Yannis Pappas Hour - BONUS - Mr. Panos San Francisco String Beans

Episode Date: October 7, 2021

Check out this BONUS ep as Mr. Panos goes in on why cell phones are the end of human civilization, thoughts on finding a new planet to live on, why all living things want to reproduce, vegetarians vs.... meat eaters, violence in life, what it takes to survive and so much more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up children? How you doing? Mr. Panos here. Welcome to another episode of this podcast. Lucky's here, baby. Look at what I'm doing here. With the phone here. Trying to find something to read.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm a children. I'm a child. I'm a young person. This is what all the children is doing. Talking on the phone. Looking for the phone. You try to talk to them. Children, do your homework. They're going like this okay daddy we're gonna say this this is the end of civilization right here this is it it shows you that like I've been
Starting point is 00:00:58 saying the previous episodes we have made it to the end of human civilization there's nothing left the phone this is it everything's free you get the porno free everything free you don't have to pay for anything this is a where life is now and each time that you have a new phone that comes out you have a new phone they're making iphone says oh this is the new one the new iphone this one is so much better than the last one because this one uh now we have a siri she comes in the new zealand accent now this one you can uh you can talk to the family under the ground underwater it's waterproof you
Starting point is 00:01:46 can put it on the toilet and drop it in the toilet and nothing happens to the phone like this is really what we were struggling with like this was really the problem when you had the iPhone 6 was you were sitting there going you know one I would love to be able to talk to the family in Cincinnati, to the relatives in Greece. I would love to be able to talk to this people, but I have to be scuba diving while we're talking. Like this was a real problem that you're having.
Starting point is 00:02:21 They have no ideas to improve it because this is as high as technology goes. This is it. We have to. And they're saying that we're going to leave the planet. They keep looking. The scientists, the science people keep looking for new planets to go. They're going to look at the sky they
Starting point is 00:02:46 said to the government give me six billion six billion money because we have to go study the space to see if this planets that that is like the Earth... This is going to the scientist's family. This is where this money is going. How come we're spending this money to see if we can fly 6,000 light years this way? Are you a genius? Are you a smart stupid? Or are you a moron? This is the three categories that I laid out for you in the last episode.
Starting point is 00:03:21 or you're a moron. This is the three categories that I laid out for you in the last episode. If you're a smart stupid person, you know there's no point to try to study to go to the planet that is 6,000
Starting point is 00:03:38 light years away. This is a long flight. You think going to Australia takes 23 days? Where do you have to go to I6 planet 17? This is 60,000 light years from this planet. You know what that means, smart stupid people? This means it takes the light 6,000 years to reach this planet which means even the light which travels the fastest
Starting point is 00:04:10 fastest has to travel 6,000 years to get to to you to your eyeballs to your face to the face here for you to see it 6,000 years so how's peoples going to travel 6,000 years? They going to travel the speed of light? Ok! Well it's going to take 6,000 years to get there! So who lives 6,000 years besides Greek people? Like I said, I'm a vampire. All of well, we live like the Icarians. We live in 103 years so the only people
Starting point is 00:04:47 who's going to go to planet I 6 64 7 is Icarian people ten generations of Icarians could make it to this planet but then once they get there what they gonna do how they gonna eat on the plane are they going to eat on the plane? They're going to have to make babies on the plane. So basically, these scientists we have are studying going to this planet for no reason. There's no point. The way Jesus and the Greek gods made this universe, they made it so far that all you can see is the sea at night the stars
Starting point is 00:05:28 But you can reach it Some things like Sisyphus with his pushing the rock up the hill There's no point This is where life is at the end you finish You finish Everyone goes into the dirt. There's no reason to try. But this is life.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So what's the purpose? The purpose is to have a family. To find the wife, make the babies. So he can come to the life and find the wife and make the babies. Not different from the roaches who's taking over not different from the salary not different than the strawberries everything's trying to make more of each other very interesting this is something even the genius mr panos has not been able to wrap his head around i don't this. I don't understand why the string beans...
Starting point is 00:06:26 String beans? You know the string beans that put the Chinese food with the chicken? String beans with the chicken? How come the chicken... How come the string beans... wants to make more string beans? This is ridiculous. Because the reason...
Starting point is 00:06:43 If you're not a genius, I will explain to you. The string bean, he has seeds inside. The string bean knows. He's alive. And the tree that makes the string beans, makes the string beans. So the animal eats the string beans to shed out the string bean and make more trees than make string beans so basically the string being sacrificed himself to make him more string beans so have many more string bees now how come this is the thing i have a problem with that's hard for me
Starting point is 00:07:19 to understand as a greek what's the point of the string being why does the string be want to live what's so good about being a string being why does he want to make more people why does why does he care if there's more string beans he's not selfish he sacrificed himself like the bumblebee the bumblebee who goes and flies into the thing to get the nectar and he dies he don't care to sacrifice himself he's not selfish i don't understand this what's the point what's so good about being the strength being if i was a string, I would eat myself because of depression. Because I would realize I'm a string bean. And there's no point to life besides to be eaten by the people with the chicken in the Chinese restaurant. Now, the Chinese people, they're obviously everywhere.
Starting point is 00:08:21 But they make pretty good food. There's no question. Chinese food is very good food. I like Chinese. And the string beans with the chicken, maybe this is why the string bean wants to live. Maybe the string bean knows he needs to be in the Chinese food. Because in Greek food, we don't really have string beans.
Starting point is 00:08:43 We eat potatoes. That's what we have sometimes we have little vegetables but usually we put the feather cheese we put the lemon we put the fish and we and we don't and we don't have string beans but chinese they're loving the string beans baby i don't know why they love string beans so this is very this is interesting to me that these animals who have a horrible life want to live even a strawberry the only reason the strawberry tastes like a delicious fruit is so you shit the strawberry out and the seeds going to the ground. This is all they care about. This is when you have these vegetarians and these vegans.
Starting point is 00:09:30 They say we need to be kind to the animals. We can't eat the life. It hurts. It has heartbeat. It has feelings. Listen, you moron. Everything is alive here. This is what this planet is. Even the dirt is alive here! This phone is made of material, this is all alive! If you're punching this, it hurts the phone!
Starting point is 00:09:54 You can't be the pussy! You have to fight to survive in this planet! Everything is fighting to survive! Even the strawberries! Even the rotches, even the mosquitoes, they want to have babies and make children. So if you're eating the lettuce, you're killing the life. If you're eating the strawberry, of course the strawberry wants you to eat it, but you're still eating the life everything is here to die either the chicken spends his life running around like a moron or he goes into the food to give me protein to say genius to you so who had a more valuable life? The vegetarian chicken?
Starting point is 00:10:48 The vegan chicken? Who's sitting in the farm? Moving around like this? He's moving doing this? Sitting on his own foot? Cause he's such a moron, he doesn't know to move his foot to take a shit!
Starting point is 00:11:04 Have you ever seen a chicken no because you american who lives in san francisco so you just think that the chicken comes organic oh this organic chicken this chicken's good for the for the for the for the planet it's the same fucking chicken we're killing chickens this is what happens the best thing that could ever happen to a chicken is being eaten by a genius mr panos now his life has some purpose just like the strawberry who is eating to go into the to go to the ground to make more strawberries to feed more greek people and more hellenic people so we have a genius the strawberries and the chickens is sacrificing their life so we can make a sex have fun listen to music talk genius because otherwise what's the
Starting point is 00:11:59 chicken doing sitting on his own foot this is all the chicken could do he don't have a brain he's here to die so vegetarians vegans you morons you morons people you morons people because actually eating the chico is the best thing you can do for the chico otherwise he has no purpose his purpose is to be eaten to provide the protein for this genius Genius. This genius is brought to you by chicken. How you like that, baby? Who's the genius? Eh? Eh? You're sitting at home, listening to this. You never even thought this way. You're always thinking, oh, the vegetarians is healthy. The vegans, they don't eat the cheese. First of all, how you live your whole life without eating cheese? What's the point to be a human if you can't have a slice of pizza? I'll give this to the Italians.
Starting point is 00:13:14 They imitating Greek people. But with the pizza, this is the one thing the Italians, they did good is the cooking. Very good food, the Italians. the Italians they did good is the cooking very good food the Italians and pizza how can the children go his whole life without a slice of pizza this is child abuse this they should call they should make the call to the childective Services that if you are a Viggo and you have a child and you don't give him pizza they should put you in jail. You should go straight to the prison for feeding the child nail maize on his sandwich.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Nail maize or the Tofurkey. You should go to prison. This is a crime. This is child abuse. For the child, the best, most happiest thing for the child who needs protein is cheese, pepperoni. Give him the food. What you trying to do, American people? What you doing? you don't believe
Starting point is 00:14:26 evil exists in the world San Francisco you don't believe it will exist because let me tell you something these people over in Syria these people over in the in the in the you you you did theussia some of these people they hate you and they're people eating chickens so this soldier is going to have they're going to have muscles they're going to look like actual men but you in san francisco you're going to look like a like a little like a stick like those the wooden stick this member of this one with it with him with the arms that move like this You're going to look like a like a woman with no with no food with no meat on the bones Because you eating salary sticks saying this is good for the salary
Starting point is 00:15:20 Well, let me tell you something. The salary has Felix. He's alive too. Everything you eating is alive. So stop being ridiculous. Things have to die so other things can live. This is how the planet works. This is the game here. Some things eat other things. And the chicken is a gift from Zeus and the gods to give the protein.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It's healthy. And the fish have to eat the fish. Otherwise, what's the life of a fish? Swimming? No, no purpose for this fish the purpose of this fish is to give the protein to the shark
Starting point is 00:16:09 so you can watch the shark week nobody goes to watch the tuna week nobody turns on discovery channel to watch the tunas let's watch the salmon nobody gives a shit because they're boring. They're here to be eaten by the shark and the bears.
Starting point is 00:16:29 When you're watching the documentary on the planet nature. On the nature planet. You're not watching the salmon week. You're watching shark week. Because it's exciting. This is what we like to watch. The big strong shark killing the small fish, hunting the seals. This is fun.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And so America, you have to choose what you want to be. You want to be the nation of salmon or you want to be the nation of sharks of a greek hellenic sharks with the genius philosophy and the big strong muscle like mr panos if you're on the youtube right now look at this right here look at this right here baby this is from eating the little baby lamb that you try to hug you try to stop it you guys in Greek stop putting the lamb How come a lamb smells delicious? Because you supposed to eat this lamb What's the point of being a lamb?
Starting point is 00:17:39 If we didn't kill the lambs they kill themselves They fall off the cliff because they have miserable lives. Lambs can't go to the movies. They're not going to see the Broadway show. They're not having sex just the way they like it, with the handcuffs and the mask on and the sexy talk. They don't have sexy talks. Lamps is just doing this sex, basically like this, boring,
Starting point is 00:18:10 to make other lamps. They're not having fun. There's no lamps cheating with the adrenaline rush you get from cheating, which the French like to do. They love this. This is fun to be alive, to be human. So the lamp's purpose is to provide the human with the nutrition and the protein to fuck baby, not have sex to make babies, but to put on the music, the R&B like the black people put on the R&B say sexy yeah baby like that yeah you got a Thai pussy this is what human the lamb gave you the
Starting point is 00:18:54 protein to say this the lambs don't talk dirty to each other they don't have fun they don't even enjoy it have you ever seen an animal you argue having sex when the lion mounts the other lion she looks sad she's like this something she has to do for nature to make little little cubs she's not having fun with it she's not having fun with it. She's not having fun. There's no lions having multiple orgasms. This doesn't happen. Only the humans have multiple orgasms from the protein from the salmon. And the fish. So don't be a moron.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Be a genius. Three categories of people. Like I told you in the last episode we have we have the morals at the bottom this is the mr panos caste system like the indians the philosopher kings just like the way plato and socrates used to speak about this but mr panos has a new one. The updated version, 2018. We have the geniuses at the top. Mr. Panos, Mark Zuckerberg, the Jew. These are genius people.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Then in the middle, we have smart stupid people. This is the people who are stupid, but they know they're stupid, which makes them smart. Smart stupids. Most people are smart stupids most people is a smart stupids and then we have morals who's example of a moral vegetarian vegan moral somebody who has a mouse in his house and who says, oh, I'm going to kill this mouse in the humane way. You're going to kill the mouse in the humane way. How is the humane way for the mouse? He's a mouse. You think he doesn't know the difference? Or he wants us to eat the crumbs in the puppy food that you're leaving out because you stupid So you leave the puppy food other night the mouse comes. He don't give a shit about your rights the mouse
Starting point is 00:21:15 He sneaks into the house and steals the food This is a crime So why are you going to kill him humanely? What's the point of this just kill the motherfucker he came into your house this is nature you look at the animals they have a territory here they bother for the territory somebody is going to die this is how it works we don't live in with the utopia utopia is is a word for the San Francisco people. They don't understand this is a Greek word, utopia, and it has a meaning.
Starting point is 00:21:53 You know what the meaning of utopia? It means in English, no place. Who's teaching you the genius here? This is the definition of utopia. Who's teaching you the genius here? This is the definition of Utopia. It means no place. Meaning there's no sustain. It doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You have to die to go to the Utopia. This is where it goes, Utopia. You have to die to reach the Utopia. Because here we're fighting you have to fight you can't be san francisco people you have to fight whatever you're doing you're fighting this is nature this is the game down here baby as soon as you're born as a baby what happens what happens violent violent you come out of the vagina the mummy who loves you and what you did to the mummy what you did to mommy what you did to her you stretch this vagina hard it's bleeding it is blood you cut the car open you pushing out the hole like this
Starting point is 00:23:07 size like this before now before the genius people made made it safe mommy would die sometimes she's finished to get you to the planet you're killing her what are you doing when you inside mommy you eating the food making her sick taking the nutrients violent when you come out crying violent everything is a fight baby from the first moment so you have to teach these people men and women to fight to be warriors people like the spartans like the old spartans they have to be ready to fight at all times they can't be san francisco string beings san francisco string beings is taking over this country and we have to get rid of these string beings and replace it with the chicken the genius chicken greek with the protein and what happens when you first come to this planet as a baby as soon as you go outside the vagina here the mommy's you go outside the vagina here the mom is like this sweat coming down she's sick she pushed you out you crying as soon as you enter this planet they have viruses and the bacteria
Starting point is 00:24:37 is trying to kill you as soon as you hear they're trying to kill you. They're attacking you constantly. Getting in there. And the only reason you stay alive on this planet, for as long as you stay alive on this planet, is because you have an immune system. Now what's this immune system doing here? Fighting the virus. fighting the bacteria so every moment that you are here in this planet that you are a live person you have to fight baby you have to fight to survive and this is what you have to teach the children. When he goes outside and he scrapes his knee.
Starting point is 00:25:26 When Yorgi was a little child, he would go outside and he would get hit in the face. He comes crying to daddy. I said, Yorgi, go back outside there and punch him in the face. Because you're a Greek. And you have to fight on this planet. You can't be San Francisco string bean. This is not real. This is utopian philosophy here.
Starting point is 00:25:50 We have to fight. You have to be strong. We have to have people who is protected from the evil people. Who is eating chickens. We have to eat the bigger chickens. And we are making the bigger chickens. They say, oh these chickens, they they buy for you, they have steroids. Really?
Starting point is 00:26:07 Really? So if I have a technology to make the chicken bigger chicken to feed more people, that's better chicken. It's a better chicken. So a few people is going to die from the toxic chemicals they put in the chicken few people is going to die but people is going to die this is what the string beans and strawberries and the bees they understand they're there for the bigger picture humans you have to understand the weak ones going to die like the mouse when you put the poison you know the most people do the family
Starting point is 00:26:53 they send the weak mouse to God eat it and if he dies then they know to avoid the poison. This is what you have to do. You have to have some people who are going to die. But the ones who eat the chicken who has the steroids in it and who lives he is a new human. He is a strong human.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Stronger than the last. And this is how life evolves. People dying and the strong continue. The ones listening to this podcast, now your brain is stronger and the steroids in your chicken. A few of you had to turn this off because you can't handle the genius guess what baby you're going to die from the flu you're going to have the flu and he died because this genius I'm giving you is giving the power to the entire body so
Starting point is 00:27:57 when the flu tries to attack you you fight it with the misopanos great taekwondo genius. That's it. This gets into the bones, into the cells here, the genius, and it fights. Look, I don't even lift weights. I've never been lifting nothing. Look at this. How did my arms get like this?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Feeding the genius. The genius. Strong. I'm eating the steroid chicken. You have'm eating the steroid chicken. You have to eat the steroid chicken. You can't beat the San Francisco string bean people. Okay? Be strong.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Tell your friends about this podcast. Now this podcast, we are on the Gas Digital this is the gas digital network dot com so you can go to this website here and download the podcast become a member for six dollars you support me
Starting point is 00:28:59 you get exclusive videos you get the podcast when it comes Yorgi is telling me Thursday is a Panos, you get exclusive videos. You get the podcast when it comes. Yorgi is telling me Thursday is at 1 p.m. Thursday. Thursday at 1 p.m. you listen to the podcast before everybody else on the Gas Digital Network. You want to support Mr. Panos? Go to gasdigitalnetwork.com. Become a member.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Use the promo code SGP SGP promo code S like superman G S G B baby with the greek accent sounding like a P S G B baby with the Greek accent sounding like a P but is your he just told me S G P S as in super G as in genius B as in bitch super genius bitch promo code super genius bitch go to gas digital network.com the gas digital network.com six dollars who doesn't have six dollars if you don't have six dollars to donate for this genius to keep this podcast going to get access to all the shows they have here the all they have many good shows here with the other people then you need to get your life together and get a job because you're a san francisco string being and we can't have san francisco string beings here
Starting point is 00:30:50 Greg Bebe, STETS NEWS.

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