Yannis Pappas Hour - Caught with a Dead Girl or Live Boy

Episode Date: March 29, 2024

Yanni rants about Andrew Huberman hit piece and other stuff. Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://www.trueclassictees.com/YANNIS ! #trueclassicpod Our bonus episodes are... highly rated and viewable here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Catch me live on the road doing stand-up comedy this weekend in Cleveland at Hilarity's, Tulsa April 5th and 6th at Bricktown Comedy Club, Kansas City, I'm excited to go to Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, April 11th through the 13th, Netflix is a joke festival, Los Angeles, L.A., May 2nd at the Laugh Factory. Rally Improv in Cary, North Carolina. Rally North Carolina, May 17th and 18th. Atlantic City at Harrah's, June 22nd.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Get those tickets. And then after that, we go on a little break, and then there's dates in the spring and coming up after that. Patreon.com slash Giannis Pappas our for our weekly bonus episodes you don't want to miss them they're just great enjoy this app And the news online going on and on. What's lying wrong? And there's something up. Now here comes a great kid you know you can trust. From the true who's who. To the news and cameras.
Starting point is 00:01:10 To the fake politics. And the propaganda. Get his kids screwed in. Got a lot to say. Aw shit. It's about to be a long day. Guys, I am so excited to be brought to you by a company that I use every day and I love. Absolute quality.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Works for me. It's going to work for you. True Classics. If you're ready to upgrade your closet, shop now with my exclusive link at trueclassic.com slash Giannis and save up to 25% off your first order. I'm going to be using my own code. I mean, I just continue to shop there their jeans are incredible they're sold out right now i'm in my size that's trueclassic.com
Starting point is 00:01:51 slash yannis uh please support our show and tell them that we sent you okay i'd like that no matter how you move make 2024 your most comfortable year yet with True Classic. Hey, everybody. It's Giannis Pappas. If you're Greek, it's Giannis Pappas. If you're a nativist and you love the Babylon Bee, it's John, John Papp, John Pip, John Papp. I'm sorry I'm not an immigrant. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:02:19 How is everybody doing? We are here. We're here like we always are for you only um uh if you get a chance i want you guys to check out this new mushroom combination liver combination my macronutrient supplement called long life from long days it's very good for you. Just check it out. Liver is, you need liver. It's got a lot of protein, also macronutrients, and
Starting point is 00:02:52 it also helps to have multiple girlfriends that you can give HPV to. Major hit piece on Andrew Huberman. I forgot that part. He gave a chick HPV. Everyone's got HPV. I mean, who is this chick who didn't get the vaccine go get the hpv vaccine who doesn't have hpv
Starting point is 00:03:13 okay look it's no it's another piece of evidence that god is is is definitely a little more favored to the guys because HPV gives women cervical cancer. HPV gives guys warts. So there's a difference. It can kill women and it does nothing for guys, but they got a vaccine for it. Coincidentally, there's no anti-vax HPV movement because guys were like, all right, I'm in. Gen Z doesn't even have to deal with HPV.
Starting point is 00:03:47 They don't have to deal with AIDS. All they got to deal with is figuring out what gender they want to be. That's not a problem that is that big of a deal. And eye contact. And eye contact. They just got to figure out how to socially not act autistic. It's not a big problem. problem yeah so there's a threat kind of the threat of nuclear war but not really we lived under like the real threat of nuclear war
Starting point is 00:04:12 when things were getting real hot things were getting hot and heavy like they are for p diddy right now yeah i think cat williams is right i think what's going on now is that the truth is coming to the light. And 50 Cent. 50 Cent's been going in. 50 Cent's always going in. P. Diddy, or as I should call him, P. Epstein, right? Puffy Epstein? Yeah, that's what they're calling him.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You just, you got to accept that nobody's perfect, okay? Nobody's perfect, okay? Nobody's perfect, okay? Angie Huberman gives a lot of great tips on how to go outside and breathe. And all this stuff about neurotransmitter and dopamine and how to really science-ify your life. You want to science-ify your life. You want to walk around like a robot and be like, I need 10 minutes of sunlight.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Every morning should be a routine, a robot routine that AI would envy. Okay? Take your mushroom supplements. Do your 15 minutes of cardio. Five minutes of meditation. You know, now self-help and mental health and physical health is everyone's job. Oh, dude, it's working for him. It's working for him big.
Starting point is 00:05:29 His podcast is huge. He's 50 years old. He's jacked, and he's got eight girlfriends. Well, never make a 48-year-old 50. Oh, sorry. Okay, he's 48. Okay, I'm 47. 46.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I'm counting backwards at this point. He's 48, and he had a bunch of girlfriends that didn't know about each other And he moved in with one And he gave her HPV Big fucking whoopsies Welcome to adulthood baby Welcome to sexual promiscuity He had unprotected sex
Starting point is 00:05:59 With multiple women Big whoop It's not going to hurt his numbers New York Magazine isn't there like wars going on you can report on seriously people want to fucking listen to uh you know an entertaining neurologist is he a neurologist some some science he's a scientist some egghead give me my huberman give me my weinstein i want at least he doesn't talk about, at least he's keeping it science. Yeah, he never gets into opinions.
Starting point is 00:06:27 He's not sitting down with a streamer named Destiny to argue about Israel and Palestine. Okay? Like Jordan Peterson is. When's the last time Jordan Peterson actually talked about psychiatry? It's been a little while. It's been a while since we heard Jordan Peterson talk about psychopathy and the dark triad. But yeah, no, Huberman actually does go outside of the scope of his expertise. Is that the right word? Or his field of study as well. Look, you got to understand that the guys who are doing podcasts are podcasters with a background in science.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I don't think Lex Friedman's building robots anymore. How can you build robots when you got a busy schedule and you got to, you know, you got to solve the Ukraine-Russian war with a discussion. And you got to sit down with a gaming streamer who's a decent debater to talk about issues. Credentials don't matter anymore. No. That's why I am a journalist slash scientist myself. So it is what it is. Wake up in the morning, throw on your David Goggins,
Starting point is 00:07:36 then do five minutes of meditation on the Calm app, and then after you do five minutes of meditation, you know what to do. Supplement up, baby. Testosterone injection. Stretch. Meditate again. Outside for 10 minutes of sunlight at the very least.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I don't care if you're just standing there going like this. Get the sun in you. Then I want two deep breaths with a small deep breath, long exhale to release the dopamine. And then I want you to hold the baby even if it's not your baby grab a baby and get an oxytocin release okay just grab a baby and hold it hug something just run up and hug somebody you tried that breath hug rape a stranger for oxytocin have you tried that breath thing yeah it works it actually works yeah no it definitely tried it yeah well it's it's um you don't need to do the double exhale but your
Starting point is 00:08:25 your brain um in evolution the long prolonged exhale hacks your brain and sends a signal that you're safe you learned that from huberman i didn't learn it from huberman actually i learned it from uh it's one of these other books i mean i've been obsessed with reading about fucking neurology now i'm obsessed with Rome. I'm all into Rome. I'm reading, you know, I just can't stop reading about the Roman emperors. And we don't know anything about them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:54 We know a little bit. They've pieced together, but like Caligula marrying a horse, Caligula having his horse be the consul, you know, it's probably not true. It was probably written by someone who was just, like, wanted to hurt his reputation. He was probably.
Starting point is 00:09:10 It was a hit piece. It was a hit piece. Back in the day, it was a hit piece on Caligula. You know, we don't know that if he banged his sisters, there's a big account that he was banging his sisters. But there's actually, you know, other historians, Roman historians. It's a game of telephone. One of them was right in 300 years.
Starting point is 00:09:28 You know, it's like they had hit pieces back then. I bet you Caligula was a great guy. He was just a great guy. He didn't bang his sisters. Incest was frowned upon in Rome, as it should be frowned upon outside of everywhere besides the Appalachians because they don't have options. I understand what's going on up there. If you're in the Appalachians because they don't have options. I understand what's going on up there.
Starting point is 00:09:45 If you're in the Appalachian Mountains, you got no options. You got to get a cousin. You got to go cousin fishing. It's either a cousin or a goat. It's either a cousin or a goat. When you're in that situation, pick the cousin. So that's actually like,
Starting point is 00:09:58 that's actually marrying as far away as you can if you live in the Appalachian Mountains. If you live in West Virginia. Women's basketball is getting exciting for me. I watched Iowa last night. The world's changing. You know? It's a good time to be alive. Some women got dicks. Yeah, we're in a different
Starting point is 00:10:15 world. Women's basketball is getting entertaining. The best basketball players in the world are white. Where are we right now? We had a black president. Things are white where are we right now we had a black president uh it's things don't you know things are breaking my brain the way i want them to break my brain and i like that rfk jr um is running for president he picked uh he picked um his uh his vice president it's breaking my brain and I appreciate it. I don't like goofers.
Starting point is 00:10:47 They're not comfortable. Yeah, you didn't like them. I didn't like goofers. I stick with the Crocs, baby. Put your foot in the cloud. You got to try the ons. How come nobody's used that? How come?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Are you listening to me? Are you listening to me, Croc company? Put your foot in a cloud. I just nailed it for you. That's your marketing pitch. Yeah. Put your ears in a cloud. You just nailed it for you. That's your marketing pitch. Yeah. Put your ears in a cloud. You want to listen to a great podcast?
Starting point is 00:11:09 I got a good voice, too. Put your ears in a cloud with Giannis Pappas, who's obviously changed his podcast to, this is just the comedian Giannis Pappas' podcast. He picks his running mate, Nicole Shanahan. Who? Doesn't he understand? Okay, from what I understand, he listens a lot to Tim's show.
Starting point is 00:11:36 He's talking to Tim. Tim, give him some advice. You got to pick the rock. You got to pick. It's the fame game, baby. You need some star power. You need some star power. Who the hell is this pick it's the fame game baby you need some star power who the hell is this she's a philanthropist
Starting point is 00:11:49 I don't know what it is Free Gaza that's all I gotta say Free Gaza because it came up as an ad after my Colgate commercial I don't know it's a very confusing world right now
Starting point is 00:12:00 and everything's breaking my brain did you ever think you would live to see the two best nba players being caucasian and the best female college player being white they're all white it's like whites are starting to dominate basketball i don't know what's going on yeah and there's a white running back who's the best in the league where are we right now it's crazy this was these were things when we were growing up that just didn't exist. No.
Starting point is 00:12:27 No, they just didn't exist. Pretty soon there's going to be the best cornerback of all time is going to be white. I mean, I don't even know what world we're living in right now. Yeah, the best sprinter in the world, the fastest man in the world. I mean, I just don't know. We lost a bridge. A bridge went down in Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Rest in peace. Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore went down In Baltimore Rest in peace Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore went down Because somebody was The captain was obviously watching A Stavi Baltimore video And it went down He was watching his Baltimore Ravens fan character And he started laughing
Starting point is 00:13:00 He forgot to grab the wheel People died, it's too early to make jokes So this may be the Patreon. We don't know. What me and Jesse have discovered is that the Patreon episodes are really so funny. And I was trying to understand because I listen to both back. And I'm like, I'm always gut laughing more at the Patreon episodes. So I go, what is it?
Starting point is 00:13:23 What is it about my psyche? And I think the only thing we could come up with is that I just am a little freer. I just, there's always a, if there's a worry I'm going to get in trouble, even subconsciously, it pulls me back a little bit. Because our Patreon episodes, so we decided to do the main episodes like the Patreon episodes and see what happens. Okay, plus maybe there's enough people doing the news. You think?
Starting point is 00:13:48 So, I mean, we're still kind of doing the news, right? I just mentioned a couple of news stories. Yeah. Trending topics. I'm no longer sitting down for 10,000 people. Yeah. You got to lie down. Kennedy and Shanahan is who I'm voting for.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Kennedy and Shanahan. So it's very strange what happened to this bridge. It could have been a cyber attack. Nobody knows what's going on. Nobody has any information on what it could be. I've been getting a lot of spam calls from people who just say, hey. Oh, yeah. Have you ever gotten these?
Starting point is 00:14:24 No. Yeah. And it's just, they're bots. a lot of spam calls from people who just say hey oh yeah have you ever gotten these no yeah and it's just it's they're hey what they're bots they they bait me with a hey or how you been or things like that like i get a bunch of these right back hey you i'm just gonna report junk yeah delete and report junk don't you want to hear the pitch sometimes i want to hear the pitch no because i know they're translating it through a chinese ai app yeah you know you want to see how clever they are i don't want to see how clever they are i already know that they're clever
Starting point is 00:14:49 i don't know what they want i don't know what they want i just you know i just listen i gotta turn i don't know what to do today i gotta turn on andrew huberman and find out what's going on he seems like a nice, very nice guy. He's definitely very smart. I mean, of all the people, why him? They did a hit piece on him. Why? Because he's gotten very popular.
Starting point is 00:15:17 It was a me too piece. All right, so let's get to the heart of what it was. It was a me too piece. It was an attempted me Too piece in New York Magazine against Andrew Huberman because he shot to fame in a short... I mean, he got so big. And so now he's famous he can't even walk around. And so...
Starting point is 00:15:37 I think they went after him because... This is how these pieces come about, I think. Some girl knows a girl who knows one of the girls who got hurt, okay? Supposedly, one of the girls in his, let's just call it what it is, in his bevvy hose. In his stable. It is stable. Kid had a stable.
Starting point is 00:16:04 He had a starting five, and he had some off the bench. He's a 48-year-old guy, no kids, single. He wanted kids. Also, supposedly, he was, like, I guess abusive to her in the way that he was. He denies all this, by the way, of course. So he said, said she said who knows if there's texts and stuff but he was not abusive but he would like harangue her about her previous choices because she's got kids with another guy so he would like you know yell at her about that
Starting point is 00:16:37 or something like i don't know whatever it but you know yeah what are you doing why are you having kids with another guy if you know you're gonna to meet me afterwards? Like, I get that. I get being mad about that. I get being mad about when your girl's not perfect. I get that. But this chick and him live together, right? They moved in or something. As it turns out, he was also dating some actress
Starting point is 00:16:59 he met on Raya. But they don't say which actress it is. But it's going to be, you know, I'm telling actress it is but it's gonna be you know it's i'm telling you right now it's anne hathaway i bet you it's anne hathaway she looks like she's be into that she looks like she'd be like in it like you know she'd be like oh smart like you know i think it's anne hathaway move i think it's definitely anne hathawayaway but they refer to her as Eva or Maya in the article but they met on Raya, do you know what Raya is?
Starting point is 00:17:30 it's for celebrities right? Raya is for you gotta get invited and like you gotta have like over 30,000 followers on Instagram to get on Raya you just can't be an ordinary you can't be an ordinary, you can't be a citizen, you gotta be special you gotta be favored by the gods okay, you gotta ordinary. You can't be an ordinary. You can't be a citizen. You got to be special. You got to be
Starting point is 00:17:45 favored by the gods. Okay. You got to, got to, you got to have a, you have to have a rich pussy. You got to be someone dating each other's like, you know, you're making a kingdom. Like it's a statement. It's not just like the, it's not just like falling in love with a plumber, which nobody does. Except Julia Roberts, who married a union camera guy. How come people don't give her more respect for doing love right? She did it right. She didn't meet her union camera guy on Raya. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:24 And they're still going strong. She's got so much more money than him, but it's going strong because that is love. That is love. And Hollywood never shows us those movies. It's always vampires and hot women. It's always just like two rich people falling in love. But Raya is a conduit to recreate what they wanted to do in Rome,
Starting point is 00:18:53 what feudal families wanted to do. They want to, you know, have these political marriages to unite clans, to ensure heirs to the throne, to keep it in the family. We want to keep it in the Julia, what was it, the Julio Claudius family. Are you a descendant of Julius Caesar or not? Because that's what makes you competent.
Starting point is 00:19:20 How is there, when you look back at Rome, they were able to do so many smart stuff and then there's that stupid stuff, but that stupid stuff became preferable to the Republic, which was the senators and stuff. Um, cause that doesn't work either. You can say the same thing about today, right?
Starting point is 00:19:43 We can do, I think we're heading into Imperial America. I think that's what's going to happen. Cause if you just look at Rome, you're going like that happened there, right? Quote unquote democracy, or we're not like a representative or a Republic or whatever you want to call it. We're more Republic, right? Um, that does, it didn't work long.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I mean, it lasted for a while, but then eventually Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and fucking took people out and started, and then Augustus, his adopted son, was the first emperor because Julius Caesar got killed by Brutus, who was his, who he took under his wing. He could have killed Brutus, but he didn't. He loved Brutus, and then Brutus, who was his, who he took under his wing. He could have killed Brutus, but he didn't. He loved Brutus, and then Brutus fucking stabbed him up.
Starting point is 00:20:30 The crazy thing about those people back then is that they were a different breed of human. They lived outside. I mean, can you imagine Julius Caesar? Did I mention this already? The way they just marched? How do you march for months? How do you just march people for months?
Starting point is 00:20:50 And then he would fight a war and then he'd fight another one and then he'd fight another war. They were just constantly killing and fighting. Like imagine even having a headache, waking up in the morning and they're going like, we're going to fight another Germanic tribe. You're like, even having a headache, waking up in the morning, and they're going, like, we're going to fight another Germanic tribe. You're like, I got a headache.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Didn't we just fight, like, a week ago? They just constantly fought. And, you know, Greeks fought in dresses, and I told you why they did that. Why did they do that? They did that because it confuses the enemy. You look over the horizon at their positions, and you say, oh, it's just a bunch of hot chicks in stockings. Who are those, hairy ladies? No, not even because they got the white stockings on.
Starting point is 00:21:29 So then they drop their weapons and they go, let's go talk to these chicks. And then it's a bunch of, you get catfished by the Greek military. And that's how we beat the Ottomans in dresses. People went wild over these env zones. Yeah, what is this? I bookmarked this for you. So these are traditional Greek soldiers that guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and maybe they're at the palace or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And they have them in all these countries that used to have kings, right, or whatever. But the M-Zones are, they used to wear a version of this, so they didn't exactly look like this. But what's with these dance moves? It's just about dance moves um it's just about grace and it's about pom-poms i don't like making fun of it because it's my people but
Starting point is 00:22:12 there are pom-poms on the shoes now what era is this supposed to be this is from the 1800s i believe right that's where they're from and they're still rocking it today yeah so well they upped it a little bit i mean it's not i don't think it was exactly they were wearing mini skirts like this what's up with those shoes cuz yeah they got some fucking cool greek shoes those are the nike poofs they got the nike puffs yeah oh yeah yeah i don't know why they got palms on they look like genie shoes with like a pom-pom on the yeah and they stretch their feet and but it's all you see the synchronicity i mean it's like watching synchronized swimming yeah it's graceful the body control uh now these guys are elite soldiers you have to be a certain height it's that same thing so it's like yeah go make
Starting point is 00:23:05 fun of them to their face these guys are tough but that's the greek psychology right right it's like we make you think they're not tough but go say that to their face those guys are like six two and they're trained killers and they're picked this is like a privilege to do this and then when you watch the changing of the guard it's cool they come in they do these marches and all that stuff so it's like can we can anything not be in the fucking american culture wars right yeah this was trending for a couple yeah you got nazis posting it like fucking anthony camilla talking about how it you know they're in dress. Guys in dresses. What you see, what Cat Williams doesn't know is all these Greeks soldiers got sitcoms deals as well. So show me an M zone that didn't get a sitcom deal.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So Cat Williams is great. He's hilarious, you know. But just like with everyone on the Internet, there's not everything is going to. No one's going to nail it. He's going to be right about Diddy and then he's going to be wrong about the Egyptian, about the Egyptian noses. Oh, the conspiracy theories are flying these days.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Conspiracy theories are flying everywhere. Nothing can be just what it is. Nothing can be just what it is. There was an attack in Russia by Tajik terrorists, right? From Tajikistan. And, I mean, it's America. I mean, I think even Americans are thinking Americans are behind it.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Can't anything just be a Muslim terror attack? Isn't that what they do? Isn't that their thing? Aren't they number one in that? Let's be honest. Are they number one in that? That's kind of their brand. I'm just saying that's their brand, dog.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's been their brand for a while. I don't remember the last time there was a Mormon bombing. It's their brand. The Nazis like to do it, too too they like to do a shoot up once in a while right like a racist like the dylan roof and whatever they get in it as well yeah the white supremacist yeah and then it's just crazy people with ar-15 it's their brand yeah it's their brand if you do if it's a black dude with an ar-15 shooting something up you're going that's off brand that's not what they do although it's for different reasons you know it's a black dude with an AR-15 shooting something up, you're going, that's off-brand. That's not what they do.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Although it's for different reasons. It's usually over some sort of gang territory. Yeah, that's more that brand. Then you're going, okay, that's more of that brand. A stray girl on the street, four years old, gets hit in a gang shooting. That's a brand. That's a brand, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:43 A mall gets shot up. A supermarket gets shot up. A school gets shot up. It's a brand okay uh a mall gets shot up a supermarket gets shot up a school gets shot up it's a white brand it's a white guy usually even when it was a trans girl right she was a she was a guy right she was becoming a guy oh you're misgendering her wait was she what was she i don't know i think she was trying to be a he, right? Yeah, I think it was a trans. She went to the Christian school. Whatever it was, she wanted to be a guy. Careful, you're on thin ice. He shot it up.
Starting point is 00:26:13 But you know what my point is. She was white. It's a white sport. It's a white brand. Now, if someone yells, it's a brand. It's a brand. It's a brand. What do they yell? I mean, look, maybe the Christians used to do it a lot,
Starting point is 00:26:30 but it's just been a while. It's been a while since you heard Crisis King while bullets were flying. You just don't hear Crisis King, Crisis King, and bullets flying. You don't expect that. I'm not trying to stereotype and say all terrorist attacks are Muslims, but it's definitely been, it's like Korean delis. They didn't all used to be Korean.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And now most of them are Korean. Right. So it's just kind of there is what they kind of like. Yep. Dude, it's just what happened. I mean, look, it,
Starting point is 00:27:02 even in Muslim countries, it's like, you know, it's never going to be a mean, look, even in Muslim countries, it's like, you know, it's never going to be a band of Swiss tourists who are doing it, right? If you hear about a Sunni and Shiite bombing of a Shiite mosque, you're not going to go, all right, let me see what Danish nationals were in the country at the time. You're just going, you're going to assume it was a Sunni.
Starting point is 00:27:26 The Sunnis were behind. Right. You're just going to assume. I got one for you. Yeah. You get headbutted in a bar fight. You get headbutted in a bar fight. It's definitely a bull.
Starting point is 00:27:39 No, you get headbutted in a bar fight. It's definitely a college wrestler who's taking PEDs. No, it's English or Irish. Yeah, it's in English or Irish. It's their brand. That's their brand. That's their brand. Okay?
Starting point is 00:27:51 It's their brand. If you get stabbed with a machete, there's a good chance it's an African immigrant in London. I mean, it's a brand. These things become their brand. I mean, what are you going to do? It's usually the machetes seem to be sort of a schizophrenic kind of Algerian or African immigrant in London who's rolling around with a machete just fucking yelling shit.
Starting point is 00:28:20 All right? If it's an AR-15, it's a white gun. You know, it's an ar-15 so it's a white gun you know it's a it's just different you know if it's a glock 9 you're going well how did it shoot sideways or up you're going maybe it was something else if someone's getting shot in the hand if someone's getting shot in the hand for stealing something or not or you know or not making their making their – you're going – if a head comes off, you're going, all right, where are we? It's two places. If a head's getting cut off, we're in the Middle East or we're on the Mexican – we're in Mexico or Colombia, right? More so Mexico.
Starting point is 00:29:02 The Mexican cartel has a brand. If you're getting kidnapped kidnapped you're not going okay what what rich jewish lady on the upper west side kidnapped you it's a brand is what i'm saying is it's a brand you're going okay did you go off resort did you go out of the all-inclusive you know or were you walking around aimlessly in syria like it's kind of like a thing it's just kind of a thing i mean so i don't know it looks like a couple of tajikis got in there and you're on the surface you're going like they just kind of do that right and it's uh you know but i guess what they're saying is someone paid
Starting point is 00:29:45 them or who i mean are we really going to trust putin to give us and he's just going it's the same people that have been trying to destroy the ussr since 2014 oh man you see when they caught that guy they caught a few of them yeah did you see that one guy yeah they had him behind glass yeah the only thing that makes me suspicious that this might have been like an intelligence thing like maybe the massad or cia or whatever or both yeah is that they didn't kill themselves like why they let themselves get captured that's a little off that's why you don't think they that is that's why i may think it's not the muzzle muzzles the muzzles oh because usually they just go and and then they you know so you think it's some intelligence agency yeah like maybe they were like i don't know like maybe they got paid money
Starting point is 00:30:30 and like just go do this and and then they let themselves be captured so yeah because usually wouldn't like if they were hardcore religious don't they just kill themselves yeah they come packed with vests right yeah they just ready they just or like yeah they don't get caught to get like tortured and interrogated yeah but you don't want to also you don't want to get caught in russia that's what i was gonna say yeah you don't want to get caught by the russian guys oh sir like ukraine russia lithuania you don't want to get caught there that's gonna be bad yeah they're gonna do stuff to you don't here's the here's the countries here's my list of countries you don't want to get caught doing this if you do this you definitely want to get caught in america right because there's like laws and protections and we're a little
Starting point is 00:31:08 more civil this is where you can see the difference like i want tucker to go look we went to go visit some of these tortured you know it's just we do things a little different here we treat we don't act like the people who've done the acts although people emotions are high you know we're a civilized nation you know um a little bit more i mean because these guys they just threw them up for the media after they got beat to a fucking pulp and that was probably the best it's gonna get yeah i mean those guys look like they jumped on stage and tried to knife Dave Chappelle. I mean, remember that guy got beat up?
Starting point is 00:31:48 Oh, his arm was crooked. I mean, they stomped these guys. One guy was in a coma. They wheeled him out, and he was still in a coma. Another guy looked like there was a picture of, they were attaching wires to his genitals. He was just, you saw him screaming. Oh, it was over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Like, whoever paid for this might have lied to them and said, get caught because we have very good information that they're going to go easy on you or something. I don't know. But here's my list of countries you don't want to get caught alive after you've done a terrorist act. I would put Russia at the top of that. I think Russia would be number one.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I would also put any Middle Eastern country. You don't want to get caught. No. You want to go down. You want to take yourself out after you've taken out whatever you want. The countries you want to get caught are Norway. Right? Norway, you may not even be in prison for life.
Starting point is 00:32:40 That's right. Yeah. I mean, you're going to get like a dorm room in Norway. You want to get caught in Norway, Sweden, Finland. Those are some good countries to get caught in. I think the guy that massacred all those, like when he went to that island and killed all those like social Democrats or whoever that kid camp for that political party.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah, that was a couple of years ago. Yeah, I think he gets haircuts. I think he's got internet access. He's tearing. I think he's got internet access. I think he's got internet access. I think they're trying to rehabilitate him. Guys, as you know, uh,
Starting point is 00:33:10 very excited to be brought to you by true classics. Um, it's my favorite, uh, guys, as you know, very happy to be brought to you by true classics. I wear them every day.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I wear them on stage. It's become like what I wear. I love the shirts. I love the quality of the shirts. Most importantly, I like the way they make my body look. They accentuate the right areas as they tell you they do, and they hide the wrong areas, and that's the best part. I look a lot more jacked than them, and that's what I like about them. I'm just being straight up, and their quality. They last last forever i got tons i'm like addicted my wife says enough because they can and then they send me free stuff so it's like i'm just i bought so much from there it got to the point this is a true story where i was buying so much that the ceo reached out to me and he was
Starting point is 00:33:58 like no more and he sent me like a ton of free stuff he's like dude you've bought a lot and i'm like yeah i like the stuff This is all true story. Not only is it like the way that it looks, but they got cool stuff. The shirts are stylish. They got different types of shirts. They got hoodies. They got joggers, sweatpants, the cool jacket, that bomber jacket I got, and their jeans. The thing about their jeans is they're fucking sold out right now. My size.
Starting point is 00:34:26 So I can't get them. How many pairs do you need? I just liked it. He gave me some free ones, but the size was a little wrong. Okay. So now I know the size and my size is maybe the most popular. So here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:34:36 If you got a little bit of an offer, weird body like me. All right. I'm a little chunkier down here, but I'm kind of jacked up here. I have a long torso. I've just never have found a company where I where it looks like I'm wearing the shirt. It looks tailored, and it's affordable, and they're really great.
Starting point is 00:34:55 True Classics. Go to trueclassic.com slash Giannis and save 25% off your first order. That's trueclassic.com slash Giannis. Please support our show. Tell them we sent you. No matter how you move, make 2024 your most comfortable year. They're very comfortable, too, yet with True Classic. Okay?
Starting point is 00:35:17 So just go. Yeah, here's one of the guys. I mean, these guys, they didn't fare well after they got caught. And who even knows if these are the guys? You know, Russia's probably just give me a couple of tan guys and mean these guys they didn't fare well after they got caught and who even knows if these are the guys you know russia's probably just give me a couple of tan guys and throw them on the floor who knows i you just don't know anymore um because we're all like abused kids we're just paranoid we're paranoid like caligula the whole world has we've all turned into like paranoid caligulists thinking not knowing what reality is right because we're so aware of subterfuge and lying and governments lying and
Starting point is 00:35:53 but it's just everyone trusts putin in america more now than they trust joe biden there's a bunch of people here who just love poot. They just go for Poot, dude. Yeah. They just, I mean, is there I love Poot merch? I'm sure. I mean, they just go, they just admire, he's a strong guy. Yeah, right. They just admire the guy.
Starting point is 00:36:19 That's where we are, right? So like, all right, he's got a crackhead son, maybe he did some crack stuff, but he's still the president of the united states and there's people who just prefer poot they just go for poutine they just like him better than the president yeah there used to be a day that even like i don't think if you voted for jimmy carter there was just a time where i don't think if you voted for Jimmy Carter, there was just a time where I don't think if you voted for Jimmy Carter, you would say you prefer Vladimir Putin over Reagan.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I just don't think that didn't used to be a day. Where people would go, you know what? I'm more of a Gaddafi guy than I am Hillary Clinton. But here we are. Here we are. There's a lot of people. There's someone listening to this right now who's going, Yanni, what CIA agent paid you to say that?
Starting point is 00:37:12 Putin is a good guy mischaracterized by the media. Okay? It's all real journalism over there. It's real democracy. And all his people are thriving. The bread smells delicious it's a thriving place president z is a great guy ask jack ma who came back with a molested glow whatever they did to that box headed what beep There's a beep.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Fuck, I'm going wild. I'm losing it. You guys got a box head. You ever look at Jack Ma's head? Yeah, yeah. Looks like he's wearing a microwave on his head. He looks like his head is a TV. He looks like Max Hedgerum. He's got the boxiest head on a Chinaman I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Or he had a Patreon. Or just beep and put it out. I don't care anymore, Google. Come after me. It's America. Free speech. I don't care anymore, Google. Come after me. It's America Free Speech. I'm with Elon Musk. Show me snuff videos. Can we get the snuff videos off Twitter?
Starting point is 00:38:13 I mean, how absolute is free speech? Do I have to watch somebody get shot in the head? Here's the thing. If you watch one for one second, then they just send you more. Oh, yeah. Stop it. I quickly scroll past it. Why are they on Twitter?
Starting point is 00:38:28 I don't know. What does that have to do with free speech? I have no idea. They're snuff videos. Yeah. They're murder videos. Horrible. And they're everywhere.
Starting point is 00:38:35 There's so many accounts, and they always have the same name. They always got, like, a name, like, you know. Fuck around, find out. Yeah, fuck around around find out yeah fuck around find out or uh you know get get some or uh dark brain or you know uh violent outcomes and it's just can we get rid of those how about a little how about a little moderation? How about just maybe a little bit of those? Because that's not speech. That's snuff videos, right?
Starting point is 00:39:10 Or is he such a free speech absolutionist? I mean, I don't know. All I know is that Babylon B made a joke that a lot of people have made. It's been around forever. The Onion's probably done it 50 times. I've heard comedians do it. But they went out on a limb.
Starting point is 00:39:30 They went out on a limb, and they did a video. They did a, I'm sorry, a meme of an inbred-looking, a white, the white race must maintain our genetic purity, says inbred-looking, the white race must maintain our genetic purity, says inbred man. And there he is with the Confederate flag
Starting point is 00:39:51 and the Nazi flag. Now, this is one of those moments that I've talked about many times on this podcast. Why do I nail it so much? This is one of those moments where you get a peek behind the curtain at who has made you famous who who loves you and why you know it's a funny joke for reasonable people you just go it's a funny joke again there used to be a day where we all agreed that hitler was bad we're not there
Starting point is 00:40:22 anymore there was a time where that was like a conclusion right there was like a pretty soon there's going to be people in this country naming their kids adolf again it was a name that like you wouldn't do like bin like osama it's a tough one okay like there's some names i think bill burr had a joke about that like imagine being so evil that they retire your name. Like, there's no more Adolphs anymore. Because he took that name that was probably a popular name at the time, and he just goes, that name's over now because that guy did a lot of bad things. But to a lot of people now, because that bad guy did some bad things to jews those people are going
Starting point is 00:41:07 like were they bad things because i'm for i'm for putting people in oven if they're i mean where are we right now where are we where are we that we can't agree anymore if hitler is bad because everything is a conspiracy now. Dude, everything is a conspiracy. You've been lied to about World War II and who was the good guys and who was the bad guys. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah. It's such nonsense. If someone has a podcast or someone's on the internet, there's something off. There's going to be something. You're going to find out something about that person that doesn't jive with the image of what they portray. I've told you that.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Like me. Like, I portray this image like, yeah, I'll just say it. I'll just fucking say it. I'm not that guy. Okay? I'm not that guy. I am a woman who dresses in a wig
Starting point is 00:42:04 and goes out at night and blows guys. Whoa, you coming clean? Yeah. Imagine that comes out about me. Yeah, that's going to be your hit piece. Imagine I go out at night. So, Khalil, we don't know if this is true. This could have been a hit piece on Nero.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I'm sorry, it was Nero. So they say Nero used to put on a mask, go out with his protarian guard. I'm pronouncing it wrong. Sue me. If you don't know what it is, get smarter. That was like the elite bodyguards for the emperor, right? And they kind of started to get a little too much power at times. But he would go out with his boys of those,
Starting point is 00:42:41 and they would go and just kill homeless people and kill poor people and drunks. And he got a rush from you had fun we know comedists used to kill like disabled war veterans and stuff uh in the in the in the um arena he made himself a gladiator he was crazy at least he fought the people start going crazy when they get power yeah they just they just go crazy especially if they're off from the beginning it's very rare you're gonna get a marcus aurelius it's very rare you're gonna get um an augustus caesar you know it's just most people just are not fit for power they just start losing it these guys were trying to make themselves gods comedies
Starting point is 00:43:21 trying to make himself a god caligigula definitely was crazy, right? So we know that. There's an understanding he had a crazy life. But, I mean, you know, once a guy starts making statues of himself or he starts cutting his hair weird, you're going like, this guy is starting to deify himself.
Starting point is 00:43:40 This guy is starting to go crazy, right? So what was my original point? My original point was that we don't agree on what the reality is. I don't remember. I was making a good point, too, but I got lost. You got lost. Yeah, you started talking about the Babylon Bee and the audience they cultivated, and then you got onto Rome.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Yeah, I was all over the place. But there's some maniac listening to me going, I'm right with you, Yanni. I'm right with you. This is all going back to Chick-fil-A sandwiches somehow. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is my point, is that people are into conspiracies
Starting point is 00:44:22 and nothing is on the surface, right? Because people are listening to these people who is on the surface right because people are listening to these people who are selling you supplement products okay these are the people who are popular now they're the only pure is purity is on patreon right the only purity is like people say oh it's not mainstream but yeah now you're dealing with people are moving supplements. You can't go on there. You can't go before you sell athletic greens. You can't go on there before you make the pitch for athletic greens and go, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:44:56 All the shit they claim is not proven. We don't know how good this stuff is for you. We don't know if there's enough of this stuff in it to make a difference. This is a market that they're fucking. It's a company that's selling supplements. we don't know if there's enough of the stuff in it to make a difference this is a market that they're fucking it's a company that's selling supplements we don't know we don't know if it actually does anything it's marketing that it does it does a good job marketing that it does but we don't know it hasn't been studied or whatever you're not gonna nobody's to say that. You see what my point is? Yeah. My point is you're taking your truth from entertainers. Once you pick up the mic and you start talking to a crowd, you're an entertainer.
Starting point is 00:45:37 By the way, we have classic tees this week. Classic tees. Now, here's the thing about classic tees. There's no way to bow Bad mouth t-shirts And here's the good thing about classic tees Is I I mean it's
Starting point is 00:45:53 Basically It's my whole wardrobe Are you gonna do the read now? I may do it Is this for this? Yeah it's my whole wardrobe You want me to get the copy up? No we don't even need the copy
Starting point is 00:46:01 Because I think they like my natural Classic tees is my They're just It's The jeans are great. They're just great. Well, at least let me get the call action up so you get it right. Yeah, it's a superior, well, we're going to do it later. We'll do it later.
Starting point is 00:46:11 But I love classic. That's why they came to me. I'm outfitting classic. I put my reputation behind, first of all, they're not classic tees. They're called true classic. Oh, my bad. Yeah. I mean, Jesse's fucking an oofa guy. True classic teams. They're called true classic. Oh, my bad. Yeah. I mean, Jesse's fucking an ufa guy.
Starting point is 00:46:26 True classic is... Oh, by the way, I didn't get a true classic, so I can't vouch for it. Oh, I got too many true classics. Yeah, you got them all. Yeah. I don't have any in... I don't have any in Hiding in the Woods...
Starting point is 00:46:37 Hiding in the Woods Bodies. What? I don't have any in Unabomber builds. Oh. You have a similar build to a Unabomber. You don't have any in unibomber builds you have a similar build to a unibomber off the grid i don't have i don't have yeah there's no off the grid size dude people have like people keep asking they don't know what you look like you're like banksy from podcast that's right yeah yeah and then someone said um i i imagine he looks like this and they posted a thing of jamie um who's jamie jamie is joe rogan's producer oh and you guys don't look alike but there is a similar vibe you and you and you and jamie and you both love
Starting point is 00:47:18 golf oh yeah he loves golf yeah maybe we could play together yeah similar vibe um similar vibe in that like you know j you you know that jamie doesn't have a secret wish to one day start his own podcast like of other product how many other podcast producers have started their own podcast it's so transparent and i would feel the same way too i'd be like you'd be sitting around watching comedians you shit talk to shit you go like i can do this i want to be on camera it's so obvious to me when someone wants attention and when someone doesn't here's what i recommend if you're a popular podcast do what you want i don't know um but so you're getting everyone's getting their information now from people like this. And, of course, they have to make their episodes, like, interesting. So they're not, they got to have these open-ended, what if?
Starting point is 00:48:14 What if it's the, what if it's the? And so people are just, you know, these are the new philosophers of the day. And dare I call them, when we look back in history, I think they will be considered sophists. This has happened before. This has happened before. Rome, Greece, that's what the great thing about history is. You're like, what's going on right now? It's like, just go look back in history. It's happened before. Humans are not new. These same cycles have happened before. That's why I think imperial America is coming next. Because you can obviously, the breakdown,
Starting point is 00:48:50 you can see the breakdown of our system right now. It's slowly eroding. It's taking away those sub-Saharan noses. Is that a callback? It's a callback. It's a callback to those, they cut the noses off so you wouldn't know that the Egyptians were black. I have an editorial retraction.
Starting point is 00:49:09 People told me that is not Kanye's merch. Oh, okay. It's not Kanye's merch. I'm glad. Doesn't change how fun the episode was. Right. We don't have to be right here. We've probably not right a lot and also the other editorial retraction i have is um that
Starting point is 00:49:30 it's not kanye's merch and there was another big one that we another big assertion we made on that part i just had it oh no i just and i lost it i just had it there was another one that people corrected me on and it's in the comments um um was it about the porn segment no it wasn't about hentai people enjoyed that they were they were like i'm here for yanni's first experience with hentai um it was not about hentai what else else? We talked about something else. Whatever it was, that was going to be my first editorial retraction. And then, you know, when you're trying to be entertaining and think about the next thing you're going to say, it's tough to hold on to everything, especially when you have Alzheimer's in your family. So I'm trying to do as many word puzzles as I can.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I'm trying to do as many word puzzles as I can. I'm trying to eat as many jing-bling-boo and ginseng as I can to fight it off, whatever. I'm going to be selling those supplements. I'll put fucking powder in a pill and say this will stop Alzheimer's too. So my point is, all of us are selling shit too. True classic.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Get it. You call it the non-mainstream, but when people are becoming millionaires, actually the non-mainstream has become richer than the mainstream. So it's kind of becoming, you can't say Joe Rogan's not mainstream anymore. When you got a hundred million people
Starting point is 00:51:01 or whatever it is listening, he's got millions of people. You're not the all anymore. You may be the main thing now. I think a TV show on ABC is all media. You're probably right. You know, Andrew Huberman can't walk the streets anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:17 You know, he can't walk the streets. I mean, so it's like, it's become mainstream and I'm not knocking anyone because it's not their fault, but it's a lot of good information they're putting out there. But it's like I think people are deifying these people. They're deifying.
Starting point is 00:51:34 They're deifying human beings. But they're also getting people are coming after them now. It doesn't seem like a good time to be famous. No, you're going to get, you're going to, well, I think if people, yeah, I think it's a double edged sword right they get deified and then people try to take down the gods a lot of headshots coming yeah a lot of headshots coming um so what do we find out from that article you know there's a few moments of exaggeration big whoop and he had some chicks and he gave one hpv according to her he claims it's not true
Starting point is 00:52:10 he claimed all this shit's not true and it very well could not be true so he spoke through a spokesperson but all the chicks do have a group now and they've become friends so i think it's positive i think it's a fun story yeah i think it's a fun story right you know that's your hollywood ending yeah you're like and then they started comparing texts and like oh when he said i was and he's like oh my god he told me this and so they they pieced it all together and one of them's an actress and i assumed she's somebody because she was on raya so i assumed she was somebody i'd love to know who it was i just because it's a type that would annoy me it was just a type that would annoy me you know just like you know she's all in hollywood but
Starting point is 00:52:51 also like you know i want it smart she's into issues yeah i'm in issues but like smart not like you know not like just like i know she was doing it as a fashion statement it's like i'm with him i'm like it's right i'm different you're dating shia labeouf who the new shia labeouf whoever that is because he's not shia labeouf anymore he's the pope he's christian he's catholic he's he's been defrocked of fame it's like scarlett johansson marrying the guy from snl yeah it's like you know that's like i brain i'm you know like yeah i yeah i know who chaucer is kind of that girl but also yeah i start on like a wb sitcom or like yeah i'm on supergirl but but like i balance them like she's it's like a it's an accessory for her he's an access like
Starting point is 00:53:39 yeah who you did he's a neuroscientist it's a hot neuros and look he's a good looking guy he's in shape yeah you know he's doing a trt what is that testosterone replacement therapy they're all doing it he's like a good ad for it yeah they're all i don't know how long that are there any shortcuts i mean is that stuff gonna work long term is your heart gonna explode i don't know i don't know what the side effects are but he looks good yeah i mean everyone's taking testosterone um i'm just dealing with mine going down you're just gonna take it i just am taking the hit you're taking the hit i'm crossing my legs up like a lady and crying with my daughter i'm taking the hit are we supposed to stay young virile men forever why not or how about a sagest older guy who has feelings nobody's
Starting point is 00:54:24 listening to that everyone's trying to stay here forever it's like these extremes either people are trying to off themselves because they didn't get into a comedy club i mean how extreme is that like everyone's fucking like oh i can't be famous tomorrow i gotta jump off that means i have no self-esteem and i gotta jump off a fucking building people are so fucking extreme and impatient and they don't know what the fuck they got no mentors everyone's full of shit their heroes are crashing like waves and they just don't know who to believe p diddy was fucking a couple years ago giving a cheers with the finest champagne at a black billionaire's brunch and now it's been found out that he's a sex trafficker a legend
Starting point is 00:55:05 yeah nobody fucking makes those accusations if there isn't you this fucking you know it's like everybody's bill cosby now the heroes are falling one by one and nobody knows what to believe because nobody talks to their own fucking father anymore you know do you know what the things that p diddy must have done to just fucking Bieber's asshole? Alleged. Jesus Christ, he treated it like a locksmith. Alleged. He was like, I can't figure this lock out.
Starting point is 00:55:32 This is going to take a while. This is a new type of lock we don't have replacements for. And he just was in there digging around on it. Who knows what that guy's doing? who knows what that guy's doing but listen if anywhere is anyone is wearing sung this anyone is wearing sunglasses inside with the lights on they're they're hiding their eyes there's something off okay because what is that what is that who does that rock and roll guys who bang 16 year olds 15 year, 15-year-olds, they wear their sunglasses inside.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I don't know what Slash is up to, but it ain't nothing good. But anyone who's wearing sunglasses, anyone who's wearing sunglasses beyond function, I don't know what annoys me more, that or the girl, the actress who was dating Andrew Heuermann. Those would be two of the most, I don't know if I could handle that. I don't know if I could handle the douche chills. Whenever I see someone sitting inside with sunglasses on,
Starting point is 00:56:35 like when the light's on, it's like, what are we doing? They're for sun. They protect your eyes from UVv it's a vibe yeah it's they're hiding so it's it's subconscious thing that they're there's something disingenuous about them and they don't want people to look at their eyes but they want to be able to see your eyes right because they and they don't want you to know that they're doing that that's why evil guys always got i knew p diddy was off just from the fucking
Starting point is 00:57:05 shaded glasses you know you can dude you can that evil that guy reeks of evil and he always has since the cheesecake days since he made those kids march to brooklyn to get him oh yeah what was that that was um it was some rapper show that was some high art cultural thing that we've been doing for decades mtv and jerry springer were the beginning of this shit and now we got the fucking liver king it's all connected okay it's not it's the same dynasty it's the same genre of american garbage now we got the liver king fucking taylor swift and now we got fucking no offense aaron rogers consideration for a vice presidency no offense I like Aaron Rodgers for every reason possible
Starting point is 00:57:48 except being my vice president he's a quarterback on a football team maybe I'm being too harsh because I think Steve Largent won a race too yeah I mean dude there was at one point Herschel Walker was a serious candidate Herschel Walker who a serious candidate. Herschel Walker, who can't form a
Starting point is 00:58:06 sentence. Okay, let's just be honest. The guy can't form a sentence. And his candidacy was hilarious because he's up there and he's like, I'm a pro-life activist. And he was just signing abortion checks like footballs. He was doing memorabilia. I don't know whether he's got more signed footballs or signed abortion checks for chicks that he knocked up. I mean, it's got to matter a little bit. That's my point. And that's what I think the New York Magazine article
Starting point is 00:58:42 was trying to do, was they're going like, does this matter at all that he may not be the guy that he, but I don't think they got enough. I think they don't got enough. Plus of all the people. Yeah, and now podcasts have gotten so popular, I think the only thing that can take down a podcaster,
Starting point is 00:58:56 because Chris D'Elia is still podcasting. So it used to be there's an old expression in Hollywood. The only thing that can take you down, I'm sorry, old expression in Washington, D.C. The only thing that can take you down, I'm sorry, old expression in Washington, DC. The only thing that can take you down to Washington, DC is being caught with a live boy or a dead girl.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yeah. So that was the only thing I think now the only thing that can take you down and podcasting is being caught like with an actual oven for juice. Yeah. I think, I think the only thing I think that I think that podcasters are just, I think they're the new celebrities and like they'll be, you could say anything,
Starting point is 00:59:36 but unless there's an actual oven that you're marching people into, I think you're good. Okay. And I think if you're an actress in hollywood and this is why i'm making this point you're an actor an actress in hollywood a bad tweet an old photo um a a smirk watching an alex jones clip um being caught listening to this podcast. Right. That can take you down. Liking the wrong tweet. Liking the wrong tweet. That can take you down.
Starting point is 01:00:09 But podcasters are like that all ragtag bunch. Right. So it's become they're kind of bulletproof. Right. They're like the new old school politicians. Like it's going to have to be either. I don't even think I think I think you'll still be able to podcast if it's a dead girl or a live boy. I think you'll still be able to podcast.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Right. I mean, I stand up and podcast. I think you'll still be able to do it. Yeah. Yeah. They'll take it. Yeah. No, it's not going to be able to take you down.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yeah. You know, it's like you're going to be able to go. But if you have an actual oven built in your living room, I think people might go, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's too far. I know that he maybe had sex with a 12-year-old. I know maybe he might have murdered a man. I know he may be secretly working for the CIA. I know he may be funneling money to Ahmaud.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Whatever it is, I think he secretly might be. But it's just like not good enough. I love his podcast. The guy's got the gift of gab. Similarly, you could find out somebody is a complete fraud. Complete fraud. Right? Fake hate crime.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Fake credentials. Didn't go to this school, whatever. And I think it won't be enough unless there's an oven. That's it. That's the only thing that's taking people down. I think unless the podcaster has an oven or is actively engaged in slavery. Oh, God. This is getting worse and worse. I think it's the only things that can take down podcasters.
Starting point is 01:01:49 They're bulletproof. So this attempt by New York Magazine, they didn't have nothing. They had HPV, being unfaithful, a little exaggerating about how much time he spends in the lab. And that's about it. And his flakiness. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:04 That's not enough. That's nothing. Is it cool to give a girl HPV because you're banging a lot of chicks and you didn't tell her about it? Hey. Depends. Accidents happen. It depends. Right?
Starting point is 01:02:16 But it's, you know, HPV is not a death sentence if you're a guy. Do people even get sarcasm anymore? We're living in a weird time where people often don't get it This is gonna get clipped Yeah, I mean, people don't often get sarcasm I mean Look, is he an angel? No
Starting point is 01:02:36 Okay, so he found out he was a human being Okay, with a sex drive Who takes TRT So the TRT gets the sex drive up too. Yeah. Because get your testosterone going again. So he's a non-married guy who takes TRT. What do you think he's going to do?
Starting point is 01:02:51 He's got to get the demon seen out. Is that going to be monogamous? No. Roman emperors weren't monogamous. It was just more okay then. Why can't just everything be okay? You know? Deceit is...
Starting point is 01:03:04 Look, was the guy being deceit is, look, was it, was the guy being deceitful? It sounds like it, but it wasn't married. It wasn't married. So deceit's okay. Then he was dating.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Yeah. He was lying to people and made them think different things. So, cause he wanted the boxes. Here's the problem. Women don't give up the boxes unless you lie to them. So who's really to blame? Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Now I'll tell you why that's brilliant. Cause people don't know. You don't know whether I'm making fun of women or him. Okay. My intention. And I won't tell you who I was making fun of, but you have to figure it out. You have to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:03:43 But like, yeah, who's to blame, you know? So the guy lied a bunch. figure it out. But like, yeah, who's to blame, you know? So the guy lied a bunch. So he had a girl like move in with him and like, you know, the same, he had like 14 other girls he was telling the same thing to.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Okay, what's that? You got a good rep, you got to stick to it, you know? How about the time in the day to, you know, the guy's busy to be able to juggle all those. So he went on a podcast and he was talking about the dark tree added psychop psychopathy and some of those deceitful uh personality traits that psychopaths may have um and some people may say hey isn't that like a little hypocritical? Are you a psychopath? Like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:04:26 What are you doing with that? Like, are you a narcissist? Are you whatever? It's like, no. That's what you think from the outside. From the inside, he's a guy who likes to bang. And he doesn't want to pay for it. Okay?
Starting point is 01:04:41 There's a simple solution to this. Legalized prostitution clean it up regular tests then he can cheat on his girl um with somebody who's gonna keep her mouth closed there's no group text with prostitutes because that hurts their business that's right they don't want to stop it that's that old charlie sheen line. I don't pay him to have sex. I pay him to leave. Winning. I know winning. Yeah. Win, win, win, win, win.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I would have been more surprised if the article was like guy that looks like that who takes trt do does jujitsu and has a science podcast meditates for 18 hours a day and is in a strict monogamous relationship because of his principles i'd be like that's a story guy who looks like that who's now ultra famous who exaggerates a little bit maybe talks a lot outside of his field of expertise, bangs a bunch of chicks and they don't know about the other chicks. Tell us something we didn't know. I mean, the guy's a good looking guy. He's a good looking guy.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Can't anyone have their private life anymore? Why you got to put everyone on blast? Just let it be. I think that's what that song was about. I think somebody got, I think John Lennon got found out and he was like, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Well, here's the good news, ladies. I know you all got a text, and it all said the same thing. I'm sorry you guys are upset, but here's something that can help you. I want you to take two deep inhales and a long, protracted exhale. And then I want you to go outside and get 15 minutes of sunlight.
Starting point is 01:06:41 I want to give a shout out to our small business sponsors. These guys keep us going. They are our Patreon members. They're loyal. We try to support their business in return. And they're all legitimate businesses. I'm not selling anything I don't use or I've checked out myself. These are all legit.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Exclusiveautoshipping.com. If you're moving your car out of state, right, if you can afford a car, and you're moving it or you bought one out of state, guess who will ship it for you? Exclusiveautoshipping.com. If you're a student or you're in the military, they got discounts for you. Hey, it's the age, this podcast we were talking about.
Starting point is 01:07:15 If you weren't in the military, how about saying you were? Why not? What, is somebody going to question a military vet? Get a little discount. If Jared brings it up, say, Yanni told me to say I was in the military. All right? So don't let Jared. Exclusiveautoshipping.com.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Don't let Jared need to see credentials sway you. There's only one place I go to when I need a business check cashed. Here's the thing what people don't know about me. I get paid at a comedy club. They think I probably just go on my app And deposit it right into my account That's not what I do Okay I'm old school
Starting point is 01:07:49 I don't like the IRS to know about my deals I get in the old car Alright I get in the old Tesla I measure out how much it takes to get to Philly Alright And I punch in And I punch in Wawa
Starting point is 01:08:02 I punch in Wawa I punch in Wawa right I punch in Wawa. I punch in Wawa right off the Jersey Turnpike and I take a nice little drive. I meet a scraggly looking Italian guy named Chris Minetti right by one of the gas pumps. We go in, we get a couple of hoagies. We get a couple of fucking hoags.
Starting point is 01:08:25 All right? We both get a couple of hoagies. We get a couple of fucking hoags. All right? We both get a couple of hoagies. We get a couple of Wawa-branded waters and some sun chips. And we do a business transaction right there on the condiments bar of Wawa. Okay? After I call him at 215-750-3730,30 okay he provides a service of cashing my check and i provide the service of uh just giving him someone to talk to in a while that's what his whole business is for is like just just talk to me i'm a south jersey trash italian who's got a sketchy business that cashes business checks. Call me up.
Starting point is 01:09:06 2-1-5-7-5-0-3-7-3-0. I'm surprised more people don't call this number. South Jersey, Philly area. And then, of course, we got For the Free. It's a tax scam they're running. I don't know how many podcasts they pay for, but they have been, I mean, it's ironic that, you know, I guess it's ironic or coincidence, whatever you want to look at it.
Starting point is 01:09:31 It's in Hawaii, but Hawaii is close enough to Aruba because this is the Natalie Holloway of sponsors. They haven't been seen in a long time. They're missing, but they're still here for the free.art. They're paying a lot of money for you to know about music in Hawaii. So go check out their website and learn about bands and shows in Hawaii by local artists, music, and all that stuff. Fucking loyal.
Starting point is 01:09:53 I just don't think anyone's behind the wheel. One of our mainstays, I mean, and let me tell you something. Nobody knows how to market like this guy. I got a lot of friends in the construction business. And I called them up and I said, how's building stuff going? And they said, look, building stuff was a little slow until I met a guy named Nate Linder on Instagram, at Nate underscore Linder.
Starting point is 01:10:16 And he took my construction company marketing to the next level. I mean, we made videos of guys cat whistling trans women. And it just went viral. Okay, i'm giving you ideas right now okay how funny would that be oh nice pecca and you nice pecca in your dress once once nate linder taught these construction companies how to make funny videos of construction workers catcalling trans women with peccas. They started Google Trending number one.
Starting point is 01:10:58 They started ranking number one on Google. Tons of businesses. Everyone wanted to work with these construction companies because they were funny He told you what to do Nate Linder is a marketing Digital marketing manager That will fucking
Starting point is 01:11:13 Make you a video about trans women with packers Nice packer Nate underscore Linder on Instagram I don't know why he doesn't have a website Does he? Just follow him there Just go to Nate underscore Linder on Instagram. I don't know why he doesn't have a website. Does he? Just follow him there. Just go to Instagram. Just go to Nate underscore Linder.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I guess there's another Nate Linder. Who knows? All right. DisplayPros.net. These guys are doing pretty good for themselves. And the thing about my listenership is everyone is looking to build a trade booth. And if you are looking to build a custom trade booth,
Starting point is 01:11:46 a retail fixture, promotional items, guess who you hit up? DisplayPros.net. Even better, they will give you 10% off your first purchase if you tell them that I sent you. Okay? So you can expect excellent customer service the whole way. And if you need a custom display in a hurry,
Starting point is 01:12:05 how come we should order something from them? Yeah, yeah. Let's go to their website. We'll do the set when we move. Yeah, actually, yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah. DisplayPros.net. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Ma Insurance Services in the South, St. Petersburg, Florida area. The people who continue to listen after the episode is over got a treat today because this is an inside scoop that I know. P. Diddy's private jet actually landed in Florida because he was in a little trub trub, and he wanted to meet Matthew Albani. He needs a little insurance right now.
Starting point is 01:12:39 He's looking to buy some insurance, so he took a meeting at a pollo tropical in miami with uh so matthew buddy made the he made the the drive from saint petersburg florida in his mom's volvo to meet p diddy to discuss some umbrella plans okay because ma insurance services got all types of insurance for you. Workers' compensation, commercial property, auto, professional liability, general liability, and umbrella brands. Brands.
Starting point is 01:13:12 They're not plans. They're brands. Okay? It's Chinese guys saying plans. They're brands. So you can be sure that they're getting personalized service. You can be sure you're getting personalized service because they're a smaller company, which is what you want to go to. So you can call up MA Insurance Services at 813-260-0338, or you can go to their website, which is mainsuranceservices.com.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Of course, we got Capitech. All right. If you like putting juice on games, why not check it out? It's free to check out. All right? They use machine learning AI to simulate game results and give you the best betting advice possible. No BS. Capritech.com, or you can download the Capritech app in the App Store or Google Play Store.
Starting point is 01:14:01 So why not check in? Rebels Raiders. Rebels Raider raider rebels dash raiders.com new copy new copy baby dude here's the thing about rebels raider is much like true classic here's i use it okay since he sent me the backpack the fucking backpack incredible. So he sold out of backpacks. He sold, dude, because they're incredible. It's just a great bag. It's so quality. It's got the strap here that goes in.
Starting point is 01:14:30 It's got all these hidden pockets, and you can really maximize storage. And I need it for the road because we never check bags, obviously. So it's like I got my carry-on, and then I got my personal. And the personal is just this loaded-up backpack, and that's what I use use i the backpack he sent me i'm in love with i'm just telling you the truth he should get a few more he's gonna get a more uh he's gonna get some more in a couple of months he'll be back so he sold out yeah he sold out but in a couple months he'll be back in stock so that that's what it is he sold out he does have a military surplus he's got military surplus what is that i don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Send us some of that. What is that, like Rambo knives? Yeah, can you send us some of those? What's military surplus? I hope it's a North Korean prostitute in my dad's honor. My dad's honor. Because my dad had sex with a North Korean prostitute or South Korean prostitute. That's military surplus. That's military surplus.
Starting point is 01:15:25 So he does have military surplus available at really good prices. But his backpacks are on the way. They're coming back. It's just the guy's got a great thing going. At Rebels Raiders on Facebook and Instagram and rebels-raiders.com. Thinkingman.substack.com. Of course, this is for a thinking man. So go to their sub stack.
Starting point is 01:15:53 It's free, or you can contribute five bucks if you like what you see. Five bucks a month. Wait, if that's going to hurt our Patreon, don't do it. But if you got the extra five, go for it. At Thinking Man. So it's Substack at Thinking Man
Starting point is 01:16:07 or search the link thinkingman.substack.com to read their articles, essays, and thoughts on things like books, movies, pop culture, and politics. It's a New York City-based
Starting point is 01:16:16 newsletter, and it's great.

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