Yannis Pappas Hour - Four Party System

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

Yanni recaps the week in current events again with a hint of lemon. Is there a difference between undocumented and illegal migrants? Also, the National Guard in the subway, a recap of the movie starri...ng Emma Stone, "Poor Things," and the split in the parties that has formed four political parties. Join our bonus channel for our berserk and uncensored weekly bonus episodes: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Ticket links for his live stand up dates in your city: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/shows Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? First, I want to say go to patreon.com slash januspapasour for our weekly bonus episodes. It's only five bucks a month, and satisfaction will be guaranteed. Ask the people who are part of the Fediverse. I'm in Denver right now this weekend. Go check me out if you're there. Toronto next, March 23rd at the Royal Theater. Show added.
Starting point is 00:00:18 First show sold out. Few tickets left for the second show. Then I'm in Cleveland March 29th through 30th. Tulsa April 5th through 6th. Kansas City April 11th through 13th, Los Angeles at the Netflix is a Joke Festival May 2nd, Rally Improv May 17th through 18th. Just announced I will be at Haraz in Atlantic City, Haraz in Atlantic City June 22nd. Get those tickets now, GiannisPappasComedy.com. Then we got Dania Beach, Tacoma,
Starting point is 00:00:48 Brea, West Nyack, and Brookfield coming up later. Get your tickets. GiannisPappasComedy.com. Now enjoy this app. Hello, everybody. My name is Giannis Pappas.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You are watching the Giannis Pappas Hour. Most of you know this. A few of you clicked on this and went, what is this? Well, I say stick around. If you like a weekly recap of the news mixed with a comedian's input, then this is the show for you. No sacred cows and a little bit of Zin, just because everyone loves Zin right now, especially my nicotine addiction. A lot of important things to get to this week. Most importantly, I will start with the most important news, that Airbnb has finally banned cameras in Airbnbs, which I didn't know was a thing.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I guess there's tons of footage of me whacking off in somebody's bedroom. What can you do? So this is good news for people who want to go down on their pet goldfish in bedrooms and who want to shower without being looked at. I had no idea this was a thing, but apparently you were allowed to have cameras in common areas as if someone's going to really designate when they're in somebody else's house, whether they're going to jerk off in the bedroom or the living room. It's a lot more exciting when you go raw daddy butt to leather on the living room couch nobody likes to do it in the bed you can do it in bed in your at home everyone likes to stand up on the counter and jerk off down
Starting point is 00:02:16 onto the floor that's what makes staying at an airbnb exciting and then just hoping you get a five-star rating so you can giggle and now now there's jizz on the floor for the next people. Because have you met people? People are always going to do bad things, including make stand-up shows without audiences. Just a call back to our Patreon, patreon.com slash janispapasour. I guarantee satisfaction if you come to our bonus episodes, people. What else is going on?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Victims of Catholic nuns, quote unquote, rely on each other in clergy abuse because they feel like they've been overlooked. Boo-hoo. Can I say boo-hoo?
Starting point is 00:03:02 What happened? What happened? A nun hit your knuckles with a ruler? Try getting **** by a guy with a pale face and posh marks who calls himself dad with a white collar on and says this is best for your religious education. Your knuckles are going to recover. But getting popped, getting popped, getting popped in the butt is going to leave a bigger mark. So boo-hoo, the nun yelled at you. I don't want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:03:31 It's a lot different. I mean, the difference between abuse from a priest and a nun, I'll take abuse from a nun. But I hear you. Get a payout because the Catholic Church has got deep coffers of money. So listen, I got yelled at by a nun one time in the street. I'm suing too. Haiti, I have to cancel my vacation tickets to Haiti. I was going to go to Haiti for some good barbecue human leg,
Starting point is 00:03:55 but apparently the ambassadors are pulling out and my resort is temporarily out of business until they can figure out who's in control of that country. Listen, I don't even think Wycliffe Jean can get us out of this mess that we got going on in Haiti. There's a video of a guy eating a human leg on a barbecue like Greek Easter with a lamb. It's a human leg. At least I hope you put Bubba's sugar-free barbecue sauce on it. John Mulaney's speech at the Oscars was all the rave. We watched it.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It got great reviews. He was rambling on. I don't know if I loved it because of the speech. I think I loved it because he's clearly back on cocaine, which made me love John Mulaney more. That's my take from watching that speech is clearly the guy's on cocaine because he started rambling about feel the dreams and these, and then people were like laughing because they didn't know what was going
Starting point is 00:04:52 on. I'll tell you what's going on. He's on Coke and you're not. So he's on this level. You're not, it's not his problem that you guys are all not on Coke. Shout out to him. I finally watched poor things to watch Emma stone get banged out, and she does. We will talk about it. I don't know what to feel about that movie. I never left a movie going like, what am I supposed to feel here?
Starting point is 00:05:13 But all I can tell you is Gerard Carmichael was great in it. It was a period piece, but with flying things. I don't know what was going on. But he was a sages black kid who was a cynic and he prevented Emma Stone from killing herself again. Shout out to him. The Korean guy, her, I think his name was. I was surprised to find out he was Korean. I mean, he finally gave his testimony in front of Congress. He's the guy who gave the report on Biden and Trump and their mishandling of classified documents. And the only thing I was surprised by in his summation was that he's a
Starting point is 00:05:52 Korean guy. And I'm guessing Korean. He's an Asian guy. I had no, just Robert Herr, Robert Herr, H-U-R, is an Asian guy. So that's what I took from that. You can't judge an Asian by its name anymore. It used to be it was a point blank, you know you're walking into a room, it's going to be an Asian. Because it was Vera Wang. It was Steve Wang. It was John Wang. Is there an Asian version of John Wang called John Wang
Starting point is 00:06:25 there should be there should be John Wang movies there should be John Wang movies where they're riding around on ponies it's got to be lowered to the ground for them to get on them anywhere the Oregon governor had to reverse decriminalizing um possession
Starting point is 00:06:47 of drugs in oregon because uh she did it she she tried to live the libertarian dream of let people do what they want and it didn't work out because i'm going to call back to a previous episode have you met anyone um Drug deaths tripled in like three years. Going back to 2019 when this legislation was implemented. She's recriminalizing possession of
Starting point is 00:07:15 certain drugs into law because they just started fucking dying like flies because people can't be trusted. They're little children. That's why Keynes is the only economist that has it right. And he's the only one for adults. We got plenty to talk about. Taco Bell's closing in Oakland.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Steph Curry says he's going to run for president. The Oscars happened. And spring is here, my friends, because global warming isn't real. But whatever it is, the flowers smell good. This is the Giannis Papasour. You know the deal. Strip down, put on your swim trunks, and stand in the living room. So let's start with our executive branch today, our federal executive branch leader, Joe Pop-Pop Biden, as he's known by his grandkids, Pop-Pop. As he's known by the rest of America,ica he's still here yes he is and i don't know what amphetamines they put that guy on for the state of the union but he was money i mean again
Starting point is 00:08:35 it's a low bar but i mean he looked amped up i mean they pumped that 82 year old with some type of drug that the nfl hasn't even heard of yet. Okay. Cause the NFL used to just pump you full of something. You'd have a broken collarbone and they're like, you're playing whatever they gave that guy. He performed, he was loud. He seemed on point. I mean, listen, he was able to raise 10 million right after that because people looked at him and they said, he's pretty on point. But here's the problem. He's still 82.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So he's still past the medium age of when guys die. And Trump ain't young. He's 77. That's the average male lifespan in America as well. So whatever happened, it was a pretty decent showing for him as far as him just remembering stuff and speaking clearly. Again, it's a pretty low bar. It's like saying a kid with special needs used the right fork at a fancy dinner.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You're going like, wow, he used a salad fork for the salad. But that's where we are. He used the salad fork for the salad. But that's where we are. And Biden is going to be running against Trump. The Supreme Court has said this election seems like it's going to happen. And y'all make your pick, you know? Y'all make your pick.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I feel like the debate should happen in a nursing home. Instead of water, they should just take a spoon of applesauce. Just take a dab, both of them. He's not young either. He's misspoke a few times too. I mean, he's a tireless 77-year-old. But the UFC fans love this guy. He walked into Miami and it was like Andy Castro just walked in.
Starting point is 00:10:26 They really gave him an ovation in Miami when he walked in at the UFC fights. What a card too, by the way. But speaking of Biden, one of the big moments that happened that I'm sure you're hearing on all the podcasts. Sorry, I just had a Biden moment.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Healing, healing, healing, on all the podcasts is when, um, I think it was a six. No, it was a MSNBC. I think an MSNBC interview where, um, the NBC MSNBC reporter really wanted to, you know, really, really, really attack Biden with an issue that really connects to Americans. And that is his usage of the word illegal during the State of the Union address. He called illegals illegal. And the reporter definitely got him to say, I regret using that verbiage. I regret using illegal to describe undocumented. It's almost like they're trying to lose, right? In some part of you going like, are they now, does it always switch?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Like does one side just, did they meet in a back room somewhere when they go to that freaking pedophile festival in Northern California? What's that called? That Alex Jones snuck in where they burn an owl? This is true, by the way. Really? Yeah, what's it called? Bohemian Grove.
Starting point is 00:11:55 When they go to Bohemian Grove every year, do they just say, okay, this year you're going to be the Washington Generals and we're going to be the Harlem Globetrotters? And they just switch all the time since it's a two-party system. Is it just the WWE where there's good guys and bad guys and you can't be a good guy, bad guy? Is it just heel and hero? Because otherwise, how do you explain something so... If you're a political advisor, you just go, hey, man, most Americans would actually like if you're running from the left.
Starting point is 00:12:31 If you just said, come on, man, that would be a perfect opportunity for a come on, man. That would be a perfect opportunity for a patented, you know, come on, man, a Biden. Come on, man. You know what I was saying? You know what I was saying? Come on, man. A Biden? Come on, man. You know what I was saying. You know what I was saying. Come on, man. You're synonymous. Let's stop. We're talking about policy here, man, not words. except for absolute far left fucking maniacs, which is what the left wing has been split into now. The left wing has been split. It used to be there was like maniacs. There was like a few, right?
Starting point is 00:13:13 You'd have like your David Duke or like you'd have your one or two, right, on the far right. And there was like a few fringe far righters. And then there was like, you know, you had your John McCain's and a lot of Republicans were like that. And then there was like, you know, you had your John McCain's and a lot of Republicans were like that. And then on the left,
Starting point is 00:13:26 you had just your Clinton, Obama's, you know, Carter's. It was just very like, yeah, even Reagan was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:35 we're never getting rid of Medicare. Like it was, it was just more of that kind of, you know, just closer to each other. They could sit and dine, you know, and they could sit and dine. They're like, I disagree with you, Joe.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And he's going, come on, man. We're going golfing tomorrow. Yeah, we're going golfing. Now it's like both parties have split into two different parties. The Republican Party is now just as split as the Democrat Party, right? You got your, you got your,
Starting point is 00:14:04 you have your Hamas wing of, you got your straight up, you got your straight up Israel wing and you got your Hamas wing. That issue, that was already teething. They were like, we got things, we have a lot in common, vote Biden, vote Biden. He's better than Trump. And now they're going, we're not voting Biden. and vote Biden, vote Biden. He's better than Trump. And now they're going, we're not voting Biden. We're not voting Biden.
Starting point is 00:14:29 They've, that issue just formed a whole faction of the left wing that is, they represent Palestine. I mean, what do you want me to tell you? It's a big issue for them. And it's a bad thing happening over there. And then you got the right wing, which is just Trump and not Trump. Trump now, his staffers are just cleaning out the rnc right of all the never trumpers um and there's
Starting point is 00:14:52 just two different republican parties now there's the trump party and then there's who's the other fucking old bag mitch mcconnell there's the mitch mcconnell guys he's retiring yeah He's retiring. Yeah, he's retiring. So that's it. So, you know, he's like, who is the chancellor of Prussia or whatever before Hitler came, that old dude, he's, he's, he's gone away. And, um, now dictator Trump has taken over. I'm not comparing him to Trump, but I'm saying that if I did, Trump would probably go, listen, he did a lot of good things, which is something that he was found to have said. You know, he did build a few roads. I mean, you know, the people who bring that up, though, I mean, it's like, you know, even Ted Bundy brushed his teeth. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:43 I think if you build a few roads and you get the economy moving, you can't really give credit to that when the guy exterminates a bunch of people. It's like, how about we just all, can we at least agree that Hitler was bad? You know we're in a weird place as a country when, and especially when you go on X. Boy, I'm not going to say it's not fun because it is funner.
Starting point is 00:16:03 It's not a word, but I'll say it. It is funner to see those posts they're translating Hitler's speeches now with AI into English going like look he's not that bad look at what he's saying he's just saying he wants to get rid of the international Jew war funders that's not that bad
Starting point is 00:16:20 you know we're in a weird place when we're split on whether hitler was a bad guy it's a strange thing it's a strange thing i just said that i know is true i dream of a day you know martin luther king dreamed of a day where you wouldn't be discriminated on race and people would be judged by the content of our character i as of today dream of a day where we could all agree that Hitler was a bad guy, that he had bad ideas and he was a bad guy. I just dream of that day.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I hope we can get there. I know there's people watching this now going, Yanni, he did do a lot of good things. And look, if you hate Jews, you hate Jews. I mean, what do you want me to do? But he didn't only kill Jews, okay? They definitely overtook that PR, but he killed, I think, 6 million nones as well, including my entire extended family.
Starting point is 00:17:18 So can we just agree that he was a bad guy? Anyway, what was I talking about before? Oh, the split in the party. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's pretty crazy that using the word illegal, you know, instead of undocumented, which means illegal, um, and they're synonymous is something that he would regret saying in order to sort of try and reach across the aisle to his own aisle. Because the people that were upset about this were people who were sitting on Capitol Hill for his State of the Union wearing kafas, whatever they're called.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I don't know what they're called but palestinian scarves so this is his cry for unity and saying hey man come on tell your supporters to vote for me i'm sorry i used the word illegal for illegals illegal is the new n word for for illegals it's a bad word now it's a bad word to call someone an illegal because nobody is illegal. You're not an illegal, no human is illegal. And don't refer to their status. Illegal, so, and he regretted, more specifically, which makes it even better,
Starting point is 00:18:42 I'm kicking my legs out because, look, news is better suited now in comedians' hands. It's just, you know, we've met our match. It's like a match made in heaven. We're supposed to be talking about this stuff now. This is not beyond my scope of expertise anymore. This is right in my wheelhouse. I've never worked, I have worked on Capitol Hill for a my wheelhouse. I've never worked,
Starting point is 00:19:05 I've never, I have worked on Capitol Hill for a little bit, but I've never been in government. I'm not in politics. I don't even have a master's degree. This used to be nobody would take me seriously.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Now you should take me seriously because now this is in my wheelhouse. This is on my level because he regretted using the word illegal and I kid you not, obviously during the State of the Union, in reference to describing the undocumented,
Starting point is 00:19:33 the poor, undocumented, asylum seeker, refugee, running from tragedy, Venezuelan man who was charged with killing a Georgia nursing student. So the worst part about that was that he described him as illegal. It bears repeating that he was here illegally. So he says, I shouldn't have used illegal. It's undocumented. What the fuck does that mean? I mean, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:20:16 How am I supposed to add comedy to this? That would be the joke. I would have made that joke. Be like, come on, man. Don't call him illegal. Remember he's undocumented. That's like saying, Hey man, don't call him illegal. Remember, he's undocumented. That's like saying, hey, man, don't call him short. Remember, he's tiny. Hey, man, don't call him black. Remember, he's a brother. Hey, man, don't call him Greek. Remember, he's a Hellenic guy.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Hey, man, don't call it a pen. Call it a writing apparatus. Hey, man, don't call it a camera call it a weird devil instrument from the conquistador white man god hey man don't call it a phone call it a phone hey man don't call jesse a half italian half jew just call him a half italian half jew hey man don't call a trans woman a trans woman just call her a trans woman hey man don't call a trans woman a trans woman. Just call her a trans woman. Hey man, don't call a pillow a pillow. Call it a soft thing with encasing over it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Hey man, don't call it water. Call it H2O. I could go on and on. Hey, don't call Biden an old guy. Okay? That's not nice. Call him an elderly maniac. That's better. Unbelievable. It's just a layup. It's just sort of a layup for the other party.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Just, I mean, it's a soundbite that you can just, it's just a layup and it makes you wonder, it makes you wonder if they want to give it away or what kind of bubble his advisors live in. I get a little peek into that, speaking to my brother once in a while, but yeah, people's bubbles are, they don't travel. Nobody travels. Nobody watches other news.
Starting point is 00:22:00 The good thing about this was that it was on MSNBC, so there's no way even people on the left watching NBC are just going like, there's no way they're not going like, you know, because once the migrants got shipped up North, every things just changed. Things just changed. Things just became,
Starting point is 00:22:18 just get them out of here. That will be great. Don't tell anyone I told you, but just, just make them disappear. If I don't see him in a kitchen, I don't want to see him. If I'm building an extension on my house,
Starting point is 00:22:31 it's okay to see him, but other than that, I don't want to see him. If they're making my grilled cheese at a diner, that's fine. But if they're standing on the side of the highway and saying,
Starting point is 00:22:40 no, speak English, need the money, I just don't want to see him. So here we are in New York where our Governor Kathy Hochul had to send troops. God, this is weird. This is very third world what's happening. And how do people think that the Democrats
Starting point is 00:23:02 have a chance with all this going on? There's millions of undocumented. There's millions of glorious undocumented human beings in this country right now. They've been doing crime in New York. They've been attacking police officers in New York. They killed a woman in Georgia, amongst other things. And there's not enough jobs. There's not enough condos going up for the low undocumented labor. I'll never call it illegal, even though it is illegal.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I'll call it undocumented. It's undocumented labor. And in addition to that, our most cherished city, New York, And in addition to that, our most cherished city, New York, via a Democratic governor, a Democratic governor has called in the National Guard to the New York City subway system. I don't know what's going on in there because I don't take the subway. We can ask our local resident, Pory, Jesse, what's going on in there because i don't take the subway we're gonna ask our we can ask our local resident poorie jesse what's going on in the subway is crime bad it's not good well i guess it can't be good if they call the national guard yeah yeah they're saying that it's a um it's to make people feel better right yeah they're saying oh you'll feel better if you see some military guys with guns right well that's the way you soften.
Starting point is 00:24:25 We just want to make you feel better. This has nothing to do with an actual spike in crime. We just want to spend all these taxpayer. We want to spend all this additional taxpayer money that you're already spending. You're already spending on housing and feeding undocumented individuals. See, this is what a neighbor of mine who works on this told me. He was like, what people don't understand, and he was kind of off the record,
Starting point is 00:24:50 he's like, what people don't understand, and I've mentioned this before on the podcast, is not only are the taxpayers footing the bill for undocumented housing and livelihood, they're footing the bill for the temporary ad hoc solutions in overtime. And now these,
Starting point is 00:25:07 the national guard aren't hired by Boeing. This is you're paying for that. You're paying for the national guard to be on duty in the subway, in the subway station. So I don't think they would just do it to make you feel better. I don't think they would do it to just make you feel better. I think they're doing it as a response to a real crime spike or a threat oh that's how hokal's softening it yeah but i mean are people stupid apparently they think so apparently they
Starting point is 00:25:36 think people are stupid that's the problem that the democratic party has become this party where they think that like people are stupid and our eyes don't work yeah and like eyes and ears don't work and like things like synonymous words aren't going to frustrate people like if you make that an issue and you think that's important um you know when you read a statistic like 80 of americans want a wall now you're going like, I don't think too many people were upset about you calling the person who murdered a woman illegal when he was illegal. I'm not sure there was one person beyond some fucking maniac, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:17 the purple hairs. Yeah. I mean, outside of Alec, Alexandra, uh, AOC's condo. I don't think anyone
Starting point is 00:26:25 had a problem with it. I don't even think she had a problem with it at this point. I think she was going like, this is getting out of hand. It used to be that I wouldn't go
Starting point is 00:26:33 to the neighborhoods that I represent. Now I can't even go to the neighborhoods that are fancier that I like to go to because it's safer. Do you think she's ever
Starting point is 00:26:44 going to hang out at Cafecita Leche in Lebron's? You think she's ever going to deepen Corona Queens to go to La Verda Social Percheta Pollo
Starting point is 00:26:59 Champion? She did get harassed at the movies, though. Did you see that? She got harassed at the movies, yeah. Yeah. Someone that? She got harassed? Oh, she got harassed at the movies, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Because of someone from her own side. Yeah, to the left of her. Yeah. About Israel, Palestine.
Starting point is 00:27:13 That's got to make you feel weird. I love it that people are so myopic about that, that they think that, you know, it's not going to come back. It's not going to boomerang right back on then. Because you're talking to unstable people, you know, so you're rallying up unstable people and extreme unstable people. Um, it's not really, uh, they don't have their, they're not in the world, you know, they're, they're in their emotions. And so you can never go far enough for them. So any little slight or lack of mention, like for that guy, he wants AOC to slaughter an Israeli.
Starting point is 00:27:50 He wants her to be fighting. So he waited for her at the movies just to tell her she's not doing enough, which again, what's she supposed to do? I'm going to defend AOC for a second. What is AOC supposed to do? Biden can't even stop this guy. Biden's threatening him and he's going he's just going fuck you he's just going fuck you Biden's going listen man if you invade Rafa is that what it's called if you invade yeah I think it's called Rafa if you if you
Starting point is 00:28:16 continue into Rafa or Raifa whatever the fuck it's called right we're gonna have to have talk about you know this relationship and Netanyahu is going, fuck you, dude. Israelis support me. This is what I do. This is what he's always done. So if Biden can't, Biden, the leader of our country, can't make a ceasefire happen, what's AOC going to do? What are people going to Jersey going to do?
Starting point is 00:28:45 What are people trying to get into the tunnel to go back home to Jersey going to do? But that, you know, you're not dealing with people who are operating in their neocortex. They're strictly in the limbic system. I've been doing too much reading about the brain. But that's how it goes,
Starting point is 00:29:02 you know? And even people, look, if people in Hollywood could get the message, then I think some of these people who've been rallying up, crazy people can get the message too. Like, hey, I don't know if this is exactly how you want to go about things
Starting point is 00:29:19 because I think the Oscars only had one person mention a geopolitical or social cause, right? Like, I guess the word has spread. The word has spread that it's just not messaging, right? People don't want to be lectured by actors. They just don't. And so I think ratings were up a little bit, right, from last year, but not lofty.
Starting point is 00:29:46 But they were up for the Oscars. God, she's so beautiful, though. Check out what's in her pocket, dog. She's got a zit in her pocket. I'm voting for her now. I bet you I would really like her. There's a lot of things she says that I agree with. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Like, I agree with not allowing members of congress to invest in stocks yeah she's for that there's a lot of things some other things no i don't mostly no yeah i don't think she believes in everything she says either i don't know if she believes it but she's definitely like you know a capable bartender she kind of looks like a party dude she's so beautiful. It's like crazy how good looking she is. Look at that zin. I love it. She got a zin tin right in there. I mean, her and Tucker could sit down. Tucker will sit down
Starting point is 00:30:34 with anybody now. So, you're the dictator of Botswana. You know, the problem is, you buy all this propaganda that Botswana is just this hellhole. Let me tell you something. I went to a sandwich shop in Botswana, and the sandwiches, the bread in Botswana smelled pretty good.
Starting point is 00:30:54 So you're a Haitian cannibal. So you're a Haitian cannibal. Now, the word in America is that things are pretty bad. But let me tell you something. The National Guard is in the subways of New York City. So what's worse? What happened to our cities? So here I am in Russia in a two block
Starting point is 00:31:14 radius and that I'm allowed to go. Things are pretty good. Do you know what I just spent at the grocery store? $100. I forgot to mention that people live off of $200 a week. I just want to say to fucking Tucker, have you ever been to a fucking Whole Foods, man? Is Whole Foods not the most glorious place you've ever been to? It's so great.
Starting point is 00:31:40 The guy knows his audience. He knows his audience. He knows what he's doing. He knows his audience. Yeah, he's bigger than ever. He's talking to the people who want to go, hey, man, Russia's not that bad. We don't want to fund Ukraine anymore. He just went there and went, always look on the brighter side of life.
Starting point is 00:31:58 That's all he did. He's an optimist. He's just an optimist. He went, look, man, listen. Listen, man. Hear this guy out. he's got some points and i believe him he's not a guy he's a guy who shoots from the hip he doesn't hide anything he's not tricky at all he shoots from the hip again my favorite part of that speech because it was a speech it wasn't an interview it was a fucking speech it was a speech with like
Starting point is 00:32:22 three questions um was when he gave props to the CIA for doing their good. That was so funny when he was like, look, they did their job. It was just like game recognizing game. He's like, look, they went into Ukraine. They did some, you know, propaganda. They helped out, helped out. They helped oust my guy. The guy was friendly to me.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And they supported the pro-West guy. Look, I'm not gonna hate they did they did their job and he was like actually you know he tipped his hat it's like playing against you know it's like kobe going listen you know i don't know what i don't know what we can do with kevin durant he's he's good so that was very funny but she's so hot she's her face is so beautiful. But it's funny to see her in New York. She's just minding her own business. She just wanted to see Barbie.
Starting point is 00:33:14 She just wanted to see Barbie. And this guy follows her all the way out. Oh, he's not alone, right? There's some girl, some maniac girl there in a knit hat. Isn't that a coincidence? Look, like I said, she's screaming back at him. She's like, you're a liar. You're a fucking liar.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Things have gotten very uncivil. I don't think it's been this uncivil since probably the Vietnam War. That was a very uncivil part. Uncivil, is that a word? Yeah, probably. Sure. There's a lack of civility going on within parties, across parties. It's really, you watch the State of the Union, this Cro-Magnon-faced bitch started yelping things out, screaming. She's dressed in a MAGA hat. She looked like she She looked like she stopped by a merch store in the
Starting point is 00:34:12 middle of Alabama, like whatever their tourist attraction is, and just picked up all. She looked like she she's been up every night at 4am and bought every Trumpy bear, every hat, every, I mean, she's just in, decked out in right-wing merch.
Starting point is 00:34:30 You guys know who I'm talking about, Marjorie Taylor Greene. She gives having three names a bad name. People usually got three names besides Luis J. Gomez. It's really Luis J. Gomez and Marjorie Taylor Greene are the two people who have a middle initial or a middle name who just give that whole motif a bad name. Pun intended. So she's just screaming out like in the middle. Well, she screamed out, say her name.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Say her name. About the nursing studio. Yeah. Look at how she came dressed though it's almost like trump is a baseball team and she's at the game she's dressed like a race car dude she's got buttons on she's got the make america great again hat she's got the shirt say her name she's got the red jacket. I mean, she's in full blown uniform. You know, I don't know. I could see it happening. I could see, you know, look, if Trump was 40, I could see it happening. I could see him getting in office and be like, you know what, we're going to change a few things now.
Starting point is 00:35:46 You know, I'm not leaving. I could see it. I could see it. You know, the country's just in that state now where people just love the guy. You know, he's starting to get more popular. Everything's backfiring. You know, they're trying to take him down.
Starting point is 00:36:04 He's just getting, you see some similarities. He does speak a certain way. He does throw some compliments out there. He does, he goes, look, you know, he's this brilliant guy. He does say things like that. He admires some qualities of dictators. You know?
Starting point is 00:36:22 He never leads with like, he never leads, but you can also make the point that that is sort of a savvy way to deal with Putin, right? I think I made that point last episode, so I don't want to repeat myself, but he did take 52 sanctioning actions against Russia. He was not too kind to Russia. He did more against Russia than Obama did. So that's an interesting way to compliment him. But then, you know, what is it? Speak softly and carry a big stick. I already said all this and I already know that.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Doesn't mean I'm running out of things to say because we still got a lot to cover. Like Steph Curry saying it's not beyond him to run for president. I would vote for Steph Curry. Yeah. He's a good leader, man. Always calm. You'd vote for him over The Rock? I would, because listen,
Starting point is 00:37:12 he seems to represent everybody, right? Because he's really religious and Christian. He seems to be in a monogamous relationship. Everything else is probably legally binding to be quiet. And he's old school that way, but he's also like very progressive in ways so i think the key is he can represent everybody you don't gotta speak he speaks good um but you don't gotta like speak like be an amazing public speaker anymore you know you just gotta be a popular guy i would vote for steph curry yeah he he says it's something he's considering if he thinks he can make a difference.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I think Steph Curry can make a difference. I do. Look, Steve Largent won, right? He was a wide receiver. We've had a lot of former athletes that go. I mean, what's the deal? Trump was a reality star. I mean, we're here.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Who was the comedian from SNL who got elected and then got canceled for the pictures? Yeah. I'm good enough people like me that guy dude we're getting older we can't even remember names anymore I'd vote for him Steph Curry from Deep I'd go for it
Starting point is 00:38:18 whatever you know three Steph Curry for three more years one year in four point play you know three more years, one year in. Four-point play, you know? Four more years, four-point play, three in the foul. I mean, you could just get it cooking.
Starting point is 00:38:36 The golden boy from Golden State. Yeah. Yeah. Klay Thompson will be his vice president. Klay Thompson will be his vice president. Splash Brothers in office. Yeah, off the bench. Splash Brothers in office. It's's great the presidency is commentated by um steven a smith kevin harlan when the bombs drop
Starting point is 00:38:52 down from way downtown curry from way downtown curry is going off tonight whoa 15 for 15 on middle eastern villages he is unconscious dropping bombs from deep i mean you know it lends itself now i did see poor things, Jesse. I did go and see the movie Poor Things. What do you think? I don't know what to think. Emma Stone does get banged out throughout the movie. Thoroughly. Yeah, thoroughly banged out, full orgasm faced, many titty shots, full body shots, muff shot.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It was a full muff shot. Yeah. She put it all out there. I felt weird about it when she was getting banged out as like semi slow. Yeah. Right. A little odd. It's a weird story. It's based on a book about this surgeon who it's so dark, dude. Do you think, can these Europeans, does it always have to be a dark... He's a Greek guy. Yeah, I mean, how many times are these guys going to make the same type of sort of dark,
Starting point is 00:40:13 weird, crazy camera angles, dreamlike settings? So she won for Best Actor. She did do a good job, even though she did go half-blown special. Callback to Tropic Thunder. Yeah, she did. It was another Oscar for one of those. It was an I Am Sam Oscar.
Starting point is 00:40:31 You're never supposed to go full. She went, and she didn't go full. She didn't go full. You never go full. She went a quarter. She went a quarter, and then she got, yeah, she wasn't, because she has her baby's brain in her body. And then you notice how she just learns very quick.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Next thing you know, she's like learning philosophy in two minutes. Ruffalo was good. And she was good. Look, she was good. Shout out to Rami because he was really good in that, incredible in that. He was so good. Of course, William Dafoe was good. And shout out to Gerard Carmichael who was in it.
Starting point is 00:41:04 And he was very good. But it's a weird movie, you know? It's a weird movie where at the end, she's sort of like the hero. She's like in this good place because she turns her her father it's really her father into like a dog with a dog's brain or sheep's brain but he's like eating grass and then her no that was her ex-husband but no it's her father now because she's right yeah
Starting point is 00:41:38 because she's got the baby's brain now right so it's her father it's an odd movie it's an odd movie he his whole filmography is odd it's odd right yeah he's an odd movie. It's an odd movie. His whole filmography is odd. It's odd, right? Yeah, he's in another, he's out there. Yeah, because it kind of felt like a weirdly feminist movie, where she becomes, she's like, I'm going to be a surgeon. Right. But she basically loves who she calls God,
Starting point is 00:42:03 which is her maker, this strange, it's like Frankenstein meets Gloria Steinem. basically loves who she calls God, which is her maker, this strange. It's like Frankenstein meets Gloria Steinem. That's an accurate description of it, right? It's kind of like a feminist piece. She's like, she owns her body. The guy that marries her is like, your body's yours. I don't care that you were fucking banging all these dudes.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And then he goes, have you got an STD? it didn't bother him because he's a progressive guy it didn't it didn't hurt that the actor is also you know not pale and who said that so it's like i was wondering is there like a lot of hidden messages here because at the end like the white war guy has been turned into the evil white war guy has been turned into a goat and she's sitting there with her former uh black prostitute lesbian friend and her husband who doesn't care that she was getting banged out as a whore in paris and the three of them are sitting there just like sipping tea while the white guy is just on the floor going back back hey read into it as you will yeah i mean i just don't i it hit me like i don't know if i was reading into it as you will. I mean, I just don't, it hit me.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Like, I don't know if I was reading into it too much. I don't know if that was the subtext. That's not subtle at all. It's a little, it wasn't subtle, right? It was a little weird. Very, very weird. It was basically a coming of age story, right? It was a coming of age. It was a coming of age story right it was a coming of age it was a coming of age story um in in fast forward where a full-grown woman has a baby's brain and then she learns about
Starting point is 00:43:39 coming and then all she wants to do is fuck so So she fucks nonstop for two hours straight. She can't stop fuck. She takes a job as a prostitute, gets banged out by the most heinous dudes, gets eaten out by a black prostitute who becomes her friend, who gives her tea or whatever. And then at the end,
Starting point is 00:43:57 she just invites that girl into her house and she lives happily ever after with her Muslim husband and her black lesbian lover while the evil white guy has been turned into a goat. But I don't know. Yeah, who knows? I'm not saying that. It's open to interpretation.
Starting point is 00:44:21 It's open to interpretation. But, you know, that line, I love when she was like, you're not upset, right, that I banged all these dudes? And he's like, it's your body. It's your choice. Remember that part at the end when they're walking? He's like, it's your body. I don't have any proprietary rights to your body.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It's your body. And then he goes, this is totally cool with me. And that's sort of the thing, right? That's sort of the message. It's like, hey, don't, you shouldn't be bothered by things that really bother you, right? Like don't say like realities,
Starting point is 00:45:00 like don't, you know, it's all instruments of the patriarchy. Don't pay any attention to it. She banged out all these dudes in a brothel, but she's the hero of the story. I don't think that makes her a bad person, right? A person's transformation. So officially, it's a personal transformation and breaking free from
Starting point is 00:45:26 societal constraints. So there you have it. Yeah. She was just like acting wild and like, um, polite society. And then she became a whore and those scenes were wild. She was banging the grossest of the grossest dudes getting banged out.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I mean, there's no way she doesn't have a disease. If you look at those French dudes, she was banging, right? I mean, how do you not get a disease when you're pulling in the amount of money? She made enough money there to make it back to London or wherever she was. Is there a deeper meaning behind poor things? This is on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:46:07 It's about a woman realizing she doesn't need men in an age where women are more or less viewed as property. Yeah, there's a lot of truth to that. I'll say this, guys. Guys, we need to support independent women, okay? They need our support. They can't do it on their own. So support independent women, okay? They need our support. They can't do it on their own. So support independent women because they need it. You got it because you're not stupid. They can't do this on their own. Support independent women. They need us. They can't do it without us. So be an ally because independent women need us to be independent. Look, I, this is, what is this?
Starting point is 00:47:02 International Women's Month or whatever. I support. I'm so glad that a woman can now earn as much as a man so they can both afford to pay someone else to raise their kid. It's the libertarian dream of a Jamaican nanny state. Did you watch with your wife? No, I watched it alone. I think she would have watched it like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:47:24 It's not her type of movie. No. on? It's not her type of movie. No. No, it's not her type of movie. She didn't even like Good Will Hunting. She's like, I don't like Matt Damon now. What? Yeah. She's like, I don't like the way he treated that British actress.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Oh. Yeah. My wife's like that. Yeah, it would have been way too weird for her. It was too weird for me, and I'm kind of an esoteric kind of guy. I like that stuff. But at the end, I just didn't know what to her. It was too weird for me. And I'm kind of an esoteric kind of guy. I like that stuff. But at the end, I just didn't know what to feel like. I didn't, maybe that was part of it.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It definitely held my interest though. I will say that it held my interest. There was a few funny moments. But I didn't know how much of that was just sort of the wild nature of it. A lot of it was just contrived, you know? I don't know what to feel with that. Maybe that means I like it maybe i'll come back in three days maybe i'll watch it again and say it's definitely worth watching again if
Starting point is 00:48:09 you want to pull your peter i was gonna say did you watch it in an airbnb yeah i mean you if you look emma stone gets banged out repeatedly okay but you know even me who's an emma stone fan felt a little weird about the beginning when she's just like not full capacities and she's getting it's a little weird right anyway i this was probably an advertisement what was it called poor things um because people are definitely going to go see it it's worth it to watch emma stone get banged up because the greek guy was definitely sold around that. He's like, we need to, in order to really make the film, we have to, there needs to be a lot of sexual, what do you call it, furious jumping.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Enthusiastic jumping, what was it called? Remember? That's what they called it in the movie. We have to see you many times. I mean, it's over and over and over again. They don't suggest that you see it. So go out there and see poor things. It doesn't have a message.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And neither do I. My only message to you is to keep on rocking in the free world. Maybe it's a little too free. Want to give a small business shout out to Jared Z. Guys, if you're buying your car out of state, or if you're moving,
Starting point is 00:49:36 hit up ExclusiveAutoShipping.com. Student and military discount supply. Visit them at ExclusiveAutoShipping.com. They'll move your car for you. Chris Minetti, his number is 215-750-3730. If you want to cash a business check and no other place has really given you an opportunity, Chris Minetti will give you an opportunity to cash that check. He's got no website. He's got no social media. All we know is he's got a name and a phone number that's as far as i know i know the irs can't track anything he does and he likes that i know that
Starting point is 00:50:12 because he's it's in his copy so hit him up at 215-750-3730 if you're in the south jersey area or philly and see how it goes if you live. ForTheFree.art, music in Hawaii. I love that read. I'm almost like daring them to stop. Go check it out if you like music and you like Hawaii. There's no other way to say it. If you need marketing help, right?
Starting point is 00:50:40 Everyone's got a small business. Girls, if you've got an OnlyFans and you want to monetize, there's nobody better than our good old friend, Nate Linder. All right. He's back. Like he never left. No, you did leave.
Starting point is 00:50:51 You did leave. So don't say it's back. Like you never left because I tell you how I know you left. Our money went down a little bit. So I know you were gone, Nate. All right. And you're supposed to be the money guy,
Starting point is 00:51:01 but Nate can help you rank number one on Google and drive business leads. He's been crushing it with construction companies with a lot of undocumented labor. I'm just making that part up. So think marketing, think Nate Linder. All right, this guy is a marketer. He's marketing to me. I know his name now.
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Starting point is 00:54:12 And of course, thinkingman.substack.com. Check them out. It's a newsletter based in NYC that publishes articles, essays, and thoughts on things like books, movies, pop culture, and politics. The goal is to get people to start thinking for themselves again. Don't just take what Yanni says as truth. And I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Join Thinking Man. Subscriptions are free or five bucks a month if you're feeling generous. Find them on Substack at Thinking Man or search the link thinkingman.substack.com. See you next time.

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