Yannis Pappas Hour - Fratricide Maybe

Episode Date: November 27, 2021

Yanni imagines what the Baldwin thanksgiving must be like. Jared Harvin is back in studio. Yanni contemplates the death penalty is it right is it wrong? He’s trying to get people arguing in the comm...ents on YouTube for algorithm engagement. Aaron Rodgers & Odell Beckham jr. get paid in Bitcoin, is it too big to fail at this point? Instagram under fire from Washington, the women March Twitter is hilarious, Thomas Jefferson statue removed is it good or bad and finally some fun with Former Governor Cuomo. Did he prefer sexual harassment to malfeasance. Kid is in trouble! Wasdadealis! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody welcome to another episode of long days aka the Fediverse aka long days small eyes good to see everybody I hope you had a great Thanksgiving it was a couple days ago some of you still be with your parents you might still be there you might not be talking because you guys disagreed on the written house verdict i don't know what your household is but there's a chance you guys don't agree on politics let's move on amard arbery the jail good night Irene Justin it's not Timberlake Justin Justin Justin what's his name with the blonde hair the one who looks like he plays golf huh Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber sorry he was so low I couldn't see him sometimes when his squeaks walk by you gotta look down to look at Justin Bieber may cancel his show in Saudi Arabia
Starting point is 00:01:14 under pressure from the journalist's wife who got killed there I think his name was Kabayoshi from the usual suspects she doesn't want him to perform there. And he's gone, ah, shit. I was hoping this would fly under the radar because they're offering me 500 million in Bitcoin. People are back to work. The unemployment rate is way down. So podcasts are back up and running. Here's a cool fight. Mississippi is fighting with Tennessee over their water supply. And the case went to the Supreme Court. Find out who won that redneck war. What else is going on? Kevin Spacey is getting sued $31 million
Starting point is 00:01:51 by a show that I didn't know was still on television. Whatever that show was called that he was on where he played Bill Clinton. Samsung. Why I mean Bill Clinton? Because they murdered people. Samsung is moving its factory to Austin to perform at Joe Rogan's club. When he opens it up, never.
Starting point is 00:02:10 They are opening a $17 billion factory. So Austin will not remain weird, but it will come with a lot of camper shoes and a big-time San Francisco vibe. So get ready for those Patagonia pullovers in February. Thomas Jefferson, he's gone from New York City Hall. The statue is down. We have a resident African-American in the studio to let us know his thoughts on whether that should have happened. It's done.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Bye-bye, Thomas J. on whether that should have happened. It's done. Bye-bye, Thomas J. The Supreme Court just ruled against marijuana in South Dakota. Jared Harvin's in the studio. Why would you do that to South Dakota, hot governor, who's also an asshole, which makes you a hot fuck?
Starting point is 00:03:03 Why would you do that to the people of South Dakota? What else is going on in South Dakota? Please let those people self-medicate when they realize they live in South Dakota. But for me, I'm in New York. I just got back from Texas. I'm not sure if I also have COVID again. We will find out when my whole family dies or not. It's my in-laws, so I don't know if you could call it fratricide, but by law, maybe. What's the deal is, everybody? Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I'm feeling sort of that kind of sick where my energy's drained, and that's feeling not like a cold. So I hope you guys got the booster. All all right i'm talking to my production staff i think i'm fine i got antibodies i don't
Starting point is 00:04:12 know i'm not sure but today it's about three days since i've been in austin and i tell you my energy is zapped so hello kovid i'm sorry I forgot Justin Bieber's name. I got him confused with Justin Timberlake. I couldn't think of his name because I never think about him. You know, he makes a few good songs, but the kid is just too small. There's got to be a height. There has to be a height level. The news has to have, like when you go on a roller coaster and they say,
Starting point is 00:04:42 you must be this tall to ride this ride. There has to be a thing that says you must be this tall to be reported on or cared about. The kid is a squeak. Okay? I know he convinces the Baldwin daughter he dates, who has the right-wing pops, which is probably a hilarious Thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:04:58 going on at the Baldwin household. Stephen Baldwin. You might know him from his one or two Skinamax movies. After his usual Suspects movie, which was his biggest hit. And after that, he's known as Alec Baldwin's right-wing
Starting point is 00:05:14 brother. Or now, Stephen Baldwin is known as Alec Baldwin is known as Stephen Baldwin's possibly getting sued for murder brother. The Baldwins are like the Kennedys when it comes to luck. Because Billy, I haven't seen that motherfucker in a long time.
Starting point is 00:05:37 You go to his Instagram or his Twitter, Billy is AOC to the bone. And his brother Stephen is probably right now in Dallas with the rest of his QAnon brothers waiting for JFK Jr. to emerge from the X on the ground to run with Donnie T in 2024. I would love to be a fly on the wall at the Baldwin Thanksgiving dinner. One of them's going like, I just murdered a first DA. The other one's going, Trump is my Lord and Savior.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And the other one's going, there's no such thing as an illegal human being. Can you pass the cranberry sauce? The Baldwin family. And then the other one's just fat. There's another one. The other one only made it to like TV acting. You could see him as guest rolling in a CSI. There's the one. The other one only made it to like TV acting. You could see him
Starting point is 00:06:25 as guest-rolling in a CSI. There's the fat one. They all got a similar face, and their politics are all over the map. And of course, Alec, I think Alec you could probably describe as an old-school Obama Democrat, which if you
Starting point is 00:06:42 talk to AOC, she would call that Nazi. That's now considered fascist. So they really run the gamut at the Baldwin Thanksgiving dinner, which is occurring on Long Island. If I'm right, he's from Long Island, right? In Massapequa. Massapequa.
Starting point is 00:06:59 There's a lot of trouble happening on Long Island. You got the Baldwins and you got heroin. Yeah. A lot of it. And you got steroids. That. A lot of it. And you got steroids. That's what's going on. And bagels. And sweet 16s.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yep. But the Baldwin Thanksgiving dinner is going to be interesting this year. Interesting. I'm not even sure if the boys all talk. Does Steven and Billy talk? Because they're both extreme in their politics, which is hilarious. Also, it's probably funny when Justin Bieber shows up with whatever her fucking name is. What's his wife's name?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Stephanie Baldwin. Haley Baldwin. Haley Baldwin. When Haley Baldwin and Justin Bieber probably show up at Steven's house, he probably gives them a real talking to about the liberal state they just came from.'s like i can't believe you guys were even allowed to travel out of that cuck forsaken state with their goddamn vaccine mandates and he probably goes justin be honest with me are you fucking trance that's probably come out of stephen baldwin's mouth a few times yeah Justin, do you have a penis? Okay. Or is my daughter a non-binary lesbian? I need to know because you look like Ellen DeGeneres
Starting point is 00:08:10 when she was youthful. That's a Canadian kid with a Mexican mustache. If I ever see one. It's a Canadian kid with a Mexican mustache who made a few YouTube videos where he dropped the N word, not with the A at the end, with the ER.
Starting point is 00:08:20 ER, hard. Which is appropriate for Massapequa. Yes. Because they don't have any black people in their school. They don't. Massapequa does not. Here's the funny thing about Justin Bieber and that N-word controversy. There was like two videos when he was real young where he dropped the N-word with a hard ER.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Okay. That got swept under the rug real quick, I think, by his black producers. Which is a very progressive, by his black producers, which is a very progressive moment where his black producers, one of which is, who found him again? Usher. Usher.
Starting point is 00:08:50 So Usher gets a cut like Lorne Michaels probably of everything he does. Yeah. And Usher probably saw those videos and went, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Can I find one of these white boys who hasn't dropped the ER in a video? But it's karma. Because I'm making millions of dollars off this fucking crystal clean blonde kid. And here he is fucking with my money now. It's karma, because he swept down on the rug, but he couldn't sweep up on the fact that he got
Starting point is 00:09:10 herpes from a stripper. Did he get herpes from a stripper? Yeah, he did. Usher. So one way or another, his career is going to be blemished. Yeah, yeah. What was that song? Yeah. That song you get burned to? Yeah, he's showing your age Right there dog
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah Wasn't that song You know that song Yeah it's yeah Yeah it's called yeah Lil Jon and Lucris Lil Jon What happened to Lil Jon
Starting point is 00:09:31 That was a good song though It'll make me move at the club No Jared Harvin likes all music I do You made it very comfortable When we went on the road I do
Starting point is 00:09:37 I had rock and roll on Sometimes you start singing R&B to yourself Like a Like a Like Big Mama Like I'm at big mama's house yeah
Starting point is 00:09:45 sometimes you just start humming you know and I'm like am I at my black friend's grandma's house or is that Jared Harville yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:09:52 you couldn't tell if you were in your Tesla or in the antebellum south but you you like to hum to yourself I do like to hum to myself I like melodies
Starting point is 00:10:00 I like to sing that's my thing son but like I don't discriminate against any music you know you're playing Hootie you're playing Leonard Skinner you're playing whoever I'm down for it you're down that's what I like melodies. I like to sing. That's that's my thing son, but like I don't discriminate against any music You know you playing hoodie playing Leonard Skinner. You playing whoever I'm down for down. That's what I like you Doug You're a renaissance guy. I like to be around now Justin Bieber. You know I'm gonna be going to you for a few today
Starting point is 00:10:15 We're gonna work. Why not why not you know it's been race, and it's been Gender that's been fucking my algorithm up. Let's go in it a little harder Justin Bieber gender that's been fucking my algorithm up let's go in in a little harder um justin bieber why did the black community forgive him so quickly for that er was it because he was so young was it because he's canadian or was it because he makes so much money for usher it's it's he was he was co-signed by remember those videos yeah i remember no yeah one less lonely i'm not gonna say it because i might mess up the algorithm right but you know one less lonely um you know and i think black people just got drowned out. You had all these white girls that liked him, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:48 who's a heartthrob sensation. And he just looked like a mini Jodie Foster. There was too much things going for him. He does. Are you telling me he doesn't look like a trans man right there? No. When Kate McKinnon played him on SNL, I thought he was hosting that show. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It looked like it was him. I thought it was him. But, like, he just had too much going for him. When you're all the way white, I thought he was hosting that show. Right. It looked like it was him. I thought it was him. But he just had too much going for him. When you're all the way white, you got it all the way right. That's what I like to say. Shout out to Paul Mooney. Rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:11:15 He just had it. He had everything in the bag. Jess, could you try to pull that video up? It's fun for me because he's a little kid and he drops it hard. It's not like he was singing. It wasn't like he was singing Jamie Foxx's chorus. No. No, he dropped it hard.
Starting point is 00:11:29 There's no A on the end. It's a different word, he says. Yeah. You know, he wasn't saying it as a hip-hop fan. He was saying it as, now, obviously, he's a little kid. He's, you know, but, I mean, Justin Bieber, that got swept under the rug fast. Did he issue an apology? Here we go.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I don't think he had to do it. All he had to do was twerk on Nicki Minaj, and and he got forgiven let's see let's hear this one one less lonely whoa I mean, what the fuck? I'm mad at the word, and I'm also mad that he's a Canadian kid, and he knows more about United States history than we are taught in high school. Like, we weren't even taught about the KKK. This Canadian bacon-eating fuck is just up there, and he's just talking about all my history.
Starting point is 00:12:26 It pisses me off, honestly. I mean, do you know how funny it is to watch Justin Bieber make a song called One Less Lonely and Work? Yeah. I mean, when this video probably came up, that probably ruined his breakfast a little bit. When he woke up and he was like, oh, shit, I did make that video when I was an 11-year-old girl. Yeah. Let's just say his streams went down in New York but they went up in Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Coffee and Cat says Canadians get that automatic hood pass dog and then someone said he thought he was on Xbox Live. So I don't know what that means because I'm a boomer. Maybe he felt like he was comfortable to say it because Trudeau was doing blackface. Maybe. That's right. Those Canadians they love to point the fingers.
Starting point is 00:13:03 But then Trudeau got him, Sarah Silverman, and Justin Bieber. Three huge justice warriors all got caught with their hands in the racism cookie jar. Yeah. It's very funny. If Justin, Skeezio says, if Justin drops that song in these days, it would be a top seller, unfortunately. Okay. So, I don't know. i'm just saying i would love
Starting point is 00:13:26 to be at the the baldwin family dinner i would love those arguments yeah um because you know as soon as bieber shows up um with hayley baldwin you know steven at some point goes why didn't you ever make that into a hit record hell you know what my favorite song of your boyfriend's is? The one he released in a one-minute clip on YouTube. Worth noting, today's a big day.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Ahmaud Arbery. His killers were convicted. Now, this is the way I like it. This was a clean-cut case. You know, you gotta take politics out of these cases and look at the facts. These were, this one, this one, you know, this one was bad. This one was different than, remember at the border, there was that border guy on a horse? And, like, he was holding a rein.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And then everyone went crazy. And, like, they were going, oh, my God. I was like, oh, Jesus. They're in the water. What do you want them to do? Would you rather them drive a fucking tank? I think that one was kind of people projected the history of America onto it. But this one, I think, accurately had the history of America on it.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Where there was three dudes in a pickup truck. Ahmaud Arbery was running. And all of a sudden, Ahmaud Arbery just ends up getting killed. Yeah. So you're going like, that one feels like old America. That one feels like a couple good old boys. You could almost hear the yeehaws. So good for them.
Starting point is 00:14:59 The right verdict. They all got first degree murder. Was it first degree murder or second degree murder? But they're all going away. And they just look like three guys that don't have the most progressive worldview. You know, those are a few guys who don't like Fox. And the reason they don't like Fox is because they love Newsmax. Those are three Newsmax faces right there. The guy who made the video, I think he even got what the other two guys got, which is harsh. Yeah, there was one that wasn't put up on all the charges, but the two of them got all the charges that they were pulled up on.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And two of them are former cops, so that probably had something to do with them wanting to be the neighborhood watch and be protective over their neighborhood. Right. I do not believe that they had a burglary problem in that area. There was probably actually someone going in. But for you to just go up to a mod and just do that. A person can't end up dead when they're running. No. You can't just do that.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Especially when you have three people. If you feel comfortable enough to record it, that means that to me, you don't feel like you were in enough threat to even have a gun. So if you really felt that Ahmaud was that much of a threat,
Starting point is 00:16:11 you would have a gun rather than pointing your phone and recording. But you watch the video and there is no threat. They go up to him. They go up to him and he's running you in.
Starting point is 00:16:18 It's within his right to try to get away from them or be like, what the fuck? Or even to get confrontational. Exactly. Because you're going up to him, you're initiating it.
Starting point is 00:16:26 He's a black man and you're following him with a pickup truck in the south that's not a good look. That's not a good feel. That's not a good feel. I'd say the optics aren't good.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yeah. If you're getting followed by three guys, one of them's holding a shotgun and they're in a pickup truck and you're running, I don't think these guys are calling you over
Starting point is 00:16:42 to see who your favorite football team is. No, it's not. Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me, like, this game on Florida this week, who do you got? Excuse me, sir. What was your favorite episode of Martin? They're not going up there to ask you that.
Starting point is 00:16:54 It's uncomfortable to be in the South and be followed by white men, I would imagine. Especially white men in a pickup truck with a shotgun. Yes, with a shotgun. With a shotgun. You're going to get a little nervous. You're going to have a little bit of anxiety. The reaction may not be great. It may not be great, but you can definitely assume
Starting point is 00:17:09 somebody's not asking you for directions. No, they're not. They're not going, excuse me, sir, where there's a guy standing in the back. Do you know where? We're trying to find a cracker barrel on Route 56. It's not going to happen. So this is trial by jury.
Starting point is 00:17:27 It's the best, worst system we have just like democracy just like capitalism these are the best worst systems and just like the dmv and just like the dmv it's the best worst system um and uh it worked here i mean obviously this is the right verdict here and so they're gone away shout out to uh to all those people who get killed by Fox. And those people should go to jail. Now, I'm not necessarily against the death penalty, which is an interesting thing. When people ask Giannis, what's your politics? And I say, hey, I'm not right, I'm not left, I'm a comedian.
Starting point is 00:17:59 That's a right-wing position mostly. But it's just like, I always like about the family you know if it if it's a case where somebody clearly did it dna is there because i i i sympathize with people who are like on death row who get um who get like um who get like miss you know they and then they get misdiagnosed what's the word misdiagnosed they had's the word? Misdiagnosed. They were framed. Framed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:31 They were framed. Thank you. And they had a mistrial. You're here to help me learn how to speak. Yeah, it's okay. When you lose your beard, you lose a couple of brain cells, but I'm here to support you, That's what happens. Yeah. So I have sympathy for people who are framed.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I do have sympathy for people who are framed. I do have sympathy for people who are framed. So if there's like, I think there should be a law that's like, if the evidence is like. Overwhelming. Overwhelmingly scientific and it's like first degree murder. Like the family should choose. The family should get to choose. Like if the family is like one of those religious families and they don't want the person to die or whatever or they forgive them, that's their business. But if a family says, I want him to die – because look, that's closure.
Starting point is 00:19:09 For me, I would – if somebody killed my kid, if I was Ahmaud Arbery's family, somebody killed me, I would – I want closure. I don't want to know those people are still eating meals and thinking about them. It's just like it ends the whole thing. Nothing can bring back your son, but it's like it's over. You don't have to think about them being on the planet anymore. But that's the thing, dog. I think they want closure right then and there, and that's why they go for the life sentence. Because it's never overwhelming evidence.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's always a little bit of evidence. It's also the racial aspect of them being black. And they send them away. Central Park Five. Central Park Five. Central Park Five. They were getting thrown away. My pops was on the force.
Starting point is 00:19:43 A lot of black cops. A lot of cops. They weren't with that. But they know they wanted the answer. They wanted closure there. Fake confessions. They were getting thrown away. My pops was on the force. A lot of black cops. A lot of cops. They weren't with that. But they know they wanted to answer. They wanted closure there. Fake confessions. Yeah, fake confessions. But they always have the little bit of evidence that they'll let you get killed for it.
Starting point is 00:19:52 It'll be like they find a potato chip on the floor of the crime scene. So you think the death penalty is dangerous? It could be dangerous because it's so salivating. It's right there and people want it and they go for it and they'll disregard everything else about it. So like it could for prosecution wise. Right. Prosecutions, it could be bad because it's the simple answer.
Starting point is 00:20:08 We're just a couple of legal experts going over what is and what should be. Yeah. Please put your opinions in the comments because political strife and disagreement and fighting is good for the engagement algorithm. It is. So we will be bringing up other hot button topics just to get you guys going. Drop them in the comments. Just don't drop the N word
Starting point is 00:20:27 because it's bad for the algorithm and I'm going to get mad. Yes, just don't drop that word. But please, give us your opinion. Should there be a death penalty? Should there not? If you make a bad song,
Starting point is 00:20:37 should you be able to be killed? Yep. If you have a bad meal, should you be able to report the chef and have him killed? I'm just trying to come up with some things you guys can argue about in the comment sections.
Starting point is 00:20:49 If somebody steps on your Jordans, okay, if you got your Jordans off the inflated goat app, that's a good point. That app charges like three times the fucking price. Air Max 95s are now going for 600 to 1,000. I gave mine to Paul Verzi. I wanted to ask for them back
Starting point is 00:21:05 because I bought them when they were down to 150, and then I gave them to him as a present, and they shot up to fucking 600 bucks. So if you get your Jordans off the Goat app and somebody steps in your Jordans, I'm asking you, as a kid who likes sneakers, should you be able to get the death penalty for
Starting point is 00:21:21 that person? Yeah, you should be able to get the death penalty, and you're not going to get those sneakers back from Paul because he's a Greek kid. And if you ask for them back, he's never going to forgive you. No, they probably match one of his Italian chains. Yeah. So, I don't know, man. This is a fun story. This is an episode where we're going to have stories about Mississippi and South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Two underserved communities in the national media landscape. And that's why you come to Long Days to hear what's going on in North Dakota and Mississippi. This is a fun one that I enjoyed. This is a very fun one. Where are my glasses? Can you pass them to me, Jared Harvin, please? I apologize. Thank you. You can grab a snooze if you want my glasses? Can you pass them to me, Jared Harvin, please? I apologize. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You can grab a snooze if you want it. I'm good. I know you're good. You smell like cocoa butter. Thank you. Cocoa butter is the smell of black friendship.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah. Cocoa butter and argan oil. Argan oil. Yeah. My roommate in college was black. Shout out Todd Robinson. And I can tell you,
Starting point is 00:22:22 I know all about black people's smells. Okay. Incense can be there. Yep. Cocoa butter. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And just be prepared if your roommate is black during the winter months the heat will be on high even if he's in footsie pajamas. That is true. Black people love the heat.
Starting point is 00:22:41 They like it warm. They, you know, because that's what opera singers do. Opera singers put the heat on full. If you're like married to an opera singer they put the heat. They like it warm. They, you know, because that's what opera singers do. Opera singers put the heat on full. If you're like married to an opera singer, they put the heat on full blast because they always protect their voice.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Of course. So my cousin is an opera singer and I'd get in her car and I felt like I was in fucking Miami in August. And the only other time I felt that is when I walked into Todd's room in the middle of fucking June and he had the fucking heat on
Starting point is 00:23:02 and he had footsie pajamas on. So there you have it. Also, if you go to a black barbecue, there will be a lot of food in tin pants. That is true. There'll be a buffet of tin pants. We gotta divvy it up. You gotta divvy it up.
Starting point is 00:23:14 So South Dakota's Supreme Court, Jared, has ruled against the legalization of recreational marijuana. Now, what happened there, to just give you the anatomy and walk it back a little bit, let's unpack this. That's one of my favorite,
Starting point is 00:23:33 that's one of the most annoying words I hear on the internet. And it usually comes from pseudo-intellectuals and internet personalities. They always go, okay, let's unpack this. Which means they're about to say some snooty, snide, snarky shit.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Stupid shit. Yeah, if you hear unpack, you're dealing with just one of those uselessly educated liberal arts majors who are about to put you on notice. Yeah. If you hear unpack, you're about to be put on notice.
Starting point is 00:23:57 If you hear unpack, just know the person that says unpack only gets their news from Complex. It's Complex. Yeah. So, well, Complex is more of a hip-hop thing. Well, it's hip-hop, but also it's all in the new age. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Yeah, okay. I'm a boomer. I'm sorry. And by the way, I don't want to sick my Cyclops cult and the Longholders on another review lever, okay? But we're going to read it on this. We got another, we got another rat in the fan group who left another shitty review on Apple. They did? Who said, yeah, if you want to watch all the news that give you anxiety and listen to Yanni do his annoying liberal voice, then this is the podcast for you. But if you're looking for a podcast that relieves
Starting point is 00:24:43 stress, go listen to Mark Norman and Sam Morrell's podcast or something like that. Or the other one. Mark Norman and... Joe List. Joe List. Which I agree with.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Okay? Yeah. Basically, if you're a pussy... But anyway, I'm sicking Omar's Wild on you. So find him, Omar's Wild,
Starting point is 00:25:01 and bring him to me. Alive. Anyway. South Dakota. South Dakota. And I hate it because these are coming from former fans. He's going like, I love Yanni Butt. That's how they started. Little brats.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Omar's Wild will find you. He's a dedicated kid, bro. He's dedicated. Manny G says, I use Google Podcasts where there's no reviews. That's a perfect way to hide how little people are listening to your podcast. South Dakota's governor is an absolute Stone Coast para Roma piece. Jesse, can we get a picture? Yeah, let's pull her up.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Coming up. And let's give her the cock-a-meter test. Let's see if Jared Harvin shoots a creeper. If you don't know what shoots a creeper means, it means your dick chubs up. It's creeping onto being hard. She's a piece. And also, she's got those crazy eyes.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Let's be honest. She's a piece for politics, dog. I mean, she's not a piece. That's not a piece. She's a piece for politics. Okay, let's see the ass. Let's see the body and see if we can change Jared Harvin's opinion. Because I know me and Jesse are all in.
Starting point is 00:26:09 And I can say that because my wife doesn't listen to the podcast anymore. She's had enough. I mean, a little bit. Now you're getting more interested. What year is that, Jesse? See, Jared likes to see a little meat on the bone. 2020. I can see the elbow bone, though.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I don't like that. Can we get an ass shot of the south dakota uh the south dakota governor somebody asked why i take my glasses on and off some more it's because i'm old yeah um south dakota her name is christy noem christy noem is the republican governor of south dak. And what happened was, as we try to find a butt pic of the governor, because this is the highly esteemed newscast. Oh, wait. She's skinny. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say, though.
Starting point is 00:26:56 She looks like the lizard from Monsters, Inc. Ain't nobody want that. Wait, is that her? I see a little bump. There's a little bump. We are not objectifying women. You know, it's very funny too. You can objectify and say whatever you want about a Republican woman,
Starting point is 00:27:12 and progressive people have no problem with it. Remember when they were shitting all over, what was that, Huckleberry? Yeah. I mean, she looked like a guy. Mike Huckleberry's daughter, what was it? Mike Huckleberry's daughter. What was her name? Jesse, you remember her name? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:31 What was it? Huckleberry? Mike Hucklestern? She was the spokesperson for Donald Trump. She was the press secretary. Yeah, I remember her. I remember people were shitting on her looks all the time. And progressive liberals were totally okay with that.
Starting point is 00:27:47 You can shit on a woman. You can shit on a woman's looks and not objectify her or be misogynistic if they don't like that woman's politics. Yeah, you can shit on a woman as long as she's against abortion. As long as she's for abortion. No, as long as she's against abortion, no, as long as she's against abortion, you can shit on her. Yeah, look at her right there.
Starting point is 00:28:06 What's her name? Sarah, Sarah Sanders. Sarah Sanders. Now, I like the secretary, I like the representative from Arizona.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Huckabee. Huckabee. Sarah Susan Huckabee. Yeah, I wasn't sure if that was Huckabee. I mean, look at that pic right there.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I mean, it looks like a Tim Dillon sketch. She kind of looks like the penguin. She kind of does, yeah. I mean, look at that pic right there. I mean, it looks like a Tim Dillon sketch. She kind of looks like the penguin. She kind of does, yeah. I mean, and this is fine. We won't get demonetized. Yeah, so let's go back to the door.
Starting point is 00:28:35 But, you know, you cannot say anything about Hillary's cankles. I just fucking demonetized this, okay? You can't see them through the pantsuit anyway. It's okay. Yeah, you can't talk about Hillary Clinton's strong-ass cankles. I think she's
Starting point is 00:28:50 a little bit of a piece. Well, also, tell us in the comments, guys. Get that engagement going. I can't trust your piece. I can't trust your piece, meter. You're getting a little old
Starting point is 00:28:58 because you also said Patrick Mahomes' wife is a piece and she's not. Right. Britney. Sarah, what's her name again? Christy Noem. Christy Noem.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Is she for Rome or is she for Pompeii, which is a level under for Rome, I guess. I'm just thinking of another Roman city. But anyway, so this is what happened in the story. Somebody wanted to ask Jared, ask ifared wants to see some meat on this bone i don't think so that's from the greek bastard yeah so you know we're we're pretty flexible with that stuff uh charlie steven says men and women that's our common ground sex organs sarah left guard huckabee oh somebody called her left garden football it took me a second to figure out what that was but it was only a quick second Sarah Left Guard Huckabee. Oh, somebody called her Left Guard in football.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Took me a second to figure out what that was, but it was only a quick second. She looks like she plays for the Colts, dog. Yanni could be a Greek mathematician, except the only adding he does is letters to words where they don't belong. Ronan says, Alec is now the most right wing Baldwin because he shot someone Alec 2024
Starting point is 00:30:11 okie dokie demonetized guys proud to have this new sponsor on long days CBDX.com this is a federally legal form of THC that you will absolutely feel. Me and Dizzle had a little bite
Starting point is 00:30:32 and Dizzle got, you got high. Would you say you felt a little high? Oh, I was high. So you put your stamp of approval. This works. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:42 So, this is something you'll feel unlike a lot of other, uh, you know, CBDs you get where you take it and you're like, is this a, is this a scam? CBDX, you will feel it. Um, prepare to have your mind changed right now. They went all in on Delta eight THC. They have flour, cartridges, vape products, gummies. They will get you stoned. You will get zooted. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Zooted was the best word. We were in high school. We called it zooted. You will get zooted. They will show up as THC on a drug test. So let's just be clear. You're going to get zooted. I'm selling weed. So go to CBDX, which I support. CBDX.com. That's four letters. CBDX. Use the promo code
Starting point is 00:31:37 FUMES. You'll get 20% off and a free gift. The days of paying high prices at the dispensary are over, my friends. The days of sketchy handoffs are over. Do it right. Do it legally. And it feels the same. So that's the important part for you to remember here. This is a federally legal form of THC. So it's legal. You will absolutely feel it. Get yourself some gummies or a vape. You'll be blown away, man, that this is legal and shipped directly to you. And hey, they even take crypto. So there you go. That's CBDX.com.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Promo code FUMES for 20% off and a free gift. I wonder what that free gift is. I absolutely love Truebill. Truebill is a new app that helps you identify and stop paying subscriptions you don't need or want, or you simply forgot about. This is, you know how many times I just continue to pay? Like right now, me and my wife, we have like three Netflix subscriptions. Her whole family's got, I'm like, cancel my dog. I use Truebill. I'm like, this is what I don't need to pay for anymore, you know, because we're as a family.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I don't need it. I've saved so much money just using Tradebill to tell me which subscriptions to cancel. And they cancel them for you, which takes the hassle fucking out of it. So if there's anything you forgot about, not my Patreon. Do not use Truebill for my Patreon. Keep paying it. Okay. But on average, people save up to $720 a year using Truebill. The truth is, as you know, companies do make it hard for you to cancel your subscription with them. That's their job. You got to jump through a lot
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Starting point is 00:34:12 It could literally save you thousands a year. It's an absolutely incredible app. And you don't gotta worry about those free trial renewals anymore. So what happened here in South Dakota, very interesting, is the people voted by a pretty significant margin when it comes to votes like this of 54% where they approved the legalization of marijuana. And Kristi Noem initiated a legal fight to strike it down. And then it went to a lower court and then it went to the Supreme Court of South Dakota,
Starting point is 00:34:48 the highest court in South Dakota, which is just one of the few jobs in South Dakota. And they upheld or struck down, I don't remember, I think the lower court upheld the ban. And so they struck it down. And so they struck it down. No, they struck it down. So the Supreme Court agreed with her.
Starting point is 00:35:11 And so there's no marijuana in South Dakota. My first question is, you're in South Dakota. How can you enforce any laws? You got to drive 40 miles to someone's house when they commit a crime. So if you're in South Dakota, just keep smoking weed, dude. I mean, you could kill someone in South Dakota and nobody's going to be able to find you. Secondly, what else is there to do in South Dakota except smoke kush?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Nothing. You know what I mean? Nothing. I mean, Kanye West is not going to go to South Dakota to make a video like he did Wyoming. Yeah, everything's spread out in South Dakota. I mean, it takes you 30 minutes just to go to South Dakota to make a video like he did Wyoming everything is spread out in South Dakota it takes you 30 minutes just to get to your mailbox probably takes you 30 minutes to get to your mailbox here's my question
Starting point is 00:35:52 they ruled out against marijuana does South Dakota know that marijuana is a drug and not some Mexican immigrant trying to come to their state they don't know they can't tell the difference between that marijuana and marijuana they don't know. They can't tell the difference between that. Okay, because marijuana, marijuana, they don't want marijuanas there. They don't want Mexican immigrants coming there.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Maybe it's the way they pronounce this, what you're saying. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. If they called it Mary Jane, that sounds like a good old homegrown American white lady. Yeah, when you come home from chopping down trees, she's going to have cornbread and chili waiting for you. That's the problem. Jared Harvin just got to the bottom of it. Marijuana champions of South Dakota, I hope that this clip goes out to you. That's the problem. Jared Harvin just got to the bottom of it. Marijuana champions
Starting point is 00:36:25 of South Dakota, I hope that this clip goes out to you. The next time you vote for the legalization of marijuana, call it Mary Jane. Not marijuana. They're going to think it's Mexicans. Don't call it recreational. Call it occupational. They want to know that it works. It works and that it's white. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It's South Dakota we're talking about. Marijuana, it just sounds like a Spanish name. Marijuana. So that's a good point. That is a good point. Is there anything in this article that's newsworthy? I mean, how can you at this point have alcohol legal anywhere
Starting point is 00:36:59 and marijuana illegal? It's crazy. It is crazy. It is clear. Here we go. The high court sided with those arguments in a four to one decision, pretty, pretty, uh, much a landslide ruling that the measure amendment a would have violated the state's requirement that constitutional amendments deal. Oh, so they, they kind, they did some legalese. They did some, oh, this is violating the constitution bullshit.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It is clear that Amendment A contains provisions embracing at least three separate subjects, each with distinct objects and purposes. Chief Justice Stephen Jensen wrote, in the majority opinion, which found recreational marijuana,
Starting point is 00:37:38 medical marijuana, and hemp each to be separate issues. So they did some, they did some backflips for it. Yeah, the people wanted it. The people wanted it. And that's where you go, oh, are we a democracy or are we a republic? Because this is not rule by the people here.
Starting point is 00:37:59 The people want it. And so South Dakota is fascist. and that's all there is to it odell beckham jr on the other hand is living in the future yes he is he's getting his entire salary one million dollars one year contract with the los angeles rams he was recently traded from the cleveland browns um yeah in bitcoin yeah all 100 million he has. This is different from Cleveland because they paid him in Chile. They paid him in tears
Starting point is 00:38:31 from LeBron leaving. He joined up with the Cash App. So this is through the Cash App and Odell Beckham Jr. will receive 100%. What is 100% in Bitcoin? Still 100 Bitcoin? Zero Bitcoins. Odell Beckham Jr. 100% what is 100% in Bitcoin still a hundred Bitcoin zero bitcoins
Starting point is 00:38:47 Adele Beckham jr. By the way, I have to say a fan sent me an article on how crypto is a scam and it was a very convincing article I don't Disbelieve that even our debt notices our dollars are a scam too. But this article made reference to the fact that like basically name anything else where everyone just gets rich immediately, it's a Ponzi scheme. It's like people buying it
Starting point is 00:39:15 and then selling it to the next investor and the next investor and the next investor. And nobody realizes that there's nothing of significance going on. It's just being passed around like a hot potato. And I'm not smart enough to recant his argument, but it was very convincing because whenever you have something like this
Starting point is 00:39:31 where people are becoming multi-millionaires overnight because they bought a few invisible coins that live in a computer, you're going like, my first instinct is nothing is that easy, too good to be true, probably a scam. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I mean, that's just boomer energy. But you get, it's crypto, it's cryptic, you don't understand it. And you've been through the ringer. You went on Cash Daddy's, Drinking Bros explained it to you, and now you're seeing this article. Just give up on it, fam. Just buy some real estate and call it a day. Call it a day.
Starting point is 00:39:57 And now they have Odell Beckham Jr. as their spokesperson. One of them. Him and Aaron Rodgers. Through Cash App, which is a very appropriate thing for Odell because black people love Cash App. Don't ask a black person for their Venmo. It's going to be Cash App only. Good to know. Good to know.
Starting point is 00:40:13 So Odell Beckham Jr. has taken his hundred... He's taken a million dollars in Bitcoin and I think Aaron Rodgers, a portion of his salary, he also teamed up with the Cash App and he is getting a portion of his salary. He also teamed up with the Cash App and he is getting a portion of his salary in
Starting point is 00:40:27 Bitcoin. My Patreon does not accept Bitcoin at this time. Patreon.com slash Yanni Longdays. But we do take Cash App and Venmo payments I believe. But go sign up for your bonus episodes.
Starting point is 00:40:43 And I heard ALC has an OnlyFans page now And she accepts EBT Yeah But you called it OnlyFans like a boomer It's fans only Oh fans only That's why my joke
Starting point is 00:40:51 Wasn't working for a long time Because I called it OnlyFans instead of fans only Are you sure it's fans only I'm not 100% positive I don't check it I know like 20 girls From my school
Starting point is 00:40:57 That have an OnlyFans page Okay so maybe it is OnlyFans Is it fans only or OnlyFans No I think that's just I think it's fans only I think that's just Your brain switching up On you It's OnlyFans It's it's fans only. I think that's just your brain switching up on you.
Starting point is 00:41:05 It's only fans? Yeah. Okay. I thought that was an inside joke every time you said it. You were dead ass about that? I always confuse them. I put them back. You know, I'm what you call senile.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Come on, bro. We got to get you to adopt. Someone said crypto. Elias Katra said crypto is as fake as Matt Damon's Boston accent. We need a crypto-based human trafficking. Giannis also accepts Uncle Pauly's gift cards. That is true. I do accept Uncle Pauly's gift cards.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So what do you think about this, Jess? You're big on crypto. You own a few Bitcoins. What can he get with this? Like, so he's now got his full salary, a million dollars. For him, I guess this is just side money, right? So he's just investing in Bitcoin because a million is no big deal. So he's like, let me just get a million.
Starting point is 00:41:56 And then here's the funny thing about Bitcoin. This is why I'm skeptical of it as legal tender. Because his million that he got will be worth worth more later so it's like is that money when does your dollar become worth ten dollars you know i mean when does your ten dollar bill if you hold on to it turn into a benjamin franklin when does that happen but for some reason a bitcoin if you hold it becomes worth more. It doesn't make sense. That's not money.
Starting point is 00:42:29 How are you trading in money? It's not a foreign currency. That idea is attractive to a football player because the more they play, the less valuable they become. So if you hear about something, oh, I can get the money now, I can sit on it and it becomes valuable later, they're going to attract to that
Starting point is 00:42:38 because most of them end up with a 25 and they're all springing and they end up with CTE. Right. First of all, they're getting paid by Cash App, so it doesn't matter. Oh, this is advertising. Promotional through Cash App they get paid. Jesse always looks through things in the lens cynically through advertising
Starting point is 00:42:55 because he knows how they operate. J.Dree makes a good point here. J.Dree9 says, I mean, he could buy a whole Tesla. And then Jamma N. Winston says, I mean, he could buy a whole Tesla. And then, Jama N. Winston says, it's all for show. He wants, if he wants to invest in Bitcoin,
Starting point is 00:43:12 he could just buy it himself. So that's Jesse's point. This is Cash App right there. Now here we got a Bitcoin missionary right here. That's what I was looking for. That's why I'm looking at the phone. I want you, I want you gospel preaching Bitcoiners.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Here's one. Jason the Ryan. Yeah, they always look the same too. You know what I mean? They look the same. The dollar is inflationary. It's been going down for the last 60 years. That's true, right? Bitcoin, the new baseball trading cards for the elites. That's a good one. Crypto is a hedge against inflation. Thank you, Jason. Elaborate. Elaborate.
Starting point is 00:43:48 What does that mean, goddammit? I'm a layman. I just want to be able to get a massage and order a fucking chicken cutlet at Uncle Paulie's. Does Uncle Paulie take Bitcoin? Will he take Bitcoin? And why does the value of Bitcoin keep fluctuating? Highs and lows every time Elon Musk makes a tweet. You fuck.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I love this because, you know, we're the only podcast that actively tries to understand Bitcoin while we're doing the show. We like to slow things down to a halt to try to figure something out. It's like we're looking for a water in a desert here. Yeah. Just wait for the nerd riots
Starting point is 00:44:22 when the FED pits a halt on Bitcoin trading. Yeah, that's probably what's going to happen too, like China did. We're acting a lot like China. So are our tech giants. You guys are acting a lot like China. Speaking of that, big trouble for me because right now, Instagram is prepping tomorrow to go talk in front of the Senate, and the Senate is putting them in detention and saying they've been bad boys they're almost treating the Instagram like it's different from Facebook they're both owned by uh the the Fediverse Metaverse which I love what Facebook did they came under a little scrutiny just like Bruce Jenner killed the guy and they just changed their name just like Bruce
Starting point is 00:45:02 Jenner changed his gender and said hey Caitlyn didn't kill that woman and her kid. Slipped it onto the rug. Yeah, Meta goes, hey, we're not making teen girls feel bad about themselves. That was Facebook. We're Meta.
Starting point is 00:45:14 So, Adam Mosseri is his name, is the Instagram chief and he is going to speak in front of the Senate tomorrow where they're going to do the same mental masturbation and waste our tax dollars and time chief and he is going to speak in front of the senate tomorrow where they're going to do the
Starting point is 00:45:25 same mental masturbation and waste our tax dollars and time trying to figure out what kind of negative effect this is having on girls um so it's a bipartisan coalition of the united states uh attorney general um they're investigating whether the company violated consumer protection laws States Attorney General. They're investigating whether the company violated consumer protection laws and put young people at risk. That's the more important one. Jesse, you made this money sign. What does that mean? They just want a little money.
Starting point is 00:45:55 They want a little payout. They want a payout. They want to tax them. They've had enough. But they do tax them, right? On their earnings. They'll fine them. But they're going to fine them.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah, a little payout. I want to wet that beak. I fuck Jesse goes straight to the fucking heart. Sometimes he's a little too cynical, but sometimes he nails it. That's what it is. Yo, have you noticed that the world works on Nazi, not Nazi, on mafia tactics? Yeah. It's like everyone's looking for a handout.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Everyone's looking for a payout. You can get by as long as I let you. Yeah. It's like all, everyone's looking for a handout. Everyone's looking for a payout. You can get by as long as I let you. Yeah. I mean, even think about like, even down to like locally, like the MetroCard system, when they put it on the machine
Starting point is 00:46:35 and then you always notice there's always like a $1.13 still left on it that you can never get off and then the card expires and that $1.13 is just gone. I mean, that is mafia tactics. They don't roll over, son. It doesn't roll over.
Starting point is 00:46:48 You can't roll it over and you can't get it out. And you're always wondering, why is the amount of tokens that I bought, why is the amount of admittances onto the subway, why is there extra money on there? Shouldn't I have bought the exact amount of rides you know because they always go like if you buy this one
Starting point is 00:47:09 you get 50 plus and then they do some 50 plus 2 off peak and you're like and then you go at the end and you swipe it to see how much is left and it's always $1.13
Starting point is 00:47:18 or it's $14.92 here's a good story that we're all going to love the women's march it's $14.92. Here's a good story that we're all going to love. The Women's March. The Pussy Hat Wearing Women's March has a Twitter page. Jesse, can you pull it up? On a lighter note,
Starting point is 00:47:35 maybe this is a story that doesn't give you anxiety, you pussy. Jdreen9 says, Giannis, talk about Obama getting paid $100 million by Bezos to create a fake library. I saw that. I Giannis, talk about Obama getting paid $100 million by Bezos to create a fake library. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:47:48 I don't know much about it. We'll get to that next week. Patrick Skaggs, taking your own life and odds in your hands equals carnival tickets. Omar's Wild's in the building. He says, Gianni, I'm outside.
Starting point is 00:48:03 No, he says, death penalty to Gianni for forgetting my birthday on Saturday when I was in New York here we go we got another evangelical
Starting point is 00:48:10 Bitcoiner here so let's see what Tom C. Certain says Bitcoin will be the standard of interweb financial system it will not be the main use for transactions
Starting point is 00:48:20 other crypto will serve the purpose everything will be tethered to a token of sort tokenomics every response I get about Bitcoin, I don't understand. You might as well be talking in rubles, dog. I don't understand that. I mean, the three of us sitting here, we're not stupid kids. I managed to figure out to make a living just bullshitting. I'm not that fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:48:40 All from Brooklyn. Yeah. I mean, we're going to do, I'm giving a fuck. I will offer $100, which is ironic because I don't know why you'd show up to that because it's not Bitcoin. But I will offer $100, which you claim has no value anymore. If anyone can explain to me and convince me that Bitcoin, one of a billion different cryptocurrencies that keep fucking popping up, will replace the dollar. If you can convince me, I'll give you $100 and I'll be honest about it. That is a challenge right now. That is a long day's giveaway.
Starting point is 00:49:14 I'm giving you $100 of greenbacks. If you can only explain to me. Patrick Skagg says, Bitcoin pushers are just carnies with a coke and Adderall problem instead of meth that's a guy that lost some money on Bitcoin son Yanni doesn't need to know
Starting point is 00:49:31 because in the social credit system he's gonna be locked up Bitcoin equals the amount of a $3 bill there you go so this is a fun story Jared Jesse you guys are gonna love this so the women's march tweeted yesterday apparently they had sent out a newsletter where they wrote in the newsletter
Starting point is 00:49:54 somewhere to their members or whatever that uh they were happy because the average donation that supporters were giving ended up being $14.92. Yep. So someone at the Women's March made the connection between $14.92 and the year 1492, where Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Yep. And they decided that they needed to put themselves and they sat there, They whipped themselves first.
Starting point is 00:50:28 And then they said, we apologize deeply. You got to read it this way. I'm sorry for the kid who doesn't like my liberal cuck accent. Fuck you. We apologize deeply for the email that was sent today. We apologize. $14.92
Starting point is 00:50:44 $14.92 was our average donation amount this week. It was an oversight on our part, our part, not to make the connection to a year of colonization, conquest, and genocide for indigenous people, especially before Thanksgiving. Now, I want something here. I need to say something to the Women's March, if you are listening. You name yourself Women's March. Do you not see how that is an oversight to the march of tears that Indigenous women were forced to take? That is a white supremacist dog whistle against indigenous people.
Starting point is 00:51:28 So enough is enough. And this is Yana speaking now. I understand why you made this mistake between $14.92 and the year 1492. It's because women's brains are smaller. So I understand, but I'm just here to tell you, I believe one is an amount of money that ended up being the average
Starting point is 00:51:48 of what you were donated and the other one was a year that Columbus sailed to America so I don't think they have anything to do with each other but I support your crazy person's imperative and freedom to make a connection where there is none which is exactly what schizophrenic people do.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, these people are crazy. They go, someone just called me on the phone. I think George W. Bush is watching me in the bathroom. Yeah. You know what? The Women's March is sexist. The Women's March is sexist. The Women's March is sexist because 1492, Columbus's voyage was led by all women.
Starting point is 00:52:22 The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. There you go. That's mad sexist, son. That's sexist. Also, you're walking around with pussy hats. What about the people who don't have that particular vagina? What about those women? What about those women who don't have vaginas?
Starting point is 00:52:38 Yeah. What about the people who are women who happen to have different genitals? What are you, a genital fetishist? where's my birthing person hat give me that my birthing person hat and another thing another thing now can we just look at some of these comments real quick just to celebrate how funny they are because so many of these comments if you just scroll down we're very funny. Manny JG91 says, the Women's March is the WNBA playoffs. What's the dollars? Omar, what's bigger, a pecan or a woman's brain?
Starting point is 00:53:23 I think maybe a pecan. Does the Women's March accept the Lana Rhodes Pog coin? Yanni, vajayjay, on notice, like the natives in 1492. Free blanket. Looking like you're in the Hitler Youth today, cuz. Why, cuz I shaved my beard? These young people should look into the being employees of the IRS because the amount of detail that you have to have to even pick up on something like that
Starting point is 00:53:51 right 1492 make that connection son it's what it's what a crazy person like you say about the QAnon people get these people into some Hollywood Hollywood producers some Hollywood studios and let's make some movies I mean you could make some great movies with these people yeah you could it's what a crazy person does they make uh like false connections you know their brain goes oh this is happening then this is happening and they get paranoid like so it's literally what happens in a crazy person's brain while jesse resets his password for twitter i don't know what it is you want to just pull it up on your phone let's see yeah let's see jared just pull it up on your phone? Let's see. Yeah, let's see. Jared, just pull it up on your phone. Go to the Women's March. And just, Jesse's got to make a new password to get on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:54:31 When's the last time you tweeted? Never. I love your shirt. It just goes, sounds good. Sounds good. Whatever you say sounds good. Sounds good. Just go to the Women's March, that tweet, and just read some of the funniest comments you see.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Because, look, the internet is undefeated. There are so many funny people out there. In fact, the one that I just said, I stole from someone who commented on my tweet. I can't remember his name, but he actually said that about the Trail of Tears. He said that calling it a woman's march is a white supremacist dog whistle because of the Trail of Tears. We deeply apologize. $531,080.08 was our average donation amount this week. It was an oversight on our part to make the connection that if you enter that number into a calculator and turn it upside down, it reads boobies. We apologize to any breasted people who were donated too. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:55:24 There's a few good ones. Like, there's a few, like, really funny good ones. You tweeted this apology at 2.33 p.m. Did you make the connection to the various conquests that occurred in the year 2.33? Didn't think so. Delete and try again. That was from Nick Pappas. Yeah, Nick Pappas.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Shout out, Nick Pappas. Okay, that's serious. Someone says, Ann Chul says, Gasoline Maxwell is set to be a surprise speaker at the Women's March. They call her Gasoline because that's what I call her. Because I can't say Giseline or whatever her fucking name is. Giseline. Giseline.
Starting point is 00:55:59 I call her Gasoline Maxwell. Sounds like a character. One more. Give me one more good one. Because they're so good. Oh, Jesse got it up on the board. They're so good. You just said 1492 again.
Starting point is 00:56:12 If you're really sorry, why did you repeat it? This is a good one. Yikes. Why are you even fundraising this week in the first place? You should be donating these funds to something.
Starting point is 00:56:25 There's some good ones. Where is the good ones? Oh, man. Someone posted a receipt. Someone posted a receipt that was $17.76. It says, I undercut the message by buying Worcestershire sauce, admittedly, and the price was $17.76. It's almost like they did this on purpose because they wouldn't have gotten this much
Starting point is 00:56:49 attention towards this topic otherwise. You should hire at least 10 more indigenous female staff writers immediately. If it's any less than 10 staffers with full benefits and a living wage, you aren't seriously sorry and still harming people. you aren't seriously sorry and still harming people. Oh man. Oh, someone said, I looked at this tweet at the perfect moment when it had 1492 likes. Oh, it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:19 sometimes it's comedy just writes itself. It absolutely writes itself. So that was just a fun story for us all to have a moment of fun with. So Thomas Jefferson, the statue has been taken down. Thomas Jefferson,
Starting point is 00:57:37 an interesting character. One of the brilliant minds behind the founding of our country. Philosopher. Many brilliant writings. Said many brilliant things. But definitely a person of his time.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And he had slaves. Like a lot of people did. I think George Washington had slaves. Thomas Jefferson had slaves. Yeah. Slaves were black and so were his teeth. Yeah. So that's right.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And so they have voted to take him down where he stood for a long time. A statue of him in City Hall in New York City. Sally Hemings. Yep. Famously had an affair with Thomas Jefferson and they have kids and shit like that. Yep. So there's a personal life there too personal life of his time I think Thomas Jefferson is the one
Starting point is 00:58:35 who coined the term peculiar institution can you just double check that for me so I don't look like a stupid history major I think Thomas Jefferson's thoughts on slavery were very complicated double check that for me so i don't look like a stupid history major i think thomas jefferson's thoughts on slavery were very complicated as some of the uh those people back then you know in that context you know slavery to this point was the norm all around the world chattel slavery in america had this race element to it, and it was particularly brutal. Yeah. Probably because of the race element. But slavery is as old as prostitution.
Starting point is 00:59:08 It is, it's been the norm until people of conscience started getting rid of it, until we went to an industrial revolution, and we started, you know, because people aren't that good. It was really the industrial revolution where you're going like, you know, we may not need to do this anymore. Because, you know, people are shit. So there's only a few good people you'll meet in your entire life.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I hate to break the news to you if you're a young piece of... Hold on to those people. Be loyal to those people because the rest of the people are self-interested cowards. He's not lying. God damn, I've been scorned.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Anyway, so just to give a little context, was it him who said peculiar institution? I'm pretty sure. Looks like it. Yeah, so Thomas Jefferson, he struggled with it. He struggled.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Now you could say, you can indict him and say, well, Benjamin Franklin didn't struggle with it because Benjamin Franklin didn't have slaves and he was against it. Yeah, but that guy was getting busy getting electrocuted with a kite. Yeah, he was getting busy
Starting point is 01:00:00 and he was also fucking a lot. He died of syphilis. Yeah. Which makes you love him more. But Benjamin Franklin also was in Pennsylvania where there was a different culture because there was the Mennonites there, the Quakers.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I like Quakers. I went to a Quaker school. The Quakers kind of rock. Minus the inbreeding and all that shit. One of my favorite religions, I went to a Quaker school, Brooklyn Friends. Quakers are awesome
Starting point is 01:00:23 in that marriages, they just stare at each other. They have moments of silence. They've been against slavery from the beginning on moral grounds. There's a lot of great things to love about Quakers. There's a lot of great things, especially at a guy your age, because they keep your cholesterol down. They keep your cholesterol down. Quaker oats.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And they're good for your shits. Make your shit float, bud. Jesse's still trying to find out if, did Jefferson mention... There's books, there's all kinds of stuff about the peculiar... I want to know who coined it, but I think... A complicated relationship to the peculiar, despite his philosophy. Yes, it was Jefferson. So Jefferson did struggle with this.
Starting point is 01:01:00 But he was from Virginia. He was from Virginia. Yeah. Also, one of the horrible, one of the horrible, uncomfortable truths about history is that
Starting point is 01:01:10 slavery at this time gave these men what you call it, free time. What's the, leisure time. Yeah. Where they read and they studied and
Starting point is 01:01:23 They set the foundation for what they were able to do for the country. Yeah, they were able to sit around all day, write shit, and fucking come up with a government on. It's a horrible thing, but that's messy. That's how messy life is. He's also from Virginia, which is a slavery state. It's one of the biggest tobacco farms, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Tobacco, one of the biggest slave sharing crops, et cetera. Sally Hemings and him Was that a Consensual relationship And I know there's people Going I'm not They can't be consensual Because of the dynamic I understand that point too
Starting point is 01:01:54 I do understand that point To a certain extent But he didn't mistreat Did he Thomas Jefferson Wasn't mean to his slaves He was a man of his time Still he was a slave owner
Starting point is 01:02:03 So that's bad. Benjamin Franklin was not. John Brown, there's certain people who were against it. Lloyd Garrison, there were certain people who were ahead of their time and you got to give them credit
Starting point is 01:02:13 and the list goes on. So I want to ask you, his statue, all the good things he's done, there's also this personal life that is a little controversial. But also, that's what was happening at that time so that's the context what's your opinion was it
Starting point is 01:02:30 good to remove thomas jefferson statue does it matter i think it does matter um you know it is good to especially at like like you said he's a guy of his time you know it's good to observe what he did wrong but at the end of the day without what he did and the people that early in the country did to form us we wouldn't be here you know so like so it's complicated yeah it's complicated you can't really judge that because if they didn't do what they did we wouldn't be here i mean we might be a different version you don't know like the butterfly effect or how whatever you would say but like what he did lay down the foundation to have the country that we have today and it may has our flaws. It does have the flaws.
Starting point is 01:03:06 But we can't just throw the baby out with the bathwater, you know? So I'm a believer in that. I respect that opinion. Yeah. Hey, listen. I respect that opinion. You ain't got to celebrate him. Now, I don't celebrate the guy.
Starting point is 01:03:18 He did have slaves. And I think it's appropriate because he is on the dime, you know? So he's on the dime. And there's a reason why Washington's on the quarter. Right. So I think you can celebrate his thinking is on the dime. So he's on the dime, and there's a reason why Washington's on the quarter. Right. So I think you can celebrate his thinking, a lot of his thinking. You can celebrate his thinking. I think you can celebrate his thinking.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I think you can also kind of observe him as a person. History is dates or addresses in time. He lived in a different time where there was different norms, and he was brought up in those. And he acted appropriately for that time and he was brought up in those. And he acted appropriately for that time. He was brought up in those. Some people are more courageous to stay, stay, and cause a hoopla and throw it out. Most people are not in any time.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Most people are just not courageous to go against the grain anyway. Yeah. But we do know privately he struggled with it. He did coin. He was the first one to call it the peculiar institution, that something needed to be done with it. He knew it wasn't right. peculiar institution that something needed to be done with it he knew it wasn't right um so but so that being said i don't think thomas jefferson you know there's a difference between thomas jefferson and like senator calhoun you know there's differences all about time judge
Starting point is 01:04:15 yeah calhoun like there's people who are for slavery and vicious and they were wrong and they're on the wrong side thomas jefferson I don't think you can put in that category. I just don't. That's my opinion. Based on having read a lot of this stuff, being familiar with the history of the country, etc. All the complicated stuff. Brilliant man. One of the most brilliant thinkers in the history of the world.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Across a variety of topics. I mean, absolutely brilliant. These guys were renaissance men and brilliant. I mean, absolutely, these guys were renaissance men and brilliant. I mean, Benjamin Franklin, brilliant. Thomas Jefferson spent a lot of time in France. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Brought some of those ideas back. But, you do have to respect how these things make black people feel. That's what I think. Yeah. I, as far as monuments
Starting point is 01:05:04 and stuff like that i i just think you gotta respect that i think it's a nice acknowledgement and i think a lot of these things belong in museums where you where you go and you learn history times change we look back and we go hey you know this is something we don't we want to examine for the full for the full gamut of what it was, not just celebrating what he did for democracy and founding the country and states. All these things that are good. We don't want to just look at him for that anymore. We want to look at the full picture and maybe people like that and things like that belong in a museum. I think it belongs in a museum because you can't negate history.
Starting point is 01:05:41 History is what it is. It's right there. No, you can't get rid of it. You can't burn it. No. Yeah, you got to face the mirror and face. History is what it is. It's right there. No, you can't get rid of, you can't burn books. Yeah, you gotta face the mirror and face the facts of what that is. I think black people view Thomas Jefferson and historical figures like him how an NBA player would view their absent father.
Starting point is 01:05:58 It's like, goddammit, I hate you, but if you were around, then I probably wouldn't be here in the first place. So I respect you and I appreciate everything you did for me. But if you come back to this house, you're gonna get kicked out. You're not getting any of my McDonald's money. Now obviously we just touched the
Starting point is 01:06:12 surface of this combo. So I'd love to know what you guys think in the comments. But no, it's something I'd like to revisit because it's interesting. I mean, you just gotta put yourself in other people's shoes. You also gotta examine this stuff. And it's fun to, look, it's good to put yourself in other people's shoes. You also got to examine this stuff. And it's fun to look. It's good to think about.
Starting point is 01:06:28 It's about perspective. Because I got to see how you would feel if you went to the diner and you had all these statues of Turks around. I got to understand how you would feel. You can't eat your baklava in a safe environment where you got a Turkish statue staring at you. It's a different thing. So I got to understand how you feel. That's a different thing. So I got to understand how you feel. That's a great point. And for the people who don't take the time to put yourselves in other people's shoes and just want to yell cock and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:06:51 It's like, look, obviously progressives go too far. The problem with humans is there's no end to up. As the great wise Jesse Scaturo told me a long time ago, and he made it a theme in like three or four bizarre pieces. The problem with humans is they, and another way to say it is they don't know when to put down the sword and pick up the plow it's like they just keep going too far but that doesn't mean the initial thoughts around a lot of this stuff are worthy of conversation yeah you know like when you i i go
Starting point is 01:07:19 to the south i'm a history buff i, and you should, preserve all aspects of history because you don't want to erase what happened. You don't want to start going into books like, whatchamacallit, Huckleberry Finn or whatever, who Mark Twain was a extreme, that was a pen name.
Starting point is 01:07:39 His name was Samuel Clemmons. He was so racist. He had a, no, but he, yeah, that's how racist it was back then. But he was a very progressive guy, Mark Twain. And, you know, he was, the character says the N-word in there, but that's how people spoke back then.
Starting point is 01:07:51 So you don't go back and change the book. I mean, that's a book written back then. Yeah. And a character saying that. That's how they would have spoke. That's going too far, in my opinion. Things like that, where you start removing things from books and history. That's kind of like fucking fascist shit
Starting point is 01:08:05 where you start burning books and saying oh this book was evil no you want those books you want to know what it looks like just like when someone's truly racist
Starting point is 01:08:12 you want to hear it so you know what you're dealing with and for black people to know where you're going you got to know where you came from you got to know where you came from
Starting point is 01:08:18 etc but so as a person who loves history going to these southern cities I always wondered when I saw these confederate statues I always wondered when I saw these Confederate statues, I always wondered, like,
Starting point is 01:08:26 if I was a fucking black dude, like, because I'm on the fence with the Thomas Jefferson shit, but when it comes to Confederate statues, Confederate statues take those down. They all gotta go. You lost, bro. Not only did you lose,
Starting point is 01:08:37 your cause was, like, highly immoral, you know, at a time where there was another side who had, who was fighting for something a little more moral, and, like, yeah, there should be no losers up, I don't get it, and I always thought about what that would make a, what that would do to a black person's psyche to be walking around in the South, and you have all these statues of people who fought, like, are being revered, and people who fought for, to keep you enslaved, you know, and then also, I love, you know, the
Starting point is 01:09:03 thing I always point out. It's like, those people are the ones who always talk about how much they love freedom. They're like, I love freedom. It's like, well, those guys
Starting point is 01:09:10 in those statues didn't like the freedom of certain people. So you don't love freedom as much as you say you do. Yeah. And then when you're against somebody
Starting point is 01:09:18 marrying another guy, that's the freedom for him. But you don't like that one either. So you don't really love freedom. You just love your opinions. People in the South love freedom
Starting point is 01:09:28 and they always say they love the country but then you look at them and they don't look like they washed they have missing teeth. It's like why does it look like the country doesn't love you back? Yeah. And of course those are
Starting point is 01:09:36 that's a joke. I mean most Southern people are good people and those are just the rednecks. Look I just lost some fans but hopefully I'll gain some new. Probably not. But we're gonna be who we're gonna be on this show, and
Starting point is 01:09:47 please just argue and call me shitty in the comments, and then people defend me. Just as many comments as we can get. So it's an interesting thing. It's an interesting thing on Thomas Jefferson being removed, because up until this point, I don't think there's been this controversial
Starting point is 01:10:03 a removal. Where Thomas Jefferson is, it's one where you're going like, ooh, he's kind of a hero for a lot of things. Taking down Robert E. Lee and all that stuff. Most people are on board with that, except for the people in those small areas who I don't know. But most people are on board with that. Thomas Jefferson, I would probably think there's a lot of people split on this. I'd love to hear what you think about it. Anyway, we've done a little bit of fun
Starting point is 01:10:30 and we've done a little bit of controversy, controversial topics to get people talking. Cuomo is back in the news, but not for long. Supposedly there is quote unquote overwhelming evidence of misconduct on many fronts on many fronts. Many fronts. Jesse has a conspiracy.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Oh, good old sounds good Jesse Scatoro who cuts right to the fucking, cuts right to the cynical truth. Thinks that this sexual stuff, he almost welcomes because it was covering up the fact that he really fucked up with the nursing homes,
Starting point is 01:11:08 intentionally fucked up with fudging the numbers to make himself look good, right? So you almost feel like he was hoping because he knew that this was coming down the pipe that he was hoping that he would be able to walk away with just touching a girl's boot and saying, I'm Italian.
Starting point is 01:11:18 I'm Italian. I don't know what happened. I mean, maybe you guys don't watch Sebastian Maniscalco specials. We talk with our hands. What can you do? My hand landed on her puppy. So basically saying like that was the preferable scandal to the obviously more,
Starting point is 01:11:40 and I don't mean to belittle women's feelings of safety, but the less impact. How do you say this? They're both horrible. If you touch the girl's boob, that's horrible. But if you kill a bunch of old people, can I say it's a little worse? I can't say that.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Let me call the women's march. To be honest, those women weren't safe in the first place because they were in Albany. I've been there and I felt very uncomfortable. Terry Lance says, I watch granny porn. There, I admit it. So he just wanted because they were in Albany. I've been there and I felt very uncomfortable. Someone just, Terry Lance says, I watch granny porn. There, I admit it. So he just wanted to do that
Starting point is 01:12:09 in my chat. Charles Stevens, the women should be bad about the Statue of Liberty. She's in a dress all the time and working her corner. Take down the Statue of Liberty. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:23 What do you do if your legs fall asleep sitting on the toilet you stand up nano is the best crypto cuz it has no fees no mining echo friendly
Starting point is 01:12:32 love you Yanni thank you Aiden I'm still not buying it until I can collect rent on it I'm a real estate guy so Governor Cuomo cites overwhelming evidence
Starting point is 01:12:43 New York Probe cites overwhelming evidence. New York Probe cites overwhelming evidence. Sexual misconduct. Used state resources for a $5 million book project. That's bad. Yeah. That's bad. Once they start digging.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Yeah, once they start digging, they find. Here's the thing about Italian kids. Not to stereotype, okay? But again, you know, the way... I could talk about Italians. They tried to fucking to stereotype, okay? But again, you know, the way, I could talk about Italians. They tried to fucking conquer us, okay, the Greeks. So Turks and Italians and Germans,
Starting point is 01:13:12 you guys tried and the least you can expect is some jocks, okay? You're lucky I don't fucking try to take a pitchfork out and kill you and just, you're lucky I don't attack a Staten Island
Starting point is 01:13:22 with a fucking band of 300 Greeks. Glasses off, glasses on. So, you know, I put the glass on because I can't see far, and the screen's far away. In a damning report expanding on previous findings
Starting point is 01:13:40 that led to the resignation, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, numerous allegations are contained in the report, which have blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Numerous allegations are contained in the report, which have blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It added, noting the surrogate, blah, blah, blah, blah. Cuomo was also found to have used state resources to write, publish, and promote American Crisis, a book that netted the ex-governor $5.2 million. ex-governor $5.2 million.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Not quite as much as Nancy Pelosi's Florida home, which we're not sure if that's true. Jesse might have got that news from Newsmax, but can we double check after this? Because that's very funny. And also the sexual harassment charges. Let's get to the nursing home because that's good stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:26 And it echoed the charge that Cuomo obfuscated. Get smarter! Obfuscated, that means kind of clouded, the number of COVID deaths in nursing homes, even if his media fortunes ascended in the early phase
Starting point is 01:14:42 of the pandemic. So he covered up his bad policies that led to a lot of loss of granny porn actresses. Sorry to the gentleman who admitted it on here. He killed a lot of old people. Jesse, it's because he ordered them back in when he shouldn't have, right? That's right.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Then he wrote a book on how well he handled them. You gotta speak it to the mic so my fans don't eat my ass. Oh got a lavalier on yeah smart kid yeah i mean come on dad he's a producer anyway yeah he killed a lot of old people and then he wrote a book on how well he handled and then he will how and he fudged the numbers because he didn't want that little inconvenient fact to harm his little hero parade. And so you're saying your conspiracy theory is there were some sexual stuff and he was
Starting point is 01:15:30 even in on trying to use it to cover for these two worse offenses. I'm sorry. Put me on notice. Anything said to a woman is bad. It's bad. Yeah, I think he just didn't want anyone digging because there's a lot. There's a lot there. Yeah, next thing you know, you dig all the way to the bottom and he's got some deal
Starting point is 01:15:46 with some Lucchese crime family member where they own a house and they do pizza shops. Because he left. He left without much resistance. What I'm just saying is Italians are criminals. I said it, okay? They love a shortcut. You went about this the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:16:02 You guys like white leather and you like crime. There's a reason why Greek fathers don't want their daughters marrying Italians and they say he's a dumb criminal. You guys just have no morals and I hate all Italian people. I'm joking.
Starting point is 01:16:18 I'm joking. I'm fucking joking. Jesse's half Italian. Half Italian, half Jew. With a good old Brooklyn might. Only the good half. Yeah, only the good half. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:16:30 But the Cuomo family, I mean, their father is fucking rolling over in their grave. He was a good man, Mario. Yeah, he was a good man, Mario. He knew how to do things. He knew how to take care of both sides of the line. He knew how to take care of both sides of the line. He knew how to take care of the cops. You got to know how to take care of the cops and the criminals.
Starting point is 01:16:51 That's the way you do it in Long Island, where everyone's a little crooked in Long Island. Yeah. A little crooked. You got to find the balance. You got to find the balance. And I'm sorry, Andrew. You went over the line.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I want to apologize to the Italian-American community. I in no way intended to use my funds for this book. I would love to... Here's the thing. This is when the book becomes a collector's item. Not to beat a dead horse or kick a dude while he's down but the joke is here and i'm gonna take it go ahead this is reading the book now knowing what happened in the nursing homes and knowing the funds that he used uh illegally uh for the book um knowing that
Starting point is 01:17:41 makes reading the book funner it does because when you read the book and he talks about how great he handled the crisis and you know that he's basically been impeached and resigned and that it's all bullshit and he's a criminal and he's getting in trouble, makes it fun to read the lies. Much like when I went back and listened to Steve Ranazzisi's interview on Marc Maron talk about how he escaped from 9-11.
Starting point is 01:18:04 It just made it funner. Yeah. It just made it funner. Yeah. It just made it funner to listen to him talk about how he looked to his left, he looked to his right, there was smoke here and smoke there.
Starting point is 01:18:13 It was just funner listening knowing that he was lying about the whole thing. Yeah. It just makes it funner. So I do recommend you buy Andrew Cuomo's book as a comedy. You can gather around with your family while you're eating Thanksgiving dinner and just read passages and crack the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:18:34 When he goes, you know, that's when I had the great idea to put those older women back in the nursing homes for their own good protection. You could just crack up and go, where they all gave each other the COVID and never saw their families again. The end. American Crisis. It's a fiction. It's a fiction book. You can read Cuomo's book
Starting point is 01:18:55 and then you can read OJ's book about the murders. Exactly. Exactly. It's sort of like OJ's book about catching the real murderers. You gotta love the cover of it. Isn't it funny now when you look at it? Oh, it's hilarious. Plus the balls.
Starting point is 01:19:07 He wrote this six months in. Six months into the pandemic, like he solved anything. But you know what? It was because of the media. We have such a, I don't mean to keep coming back. It's such a problem.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Shout out to Bad News, how woke media is undermining democracy. Get the book. Watch the episode. Great episode, yeah woke media is undermining democracy. Get the book. Watch the episode. Great episode, yeah. This is another instance of sort of a runaway woke media that kind of knighted him. They made him into like a god. Women were going like, I love the Cuomo. No, they made it because he was the anti-Trump. He was the anti-Trump, so they knighted him.
Starting point is 01:19:46 And they said he's the greatest, which made him believe that he could write a book six months in about how brilliantly he handled the pandemic at the beginning of it. Yeah, he doesn't deserve any position of power, though, because that's horrible tactics. If you're out here killing old people and you're writing a book about it, taking resources from New York State, you're going to want women on your side. You're not going to want to go around and touching them. You want a woman to be like, no, I love him. He's on my side. There's a dancer out there defending Kanye West because Kanye came to
Starting point is 01:20:16 her defense when a couple of his boys were putting pressure on her. You're going to want a woman to come up and clear up the air. But this guy, he just went and grabbed some titties and grabbed some ass and thought he was going to get away with it. He might have grabbed the titties on purpose just to get out of this. Yeah, it's funny. It's going to come down harder on him, though. It's funny because he was so
Starting point is 01:20:32 inflated. He was so inflated during the pandemic by the media that he probably figured it would never be reported. Because guess who wasn't really reporting on those nursing home deaths or his obfuscation of those numbers
Starting point is 01:20:49 until it was late because he already wrote the book. I mean, he got the book ready and published before any news reporters, any real journalists were getting to the bottom of what was really going on because they were so enamored
Starting point is 01:21:03 with using him, projecting him as the anti-Trump. They pushed him nationally as this guy who's given these daily press conferences at the epicenter of the pandemic because back then New York was the epicenter of the pandemic. It hadn't hit the rest of the country
Starting point is 01:21:18 yet. It was like really bad in New York and they pushed him as this stoic, heroic, non-Trump who was handling everything brilliantly and we would they they actually his brother covered him where they laughed do you remember those fucking do you remember those family facetimes I mean those family facetime fucking you know and I gotta admit I fell for it. I loved him. I was laughing with him. I was smiling. My wife fell for it.
Starting point is 01:21:46 She was like, I love Andrew Cuomo. He's so good. He's saving us. The last time New Yorkers loved brothers this much, it was Rondé and Tiki Barber. They would sit down and giggle, the two of them. Yeah, one-on-one with New York. You're his brother. That's what you call a conflict of interest they're there cracking up when he's in his fucking and frank
Starting point is 01:22:10 basement do you remember that when he was pretending like he's fucking hiding from the nazis like he had it hard like he didn't have some uh like he didn't have an undocumented chef walking food down to him in a fucking mask and he emerged from his basement in his $15 million Hamptons home and said,
Starting point is 01:22:29 guys, I've just been through hell. And he was reporting every day the symptoms and, you know, it's like, it's really theater. It's gotten to the point
Starting point is 01:22:37 where it's really damaging the country because it's theater. That's what happens, son. You go off to dime pieces and then the world turns on you and then you got girls looking like Rachel Maddow reporting on you. That's how what happens, son. You go off to dime pieces and then the world turns on you and then you got girls looking like Rachel Maddow reporting on you. That's how it happens, bro.
Starting point is 01:22:49 And here we go. We just got an Italian who wants me to know sauce monkeys over feta monkeys any single day. Andrew C. and Tommy J. are always welcome at Uncle Pauly's. People are just going to find ways to work Uncle Pauly's into right wing jokes Andrew Cuomo
Starting point is 01:23:07 and who's Tommy J and Tommy J are always welcome in Uncle Paulies that's Mark Palmieri Mark Palmieri's funny Mark Palmieri is very funny who's Tommy J though
Starting point is 01:23:16 anyway that's a great story to end on because it's it's funny so we'll see you next week shout out Jared Harvin That's a great story to end on because it's funny. So we'll see you next week. Shout out Jared Harvin.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Follow him, jharvin15 on Twitter. He doesn't tweet enough. You should tweet more. I do tweet a lot. You do? I don't think you check your phone. You don't respond to my text messages either, but it's okay. Yeah, well, everyone can tell you about that problem. You're like Michael Che.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Yeah, I'm like Michael Che, but I do get back to you and you're here. And when you wear a hat, you put it fully on your head. Michael Che doesn't like to put his hat fully on his head. No. So follow JayHarvin15 on Instagram, Twitter. It's a great episode. The fans love Jared Harvin
Starting point is 01:23:58 and we love having him here. And just we'll end on one Uncle Paulie's joke. Uncle Paulie's is. Uncle Paulie's is the last sandwich shop left on the right. Patreon.com slash Yanni Longdays.
Starting point is 01:24:15 See you over there for your bonus episode. Now let's give some shout outs to our beloved long haulers in the Patreon matriarchy. All right, guys. Want to give a shout out to our small business sponsors.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Always support small business, man. It gives charm to the world. Nate Linder. I mean, I love all you guys. Been with us for a long time. I hope, you know, you're seeing some traction. You're getting your name out there. Nate Linder is a social media consultant.
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Starting point is 01:24:59 to the next level. Andrew Cuomo, secretary. Still one of the best Patreon names of all time you know what it is zjamarealty.com for any commercial or apartment rental listings in Brooklyn
Starting point is 01:25:11 hit up zjamarealty.com give these couple of screwed in Jewish kids some love if you listen to this show and you're looking to find a spot anywhere in New York that's where you hit
Starting point is 01:25:22 same thing South Florida you hit up my boy Grant Trower. GrantTrower.TheAtlanticRealtyGroup.com 954-591-6465 The kid will find you a spot in South Florida. Florida, brother. Then we got Chris Minetti. We go from Florida to, hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 01:25:46 This is Chris Minetti. I don't think what Cuomo did is that bad. The only problem with Cuomo is he votes wrong. He's in the wrong party. That's the only problem. But, oh, he's a good Italian kid. I mean, so what? The kid siphoned off a couple dollars.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I tell you right now, this is actually an ad for Andrew Cuomo. If you need to get a check cashed, the only place they'll accept you is Chris Minetti Financial Services. So, Chris Minetti Financial Services in the Philly and South Jersey area, call Chris, okay? 215-750-3730. You walk in with a piece of paper and that piece of
Starting point is 01:26:29 paper has a signature on it. I'd say you got 5% chance that he may not look and cash it. I mean, who knows? Give it a try. If you've stolen a check, if you've stolen a check out of one of your, if you're a crackhead and you've stolen a check from one of your relatives to get it cashed so you can buy crack cocaine, Chris Minetti will cash that check. IRS will know nothing. Michael Hamlet Jr., my man. Michael Hamlet, the Bronx brand.com. I absolutely love this website.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Go support the artists from the Bronx. There's a revenue share of everything they sell. They have amazing art up there, prints, graffiti, paintings. It's just incredible. Go get yourself an original piece of art from TheBronxBrand.com. Incredible, incredible website. Proud to sponsor them and for them to sponsor us. Reese Ormond. Reese Ormond's got a great company, Techvera. I'm telling you, instead of hiring IT personnel,
Starting point is 01:27:39 just hire Techvera to do everything they would. Makes it a lot simpler and easier. They offer 24-7, 365 coverage on all things tech. They encrypt your data, whatever it is. You know the deal. If you need IT support, just go with TechVera. TechVera.com. Eastside Cheesecake.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Oh, their gram has been lit recently. And Julia was actually in one of the videos where she took a bite of the cheesecake herself. And it's just too much to handle. You know? It really is incredible. So, they're national now. Eastsidecheesecakes.com If you are a fan of this show
Starting point is 01:28:18 and you didn't order an Eastside Cheesecake for Thanksgiving, you're a nudist. You're a fucking nudist. Also, if you don't order for Christmas, then I'm going to call ICE on you. 15% off with the long days does not work anymore. That's fine, okay?
Starting point is 01:28:38 Also, Uncle Pauly's burnt down. I didn't know that. There was a fire and they aren't up and running yet, so the cheesecakes there have been on hold. Anyway, I mean, I think I made a joke about Uncle Polly's burning it down for the insurance money. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:28:52 So they are national right now. Eastsidecheesecakes.com Go order your cheesecake right now. They ship it to you freshly packaged and you will get a delicious cheesecake. Go to their website. Follow them on the
Starting point is 01:29:08 gram. Eastside Cheesecakes on the gram. ForTheFree.us Jared's cracking up. ForTheFree.us They're an organization dedicated to providing artists from Hawaii a place to develop and flourish. All things music in Hawaii flows through ForTheFree.us.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Okay? If you're an artist in Hawaii who wants to get on stage, contact them. You want to know about performances, bands. If you're a tourist down there, hit up ForTheFree.us. If you know anyone in Hawaii, if you're going to Hawaii, or if you're into music, Rob Smith at the Playground, Rob Smith at the Playground, what a giveaway for the month of November, it's almost over guys,
Starting point is 01:29:57 go to robsmithattheplayground.com, get 15% off apparel, 20% off prints, why did he give me such a mouth load to read here, 20% off prints, and 25% off paintings with codes, holiday apparel, 20% off prints. Why did he give me such a mouth load to read here? 20% off prints and 25% off paintings with codes. Holiday apparel, holiday print, and holiday painting. Me and Rob need a marketing guy. So go support Rob. Buy a piece of his art. It's amazing. As you know, the hyena on our set is made by Rob.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Rob's been at the playground. Follow him on Instagram as well. And of course, ExclusiveAutoShipping.com if you're moving your car anywhere, anyplace. Go get a free quote from Jared. ExclusiveAutoShipping.com Now for our newest Patreon members. Welcome to the Long Haul Cyclops crew.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Okay, welcome to the Patreon. Matthew Dildine. Brady Becklow. Aaron, I've got a couple situations with a couple mothers. It is what it is. Simunic. Very funny. Isaiah Ahern Laurenette.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Michael Fife Shart Lover69 and John Devereaux welcome guys patreon.com slash
Starting point is 01:31:15 Yanni Long Days for your bonus episode every week and other content please join we love you guys to death and we will see you next week man
Starting point is 01:31:23 it's been a long day

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