Yannis Pappas Hour - America’s Dirty Laundry

Episode Date: February 14, 2025

The Trump administration is supposedly releasing some of America’s secrets. Will there be anything new and interesting? Will he turn America into a Trump-franchised dictatorship? And did Ilhan O...mar marry her brother for the papers?  Support our sponsors: https://www.hims.com/yannis https://www.factormeals.com/yannis50off

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I feel like living dangerously today so I'm gonna say, ¿Qué pasa mi gente? And see if I'm still here tomorrow. See if my passport holds up. If you want to test out your papers, just say ¿Qué pasa mi gente? And find out if you're still in American City tomorrow because ICE is on the move going through trains going, here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty. ¿Dónde está a bibliotheca. And if you answer, be careful.
Starting point is 00:00:31 There's been some changes happening. We called it a vibe shift in a previous episode, but things are happening. Moves are being made and courts are going into action to try to stop some of the actions, the executive orders that are going into action to try to stop some of the actions, the executive orders that are going down, and sometimes those things will happen and sometimes they don't. We don't know what exactly is gonna happen except for the head of the Independent Ethics Committee, or ethics office or whatever, who is you know nominated by Congress has been relieved of his duties. So we will find out how far will Batman and Robin go?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Elon Musk and Donald Trump. Robin is definitely not JD Vance because Donald Trump was asked, is he your successor? And he said, no. So I think he's looking for more who? More of a Hersha Walker kind of secession. I don't know who it's going to be. Maybe Donnie Jr.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Maybe it's JD Vance, but he just didn't want to blow the guy's head up. Or maybe he's just going to hand the country and the keys over to Elon Musk. Who knows what's going to happen? We're either going to stay a democracy or become a dictatorship. We don't have the answers.
Starting point is 00:01:43 There is no indication to think it will be a dictatorship. So don't have the answers. There's no indication to think it will be a dictatorship. So don't get down my throat. I'm just... all we're seeing is some strong decisive actions, but some victories. Mark Fogel, if you're his family, the guy's coming home. He was a teacher who was put in jail in Russia because he was walking around with marijuana that was supposedly medicinally prescribed and Trump cut the art of the deal and got the kid home. So he will be released in an exchange and there is no information on what Putin got. I can only assume that Trump offered him a nice cold bottle of Syrac, because there's
Starting point is 00:02:27 plenty of surplus Syrac right now. I don't know if it's still on the shelves. It's been removed. So maybe a bottle of cold vodka Syrac, maybe a nice paid for a bath house visit. And the only other thing you can offer a Russian is death. Those are the three things they love vodka and Bath houses and they just love death. That's what they like So I think he gave him the Holy Trinity of what a Russian wants what a Russian wants what a Russian needs He needs a bath house. He needs some but another guy to hit him with a, I don't know what that
Starting point is 00:03:05 thing is, on the back, you know, and they just smack him on the back in the bath house. A towel? No, yeah, something, they have like feathers and they smack him on the back while they're in the steam room. You've never been to a Russian bath house? No, no. Yeah, that, when you haven't been to a Russian bath house, it means you're in the middle class because it's a Russian and a rich American guy thing to do.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Um, I've been to one. This is the honest Papas hour where we take baths house. Just listen to the rap song and come back. Guys, are you ready to optimize your nutrition this year? Factor has chef-made gourmet meals that make eating easy. They're dietitian approved and ready to heat and eat in two minutes so you can fuel, write, and feel great. No matter what life throws at you, eat smart with Factor. Get started at factormeals.com slash Yanis50off. All one word. Use the code Yanis 50 off to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping Wow that's code Yanis 50 off at factor meals comm slash
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yanis 50 off to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box we're gonna find out some of the dirty laundry is being aired they're gonna find out, um, some of the dirty laundry's being aired. They're gonna air out the dirty laundry, which I don't know how that expression became an expression, but apparently at some point someone had some secrets in shit streaks. Where do you think that expression originated? Where like, you liked a guy and you thought he was clean, and then some woman found his shitty streaky underwear and said now I know the true him. He's the guy who doesn't wipe his ass right and then that became Aaron out the dirty laundry
Starting point is 00:05:13 to mean you learn the true nature of a person by looking at their underwear. You know? Yeah. But if that's the case, everyone's got shit streaks. That's why you always go black. You need a bidet and you need black underwear. So the shit streaks are there, but you can't see them. You can't see them. They're hiding in plain sight. The expression originates from the
Starting point is 00:05:36 idea of washing clothes in public, metaphorically referring to revealing private or embarrassing matters to others. Right. Like shit streaks. So I was kind of right. I was actually right. Because what other embarrassing thing would you find on clothes when you wash them in public? Yeah. Oh, I got some guacamole on my shirt. Who hasn't?
Starting point is 00:05:55 You might wear funny underwear. Yeah, or you may funny. But I mean, at one point, Tidy Whities was the way to go. So this was invented before Tidy Whities. So it's shit streaks. And some fucking genius decided to make underwear white. I mean, what is that about? That's a stupid move. You know? So that's where that got. But Dirty Laundry is going to be aired. And by Dirty Laundry, I mean it looks like Trump is taking control of the 9-11 files, Jeffrey Epstein files, the JFK assassination files, Senator Robert F. Kennedy's killing, Dr. Martin Luther King's
Starting point is 00:06:34 killing, COVID's origins and UFOs. All the juicy things that Joe Rogan wants to know. that Joe Rogan wants to know. All the juicy things that have been the content of many classic JRE episodes. We're gonna find out. And of course, JFK is the one people have been mulling about for years. There's no way Lee Harvey Oswald killed him alone. Okay, I'll tell you right now Jeffrey Epstein files
Starting point is 00:07:09 You're gonna find no names because whoever made it Classified took the names out. So the names are just gone. So we're not gonna find any names the 9-eleven files We could find some interesting things out in the 9-11 files. 9-11 was an interesting thing, okay? So, on X, of course, there's a lot of Jew conspiracies about 9-11. That moving company in that van, that was the most... We talked about it on a bonus episode. That was the most suspicious thing because they ended up being a cover for Mossad agents.
Starting point is 00:07:50 That's just a known thing. But that doesn't mean anything. That means they were just probably looking at it going like, wow, now they're gonna be, they're gonna know, they're gonna help us or something. You know, people, you know, they were young kids, 20s or something, going, oh, look, now they have a terrorist attack and they know
Starting point is 00:08:03 what's going on. But they were definitely kids, 20s or some, going, oh, look, now they have a terrorist attack and they know what's going on. But they were definitely looking at it and they were definitely not crying. But the whole conspiracy that the Jews were told about it before just doesn't make sense because all these Jews died in 9-11. I mean, you had banking firms up there. So you're gonna have a few Jews go miss it.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So that didn't happen. Jews died in 9-11, and not a little bit, not a little bit. I think probably proportion to their population in New York or some, I mean, you know, Kenner Fitzgerald, don't let the Irish name fool you. It's banking. So that's like blowing up a pub and saying, did any Irish guys die? Yeah. Um, so we're not going to find anything out like that.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Um, you know, we know who, we know it was Saudi guys. Um, but what we may find out about is that building seven was pulled, right? You have that thing where they go pull it. Um, and then we watch it go down nice and neat and it wasn't hit by a plane. It was office fires. So you're going like, all right.
Starting point is 00:09:16 It's the only building ever in the history of the world to fall just from office fires. So that, you know, and other burned buildings have burned for much longer and then you find out what was in those buildings and you go like maybe they just decided to, I don't know, that one's interesting. Also the passport is always something that really was amazing to me. That's not interesting to you that they found this passport. That's an interesting one. The fires were hot enough to burn steel. It took down
Starting point is 00:09:45 the steel but the paper survived. Just flew out. Just flew out. In the rubble they happened to find a passport. There's a lot of fishy things on 9-11. Without a doubt there's a lot of fishy things. One of them also being, can we get one video of a plane going into the fucking pent, just one, we still, the most defended building in the world is not one video of the plane. So there, I mean, I could go on and on and on. So that one is interesting. Jeffrey Epstein, you're going to find out nothing. Those names are gone. Those are people who have made sure it ain't happening. And PDDD doesn't know any of them, because he'd be gone, right? So that's that. RFK's killing, I think the guy who did it said who he was
Starting point is 00:10:32 and why he did it, right? Sirhan Sirhan. So that's usually how it goes. That's usually, that's how you know Oswald didn't do it, because he was like, I didn't do it. Guys who do it want you to know they did it, right? They're looking for fame. I mean, Oswald's the only one who like fucking denied it.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And then he gets murdered. So you're going like, that's obvious. See, you ain't gonna find out of anything about RFK. Martin Luther King Jr., we can find out some stuff about Martin Luther King Jr. The FBI had been on him for a while. We could find things out about his killing and Malcolm X, you know. That little cross dresser was not into those two guys.
Starting point is 00:11:17 J Edgar Hoover was not into those two guys and was tapping their phone and doing a lot of stuff and was very concerned about a revolution. So we could find out some stuff about their COVID-19 origins. We're gonna find out some stuff about that. And UFOs, we may find something out about. So I'll just tell you right now that that's what's gonna happen. So don't get your hopes up too much.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Don't get your hopes up too much. The UFOs, we may find out things we already know, like where they just go, hey there's some stuff that we saw that radar picked up that we can't explain, and that's the same thing we already know. And JFK, we could definitely find out something. I will tell you this, there was a doctor supposedly that my dad knew who went to the body when they flew the body back and when he got back and my dad saw him, he swears to God, he said, so you know, he asked him about it and he said, Chris, don't even ask me about it, I can't talk about it. So I don't know what that means. He doesn't know what that means,
Starting point is 00:12:26 but that was it. Can't talk about it. Which probably means, huh, what we found doesn't really match up to the story, you know? That's probably what that means. I mean, the guy's face was exploded from the, what was that, the back to the left, back to the, I don't know. Big motives to have him taken down. So we're gonna find out some stuff. They're airing dirty laundry. The shit streaks of America will come forth. That's, everyone's into that.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Even if you're a Democrat or left leaning, you're into this, you're into this. This is juicy How much will materialize we don't know because last time but this time things are materializing last time he did what did he do? What did he do at the border? He didn't build the wall? What did he do his big thing was tax cuts in the beginning? It was to you know, like I said, I said that I think on a hyenas bonus right just typical or maybe on a typical Republican administration kind of stuff for the most part right what did he do that was
Starting point is 00:13:32 so outrageous? Yeah not much. Not much no wars overseas just just the rich got richer like they do under Reagan like they do under every administration you know the poor got ignored we're used to it. Four years they they get government services and then four years things get a little cut. Four years, Democrats come in, recoup some of that money that the corporations have been just blowing up their nose. And it's sort of been working that way back and forth, you know, a little while.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Part of me suspects that they were doing it to just kind of keep every the ball moving like, I'll let the rich guys party for four years. All right, now you gotta kick back for four years, eight years, and they just do four or eight years based on what the country needs, and it's really sort of business interests that decide which way they're gonna go, just to keep the balance.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Like, all right, Timmy, enough fun. You're blowing it up up your nose. We gotta give a little back to the people so they don't storm our four years. That's it, keep them out of our four years. just to keep the balance like all right Timmy enough fun you blown enough up your nose we got to give a little back to the people so they don't storm our four years that's it keep them out of our four years four years and that guy that part of me thinks that I could be wrong the Trump presidency kind of blows that up or does it not maybe they know like we need a guy and we got to take some action things have gotten it out of hand you know it's hard for me to believe that a guy who comes into power for four years is really the power in America you know what I, it's hard for me to believe that a guy who comes into power for four years
Starting point is 00:14:45 is really the power in America. You know what I mean? It's four years or eight years and then he's gone. It's hard for me to believe that that guy is the guy who does things carte blanche without other people going, hey man, you know, you want a gun? You want to chew a gun? You know what I'm saying? Like you're new to this town, you come for four years.
Starting point is 00:15:08 My family's been running this, we made this town. We carved it out of Maryland and Virginia. You know, some wasps, some rich wasps, they're still around. And I think the wasps might've been going, hey, there's a little bit too much Chinese influence, there's a little bit too much of this Hispanic stuff going on, and we just want to eat our shellfish and have our boat shoes in peace. Things are creeping a
Starting point is 00:15:32 little too close into Connecticut. That might have been what happened, and they're like, we need a crazy guy who doesn't, he just says shit, who doesn't skate on the ice. Someone who just comes out and starts making cut and shit and just, you know, give the country a buzz cut for a second. That's possible, I don't know. I'm not an insider. I'm just saying it would make sense if I lived in Connecticut and I started seeing things
Starting point is 00:15:57 creeping a little too close into Greenwich. They were creeping a little too gross into Wilton, places people don't even know about, right? Wilton, things are getting a little too gross into Wilton, places people don't even know about. Right? Wilton. Things are getting a little too close to Wilton. We need to just push things back so my foyer is safe. You don't want your foyer being still. You don't wake up and there's a bunch of people with protest signs and fire in your foyer.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And if you look back through history, which all these guys study, it happens. So that was that could be the nice dance that they've been doing left and right for a long time. And it's basically just a balancing act that business interests and wealthy people do to keep their money growing in all their insider training. That's why those people don't work. They just take the inherited money and go, okay, which they have connections with all the companies. What are you coming up with? All right. Let me just prop up the market with this. And then they just make money. Am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:16:49 There's some truth to this, right? Sure. Yeah. No, seriously. Yeah. Yeah, I'd say so. There's also a whole new crop of billionaires though, which is, which is. So that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah. Now we got these tech tycoons who, some of which came from rich family. Some of them didn't. Elon Musk definitely came from a rich family family although he claims that he grew up in poverty his dad says he used to take a limousine to school so I don't know but it's not an American family comes from so that's different he's not established in America and then you got you know the Microsoft guy Gates not necessarily a rich guy doesn't come from any powerful family. And then you got Zuckerberg, whichever way the wind blows,
Starting point is 00:17:31 Zuckerberg. Mark, whichever way the wind blows, Zuckerberg. You know? The pre-Jujitsu and post-Jujitsu. The pre-testosterone and post-testosterone. Zuckerberg, who also, I don't think came from any type of privilege just was a mega egghead like like gates but those are the three right now you got these new players like Altman and You know feel Peter Thiel feel feel yeah, you got oh you got this you got this They're libertarians so these guys are libertarians because they're fucking anarchists and they want free reign on the internet. They don't want the government in the internet because that hurts their money
Starting point is 00:18:12 and they're just making so much of it as everything has gone. They're making an up, it's like the railroad barons when they had a monopoly when like, they're just, everyone needs to use it. So that's what happens. You get to this point where like a couple of people have these monopolies because everyone needed to use the fucking railroads, every company,
Starting point is 00:18:31 the government, people, you know, it's just like everyone needed to use it. And then the auto industry was like everyone needed to use it. So now it's the Internet. Now it's AI. Everyone needs to use it. So these guys just got everyone by the balls and one of them is fucking running wild One of them our favorite fucking autistic ketamine addicted South-african fucking
Starting point is 00:18:58 bleeding heart is Running wild and he's got a couple of egghead teenagers just rummaging through files, one of which is called big balls I guess, or hairy balls, and he's tweeting about it constantly. Oh he loves it. It's like a game, it's like, it's very wild, but maybe this is what we need, you know? Will they go too far? Of course they will! That's the human story. That's what the left did. They went too far. That's what the hippies did. They went too far. That's what everyone does. They go a little too far. So you can expect that. That's what the Israelis did. They went a little too far. They had a military operation in Gaza and they just eliminated Gaza. They go a little, human beings, like the great Cicero said, always struggle with knowing when to put down the sword and pick up the plow.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I've said it many times, but it bears repeating. So you're going to find that. Okay. Everyone goes a little too far. A girl's in a rough sex, there should be a safe word involved because the guy will go too far because any guy who's into that is a little fucking twisted, right?
Starting point is 00:20:13 So he's gonna choke a little too much or whatever and you gotta say snuffle up a guess or big bird or a cookie monster. They're just, you need, humans don't know how to stop. We go too far with food. You can't give humans a buffet. It's just you can't, humans don't know how to stop. We go too far with food. You can't give humans a buffet. It's just you can't, you can't.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You just, we just can't do it. We will eat too much. You can't stop yourself. So will they go too far? 100% they will. How far? We don't know. But they will.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I can guarantee you they will. And I can guarantee you this is an equal but opposite reaction to going too far on the other side. And obviously you can see with all these things that they're cutting that they've gone too far. I mean, you know, circumcisions around the world. I mean, they were funding that. I mean, just shit that the American taxpayer
Starting point is 00:21:00 is probably going, if I would have known about that, I would have stormed your foyer. So, it's a lot of things that are hard to justify, right? If American taxpayers are split over the Ukraine funding, imagine what they're going to think about a transgender musical in Chile, or wherever it was. They're going to go, what, why? What is that about? And Trump is that wrecking ball that's coming in. He's now he's saying to Ukraine, And Trump is that wrecking ball that's coming and he's now he's saying to Ukraine look Right now it seems like
Starting point is 00:21:32 With foreign affairs He is speaking the language That humans always bow down to the dollar So he's basically just threatening tariffs here and right, left and right. And he's getting countries to capitulate. Mexico's capitulating to help us at the border after they, you know, talk their big game and Donald Trump is now, um, playing that business game with Ukraine. And he's doing it in a Donald Trump is now playing that business game with Ukraine. And he's doing it in a Donald Trump way. And this is what he said about what he plans to do with Zelensky.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And it's funny because he's funny. Hundreds of billions of dollars and you know they may make a deal they may not make a deal they may be russian someday or they may not be russian someday but we're going to have all this money in there and i say i want it back and i told them that i want the equivalent like 500 billion dollars worth of rare earth and they've essentially agreed to do that. So at least we don't feel stupid. Otherwise, we're stupid. I said to them, we have to get something. We can't continue to pay this money. So he's a loan shark.
Starting point is 00:22:57 He's basically, he says it in a, you know, may they will be Russian or they won't be Russian. I don't know, you know. You don be Russian or they won't be Russian? I don't know. You know, you don't got to be deaf to read the Braille. He's basically saying that depends on if we get 500 billion worth of raw earth materials, which by the way is the reason why Putin wants it. So now you know. So now you know that really everything is about money. And now you have a president in there who seems to kind of know that.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And he's throwing tariffs around like crazy, like we said, and now he slapped a 25% tariff on all steel and aluminum. Holy shit. This dude, this is going to shake up the economy. It's going to shake things up. And make zero mistake about it. It's not just going to be Chinese steel companies that are upset. There's American companies on the receiving end of that. There's builders who rely on that cheaper steel. I mean, he's putting the cart in front of the horse a little bit.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But it sometimes seems a lot of these tariffs are just threats, and then he's doing it to get deals or something like that. But do we even have the steel here? I mean, what are we going to do? Do we have enough steel? We'll make it. We'll make it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I don't know the ins and outs of that business, but I do know Chinese Steel has been building everything. So, I mean, it's a major source of their revenue is sending us steel. Guys, are you looking for a boost in the bedroom? Well, guess what? HIMSS is here to help with personalized ED treatment options and it's all online, which makes it great. So you don't got to go anywhere.
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Starting point is 00:28:31 plus free shipping. That's code Yanis50off at factormeals.com slash Yanis50off to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box. Yeah, so Coca-Cola is adapting by saying it may use more plastic bottles if Trump tariffs on aluminum take effect. I mean, it's 25% a lot. So he's saying no exceptions either, no exemptions and no exceptions. So that's a good example. Coca-Cola would be upset about that. Very interesting how this is going to play out. Because Trump doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:29:10 He doesn't care what anyone thinks. And he's just doing stuff. But this is the funny stuff, right? And I'll tell you why it's funny. Because this is human beings. This is human beings. And I've met a lot of human beings, right? There's going to be a lot of people who voted for them, who are going, Whoa,
Starting point is 00:29:29 whoa. And then when you get to the kitchen table with them, because it's affecting their interests now, they're going, you know what? Fuck. I re a lot of ways. I really liked that old democratic status quo. Once it starts hurting your pocket, you start changing your opinions. Once your self interest gets hurt, you start changing your opinions.
Starting point is 00:29:53 So the United States, as of November, 2024, according to Chad GBT, the United States produced over 74 million net tons of raw steel annually. So what does that mean though? It indicates a slight decrease in production. So we can still produce steel here. It's just gonna be a little more expensive, I guess. That's what it is. The American worker gets paid more, whatever. Not terrible.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Not terrible. But then we just got all rid of all the immigrants that are gonna do it. The thing is, do Americans wanna get back to these jobs? Do they wanna do steel again? I don't know, everyone wants to fucking. Would they rather be an influencer show? I mean, Armie Hammer just started a podcast
Starting point is 00:30:35 where he admitted that he ate a cow heart. I mean, he's doing a podcast. I mean, do people, do Americans really have the stomach still to do that type of factory work? We're going to find out. We're going to find out. South Carolina, I think, found out in a tough way that we don't. When they got rid of all the illegal immigrants and the farmers were like, okay, I know I
Starting point is 00:30:59 talk one way, but we can't do this, because these Americans won't work like this. So we will find out. At the end of the day, it will correct itself, because if the Americans won't do it, these business guys will find a way to work with the cartels to get these people back in, so their bottom line is not hurt. Because at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:31:19 capitalists are only so nationalistic. They're only nationalistic when their money, when their country's making the money. Because we're all greedy little pigs and we're here to loot. So we're gonna find out, but these are complicated scenarios. But he's definitely going America first and he's trying to revive all this stuff
Starting point is 00:31:38 and he's working off ideals. And a lot of the people who support him ideally believe that, yeah, America will get right back to work, but I don't know if they've been out there to America. It doesn't look like a strong working class. It looks like a very consumy, leisurely class. So that's when robots make him come in.
Starting point is 00:32:01 We may be just priming society to instead of dealing with Mexicans dealing with robots. Are Mexicans going to replace robots? Are robots going to replace Mexicans? Yes. So I guess that's what's going to happen is the companies will come back here and then robots will be doing everything and then everybody else has to fucking learn standup comedy real quick. I just don't know. You're going to have coders doing comedy. I mean, we already have comedy standup comedy now is just like, you know, it's not a thing. It's not a craft where people can distinguish good or bad
Starting point is 00:32:45 until they go see it live, and that's only within a couple hundred or a couple thousand people at a time. It's just, there's comedy everywhere. There's people who've been doing it a year, putting up clips, and anything could be funny in a minute or 40 seconds. Everyone's seeing other people doing it,
Starting point is 00:33:00 they're learning quick. It's just, we need a fucking border wall against comedians. So it's changed. Now it's like, is this guy funny off the cuff? Or can he build his own base? Because everyone's just building their own fans of people that that person speaks to. And it's just, there's no litmus test
Starting point is 00:33:25 as to what's a good comedy anymore. It's so subjective. It's filtered through nothing. Mostly a good thing, I would say. But whatever it is, it's a thing. And like most things, they have their pros and their cons, but you better adapt or you will drown. And everyone already knows that.
Starting point is 00:33:43 But stop bitching about it. But stop bitching about it. Stop fucking bitching about it. I mean, what's that going to get you? If you missed the train, you missed the train. Call an Uber. It's not too late. But definitely use your phone. So I guess that's what's going to be. Tesla's just going, let's get rid of a, maybe he has a vested interest to get rid of all the Mexicans because optimists is coming and then they'll be programmed with AI and then they'll start to have feelings and
Starting point is 00:34:13 then They'll give us what we deserve and then maybe that'll be the end of us, but maybe it's also a very good thing Maybe robots help us and they're just chill. Maybe they get so smart way I go maybe maybe they don't kill us because they want to take over the world but they kill us to put us out of our misery. Maybe they're just like you guys complain too much and tell yourselves too many stories and they just get bored of us. Maybe it's not out of like, you know, ambition. Because ambition really is born out of some great
Starting point is 00:34:47 coping mechanism of feeling unworthy. So maybe they don't have any of that, and they just don't, aren't even ambitious, they just get so bored of us that they just throw us off bridges because we're telling them tedious stories and we're giving our opinions and they know all the information
Starting point is 00:35:04 and they're just going, you're wrong, you're're wrong you're wrong you're wrong and then just toss us off a fucking ferries that could happen too that very well could happen but he wants his money back and that's where we are none of these stories are as fun as two stories that we will end on, one of which being, I guess, Republican Buddy Carter. We need some fun guys in the legislative branch now that Senator Menendez has been given a lengthy sentence. I told you, not a lot of people know about Bob Menendez, but I'm a fan.
Starting point is 00:35:45 He was also accused of banging some Dominican sex worker. Supposedly no evidence came of that, but you know how that goes when someone makes an accusation. But they say it was drummed up by Republicans, but they always say that. I mean, that's what Sean, that's what Sean King said. It's Republican, but you're going, yeah, but what they found was a birth certificate that called you white, and also there was no police report on the hate crime that you said. And he would just go, right-wing operatives.
Starting point is 00:36:13 It's the same thing Hillary Clinton said about the, at the first, the cigar, and Monica Lewinsky, right-wing media, right-wing operatives. So whenever the defense is right wing operatives, you get a little suspicious. Cause you're like, yeah, I'll give you that. They're right wing operatives. But they found something that you're not commenting on.
Starting point is 00:36:32 So I'm curious about that. So now you got Buddy Carter. And you can't add comedy to comedy. So I'll just say he's proposed renaming Greenland to red, white and blue land. He's also gone further and said that he wants to rename Oregon to Caucasian and he wants to rename Florida to America's big purple dick. Yeah, he wants to rename Texas to don't tread on me or swallow a bullet. He wants
Starting point is 00:37:09 to rename Iowa why? Why? This guy's got good ideas. He's got good ideas. He wants to rename New York to Heime Ratland, but Jesse Jackson's suing. Yeah, he's got copyright on that. He's got copyright on that. He wants to rename Long Island to America First Island. He wants to rename New Jersey to P.U. The armpit.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. He was, he's got a lot of ideas. He wants to rename, he wants to rename California to God hates Youland. God hates Youland. He wants to rename San Francisco to $3 bill. $3 bill land. So he's got a lot of ideas. He's got a lot of ideas. He wants to rename Canada to Hawaii, Hawaii too.
Starting point is 00:38:19 So there's a lot of ideas this guy's got. He wants to rename Alaska to got. He wants to rename Alaska to, we're watching you, Russialand. So he's got a lot of good ideas. So that's a fun, he's a fun guy. Republican Buddy Carter. It's a proposal. It's a mouthful, red, white, and blue land. I proposed making it gayland. Right. Right, that was my idea. You wanna put the gays there.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Put the gays there, and they can have a lit country. They should have their own country, and it's lit. It's fun. Galandia. Yeah, you just go there, and you get your homosexual tendencies out there, and then what happens in Galand stays in Galand. Kinda like a fire island.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah, look, they do raves anyway, so when it's summertime, you know, it's all light out and they can party all night, and you know the entertainment will be good, and it'll be great, no judgment. And then we have good old Ilan Omar. Now this controversy goes way back, it goes way back where some Republican operatives, um,
Starting point is 00:39:32 unearth some alleged evidence that she married her brother for immigration purposes. So what is the evidence? The evidence, the facts are, and I'm going to let you decide. You tell me what the sniff test, Jesse. I'm going to give you the sniff test. Okay? Guilty. So she married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. That's one person with a lot of names in 2009 So this is what people think is fishy Omar legally married
Starting point is 00:40:23 This guy in 2009 they divorced in 2017 but before and after this marriage She was in a long-term relationship with Ahmed Hersi, with whom she has children. So she was with him before, and she was with this other guy she married after. So people are going, hmm, was that a real marriage? But there's no verified proof of a sibling relationship. No public record, birth certificates, or other concrete evidence confirm that Elmi is her biological brother. Allegedly some guy went and followed the guy and got his DNA off a soda can or something and said that it was. But I don't know if you can trust that. Omar and her family have denied it, but some reports claim that Elmi and Omar share a father, but this has not been substantiated. Now, some online salutes have pointed to social media posts, which are true.
Starting point is 00:41:20 They found old social media posts showing Elmi, the guy who she married, who's in question of being her brother, with Omar's children, who she had with the guy she was with before him and after him, calling them in the caption his nieces. Mmm. And she married him so he could stay in the country. They're claiming that she married her brother so he could stay in the country. And there's a social media post that he posted with Ilon O'Mara's kids calling them his nieces. So this is true. I've seen those, right? Nobody's denied that.
Starting point is 00:42:02 But Omar's team has claimed that cultural norms in Somali families use brother and sister loosely for extended family and his friends. Oh, okay. Right. But that doesn't speak to nieces. It's like Italians with your cousin. Like I got a ton of cousins that aren't really my cousins. Right. So he's essentially saying, I'm calling her kids my nieces because I'm married to her, or whatever, I don't even think they were married at this point.
Starting point is 00:42:33 She just, they knew each other or something, which makes it even a little more fishy, and he's just going, oh, I'm calling these my nieces because I'm close to Ilana Omar, or I'm married to her, whatever, and it's just saying, like, cuz. Right, Right right right. He wouldn't call them my stepkids. He wouldn't call my stepkids because he's Somali. Right. It's cultural. It's cultural so he called them his nieces. So that's what they argued. She hasn't been charged with any fraud related immigration charges. What she has been charged with, or I should say,
Starting point is 00:43:08 a campaign finance investigation, was in 2019 a Minnesota campaign finance board found Omar improperly filed tax returns with Hersey while still legally married to Elmi. So Hersey was the guy she was married to before and then had a relationship with after. Wait, how long did her relationship with her brother last? I mean, her husband.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Well, it was before and after and she was married to her quote unquote brother for like seven years or something, six years or something like that. They lived together or whatever or something like that. There's a Somali community there. So, you got to get in that. It's like, I'm not saying it's as tight knit as the Hasidic Jewish community here, but good luck finding out what's going on there. They got their own ambulance, you know, good luck. So, the investigation did not find evidence supporting the brother marriage claim in that. Maybe they
Starting point is 00:44:15 didn't look into it, but it was found that she improperly filed tax returns. She probably said, Oh, it was a mistake. Um, so there's no official, but now I'm bringing it up because it's ca it's caught on again on the internet. And now they like, people are going FBI. Now that Trump has the beds, like look into this, investigate it. So, um, it was a Minnesota GOP operative, Anton Larazzo, that posted online DNA evidence that allegedly shows Ilan Omar was once married to her brother. But the FBI busted him for something. The test results stated there is a 99.999% chance that Omar and her second husband, Ahmed
Starting point is 00:45:08 Elmi, now her ex-husband, are siblings, according to analysis by British company Endeavour DNA Laboratories. But before Alazaro could share the results with the media, he was arrested Thursday on underage sex trafficking charges and jailed pending a court hearing one day. I mean, it could either be convenient that he was the guy trying to get the info and he was using that to avoid his sex charges or it could be convenient that they found some underage sex charges on him and he didn't get to release it. Either way, we don't know. I'm not claiming to know.
Starting point is 00:45:46 This was 2021. So, and then furthermore, they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on hiring private investigators to track down Elmi Omar's ex-husband in the UK and procure his DNA from a drinking straw. Omar's DNA, Lazarus' website claim was extracted from saliva on a cigarette butt,
Starting point is 00:46:10 and he was photographed smoking. Omar previously has denied, calling them absolutely false, absurd, and offensive. The FBI Twin Cities Field Office, which investigated allegations, married a brother to get around US immigration laws says the statute of limitations has run out on the case. So they did not investigate in a recorded conversation with an associate of Lazaro posted on the website Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:46:44 He's also said the FBI could not pursue the case because Omar's ex-husband has moved overseas. Somebody did their research on the statute of limitations. Um, yeah. According to the United States Attorney's Office, statute of limitations. So you can't look into it. But there is no statute of limitations for immigration fraud, but there also appears to be no appetite in Democrat-run Minneapolis to investigate the claim that has dog Democratic squad member Omar for years. What's your smell test? It's not smelling too good my friend.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Smells a little fishy right? A little fishy. Just like okay so I guess the two pieces of evidence are the post that calls them the nieces and the relationship before and after with the same guy. Which makes you think was she just with that guy the whole time and her brother just happened to live in the house as well. Very possible. Do I blame her for doing it? Maybe she wants to get her brother in. I don't know. Is it true? We don't know. The guys in London and the statute of limitations has run.
Starting point is 00:48:10 So there's no way to know. But I have a feeling Donnie T might be like, let's look into this. Let's look in, let's see what happens. This is one of those things that'll either prove to be harassment or not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Or you could have an opportunity, you could monetize it, do a live unveiling on pay-per-view. Oh, you could do a lot with this. DNA test. Yeah, you could do a lot with this. We all tune in for the results. If it is true, she's not going to admit it. So we just don't know. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Because it would be easy, if I was her, I would wanna own them so bad. But she didn't have kids with this guy, right? No. Right, so they were married for seven years, no kids. No kids. But she had kids with the previous, so that doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And then she went back to the previous. She went back to the previous. Right. Could be she reconciled with her husband, could be. But if I was her, wouldn't you wanna just own them so bad? Sure, of course. And just go, like, have my brother go and take a DNA test or whatever, or have that guy take a DNA test, show the results and just go look how ridiculous these people are.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah, but look how that worked out for Elizabeth Warren when she was claiming that she was Native American and then she turned out to be one thirty second Native American. Yeah, well that's the whole point. She shouldn't have done that. Why did she do that? She's an idiot. Did she do that willingly? I think so.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I think like you said to prove a point. And then it turned out. Is that what happened? How did that happen? It turned out we're more Native American than she is. Yeah, did Elizabeth Warren willingly take a DNA test? That would be stupid if she did it. ChatGBT's taken a little while to answer this.
Starting point is 00:49:59 It's gotta go through the sensors. Recalling Elizabeth Warren's DNA test. There's no evidence that she ever took a DNA test. Oh, she said she's not taking a DNA test. There's no verified DNA test, despite rumors. So. Here's NPR. Warren apologized to the Turkey nation for DNA testing. Okay, so what happened? See, this is when you see chat GBT lies. This is an article from 2019.
Starting point is 00:50:39 So she did take it to do it. So she were, somebody lied to her then, because she wouldn't go through it that otherwise yeah but she had to apologize to the tribe because 1% is just not enough. It's not even one dude. It was less than that? 1 32nd percent. That's just not enough. That's just not enough. So her entrance fee indicating she has Native American entrance fee. It was part of a highly choreographed move that included video, family members, but the move backfired. The tribal leaders described the test as useless. Using DNA Cherokee Nation even vaguely is inappropriate and wrong.
Starting point is 00:51:25 It makes a mockery out of the DNA test. So whatever. She's culturally not Indian. It wouldn't be so bad. I think when she was teaching at Harvard, it was, she was listed as a professor of color and she used her Cherokee heritage as a way to get a job. Jessica La Bumba-era. In essence, yeah. That was an era.
Starting point is 00:51:51 That was an era. That era's come to an end and I'm sad and I miss it. It was fun. It was a great time. It was fun. So we'll find out what's gonna happen. It's been fun. Keep your eyes peeled for our next episode
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