, who has nine hours to sit around and listen to a guy
Starting point is 00:09:59 talk about this stuff? Now a lot of people are saying, he didn't, they'll just say he didn't say that, even though I watched him say it. It's the same thing with RFK. When RFK said the virus was, there's overwhelming evidence that the COVID virus was engineered to kill only blacks and whites and spare Chinese and Jews. I watched it come out of his mouth. I watched it. Whatever you think about RFK, I watched him say it. Now there's gonna be some people going, yeah, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah, but it's true. So then we gotta get back into this back and forth and find some Chinese people died. I guess if you go by the metrics of the People's Republic of China, I think they said what, five people died? I think they only said five people died. I think the official government record
Starting point is 00:10:49 that Tsar Z released is only five Chinese died. I guess not a lot of Chinese died. That's why they did those complete fucking lockdowns. While the rest of the world was open, they were still locked down because nobody died and it wasn't causing a problem. So no Chinese died. Do you remember they were like locked down forever?
Starting point is 00:11:11 And the austerity of those locks down, like it made our lockdowns look like laissez faire freedom. But I guess only, I think the official, this is the funny thing. I think the official record is 5,000. I think the Chinese government said 5,000 people. I think globally COVID supposedly killed over 20 million people and the place
Starting point is 00:11:38 where it originated only 5,000 people. So if you believe that, then RFK is probably right. Only 5,000 people. So if you believe that, then RFK is probably right. Only 5,000 people. And the reason they did such austere lockdowns for so long is anyone's guess. I don't know. Can a million people, who knows? I think, dude, I think I read it,
Starting point is 00:12:01 the official number is 5,000. This would be so much easier if you had Chad GBT. But what did he say? I mean, the official number is 5,000. This would be so much easier if you had Chad GBT. But what did he say? I mean, I think it's 5,000. So only 5,000 people, Chinese died, and Jews, I don't think one Jew died. So I don't know. I don't know, did any Jewish people in New York die?
Starting point is 00:12:18 From what I read, the Hasidic communities were hit pretty hard. So I don't know. But I did see it come out of RFK hit pretty hard. So I don't know. But I did see it come out of RFK's mouth. I did see him say that. So it's been said. I saw Darrell Cooper.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Okay, so that's a little honest, more honest. So the Chinese government officials reported approximately 83,000 deaths due to COVID. However, it's important to note that there's been significant skepticism about those numbers. Yeah, they haven't really been that open about it. They don't really have an open society. Darrell Cooper is a historian that Tucker Carlson had on and it's all the rage on X. Elon Musk retweeted it. It's a big platform and people are up in arms.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Is this guy a Nazi apologist or not? You know? And I like to say there's probably a lot of gray zone there when it comes to liking the Nazis, right? There's a lot of gray zone. There's a lot of gray zone. Like for example, how do you interpret this tweet, right? How do you interpret the tweet about, let's look at some of his tweets.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Let's play the game. Is there any gray zone here? Is Darrell Cooper a lover of the Nazis? We don't know. We got to look at some of his tweets because before he got platformed in a big way, he had some tweets so the best thing about historians is that you're usually a political and They don't get into Picking a side this guy's tweeting buys as much as I mean
Starting point is 00:14:16 ammunition as you can He's really a level-headed guy And here's one of his tweets, and you'll see it right here. This is a real tweet, and on the left, you have Hitler in the high command in front of the Eiffel Tower. And then on the right side, you have some French drag queens.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And I know those are scary. I know, I know we're, we're all scared about the disappearance of the straight man. But trust me, there, I see a lot of them, dude. They're still, they're still being born. I don't think you have to worry. I think, I think straights are still the majority. I think they're still the majority. And you know, the French do, you know, when I watched this opening ceremony, I did not think about the Last Supper when I saw it. I think a lot of people didn't, but a lot of people did.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Cause a lot of people are looking, you know, for things to be offended by. The right is doing that a lot now, just like the left used to do. So here he's side by side and Hitler and his henchmen after they have invaded and taken over France and a picture of them by the Eiffel Tower, the capital of France, Paris, right? The biggest city. And he tweets, this may be putting it too crudely for some. Yeah, like, you know, fucking cocks and, you know, people who are a little too sensitive, can't handle free speech on X. But the picture on the left was infinitely preferable in virtually every way
Starting point is 00:16:07 than the one on the right. I agree, I agree. When I look at the dangers in the right and the left one, I really, I go, who's gonna keep my kids safe You know, it's a good way to keep yourself safe from drag queens first of all, I Don't know what kind of killings breed drag queens go on but a good way to keep yourself safe from drag queens is just not to go to the Castro or or is just not to go to the Castro or or not take your daughter to a drag show. I think that's about it. How to keep your daughter safe from Hitler. You got to
Starting point is 00:16:59 make sure that passport has a picture of blonde hair, blonde hair and blue eyes. That's about it. So I don't know, how do you interpret that tweet? I mean, let's come on, we're trying to, we're trying to prove that that's the whole point of this segment right now is how is he not a Nazi apologist by this tweet? Come on, you're his lawyer.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You're his lawyer. What's he saying here? That we're misinterpreting because there's going to be a lot of people in the comments saying like, you got to listen to the whole thing, man. You're taking him out of context. So how are we taking this out of context? How can you interpret this tweet? What's he trying to say here?
Starting point is 00:17:44 Maybe it has nothing to do with the Nazis, maybe it's just men. Maybe he's talking about fashion. Maybe he's talking about fashion. Okay. He likes their overcoats. Look, their overcoats are really nice. Hugo Boss did a really bang up job. You know, to be honest with you, the one on the left looks a lot gayer than the one on the right. It's all dudes. It does look like a San Francisco basement. Yeah, and here's the deal. One of Hitler's high command, I can't remember his name because who cares, was a fully out of the closet gay guy that Hitler looked the other way because he was such a good evil doer.
Starting point is 00:18:19 We can find his name in a second, but that guy's wild. He was a full flaming, I mean, eventually Hitler had him killed because he hated homos. You know, which usually means secretly. Secretly, you know, when you hate, when you hate, when you hate something, secretly, it kind of means you wish you were the thing. So fashion, it's a fashion call. I think that's the only way we can interpret that one.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I like that he does it in riddles too. Like the last episode I told you, doesn't outright say it, just knows how to get you riled up. He knows how to get the people who are gonna call him a Nazi riled up, and he knows how to get the people who are gonna call him a Nazi riled up, and he knows how to get the people who are Nazis supporting, but don't come out and say it
Starting point is 00:19:10 at their jobs or whatever, or you know, it's just sort of, it's in the texts. You know the people in the texts, the people in the texts with their friends, they're gonna write something like, read the whole thing. Read the whole thing. Go listen to his podcast. He does 15 hour videos on rethinking Jim Jones. Jim Jones was a believer.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Now my instinct is telling me that this guy is majorly Christian in a Christian ayatollah way. I don't know anything about him. We don't do a lot of pre-research before here, but I'm gonna guess he's a big Christ guy. I'm just gonna guess that. Now here's another tweet, and you tell me as his lawyer, Jesse, how it's, um, how he's not a Nazi apologist. The tweet was, um, Trump's shooter, the shooter of Trump, is now in hell looking for Hitler. The two guys that Kyle Rittenhouse killed are, how are they going to tell him?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Right? Was it something like that? How are they going to break him the news? Oh, how are they going to break him the news? That's exactly what it was. So it goes, if you're thinking, if you think you're having a bad day, imagine the guy who shot Trump walking around hell looking for Hitler. And the two guys that Kyle Rittenhouse dropped have to figure out how to tell him the news. This one's a real brain teaser.
Starting point is 00:20:49 This one's a real brain teaser. We tried to interpret it. We tried to figure it out. We sat here, we tried to figure out it in as many ways as we could. The only thing we came up with that makes sense is that Hitler is not there because he's in heaven. Is there any other possible interpretation of that tweet that you can think of?
Starting point is 00:21:17 That's a tough one. That's a tough one. It's like a riddle, right? Yeah, it's a real riddle. Because part of me thinks that's what he's, he's doing a strong, he's doing the internet, I'm saying it without saying it, I'm saying it without saying it, if you attack me, that's not what I meant, but if you support it, yeah, I want both.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I want both. I want the attention. I want the attention. I wanna be important. I want in on this internet game. This historian, let me tell you something, this historian wants in on this internet game. He's probably seeing like a bunch of colleagues dropouts,
Starting point is 00:21:57 like just dropping content and owning people with their sophistry and their rhetoric and claiming to be smarter than they are, quoting books that they read. Anyone can read a fucking book. Do you have any experience? What are you doing? Who are you? What did you start as? Who are you? Who are these fucking people? Who is this guy? Right, so that was the... you found the... they found the exact tweet. If you're having a bad day, just that was the, you found the exact tweet. If you're having a bad day, just remember that the Trump shooter is currently wandering
Starting point is 00:22:29 around hell looking for Hitler while the two guys Kyle Rittenhouse dropped figure out how to break the news to him. Like an SAT question. You got to start backwards. Well here's a better question. What's another way to interpret that? What's another feasible way to interpret that? Break the news to him.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Break the news to him. So the guy is looking for Hitler because he likes Hitler, right? He wants to talk to Hitler. So he's calling the guy that shot Trump Hitler. So he's saying he was bad. I don't know. Is he bad? Is he meaning that's bad? Did he want... Is he calling the guy who shot Trump bad because he's in hell? So he's bad. So he's walking around looking for Hitler because he's another bad
Starting point is 00:23:20 guy and that's his icon and he wants to talk to him. And the other two guys are in hell because they're bad guys. Because they're bad guys. The guys that got murdered by Kyle Rittenhouse are bad guys. So this guy's clearly, one of his tweets was buy as much ammunition as you can. He's gearing up. This guy's gearing up. He wants you to gear up. He's got that two day, he's got the jig going right. He's on the, they're commies. I think that he's the left foot. No, he's the right foot in the jig. He's the right foot in the jig. They're're commies. I think that he's the left foot. No, he's the right foot in the jig. He's the right foot in the jig.
Starting point is 00:23:48 They're all commies, get ready. They're coming for everything. So get all your ammunition to fight them off. He's, he's, he's, he's rallying people up. So those guys are bad, so they're in hell. So they're looking for Hitler. So all the bad guys are looking for Hitler, but Kyle Rittenhouse's
Starting point is 00:24:11 dead bodies, the bodies of Kyle Rittenhouse that he sent to hell already know that Hitler is not there. Because they were looking for him. They were looking for him too. So is he calling Hitler bad here, or is he saying he's in heaven? Oh, oh, I get it. Okay. I just figured it out. Okay. Okay. I get it Here it is First I'll give you the real interpretation and then we'll be the lawyer again So those guys are in hell because they were all bad They thought Hitler was bad and they loved the bad version of Hitler that was taught to them in history, so they're looking for their idol. But he, the most honest historian in America, has poked holes in that theory about how
Starting point is 00:24:51 bad Hitler was, and Hitler was actually trying to do good. And so he's in heaven. So that's what it is. So Kyle Rittenhouse's dudes are going like, he's not here, dude. He's in heaven because we were lied to, you know? Somebody should have wrote the book, The People's History of Hitler. And he's going to write that. That's what it is. Okay, that's the real interpretation. That's what he meant. Okay, so that's what he means. Hitler is in heaven because he was good and they thought he was bad because they were taught bad things. So, but what would be if someone asked him if that's what he's saying, what would be the word salad you would come up with? How would you chop it up to defend that tweet? He's looking for Trump Hitler, not the actual Hitler, and getting the news broken that he's
Starting point is 00:25:45 not only failed, but produced the hardest piece of right-wing propaganda of all time. Whoa. So what does that mean? I have no idea. I don't know either. Oh, he thought Trump. So maybe he thought that he killed. So Trump is Hitler.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Right. Oh, and so he's looking for Hitler because he thought he killed Hitler. So he's looking for Trump in hell. He's looking for Trump in hell. But then what are Kyle Rittenhouse's dudes? Yeah. What are those dudes doing in there? What are those dudes doing in there?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Oh, cause they're going, he's bad too. We're looking for Hitler too because they were against Kyle Rittenhouse, so they hated Trump. So he's telling him he's not dead. Cause those dudes wanted to kill Trump. Oh, so he's saying those people think Trump is Hitler. So he could have just said Trump if he bet Trump, right? It's an SAT question, it's really making me think here.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Well, that's what is so great about being an internet guy is you can throw this out there and know that the engagement is gonna be crazy because people are gonna try to figure out if you mean Hitler's in heaven or if Trump's not there. So that's what it is. Okay. We figured it out.
Starting point is 00:27:06 We figured it out. So it takes some thinking. Oh, it is one interpretation because here's another one. Nah, Hitler. No, Hitler went to heaven is a whole philosophical line of thought. I see you aren't up to it. Just move along. Only winners get to it. Just move along. Only winners get to have it.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Okay, and then of course, yes, this guy's a blazing anti-semit. I don't really like Jews that much, but I like low IQ Ideologies even less. I love that he said I don't like Jews that much. So he's saying hey man, Trust what I'm saying because I also believe that they're fucking low scum, but I don't like Jews that much. So he's saying hey man trust what I'm saying because I also believe that they're fucking low scum But I don't like stupid people even less So this guy's got his priorities, right? He goes like this stupid people Jews and then a few people he hates above that probably an ex-girlfriend Maybe a principal he had a teacher who told him off someone who flipped him off on the highway But he's got stupid people at the bottom and Jews right above. I like this guy. It's really fun in the comments.
Starting point is 00:28:11 It's really fun when you go to these comments. So this guy's controversial and someone's finally platforming because he's too strong for the, he's too, he's too honest for the mainstream media to let people know that after rigorous historical analysis of, I think a letter that the Nazis really put the POWs into ovens to kill them humanely. put the POWs into ovens to kill them humanely. Also, he alludes strongly to the fact that he blames Churchill for the widening of the war. It should have just been an invasion of Poland, guys. That's it, that's it.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I think he also alludes to some Jewish financiers bailing Winston Churchill out earlier in life and I think that turns out to be true and I think people say, so you're saying that he was doing everything that they wanted and for Israel and then that guy Darrell Cooper says, no, I'm just saying it is a thing. It's a thing, there was a Jew that helped him at some point. So you do the math. I think he's just, this is one of those guys that just wants you to do the math.
Starting point is 00:29:36 He tweets the tweet and he goes, you figure out what I'm trying to mean. You figure it out. But he did say in the Tucker interview that Churchill was a drunk and a psychopath. Or I think that's sort of, I don't know if he verbatim said that, but I think that's kind of, he's going, hey, look, you know, and what he's using is Stalin was bad. It's not as black and white. This guy's trying, he's a man after my own
Starting point is 00:30:02 heart. He's trying to go after nuance. And one of those nuances being, understand the Nazi's problem with these POWs. What are you supposed to do when you round up people in a war? Let them starve to death? What kind of fucking demon would do that? Only a good person would throw them into ovens. Dude, I know people have been buying Cayman cigars. How do you how have you been
Starting point is 00:30:26 enjoying them? Are they good? I smoked every single one of my sampler pack. Hey, Cayman cigars, hook a brother up with another one. I got a fucking new fire pit. I can't curse. Can I curse drink this? Why not? I need some sickies. These are great cigars. Cayman cigar company, they make premium cigars using the highest quality Caribbean tobacco and they're good. They give 100% of the net profits to charity. They're the only premium cigar company to donate 100% of the net profits to charity. Every dollar they don't use to roll cigars goes back to local and international charitable organizations from creating entrepreneurial
Starting point is 00:31:07 opportunities for marginalized populations to supporting the self-sufficiency of those in addiction recovery to providing specialized assistance to US veterans. So just for my listeners, they created a custom sampler pack so you can go enjoy all of their top cigars in one pack. They're all good. They sent me that same pack and I smoked everyone like I told you and they're just good cigars and I'm not just saying that. Thank God they're good so I can mean it. So head to caymanscigars.com slash Yanis. Check out that sampler right now and enjoy a cigar and give back to those in need. Once again, that's caimanscigarswithanass.com slash Yanis for 10% off.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Make sure you use my promo code Yanis so they know I sent you. Basically, if you love cigars, get them delivered to you. They're delicious. It's a great cause. They're good cigars. Okay, here we got a direct quote. Nazis launched a war and they were completely unprepared to deal with the prisoners of war.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Millions of people ended up dead. Imagine a Nazi, imagine Nazis going to war without a plan. Imagine there being no plan. Imagine the people who are most, is there anyone, is there a war machine in history that was more planned than the Nazi war machine? Are Germans people who are usually thought of as being planless, not punctual, sort of riffers? Sounds more like the Greeks, right?
Starting point is 00:32:44 It, you know, if Hitler was a comic, Sounds more like the Greeks, right? You know, if Hitler was a comic, he'd really be a set up joke guy. If the Nazis were comics, it would really be plan set. I mean they're Nazis, dog. They don't go into things without a plan. And I think I remember one actual plan called the Final Solution. I think that was an actual plan. I think there's Nazis in The Hague who talked about
Starting point is 00:33:15 and admitted, yeah, this is what Hitler wanted to do with the Jews and this is what we decided to do with the Jews, this was our plan. I mean, why are we revisiting, what is going on? This is sort of like when the left started tearing down statues. Now this guy wants to tear down, it's the same thing. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And what they do is they find an imperfection, like they find something, right? It's the same thing with Israel and Palestine, because the Israelis do a lot of fucked up shit dude they do you know so it's like you just you use that and then you just go and you extrapolate from there and you go all Jews are evil you go it's you could do the same thing with Hamas and the Palestinians you know you find something good that Hamas does or bad that Hamas does and then you go, they're all bad.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's a hodgepodge out there, brother. And there's a lot of local personalities that differ that do things different that don't make the news, you know, a couple of soldiers, you know, do something horrible. It's usually like a one psychopath in there and then that makes the news and then they're like, look at what they're all doing when they're not all doing that. I'll just say this quickly.
Starting point is 00:34:33 What happened is the mainstream media has failed and they failed when the internet was created. They needed to compete on this new platform where news was much faster. They started giving away news free, so then they started having to sensationalize stuff and they started lying a lot. And then TV started doing the same thing because they had to compete. So they started doing a lot of towing the line, party rah rahing, you know, to get people
Starting point is 00:35:06 to stay. Then they tried diversity and stuff like that, going like, hey, it's all evil on the internet. If you're a good person, you only have to be here. It became left wing media and then the internet became right wing media. So what happened was the mainstream media got caught lying over and over again, and people lost trust in them. And then that just opened the gates of hell. Now that, now there's just all these people claiming to figure it out,
Starting point is 00:35:39 and nobody knows who the fuck to believe. And you got these people just listening to this stuff. And whenever someone says, you gotta listen to nine hours to get it, that's always a red flag for me. You know? It's like, why can't I just tell me what it is? Tell me what it is.
Starting point is 00:35:57 It's like, yeah, that's what he said, but you gotta listen to the red. You gotta listen to 19 hours, maybe an hour. If you say, listen to the full hour, I'll go, okay. But if someone says listen to the nine hours, listen to the whole, you're going like, all right, it sounds like you're overcompensating and you just want me to get distracted by a bunch of other stuff that he says. I don't know. Maybe this guy's figured it out. Maybe Winston Churchill is the real villain of World War II, and he kept the war going because he bombed the Black Forest. As far as I know, all the bombings that England did
Starting point is 00:36:34 were in retaliation to bombings that the Nazis did. As far as I know, the Nazis had a plan to take over the fucking world. That's as far, maybe I was lied to. You know, were we lied to? What did he just, he just wanted Poland, not Austria, his home country, he didn't want to unite, not Austria. If you don't want the USSR,
Starting point is 00:37:02 if you don't want to control the USSR, you really got a strange way of showing it by invading. If you don't want Greece, you got a really strange way of showing it by invading Greece. If you don't want France or England, you got a really strange way of showing it by invading. That's like someone trying to kiss you and then saying, I'm not into you, man. I don't know why I made that example a gay one. Why do I feel like, why do I feel like people are going to watch this and call me crazy?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Am I crazy? Or am I sane in a crazy world? I'm trying to understand. Are people cozying up to people for the views? Is that really, is people knowing their audience? Are they really just rallying people up for the numbers because there's money behind here and big numbers means everything?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Does Tucker care? I mean, it's a real, like, he calls him the most honest historian in America. So I don't know. What is going on? Does Elon have any vested interest in engagement and high viewership and controversy on his site? I'm just trying to understand what everyone's doing.
Starting point is 00:38:23 What's the real motivation here? Do people care? Does everyone really care about this country? What do they care about? What's going on? What does this guy care about? He just wants the truth out there? He wants the truth out there? Oh, he's got another great tweet. All right. First, I just want to say it's very, I think this guy, we're going to find out if my instincts were right here and he's an Ayatollah type, Krish. And also, I think it's pretty easy to see that this guy injects his own beliefs pretty heavily into his analysis of history. And correct me if I'm wrong, it feels like the way he would save face and kind of create
Starting point is 00:39:04 a word salad here when he's challenged it feels like the way he would say face and kind of create a word salad here when he's challenged on some of the things he said, is he'd probably say something along the lines of communism is the real enemy, fascism is the way to beat it. So Hitler was really kind of a hero because he was trying to get rid of communism. Communism was the real deal.
Starting point is 00:39:26 He's probably putting Stalin as number one because Stalin did kill more people. He's going, look, Stalin was a bad guy. We tagged up with Stalin, you know, just to save some Jews when there was a bigger problem here. That's what he would say, right? Just save them Jews because, look, the Jews, they're not God's favorite. And we're gonna do again, we're gonna play Darrell Cooper's lawyer, which is the name of this episode. Here's another tweet. Now you may go, Yanni, people tweet shit. And you know, why you holding them in a fire? I've tweeted a lot of dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:40:06 hold them in a fire. I've tweeted a lot of dumb shit. There used to be a time where people understood that comedians are dumb and say dumb shit. And you just were like, he's a comedian. The fuck, right? Even if a comedian is trying to say something smart, you can even go he's a fucking comedian. What the fuck? But when a guy is like calling himself a journalist, like Tucker or Alex Jones saying like, I'm a fucking telling you the truth, or a guy who's a historian saying, I'm telling you the truth, that's when you can hold these guys for,
Starting point is 00:40:37 you know, their feet under the fire and be rigorous with your scrutiny, right? Same thing if someone's running for president. I believe, all right, you ran for president, so we're going to put your feet, we're going to really put you under rigorous scrutiny and ask some questions about the chopped off whale head. We're going to ask some questions about why were you claiming Obama was not born in the country? You know, what are you doing here? Right? You know, Trump entered politics with like a fifth grader troll of Obama,
Starting point is 00:41:08 just going like, hey man, he's not, he doesn't have a birth certificate. It's just, that's just forgotten. Just like, that's how he got into this thing, just being a troll. I'm telling you, dude, he's the first, that is officially when the internet broke into DC, is that Trump birther like movement.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Like he's like, he wasn't born here, dude. And he wasn't born here, dude. I know his mom's from Kansas, but that dude, and you know he still capitalizes Hussain in the middle. Like he just, they know, these trolls know what they're doing. It's a, a it the troll was created by the internet it's just a it's a type of person it's a type of thing where they're just looking for attention and they any loophole they can
Starting point is 00:41:59 find and you know they just get they don't care. It's not it's not about truth. It has nothing to do with truth. It's about fucking making a stink. You want to make a splash. You make a splash by being fucking controversial. Nobody's got time to dig into the truth. You just make a fucking splash. You go out on Tucker and you say, listen, they did the humane thing, okay? You just make a splash. You throw up a tweet like this and you make a splash. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:42:36 The coming of the Messiah fulfilled the Jews special purpose in the world. Oh, so he's saying, Christ, am I gonna be right? They were invited into the New Covenant, but were jealous of their chosenness and too resentful over their historic defeats to accept equality under God with Gentiles So they were cast out and the Israelite religion disappeared from the world forever in 70 AD When it's Leprous second temple. What does that mean? Leprous was a leprosy inside a conjugation of leprosy. All right, whatever when it's Leprous second temple was destroyed in 78 A.D. So that's when it disappeared.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I'm not sure if it disappeared just because the temple was gone, but all right. I think they kind of persist to this day, the Jews. No? Am I misinterpreting this wrong? Was there an Israelite thing? And by the way, the Israelites are alive and well on corners in Fulton Mall. The black Israelites have picked up the torch. The covenant passed to those who accepted the invitation. Christianity is not rooted in Judaism.
Starting point is 00:44:02 It overcame it. Those who rejected Christ rejected the covenant and God himself the gospel Couldn't possibly be clearer about this. I Think he's I Think this guy is all about Separation of history and church Okay Separation of history and church. Okay. So I am here to represent Mr. Darrell Cooper. This is what you call objective
Starting point is 00:44:36 historical analysis. This is just the facts, dude. This is the facts. The historical facts being that the Jews rejected God. And that's why we got problems. That's subjective. Okay. It's objective to say that they were jealous of their chosenness and they were resentful over their historic defeats. And that's why they didn't want to accept equality under God with Gentiles. They just, that's it. That's it. That's what it is. It's written in original sources.
Starting point is 00:45:12 That's the deal. That's why the Jews and Christians are still not all Christians. That's why they're still Jews. Their religion was ousted when the temple was destroyed by 70 AD. I think that's it. Is he talking about the Temple of Solomon? Is that when the Romans did that? Who gives a shit? Who cares? Who gives a fuck? I'm not a historian. I assume that's what it is. Who gives a fuck? But they were cast out and their religion disappeared from the world forever in 70 AD. What was their religion for? Was it a different? Were the Israelites different?
Starting point is 00:45:48 Were they black and shouting about white people have leprosy? No, they were waiting for the Messiah. They're waiting for the Messiah. So he came in Jesus. Oh, so he's basically saying their religion disappeared because the Messiah came. Another historical fact Another historical fact. Historical fact.
Starting point is 00:46:09 He rose from the dead, historical fact. He turned water into wine, historical fact. He walked on water, historical fact. He's the Messiah, historical fact. He will be back, historical fact. He will be back, historical fact. We're dealing with facts. This is not faith. This is facts he's talking about
Starting point is 00:46:34 because he's the most honest historian around. And so basically he's saying Judaism stopped. Judaism's over because their whole religion was about a Messiah coming to save them from all the oppression, right? Because that originally was like the Egyptians. They were always going after the Jews and I suspect people were probably always going after the Jews because they were like a tight little clan thing and they were like the first ones to be like monotheistic. So I think that was the thing. They were like the first mon to be like monotheistic.
Starting point is 00:47:05 So I think that was the thing. They were like the first monotheistic religion, right? They were. Everyone else had gods, the Greeks had gods, the Egyptians had gods, the Romans had gods, and the Jews were just like, no, there's one. And then they were probably like, you know, being Jews, winning.
Starting point is 00:47:20 They were probably just fucking, you went to their little part of, you know, they went to their little shit. People hate to admit they just fucking probably had a great little you know in Iraq you know like the Muslims kicked them out of Iraq and shit like that when they did their conquests. They had these little tribes going on and they were probably just fucking killing it. Fish, discounts, they were they were fucking fishing. They figuring, dude, just like they do at B&H. It's just like they all got frisbees on and curls,
Starting point is 00:47:49 but like everyone goes to B&H, and everyone deals with them being shut down on the Shabbath, on the Shabbats or whatever it is. Everyone deals with it because it's just got everything in there. So they were probably just fucking killing it, and that makes people pissed. Because what are the Jews doing that no other group can do if they are controlling the world?
Starting point is 00:48:10 What why don't you do it? Why don't you just do what they're doing? What do they do? They're constantly overrepresented in higher education positions of power. I mean, what do you want? Like I said, it's never like you go Oh this guy's in the government or this guy's a doctor, which by the way, no controversy about a lot of Jewish doctors. No controversy about that over representation there. Never hear about that.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I don't know anymore, they're all Indian now. Yeah, they're all Indian, but still highly overrepresented Jews. And it used to be like really, highly overrepresented. Lawyers, no controversy, you know, maybe a little lawyers cause they got scum, scum, scum, scum, fuck it. You know, but doctors, no contra, nobody cares about the over-representation
Starting point is 00:48:51 of Jews as doctors, right? There's no conspiracy there. The conspiracies only Hollywood, banks, but they're over-represented in every field because it seems like they are like, educate, like they're doing something, right? And people just, they'd rather go, it's gotta be nefarious. Like it has to be like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:49:15 And the people who yell that the most usually don't have such high degrees, don't know how to do surgery, you know, don't have a movie studio, could never build one. It just, these are coincidences I just fucking see. It's usually guys with fucking clan hoods on who are like sheriffs of towns or some other fucking religion that hates them because of whatever's going on in the fucking Middle East or other country people who are fucking starving while the Jews are figuring some
Starting point is 00:49:43 shit out and then they go fuck What the fuck are they doing and they get pissed? It's like when comics see another comic succeeding they're going this is fucking bullshit. He blew his way to the top You know, it's like and that's what people below like who are not doing is good Just fucking scream at the people they always go like this fucking the only thing is this guy's good-looking It's the only fucking reason because it's people are stupid I Even do it the only reason people aren't fucking watching this podcast in the millions of millions is because people are fucking stupid It has nothing to do with the point the fact that I won't play ball
Starting point is 00:50:26 Am I wrong to notice that? I just notice it. I just fucking kind of notice it. Who was Hitler? He was like a fucking, who was the guy? He was a World War I veteran, then he was like a vagrant, he lived around Paris, like he was living in some fucking poor house. He was painting shit.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Who the fuck's this guy? He writes a whole fucking, what the fuck? This is what happens when you just fucking open the gates of hell and let everybody in. There has to be some levels, you know, cause humans, the difference in our intelligence level and our morality level and our courage level is the most unique of any animal.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Tigers are basically tigers. Dogs are dogs. There's a little variation. One's a little more alpha than the other one, but they're all fucking will eat you. They're all like the level and difference in intelligence between dogs is not that much dog. Any animal it's they're very similar. The homo sapien is the only animal
Starting point is 00:51:30 where you got like, hey, I created AI. Hey, I created a plane. And then like, and then like, you know, a fucking comment on Twitter. You know what I'm saying? It's like the range and intelligence of humans. And now the internet, you got just like all these different levels of intelligence
Starting point is 00:51:53 speaking to each other. It's crazy. And then also the variation in morality. Other animals don't have to deal with the, hey, this guy's a real fucking snake, this guy's fucking not who he says he is. They don't, animals don't know how to lie really. A few animals do, I know they do it to hunt hyenas, it's deception, it's not really fucking lie. It's the difference between deception and a lie. Okay? Animals don't fucking lie. Okay, maybe the chimps
Starting point is 00:52:21 have lied or some, I don't fucking, you get my fucking point. You know how many species there are on the planet? Almost none of them lie, but they'll pick one thing, they'll nitpick on me and go, yeah, I know what he's talking about. And they'll throw the baby out with the bathwater because that's what the internet is about. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater because guess what? Because Winston Churchill liked to drink a little bit. Because Winston Churchill liked to drink a little bit Guess what he bombed the black forest so fuck up. He also hated Indians fuck the guy This is exactly the type of canceling the left was doing fucking last year now this fucking Fucking Christian nut. Let's just call it what it is
Starting point is 00:53:06 This fucking zealot is trying to do the same thing with his zealot mouthpiece Tucker Carlson I'm fucking sick of this shit man I'm sick of this fucking bullshit can everyone be what they are no more shut the internet downedians are only live and that's fucking it. They can no longer have contact with presidential candidates and fucking grifter journalists and can journalists just be fucking journalists and op-ed guys be op-ed guys and fucking scientists be fucking scientists. Everyone needs to go back to their own fucking base. This is getting out of fucking hand, dude. Am I wrong? It's getting out of hand. Get out of here, dude. You're a finger painter. I'm going to be out of a job. Yeah, you know, fuck this
Starting point is 00:53:58 shit. Everyone needs to go back to what they're doing. It all started like Jim Gaffigan said when whores became celebrities. He won't even mind that I quoted that because he'll just say I never said that. I was like I saw you say it live but it was a great joke. Yeah. Don't you think there's too many celebrities now? Like, I still gotta go, hey, there's too many celebrities, you have to go back to just being a whore. Was that the start of it? Like, hey, you're a, somebody's like, no, isn't that just a whore? Isn't she just like a loose lady?
Starting point is 00:54:39 What was my original point? You made a lot of them. I wanted to wrap it up with a bow and I don't remember where I started. You had a good out. You did have a good out. What was it? You ended on Churchill. Oh, when I said, because Churchill bombed the Black Forest. He was a drunk, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:56 But the next part was good too. Oh, I was talking about, yeah, I wanted to wrap that up. Yeah. I wanted to wrap that up. Yeah. I was talking about, yeah, I wanted to wrap that up. Yeah, I wanted to wrap that up. Yeah, I was talking about the Jews and noticing that. Now, this is the internet. So people are gonna watch this and go, Yanni supports genocide. That's just what it's gonna be.
Starting point is 00:55:16 They're gonna say a comedian who's sitting doing a podcast supports genocide because I won't criticize Israel. I will criticize Israel. I think Israel has not been a great ally to the United States in a lot of ways. And we don't even, as far as intelligence goes, they've been caught stealing secrets, doing a bunch of shady shit from us.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Israel looks after fucking Israel, I get it. I don't always support our support of Israel. They do what they want. Even when we fucking ask our support of Israel. They do what they want. Even when we fucking ask them not to, they fucking do what they want. And yeah, sometimes I question like, what the fuck, dude? You know, under the Obama administration, we became the biggest oil producer in the world. That continued under Trump. And again, people, people want to claim Obama because of Obama. Well, he didn't regulate it to stop it,
Starting point is 00:56:08 so he deserves credit that way, but presidents don't really control oil markets, right? Us becoming the biggest producer probably had a lot more to do with business and fracking and all that stuff, and horizontal drilling, whatever that, however they do that, and we became the biggest oil producer.
Starting point is 00:56:26 So we can kinda say fuck you to the Middle East. So if I was Israel, I would fucking start listening a little bit, because there is a big movement here of people going like, fucking do what we say, dude. Like, what are you doing? And on Columbia's campus, you know, they're really upset. So you can't, you can't, you got to do something. You got to stop something because look, people need to get to work.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And this is just these protests are going crazy. But look, Israel's doing a lot of murdering over there of innocent people, and that is not good. Hamas did some murdering of innocent people. If they had more weapons, they'd do more. So like I hate people who don't acknowledge that side too. And then I don't want to get into the whole who's fucking the colonizer. That is such, we've talked about an ad nauseam, and it's just like dude, you can't start the conversation
Starting point is 00:57:26 where you want to start the conversation. This is such a complicated issue because the Jews were there originally and their religion wants them back there and then the British put them there. I mean, and then you go, oh, but these fucking Palestinians were there. Yeah, they were there, so were the Jews.
Starting point is 00:57:42 The Jews got kicked out, the Romans kicked them. I mean, what the fuck? We're going to just you just goes on and on and on. It's not like the Jews want to be there because they were never there. It's their religious Holy Land. It's always been. That's why they want to fucking be there. The problem is, it's a few other religious lands, but can't don't the fuck. Can you? Okay, I think I just solved it. Every religion gets one fucking Holy land. That's it. Because here's the deal. Don't the Muslims have Mecca and Medina?
Starting point is 00:58:09 That's two. So what is the big deal with Jerusalem with them? Is it big for them? I think that's where the Dome of the Rock is. Okay, the Dome of the Rock, dude. That's a little greedy to have three, God having three cities. So maybe we just gotta have a United countries going,
Starting point is 00:58:26 all right, everyone gets one city. The Christians, you know, they can get what? We'll give the Christians what? Salt Lake City. The Jews get, I don't, dude, if I say the Jews get Jerusalem, I'll be fucking, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know! Leave me alone, I don't fucking know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know leave me alone. I don't fucking know I don't know but all I'm saying is maybe every religion should just have one just one city. I Mean the Muslims have three
Starting point is 00:58:55 Muslims of three the Mecca Medina in Jerusalem Jerusalem. Yeah, the Dumbleth Rock is in Jerusalem and then the fourth one is London Just an instinctual duck. Felt like George W. Bush at the press conference in Iraq. By the way, that kid could throw a fastball and can duck from a shoe. Yeah, he's good at it. He did a decent job. I don't know. But yeah, it's like, it's all bad, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:22 It's all bad. I'm against all bad things. I'm against bad things, some of us does. I'm against bad things. Israel's done. If you want me to say stop genocide, I'll say stop the genocide. If you want me to stay, release the hostages,
Starting point is 00:59:34 I'll say release the hostages. I am a mainstream politician like AOC. I can't wait to fucking meet ya. We're brought to you as always by the most neutral in the Israel-Palestine conflict sponsors we could find. The most neutral, most honest sponsors, exclusive autoshipping.com. They also support women and women's right to vote, but also are very big into the military. They do everything.
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Starting point is 01:01:56 I don't think Romans actually did throw up their food to eat more, according to him. Great, most honest historian in America, Mr. Goat. He told me, because I tweeted something, when in Rome do as the Romans do, you know, shit in a concrete hole next to your buddy, throw up your food when you're full and have more, and fuck a eunuch or something like that.
Starting point is 01:02:19 And he said, he was on board with everything, but he said, I don't think the Romans actually did that. That might be more a myth. We're gonna look that up. We're gonna find out. So thank you for the tip. Most importantly, it's rebels-raiders.com. This guy's great.
Starting point is 01:02:33 He's a true fan. I'm glad I've been able to help him. He's helping us. We're helping him. I think he said his backpack, I don't know. It's got backpacks up there. Are they still listed? But he's got military surplus on't know. It's got backpacks up there. Are they still listed? But he's got military surplus on the site.
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