Yannis Pappas Hour - Autism is Humans Evolving

Episode Date: July 12, 2024

A new company has been cleared to put its bullet vending machines in American supermarkets. Is this the most American news of all time? Yanni also offers his tips on how to stay alive through July in ...Chicago. Are sharks biting beachgoers in Florida the most Florida news of all time? Finally, a scientific test to find out if your baby is autistic. Yanni explains why autism is nature's way of producing a superior human that can thrive in the AI era, just like the Irish flourished after the Industrial Revolution. Yanni has a good time, and we know you will too. Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their casual, weekly bonus episodes here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator   Support our Sponsors: Cayman Cigars Head to https://www.caymancigars.com/yannis to check out our sampler while supplies last and use code YANNIS for 10% off your order.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello once again fans on YouTube tuning in for 8 seconds and fans of the show. I am Giannis Papas. I'm a fake newscaster giving you yesterday's news today so you can have a brighter tomorrow. Just waiting for a copyright lawyer to call me on that one. It was probably said by some local newscasters somewhere in the Ukraine or something like that. But it's an homage to whoever it is and this week's episode is an homage to how bright and shiny the world is right now. By bright and shiny I mean a lot of Sun. There's a lot lot of Sun things are heating up if you know what I'm talking about a
Starting point is 00:00:49 motorcyclist died in Death Valley I mean listen if it's called Death Valley stay away if you want if you like life record heat waves records in Chicago 4th of July every year, me and Jesse have an over under pool on how many people got shot and how many people unfortunately were unalived in Chicago. This year, I think the number's up to 17 and I think we got a nice round number of a hundo
Starting point is 00:01:19 who were shot. I have some tips for Fourth of July denizens of Chicago. If you're going to go to a barbecue on July 4th, you want to make sure that barbecue is called a get-together, a party, and you definitely want to proof before you go maybe a screenshot of a two-tier grill with asparagus on it. Nobody's getting shot when there's ample vegetables on a two-tier grill on the top. Nice to see a little salmon with lemon on it and tin foil. You want to see that. You want to stay away from a fold-out table with food and tin pants.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That's what you want to stay away from. You want to stay away from Purdue or from a fold-out table with food and tin pants. That's what you wanna stay away from. You wanna stay away from Purdue or Nathan's Franks. You wanna look for salmon. You wanna look for a leather squeeze and you'd love to see the chef wearing a chef's smock. Someone taking it seriously. Music is also relevant.
Starting point is 00:02:24 You might wanna look for cookouts that like Foo Fighters. If you can hear the Foo Fighters playing, you'll have a better chance of making it to July 5th. July 5th is a very important day in Chicago. That's the day you want to wake up and celebrate because you say, I'm still here. So July 5th is a bigger holiday in Chicago for the breathing. I'm horrible to make jokes about that, but what else can you do when you're a serious newscaster and not AI and not a bot, boy, do we got problems. We're getting into it.
Starting point is 00:03:02 The disinformation war has started where now they're actually just using AI to make world leaders speak things. So with our education level in that equation, get ready for a fucking fun game of Scrabble that's coming up. Amber Rose is finally gonna talk at the RNC. If you don't know who Amber Rose is, I don't know. You're not American? I mean, is there a bigger political pundit slash hero than Amber Rose who recently liked one of my videos and I screenshotted it and put it in my stories. But Amber Rose is one of these women she used to date Kanye so I think they aren't dating anymore because maybe they had a disagreement on the level to which the Jews are responsible for the weather and She might have just been out When he said listen, it's a year-round and she said no
Starting point is 00:03:58 I think it's just the climate change summer that they control who knows what the disagreement was between her and Kanye But I'm sure the Hebrews were at the crux of the argument. But Amber Rose is one of these sexually engineered women. When you look at them, you go like, is that a cartoon? Is that Jessica Rabbit? Like, how does her body look like that? It's just like a cartoon. It's a Jessica, one of these Jessica Rabbit chicks
Starting point is 00:04:23 who just get really famous. I mean, she just got a, just a huge butt. Some of these girls just got huge cartoonish Miami butts and she's one of those. Other than that, I could not tell you whether she was an actress, a model, points. I don't know. She just is famous because of who she led into her butt. It's just really what it is. And it's famous people. So that's all I know about Amber Rose. But shout outs for like in my comedy.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I'm sure she's got a great sense of humor. I'd love to have you on the podcast. It would be, it would definitely be a episode that I wouldn't enjoy, but I would do for the nice old algorithm, which everyone's into these days days and I think people are getting sick of that. Shark bites are up. I mean they're trying to get to the beach. Sharks are trying to get on land. I mean there there's just videos of sharks like swimming around people. It all started with Shark Week and now it's a shark's, it's a shark world. I mean two people were attacked in shark bites in Florida. You know I
Starting point is 00:05:34 don't know whether to blame the sharks or the people. I need more details but Florida never disappoints with crazy things happening. God do we have a great show in store for you today. We got we're gonna talk about Alaska. Who's talking about Alaska? That's a fun story. We're gonna talk about Russian disinformation like I told you, which has gotten big, and we're gonna talk about my favorite story which is ammunition is now available in vending machines in New York, California, and Illinois. Do you guys pick up on the sarcasm?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Can you guess which states now have vending machines full of not dirty panties, that's Japan. That's what they're into. What's our fetish and where are the people who love that fetish? Stick around and you'll find out because it's a big mystery. You would never guess the states. You could never guess this. You could never ever guess that it's Alabama, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas. This is the Yanis Papas Hour where we bring everyone together. This is one big happy party of positivity. I swear everything is okay. I promise you, we will all make it to July 27th
Starting point is 00:06:55 if you don't live in Chicago. Down this pop is. Yeah. When you all tucked up in the neighbor mall and the news online going on and on. What's right and wrong and there's something up. We are brought to you by a fake sponsor. We are brought to you by a fake sponsor called HUTUREI, which is a dirty panty vending machine in Japan that's looking to expand into the glorious United States of America. So please go to HUTUREI.com and support their efforts in their dirty panty farm. They have, you know, just like black
Starting point is 00:07:49 women wear a lot of Indian hair. You know, a lot of that hair comes from India and they're just women that grow their hair and then sell it in America. There's a lot of women and this is just this is just kind of a situation where they also look to recruit women to work for the company. And all you got to do to work for the company is all you got to do is walk around in the summer and go to Target and buy, you know, just in bulk panties. Go to PJ's club. Do they sell bulk panties like they do mini ginger rails? Just go there and just wear a pair every day and just send them to www.idlobjr.com and hopefully we can get some dirty vending panty machines in the United States because scientists have reported in a new AP poll in a new scientific
Starting point is 00:08:40 consensus in a medical journal and a scientific journal at a Stanford College and Cambridge College that it lowers stress levels more than ambient more than Valerian route taking a big strong swift really brings the crime rate down and so it's really this is sort of like a climate change initiative. You know how Elon Musk capitalized on climate change to really accelerate the marketing for his electronic car. Dotcom is really trying to bring awareness to the fact that a good strong whiff of dirty panties works just like a Benzo, but it's natural.
Starting point is 00:09:26 So please support our sponsor. Go to patreon.com slash Yanis Papasour for more information on who, dot com, Patreon.com slash Yanis Papasour. More information is in our weekly bonus episodes where we get laid back and local, where I like to lay down and just hang out.
Starting point is 00:09:46 It's a hang, man. It's a hang. So that is one of the things that we will start with is these vending machines. It's just a vending machine. You can pay with Apple Pay and you can just load up. Um, I don't know what situation you would ever be in where you need to go load up at a vending machine.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It just, it seems like ammunition should at least have someone on the other end selling it to you. police have someone on the other end selling it to you. But also though, I mean, if you live in Alabama, I mean, who can you kill that you're not related to? Like, is there anyone living in Alabama who is not related? You know, is there any people emigrating to Alabama? It's college students and then just,
Starting point is 00:10:46 and this is from someone I spoke to who went to Alabama University. He said that the state of Alabama is universities, massive college football programs, massive college sports, and then a poverty like you've never seen. I mean, do you know anyone who's ever been to Alabama? I've never been to Alabama. I don't know anyone who's been to Alabama.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I don't know anyone who knows anyone who's been to Alabama. I could not do a four degrees of separation about who's been to Alabama. But if it is gonna be legal in a state, vending machines, I think Alabama is a good place. Because you never know, like, look, you go to the, the poverty there is, from what I understand, disturbing to a level where like,
Starting point is 00:11:32 we're talking about people without roofs, you're talking about like, they use tarps as roofs, you see people without shoes. I mean, it's, that's what I've heard. And then just college campuses of like rich kids running around drinking and painting their faces rooting for college football teams. And if there's a state where there is a void
Starting point is 00:11:55 in the marketplace to be able to reload quickly, I would assume it would be at a supermarket where your EBT card gets rejected and you're just looking for a quick reload you know after you take out your anger in a supermarket so it's just right there where you need it let's go wait a second did we get Dove yeah we got Dove for men did we did we what did we forget and then you don't even have to go back in the store it's just right there next to the good humor ice cream bars
Starting point is 00:12:28 and the assortment of snacks. There's just a ammunition vending machine so you can bring home your Cheetos and you can also get your 38 caliber bullets in bulk from a vending machine. So, I don't know. That seems like it would be appropriate in Alabama. I'm okay with it in Alabama. I'm okay. I can understand.
Starting point is 00:12:54 People get upset at the supermarket. Especially, you know, if you cut out a coupon and you come to the store and the coupon is no longer being honored because you're like a week late, and you get upset, you just might wanna, just make it convenient is what I'm saying. It is a vending machine. So now you can get bullets in a vending machine. It's like a sketch, like this is like a sketch,
Starting point is 00:13:21 going like, what did I forget? Let me get a scratch off ticket and, I wonder how expensive it is. Bullets are probably not that expensive. It's funny to imagine going like, just putting in the numbers, C, seven, and then just watching a case of bullets. It just drop down.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's a funny visual. What if it gets stuck and you can't get your bullets out? You can't get your bullets out. And then you start shooting at the, you start shooting the glass and then obviously combustion. I don't know. So I don't think, let me ask you this question.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Is this the most American news of all time? This could be the most American news of all time. Now whoever's behind this business should put these machines in Chicago. They'd clean up. Dude, you put those in Chicago. They don't seem to really have a problem getting their hands on ammunition. There's no shortage of bullets in Chicago, they don't seem to really have a problem getting their hands on ammunition. There's no shortage of bullets in Chicago. I think there's just no shortage of bullets in Chicago. I don't think there's a shortage of bullets and guns anywhere in the country. I think it's about convenience. We're such a strapped country, which can be a challenge during peace times. But if we ever get attacked, you don't have to call anyone up.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I mean, there's people who can defend their own living room pretty well against full armies, you know? So, it just, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if these things will, if you'll have to show some ID to get them, or you just, I don't know. these things will, if you'll have to show some ID to get them or you just, I don't know. Can I get some change?
Starting point is 00:15:06 I meant to go to cashier. Can I get $4.25? And you just. Or you try to put up a crumpled dollar bill and it keeps rejecting your bill. It keeps rejecting it. Come on, dude, I gotta go shoot. I'm looking to shoot something up.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Me and my wife had a fight. I'm going home. Maybe it's a good thing if they did all vending machines for bullets and they made them purposefully flawed, so you have to do it 10 times. So you're putting that dollar bill in, because nobody's got a credit card in Alabama.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So we assume it's all quarters and crumped up dollar bills, right? But by the fourth time that you try to put bill in, because nobody's got a credit card in Alabama. So we assume it's all quarters and crumped up dollar bills, right? But by the fourth time that you try to put it in, you cool down, you're out of your amygdala, you're back in your reason. You just, you need that pause. You need that pause and be like, what am I doing? And then you just go to this,
Starting point is 00:15:58 right next to the snack machine. Or like I said, our sponsor, who's gonna have their dirty panty. Dude, if you put a dirty panty vending machine next to every bullet vending machine, I think it would decrease the shootings, because people would just, how funny is seeing a dirty panty vending machine?
Starting point is 00:16:17 Just like dirty panties just hanging? And then you're just, you get a laugh, and then you gotta get people out of their amygdala. That's the thing, create some distance with mindfulness and nothing does that like a dirty panty vending machine I'm really pushing our sponsor today So I think I think that I just wanted to tell you about that because I believe that is probably the most american news of all time that's up there with fourth of july shootings in chicago
Starting point is 00:16:41 of all time. That's up there with 4th of July shootings in Chicago. It's just, you can't get more American than that. That's like when the McRib comes back. It's just, you know, someone was killed by the cops. I mean, it's just, this is American news. It's American news, and I think you need to know about that. So hats off to Alabama, and I appreciate that. Just like sharks biting everyone in Florida is very Florida news. It's very Florida news. I just think, I
Starting point is 00:17:16 just think something like this would happen in Florida. I think in Florida someone might try to marry a shark. I think that that, I think you could find someone who would want to marry a shark or have a pet shark. I bet there's someone there who has a pet shark in their house too, not in the pool outside or maybe in the pool. Maybe they got an inflatable pool with a pet shark in there. If you don't think that there's some type of,
Starting point is 00:17:43 there's a family somewhere that has a shark as a pet in a blow up above ground pool in Florida, then you've never been to Florida. You know what I mean? I'm not talking about a shark tank in the house. I'm talking like a great white in a fucking one of those big above ground pools or a blow up. Every day they gotta go blow it up.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Two people were attacked by sharks in two days in Florida. There's a lot of good reasons to go to Florida. And there's a lot of good reasons. And being bitten by a shark is not one of them. So shark attacks are up, generally, everywhere. They're coming in closer and closer and closer. Hopefully they just don't know something that we don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But I think they just maybe wanna, maybe they're evolving, you know? Maybe they wanna climb up onto the, maybe they wanna have some fun too. Maybe Florida's such a fun place, they're like, want to get up onto the sand and take a bite out of just a Brazilian fat, or maybe it's just because the asses down there
Starting point is 00:18:55 are so voluptuous that they just want to take a bite. It just, it gets to a certain point. Like sharks in Sweden, they're probably looking right at us, it's just, that's all bone. And then you go down there to Florida and you just see just a Brazilian grandma with a certain point, like sharks in Sweden, they're probably looking right at this, that's all bone. And then you go down there to Florida and you just see just a Brazilian grandma with a fake ass, just a huge amber rose, just type of fucking fat. And you just wanna take a chunk.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Just kinda looks like a seal to you. That's why I think it might be happening a lot. And Flow Rider. But things are getting more convenient, you know? We do have vending machines, and now we do have a way to find out if your kid is autistic, which every parent is always worried about, right? You hold the keys up, you make them follow the keys,
Starting point is 00:19:38 you smile at them, hope they smile back. If your kid starts counting shit, you get a little concerned. You know, you watch Rain Man to prepare yourself for the type of life you might have. But now there's a way to know. If you wanna give the kid away. If you just don't wanna deal with it,
Starting point is 00:19:59 there's a way to find out. If you don't like your wife and you just need one reason to push you off the edge to leave and just let her because their nurturers just let her deal with that life and you want to skip town but you're not sure because if your kid's normal you want to be a good dad but if it's not and you want to skip town well now there's a way to find out. I'm speaking to our upstanding citizen listener base, the portion of our listeners who are good people. So you just, you gotta get their shit.
Starting point is 00:20:36 You got to get their shit. Autism can now be diagnosed with a stool sample. That's better. And look, it's very easy to get an infant stool sample. I mean, they're shitting all the time. So just get that cardboard box ready and just empty one diaper into that thing and send it off to Captain Kangaroo or whoever's in charge.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And they just, they come back and they let you know. Because supposedly scientists feel like there's a microbe in the shit that lets you know, because research indicates that altered gut bacteria in children might play a role in the development of autism. Are they just reaching it for, you know, are they just reaching here? I mean, can you really, can you really tell?
Starting point is 00:21:24 But I think they want, they're, you know, everyone's pushing for how early can you find out, so if you want to skip town, you can skip town. It's horrible, right? It's a tough life when you got an autistic kid. There should be more social services available for that type of stuff. If you're not on the left wing on issues like that, you don't have a heart. Because there's got to be government programs to help parents put toothpicks out to be counted and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:21:58 But also if you have an autistic kid, look on the brighter side. get this kid trained in card counting or you know or sports data accumulation I mean you could use this kid like a fucking almanac so your kid doesn't smile and take social cues but you know what he does do he knows who every quarterback in the NFL was since 1901 okay we could send him to the state fair how come there's not why don't we have, is that politically incorrect to have freak shows anymore? It's like, I mean, calling it freak shows should be changed. It should be something nicer,
Starting point is 00:22:35 like autistic kids on display for your entertainment at this year's state fair. Watch this kid answer any question about every running back who's played for every team. You know, watch this kid drop anything on the floor. He'll count it in 15 seconds. People got to start thinking about the positives. You know, there's a lot of ways to employ disabled people or mentally challenged people. Now that jobs are, you know, all AI.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Okay, first of all, everyone always says, if you have PTSD, get a dog. Or, you know, if you're lonely, get a pet. Why can't you get a kid? Have you ever met I'm not talking autism, but I'm talking about like You know and I have a brother who's obviously Challenging he's just a great guy and that's the thing when I say why can't you get it? Why can't you get like? Like you know big brother programs. Why can't you sign up for one of these? Dude, I challenge anyone to be upset around special needs kids. Those kids always look on the brighter side of life like you have no idea. I've seen my brother's friends get excited about strings, about breadsticks at Applebee's,
Starting point is 00:24:00 like you wouldn't believe. I mean you just the level of excitement and joy that they can bring to your life they can be used. Why are we not using autistic kids to do counterintelligence on cyber crimes? Does anyone pay attention to detail more than an autistic kid? Why do we not why is everything always negative? Why is it not like okay oh, okay, this kid is good at math, but he doesn't understand when you make a joke. Send him to the NSA, you know? This kid is happy all the time when you put a string in his hand.
Starting point is 00:24:36 That woman lost her husband, she's a little sad. Send him on a fun lunch date. See if she doesn't come back feeling a little bit cheered up because she too is seeing the joys of just a string. You know how easy it is to forget the simple joys of life when you're in a depressive state of mind? Guess who can pull you out of that quicker than anybody? A special needs kid who's got a favorite string.
Starting point is 00:25:04 He can teach you about the smaller things in life. No. Am I not being positive right now? Is this not a good way to look at things? I have experience with all this stuff. I used to go visit my brother and I would leave just feeling so uplifted by how enthusiastic these kids are. And then you go back to normal people and they're all like, climate change, Biden's too old, oh my God, Trump's his dictator, he's never gonna give power back, oh, Hunter Biden's laptop. I mean, just so many bummer stories. Wouldn't you just love to go to a fucking retarded kids party and just eat ice cream cake and fucking chase each other Play play play find the string
Starting point is 00:25:52 Something to just get a break get you off medication get you back into joy It's crazy good that people don't You know there there there are people who have a lot to contribute Just like I said last episode Siamese twins president. I mean, why are people thinking about these ideas? Everyone's just downing Zoloft and downing Lipitor whatever it's called that little Lipitor Lexapro it's called, that little libator, Lexapro, it's like get a fucking special needs friend and hang out with them for a little bit of every day. Go for a swim, take them to Applebee's, have some, get some joy in your life, go volunteer at one of these places.
Starting point is 00:26:40 It is impossible to be depressed after hanging out with these people. I know from experience. Go to like my brother's school program. They used to have this fall festival, dude. You go there. It's just if the aliens landed, they just would be like, these people haven't figured out. There's no, there's no problems. There's no, it's just joy. Sure. You're getting
Starting point is 00:27:08 served food by a kid who may do that a little bit and you still buy it. Yeah, I was a little kid and that was something that was tough for me as I got older. I would eat it now. I would eat it now. If you're getting served corn on the cob by a guy that you just watched pick his nose before he had you the corn on the cob. When I was a kid that bothered me. Now as an adult, I'm eating it. I'm eating those Joy Boogers. I'm eating those Joy Boogers with my slathered butter fucking corn on the cob. They're joyous people, man.
Starting point is 00:27:36 They have jobs. They're people like, they just, they enjoy stuff. They like sports. They definitely love cop shows. They will watch those things. I mean, my brother, I mean, dude, there's not a bigger fan of CSI. He's watched every CSI. He could tell you every CSI.
Starting point is 00:27:57 They are, there is nobody who loves destination TV more still than the special needs population. And they're wonderful people. And autistic people sometimes are, I wouldn't call them personality, I wouldn't say their personalities are great, often. That's more of a special needs thing. And autism, a lot of autistic people are very far away from being that level of special needs.
Starting point is 00:28:23 They can be kind of cumbersome and tedious because they're counting and they've got to do things. I don't know what makes you autistic, but they definitely are good at research. That's what I know. They're good at research and tedious jobs that robots can do. I see a future where if we get into a war with AI, who do you think is going to be on the front lines of fighting AI? It's our natural AI, autistic kids, organic computers fighting back. Okay? And AI, just like what is that? Paul Henry, Paul Bunyan chopping the tree? You get an autistic kid doing the math, shooting right back, shooting the answer right back at AI, intimidating AI. They're detail-oriented people.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Hire them as private investigators, hacker, to catch hackers, shit like that, that's what they do. I just have so many good ideas. You know, so this could, this is helpful, dude, because you want to get them started training in the NSA early. You get, you fucking, you send their shit in as soon as they miss a smile. If you smile at your kid, he doesn't smile back.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Get the fucking little cardboard box out, dump the diaper in it, send it off to whatever company is doing this research, and then contact the government and say, I got another one for you that will be able to tell the difference between AI generated, Putin speaking, and not. That's it. They're human AI software, dude. Use them as such. And now we're at that point
Starting point is 00:30:07 where we're going to have to think outside the box about what people's talents are. You know, like survival of the fittest is not about who's the strongest. It's about who's the most adaptable to change when change happens in the environment, right? So someone who's strong in a previous environment can now be weak in another environment. Well, guess what? Your muscles can't help you right now. I don't care how much testosterone you're pumping through your veins, it can't help you.
Starting point is 00:30:34 What's dominating our lives right now? Computers. Who is gonna be the future of humanity? Autistic kids. People wanna know why autism is such on the rise. It's called survival. It's called a righteous adaptation. It's called a conducive adaptation to what the human environment is right now. You look at a Neanderthal,
Starting point is 00:30:58 I hope you stuck around during this rant because now I'm dropping some fucking science on you right now. You look at the Neanderthal period, why did they survive during that period? They were built, they were bulky, they were strong, they could fight off cyber tooth tigers, they had hair to protect them, their hair to protect them from the elements of a cold European winter, right? Why are they not here anymore? Because we figured out agriculture, we did a wheel, Greeks started figuring out gay sex, had a time to get away from women so they could think a little bit, we
Starting point is 00:31:28 started evolving, built buildings, figured out science, started looking at the universe, figuring things out, figured out we're on a ball, figured out a calendar, time, lubricants, makeup, shaved our legs, things started changing, right? Industrial revolution happens. What happens? Changes, right? You need those Irish people to build your bridges. Those guys who can drink all night and not pay attention to how miserable their life is. That's before they were basically the robots before robots was just Irish potato monkeys who came here who just could deal with the fact that their life was fucking miserable and they were building a brick-by-brick bridge every day while half of them were gonna die putting up
Starting point is 00:32:14 the Brooklyn Bridge so some fucking wasps could become a billionaire who's gonna do that potato monkeys who can drink themselves to death all night and have levels of denial that the walls that they could put up dude are more than a firewall on a computer just an Irish guy who's been molested as a kid in Dublin and then hops on a steamboat to come to the new world and is drafted into the army for a fight he doesn't even know what's going on who What kind of people can you do that to? You couldn't do it to Greeks.
Starting point is 00:32:46 You could not get Greeks to fight in the Civil War. You have any fucking Irish side there for the Civil War right off the boat? You think Greeks would have done that? No. You think blacks would have done that? No. You think fucking Jews would have done that?
Starting point is 00:32:59 Not a chance. We wouldn't figure it out. Greeks would have been scheming, get me here and then oh something, I have to go to the bathroom and then disappear. Fucking diner pops up somewhere on the shoreline of New Jersey or Queens. Disappear. How are they going to find you? They're not going right into the Civil War, but guess who did? Irish in droves killing Southerners while they were yelling slurs, but they still did it, because they just push down. So that was the Irish decade. They became cops, they got these low-paying jobs,
Starting point is 00:33:34 they were building brick, just buildings, every skyscraper, miserable pay, showing up every day, and what allowed them to show up every day is just that Irish repression. Just don't think about your life, Catholicism, bury it and then pour alcohol onto it so you can get up the next day and build another bridge. I'm losing Irish fans like it's the plague right now. And that is a righteous analogy. Because we did, I'm losing Irishmen like the potato famine
Starting point is 00:34:09 right now. Throwing a little history into there. So they were the best adapted to the industrial era. Nobody built shit like the Irish. That's why America went up first, bang, because of Irish immigrants just fucking hammering away and drinking it down. Then we moved past that, when we started getting crazy, like all these robots and shit like that. Then we move past that when we started getting cray like all
Starting point is 00:34:25 these robots and shit like that. Who's the new Irish for this generation? Who? Autistic kids. Why do you people always go why is there an uptick of autism? Like it's a bad thing. Maybe it's a fucking good thing. We got some kids who can fucking understand computers. I'm obviously not autistic, right? I need help fucking changing my email address. I'm not suited for this era. Who's suited the best for this era coming with AI? Am I making a good point? It's autistic kids.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I hate being smarter than everybody else. This is not a problem. Nature has a way of understanding what's needed. Life is stronger than death, like my cousin-in-law said. I love that quote. It always finds a way. You ever see the grass growing through like the concrete? It always finds a way.
Starting point is 00:35:18 So we're searching for this cause for autism when the cause is modern society and somehow our parents genes knowing or parents genes knowing that hey we gotta produce a real fucking you know egghead we gotta produce a kid who you know we're putting comedy and social interaction into the back for these new generation it's all about analytics and they're good at analytics. My point has been made. My point has been made. Is this comedy?
Starting point is 00:35:49 I think so. I think so. Because here's the thing, I could be fucking right. I mean, there's an uptick in autism. Why now? Computers, they act like computers. It's a little interesting, you know? I think it's just, what would you call that?
Starting point is 00:36:09 An adaptation for survival? There's probably a word for it in Darwinism, like, you know? Socially, people who are good at social shit are not gonna thrive. Hey, I'm great with people. It's like AI just beats you to it. Like AI's just like, yeah, what's the answer? Hey man, here's a flamboid.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And then you just ask AI, write me a podcast. There's people who've posted my old podcast. Like they've said, give me a podcast in the tone of history hyenas, and then it does it. And I was reading this going like, what the fuck? And they do it, and it's pretty good. Right? It's like it gets it. Who's going to compete with these machines or even understand and be able to talk to these machines in a way that the machines respect autistic kids? It ain't going to be, it ain't going to be us. It ain't going to
Starting point is 00:36:59 be fucking finger. I mean, you're fucking extinct. I mean, you remember when poets, remember when poet was like a job? It was like poets and like people were like, I'm reading Allen Ginsberg. You're like, this is the fucking guy's shit. Now you tell people they're a poet, they put you on medication. If you say I'm a poet, they put you on medication.
Starting point is 00:37:17 That used to be like a job and a coveted thing. It's extinct. It's extinct. Philosophers used to be like a job. Like this guy's a philosopher. Like he has a school. You tell someone I'm a philosopher now, they give you medication, right?
Starting point is 00:37:29 It's antiquated, it's extinct. Things just, CDs, they just go extinct. People with feelings and emotions are going extinct. Autistic people are taken over. Banned together. I'm just sometimes baffled by my own intellect did I just go on like a 20-minute rant about autistic kids pretty much yeah well I mean it's a funny story that now you can you can you know have your kids shit
Starting point is 00:37:57 in a box and come back and like Sammy you're a little different than the other kids I had a feeling when I saw you putting the triangles in a line that things were gonna be different. So it's all good news that's happening now, but it is bad news for people's grandparents. It really is bad news. This is a sad day for your grandparents. And I'll tell you why, Jesse Scattaro.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I'll tell you why. Target is no longer accepting personal checks for this payment starting next week. This is bad. This is really bad for people in their 70s 80s and 90s who aren't even aware there's another way to pay. I mean my mother used to get her groceries and pay by check every week. She would just pay by check. She would pay and they just, you know, they did a thing for her. This was before like Apple Pay and all that. But I'm
Starting point is 00:38:51 pretty sure she was the only person paying by check at the health food store. So I don't know why Target would be doing this to people. This is like elder abuse. This is like what Biden's family is doing to Biden right now. You it's his elder abuse I mean first of all the this is not gonna get old people are not going to get this news right because his news is on the internet this news is this isn't gonna be a leading story on I can only assume they're all still watching local news it's not gonna be a little it's not gonna be a leading story in whatever suburb of whatever assume they're all still watching local news. It's not gonna be a it's not gonna be a leading story in Whatever suburb of whatever state they're living in
Starting point is 00:39:31 Or their old folks home. They're not gonna get it So what's gonna happen here is there's gonna be a lot of like broken hearts and confused old people in Target who are just stocking up on depends and insurers Who can still shop for themselves. The people who pay my personal check is just a small population of people who are just about to not be able to go outside anymore, but can only really go outside and go to Target.
Starting point is 00:40:00 It's this little, you're talking about just right before assisted living, that population. And there's just going to be a bunch of them. And when they go there, they load up on insurers and depends and TV guides. Old people love TV guides. They're not aware yet that you can just, you know, press a button and watch what you want to watch that they want to watch. They need to know when things are airing.
Starting point is 00:40:26 They plan their days around when things are airing. They love TV guides. So they go to Target, they pick up a fucking TV guided to checkout. They get sweets because old people, I don't know if you know, my life's been a tragedy up until a couple of years ago. Old people lose their taste buds, so they increasingly eat more sweets. So essentially, every population of every race
Starting point is 00:40:53 of elderly people has the same diet as inner city youth. Lot of sweets. Suzy Kews, they just, so they're always picking up Entenmann's cakes, things like that. Then they start having those for dinner. Senka, where do you get bulk Senka? You go to Target, right? You go to Target.
Starting point is 00:41:12 So there's just going to be a bunch of confused old people with carts because they don't, they never have a small cart, can't hold that anymore. It's always a pushing cart who've been there for an hour and a half. Have you ever watched an old person shop? It's not quick. It's not a quick thing where you run in and get your shit. It's a... Wrong aisle, wrong aisle.
Starting point is 00:41:36 They're just lost for a while. Fortuitously, they stumble upon Senka, pull it with two hands, or no, then sometimes they can't, so they gotta find someone to get help, so they leave their cart find someone then a young good target employee comes and takes the big Sanka puts it in there you know it's like a hour and a half or deal then they come to the final end right and they piss off the whole line behind them because they start ruffling through their bag to find their checkbook they're ruffling through they start ruffling through their bag to find their checkbook. They're ruffling through.
Starting point is 00:42:06 They're ruffling through. People behind are going like, Jesus Christ, are presidents going to be like this person? You know? Finally they pull out their checkbook and that's when the cashier knows what's going on. At that point the cashier says, sorry, ma'am, we don't take checks at Target anymore, but this person is 86 and still mobile and also can't hear. So then she starts filling out the check, filling out the check. So it's another 10 minutes while
Starting point is 00:42:31 she fills it up. Did it wrong. I made that one out to ace hardware by mistake. Fills it out three times until the old person hands it to the person. Then the person goes, we don't accept checks anymore. And then the person, you ever see an old person's head just, what? So then you're dealing with another 45 minutes of that person standing there going like, I don't understand what you're talking about. This is my money.
Starting point is 00:42:56 What do you mean? You don't accept money anymore? This is my money. Old people don't go to the bank anymore. They go straight to Target, get what they need, pay with check and get back in there, assess a ride, assess whatever it's called. So this is just, this is a bad rollout.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You need to have President Biden make this announcement and it needs to be matriculated down to every old folks home. Every caregiver needs to get this out, we need to get, this is a transition that's hard, it's a hard transition. I know this for, my mother tried to pay for check with everything, everything she was paying for. The pizza would come and she'd, I swear to God my pizza, my mom used to pay for smiling pizza with checks. So this is just why. Why are they no longer accepting checks? I
Starting point is 00:43:48 don't get it. Anyway, please, if you haven't heard this story, please warn your Nana or your Pop Pop that they're gonna have to figure out that there's other ways to use money besides a personal check. You think the credit card companies did this to scam old people, to get them more on the credit cards, and then because old people don't understand when their payments do, they don't know how, no old person knows how to pay online, they send checks, now they're gonna get confused and say,
Starting point is 00:44:18 Target doesn't accept checks, so maybe AT&T doesn't accept checks either, maybe Citibank doesn't, and so now they're just gonna leave their credit cards. It's gonna, you know, this is just, this is just sad for old people. I am looking out here for the special needs community and the elderly community in this episode.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And of course, the poor community of Alabama. This is a real social working episode. I really hit, and also people in Chicago who don't wanna die. I'm really, this is like me helping the disenfranchised groups of America right now with advice. This is a very loving and giving episode where I'm giving advice on what to do with your autistic kid, your elderly person needs to know about this check thing. And if you're in Chicago, a good weekend to take a little drive would be 4th of July.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Be a great, it'd be a great, you know, I love how it takes a couple days for the numbers to get in. You notice how this, what are we? We're way past July 4th now, right? And this article came out now, today actually, and I'll just let you know we're filming this a couple days after 4th of July, a good couple days after 4th of July because there's so many they got to go to all the hospitals and be like all right what's this year's situation and people lost or made
Starting point is 00:45:33 money based on what they bet it. This is something you can bet on this should be on DraftKings every year. How many people will get shot? How many people fatally in the Chicago area on 4th of July weekend? A hundred and three people I thought it was around hundred but that was the headlines. How many people fatally in the Chicago area on 4th of July weekend? 103 people. I thought it was around 100, but that was the headlines. By the way, editorial retraction, Pride Month is 30 days, not 31, because June has 30 days.
Starting point is 00:45:54 A fan pointed that out. I'm gonna remember every person's name from now on who gives me an editorial retraction, and I will give you a shout out. So thank you for letting me know June has 30 days. So it's one less day of pride month. I love people who don't get comedy anymore and it's becoming more of not just a left-wing thing. It's becoming a very right-wing thing. That's why I know like I don't even know where we are anymore. And then you see the right-eating themselves too like fighting
Starting point is 00:46:21 with each other the way the left did. You're like dude things are gonna swing back like everyone's fucking nuts I'll get comments now on my videos Where it's like someone goes? Yeah, that's the real problem in the world is the gays No, she goes. I assume it's a she I really assume it's a she she goes Don't we have bigger problems than the gays and And I'm going, yeah, and those bigger problems should be addressed on real shows.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I'm here to make jokes. And that chunk about Pride Month, I think is some of my best work. My brother disagrees. Anyway, it's 103. Do you think that's, was it 100 before and then the number just went up? Someone's hanging on.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Dude, this is like finding people in the rubble at 9-11. Like, oh wait, there's three more in another neighborhood that cops are scared to go into. I think there's neighborhoods in Chicago, like favelas in Brazil, where cops are just like, I just will stand on this street corner and watch. Um, God, it's so fucking, how do we stop this? What's going on in Chicago? 103 people were shot. 19 people died in celebrations on the 4th of July.
Starting point is 00:47:42 celebrations on the 4th of July. Chicago experienced multiple mass shootings, leaving 19 dead, attributed to illegally purchased firearms. Of course, they come right from Indiana. I mean, it's just easy. There's no easier way to get guns. I don't want to get into it, but it's like, people always go, look at Chicago, look at Chicago, look at at they don't care if they're like, it's like dude Do you know how easy it is?
Starting point is 00:48:08 those guns are bought legally at some point and then they're sold illegally and look at the states, I mean Look, I own a gun. So don't jump down my throat, but I do feel like maybe it should be one of those things That's like not completely so easy. You know, it's like you got, I know it already is. It's enough for you. I don't want to get into it. I don't want to get into it. I want to go to my fucking vending machine and stock up for the Armageddon. I don't give a fuck. If there's not a fucking bullet, if my stop and shop does not add one of these fucking vending machines, I'm protesting my local community board.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Because now it's an arms race. What if there's a civil war? And fucking Alabama's got vending machines full of these things. And we got to go through all this rigmarole red tape to get some more bullets? Where this guy's just fucking getting a Coke and loading up with ammo? I'm passionate. So I'm giving advice to people in Chicago as well. Fourth of July is just you want to stay indoors, watch a movie, make it movie night.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Or just that's a night for just a, it's a kitchen, it's a kitchen, kitchen cooking. You don't want to, it's kitchen cooking. Fourth of July, you want to grill, you want to get some friends over. For some reason, just wait for July 9th. For it's just, there's just not as many people getting shot on July 9th as July 4th.
Starting point is 00:49:39 You just want to delay, or if you want to celebrate July 4th, do it on July 9th. Because July 4th, people wake up July 9th because July 4th people wake up and they're just they're ready to kill dog in Chicago. This is every year and it's up how many points this year? It's like climate change. It's like this is the hottest year by a lot. It's up like 27% or something like that. Doesn't need to be exact.
Starting point is 00:50:05 But everything's up. And this story in Alaska is very interesting because, so this is a little educational to people. I just found this story fascinating because in Alaska, there is this big glacier, right? It's a famous glacier that tourists come every, like so many tourists come to look at it because it keeps receding, right?
Starting point is 00:50:32 So it's really, it goes to, it's on this island, you know, it's a small population of Alaskans and they have this sort of love-hate relationship. First of all, it's these people going to look at this disappearing glacier. So I imagine these are all people who are like, you know, believe the science of climate change. And I think it's highly ironic that they come on a cruise
Starting point is 00:50:54 ship, which is probably the biggest climate change offender to go look at the receding glacier. That's like showing up to the scene of the crime With the gun that you shot the person with to go admire the crime So this is the glacial but it is beautiful to look at I guess but every year it's like receding crazy And it's a big tourist attraction in the summer And people go and the locals are just they don't hate the tourists because they're so good for business, but they feel like it's just too many tourists. So they're trying to like scale back
Starting point is 00:51:32 on the tourism a little bit. And there's just so many issues going on here, right? It's just an interesting thing to go that this tourist attraction is because of climate change. And then people are coming to see it causing climate change and then locals who have no understanding probably of climate change are just just can't see any more annoying blue haired people show up and take pictures but they also need them for the local economy. So it's just it's just I don't there it's just what
Starting point is 00:52:06 is gonna be the resolution of this because they can't do without the tourists but they hate the tourists. So climate change is melting it's called the Mendenhall Glacier. It is receding so quickly that by 2015 it might no longer be visible from the visitor center and once loomed outside. This is just stuff that, let's not talk about it. Let's treat it like we were molested by kids. Look at the cruise ship they come in to. It's a float plane taxis near cruise ships
Starting point is 00:52:44 because you can't get there only by air and plane. You can't drive to it or whatever this island. So scientists are trying to understand what the change might mean for the ecosystem, including salmon habitat. It's done a lot for tourism though, climate change. So here's the thing, climate change is hurting the environment of Alaska, but really helping
Starting point is 00:53:11 its economy because people are going to like look at it. And that's the thing. There's so many companies that benefit from causing climate change. And that's the problem, right? So it's just this What do we do here? I think you just tell people to move out of Alaska if you're depending on the tourism of people who don't live there to come in their big ships and look at this receding glacier and That's the only way your economy works Maybe just move out of Alaska. I
Starting point is 00:53:46 Don't know. But the glacier is beautiful. Manjunj Pillal, a Kriya ship worker from India, took pictures from a popular overlook of a recent day and look at how beautiful it is. It's so beautiful now. How would it be like 10, 20 years before? And so it was bigger back then and now it's just less.
Starting point is 00:54:08 So it's just a clusterfuck of a situation. Oh my God, look at, people don't know, this is why I'm bringing up the story. 700,000 people are expected to visit Alaska to see this glacier. Cause let me tell you something, there are no more tourist attractions in Alaska. I mean, what do you want to go look at a moose?
Starting point is 00:54:28 Have you ever seen how big moose are, by the way? It's crazy how big they are. But what else are you doing in Alaska? I mean, maybe you're going to look at glaciers, you're going to look at wildlife, but nothing competes with a disappearing glacier because 700,000 people are going to be there this year. And in 20 with about a million projected by 2050.
Starting point is 00:54:52 So this is a popular thing that's gotten so big that Alaskans hate it now. They have a love hate relationship with it. Like racists do with black musicians. Let's be honest. Remember the Italian radio? It's like, shout out Paul Verzi. This is a Paul Verzi thing. His dad loves jewelry, but you know,
Starting point is 00:55:14 he's from the Bronx and he's Italian. So he's like, he would say all these things and then go, but let me tell you something right now. These rappers, they know their jewelry. So it's a love hate relationship that they have with these tourists. They hate them, but they also are impressed by what they could do for them. So it's kind of crazy that this glacier is receding like this. I'm not smart enough to understand what's going on, but supposedly it's nothing good.
Starting point is 00:55:45 And I don't know if people are aware, but this has supposedly been the hottest year. It's like there's heat waves everywhere and shit is bad. But anyway, you know, hot beats the cold, don't it? So finally, we're really going to need those autistic people to help us with this AI stuff. Because finally, as we feared and suspected, foreign agents, foreign intelligence, foreign governments, adversarial countries are using AI to sow discord in a way that they couldn't before the AI revolution and we knew it was coming and I don't know what this is gonna mean for the world because you know a lie just goes around the planet eight times
Starting point is 00:56:40 before what's the you know a lie travels around the world while the truth is putting his pants on. So the people who've seen this video, like already believe it, and they're not gonna look and see that it was, but that it was an AI-generated Putin saying these things. We've talked about the dangers of this. All you gotta say is, an AI-generated video
Starting point is 00:57:00 is saying Putin going like we're launching newts. Some kids who think they're having fun, and it's funny to them. But we live now in a world online where everything is so fake. AI has accelerated how fake it is. And you can pay for bot farms and likes and fake accounts, and you can instruct what you want them to say. And there's people out there that use this to make make themselves look bigger, more influential than they really are They tailor their message and their lies to their base and they just make it work and people just are not Sophisticated enough to know this is going on. They're being manipulated. They're being used. They're being abused. They just not
Starting point is 00:57:44 Sufficient a lot of them are young, a lot of them are just American and stupid. So we're entering into a dangerous phase of the information war because this is sort of, I guess, the first big story where the United States has thwarted a Russian disinformation campaign using AI-generated videos of Putin speaking. So that's scary shit. It's just so fucking wild. And I just know firsthand how
Starting point is 00:58:14 you can manipulate people online, and how people will just enthusiastically believe lies. And at the very least hyperbole and just it just becomes their truth and their reality. It's just a wild, so people are, you know, and the young people spend so much time online. And losers spend the most time online. The ones that just live online, they're just, they don't have a life.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And those people, whenever you got anyone making weak people feel strong, and the internet's a good place to do that, because everyone just kind of sits there in their house, and just, you can fucking throw videos at people and say, those people are always dangerous. And before the internet, you saw that in dictators. What do they do?
Starting point is 00:58:58 They make weak people feel strong in a group. And they're always manipulated by some crazy dictator and now that's gonna be so easy with this AI technology that can manipulate people to level where your eyes are lying to you it's not even the words you're like visually you're seeing something that's not true so the story is the Justice Department sees two internet domains and searched nearly a thousand social media accounts where Russian operatives allegedly were spreading this information, allegedly used to pose as, they were posing as US residents with real accounts and putting up videos of Putin talking.
Starting point is 00:59:47 So it's crazy. And they were using X, they were putting it up on X. X is a wild place right now. So this is gonna be wild, dude. This is gonna be wild. You can do any, like you can make a video of someone, you know, saying something, like you can make a video of you saying something, like you can make a video, a person you hate saying something,
Starting point is 01:00:09 like you want to incriminate a person, you can create, use AI to make them say something, get them in trouble. I mean, it's just a fake, fake world now, and we're scrambling to catch up with it. So, and I just see the world slowly losing its sense of humor and more importantly, sense of art. You know, art has lost.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Art is just gone. If you're into good shit and like art, meaningful art in the Chaucerian sense where you're instructed and delighted and it's meaningful and you feel something very profound, you have to really seek it out now. It's not readily available. It's buried under mounds of fucking disinformation lies and marketed dung.
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's one big cow farm of shit and real reality is buried under lies so much now that it's a scary proposition for what the future's gonna look like. So hug your kids. Go swimming in the beaches of Florida for a little adrenaline rush. And treat with skepticism anything you see online, including this podcast,
Starting point is 01:01:31 which is not, can you believe this is an AI right now? They don't know, dude. It's crazy that they can do this and that I wrote it, the real me wrote it to say what I'm saying right now because I want you to be informed. And that's the great thing is you can program the AI to say what you want, but I'm not an untoward actor. So what you just watch is a complete AI mindfuck.
Starting point is 01:01:55 You can tell by the way my nose isn't real. All right, go fuck yourself and have a great day. All right, wanna give a shout out to exclusiveautoshipping.com. You're moving your car out of state or bought your car out of state. Go to exclusiveautoshipping.com. Get a free quote. Shout out Jared Z for being with us since the beginning. It's just a handsome Jew with no fumes who's just been here since the beginning with a
Starting point is 01:02:21 very successful business who is just this money is fucking nothing to him. So I appreciate your support. This is a specific thing dude. It's easy. This is who you hit up. If you watch the show and you're moving your car, bought a new car. Exclusive autoshipping.com will take care of you and they have student and military discounts as well. For the free.art is Music in Hawaii. They're still up. Their credit card works and if you want to know about Music in Hawaii, they're there. nathelinder.com of course. PCB Tech is using them. We're going to be using them. I'm gonna call you up, Nate. I've been saying that every week. Just been a busy week. nathelinder.com. He's a marketer, dude. He's one of these autistic kids we're
Starting point is 01:03:06 talking about that's gonna help you, okay? You get ranked number one on Google, profit from digital advertising, think marketing, think Nate Linder. NateLinder.com. Hit him up if you need help with your business or your personal stuff, whatever. He'll make it happen. DisplayPros.net. Love these guys. You're setting up a custom trade booth show, fixtures promotional items go to display pros dot net Tell them I sent you you get 10 off your first purchase You can just these guys have also been loyal to us display pros dot net Trade booths custom, whatever promotional items. They got it
Starting point is 01:03:43 Um, ma insurance, got to admit Matthew Albani, you know you got some business for our show and you're also very loyal and I appreciate your support as well. So big shout out to MA Insurance Services, check them out dude. Give them a call 7274751650. Personal liability, professional liability, commercial liability, am I saying that right? Workers comp, property, auto, general liability, umbrella plans, MA Insurance Services,
Starting point is 01:04:16 a local independent agency located in St. Petersburg, Florida. So you can be sure that you're getting personalized service from their boutique and effective insurance agency. Everyone needs insurance. Hit up mainsuranceservices.com or call them at 7274751650. Rebels-raters.com.
Starting point is 01:04:39 My guy. Go look at his Instagram. You want this guy on your side? There's no pictures of his face Because he's wearing a face covering. I don't know what he's prepping but he wants you to be on his team So if you want real deal tactical gear and and stuff, I love this guy rebels-raters.com He says the packs are coming but he sold out of backpacks, but he does have ample military surplus. Military packs, load-bearing equipment, magazine holsters, stuff like that. Very cool.
Starting point is 01:05:14 T-shirts, 100% of the profits go to goat charities. Rebels Raider. I think he's got a goat named Rebel or something like that, right? So go to rebels-raders.com and check out the site. Cool stuff. And just get those packs in, man, for the people who don't want to join a paramilitary group and they just want an awesome backpack. You can serve both clientels. Suds Autospa. Love supporting these guys. And John Pappas in Bridgeview, south of Pittsburgh. Call him up, 412-564-5033, or email him at info at sudsautospa.com.
Starting point is 01:06:00 They do automotive longevity services, ceramic coatings, paint protection, storage solutions, car capsule units, storage assets are designed to keep your car dust free. This is a car freak's clean, a clean freak car owner. I mean, this guy will hook you up. A lot of people love their cars and this guy is your Cupid. Okay, we'll travel for jobs. The bigger the job the farther they would travel. It's right outside of Pittsburgh, so hit them up at those numbers and
Starting point is 01:06:33 talk to them and get your car cracked open and cleaned out. Very simple. Here we go! Oh, PCB Tech Art got a new copy. They sent us all this cool stuff I don't know if I showed you right here could I don't know mm-hmm print this right on a shirt there or whatever this is I should put this right here dog yeah why not does it show up yeah yeah yeah does it show up it was better where it was oh yeah I'm gonna keep that from there. PCB Tech Art. So here's a new copy. Our Chevy Silverado GMC Sierra Slim phone charge adapters
Starting point is 01:07:12 are a game changer. Send me one. Say goodbye to low battery anxiety. These adapters keep your devices powered up on the move, ensuring you're always connected in your truck when it matters most. There sounds something cool. Are you
Starting point is 01:07:25 a golf enthusiast or do you just need some good marketing swag? Elevate your game with a stylish and customizable ball markers. Personalization, their markers will add the touch of personalization and flair to your rounds or business. Explore your 3D printing or prototype services. We're going to get on the phone too. PCB TechArt. Check them out. Talk to their team.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Help them give you a prototype to meet your exact specifications. PCBTechArt.com. Use the code YANIS10 for 10% off your first order. Very cool stuff. They sent us Copy written by Nate Linder that was written by Nate Linder written by Nate. There you go. Nate Linder wrote that How's it going? I think that was pretty effective They got a you know, they're selling something good. All right, what do we got here? I love this guy So this is a comic from New Jersey who started a organization
Starting point is 01:08:23 It's called the Six Borough Comedy. They advocate for New Jersey comics, specifically in Jersey City. Six Borough Comedy, 6BC, has been running a free open mic since April, and we were recently invited to bring our mic over for a night at the Liberty Science Center. So this is for people in Jers.
Starting point is 01:08:46 If you're listening in Jers, the LSC has a weekly theme 21 event on Thursday nights called LSC After Dark where they open all exhibits. Oh cool, and offer food, full bar, DJ, dance floor and laser show in the Western Hemisphere's largest planetarium. Very cool. We were lucky enough to get invited to host our show
Starting point is 01:09:07 during Beer Olympics night on July 25th at 7 p.m. Doors open at six. This is for the New York, New Jersey metro area. If a night of Beer Olympics science exhibits, laser shows, and stand up comedy sounds like your thing. So that's a strange combination of things. Buy tickets at S, what is that? S-I?
Starting point is 01:09:29 Six BC. Oh, buy your tickets at six BC dot org slash L-S-C. So spell it S-I-X. Yeah, use the promo code six B comedy for five dollars off plus the comedy show has a mystery headliner to close out the night. It's not me. Unless we talking big bucks.
Starting point is 01:09:54 So check it out. Go check that out in Jersey. Sounds very cool. Jersey City. S-I-X-B-C dot org slash L-S-C. Yeah, promo code 6BCOMMODY.

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