Yannis Pappas Hour - Assassination Attempt & Tylenol for America

Episode Date: July 18, 2024

The temperature outside is consistently 100 degrees, and the political climate is even more intense. Yanni calls for a reduction in the political fever we are experiencing. He discusses the total inco...mpetence that led to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. He does a deep dive on the Secret Service Director and analyzes the psychology of 20-year-olds raised by AI and social media. Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their casual, weekly bonus episodes here:  https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good afternoon, everyone. Yanis Papas here, your favorite fake newscaster, giving you yesterday's news today so you can have a brighter tomorrow. It's all about the assassination attempt this week, the assassination attempt on the love of a couple. This is just unforgivable. Our nation has to heal from this. This woman is pregnant.
Starting point is 00:00:30 She's been with this guy 15 years and she caught him on a beach with another woman. We need to rally around this couple, get them counseling, and it's just not worth it. I know how sex can dry up when a woman is pregnant, but there is no excuse to be cozying up to a woman on a beach while your wife's at home pregnant watching the news about an attempted presidential assassination. I don't know which one's worse, but I'll tell you what, for this family right here, they're not thinking about the ills of this country. They're not thinking about the 110 degrees it is outside.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Right now in New York City it's 110 degrees. But the political climate is about 380 degrees. We got to calm it down by rallying around this woman who deserves to keep her family together. This other hoe is trying to assassinate this 15 year love. This is the assassination attempt I want to focus on on the Janis Papasauer because there's nothing I can do about the shooter. He's gone. We don't know any details from him. All we know is that his parents were my standup joke.
Starting point is 00:01:45 His dad was a Republican and his mom was a Democrat, like the way it used to be, right? His dad owns a business so he's a Republican and his mom is a Democrat because she lives off of him. So apparently this quiet kid just may have gotten sick of dinnertime arguments. And that could have been the motive right there and then that's it I don't know
Starting point is 00:02:08 But I also don't want to make light to because there was a man killed watch me get serious there There was a father killed here. So let's not make him a plus one here This is a man who was protecting his family who lost his life, which um Does make it funny that people think that this was set up and you knew that was coming. All you had to do is sign on to the world's toilet stall and you were gonna find those conspiracies that this was set up to make Trump a martyr. Trump was like, all right listen I'm gonna turn my head at this moment, just shoot. Hopefully you missed by an inch or two. I don't know how
Starting point is 00:02:44 big his ears are, but it was pretty close. I mean, he definitely Mike Tyson that year. Um, and then he got up and he goes, fight, fight, fight. Uh, I'm voting for him. This is the honest Papas hour. Let's get into it. I'm donating 15 bucks a year to the cause because look, the flag was misshapen into an eagle. God shined down on Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I didn't know who Jesus was voting for until I saw him survive an assassination attempt. I mean, talk about the luck of Riley. This was so close to his head, dude. It was so close to his head from a sloped roof, apparently right in front of him. I bet you Trump could see the guy. I bet you he thought, hey, look, it's a super fan with a telescope. Just check it be out. I mean, he was right there. Um, so there's only two options here. Okay. We're going to make this short and sweet. We're going to make this short and sweet. There's only two options. This was either DEI's fault or it was sort of like let's see if we can get a shot off it before we get them. It was one of the two. There's no other
Starting point is 00:04:35 excuse. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I mean the first place you check when a guy is speaking if you're Secret Service is the roughs. And I also just find it a little nuts that he carried a ladder there. A guy just walked up with a ladder and they go, hey, what are you, he walked up with an AR-15 and a ladder and no cop was there going like, hey, excuse me. And he's just going, no, no, no, don't mind me. I gotta fix an air conditioner right now.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And they're going, that makes sense. Where's the air condi, don't mind me. I got to fix an air conditioner right now. And they're going, that makes sense. Where's the air condi- don't even need to ask. You look like an air conditioning repair guy, a 20 year old scrawny computer geek carrying an AR-15. He probably didn't even have it in the case. He was probably just carrying it. Ladder in one hand. When you look at the kid's makeup, I'm surprised he was able to carry a
Starting point is 00:05:24 ladder and an AR-15 up to a roof. That must have taken a lot of time. Someone wants to see him trying to get up there. He must have had to like go up there, get a rope up there, do a levy to like pull it up just to get the AR-15 up there first. There's no way he can carry his body weight and AR-15 and a ladder to the crime scene. It's just not possible. So the director of, the madam director of the protective services, the secret service, a very important job, madam. You gotta say, I love my female firefighters. I love my female cops.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I love my female secret service agents. If they're lesbians, I need to know what this CIA director, what this Secret Service director can bench, don't you? If she can bench more than me, I'm cool with it. If she's a Caitlin Clark clean six foot in sneakers, I'm okay with it. If she's a Janet Reno six foot two, I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:06:24 But if she's a five five lady, I I'm okay with it. But if she's a 5'5", lady, I'm not okay with it. You gotta be tall enough. Everyone who is supposed to protect the president, I mean the president, I'm calling him the president, look at that Freudian slip. The former president, what is he, 6'2"? So your guy's gotta be like 6'5". I mean, you know, hire a bunch of like division three
Starting point is 00:06:46 forwards, they need to work. Every, is that a lady? Yeah. This was his detail. I mean, this looks like a, that looks like a comedy movie. This poor woman's been getting dragged. She looks like someone's mom. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I mean, she's so short. I mean, what are we doing? Look at her. She can't even short I mean what are we doing look at her she can't even get the gun in the holster she's not even tall enough she can't even reach the door on that car so you know it's just what are we doing here what's going on it was either of the two, right? It was either the two. I mean, I doubt the Secret Service was like, all right, let's let him get one shot off and see if he hits. I doubt that. But that's the only other possibility. And the other possibility, like I said, being that
Starting point is 00:07:41 Secret Service is not equipped because of probably a compromise in standard. I mean, and that's not just because, hey, potential is that, you know, it's happened to Reagan, it happens, maybe only to Reagan. Has anyone else ever, has anyone taken a shot at anyone else? I don't know, but just how egregious the mistake was, even to a layman like myself,
Starting point is 00:08:04 and then the excuse that the roof was slanted, and that's why she didn't put anyone up there When the guys that were the counter snipers were on slanted roofs, too. I Mean, what are you talking about? You telling me? Mexicans can't crawl on my roof to clean my gutters in 110 degree heat I'm on slanted roofs, but a guy can't lay down with a sniper rifle protecting that roof. How about, okay, maybe you don't have to put a guy up there. How about not letting one, okay, it's sloped.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So nobody can get up there. How about having a guy downstairs? How about a guy having a guy downstairs saying, you can't go up there to fix the air conditioner with your AR-15? That would have been nice. What kind of leaf blower is that? Are you here to clean the gutters?
Starting point is 00:08:52 What kind of wrench? I don't even know how you clean or fix an air conditioner, but I'm sure it's not with a fucking automatic weapon. Supposedly that roof was the jurisdiction of the local police, which is in and of itself a mistake of the secret service. I mean, where was this Pennsylvania where the only crime is like not supporting Shane Gillis's show.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Cause he's from Harrisburg or some fucking shithole out there. You know, what's going on out there in Bethel, Pennsylvania, besides a nice soup and salad at Panera? That's the only thing going on. A lot of meth, a lot of meth, but I wouldn't really want to put the local police in charge of something that important, I'll be honest with you. Put the local police in charge of something that important. I'll be honest with you Unless they knew you unless they NYPD Unless they NY and let's say the boys in blue the boys the girls and everyone else in blue Have they changed that yet the boys girls?
Starting point is 00:09:58 Them's in blue The building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. She told ABC news in a startling admission. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside where nobody has a vantage point to get a shot off. There's just fucking,
Starting point is 00:10:27 there's just fucking so there's secret service guys in there just drinking fucking donuts, Dunkin donuts, coffees. I'm glad they put us in here. They're like, wait, where are we? All right. It's a secure. We're the only ones in here is they can't get a shot from, they can't get a shot from these windows cause we're in here drinking coffee. Um, what about the roof? Ah, they put us in here. What are't get a shot from, they can't get a shot from these windows because we're in here drinking coffee. What about the roof? Ah, they put us in here. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Anyway, what do you think about this Caitlin Clark check? Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. They were inside sipping Joe out of a cardboard box while they were talking about the burgeoning enthusiasm for the WNBA. I guarantee you. I guarantee you the Secret Service agents that were assigned to be inside that building were like, what's there to watch? Joe, make sure you pick up some Dunkin on the way to the job site. Cause we got put on indoor duty. They probably heard some banging around up there too.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Like what's going on up there? I don't know, you know, we're in Pennsylvania. You know how these raccoons can get in roofs. So this was the secret service director. Her name is Kimberly. Anyone named Kimberly? She, now let's answer my question. Is she at least six foot?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Did she play division one basketball or volleyball? Did she try to make it on the boys wrestling team? Then I forgive it. I feel very comfortable when a female cop shows up and I go, what's up, dude? I feel very comfortable with those. I don't feel comfortable with the hot cops. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:11 All right, I didn't know the ring girl, the girl from the ring movie was the director of the Secret Service. Can we get a height on her? I need a height. I just need a height. I know she's got mad hands and no nail polish. That's a good start. No makeup, that need a height. I just need a height. I know she's got man hands and no nail polish. That's a good start.
Starting point is 00:12:26 No makeup, that's a good start. Business suit with an open button down, that's a good start. But what's her height? What is her height? It does matter. It does matter. We're not going to be able to find it because that's classified information.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Because if we would have found out she was 5'4". I mean, imagine being a 6'3'' Secret Service agent, able to find it because that's classified information. Because if we would have found out she was 5'4", I mean, imagine being a 6'3'' Secret Service agent, former military, trained sniper, taking orders from someone who looks like your aunt at Thanksgiving. Kimberly Cheadle, who is this chick? She's been thrusted to the national spotlight.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And you had to really, you had to tilt that national spotlight down to get her because she's of lady size. We can't get, we can't get any dimensions on her. Just like they couldn't get dimensions on the size of Trump's penthouse. Can't get dimensions on her. But I assume she's an average five, six, five, seven, right? I need to know the height. So without the height, I can't make a judgment call on this. Before taking the reins in the Secret Service, she served as a senior director for global security at Pepsi, you know, where assassination attempts
Starting point is 00:13:39 are perpetual. Guys always want to get at those cans. Coca-Cola is always trying to put holes in those cans. You know, we know a lot about the Pop-Tart War, but not a lot is mentioned about the violence that happens between the soda pop companies. I mean, Pepsi and Coke, the security that's needed for that soda and the deliveries,
Starting point is 00:14:03 we don't hear a lot about that because Jerry Seinfeld hasn't put pen to paper yet But the truth is it's a very dangerous job have you seen these guys when they show up with their trucks and they got Boxes and boxes of Pepsi. Do you see the armed guards that surround them? I don't know who's more protected, the guys picking up money at the bank in those armored cars or the guys delivering Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So whatever job she did at Pepsi, making sure that Pepsi's were secure was enough to qualify her to protect presidential candidates. I'm sure Biden got the good guy. I'm sure whoever was in charge of, you know, charge of wherever he was at, whatever old folks home or diaper store he was at. Whatever geriatric physician he was visiting, I'm sure the guy that was in charge of that was at least 6'3". He was at least a two guard size. I think this lady might've been a speedy WNBA point guard. All of 5'6", 5'7. She had previously, she was there.
Starting point is 00:15:25 She was at Pepsi for 27 years. Now has anyone ever attacked the cans? No, no, no. What? She served in the secret service for 27 years before. Oh, before stepping into a role at Pepsi. So she was a secret service agent for 20 years. Protecting who?
Starting point is 00:15:44 Children, dogs? What was she protecting? You know, she was one Secret Service agent for 20 years. Protecting who? Children, dogs? What was she protecting? You know she was one of those who just drove, like, Chelsea Clinton. You know she was one of those, like, what's going on? Yeah, math sucks. Yeah, boy problems. I know all about that from my daughter.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Anyway, the guys will walk you in. It's appropriate for me to laugh at my jokes when they're good. That was her job to say the guys will walk in. Good luck with that test, Chelsea. So I mean, I think the conspiracies are not warranted, but I understand them because of the level of negligence. It's almost hard to believe. And you don't need a sophisticated knowledge of sniper tactics and anti-sniper tactics
Starting point is 00:16:38 to know that there was a roof right in front that was unguarded. Somehow this guy brought a ladder. He went to a store and he bought a ladder. He took his dad's gun and he's got a 10 inch penis apparently from a video where someone was giving him bunny ears and he climbed up on the roof. Now who is the kid? Supposedly there's no social media presence. You can't figure it out. He's registered Republican, but he's donated to Democrats. He gave 15 bucks to progressives. His dad's a Republican, his mom's a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:17:10 That causes a lot of strife in the home, like I've said. He was a quiet kid. They're always quiet kids. They're always lonely kids. You know that. I don't buy the fact that this kid wasn't spending at least 10 hours a day on the Internet. I just don't buy it. I do agree with not letting that information out.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I do agree with that. You don't want, you don't want it out. You don't want to, you know, you, you go out there and you say he was out there watching, you know, this podcast for 20 hours. Then people start trolling that pot. It doesn't matter. The guy's crazy. You know, he's just crazy. And I think right now we're trying to give the country a little Tylenol, a little Tylenol for America. And that Tylenol is keep it quiet. Whatever radicalizes this kid, keep it quiet because it was something. Okay. And if it's my guess what it was, I think it was probably this podcast. guess what it was, I think it was probably this podcast. Nobody can be ratalyzed for this podcast. The temperature is fucking 78 degrees when
Starting point is 00:18:12 I'm on here. Unless, unless I'm talking about Mark Paul Gossier, patreon.com slash Giannis Papasour for our Zach Morris episode, which I think is one of my finest pieces of work. The country needs that right now. We need a comedian dedicating a full hour to the demise of America coinciding with the demise of Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell. I'm telling you, that's what we need.
Starting point is 00:18:41 So we don't need that. We don't need to hear, you know, that he was listening to this, he was hardcore this. We don't need him to know he was, you know, he spent a lot of times listening to left-wing podcasts. We don't need to know, you know, he had Bernie Sanders poster in his wall. We don't need people to start blaming Bernie
Starting point is 00:19:03 or whatever this kid was into We just don't need it because it's never really about that, right? It's never really about that. These kids have problems, right? this kid's a lonely kid, that's one of the things and in in today's culture for these kids the problem is is that their scope of interests, the scope of what they are thinking about
Starting point is 00:19:31 and caring about is too much. It's just too big. The only thing these kids feel, get ready to clip it, is fame or shame. That is what has social media has done to the youth of the world. They have two predominant emotions, fame or shame. Right? So they either feel that they're important in the world through their social media presence and the people listening to them, or they feel shame. And they act out from the the shame and they try to do anything to gain power fake accounts whatever they can do they try
Starting point is 00:20:08 to get more popular people's attention whatever they can do to not feel that shame right and it's it's it's the poisoning of the psyche from the algorithm driven artificial world that the internet, specifically social media creates. That's the problem with youth. And I guarantee you this kid is no exception. Because I guarantee you that suicide and depression, up 30% in kids this age, has nothing to do with anything other than the fame or shame that is felt from social media. That's it. That's it. You know?
Starting point is 00:20:51 When we were kids, all you needed to be was decent at pick-up basketball to feel good. You didn't need to go like, I don't have enough followers or, you know, I had a take and all my friends saw that take. I posted some tweet and everyone at school saw it, or they threatened they were gonna post this picture of me, or they got in this private chat and they were talking about me, you know. It's like, they don't, that's a type of pressure
Starting point is 00:21:17 that we don't know about because we didn't grow up in it. And when you marry that with a developing mind, you're gonna get more misanthropes like this. And this kid was a misanthrope. Very stressful job working at a nursing home. So he was stressed to begin with entry level job, smart kid, obviously spent a lot of time in the computer. So this bullshit that he didn't
Starting point is 00:21:39 because that's all his friends keep saying, he was great at computers. So what was he doing? Great at computers, but just staying away from it? Right? He was a smart kid who was great with computers. So how long do you think he looked at? They haven't looked at his laptop yet,
Starting point is 00:21:54 but please don't tell us what's on it. Unless it's, maybe his porn history, just irrelevant stuff. Keep, and I bet you there's a, that's a conspiracy I believe in, that's one that I endorse. You don't want to make this bigger right now. You just want to make it about this kid. You don't want to make it about, oh, he's on this side, he's on that side, and blah, blah, blah, he's getting radicalized, and then everyone starts pointing the finger at whatever political pundits he's listening to or whatever Biden speeches he's watching. You don't want that. You don't want focus on that. Now, Biden did say it's time to put Donald Trump in the bullseye. We need to stop.
Starting point is 00:22:35 We need to stop with the rhetoric. That part, I do agree. We need to stop calling Donald Trump Hitler, which is vice president at one point said, I don't know if he's Hitler or just some fraud, right? JD Vance. We need to stop calling people Hitler. This is when you can call someone Hitler. When he gives a speech and he says there's one race that's superior to the other ones, and that's what this country needs to be about. And also we have a Jewish problem.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And when those words come out of your mouth, that's when you can call someone Hitler. Other than that, you can just call him a very charismatic businessman who ran for office. He was president for four years. Was anyone sent to any camps? Did anything really horrible happen? The only thing, he assassinated some general in Iran, now they got a hit on him. Iran wants him dead. There's some intel they want to assassinate him as retaliation for him assassinating whatever, tsunami, konami, Mr. Donar. So there's an Iranian plot to kill him that prompted Secret Service to boost
Starting point is 00:23:52 protection before the rally. So you would think that maybe they would. That was the boost. That was the boost in protection. Very, I think it's incompetence. I just don't think. But it is, it is really suspicious incompetence. I mean, I, it's incompetence. I just don't think, but it is really suspicious incompetence. I mean, here's the thing. Personally, I don't think, but I do understand that people would go, like, were you just going, like, let the kid get a shot because maybe all our problems will go away. I mean, what else can you conclude? And I don't blame the guy who retaliated, right? Because he probably saw the guy and going, what is that? What's going on? You don't want to just kill some guy. The flaw comes in.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Why was that roof not secured? And not, you don't even need someone on the roof. You just got to make sure nobody can get on the roof. I mean, these guys were inside the building sipping Joe while this kid had a ladder right by their window, just going up onto the roof. It just, it's really crazy. just going up onto the roof. It's really crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's almost as crazy as having a pregnant wife you've been in a relationship with for 15 years and getting caught on a beach in a photo, a very funny photo. Look at that photo, like I'm caught. And look at this guy. He doesn't have a flattering body. To be honest, the woman sitting next to him
Starting point is 00:25:06 doesn't look like she has one either. You're fucking disgusting. His pregnant wife yelled at this guy. This is big news. In another video, continues to call out her husband and his alleged love as they leave the beach. I'm sorry if he lied to you, she tells the woman while following the sneaky duo.
Starting point is 00:25:31 As they exit, a nearby beach goer shouts at them, take your garbage. Their garbage themselves. Look at her. There she is, little ho. But she probably didn't know. He probably kept it from her, right? That his wife was, he had a pregnant wife. Here's the thing, dude, you got a pregnant wife at home
Starting point is 00:25:50 and you're having an affair, you don't wanna go to the beach, man, you wanna keep that shit into motels. Keep it in motels. He was telling me he was getting a divorce. That's what they always say. He was getting a divorce, That's what they always say. He was getting a divorce. So she knew he was married. Probably true, these guys fucking lie. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I love that the post, I love how somehow the post was like, let's get this to print. This is for people who just, you know, don't wanna hear about Menendez pleading guilty. They don't want to hear about Trump getting assassinated. They don't want to hear about JD Vance. They don't want to hear about whatever don't say gay thing passed in California now.
Starting point is 00:26:39 So in California now, there's a law that you can't, if your kid is transgender, you can't tell the parents. They don't want to hear about Elon Musk donating 45 mil a month to Trump and endorsing him. They don't want to hear about Elon Musk taking all of his companies out of California. They just want some good old local heartbreak affair news about a fat guy on the beach with his mistress cheating on his pregnant wife. That's what they want. I'm just glad nobody was hurt.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Nobody was hurt, dude. She showed up with a camera and not a gun. That's very nice because those situations could get very tricky. And let's just, everyone's safe. Everyone's safe. But you know, that baby's going to grow up. He's going to be able or she's going to be able to watch the moment mommy and daddy got a divorce. Unbelievable. Right there on the beach, soiling our beach, garbage. I thought our beaches were getting cleaner, but now they're just peppered with garbage.
Starting point is 00:27:49 This man is garbage, ladies. Look at me trying to woo more female listeners. This is garbage behavior. OK, and I don't blame her. I blame him. I blame this guy, this guy with his Ray-Bans. I blame this guy for cozying up with another woman. He was just cozying up. Maybe, maybe, this is what I would do if I was him.
Starting point is 00:28:17 People don't think quick like I think. Wife goes out there with the camera, catches him. You get up quick. You get up quick, you go over to the wife and you go, I know what this looks like. I have been lying to you. But you are my wife, we've been together 15 years. I guess this is what I'm gonna tell you, but it needs to be between you.
Starting point is 00:28:34 That woman over there is an Iranian spy. I have been working as an undercover CIA agent for 15 years, okay? We're in an unassuming location as to not arouse suspicion. Just two fat people on the beach. The last place anyone would be looking for foreign agents or for intel to be being transmitted between foreign agent you use some heavy words for an agent for foreign actors I know
Starting point is 00:29:13 what this looks like please you have to keep this quiet I'll explain when we get home but you have to leave me and let me talk to my. I have to talk to her. We're almost there. We're on high alert now. Iran has really put out some feelers as to try to assassinate a presidential candidate. And I'm here meeting with a foreign actor. Done. Handled. She goes, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I didn't know I was dealing with someone who's doing something important. I thought you were just a shoe salesman. I thought, I thought, I thought you were just working in the camping department at Dick's. I didn't know that my husband was an important CIA agent. It's worth a try. It's worth a try, right?
Starting point is 00:30:04 Don't just give in like this. Don't just walk off in shame. CIA agent, it's worth a try. It's worth a try, right? Don't just give in like this. Don't just walk off in shame with her off the beach without giving it a try. For your on board kid, for America, America's watching. We wanna believe that this relationship, I wanna keep tabs on this relationship. I know there's a reporter on this beat. Please contact, you, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:26 our, our, we don't even have a show email. Hit me up on Yahoo. Let me know. I want, I want to keep tabs because this is also an equally important story to what's going on. It's the stories we need to tile in all this country a little bit. We need a little tile in all no No more he's Hitler, he's Hitler. No more put him in the bullseye. No more threat to democracy. No more Joe Biden's not competent. He's competent. Look at him. He's great. He can get through certain sentences. The Democratic Party has really sort of become like a borderline mom who's just gaslighting you over and over. The last thing that President Biden said about Kamala Harris is she is very capable of being
Starting point is 00:31:21 president. No, she's not. Nobody believes it. They keep trying to tell us Joe Biden's mental acuity is better than it's ever been. No, it's not. Stop gaslighting us. We have eyes, we have ears, stop it.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Biden says Kamala Harris could be president of the United States. There is nobody that believes that. There's nobody that believes that you're not too old to be doing this job, and there's nobody that believes that. There's nobody that believes that you're not too old to be doing this job. And there's nobody that believes that Kamala Harris, uh, could be president. They just don't. All right. That's, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:31:57 There's nobody that believes that there's not one person that goes like, he makes a lot of good points. It's just not happening. So I don't know who's in charge of their messaging, but here's my suggestion to the Democratic Party. If Joe Biden backs out right now and they replace Joe Biden with Donald Trump, the Dems have a chance in the 2024 election. That's what I'll say. But we're not talking about the real victim from this week, and that is Tenacious D. That band is probably over.
Starting point is 00:32:41 It's probably the last we'll see Tenacious D touring for a bunch of, I guess at this point, 55-year-old former hipsters with families go to these nostalgic concerts to remember the days when alternative comedy ruled. So in Australia, Kyle Gass, basically the role player of Tenacious D, which is a band with Jack Black, on his birthday said from the stage, when Jack Black said, make a wish, Kyle said, I just hope that he doesn't miss.
Starting point is 00:33:20 When they try to shoot Trump, what was the word? Something like, don't miss Trump next time. This is one of those moments where I have a lot of sympathy for Kyle, because when you're an older guy like that, you just forget that everyone's got phones on, and you just think you're gonna say something funny that's gonna rattle up the crowd, and the crowd's gonna go, ah,
Starting point is 00:33:42 and it just comes out you know this like hack take just comes out and you just go as soon as it came out of his mouth he probably went fuck you probably looked to his left and just saw some kid like this so he's been drunk he's been dropped dropped by his talent agency which is interesting I think this is the first time anyone's been dropped for anything dropped by his talent agency, which is interesting. I think this is the first time anyone's been dropped for anything they've said about Trump. I mean, the redheaded chick, she held up his dead head,
Starting point is 00:34:12 I think they dropped her, right? Kathy Griffin, yeah. Kathy Griffin. What was that, by the way? I mean, what was that? They need to tone it down. By the way, you have to admit, there was an attempted assassination on the president, and there was no riots or anything like that or
Starting point is 00:34:29 You know People started to take notice of this stuff when they vote, you know Sorry to say the Democratic Party needs a revamp. They really need a revamp They they were on top for a while now Now once the strategy I think is shifting, they're trying to obviously soften, they're trying to appeal to them more, which is what you do. It's just what I've been preaching on this podcast forever
Starting point is 00:34:56 that the Democrats aren't doing. The Democrats used to do that, but they got so arrogant and ideologically cult-like arrogant and ideologically like cult like that they started pushing di all this stuff and all like the coded speak about colors of community and all this stuff you know i got this my friend of color he comes from a couple people of color community and all the right words and they got caught up in that you know they got caught up in just being arrogant to think that the abortion issue would be enough to get them in and they were right in a lot of ways all the candidates that trump endorsed didn't win that last election there was no red wave that came so their stick they're doubling down and that's the mistake they're doubling down. And that's the mistake. They're doubling down. Cause now, now the Republicans are doing the smart thing
Starting point is 00:35:47 and they're going Amber Rose, they're going, let's get hip. Yeah, she takes a lot of dicks, but let's get hip. Let's put her on at the R and C with that big ass. Let's get hip. She's up there talking about, doesn't matter if you're black, they're starting to talk to the swing voters. Because listen, what are you going to do if you're a Christian Republican who supports Trump and your choices
Starting point is 00:36:12 are Trump and Biden? Are you not going to vote for Trump because Amber Heard was there? Are you not going to vote for Trump because they did a Sikh prayer at the end? No, you're going to still vote for Trump. So you don't got to talk to those people. This is what both parties forgot. They started kind of believing Twitter rhetoric. The extremists are going to be there and they don't have another option. So they're going to vote for Trump. The people who are family values, hardcore, they're going to vote for Trump. They voted from the first time. The kids fucking got nutted on a porn star's face. They don't care. You think they're gonna care, but if you get Amber Rose up there talking about rainbow flags,
Starting point is 00:36:51 you see a Sikh prayer, a couple of conservative Indians, you're gonna get those people who are gonna tip the scales of the election for you. You already got the God believers. I mean, once he stood up and went like this, fight, fight. They all just went like this at home and they're living when they just went, this was an act of God. So, it's a done deal at this point.
Starting point is 00:37:15 So, that's why I predict that Trump will win and is because I think they're really adjusting. And I think his speech at the RNC, when this comes out, you'll see, I think he probably was smart and did like a message of unity. And this is just gonna get everyone in the middle going, you know what, I think it's time for a change. I think instead of changing Biden's diaper,
Starting point is 00:37:41 we're gonna change presidents. I think that's what is enough of the diaper changing We're going with a guy a couple years younger who is able to stand right back up with a bloody ear and go fight fight fight I mean listen That that's already been made into t-shirts So the RNC is this week you guys have watched it you saw his speech I'm gonna just predict into the future and say it was probably pretty effective. Nikki Haley's gonna speak. Ron DeSantis.
Starting point is 00:38:11 They're gonna speak on immigration. They're all gonna endorse him. Everyone's gonna come together. And the Democrats are still just trying to go, should we try to do something to, should we put something in his applesauce? How do we get, how do we stop him? And his family's just going, he's great, he's fine. Just step aside, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Just step aside. Every day you don't is just lost time. This is a big mistake. Anyway. A fun story to think about is what the drug cartels, what business they've got into. The Mexican drug cartels are now selling timeshares. It never hurts to diversify your portfolio. It never hurts, right?
Starting point is 00:39:06 You don't want to put all your baskets into the drug trade. You want to get into a couple of side businesses and they've, not only do Americans love drugs, but there's also a big market for timeshares. People love buying a timeshare at a nice resort in Cancun and finally the law, the American law has caught up with them. And the US Treasury Department has announced is actually finally imposed sanctions
Starting point is 00:39:35 on multiple entities linked to the Mexican cartel that uses timeshare fraud schemes to target Americans. So if you've ever gotten a call from a guy going, hey, what's up? How often do you like to come to Mexico? Well, I got a deal for you, Mrs. Susan. You wanna come to Cancun? In a car, you're 2,500, we got a heated pool,
Starting point is 00:40:02 all inclusive, your own cabana. And then you hear gunshots in the background. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. What was that? Oh, don't pay attention to that, Mrs. Susan. Those fireworks from the celebration of the deal that I'm giving you. We do that here in the office when we get a new client.
Starting point is 00:40:23 This is hilarious. So the scammers targeted and defrauded U.S. timeshare owners through complex telemarketing impersonation and fee schemes including timeshare exit, re-rent and investment scams. The victims often sent payments to the scammers through wire transfers. Oh God, how dumb have we become. Via American correspondent banks to Mexican shell companies with accounts at Mexican banks or brokerage homes and the funds are further laundered in Mexico
Starting point is 00:40:52 through additional shell companies controlled by cartel members. Their family members are third party money launderers. So they're diversified, they're getting smart. They run sophisticated teams of professionals who seem perfectly normal on paper or on the phone, but in reality they're money launderers expertly trained in scamming US citizens. Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson said he's on it. He's finally on it. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Unsolicited calls and emails may seem legitimate, but they're actually made by cartel-supported criminals. Something seems too good to be true, it probably is. I can agree with that. Something. Okay, if somebody's calling you up and saying, it's a hot, pool all-inclusive Listen
Starting point is 00:41:51 We know We looked at your Facebook page and we saw no offense But you and your husband are not so in shape. So we actually have it in shape and out of shape pool So you feel comfortable. You and your husband can be confident swimming around with other American big people. We got an American size pool, we got a Swedish size pool. Everyone from all over the world comes to our timeshares
Starting point is 00:42:20 down here in a Rivadarche Resort timeshares. All you have to do, Mrs. Susan, is send me now $1,200 to keep your place in the Timeshare because they're going quick. I just got off the phone with 14 people from Phoenix. You know where these are gonna light up. Everyone who buys into this is into the Zac Brown band. A little bit of chicken pie, small beer on a Friday night,
Starting point is 00:42:55 a cold beer that tastes just right, and my toes in the sand, my ass in the water. There's a certain type of person who loves a timeshare and they usually have a nice, uh, salamander tattoo, barbed wire, you know, Walmart flip flops backwards hat, maybe a goatee. They love cans of Bud Light and Miller light. They love the word all inclusive. They got a nice big beer gut,
Starting point is 00:43:27 maybe a fluorescent tank top. Am I profiling this correctly? That's who you're calling. You're not calling people in Manhattan going, I got a time for a deal for you. And they're going, excuse me, I will be in Sag Harbor. I will be in Sag Harbor all summer. I am, those are the people who have turned the word Hamptons into a verb. I am Hamptonsing. I will be Hamptonsing. I am sorry. I will be on the Gold Coast on a boat.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I'm not interested in your fucking Mexican timeshare. How did you get this number, you illegal asshole? These are from places in like Arizona, they, it's Colorado, Colorado, you know, small towns in California, New Mexico, those types of guys. Honey, I'm on the phone. I'm on the phone with a timeshare from Mexico. Get on the call upstairs.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Get on the call. He sounds like a really good deal. Hello. Hey, yeah, how you doing? No, yeah, I run security at a local bank here. Yeah, my name's Ted. Ted Swaronson. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah, Germanic ancestry. Love my country. Yeah, we love it too. But we love, you know what we love more? Tilapia night on Wednesday! In the out of shape pool region we're heatingirlpool exercise for America.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I want to live in America. We love America. I guess you shouldn't fall for those calls where they just offer you everything. I bet you the fucking Tilapia night gets a lot of them. Tilapia sounds like a fancy fish, doesn't it? For people who don't know, Tilapia. Oh, 24 hours a day, special meat chaladas for you.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Hey honey, what's a michelada? Oh that's a Mexican Bloody Mary. Come down and find out over at Riverdurche Resorts. Ha ha ha. You almost can't feel bad. You almost can't feel bad. Guys, just go to Florida. Just go to Florida. Stay out of Mexico. Now we're
Starting point is 00:46:08 gonna get flagged by the Mexican Tourism Bureau. Just or just go to the old old Reliables dude. Hard Rock. American companies. Hard Rock Resorts. When you go there, you want to you want to go to a place that has all-inclusive, I'm talking to my, you know I'm talking to, I'm talking to that 30,000 to $60,000 a year range couple. What you want to see is you want to go to a resort that has all-inclusive but also slashes belt in a case that he wore at a Guns N' Roses concert in 1991,
Starting point is 00:46:42 right up there in the lobby. That's what you want. That's what you want. That's what you want. You want American shit. You want to see Cher's head scarf in a case. You want to see Elton John's dildo in a case at the Hard Rock Hotel and Resort. When I go to Cancun, I go hard rock Hotel and Resort. That's it.
Starting point is 00:47:06 I want to hear Def Leppard playing in the lobby with the smell of perfume to hide the must from the humidity. I want to be checking in here and pour some sugar on me. That's how I know it's legitimate. I don't want to get a call from a guy saying welcome to Eddie Viddard Chamber of Arts and Maggie Cole. Can you move that clock ticker a little to the left? Thank you. 13 minutes to go on your period.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Shut up, Bill Burr. So, Robert Kennedy leaked a phone call from Donald Trump. All I'm gonna say on this before I get to the Robert Kennedy thing is Bob Menendez has been found guilty. We did a whole episode on Bob Menendez, all your favorite commentators on the culture. We commentate on culture.
Starting point is 00:48:12 We don't commentate on commentating, on commentating, on commentating. We commentate on what's going on in our world. And we covered Bob Menendez for one full episode. People don't give how funny it is enough attention, but he got paid in gold bars, which we covered. I'm not going to make more jokes about that. I just want to give you the update that he's been found guilty on 16 counts of, I don't know, foreign agent shit, whatever his charges are, they're bad.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And somehow he still has his seat. He's still a senator. So when does it go official? Does it have to be 17 counts? I mean, what, how do you get these fucking people out of office? You remember how hard it was to get this guy out of office from Long Island?
Starting point is 00:49:07 The guy who everything was a lie. What was his name? Santos. He was just like a sitting duck for like six months or like a year. He was just still going to meetings and everything. We were finding out he had a different name. He was a drag queen.
Starting point is 00:49:22 It was all lies. We don't know how you get someone out of office, but apparently this isn't enough. He was found guilty on 16 counts after only a two-month trial on charges that all but ended his political career, except he's still in. They accused him of bribery, acting as a foreign agent for Egypt, obstruction of justice, extortion, and conspiring to commit those crimes. What more do you need for a guy to say to a guy, you can't show up for work on Monday? And all he said is, I'm deeply disappointed in the jury's decision.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I have every faith that the law and the facts did not sustain that decision and that we will be successful upon appeal. The bullshit can just roll on now. The bullshit just rolls on. The gaslighting can just fucking roll on. I have never violated my public oath. Dude, stop gaslighting us. Menendez is seeking reelection for the Senate as an independent because his party's pressuring him to step down. The Dems are saying it's time to step down.
Starting point is 00:50:35 He's going, you know what? I'm going to run. I am going to run as a Turkish on the Turkish party. I'm going to run on the gold bar from Egypt party. party. I'm gonna run on the gold bar from Egypt party. So all these guilty verdicts do is raise the prospect of an expulsion vote unless he opts to resign so he can stick around till an expulsion vote. That's what it takes so you can still keep your job. So look dude this is just nuts. This is just nuts to me. Like if you steal out of the cash register at Haagen-Dazs,
Starting point is 00:51:10 can you show up to work until you get voted out? I just don't understand. Are these people working for us or not? I love the defense. The defense was officially that all the stuff, all the money and stuff that they recovered and all the evidence they have, they did not prove was linked to any policy decisions he made. So he just took the gift.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So basically saying I just took the gifts because of course he can't deny that, right? They got that. But his defense was, and his lawyer's defense was, but point to how this influenced the way he voted or strings that he pulled. And the 12 person jury didn't buy it. But he's just going, I get it dude, he's just going throw it out there, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Look at what's going on. Like a lot of people are getting away with a lot of stuff. Just throw it out there. People believe in 10 realities at the same time. Somebody's gonna, maybe a high ally somewhere will buy that, yeah, I took the gifts. Who doesn't take gifts? It's rude to not take gifts.
Starting point is 00:52:19 If someone offers you a gift and you resist, that's rude in a lot of cultures. That's rude. If some guy comes to you and says, here's some gold. First of all, you go, where am I gonna put it? You go, put it in your closet. Okay? Here's some gold bars. He goes, okay. And he goes, I can't take that. I'm a senator. You're giving it to me for a reason. What if the guy goes, that's rude. And he goes, I don't want to be rude. I don't want to be rude. And that's essentially what his defense want to be rude. I don't want to be rude.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And that's essentially what his defense should have been. Not that, hey, you can't show me how this influenced any voting or decisions that I made. Not that I would have been I would have just said, yeah, people give gifts. I'm a likable guy. And the people who give me gifts happen to be Middle Eastern. And in that culture, it is rude. I would have just kept playing that sort of left wing, gotta be culturally sensitive. It's rude. Someone fucking shows up with a duffel bag of fucking gold bars. You don't deny that gift or else it's very rude in Egyptian culture.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Very, you're looked upon very poorly It's like going into a stranger's home, and they offer you food and you say no And by the looks of his body he definitely would not have said no to the food either But anyway we covered him so In conclusion I Told you since Zach Morris has gone down, we've gone down. Patreon.com slash Yanis Papasour. Robert Kennedy Jr. was on a phone call with Trump.
Starting point is 00:53:56 And I guess the the main objective of the phone call was for Trump to reassure him like, hey, man, drop out of the race and support me and we'll I'll include your agenda in mine and it's gonna be great. And he just leaked the private call in a video and he's he's apologized. When President Trump called me I was taping with an in-house videographer. I should have ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately. How about Orja said, don't release it. Um, I am mortified that mortified that this was posted. Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:30 You are sure you are. If this was a movie, just cut back to him, gone, make sure you post that part where he talks about vaccines, because it's an ally, it's an ally on what I've been saying, so make sure you, isn't it? It's not suspicious that he posted that clip about vaccines. what I've been saying. So make sure you isn't it it's not suspicious that he posted that clip about vaccines? It just seems that Robert Kennedy jr has a history of just really disappointing people. I'm sure Donald Trump is very disappointed by this. He says I apologize to the president.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Whatever. But I don't know, maybe he doesn't mind. Would you mind if someone tape recorded you without your knowledge and released it? Fuck yeah. Fuck, well then I gotta go back and erase all that shit. We'll see you next time. As always, wanna give a shout out to exclusiveautoshipping.com.
Starting point is 00:55:25 If you're moving your car out of state or you bought your car out of state, get a free quote from exclusiveautoshipping.com. We love you, Jared Z. Also for the free.art, Music in Hawaii, go check out their website. They give you bands and stuff that's going on in Hawaii, some cool bands you can discover. For the free.art. Nate Linder, you think marketing, think Nate Linder. Nate helps businesses across the world create high performing websites, rank number one spot on Google and profit from digital advertising. He's actually working with some of our other sponsors and doing digital marketing for them
Starting point is 00:56:00 and they all are giving great reviews. I haven't spoken to them, but I assume the reviews are great I know they will be naitlinder.com. He's been crushing it with b2b companies What does it be to be company but the but but the but companies? That's where two strippers go, but the but would have dildo display pros net if You're if you want to custom if you want to build a custom trade booth retail fixtures promotional items display pros net is where to go. Tell them I sent you for a 10% discount on your first purchase with them. So they'll help you with all that marketing shit as well in the form of the stuff that I mentioned. MA Insurance Services. He does everything. Business, private,
Starting point is 00:56:46 residential, auto, whatever you got you need. Insurance. Hit up MA Insurance Services. Call them at 7274-751-650. They're out there located in St. Petersburg, Florida. So you can be sure you're getting personalized service. That's the difference. You can't get that with these big agencies. You get personalized service with MA Insurance Services. Hit them up if you need insurance, all types of insurance. Rebels-Raiders.com. They should have had this guy on the job.
Starting point is 00:57:17 He would have stopped that guy. I would have thrown him on a roof as a counter sniper with all his gear. Let's hope that this guy doesn't shop with revelsraders.com. I love this guy. He's got military surplus, military packs, load-bearing equipment, magazine holsters, stuff like that. Gear up for Armageddon! Let's just say it or whatever. If you're into this stuff, it's great. And you know, the thing that I think has the most crossover appeal are those backpacks
Starting point is 00:57:51 and he's just out of them. He's just still out of them. So when are we getting the goddamn backpacks back? He also gots, he also has t-shirts. Check out his website. Very cool stuff. You can watch the videos as well on YouTube. Rebels-Raiders.com. Go check them out. Is there anything I left off there? We love you, buddy. SUDS Autospa
Starting point is 00:58:15 in Bridgeville, South of Pittsburgh. Call them up 412-564-5033. We appreciate each and every one of you. We hope we're bringing awareness to your companies. info at sudsautospot.com. It's a clean car freak's wet dream, really. Pun intended. They specialize in automotive longevity services, ceramic coatings, paint protection film. They offer storage solutions, car capsule units. The storage assessments are designed to keep your car dust free and safe from impacts, mildew, even rodents. Give them a call. They will travel for jobs. Bigger job farther they'll travel. All right, our boys at PCB Tech Art, check them out. Their Chevy Silverado, GM Sierra Slim phone charge adapters are a game changer. Say goodbye to low battery anxiety.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Go check those out. Buy one. These adapters keep your devices powered up on the move. Send me one. Ensuring you're always connected to your truck when it matters most. Are you a golf enthusiast? They're just some good marketing swag. They got it.
Starting point is 00:59:22 They got everything for you. Ball markers, anything. Pot, flare, all types of flair they'll give you. They explore their 3D printing and prototype services, concept creation, PCB tech art empowers you to bring your ideas to life and precision with speed. Whether you're just a hobbyist or a professional, their team will ensure your prototypes meet their, your exact spec, specifications. PCBTechArt.com. Use the code YANIS10 for 10% off your first order. Um, all right. This guy, he's a comic in New Jersey. He wants you to know about the Sixth Borough Comedy, 6BC. Is it a festival? So it's an organization.
Starting point is 01:00:11 He started an organization that advocates for New Jersey comics. New Jersey comedians in Jersey City, go to 6BC.org slash LSC. Check him out. dot org slash LSC right check them out promo code 6b comedy for five percent five dollars off plus the comedy show has a mystery headliner to close it out um it's been a weekly theme 21 and over event on thursday nights called LSC after dark where they open all exhibits and have food, full bar, DJ, dance. This sounds fun, laser shows in the Western Hemisphere's largest planetarium. Very cool. Very cool.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So they're hosting a show there during Beer Olympics night on July 25th at 7pm. So if you're in that area, go check it out.

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