Yannis Pappas Hour - Ending War with Comedy (Raanan Hershberg)

Episode Date: June 20, 2024

Yanni is joined by Raanan Hershberg who has a new stand up special that is out now! They cover how awkward it’s been for Raanan in yellow taxis, if the wives of leaders are responsible for the curre...nt wars, and have a silly ole time.  Watch his special here: https://youtu.be/gMz4nrdX9w8?feature=shared Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their casual, weekly bonus episodes here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator Support our Sponsors: Freeze Pipe Visit  https://thefreezepipe.com and use code YANNIS for 10% off your entire order.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys this episode ended up being unbelievably hilarious it was such a good time with you gotta pronounce it right Ronan Hirschberg he's got a special out right now. It's premiering When if you're watching this Thursday tonight, and then it's up on YouTube After that so go watch it. I'll go check him out. He's a hilarious comedian I hope you enjoy this. Patreon.com slash Yannis Papasour for our weekly bonus true kouzou to the news and cameras. To the fake politics and the propaganda.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Give this kid screwed in, got a lot to say. Aw shit, it's bout to be a long day. It's a long day. Guys, we are brought to you today by FreezePipe. FreezePipes are beautiful. And they are constructed and made to take away the harsh feeling of taking the smoke in your lungs just takes it away No more throw burning no more coughing attacks when you're smoking cannabis
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Starting point is 00:01:40 Order today and get free shipping, that's nice, and say goodbye to harsh smoke forever What's up everybody? Welcome to another episode of the Yanis Papas hour. Hey numbers going back up on YouTube We got our strong loyal following on Spotify the real people who work jobs Listen, this is what I think the people on YouTube their fair weather they tune in they tune out It depends on what you the comment But you've got the hardcore people listening in their cars We all know they're Hondas and Subarus and I'm happy to be the president of the Hyundai Subaru crowd
Starting point is 00:02:15 We got a very hilarious comedian here today. I'm gonna say right now for the algorithm on YouTube. He's got a special out Yep, let's start it with that. So people know that's the reason you're here. You're not here because fucking we got we went to Jewish camp together. I would have gone on anyway. But well, this was two hours away from my home. But anyone who comes here is not big enough to say no. That's what I always think. And I was like, I was like, do we come all the way here? Yeah. And that was another thing where I'm going, wow, Louie has really fallen. Personally, he's in here? Yeah, and that was another thing where I'm going, wow, Louie has really fallen. First of all, he's in here,
Starting point is 00:02:46 and second of all, he's trying to flush the toilet. But yeah, I got a special called Brave on YouTube. Go to my YouTube, and my name's hard to spell, so if you can't spell my name, you can go, I created a website that takes you to the YouTube thing. It makes it sound a little retarded, but it's bravespecial.com.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Bravespecial.com, because your name is pronounced, not Rainin. A lot of people wanna do rainin'. A lot of people, yeah. But then you want them to know that you're neutral in the Israel-Palestine, you go, my name is Rananna. I, I, I just, I was getting an Uber and it was an Arab driver, he's like,
Starting point is 00:03:18 what's that name, Ranann? And I was like, I don't know, I don't know what it is. It's, my parents thought of it plain Scrabble, I don't know. It's a great name, dude, Ronan? Yeah, I mean it is Israeli. Yeah, Ronan, yeah, it's Israeli, you're a Jewish guy. Ronan, that's like, you expect a big fucking tough dude to walk in the room and hear Ronan's coming over,
Starting point is 00:03:40 and then you walk in, you hit him with the... I live up to that completely. Yeah, you come in, you got comedic energy and... It's tough having an Israeli name and every Uber driver... Well, right now, right now, stop that Israeli name. Every Uber driver is pretty much Arab. It's always gonna be a little weird in the yellows. It's gonna be a little weird in the yellows, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yeah. I'll be on the phone talking about Israel, then I'll get on the Uber and I'll be like, I have to talk, we'll talk later. It's funny, you're on the phone with your mom and you gotta pretend like it's someone else. Yeah, the bank's calling, yeah, no, no, no, that's cool, my account still has that. You got all these codes for I'll meet you for dinner.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah. The bank, I got four dollars left, yeah, okay. Trying to hide my Jewishness. Over-tipping like crazy. It's okay because as you explained it, this special's gonna bring people together. It's gonna end that conflict. It's gonna bring peace to the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:04:31 That's what everyone in the comedy community's saying, is saying this special will end it, it'll be in the history books. This will drop. You're ending it, yeah. And there will be no more conflict between people who have different religions or border disputes.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah, everyone else is trying to get like views. I'm going to the next level to try to bring global peace. Yeah, dude. Fuck the views. Since you've announced your special Ukraine and Russia, fucking violence down, things have cooled down. You even saw Putin come and say, I want to end this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Here's my conditions. I just want these places that I've already conquered. And I want Ukrainians to fucking, I want them one at a time to suck my dick. He was in Russia, so we didn't get that party. Well, you watch me doing standup, and you have such pity for me that it brings people together.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Everyone's like, let's come together and pity him. You know what I mean? That's a good thing. That's a good thing. Yeah, but he made that speech, because he watched your special. Yes. That's the word on the street.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I'm very, you know, like with Putin, I'm so, like, have you seen his wife, picture of his wife? She's like a ballerina, right? She's hot as shit, obviously. I mean, if she wasn't hot, that'd be crazy. It would be crazy. That would mean he chose out of anyone,
Starting point is 00:05:40 like an unattractive, but. Which is what Macron did, which is wild. Yeah, I guess that's true. Well, I think Putin might have a little more power on who he chooses You know no Macron. I mean you I mean Francis's. I mean, that's a g7 right? Yeah Yeah, but I guess I'm saying Russia's more fascist. He can just probably like Probably went to the ballet and was like It's like Saddam Hussein life. It's like you know she might not have as much choice of the matter
Starting point is 00:06:04 He didn't have to he didn't have to win her over at a bar. Maybe not. I don't know. Maybe it was a different time, but she's hot enough for me not to worry about nuclear war, which is good. She's so hot. I like this.
Starting point is 00:06:15 That you're like, well, he's not gonna blow up the world. Right. Because she's fucking hot. Right. She was ugly, I'd be scared. Right. She was ugly, I'd be really scared because sometimes you really wanna get out of a bad marriage
Starting point is 00:06:27 Any way possible? But the pretty ones are can be problematic. Yeah War is all because his wife is breaking his chops. Yeah. Yeah, he's just trying to feel like a man or calling him a pussy Yeah, that's all you can take of Ukraine. You're fucking queer. I fuck one of the male ballerinas. Yeah, he's like I thought they were all gay. He's like, nah dude, like Cat Williams said, if you wanna pick up chicks, you hang out with chicks. Yeah, that's exactly right. Well, but you know, it's a good point. I guess I should be worried then.
Starting point is 00:06:54 What would you, she's hot. Would you, would you rather be the guy that she cheats on Putin with or never make it in comedy at all? Be the guy that she cheats on Putin with so you're saying I get murdered? Well, I mean, that's the implication. Or you gotta live your life knowing
Starting point is 00:07:20 that she can just at any moment give you up. Right, so either get most likely murdered. Who's a big, big mouth in the comedy community? knowing that she can just at any moment give you up. Like, yeah. So either get most likely murdered. Who's a big, big mouth in the comedy community? You bang the chick and that guy knows. Would you rather that or never have your dreams come true? Well, I feel like if I get murdered, I probably won't have my dreams come true.
Starting point is 00:07:41 You beat, you fucking beat me at this game. You beat me at this game. The choices are murdered and have your dreams not come true. You beat me at this game. You beat me at this game. The choices are murdered and have your dreams not come true or not get murdered and have your dreams not come true. You fucking beat me at this game, checkmate, yeah. It wasn't a good example, I came off of the fly. I was gonna say I'm giving up comedy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm giving up comedy. I'm not fucking Putin's mistress. No, that would be bad. If you fuck, you have a real problem if you can't say no to Putin's mistress. That's that would be bad. If you fuck, you have a real problem if you can't say no. Yes. To Putin's mistress. That's a good story for sex addiction. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:10 You don't go into the bathroom and go, you're just gonna jerk off and go home. You have that John Travolta moment? Yes, jerk off and go home. Jerk off and go home. Did he say he's gonna jerk off there? He did, but. Is he gonna jerk off at Uma Thurman's house and then leave?
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah, that's funny, because he actually said, you're gonna jerk off at home, and you're like, are you gonna jerk off right now? I'm just gonna go into her bathroom and jack off. Did any nerds who watched that movie, like, were we supposed to be under the impression that he jerked off there? Well, I think the idea is that... He did come out and not do anything, so maybe he did pull his fucking check in. I think so, because he's like, you're gonna jerk off, you go home,
Starting point is 00:08:42 and then it cuts to him leaving the bathroom later going, alright, I'm going. I never even thought of that. I guess he jacked off there. He might have jacked off. In her bathroom. And then she's laying there unconscious. You think part of him was going like.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I should have just fucked her. No, he's thinking while she's laying there like, this is the way Marcellus Wallace will never find out. What if he jerked off, didn't like fuck her, but then Marcellus found the semen in the bathroom? He still got in trouble, you know? Like he jerked off, didn't like fuck her, but then Marcellus found the semen in the bathroom? He still got in trouble, you know? Like he jerked off, but they're still fucking around. Semen, he's going, what's this doing here?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, I mean, it would be bad. You couldn't really put it in the movie, especially nowadays, but if he's a gangster and he's a bad guy, you would think maybe he would get a couple, like she's passed out and he, you know. Yeah, well there's a lot of things. Oh, sorry, show me. I don't even know if you can make that joke anymore.
Starting point is 00:09:26 There's a lot of things in the movie that you could never do, like have the director call Samuel Jackson the N-word 48 times. For those things that, it's one of those things that might be hard to get off, get off the ground going. I wanna see the fucking televised version. There's a dead glorious African American in my garage.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Imagine pictures that he's like, look, so it's gonna be seen where a guy calls you the N-word 82 times, I wrote it, I'm gonna play it. No one else can do this role but me. How many times do I have to say there's a dead glorious African American in my garage? It's insane, he calls him the Edward like, there are a lot of things where like, they're like,
Starting point is 00:10:08 oh, you know, this doesn't hold up. You're like, yeah, it's fine. Matt is like, wow, that was a different time. And here's the funny thing with Django. It's like, you need those words cause it's in character. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that one you don't. No, you can't have plantation owners being like,
Starting point is 00:10:21 that African American over there. That African American over there. Oh, that my black friend over here. What's funny in what's it called? The fucking prequel to the Sopranos. What was it called? Oh, the one that was on Netflix. What was it called? It was called Tony Soprano's Sons Not That Good. Yeah, that one. Yeah, David Chay should have stopped while he was ahead. Yeah, I think it was called Unnecessary. I think it was called My Big Fat Greek Wedding Five. I think it was called,
Starting point is 00:10:48 If Anything Doesn't Need an Origin Story, It's This. Why are you treating The Grey Show ever like a fucking comic book? But like an epic, like ooh, the Uncle of, it's like what are you doing? But in it, they're more, they're less racist than the people in, so it's basically saying their older generation was less racist than them,
Starting point is 00:11:13 because they're just never say the N word, ever, which is insane. Like they're literally not once say the N word. Right, it's funny, it's like it used to be better, and then it got worse. Apparently. Depends on, you know. I mean they don't say the N word in Sopranos either,
Starting point is 00:11:29 but they have 40 different. Oh, they say it. Do they? I feel like they have 40 different Italian words for black. Yeah, they do. They got, the Italians are, when it comes to racism, they're very creative and funny.
Starting point is 00:11:40 It is, but it also kind of makes fun of them, because they're just calling them different food in the kitchen. They're like, he looks like a fucking eggplant. It's like kind of just making fun of Italians Like they can't think beyond the kitchen Yes it is Yeah you can't think of tomato or He looks like a fucillini pasta
Starting point is 00:11:55 He looks like a He looks like a Plaggiana I also don't really get eggplant. Isn't that a purple eggplant? It's like very dark. I get that But it's a little it's not close enough No, no, you know, it has some humor to it when you think about like, yeah, it's funny They have so many words for black people and another one is Mondays. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:18 Mojan. Yeah, well that's a plan is eggplant, right? 30 somethings. Yeah They got names but it's across the board. They got names for Chinese, they got, they got. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty fun. The Italians come up, they take your worst quality and then they make it, like if you grew up in an Italian neighborhood, they would call it something with a lisp, they would call you,
Starting point is 00:12:40 they would call you order. Your name would be order, yeah, they call you Cicero. Here comes Cicero. Cicero. Yeah, here comes Cicero. Make you struggle. They'd call. Are they the most racist Italians you think?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Well, I would give Redneck. I would give Europeans number one. Right, right, right. They always talk about us. It's like, you don't see anyone at basketball games. Like, you go to European basketball games, you'll see a section of guys just like. Yeah, yeah, hell hater. And then they go, it's just the far right party. You're like, what?
Starting point is 00:13:08 They have seats in parliament? But who's the most racist ethnic group? Ethnic group, that's a good question. They all seem kind of racist, like Jews seem really racist, Italians seem really racist, Irish people. Jews are not, Israelis maybe. Israelis are a little- There's a difference between American Jews and Israelis. But there's different, Jews can be a little racist, the religious, the Hasid's can not racist. Irish people. Jews are not. Israelis. Israelis are a little. There's a difference between American Jews and Israelis.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But there's different, Jews can be a little racist. Or the religious, the Hasids can be racist. They don't, yeah, but they're. But you don't, they're just my own. They're dismissive, yeah. I don't even call them racist. I don't even think they look at you as like. A human being?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah, it's like. I wouldn't call it racist. They just don't even acknowledge. It's like you're a couch and they just, they gotta get around you. They don't even see you as human enough to be inferior. Yeah, yeah, they just, it's like a couch or a piece of furniture or something in the way.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Hassids are bad luck for Jews. Everyone's got that. Everyone's got some extreme things. I would maybe say Italians. I would say maybe Italians. I would say maybe Italians. They're definitely the most movies where Italians are being racist.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yes, yeah. They definitely milk that system. They're definitely the most movies where Italians are being racist. Yes, yeah. They definitely milk that stereotype. Right. But you look at The Departed, they're all pretty... That's the Boston... Yeah, I feel like that's pretty racist. Yeah, so after the Italian, the tough, like the white, tough Italian movies,
Starting point is 00:14:21 then it became that ushered in the Irish-Boston guys. Irish-rate, yeah. that's the second most racist. Yeah, those guys were like, now we're gonna do these Carhartt guys, these guys. Right, right, right. And those guys do exist. Yeah, yeah. They do, I saw them, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Like, they're not really here, they're not really in any, it's a very specific thing, and they're tough, dude. I did a, like a, I did in Boston, I did a recovery benefit, like a big one, in like Quincy or Southia, one of those fucking, you know, fucking Ben Affleck, Matt Daly parts. And it was like, everyone in there was good will hunting, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And they kept the lights on, they didn't want anyone picking anyone's pocket. They were all there, recovering heron addicts. They were all these fucking sunken Boston faces. There's hard people that go through that cold winter. And they're doing math and they're fucking pushing down. They have to push down so many molestations from the church. Yeah, it didn't happen, it didn't fucking happen.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I still gotta call them father because it's fucking, it's my culture. It's my fucking culture, fuck. Fucking happen, it didn't fucking happen. I still gotta call him father because it's fucking, it's my culture. It's my fucking culture. Fuck! Fucking guy fucking cornholed me when I was seven. Meanwhile, the original Irish have completely gotten rid of the church in Ireland. They're still holding on in Boston.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Yeah, in Boston they said it's still fucking, you know. It's the Pope, what can you do? It's the fucking Pope. They should have kept their mouth shut. Yeah, he's not that bad of a fucking guy. He bought us our fucking intramural basketball uniforms. So what if he fucked a couple kids? In between, ramming my asshole in from four to 12. Now every time I hear tires screech, I get nervous.
Starting point is 00:15:57 That's how he would pull up to my house. You know what really got ruined after the pedophilia's exorcism business. What do you mean? Well, like, they used to do exorcism, but now you can't like, if you call up or like help my kids possess, you know, they can't be like, all right, time me up into bed,
Starting point is 00:16:12 I've gotta be alone with them for four hours, it's over. It's done, that whole business. This is a dark joke, but that was a really good time for pedophiles. Yeah. You know, when they were going like, they were going like, I have a thing, I'm possessed by a demon. Get out of the room, close the door, lock it, were going like, I don't have a thing, I'm possessed by a demon.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Get out of the room, close the door, lock it. If you hear screaming, don't come in. I'll be there for 12 hours. And then the pedophile's laying down when they're doing the exorcism. He's just going like this. He's looking at his other pedophile buddy like, It was a good time.
Starting point is 00:16:37 No, he's just going like, yeah, this will work. Yeah, she's possessed. I'll need about 12 hours. Oh, oh, oh, I don't like kids anymore. Oh, it worked. I'm cured, Thanks. Now where do the kids hang out? I want to go test myself. They were. That's the thing. Like the priests, they fuck the kids, but they also have to get the demon out of the kid. Right. They have, they're doing both. Right. Sometimes you have to fuck the demon out of the kid. You have to fuck the kid to get the demon out. Yeah. You kill two birds with one stone. Yeah. it's sort of like deal it's very borderline personality
Starting point is 00:17:07 yeah you create the problem and then solve the problem exactly exactly they got away with it they've gotten away with a lot of stuff yeah can any other organization like if all the head corporate people at McDonald's were fucking kids McDonald's might not be around. They'd take a hit, yeah. You wouldn't be like, hey man, why are you at the West Fourth McDonald's? Why are you now at the 14th Street McDonald's? There were fucking kids on the McDonald's playground.
Starting point is 00:17:34 They probably wouldn't have just sent them. There's a little heat on the West Fourth, the West Fourth franchise got a little heat on it. The local manager told me just move up to 14th and feel things cool down a little bit. If any, I mean, yeah, they weathered it. The local manager told me just move up to 14th and feel things cool down a little bit. If any, I mean, yeah, they weathered it. That's a pretty big storm to weather and they did it.
Starting point is 00:17:50 They did it. It's pretty impressive. It is. How many groups can survive worldwide pedophilia charges? I mean, dude, it'll be looked back upon as maybe the biggest PR achievement of all time. Yeah, really. I mean, Sackler family was done after one protest,
Starting point is 00:18:12 but this fuckin', yeah, it's pretty impressive. You think part of it is the number is so big? I was reading this article in the investigative journalists in France from the 1970s to like now, they estimated the number was like 300,000. Kids were molested. Kids were molested. You think it's one of those things
Starting point is 00:18:33 that like when someone says Stalin killed, it gets too much for your mind, like sometimes hearing he killed three peoples because you could personalize it. I guess the point is if you're gonna fuck kids, just go hard. Yeah. I mean if you're gonna do it. If they would point is if you're gonna fuck kids, just go hard. Yeah, I mean if you're gonna do it. If they would've fucked one kid,
Starting point is 00:18:48 they would've been done. Do it beyond what humans can grasp. Yeah like Stalin's kid, like 20 million. It's so big you're like, oh okay. You're like, yeah, you're like, wasn't. It's so big that life suddenly doesn't matter as you think about it. You're like, oh well if that's possible,
Starting point is 00:19:01 then life's cheap, so I guess good. Yeah, it's like trying to understand the universe. You're like, my brain doesn't even go there. So did he even do it, if it's possible then life's cheap. So I guess good. Yeah, it's like trying to understand the universe Yeah, I can't my brain doesn't even go there. So did he even do it if it's that big it is so yeah It is so big. I mean, but they also weathered a lot. They helped the Nazis, you know They they've weathered a lot. They had a lot of practice weathering storms, you know over the years There was a lot of Americans that helped the Nazis too. Yeah. Yeah a lot of a lot of people help Henry Ford wrote a like Yeah, yeah, a lot of a lot of people help in a Henry Ford wrote a like
Starting point is 00:19:33 Couple years ago, yeah, he wrote like a whole mine column. He has Henry Ford. I know has a mine comp It's I think it's called the international Jew. Yeah, it is. Yeah International Jew. Yeah. Yeah, or that was that term they use that all the at Jewery Jewry international Jewery. I like like how they made it an adjective. Well, race is also, it's always a problem. It's always the Jewish problem, which is a really funny way to be like a group and just that group being a problem. It's just that group.
Starting point is 00:19:57 What are we gonna deal with the Jewish problem? And they're like, what is the problem? That they're Jewish. It's sort of like when the number is so big, it's like you can focus in on a small group and see like some things that a few do right right right right But like the whole world's filled with atrocities and people just can't grasp that they're going like let's just fucking do go It's like a husband who is an alcoholic who had a bad day at work, right? His wife's just there standing in front of him
Starting point is 00:20:21 Yeah, like he really wants to hit his boss and everybody at work, but he's like My wife's right here. So I'm just going to take out it on my wife. The Jews are the housewife of alcohol. That's a good example. That's a good example for Jews. We are the housewife of. You're just there. They're like, there's a few I can I can I can get my mind around this small group.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I mean, it's weird. Well, we are. We're a small group. We're so small. We're like transgender people. We're so small. We're like transgender people. We're so small, but the front of conversations. Well, it's because of the over-representation
Starting point is 00:20:52 and high-level stuff due to achievement. Yeah, it's not good. So that's what it is. It's not good. So what you gotta tell your people is, guys, dumb it down a little bit. Dumb it down. It is scary just like,
Starting point is 00:21:04 and I guess this is where anti-Semitic, just when you think about how we are the topic of conversation and we are such like below 1% of the world, that's like, that's scary that we're just even, we shouldn't be talked about at all. Like we should be talked about the way they talk about like fucking like, I don't know, Yugoslavians or something. It's like such a small group.
Starting point is 00:21:25 It should be talked about differently because it should be talked about like, okay, what are they doing that makes them succeed so much? And then you go. Yeah, well they never. Yeah, they never go that way. Well, you know what we do? They never go like, wait, can we do some of those things?
Starting point is 00:21:41 People do this, you know when someone gets big and you're like, ah, his father was in this and that. It's like that, everyone's just like, ah, it was nepotism, they're all rigged. They all take care of each other. Until you hang out with Jewish women at a Marjock table and you're like, they don't like each other. Well, I was always thinking a good show
Starting point is 00:21:56 would be a reality TV show where anti-Semites follow me on the road and they lose their anti-Semitism by seeing how much I'm struggling. They're like, oh man, I thought Jews really had a rig, but then I saw Ronan perform for 12 people in a papered room in Austin. Maybe they don't control everything. That reminds me of one of my favorite jokes
Starting point is 00:22:19 that I've ever said that is so inside and only works for people who know who Louis Katz is. Oh yeah. And it wasn't even at a roast. I just said, Louis, your career is proof that the Jews don't run Hollywood. I love the line. No, it's true though.
Starting point is 00:22:36 So I was like, yeah, the Jews run, Louis Katz's career is proof, so we can clip it, Louis Katz's career is proof that the Jews don't run Hollywood. And if they do. But they do not that much. Or they're fucking us over. They're not letting, or we're clip it. Louis Katz's career is proof that the Jews don't run Hollywood. And if they do. But they do not that much. Or they're fucking us over, they're not letting, or we're that bad.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, yeah. We're that bad at comedy, the Jews are like, no, we can't, if we help them, it'll be too obvious. Yeah. If we help Louis Katz and Ron on, people will be like, well, if they're doing well, then clearly it's rigged. Here's another funny one, too, that I always think breaks the illusion of fear, is nobody ever talks about the over-representation of Jews in hospitals and doctors.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Nobody seems to care about that. We don't want to fuck with that. Yeah. How come nobody's going like, what the fuck? Because they want those Jewish doctors. Yeah, I said, what the fuck, dude? What are they doing? What kind of secret thing are they doing
Starting point is 00:23:27 that there's so many people who are curing me? Right, right, right. Well, you, yeah. It always goes to the financial or political. Well, the Hollywood thing was because Jews weren't allowed to work in film in New York, so they moved to Hollywood and built their own thing. So it's like.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Here, look, I grew up in Brooklyn, right? So most of my girlfriends were Jewish. I grew, look, I grew up in Brooklyn, right? So most of my girlfriends were Jewish. I grew up around, I grew up in Park Slope, which was like one of the most diverse neighborhoods. I got a half a Jew sitting there. Yeah. You know? There's just Jews everywhere,
Starting point is 00:23:55 and what I can contribute to the conversation is they're just people who, they're just people. Yeah, yeah. No, some people need to hear, no, some people need to hear that. I know. Well, I did think. Some people go, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:24:10 I didn't. Yeah, no, like, you don't really notice. The only time you notice is around Christmas, and here's the deal. The only good point people have about Jews is Christmas is a better holiday. But Hanukkah? Objectively.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Because every Jewish friend I have, just, you just can feel the envy. And a Christmas tree eventually goes up, and it's a seasonal tree. It becomes a winter tree. Hanukkah is a bit of a scam, because it's like eight days of gifts. But they do that. This is where Jews kind of fulfill the stereotype. They're like, on the first couple days it's shitty, but then they're like, wait till the next couple days, and then it never gets good.
Starting point is 00:24:43 So it's kind of like a scam that way. They're like, oh yeah, you got socks today, but you got four more days left. and then it never gets good. So it's kind of like a scam that way. They're like, oh yeah, you got socks today, but we got four more days left. Here's how they also didn't fulfill the stereotypes because they ended up celebrating both and I always thought that's not fair. You can't have both.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Because then their family would just give in, like a lot of my Jewish friends would be like, and they'd get Christmas gifts and fucking Hanukkah gifts and I'd be like, that's like double, that's like eight, that's like, I'm not a mathematician. But that's like nine times the gifts. So I'd get like one Legos and be like, Hanukkah's still going and also,
Starting point is 00:25:10 my parents gave me a Christmas gift. Well I don't support that behavior at all and I didn't do that as a kid. We didn't have. You stuck to Hanukkah. Yeah, I mean I guess I was a little more religious and I was like conservative, somewhere in between Orthodox and the Reform Jews.
Starting point is 00:25:23 So you're one of those, like, you don't tell your parents to watch you. What do you mean? You tell your parents to watch your set? Oh yeah, yeah, I mean, they're not that religious. Are you allowed to touch microphones on Sunday? Because this is why we put it in the Think Frame. He told us that before, he's like,
Starting point is 00:25:37 I can't handle electronics on a certain day. A notch below that. Well, we lived in Louisville, we didn't use money on Saturday, so I never went to the Kentucky Derby That's a thing. Oh, so you didn't so you did not use electricity We use electricity, but we didn't use money. Yeah. Oh, so you want those Amish Jews? Well, we actually had it in a way so we would we're conservative it's like in between like reformed is like the nothing
Starting point is 00:26:02 You know lesbian rabbi group around grew up around mostly reformed. Yeah, yeah, they're the ones who are fucking putting, they're like, we're not Jews anyway, they put Christmas in there. And then there's Orthodox, which is, you know, the guys running around, not looking at you sweaty on the street. And we're in the middle,
Starting point is 00:26:17 so like the guys who look like they have somewhere to be, possibly a Jewish conspiracy. No, I don't scale. It doesn't help us that Hasid's always running like they're late to a meeting. But we were in the middle, so. We were in the middle, so we kept kosher in the house and then we didn't eat, we only ate dairy outside the house
Starting point is 00:26:37 at a restaurant, we didn't eat meat. Which is actually kinda harder than more, like religious Jews in New York wouldn't eat, they'd only eat at a kosher restaurant. But there were no kosher restaurants in Louisville, Kentucky, so I actually never ate meat at a restaurant ever. Right, still to this day? Oh no, I'm not an idiot, I don't believe it anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Yeah. Here's my question, you know Catholics, so Catholics, masturbating is a sin. So when they do it, they proverbially proverbially have to like fucking whip themselves, but it makes it really good. Like the Catholic girls I hooked up with, like I'm Greek Orthodox, so we don't have any of that shit. So our priest can marry, you can come, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:15 So all the Catholic girls I hooked up with, my wife doesn't watch this anymore, thank God. But it was fucking great. I always tell people like, the repression of religion is almost worth how hot it makes the sounds. Yeah, that's true. Religion is kind of like edging.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah, it's like edging, yeah. Religion is like the ultimate edging. It's like fucking edgy. So all the Irish girls, I just had this thing for Irish girls because they were just fucking Catholic and they were repressed and it was just hot. My question for the conservative Jews is,
Starting point is 00:27:45 Jewish girls are all whores. No, no, I'm going even further. Not further, but in a different direction. Was using electricity erotic because you couldn't? So when you hit the light switch, you're like, oh yeah, fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. I'm doing something fucking naughty. Well that, like using a vibrator on a girl. Yeah on Saturday
Starting point is 00:28:15 You're holding it you're holding it with it on you You're holding it with it on at 1159 on Saturday as soon as it hits 12 I was holding it with it on at 11.59 on Saturday. As soon as it hits 12, it's like, it's okay now. Yeah, that's what made it hot. No, I didn't eat uncultured meat till college. And this is true. I was in college, I had chicken in the cafeteria,
Starting point is 00:28:35 like uncultured chicken, and I woke up the next day with a cold sore. And then I like ate it again, and woke up with another cold sore, and then did another day, and then finally. I don't know, I think it was like guilt. Guys, freeze pipes are amazing. This is for your weed smokers.
Starting point is 00:28:52 OK, I guess you could put tobacco in there too. I mean, why not? But you know, the weed, the worst part of weed when you smoke weed is the coughing, the harsh pulls, tokes, whatever you want to call them. Hit this, hit, whatever you want to call it, on your bong, on your pipe. You get rid of that.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Freeze pipe has created their pipes to get rid of that, to make the smoking experience smooth and with painless. That's what you like. So, it doesn't have to hurt when you smoke weed. You don't gotta cough, dude. Upgrade to a freeze pipe today. Experience icy, smooth clouds without the throat burn, chest pain, coughing attacks, freeze pipes.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Make a unique line of freezeable pipes, bubblers, bongs, and more. That cool smoke by over 300 degrees. All you gotta do, and I've done it, they sent them to me, you take this freezeable glycerin chamber that comes on every piece. You pop one of those in the chamber, pop one of those, these chambers,
Starting point is 00:29:49 in the freezer for one hour, and as the smoke passes through, it's instantly chilled for a relaxing experience. No afterburn, no coughing. That's it. Put it in the freezer for one hour, then put it in, you're good. And the pipes are beautiful, glass, they're gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Like I said, you can put them in your living room and display them as tchotchkes. Visit thefreezepipe.com, use the code Janus right now for 10% off your entire order. That's thefreezepipe.com, code Janus for 10% off. Order today and get free shipping and say goodbye to harsh smoke forever. Jewish, the Jewish coaches, a lot of guilt in there
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah, yeah, it's a lot of the mothers really that's where it starts with the mothers. Yeah, and the mothers It's very similar in Greek culture. The mother really controls your life through guilt and it's great. Yeah. Yeah I hate it sociopathic. I feel it is and I feel like It's so it's made to be so folksy and culture. Like, ah, the overbearing mother. It's like, ah, but in reality, I'm like, no, I still feel like a child now at 40. This is not funny. This is like, upsetting.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Like, she still tells me what to do, and it makes me feel like I'm not ever an adult. And then I like, yeah, so it's not fun. Yeah, no, I've noticed that strong matriarchal, the mother is always like in the Jewish family, is like, dude, we've talked about this in the podcast before, but like, you know, my parents were lawyers and they had a lot of Jewish friends
Starting point is 00:31:17 and like my mother's best friend from law school was Jewish and her husband was like one of the biggest defense attorneys in the city at the time and The way she would talk to him Dude, it was at parties and this guy's like hanging out with drug dealers and getting like and When and then he's tough as nails in his profession and then watching his wife just put that down Stanley You need too much shrimp. Just fucking he just kind of of okay can we put the fucking air conditioner on here this is not I mean which just a little bus I mean look at we're dying over here dude I don't
Starting point is 00:31:57 cares it's a podcast we're not even in for are we gonna be in 4k at least this week no oh we didn't make the switch. No, yeah, but. But I don't think, oh no, it can't show up on 4K. You guys really wanna be seen in 4K? Yeah, I don't know. Not sweating like this. My mom once, I talked about this in therapy, it's just like an example of how like
Starting point is 00:32:17 nothing I can do is ever right. One Passover, I was like, I guess drinking a lot, wine, and she just kept on commenting like, you know, you're drinking way too much wine, way too much. You know, you should really slow down on the wine. And the next year I happened to quit drinking, and so I was in Passover, and I swear to God, she was like, you really need to slow down
Starting point is 00:32:35 on the grape juice. You're drinking way too much grape juice. There's a lot of sugar in it. I'm like, I can't win! You're like, oh, this wasn't about the wine. Just no matter what you do, they will find a fault. You asserting dominance over your child. Yeah, no, it's awful.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And then she's like, oh, I'm a Jewish mother. I'm just overbearing. I'm like, no, it's fucking psychotic. It's psychotic. Well, to play devil's advocate, how much fucking grape juice were you downing? That's probably a lot. And there was a lot of sugar.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Well, that's what makes it even worse is that she's kind of right. But that's the thing, my therapist has brought this up. Even if she's right, she's wrong in the sense that she's thinking she can tell me how to live my life. That took me a long time to realize, like, yeah, there's a lot of sugar in grape juice, but I'm an adult and I should be able to fucking pound.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Right. You know what I mean? It's my business what I do. It's my business, yeah. You no longer, I'm not in your house and you can't tell me what to do with the fucking grape juice. My therapist is very anti-mug. Just be happy it's not fucking Oxys, I'm a comedian.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Have you heard of the way Mitch Hedberg died? It could go that way, let me have a fucking grape juice. My therapist is very anti-parents, he's always like, when I tell him stuff, he's like, yeah, next time she says that, just tell her to shut the fuck up or mind your own goddamn. Sounds like we may have had the same therapist. Alad?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah. He's tougher. He's like, assert yourself. Just slap her and then leave the room. What's the big deal? I love him. Take out a switchblade and say, if you tell me how to do my business again,
Starting point is 00:33:59 I'll slit your fucking throat, you whore. I think therapy's really needed more for the mom issues than the dad issues. Yeah, well, Italian, Greek, Jewish, the mother's the patriarch. But you know, I mean, the mother's the head. But you know, in Ireland, it's I think the opposite. In Irish, the dad's. It's the priest. It's the father.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And the father. Yeah, you go and you go, which father? And then you go. Which awful father? The one in the house of God They go, all right, which father the one here for a couple years which father the one who hit you or the one who fucks Right the one who is never nice to you or the one who was kind of kind but only to fuck those two options First let's deal with the hits and then we'll deal with the other father my two fathers
Starting point is 00:34:44 But the Irish I think they let's deal with the hits and then we'll deal with the other father. My two fathers. But the Irish, I think they have to deal with the father. And then the mother's a little more quiet. I think so. You don't see the mother telling an Irish guy, you know, quiet, calm the fuck down. You're like, fucking everything's fine, Jesus, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Jim.
Starting point is 00:34:58 The mother's just like doing rogeries while her kid's getting beat, she's just fucking ignoring. It's all okay, everything's okay, push it down. Once we die, this will be over. Yeah, the Catholics, the Irish Catholics, don't pay attention to the problem, and then the Jews and the Greeks or Italians pay too much attention to the problem.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yes, that's a good point, we think about it too much. I do think, in the end of the day, it's probably healthier. I think Irish is a little, the most fucked up. Oh yeah. Right? Or the most impervious to growth. I'm speaking generalizations, but they deal with repression.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And the thing about repression is, that's gonna be harder than, we get it all out too much. I feel like repression's harder. I think you should get it out. Yeah, you should get it out. But I think should get it out. You should get it out. But I think they get it out another way by hitting their hitting their kids.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah, so that's therapeutic. In a way it's very, I mean it could work better. I call my It's cheaper for sure. Therapy's expensive. I guess a lot of things are, oh shit. How many times is my fucking phone gonna fall? Like one thing I have anxiety, one thing I do to like,
Starting point is 00:36:05 you know, get it out is I'll have horrible panic attacks and then I'm very calm. After a while. The panic attacks almost like the repression religion sometimes are worth it for how calm you feel afterwards. It is good, it is good. It's after your body goes fine, realizes everything's fine. It's kind of heavy.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah. Because a panic attack is anxiety just slowly building for like a year. And you just go, it's like getting a negative age result yeah they're all tense they leave like I mean I've cut my arm the whole time but not to say Jesus Christ you're not cutting are you cuz I can't I can relate to the anxiety I don't know if I can relate to the cutting. No, I'm joking. But the cutting, I don't, is that?
Starting point is 00:36:48 I like how it suddenly got serious. Yeah. We've been riffing the whole time. You're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Well, I mean, that is a little bit of a curve ball. You're like, yeah, I was having this panic attack and then I held the knife to my arm. Anyway, fucking Jewish mothers, right?
Starting point is 00:37:02 It's like, wait a second, back up. Are you okay? I did go to the ER once for a panic attack Fucking rookie. I know it was actually twice. That's my cheers. It was actually twice. I'm trying to look cool There's been months I've got twice It's tough though with ER cuz like you have to wait a while and then you're just kind of thinking like well by the Time I get seen this panic attack will be fucking over. Have you noticed that once you get into the hospital it starts to go away? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:37:30 You're like, all right, this is ridiculous. And then you almost have to fake that it's still happening in order to like be like, yeah, I'm still having a panic attack. They look at your blood pressure, they're like, it's fine. It's like you're calling your own bluff. You go to the ER, you're like, I'm dying, I'm dying. And then you go, cause deep down, down you know it's a panic attack. So you go in there and then you're like, all right. Like you see one guy shot and you're like, all right, maybe I shouldn't be here.
Starting point is 00:37:53 But then you can't leave, that looks weird. No, it's a serious thing. It's physical, what happens to you. I know all about the- You get a lot of panic, huh? Yeah, me too. Dude, I've been dealing with it for years. I've been, these past couple years, I've been on such a journey to understand all that.
Starting point is 00:38:13 The more I understand, the more I learn about it, the more they know so much more about it. The brain works and the amygdala and the fight or flight response and your subconscious. It usually just goes back to when you were a kid you didn't feel safe someone nobody contained your fear there was nobody there while your brain was developing and that's why I feel so out of your control because it's your subconscious it's right your brain is basically only evolved for the most part to be a survival app right right so it's like your subconscious is getting triggers
Starting point is 00:38:44 that you're not aware of that remind you of a time where you were felt unsafe and nobody contained it. People who have good parents will go, what's wrong? And then explain it to you and then as your brain's developing you go, oh that's fine. But then when you get older and you realize you were neglected in those ways, that's not solved. That's so true.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I had really awful panic attacks when I was younger. Well, A, I didn't even know what they were, but my parents, no one ever, I didn't know they were panic attacks. That's what made it, if I would've gotten help then, but instead of getting help, I just thought I had this horrible condition I kept to myself.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Also, it's hard to get help when you're little because you don't know. I didn't know what it was. And also, you can't have a therapist tell you when you're young, this is the complicated part, like, hey, your mother might be the problem. And then you're like, I don't know. You can't cover your kids. And also you can't have a therapist tell you when you're young, this is the complicated part, like hey, your mother might be the problem. And then you're like, I gotta live with this bitch for 25 more years.
Starting point is 00:39:30 That does better once you've left. Exactly. That's why. That's why the defense mechanisms kick in and you just go with those defense mechanisms. Some people's personalities become those defense mechanisms. That's a good point though.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Therapy now is all like, we don't live with our parents, so we're allowed to like, have the resentment or the war, but like, if you're a kid doing therapy, that must really fuck with you if the therapist is like, yeah, your mother's really fucking up your life. Now go home and be with her forever. Yeah, that's a tough one, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Which would feel like, you know how slow time moves when you're little? Yeah, I'll bet. Like, I gotta live with this bitch til I'm 18? Yeah, that's, yeah. You gotta wait till you leave the house. And here's the thing. You gotta wait till you leave the house till you learn the truth.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Some people shouldn't have kids. Some people just were not. Parenting, now that I'm a father, parenting is a job that you can do well or do bad. You can do it bad. And it gives you, you have these moral consequences you didn't have when you didn't have kids. Like if you don't have kids,
Starting point is 00:40:23 you can just be an asshole and it's fine. But with a kid, that asshole is now like, that shit can ramp up to evil real quick. So it's like, there's so many moral consequences that you don't have before you have a kid. I mean, it is funny to think about, I feel like we're probably similar age. Our parents' generation, I feel like you're probably similar age. Sure. But our- Why not? Our parents generation, I feel like-
Starting point is 00:40:48 That's one of the great parts about looking a lot younger than I am. Sure, sounds about right. What are you, 30-something? Sounds good. No, I'm old. What are you? I'm 40.
Starting point is 00:40:57 That's old? How old are you? Are you- I'm 40! I just turned 40. I'm older than 40. All right, well you look great. When did you start comedy?
Starting point is 00:41:09 15, 16 years ago. Let's turn this into fucking morning radio right now. Yeah. When did you know you were funny? That's about right. So 14 years, 17 years. Because you're really funny. And you're really funny.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And you got that like fucking smart like oh Not only is this funny and is a funny vehicle because you're comedically built So it comes out funny, but the jokes are also like ah that's a good joke. Ah, that's a good joke Oh, this is like thanks man. What good stuff. I love your stuff. I always always excited We got to blow each other a little bit but it's interesting both of us I feel like you make a lot of... Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We gotta blow each other a little bit. But it is interesting, like both of us, I feel like, are fairly confident on stage, or at least fairly energetic,
Starting point is 00:41:53 which is interesting because we have panic. Yeah. So it's like, it is interesting. You ever have one on stage yet? Yeah, yeah. I had it. Yeah, all the time. No, I had, I got all... You ever get a carted out or a stretcher at one? Did you?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Oh yeah, I got your beat, though. stretcher at one did you oh, yeah Really? Wait wait. Oh, yeah, what happened? Oh, yeah fucking Providence, Rhode Island. What happened the comedy connection you you like I went up And I was like I'm gonna faint I'm going down. This is it and then it just didn't go away and but you didn't faint I didn't faint but I get carried out of the I get carried out of the comedy club at a stretcher Like you called the ambulance afterwards. They call they were election. We call the ambulance. Are you diabetic? I'm like, I don't know at this point Oh, you said it on there. Yeah, I was on stage. I got up there. I was up there for ten seconds and I went Okay, I'd somebody I'm just feeling a little light has anyone have a chicken finger And I was like maybe I need some water and then I was like, I'm gonna bring the host
Starting point is 00:42:43 We didn't know it was a panic attack. I knew, but you know, when you're in that part of your brain, you're just, you know. And I wasn't in therapy at this point, so I had no tools. So I was just like, yeah, then you get carried out in the stretcher. And let me tell you something. New England is the worst place for that to happen to you.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Because when they're checking, they're all assholes, they're all massholes. You get called queer. Yeah, they're just like, they check your fucking, they check your heart rate, they check your blood temperature, and they know nothing's wrong with you. And so the whole ambulance ride
Starting point is 00:43:10 was them just fucking with me. Look, there's fucking queer over here. They were going so. It was a pussy panic attack. Was this your first night doing comedy? Was the fucking crowd rough, kid? People don't get that. The panic attacks don't start at the beginning of comedy.
Starting point is 00:43:24 They start later, I think. Like, I feel like, for me, that's crazy, by the way. So how much time do you do on stage? 15 seconds. They canceled the whole weekend. Oh my God. Looking back, it was like, my dad was dying of cancer. Oh yeah, I'm sorry to hear that.
Starting point is 00:43:41 My dad, my mother was Alzheimer's, we just put her in a fucking home and that was a whole thing She's a borderline personality disorder. Oh my god. So that was a whole fucking thing What else had just happened Angelo just died? Dave just got murdered Another friend I can't say on the pocket. I mean it was just a time I like and you're just dealing with it, and then you continue to live, and then your body just goes,
Starting point is 00:44:07 hey dude, we're not gonna let you pretend things are okay right now. And you're going, I gotta make other people happy. And I'm like, you're broken. And in hindsight, you're like, oh, of course that's what's gonna happen. Of course that's what happened, yeah. Yeah, that's really, I mean, that's awful.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I actually, I think I started getting anxiety around the time my dad, he's still alive, but he had cancer when I was younger, or he still does, and I got a lot of, I zyde around the time my dad he still lied But he had cancer when I was younger or he still does and I got a lot of I think was around that time But um I that's that's crazy that you really do very few people tend to Be jealous with me and jealous Joe's Liz. I'm like your anxiety is fucking Intramurals compared to mine. I mean that's just say that sentence is crazy Yeah, cuz Joe has a lot, but I mean mine has been crazy. And I also, I got shot, I have PTSD. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And now I know that, you know, my mother lived under occupied Nazi Germany. Something bad happened to her, my therapist. Oh, shit. You know, my mother was born on the island of Crete, and that was like a major occupation for the Nazis. Uh-huh. So she was a little girl. And then my father was a generational trauma.
Starting point is 00:45:04 My father actually had PTSD, like he spent time in a hospital. she was a little girl. And then my father was a, my father actually had PTSD, like he spent time in a hospital. He was a combat veteran. So that shit just gets passed down. They know that now too. They know that now about intergenerational trauma. It's totally true, they do studies on it. It's fucking biological, it's chemical,
Starting point is 00:45:18 it just gets in you. And also being raised by people with PTSD is like a, well that's how it gets down. It's just the myrrh neurons. So there's this thing called myrrh neurons that they know about now, which is this is one that. That's how it gets down. It's just the mirror neurons. So there's this thing called mirror neurons that they know about now, which is, this is one of the most mind blowing things to me. It's one of those instinctual animal things
Starting point is 00:45:31 that your caregiver, before you're conscious, you're a helpless kid. So there's some instinct that humans have, the human animal, where your neurons just match up unconsciously with the neurons of, they just match up. Your brain is actually making the connections that they're seeing. It's some mystical, it's not mystical,
Starting point is 00:45:56 it's fucking instinct. But it's like you're connected on some mental level. You're forming, so your brain's just going, this is my caregiver, and it's just making the same connections. You're just becoming like your parents's just going, this is my caregiver, and it's just making the same connections, you're just becoming like your parents. It feels like such an alien. Yeah, they're like, this is how you do something,
Starting point is 00:46:10 and then your brain just goes, this is all I know. My caregiver told me, and then your brain, and it's not even conscious, it's not said, it's just they're called mirror neurons, where the neurons actually mirror the neurons in your caregiver. Wow, so it is like, it's not just how you're raised. It's like through the, wow.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah, so when people say genetic, it's like that too, but that is just as powerful as genes. It's just the mirror neurons when you're little. The first five years are the most, they know this now, the first five years are the most important, and then there's a pre-verbal trauma a lot of people don't even know, because it was before you could talk,
Starting point is 00:46:43 but you just didn't feel safe, so your body just was in a panic, like your mom left you in a crib or whatever it was. Oh my God, when I think of my mom's anxiety. And then the brain fully develops till 25. Yeah, when I think of my mom's anxiety and thinking I was fucking mirroring that fucking crazy person.
Starting point is 00:46:58 You were. You were. There's no way you weren't. I was just mirroring complete stress at all times. This is how I should view the world. Just never, unable to ever be calm. It's fucked. Because we're like versions of our parents, you know, it's like, yeah, we take their shit.
Starting point is 00:47:17 We just, we get their good shit, their bad shit, we just get their shit. How old is your kid now? My kid is one and my other kid is gonna be four. You see an anxiety in your kid, like the four year old that you can relate to? This is just been the best. I've really dialed in on,
Starting point is 00:47:37 I have a trauma therapist now who specializes in EMDR and stuff. Oh great, my girlfriend's a therapist who specializes in that. Oh she does? Yeah, EMDR. It's fucking incredible. No, she's done it to me, it's very helpful. It's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:49 So, and I've been just all in this, and so I've just been bringing that to my kids. Not in an overbearing way, just in awareness. So like I'm constantly just like, paying attention to them and asking them how they feel. And when I see she gets a tantrum or whatever I'm just patient with it. I explain things to her. I just let her know I told this to Jesse and I think it's like It's not being a parent a good parent. I don't think is rocket science. I think the most important thing is you give the kid the message
Starting point is 00:48:19 Through your joy and happiness that you wanted them here and that they're more important than you and you care about them and so you giving them that safety to know like you're not a burden to me. Even when you're throwing a panic attack, I can handle this, I asked for you to be here, I'm gonna put the time in for that and you're important to me. And that's all you gotta do for a kid
Starting point is 00:48:43 and they just, their nervous system is just, I can see how happy my kids are because their nervous system is just a lot calmer than mine probably was, dealing with two parents who couldn't cope. My parents were like trying to, they were both immigrants, right, making it in America alone, so that's enough stress.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And then they're carrying all that trauma from war. And then they're like, there's a crying baby in the other room. So they were like managing that inside and then being like, fucking that trauma from war, and then they're like, there's a crying baby in the other room. So they were like managing that inside and then being like, fucking shut up, you know? Right, right, yeah. And then you feel like a burden or something. Or you feel like your emotions are fucking things up.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Yeah, and here's another thing that they know too, is that so when your parent is neglectful or abusive, that you don't have the capacity as a kid to go, my mother is abusive or neglectful or messed up or whatever it is, you go, there's something wrong with me. Yeah, you go, I'm an asshole. You go, I'm an, because that's the affection you're trying to get.
Starting point is 00:49:36 So if the message is you're not getting it, even if you don't understand it, you couldn't articulate it because you're not old enough, you feel it, and so you just go, you just internalize it. You go, there's something wrong with me, it's gotta be somewhere. And so people who don't have confidence or hate themselves, their parents fucking did that to them.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I still do that. I don't, I feel the need. It's good for comedy. Yeah, it's good, yeah. But I feel the need to like, I don't have boundaries. I feel the need to always please people. And I feel like when I have my own needs, I feel selfish. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You know, which I think is something my mom may have. I bet you your girlfriend appreciates that 100% when you're eating that pussy. And you're guilty, like you did too much for me. Let me, if I was her as a therapist, and she knew all that mind shit, I'd be like, I'm gonna fucking milk this. He's a people pleaser, guess what?
Starting point is 00:50:21 Pussy needs a lapping. No one eats out better than a fat guy who comes early With mommy issues who wants my leaves was to please a Recreation and with that nobody eats pussy better than a self-hating edible low self-esteem Neglected kid. Yeah, I think that's who you want to get ladies. Yeah, that you wanna get ladies. Yeah, I was raised right in that way. You were raised right for eating pussy. I was raised right for eating pussy.
Starting point is 00:50:50 You got a great podcast with the great Joe Les. Joe Les is one of my favorite people. One of those guys. He had a panic attack on Conan. Yeah, he did, that's right, yeah. Yeah, you can't really notice it. No. That's the thing, I never had,
Starting point is 00:51:05 I had panic attacks on stage, but I never, I've never brought it up, so I guess I went through it. For me, panic attacks on stage are like, you know when you're really high, if you're ever high on weed and you're freaking out, but outside it just looks totally normal. That's what weed does. Weed, like other drugs, you think you're normal,
Starting point is 00:51:24 but you're like, ugh. But weed, all those guys on the street like this, they think they're just like totally normal. That's what weed does. Weed, like other drugs, you think you're normal, but you're like, ugh. But weed, like all those guys on the street like this, they think they're just like, but like, they think they're just like, hi. But weed makes you think you're losing your mind and your head, but then on the outside, you're like, hey, how's it going? That's how it was with me.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I'd have these horrible panic attacks on stage and no one could notice, which actually made it kind of sadder. Like I'd be. You probably just sweated a little bit. I always do that. Yes, they could tell anyway, yeah. So yeah, definitely couldn't be noticed.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And it would be awful, I wouldn't have fun. It'd be awful. And afterwards I come on stage and be like, did you know, man, that was awful. And they're like, no, it was fine. And that made it sadder. It's like, God, I'm so alone. No one even notices my despair.
Starting point is 00:52:07 But it makes you more compassionate, I think, having anxiety, because it makes you realize, you look at other people sometimes, even though they seem normal right now, they might be having a nightmare going on in their head. So it makes you at least more aware that people are having nightmares in their head that aren't being reflected or expressed. And just to piggyback off that,
Starting point is 00:52:24 I think it makes you more empathetic. It's an indication that you're more empathetic to begin with. Because I think you're having the panic attacks because you're someone who's sensitive and feels. So I think that's just, that's par for the course at the beginning of the panic attacks because you're just feeling a lot of shit.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah, and it's so- The sociopats just have no panic attacks. They don't have it, yeah. Let's think about Sopranos. I don't know if he'd be having panic attacks, because you're just feeling a lot of shit. Yeah, and it's so. Psychopaths just have no panic attacks. They don't have it, yeah. Let's think about Sopranos. I don't know if he'd be having panic attacks. Yeah, yeah. Well, he's probably more of a sociopath. They have feelings.
Starting point is 00:52:55 It's a complicated way, you know, whatever. They'll probably change it in five years. But yeah, it's an interesting thing to think. Are we really free, or are psychopaths the freest ones? I don't think any of us are free. Psychopaths are pretty free. No, but like. They don't feel anything.
Starting point is 00:53:11 But they don't have the freedom to feel. That's like a shame. That's pretty free. I mean, have you ever had feelings for a chick you broke up with and you're like, I wish I could be free of this? Psychopaths are going like. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:22 They go, woe is you, buddy. Right, it does. I have thought like, you posted the Iceman the other day. Yeah. And I love the Iceman. I got obsessed with him. Yeah. And I used to do Adderall and I ended up writing like a.
Starting point is 00:53:34 By the way, he's not talking about Gervin. You're not talking about the guy with finger rolls. Oh. Yeah, there's another Iceman. If you're a basketball aficionado, there's another Iceman. I'm not. I'm talking about the Hitman. You're talking about the one that kills people, yeah. I mean, he're a basketball aficionado. I'm not I'm talking about the hit man
Starting point is 00:53:48 He has a lot of scores but he uh well, what I can say Oh like it does make you think like if anyone like like you can be really calm as a psychopath because it like for us If someone like is rude to us, we can't murder them. So we just bitch about it We're just fucking guy cut me off. It's fucking bullshit. But for psychopathic and just be like, well, it's fine I'll just kill him. Yeah, no, they just go to his house and strangle him. It's okay They don't care if you like them. They don't care. It's like very calm. Yeah, they don't they don't feel it's nice to kill People who upset you. Yeah, cuz when you can't you just complain. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:20 Really annoying like I wish you just killed the guy. Yeah, and meanwhile, other guys, psychopaths are like, no, everything's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Psychopaths fascinated, I had a while where I was obsessed with the, oh, he's great, Kuglinski. I wrote a, tried to write a book about him. I just got like obsessed with him. I read like all his stuff and I don't know, I just.
Starting point is 00:54:38 What was the source of the, what was the inspiration for the obsession? He's so poetic. He has such good lines like the way he talks I never picked up on that when he's like I'm trying to remember like so the rats were eating her face That line poetic when you come to think of it is very thorough s No, he had like he just had a I don't know He had a way of saying lines that were like, very cinematic to me.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And he was just an interesting guy. His life was interesting. But I do remember in the book or one of the documentaries, he talks about how he got a weapon. It's fucked up, but also very funny. He got a weapon like a crossbow, and he wanted to test it out before he did a hit. So he just drove up to a homeless guy
Starting point is 00:55:26 and just shot it through his neck. And I'm like, oh, so him testing out was killing someone. For you to see testing out would be like. It works. It works. But you just did the deal. Yeah, like, oh, I guess I forgot about that part. Yeah, it works.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Well, anyway, it works. Now, he lied about a lot of stuff, unfortunately. Yeah, I heard that. He lied, but that's what psychopaths do. They fucking lie and lie and lie. Well, that was, do you watch the Jinx or Robert Deust? I did. We did a whole episode.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I am obsessed with him. Someone was, I'm almost done with the second season. Did you watch the follow-up, the new one that came out? I'm almost done with that, yeah. So, people don't know how great it is because they think it's not as good as the first one, but it's great for different reasons. It's actually better. It's actually kind of crazy. It's like the first one was so phenomenal. And then you watch the second one, you're like, oh, this second one needed to happen. Yeah. Like it actually feels like it actually like,
Starting point is 00:56:16 but there was one part where they're like that got that hilarious lawyer who seems like a coach of a high school football team. The guy who's the prosecution guy. He's like, we guys he's like we're gonna you know but he talked about him being a pathological liar and I'm like well is he a pathological liar I think he's a murderer who that has to lie the consequence of his yeah I think it's more the murdering it's just I think it's more that it's very hard to be an honest murder so I don't know if that's pathological. I feel like pathological lying is me just being like, I was in India last week and I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I feel like him being like, yeah, I showed up to Susan Berman's house, she was already dead. That's not like lying for no reason. Are you at towards the end? I got one more episode, it's great. Yeah, the last one is, is there's a comical moment I won't ruin it for you the whole thing the second season fucking hilarious It's there's a lot of funny in there his voice. He starts sounding like Jiminy Glick. It just gets so high. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:16 Hide my money I His whole his whole way of getting out of it. I find so funny when he's like look I wouldn't believe it myself Yeah, if I was me I would think I'm the killer Yeah, I was there the fingerprints I cut the one of the bodies up on the body. I just didn't do Yeah, I believe it too, but I did it I believe it too, but I didn't. But I didn't do it. It's amazing he got away with it, Sue,
Starting point is 00:57:47 for a long time just by saying I didn't do it. It's incredible what you could do with money and power. Yeah, he's such a hilarious character because it's also funny that he's like his one man mafia. Yeah. He works like the mob, but it's just one guy. He's like, we've got to silence her, but it's just one guy. He's like, we gotta silence her, but it's just him? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:06 It's just him alone. It's just him walking, going to California, going to her house. But it's like, it's like total mob, like, all right, we killed her. Yeah, to silence her, but I did it alone. But it's like, he has no one to talk, it's kind of sad, at least the mob is a community.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Well, he had, then he got that check. Yeah, I have a feeling that's the last episode, I assume. She seems like the worst person ever. I assume she becomes pretty complicit by the last episode. She gets everything she wants. She's the one who kinda wins. She's such an ice cold bitch. She's so fucking cold, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:37 She's one letter away from Charlton. Her last name's like Shar-a-ton. Yeah, she is an interesting character. She is so cold. She's interesting. Also, they're all Jews. This is not the best time. Jews aren't a bad place,
Starting point is 00:58:48 and then in this fucking documentary of. Yeah, yeah, we probably should have brought up a better, who's a great, how about Hank Greenberg? Yeah, he's a great show. For every Anne Frank, there's a Jeffrey Epstein. We do both, we do both very well. Yeah. Hank Greenberg, that's a deep cut. Hank Greenberg, dude, could hit the shit out of the ball. Sandy Koufax. We do both very well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And Greenberg, that's a deep cut. And deep fucking Greenberg, dude. Could hit some shit on the ball. Sandy Koufax. Sandy Koufax, a lot of people said. And that's it. He was like, yeah, that's it, right there. Oh no, don't forget about Daniel Shays. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:59:17 Who was that? Daniel Shays? Goggles? No, bad hoops. Daniel Shays? Hoops, Phoenix? No. Danny Shays?
Starting point is 00:59:23 Danny Shays, what? Jewish basketball player. 80s? 90s. Early 90s, late 80s, Danny Shays? Hoops? Phoenix? Danny Shays? Jewish basketball player. Early 90s, late 80s, Danny Shays? Isn't there a Jewish basketball player now in the NBA? Julian Edelman really was great for the Jewish athlete. Right, right, right. He was a Jewish guy who was incredible. He's the one, he did a pod with Sam, right? He did.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Yeah, yeah. Let's think about some Jewish athletes. There's gotta be some chess players. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha Uh, I actually don't know. Let's pull it up. Maybe we can pull it up. I mean, I think that, I mean, Hank Greenberg, Sandy Koufax are the big ones.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Well, Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax are big ones. Those guys were hall of famers. Amari Stoudemire. You got Amari Stoudemire. Oh, yeah. I've converted. Bobby Fischer, are they Jewish or anti-Semitic. I can't remember which for chess.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Ryan Braun, baseball player. Dude, that's a great one. That's a great one. I mean, she was, you know, we. Sue Bird. Sue Bird, she's one of the best basketball players of all time. Oh, we had someone on the Storm?
Starting point is 01:00:18 Oh, hell yeah. Look at this, Sean Green. He was also of the tribe. I mean, it's not great that. Dick Savitt, tennis player. It's not great that fourth were already going to the WNBA, but. That's not great.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I don't know. It's a lot of baseball. A lot of unathletic. Hank Greenberg, Melissa. Yeah, here's a good one, Jason Lezak. Oh yeah. He's an Olympic swimmer, that's big. And then you got a bunch of wrestlers.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I don't know if you, yeah, the Jewish. I don't know if we go back up with the swimming. I don't know if I'm more surprised by the Jew or the black guy in the pool. I'm gonna have to go black up with the swimming. I don't know if I'm more surprised by the Jew or the black guy in The pool. I'm gonna have to go black guy in the pool on that one. Oh Look at this Marshall Marshall Goldberg. We've gone from the WMBA to the 1930s Hey Greenberg WBA and 1812 the first baseball game and then before blacks could play Bernstein's a drag racer
Starting point is 01:01:09 Look at that racer. Yeah. Oh look Max bear a boxer. He looks like a tough guy No, that room. Yeah Wait max bit max bear. I Think you is he the guy in Cinderella, man? Could be the guy who he fights could be I think that guy was called like the bear How the fuck do you turn off these notifications on your goddamn? I watch I just got an Apple Yeah, and I don't know how to do it. I'm gonna turn them all off soon. Yeah, I hate this Look at that Marty Hogan
Starting point is 01:01:37 Ron mix a lot of guys you never heard of Barney Ross boxer Lenny, Lenny Kreiselberg. That's another Olympian though, dude. Gold. He's a gold medal swimmer. There he is. Dolph Shays. I said Danny Shays, Dolph Shays. Oh no, I think Danny Shays was Dolph Shays' son. Yeah. That's so funny when they scroll. It would be so funny if they scroll it was so funny this girl down as someone's holding him up Then we got Agnes Coletti daratores so funny that's what said lock me to the Chicago base All swimmers a lot of swimmers and a lot of baseball players Hank Greenberg. There you go. Look at that Hall of Fame Weer one of the best hitters of all time MVP You want an MVP? Sandy Koufax one of the best pitchers of all time didn't have a long career either
Starting point is 01:02:29 He hurt himself hurt himself and he would never play on Saturday. Was that fuck shit up? He didn't play in a World Series game Yeah, I didn't play like crazy. Yeah, that's commitment. That's fucking commitment commitment to something not real I mean, I don't know dude Something not real. That's commitment, yeah. I mean, I don't know, dude. I've become, I don't know if I believe in the God, like the dogma, but I do believe in karma. Sure.
Starting point is 01:02:53 100%, not 90%. 100%. I would say like it's part of the fabric of like whatever this fucking game is for like the highest evolved, I don't know what the fuck it is, but I've never not experienced it when I've done something wrong.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And I've never not seen it happen for someone who deserved it. Sometimes you gotta take a long time. It's a weird thing. When it's happened to me, I've known it. It's never not happened. What's the old Martin Luther King, the arc of the universe is towards justice or whatever?
Starting point is 01:03:24 At this point in my age, at this point in my life, at my age, I'm certain of it, like two plus two equals four. Yeah, there's a great joke, I forget the standup's name, but he said, yeah, I believe in karma. Karma's definitely real. I was riding my bike and I knocked over this car's rear view mirror and I was like, you must have done something really bad to deserve that.
Starting point is 01:03:42 You know, it's funny the Indians have that. It's an Indian. The India, I think it's, I think. They got really bad karma there. I think they came up with that. Oh, you mean that not the Native Americans? No, no, not those Indians. It's funny that we just still call them Indians.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I know, I guess that was me just assuming you meant the wrong one. No, because Christopher Columbus was like, they're brown, they're fucking, those gotta be Indians. He thought he was in India. Yeah, he thought he was in India. I mean, frankly for him, it's be Indians. He thought he was in India. Yeah, he thought he was in India. I mean, frankly for him, it's not that bad of a mistake. I mean, listen, dude, he gave him a name.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah. Well, how the fuck is he supposed to know where he is? He's not supposed to know. He was looking based on the stars. There was no, he's like, it's really disrespectfully called them Indians. Dude, they didn't even call themselves Native Americans. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Yeah, it hadn't even been called America yet. So what were they gonna call them, by their chief names? I mean, come on. By their actual tribal been called America yet. So what were they going to call them by their chief names? I mean, come on. By their actual tribal names. Come on. And what would they do? Dude, they had tobacco there and they had all this stuff. Well, we not going to take it. They had tomatoes. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you ask an Italian now, look, because you know, the tomato came from America. I had no idea. So for thousands of years, Italians were not eating sauce.
Starting point is 01:04:41 The fuck, really? Yeah. So like after you find out they got the tomatoes, how do you not take the place? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How do you go, you guys keep this? Yeah, you can't, yeah. After you fucking have a little, a bowl of dates? I didn't know about the, I support the genocide now. I didn't know about the tomato.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I too support the genocide. I didn't know. Check out the special right now. Again, the details are. It's called Brave, it's on YouTube. If you don't wanna type in my name, which is difficult You can just go to this email. I'm not email this website go to www.bravespecial.com
Starting point is 01:05:14 It'll take you right to the video watch it now, you know Yeah, and you also have another special up there they can check out a couple specials on YouTube It's worth the watch if you're a comedy fan check it out Also watch his podcast with Joe list you guys still doing that the movie stuff. Yeah, we did well yesterday Yeah, so check out that what's that called again? Joe and Ron on talks of movies. Joe Joe has a kid now So every movie watches he just cries and then we talk about that You would he's like Godzilla. You don't know you don't know how until you've had a kid You don't understand how moving Godzilla minus one is Just a great movie by the way. A masterpiece, I saw it the other day.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Yeah, well dude this was great. Oh so much fun, I'm so glad we got to do this. Thanks for coming down. Of course man. Check out those specials, the new one, and then go back and watch the previous ones. Peace. Special shout out to exclusiveautoshipping.com.
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Starting point is 01:09:02 PCB Tech R. They just sent us, dude. Oh yeah? yeah. Yeah, where we got these dudes are the real deal man What are we looking at? Look at what we're looking at dude PCB dot art. I Mean, I'm sorry Yeah, he should be tech. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, yeah PCB Tech art See when you send me shit you get a longer fucking promo. This is like one of those unwrapping videos. Yeah. Fuck did you wrap this in? Look at that, the honest pepper sour. What is that, let me see.
Starting point is 01:09:32 So you can just spray paint over it or you can fucking put your dick on it, whatever you wanna do. Oh yeah, put your dick in it. That's like a stencil? Yeah, it's like a stencil. You can stencil your dick with it. Yeah, you can stencil your dick with it.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yeah, I guess you can make that into whatever you want. We can spray paint it, right? Yeah. Yeah, explain to us what this stuff is. I'm still having trouble with that first thing now. Now here's all the stuff he's made. Okay, what are we looking at here? Oh, look at these cards, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Wait, talking to the mic, yeah. What do we got? Look at these cards, these are their cards. Chase Allen. Ooh, you could cut up some lines with those. Look at that, dude, you could cut up lines with this business card, it's got a microchip in it. I don't know exactly what this is.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Is it a metal business card? Professional engineering consultants. You guys do any hacking? Let's talk. I'm experienced in space, defense, and automotive industries. Oh, they do some shit. I actually may wanna space, defense, and automotive industries. Oh, they do some shit. I actually may want to talk to them.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Yeah. PCB Tech Art, I'm gonna DM you actually. And look at that, dude. NASA, they made that for NASA. Check that out. These guys are real deal. Yeah, and then they made some fun stuff for this golf club you know key
Starting point is 01:10:48 chains ball chains put your dick in them a lot of shit to put your dick in so I'm giving them a tagline they didn't want microchips this is egghead stuff but these are like a is like a ball chain or whatever. Key chain? Yeah, key chain thing. With microchips? Very cool. Give us some more copies.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Oh look, Kim Dillon, look at this shit. Oh, you did some for Tim? Yeah, dude, he can do this for us. Should we just have him do some shit? Pretty sweet. Yeah, I'm just gonna pay you to do some shit and then we'll sell him. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Yeah, look at that, the Tim Dillon show. That's very fucking cool. Very cool, so PCB Tech art You can check them on Instagram PCB te chart Wait, you get that wrong. We'd say no PCB tech. Oh At PCB tech art, yeah, there it is So go take a look on Instagram
Starting point is 01:11:46 or you can go to PCBTechArt.com, 10% off your order, with the code YANIS10. Consultations, prototyping, 3D printing services, key chains, ball markers, ball tags. Hit me up, DM me, and tell me what all this is. It's marketing swag. We're gonna get, let's make some shit. What should we do?
Starting point is 01:12:06 T-shirts? Do they do t-shirts? Let's definitely do t-shirts. It's all metal. These dudes work in metal. Yeah, but they do t-shirts too, right? I think, yeah. Who does t-shirts?
Starting point is 01:12:15 Let's get some fuckin' t-shirts made. How about some fuckin' ball markers? I mean, whatever. Dude, you wanna, let's, how about fuckin' keychains? A Yanis Papasour keychain. Sure. Or whatever the fuck you guys do, let's make it. It's ball, you know, let's have a fucking key chain. It's a Yanis Papasour key chain. Or whatever the fuck you guys do, let's make it. It's ball, you know, fucking ball holders.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Something to put your dick in. Yeah, somebody needs to make a bra for balls because I need one. All right, what else we got? That's it.

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